

I generally do not report on, nor pay attention to, the latest news of the day, because it is best understood years later, or centuries later. And I tend to discourage conversation about such news, because it is noise. The shills send in piles of links to latest noise, and I silently delete them.

But the meaning of Trump 2.0 now becomes apparent. So this post is going to be a pile of links to the news of the day.

USAID is the arm of Harvard, and the CIA the arm of the State Department. State Department CIA tends to be a lot more lethal, but when they strike, Harvard/USAID has done the cultural and political groundwork.

USAID was pursuing cultural, political, and economic objectives that Maga and alt-right never liked, and that Trump 2.0 does not like either. Mostly they were promoting “Democracy”. Which is to say, making cultural and political groundwork for coups against governments that were pursuing policies that their public liked and Harvard did not like.

Marco Rubio, speaking on behalf of the Trump administration, and claiming authority to control USAID, told Congress: “Autogulpe”. No, not what he said. What he actually told Congress was. “USAID’s systems and processes … often result in discord in the foreign policy and foreign relations of the United States. This undermines the President’s ability to carry out foreign relations, …”

Yes, it results in discord in foreign relations because they are trying to overthrow governments, those governments don’t like it, and complain to Trump. Who does not like it either, since their objections to those governments are strikingly similar to their objections to Trump and Maga. So Trump tells Doge “follow the money”, and USAID did not want them to follow the money.

Doge sent in people to find out where the money was going. Naturally those people were turned away. USAID does not want people to know where the money is going. So Trump loaned Doge some muscle men. USAID headquarters staff, all of them, were sent home, so that the Doge team could dig through their computers, and some of them were fired. Illegally fired they complain, but Trump established the precedent with the IGs that if you are “illegally” fired and do not go, the muscle men will show up and physically remove you from the facility. Which may well be illegal, and likely judges are issuing orders at high speed, but the orders are just bits of paper.

The Jan. 30 email from Nick Gottlieb, USAID’s director of employee and labor relations, carried the subject line, “Farewell and Thanks (Again) – Illegal Activity in the USAID Front Office.” It said, “Today, representatives of the Agency’s front office and DOGE instructed me to violate the due process of our employees by issuing immediate termination notices to a group of employees without due process. I refused and have provided Acting Administrator [Jason] Gray with written notification of my refusal.”

Gottlieb’s email also said that moments before he sent it, he was notified that he would be placed on administrative leave.

It looks like the key confrontation took place with HR, the woke priesthood. They had an area in USAID headquarters which was extra special secret, and Doge suspected that the the real dirt was secured there.

Members of Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency, known as DOGE, eventually did gain access Saturday to the aid agency’s classified information, which includes intelligence reports,

What, I wonder, is HR doing with intelligence reports? Normies might ask what USAID is doing with intelligence reports, but the Alt Right has long known the answer to that one.

This starts to look like Henry the Eighth’s dissolution of the monasteries. The Monasteries had a great deal of wealth and power, and a great deal of soft power, and the Papacy was meddling in England’s affairs. There is a plausible conspiracy theory that the Jesuits were responsible for the deaths of some inconvenient royalty. But because of all that soft power, Henry could not just take their wealth and power merely because they had it and he wanted it. He need good Christian and good theological grounds for doing so. So he sent in some protestants to go digging for dirt, and an impressive supply of dirt was found. Henry was not protestant, but he found he needed them.

It is not tanks in Harvard yet, but we are headed in that direction, if the nukes do not fly first.

260 comments Autogolpe

JustAnotherGuy says:

If you really wanted to, you could incarcerate 90% of plain apes and subject them to prison labor due to PPP loan fraud (‘HELLCAT ME LLC’), but this is a roundabout way of solving modern problems.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The word is “autogolpe”.

Jim says:


Zorost says:

As a wise man once observed, the only reason the US has not had another revolution is because we have no US Embassy. Time to go back to what most of the Founders intended: trade with all, alliances and fucking about with none.

The Cominator says:

The best thing about this is it eliminates a key gigantic slush fund for the whole globohomo priesthood. Whatever command and control elements were in USAid (Mike Benz suggested the top level was the Atlantic Council though he did talk about USAid a bit as did RFK Jr) can probably be reformed elsewhere but they aren’t getting their money back.

Your Uncle Bob says:

There certainly is a lot shrieking over it, which suggests it hit home.

