Communist Lesbian Space Witches

Video and game producers have been going woke and going broke.

Step one: Purchase a deeply loved Intellectual Property with a huge die hard loyal fan base.

Step two: Update it for “modern audiences” — which is to say, stick a chick in it and make it gay.

Step three: Prior to release, tell the die hard loyal fan base they are vile hateful scum who should go away and die, and you hate the intellectual property also.

Step four: No one watches the show or plays the game, because the “modern audience” loves the product so much that they forget to play it or watch it.

Step five: Blame the fans for steps one to four.

“Suicide Squad killed the justice league” is a transsexual spitting on the Justice League IP and Batman.

And finally they have reluctantly noticed. The failure of Buzz Lightyear was blamed by executives on the gay kiss (how terribly homophobic of them🙃).

That they are allowed to notice is Thermidor in video and games.  That they are allowed to notice foreshadows Trump being allowed to be elected.

The share market crashed Ubisoft’s shares because of the poor sales of Star Wars Outlaws and the angry fan reaction to it.

Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are allowed on Youtube. Titans of Youtube versus Disney. And now they are winning, and Disney is capitulating.

Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are 2016 leftism, Trump is 1980s leftism, Putin 1990s leftism, Musk is too smart to be easily pigeon holed. “Despot of Antrim” is a neoreactionary, who somehow gets away with it despite being on Youtube, probably because he is a star wars obsessed nerd who goes on for hours and hours, so that our enemies do not take him seriously.

Fox is the outer wing of uniparty, and in this sense is current year leftism. Nerdrotic outflanks Fox on the right, by not being uniparty. He got left behind by current year leftism when they came out to abolish whiteness. Abolishing whiteness is like “liquidating the Kulaks as a class”. Liquidating kulaks as a class turned out to be liquidating kulaks, what else could it be? And abolishing whiteness will turn out to be abolishing whites, what else could it be?

Nerdrotic on rumble is considerably more political and further to the right than Nerdrotic on Youtube, but still weak sauce. Civil war is polarizing. In the end the choice is likely to be demon worshipping leftists trying to abolish whites, and 1160sThrone and Altar reactionaries unemancipating women, and everyone is going to have to choose one side or the other, but at the moment the strong hand seems to be Thermidor, who don’t much like abolishing whiteness, let alone whites, but want to roll back leftism to somewhere between 2020 and 1980. But Thermidor, being an attempt to roll back leftism a few years, but not too many years, is inevitably fragile and unstable, apt to be torn apart when the decision of just how many years comes up for grabs.

For a long time the video and game producing left has ignored their moderate critics as a tiny shrill minority of hateful misogynic racists. With show after show going down the sink, the investors are telling them to listen. It is entertainment industry’s branch of Thermidor.

The Acolyte is “The Phantom Menace”, which was already poisonously politically correct, updated for “the modern audience”. However, though they updated the events and actors for “the modern audience”, they left out the plot, story, world building, character, motivation, and character development” for heavy handed political tableaus. The tableaus exist for no particular reason other than to stuff some political point down the throats of the audience (example:strong woman leader), They are not rooted in a larger universe, not a natural outcome of the larger world in which they exist — there is no larger world in which they exist, nor are they caused by character motives. The characters are dragged from one tableau to the next for no particular reason. The main character keeps getting knocked out and literally dragged unconscious to the next tableau. The characters have no character development because they have no character nor motivations.  For example strong woman leader Mother Aniseya does not have a backstory, she has a political lecture.

As the representation went up, the game content went down. Outlaws was just Assassins Creed minus most of the gameplay and story plus diversity, equity and inclusion.  The protagonist is a sex changed Hans Solo. Strong ugly girl boss of color protagonist, intended as a female Hans Solo. They motion captured a startlingly beautiful actress with a lovely face and oh wow body shape — and then changed her into an unattractive intersexual mutant. Because male gaze evil. The main character looks like she was made in a lab by a group of feminists who refuse to tell you what a woman is.

Hans Solo was a lovable scoundrel, a very likeable character. Maam Solo is just a scoundrel, in addition to be an ugly androgynous mutant.

