
Communist Lesbian Space Witches

Video and game producers have been going woke and going broke.

Step one: Purchase a deeply loved Intellectual Property with a huge die hard loyal fan base.

Step two: Update it for “modern audiences” — which is to say, stick a chick in it and make it gay.

Step three: Prior to release, tell the die hard loyal fan base they are vile hateful scum who should go away and die, and you hate the intellectual property also.

Step four: No one watches the show or plays the game, because the “modern audience” loves the product so much that they forget to play it or watch it.

Step five: Blame the fans for steps one to four.

“Suicide Squad killed the justice league” is a transsexual spitting on the Justice League IP and Batman.

And finally they have reluctantly noticed. The failure of Buzz Lightyear was blamed by executives on the gay kiss (how terribly homophobic of them🙃).

That they are allowed to notice is Thermidor in video and games.  That they are allowed to notice foreshadows Trump being allowed to be elected.

The share market crashed Ubisoft’s shares because of the poor sales of Star Wars Outlaws and the angry fan reaction to it.

Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are allowed on Youtube. Titans of Youtube versus Disney. And now they are winning, and Disney is capitulating.

Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are 2016 leftism, Trump is 1980s leftism, Putin 1990s leftism, Musk is too smart to be easily pigeon holed. “Despot of Antrim” is a neoreactionary, who somehow gets away with it despite being on Youtube, probably because he is a star wars obsessed nerd who goes on for hours and hours, so that our enemies do not take him seriously.

Fox is the outer wing of uniparty, and in this sense is current year leftism. Nerdrotic outflanks Fox on the right, by not being uniparty. He got left behind by current year leftism when they came out to abolish whiteness. Abolishing whiteness is like “liquidating the Kulaks as a class”. Liquidating kulaks as a class turned out to be liquidating kulaks, what else could it be? And abolishing whiteness will turn out to be abolishing whites, what else could it be?

Nerdrotic on rumble is considerably more political and further to the right than Nerdrotic on Youtube, but still weak sauce. Civil war is polarizing. In the end the choice is likely to be demon worshipping leftists trying to abolish whites, and 1160sThrone and Altar reactionaries unemancipating women, and everyone is going to have to choose one side or the other, but at the moment the strong hand seems to be Thermidor, who don’t much like abolishing whiteness, let alone whites, but want to roll back leftism to somewhere between 2020 and 1980. But Thermidor, being an attempt to roll back leftism a few years, but not too many years, is inevitably fragile and unstable, apt to be torn apart when the decision of just how many years comes up for grabs.

For a long time the video and game producing left has ignored their moderate critics as a tiny shrill minority of hateful misogynic racists. With show after show going down the sink, the investors are telling them to listen. It is entertainment industry’s branch of Thermidor.

The Acolyte is “The Phantom Menace”, which was already poisonously politically correct, updated for “the modern audience”. However, though they updated the events and actors for “the modern audience”, they left out the plot, story, world building, character, motivation, and character development” for heavy handed political tableaus. The tableaus exist for no particular reason other than to stuff some political point down the throats of the audience (example:strong woman leader), They are not rooted in a larger universe, not a natural outcome of the larger world in which they exist — there is no larger world in which they exist, nor are they caused by character motives. The characters are dragged from one tableau to the next for no particular reason. The main character keeps getting knocked out and literally dragged unconscious to the next tableau. The characters have no character development because they have no character nor motivations.  For example strong woman leader Mother Aniseya does not have a backstory, she has a political lecture.

As the representation went up, the game content went down. Outlaws was just Assassins Creed minus most of the gameplay and story plus diversity, equity and inclusion.  The protagonist is a sex changed Hans Solo. Strong ugly girl boss of color protagonist, intended as a female Hans Solo. They motion captured a startlingly beautiful actress with a lovely face and oh wow body shape — and then changed her into an unattractive intersexual mutant. Because male gaze evil. The main character looks like she was made in a lab by a group of feminists who refuse to tell you what a woman is.

Hans Solo was a lovable scoundrel, a very likeable character. Maam Solo is just a scoundrel, in addition to be an ugly androgynous mutant.

The development team behind Star Wars Outlaws have regularly put out hateful abuse against white males. And they will not allow any female character who is not a lot uglier than themselves (chicks instinctively hate competition).  When a video game motion captures a handsome male model, the in game character looks exactly like the model, or a very recognisable cartoon version. When they motion capture a hot female model, the in game character is unrecognisably ugly, androgynous, and sexually intermediate

And suddenly there has been a big change.  The protagonist of Outside In 2 was going to turn gay, and the executives objected, perhaps recalling Buzz Lightyear.  There was a big struggle over this issue, and sanity won.

Activists are being purged across the entertainment industry.  Deadpool and Wolverine came out with white male heroes being allowed to be heroes.  The Penguin with white male antiheroes, and no attempt was made to spit in the fans faces and ram politics down their throats.

But still no one dares realistically depict romance between men and women. no one is admitting what needs to be done, the most “reactionary”, “racist”, ‘anti woke” you tubers are incapable of saying what is forbidden to say. Thus I watch a Youtube channel titled “DEI makes video games DIE”, and they adopt a centrist position somewhere in the middle between the demonic radical leftism that they are condemning, and the maniacal self destructive leftism that they call “extreme right”

Concord, a four hundred million dollar game, whose primary play goal was to promote body positivity for androgynous morbidly obese women, was abandoned two weeks after release, The Acolyte, described by its supporters as “Lesbian Witches in Space”, “Gayest Star Wars ever”, “”Queer with a capital Q”, was not renewed.  Star Wars Outlaws, described by its critics as “Mam Solo” is going to be radically rewritten, and the release of Assassins Creed Shadows is being held back to be rewritten due to the hostile reaction to Star Wars Outlaws.

But still no one can depict men and women acting heterosexually towards each other.  The last show to dare to do that was “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”, twenty forty years ago, and it is still catching flack for that.  That is far too radical for Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker to think such thoughts.

Women killed “The Acolyte”.  Well of course women killed it. If you let women in male sphere activity, they will break stuff and $#!% over everything in an effort to smoke the alpha out of hiding so that he will give them a richly deserved spanking and chain them to his bedroom, kitchen, and nursery, this being the ancestral environment of successful reproduction for women, and male sphere activities not the environment of successful reproduction.

The completely malicious, destructive, and hostile behaviour of the writers, directors, and cast of the Acolyte to the Star Wars intellectual property and the Star Wars fans is completely intelligible when viewed through the lens of evolutionary game theory.

And as for the faggots, well, it is the nature of faggots that they just cannot help rubbing their sexuality in everyone’s face. But mostly, women killed it. If it was primarily faggots killing it, the acting would have been less wooden, and the story line would have tried to make sense. The writers of The Acolyte and Star Wars Outlaws were deliberately malicious and destructive, consciously seeking to drive the fans away.  Similarly, Snow White. (Now Snow Brown).  Faggots love to rub their sexual preference in everyone’s face, but I don’t thin that was the primary motivation in the attempted ruining of Inside Out 2.  I think they just wanted to piss on the fans.

Women are wonderful at being women. They are very bad at being men. Since the cast, director, writers, and all that were primarily childless women, naturally they behaved in a manner that in the ancestral environment would soon result in them ceasing to be childless, but in our environment is not working any more, because the alpha cannot get away with the spanking and the chaining.  It is inherent in the nature of women that if you give single childless women power roles in a male sphere activity, they will ruin everything.

244 comments Communist Lesbian Space Witches

Pax Imperialis says:

Some might have reluctantly realized the problem, but years of scheduled production is pretty much set in momentum. A quick look at tv promos and movie trailers for upcoming productions shows that entertainment is still largely designed with the woke gaze in mind. Going see a lot more failures, some more massive flops as well.

Rings of Power got a second season. It’s still bad.
40K is still getting pozzed.
The next Elder Scrolls appears to be set in Hammerfell. I expect this to be met with much media howling over people not liking fantasy Africa.
CDPR appears to have gone woke, although it looks like the early stage of diversity.

jim says:

> years of scheduled production is pretty much set in momentum

Reports from inside Concord say there was a culture of “Toxic Positivity”. If you doubted the game was great and the direction was correct, if you doubted the existence of the “modern audience” you were sexist, racist, and misogynist. Similarly play testing, focus group testing and all that. “Tiny shrill minority of haters”

> Rings of Power got a second season. It’s still bad.
> 40K is still getting pozzed.

Thermidor is not in power yet, but it has enough power that at least some executives have gotten away with noticing. Not very long ago it would not have been thinkable or speakable to attribute the failure of Buzz Lightyear to the gay kiss, or to object to turning the protagonist of “Inside Out 2” gay.

And it still not thinkable to depict heterosexual romantic interactions as engaging in the inherently asymmetric and unequal mating dance. It still unthinkable and unimaginable to depict romance and courtship realistically. And Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are incapable of noticing this or mentioning it.

Ryan says:

Aside from Temple of Doom, what are some films / shows / anime /whatever which realistically depict male female interactions?

jim says:


The Cominator says:

Film Noir 40s movies maybe, a great deal of 50s movie are censored so badly it makes them terrible. Not woke censored but censored nonetheless in a way to make them morality tales. What do you find realistic about anything in them?

The Cominator says:

Note this is not some weird 1950s bashing the music from the 1950s is sublimely good… but old movies from the 1940s are in general so so much better than movies from the 1950s its almost like comparing movies from the 80s and 90s to movies today. The drop off in quality wasn’t that dramatic but it was close…

skippy says:

Spaghetti Westerns?

I actually like a lot of 70s cinema, since while the rot had certainly set in by then it had not yet won control over all the studios, just as Western society was quite rotten in the 90s and 00s but game studios were still largely free, especially smaller studios.

The Cominator says:

I like 70s movies too they are gritty and realistic. The 50s movies were in most cases (not all) really censored and setup as morality tales for some reason. Morality tales generally do not make for good movies or tv.

jim says:

Not seeing it. How, for example, is “Bridge over the River Kwai” pushing a morality tale. What is its moral message?

“A streetcar named desire”. Blanche’s sexual immorality blows her chances of getting a husband, and she really is not competent to make a living except some man supports her. (Stanley is less than thrilled by supporting her.) but obviously that is not the primary point of the movie. How is it a morality tale?

If there is any morality there, it is that sponging of men while being moved by inappropriate desire is not a sound life strategy. But this is not a morality tale, it is just the background for tension between the characters. I mean Blanche is a nice person, and people around her do not want bad things to happen to her. But bad things do happen, and it is not really Stanley’s fault. It is basically a chick flick that neglects to tell chicks they are wonderful. The romantic tension was Mitch and Blanche. and the obvious happy ending was for Mitch to marry Blanche, thus getting her off Stanley’s hands, and get on with happily ever aftering, but assorted dark secrets that Blanche wound up with got in the way. It is not a morality tale, it is a story of people.

Mitch was a nice guy who loved Blanche — and was the only man not banged by Blanche. Obviously if she had banged him, and no one else, everything would have been fine for her.

“The lady and the tramp”. There are bad guys and good guys, but if anything it is anti morality tale. It is as if Blanche’s sexual conduct worked out great for her.

“High Noon” How is this a morality tale?

“Gunfight at the OK corral”. Ditto. How is this a morality tale. Doc Holiday is a killer who is tolerated by Wyatt conditional on good behaviour because he needs another gun, Laura is a professional gambler. Doc is one of the good guys, he just has this little character failing of killing people and endangering people’s lives rather too easily. Wyatt Earp is the lawman, a good guy, a hero, and the major protagonist, and he tolerates Laura’s criminal misconduct because she is a hot chick, and Doc Holiday’s lethally criminal behaviour because he needs a brave man who is good with a gun.

“Dial M for murder” Another anti morality tale. Margot deserves death for cheating on her husband, Tony for blackmailing Margot. Tony gets what he deserves, but Margot, unlike Blanche, suffers no consequences.

The Cominator says:

High noon was extremely boring and without remembering much of it I got the impression it was a morality tale. I really don’t like most 1950s Westerns in general, Shane was an exception (I like that one Jack Palance in particular is great) and from what I’ve seen of the show “Maverick” the writing was actually really really good. Haven’t seen Gunfight at the Okay Corral (I have seen the more modern Tombstone movie the one where Val Kilmer portrays Doc Holiday many many times). I do like the 70s Clint Eastwood Westerns.

I honestly haven’t seen Bridge Over the River Kwai, though I’m sure it if anything massively downplays how brutal the Japanese were towards their prisoners as showing routine graphic torture and murder as well as just kind of not feeding people (or not feeding them very much) is not something you could do to a mass market audience in the 1950s. The Deer Hunter alone (though it was depicting the NVA prison camps) probably comes close to depicting something like a realistically super cruel prison camp. But that is kind of my point in the 1970s you could show something like the Deer Hunter (with realistically brutal sadistic POW guards) you couldn’t show anything close to that in the 1950s (and really haven’t been able to show anything quite like it since).

Streetcar Named Desire was alright but the plot wasn’t to please some Hayes office hack (when I see old movies from the 1950s I’m sorry but I get this impression a lot) as it was written originally as a play. Now On the Waterfront had a lot of morality tale elements but they actually made it good. You had to like the scene in the car where he was lamenting the fact his own brother had informed him he had to take a dive in a fight that would have given him a shot at the title.

jim says:

All about Eve. Eve is a wicked manipulative woman who does evil in the way that women do evil. She succeeds. Not a morality tale, because she gets what she wants.

Illustrates the difference between female evil and male evil as in “this is what you should watch out for”. She fails to seduce one of her targets because he sees through her, so there is a morality element in the sense of “this is what evildoing by women looks like. Don’t get caught”. But, by and large, the characters do get caught, and Eve becomes a movie star, which is what she wants.

Cloudswrest says:

What do you think of “The Searchers”?

The Cominator says:

Haven’t seen it. As a general rule (much like Tarantino) I like 70s Westerns more than 50s one. And there was a lot of shit they could do in 70s movies they really couldn’t do before or since. You couldn’t have the good guy do this in movies before OR since…

jim says:

Your link is high plains drifter, 1970s: The protagonist rapes the chick, which is obviously what she was looking for — but they then do not get together, which is also obviously what she was looking for, while in McLintock, the characters beat miscreant women, then wind up happily married. You may well say that the beating represents more censorship than the raping, but the beatings were graphic while the rape was merely implied, so I would say less censorship of what actually matters, and McLintock represents this as a successful mating dance, while the drifter’s rape just represents him taking no crap. So: Mating dance truthfully rendered in full in the McLintock, hinted at but not rendered in full in High Plains Drifter. The rape is represented as punitive, which obviously it was not. The beatings in McLintock were punitive.

McLintock is Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”, set in the old west. You say “censorship”, but if you cannot do “The taming of the shrew”, that is more censorship, not less, and it is censorship of what really matters.

The rape in High Plains drifter fails to challenge the official truth that women are never looking for rape, and therefore it is never their fault. The drifter acts and speaks as though he believes it, though obviously it was unlikely to entirely convince the audience.

The Cominator says:

All about Eve is 1950 so almost in the 1940s era (and lots of 1940s movies weren’t morality tales), also its not a mating dance movie either as Eve main objective is to shiv the well known but post wall actress and take her place.

The Cominator says:

I guess also in that sense the Noir movies are morality tales because it doesn’t (at least that I can remember) workout for the bad guys. But they have an atmosphere of cynicism, 50s movies most of the time have a G rated atmosphere.

40s movies otoh… gotta love the Noir movies.

Cloudswrest says:

If your really want to watch a politically incorrect movie, even by contemporary 1960s standards, watch Africa Addio (directors cut, not the American hack edit “Africa – Blood and Guts” ).

Here’s Roger Ebert being offended,

“Africa Addio” is a brutal, dishonest, racist film. It slanders a continent and at the same time diminishes the human spirit. And it does so to entertain us.

There’s one segment where a band of White mercenaries defeats a whole platoon of Africans.

It also contains perhaps only the only footage of the genocide of Arabs and Indians in Tanzania during communist uprising there.

The “South Africa” segment is pretty cool too.

“Cape Town” segment:

The Cominator says:

“There’s one segment where a band of White mercenaries defeats a whole platoon of Africans.”

So like something that happened about 1000x in the Rhodesian war.

Nikolai says:

Highly recommend McLintock, Once Upon a Time in America and The Apartment

The Cominator says:

The Director’s Cut of Once Upon a Time in America is good, I didn’t like the original movie.

jim says:

> CDPR appears to have gone woke, although it looks like the early stage of diversity.

Early stage diversity rapidly grows into late stage diversity, unless purged with a strong hand.

Attempts to have moderate diversity are unstable, they must break left or right. It is a slippery slope. The only alternative to falling all the way down is climbing all the way up, something that Thermidor (in which I include Critical Drinker and Nerdotic, but not of course Despot of Antrim) has yet to accept.

