Definition of left and right

September 2nd, 2024


starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one.

And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a clever rationalisation why knocking over the applecart is wise, virtuous, and beneficial. Then, from priests, to a priesthood: Leftism gives rise to the left as an organised entity with a hierarchy and an official, though frequently changing, belief system.

What defines the belief system is not the beliefs, which are ever changing, (socialism, redistribution, global warming, sexism, Covidianity, diversity, inclusion, whatever) but that regardless of the what the beliefs supposedly consist of, someone else’s applecart is in the sights.

Leftism is the belief system that supplies rationales for knocking over whichever applecart is currently in the sights of the covetous and envious, it is the priests of that belief system, and

the left

is the priesthood of that belief system.

That the brownshirts were leftists is obvious. Hitler was considerably less left. But what made him still a leftist was National Socialism, and socialism manifested, as always, in shortages.

Price control plus money printing, resulted in food shortages in Germany almost immediately. He then attempted to transfer food from outgroups to ingroups by the command economy. Which meant not only not feeding the Jews but also not feeding the Greeks (who were national socialists) and not feeding the Dutch, who were a remarkable food production powerhouse, not to mention more Aryan than Germans. Which of course shut down food production in Greece, France, and the rest.

Socialism, command economy –> food shortage. So the party winds up making decisions to let people starve. Including the Dutch, who were more Aryan than the Germans and had very impressive food production.

Hitler’s problem, like that of King Louis the sixteenth, and like that of Napoleon, was food. The moral of all these stories and many others is that the state should not mess with the market in food production and distribution, and that if that market is failing, it needs to look after the property rights and personal safety of producers and distributors.  The food desert problem in the big blue megalopoli could easily be fixed by shooting a few shoplifters.  Public hangings followed by quartering the corpses and leaving the pieces of the bodies outside the shopping centers would also help.

If leftism’s ever changing beliefs are impossible to pin down,


has no beliefs. Rightism should be the party of order, or at least the party of existing order, but it is the party of applecart owners and people with an emotional attachment to Chesterton’s fence. Its existence is provoked by the party of the left.  As a result, conservatives conserve yesterday’s leftism.  The party of the left is a priesthood.  The party of the right is not a priesthood, nor does it have a priesthood in its pocket.  It does not actually have any beliefs to believe in, so it tends to wind up in the pocket of the priesthood of the left, which tends to give rise to the dynamics of the uniparty with an inner party wing, the official party of the left that is always in power even when the outer party happens to have a merely elected majority, and an outer party wing, which is always out of power because even when it is a majority of the merely elected government, it is a small and unpopular minority within the permanent and unelected government, and even if it was not, it would still lack intellectual sovereignty, worshipping at the shrines of the enemy priesthood. The uniparty is in substantial part the result of centralised conspiracy run from Harvard with tentacles in every satrapy of the global American empire, but that conspiracy is working with the natural and spontaneous grain of politics.

Nazis are commies

August 30th, 2024

And commies are Nazis, near as makes no difference to anyone who is not a Nazi or a commie

This is evident today in the seeming odd alignment of Ukrainian Nazis and State Department Jews, but was obvious enough to Papen in his Marburg speech.

Every time, always, everywhere, leftism gets ever lefter, ever more lethal, ever faster, until it is stopped by large scale deadly violence originating from a top leader, as for example Sulla, or until it destroys everything and everyone.

Hillary and Clinton bumped off no end of people, and Obama has bumped off at least one, probably more. The FBI plus DEI elements in the secret service had a go at bumping off Trump, though it is unclear who was behind it at the top. The Senate inquiry displays a curious lack of interest in subpoenaing cell phones. It begins.

No exceptions. Wiemar is not an exception. Hitler was lefter than thou, until he was not. The rise of the Sparts and the Nazis was continuing movement leftwards, just as Kamala, antifa, and BLM is continuing movement leftwards.

Papen in his Marburg speech complains of Nazi radical leftism, hints that the generals should stop it by deadly force, and appeals to Hitler to stop it by deadly force. The Brownshirts complain that Hitler is insufficiently left, boast that they are lefter than thou, and hint at doing something about it. Hitler does something about it instead.  Night of the long knives.

Hitler was movement right in the same way as Deng, Stalin, Napoleon, Cromwell, and all the others were movement right.

Same pattern as all of the others, Sulla being the archetype.


State of the war

July 29th, 2024

Wars happen because some people expect one outcome, and others expect a different outcome. So prediction is hard, for if it was easy, the war would likely have been avoided, though as the war goes on, and on, and on, becomes easier.

Due to fog of war, hard to know what is happening now, or has happened recently, But after a while, it becomes obvious what did happen, which gives some indication of what will happen.

