
Shit tests are designed to be passed

This is not a PUA blog.  Not going to tell you how to recognize a shit test or how to pass it.  I myself am not all that good at such things.  But I will tell you that you need to know such things.

Mostly the red pill is the rediscovery of stuff that back in the fifties and sixties everyone knew but no one would plainly say.

Shit tests, however, represent a new and clearer understanding.  The Taming of the Shrew is all about passing shit tests, so this is not a completely new discovery, but we understand shit tests better than men in the past.

Girls cannot help shit testing men that they like, any more than a man can help looking at a woman’s breasts.  When acquiring a girlfriend, you will be hit by shit tests.  When trying to keep your wife or girlfriend in line, you will be hit by shit tests.

A shit test is a power struggle.  If the girl wins, for example getting you to apologize, making you hold her bag, making you try to please her in ways that can never please her, she loses.  If you win, you win.  Never apologize, never explain.

I think girls are genuinely unconscious of shit testing men. They think their supposed attitudes are sincerely held, though their attitude evaporates in a puff of smoke when you blow off their shit test.  (Some shit tests, like showing up late, or going home to mother, require a bit of patience before you will see the attitude change.)

And it is hard to tell the difference between a shit test and girl really not liking you, or really not wanting to have sex with you.  Except that shit tests are designed to be passed.

And shit tests are often horrifyingly harsh.  It is often hard to pass a shit test, because they are really meant to be hard to pass.  And if you fail a shit test it is likely to become retroactively true that the girl really did not like you, or really did not want to have sex with you.  Hard to tell the difference between a thermonuclear shit test and a thermonuclear rejection.  Except that one will reliably get you laid and the other one will not.

I am not going to tell you how to detect a shit test.  You just have to intuit it.  After a while you get a reflexive feeling of resentment “Hell, this girl is out of line.  She is behaving improperly”. But you should not react to a shit test by getting hostile and angry since such an attitude assumes in advance you will fail the shit test, rather than pass it and claim your startlingly generous reward. Rather, you should assume she will be happy to be gently but firmly put in her proper place.

Not going to tell you how to pass them.  I am not particularly good at passing them.  They are hard to pass, particularly in a society that gives women nuclear weapons.

Consent does not make sex right, and lack of consent does not make sex wrong.

A porn star is apt to wind up feeling mighty bad about sex and her life, even though she gets formally videotaped giving explicit verbal consent to absolutely everything. Most women married by abduction or by arrangement feel pretty good about their marriage, and all the better if husband firmly insists on sex every night.

Women do not really like needing to consent to sex, let alone consent moment to moment. Which is one of the reasons you will probably strike out if you try to get a woman to give you explicit verbal consent. They much prefer “It just happened”.  Women really don’t want to succeed in getting their own way on sex, because if they get their own way, that kind of implies that the person they are having sex with is weaker, needier, or lower status that they are.  In the environment of evolutionary adaptation, if a woman really does not have much choice in who’s semen gets thrust into her pussy, it is probably better quality semen from the standpoint of Darwin, and more honorable and legitimate sex from the point of view of the God of the old Testament.  They like to be dominated and commanded into sex.  So a girl losing shit tests is her warm up to getting nailed.  Just as every time a man looks at a girls boobs, he is thinking about having sex with her, every time a girl shit tests a man, she is thinking about being overcome, overpowered, dominated, and submitting sexually to that man.

I took a lady friend, and her good friend, to a resort, because I hoped for a threesome.  This was extremely stupid of me, because one is never going to make a threesome with one’s lady  friend’s good friend, because they will fear breaking up their friendship, but, hey, all the blood had as usual rushed from brain to my little man.

Let us call my lady friend girl 1, and her good friend who failed to have sex with me and distracted the attention of girl 1 away from me girl 2.

I met a man at the resort, and he wanted to join my group, and that was fine with me because he, being an outsider trying to join the group, was unavoidably confirming my alpha male status with every move he made, so I asked him to join us.  We will call him beta man.

Eventually he very delicately sort of asked which girl was surplus to my requirements, which girl was the third wheel on the bicycle.  To which I straightforwardly replied that girl number 2 was the extra, but he could not have her.  He should hit on some other girl.

And, predictably, everyone acted as if I was being completely reasonable and had rightful authority over girl 2’s life.  But, of course, girls do not take this kind of treatment lying down. Or rather, standing up.  If you tell a girl she cannot have something, she is going to want to have it.

Predictably, after a while girl number 2 just happened to wander off so that she is as far from me as she can be while still remaining in line of sight.  And I pretend to not look at that line of sight.

And Beta man disappears, takes a circuitous route while out of sight, and just happens to reappear near girl number two.

I pretend to not look, while glancing every now and then out of the corner of my eye

I know he is going get an absolutely brutal shit test, because, he, and she, are literally sneaking behind my back, and thus he is acting beta.  To get enough alpha cred to nail her, he needs to pass a brutal shit test, and she is going to give him the opportunity to gain enough alpha cred to nail her.

