

One of my commenters made the cuckold apology “I am not a racist”.

If you are white, you are racist, if male, sexist, if heterosexual, homophobic, and if your sex is identifiable, transphobic. Repeat after me: I am racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic.

Hence the rise of intersectionalism.

Women tell men they are inferior, because feminism. Black women tell white women they inferior, because black liberation. Lesbian black women tell straight black women they are inferior, because gay liberation, and trans lesbians … Hey, wait a minute, is not a trans lesbian actually a thinly disguised, usually very thinly disguised, heterosexual male?

55 comments Intersectionalism

Dr. Faust says:

I’m a racist.


coyote says:


Dr. Faust says:

Anyone who isn’t a racist is dumb. They deny all of the vast amount of science and data which corroborate with the view that race exists, it matters, and has a huge outcome in the lives of people. Anyone who is not a racist is a submissive, is either too dumb to research the information for themselves or too scared to express that truth. In other words you’re either an idiot or a coward.

What will not happen – ever – is all of the races linking arm in arm and sing kumbaya into a beautiful Utopian world of love and butterflies. You live in a fantasy, a stupid fucking worldview which divorced itself from reality decades ago. Race is not going away. Racism isn’t going away. Genocide of whites will not make racism go away. It will make it worse since Whites are the one and only race who believes that race isn’t real and not all of them believe that. If Whites die out the Asian will fuck blacks and latinos harder than they’ve ever been fucked. Full anal, double penetration no lube with no white savior in sight.

Join reality or die.

Joe says:


If whites became an ineffectual tiny minority, I can easily imagine widespread slavery making a comeback. Imagine the Arabs, the Asians, the Africans, the North/South American indigenous people, etc, with no international moral pressure to behave according to what are essentially white standards of behavior. The nice, polite, kind things about the world now as compared to the world in, say, 1000 AD are things that white men imposed on the rest of the savage world. Things like the Geneva Convention, the end of slavery, voting rights for women, “human rights”, Christian mercy, etc. Without white men to enforce those things…it might easily be right back to Aztec human sacrifices, etc.

Robert says:

I agree with you. I am also a racist, sexist, homophobic, but I don’t believe that you are only either an idiot or a coward if you don’t see the deep differences among the races. I don’t think we should underestimate how strong and how effective the enemies brainwashing has become. I have talked with many, very good, very intelligent people who still believe that race is only skin deep, they truly honestly believe it, and I think we miss a big part of the picture to just write them off as cowards or idiots.

Joe says:

We need a word to more accurately describe the normal human response to homosexuality than “homophobia”, since a “phobia” is an irrational fear of something, and I don’t think that most normal men are afraid of homosexuals. Homosexuals are not fearsome. We find them ridiculous, sad, or repulsive in that way that humans are quite normally and reasonably programmed to feel about abnormality. It seems like there is a word in the English language for that feeling of repulsion (maybe it’s “repulsion”) when you encounter a person or behavior that is sick or abnormal. But we need a word to counter with when someone says “you’re a homophobe” – so we can say, “that’s not quite accurate, I’m a __________”.

The truth is that I wouldn’t give homosexuals a thought one way or the other if they weren’t busy thrusting their sexuality in my face all the time and threatening me with social sanctions and unemployment if I dare indicate I find them repulsive when they’re prancing around in yet another TV/movie plot or “gay pride” parade.

fnd says:

Homophobe is a child or weak male afraid of a stronger sexual predator.

Robert says:

What I would say instead of “I’m homophobic” would probably be different from what you would say. What I would say is that I’m a Christian. I guess one could say that they believe that sex is only healthy when it is between a man and a woman, but that isn’t just one word. Of course as a jab you could just say “I’m normal.”

