
What Republicans are voting on in Ohio

All right thinking people care about all humans everywhere to exactly the same degree – except, of course, that they hate white people because of all the horrible evil white people have done to all other races and hate males because of all the horrible evil males have done to females.

So every decent right thinking person believes that all people everywhere have the right to live in America, receive section eight housing in a nice American suburb, and receive EBT and SSSI until they magically become as middle class as the rest of the people in that suburb. (Which, of course, they will, magically transforming from tax consumers to tax payers, and from arsonists, rapists, and vandals to mortgage payers, thereby solving the problem of the missing grandchildren.)

And anyone who does not believe that is an unthinkably horrible evil person who is provoking violence by thinking thoughts that make it right that he should be physically attacked.

In Ohio, it is a straight up and down vote between the good kind virtuous Kasich, who holds that it is immoral to obstruct America’s border with Mexico, and everyone who crosses it should promptly get a green card, and all the associated benefits, and the evil Trump, who is causing horrible violence by disagreeing with Kasich’s position, and is therefore at fault whenever anyone engages in attempted violence against him or any of his supporters.

Ohio is a straight vote between the advocate of wide open borders with generous welfare for the entire world, and the advocate of a wall along the border.

Now you might well ask how we got to the situation where the Kasich’s of this world are treated as saints, rather than evil madmen.  Does not anyone remember how completely insane this would have been a couple of decades ago?

And the answer is, we all speak newspeak.

The vocabulary, the language, that is capable of expressing the thought that we have different and more important moral obligations to kin, friends, and neighbors than to far away strangers has been taken away from us.

Whatever the outcome of this vote, the fact that Kasich taken seriously shows that democracy is simply unacceptable.  If he wins, it is an indictment of democracy.  If he gets five percent, it is an indictment of democracy.

So what is the indictment?

The indictment is that democracy empowers the people who can simplify our language and erase our past.

Democracy must end!  It dies, or we die.

We are always ruled by priests or warriors.  It is not the voters fault that we are ruled by priests, nor is it the voters fault that our priesthood is evil and insane, and daily becoming more evil and more insane.  But it is democracy’s fault that there is not much the voters can do about it.



85 comments What Republicans are voting on in Ohio

viking says:

Its not that Im really attached to democracy it just seems so improbable that it can be done away with and none of the DENRX substitutes seem serious or well thought out.
Also Im still unconvinced that Democracy is actually the problem.The people seem to me to have consistently wanted different policy than what they are given Its true they eventually come to grudgingly accept whatever meme has been decided by elites but only after decade or three of unrelenting propaganda by Cathedral elites from preschool through hospice care, they would mad to not get in line. The trouble it seems to me is the elites not the need for stronger elites.
I do think its immoral that non net tax payers get to vote and giving women the vote was really stupid, But women is a topic in itself and their voting needs to be part of.
I think its not nature nurture but rather humans have integrated their cultures into their environmental feedback loop and so our various cultures are not fungible nor transferable western people will do western civilization better,and democracy may be a part of that. Which is what makes the Cathedral rather brilliant it allows for the appearance of democracy while actually having elites decide everything then convince the proles they want it too.Te “problem” as I see it is oiur elites have been taken over by marxists, marxists realized they couldnt sell communism to affluent proles in western countries so switched to the minority model and changed the talking points to be vaguely christian democratic, youre right its new speak. And we could write tomes on how the process proceeded. But I think as MM thought if elites could be flipped back to a sane ideology token democracy could stay.
While i relish trump and a possible collapse as much as the next Sith, I really cant see the Cathedral summoning land or mencious to davos ever under any circumstances any collapse would only be an excuse for them to take the gloves off. I actually think under ideal circumstances the cathedral could be defeated in a civil war but the circumstances would have to be so precise and the effort so monumental starting now with a lot of men that that too seems really improbable.We could have a Tunisian immolation catalystwe are a tinder box thing but without prep it would be put out quickly
A strong man seems almost probable but deep state would isolate him without an implied overwhelming mob and military advantage which i think would only be partial only an actual war would send the Hispanics running south and the blacks against the hipsters in the cities.and make clear who has the power.
I dont see tech saving us per se, though I think if we are to survive long enough to find a solution we must develop tech media communication that are secure from snooping doxing and censoring or shutting down, i think this must be done while most leftists are still for these things before they pass speach laws etc. I do think tech that makes much of government services uneeded is crucial. By this I mean the type of tech that is doing ride, car realestate, media sharing can be used to collect trash educate police etc and government is left with the only purpose is meddling its much easier to eliminate its abuse and obstruction of innovation a patchwork emerges on every city block. But this seems a way off and if communication media is not kept open and a smart campaign instituted it will be squashed.

