Author: Jim


Bryan Caplan’s challenge

if Egypt gets democracy, will suffer war and economic disaster, both of which will be blamed on Jews. Democracy with universal franchise does not work. It works worse with Muslims. No Muslim should be allowed to vote anywhere, especially in countries with substantial numbers of Muslims


The decline of civilization reflected in fantasy novels

Black gate observes the replacement of heroes by anti heroes, and the replacement of morality by anti morality: Thus we can be confident that the murderous, blaspheming anti-hero who rapes and tortures children will never utter a racist thought, be disgusted by homosexuality, or express skepticism about any religious stand-in for Judaism or Islam. … …


$1,200 billion increase cut by $60 billion

From the fact that the deficit is $1,600 billion, and that the “right” triumphantly announces that it has cut spending by 60 billion, which “cut” will somehow fail to prevent the deficit from growing rapidly, I predict collapse in a decade or two – armed conflict between elements of the government, or between the government and the people, or, very likely, both. I have been making a similar prediction, for the same decade, since 1994, and events seem to be proceeding on schedule.


Lara Logan and the media rules

Caroline Glick analyzes the coverage: Identity politics revolve around the narrative of victimization. For adherents to identity politics, the victim is not a person, but a member of a privileged victim group. That is, the status of victimhood is not determined by facts, but by membership in an identity group. Stories about victims are not …


No friends to the right

No enemies to the left, no friends to the right Left wing journalist Nir Rosen ridicules Lara Logan’s rape.  Seems that because Nir Rosen is even further left than she is, the stupid slut deserved to get raped. “Lara Logan had to outdo Anderson. Where was her buddy McCrystal.” That she is supposedly a buddy …


Democracy in action

Lara Logan, CBS chief foreign correspondent was beaten and gang raped by a mob of 200 enthusiastic pro democracy protestors chanting “Jew, Jew” There is an effort to blame Mubarak for this, but if the goons of a US ally had done this, if the goons of a man who accepted peace with the west …


Democracy in Tunisia

The promised democracy in Egypt is an infection from an outbreak of democracy in Tunisia. Yet strangely, Tunisia has fallen off the headlines.  How is democracy working out in Tunisia, you might ask? Wonder no longer! Thousands of Tunisians have also arrived by boat to the Italian island of Lampedusa prompted Italy to declare a …


The Wallison dissent

Steve Sailor, is as always great reading, and he issues some comments that on the Wallison dissent that everyone who wants to understand the financial crisis should pay attention to. Peter Wallison tells us Profit had nothing to do with the motivations of these firms; they were responding to government direction. Rather than direction, they …


The new Egypt

Earlier I argued that no Muslims should be allowed to vote anywhere in the world, least of all in Muslim majority countries. Brutally honest has some interesting survey results on what the Egyptian majority will vote for: • 84% favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim faith. Now 84% is an interesting …


The origins of multicultural rule

From about 1880 to 1940, the ideology of multiculturalism is clearly and overwhelmingly Christian, in particular Protestant Christian socialist, though these Christians were somewhat embarrassed by the bible, due to its reactionary views on family, marriage, women, divorce, adultery, homosexuality, and so forth, and were in the process of discarding it. Jews only show up in the multicultural ruling elite after the remnants of Christianity are purged from the doctrine – fifty or sixty years after it first exercised theocratic power.