The development team behind Star Wars Outlaws have regularly put out hateful abuse against white males. And they will not allow any female character who is not a lot uglier than themselves (chicks instinctively hate competition).  When a video game motion captures a handsome male model, the in game character looks exactly like the model, or a very recognisable cartoon version. When they motion capture a hot female model, the in game character is unrecognisably ugly, androgynous, and sexually intermediate

And suddenly there has been a big change.  The protagonist of Outside In 2 was going to turn gay, and the executives objected, perhaps recalling Buzz Lightyear.  There was a big struggle over this issue, and sanity won.

Activists are being purged across the entertainment industry.  Deadpool and Wolverine came out with white male heroes being allowed to be heroes.  The Penguin with white male antiheroes, and no attempt was made to spit in the fans faces and ram politics down their throats.

But still no one dares realistically depict romance between men and women. no one is admitting what needs to be done, the most “reactionary”, “racist”, ‘anti woke” you tubers are incapable of saying what is forbidden to say. Thus I watch a Youtube channel titled “DEI makes video games DIE”, and they adopt a centrist position somewhere in the middle between the demonic radical leftism that they are condemning, and the maniacal self destructive leftism that they call “extreme right”

Concord, a four hundred million dollar game who primary play goal was to promote body positivity for androgynous morbidly obese women was abandoned two weeks after release, The Acolyte, described by its supporters as “Lesbian Witches in Space”, “Gayest Star Wars ever”, “”Queer with a capital Q”, was not renewed.  Star Wars Outlaws, described by its critics as “Mam Solo” is going to be radically rewritten, and the release of Assassins Creed Shadows is being held back to be rewritten due to the hostile reaction to Star Wars Outlaws.

But still no one can depict men and women acting heterosexually towards each other.  The last show to dare to do that was “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”, twenty forty years ago, and it is still catching flack for that.  That is far too radical for Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker to think such thoughts.

Women killed “The Acolyte”.  Well of course women killed it. If you let women in male sphere activity, they will break stuff and $#!% over everything in an effort to smoke the alpha out of hiding so that he will give them a richly deserved spanking and chain them to his bedroom, kitchen, and nursery, this being the ancestral environment of successful reproduction for women, and male sphere activities not the environment of successful reproduction.

The completely malicious, destructive, and hostile behaviour of the writers, directors, and cast of the Acolyte to the Star Wars intellectual property and the Star Wars fans is completely intelligible when viewed through the lens of evolutionary game theory.

And as for the faggots, well, it is the nature of faggots that they just cannot help rubbing their sexuality in everyone’s face. But mostly, women killed it. If it was primarily faggots killing it, the acting would have been less wooden, and the story line would have tried to make sense. The writers of The Acolyte and Star Wars Outlaws were deliberately malicious and destructive, consciously seeking to drive the fans away.  Similarly, Snow White. (Now Snow Brown).  Faggots love to rub their sexual preference in everyone’s face, but I don’t thin that was the primary motivation in the attempted ruining of Inside Out 2.  I think they just wanted to piss on the fans.

Women are wonderful at being women. They are very bad at being men. Since the cast, director, writers, and all that were primarily childless women, naturally they behaved in a manner that in the ancestral environment would soon result in them ceasing to be childless, but in our environment is not working any more, because the alpha cannot get away with the spanking and the chaining.  It is inherent in the nature of women that if you give single childless women power roles in a male sphere activity, they will ruin everything.

38 Responses to “Communist Lesbian Space Witches”

  1. Upravda says:

    Situation is somewhat better among indie games. I, being Linux user, am mostly constrained to indie games, be those native or playable on Steam Deck. However, watch out even those, since companies such as Sweet Baby Inc can turn a proverbial barrel of fine wine to sewage with even one drop of a dreck. Luckily, we do have a curator named Sweet Baby Inc Detected which has already invoked the woke anger, but it seems that Mr. Newell does not give a damn, refusing to be converged. For now.