The Cominator says:

I can’t find a youtube for this guy but he says that they were among other things funding the groundwork for a bird flu scam as covid 2.0 Trump was very wise to muzzle the jesuit medical agencies immediately.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I’m still a little astounded at Rubio being this much on side. I had a vague idea of him as being more of a conventional Republican, rightwing by normie standards but not so much a reactionary. So I figured him in at State for being a Thermidor requirement and firewall, not a strong ally.

However I could well be being proved wrong. Possibly Trump sucked all the rightwing energy out of the room in the 2016 primaries, and that colored my impression unfairly. Or, at 54, he’s better positioned than his elders to sense which way the wind is blowing. (We’ll want Vance or even Hegseth after Trump, but Rubio is young enough to make his own play in 4 years or later if he stays on side.) Or perhaps he is Thermidor’s guy, or the designated shabbos goy, but Thermidor really is all in (they think)?

I will welcome correction or education on this.

The Cominator says:

I still don’t consider Rubio reliable (being a gay, a guy with no control over a budget, and a man who at least used to have a coke habit) but hes been on his best behavior so far…

Epimetheus says:

To be appointed as Secretary of State is to be given a chance to enter the history books. If Rubio took the position to claw back some of his lost manhood, and he owes it all to Trump, he might have a surprising amount of personal loyalty. But his appointment is certainly unusual.

Bix Nudelmann says:

If the idea is to unwind the Empire back to its ocean borders, then that implies buttoning-up Mexico and Central America down to the Panama Canal.

So why not send a guy who’s fluent in Spanish.

Jim says:

> I will welcome correction or education on this.

Rubio is like Zuckerberg. He could doublecross Maga and Trump is an instant, but he sees which way the wind blows, and has adjusted his sails to catch the new wind.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I perceived something a little different from Rubio’s tone and body language in that interview compared to Zuckerberg (the latter in the Joe Rogan interview).

Zuckerberg appeared relaxed and relieved to be adapting to the new normal. That was a change from the typically robotic and awkward persona we’ve seen in years past. Rubio’s personality is nothing like Zuckerberg’s, but I was watching for something else, specifically any indication that he was having a little fun with the big roll-up, like Musk has been, or at least schadenfreude. I didn’t see it. To the contrary, he appeared both (a) very serious and (b) more glib than fully confident. Let’s acknowledge that Zuckerberg had a friendly interviewer and Rubio’s interlocutor was undoubtedly hostile, but still, the framing was different.

Something in his demeanor suggests it might be personal, and that he is working the case because it somehow aligns with his interests, or against the interests of one of his enemies. He’s has yet to demonstrate that he’s become a Trump loyalist or an overall trustworthy guy, but maybe he was given a deal along the lines of “how would you like the chance to shaft someone who deserves it for a change?” and decided to take it.

It’s also possible that he just makes a much better enforcer than leader and functions better with clear responsibilities and under clear direction. Though I’m not entirely convinced… yet.

The Cominator says:

Zuck though a completely self serving character never liked the left he was forced to help them and is happy he can take revenge. Yes i do think he hates them on a personal level not out of principle but because he hates what they do to him.

MuskFan says:

Rubio is an ambitious politician and he correctly sees there is no future in Republican politics if you are not aligned with Trump. Being a never-Trump Bush/Cheney-type Republican at this point is just a dead end career choice.

Sporadic Commenter says:

I too am suspicious of Rubio, but he has said in recent interviews that he is there to carry out the Will of Trump, whatever that may be. So far he has been surprisingly solid.

I have been looking for a celebratory page listing Trump 2.0 executive orders. The Wikipedia page appears serviceable as it has links to the original White House page, and the order numbers are provided so you can check (by calculation) that they aren’t omitting any of them.

Derek says:

[*deleted for not complying with the moderation policy*]
just in case the “Scrappy Little Dykes” do manage to put together some kind of violent destructive Marxist Revolution
[*list of the usual suspects promising Marxist Revolution now*]

Jim says:

The difference is that in 2020 they were getting paid billions to protest the holy martyrdom of Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

This time around they are protesting being dropped from the USAID payroll.

USAID is fifty billion dollars a year, and very large part of its funding is going to people like this to do what these people do. Without funding and police protection, no one is going to show up for their protests.

Harvard is truly Gay says:

Quit being an asshole Jim.
Nothing on here says anything about anyone needing to modpol, so you can’t claim they have to comply with unposted rules, [Deleted for failing to comply with the posted rules]

Jim says:

Posted rules say that new commenters, which are commenters with a new fake email address, must lead with a thought crime, or a criticism of a thought crime that reveals what the thought crime is that they are criticising is .