It has long been obvious that the west is run by demon worshippers, and with the opening of the Paris Olympics a couple of days ago, this should now be obvious to everyone. Demon worshippers want you dead. Well, they want everyone and everything dead, including themselves, but you first. The tactics and strategy of this war becomes a lot more intelligible if one understands that one side is commanded by people who believe themselves to be serving demons, or perhaps actually are serving demons.

The war started off with war of movement, as did World War I, but, as in World War I, both sides quickly became very good at shutting down the other side’s movement, and, since then, like World War One, it has been war of attrition.

The rationale for the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive was to regain war of movement. Nato wonder weapons, Nato training, and all that. Of course Nato has not fought a peer war since World War Two, so have no idea.

Plus, Nato is completely structured about keeping commissioned officers nice and safe in nice safe bases, where they send grunts and non commissioned officers out to die.

I have long said that if you have one man in your army that does not fight, pretty soon you will have no men in your army that fight. Nato organisation is all about having no commissioned officers that fight. The left does not like warrior armies. Finds that it needs warrior armies, but has concluded it does not need a warrior officer corps.

This is partly the managerial state, the triumph of unaccountable bureaucracy over people who do actual things, and partly the leftist state. The left is priestly, and priests and warriors always conflict. So now we have a full priestly officer corps, which is a protection for the left against coups, but not a protection against insurrection, invasion, or conquest.

Ukraine, however, inherited from the Soviet Union a warrior army, plus the forces that made the Maidan coup were the Nazis, and a core part of their ideology is to have a warrior army and rule by warrior-priests. Nato looked down their noses at this insufficiently holy and progressive organisation, and has been re-organising them.

The plan for the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive was to probe all along the front for weak points, then charge through at the weakest point, cutting off Russian forces to the west, thus regaining a vast swathe of territory to the west, without having to fight for every ditch, every tree, and every house.

The weakest point turned out to be the low ground between Russian controlled high ground. Ukrainian progress through the buffer zone in front of the Russian defence lines was very slow, and very costly, and when they finally reached the first line of defence, and occupied it, they had to bring troops and materials to it through a long and winding gauntlet along the low ground between Russian strong places on the high ground on either side. They got to the first line of defence, but were never able to get beyond it, for whenever they stuck their heads above the fortifications that they had managed to seize, their heads got blown off. The Russians had prepared their first line of defence to be indefensible against attacks coming from their second line of defence. The “weakest point” was a killing field, and the first line of defence was a death trap.

The Ukrainians lost an army, except for their retreat blocking brigades, and had to conscript a new army.

The interesting and extraordinary thing was the West’s stubborn persistence in a strategy that had turned out to be horrifically bad and entirely disastrous. Why did they just keep pumping more and more men into killing fields and death traps?

Partly it was the managerial state. The mid level managers are focused on on next week’s power point presentation, and demand that the low level managers supply them with with good bullet points for that presentation. The high level managers look at the good bullet points, and all is well, so issue orders to keep doing what you are doing, so the system as a whole tends to mindlessly pursue a short term, high time preference strategy, while generating meaningless numbers showing highly successful pursuit of a long term, low time preference strategy. The Russians on the other hand, tended to focus on winning the war, hence actually did pursue a long term, low time preference strategy, where they sought to conserve their resources for the final battles, brave men being the most important resource of all.

Partly it was demon worship. Those organising this war want Russians to die, but also want Ukrainians to die. The people who organised the Maidan coup are Jews with family reasons for wanting Ukrainians dead and the Ukraine destroyed.

The managerial state reinforces leftism, because being in contact with reality is a bad career move, and leftism reinforces the managerial state, because leftists do not like people telling them that reality is real, and both of them reinforce demon worship, because demon worshippers are fine with actual reality going to $#!&. All three depend on lies, each of them provides a different reason for lying, but a lie promulgated for one reason finds support from the other two reasons. The bureaucrat wants the right bullet points regardless of whether the bullet points meaningfully represent reality, the leftist does not believe that existence exists, that reality is real, and the demon worshipper just likes lies and lying. The confident inversion of truth is the demonic equivalent of prayer.

The Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive eventually petered out, due to lack of men, and lack of weapons. Nato is out of ammo. Nato troops have been disarmed.

In order to continue attriting the Ukrainians, the Russians were forced to go on the offensive. Since the objective is attrit the enemy, rather than gain turf, there are no big arrow offensives. Every ditch, every tree, every ruin, is gained at enormous cost to both sides.

It looks to me that when well trained, well equipped, highly motivated, battle hardened, experienced, Russian troops attempt to take a village from well trained, well equipped, highly motivated, battle hardened, experienced, Ukrainian troops, they suffer very high casualties and frequently fail.

Fortunately for the Russians, most of the well trained, well equipped, highly motivated, battle hardened, experienced, Ukrainian troops died in the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive.

