Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Definition of left and right

Monday, September 2nd, 2024


starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one.

And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a clever rationalisation why knocking over the applecart is wise, virtuous, and beneficial. Then, from priests, to a priesthood: Leftism gives rise to the left as an organised entity with a hierarchy and an official, though frequently changing, belief system.

What defines the belief system is not the beliefs, which are ever changing, (socialism, redistribution, global warming, sexism, Covidianity, diversity, inclusion, whatever) but that regardless of the what the beliefs supposedly consist of, someone else’s applecart is in the sights.

Leftism is the belief system that supplies rationales for knocking over whichever applecart is currently in the sights of the covetous and envious, it is the priests of that belief system, and

the left

is the priesthood of that belief system.

That the brownshirts were leftists is obvious. Hitler was considerably less left. But what made him still a leftist was National Socialism, and socialism manifested, as always, in shortages.

Price control plus money printing, resulted in food shortages in Germany almost immediately. He then attempted to transfer food from outgroups to ingroups by the command economy. Which meant not only not feeding the Jews but also not feeding the Greeks (who were national socialists) and not feeding the Dutch, who were a remarkable food production powerhouse, not to mention more Aryan than Germans. Which of course shut down food production in Greece, France, and the rest.

Socialism, command economy –> food shortage. So the party winds up making decisions to let people starve. Including the Dutch, who were more Aryan than the Germans and had very impressive food production.

Hitler’s problem, like that of King Louis the sixteenth, and like that of Napoleon, was food. The moral of all these stories and many others is that the state should not mess with the market in food production and distribution, and that if that market is failing, it needs to look after the property rights and personal safety of producers and distributors.  The food desert problem in the big blue megalopoli could easily be fixed by shooting a few shoplifters.  Public hangings followed by quartering the corpses and leaving the pieces of the bodies outside the shopping centers would also help.

If leftism’s ever changing beliefs are impossible to pin down,


has no beliefs. Rightism should be the party of order, or at least the party of existing order, but it is the party of applecart owners and people with an emotional attachment to Chesterton’s fence. Its existence is provoked by the party of the left.  As a result, conservatives conserve yesterday’s leftism.  The party of the left is a priesthood.  The party of the right is not a priesthood, nor does it have a priesthood in its pocket.  It does not actually have any beliefs to believe in, so it tends to wind up in the pocket of the priesthood of the left, which tends to give rise to the dynamics of the uniparty with an inner party wing, the official party of the left that is always in power even when the outer party happens to have a merely elected majority, and an outer party wing, which is always out of power because even when it is a majority of the merely elected government, it is a small and unpopular minority within the permanent and unelected government, and even if it was not, it would still lack intellectual sovereignty, worshipping at the shrines of the enemy priesthood. The uniparty is in substantial part the result of centralised conspiracy run from Harvard with tentacles in every satrapy of the global American empire, but that conspiracy is working with the natural and spontaneous grain of politics.

Nazis are commies

Friday, August 30th, 2024

And commies are Nazis, near as makes no difference to anyone who is not a Nazi or a commie

This is evident today in the seeming odd alignment of Ukrainian Nazis and State Department Jews, but was obvious enough to Papen in his Marburg speech.

Every time, always, everywhere, leftism gets ever lefter, ever more lethal, ever faster, until it is stopped by large scale deadly violence originating from a top leader, as for example Sulla, or until it destroys everything and everyone.

Hillary and Clinton bumped off no end of people, and Obama has bumped off at least one, probably more. The FBI plus DEI elements in the secret service had a go at bumping off Trump, though it is unclear who was behind it at the top. The Senate inquiry displays a curious lack of interest in subpoenaing cell phones. It begins.

No exceptions. Wiemar is not an exception. Hitler was lefter than thou, until he was not. The rise of the Sparts and the Nazis was continuing movement leftwards, just as Kamala, antifa, and BLM is continuing movement leftwards.