So he chats to her, she chats to him.  I cannot hear them and they are too far away to see very clearly, but suddenly he acts has though she has stabbed him with a spear, the spear is sticking all the way through him and out the other side, and he is coughing blood.  He flees in shame and horror.

The poor man was severely traumatized, perhaps for life.  The next day we saw him in town, and my girls called out to him to join us, and he acted like we were opening fire with a machine gun.  He fled again in abject terror.

But I know girl number 2 liked him, and wanted to spend a night in his room at the resort, because she was disappointed when he fled.

Had he joined us again, he would have faced an even more brutal shit test, to give him the opportunity to gain the alpha cred he lost by being beta to my alpha, and failing the first shit test.  But if he had passed – well, it was obvious to me that girl number two had plans, though I don’t know if it was obvious to her.

Maybe like Roger Elliot he spent the rest of his life creepily staring at women from a great distance waiting for them to approach him, then fleeing in terror if approached, and finally broke down, killed a bunch of people and committed suicide.  Maybe he became a hairy hermit in the depths of the Amazonian rainforest.  But it was obvious to me that girl number two had conscious or subconscious plans to spend the night in his room, rather than on the spare bed in mine, and was visibly disappointed when her plans fell through.

The moral of the story is:  Pass your shit tests.  The rewards are great.  The punishment for failure is dire.  And it is easier to pass your shit tests if you believe in the chain of being:  Beasts < blacks < children < women < men < angels.

But the trouble is that society arms women with nuclear weapons against being hit on by upper class males, and in particular white males.  This makes upper class men less sexy than lower class men, and lower class men less sexy than underclass men, and white men less sexy than black men.  It is harder to pass a shit test the higher your social class.

86 comments Shit tests are designed to be passed

Mycroft Jones says:

I disagree; upper class white males pass shit tests easier than middle class males. Look at Trump dating a new girl every week while he was in college. Basically, middle management and up, have their way with women.

And, I’m surprised at how cucked the working class males are, even the “rough and ready” construction crowd. Only in the iron-workers are some real men left.

Or maybe I’m misreading; like with doctors, only 1 out of 8 is really a “player” and the other 7 are cucks. But that 1 out of 8 makes a REALLY big impression.

Hostem Populi says:

Aren’t you basing your views on anecdotal evidence?

Gilberto Dorneles da Rocha says:

Yes, upper class males pass shit tests easier than middle class males.

That doesn’t change the fact that they are the ones most hindered by the current politics, and still achieving below their natural potential.

Think this way, upper class males should be able to lift 300lbs, with the current politics, they only manage 200lbs, that’s lower, but still higher than the 150lbs middle class are able.

pdimov says:

Current politics are intended to hinder upper class males, but hinder middle class males more. This applies in other areas as well, such as tax incidence.

Shit tests don’t exist. Women encourage men they like, not try to drive them away.

90% of the “Manosphere” is bullshit.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Half true. Women put themselves in a position for men they like to approach and win them. They will not approach and try to win men they like the way a gay man would. This is what jim has said.

If a woman does not like you she will simply try to avoid you and end conversations as quickly as possible. She will not make herself available to you, talk to you, and then insult you.

jon dough says:

Yeah, you keep thinking that Bob.

While you wait for the encouragement that never comes, I’ll be passing shit tests and getting laid.

Corvinus says:

I wouldn’t be bragging about banging your sisters fat friends.

That’s cool. You probably could get some puxxy by saying Whites have rape and murder in their DNA if you say it with the right kind of grin instead of that sanctimonious ‘cuck me’ problem frown. But, you’re probably too Christian to even consider touching a womyn’s body, much less continuing your oppressive blood line.

jon dough says:


sol says:


Corvinus says:

Actually, Peppermint has a girlfriend. At least that’s what he says.

Q: why did Bob Wallace lose?

A: Because the conservatives of his day were as Christian as the liberals, refused to learn anything their preacher told them not to, and consented to their loss.

Glenfilthie says:

Well Bob, I think you have the wrong of it on your end. Perhaps I misremember, but I think I recall you saying that you had no trouble attracting women, referring to yourself as a ‘zeta male’. For me, women either like me or hate me within 5 minutes of meeting with me. Same goes for men, I suppose.

In any event – guys like us don’t have to get involved with the shallow head games and phony rituals that lesser men like Jian Ghomeshi and Roosh have to go through to get laid. Likewise, our women are of much better quality too. They wouldn’t give such men (and I use that term very loosely) a second glance.

Complicating things is the fact that we are old world men and we don’t have to contend with the devolved, debased feral women that these young fellas do. As somebody that enjoys watching the mating antics of men like our esteemed host – I can definitely say that the tire biters that pass for women today – they will definitely shit test their men. As Jim notes, dating is now a power struggle.

» dating is now a power struggle

is now? Surely women in the ’50s were taught to be pleasant and ladylike in school, but I’m not sure how they could possibly have been taught not to shit test their men.

There was this movie about a British man and woman on a lake in Africa that was controlled by a German ship and the woman convinces the man to try to destroy the German ship to prove his masculinity. Also she repeatedly demands that he give her this or that because she’s a lady, until he finally decides to go in the cabin with her because it’s cold and rainy outside, after which they’re married.