Pax Imperialis says:

Oh, I have no doubt it won’t be stable. I give it 5 to 10 years before the tumor metastasizes into full blown broke. They are at the stage of promoting girl programmers over men. Much to the chagrin of local Polish media. Product quality will dip but decline will be manageable until it isn’t. I’m hoping for at least a few last good hurrahs before they start churning out slop.

jim says:

There are some things girl programmers can do quite well, but these tend to be islands in a sea of things that they cannot. And they are invariably socially disruptive, so you have to wall them off from the male programmers. Having girl programmers aboard will destroy the team.

Pax Imperialis says:

Some context about what is happening at CDPR

“Girls in the Game” is a scholarship program aimed exclusively at women (primarily from smaller towns) who dream of working in video game development. As part of it, high school students can receive PLN 12,000 gross to cover the costs of education and development, as well as the opportunity to join a mentoring program with a person responsible for education from the very source of CD PROJEKT RED.


The gaming industry needs talented girls, so we encourage all interested candidates to apply and join the adventure!” – says Agnieszka SzamaÅ‚ek-Michalska – Director of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion at CD PROJEKT RED

>Director of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion

Here we go…

Agnieszka graduated from the University of Warsaw after studying International Public Law, but her true dream was to become a psychologist. After 15 years, she succeeded by earning a Master’s Degree in Psychology! Formerly employed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Polish television industry, Agnieszka began her current career at CD PROJEKT RED as a relocation specialist. During her time at the company, she has experienced a dynamic, developing career path which has seen her create both the HR team, as well as the Internal Communication team. She has always been engaged in women’s rights, and is the founder of the CD PROJEKT Dziewczyny w Grze! mentorship and scholarship program for young girls from smaller towns across Poland. The program aims to introduce and encourage women into the game-development industry, giving them greater representation. Agnieszka is recognized by many as a person who is a wholly empathetic, trustworthy, and people-oriented person.

I’m sure all those parts I bolded are pure coincidence. I’m sure those girls are not being brought onboard because of some things they might do well. 🙃

Here’s some more coincidences. I can find mentions of her being a mother, find profile pictures on her facebook with LGBT flag colors, even Ukraine flags, but seemingly no mention of husband or being married.

Bonus coincidence, spot the Hijab? The poster girl of “Girls in the Game” from smaller town Poland. Poland is supposedly less than .1% Muslim and they managed to find the ~.025% diversity for front and center.

It appears a lot of this stuff started around 2021, at the very least post Witcher 3. You can see it in the character models. Probably has 5 to 10 more years to run its course. This could just be me optimistically hoping to get one last Witcher/Cyberpunk game from them but either way all signs point to bad places for the developer.

Neurotoxin says:

Agnieszka All Along

Upravda says:

Girl programmers that can do well are invariably of two kinds:
1. Either young ones who somehow managed to avoid being too woke and emancipated, and those always find a husband at workplace.
2. Or those who are already happily married to a good and strong man and have at least two kids.

Both those categories are not disruptive on the workplace, and tend to be pretty looking and of kind character.

All the others can not do well in programming, are disruptive, total bitches, and mostly… not pretty, although even among them one can find a quite looker here and there. Always unmarried or divorced. Always.

Varna says:

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was *40 years ago*. As the mem says “that face when ten years ago was twenty years ago”.

A week ago in the shower I suddenly realized in a deep way that yes, they divided up society along neo-Mussolini lines into “guilds” but defined by “identity”, and yes one of these classes is not like the others, one of those classes is indeed “kulaks” who “hoard resources, sabotage progress, and are natural allies to our foreign enemies” and therefore need to be subjected to “dekulakization”, and liquidated as a class so that collectivist utopia manifests.

It was just clever-sounding irony before that to me, before the sudden deep understanding descended that this is exactly what it is. A neo-Mussolini neo-Leninist “technocrat” matrix just below all the anal and racial jibber-jabber.

There’s a demonic pseudo-Aztec core pulsating deep down in the wells of Moria, but one the level of political matrixes it’s this.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Concord, a four hundred million dollar game

That figure doesn’t include cost of advertising or Sony’s acquisition of the studio.

jim says:

That is the all up everything cost. Probably the most expensive game ever. Which tells me they had dei engineerettes working on it.

Pax Imperialis says:

There are many costs beyond just the development. I’m seeing a reported budget for the game from inside the studio. I’m not seeing how much was spent by the larger Sony ecosystem. Who footed the investment for those Concord themed PS5 controllers? An insignificant cost sure, but then you factor in management costs. How many billable hours did Japanese HQ spend to coordinated/monitor/etc with their far flung American studio? I would not be surprised if all investment costs were somehow calculated, the number would rise a lot.

That’s not even getting into all the externalities. How much is the game going to continue to cost Sony into the future? Are those developers still getting paid? How much does it cost to close down a studio? How much paperwork is this going to cost Japanese HQ when they do their inevitable case study on why this failed? How much is cleaning house going to cost? Reputational damage cost? Is anyone ever going to buy the PS5 with its near non-existent platform exclusives?

I didn’t express my point well in my first post, but I think there is solid reason to believe the numbers are higher.

I did find the Japanese reported hopes to be funny. They though the game would be like Star Wars in terms of profitability… they weren’t exactly wrong.

Jamesthe1st says:

it is interesting on this topic to look at what has been successful in recent years. In games we have the examples of Minecraft and Factorio.

Minecraft was made mostly by one dude back in the day. He sold the IP to I believe Microsoft and made a large amount of money. They disassociated from Notch when it turns out he holds right wing views on immigration. It’s still a big IP today, none of the AAA games can replicate its success.

Factorio is interesting it’s a stealth right wing game and has also been very successful. The game has you colonizeing a planet full of hostile native bugs that want to destory your factory and kill you. There is no making peace with these enemies, only endless war until you can totally dominate and build a defense of the base. Your goal is to build a factory and develop technology so you can build a rocket to get back home. It’s a very well developed game and it brings out lots of engineering creativity.
The lead dev is interesting, he’s a Czech and is cucked on Ukriane But he defended one of his software guys after it came out that other guy was posting wrongthink about the competance of women in software on a personal blog. He stood up to the leftist mob and has seemingly no damage.

jim says:

This parallels the executives of “Inside Out 2” standing up to the internal mob.

The Cominator says:

Re if Thermidor wants to restore entertainment here’s how reactionary at minimum they need to go.

To restore comedy has to be incredibly incredibly reactionary far more than they want to go. Good comedy has to have a big basis in truth so it must be allowed to be incredibly reactionary. However comedians used to be given a lot more leeway as far as free speech goes as far back at least as the middle ages. Jester’s privilege. If they want comedy back have to allow for jester’s privilege.

As far as everything else, nobody wants to see homosexuality (except to make fun of) or fat people (except also to make fun of) on screen. Nothing can be a left wing morality tale people hate those. Action girls can be done in an okay way that normies like (the Battlestar Galactica remake had an almost all male audience and the vast majority of them were easily won over to Kara Thrace’s character) but girlbosses are hard to do in a way people like because people in general don’t like girlbosses mostly because most people have bad experiences with having to take orders from women at some stage in their development irl. Danerys was popular (before they ruined her) because she didn’t actually want to be a girlboss she was put in a horrible situation where she had no choice.

Note I’m not saying that we would want action girls (except as a campy b movie type parody where chicks with big tits fight each other in spandex or 80s hybrid lingerie and armor) I’m saying its possible to make good entertainment with action girls.

jim says:

Kick Ass being the absolute classic action girl done right.

The Cominator says:

Not familiar with her, but as far as characters who aren’t one dimensional video game characters (Samus Aran, Lara Croft… with most people not finding out Samus was a woman till years later) Kara Thrace/Starbuck probably set the record for winning over male fans. And it was originally controversial to make her a woman because the character in the much campier original series was a man… they weren’t going for political correctness though because they also recast a black guy character Tigh as a white guy… though Tigh was a character you generally weren’t supposed to like. In fact one reason Starbuck became popular quickly is she punched him in one of the very first scenes (and he was a superior officer).

They also made it a point that she wasn’t very good at girlbossing though. BSG also had one of the most perfectly demented and hatable girlboss characters ever (who was sort of on the good guys side) in Admiral Cain.

The Cominator says:

> Well they survived so they must have won the battle
Even if they did the thing is the Cylons can replace losses while the humans could not

Pax Imperialis says:

>BSG also had one of the most perfectly demented and hatable girlboss characters ever

Ha! You just told me you aren’t aware of current year girlboss characters.

The Cominator says:

I don’t watch current year anything unless highly recommended because its so so bad. The BSG remake despite some pozzed elements was really good for its 1st two seasons then the writers strike (the writers back then some of them were actually good) happened…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Cold feet’ is a defining characteristic of the ‘thermidorean’ personality type.

They have cold feet about the latest leftist advances to abolish whites. They have cold feet about the latest leftist advances to judge in favor of most dysfunctional demographic membership over ‘the content of your character’. They also have cold feet over throne and altar. they have cold feet over unemancipating women.

They have cold feet over everything that was not the state of affairs yesterday. The state of affairs yesterday, whatever else it may be, was something that existed; so in this regard it is at the very least categorically more adaptive than the true-blue daemonhost’s attempts to overturn existence itself with unreality; the triumphal murder-suicide of immanent leftist eschaton.

Contaminated NEET says:

Thermidor are losers, and it’s appropriate that Jim named them after losers, because they are definitely, definitely going to lose. Demon-possessed fanatics with monomaniacal fury in their eyes and total certainty of the own righteousness in their hearts vs. comfortable rich men with timid eyes who believe in their own hearts that said demon-possessed fanatics are their moral betters: Thermidor is a sucker’s bet.

Jimmy says:

Yep. The world properly belongs to fanatics.

A2 says:

Standing athwart history yelling stop? (Without much effect, I’m afraid.)

Contaminated NEET says:

Every new thing I learn about Billy Buckley makes me despise him more. He was a pretentious midwit who genuinely thought his fancy degree and Mr. Howell accent made him a great thinker.

A2 says:

Over the years, Buckley seemed more and more like controlled opposition. I can’t say I followed him closely though.

His son Christopher seems even more cucked, it should be said.

When WFB died, in 2008, I found in his study, more cluttered than King Tut’s tomb, a file cabinet bursting to the seams, labeled “Vidal Legal.” Into the dumpster it went, and I still remember the sigh of relief upon heaving it in.

WFB’s body was still warm (I exaggerate only slightly) when Vidal rendered his obsequies: “RIP WFB—in hell.” It was a thorny wreath indeed that he laid on the grave: “a world-class liar,” “a hysterical queen.” I got the hell and liar bits, but I’m still scratching my noggin over “hysterical queen.” As my college-age son would say, “Whatever.”

Vidal also took pains in that valedictory to call me “creepy” and “brain-dead.” Who am I to disagree?

Who indeed. And I do wonder what sort of pictures were in that cabinet. While I have admittedly enjoyed Vidal’s essays, e.g., I seem to recall among others a quite sympathetic interview with Timothy McVeigh, he was one of those thousand-partner homos. Oh well, no opportunity too large to be wasted, eh, Chris?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When people say ‘the outer party are gatekeepers who ensure the excesses of whigs yesterday are cemented in stone tomorrow’, Cuckley is the archetypical example.

A2 says:

Ah yes, I should add re: Vidal, though it’s really inevitable, isn’t it?

(Not locked: )

But Vidal was interesting not for his perversions but for being well-esconced in the establishment, yet also brutally critical of it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Sher Singh says:

Claims to show Judaism populations arose after 1000 ad along frontiers between Islam and Christianity.

Series claims Islam is Non Trinitarian Christianity that slowly forgot its Aramaic roots and invented the figure of Mohammed to fill in the gaps.

jim says:

Modern Judaism has clear theological roots in second temple Phariseeism, albeit the written Talmud dates to the sixth century of our lord, well after the second temple fell. Mohammed was a real person.

Everyone likely to rewrite the history of every religion they do not like to give its holy books and history an unreasonably and improbably late date and erase its founding figures. It is bullshit when they try to date the Gospels to after the fall of the temple, and it is bullshit when they deny the historicity of Mohammed.

skippy says:

“Series claims Islam is Non Trinitarian Christianity that slowly forgot its Aramaic roots and invented the figure of Mohammed to fill in the gaps.”

Islam is Judaism for Arabs that was then wallpapered over with Byzantine Christianity (indeed, non-Trinitarian, probably because Judaism is non-Trinitarian) after the Arabs realized that the Jews were swindling them, see: Hagarism. Why Christianity? Because they had conquered Byzantine territory that was mostly Christian, not Jewish.

Zorost says:

All of which wallpapered over a base of paganism. To this day, most Arabs aren’t smart enough to view the world in a non-pagan way. e.g., their highest holy act is to circle around a black rock that fell from the sky… They also still believe a lot of other weird superstitious stuff not found in any written theology.

white bread says:

Pagans are [*deleted*]

jim says:

European Paganism no longer exists, and neopagans are bunch of pansies and wiccans.

You cannot be an old type pagan, unless you can trace your lineage in the male line by legitimate patrilineal descent or adoption by a man who has legitimate patrilineal descent from your gods, and old type european paganism went decadent and demonic (hence the faggotry and witchcraft of modern neopagans) when people could no longer trace their patrilineal legitimate descent back to their gods.

Paganism was walking dead, and Christianity was expanding into a vacuum.

jim says:

“You that have Vichy water in your veins and worship the event
Your goddess History (whom your fathers called the strumpet Fortune).”

Aryaman says:

There are some ambitious Hindu wordcels who have theories about resurrecting paganism in Europe but among brahmins at least, and some others, an unbroken line of ancestor worship still exists (and of these some small number that have maintained their ancestral fires, though exigencies of modern life mean this is rare).

I’m really a great friend of Christianity and the entire project of this commentariat, but recently had a son and was blessed with the opportunity to perform a ritual commemorating the fact that the first son of the first son of the first son of the first son of X are all on earth at once, and when great grandfather met great grandson, a serene speechlessness on his face reminded me there is something special to this way of life.

skippy says:

“All of which wallpapered over a base of paganism. To this day, most Arabs aren’t smart enough to view the world in a non-pagan way”

What is instructive about the Arab experience is that when they realized their Jewish handlers were not their friends they were forced to turn to the priests of the land they conquered to help them construct a new religion, i.e. the Byzantine Christian priests and scholars. Probably, the Quran is derivative of a 1st millennium Christian wisdom book. The conquerors held all the power, but needed a new religion from men of ideas and writing.

Isaac says:

The latest Final Fantasy 14 expansion, Dawntrail released this summer, seems to have fallen for this somewhat. After Endwalker in 2021, I thought the Japanese studio was immune to the woke influence, but alas.
The story has a retiring King setting up a contest between 4 claimants to see who will succeed the throne. One is a biological son, two are adopted children of a different fantasy race, and the last is of no relation but won a tournament. We have: The warrior, the bully, the science nerd, and the girl who says she will solve foreign relations by.. being kind. But also she is a great leader or will learn to be one somehow, because she really wants to.
The game forces us to spend all our time following around the adopted nice girl (Wuk Lamat) who ends up winning and becoming the next leader, of course. After she wins, she invites the science nerd to rule beside her as co-ruler, leaving the Warrior (the only biological son of the former king) and the Bully behind.
The first 20-30 hours of the game are spent following Wuk around like a lost puppy, while we visit various parts of fantasy not-Mexico, learn about their culture, solve a minor problem for them, and then think about how great diversity is.
Wuk is one of the most disliked protagonist in this FF game, and probably all FF games. The Japanese did a poll of the top 10 characters from the game, and Wuk, who we follow around for 40-50 hours and who inserts herself into everything, didn’t make it.
To make matters worse, in English, Wuk is voiced by a tranny white male from California. So we have a white male trying to sound like a latin female, failing at both aspects. The force is just so much worse than others, it’s jarring, but people are afraid to criticize it.
I’m not sure I’m explaining how steep the dropoff is, the last two expansions from 2019 and 2021 were gripping writing, for a video game, exploring philosophical themes of existence, creation, etc.. and now we are going from town to town learning about their culture and talking about diversity.
The official reason is that the head writer was promoted to management, and someone else stepped in and took over the writing, but maybe that’s the way it goes. The old guard gets replaced with younger people who grew up in woke culture and are like a fish who can’t see the water around them? Even reddit hates the expansion:

However, this was not a commercial failure like concord. Mostly people put up with the story aspects and are coping by saying the non-story aspects make up for it this time around, and the game itself has a good track record and has built up good will over the years. But maybe if there are a few of these in a row, it will start to suffer.

