
Selecting for stupid

Before Google became a huge success, it tried to select for the smartest people, in so far as it was legally possible to do.  It then became a huge success. Today, Google’s chief human resources officer tells us selecting for smart does not work, so Google does not do it any more.  (Hat tip, Lion of the Blogosphere) What do you think is more likely:  That selecting for smart does …


Economic efficiency of slavery

For tasks requiring intelligence and independent judgement, for the kind of job where one would ordinarily employ a contractor or high level free employee, slave owners generally gave one of their best slaves an incentive environment approximating that of a high level free employee, where the slave had a future career path, the opportunity to save and invest, to own money and buy assets, including buying other slaves, indicating that …


Always betraying, and always betrayed

Observe that the Tea Party is on the brink of its first great achievement: Population replacement of whites by a voting majority of mestizos on welfare. (The two thousand page amnesty law, which we have to pass to learn what is in it, is being written by two Democratic Party immigration lawyers, and the usual government employees). The psychological mechanism underlying this is that the overwhelming majority of politically active …


Speaking truth to power

The big lie is not equality. The big lie is not that women are naturally virtuous. The big lie is not that gays want monogamous marriage. The big lie is not the magic negro. The big lie is that the Cathedral is holy. Every item of propaganda issued by every Cathedral spokesman has the subtext “I am holier than thou”, and it is this subtext has to be attacked in …


Bitcoin scaling problems

When bitcoin was first proposed, I argued that the proposed algorithm failed to scale. Well, when getting started, scaling does not matter.  Now, however, a bitcoin wallet is starting to cost substantial bandwidth and processing power.  There are plans to address this, but I am underwhelmed by those plans. The proposed plans will make bitcoin more centralized, and will still have scaling issues. Seems to me that we need an algorithm …


Moral Progress

At one of the main supposedly libertarian sites on the internet, where, every few days, they pimp for mass migration of the Latin American underclass to come to the US to live on welfare and crime, and vote Democrat, they recently preened themselves on the wonderful moral progress we have made since the horrible evil bad old days. Fosetti cut them a new anal orifice.


Preparing for Civil War Two

Many reactionaries compare today’s America to the latter days of the Roman Republic, reflect on the excellence of the early Roman empire, and hope for a military coup that ends the corrupt and decadent American republic, replacing it with disciplined imperium. The reigns of the five good Roman emperors illustrate that the reign of stationary bandit, an absolute dictator secure in his power, fearing neither votes nor coups nor riot …


Moldbug’s Liquidation

Moldbugs liquidation would be a Pareto improvement on the present government. Large numbers of people would be made better off, and no one would be made worse off. Once upon a time there was a man who was infested with parasites, that were gnawing his flesh and relieving themselves in his blood.  The man said to the parasites: Why don’t you come out of me, and I will serve you …


Debate with Vox Day: Evolution by natural selection

We have been discussing on what the various kinds of reactionary agree.  We agree on reality and agree that reality is important.  I also agree with Vox Day about Scalzi, who exemplifies the progressive tendency to cut the balls off male progressives.   John Scalzi is exhibit A for Heartiste’s position that any man who is a man should reject the entire progressive political movement, including and especially the early nineteenth …


Who speaks for reaction

In the reactivity place, one of the commenters asks: Who speaks for reaction? To which the host replies: Nature… or Nature’s God… or both In other words, the unifying factor among reactionaries of all diverse kinds is The Dark Enlightenment.