Dr. Faust says:

The word you’re looking for is degenerate. It fits perfectly into the description of what gays and trans and all the other freaks are. They degenerate their people literally through their abnormal sexual behavior and inability to procreate. It’s simple enough for a progressive to understand. The gays do not have kids and so the people become less. When this part of the population is celebrated as normal it promotes the degenerate gay lifestyle which is little more than gay aids transfer and meth addicts.

The gays could be great allies to the alt right though if they could detach from the left but they won’t. They’re weaponized now the same as women.

Corvinus says:

Assuredly, there are differences between the races. But that does necessarily mean those differences leads to genocide, or that people of different backgrounds lack the capacity to work together. The race war is a cold war, with occasional hot flashes. The thought that blacks will unite to kill whites, and vice versa, is mental masturbation.

“If whites became an ineffectual tiny minority, I can easily imagine widespread slavery making a comeback.”

A big IF.

jim says:

When you have a market dominant minority, which whites are about to become

And you have an ideology that this evil market dominant minority somehow gaining unfair advantage by its evil mind control rays, which ideology we already have.

Genocide or ethnic cleansing follows pretty reliably.

Every decent and honorable person knows that black and female underperformance is caused by evil mind rays emitted by white males. So obviously the only fair and reasonable solution is to kill all white males. If you cannot see that that is true you must be a very bad person. In which case you are causing the problem and you need to be one of the first to be killed.

Corvinus says:

“When you have a market dominant minority, which whites are about to become.”

That’s a new one, a market dominant minority. I will admit, you have a knack for creating utterly meaningless phrases.

jim says:

That’s a new one, a market dominant minority

You are pig ignorant. Typical of progressives, who are educated only in hating whitey, and know nothing of history nor of other races and peoples.

Google “Market dominant minority”

Corvinus says:

Some professor coins the phrase to promote a particular ideology, and you buy it hook, line, and sinker.

As I correctly stated, utterly meaningless.

jim says:

You deny the reality in front of your face.

All over the world, market dominant minorities usually, sooner or later, get ethnically cleansed or genocided.

Particularly when there is an ideology around that justifies massacring the market dominant minority, the politically dominant majority wants to believe it.

And believing it, acts on it.

You vehemently promote an ideology whose logical implication is that all white males should be killed, while systematically working to make whites a market dominant minority in every place in the world.

Wyrd says:

“Some professor coins the phrase to promote a particular ideology, and you buy it hook, line, and sinker.

As I correctly stated, utterly meaningless.”

Crow Boy doesn’t get the attention he graves over at Unz so he comes over here to cuck it up. Sad, really.

Steve Johnson says:

“You vehemently promote an ideology whose logical implication is that all white males should be killed”

Part of that ideology is to always use the clinical phrase “white males” rather than “white men”. It’s intentional dehumanization.

Corvinus says:

“Part of that ideology is to always use the clinical phrase “white males” rather than “white men”. It’s intentional dehumanization.”

As opposed to calling black males niggers, which is an apt characterization?

“Crow Boy doesn’t get the attention he graves over at Unz so he comes over here to cuck it up. Sad, really.”

Looks like my stalker has followed me here, too.

“You vehemently promote an ideology whose logical implication is that all white males should be killed, while systematically working to make whites a market dominant minority in every place in the world.

This is classic Jim. Makes up shit. When called on it, he goes onto something else. Listen, there is no plan in place to wipe out the white race.

“All over the world, market dominant minorities usually, sooner or later, get ethnically cleansed or genocided.”

On some occasions, unfortunately, yes.

jim says:

This is classic Jim. Makes up shit. When called on it, he goes onto something else. Listen, there is no plan in place to wipe out the white race.

True there is no plan in place to wipe out the white race. What is in place is a plan to abolish all white majority areas, and after that the plan is that wonderful utopia will ensue just like in Detroit and South Africa.

It is similar to Mao’s plan for the peasants. He takes away all their food including the seed rice and use the proceeds to build nuclear weapons, and then the plan is that the peasants will be happy and prosperous despite the removal of all food.