I bring it up because I saw that movie in high school and for years afterwards often wondered about it, why if the woman liked the man she was doing those things to him, why the man was willing to put up with those unreasonable demands and then sleep with the woman, why the other students and teachers were okay with the man evidently raping the woman out of hatred because she was being a bitch.

Well anyway, I’m perfectly satisfied with the biological explanation of female behavior. It stands to reason that female behavior should be very hard to alter through indoctrination, not the least because females don’t actually care about ideas, and that female behavior should be much more stable across races as well.

Perhaps in your day fathers would prevent their daughters from dating men who weren’t acceptable, and all men knew how to behave dominantly.

» They wouldn’t give such men (and I use that term very loosely) a second glance.

women ignore men they don’t like

» don’t have to get involved with the shallow head games and phony rituals

women don’t care what men say as long as the men look dominant, and if a man needs head games and rituals to make himself look dominant, so be it. it won’t get a man in with a woman who isn’t interested anyway

Glenfilthie says:

“It stands to reason that female behavior should be very hard to alter through indoctrination, not the least because females don’t actually care about ideas, and that female behavior should be much more stable across races as well.”

Give it ten years, P-mint, and you will see how easy it is to modify human behaviour. You are gonna be shocked, my young friend.

Do you think a moslem woman would shit test her man? He would beat her senseless if she tried! Do you think he would put up with being divorce raped for cash and prizes? He would kill her, and probably half her family too.

What you call a ‘beta male’ – to me he is just a man that has been culturally conditioned to take shit off of women and accept it. A lot of these supposed ‘alpha males’ are simply poseurs and cads – as Unca Bob refers to them. Most of them are as flawed as the tire biters they bed. Leftist cultural conditioning has backfired on them and turned them into narcissists and psychopaths. They talk a good game but most are laughable poseurs. Anyone that has ever seen Vox Day speak in public can see what I mean – the guy’s a dweeb in person. Mike Cernovich comes across like a sleazy used car salesman or a charlatan. They are selling a pant load of excrement to men who have been hurt by feral women and it is sad to watch. They’re taking advantage of vulnerable customers.

Smart women – like smart men – do the work. They take their time with potential mates and do not commit until there is some kind of assured return. When the game is approached that way – there is no need for ‘game’, hypergamy and the shit tests and hogwash that goes along with promiscuous behaviours that belong in the ghetto or trailer park.

I once had some he-male alpha ball buster bust my chops for being a “NAWALT” – and it bothered me not one whit. If you go round bedding dogs – you’re gonna get fleas. Guys like you fellas here deserve better.

» smart women

Title IX and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 don’t apply here, you don’t need to pretend these exist. Humphrey Bogart didn’t, but I’m sure he’s a he-male alpha ball buster.

pdimov says:

“Do you think a moslem woman would shit test her man? He would beat her senseless if she tried!”

She would press to the exact limit at which she’d be beaten senseless without crossing it.

theshadowedknight says:

Why would we listen to Bob Wallace over Vox Day? One has a model for his wife and a few kids, and the other has a troublesome wife and his adopted children abandoned him. Yeah, be a real man like Bob and watch your family disappear. He talks a big game, but it is all talk, because he has no one else left. As dysfunctional as we are, the manosphere is his only family, which is why he cannot stay away.

The Shadowed Knight

jim says:

Do you think a moslem woman would shit test her man? He would beat her senseless if she tried!

Mohammed did not have it that easy. One of the reasons he liked Aisha is that his other wives gave him a hard time.

someDude says:

Fascinating, I thought the primary reason was that she was the youngest. Well, you do say, “one of the reasons”.

Corvinus says:

“He talks a big game, but it is all talk, because he has no one else left.”

Doesn’t Jim also talk big with his family? How that he has a wife who supposedly he commands over and controls, and two kids that are model citizens?

Besides, what makes Vox Day the head honcho when it comes to crafting this sexual-social male hierarchy? How does he and he alone have the answers compared to other men?

Glenfilthie is SPOT ON–Smart women – like smart men – do the work. They take their time with potential mates and do not commit until there is some kind of assured return.

theshadowedknight says:

If Jim talks big, that is acceptable because he has a family. If I imitate his methods, I might end up with a family. If Bob Wallace talks big, that is unacceptable, because he does not have a family. His wife did not want to have his children, so they adopted, and then the adopted children left him. If I imitate Bob, I will have a wife that is repulsed by me, and no children.

I would actually consider Heartiste the most qualified to weigh in on matters of sexual dynamics, over Vox. The difference is that Heartiste is still fucking around, while Vox settled down with a woman and has a family. I am not interested in fucking an ever-changing procession of sluts. I prefer a wife and children, so Bob Wallace is about the last man I would imitate, because he is a failure by his own admission. Vox, in the position as head of a successful family, is a proper role model to me in a way that the various players of the Manosphere are not.

The Shadowed Knight

was Cyrano a hero and the “noble”man who hired him undeserving of his services?