Contaminated NEET says:

> To make matters worse, in English, Wuk is voiced by a tranny white male from California

I listened to that clip you linked, and my god, is it ever bad. I can imagine the awkward silences and knowing glances among the employees, probably the majority, who could see it was awful but were prudent enough to keep quiet about it. I bet not one person spoke up about the naked emperor. I can’t judge too harshly; I’ve been in similar meetings.

Adam says:

Space Marines 2 (warhammer 40k game) came out recently and is pretty based. Most of the marines are white and I’ve only come across one warrior princess in the campaign and she was pretty low status and only around for just a minute. All the priests and commanders are all white men.

Anonymous Fake says:

I’ll believe Our Guys are in power when [*deleted for saying “our guys”. Take the shill test*]

Big Brutha says:

The issue with Thermidor, as you noted, is that it is inherently unstable.

Turkish president ErdoÄŸan once said “Democracy is like a tram. You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off.”

Democracy (the tram) is the publicly acceptable face of leftism and in this context, is precisely what Thermidor is trying to do. They want to stop the movement of leftism at a particular location (set of conditions they find acceptable) and get off the tram (prevent the tram from continuing.)

The problem is that democracy isn’t actually like a tram. Democracy is a waterslide. It has no brakes. There is no way to really stop anywhere. The further you go, the faster you go because you are traveling along an ever-steepening grade.

But Thermidor still believes it is on a tram and it can just stop and get off. That is a mistake and why Thermidor is unstable. The pressure is all moving one way and Thermidor has to resist it with tremendous effort just to remain in place. One little nudge and it is back to sliding ever lefter, ever faster.

The reality is, if you want to stop moving permanently you have to stop the flow of water. Which means its no longer a waterslide. For purposes of this example, it’s no longer democracy. The hard part is you have to do it while sliding. Which means it’s very likely to take an incredible amount of violent effort, probably to try to break a hole through the side of the slide to let the water drain out or break two of the sections of the slide apart.

In other words, you can either ride the democracy waterslide into the leftist singularity or you can dismantle the democratic waterslide. But you can’t keep riding and hope to stop. And if you stop and try to hold in place without cutting off the flow of water you are going to find that very very hard indeed.

But…you might HAVE to try to do that before you can try to break a hole in the slide or break sections of it apart, or heaven forbid, try to climb back up to the top of the slide to shut off the water.

FrankNorman says:

If that were true, the Democrats would not have needed to rig the 2020 election.
While a small subset of the population want to go lefter and lefter, normal people do not. Normal people want physical safety, jobs, food on the table, relationships, etc etc.

jim says:

We have been going lefter and lefter for two centuries and it has never been what normal people want.

Ever more drastic measures were needed to manage politics and the vote. What is happening now is a change of degree, not of kind. Election rigging jumped the shark in 2020, but this is just one measure of a lot of measures, notably the management of speech, each of which has been steadily getting more extreme for two centuries.

Anon says:

The only game I followed religiously was the Metal Gear Solid series after it and especially after Kojima left Konami I stoped following games. Today games are not bad due to woke but they are technically bad. It seem it is prerequisite to have conan the barbarian mentality about life and war to produce quality games.

Bouncer says:

There are plenty that were/are bad due to wokeness as well though, from the one by that twat that kicked off the whole GamerGate thing by sleeping with the “journalist” in exchange for positive articles, to the recent Overwatch ripoff that included obese black lesbians and choosing your pronouns (though it flopped after less than a week apparently, despite 8 years of development).

A2 says:

Not just one journalist either. I seem to recall it was half a dozen in total (though not at the same time).

Upravda says:

Situation is somewhat better among indie games. I, being Linux user, am mostly constrained to indie games, be those native or playable on Steam Deck. However, watch out even those, since companies such as Sweet Baby Inc can turn a proverbial barrel of fine wine to sewage with even one drop of a dreck. Luckily, we do have a curator named Sweet Baby Inc Detected which has already invoked the woke anger, but it seems that Mr. Newell does not give a damn, refusing to be converged. For now.

Regarding hollywood movies, situation is hopeless, and it pulled along almost all national cinematographies of the world. I think the last good modern hollywood movie I watched was The Passengers. After that, I watched only Avatar 2, out of morbid curiosity. It was not actually so bad I expected, because being, surprisingly, quite patriarchal, but still not good overall.

There is numerically humble Russian production of mostly good movies, but it has become increasingly difficult to find subtitles in Croatian or Serbian.

Varna says:

Hollywoodski-style spectacle films, from the final 4-5 years before the pandemic and then the war. But, of course, made for like $3-4 million, as opposed to $300 – 400 million.

The Blackout
Some good designer choices, like the alien ship slowly descending around 1h.50min, and possibly the best modern lovemaking scene, before we’re five minutes in; short, alienated and synthetic yet pathetically sincere, like something out of Blade Runner’82.

Beyond the Edge
Starts like a disjointed heist film with Antonio Banderas cameos, turns into Inception.

Coma 2019
Could not find this in English, but here it is in Hindu for our swarthy friends. Nice chase scene after around the 7-minute mark.

Legend of Kolovrat 2017 Can’t find the film in English or even Hindu, so just the trailer. Swords and horses and Asiatic hordes, kind of “300” vibe.

All in all a delightful B-movie peak, which will probably not make a comeback for a decade, the way things are going.

Upravda says:

Heya, thanks for info. I’ll surely take a look, and no, I do not want to watch any movie, be that hollywoodski, Russian or wuxia, in any other language but the original one, with subtitles.

My youger son recently found himself fascinated with tanks, thanks to T-34 and White Tiger. Now I have to find some game with tanks for local multiplayer, and Battlezone remake does not work for some unknown reason. 🙁

The Cominator says:

If I may ask a blackpilled question… is Western white civilization too far gone to be saved at this point without going through a dark age and reconquering from some far nothern artic hellscape no brown will go too.

Look at people around you… especially since covid everyone (including ourselves) are just a little bit down the behavioral sink. Most people are far more down it then the rest of us. Biologically our countries are contaminated… none of this in my opinion is very easily reversed at this point even with a wise autocrat in charge.

jim says:

The one problem that has to be solved is social and legal support for the natural relationship between men and women.

Fidelis says:

It’s already dead. Whatever comes next is not going to be like 886 or 1660. Too many of the underlying fundamentals have changed.

The kingdom cum nationstate ordering principles were from a world where mobility was low, information and trade expensive, resources more zero sum. Our worldview has also fundamentally shifted after the discovery of more of our past and inner workings. I expect there to be some sort of throne and altar, because the forces of human nature that demand throne and altar have not changed, but I don’t believe the coming states will resemble the past much beyond that.

jim says:

> from a world where mobility was low, information and trade expensive, resources more zero sum.

Resources were not zero sum — war horses and armour are not something that is found in the jungle, such that one person can have more only if another person has less.

Mobility makes a difference, but the hordes of Genghis Khan were exceedingly mobile, and the founding basis of his empire was to ensure that merchants on the Silk Road only got taxed once, and got security in return, instead of being shaken down by one hundred bandit Kinglets. The Empires of the Dutch and British East India companies were world spanning mobility.

And as for information, we have more, but information about human nature and information about social technology is what matters for the social order, and most of the important information about human nature and social technology is ancient.

King Alfred looted Roman law, the examples of the Holy Roman empire. and the old Testament to remake Saxon law and custom, and we will be in shoes not very different from his.

Fidelis says:

The scale is simply different when it comes to how goods are developed now. It used to make far more sense to compete over land rights in order to get more tax money. Now most goods have to do with networks of human capital, and commodities still are not that expensive despite the decay of the real world economy. Now you really want to capture human capital networks, before you wanted to capture as much valuable physical space as you could tax. I see this as a move towards less zero sum thinking, but I see how semantically that could be confusing. I also understand there existed these capital networks before, I just believe the scale is weighted so much more towards the network power laws that the logic of resource provision has changed.

>Mobility makes a difference
The mobility I’m thinking of is gene flow, and your are making my case mentioning the tribes of the steppe. They were only superficially like the kingdoms cum nations of Europe past. The mongols a, temporarily, cohesive tribe organizing a vast mutliethnic empire barely held together. This is not really comparable to what Alfred was doing in England, despite converging on similar practical forms of management. The actual human components in the set of ‘subjects to the mongol khan’ looked far different and evolved in a far different way than ‘subjects to Louix VII’. A civilization is composed of humans and families and folkways, and all these are not going to return to the status quo we found in the world that produced modernity, as populations are no longer settled in very specific modes of gathering resources and forming family. Even returning to coverture, the physical and human network space between tribes and ethnes is no longer there, they are going to mix, or at the very least experience meme transfer the same way bacteria transfer rings of DNA.

It is entirely about velocity and volume. Communication is non-local, at least on the planet, in regards to human timescales. You can see and hear another human on the exact opposite side of the planet, with negligible latency. It’s very hard to say what comes out of humans fully adapted to internet use, but for one it means you aren’t deliving letters physically, which greatly changes how power can operate. Cheap printed type was responsible for the nationstate, as now you could share a national tongue and propagate national memes to form the synthetic tribe to a much larger spread of people. The jump between medieval pamphlets and radio, let alone the modern internet, implies the optimal structure for creating and evolving synthetic tribes has shifted. This is going to have important effects on the nature of how human power manifests in reality.

So what does stay the same, is throne and altar. Need one guy who can act as the final say in group behavior. Also need an agreed upon set of norms to coordinate the tribe. What doesn’t stay the same is what the kings fight over, the biological realities of the humans composing the synthetic tribe, and the physical composition of power networks. These are open questions, and the answers are going to be different to the answers that produced the civilization that got us to these questions.

jim says:

> A civilization is composed of humans and families and folkways, and all these are not going to return to the status quo we found in the world that produced modernity

Every Chestertonian fence has come down, but we remember how modernity used to work. We will have to build new Chestertonian fences, which will not look exactly like the old, like the Renaissance rediscovering Greek and Roman civilisation from old books and ancient ruins. I am making a small start towards recreating the corporate form on the blockchain.

Fidelis says:

like the Renaissance rediscovering Greek and Roman civilisation

This is exactly what I’m getting at. They were not Greeks and Romans. The genes were different, the family structures and rituals different, the economics on the ground different. Yet, they were far closer in methods and means of physical existence than we are to 1660. Whatever comes next, and it may come in as short of time as a generation or as long as a century, is not going to be what existed in ~800-1800 Europe. There will be constants, but it will be an entirely new civilization nonetheless.

I am making a small start towards recreating the corporate form on the blockchain

Yes exactly. The power dynamics of a structure composed of contracts in digital form, living in the internet hyperspace, are going to be only vaguely comparable to the corporate structures of the past. The dynamics will breed new people, new modes of cooperation, and finally new cultures.

Imagine the difference between a civilization with writing, and a civilization composed only of humans that can form chains of communication through word of mouth. Now extrapolate to a civilization composed of lightspeed communication, and very soon a ‘living’ knowledge base that can record not just text but at least a bit of the spirit of the text itself. The complaint Plato once made through Socrates, that text cannot engage in dialog, is no longer fully true. If things progress, will certainly be overcome.

This is all well before we enter the territory of more deliberate selective breeding, using statistical methods once discovered by Galton but heretofore left lying in the gutter, and any sort of gene reading or direct editing. Wherever we are going, only vague comparisons can be made. Just as only vague comparisons can be made between the forms of being and governance expressed by Chingus and Richard III.

jim says:

> The power dynamics of a structure composed of contracts in digital form, living in the internet hyperspace, are going to be only vaguely comparable to the corporate structures of the past

Not if they are done right. If you want to implement seventeenth century corporate capitalism, you implement dao shares that work like seventeenth century corporate shares, and if they do not work like seventeenth century corporate shares, you mucked up.

The big problem is that if they do work like seventeenth century corporate shares, that is arguably illegal under the Howey test, but such things do not much worry people on blockchains.

Capital is still capital, enterprise is still enterprise, and capital that consists of mindspace and network relationships is the stuff that has always been a book keeping entry under the title “goodwill”. I have put a fair bit of time and thought into this design. If things work out as designed, what actually happens in practice is going to be very similar to what happened in the publicly traded joint stock limited liability company back in the days when capitalism was fairly functional, even though details of how this is accomplished are fundamentally different. People are not going to worry about the internal details of the joint stock machinery, provided it just works the way people expect. People are people. Give them a tool that can accomplish a purpose, they are going to use it much as they use another tool that can accomplish that same purpose.

Fidelis says:

Who was investing in the VOC? A collection of Brazillians, Japanese, Arabs, Chinese, Russians and Englishmen? Who was supplying the manpower for the VOC management? What corporate forms interfaced with the VOC? From which countries?

The details are sufficiently different to consider the resulting product as a wholly different form, despite similarities in purpose and ultimately management. Much will remain the same, as it is already quite optimal and as you say, people are people, yet much will be rather incomparable. I don’t think we disagree here, I think we are emphasizing different parts of the same concept. I see a river that has shifted hundreds of miles from its original course, and creating entirely new ecosystems where it has landed, and so say “we have a similar but new river”, and you, not incorrectly, say “still yet the same river, all the important components remain.” Nothing but minute semantic differences and emphases on different aspects.

So I declare, the civilization that existed in Europe ~800-1800AD, is no longer with us, despite leaving us many gifts with which to build the next one. To which you respond, “those gifts are the civilization, to build from them is continuity.”

jim says:

> the civilization that existed in Europe ~800-1800AD, is no longer with us, despite leaving us many gifts with which to build the next one. To which you respond, “those gifts are the civilization, to build from them is continuity.”

Quite so.

Russia had forgotten how to do capitalism, and foolishly imported postmodern capitalism. Under Putin, they were moving back to capitalism, and since the tentacles of Globohomo voluntarily retracted, have been moving back to capitalism a whole lot faster. And simultaneously, Putin is restoring the state Church. Is the great Cathedral not continuity with the Cathedrals of the past?

The Chinese communist party erased China’s past. Now they are remembering it. Is this not continuity. They fumbling their way, confusedly and in a half assed fashion, with quite alarming swerves along the way, back to a mandarinate and the mandate of heaven.

jim says:

> What corporate forms interfaced with the VOC?

Obvious, the DAO I hope to write will work like the old corporate forms.

What happened was that the Dutch and King Charles the Second implemented essentially the same corporate form, and the whole world imitated them. And now the whole world has drifted away from them. On the blockchain, it is possible to emulate the real original thing without relying on the power of the state — indeed the Howey test means it would have to be done in defiance of the state.

Karl says:

This kingdom cum nationstate is rather novel. European kingdoms often covered several tribes with different languages. E.g. France was a kingdom, but few people in it in 1200 spoke French.

Pax Imperialis says:

Is it even worth saving? Everything we call Western civilization is built on Enlightenment ideals. Ideals which taken to logical conclusion deconstruct the notion of ‘white’ and foment movements to ‘abolish’ it. Prior to modernity there was no concept of Western civilization. There was English civilization, French civilization, etc etc.

Hell, the best aspects of American architecture are based on Rome, and our best shot at restoration is a Caesar followed up by a Constantine. There’s nothing “Western” about that.

A wise emperor of America would allow there to be kings. Let the great and might King of Space colonize the solar system. Let the great and might King of Texas protect the boarder. Hope the king of Detroit can figure that shit out.

Let neo-medievalism reign and all those cultures compete and strive under patriarchy. Such conditions is how and why Europe exploded upon the rest of the world in the first place. Such conditions is how and why we may be able to explode upon the solar system and beyond.

Now if you’re worried about ‘aesthetics’ (yes, yes, I know such are linked to features much deeper), gene editing and designer babies are technically already here and they’re only going to get more advanced and better.

jim says:

> Everything we call Western civilization is built on Enlightenment ideals

Not true. That is the left rewriting history. Science, technology, industrialisation, double entry accounting, corporate capitalism, and the British Empire before the crown took it over, was not built on enlightenment ideals. From day one it was all under attack from the enlightenment, as for example the lawfare against Clive of India and many others of the East India Company, “Dark Satanic Mills”, “Les Miserables”, the destruction of the apprenticeship system, and Berkeleyan idealism.

The reason that they call themselves postmodern is like communists pronouncing communism the next historical step from capitalism. They have been at war with modernity all the way. They have always wanted to overthrow what actually existed, and what actually existed during most of the enlightenment was modernity.

Modernity began with the marriage of double entry accounting (the invention of the enterprise as an entity in itself distinct from its owners) and the corporation. Neither these, nor their marriage, were enlightenment projects.

The major importance of Boyle’s Skeptical Chymist is that it is a good restatement of the scientific method, which got royal backing. Look up Boyle in Wikipedia, and all that is written out of history, revealing it is part of history they do not like. The enlightenment never liked the scientific method, and successfully suppressed it in 1944. Even less do they like the fact that the Scientific Method triumphed through Royal patronage and the patronage of the Established Church, and various books have been published on how horribly oppressive all that was. (Leviathan and the Air Pump).