When utopia failed to ensue according to the plan, the failure was obviously caused by evil right wing wreckers who needed to be hunted down with increased vigor.

What is in in place is a plan to create conditions that will lead to the eradication of whites, and a pious justification for that eradication.

This is a particular example of merited impossibility: As in “It is completely impossible that Christians will suffer repression as a result of Gay Marriage, and when we crush them they they will have it coming.

Similarly, it is completely impossible that white minority status will result in genocide and ethnic cleansing, and when whites get it, they deserve it every bit.

Alan J. Perrick says:


At least you acknowledge that white people exist when you used the word “white” in your comment. Did you know that some deny it and say “How do you define ‘white’?”, “Only one race, the human race”, etc., etc.


Richard Nixon's Ghost says:


As opposed to calling black males niggers, which is an apt characterization?

“Nigger”, from the Latin “Niger” meaning “black”.

I would call that an apt characterization. What does “nigger” imply aside from being black?

Wyrd says:

“As opposed to calling black males niggers, which is an apt characterization?”

Niggers, apes, alligators, coons, possams, etc.

Corvinus says:

At least Wyrd isn’t denying that he follows me like a little school girl with a crush on the most popular man on campus. It’s disturbing, nonetheless.

“What is in place is a plan to abolish all white majority areas, and after that the plan is that wonderful utopia will ensue just like in Detroit and South Africa.”

There is observably no official or unofficial plan or agenda being implemented by anyone to systematically “abolish all white majority areas”.

“What is in in place is a plan to create conditions that will lead to the eradication of whites, and a pious justification for that eradication.”

Define “whites”. Who is “white”, Jim? What metrics are involved? Are Italians “white”? Are the Irish “white”? How much “white blood” must have a person have to qualify as “white”?

“Did you know that some deny it and say “How do you define ‘white’?””

How do YOU define “white”, A.J.P.?

“Niggers, apes, alligators, coons, possams, etc.”

Given your limited vocabulary, I’m surprised you came up with five words. You had to ask Grandma for advice on this matter.

jim says:

There is observably no official or unofficial plan or agenda being implemented by anyone to systematically “abolish all white majority areas”.

Almost every white country has abandoned its borders to unlimited illegal immigration with guaranteed welfare for any border crossers. Where a white government refuses to allow unlimited illegal immigration, the leader of that government (for example Tony Abbot) is subject to extraordinary and systematic attack and demonization by the machinery of the Cathedral. Australia gets told that this is a violation of international law.

This will make all white countries majority non white in a short time. Within each country, there is an effort to distribute the illegal immigrants uniformly across the country. The illegal immigrants are hostile to the symbols, religion, culture and people of their host country, desecrating cemeteries, raping women and so on and so forth.

oh hey Corvinus, you’re still here. Could you answer my five questions so I can compare your answers to AJP’s? I mean, I already know your answers are “yes, yes, oh god yes, harder, tell me I’m a slut”, but it would be good to have you on record:

* Do niggers have souls?

* Are interracial marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?

* When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he also mean neither White nor Negro?

* Will you accept sacraments from nigger priests?

* Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?

Corvinus says:

“Do niggers have souls?”

Everyone has a soul, including yourself.

“Are interracial marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?”

Marriage, regardless of a person’s race or ethnicity, is valid in the eyes of the Lord.

“When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he also mean neither White nor Negro?”

He means adherents to Jesus Christ.

“Will you accept sacraments from nigger priests?”

I will accept sacraments from all priests. What is it with your fixation on niggers?

“Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?”

Since we all are sinners, and Jesus Christ died for our sins, and MLK was known to have sinned–including cheating on his wife–only our maker knows in our hearts and His heart whether our soul is worth saving.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>Since we all are sinners, and Jesus Christ died for our sins,
Martin Luther King didn’t believe Jesus dies for our sins. He didn’t believe Jesus was God. Google it.

