Author: Jim


Exxon blows it

Bryan Caplan wonders if oil prices are a bubble. When oil spikes abruptly, that means people made incorrect investment decisions – under invested in exploration, development, and gas to liquids conversion. A simple back of the envelope calculation tells me they are still under investing. Exxon recently abandoned gas to liquids plant that would be …


Vote Obama

The presidents that have done the most to smash capitalism have never been Democrats, because anti capitalist Democrat presidents have always found themselves paralyzed by gridlock – the pro capitalist faction unites along party lines, and the federal government system locks up, as it was designed to do. The founding fathers intentionally constructed the federal …

global warming

Global sea ice

Before Aqua, the best way to estimate changes in global temperature was to look at proxies such as total ice coverage – and the proxies have been telling us that nothing much has changed.


Regulation kills

Today, a lot of people are going hungry because of an energy crisis. When we look at businesses that are attempting to address the energy crisis, for example Linc Energy Systems, we see that ninety percent of their effort, energy, and thought, is addressed to the political problem of getting permits and approvals, and very …