jim says:

Also Im still unconvinced that Democracy is actually the problem.The people seem to me to have consistently wanted different policy than what they are given Its true they eventually come to grudgingly accept whatever meme has been decided by elites but only after decade or three of unrelenting propaganda by Cathedral elites from preschool through hospice care,

Well, that sounds awfully like a statement that democracy does not work, that in the end the priesthood of the official state religion get their way, and the people do not get their way.

Further, it is nothing like a decade or three. The priesthood only adopted the open borders, mass illegal immigration, section eight them into green leafy suburbs, policy very recently, and the masses fell into line shortly after the priesthood fell into line.

jim says:

any collapse would only be an excuse for them to take the gloves off.

Abandoning soft power for hard power would mean depending on the police and military. And, as one of the commenters remarked, the body language of the secret service suggests that that might not turn out well for the Cathedral.

We are always ruled by priests or warriors. The priests do not fear the white proles. They fear the warriors.

Epimetheus says:

So have we already reached peak prog? If no gulags, to what further extent can they go? For example, Trump teaches journalists that their usually reliable methods are now oddly less reliable.

jim says:

We are a very long way from peak prog. For two hundred years it has been getting ever more extreme, ever faster.

In a few years, lots of stuff that everyone today takes for granted will be as unimaginable and horrifying as slavery and colonialism.

Epimetheus says:

Right, Immanetizing the Eschatonicide. But I’m just wondering about the earthly power of the Cathedral.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Enforcing speech laws in people’s living rooms would cause a countdown in the same manner matching that of the Soviet Union, “Viking”. Those in charge would rather destroy a lot, let that destroyed part grow back half-way, then destroy again in a cycle. The speech lawes themselves are being destroyed in the process though, and on campus, every liberal and most conservatives know how the word “Hate” is used to silence thoughts.

jim says:

But we are enforcing speech laws in people’s living rooms. Children are being urged to rat their parents out to the authorities. Donald Sterling lost his business because of words murmured behind closed doors with the blinds drawn.

Alan J. Perrick says:


That’s not what I mean. That is considered, by law, as a private business with the right to do what it will with its employees.

The best arguments against freedom of speech should really be aimed at public schools where, hypocritically, individuals are “encouraged” to critically think about things, are supposed to believe that freedom of speech is a protected right, yet are screamed into silence with predictable words like: racist!, “hate!, and naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!.

Best regards,


jim says:

That’s not what I mean. That is considered, by law, as a private business with the right to do what it will with its employees.

But if a private business employs a known crimethinker, it is likely to be sued a hundred million dollars for sexual and racial discrimination.

Alan J. Perrick says:


I’m discussing the right of speaking, not anything else. I’ve also used the qualifying word “considered”.


— government permits firings and lawsuits if there aren’t firings over speech

— but you still have the right to speak, let’s instead focus on kids in school who get disciplined for disruptive behavior

Look, the cuckstain has learned a cuckbertarian argument mutated with extra cuckolding

bob k. mando says:

Northern Marianas Islands, with a 2% white population, votes 72% for Drumpf.

stop appropriating muh White Power you mudpeople shitlords.

At least in the Republican primaries, I think Trump is doing better with muslims, hispanics, and people of color than he is with other whites.

CAIR polled Muslims back a while, giving choice of all candidates, and more were for Trump than all other Republicans combined.

Irving says:

>CAIR polled Muslims back a while, giving choice of all candidates, and more were for Trump than all other Republicans combined.