    Regarding hollywood movies, situation is hopeless, and it pulled along almost all national cinematographies of the world. I think the last good modern hollywood movie I watched was The Passengers. After that, I watched only Avatar 2, out of morbid curiosity. It was not actually so bad I expected, because being, surprisingly, quite patriarchal, but still not good overall.

    There is numerically humble Russian production of mostly good movies, but it has become increasingly difficult to find subtitles in Croatian or Serbian.

    • Varna says:

      Hollywoodski-style spectacle films, from the final 4-5 years before the pandemic and then the war. But, of course, made for like $3-4 million, as opposed to $300 – 400 million.

      The Blackout
      Some good designer choices, like the alien ship slowly descending around 1h.50min, and possibly the best modern lovemaking scene, before we’re five minutes in; short, alienated and synthetic yet pathetically sincere, like something out of Blade Runner’82.

      Beyond the Edge
      Starts like a disjointed heist film with Antonio Banderas cameos, turns into Inception.

      Coma 2019
      Could not find this in English, but here it is in Hindu for our swarthy friends. Nice chase scene after around the 7-minute mark.

      Legend of Kolovrat 2017 Can’t find the film in English or even Hindu, so just the trailer. Swords and horses and Asiatic hordes, kind of “300” vibe.

      All in all a delightful B-movie peak, which will probably not make a comeback for a decade, the way things are going.

  2. Anon says:

    The only game I followed religiously was the Metal Gear Solid series after it and especially after Kojima left Konami I stoped following games. Today games are not bad due to woke but they are technically bad. It seem it is prerequisite to have conan the barbarian mentality about life and war to produce quality games.

    • Bouncer says:

      There are plenty that were/are bad due to wokeness as well though, from the one by that twat that kicked off the whole GamerGate thing by sleeping with the “journalist” in exchange for positive articles, to the recent Overwatch ripoff that included obese black lesbians and choosing your pronouns (though it flopped after less than a week apparently, despite 8 years of development).

  3. Big Brutha says:

    The issue with Thermidor, as you noted, is that it is inherently unstable.

    Turkish president Erdoğan once said “Democracy is like a tram. You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off.”

    Democracy (the tram) is the publicly acceptable face of leftism and in this context, is precisely what Thermidor is trying to do. They want to stop the movement of leftism at a particular location (set of conditions they find acceptable) and get off the tram (prevent the tram from continuing.)

    The problem is that democracy isn’t actually like a tram. Democracy is a waterslide. It has no brakes. There is no way to really stop anywhere. The further you go, the faster you go because you are traveling along an ever-steepening grade.

    But Thermidor still believes it is on a tram and it can just stop and get off. That is a mistake and why Thermidor is unstable. The pressure is all moving one way and Thermidor has to resist it with tremendous effort just to remain in place. One little nudge and it is back to sliding ever lefter, ever faster.

    The reality is, if you want to stop moving permanently you have to stop the flow of water. Which means its no longer a waterslide. For purposes of this example, it’s no longer democracy. The hard part is you have to do it while sliding. Which means it’s very likely to take an incredible amount of violent effort, probably to try to break a hole through the side of the slide to let the water drain out or break two of the sections of the slide apart.

    In other words, you can either ride the democracy waterslide into the leftist singularity or you can dismantle the democratic waterslide. But you can’t keep riding and hope to stop. And if you stop and try to hold in place without cutting off the flow of water you are going to find that very very hard indeed.

    But…you might HAVE to try to do that before you can try to break a hole in the slide or break sections of it apart, or heaven forbid, try to climb back up to the top of the slide to shut off the water.

  4. Anonymous Fake says:

    I’ll believe Our Guys are in power when [*deleted for saying “our guys”. Take the shill test*]

  5. Adam says:

    Space Marines 2 (warhammer 40k game) came out recently and is pretty based. Most of the marines are white and I’ve only come across one warrior princess in the campaign and she was pretty low status and only around for just a minute. All the priests and commanders are all white men.

