Month: April 2013


What unites neoreaction?

Firstly, why neoreaction, rather than reaction? Because the principles and social organization that we want to restore are completely dead, available only in dusty old books whose language is a little bit strange. We are not reacting to the latest outrage, but to outrages that were a fait accompli a hundred years ago. Since what …


Neoreaction and libertarianism

The great flaw in libertarianism is egalitarianism. People are unequal, groups are unequal, reproductive roles are unequal. Superior people need to rule inferior people or else inferior people will cause problems for each other and for their betters. Superior people need to be more free. Inferior people cannot handle freedom, need supervision, discipline, and control. …


Against female sexual choice

Heartiste and Steve Sailer provide compelling evidence that females should not be allowed to make their own sexual and reproductive choices. Their hormones make them stupid. Thus we have a bunch of baby murderers running around who will doubtless repeat their parent’s choices. And here is another video of raging hormones on parade. Most females, …



Byran Caplan assures us that progressives have the easy painless cure for unemployment, but somehow, due the pernicious influence of cruel heartless free marketers who just do not care about the unemployed, the government is just too right wing to apply the magic. The magic cure is, of course, to print more money. If it …


Bitcoin as a speculative bet

Charting bitcoin, it looks good, if you are inclined to gamble on charts.  The recent collapse from two hundred dollars tested support at the hundred dollar mark, found plenty of support around there.  By and large, it is a good idea to buy at major support levels, since a speculative property is a lot more …