It is true that Trump has some Muslim support, but we’ve got to dig deeper. For instance, I’d like to know how many of those Trump-supporting Muslims are Iranian. Iranians, particularly in the West, are notoriously lax in the way that they practice Islam, and many of them drop Islam altogether for Evangelical Christian and, more commonly, atheism. Plus, they’re very wealthy and very, very racist. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of them supported Trump.

The Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, supports Trump’s Muslim immigration ban, and was enamored of his taking on the Oligarchy.

Irving says:

Yeah, but the NOI isn’t really authentically Islamic, nor does CAIR consider them so, AFAIK.

bob k. mando says:


way to miss the point, Nat.

bob k. mando says:

sorry, that was meant for Irving.

Alan J. Perrick says:

-ruled by priests-

But then not ruled by priests who are good at being godly, not ruled by companies good at making a long term profit, not ruled by warriors good at making sure their side wins instead of the other…


These priests are the best at being godly, as demonstrated through debating their fellow priests, and through the standard living the word tests of godliness. DailyKos people will, of course, be the first to tell you how horrible the leaders of the Democratic Party are at living the word.

Your faction of cuckstainty lost the debate to theirs. A medieval Christian would call you a cuckold fetishist with not a denarius’ worth of difference from them.

Alan J. Perrick says:

[Alan’s comment is drowned out by the intolerably loud sound of people disagreeing with him, so that he cannot be heard, violating his freedom of speech]

Alan J. Perrick says:

What about a response to my other comment, though?

Alan J. Perrick says:

[Alan’s comment is drowned out by the intolerably loud sound of people disagreeing with him, so that he cannot be heard, violating his freedom of speech]

Your conclusion doesn’t seem to follow from your lead in. Stipulating that large swaths of society are pozzed, the language has been transformed to newspeak,even that Kasich has supporters including the reigning Oligarchy, this still doesn’t remotely imply that democracy is to blame, as opposed to, say, the Oligarchy and a long running psychological warfare campaign. The democracy part is allowing Trump to organize resistance, in fact.

jim says:

and a long running psychological warfare campaign

But it is not a long running psychological warfare campaign.

It is an abrupt change of policy, furtively and silently introduced world wide, followed by everyone falling over each other in their eagerness to get into line.

Irving says:

Calling it a long running psy op is probably saying too much, but it is obvious that the Cathedral preps people before they establish some new prog doctrine. Sodomitical marriage is a case in point. Hints that it was going to happen were being put out at least 30 years ago.

jim says:

Such hints went over my head. They were chatting to each other to coordinate the new policy, rather than chatting to the masses to prepare them for the abrupt change.

Irving says:

Beginning in the early and mid 90s, there were plenty of hints that the legitimation of sodomy and sodomitical marriage was going to happen. There were books–e.g. Sullivan’s Virtually Normal (1995)–and movies–e.g. Philadelphia (1993)–and tv shows–e.g. Will and Grace (1998)–that were being produced in order to prep people for what was coming.

Cloudswrest says:

“Beginning in the early and mid 90s, there were plenty of hints that the legitimation of sodomy and sodomitical marriage was going to happen.”

I remember watching an episode of Babylon 5 (1994-1998) (A SF TV show set in the future) where two main male characters go off on some undercover mission as a married couple.

Also, the upcoming SF sequel “Independence Day Resurgence” is full of prog propaganda. One world gov, female president, gay relationships, etc.

Cloudswrest says:

Another instance comes to mind. In the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) the female characters Willow and Tara start off as straight, but as the series progressed, got in touch with their lesbian side and became lovers. From Wikipedia (the best source of PC’ness on the planet):

Willow’s intelligence, shy nature, and vulnerability often resounded strongly with viewers in early seasons. Of the core characters, Willow changes the most, becoming a complex portrayal of a woman whose powers force her to seek balance between what is best for the people she loves and what she is capable of doing. Her character stood out as a positive portrayal of a Jewish woman and at the height of her popularity, she fell in love with another woman, a witch named Tara Maclay. They became one of the first lesbian couples on U.S. television and one of the most positive relationships of the series.