The Cominator says:

I agree with you I’m asking whether it can at all though.

Even if they got a perfect incentive structure back with no red tape and all the races were seperated everyone (not everyone but the vast majority of people) is basically so fucked up in the head at this point that you would probably get just more stagnation for a while. But given that we won’t be given anything that perfect… I think entropic collapse now is probably inevitable. Even if we got a good leader with autocratic power he’d make some mistakes and probably less than perfection can breath life into this dying corpse at this point.

I’m not a big Hitler fan but he was right at the end, the future belongs to the stronger people of the East.

jim says:

I don’t think they are all that fucked in the head. It is just that state and society is intently pushing self destructive lies on everyone, and most people go along. Culture is downstream of power. Push eternal truths on everyone, most people will go along and scarcely notice the change.

Pax Imperialis says:

Not true. That is the left rewriting history. Science, technology, industrialisation, double entry accounting, corporate capitalism, and the British Empire before the crown took it over, was not built on enlightenment ideals.

Is it? All of those accomplishments were the achievements of Christianity, charleston’s fence in the form of dogma and more specifically patriarchy done right. There were two schools of thought in the 1800s over what to attribute Europe’s growing prominence. It being Western (enlightenment) or it being Christian (patriarchy). Early usage of the term ‘Western civilization’ prided itself in being free of dogma and free thinking in oppose to the ‘Eastern civilization’, and true the religious dogmas of the east were not optimal, but the idea of ‘Western civilization’ throw the baby out with the bath water.

Both terms practically didn’t exist prior to the 1800s. Up to 1860 both terms were evenly matched in usage. By 1860 (what a coincidence) the idea of Western civilization won out. By 1948, the seemingly absolute victory of progressivism, the idea of Western civilization reached its zenith and the term of Christian civilization was nowhere to be found (relatively speaking).

So it seems the term of Western civilization was always an enemy term/idea, and indeed you look for those championing the term today and all you seem to find is Mulattoes, Hispanics, the odd Nazi, and a sprinkling of “Judeo-Christians” (lapsed Christians and Jews so to speak). You’re more likely to run into actual Whites among civic nationalist groups of all things. When you look at those championing Western civilization when the term was still young, you’d likely run into all assortment of those promoting the White man’s burden.

Modernity began with the marriage of double entry accounting (the invention of the enterprise as an entity in itself distinct from its owners) and the corporation. Neither these, nor their marriage, were enlightenment projects.

Both of which are distinctly Christian in origin, and can not exist without the social cooperation Christianity creates, and you get at this when you say:

the Scientific Method triumphed through Royal patronage and the patronage of the Established Church

Is it not odd that the West has been in decline for most of the time the term has existed? It was clear to Pat Buchanan in 1993. To Spengler in 1922. To Nietzsche in 1882. I’m sure I could find even earlier astute observations. Western civilization is clearly a euphemism for leftist civilization in the same way progressive is clearly a euphemism for communist.

alf says:

Western civilisation is a rather religion-neutral term for Christendom, that is a fair point.

It is also revealing that the nations that came to dominate the 20th century are the nations that had the weakest roots in Christendom or violently broke with them. Germany is pretty much a fake country (OK I exaggerate slightly) and its founding ideals were Prussian enlightenment ideals. America similarly may have started out Christian, but morphed into Progressivism. And communist Russia murdered its entire church.

Similar to the short period in which France rid itself of Christianity, all of these nations left a disproportionately big mark on the world, before petering off. We should learn both from their strenghts and weaknesses and incorporate that into our 21st version of Christianity. Which, to be clear, I think we’ve done (and by ‘we’ I mean ‘mostly Jim’).

jim says:

So tends to be used by the enemies of Christendom, who tend to be the enemies of civilisation in general, and Western Civilisation in particular.

And these days, the predominant haters of Christendom are not Muslims or Jews, and Hindus never seem to have become unduly upset despite having a great big pile of legitimate grievances. Rather, the predominant haters of Christendom are demonic, who hate humanity in general.

The Cominator says:

Christendom died in 1918 with the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm the last strong Christian monarch. What was left of Western civilization lingered into the Covid hoax and election steal but I think its dead or at least dying beyond the point where it can be saved now…

alf says:

If we take the coronation of Charlemagne in 800 to signify the end of the dark ages, started in 476, and repeat that for modern times, we have (800-476) – (2024 – 1918) = 218 years of dark ages left.

Hopefully, presumably, our current dark age will not last as long.

jim says:

Miltech survives dark ages, though often with rather drastic reduction of supply and considerable simplification of tech, due to the radical reduction of long and complex supply chain and the considerable reduction and simplification of intermediate tools. So a whole lot of tech will survive.

It is likely that war in space will lead to the Kessler syndrome, denying everyone space capability for a long time. The internet may be replaced in substantial part by mesh networks.

But, on the other hand, I think we have a fair chance that Thermidor will break rightwards. Cromwell did an OK job, and Monck fixed everything for over a century and a half. Things may well wind up the same here. People are claiming divine intervention to fix this mess, though since God works through people, this does not entirely guarantee the outcome.

The Cominator says:

The biological contamination of almost every white country outside of eastern europe is a big issue too… if whites ever recover it will be akin to the Reconquista in Spain at this point.

Varna says:

With instantaneous communication, civilizational processes happen much faster than in prior centuries, including all sorts of transformation: decay, revival, collapse, etc.

What limits the speed of change today, on the most pragmatic level, is a) speed of physical travel, and b) generational change, as each generation tends to carry in itself matrixes from the past, not the ones trying to mold the present.

One of the ways to try to evade waiting for generations to change is to import a new demography, with the hope that it is more easy to mold to preference.

If we look at the basic esthetic and technological ability of Rome, we can use coins as a marker. Early coins are crude, peak Rome coins look great, then a decline, then in the middle ages a split: East Rome holds the fort, the coins look like crude Roman coins, in western Europe coins look like they were made by functional retards.

By the 16th century European coins start looking like peak Rome again, and by 17th century overtake it and go beyond. Similar trajectories can be seen in basic urban infrastructure, sculptures, medicine, and so on.

If we use today’s gamer and tv serial controversies as a proxy for “the rise and fall of the Roman coin”, in the sense of losing the ability to maintain esthetic and functional standards, then it’s a pretty recent phenomenon. Over the last decade or less.

Dublin was ranked one of the safest European cities circa 2004, and one of the unsafest at night in 2024. When did the switch happen? Also over the last decade or less most likely.

The visible signs showing that certain stages of rot under the surface have been reached and breached are still super recent.

jim says:

With instant communication and an enormous volume of records, the knowledge to restore high function is readily available.

Talking to the Dharma Bros, it is obvious that I unsurprisingly have a lot more information about the way our civilisation worked when it was high functioning than they do of their civilisation when it was high functioning.

The Renaissance was people reaching back to a high functioning civilisation. Everyone who mattered spoke latin and greek, and was was immersed in old Latin and Greek books. It is vastly easier for us to reach back than it was for them.

To restore high civilisation: Coverture, get serious about punishing ordinary criminal acts (its time to hang people for stealing a loaf of bread), seventeenth century corporate capitalism, seventeenth century accounting, and the scientific method as explained by Feynman, Boyle, and the seventeenth century Royal society.

FrankNorman says:

Jim, a whole lot of information will be lost or inaccessible if the Internet goes down due to duh-versity running the power grid, or whatever.

Of course that won’t be global, but still…

jim says:

There are a lot of data hoarders around and a lot of redundancy. It is likely to be a lot less easily accessible, but still we will be in a lot better shape than the Renaissance was.

And the Renaissance happened because far less was lost of Rome and Greece, than was lost of Bronze Age civilisation.

Zorost says:

There is no saving the federal level, but I’m hopeful that a regional government (5+ flyover states, for example) could back off the feds for de facto independence. Then de jure independence as the feds decline in power. A short period of renewal followed by the North American Reconquista.

So worry less about Trump, and more about getting to know your neighbors and local power brokers. Gain local influence and respect.

Concord Fan says:

(Using a different name for this post because it shows a little bit of niche knowledge.)

A few years ago Games Workshop shut down their medieval-esque tabletop game. A lot of the players, who had bought and painted hundreds of euros worth of miniatures, were not happy about this and booted up their own fan continuation. To not be under legal suspicion, they wrote their own fictional fantasy world which featured total gender equality. Some people objected. They were insulted and overridden in the usual fashion.

I bring this up because there was no HR department. Quite likely, given that this was not only tabletop game but a fan project, there were no women at all. There was no government oversight. The people running the project just wanted to poz it.

There are a lot of true believers out there.

JustAnotherGuy says:

If any of you know Evangelion, you probably know that ”’American Artists”’ draw Asuka best girl in the most androgynous way possible most of the time. However, this also lands them jobs because this is what the state rewards.

Would killing the loot pinata being given out for the most disgusting shit possible and going back to the trad life eliminate majority of hentai people like? I don’t know, I do know you’ll stop seeing tranny porn a whole lot less though.

Pax Imperialis says:

>the most androgynous way possible most of the time

It’s at the point where Asuka is straight up drawn as a man.

JustAnotherGuy says:

It was hard for me to understand at first *why* everyone *chooses* to become more gay, eunuch. simp-like, trannified, etc. and it just keeps getting hammered into my head why:

The state promotes trannification -> The credit card companies support trannification -> the game company itself supports trannification -> The artists / developers / remaining fans support trannification. The castration happens from the top-down, so to speak.

Since I got into drawing, I found out quite a lot about how Japanese illustration aggregation sites like Pixiv are getting cucked by American credit card companies to ‘tone’ down the sexy women pictures, which apparently Pixiv responded by blocking USA from viewing adult-rated content.

If you turn off the spigot that is spewing toxic waste down everyone’s throat, I’m pretty sure we can get a whole lot of bad shit to 0, not minimum, not low, but straight to 0. I am completely sure the blacked dot com shit is NGO funded garbage that would not exist if the men behind it did not have the coffers of the state available to them.

Your Uncle Bob says:

It’s the chans’ old argument, how/why is porn free? Someone’s paying.

“NGO funded garbage”

It may be NGOs not private backers, but you’re still suffering from a rectification of names problem. Blacked is a jewish project, “stepsister/stepmother” is a jewish project, pornhub is jew owned and operated, porn in general has been jewish from the beginning. The owners and prime movers are overwhelmingly jewish and tell you so in interviews, the cucked normie mind just can’t process it even from the horse’s mouth.

In fact it might be one field where jews are more than just middle men. Though Cathedral/Harvard would swim left one way or another without them, it’s not clear they’d be swimming left with porn specifically if one end of the jewish mind continuum didn’t gravitate towards pushing it for their own ends. At the very least they’re the optimal middle men, or they wouldn’t own the market.

FrankNorman says:

” At the very least they’re the optimal middle men, or they wouldn’t own the market.”

Except that it’s not a market, because the product is free, and anyone who wanted to make money in that field can’t compete with free.

So you are thinking that we know they are Jews, because they say they are, so their motives for doing what they’re doing must be Jewish ones. (Because they wouldn’t lie about being Jews, right?)

Well, here’s what some people would say is their goal: Communism. Pushing porn on young people degrades human relationships, thereby atomizing society. It also hardens people’s hearts in sin, and against Christianity.
It also gives them something to blackmail people over.

Not to mention addicting young people to something that is being provided to them for free could make them feel that everything they need or want should be for free.

Now there may or may not still be a KGB tentacle at the reins there – these porn-makers may be running wild on their own.

But the more I think this over, the more sense the idea that such people are consciously or unconsciously working for the cause of The Revolution seems to make.

Varna says:

> “pornhub is jew owned and operated”

Literally rabbi solomon friedman, such are the times

Varna says:

Fan-made Evangelion clip for classical 1982 Soviet rock ballad “8th grader girl” (Vosmiklasnitsa).

Loving Dad teaching son how to play Vosmiklasnitsa

Random Ukrainian girl

Different fan-vid




Yandex translate:
A deserted street together
We’re going somewhere with you,
I smoke, and you eat candy.
And the lanterns have been shining for a long time,
You say, “Let’s go to the movies.”,
And I’m calling you
To the pub, of course.

Mm-hmm, eighth grader a-aa,

You say that you have
In geography, there are three,
And I just don’t give a damn about it.
You say it’s because of you
Someone got a bruise there –
I am pointedly silent,
And then we go for a walk.

Mm-hmm, eighth grader a-aa,

Mm-hmm, eighth grader a-aa,

Mom’s lipstick,
Big Sister’s Boots,
It’s easy for me to be with you, and you’re proud of me.,
Do you love your dolls
And balloons.
But at ten o’clock sharp, Mom
He’s waiting for you to come home.

Mm-hmm, eighth grader a-aa,
Mm-hmm, eighth grader a-aa,
Ah, mm-hmm, eighth grader a-aa…

The Cominator says:

Election is looking pretty good as far as not getting frauded out.

Nevada and North Carolina the illegal voters have been purged from the rolls.

Arizona Trump is polling way ahead suddenly, my interpretation is that the Mormons there have gotten over their cuckservative nice guy centrist shit and are finally breaking big for Trump in a way they haven’t in the past

Georgia has had tons of anti fraud victories

Michigan will require signature matching and the Muslim population there looks set to boycott the Harris ticket over the Israel issue

PA the big one is more questionable but they will require date matching and if Trump gets Michigan Nevada Arizona and North Carolina he doesn’t need PA. Hell he can even lose both Michigan and PA if he picks up Nevada and New Hampshire.

Wisconsin is lost though IMHO total fraudster victory in all cases at the hands of their DNC puppet court.

jim says:

The addition of RFK Jr to the campaign is likely to have huge effect.

Trump is a 1980s leftist, but he is outer party (Republican) — he tends to focus on Republican talking points like deregulation and fortress America, and hard for him to credibly do any different. RFK Jr is hitting inner party (Democrat) talking points like freedom of speech, big tech, big pharma, and the military industrial complex — at which he is extremely credible, for he is channelling the 1960s leftism of his murdered uncle, RFK. He invokes the names of the great inner party leftists of yesteryear — who are now extreme far right nazi hitler hitler hitler by the standards of the current year.

So you have the nephew of a president the uniparty murdered standing beside the president the uniparty is currently trying to murder. The two of them together are the twentieth century uniparty versus the twenty first century uniparty. Thermidor in person.

With RFK Jr speaking at Trump rallies, the fake competition between inner party and outer party no longer exists. It is the Thermidorian left versus the radical left.

So Thermidor is going to be elected. But elections no longer matter much. The president will be in charge of a presidency that has been trying to murder him. Unless Trump is willing to cross the Rubicon, or gets stuffed in a sack and thrown across the Rubicon as happened to Pinochet, he is unlikely to be able to govern.

The Cominator says:

The left is getting more elite defections all the time… I thought it would never happen among women but… Lana Del Rey has announced her engagement to a redneck swamp tour guide who was a vocal Trump supporter.

My read on it is she was never a feminist and I think she was probably very very mad that years ago she was forced to denounce Harvey Weinstein (for whatever reason she really seemed to love the old ugly jew) and thinks the other accusers were ungrateful stupid whores (unlike her who was a good whore). Now she still can’t say fuck you bitches I’m supporting Trump and I’ll never forgive you for making me denounce Harvey… but I’m thinking it. The only reason a rich Hollywood singer (she is near wall but still fuckable looking) would marry so far beneath her station is as a middle finger to her own crowd much like a rich girl in the 1960s who hates her father and is bored and contemptous of society running away with a black guy. She really really has come to hate her own tribe and the people over her in it.

And I think in general it just shows the left has made a lot of people do things they really really did not want to do over the years and there are people who now deeply hate it in unlikely places.

Mister Grumpus says:

The RFKJr youtube channel is amazing. Each clip ends with a major power-chord and him shaking hands with Trump with background sparklers and a crowd chanting “U-S-A, U-S-A.”

B-roll footage of mid-century playgrounds and beaches full of non-obese white people. How in the hell is he even surviving this? How is anyone helping him and not afraid of getting caught? It doesn’t compute against my 2021 priors. It’s like Top Gun Maverick all over again, where the negro and mexican fuck up in the end and are bailed out by Tom Cruise and Bob the white nerd with glasses. I see it and I can’t believe it.

“Make America Healthy Again”. He’s constantly “edging” us with almost-thoughtcrime talking points about food, medicine, fatness, war, etc., and I still can’t believe that even that much is actually happening.

Cloudswrest says:

This looks cool.

Mel Gibson, has said he is working on a TV Series about the incredible story of the 1565 Ottoman siege of Malta, in which 700 knights and a small group of soldiers defended the island against the Turks. Suleiman sent 40,000 men and ships, but the defenders eventually repelled the invaders.

There should be more movies about heroic Europeans defending themselves against Mohammedan invaders and slavers. Lots of potential heroic drama.