The fact that you’re unwilling to acknowledge this is amusing.

>I will accept sacraments from all priests.
Too bad you’ve probably never met an ordained priest.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:


Taco says:

the term is “intersectionality”

jim says:

We sexist racist hobomphobic transphobes have trouble keeping up with the latest terminology.

Alan J. Perrick says:

In a world where ugly is revered as beauty, this sociology language of The Cathedral is nothing more than low-class cant.


Erik says:

Also Islamophobic?

jim says:

Of course

Hidden Author says:

Keep repressing your secret desire to be married to a Muslim man!

Dr. Faust says:

As well as hydroaphobic!

Bruce says:

Peter Frost claims that the word racist dates from the 1920’s and was an awkward translation (into French I believe) of “volkische” a name for the German nationalist right opposing the Marxists.

Racist as they come. Also, essentially the Taliban with more regality.

Dr. Faust says:

And toilet paper.

Hidden Author says:

Yep, you guys wish to marry Muslim men!

fnd says:


Alan J. Perrick says:

“Closeted Author”


Speaking of the Taliban….TheRickWilson is making an example out of you 🙂

jim says:

When leftists lose the argument, they point and splutter, which is what Rick Wilson is doing.

Wilson’s a cuck. I suppose you could argue that they’re all really leftists at heart. They certainly fight like SJW’s. They also have the same tolerance for dissent. Wilson is one of the worst of the bunch.

Wilson is what passes for “conservative” these days.

Thanks for alerting me. I was trying to trigger him as much as possible. It’s interesting almost all of his sycophants believe this is left-wing psy-ops. They really cannot conceive of anyone to the right of Ted Cruz.

But I don’t think I was untruthful. When they screw Trump out of the nomination (and we know they will because that is the game), Americans who don’t want their kids to be the only english speakers in their school could ensure a Republican defeat very easily.

I look forward to many more RickWilson meltdowns. Everyone should be triggering this guy.

Mister Grumpus says:

(Shoot man, I’m just impressed that you know who Joseph de Maistre was. How and where did you learn about him?)

Are you kidding? He is essentially the founding father of Reaction. Who doesn’t know De Maistre? (well, aside from the obvious).

Most people do know him from his quote “every country has the government it deserves” though they probably don’t know about its profoundly anti-democratic and anti-egalitarian origin.

He’s probably got you blocked by now. I think they’re using the same block lists and bots that the SJW’s are using.

I’m pretty sure that most of Trump’s supporters will stay home or vote for the Constitution Party if Trump loses.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Hard Right”,

The Constitution Party? This is “paleo-conservatism”. Honestly, to Hell with this. This is the way to perdition, “browning out”, as seen in the Chinese, Egyptian, Babylonian society… Where do white people exist in your worldview?

Best regards,


We Christians get anti-semitism as a bonus. Might as well make Torquemada a hero while I’m at it.

Mister Grumpus says:

Just making sure I understand you:

“Women tell men they are inferior, because feminism.”

What you mean is:

“Women tell men that women are inferior, because feminism”. Right?

jim says:

What I see is that women casually interrupt and speak over their bosses and husbands, and bosses and husbands do not speak over or interrupt women. Women frequently decline to follow their male employer’s orders. They claim to be oppressed, but act like they are aristocrats, and men are serfs, particularly in the workplace.

Mister Grumpus says:

Thank you for that. Now I follow.

I was reading it differently — but in a way I expect you’d agree with also — as:

“Women reveal to men that women are inferior, because of the existence of feminism.”


R7_Rocket says:

Marine Le Pen, of France’s National Front, to stand trial for a 2010 speech criticizing Muslim public street prayers in Paris, France.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>If you are white, you are racist
The word gets used in different ways. But the typical definition doesn’t include ALL Whites, just MOST Whites. For example, White babies are rarely described as racist. And when Newsweek ran an article saying that White babies are racist, it was controversial.

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