Or was Cyrano a big nose kike commoner who needs to know his place, the way he lowered that bitch’s anti-slut defenses with words alarming, and the fact that his words ended up in her hands only due to the nobleman’s seal on the envelope?

Romantic love with the angelic woman has always been appealing to two types of people, men who have to strive towards having a woman in their lives, and men who try to not exactly flatter their way into a woman’s pants but tell the woman that they’re liberating the woman from the prison of patriarchial domination that doesn’t appreciate her angelic qualities.

Angelic women who men should listen to did not exist in Greek mythology. They were invented by modern philosophers, and the idea that the ideal woman should be worshipped by the ideal man continues to exist even in the popular current Rick and Morty TV series which explicitly rejects feminism on a few occasions.

The myth of the angel woman existed before feminism, fed feminism, and must be destroyed for feminism to be destroyed.

glenfilthie says:

Vox Day is a carpet bagger and a dishonest fraud. By his own definitions, his son is a gamma male. If you watch him closely and long enough – you see that mask slip. His ‘three laws of SJW behaviour’? Well… You can catch him indulging in the same kind of fuckery all the time. Having said that he does make for some good political analysts and social commentary.

Roosh? LOL! Yeah he sure looked the Alpha male when a crazed feminist doused him in beer at the bar one night. Never spent much time with Heartiste… Once you’ve heard one phony bitching about women – you’ve heard them all.

namefags are namefags for a reason

Penguins are perhaps more monogamous than Whites, returning to the same partner every mating season, while White women only live long enough to raise one brood to adulthood. They don’t have time for extended courtships.

Nevertheless, Whites like extended courtships, because Whites are monogamous.

Having extended courtships in which both parties are filled with the emotion of romantic love does not mean Whites should, or, did prior to the Enlightenment, view women as superior in moral judgment if not intelligence to men, or even the equals of men in moral judgment.

In fact, women lack key moral principles that White men take for granted and assume all hominids have, such as cooperativeness and fairness.

Nor is it the case that they will do what they have to for their children. Women routinely permit their new boyfriend to abuse their children, human and zebra women routinely permit their new boyfriend to kill their children, bear women routinely mate with the guy who killed her children in front of her to cause her to enter estrus. This is why traditionally children have gone with the father or the father’s family in case of separation, and women have moved in with the husband’s family instead of the man moving in with the wife’s family.

Your woman is your woman, you should love and cherish her. At the same time, you must not forget that she is a woman, and will simply leave you, or, worse, cuck you, if you don’t take care of her properly.

Happy wife, happy life.

theshadowedknight says:

Vox has one son, who by his own definition, is *not* a Gamma. I read the post on how he interacts with other children. The others, we know nothing of their lives. At least he has sons. Bob Wallace does not, because his wife would not carry them. He had to settle for adoption, and all those orphans abandoned him for their blood family. He denies the dynamics of the sexes because otherwise he would have to face the magnitude of his failure. He keeps coming back because we are the only ones that accept him, despite his flaws.

The Shadowed Knight

Zach says:

Congrats on not being a dumbass. The PUA stuff is entertaining but I would never sink so low as to fuck a low quality woman. But I always had options. I can’t be the only one.

jim says:

Do you think a moslem woman would shit test her man? He would beat her senseless if she tried! Do you think he would put up with being divorce raped for cash and prizes? He would kill her, and probably half her family too.

It is clear that Mohammed had a hard time. Girls will find a way to shit test you.

miforest says:

you clearly are a virgin. I have an adult daughter , and even I have to admit the hypergamy of the young ladies.

Gutenberg says:

Probably the one positive factor of a modern higher education is that anyone who goes through it cannot remain ignorant of true female sexuality. Hence the need to go full SJW blue pill or some form of red pill, except for natural charmers who don’t have reason to ponder it.

viking says:

Well observed,as for the biochain i just use nigger now to denote all the types of nigger;s sand niggers prairie niggers brown niggers etc, obviously theres a inner hierarchy but frankly i cant be bothered

Alf says:

I have friends who know exactly how to handle shit tests or even how to trigger a girl to shit test just so they may pass it. To me this is like black magic. I can not replicate it as good as them. I however do recognize that woman needs to stay in line and craves correction when she steps out of line. I find I enjoy giving such correction.

Corvinus says:

You actually have to be in such a position to “correct”.

Alf says:


Gilberto Dorneles da Rocha says:

“I can not YET replicate it as good as them.”
Keep hanging with those guys, and with experience you surely will get better.

Alf says:

Well I used to think that. Its true that you learn a lot from players by copying their mannerisms but there is some stuff you just can’t copy.

Easiest way I find to explain that is with Myer’s Briggs personality types (for all its faults). E.g. 1 friend is NF which basically means he sees people’s emotions and adjusts accordingly. As an NT I can logically reason what he is doing and why it works, but I’ll never replicate it as good as him.

Your first mistake was to take them to a resort, that’s the way to get the lady friend to take pictures of herself and not you to put on instagram. Men who give women nothing but maybe sex get women to buy them drinks, men who buy things for women make them feel like whores instead of womens lib sluts.