Irving says:


The examples that we could cite are innumerable. The fact that they were prepping the population beginning in the ’90s for the official and cultural legitimation of homosexual sodomy that they would push for in the ’00s is clear and undeniable.

One can say, I think, that in a paradoxical way, the movement for sodomitical rights probably began in the ’80s, with the HIV/AIDS outbreak. As their people were dropping like flies in the face of this rapidly proliferating and incurable virus, the homos began to get organized, and finally their supporters and members started to feel comfortable enough, now that they had this institutional support behind them, to ‘come out of the closet’, and to push sodomy and sodomitical rights out in the open.

When the jewsmedia were the only ones pointing the cameras, faggots became victims of HIV, not themselves, and thus HIV humanized them and made it so we needed to protect them.

Then people gradually realized that the snivel rights act applied to faggots, which, of course, makes it illegal to be the first to stop clapping. So public disapproval of gays disappeared as quickly as laws against gays disappeared.

The civil rights don’t apply to illegal immigrants, but do apply to migrants, but don’t apply to Mexico. Thus Trump is technically allowed to say that Mexico is sending us its problems and making a fortune off of us, which drives leftists nuts. They know it’s hate and, when asked, they can’t even say it, but replace it with Mexicans are rapists and taking our jobs.

That is an interesting observation, but not one that obviously convicts the democracy in the change, quite the contrary it begs the question who made the decision.

Steve Johnson says:

Of course democracy is to blame.

Almost every social problem is caused by the progressive state importing voters and buying votes.

Trump can organize resistance mainly because he’s unexpected – normally the Republican party only nominates men who will lie to their voters then betray them after the election (see the long running joke that is John McCain and how every 6 years he pretends to have seen the light and will now work in favor of his voters).

The Cathedral has been putting out calls for his assassination for a while now – “would you kill Hitler if you had a time machine (of course you would or you’re a monster)?” -> “Trump is just like Hitler rising to power” -> some fame seeking guy charges the stage and CNN puts him on national television which clearly communicates the message for the guy who goes the next step.

If he gets the nomination (they’ll openly cheat him out of it if possible) and survives then we’ll see what they do to him as President. Maybe they accept him as a signal to slow down the genocide, maybe not.

They say, Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.
King Louis and the Czar fell, perhaps to the same enemy.

They don’t historically put out public calls for madmen. The find a front madman and a professional in the background. No genuine madman will get to Trump, and they aren’t in a position to wait around hoping.

Steve Johnson says:

“They say, Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.”

They say a lot of stupid things.

That may be, but nobody has yet made a compelling case that something else would have prevented these problems and not had others equally bad, and there is an obvious appeal to the argument that it is allowing the Trump safety valve which has yet to be stoppered.

Alan J. Perrick says:


-but nobody has yet made a compelling case that something else would have prevented these problems-

That’s your opinion.


With all due respect, I’ve seen no case at all.
Jim said:
“The indictment is that democracy empowers the people who can simplify our language and erase our past”.

But why is it clear democracy is empowering them? Would they maybe be even more empowered without it in another way? Is it even clear who they are? Is it possible they are working to remove democracy, so they will be even more powerful?

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Nat. Philosopher”,

I think that if you are a really devoted TRUMP supporter, then you shouldn’t hear arguments that undermine his run (in this democracy system). You should just watch to see if he can get done what he is saying he’ll do and then we’ll talk again next year. But, perhaps you should know that at the same time, there are many who are skeptical if the current system will allow the problems, which you may or may not agree with mine or Mr Johnson’s assesment of, to be solved.

Best regards,


I’m not claiming the odds are high Trump will in the end MAGA, just complaining that Jim speaks with great fervor and apparent confidence that democracy is the rapist who needs to be hanged, and I say its a lynching until you have cause beyond reasonable doubt.

jim says:

Are the people deciding our immigration policy?

Evidently not.

The people wouldn’t be deciding it with an alternate government either. The question is, was democracy responsible for the debacle.

