Month: May 2013


Who speaks for reaction

In the reactivity place, one of the commenters asks: Who speaks for reaction? To which the host replies: Nature… or Nature’s God… or both In other words, the unifying factor among reactionaries of all diverse kinds is The Dark Enlightenment.


On Formalism

Radish has classified me as a formalist, presumably on the basis that I think that the government should actually be in charge of the public service and the top universities, and that professors and senior public servants should be fireable for any reason and no reason, and should do as they are told.


On Sovereignty

Mencius Moldbug has argued that Sovereignty is conserved – meaning that constitutions are ultimately worthless, there will always be a sovereign, and nothing can stop the sovereign from doing what he likes, government cannot bind itself


The next official belief system

I wish we could have separation of information and state, but that is impractical, short of the abolition of the state altogether, short of anarchy or anarcho capitalism. Official truth is too useful to the state, and the state too useful for ideologies seeking to be official. This is apt to result in a positive …


Mestizos and National Wealth

Conservatives are fleeing the evil witch and horrible heretic Jason Richwine. Richwine pointed out what everyone knows, but no one can say: That mestizos are genetically low intelligence, and that importing a low intelligence underclass will cost Americans a lot of money, and that this underclass, even if, unlike blacks, they really want to assimilate, …


On what used to be called marriage

On what used to be called marriage back in the days before marriage was something disgusting that gays did to épater les bourgeois. My personal observation is that every successful marriage is quietly and furtively eighteenth century, so thoroughly politically incorrect as to be illegal. And a little reflection reveals that the New Testament/eighteenth century …