Month: December 2013


The overclass hates you.

People notice the overclass (brahman, in Moldbug’s terminology) hates whites.  So they figure. Well, people who think of themselves as white cannot possibly hate whites, so it must be Jews, who don’t consider themselves white, hating us. Wrong. The overclass hates whites because it is almost entirely white. It hates Jews because it is disproportionately …


The Jewish Conspiracy

A lot of people believe that the Jews act as one, that they secretively and conspiratorially pursue Jewish interests at other people’s expense. The coordination problem is hard.  No one successfully acts as one.  Two Jews, three factions. That is why neoreactionaries propose terrible solutions to the coordination problem, on the grounds that other, more …


No peak oil

Inflation adjusted price of oil shows no obvious trend, suggesting that limits on oil production reflect social decay and technological slowdown, rather than physical exhaustion of resources. Oil prices rose, and rose, to 2008, and in 2008, it looked like the peak oilers were, like a stopped clock, finally correct.  And then prices fell, a …


Radish on anarcho tyranny

Radish is excessively unkind to anarcho capitalism, though he is correct to point out that a lot of anarcho capitalists would be quite horrified by an anarcho capitalist polity in which, because the police and judiciary were in large part the direct employees of shopping malls and suchlike, capitalists had a lot of legal authority, …


Equal opportunity

Whenever someone announces that they are in favor of equal opportunity, in favor of equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome, they have usually a few paragraphs, or a few comments away, defended some outrageously unjust inequality of opportunity implemented and enforced by state power to destroy group X, as punishment for group X …