
In favor of Obama’s drone strikes

Congress has declared war on Al Quaeda, its affiliates, its franchisees, its allies, and its sponsors, a vague and ill defined group, a nebulous category.  This gives the president the legal authority to assassinate lots of people in lots of places on the basis of vague and secret evidence, some of them American citizens. But it does not, however, give the president authority to assassinate abortion clinic bombers, or even …


Boots on the ground are insufficient

Joe Huffman estimates that in civil war, the right would have overwhelming military superiority. As, of course, it would. Obviously. But boots on the ground are insufficient. As Stalin said “Ideas are more powerful than guns”. The problem is not that the federal government has tanks and artillery. That is not doing it much good in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the rest. The problem is that progressives have intellectual dominance. The …



Author John Scalzi’s propensity for terrified whimpering grovelling before leftists has led Heartiste to coin a new word “Scalzied”: When men are scalzied manboobs and women are manjawed feminists, the bedroom is an arid wasteland of dashed passion.


Civilization: Hold back the darkness

It is often said, and is true, that progressivism is in revolt against nature, but it is only true because progressivism is in revolt against the past and past knowledge, and a large part of our accumulated wisdom is knowledge of the nature of man, what humans naturally are.  Progressives are not only in revolt against nature, but revolt against civilization.


People of negative economic value

The racial problem is that stupid people can vote, that incentives for good behavior are weak or nonexistent, and that some people are unresponsive to incentives.  Stop voting, ensure that everyone has good incentives, and then the problem is reduced those people unresponsive to incentives, a markedly smaller problem. Nations with slightly higher IQ are markedly wealthier than nations with lower IQ, but individuals with markedly higher IQ are not …


Radish defends slavery

As usual, good reactionary stuff. You favor abolishing welfare: What do propose to do with all the able bodied people that are too lazy or too violent or have too short a time preferance to hold down a job? Once upon a time, such people were put on the chain gang. Progressives did not like private individuals owning slaves, but they just love governments owning slaves. Look how they loved …


Why MRAs are whiny mangina losers

The Men’s Rights Activist program is real equality for men and women, wherein women make their own decisions and take the consequences of their own decisions.  It is a logically consistent and libertarian position, but can never be an emotionally consistent position because it is a cold, callous, nasty, hateful position that no one believes in, no one supports, a position that can never be popular. The only logically and …


Fed has no gold

Supposedly, the Federal Reserve has mountain of gold, seven thousand tonnes stashed in various places in the US.  By an astonishing coincidence, it owes banks in other nations seven thousand tonnes of gold. The Fed owes the German government fifteen hundred tonnes of gold.  Germany asked for its gold back.  The  Fed did not want to give it.  So Germany asked for three hundred tonnes of gold back.  The fed …


Courage and Nerdliness

The Audacious Epigone reminds us of the courage of John Derbyshire who told us: To the dissident, the only thing worth pondering about the proposition is, is it true? If it is, then no king’s command can falsify it; and if it is not, then not even the assent of a hundred million will make it true. Predictably, one year after he said this, he was persecuted for speaking truth …


Students against a democratic society

Excerpts from Carlyle, predicting social decay, in the context of today’s headlines showing social decay. But, as Carlyle observed, in 1848, most of the Kings ran away at the first whiff of gunpowder. He hoped that they might be replaced by a sterner breed of Kings. They are not showing up yet. But, if enough people reject democracy, equality, and all that, perhaps they will. But I don’t think so. …