Jewish perfidy in Toledo
Battle of tours
Siege of Vienna
Battle of Lepanto
Stephen Decatur on the shores of Tripoli

Gaius Aurelius says:

I will buy a ticket to the siege of Malta

Gaius Aurelius says:

I will buy a ticket to the siege of Malta. The defenders had true grit. I think that the knighthood still exists through the RCC.

Encelad says:

I don’t know any movie about the Siege of Vienna, but I can drop here this.

Cloudswrest says:

The relief army was now ready for a final push. At around 6:00 pm, the Polish king ordered the cavalry to attack in four contingents, three Polish groups and one from the Holy Roman Empire. 18,000 horsemen charged down the hills, the largest cavalry charge in history. Sobieski led the charge  at the head of 3,000 Polish heavy lancers, the “Winged Hussars”.

Can you imagine Obama, et. al. leading in battle?

Due to his defeat at the battle, on 25 December Kara Mustafa Pasha was executed in Belgrade in the approved manner – by strangulation with a silk rope pulled by several men on each end – by order of the Janissary Agha.

LOL, at least they held their officers accountable!

Dr. Faust says:

RT link to story. Quick summary:

Due to manpower shortages, the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is now 45, and some units have seen around two thirds of soldiers killed or wounded within days of arriving at the front.

Surviving recruits often go absent without leave.

Russian forces have gained ground near Ugledar, Khurakove, and Povrovs.

jim says:

Russian advances are still tiny, and from time to time the Ukrainians push them back a bit. But Russian casualties are rapidly getting lower and lower while Ukrainian casualties are rapidly getting higher and higher. The fight gets ever more unequal, because the Ukrainians have ever fewer troops who are willing to fight, or can be forced to fight. The fewer your forces on the battlefield, and the more the enemy forces, the costlier it is to hold ground.

And fifteen hundred Ukrainian troops who have repeatedly demonstrated that they are able and willing to fight were abandoned in Ugledar to prevent a bad look during Zelensky’s tour.

Fifteen hundred is not enough to make a significant difference to the war as a whole. But it is enough to demonstrate it is a bad idea to fight for Zelensky.

As the numbers, capability, and will of the Ukrainian army shrinks further and further, their casualties mount up faster and faster, with the result that their numbers, capability, and will shrinks faster and faster.

We are approaching the end point of the war of attrition. A lot of people are impatient for Russia to attempt to return to war of movement. But war of attrition is working, why take a risk? Chances are they will continue war of attrition to its final conclusion.

Dr. Faust says:

I’m more interested in why the average age is 45. Did older men get recruited first or last? Did the younger men die faster? Are older soldiers better than younger ones?

S says:

Older were recruited first; the draft floor was originally 27 years old (The collapse of the USSR lead to a Ukrainian fertility collapse + emigration so 18-27 is not a large demographic).

Due to the change in the war and training system (increasing Ukrainian casualties, totally compressed respectively) the young are dying faster and worse quality. Given they are up against artillery, FABs and drones, I don’t expect there to be much of a difference by age for people drafted at this time.

jim says:

Not entirely accurate. In Russia and the Ukraine, the collapse of communism led to a collapse in fertility. Once Putin took power, it stopped collapsing, but did not recover.

In the Ukraine, once Maidan happened, the collapse resumed and rapidly became worse, reaching rapid extinction levels.

The problem, of course, is that Putin is a 1990s liberal, so fertility stabilised at 1990s liberal levels for whites. In 2014, the Ukraine got a heaping helping of 2014 liberalism.

Varna says:

Ukraine used to have trad army conscription at 18, but in 2014 changed it to 25. Thus on the one hand there is now a psychological barrier (mobilizing people of “pre-conscript age”), and secondly a technical barrier – older people have been in the army, zoomers haven’t been in the army and would need to be trained from scratch.

When the war erupted for real Feb 2022, there was a simultaneous exodus both from the Ukraine and Russia. Russia lost a few hundred thousand of its urban liberal creative startup crypto bros with their plastic lipped gym toned snowboarding youtube influencer wifus (continental Europe is now full of them and it’s a delight to watch these couples navigate the world, the typical husband being all fashionable-bearded and mildly buff, the typical wifu playing the role of the faithful sidekick whose main duty is to look impeccable and choose the veggies in the shops), and the same demographic class also fled the Ukraine, as part of a much larger exodus that included mothers with kids, grannies and grandpas etc.

So the Ukraine lost much of the confident, mobile and western-integrated (on the mental level), millennial and gen X urban demographic. What’s left is the dregs of this cluster, also the ones who have connections that make them confident they can continue partying in Kiev and Lviv, not get drafted, and old-timers and zoomers.

The old-timers, as said above, have the basic army experience from their mandatory conscription days. However, two important carry-overs from the Soviet era include a) an average male life expectancy of around 66 years of age, both in the Ukraine and Russia, and b) the highest heart-disease rates in the world in the post-Soviet republics, even in Central Asia, but very much so in the Ukraine and Russia as well. (Note: when a demographic effect is present in both the Ukraine and Russia, automatically throw in places like Belarus and Moldova, it’s almost always identical).

So, on the one hand it’s mainly older men who get thrown into the meatgrinder, but on the other hand these older men are in terrible, terrible shape. They may not be morbidly obese in the American way, but with an average life-expectancy ceiling of 66, and the highest heart-disease rates in the world, they are wrecks who can’t sprint for half a mile without dropping to the ground with a coronary event. The fit young ones are in the voluntary nazi battalions – many of those are straight edge gym hitters driven by what they believe is love for the fatherland.

In Russia, conscription is still trad, starting at 18. But Putin promised that conscripts will not be sent to the front lines. Since he’s been funneling into the war mercenaries, professional army cadres, loyalist national guardsmen such as the Chechen ones, criminals fighting for pardons, and volunteers.

The volunteers tend to come from low-income areas from commie block rust belt cities and villages, many of them surrounded by tundra and permafrost, or from bad neighborhoods in the European part of Russia.

Using Trainspotting as a metaphor, on the Russian side of the front you have the Begbie convicts, and the Renton and Spud volunteers, also decrepit alcoholic old-timers. The Russian state showers the volunteers with cash and social bonuses, takes care of their families should they die in action, and all in all one year on the front is the financial equivalent of a decade of lowly work back home. You survive – you get it all in one big pile and return as king of the hood.

Whenever the Russian or the Ukrainian side try to force an event on the front, they throw at it its younger and better trained troops. At the other sections of the front you have wheezing stiff-limbed chain-smoking drunks and junkies just trying to keep their heads down and survive until they are rotated out. The ones on the Ukrainian side don’t even get rotated out all that much, so all they can do is hope that the soldiers on the other side are also the semi-disabled slackers and that no real action will erupt.

DH says:

I used to view Netanyahu as a charlatan who is all show and no substance, who can only talk the talk but who never walks the walk.

Turns out he is a Great Man of History.

Mister Grumpus says:

Kindly elaborate.

Mister Grumpus says:

Temple of Doom. Wow just wow. Aside of the gratuitous gore and set pieces, it’s non-stop sillymaxxing and shit-testing from her, and supernatural-level passing of said shit tests by him.

And in a family context this time. I wouldn’t have expected that. The real sidekick is a Chinese boy who Indy essentially adopts before the story starts. Far out.

Varna says:

For a tenfold sillier experience in much the same vein, with a very young Sharon Stone as the heroine and Richard Burton as the hero — King Solomon’s Mines (1985).

The Cominator says:

Wouldn’t Romancing the Stone sort of fall into that category too?

Varna says:

Yes, kind Cominator! It would. Not quite as goofy, more logic in plot, but definitely part of this wave.

The Cominator says:

The funny thing is I looked it up, written by a woman (which I guess makes sense with the main character being a woman writer).

jim says:

Political correctness has forbidden women to write about what women actually want — what they want being that the insert characters gets into an environment equivalent to the ancestral environment of reproductive success for women. Girl bosses are reproductive failures, hence women not interested in watching them.

By contrast, action girl insert character of Kick Ass 2 is clearly headed for reproductive success, though due to prohibition against “pedophilia” they were unable to depict her happily ever aftering. But the wrap up at movie end hints at happily ever aftering as much as it dares.

Much as High Plains Drifter hints that women like violence and rape as much as it dares. Which is not a whole lot, but it is as close as you can get to writing a story that appeals to women in this time. What men want and what women want are both forbidden to be depicted.

Mister Grumpus says:

What with digital moviemaking, a plethora of movie channels, and the red pill on women all over the internet since 1995, I’m frankly surprised that no one has snuck the goods out through the back door and into the marketplace once or twice by now.

Black market romance.

jim says:

There has been a breakthrough in LLM movie making — it still does not do anything useful, but the underlying technology, that the AI interprets 2D moving images as 3D stick figures, producing a 3D interpretation of what it sees, and then generating lifelike 2D images based on the movements of 3D stick figures, has potential.

Up till now, all image manipulation by LLMs has been limited by a 2D understanding of images and video, hence the missing or extra fingers and limbs.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Political correctness has forbidden women to write about what women actually want —

Boomer authoress E.L. James said “fuck PC” and wrote Fifty Shades of Grey anyway.

Varna says:

In 2011, which in many respects was the tail-end of a previous cultural cycle.

Today it would have to be a bossy negress pegging a sniveling sissy controlled through hypno porn and xanax, to pass validation from the commissars.

Anon says:

Kinda weird no one here talk about the current Israeli historical war , completely dismantling hizbullah leadership as Iran watch helplessly. They targeted the leadership and weaponry storage, all intelligence ops . All first line including nassurulallah wiped in a single strike.

dose this invalidate your theory that no country with gay pride win a war.
The war still not finished , but clearly one side has the determination and will to strike deep and with force while the other is hesitant and timid.

Varna says:

Big picture view:

On the one hand today’s demographic situation, in terms of fertility and age-pyramid structure, is terrible in China, Russia, and increasingly Iran, and will only get worse, unless some birth-promotion wunderwaffe kicks in like yesterday.

On the other hand, the West’s situation is “better” but at a price. In the USA, white public school students officially became a minority circa 2014. Now, a decade later, there is no going back without some Mad Max scenarios. When boomers die off, the white majority era is officially over, never to return. When millennials take over, it’ll be Brazil, demography-wise. When zoomers take over it’ll be total globohomo utopia.

Perhaps for a while they’ll try to pacify the disappearing heritage whites by including more and more segments into the “white” category (the so-called “whiteshift” process), or maybe to the contrary, they’ll suddenly stop counting arabs as white and demoralize the heritage whites by showing them a truer picture.

Thus, a generation from now, two types of demographic events are slated to take place. In China, Russia, and Iran, (and Japan, worst Korea, Taiwan, etc) overall population will suddenly drop to almost half its current size, and its internal composition will be mostly old. In the West, this will also have happened to the local heritage whites, but much of peak-age activity will be done by imported first, second, and third generation diversity.

Overall Western populations, far from halving, will remain the same or even rise further, their composition will not be so strongly skewed toward old people, but the actual human material will have been imported from elsewhere, which carries with itself separate challenges, not least of all corporate amnesia, in the sense of systems stopping working, dissolution of remnants of social cohesion, loss of trad inherited liberties etc.

All things being equal, the axis of mordor will have demographically dwindled and grown old and ill, while the elves of valinor will have replaced themselves with mainly swarthier (and organizationally sloppier) diversity. If “proper” globohomo is in charge, the West might quickly sink to Haiti and Somalia levels in terms of competence, social cohesion, and morals. If Thermidor stabilizes the situation – maybe not so much, or at least only in limited pockets.

Thus, for both sides in the global conflict, the time to act is now, while their systems are still in working order and there is still some basic predictability at least until 2030.

The first signs that new global lines are being drawn were Syria and Venezuela, where the leaders were protected by direct and indirect axis of evil intervention from being toppled by the West. This had not happened since the 1980s and outraged the coalition of karens and psychopaths, which, combined with the concurrent attempts of some heritage whites and the more decent diversity to get some real political representation through voting, sent said karens and psychopaths into solipsistic megalomaniac overdrive.

(hence to the karen and psychopath coalition both events — local voters trying to be heard and taken into account, and the axis of mordor trying to be heard and taken into account — are both the same challenge, and the actors in both cases are to them more or less the same, they really can’t distinguish between them)

Then came the Ukraine, then Hamas, then Yemen. Also Africa, the Sahel. These are all hot points marking the current wobbly boundary between two collective forces meeting, clashing, trying each other on. We are living in a period of accelerated history, and seeing in real time global boundaries being redrawn, and one side trying to force the other side to become agreement-capable.

Smaller players on the frontlines, like the Ukraine and Israel, have to play their cards right, in order to convince the West that they are fortresses of light at the edge of a sea of darkness, and therefore need to be given everything they want, forever.

The Ukraine is failing at this, while Israel is doing much better. For decades, Israel lobbies have been infiltrating Western social and political structures, and Israel spy networks have infiltrated Mohammedan social and political structures. No contest compared to the Ukraine, which at best can do some suicidal counter-offensives or incursions to showcase its indispensability.

Israel has a vastly superior reserve of influence assets and military intelligence to activate, and they are doing it. Some might say they are “squandering” what they’ve accumulated over the years and decades, but we’ll see. Maybe for them it’s also “now or never”, “use it or lose it”, and their systemic and demographic planning horizon also hits a wall around 2030 and even earlier.

skippy says:

“If “proper” globohomo is in charge, the West might quickly sink to Haiti and Somalia levels in terms of competence, social cohesion, and morals. If Thermidor stabilizes the situation – maybe not so much, or at least only in limited pockets.”

Thermidor intends to manage the decline more competently and deal with opponents more ruthlessly.

Although it seems to me that they can say even less than what Reagan could say, and mean still less of it.

Your Uncle Bob says:

> In the USA, white public school students officially became a minority circa 2014. Now, a decade later, there is no going back without some Mad Max scenarios. When boomers die off, the white majority era is officially over, never to return. When millennials take over, it’ll be Brazil, demography-wise. When zoomers take over it’ll be total globohomo utopia.

“Happily,” Mad Max scenarios are on the table. I would personally rather do without, but they are what others are predicting, and within the range of what our host is predicting. Trump/Thermidor 2024 would be a baby step away from that, but not a certain one.

But even without Mad Max, just policy wonk it. Cut off gibs, mandatory e-verify for employment and give it teeth for employers this time, cut off new green cards and don’t renew old ones, tax (or “fee” by executive decree) remittances across borders. Already even legal immigrants and younger anchor babies start to self deport. Then roll the gang task forces to arrest and deport criminals and gang members – start with the hard cases, start with the real criminals, then just… never quite stop. By the time you get around to giving women and children free SUV rides to the airport no one is going to care, not even them much.

This is all currently unthinkable, impossible, pie in the sky… if we shot for it alone, in current year. But consider what overall victory might really look like. If by some miracle we get women out of the workforce and back in the nursery, if we get gays, trannies and blacks not just to cool it for a while but back in the closet and the back of the bus, what else would start to look easy and obvious along the way?

I’ve got enough normalcy bias I don’t consider the “we win” scenario at all likely. Trump as Boomer Stalin seems like our most likely win scenario, and even that isn’t guaranteed. But I am beginning to conceive of “we win” as possible, not because it’s possible under our current system, but because our current system is in for such a rude a-shakening that what’s currently possible will become impossible, and what’s currently impossible will be up for grabs for those trying for it.

jim says:

> Trump as Boomer Stalin seems like our most likely win scenario, and even that isn’t guaranteed.

Best case outcome is Trump as Cromwell, followed by Monck. Trump as Stalin, followed by a Beria.

Cloudswrest says:

Here’s Ed Dutton (Jolly Heretic) interviewing Curtis Yarvin on the upcoming election. Yarvin isn’t too optimistic on Trump winning due to what he called “Moore’s Law of election fortification”. Basically their “fortification” techniques improve with each two year election cycle, both in tactics and due to migrants.

Fidelis says:

If I can summarize what I’ve seen here on this topic, the prevailing opinion is that this time around there will be too much infighting to ‘fortify’ the outcome. The fortifiers are now at the point where they are struggling against each other, and not just humiliating the outer party.

Fidelis says:

What should we do if we get a new emperor capable of killing the shark, but incapable of rolling back to 1660? I see this as the most likely outcome. Napoleon was never capable of returning France to it’s throne and altar, and Putin is only very slowly, unwillingly it seems, dragging the Russian people towards a watered down version, which may not last after he becomes incapable of ruling.

So we get no more race communism, the boot off the neck of the economy, and no explicit state mandated gayness. But we don’t get state sanctioned old type Christianity, we get state sanctioned churchianity. What then? Ive seen you argue that, eventually, in the absense of an active push leftwards, things return to throne and altar, but I see many historical cases where the state anemically limps on for generations.

