Tag: The Dark Enlightenment


Inequality is great

We should love what we are, rather than conceding that the left is morally superior for wishing reality away. It is great that women are what they are and men are what they are, otherwise I would have an absolutely terrible sex life. Vive la différence. It is good that men should lead, and women should follow. It is great that whites are superior to all brown and black races …


Cladistic analysis of neoreaction

As humans are bony fishes, and the Cathedral the heretical spawn of Cromwell’s puritans, the neoreaction is the heretical spawn of Libertarianism and anarcho capitalism.  Consider for example the blog title Anarcho Papist. The Dark Enlightenment is libertarians mugged by reality, a libertarian who realizes that the eighteenth century was right about women, and Bull Conner right about blacks.. An anarcho capitalist favors a free market in law and defense …


Game, Dark Enlightenment, and Reaction

You will notice that the Pick Up Artist Community and the Christian Reactionary movement get along mighty well, despite the fact that Heartiste claims to be a minion of Satan, and despite the fact that they are in total disagreement about ultimate ends. The thesis that Game works is logically equivalent to what used to be the right wing view of women, before the right became the left that is …


Dark Enlightenment and the Endarkenment

The Dark Enlightenment: The movement that concludes that the Enlightenment took a bad turn, or that the Enlightenment itself was a bad turn.  I take both positions: That the Enlightenment was wildly and dangerously wrong to proclaim all men created equal, and that restoration England was a pretty good political system, which gave us the scientific and industrial revolutions, and the British conquest of most of the world, and it …


The Dark Enlightenment

The fundamental realization of the Dark Enlightenment is that all men are not created equal, not individual men, nor the various groups and categories of men, nor are women equal to men, that these beliefs and others like them are religious beliefs, that society is just as religious as ever it was, with an official state religion of progressivism, but this is a new religion, an evil religion, and, if …