If they do, they get white listed and can post anything except that excessively lengthy threads resulting from unresponsive repetition will be deleted.

If they don’t get white listed, their comments will be silently deleted or unkindly edited. For the most part, silently deleted, especially if there are too many comments in the moderation queue.

Derek says:

First, Alex, Clinton, and some other very well heeled and disguised Leftists have plenty of US based money to burn
[*Deleted yet again for still not complying with the moderation policy*]*]

Jim says:

Please follow the instructions in the moderation policy and get white listed. Your stuff will then come through unmolested.

I would be happy to debate your payload, but I expect you will refuse to acknowledge that you have a payload.

Bix Nudelmann says:

If anyone can throw me some cope for this ridiculous Gaza deal — Trump signing up the USA to take ownership of Gaza once Bibi’s done with it — that would be great.

My obvious fear is that it’s a (((blatant scam))) to start dumping Palestinians on us.

S says:

Trump threatened tariffs on Mexico and Canada before backing down after they gave him concessions. It might just be an opening bid- threatening to dump Palestinians on Israel’s neighbors in order to put pressure on them.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I find it hard to believe that any Jews and/or Zionists would be crazy and stupid enough to push for moving Palestinians off of Israel’s doorstep and onto their own. It’s just not their M.O. They want to wipe out the Palestinians and wage low-level war on Iran using U.S. resources.

Maybe it is typical Jewish “somebody else’s problem” thinking, and they’ve really convinced themselves that dropping Palestinians off in rural Iowa is equivalent to dropping them in a black hole. Or maybe it is just Trump being jocular, creating misdirection or floating trial balloons, like the very similar Canada pronouncements from last week.

I’d say wait a few days and see; don’t repeat the 2016 mistake of getting overly fixated on what Trump or anyone else says, instead watch for what they actually do, because that is where things have been getting mighty interesting.

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah. Trump says a lot of stuff. My impression is that some of it is trial balloons to get free feedback/analysis, some of it is staking out early negotiating positions, some of it is off-the-cuff blurts that signify nothing at all, and some of it, e.g. “Let’s make Canada the 51st state,” is just trolling leftists.

“Make Canada Great Again!” Leftists pretend that they really believe Trump wants to invade Canada; this gives them something ridiculous to screech about for 48 hours or so, and it keeps them occupied and off his back on serious stuff.

Fidelis says:

I don’t think he’s just trolling, though I don’t think he actually wants to annex Canada either. I think he wants to make the protector/protectorate arrangement more formal, and have some military bases stationed in the country. Particularly in the Arctic, as the Arctic ocean is shaping up to be a new trade route. That and whatever trade and policy arrangements he can get that squeeze the leafs more firmly, considering it’s been a base of corruption and leftism for quite a while.

Threatening the maximum extent of what he could possibly be negotiating for, and what he could possibly get given full commitment, full annexation of the territory, means the opponent party in the negotiation is fully on the back foot and scrambling to appease the giant at their doorstep.

Jim says:

Trump’s job for Thermidor, or at least the saner faction of Thermidor, is to manage an orderly and dignified retreat of Global American Empire. If the Empire retreats to its natural borders, the oceans, this can be sold as a victory if he substantially strengthens control within those borders. Also it is a victory. Obviously an empire that strongly holds a smaller amount of highly defensible turf is more secure and in the long run, stronger, than an empire that shakily holds a vast amount of indefensible turf.

Russia is nervous and apt to get cranky because it lacks natural borders. Europe is nervous and apt to get cranky because, except for England, it lacks natural borders. America has natural borders. Why not utilise them? Manifest Destiny.

Neurotoxin says:

Maybe… but so much of what my man Trumpy says seems to be unserious.

– – – – – –
On the subject of foreign adventurism, whether in Canada or elsewhere: The Army broke a recruiting record after Trump’s November victory.
Sigh. Well, the silver lining is that this will confirm in the minds of the Thermidorians (at least the war faction ones) that backing Trump was a good move.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The Canadian government has spent half a century telling the Canadian people that Canada isn’t their country. If Trump annexes Canada and gives it back to the people whose pioneer ancestors settled it, what’s not to love? It’s not like they’ll lose their shitty government health care; America has that too. It’s called Medicaid and everyone who isn’t uber-rich is on it.

yewotm8 says:

Canadian healthcare is laughable. Anybody who has a real medical issue drives down to the US. I know a guy who has been on the waitlist for an MRI for over a year, though by this point he has likely been quietly bumped off of it in favour of some pajeet’s 80 year old grandpa.

