I, you, and a couple of friends discover that a railroad bridge has been crucially weakened, and if a train goes over it, the train will fall. A train with a thousand people in it, a thousand strangers none of us have ever met, is rattling down the line to bridge. One among us has his dog with him. If he ties his dog to the tracks the dog will …
Category: culture
Psychopathy is an anticoncept
Thumotic proposes that “psychopathy” is an anti concept, created to make men weak. The definition of psychopathy combines traits that are unlikely to be correlated, for example 1: the ability to endure stress and danger calmly, and the propensity to lie casually without regard to the long term consequences. 2: the propensity to act vigorously and competently in pursuit of goals and the lack of realistic, long-term goals The concept …
Taleb refutes Pinker on war
A long time back I criticized Pinker’s “better angels of our nature”, arguing that he mistakes leftism for progress and goodness, arguing that criminal violence by citizens against each other is at extraordinarily high levels, that state violence against citizens in the form of imprisonment and policing is at levels unprecedented except when a state is crushing a hostile enemy population in a condition of war or near war, and …
The moron elite
Twenty two out of twenty three Harvard grads could not explain why the earth gets hotter in summer and cooler in winter. So I asked my cleaning lady, who has received no science education whatsoever, and very little education. She replied that the days were longer in summer and shorter in winter. I then prompted her “Why are they longer in summer and shorter in winter?”, to which she correctly …
After economic leftism
Economic leftism, workers against capitalists, died with the Soviet Union. Now it is women and nonwhites against white heterosexual males. American Hindus have extremely high incomes and are extremely reliable Democrat voters. Hindus are the opposite end of income and education spectrum to Mexicans, yet vote the same. Old fashioned economic leftism doesn’t explain this. And yet there is the sense that something is being redistributed. The country itself is …
Raping Sanza Stark
I have not been watching Game of Thrones since they killed off every character I cared about, but the recent fuss about rape caused me to watch the latest episode. To see the controversy, fast forward to the end. All the rest is people you don’t know or care about talking about things you do not understand, apart from a scene where the youngest Stark kid gets the beating she …
Evil League of Evil wins Hugo awards.
With assistance from Gamergate. Hugo awards controversy (Actually they dominated the short list, so it is not over yet, but the final outcome is pretty much baked in now)- Politically correct science fiction simply is not science fiction, none of it, not a single recent Hugo award winner until now, because it continually lectures us on the latest issue, even if those delivering the lecture are supposedly martian elves, thus …
Chimp politics and Cromwell’s puritanism
Moldbug is a big fan of Carlyle. Carlyle is a big fan of Cromwell. Well I am a big fan of Cromwell also, but Carlyle takes Cromwell’s Christianity seriously. If Carlyle was around today, I would have the exact same quarrel with him as I have with B. Reading Carlyle on Cromwell, Carlyle takes it as simple fact that the Puritans were very sincere and strong believers in God, which …
Anime and decadence
Japan is decadent and is committing suicide with impressive grace and style. This is intentional Cathedral and MacArthur policy. It does decadence very well, and decadence is attractive and entertaining. A little poison, every now and then, makes for an agreeable life, and a lot of poison, in the end, makes for an agreeable death. In the course of watching more anime that I should, I have observed that the …
The stupid elite
It seems obvious to me that our ruling elite has been getting less and less elite, less and less intelligent, since around 1875, and I have previously produced a great pile of anecdotal data on this subject, for example the endless dumbing down of university entrance tests throughout the twentieth century, the hilarious conversations found in the Challenger inquiry archives, showing spectacular examples of pointy haired boss syndrome, the staff …