Papen in his Marburg speech complains of Nazi radical leftism, hints that the generals should stop it by deadly force, and appeals to Hitler to stop it by deadly force. The Brownshirts complain that Hitler is insufficiently left, boast that they are lefter than thou, and hint at doing something about it. Hitler does something about it instead.  Night of the long knives.

Hitler was movement right in the same way as Deng, Stalin, Napoleon, Cromwell, and all the others were movement right.

Same pattern as all of the others, Sulla being the archetype.


Trump Unbowed

Sunday, July 14th, 2024

The early headlines are extremely interesting.

Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd – USA today

Donald Trump is escorted from stage after pops heard during pennsylvania rally

NBC News:
Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his rally

Associated press:
Trump has been escorted off the stage by secret service after loud noises ring out in the crowd.

CNN Politics
Secret Service rushes Trump off state after he falls at rally.

That the press and the government immediately applied uniform messaging indicates the messaging had been prepared in advance for the possibility that the assassination would fail — but was not prepared in advance for the possibility that the attempted assassination would lightly injure Trump.

The prepared messaging was appropriate for a complete fail, but hilariously inappropriate for Trump lightly injured.

The headlines look like they were prepared in advance of the attempted assassination for the case that the assassin missed. But the assassin did not entirely miss — he got a grazing hit on the president’s head. The early headlines were strangely bloodless, resulting in the headlines being strikingly inappropriate for the event, a tell tale sign of being prepared in advance. Particularly “falls at rally”. Trump ducked as the firing continued. He did not fall.

The assassin shot from a rooftop. Why did the secret service not have a man on each of the rooftops? There were not very many of them.

The secret service killed the assassin, but this was after Trump had been hustled away. Why kill the assassin, except to shut his mouth permanently?

Second U Turn

Friday, June 28th, 2024

When Putin invaded, the Global American Empire did a U turn on Covid and the Jab.

Recently the government in Kiev has started to evaporate, and their troops on the ground are beginning to disintegrate. Russian advances are still tiny, but there are a lot of them, and the Kievan regime has been creating regiments of old, the sick, and lame, and throwing them into battle half trained, whereupon they typically suffer huge casualties. When they run out of the old, the sick, the lame, then next up are the children, assuming the evaporating Kievan regime is still around by that time. Spontaneous denazification is under way as the governing elite of the Ukraine move to France, Italy, Canada, and New England. By the time negotiations start, there may be no one to negotiate with.

Now we are seeing another U Turn. Democrats are shocked, shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that Biden is senile, or is suffering from the usual statin side effects.

Biden was no more and no less senile during the recent debate performance than he has been in most recent appearances. Just that in past performances, they gaslighted us, and today they are shocked, shocked, shocked.

Approximately simultaneously Assange has been released, the Chevron decision, which was a major cause of the immense flow of wealth from productive red state America to regulators and activists in blue state America, has been overturned, and judges have allowed murderous and criminal wrongdoing by Pfizer to be litigated.

This seems to prefigure Trump being permitted to win the election. They need a strong leader to manage an orderly retreat, and they need a strong economy if they hope to repair the aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower. If the Ukraine becomes another Afghan collapse, it is curtains for Nato and the Global American Empire.

Note added later: I should not report events as they happen, because the meaning of events is seldom clear until weeks, months, years, decades, or centuries have passed: New York Times now wants the election to be stolen from Trump by someone other than Biden. They want to “create a process” for selecting a replacement — which is likely to result in naked power struggle between the radicals, who want to continue business as usual under a figurehead less ridiculous than Biden, and the Thermidoreans, who want to hold leftism at current levels because the Global American Empire is headed for collapse. The Thermidoreans hold the advantage, because if the replacement is Obama 3.0, they can run dead on the steal, but on the other hand, a Thermidorean president is unlikely to be able to control a woke presidency. Expect the unexpected. The Thermidoreans would rather like to have a conservakin to purge the radicals, so that they can subsequently bemoan it as McCarthy 2.0. Will they get what they want? No one knows, no one is flying the airliner we are on. Stuff is happening too fast. This post is already out of date, and I am not going to update it further.