  6. Isaac says:

    The latest Final Fantasy 14 expansion, Dawntrail released this summer, seems to have fallen for this somewhat. After Endwalker in 2021, I thought the Japanese studio was immune to the woke influence, but alas.
    The story has a retiring King setting up a contest between 4 claimants to see who will succeed the throne. One is a biological son, two are adopted children of a different fantasy race, and the last is of no relation but won a tournament. We have: The warrior, the bully, the science nerd, and the girl who says she will solve foreign relations by.. being kind. But also she is a great leader or will learn to be one somehow, because she really wants to.
    The game forces us to spend all our time following around the adopted nice girl (Wuk Lamat) who ends up winning and becoming the next leader, of course. After she wins, she invites the science nerd to rule beside her as co-ruler, leaving the Warrior (the only biological son of the former king) and the Bully behind.
    The first 20-30 hours of the game are spent following Wuk around like a lost puppy, while we visit various parts of fantasy not-Mexico, learn about their culture, solve a minor problem for them, and then think about how great diversity is.
    Wuk is one of the most disliked protagonist in this FF game, and probably all FF games. The Japanese did a poll of the top 10 characters from the game, and Wuk, who we follow around for 40-50 hours and who inserts herself into everything, didn’t make it.
    To make matters worse, in English, Wuk is voiced by a tranny white male from California. So we have a white male trying to sound like a latin female, failing at both aspects. The force is just so much worse than others, it’s jarring, but people are afraid to criticize it.
    I’m not sure I’m explaining how steep the dropoff is, the last two expansions from 2019 and 2021 were gripping writing, for a video game, exploring philosophical themes of existence, creation, etc.. and now we are going from town to town learning about their culture and talking about diversity.
    The official reason is that the head writer was promoted to management, and someone else stepped in and took over the writing, but maybe that’s the way it goes. The old guard gets replaced with younger people who grew up in woke culture and are like a fish who can’t see the water around them? Even reddit hates the expansion:

    However, this was not a commercial failure like concord. Mostly people put up with the story aspects and are coping by saying the non-story aspects make up for it this time around, and the game itself has a good track record and has built up good will over the years. But maybe if there are a few of these in a row, it will start to suffer.

    • Contaminated NEET says:

      > To make matters worse, in English, Wuk is voiced by a tranny white male from California

      I listened to that clip you linked, and my god, is it ever bad. I can imagine the awkward silences and knowing glances among the employees, probably the majority, who could see it was awful but were prudent enough to keep quiet about it. I bet not one person spoke up about the naked emperor. I can’t judge too harshly; I’ve been in similar meetings.

  7. Sher Singh says:

    Claims to show Judaism populations arose after 1000 ad along frontiers between Islam and Christianity.

    Series claims Islam is Non Trinitarian Christianity that slowly forgot its Aramaic roots and invented the figure of Mohammed to fill in the gaps.

    • jim says:

      Modern Judaism has clear theological roots in second temple Phariseeism, albeit the written Talmud dates to the sixth century of our lord, well after the second temple fell. Mohammed was a real person.

      Everyone likely to rewrite the history of every religion they do not like to give its holy books and history an unreasonably and improbably late date and erase its founding figures. It is bullshit when they try to date the Gospels to after the fall of the temple, and it is bullshit when they deny the historicity of Mohammed.

    • skippy says:

      “Series claims Islam is Non Trinitarian Christianity that slowly forgot its Aramaic roots and invented the figure of Mohammed to fill in the gaps.”

      Islam is Judaism for Arabs that was then wallpapered over with Byzantine Christianity (indeed, non-Trinitarian, probably because Judaism is non-Trinitarian) after the Arabs realized that the Jews were swindling them, see: Hagarism. Why Christianity? Because they had conquered Byzantine territory that was mostly Christian, not Jewish.

  8. Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

    ‘Cold feet’ is a defining characteristic of the ‘thermidorean’ personality type.

    They have cold feet about the latest leftist advances to abolish whites. They have cold feet about the latest leftist advances to judge in favor of most dysfunctional demographic membership over ‘the content of your character’. They also have cold feet over throne and altar. they have cold feet over unemancipating women.