Increasingly the battles consist of experienced and highly motivated Russian vets versus barely trained reluctant Ukrainian fresh meat. The death rate among inexperienced Ukrainian troops is vastly higher than the death rate among Ukrainian vets. The number of Ukrainian vets continues to shrink. Fresh Ukrainian conscripts do not seem to be becoming vets, but corpses — in part due to a commissioned officer corps that is grossly out of contact with reality. If you want your fresh meat to survive to become vets, you need to issue retreat orders in time.

The Ukrainians have a troop rotation policy that should in theory result in fresh meat becoming battle hardened veterans, but this does not seem to be actually happening in practice all that much.

In part the bubble of delusion around the Ukrainian commissioned officer corps is a result of the managerial state, the triumph of unaccountable bureaucracy over functionality, the Natoization of the Ukrainian military. In part it is the result of leftism, for leftism inherently tends to solipsism. And in part, demon worshippers just like human sacrifice.

A few weeks ago I reported that the Russians were taking one or two villages every one or two days. Now it is one to four villages every day. Because the Ukrainians are out of everything, and most of all, by far, they are out of men.

This is reminiscent of the hundred days phase of World War One.

At the current rate of advance, it will be a very long time before the front line changes significantly, but the exact position of the front line does not matter. What matters is how much army and government the Ukraine has left. And the accelerating rate of Russian advance reveals that the Ukraine has considerably less, and that what it does have is shrinking every faster.

So the questions are:

1. Will the Ukraine make the concessions the Russians are asking for?

Probably not, because everyone in the Ukraine dying cannot possibly happen for the managerial elite, cannot happen and is unimportant for the left, and is a positively delightful outcome for the demon worshippers.

2. If they don’t make the concessions, when does the Ukrainian muppet government disappear?

Never, because the muppet government is located in Washington and Cambridge.

3. OK, when does the muppet government lose the ability to hold photo ops in the Ukraine?

And that is what is hard to know. Could be tomorrow, could be years. The sooner it happens, the more Ukrainians there will be left in the Ukraine. I hope for November, by analogy to the hundred days that led to the end of World War One.

Trump Unbowed

July 14th, 2024

The early headlines are extremely interesting.

Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd – USA today

Donald Trump is escorted from stage after pops heard during pennsylvania rally

NBC News:
Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his rally

Associated press:
Trump has been escorted off the stage by secret service after loud noises ring out in the crowd.

CNN Politics
Secret Service rushes Trump off state after he falls at rally.

That the press and the government immediately applied uniform messaging indicates the messaging had been prepared in advance for the possibility that the assassination would fail — but was not prepared in advance for the possibility that the attempted assassination would lightly injure Trump.

The prepared messaging was appropriate for a complete fail, but hilariously inappropriate for Trump lightly injured.

The headlines look like they were prepared in advance of the attempted assassination for the case that the assassin missed. But the assassin did not entirely miss — he got a grazing hit on the president’s head. The early headlines were strangely bloodless, resulting in the headlines being strikingly inappropriate for the event, a tell tale sign of being prepared in advance. Particularly “falls at rally”. Trump ducked as the firing continued. He did not fall.

The assassin shot from a rooftop. Why did the secret service not have a man on each of the rooftops? There were not very many of them.

The secret service killed the assassin, but this was after Trump had been hustled away. Why kill the assassin, except to shut his mouth permanently?

Moderation broken

July 6th, 2024

Suddenly WordPress has started to throw everyone into moderation, despite me turning off the various ad hoc things I have done. As far as I know, I am now just running standard WordPress, and it still just puts everyone into moderation.

And I tend to leave my moderation queue unattended for long periods, because from time to time I have episodes of real life. So if it takes a long time for your comment to appear, sorry, this just sucks.

If WordPress does not magically return to its previous behaviour, will switch to adding everyone as a user — which I probably should have done long ago.

Adding every profilic based poster as user when I have to manually rescue their comments from the moderation queue, because the moderation queue is broken.

Your password will be user_to_avoid_moderation

Change it, but your real password should be your fake email, so might as well change it to something trivial.

If a comment of yours was recently fished out of moderation, you should now be a registered user. Login at

Starliner astronauts stranded in space

July 5th, 2024

The official truth, blasted from every media, is that they are not stranded — NASA and Boeing just want time to run some more tests.

The astronauts were supposed to do to space walks, but the space suits did not work either. Which is a problem because the space station needs some external maintenance which can only be done by people going outside in space suits. So everyone on the space station is currently trapped in a container with life support that depends on stuff outside the container, which stuff is unreachable.

The reason they want to run more tests is that most of the engines are not behaving as they are supposed to, and one of the engines has failed completely and they do not understand why. It is probably not a good idea to attempt re-entry with humans on board if you have misbehaving engines and you do not understand why they are misbehaving.