Whites who are conditioned by ten thousand years of strict monogamy to first get a career then brag about it have a hard time with this, it’s only after reading your blog that I understand her father is supposed to screen her applicants for career or other X-factor, and if no one is screening, you need to act like a whiny impetuous beta.

Jehu says:

A woman’s gut is often a lot smarter than her conscious mind, which has been pumped full of bullshit nearly from the day she was born.
Her gut NEEDS to know if you, her prospective and perhaps de jure mate, has what it takes to exercise emergency command authority over her and your get should the need arise. I wrote about this a while back in 2012.

Corvinus says:

Jim states unequivocally that he is not good at recognizing or passing shit tests, then proceeds to claim to be an expert on the matter by offering insight. You have no shame at the lengths of being disingenuous.

“Rather, you should assume she will be happy to be gently but firmly put in her proper place.”

So how does your wife handle such matters?

Dave says:

Well, I can’t play a piano, but I can still tell the difference between a player and a virtuoso.

If you can’t recognize skills in others that you lack, you are truly beyond hope. How can you ever get better at anything if you have no idea what “better” is?

Another personal cheap shot from Corvinus coming in 3…2…1…

Corvinus says:

Jim said that women in general are happy to be gently but firmly put in their proper place. I am curious as to how he handles his business.

As you just stated, how can one get better at anything if one has no idea what “better” is?

What you haven’t disputed in this thread is the fact that shit tests exist and have the evolutionary function of requiring a show of dominance from a prospective mate.

Dispute this or accept it by default.

Corvinus says:

Of course shit tests exist by men and women, but not necessarily the way the “manosphere” describes.

jim says:

It is apparent that you are a permavirgin whose only contact with women is through porn.

jim says:

Doing it right is largely pre verbal and non verbal. Hence, you need to watch PUA videos with the sound on, and then with the sound off.

A PUAs words are, like a magicians patter, a distraction from what he is actually doing.

Marlon says:

I agree with Bob.

The saying, “A man chases a woman until she catches him” is my observation.

These shit tests are indications of non-interest and /or contempt.

But men have large egos which can blind them to this.
Maybe she is “testing” you because she really doesn’t respect you.
Can you climb over the wall of contempt. maybe. Sometimes.

But why bother?

When women like you they make it easier for you.
They laugh at your jokes, lean into you, their mood brightens when you are around etc. In a word, they submit.

Yeah, see, that’s the best you can do from the perspective that individuals are souls and it’s ridiculous for souls that like other souls to act like they’re not interested. This model predicts that older women would be more willing to go along with degrading sex acts due to their lower SMV.

From an evolutionary perspective, it would be weird for women not to demand displays of dominance from their men, especially if they think they have options. Which is why the nubile women on tumblr are the ones posting the most dominating BDSM porn.

The idea of souls died yesterday with the evangelicucks at some stop Trump organization declaring that they are proud to identify as cucks. Evolution is simply true.

pdimov says:

That women who like you laugh at your jokes, lean into you, their mood brightens, etc is an empirical observation, nothing to do with souls or evo-psych theories.

Are we witnessing the first correct application of NAWALT in recorded history? Or is it just a matter of perceived relative status?

jim says:

Yeah, yeah, saw all that with girl number two tempting Beta man. Also saw him severely traumatized by the brutal shit test that I knew he was walking into.

Girls don’t make it easy. Since they are the precious sex and men the expendable sex, of course they are not going to make it easy.

imnobody00 says:

A traumatizing brutal shit test? Thank you, ma’am. Save your pussy for you. Pussy is abundant and life’s too short.

You miss your chance, miss. Next time you will see me with another girl.

American women behave badly because American men would do anything for a hole. There are only 3.5 billion holes like that.

jim says:

You are going to find traumatizing shit tests the world over, for I have been the world over. The solution is not to be traumatized.

» women who like you laugh at your jokes, lean into you, their mood brightens, etc



they try to make you display dominance by doing intentionally annoying things

there is only a dispute over the latter fact, not the former

jim says:

My personal observations of women are sufficient to conclude that you have not had much opportunity to observe women.

And because I expected celibates to tell us the usual Stalinist boilerplate about the nature of women, the standard boilerplate about male egos, I told a story of another man being shit tested, not me being shit tested.

If Beta man had had a large ego, would have noticed that girl 2 went out of her way to give him the opportunity to approach her behind my back, and then proceeded to entertain and encourage him, and only then stabbed him with a traumatic and brutal shit test.

And if he had not fled in shame and fear, would have noticed her disappointment at his failure to pass his shit test, and her eagerness to give him another one.

Stephen W says:

I watched Gone With The Wind for the first time the other day. I have to wonder why it was so popular? The cinematography is great but the main character is a stupid uber bitch who always wants what she cant get and goes cold on anything she can.

I am surprised I have not heard more SJW protests about the movie for not demonising the Southern men enough, and being red pill. The morning after scene shows her very content after Rhett does some “marital rape”, she only becomes grumpy after Rhett apologizes. So was the point of this 4 hour ordeal to hammer home the point that a bitch is never content until you show her who is boss.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Recently I have been receiving German Spotify ads.