Julian Assange is free, after five years imprisonment for reporting government spying on its citizens

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

So what does this signify? It is a retreat. What made them afraid?

They abruptly retreated on Covid when Putin invaded the Ukraine. Now that Putin is winning in Ukraine, they retreat on Trump and Julian Assange. Putin cured Covid, and Putin freed Julian Assange.

Our enemies are starting to worry that imprisoning journalists who disagree with them kind of undermines their story about defending freedom and democracy against authoritarians. That the conviction of Trump on charges of being Orange Man Bad went over like a lead balloon came as a discombombulating shock to them. They thought that the judges and courts still had credibility, when it became obvious that they have long lost credibility, and are generally regarded as a pack of malicious thieving scum who should be imprisoned, rather than imprisoning others. How many political prisoners are there in Russia, compared to the thousands of political prisoners in the West?

Julian Assange being one of the more famous political prisoners, in part because he is one the earlier ones to be imprisoned, and the only one who is a journalist, most journalists being disgusting lying scum who say whatever foul lie their masters tell them, even if it happens to contradict yesterday’s foul lie, so are never in danger of imprisonment. Imprisoning journalists is unwise, for the same reason as imprisoning influencers is unwise. Whatever they have written, you wind up Streisanding it. More people know of the US governments espionage activities because they imprisoned Assange. Similarly, when the masculinity influencer Andrew Tate was charged being masculine and desired by women, everyone woke up to the fact that government was trying to emasculate men, and more men came to view Andrew Tate as exemplifying manliness. Everyone knew the judiciary is composed of corrupt lying thieving scum, and that our masters have stopped bothering to go through the motions of pretending to believe in the rule of law, but the Trump conviction focused attention on the matter in a way that threaten to puncture Globohomo’s little bubble of self delusion.

“If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”

The release of Julian Assange was fall out from the lead balloon of the Trump conviction.

Well, you might ask, why would that worry them? No one dares call them gay power drunk perverted tinpot tyrants under his own name, that is how you know they are gay power drunk perverted tinpot tyrants, so why not just continue to enjoy power, cruelty, destruction, and tinpot tyranny, and cheerfully continue to swing the wrecking ball through flyover country?

Because they are legion. They cannot agree amongst themselves how to deal with organised opposition, and now see external organised opposition in that rapidly increasing in that part of the world external to their domain. They are successful at crushing any attempt to organise opposition within their domain, but now are starting to doubt how long they will manage it, as their increasing incohesion weakens them further. Tinpot tyranny weakens their soft power to deal with external threats, and they still rely heavily on soft power that is rapidly diminishing. So they see internally the Trump threat rising, the as yet unorganised call for vengeance for the crimes of the Covid tyranny, and externally the Brics. Sailing full speed ahead looks like it might turn into Afghanistan on a world wide scale.

Retreat will not cure matters, for being legion, some will retreat while some advance. Only discipline will cure matters, and who will discipline them? Fixing the problem requires casting out demons.

Left internal quarrel

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

As you know, our college campuses are being rocked by massively astroturfed protests funded and organised by anti Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead, against Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead.

At which protests the same astroturf who looted and burned with absolute impunity to protest the holy martyrdom of Saint George Fentanyl Floyd are getting a bit of the police violence that they strangely failed to get while looting and burning.

I conjecture that the anti Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead are feeling aggrieved because explosives that were supposed to be sent to Eastern Europe to kill white people are instead being sent to Israel to kill brown people.

The interesting thing about this is that the people organising and funding these protests obviously do not care about ensuring that the next election gets rigged sufficiently to allow Biden to be appointed again. Clearly they are in favour of the next election being rigged sufficiently to allow Biden to be appointed again, but it is low on their list of priorities. These protests make Biden look bad, and reveal that the horde of browns brought in to live on crime, government employment, welfare, and voting Democrat are no more keen on voting Democrat than they are on working for a living.