These engines have been misbehaving for years, to which Boeing has responded with denial, rather than any real attempt to understand.

Musk says that the reason is non technical management — that Boeing has managers that understand spreadsheets, but do not understand rockets. This is undoubtedly true, but evades a bigger unspeakable truth — that that these non tech managers have been firing white males and replacing them with Shaniqua, replacing real engineers with experts in race and sex grievance mongering, with people who have affirmative action degrees in engineering from elite universities, but were not trained in engineering, which they would not have been capable of understanding, but in race, sex, and sexual preference.

Boeing’s reaction to these failures has been similar to the reaction that led to the Challenger disaster, a fact that someone at NASA is aware of and is kicking up trouble about. Whoever it is that is kicking up drama will probably get fired for whiteness, maleness, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hatred, not because of any race or sex thought crimes, but because noticing problems with woke science and technology is thought crime adjacent.

In the lead up to the Challenger space shuttle disaster, people became aware that an O ring was failing, allowing burning hot gases to flow where they were not supposed to. But no one was allowed to notice or think that the special super duper high tech O ring materials was a piece of $#!&, because it was an enormously expensive special material that had been subjected to an enormously expensive qualification process — which was a piece magic high tech decoration, a cargo cult ritual applying the magic symbols of technology in place of actual technology. They should have used silicone rubber like everyone else, but saying that, or even thinking that, was like doubting that the jab is safe and effective. They were unable to diagnose the problem, because thought crime, and because thought crime, were unable to accept that the problem was a problem, because noting that it was a serious and gravely threatening problem was adjacent to the thought crime of noticing that their magic super duper high tech O ring material was just flim flam, the symbols of high tech without any real substance, that it was grossly and dangerously inferior to what everyone else uses — silicone rubber.

Boeing was obviously taking a wildly dangerous risk by sending up a manned mission without first having a single successful unmanned flight. But neither Boeing nor NASA could notice this, because thought crime adjacent. Noticing that this was wildly reckless behaviour is adjacent to noticing the reasons for this wildly dangerous behaviour, which reasons are thought crimes. After the the Starliner went up, someone at NASA has noticed.

Boeing wants to fly the astronauts down on the Starliner. Their rationalisation that this is safe is the same as the rationalisation that sent them up without first doing half dozen successful unmanned missions, and the same as the rationalisation that burning hot gases flowing where they were not supposed to was not a problem for the Challenger space shuttle.

Even if Starliner returns to earth safely (and the Challenger space shuttle performed many missions with a dud O-ring before the dud O-ring finally caused it to blow up) it will leave behind people on board a space station on which they can no longer perform needed maintenance for lack of a working space suit.

Which brings me to Göbekli Tepe. The people running our society do not believe that reality is real, that existence exists. They think the narrative is reality. When God’s reality intrudes on their narrative, they react to it as a status challenge by a low ranked ape. They react to reality’s failure to comply not as the will of God who cannot change and cannot lie manifest in his creation, but as a social challenge from a rival ape of lower status who is challenging their superior priestly status. Starliner’s connections between helium pipes have been failing in the same way at about the same rate for years. Switching to a different connector is submission to a rival ape. Worse, the rival ape in question is the man who fixes their hot water system — the man who has thirty years experience in connecting pipes so that the connection does not fail.

How is this about Göbekli Tepe, I hear you ask?

Well for some time it has been completely obvious that there were people in Egypt, the megalithic builders, who lived many thousands of years before the literate dynastic Egyptians, who had big machines that could cut and place gigantic stones, move gigantic stones long distances, cut very hard stones with extraordinary precision, and also move the debris from excavation long distances if they found it inconvenient or unsightly. One of the items of evidence for this is differential erosion of stones — you will see megalithic stones eroded almost beyond recognition as human made, while a very short distance away there are stones of ordinary size that look almost brand new, cut from the same stone from the same quarry by dynastic Egyptians. It is completely obvious that many of the megalithic structures are enormously older than dynastic Egypt.

The people who built the megaliths found it cheaper to cut and move a small number of gigantic stones, than a large number of smaller stones. So they had machinery. But they did not have metals or writing. Among their many enormous excavations, we don’t see mining of metal ores, and on their many great works, we do not see ancient inscriptions, though inside the gigantic tunnels and vast underground rooms that they built, inscriptions would have been preserved against erosion. And pottery scraps seem to be later than megalithic buildings, though we lack reliable dating. Certainly the people who built Göbekli Tepe could not make pottery, and the creation of wonderful stone objects performing jobs better done by pottery suggests that the Egyptian megalithic builders, who had way better and higher precision machines, and bigger machines than the people who built Göbekli Tepe, could not make pottery either. No pottery found inside the vast tunnels and underground chambers cut by the megalith builders.