    They have cold feet over everything that was not the state of affairs yesterday. The state of affairs yesterday, whatever else it may be, was something that existed; so in this regard it is at the very least categorically more adaptive than the true-blue daemonhost’s attempts to overturn existence itself with unreality; the triumphal murder-suicide of immanent leftist eschaton.

    • Contaminated NEET says:

      Thermidor are losers, and it’s appropriate that Jim named them after losers, because they are definitely, definitely going to lose. Demon-possessed fanatics with monomaniacal fury in their eyes and total certainty of the own righteousness in their hearts vs. comfortable rich men with timid eyes who believe in their own hearts that said demon-possessed fanatics are their moral betters: Thermidor is a sucker’s bet.

  9. The Cominator says:

    Re if Thermidor wants to restore entertainment here’s how reactionary at minimum they need to go.

    To restore comedy has to be incredibly incredibly reactionary far more than they want to go. Good comedy has to have a big basis in truth so it must be allowed to be incredibly reactionary. However comedians used to be given a lot more leeway as far as free speech goes as far back at least as the middle ages. Jester’s privilege. If they want comedy back have to allow for jester’s privilege.

    As far as everything else, nobody wants to see homosexuality (except to make fun of) or fat people (except also to make fun of) on screen. Nothing can be a left wing morality tale people hate those. Action girls can be done in an okay way that normies like (the Battlestar Galactica remake had an almost all male audience and the vast majority of them were easily won over to Kara Thrace’s character) but girlbosses are hard to do in a way people like because people in general don’t like girlbosses mostly because most people have bad experiences with having to take orders from women at some stage in their development irl. Danerys was popular (before they ruined her) because she didn’t actually want to be a girlboss she was put in a horrible situation where she had no choice.

    Note I’m not saying that we would want action girls (except as a campy b movie type parody where chicks with big tits fight each other in spandex or 80s hybrid lingerie and armor) I’m saying its possible to make good entertainment with action girls.

    • jim says:

      Kick Ass being the absolute classic action girl done right.

      • The Cominator says:

        Not familiar with her, but as far as characters who aren’t one dimensional video game characters (Samus Aran, Lara Croft… with most people not finding out Samus was a woman till years later) Kara Thrace/Starbuck probably set the record for winning over male fans. And it was originally controversial to make her a woman because the character in the much campier original series was a man… they weren’t going for political correctness though because they also recast a black guy character Tigh as a white guy… though Tigh was a character you generally weren’t supposed to like. In fact one reason Starbuck became popular quickly is she punched him in one of the very first scenes (and he was a superior officer).

        They also made it a point that she wasn’t very good at girlbossing though. BSG also had one of the most perfectly demented and hatable girlboss characters ever (who was sort of on the good guys side) in Admiral Cain.

        • The Cominator says:

          > Well they survived so they must have won the battle
          Even if they did the thing is the Cylons can replace losses while the humans could not

        • Pax Imperialis says:

          >BSG also had one of the most perfectly demented and hatable girlboss characters ever

          Ha! You just told me you aren’t aware of current year girlboss characters.

          • The Cominator says:

            I don’t watch current year anything unless highly recommended because its so so bad. The BSG remake despite some pozzed elements was really good for its 1st two seasons then the writers strike (the writers back then some of them were actually good) happened…

  10. Jamesthe1st says:

    it is interesting on this topic to look at what has been successful in recent years. In games we have the examples of Minecraft and Factorio.

    Minecraft was made mostly by one dude back in the day. He sold the IP to I believe Microsoft and made a large amount of money. They disassociated from Notch when it turns out he holds right wing views on immigration. It’s still a big IP today, none of the AAA games can replicate its success.

    Factorio is interesting it’s a stealth right wing game and has also been very successful. The game has you colonizeing a planet full of hostile native bugs that want to destory your factory and kill you. There is no making peace with these enemies, only endless war until you can totally dominate and build a defense of the base. Your goal is to build a factory and develop technology so you can build a rocket to get back home. It’s a very well developed game and it brings out lots of engineering creativity.
    The lead dev is interesting, he’s a Czech and is cucked on Ukriane But he defended one of his software guys after it came out that other guy was posting wrongthink about the competance of women in software on a personal blog. He stood up to the leftist mob and has seemingly no damage.