If the people aren’t deciding it, who is? Maybe the whole reason the deciders want all this immigration is to allow them to dispense with the democracy and move to a totalitarian NWO?

But what we are seeing right now, is the possibility that the voters will in the end decide the policy. Not clear how it will turn out, but at present that seems like a better chance for MAGA than any other that we’ve seen in a while or heard proposed.

jim says:

The dumber and poorer the masses, the less they need to dispense with democracy.

They are fine with democracy Brazil style.

what’s wrong with democracy

* lack of accountability for casting bad votes
* voters vote based on their feels and what will help them signal their comfort, reliability, and ability to pick a winner to potential mates
* donors give money to consultants to focus group test lies for politicians to get them elected to do what the politicians want, i.e. Ted Cruz says Donald Trump’s 45% tariff on China is going to increase prices at Walmart, which evidently Americans prefer to have low.
* cuckolds, in particular cuckstains, think that aborted niggers, wars for Israel, and helping brown people achieve their potential matters more than making America great again
* cuckolds, in particular post-cuckstains, think that letting women kill their children, wars for democracy, and giving stuff to brown people because they don’t have as much stuff matters more than making America great again

Dave says:

“They are fine with democracy Brazil style.”

Democracy works great in Brazil. The poor are free to elect whomever they want, and the rich are free to bribe the winners, and bribe the TV-media to keep quiet about it. Of course the middle class gets screwed from all sides.

…now if only “the rich” could exist separately from “the middle class” for more than a few decades. “the poor” can be separate if it’s code for mud people.

Jim: “The dumber and poorer the masses, the less they need to dispense with democracy.”

They have been working this angle hard for a long time. Ramping up the aluminum they inject into neonates after Bishop et al NEJM 1997 reported it makes you stupid. Common Core.

It will be impressive if there are still enough voters awake to elect Trump, but it seems a distinct possibility.

» Ramping up the aluminum they inject into neonates after Bishop et al NEJM 1997 reported it makes you stupid.


» Common Core.

The most mocked part of Common Core is the math part.

What happened was there are these people who somehow managed to get a math degree, couldn’t actually contribute anything to math, but also didn’t want to leave academia, and wanted to feel special. They sold Common Core math to the education bureaucrats as common sense stuff that math niggers would be able to do. In reality, Common Core math is a bunch of specialized tricks that anyone with an IQ over 120 already knows and no one with an IQ under 100 will be able to recognize which to use, whereas the algorithms that have always been taught to kids in school are reliable.

The rest of Common Core is the kind of anti-White stuff that teachers love to teach, because that’s what they were taught, and because they feel bad about being stuck in a babysitting career for low pay. The solution to teachers feeling bad about being stuck teaching is to return teaching jobs to single women under 26 of good character who aren’t yet married.

A Pint Thereof says:

Nay, you’re right. That’s the joke about the NRX: everyone wants a return to aristocracy, but only if they’re the aristocrats.

I see no viable alternative to democracy at the moment – or at least an alternative that will actually usurp democracy of its current position. The system we have now began with the Glorious Revolution, and I don’t hear many people opposing what that revolution stood for.

jim says:

Everyone wants a return to aristocracy, but only if they’re the aristocrats.


All of us expect the aristocracy to come from the military. We already have a semi hereditary military caste, all we need is a semi hereditary officer caste. Very few of us are warriors, most of us are priests – members of the group we want disempowered, not the group we want empowered.

priests are generally recognized as either holy or at least knowing stuff.

I’m not generally recognized as problematic and not supposed to be allowed to exist, but presumably the 1% permits demons like me to exist for their profit or maybe demons used to control the world and still do.

I’d rather be Donald Trump’s peasant than the Jews’ demon.

Alan J. Perrick says:

-Glorious Revolution was bad-

L.O.L., the Vatican-Roman “Catholics” are so hurt that their colonies turned out all to be duds and the best they can do is join with the Talmudicists in subverting white countries.

A pint thereof says:

>All of us expect the aristocracy to come from the military.