What do we do if no one is coming to save us? What forms of order can be made in such a situation?

jim says:

I have a plan for restoring capitalism even if the state does not much like it — basically Nakomoto’s plan with modifications for how his plan turned out.

But none of that matters if we fail to reproduce. If we are on the lek mating system, whites will not reproduce, and those that do are going to turn into wiggers.

A big part of fixing the problem is to simply accurate depict the mating dance and marriage in media. The laws did not change in 1933-1939, though it is likely that interpretation and enforcement of the laws changed. The big change was the sudden disappearance of women’s lib, and accurate depiction of marriage and the mating dance from the 1930s to 1963.

Obviously the right solution is to make coverture law, and severely penalise women who practice the lek mating system. But merely letting people know how things were supposed to work made a huge difference. In substantial part it is an information problem. Men and women have been deceived.

How we get there from where we are, I do not have a plan.

You always have a state religion. Christianity mandates marriage 1.0 and prohibits the lek mating system, but it suffers severe entryism from sex perverts. If the State Church follows the Pauline prescription on recruitment of clergy, that problem will be fixed.

To get back to marriage 1.0 and away from the lek mating system that is turning us into wiggers, need a state Church that prescribes the Christian position. And at present every significant church and almost every insignificant church hates and demonizes the Christian position on sex and marriage, and is busily concocting one hundred and one terribly clever rationalisations for denying it and evading it. Pretty sure that is primarily perverts in the Church. Following the Pauline prescription on recruitment of clergy would fix that.

I am fond of saying “Go back to 1660”. But to go back to sixteen sixty, we need a Christian state church free from the lavender mafia. Which requires going back to first century on the issue of recruitment of clergy.

Tucker is pushing the Pauline line — he always tells us you can tell who is a good man by the state of his family, that the tell is always a man’s relationships with those closest to him who know him best, and that he has the greatest obligation to look after. So, returning to first century recruitment practices has traction. Our big problem is wicked elites. Primarily in our officially unoffical state religion, but loads of wicked people in the Christian Churches — the Vatican and the Church of England being extreme examples.

If we have a Christian state Church that follows Pauline recruitment practices, coverture and all that will return soon enough.

Fidelis says:

I think we have to be prepared to incubate the conditions necessary for the marriage and reproduction on a local scale. The early Christians had to worship together in caves, if we get empire stagnation I doubt it will be so bad, but cannot rub what is effectively coverture in the face of the public without guns backing it.

I think it can be done if you create new status games within a community. If you look at highly fertile groups that exist today, this is how theyve managed such without state backing. So you get women competing for group status by being a good wife and having lots of children, and defective behavior is punished as harshly as possible and followed by ostracization, bith men and women. Combined with early virigin marriage as a group cultural norm this should work, if an imperfect situation.

The question is more how do we get such a status game going. The first iterations would have to be pretty much a cult, as outside memes would too easily contaminate and destroy what you’re building before it reaches sustainable mass. It can’t be done today, at least not at a scale larger than a local 200 person town, but it should be possible if the state deems it at the very least uninteresting.

cub says:

Christianity has been supplanted by globohomo and is therefore downstream of it. If you fix the churches without destroying the dominant religion (leftism) first, then jews and other Christ-haters will just start exterminating Christians like they did in communist countries.

Contaminated NEET says:

Stalin was fifty times the man the Trump is, and Cromwell one hundred.

jim says:

We shall see.

Contaminated NEET says:

We have seen. Against all odds, we actually got him the Presidency. What did he deliver? Rampant race riots, ever-tighter speech restrictions, jailtime for his supporters, and mandatory vaxing.

jim says:

He accomplished sufficient to get numerous efforts at impeachment and color revolution. One of the grounds for impeachment was that the president was interfering in foreign policy.

Of course, if he fails to cross the Rubicon this time, the next term will be much the same as the last, but since the deep state has already tried to kill him twice, crossing the Rubicon is now more likely.

If someone intends to kill you, you just have to kill him first. America was drifting towards civil war. It has now drifted considerably further.

Karl says:

Best case outcome is Trump as Cromwell, followed by Monck. Trump as Stalin, followed by a Beria.

No hope for princeps Trump followed by Emperor Trump?

Varna says:

The demography and social institution question will need to be “resolved” through very serious analysis and planning. For example, the very system of counting whites and coloreds in the US hides as much as it reveals.

Sure, you have a division between “general whites” and “non-hispanic whites”, but the “non-hispanic whites” includes North Africans, Arabs, Chechens, Turks, and for all we know lighter-skinned Pakis and Indians too.

In the end the whole “who is white and who isn’t” is a secondary issue, a dubious heritage from colonial expansion times, today utilized in an inverted manner by globohomo. What matters is not the abstract “what is white” but the very specific “who was the founding stock of civilization X”.

The “classical America” of the 19th and much of the 20th centuries was made up of an Anglo-Germanic majority, with a minority of Celts, South Europeans, Slavs and Jews sprinkled around, existing within a modified Anglo-Saxon social framework.

Or, to simplify further: Germanic peoples within a post-British legal and cultural matrix. This was the formula that produced everything people have associated with America since at least the 1850s, all the way to Reagan, and to an extent still imagine, misguidedly, is like today.

How much of exactly this founding core survives today, as demography and as a legal and cultural matrix? If “non-hispanic whites” are officially around 58%, and minus boomers probably 40%, how many of those are actual Anglo-Germanic founding stock? Two thirds? Half? How many of them are mentally broken and chemically enslaved eunuchs? How much of the original cultural institutional matrix survives after all the dismantling? Two thirds? Half? One third? One tenth?

To what extent will the ethnicity of participants of a possible revival matter? Do we count Roosh, the half-Armenian/half-Iranian as “white”? The half-negro half-pimp Andrew Tate? The Ashkenazis? The various Polack-Guatemalan or Italian-Lithuanian mixtures?

It looks like a new “founding stock” for “project 2.0” would have to be reforged from available materials – the surviving remnants of the original stock plus acceptable new additions — and for this to happen, super robust cultural matrixes will need to be put into place.

And last but not least, when Mao took over in 1949, half of China were opium addicts, courtesy of 19th century opium wars, and he had to force hundreds of millions of people to go clean. Something similar would need to happen for project 2.0 to be feasible; hundreds of millions of Americans will need to be forced into sharp withdrawal, to get off their antidepressants, stimulants, prescription bullshit, recreational bullshit, hormonal bullshit, until the collective mental fog lifts at least on a basic biochemical level.

Not to mention the poisoned food and drink and microplastics in every placenta. An enormous project that really would need at the very least a Stalin-tier brain and will.

jim says:

Excessive focus on racial categorisation is a distraction. There are a whole lot of wiggers who need to go also. I commend the Rhodesian formula. Rhodesia worked fine, while it worked.

Zimmerman, a total mutt, was made an honorary white when he shot a black career criminal who attacked him without provocation. I am happy to endorse that nomination. He is a good man. And some whites are bad men. By and large, the apple does not fall far from the tree, and broad brush racial categorizations tell us a great deal about the content of a man’s character. But they are not the whole story.

The Cominator says:

The funny thing is if leftists were really about making things better they should have loved Rhodesia as while blacks were disenfranchised there was no unnecessary cruelty or slave labor or quasi slave labor system ala the old South or South Africa. But of course leftists being demonic hated it more than anything.

Mayflower Sperg says:

This November is a perfect test of Jim’s Thermidor hypothesis. If Trump is selected, Thermidor is real, and stagnation into some sort of Ned Flanders churchian theocracy is possible. If Kamala, race communism is the official ideology, the decline accelerates, hyperinflation erupts, and things get chaotic, ready for a sudden phase change.

At that point, it only takes one Mullah Omar or Rodrigo Duterte to start publicly executing niggers, third-world immigrants, LGBTs, coalburners, druggies, and dealers. White Christian men will flock to him, while subhuman degenerates flee in mass to liberal big cities to trash their neighborhoods, eat their pets, and fuck their women. Unlike Afghanistan, foreign countries will make little effort to prop up the central government.

jim says:

Israel started this war to destroy Hamas (actually to destroy the Palestinians) Has Hamas been destroyed?

Hezbollah suffered a dire blow. Israel has innovated new and devastating tactics. But at some point, Israel has to attempt to push Hezbollah back from the border a considerable distance. Then we shall see.

Israel’s plan was to detonate the powned electronics while the invasion was under way, but had to detonate them prematurely, presumably because they discovered the cat was out of the bag. The effect will nonetheless be considerable. Will it be sufficient?

I don’t think it will. Hezbollah is still a lot tougher than Hamas, and Hamas has not been defeated. To win, Israel has to permanently ethnically cleanse a good chunk of Lebanon, which is likely to be difficult, and likely to result in the war broadening in unpredictable ways.

The detonation of Hamas electronics could have been very effective, if coordinated with other military measures. Without that coordination, it is just a stunt, like the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk. The invasion of Kursk changed nothing, and taking out most of the leadership of Hezbollah will change nothing. It could have changed a lot, but Hezbollah has been given time enough to pull themselves together.

alf says:

Nothing wrong with this James Bond stuff, quite impressive really, but without backing of a conqueror’s will, no long-term use.

The Cominator says:

I gave Israel some credit there…

Jehu says:

It’s like Wiley Coyote got a new gig after his constant failures in the CIA and Looney Tunes back in the 60s, and he’s finally got his act together after he joined the Mossad.

Your Uncle Bob says:

We’ve learned Iron Dome mostly doesn’t work. What it does intercept is often cheaper than what it’s shooting off to intercept, which is a bad spot to be in. Could easily be overwhelmed still further.

We’ve seen they can’t clear and hold ground in the West Bank. By their own declarations they need to. They’re strategically committed to genociding the Palestinians, but they’re stalled out doing it.

They’ve racked up some unforced propaganda losses, up to even having politicians and rioters defend the right of Israeli soldiers to sodomize prisoners of war. The western mind skips over this as it skips over so much of unpleasant reality, but its done them no favors for their long term position in their area of the world.

Their golem Uncle Sam has moved his aircraft carriers closer to support them – but not too close. It’s now apparent to the world that even the US has seen the writing on the wall about losing a carrier to missiles, and is trying to push off the day of reckoning. But the Houthis have gained enormous cachet, and the Iranians, Russians and Chinese are paying keen attention.

What they’ve got in their back pocket is the US Congress, presidency, money printing machine, and mil-industrial complex. That is a considerable resource, and one they will exploit to the fullest.

They will find it limited by recent browning of our xers in uniform. If the war widens (as they, and a faction of our elites intend) they really need fit young heritage Amerikaners eager to die for Israel, and those are in short supply recently.

It will be further limited by revealing exisiting weaknesses in American weapons platforms. The F-35 is too heavy, too out of service for maintenance, not stealthy enough, not cheap enough to field in numbers. The Patriot has always been shit, always had an inflated interception rate (which tracks with Iron Dome misses, even if they got the good stuff in comparison). Tanks are on their way out against any peer or near-peer with drones.

Cloudswrest says:

Nearly 10 minutes of very eloquent gibberish by NotebookLM. It sounds exactly like pro modern art critics, or the women on The View!

alf says:

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution does not contradict God’s plan but only reinforces the idea of a divine plan, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said

based patriarch Kirill.

jim says:

Well well well.

I have high hopes.

Anon says:

Do not agree, this is bad.
Priest who try to appeal to “science” end up making religion look low status to “science”. He should simply declare God created man and let the scientist rationalize. Darwin was always a Trojan horse used by “atheist” to first rationalize religious text then subverted.

Fidelis says:

Patriarch Kirill’s comments come after some Russian lawmakers proposed banning Darwin’s theory from being taught in schools

Maybe some context would help.

jim says:

> this is bad.

Not so. What is science? Science is a community of people pursuing truth through the scientific method. The scientific method should be high status, and Church and State should support its status. Could start by the state banning peer review and hanging a few peer reviewers for various frauds that ultimately killed a whole lot of people.

Peer Review tends to conclude that the peer reviewers are holier than you are. Obvious examples being Global Warming, Saturated fats, transsexuality, and vaccinations. Obviously the Church needs to oppose and condemn this, and it fails to do so. But go up against Darwin? That is like going up against Galileo, which did not turn out well for Christianity or the Church.

Galileo was an asshole and a heretic, and Newton was an asshole and a heretic. But the Church did the right thing by giving Newton a priestly sinecure (conditional upon him not actually preaching heresy) and burying him in Westminster Abbey. And the Church did the right thing by embracing Lyell. And a very wrong thing by suppressing Galileo. The Church needs to support truth and support social processes that lead to truth, and condemn untruth, and condemn processes and social environments, such as peer review, that are apt to lead to untruth.

Darwin has been used by the enemies of Christianity. Who believe in evolution as a creation myth, while totally rejecting “the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”

Natural selection gives them the hives, and “Favoured Races” causes them to scream and cry. They believe in evolution from the neck down. And they object strongly to “the struggle for life”.

skippy says:

Kirill has always been excellent. He’s been quoted here before (speaking on the war in Ukraine in 2022) and he has (or had!) some good stuff on youtube.

It’s been said that the ROC can be based because Putin has a massive pile of guns, which is true, but the ROC came out of the Soviet Union oppression more intact than the Western equivalents under ‘non-oppression’, ‘religious freedom’.

jim says:

> the ROC came out of the Soviet Union oppression more intact than the Western equivalents under ‘non-oppression’, ‘religious freedom’.

Globohomo corrupted the Churches. The holiness spiraling commies merely suppressed it, and Stalin did not suppress it.

We will likely see the Churches recover under Thermidor, as the Church recovered under Stalin.

A2 says:

With Israel now rolling into south Lebanon (or at least “raiding” it), one must wonder what their fuel supplies look like. Anyone know?

The Cominator says:

Walz getting slaughtered.

Mister Grumpus says:

That mouth.

Hesiod says:

Fighting seasonal gloom already, so couldn’t risk exacerbating that with watching that mendacious molester. Aftershow commentary has been good:

Cloudswrest says:

Iran appears to be the world leader in exoatmospheric ballistic missile attacks. Can’t think of any other nation that has deployed, large scale, ballistic missiles in actual attacks. Cruise missiles, yes, but not ballistic missiles. Maybe Saddam Hussein with his scuds. Seems like a pretty expensive way to go, but with unfriendlies between you at the target, seems like the only way to go as atmospheric missiles are more easily shot down en route.

Contaminated NEET says:

Jesus Christ. This is probably going to be WWIII. When the USA tries to invade Iran now, can we all admit the Jews run the country?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Bring it on, I’m bored of living in a world where nothing ever happens. WWIII would be fun to watch, and would do no harm to my grandchildren.

In the USA, most of the dead will be urban Jews, liberal whites, and their welfare pets. Out in the country, vigilante justice quickly solves the nigger problem, though Churchianity might keep the woman problem going a bit longer.

You should have a tornado shelter in your backyard anyway; it provides excellent protection against anything but a direct hit.

jim says:

I saw a wonderful video of Iranian missiles coming through — about twenty or thirty missiles came down in the video field of view. Two were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome. Iranian missiles are known to have remarkable targeting precision..

But long range exoatmospheric missiles are not very cost effective. To be useful, you need to know exactly what targets are high value. Or nuclear warheads. Iran urgently needs nukes, does not yet have them.

Pax Imperialis says:

It was a very effective proof of concept.

Pax Imperialis says:

Man does the regime love geriatric buffoons.

Hesiod says:

Revisited recently after a decades-long estrangement the Conan pastiches written by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter that went along with Robert E. Howard’s stories to form the original twelve books that launched the character Conan into pop culture fame. Published starting in the late 60s and completed by the mid 70s, you get a snapshot of 60/70s leftism. Overtly, de Camp and Carter virtue signal in the preface essays concerning Howard’s racial depictions. In their stories, you get magnificent black men at least in physical prowess and form. Fits into the “black is beautiful” counter-culture of the times.

However, there are no Belits or Valerias in the pastiches. Women are there to be rescued in some form or fashion; and when they are villains, their weapons are seduction and sorcery, as one courtesan/spy skilled in both remarks. She only bests a man due to deception and quick-acting poison on her dagger. So, Howard beats those guys in the strong wahmen department.

Varna says:

“Sit down,” he grunted, catching her by her wrist and pulling her down on his knee.

She was too surprised to resist as he took her sword from her hand and shoved it back in its sheath. “Sit still and calm down. You’d only break your steel on his scales. He’d gobble you up at one gulp, or smash you like an egg with that spiked tail of his. We’ll get out of this jam some way, but we shan’t do it by getting chewed up and swallowed.”

She made no reply, nor did she seek to repulse his arm from about her waist. She was frightened, and the sensation was new to Valeria of the Red Brotherhood. So she sat on her companion’s — or captor’s — knee with a docility that would have amazed Zarallo, who had anathematized her as a she-devil out of Hell’s seraglio.