  11. Pax Imperialis says:

    >Concord, a four hundred million dollar game

    That figure doesn’t include cost of advertising or Sony’s acquisition of the studio.

    • jim says:

      That is the all up everything cost. Probably the most expensive game ever. Which tells me they had dei engineerettes working on it.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        There are many costs beyond just the development. I’m seeing a reported budget for the game from inside the studio. I’m not seeing how much was spent by the larger Sony ecosystem. Who footed the investment for those Concord themed PS5 controllers? An insignificant cost sure, but then you factor in management costs. How many billable hours did Japanese HQ spend to coordinated/monitor/etc with their far flung American studio? I would not be surprised if all investment costs were somehow calculated, the number would rise a lot.

        That’s not even getting into all the externalities. How much is the game going to continue to cost Sony into the future? Are those developers still getting paid? How much does it cost to close down a studio? How much paperwork is this going to cost Japanese HQ when they do their inevitable case study on why this failed? How much is cleaning house going to cost? Reputational damage cost? Is anyone ever going to buy the PS5 with its near non-existent platform exclusives?

        I didn’t express my point well in my first post, but I think there is solid reason to believe the numbers are higher.

        I did find the Japanese reported hopes to be funny. They though the game would be like Star Wars in terms of profitability… they weren’t exactly wrong.

  12. Varna says:

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was *40 years ago*. As the mem says “that face when ten years ago was twenty years ago”.

    A week ago in the shower I suddenly realized in a deep way that yes, they divided up society along neo-Mussolini lines into “guilds” but defined by “identity”, and yes one of these classes is not like the others, one of those classes is indeed “kulaks” who “hoard resources, sabotage progress, and are natural allies to our foreign enemies” and therefore need to be subjected to “dekulakization”, and liquidated as a class so that collectivist utopia manifests.

    It was just clever-sounding irony before that to me, before the sudden deep understanding descended that this is exactly what it is. A neo-Mussolini neo-Leninist “technocrat” matrix just below all the anal and racial jibber-jabber.

    There’s a demonic pseudo-Aztec core pulsating deep down in the wells of Moria, but one the level of political matrixes it’s this.

  13. Pax Imperialis says:

    Some might have reluctantly realized the problem, but years of scheduled production is pretty much set in momentum. A quick look at tv promos and movie trailers for upcoming productions shows that entertainment is still largely designed with the woke gaze in mind. Going see a lot more failures, some more massive flops as well.

    Rings of Power got a second season. It’s still bad.
    40K is still getting pozzed.
    The next Elder Scrolls appears to be set in Hammerfell. I expect this to be met with much media howling over people not liking fantasy Africa.
    CDPR appears to have gone woke, although it looks like the early stage of diversity.

    • jim says:

      > years of scheduled production is pretty much set in momentum

      Reports from inside Concord say there was a culture of “Toxic Positivity”. If you doubted the game was great and the direction was correct, if you doubted the existence of the “modern audience” you were sexist, racist, and misogynist. Similarly play testing, focus group testing and all that. “Tiny shrill minority of haters”

      > Rings of Power got a second season. It’s still bad.
      > 40K is still getting pozzed.

      Thermidor is not in power yet, but it has enough power that at least some executives have gotten away with noticing. Not very long ago it would not have been thinkable or speakable to attribute the failure of Buzz Lightyear to the gay kiss, or to object to turning the protagonist of “Inside Out 2” gay.

      And it still not thinkable to depict heterosexual romantic interactions as engaging in the inherently asymmetric and unequal mating dance. It still unthinkable and unimaginable to depict romance and courtship realistically. And Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are incapable of noticing this or mentioning it.

      • Ryan says:

        Aside from Temple of Doom, what are some films / shows / anime /whatever which realistically depict male female interactions?

