
The error of conservatism

Conservatives conserve. There is not enough left of western civilization to be worth conserving, nor enough to be capable of withstanding the next storm.
Most beta guys in their forties or so are comfortably married. Most beta guys in their twenties or so are not, and are not going to be, because their potential wives have banged fifty or so alphas, rendering themselves psychologically worthless as wife material.

Further, if all betas learn game, as Roissy did, then even assuming that game works, and that it is something that can truly be learned, which is not true for everyone, probably not true for most, then it would still only be a temporary solution – the standard of what is required to be an alpha would rise, and we would be back to square one, due to the incorrigible female propensity to hypergamy.

Just as our natural appetite for food, evolved for a world where food was hard to get and tough to eat, is maladaptive in a world where food is abundant and easy to eat, the female sexual impulse, evolved in a world of patriarchy and strong social restraint on female sexuality, is maladaptive in a world of equal position within status hierarchies and no external sexual restraint.

All women want to marry up. In a society where women are guaranteed equal representation in status hierarchies by affirmative action, and where they are entirely free to follow their unrestrained sexual impulses without social sanction, disaster naturally ensues, since they will inevitably find themselves consciously or unconsciously attempting that which cannot be done, much as both men and woman are apt to load up with fat against a highly improbable famine.

There is a boy for every girl, but there is not a higher status boy for every girl who has spent her most fertile years climbing the career ladder. Women need to make an effort towards settling and chastity in the same way as they make an effort not to eat numerous chocolate cakes.

Of course, if welfarism collapses, Darwinian evolution will remedy this eventually – the future will be composed of the descendants of those who do form families – virtuous women and protective men.

In a state of nature, males form broad male to male alliances for defense, which alliance then guarantees a decent amount of pussy and children for each male in the alliance, asserting control over women, punishing adulteresses, enforcing chastity on women subject to the alliance’s authority, enforcing roughly equal sharing of pussy controlled by the alliance (monogamy, or something not far from it) and so on and so forth, which is the glue holding the alliance together, and also the framework in which family formation becomes easy and normal, where every male who works hard, plays by the rules, is reasonably healthy and competent, and is loyal to the people and principles of the alliance, winds up forming a family.

Such a male dominated, patriarchal, paternalistic family forming alliance is the muscle and skeleton of every strong dynamic culture, society, civilization, and state – unless perhaps the future will feature a society where new units are decanted rather than born.

The ghost of that expired alliance is the big daddy in the sky that conservatives hope will save them.

The glue having been lost, the state and the society are a tattered paper tiger, which will dissolve when it rains. A culture that fails to pay its good men in the ultimate Darwinian coin will find that when things go bad, few good men will fight for it – one of the big advantages that Islamists have over us.

It is possible that measures short of those taken by Muslims might work – certainly measures considerably short of those taken by Muslims worked in the 1950s, but whatever will or can be done, involves building a new society, after the collapse of our present society, not conserving an old one.

2 comments The error of conservatism

kkr says:

Anyone who uses the terms “alpha” and “beta” is part of an absurd internet circle-jerk detached from reality. These fantasies just don’t describe anything outside of quite small slice of unusually sexually active urbanites. Nobody has pieced together that the people who use these terms are self aggrandizing? It’s all a bunch of non-empirical bullshit.

Looking over the sexual scene of people in their 20s the feature that leaps out at me is the number of guys simply not bothered with the mere basics of meeting women in the first place. This picture where the mass of guys are losing out in a competitive market place to “winners” simply does not compute. In fact, the really good looking and/or high earning guys I know have been locked up in monogamous relationships/marriages since their early 20s. I see lonely and often long sexless girls trying hard to get affection from comparable guys who ignore them in favor of porn and video games.

The whole soft-polygamy thesis might have limited validity among the lower proles. But middle class interweb tards talk about it like it’s relevant to their social reality. I just don’t see it. I see loneliness in both genders and broken down social structures, a la “Bowling Alone”, more than anything.

jim says:

kkr wrote:

These fantasies just don’t describe anything outside of quite small slice of unusually sexually active urbanites.

Possibly – yet statistics show that marriage is diminishing substantially, consistent with anecdote based on a population that might be highly unrepresentative.

Looking over the sexual scene of people in their 20s the feature that leaps out at me is the number of guys simply not bothered with the mere basics of meeting women in the first place.

Your perception is incorrect. A male in his twenties thinks about sex every thirty seconds or so. Whatever is preventing him from approaching women is not that he cannot be bothered.

I see lonely and often long sexless girls trying hard to get affection from comparable guys who ignore them in favor of porn and video games.

I see lonely and often long sexless girls trying hard to get affection from guys who are not in the least comparable who ignore them in favor of a dozen girls that are hotter, more pleasant, and more emotionally available. There is no male looking at heterosexual porn who would not interrupt it in an instant in favor of the touch of a real woman. Perhaps you mean you see lonely forty year old men ignoring desperate and eager forty year old women – but a forty year old man is not comparable to a forty year old woman.

I see loneliness in both genders and broken down social structures, a la “Bowling Alone”, more than anything.

Sure, entirely true, but the girls are lonely because they don’t want to sleep with the guys that want to sleep with them, while the guys are lonely because no one wants to sleep with them – or at least no woman in her fertile years.

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