Conan played idly with her curly yellow locks, seemingly intent only upon his conquest. Neither the skeleton at his feet nor the monster crouching below disturbed his mind or dulled the edge of his interest.

Red Nails, Robert E Howard

Hesiod says:

Indeed, and that shows even Howard only went so far. Red Sonja was a much-later creation to sell comics through a scantily-clad heroine.

Hesiod says:

There is a Red Sonya in Howard’s The Shadow of the Vulture story set during the Siege of Vienna, though her mail bikini seems conspicuously absent.

Varna says:

Howard’s historical tales centered around the clash of Christendom and Islam, such as The Shadow of the Vulture; The Sowers of the Thunder; Lord of Samarcand; The Lion of Tiberias; Hawks Over Egypt; Gates of Empire — are damn solid stuff and should be mandatory reading for every ten year old boy.

The Cominator says:

The only L. Sprague de Camp thing I know is Lest Darkness Fall and one of the women (she was in the Goth royal family) is a real evil bitch. She was on the main character’s side (she was madly in love in a very toxic psychotic way) sort of she wanted to marry him so he could gain entry into the Goth royal family and then become king… but she wanted to know all the women he fucked (one was some lowly serving maid type I can’t remember the details) because for some reason it was real important to her that she had them all killed.

Varna says:

L. Sprague de Camp did for Robert E Howard’s literary heritage what August Derleth did for H.P. Lovecraft’s literary heritage, making sure that these two little known weird pulp magazine writers from the 1920s and 1930s didn’t disappear from history, in spite of the world’s utter indifference at the time.

Some purists complain that de Camp and Derleth made both heritages “more pedestrian” through their own additions to the worldbuilding, but this is secondary; what matters is that these two men recognized rough genius and voluntarily took on the task of preserving it for decades until the world was ready to appreciate both Conan and Cthulhu.

… Lest Darkness Fall is an excellent little romp, I reread it a month ago.

The “third musketeer”, Clarke Ashton Smith, didn’t get a personal champion, but also resurfaced in the wake of the resurfacing of his two friends Robert E Howard and H.P. Lovecraft.

The Cominator says:

Somebody would have rediscovered Howard’s work imho no matter what his work was interesting. Lovecraft is another question… the Lovecraftian worldview a d mythos is per se more interesting than the writing itself.

jim says:

Lovecraftian universe is evil Gods (demons, undead monsters), who psychologically defeat and dominate the viewpoint characters.

Howard’s universe has God in it, but his primary characters are pagans in pagan epochs, who do not pay much attention to one universal God, though it is implied he is around, or Christians in times when Christianity was in bad shape, with blatantly evil Popes and Christian kings whose deplorably unchristian conduct rendered Christendom weak against its enemies. His depiction of Christianity and Christendom in those times is historically accurate, and unlike most historians, he correctly points to the loss of faith as weakness. The fictitious history you learn from Howard is a lot truer than the official history you get from history books. It is fictitious events set in the very real world.

The great virtue of Howard’s work is that it depicts manly heroes, and accurately represents the mating dance.

None of his characters gain strength from God, though Conan would have had a much easier time solving the riddle of steel if he had God behind him. Even his crusaders live in an age cynicism and are cynics, as Conan lived in an age of paganism and was pagan.

“he dreamed deep dim dreams of those old days when men first rode from the West strong with faith and eager with zeal, to found a kingdom of God.

Now men cut their neighbors’ throats in the West and cried out beneath the heels of ambitious kings and greedy popes, and in their wars and crying out, forgot that thin frontier where the remnants of a fading glory clung to their slender boundaries.”

You will not get that from history books, except you carefully read between lines. Howard knew that Christianity made Christendom strong, but his heroes do not depict that strength. Perhaps it would have made the riddle of steel too easy for Conan if he had faith in the one God, and likewise Howard got more drama depicting Christendom in tough times, when things are going bad.

Divine backing gives the protagonist plot armor. The reader will not believe the protagonist is in real danger.

The Cominator says:

Lovecraftian universe is sort of a model of the psychological horror the former New England Puritans (Lovecraft was a New Englander of old Puritan stock and he even shared the basic moral outlook of the puritans but with no faith behind it) found themselves in after they lost their faith. I don’t quite agree with the Puritan hypothesis (progressive leftism was a lot more like radical Quakerism than anything else at least in the Americas and the Puritans and Quakers didn’t exactly like each other) but the fact that it found some converts in New England (New England mostly drifter left because of the Irish immigration). Lovecraft was an athiest himself. For some reason the puritans were particularly prone to melancholy after having followed away from their religion… you can also smell it with Hawthorne, Poe etc. The post puritans were just very very unhappy people.

Howard is a very interesting character. He was both an introverted misfit clearly very very attached to his mother (he blew his brains out right after she died) but he was also manly and athletic (he was kind of the equivalent of a golden glove’s boxer) in some ways as well. I’m honestly not sure what his metaphysical beliefs were at all and not sure he ever talked about them even with his schoolteacher on and off again girlfriend. He seemed much enamoured of a sort of Nietzchean god of vitalism as his heroes are in the vein of Hercules ancient heroes. Conan is not always a good guy strictly speaking (though never purely evil either) but he is heroic in that he never gives into despair or fear.
Now do I think Howard was always this intense in person… probably not. Sources are spotty.

jim says:

> He seemed much enamoured of a sort of Nietzchean god of vitalism as his heroes are in the vein of Hercules ancient heroes.

I don’t think so. Just that the presence of God gives the protagonists too much plot armor.

Similarly every adventure tale for children featuring child protagonists has the parents absent or the children orphaned.

Hewey, Dewey, and Louie had no parents and were somewhat erratically cared for by an incompetent, negligent, and frequently distant uncle. Does not mean that Disney had any doubt in families. The uncle usually rises to the job when needed, but the reader has no confidence that he will. Similarly Conan’s god is alarmingly indifferent to his worshippers.

CS Lewis avoids the plot armor problem because every villain is empowered by moral flaws and wrongful acts of the protagonists.

A2 says:

Depends on his writing period period, but I’d say Lovecraft’s cosmic horror was basically about scientific discovery replacing the Christian paradigm.

The universe is not small and cozy but enormously vast and cold; the universe is not created just a short while ago but enormously old, as is the world; there is no caring God, there are just some bizarre, invulnerable creatures which at best ignore us and at worst destroy us; man is just another soulless animal somewhere in the food chain in a world ultimately lacking morality.

I’d call it a fair summary of the scientific viewpoint, with some embellishments.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The scientism viewpoint really; actual natural philosophers tended to be quite enthusiastic about plumbing the depths of Creation and finding even more wonderous contours.

Not to slight Lovecraft’s great achievement in tapping into this psychohistoric vein and expressing it so vividly, but men who professed these sorts of views so often tended to be men scribbling in papers and journals, not men creating works.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In any case, readers curious to know what Howard Philips personally thought about things, may be gratified to learn that they can hear about it in his own words –

A2 says:

Yes, I would agree, especially in earlier times. Monks and priests advanced the state of our scientific understanding.

Also, Radish, gone too soon*, is one of those sources, an elixir, whereof it is wholesome for spirit and body to partake.

(* Then again, that is not dead which can eternal lie.)

Varna says:

> “Conan is not always a good guy strictly speaking (though never purely evil either) but he is heroic in that he never gives into despair or fear.”

Conan is perfectly capable, as a young man, of being a thief, of participating in high road robbery or in high seas piracy. Also of “honest jobs” such as being a mercenary or a bodyguard.

He despises wizards, bureaucrats, sleazy merchants, lotus smokers, charlatans, liars and cowards. He is perfectly capable of befriending and protecting whores and strippers and beggars, and of showing respect to slum crimelords, should they deserve the respect. Gradually he becomes capable of being a leader of bigger and more complex groups, until finally he is ready to be king.

He is racially, culturally, and biologically aware, on an intuitive level, but is capable of finding a common language and a common cause with absolutely any individual, or group, be they a hyborian age arab equivalent, Indian equivalent, negro equivalent, scythian/mongol equivalent, or pre-historic forest barbarians like the Picts. Or women, dwarves, cripples, madmen, etc.

He comes from a frozen mountainous land, where the only in-group loyalty is to your family and your clan and even the other Cimmerians are highly suspect, although one may ally with them once in a while in order to either go on raids, or repulse someone else’s raids. This does not make him some bumpkin incapable of communication or cooperation with strangers, to the contrary, he is a master of “tolerance” as long as you don’t annoy him or try to cheat him or dominate him in some way.

He understands the point of view of everyone, and when for example is a mercenary helping defend a fort on the border of pict lands, he absolutely understands the logic and worldview of the picts, in spite of slaughtering them daily, but his advice on how to avoid large-scale conflict falls on deaf ears, because the “civilized” bosses of the fort are blinded by their own in-group hubris.

He appreciates authentic character and vitality in a woman, but also appreciates a foolish, superficial, silly woman, as along as she is pretty and doesn’t go overboard with the shit-tests. He is honor driven, capable of terrible vengeance, but also of mercy, compassion and vigilante justice. He values knowledge, and is always willing to learn more, to understand more. He is a polyglot, and in his rough way, an ethnographer and an anthropologist.

Once he matures and is out of his teens, less prone to drunken benders and hair-trigger brawls, put him into any city, and a week later he will understand the workings of its informal mechanisms better than the city’s officials. In a forest, he understands the forest. In a desert, he understands the desert. In the ocean, the understands the ocean.

He is a supreme individualist, very open to the world (otherwise he would not have left his homeland), but can also function well in groups, as a foot soldier, or officer, or supreme leader. He is at once very superstitious and believing in gods, spirits, demons, etc., but also highly skeptical of priests, clairvoyants, and conjurers, and super practical when dealing with the daily mortal cause-and-effect reality.

If he had an Aristotel-figure to guide him and educate him, perhaps he would have become a king at 19 and not all the way in middle age. But likely this would have given him a sort of “tunnel vision” and stunted his inner potential. Instead he gradually constructs his own knowledge-base and worldview by digesting the elements of life his travels and adventures have exposed him to.

Hesiod says:

Yes, the Riddle of Steel, an addition to the Conan mythos from Oliver Stone and John Milius’ script for the film Conan the Barbarian, please someone correct me if I err on that. Thulsa Doom tells Conan what is steel compared to the hand that wields it, the man. In his pride fit for a sorcerer, Doom stops there. What is the man compared to his Creator when you follow the chain far enough?

Tying into alf’s post below: if our Heavenly Father forged me through Darwinian evolution, His Will be done. My recent stargazing holds the stars as God’s workshops.

Thank you, Jim. Your posts are gems, but this is one worthy of a priceless jewel to lure Conan on an adventure.

Hesiod says:

Just completed a bootleg copy of Conan of the Isles, the last book of the series. Yes, de Camp and co. lacked Howard’s particular genius in action narrative, but their additions which tie together an over-arching narrative of Conan’s life are still quite entertaining. If nothing else, they humanize the character who, in Howard’s stories, sometimes comes off as a force of nature instead of mortal. An example from one of the pastiches that expands on Conan’s relative chivalric behavior towards women is Conan getting a bit homesick for Cimmeria and visiting his dear old mum.

My purist snobbery came from pastiche bloat, something common in any popular character or expanded universe. This revisit taught I unfairly lumped de Camp in with the rest back in the day.

A2 says:

Fun book. From what I recall, all the women of the main character turned out to be crazy bitches in various ways, so he hadn’t much luck in that department.

History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours also indicates that Frankish/Norman women could be quite wilful (murderous) at times so it does seem legit enough. Ostrogoths were presumably no shrinking violets either.

Anon says:

You talked in a comment once about how the sexual revolution has an end ,
What is the end look like ?

jim says:

very like “land to the tiller”.

Fidelis says:

If you want to turn Meeks’ soft harem into an state backed real harem, sure. Not sure how well that will work out for the gene pool for the next generation.

Taxpayers and soldiers are low status right now, they are not tilling much. Might want to distribute land a different way than officiating the current unacceptable status quo.

jim says:

You don’t understand my point — the point being that land to the tiller always turns out to be no land for anyone, and the sexual revolution turns out to be no sex. The sexual revolution of the late sixties was already starting to bite in the seventies, and since then has been biting ever worse.

Stalin had to re-institute private plots, or else everyone would have starved.

And state and official religion has to re-institute marriage 1.0, or else no soldiers. Russia has this problem, but the Ukraine has it far more severely.

Fidelis says:

In a fit of optimism I supposed an inevitable return to the natural order as the “end” of the revolution, and was incensed that the transition state might be a formalizing of the status quo. You are correct that I completely misunderstood the reference, appreciate the correction.

skippy says:

It is getting visible harder for people to form new pairs every single year. To the extent even women are beginning to complain about how strong their hand is.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Where are women begging men to please come and take their rights away? Maybe they are, just not in words that I would understand as such.

They complain a lot about men not approaching them, not talking to them, or disappearing to parts unknown. Some understand that men fear strong women, but see this as a mental illness, a phobia, instead of a rational response to real danger.

Adam says:

Trad girl influencers on social media.

But IRL they all say the same thing. I want more feminism, I want men to be manly, and I blame men.

jim says:

> Where are women begging men to please come and take their rights away?

That is not how women do it. It is a fitness test.

They don’t beg men to take their rights away. They provoke men to conquer them. The mating dance is: Men perform and women choose, but men conquer and women surrender.

Varna says:

The “sexual revolution” can be seen from a number of angles, even family structure and mating dance changes aside.
For example:
1) Increasingly eccentric practices becomes increasingly normalized and popularized
2) Everyone banging each other all the time
3) Everyone being a porn addict
4) Increasing number of toys and devices for alone time tripping

1) This one is either about to take off for real, or to taper off, likely taper off, before a next explosion mainly in virtuality*
2) This one is dead in old school meatspace
3) This one is about to take off for real, once virtual tech, gaming tech, and hypno tech link up
4) Both the pagan joy and Giggerian horror niches are in breakneck evolution and will also at some point link up with 3)

*the virtuality will quickly become a “legal reality” and “social reality” and “political reality” etc., so the explosion of identity stuff there will have legal, political, and social ramifications for sure

The Cominator says:

#2 is not what is happening only what Ned Flanders boomercons think is happening.

dharmicreality says:

Reply to this comment:

Talking to the Dharma Bros, it is obvious that I unsurprisingly have a lot more information about the way our civilisation worked when it was high functioning than they do of their civilisation when it was high functioning.

Not quite. Actually a decently functional Hindu patriarchal society even survived the desert cult invasions and external defeat at the hands of East India Company, though morale of Hindu society at large nosedived at that point. The biggest issue is that Hinduism was defeated externally and later subverted internally by a hostile elite. The internal subversion has cost way more than the external defeat.

So we actually do have information. Even up to the generation of my great-grandfather, we had a decently functional patriarchy among the higher castes though it was already running on fumes by the end of that generation. Females were not educated and stayed mostly at home even in my grandparents’ generation. Hostile government action both by the British Raj and later the Government of India after independence to (a) empower women and (b) attack ancestral succession of property by male heirs wiped out the remnants of patriarchy in Hinduism. Our great-grandparents’ generation had dozens of kids in a marriage. Grandparents’ generation had half a dozen or so. The next generation had only a couple or three at most. The present generation is struggling for a single child.

Varnashrama is well documented as is Law of Manu. The current problem is that we don’t have a priesthood that is ready to acknowledge these. Law of Manu especially on women and varnashrama are crimethoughts even under the “right wing” BJP government.

Jim says:

> Actually a decently functional Hindu patriarchal society even survived the desert cult invasions and external defeat at the hands of East India Company,

You had successful reproduction in the time of your great grandfather, but not science, nor order, nor technological progress. The East India company’s empire was an almost accidental outcome of their efforts to make it safe for them to buy spices and you to sell them.

You lost science and mathematics when the Mohammedans conquered you, but science and mathematics remained absent in Hindu ruled areas, and, lacking safe conditions for larger forms of organisation by merchants, technology.

Science is critically dependent on the state religion. Individual atheist scientists can do science fine, but scientific progress depends on large scale cooperation between scientists, which seems to require a reasonable proportion of scientists to believe in a faith compatible with science, and for such a faith to be socially acceptable and somewhat high status. Christians lost the crusades because their faith went barren. As Robert E Howard (the man who wrote Conan) depicts a crusader in the fading days of the Crusades.

“he dreamed deep dim dreams of those old days when men first rode from the West strong with faith and eager with zeal, to found a kingdom of God.

Now men cut their neighbors’ throats in the West and cried out beneath the heels of ambitious kings and greedy popes, and in their wars and crying out, forgot that thin frontier where the remnants of a fading glory clung to their slender boundaries.”