If they could build big machines and move big stones, they could build big ships, so it makes sense that we see megalithic buildings that obviously used much the same technology in both Eurasia and South America.

Göbekli Tepe is the only work of the megalithic builders whose date is reliably known. It is not nearly as impressive as other works, which clearly required enormous high precision machinery, but obviously work of the same people, either in their early days before they developed machinery with greater capabilities, or in their later days as their civilisation was collapsing. My wild assed guess from the erosion on some of the Egyptian megaliths is later days as the civilisation was collapsing, a settlement by refugees from the wild climate changes of the Younger Dryas event. Its date is reliably known because it was deliberately buried.

Of course official science has reacted to this with ridicule and censorship, and the usual army of shills trying to poison the well. But also they reacted by trying to lower the status of the physical and material Göbekli Tepe.

This is noticeable with the deliberate burial issue. Official science proposes that it was buried by a landslip. But a landslip requires a slope steeper than the angle of repose, and leaves behind a slope near the angle of repose. If it was buried in a landslip, a mighty big hill would still be there. There is no hill. They don’t like the deliberate burial, because it implies the people considered the city high status and worthy of preservation, and official science wants it to be low status, not because of any rational reason, but because they perceive it as a rival ape. Denying the deliberate burial of Göbekli Tepe resembled Xerxes having the Hellespont whipped and fetters thrown into it. Which is the reaction of NASA and Boeing to Starliner and space suit problems.

They don’t want to believe in early agriculture around Göbekli Tepe because that contradicts the narrative about the development of agriculture, but they don’t want to believe in deliberate burial, because they see the city as a rival ape and are trying to deny it status.

Ninety percent of the charcoal at Göbekli Tepe is from food bearing trees, and the people there left lot of grain processing debris, making it obvious that the region was under intense agriculture. How else could you support a twenty acre city? Wild grain is an absolutely insignificant part of the diet of hunter gatherers and survivalists trying to live off the land, because there is not much of it, and what there is contains very little calories, and obviously all trees in the region were orchard trees — they cut down all the wild trees and replaced them. But official science proposes that they lived by hunting and gathering. And built a twenty acre city? The reason hunter gatherers are nomadic is because in two or three weeks, they have exhausted all food resources within walking distance of the camp site.

They also argue Göbekli Tepe is misdated due to the old wood effect. People use old wood in buildings because they recycling older buildings and material from older buildings. They don’t use old grass to reinforce plaster, and they don’t build new buildings out of old wood taken from the forest, because it is much easier to work with recently cut live wood.

So, to summarise: Starliner and the space suit crisis is partly a result of management by finance guys rather than tech guys, partly a result of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and in substantial part, solipsism substituting for science and technology. Which solipsism you can also see in America’s foreign policy. They don’t believe that war is real, that Russia is real, that nukes are real, that reality is real, that existence exists. When God’s reality intrudes on their reality, they react to it as a status challenge by a rival ape, and attempt to lower the status of that ape by denigration and gaslighting.

Second U Turn

June 28th, 2024

When Putin invaded, the Global American Empire did a U turn on Covid and the Jab.

Recently the government in Kiev has started to evaporate, and their troops on the ground are beginning to disintegrate. Russian advances are still tiny, but there are a lot of them, and the Kievan regime has been creating regiments of old, the sick, and lame, and throwing them into battle half trained, whereupon they typically suffer huge casualties. When they run out of the old, the sick, the lame, then next up are the children, assuming the evaporating Kievan regime is still around by that time. Spontaneous denazification is under way as the governing elite of the Ukraine move to France, Italy, Canada, and New England. By the time negotiations start, there may be no one to negotiate with.

Now we are seeing another U Turn. Democrats are shocked, shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that Biden is senile, or is suffering from the usual statin side effects.

Biden was no more and no less senile during the recent debate performance than he has been in most recent appearances. Just that in past performances, they gaslighted us, and today they are shocked, shocked, shocked.

Approximately simultaneously Assange has been released, the Chevron decision, which was a major cause of the immense flow of wealth from productive red state America to regulators and activists in blue state America, has been overturned, and judges have allowed murderous and criminal wrongdoing by Pfizer to be litigated.

This seems to prefigure Trump being permitted to win the election. They need a strong leader to manage an orderly retreat, and they need a strong economy if they hope to repair the aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower. If the Ukraine becomes another Afghan collapse, it is curtains for Nato and the Global American Empire.

