Recently saw picture of the invader jury that acquitted the invader who whimsically and casually murdered a white woman. They were very pleased with themselves. They were delighted. They were extremely proud of themselves. The problem is that for some time, Democrats have been manufacturing a unitary and cohesive invader identity that is hostile to whites, and now we are getting invader justice – one immigrant from one country is …
Category: culture
Women like sexual coercion
Their resistance is merely a shit test, to separate the strong from the weak. What they hate, hate, hate hate hate, hate with a hatred hotter than a thousand suns, is that some guy whom they had sex with turns out to be substantially less alpha than they thought. You doubt me? Reflect on the current Hollywood drama. Everyone has always known about the casting couch but in actual practice …
How to lose weight
When a high status person shows status insecurity, you can gain status by insulting him and by desecrating what is holy to him. Smash his icons to steal his status. Eating meat, salt and fat insults our ruling priesthood and our ruling religion, and desecrates what is holy to them. Real men eat meat and fat, and salt the hell out of it. The holy campaign against saturated fat never …
Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake
The left, in its enthusiastic rush to ever greater holiness, has forgotten that its rules are only for the little people. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But Harvey Weinstein is my enemy, even though he is being devoured by my enemies. The Khmer Rouge started out as a bunch of very smart western educated intellectuals. Who proceeded to torture each other to death. They wound up …
Role models
When Han Solo hits on princess Leia in “The Empire Strikes Back”, he does it right. She shit tests him to hell and back, and he plows on. Similarly, in “Gone with the wind” Rhett Butler proposes to Scarlett O’Hara, she rejects him, and he forcibly kisses her. When I look at old movies, the hero always does it right. When I watch newer movies, the hero never does it right. …
In defense of Hugh Hefner
Why is Hugh a pevert for having sex with numerous fertile age women at the age of ninety? Here is a toast to 20 milligrams of tada and 12.5 milligrams of caber. It is stupid and counterproductive to blame men for sexual revolution, and particularly stupid and particularly counterproductive to blame alpha males for the sexual revolution. Blaming Hugh Hefner for the sexual revolution is stupid. Blame Queen Caroline. Hugh …
What women want
This is not turning into a pua blog. I studied pua long before there was such a word, or such a community, but what I have learned is not easy to express verbally, and anyway other people are one hell of a lot better at it than I am. The main thing I have learned is that women are incompetent and wicked at making sexual and romantic choices, and should …
Chicks dig jerks
This is not going to turn into a game blog. Other men are much better at game than I am. I know, because I have seen them in action. On the other hand, I am not just an average f#@#!g chump. I clearly score more than the average f#@#!g chump, and fat and in my sixties I still score more than the average f#@#!g chump, though back when I was …
The natural limits of monarchy.
Throughout history, the normal and usual form of government has been monarchy. Republics and such have been rare aberrations that have usually ended disastrously. The neoreactionary position is that nothing very much has changed. Our republic is decadent, corrupt, disunited, and lawless. It suffers from anarcho tyranny and lack of asabiyyah. Pretty much like most republics before they collapse to Ceasarism, external enemies, or internal disorder. The neoreactionary position then …
I play a wealthy vain narcissistic playboy sadistic violent criminal adventurer asshole in front of women. A confrontational bully. It works. What else can one do if one wants to get laid? But the character I play is not the man that that builds or maintains civilizations. It is the man that is high status in a world of female dominance, where women are more equal than men. It is …