In one, for an in-car navigation app, the nagging shrew wife demands that the husband pull over and ask for directions.

The husband refuses and uses the app to find the way himself. He arrives at his destination and delivers a put-down to his nagging shrew wife, getting the last word.

Throughout the exchange he sounds annoyed by nagging shrew wife, but more bored by her than angry. Perfect state control.

Usually I don’t pay much attention to ads, but this one was so much against the zeitgeist that it shook me a bit. Is white German culture swinging right, or was it simply never so cucked?

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Shit tests are real. They’re fairly easy to pass if you have any wit, repartee, and conversational skills. As CH has said, treat the woman shit testing you as you would your best friend’s annoying little sister.

Ron says:

“It is harder to pass a shit test the higher your social class.”

That’s a very interesting an astute observation. But does it necessarily follow that precisely because the risks are greater for a higher class male, then such a male passing a shit test demonstrates immeasurably higher value?

Guy says:

Disagree about women not wanting threesomes with their close friends. My last threesome happened as a result of one of the girls in my rotation setting it up with her close friend.

In the past, her friend asked her to have a threesome with her boyfriend and she agreed, so in that sense her friend “owed her”. I had her arrange it with us and her friend, and we all had a good time.

In my opinion, it might actually make things easier as the girls will already be comfortable with each other. If they’re reasonably sure you’re going to be discrete about the whole thing, and the 2nd girl isn’t going to steal you away, I think a lot of women would be on board.

Corvinus says:

Cool story, Bro. Anyone on the Internet under an assumed name can make up shit about threesomes.

Pics of your actual tryst or shut up.

Guy says:

I can sense your resentment/jealousy. I’m not sure where your disbelief comes from. A threesome isn’t a big deal, and if you were aware of women’s inherent sexual depravity you should know that by now.

I could care less whether your believe me or not, and I don’t record my sexual adventures. Not a good risk/reward scenario in my state. I’d encourage you to re-read the part I wrote about discretion if you’d like to make something like that happen for you in the future.

Probably safe enough to share the aftermath though, where I was planning on passing her off to a friend and his gf:

Women will go to great lengths to keep a guy if she thinks he’s slipping away or if he’s out of her league. Believe me or not, it doesn’t affect me either way. If it’s something you’re interested in, then I’d encourage you to try it for yourself.

Corvinus says:

“I can sense your resentment/jealousy.”

Actually, my sense is that you are doubling down on bullshitting us.

“Probably safe enough to share the aftermath though, where I was planning on passing her off to a friend and his gf…”

The only thing you proved is that you have text messages, not actual pics of the tryst or even names of your alleged conquest.

Again, cool story, bro.

of course he’s not going to provide pics or names

is he bullshitting? anything someone says on the Internet about themself, you have to assume they’re bullshitting. is it plausible? sure, why not.

if you’re the kind of man who makes women feel liberated by your presence, then you’ll get them to ask you to do all kinds of degrading stuff to them, including their friends. if you’re not, they’ll maybe pull their pants down for you if they don’t have something else to attend to.

Wombat says:

Shit tests are real, and inevitable, but their frequency and voracity depend largely on how far a man lets his guard slip down.

I’ve found that you usually get a few big ones at the start of a relationship to test whether your bravado is false or not. Once those are passed successfully then it’s only a matter of making sure you don’t let your guard down.

The thing about shit tests is that the traditional third world response is simply to hit her. Upper class whites are in many ways defined by the things they can do without bloodying their metaphorical knuckles and shit tests are no different. This is why they can maintain dominance non-violently while most men of other races can only manage the same feat by keeping the pimp hand strong. The laughable irony is that feminists hate most the men who are least likely to do violence against them.

Gutenberg says:

Thanks for the great article, Jim. The shit test theory has the admiral quality of rendering female behavior rational and therefore understandable. The implicit message I received growing up was women were mysterious, flighty, etc. Some men are naturally dominant, some get women at a gut level, but having it spelled out makes all the difference for someone like me who took women at face value and as a result largely gave up on them as flighty, irrational and unreliable.

[…] So… a libertarianism for the owner and not the owned. Also from Jim: Shit tests are designed to be passed. […]

Late to this, but: Jim, a young man in a library furiously studying for the finals tomorrow does not look at womens tits because he is too stressed out for that. Similarly, women shit test only when they are in a reasonably good mood so that their sexual instincts can work. I don’t know what the exact terminus technicus is, but basically you are either in survival model, cortisol up high, flight or fight, no erections possible, and only when you don’t feel threatened and are in a more positive mood, when you feel like you can enjoy life a bit, that is when the reproduction instinct is there and a man can get an erection. And that is when a woman shit-tests.