Note added later: I should not report events as they happen, because the meaning of events is seldom clear until weeks, months, years, decades, or centuries have passed: New York Times now wants the election to be stolen from Trump by someone other than Biden. They want to “create a process” for selecting a replacement — which is likely to result in naked power struggle between the radicals, who want to continue business as usual under a figurehead less ridiculous than Biden, and the Thermidoreans, who want to hold leftism at current levels because the Global American Empire is headed for collapse. The Thermidoreans hold the advantage, because if the replacement is Obama 3.0, they can run dead on the steal, but on the other hand, a Thermidorean president is unlikely to be able to control a woke presidency. Expect the unexpected. The Thermidoreans would rather like to have a conservakin to purge the radicals, so that they can subsequently bemoan it as McCarthy 2.0. Will they get what they want? No one knows, no one is flying the airliner we are on. Stuff is happening too fast. This post is already out of date, and I am not going to update it further.

Julian Assange is free, after five years imprisonment for reporting government spying on its citizens

June 25th, 2024

So what does this signify? It is a retreat. What made them afraid?

They abruptly retreated on Covid when Putin invaded the Ukraine. Now that Putin is winning in Ukraine, they retreat on Trump and Julian Assange. Putin cured Covid, and Putin freed Julian Assange.

Our enemies are starting to worry that imprisoning journalists who disagree with them kind of undermines their story about defending freedom and democracy against authoritarians. That the conviction of Trump on charges of being Orange Man Bad went over like a lead balloon came as a discombombulating shock to them. They thought that the judges and courts still had credibility, when it became obvious that they have long lost credibility, and are generally regarded as a pack of malicious thieving scum who should be imprisoned, rather than imprisoning others. How many political prisoners are there in Russia, compared to the thousands of political prisoners in the West?

Julian Assange being one of the more famous political prisoners, in part because he is one the earlier ones to be imprisoned, and the only one who is a journalist, most journalists being disgusting lying scum who say whatever foul lie their masters tell them, even if it happens to contradict yesterday’s foul lie, so are never in danger of imprisonment. Imprisoning journalists is unwise, for the same reason as imprisoning influencers is unwise. Whatever they have written, you wind up Streisanding it. More people know of the US governments espionage activities because they imprisoned Assange. Similarly, when the masculinity influencer Andrew Tate was charged being masculine and desired by women, everyone woke up to the fact that government was trying to emasculate men, and more men came to view Andrew Tate as exemplifying manliness. Everyone knew the judiciary is composed of corrupt lying thieving scum, and that our masters have stopped bothering to go through the motions of pretending to believe in the rule of law, but the Trump conviction focused attention on the matter in a way that threaten to puncture Globohomo’s little bubble of self delusion.

“If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”

The release of Julian Assange was fall out from the lead balloon of the Trump conviction.

Well, you might ask, why would that worry them? No one dares call them gay power drunk perverted tinpot tyrants under his own name, that is how you know they are gay power drunk perverted tinpot tyrants, so why not just continue to enjoy power, cruelty, destruction, and tinpot tyranny, and cheerfully continue to swing the wrecking ball through flyover country?

Because they are legion. They cannot agree amongst themselves how to deal with organised opposition, and now see external organised opposition in that rapidly increasing in that part of the world external to their domain. They are successful at crushing any attempt to organise opposition within their domain, but now are starting to doubt how long they will manage it, as their increasing incohesion weakens them further. Tinpot tyranny weakens their soft power to deal with external threats, and they still rely heavily on soft power that is rapidly diminishing. So they see internally the Trump threat rising, the as yet unorganised call for vengeance for the crimes of the Covid tyranny, and externally the Brics. Sailing full speed ahead looks like it might turn into Afghanistan on a world wide scale.

Retreat will not cure matters, for being legion, some will retreat while some advance. Only discipline will cure matters, and who will discipline them? Fixing the problem requires casting out demons.

Georgia color revolution

June 13th, 2024

The Ukraine is not a nation and has never been a nation. It has always been a province of empire, with its boundaries arbitrarily redrawn from time according to administrative convenience. It has always been ruled, then as now, by satraps of empire who regard themselves as imperials, and the locals as mere expendable provincials.

Imperial policy is to use up every last Ukrainian against Russia. They are starting to run out. Next up, Georgia.

Georgia was color revolutioned, but the color revolution did not stick. Georgia is a real nation, with an ancient and glorious history of resistance to empire. Georgians want to remain Georgians, rather than be dissolved into homogenised brownish globohomos soup. They want to be part of Europe, and part of Nato, but do not want to pay the price of their history, the culture, their race, their faith, and their identity being erased, their statues of great men pulled down, their Churches destroyed or turned into shrines of Gaia and gay sex, their old and beautiful buildings bulldozed and replaced by demonic postmodern eyesores.

Tearing down statues and appropriating and repurposing sacred places and symbols is what the conqueror does to the defeated.

The color revolutionary uniparty was united on Europe and Nato, but when the bill came due, lost enthusiasm and is now suffering severe disunity on the issue, a disunity that is more within both branches of the uniparty, rather than between the two officially separate branches of the uniparty. The uniparty system of tweedledum and tweedledee parties looks as fake as it is when the big political issue of the day cuts within the uniparty.

