
US turning french

It is getting steadily harder and harder for someone to find a new job – and having found a new job, harder and harder to afford a house – presumably because of the very great and rapidly increasing regulatory burden on building houses and hiring people. This renders employees powerless before their employers, which tends to result in class war and social violence as in France, and tends to result …

party politics

Murderer of Mary Jo Mary Jo Kopechne dies

After influencing and writing a vast amount of legislation, all of it as evil and repugnant as himself, Edward Kennedy died forty years after disposing of an inconvenient mistress. By accident or design, Kennedy’s car wound up upside down in the water, with Kennedy not in it, and his girlfriend in it. It retained an air bubble for a substantial period, which means that his girlfriend was alive for a …

party politics

The Amazing Brilliance of Sarah Palin

Palin described “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” as death panels.  The Cathedral, (meaning the MSM, the politicians, the professoriat, senior public servants, and assorted people employed in the upper reaches of the ever more numerous quasi governmental organizations) react with apocalyptic outrage – thereby drawing the public’s attention to various parts of the act that are, indeed, death panels.  Sarah Palin smiles sweetly and lets them hammer themselves to pulp. …


Moral progress

I suggest we are not more virtuous. Consider the crimes of the twentieth century. Rather, we have strong states that reserve criminal conduct for themselves. When those states weaken, we see private crime on a scale typical of earlier of history, when they are strong, we see enormous crimes by states.