We now know that “Sarah†is a thirty three year old democratic party political activist. What do you think the prospects are that Child Protective Services will be charged with perjury?
Liberty needs to survive
Liberty always costs blood, and freedom will always require forms of social organization capable of killing people in substantial numbers.
Are Palestinians mad dogs, or crazy like foxes?
In order to get their share of the gravy, Hamas has to prove they are even crazier than the PLO. Stubborn intransigence by the Palestinians needs to be met by cutting off the payoffs and by killing the bagmen who attempt to make payoffs, and if that fails, by imposing on Muslims rex talionis the same conditions as are imposed on Christians in most Muslim countries, not by making ever bigger payoffs.
Tractors are just as attractive to tyrants, demagogues, and terrorists as pipelines are.
Rooftop solar power is actually more dangerous than Chernobyl
Rooftop solar power is actually more dangerous than Chernobyl
Oil peak
People fear to invest in coal to oil plants, for an improvement in the security of property rights in oil rich countries could cause a huge drop in the price of oil.
World wide drop in support for free market system
Pollsters report a world wide drop in support for the free market system.
The Iraq war from inside
after this experience, it is not a credible to threaten that tyrants who attack Americans, or sponsor terrorists who attack Americans, are going to suffer overthrow followed by nation building
voting anti capitalist
The more socialism we have, the more socialism people are apt to vote for. The Road to Serfdom.
More pussy for Muslims: It’s the law!
Evidently, although Muslim polygamy is multicultural, Christian polygamy is not.