There are currently twenty six thousand globohomo funded ngos in Georgia — though more likely three ngos wearing twenty six thousand hats. And they are working on a second color revolution with intent that the bill be paid with interest, and Georgia faggotized and thrown into the meat grinder against Russia.

I don’t speak Georgian, and I don’t know what is going on in Georgia. But I do know what is going on in the English speaking world, which is where color revolution are prepared and organised. “Georgia’s democratic backsliding” “Oligarchy”. “the Georgian regime” The British minister of Defence, in the course of bellicose warmongering speech announcing weapons and training for Ukraine, announces that Britain “will support the legitimate aspirations of the Georgian people” Perhaps in the same manner as Britain supported the legitimate aspirations of the Libyan people by bombing them flat. “If ngos are not allowed to operate freely we can predict the outcome of the next election in Georgia” Indeed we can. Perhaps Modi should take notice.

Georgians, it seems, aspire to being globohomogenized, and Britain will support their aspirations.

The usual suspects assure us that the bill requiring ngos to register as foreign funded is unpopular, and the overwhelming majority of Georgians oppose it, and support Georgia being converted from a nation to administrative unit within the uniform European Union with a uniform moral faith, uniform demonic architecture, and a uniform lack of past and history. And also say that if ngos are forced to register, the political outcome in Georgia is going to be radically different. Recall the radical and dramatic change in the cultural atmosphere in Russia when all western agents self deported. similarly Hungary. When Orban took some measures to deal with Soros and transferred control of state universities from his foreign aligned enemies to his allies, things suddenly got a whole lot quieter in Hungary.

In Slovakia, tensions between the ngos and Slovakians are rising, as the ngos keep demanding the erasure of the Sovakian way of life, culture, faith, history and identity. But perhaps because Sovakia has little experience of being a nation, matters have not come to a head the way they have in Hungary and Georgia, Hungary and Georgia being real nations with long history. Although nationalism is a form of leftism, historical and biological identity is rightist. The Slovaks are mighty weak on historical identity, but they have biological identity and cultural history.

Intelligence and religiosity

June 5th, 2024

According to statistics that are likely out of date and obsolete there is a negative 0.2 correlation between religiosity and intelligence. A 0.2 correlation is substantial.

Of course, this relies on the definition of woke and progressivism as not religions. There is apt to be a positive correlation between adherence to the state religion, and intelligence, because you have to adhere, or at least pass as adhering, to the state religion, in order to be a member of the state or quasi state elite. And smart people are apt to do whatever it takes to get into the elite.

So, the state religion will have more of the smarties, and the other religions necessarily less. Unless, of course, the state religion is really stupid, and anyone smart is suspected of heresy, and therefore is not allowed into the state and quasi state elite.

For several decades, an IQ north of 140 locked you out of the elite. Then an IQ north of 130. These days it is starting to look more like an IQ north of 100, and it takes an IQ of at least 105 to make stuff work, to do almost any productive task unsupervised and self organised.

Because a state is necessarily based on a synthetic tribe, because faiths are synthetic tribes, and any synthetic tribe is going to have the characteristics of a faith, it has always been the case that adherence is required of members of the state and quasi state elite, and all states always are going to require adherence. Always have and always will. Separation of Church and State is always a lie. The question is always: what is the State Religion to be?

But some religions are considerably dumber than others.

The French Church of Reason, which was the enlightenment acknowledging what it is apt to deny, that it is a religion, was clever silly. Its priesthood had to be very very smart, in order to understand the very clever rationalisations for believing very silly things.

Similarly, Orthodox Judaism. You have to be mighty smart to understand the reasoning as to why gross violation of the Lord’s commandments constitutes the strictest adherence to them. As I have often remarked, the Talmud is in large part a vast collection of lawsuits against God which the Jews believe they won and God lost.

It is striking that Orthodox Jewish contribution to science and technology is absolutely insignificant, while Jewish contribution is considerable, and often very impressive. I conjecture that if you believe in a God that can be fooled and bamboozled with too clever by half rationalisations, you believe in a nature that can be fooled and bamboozled by clever lawyer tricks and bureaucratic bullshit, which as Richard Feynman observed, leads to attempting to launch rockets that blow up. As Feynman observed, nature cannot be fooled. Islam suffers a related a problem, because of its belief in a capricious and changeable God. If you believe in a God that can change and lie, you believe that Nature can change and lie. When debugging code, you are too likely to give up on Schrodinger bugs, like the infamous bug where LibreOffice could not print on Tuesdays, which kept being marked “will not fix”.