I am pretty sure that the real vote for Biden, real in the sense of physical people physically showing up at the polling booth on election day, is somewhere down around ten or fifteen percent. Observe what happens when Biden shows up physically to meet ordinary physical people in person at a Democratic party stronghold as compared to what happens when Trump shows up physically in a Democratic party stronghold to meet ordinary physical people.

If the left is at each other’s throats during the election, their ballot box stuffing is likely to get messed up.

A possible path to survival

Sunday, January 21st, 2024

Thermidor is last year leftism overthrowing current year leftism. But because leftists have no enemies to the left, no friends to the right, this is a fragile and unstable arrangement, short of bringing in a dictator for life who is a last year leftist. Thermidor, as an oligarchic group, is incapable of defending itself against enemies to the left. Although it is in the interest of the group as a whole to defend itself from the ever more insane radicals, the individual members lack the will and inclination.

The moderates have been unable to govern. But they are able to muck up the plans of the radicals to steal 2024 as they stole 2020 and 2022. Which is why what we are seeing is not a change of plan, but ineffectual chaos.

Thermidor has been confirmed: The plan to Epstein Trump has been semi abandoned, with ninety or so criminal charges in ninety or so courts not getting anywhere.

The plan to rig the New Hampshire primary has been semi abandoned and is dissolving in chaos, which will likely permit an unbroken string of Trump landslides all the way to the Whitehouse.

NBC news reports that the deep state preparing plans to continue governing as usual with Trump as president, which is what they did during the previous Trump term. (My unkind interpretation and paraphrase — they did not say it that way.)

If Trump is allowed to be elected, this does not mean it is all sunshine and roses from here on. He is going to run into the same headwinds as last time, a presidency full of his enemies, many of them utterly fanatical.

Last time around he completely excluded reactionaries, alt rightists, alt leftists, Christian Nationalists, and the radical right from power. If he does that this time around, he is going to fail again this time around. He needs the reaction, and the reaction needs a faith.

To crush current year leftism, you need a white terror. And white terrorists are always reactionaries. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and Thermidoreans are merely insincere and wobbly leftists.

Zhou had to rehire Deng, Cromwell had to release Monck from prison to hire and empower him. Thermidor needs the right to give it steel.

The path to autogenocide, the end state of leftism, is obvious, and on the cards, and a lot of people see it. They are bringing in large numbers of young male military age subsaharan Africans.

Leftism gets ever lefter, ever faster, and so eventually must conclude that the path to immanentize the eschaton is to eliminate ever larger categories of people deemed obstacles to making the eschaton imminent.

It is usually, but not always, halted before this end state by Thermidor. But Thermidor is shaky, fragile, unstable, and unpredictable. Where it goes, nobody knows.

Thermidor believes in last year leftism, and finds it difficult to repress current year leftism, because it tends to have its instruments of control and repression staffed by last year leftists who feel in their bones that current year leftists are misguided and impractical, but nonetheless holier than themselves. No enemies to the left, no friends to the right. You cannot stop leftism from going ever lefter that way.

The reactionary elements of a Thermidorean regime are apt to take power, as Deng took power in China, and Monck took power in England. But the reactionaries did not take power in France. They were crushed by Napoleon, who was a last year leftist, who very efficiently crushed the reaction on his right, and the current year leftists on his left.

In Rwanda, the Tutsi were unable to organise within Rwanda, because of political repression. Organised violence beats unorganised, violence, so the Tutsi, despite their potential superior organising capability due to a substantial racially higher IQ and a substantial racially higher IQ standard deviation than your typical nigger, were slaughtered like sheep, until Tutsi from outside Rwanda intervened.

Because of ocean, intervention by exiles is likely to be difficult in America. Without Caesar, it will not be civil war but genocide. Our best hope is that Thermidor appoints a reactionary to crush current year leftism, and he becomes Caesar, possibly in revolution and civil war, that we get a reactionary Sulla, rather than a last year leftist Napoleon or a last year leftist Stalin — a Sulla.