        • jim says:


          • The Cominator says:

            Film Noir 40s movies maybe, a great deal of 50s movie are censored so badly it makes them terrible. Not woke censored but censored nonetheless in a way to make them morality tales. What do you find realistic about anything in them?

          • The Cominator says:

            Note this is not some weird 1950s bashing the music from the 1950s is sublimely good… but old movies from the 1940s are in general so so much better than movies from the 1950s its almost like comparing movies from the 80s and 90s to movies today. The drop off in quality wasn’t that dramatic but it was close…

    • jim says:

      > CDPR appears to have gone woke, although it looks like the early stage of diversity.

      Early stage diversity rapidly grows into late stage diversity, unless purged with a strong hand.

      Attempts to have moderate diversity are unstable, they must break left or right. It is a slippery slope. The only alternative to falling all the way down is climbing all the way up, something that Thermidor (in which I include Critical Drinker and Nerdotic, but not of course Despot of Antrim) has yet to accept.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        Oh, I have no doubt it won’t be stable. I give it 5 to 10 years before the tumor metastasizes into full blown broke. They are at the stage of promoting girl programmers over men. Much to the chagrin of local Polish media. Product quality will dip but decline will be manageable until it isn’t. I’m hoping for at least a few last good hurrahs before they start churning out slop.

        • jim says:

          There are some things girl programmers can do quite well, but these tend to be islands in a sea of things that they cannot. And they are invariably socially disruptive, so you have to wall them off from the male programmers. Having girl programmers aboard will destroy the team.

          • Pax Imperialis says:

            Some context about what is happening at CDPR

            “Girls in the Game” is a scholarship program aimed exclusively at women (primarily from smaller towns) who dream of working in video game development. As part of it, high school students can receive PLN 12,000 gross to cover the costs of education and development, as well as the opportunity to join a mentoring program with a person responsible for education from the very source of CD PROJEKT RED.


            The gaming industry needs talented girls, so we encourage all interested candidates to apply and join the adventure!” – says Agnieszka Szamałek-Michalska – Director of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion at CD PROJEKT RED


            >Director of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion

            Here we go…

            Agnieszka graduated from the University of Warsaw after studying International Public Law, but her true dream was to become a psychologist. After 15 years, she succeeded by earning a Master’s Degree in Psychology! Formerly employed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Polish television industry, Agnieszka began her current career at CD PROJEKT RED as a relocation specialist. During her time at the company, she has experienced a dynamic, developing career path which has seen her create both the HR team, as well as the Internal Communication team. She has always been engaged in women’s rights, and is the founder of the CD PROJEKT Dziewczyny w Grze! mentorship and scholarship program for young girls from smaller towns across Poland. The program aims to introduce and encourage women into the game-development industry, giving them greater representation. Agnieszka is recognized by many as a person who is a wholly empathetic, trustworthy, and people-oriented person.


            I’m sure all those parts I bolded are pure coincidence. I’m sure those girls are not being brought onboard because of some things they might do well. 🙃

            Here’s some more coincidences. I can find mentions of her being a mother, find profile pictures on her facebook with LGBT flag colors, even Ukraine flags, but seemingly no mention of husband or being married.

            Bonus coincidence, spot the Hijab? The poster girl of “Girls in the Game” from smaller town Poland. Poland is supposedly less than .1% Muslim and they managed to find the ~.025% diversity for front and center.


            It appears a lot of this stuff started around 2021, at the very least post Witcher 3. You can see it in the character models. Probably has 5 to 10 more years to run its course. This could just be me optimistically hoping to get one last Witcher/Cyberpunk game from them but either way all signs point to bad places for the developer.

          • Upravda says:

            Girl programmers that can do well are invariably of two kinds:
            1. Either young ones who somehow managed to avoid being too woke and emancipated, and those always find a husband at workplace.
            2. Or those who are already happily married to a good and strong man and have at least two kids.

            Both those categories are not disruptive on the workplace, and tend to be pretty looking and of kind character.

            All the others can not do well in programming, are disruptive, total bitches, and mostly… not pretty, although even among them one can find a quite looker here and there. Always unmarried or divorced. Always.

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