And chances are you lost to the Muslims for the same reason. Rajputs made the late stage crusaders look like the hero crusader saints that Howard’s crusader character dimly recalls. Lots of cutting their neighbors’ throats. Your operations against the Muslims seemed to be treated as a frivolous distraction from internal quarrels, like the quarrel between Popes and Christians that ruined the crusades.

The blockchain problem of Byzantine fault is named after the treachery and treason of Byzantine generals, but treachery and treason is the weapon of the weak, and was provoked in substantial part by the wrongful conduct of Popes and Roman Christians. And that is how the Crusades were lost. You know the history of your war with Dar Al Islam better than I, but I expect that if you look into it, you will find worse than I found in the latter crusades.

Science worked well in the west so long as most scientists believed, or found it advisable to pretend to believe, that reality is will of a God that cannot change and cannot lie, manifest to eyes of flesh. Peer Review is Talmudic scholars litigating against God, as was revealed in the ClimateGate papers.

jim says:

You lost science and mathematics before the Mohammedans invaded. Reading up on Brahmagupta, he is an adherent, or pretends to be an adherent, of a state religion hostile to science. Like the Climategate papers, he is talmudicly litigating against the will of God manifest as the world. You need to find what Hinduism was around 500AD, while I only need to find what English Christianity was around 1700AD.

You complain of Brahmin legalism today. Chances are that legalism set in some time between 500AD and 600AD, poisoning science, and rendering you weak against your enemies, as we in today in the west are returning from science to the demon haunted dark, and just lost the logistic war with Russia.

Christianity is good at rising from the dead. Your faith has had a mortal illness for fourteen centuries.

dharmicreality says:

. Your faith has had a mortal illness for fourteen centuries.

The very fact that India is still a Hindu majority country is quite a surprising fact, given the history but it shows that Hinduism had a working social technology until a couple of generations back despite being defeated externally and despite losing the scientific and technological prowess of our ancestors. This has probably helped Dharmics survive into the 21st Century, but more pressing problems face us now, since we lost that social technology. We are facing external threats as well as internal subversion, the latter being a more dangerous long-term enemy.

Yes, we need to rediscover what made Hinduism great and the science and technological spirit of the Aryans, but right now survival is even more important. This would be a long term project to make Hinduism scientific again, but in the meantime we have to borrow from 17th Century English Christianity for the science and technological spirit.

But in the meantime, the next generation of Hindus has to exist. The fall of elite fertility and general fertility among Hindus is alarming. If there is no Hinduism surviving in the next generation, science and technology become moot.

The social technology has to be restored before we rediscover science and technology.

jim says:

Quite so. Hinduism survived because Hindus reproduced successfully. If you don’t, you wont, and if we don’t, we wont.

But in our case, the qualities are linked. The faith that gave us empire, industrialisation, science, and technology, also gave us good fertility.

dharmicreality says:

I have no doubt that this would have been the case as well during the golden age of Hinduism.

Science and technological prowess is linked to the warrior mentality and exploration/adventurous spirit. We need warrior rule restored and warriors becoming high status, priests playing a virtuous supporting role.

Aryans had this, and the Europeans in the colonial era had this.

skippy says:

The evolution of Indian society is deeply mysterious. The Muslims imposed an (on paper) quite functional law even on non-believers, and at the time they invaded India they really believed in that law. The British restored the Code of Manu, although it’s not so clear the Indians cared about the Code of Manu by the time the British arrived. The “independent India” is possibly the most Anglicised India has ever been, or ever will be.

jim says:

When the British conquered, Indians did not care about the law of Manu. Indians should have cared about the code of Manu. It comes from a time when Hindu civilisation was great. The British imposed it because they were favorably impressed, and had to impose something. That they had to reach back a mighty long way to dusty texts long forgotten and ignored, should tell you that the Hinduism they encountered had lost something important and that today’s Dharma Bros need to reach back to something like that time.

jim says:

The Indians did not care about the code of Manu — which was a problem the British remedied. A bunch of Christians were attempting to fix up Hinduism so that the place would function. The company wanted a workable, useful, and universal system of Hindu law, so the British judge, William Jones, learned Sanskrit, read some old neglected books, found it. British scholars read about a more functional Hinduism in very old neglected dusty books, and were favourably impressed. It was less effort to make Hindus conduct themselves according to older Hinduism, than convert them all to eighteenth century Christianity. It was a program that would have been better if carried out by Dharma bros than the Company.

Dharmicreality says:

Unfortunately eclipsed by the British Raj later thoroughly converging the Hindu elites to Cambridge (later Harvard) leftism actively hostile to old type Hinduism which effect remains to this day.

skippy says:

What exactly were the Brahmins doing under the Muslims? Under the British? For or against the Union? Do Indians know? Were they doing anything?

Dharmicreality says:

The traditional Brahmins were the Hindu elite. However the influential section of these elites became actively hostile to traditional Hinduism while embracing Harvard leftism. Hindu “reformers” are a prime example of subversion.

Because of not being anywhere close to power, the traditional Hindus couldn’t do much. The state religion always overrides and subverts/destroys the competing priesthood.

jim says:

I am seeing a preference cascade in the US. People are fed up with our officially unofficial state religion, and enough people are saying so that suddenly more people are able to say so.

Don Jr. just gained twenty charisma points.

As yet no one dares advocate a counter state religion in any concrete terms, though Tucker, like myself, advocates familist Christianity. Unlike myself, he is not willing to be too specific about the content of that Christianity. However his frequent criticisms of Episcopalianism imply he advocates Episcopalianism as it once was — which is exactly what I have been advocating. Though he still might be horrified at my specifics of what made it great.

But war tends to clarify things.

skippy says:

“Because of not being anywhere close to power, the traditional Hindus couldn’t do much. The state religion always overrides and subverts/destroys the competing priesthood.”

It seems like under the British a large conspiracy of high IQ natives, speaking their own language, would have had considerable freedom of action even if they did not have access to power. Did they do literally nothing?

Upravda says:

Regarding communist lesbian space witches… in the land of 404, I have breaking news! Ukraine will finally start winning! Reports are that Putin has shat his pants and seriously considers unconditional surrender of all Russian forces, and co-organizing Victory Gay Parade in EU-kommissariat Moskau for the atonement of his sins, before inevitable hanging and quartering.

Ukraine has decided to introduce gender-sensitive language into the army.

TheDividualist says:

>they will break stuff and $#!% over everything in an effort to smoke the alpha out of hiding so that he will give them a richly deserved spanking and chain them to his bedroom

Jim, there aren’t any alphas in this. That’s because this kind of videogame fandom is utterly childish. Even a better beta, a Typical Dad, would play something like NHL hockey game or a flight sim, not cartoonish fantasy stuff. That is for children and man-children.

No, it is rather about women’s hatred for the truly low quality gamma-omega men. They are afraid to get knocked up by their defective genes, hence the hatred.

jim says:

In the ancestral environment, an alpha would have appeared and put a stop to the nonsense. So yes it is hatred of being surrounded by men that they perceive as low status. Hence the desire to drive the fans away. But is also just simply destructive, which in the ancestral environment would have caused an alpha to appear to put a stop to it.

The Cominator says:

There is no such thing as a gamma…

i says:

I dunno. Many of Voxday’s commentators all find that the behavioral model for “Gamma” fits particular men.

Generally Solipsistic, Effeminate, delusionally confident and repulsive to women regardless.

jim says:

Vox Day’s model is a rationalisation of why women fail to behave as the purple pill expects them to. It is not really about men. It is about women.

Contaminated NEET says:

Concord is a class-based team shooter game. It’s a blend of cooperation and competition that demands planning, flexibility, and skillful execution. I’d think this genre appeals to a fairly manly segment of the gaming market.

jim says:

This genre appeals to male audience. However the primary objective of Concord is to appeal to “the modern audience”, which they seem to believe consists of morbidly obese women. I conjecture that these creative decisions were made by morbidly obese women.

Contaminated NEET says:

Oh, no doubt. Obese, indoctrinated women were making the decisions on Concord, and they despise their customers and want to punish them. They forgot that the customers don’t have to pay them for the privilege.

jim says:

That is what I dispute. They did not forget that customers would be disinclined to pay to be punished. They wanted to foul things up. Childless women in power always do that.

Contaminated NEET says:

Ah, I see. The obese HR ladies and girlbosses wanted a strong man to appear and lay down the law, so they made a mess hoping that they would be punished.

Hah! Well, that doesn’t work either. We can all ride this sinking ship down to the bottom together.

We will drown and nobody shall save us.

jim says:

I have been following story of Ubisoft. After going woke and produce as series of unsuccessful woke games, shares fell to one eighth of their 2020 peak, now rising to one sixth on rumors of a buyout by Tencent, a chinese game company.

But their top management is the same management as ever, what caused them to suddenly start pissing on their audience? Well, according to a Youtuber who claims an insider spilled the beans, DEI. The DEI hires tended to be grossly incompetent, being hired not mere for race and sex, but primarily for political activism. They then formed “safe spaces” within the company, which were activist groups aimed at “transforming the company culture” and launched a fusillade of complaints to HR against straight white males — the real objection from the women being that devs were beta, and the real objection from the faggots being that they were straight. Which complaints of course always got the backing of HR. The safe spaces were devoted to making the company unsafe for anyone who lacked the political or sexual qualities to be permitted in a safe space.

White straight male developers complain that it is venemously hostile and disruptive environment. So it is not as if management decided “Lets make games woke for the modern audience”. But neither could management say “cut this woke crap”, or even think it, because that would be extreme right nazi Hitler Hitler Hitler and they would get sued into a smoking grease stain for racial and sexual discrimination. Developers are not worried what management will say or think. They are worried about what HR will say and think.

DEI is like hiring Indian engineers. Hire Indian engineers, you are apt to wake up one morning and find that you entire IT department has the same last name. Go DEI, you wake up one morning and find that your entire IT department is having anal sex in a great big pile. Notice the striking lack of actual diversity in the creative team that gave us Miss Marvel and the female Hulk. “Diversity” is in practice the creation and privileging of racial and sexual groups, creating group conflict. Victim groups have a license to make war on normal people, normal people do not have a license to defend themselves. War ensues.

Diversity, by making distinctions and granting privileges on the basis of race, sex, and sexual preference, divides people. Once group A gets results by harming group B, the conflict will escalate. For two sharply bounded, hostile, and different groups to co-exist, there has to be mutual deterrence. Group B can only halt the process by asserting its identity and systematically harming group A until deterrence is accomplished, or one group or the other is eliminated. Hence the remarkably lack of diversity one observes in “diverse” companies, where a single group of morally defective unpleasant people all with exactly the same defect gets one hundred percent of some activity in the business.

To cure the problem, men have to firmly put women in their proper place, and throw gays off the top of a tall building. Lesser means are unlikely to suffice. One might say “surely firing all the diversity hires would suffice”, but that is likely to be a coup complete problem. Hard to fire diversities unless you first put women in their place and throw gays off tall buildings.

The nature of war is that one unthinkable thing is followed by another even more unthinkable thing, and nothing gets settled until it is demonstrated who can do the most unthinkable things harder and faster. Thermidor is unstable, and will break right or left or to Caesar.

Pax Imperialis says:

AndyPants Gaming

Reactionary game critic channel on YouTube. Openly calls on the younger generation to remove gay, restore patriarchy, don’t let women drive, have men be men and women be women.

jim says:

Impressed. I have noticed a radical reduction in Youtube censorship and shadow banning.

i says:

Interesting video on passive-aggressive mean girls style bullying:

Worthwhile watch for people with daughters here. Just as a way to counter mean girls nonsense.

Zach says:

The video game industry is filled to the brim with a bunch of pussy manginas. Almost all of them. But there are exceptions. Youtube’s side of video games is a cacophony of retards. But, maybe these might be exceptions?

The Dwarf Fortress bros.
Kenshi, dev LoFi Games.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance, dev Warhorse studios.
Songs of Syx, dev Gamatron AB

Various turn-based war devs…

Epimetheus says:

There’s an RTS map game coming out that I’m excited about – Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age. Basically Tom Clancy’s Red Storm Rising, WW3 gone hot, to be published by the resurrected Microprose. Judging from their accents on livestreams, the developers are in Eastern Europe, on the periphery of the GAE.

The Cominator says:

Re contrast between the modern poz and even the recent past lets compare the current Shogun (not that bad for a modern production overall) to the 1980s Shogun.

In the old Shogun the Lady Mariko was a model of traditional Japanese sweetness and politeness at all times (Jim would object of course to her committing one incidence of adultery, and in the 1980s version it was when she knew her husband was alive whereas in the 2024 when she did it she thought her husband was dead, but in her defense her husband clearly treated her consistently pretty horribly and it was over something her father did) in the 2024 version they can’t resist making her seem kinda bitchy.

TheDividualist says:

Dear Jim,

>in an effort to smoke the alpha out of hiding

No, there are no alphas in videogame fandom. Alphas focus on creating, not consuming, they only consume stuff they can learn from. Betas consume manly stuff like watching sports and flight simulator videogames. Someone obsessing over a shitty cartoonish game is a child, not a proper adult man, somewhere between Gamma and Omega. So that is not the explanation.

The explanation is that women have a visceral hatred for Gammas and Omegas, because they are afraid they might sneak their defective genes into their wombs.

Also, this is good. This basically sends men the message to stop consooming shit, stop caring about pop culture as pop culture clearly does not care about you, and go and learn and create.

We have many problems but this is not one, as it is not in any sense mandatory to consume pop culture, nor is consuming it necessary for living a good life, rather it is contrary to that.

I do not even claim alphahood, I think I am quite far from that, being a natural monk, but when I watch some kind of a moving picture, it will be something like this:

OK, having said that, I do feel a certain nostalgy for the gritty, manly realism of old-time games like the Band Of Brothers series. But time to grow up and stop playing games.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Nice things are nice, actually.

The only people out here hating drawings of hot women are women and the men who are in line for long distance swimming lessons. Bad company to keep.

The Cominator says:

“We have many problems but this is not one, as it is not in any sense mandatory to consume pop culture”

Common cultural interests universally shared are necessary to avoid atomization. I greatly miss the Simpsons being good and everyone watching it both for the comedy value and as a topic of icebreaking and jovial conversation. Life without good comedy just isn’t much fun.

TheDividualist says:

Dear Jim,

Some further thoughts: why does it tend to happen so, that when I look at a claim that SJWs ruined something, and I look into it, I see that thing ruined BEFORE the SJWs arrived?

It seems things first turn to shit, second that shit attracts SJW flies.

Three examples:

1) GitHub was the first Silicon Valley company to be attacked by SJW entryists. But GitHub admins were known to have a stupid puerile behaviour before the entry, like randomly adding users to joke projects. They did not have that cool professional attitude I would expect, they were childishly playing games, treating the job as a playground. Maybe that attracts SJWs?

2) Joker 2 ruined Joker 1. But Joker 1 was also pretty shit compared to Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.

3) Videogames, again, the gritty realistic 2000’s games first turned into childish anime looking crap, then AFTER that did the SJWs arrive.

jim says:

It is easy for a small cohesive group within a larger incohesive group to take over the larger incohesive group, the classic and ancient example of this being the lavender mafia.

Thus, the less cohesive the larger group, the more swiftly it is taken over.

c4ssidy says:

There are old blog posts talking about the challenger disaster, and political appointees replacing competence, so Werner von Braun being replaced by someone with a degree in ‘engineering management’ which was a social science diploma with about 10% engineering. You can see the same pattern in the videogame companies long before DEI comes in, by studying the team members over time, and mapping them to changes in philosophy.

I think systems design is relevant too, as a friction process. Arbitrary hidden admin actions are a super powerful tool. Reddit is an echo-chamber even far beyond what I think would be predicted from the usual incentives. But consider this: if you check a post about a conservative being killed in some way, browse by ‘new’, you’d see thousands of very bot-sounding repeats of ‘Oh no, anyway…’, a reference to the Clarkson meme, and a way of endorsing violence subtly without actually violating the nominal rules. If you write that even once on say, the death of a troon, or a ukraine volunteer or something like that, the account gets shadowbanned almost immediately, a human op which skips the normal mod queue of the jeet call center and I strongly suspect skips the official moderation stats if they are ever questioned by congress as happens occasionally with big sites these days. My point is that any platform which allows the equivalent of jokes from random employees, arbitrary data editing, has rot from its foundations, and becomes easy to subvert systematically into absurd cases. Platforms with more friction need to be built with hashes throughout their whole design plan, so that arbitrary edits anywhere are a big deal, and even when performed are by nature extremely apparent, like a big hole in a building

The anime crap artstyle btw, skill issue, but the skill issue flows from the team competence drop, and that flows from the political centric hiring as a precursor to the full blown DEI, the local equivalent of 1980s NASA

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