A potential hope of survival now opens up.

The possible scenario is that Trump takes power, gets a rough ride, which rapidly gets ever rougher, appoints a Sulla to take care of the problem. Sulla takes care of the problem. Trump retires, dies, or is forcibly removed, and the oligarchy find that Sulla makes them uneasy. They are willing to put up with Trump, who is not a right winger, except by current year standards, and is a merchant not a warrior. Sulla is going to make them nervous. They attempt to remove him. Sulla takes power, possibly through revolution and civil war.

Supplemental note added later

Texas is now independent, though it does not know it, and perhaps its governor does not know it. This means that in the event of genocide, we have a potential base. The governor of Oklamhoma seems to be considering the job of Caesar, though Caesar will need border access, to get weapons.

So now two paths, and as the weakness of the Global American Empire becomes apparent to more people, likely some more surprises will come. I was very surprised that Trump was not Epsteined by now, and even more surprised when Governor Greg Abbot of Texas developed a spine, swiftly followed by Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma.

The deep state

Saturday, December 23rd, 2023

For a long time they were able to keep the choice to candidates where it did not matter who you voted for. But they had to dial bias in the media up to eleven, and credibility of the legacy media collapsed.

Elections were, and in some countries still are, relatively free and fair, because the candidates and parties have identical policies and an elaborate system to prevent any outsiders from gaining traction.

And when they could no longer keep voting irrelevant by soft power, resorted to increasingly blatant election stealing. Election stealing has been under way for a very long time, it is just that in 2020 it jumped the shark. Elections are going the way of the legacy media. Time for Caesar approaches, in part because people cease to believe in election outcomes, just as they ceased to believe the legacy media. The faith the Republic has been a delusion for over a century, and now the delusion collapses. The faith dies before our eyes. The media legacy jumped the shark, and now elections are jumping the shark.

Elections have not mattered for a very long time. But for a while soft power was sufficient to keep them irrelevant. The public was manipulated by the methods that have now become obvious, and the elected officials were manipulated by the methods depicted in “Yes minister”, and “Yes Prime Minister” – which methods worked on Trump well enough to outrage us, but because Trump actually tried to govern, failed badly enough to outrage the deep state.

When Trump was president, his influence over the presidency was insignificant. He enraged them by attempting to govern. Most politicians do not even try. Recall that one of the grounds for impeachment was that president was interfering in foreign policy and speaking to foreign leaders. Kim had the same problem — Kim and Trump had to set up channels of communication where the president protected his communications with Kim from the presidency, and Kim similarly. They hate to lose a frozen conflict. Kim’s bureaucrats have more in common with our bureaucrats than either have with their leader or their nation. Similarly, when the Soviet Union was a going concern, but showing signs of imminent collapse, you saw President Reagan trying to collapse the Soviet Union, and the presidency trying to prop it up. They loved their cold war. They like national conflicts for the same reason as they send the shills onto Gab to make trouble within the alt right. They play both ends against the middle.

Notice that Trump always praises foreign leaders, even though his base does not like it. He flatters them, because he wants to work with them peacefully, and deep state does not like it, because they want to work with the bureaucrats of other countries against the leaders and peoples of those countries. Hence their love of frozen conflicts.

They fear that if President Trump is elected, he will interfere in the government. As the conflict between the deep state and the nations that they govern has become ever more severe, the old soft methods are failing. When they went after Sheriff Joe and General Flynn, they put naked violence on the table, as did the Senate of Rome when it killed the Gracchi brothers. You cannot return to a republic after that. Pandora’s box has been opened, and what has escaped cannot be stuffed back in again.

Having resorted to more extreme methods, naked violence against officers of the Republic and naked theft of elections against the people, these method remain on the table, rendering the old soft power methods irrelevant. If Trump or similar becomes president, he can only exercise authority by using such methods.

