Such a change is cataclysmically rapid compared to the normally glacial rate of monetary change.
Paul Collier explains the famine
the twentieth century was a time of socialist famines. Let us hope the twenty first century is not a time of greenie famines.
Coal to oil is not under development
People are starving yet we still treat energy developers as criminals, rather than heroes.
Regulation kills
Today, a lot of people are going hungry because of an energy crisis. When we look at businesses that are attempting to address the energy crisis, for example Linc Energy Systems, we see that ninety percent of their effort, energy, and thought, is addressed to the political problem of getting permits and approvals, and very little to the merely technical details of collecting energy from nature and making it available …
How global warming “science†works
the IPCC first created the “Summary for Policy Makers†report, then the science report that it is supposedly a summary of.
Caplan bets Europe will survive
Bryan Caplan has bet $300 that Europe, and every state of Europe, will survive to 2020. I don’t make these kind of bets, because outcomes tend to be ill defined. What constitutes surviving? But I expect that around 2040, people will look back to around 2020, and say that some substantial portion of Europe, fell back then. The nation state derives its cohesion from the nation, and the nation is …
The first greenie famine
The twentieth century was the century of the red famines. Now, in the twenty first century, we are seeing the first greenie famine. Let us hope it will not be the first of many. The red famines killed an extraordinary number of people during the twentieth century – famines caused in part by carelessness, in part by active malice as socialists sought to centralize all food under their direct control. …
Envy and covetousness
The roots of self hatred are envy and covetousness. If one belongs to a successful group, one compares oneself to others of that group. Inevitably, some of that group are more successful in some ways than than oneself, and so …
Greenie morons
even if you are a highly qualified scientist with a great big pile of academic credentials, there is something about being a greenie that causes your brains to dribble out your ears as slime
Oil hits $120 a barrel
When capitalism screws up badly, as is happening right now, people are inclined to listen to demagogues who tell them that if only the demagogue got to make decisions, instead of those wicked capitalists, all would be well.