Month: February 2009


The degeneration of Britain

Three facts that have recently been in the news: The reversal of the Flynn effect.  The British youth of today really are dumber. Violence, drunkenness, laddie, and home invasion burglaries, where drunken lads smash into someone’s house and terrify the inhabitants.  The British crime rate is about double the US crime rate, and threatens everyone, …


The run begins on Europe

Moody’ issued a warning on European banks, which implies that the smart money is moving out of the worst affected banks: Eastern European banks, and Western European banks with a lot of exposure to Eastern Europe.This, in turn, is putting pressure on European government bonds, as speculators doubt that European governments will be able to …


Headless body in Gutless press

Mark Steyn ridicules the mainstream press’s fear of Islam: the killing of Aasiya Hassan seems to have elicited a very muted response. When poor Mrs. Hassan’s husband launched his TV network to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims, he had no difficulty generating column inches, as far afield as The Columbus Dispatch, The Detroit Free Press, …


The lesson of Japan’s failure

Ten years ago, Japan had a banking crisis very like the one we just had.  It was discovered that financiers and big businessmen had blown staggering sums of money, whereupon the government massively intervened to keep those that had screwed up from losing their jobs. The Japanese economy has been stagnant ever since, even though, …

party politics

Smoot Hawley again

One of the several government actions that so greatly prolonged the great depression was Smoot Hawley.  The Becker Posner blog reports that the democrats want do do FDR all over again – meaning do the great depression all over again.


The cause of the crisis

In numerous posts, I have argued that CRA affirmative action caused the economic crisis that is happening now.  Vdare provides a far better post than any of mine, giving us case histories and numerous horror stories of bank?s proudly pissing away stupendous amounts of money, and boasting of their wonderful CRA compliance in so doing. …


Israel did not win

After the recent war in the Gaza strip, Hamas declared victory, and Israel declared victory. What do they teach small boys in school today?  When I was in school, the first thing I learned is that the fight  is not over till the winner can make loser cry “uncle”. Hamas has not been destroyed, nor …