“Yes Minister” is a story about soft power methods. Sneakily manipulative, but very civilised. But if the bureaucrat in that story, Sir Humphrey Appleby, employed naked violence, well then, the other power holder in that story, Jim Hacker, would have to employ naked violence also. And, of course, no one rules alone. In real life, there are a lot more than two players. If you have a poker game, and one player pulls a gun, everyone has to pull a gun.

Trump said “Pandora’s box has been opened”. So, though mired deep in normality bias, he is not so old that he cannot see. This is the new normal. Everyone can see. There is no going back. The time for Kings has come. In the event that Trump is allowed to be elected, the old normal will not return.

Time for Kings

Sunday, December 3rd, 2023

The time of Republics has ended. The time of Kings approaches.

It is said that comes the hour, comes the man. We shall see. The hour is near, and yet the man is nowhere in sight.

The technology and tactics of warfare are rapidly changing, and no one has quite figured it out yet. The meaning of war itself is changing, and its future shape has not yet been revealed. The King will be a man who knows what he is doing, and no one knows they are doing yet.

Russia is planning an army of two million grunts, but most of the casualties and destruction that Russia and the Ukraine inflict on each other come from a hundred or so of the top drone operators, the best of the best, on both sides. Increasingly often, we see battles won or lost by drones alone, with grunts just showing up to plant the flag after the battle is done. Tanks have become just taxis to bring grunts to and from the battle field, artillery is just to level the buildings that provide cover for the other side’s grunts, and grunts are mattering less.

The technology of war is changing radically, and its shape is not yet clear, but it is starting to look like it will involve a very small number of very able people. But, even more importantly, the meaning of war is changing.

The sixteenth of and seventeenth century was a time of holy wars, the wars of the Protestant revolution.

We have seen “cabinet wars” – Bismarks “politics by other means”, limited wars fought for limited objectives. Putin attempted a cabinet war in the Ukraine.

We have seen national wars, the wars of Nations, exemplified by the Napoleonic wars. World War One and Two were national wars. Putin attempted politics by other means in in the Ukraine, America upped the ante on Putin from cabinet war to a war of nations.

Yevgeny Prigozhin realized this was stupid, and upped the ante on America from war of nations to holy war, and Putin reluctantly followed along behind him. Prigozhin was fighting for God, and the west found it was fighting for the gay parade, sodomy, Global Warming, the right of sodomites to hang out in women’s bathrooms, and the right of schoolchildren to be sexually transitioned without parental consent. Also the right of black people to jump subway turnstiles.

Our rulers worship demons, and Prigozhin noticed. The coming Kings will come from those who notice. Putin murdered Prigozhin, for Putin foresaw that from such men, Kings may come.

Thermidor begins

Saturday, November 18th, 2023

I have been smelling a Thermidor in the wind for some time, but expected it to begin with the removal, possibly the lethal removal, of some of the people pulling Biden’s strings. This may have happened in a nonlethal fashion, or perhaps they all changed their minds simultaneously. Whatever happened was less visible than I expected. Are all the usual Biden handlers still to be found?

Hamas attacked Israel. Suddenly the usual suspects decided that they needed some white straight Christian males to die in the next forever war on the desert sands several thousand miles from home for people who hate them, and noticed that the unrelenting hatred and state sponsored violence against those demographics was having a noticeable effect on recruiting. So the word went out to cut it out, at least in army recruiting videos.

The reaction was not gratitude, but an outpouring of long repressed and long silenced outrage. And suddenly the censorship regime is in full retreat, with message handlers in high places pissing on each other and defecting against each other. Those in power are unsure what to do, which uncertainty means that what the official line should be is uncertain. Which uncertainty is manifesting in public fights, rather than being quietly settled behind the scenes as usual.

Power in the Cathedral is far more concentrated and less distributed than it pretends to be, but it is sufficiently distributed that the always difficult maneuver of retreat under fire is very difficult indeed.

