Category: culture


Unowned women should be unprotected and fair game

You want Roissy ran out of town on a rail. There is a good chance he “raped” your girlfriend, and if he did not, he had her before you, or will have her after you. But who is going to run Roissy out of town on a rail? No one has incentive to do so, or legitimate authority to do so, unless husbands and fathers have property rights in women’s …


Lancelot, Guinevere, romance, and the red, blue, purple, black, and white pills.

Evolutionary psychology predicts that a man will love a woman he regularly has sex with, who lives with him and that he lives with and will be inclined to look after her welfare, which is not necessarily the same thing as doing what she wants. He will do what he thinks is good for her, and make her do what he thinks is good for her, even if she wants …


Undead Christianity

Europe is the faith, the faith is Europe. When Roman Paganism died, the Roman Empire in the west died. Julian the apostate tried to revive paganism, got an undead religion. My commenters tell me Christianity survives as a mustard seed, but to me, it looks like a dead parrot. I wish Christianity could be revived, I hope it can be revived, but am not all that optimistic. European Christianity was …


The solution we do not want.

One of my commenters asks “Why not just become Muslim?” I presume he means conservative Muslim, since a whole lot of Muslims are pozzed, are not breeding and not getting any pussy. That is the Mormon solution (control women’s socialization) plus the orthodox Jewish solution (make female status artificially low), plus the ever popular individual male solution (illegal violence or the quiet potential for it) plus you turn off the …


Implementing Patriarchy without the state.

Obviously to properly implement patriarchy requires a patriarchal state, and an official state church that can combine moral pressure with official coercion.  Adultery, interfering with another man’s wife or betrothed, should be met with lethal violence which lethal violence needs to be state supported.  If we can shoot burglars, should be able to shoot adulterers.  Misbehaving women need to be locked up, runaway women need to be forcefully returned to …


On purging Milo

If Milo was purged for being a Jewish coal burning gay, that would be one thing, but being purged having sex with an older man at the age of fourteen is a different thing. Gay sex is disgusting and self destructive regardless of age, and thirty year old women are no more competent to make unsupervised sexual choices than twelve year old girls. Purging Milo for “pedo” concedes the left …


The urban gene shredder

The discussion on the Jewish question raised several interesting and important issues, which tended to be drowned out by obsessive and repetitious discussion of the kill-them-all-and-take-their-stuff option.  (If you think too much about outgroups, it is bad for your mental health.) One of which is that Latin America browned out and went down the shithole because brownish people in the countryside reproduced and whitish people in the cities did not, …


The bitter bitch march

Chateau Heartiste is full of great wisdom, about how to get women to submit to your will, and about what motivates women, and has put his insightful finger on the Washington Women’s march. It is the Bitter Bitch March. Ashley Judd is the star and exemplar of the anti Trump women’s march. Ashley Judd is single, childless and forty eight, soon to be forty nine. She is a nasty woman. …


Deploraball totally cucked.

Pepe banned from the Deploraball, which means the left gets to define what symbols mean, and what symbols are permitted. If the left can ban Pepe from the Deploraball, they can make Deploraball attendees cheer someone in drag as “stunning and brave”, and the first Deploraball attendee to stop cheering loses his job, and will never be able to get another job.


The liberty of the slaves

The Dark Enlightenment and neoreaction recommend reading old books, and taking them seriously as the works of civilizations whose knowledge we have lost and whose institutions and social order we no longer understand, reading them to find out what evils Chesterton’s fences once held back. Thermidor has noticed a great gem in Seneca: That the modern conception of liberty is the liberty that the Romans allowed to slaves and small …