Unix and Linux has a notorious problem with reliably identifying file types, which has led to no end of bugs, due to shotgun parsing. It should have been immediately suspected that this was yet another one of those. In retrospect, the bug was not a Schrodinger bug at all. A Schrodinger bug is never a Schrodinger bug in retrospect. It is always something that should have been one of the usual suspects. I don’t think Islam was to blame for the “will not fix” dismissal of this bug, but Islam encourages the mindset that led to “will not fix”. “$#!% just happens, nothing one can do about it”. When one Linux program is passing a temporary file to another Linux program created by a different group of engineers, and something funny happens, file type misidentification should be on one’s list of the usual suspects.

The primary cause of Boeing’s Starliner moon mission just not getting off the ground, parts falling of Boeing airliners, and repeated “unusual extreme turbulence” events severely injuring Boeing airliner passengers and crew, seems to be tech lead Shaniqua, but tech lead Shaniqua’s “$#!% just happens, nothing one can do about it” mindset is clearly visible. Nasa gave launch approval with a “will not fix. $#!% just happens, nothing one can do about it” failure in the valve system, on the basis that the observed failures would not have led to any great harm. But if one valve fails mysteriously, and it does no great harm, another valve could fail mysteriously, and cause catastrophic mission failure. This is similar to what led to the Challenger disaster. They figured burn through in the Challenger booster was not doing enough harm to lead to catastrophe — but had no idea what was causing burn through, or why some burns burned further through than others. And one day it burned all the way through, which some people accurately predicted, and permanently lost their careers for accurately predicting.

Getting back on topic. The enlightenment faith was a very clever religion, a too clever by half religion, a clever silly religion. And an excellent example of this was the extraordinarily brilliant philosopher George Bernard Shaw, who believed in all sorts of completely stupid things. For example he visited Soviet Russia during the great Holodomor famine, and believed that the Soviet Union was doing a great job of looking after the peasant masses and that food was abundant.

But as our officially unofficial faith became holier and holier, it became sillier and sillier, and people just gave up concocting and learning clever rationalisations. The last clever rationaliser was Scott Alexander, who came up with no end of amazingly clever rationales for the grossest stupidity, and was predictably purged on suspicion of heresy.

Anyone really smart in the elite is really old or recently died, for example Larry Summers and Kissinger. The slightly younger ones, for example Hillary Clinton, are midwits, and the new generation of the elite is just stupid. It looks like the mean IQ of the Harvard intake is south of a hundred.

The Dark Enlightenment is smart and takes as its fundamental principle engaging with empirical reality through the scientific method, rather than finding clever reasons to ignore reality after the fashion of the Enlightenment and peer review. (Though these days I increasingly see peer review ignoring reality without bothering to find clever rationales for doing so.) The Dark Enlightenment is dark because, as Christians would say, mankind is fallen, and as the Dark Enlightenment says the same thing in game theoretic language, attaining cooperate cooperate equilibrium on a large scale is difficult.

Science is inherently a priestly profession. And if the official religion is unduly focused on the next world, it is apt to be stupid. And we see a lot stupid variants of Christianity. What made late seventeenth century, early eighteenth century Anglicanism such a great religion is it managed to endorse the scientific method as explained in the Sceptical Chymist. If nature is the direct manifestation of the will of a God that cannot change and cannot lie, then someone who directly has observed nature with his own hands and own eyes has special authority, and peer review and priestly consensus does not. Recall that the Puritans rioted and attempted to shut down the Royal Society, because the King was granting the scientific method status that they felt properly belonged to priests and prophets.

Well it does properly belong to priests and prophets. Prophets like Elon Musk and Richard Stallman, and priest prophets like Linus Torvalds. It belongs to the technomages. And the official state religion just has to make its peace with such people, as Charles the Second’s Anglicanism managed to do. Newton was rightly ordained and rightly buried in Westminster Abbey, even though his intellectual curiosity led to him dabbling in no end of heresies. The state and the state religion just has to do its best to include such difficult people in the state religion, because it has to include them in the state and quasi state elite, or else the state will wind up with a stupid state religion and a hostile elite outside the state and state religion.

A lot of versions of Christianity are infamously somewhat stupid: Young Earth creationism is faithful to an overliteral interpretation of scripture and is stupid. I have good authority for arguing that it is overliteral, since Saint Augustine argued it was overliteral, neglecting the spiritual meaning for an interpretation as history and geography, long before anyone knew it was stupid. Mariolatory is stupid and a gross violation of scripture and Christian morality.

Right now we have problem with perverts in the schools, in child protective services, in the scouts, in every quasi state institution that can give a pervert access to other people’s children, with the schools and similar services sexually mutilating other people’s children. And Christians are very quiet about this. By and large, it is the stupidest versions of Christianity that are quietest. Russian Orthodoxy is not quiet, but the credit for that belongs to Putin’s nukes, not to its doctrines. It is a lot safer to criticise Western state immorality and heresy when located in Russia.