This can be easily a problem for men who think they found the unicorn, the dutiful, conscientuous, loyal, old-fashioned woman. The kind of woman who enjoys helping her mother cook more than going out dancing, the kind of woman who just wants a cheap silver engagement ring because not wasting money is a wife’s virtue. Of course a tradcon type man rushes to marry such a unicorn. (The American tradcon man often imports such a wife from places like Russia, the European tradcon man can still find some of these types in the more remote villages.) The problem is, she agrees to sex because she understands it is part of marriage but if she does not shit test, then she probably does not enjoy that and she is probably stressed out and depressed, because she is too anxious to please. These types of oldschool women are often too anxious to please all, husband, boss at work (because today two incomes are an economic necessity, few men are rich enough to have the wife stay home), parents etc. they have it drilled into them that you must always give your 110% and it easily makes them anxious and depressed. If they don’t shit test, they are depressed. And these type of women are very often depressed as they feel their perceived duty to please all crushes them. And this can be difficult to solve for the tradcon man. One potential solution is frequent trips, long weekends in hotels, where she can be carefree without worrying about her duties.

Corvinus says:

“Late to this, but: Jim, a young man in a library furiously studying for the finals tomorrow does not look at womens tits because he is too stressed out for that.”

Bullshit. Men always have time to browse the goodies.

“Similarly, women shit test only when they are in a reasonably good mood so that their sexual instincts can work. I don’t know what the exact terminus technicus is, but basically you are either in survival model, cortisol up high, flight or fight, no erections possible, and only when you don’t feel threatened and are in a more positive mood, when you feel like you can enjoy life a bit, that is when the reproduction instinct is there and a man can get an erection. And that is when a woman shit-tests.”

Women shit-tests in good and bad moods.

“This can be easily a problem for men who think they found the unicorn, the dutiful, conscientuous, loyal, old-fashioned woman. The kind of woman who enjoys helping her mother cook more than going out dancing, the kind of woman who just wants a cheap silver engagement ring because not wasting money is a wife’s virtue. Of course a tradcon type man rushes to marry such a unicorn.”

Nostalgia’s a bitch!

“(The American tradcon man often imports such a wife from places like Russia, the European tradcon man can still find some of these types in the more remote villages.)”

That would be classic beta behavior.

“The problem is, she agrees to sex because she understands it is part of marriage but if she does not shit test, then she probably does not enjoy that and she is probably stressed out and depressed, because she is too anxious to please.”

You are speculating. Do you have any hard-core proof to back up your assertion?

“If they don’t shit test, they are depressed. And these type of women are very often depressed as they feel their perceived duty to please all crushes them. And this can be difficult to solve for the tradcon man. One potential solution is frequent trips, long weekends in hotels, where she can be carefree without worrying about her duties.”

After finals, field test your hypothesis and get back to us.

Your comment reminds me of the joke when the old man (me) says to the punk: I once fucked a parrot and I now worry you might be my son.

Corvinus says:

Your 1950’s outlook on women is seriously dated. Indeed, best wishes finding that “unicorn”. And if you are going to make claims, best you back them up with hard evidence.

Again, after finals, field test your hypothesis and get back to us.

Somehow you don’t get hints. More explicitly: I know plenty of such women largely because I am at least twice too old for finals and probably twice as old as you. They absolutely exist, just not in your circles and likely not in your age range. If this type sounds like a myth to you, that may be probably because if you live in a country where very few white people are working class and you probably don’t date nonwhites. As this kind of sanity is a working class feature. You would find this type in the US in some factory and she would be Mexican or Philippino and highly religious. Here in Central Europe there are plenty of white versions of them too, waitresses, hotel maids etc. So this is a fact, it is not even a question for me, but a fact, the question for me is how to manage the depression arising from them being overly anxious to please everybody, as this depression leads to the loss of feminine qualities like shit-testing and they are far too likely to become “working machines” who just ceaselessly toil at housework, babycare, job, and forget to enjoy themselves. As I see a lot of tradcon type men have this sort of problem with them.

Corvinus says:

“More explicitly: I know plenty of such women…”

Maybe you do, or perhaps you are falsely attributing such characteristics and thus creating a narrative to justify your own bias. In essence, it’s a generalization you made, but it is not necessarily a truism.

Zach says:

Fuk that.

I’ll look at a Woman’s tits all day long. It’s stress depleting!

Omega Man says:

Looking at a Woman’s tits is beneficial to a man’s health.

JRM says:

Interesting, and I don’t know quite what to make of it, but there seems to be a high level of antagonism and dissension in the comments here. Is it always so discordant, or is there a high level of emotion due to the subject matter? Usually agreement tends to be the order of the day when men discuss women.

If we’re voting, put me down for “shit tests are real”. The number and intensity varies depending on the woman, but yes, shit tests are a thing, and mostly conform to the description provided.

As for an anecdotal testimony, my experience is that shit tests are a female response to ambiguity; the ambiguity can be situational; relationship status oriented; or even just plain status (the male’s in general) oriented. Worst-case scenario, the shit test is being given in order to compare your mettle to another potential lover or prospect that is in her sphere of activity.

The best “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” advice I’d give is that the more clearly you project a take-no-shit attitude, the less likely you will be administered a shit test. Pretty simple really.

If vagueness is an element of your communications (spoken and un), a shit test may be forthcoming to clarify status issues between the two of you, as females hate ambiguity, even those who claim to have a high threshold for it.