Plus, the huge number of Mohammedans the Jews have imported to use against whites and Christians is now biting them. The shills are always correctly pointing out that alliance between Christians and Mohammedans against the demon worshippers is likely to end in the Muslims stabbing everyone in the back. How did the Jews think the Jewish Mohammedans alliance against whites and Christians was going to end? The Jewish left is telling the brown left to keep the Muslims in line, and the brown left is telling the Jewish left that they don’t like Jews any more than they like whites. All that race baiting and race mongering is coming back to bite them. If it is horribly racist to notice or care about whites being killed by browns, then it is racist to notice or care about Jews being killed. The brown left is being consistent, and the more consistent faction always wins the internal struggle.

The empire is in external retreat in its far flung distant provinces, and wanted few more forever wars to hold the line. So it decided to freeze the conflict with legacy Americans. That internal conflict has so far declined to freeze. the external shooting war in the Ukraine is unlikely to freeze. Conflict in the middle east is still only a little above frozen conflict levels, but will not necessarily remain so.

This is starting to look a little like a Gorbachev event. I was expecting conflicts within the elite to eventually be resolved lethally, but this is looking more like what happens when the ruling faith is walking dead as in Soviet Union or Monk’s England Perhaps going out too far on a limb on point deer make horse, followed by the abrupt swing to Covid, and the equally abrupt swing to RussiaRussiaRussia, plus the astonishing wealth that has accrued to Fauci personally and to the medical industrial complex, has caused too much quiet cynicism within the elite.

The weaponization of the judiciary and the abandonment of free elections could only be carried out by those whose faith was pure. Their faith does not seem to be all that pure. This weakness unlikely to lead to judicial neutrality or fair elections, but is likely to lead to everyone openly noticing that elections are over and the judiciary are the criminals.

What happens next? Well. I have no idea what specifically will happen, but retreat under fire is difficult and only gets more difficult, and stuffing chaos back in the bottle is difficult at the best of times, and gets more difficult during a retreat under fire.

The new abnormal is has been getting ever more abnormal ever faster for decades, but always only in one direction, ever lefter, though which direction was leftwards has been radically redefined at ever shorter intervals. But this change is not in the direction of ever lefter. I think the chance it will be in the direction of normality is remote, but I have just been proven wrong about one thing. I thought the ruling faith was more sincerely held than it was, though the abrupt changes in direction over the past few years should have caused me doubt. Perhaps I will be wrong about another. I hope I am.

There is obviously a substantial faction among the ruling elite that, looking at the present crisis, wants to go back to the recent abnormal, wants a controlled retreat to the way things were. Were when? They seem to have a problem agreeing on that.

The reason that Biden was installed is that they were unable to agree on a leader, so they put him in as placeholder. They now need a leader urgently, but seem even less able to agree.

Now it would be very nice if they decided to let elections take their natural course – which would lead to an unprecedented Trump landslide, a radical purge of the rinos, and a two party system in place of the uniparty system. Would not result, however, in a judiciary that anyone is likely to respect, nor in a civil service capable of finding its rear with both hands. The latter are problems that require a strong and competent King, followed by a strong and competent son of that King.

I don’t think that an orderly retreat to free and fair elections is on the cards. What they might attempt instead is a partial retreat a little way in that direction. Which is as likely to get out of control as any retreat. Which is likely to result in one fair and free election once.

But then, there are lots of things they might do. The worst case outcome for us is that they abandon empire beyond the seas and instead fully focus on crushing their enemies at home. One obstacle to this that the reason they were have long been so comfortable in destroying American cities and industry is that the wealth of the elite comes from creaming off gravy of external empire. So an inwards focus means a whole lot of the elite suddenly become a whole lot worse off financially. America becomes Venezuela.

I have long bemoaned the fact we are mighty short on potential Caesars. But chaos and the unexpected will continue to happen until a strong leader appears and takes great power into his own hands, and our enemies so far appear mighty hard up for strong leaders also.

Expect the unexpected, and prepare for interesting times. The breath of Glasnost in the air over the last few days hints at the possibility of a collapse less bloody and terrible than the one I have long predicted.