This is where the vocabulary of Moldbug fails – the dichotomy of priest/warrior is insufficient to describe in toto what we’re dealing with, and which is why “All of us” don’t want to live under a military dictatorship. Military dictatorships are useful in an interregnum, but they are not the model for a traditional society.

If you want to bring back the true king, you have to know who the true king is, not just float his return as an abstract ideal. Liberalism will continue as both the status quo and the incumbent until a viable alternative is fully articulated.

I should make clear, the post-Bishop aluminum ramp up and Common Core are of course too recent to effect this election, just the most recent and clearest examples of the deliberate dumb-down.

Mister Grumpus says:

“The vocabulary, the language, that is capable of expressing the thought that we have different and more important moral obligations to kin, friends, and neighbors than to far away strangers has been taken away from us.”

I believe that Chris Christie was speaking directly to this when he gave his endorsement speech about Donald Trump. He said he admired The Donald — among many other reasons — for how LOYAL he is.

His loyalty. What a strange word nowadays. What a strange concept. To prefer, advocate and risk yourself for the people who you already know and trust.

And you know what? My Rabbit Brain immediately jumped up in indignation! “How DARE he prefer the people close to him who know and trust him already? What about MEEEEE?!”

Epimetheus says:

Resistance training, zinc, nofap and cold showers for higher testosterone.

Irving says:


All of this depends on the extent to which this ‘newspeak’ you speak of is actually informing the way people vote. For example, in order for you to be right, you’d have to prove that people who vote for, say, Kaisich, do so because, due to the ‘newspeak’, they think that they’re actually doing the patriotic thing, the thing that is really going to advance their own interests and those of their people, let’s say their fellow whites. But I don’t think that this is the case. I think these voters know exactly what they’re voting for, and are voting for it because they actually want open borders, etc.. I don’t think that they’ve been tricked by the ‘newspeak’.

Alan J. Perrick says:

It’s both. Most of them have chosen dishonesty and effeminacy because they don’t care enough about getting it right. Getting it right would necessitate being bold and exerting enough effort to use words and ideas uncommon to this type…


jim says:

But in 2011, did not actually want open borders.

Irving says:

I don’t understand. The southern border of the U.S. was open long before 2012. In Obama’s first term, much noise was being made about how Obama was deporting so many illegal immigrants, but all of that turned out to be a lie. Turns out the border was open all along.

jim says:

As recently as 2014, Obama claimed to be arresting and deporting large numbers of illegal immigrants. On the other hand, the huge increase in illegal immigration in 2014, indicates that not long before 2014, he stopped arresting and deporting large numbers of illegal immigrants.

Irving says:

Obama was reporting that he was having arrested and mass deporting illegal immigrants on a historically unprecedented scale a few months into his first term. 6 to 12 months into his second term is when the media, most likely at the prompting of the White House, began to admit that the numbers showing an increase in deportations since 2008 were fake, and that the real numbers showed that illegal immigrants were, since 2008, much less likely than at any time in the past 30 years to be deported. Here’s an example:

jim says:

You can tell the diminution of enforcement by the increase in migration. Migration surges 2012, 2013.

Irving says:

>You can tell the diminution of enforcement by the increase in migration. Migration surges 2012, 2013.

Those surges have been occurring every 2 or 3 years since the last Raegan amnesty.

Epimetheus says:

Hey Jim. Fascinating blog. Did you notice in the Trump attack video, the head of security rubbing Trump on the back before walking away? Was that an unconscious gesture of affection?

jim says:

“Hey buddy, we are the praetorians, and we support you.”

bob k. mando says:

the, ahem, enthusiasm of the Secret Service at *multiple* Trump events has not been much commented on.

except, of course, to blame Trump for “violence”.

if you look at this the other way, that the SecServ appear to like Trump a very great deal …

can you imagine them defending sHrillary this attentively?

this, of course, implies nothing about Trump’s personal sincerity. it only means that Trump is capable of at least faking treating his underlings with respect.

Epimetheus says:

Perhaps. Apparently Napoleon was familiar by name with hundreds of his soldiers and their families. But Trump is up against the likes of Joe “Sheriff-Groper” Biden . Even a little sincerity would go a long way.

