Politics is about who whom. Politics is tribalism and sectarianism. The question is simple. Who’s side are these guys on? What tribe to they favor grabbing all the loot, and what tribe to they plan to destroy? Ferguson burning is real politics, not ethanol subsidies. Milwaukee burning is real politics. The violence that followed Trump’s cancelled Chicago rally is real politics. Politics is the destruction of your enemies, the burning of their homes, the seizure of their women.
Politics is to defeat your enemies, to drive them before you, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears. If you are not ethnically cleansing Ferguson, and Milwaukee or resisting the ethnic cleansing of Ferguson and Milwaukee, it is not politics. If you are not dumping weeping anchor babies over the border, it is not politics.
And if the other side is engaged in politics, and you are not engaged in politics, you lose.
Rotherham was the women of one voter group being forcibly emancipated, and then forcibly unemancipated to the benefit of another voter group. Similar operations are taking place conspicuously and spectacularly in Sweden and Germany. That is politics.
Politics is not abortion. Politics is who gets control of women’s sexual and reproductive services. Emancipation is not natural for women, and if one group’s women are emancipated, they will be taken by another group, and will be mighty glad of it.
Politics is ethnic cleansing and seizing the women of your enemies, politics is about land and women, and it has been about land and women ever since the wealthy and successful were driven out of the American inner city and lost their inner city properties.
If you are not destroying your enemies and securing land and women for your supporters, you are not engaged in politics. The left is engaged in politics, mainstream conservatives are not.
For a conservative party to exist, it must unite to protect those that commit sacrilege against PC, in the same way it now unites to destroy them. This requires them to reward their friends and punish their enemies, in the same way that they now reward their enemies and punish their friends.
For democracy to exist without massacre, pogroms, arson, and ethnic cleansing, requires very high levels of social cohesion and trust that we no longer possess, and that our government has been systematically destroying. Diversity plus proximity means war. If white males start nakedly pursuing their own interests the way that every other interest group does, it is going to be war. If they don’t, genocide.
War is easy, peace is hard. Governments everywhere have forgotten how easy war is, how difficult peace is, and gleefully throw jet fuel on the fire. The natural state of mankind is war. Peace requires a high level of trust, cooperation, and well functioning social technology, all of which are being enthusiastically dismantled. Peace is an elaborate machine with many moving parts, all of which have to work together correctly.
The anglosphere has been internally peaceful since the Mormon War and the War of Northern Aggression, so we think internal peace is natural. This, however, is survivorship bias. The anglosphere rules the world because of long internal peace. But peace is not natural. Peace is hard. Ever since the wealthy and successful were driven out of the inner cities, we have been on a trajectory to where politics gets serious.