It seems that Arnold Kling has been in Afghan cave during the past six months. He does not seem to think that there has been any bad news on oil supply over the last six months. The recent run-up in oil prices represents a similar puzzle. I think that it’s difficult to tell a story for the rise in crude prices for the last six months that is based on …
There can be no peace with dar al Islam
There can be no peace with dar al-Islam. In the long run, dar al-Harb must conquer or be conquered – and if dar al-Islam is to be the conquered, the conquered have to be colonized and displaced, as in the early days of Algeria and Israel. The problem, the reason there can never be peace, is lucidly explained by Dhimmi Watch
Will DME save us from the oil crisis?
To satisfy world demand, as former third worlders become first worlders, and want cars and air conditioning, the world needs to increase production of oil and oil substitutes about three million barrels per day each year. Equivalently, the world needs to increase production one hundred and fifty million tonnes per year per year.
Europe can’t stop anything
The military weakness and incapacity of Europe in Serbia startled the Serbs, even more than America’s capacity stunned them.
Winning in Iraq
It is now apparent that the US is winning in Iraq. It is so apparent that even the Washington Post reports it – to the considerable surprise of both myself and others What then is winning? What does victory mean?
Predicting housing prices
the housing market in California has pretty much hit bottom, and the same is largely true in most of the places in the US where prices went up to the sky, then fell to earth
How to do health care right
The American health care system is socialism without a central plan, and capitalism without markets or prices.
More maths on oil
Demand is going to rise one hell of a lot. Supply for that demand just is not there.
Terror works
the greater the injury, the less the hostility. Certainly that is how things worked out for the communists.
Finally, some one else does the maths on oil
the price of oil will rise without limit until coal to oil and nuclear to hydrogen fills the gap. And right now, coal to oil projects are insignificant, and nuclear to hydrogen is not even on the drawing board.