Bo says:

Maybe Trump has promised them a kilo of cocaine each and a running tab for South American hookers if he survives to take the presidency.

The secret service aint what it used to be.

Alan J. Perrick says:

More likely an obviously deliberate gesture of comfort. Donald John had been fearing for his life only moments earlier, you will recall…


Epimetheus says:

So, if Hillary illegally appointed President, non-zero chance of coup? Or is that absurd thinking?

Alan J. PerrickI din says:

I don’t totally follow. Maybe you’re implying that because the gesture was non-specific to Mr Trump’s person then they aren’t 100% against Mrs Clinton’s candidacy and so the chance of them “coup”ing if she gets the White House would be, as a consequence, decreased…

However, I rather think that the military, the S.S. and similar are behaving, indeed, being nothing more than mercenaries and so they wouldn’t. And, Ahem, so they will remain as long as they’re not given any responsibility for accounting by others. Every man may rule himself significantly and I would certainly like to see more retired military decrying the current state of affairs in a more effective way.


Bo says:


Alan J. Perrick says:


Elaborate lies please simple minds.

Zach says:

The end is nigh. The nature of man is ridiculous. Unworthy.

Jim is exactly right. Utter madness is now the norm. How quickly and insanely the new truth became… the cancer will not stop.

You’re taking an example wherein the decks are stacked ridiculously thoroughly in favor of the bad guys.

Moreover, most American voters are still against illegal immigration or simply changing the rules so that everybody is legal.

And lastly much of this problem stems from all of us having been brainwashed since we were five years old or younger. If we had sensible people in charge of our public education, I doubt that the problem would be this severe.

In fact, I would posit that Trump’s stellar success in spite of heretofore unknown levels of propaganda is a credit to our voters.

If all voters were educated White men, IQ 115 or more, age 25 or more, and weren’t brought up in this ludicrous propaganda machine, I doubt that most NRX criticisms of democracy would still apply.

Irving says:

>If all voters were educated White men, IQ 115 or more, age 25 or more, and weren’t brought up in this ludicrous propaganda machine, I doubt that most NRX criticisms of democracy would still apply.

You are absolutely clueless if you really believe this. The hard truth is that those who set the prog agenda–the journalists, the government workers, the academic feminists, the ‘diversity managers’, the spokespersons for sodomitical rights, the Keynesian economists, etc.– are vastly more intelligent, IQ-wise, than your typical middle and working class American, and it is largely they who are making democracy so unworkable in America. That’s, in fact, what makes progressivism so frustrating. It is utterly incomprehensible that so many smart people could believe all of that stuff.

Also, the Cathedral was set up by White men to begin with, though they were without a doubt significantly under the influence of the Jews.

jim says:

Also, the Cathedral was set up by White men to begin with, though they were without a doubt significantly under the influence of the Jews.

When people say “pol is always right” they mean it is right about Jews most of the time, but far from always. But the roots of the Cathedral were in England Exeter Hall, which was the Fabian society of its day and the ACORN of its day, and in America Harvard, with not a Jew in sight.

Irving says:

The creation of the Cathedral didn’t occur in any one instance, it was rather process. And yes, the process began before the Jews ever got involved, but it was when the Jews got involved, e.g. when they finally took over Harvard, when things really went to hell.

jim says:

when the Jews got involved, e.g. when they finally took over Harvard, when things really went to hell.

Things really went to hell when King George was unable to divorce Queen Caroline for serial and flagrant adultery, and in the War of Norther Aggression.

Irving says:

Understood, but don’t you think that there lies a distinction between the degeneracy of aristocrats, which was necessarily private and of which commoners were rarely aware, or the tyrannical behavior of a government, which was not so different from the tyrannical way that governments have historically behaved, and, on the other hand, Hollywood and Jewish feminism?

» educated White men, IQ 115 or more, age 25 or more

i.e. Bernie bros

» and weren’t brought up in this ludicrous propaganda machine

wait, what does ‘educated’ mean?

[…] Jim takes a look at What Republicans are voting on in Ohio. […]

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