I think it boils down to interacting with very different women. There are basically two paths, to take the typical modern empty headed slut and chase them because sex while secretly despising them, which causes a lot of bitterness, or pretty much accept being lonely until you find a normal woman who is simply not of this age. Clue: if she dislikes most women, bingo, she is the right choice.

This second path is, I don’t know if nobler or easier but I am on my merely fourth and likely final woman at 38 and there were sometimes 5 year long gaps because I was rather alone than to be with some stupid entitled slut. However these four were all are/were decent women. It does not mean one does not have to behave masculine with them, but it means they were entirely different, their shit tests were playful not grating, they didn’t cheat etc.

I think the conflict of these two paths creates this, obviously a man who accepts chasing the type of girls who are in the bar has a very different view than a man who turns away from them in disgust and hardly recognizes them as women. For the first one the disgusting sluts are women, for the second type they aren’t because he does not see or “use” them as women, so only the occasional relationship worthy ones are.

Corvinus says:

“There are basically two paths, to take the typical modern empty headed slut and chase them because sex while secretly despising them, which causes a lot of bitterness…”

First, you make the assumption that women today, in general, are “sluts” AND that men, while thinking with their dick rather than their mind, fuck them despite truly being repulsed by that sluttiness. That may be YOUR rationale, which is a personal opinion. Just because you make a generalization does NOT mean it is a truism.

“or pretty much accept being lonely until you find a normal woman who is simply not of this age. Clue: if she dislikes most women, bingo, she is the right choice.”

The right choice for YOU, absolutely. You have in your mind what constitutes a “normal woman”—anyone who fails to fit this (narrow) definition is basically “abnormal”. Men are able for themselves to figure what is and what is not “normal” when wooing women. You make it appear that men who fail to acknowledge your version of truth are only exacerbating the problem.

“This second path is, I don’t know if nobler or easier but I am on my merely fourth and likely final woman at 38 and there were sometimes 5 year long gaps because I was rather alone than to be with some stupid entitled slut.”

Did you ever think that perhaps YOU are taking your own biases and projecting them onto women? Men see women as women, just as women see men as men. In either case, the man and woman characterizes their potential suitor as “x” or “y”; that is, they assign characteristics to them based on their interactions. A man may see a woman he is dating as being selfless or selfish, and makes the mistake of labeling ALL women as “selfish” after a bad experience, which only clouds his judgement in future relationships. There are various paths, not merely two as you advocate.

jim says:

The problem with women is not selfishness, rather it is inappropriate unselfishness.

They are apt to sacrifice themselves, the family assets, their children, and their husband for Mister Very Wrong – but the sacrifice starts with themselves.

Corvinus says:

“The problem with women is not selfishness, rather it is inappropriate unselfishness.”

How does your wife feel about her inappropriate unselfishness, Jim? How do YOU train her to make sure she is your personal lap dog?

jim says:

It is appropriate that a wife should be unselfish and giving to her husband and children, and natural for them to be so, a nature that feminism attempts to suppress, with the result that it is apt to show up in inappropriate, perverse and self destructive form.

Rev says:

Good god… you little bitch feminist, STFU!

Rev says:

Nailed it! Either a female in a man’s body or a make in a female’s body.

Jim’s wife respects him.

The thing is, the women of the Boomer and immediately post-Boomer generations don’t necessarily sleep around, but do behave in a manner that could be referred to as selfish. If you ask enough people of my generation whose parents stayed together, you’re eventually going to get plenty of stories about wives who don’t just nag, but, having been told that women are morally superior to men or at least equal to men, try their best to run things, while the male feminist husband goes along with it, because of the kind of social shaming that led to VAWA gaslighting them into thinking that anything bad that happens is because of their unchecked privilege.

The result would be predictable from an evolutionary standpoint, one that respects the differences between women and men instead of viewing them as Christians do as moral equals though women are more interested in negotiating and less aggressive. Women are constitutionally incapable of considering the moral ramifications of their behavior. They treat their men the way plantation niggers are treated on TV, worse even, they constantly unconsciously put pressure on the men to stop putting up with it and fuck them, but through the decades their shit tests grow bitter and acrid. Men, at least White men, have an inbuilt sense of how the wife is supposed to be treated, and more than that, an inbuilt respect and compassion for others under their power. The way plantation niggers are treated on TV is a grave insult to men.

The children of feminists of course don’t start out skeptical about feminism, but post increasingly aggressive jokes on Encyclopaedia Dramatica, until they become anti-feminist. The woman and the man are both miserable, but, they can still have a home with children in it, which is what the man and the woman ultimately want anyway. Today the problem of feminism has reached its final stage, it is now impossible for many good men and women to get a home and children.

I don’t really think even today’s women cheat on their men when they don’t respect them really that often, though it has happened at least once that a woman who I thought respected her man offered herself to me. I think domestic misery, divorce, and families that never form are more relevant as fruits of feminism.

Arch Hades says:

Do you have any idea what the shit test actually was.?

jim says:

No. Out of hearing range. They were literally going behind my back.

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