Jehu says:

It’s hardly surprising that young men want to bleed with Trump and Pete. Maybe they’ll even come up with some old school recruiting ads.

Ex says:

Trust the plan, Trump is doing great so far. There’s my cope.
If you want something more specific: it’s a distraction to keep protesters off balance and divided as they can’t figure out to prioritize.

Bix Nudelmann says:

OK yes, this is some cope I can use. He’s fucking with his enemies.

“So do you faggots want a ceasefire and rebuilding in Gaza or not? No?”

Fidelis says:

Trump is revealing the true prefences of both sides with this. Zionists want the real estate with the Palestinians gone, but claim they just want safety and security from terrorists. Leftists want every Israeli murdered or castrated, but claim they just want the oppressor nation to stop persecuting the poor browns.

With this move, both sides are unable to rebuke without admitting what they were really after, or in the left’s case evolving some new reason the Israelis need to be murdered. It’s a brilliant play.

Personally I want to see the land turned into a Mediterranean colony for America. Move the Palestinians to Haiti or something, like what Pax was suggesting for the factory onshoring. Haitians are wonderful says the left, Palestinians are peaceful says the left. Why couldn’t they get along? Israel gets the Americans officially right next door, isn’t that great?

Make the whole strip a free trade zone while we’re at it, turn it into a for-profit charter city owned by the new Soverign Wealth fund, and strong arm the Dubai people into building it up.

The Cominator says:

I’m fine with it if its Trump being a showman but we really really shouldn’t go in. No good comes from us going into the Middle East and if the Israelis want the Gazans gone they should do their own dirty work.

Fidelis says:

Rome handled it fine for over 500 years. Just don’t get into a land war with Persia and you’re set. All the trouble there stems from ‘investment’ that is getting cut off as we speak.

Tyrone says:

This is very similar to Moldbug’s plan isn’t it? Gaza’s real estate is auctioned off, with the proceeds funding UBI for Palestinians to spend in their new homes in Dubai or whatever. Yarvin didn’t say anything about the land going to the USA, but this has his fingerprints all over it, unless it was not such an original idea. I don’t follow the issue very closely. But for me it’s a further white pill to see UR ideas going mainstream.

Aidan says:

Gaza exists because of USAID. 20% of everyone living there is on the US government payroll. Egypt keeps its border with Gaza sealed shut so that Israel has a thorn in its side, otherwise every Palestinian who isn’t fighting for Hamas would move to Egypt. When Trump turned off USAID, Gaza immediately needs to be addressed, because its existence is Harvard waging war against Israel, and now it has no money and no food to continue waging war. Trump is unwilling to let Israel bulldoze it into the sea, causing more war which we would certainly get involved in.

Now it needs to officially become an American protectorate. The promised population transfer is unlikely to ever happen, but when you knock down rubble to put up a beautiful new Trump tower, you are going to find a lot of tunnels, a lot of Hamas guns and money and Hamas under them. With its USAID funding cut off, Hamas would wither on the vine and die, but Trump does not trust Israel to have the patience to do this, have the patience to not just take the land immediately and start a bunch of nasty wars.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I’m still surprised Bibi didn’t blow up the Gaza-Egypt border walls and flush them out.

Jim says:

He would have to take physical control of the border, and that is war with Egypt — and it is very hard to cross a war zone and live.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Really? I figured he could just knock down the walls and fences with bombs and missiles from fighter jets. No?

Jim says:

Walls are nothing without men. Men are still something without walls.

Aidan says:

Walls are a kindness to the other that prevents you from having to use guns. If Israel blew up the walls, Gazans would be turned away by Egyptians with guns.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“If Israel blew up the walls, Gazans would be turned away by Egyptians with guns.”

And I believe you, but God what a sight that would be.

“What? I thought you guys loved these people. So what’s the problem?”

What a troll.

Albert says:

Scott Adams says it is like Solomon offering to divide the baby.

Big Brutha says:

All USAID staff abroad are being ordered back Stateside by Saturday. At least that is what has been ordered. That is going to be quite complicated logistically but that is what is happening. My presumption is that this is about preventing evidence from being destroyed or money from being squirrelled away somewhere.

Adlerhorst says:

Reminds me of early round based video games. To defeat the Harvard beast boss, send in paladines, keep its minions in check and cut off its arms first.

Big Brutha says:
Daddy Scarebucks says:

Harmeet Dhillon is a name I haven’t seen in a while, and didn’t expect to see in that context. For those who don’t know/remember, she was the one solitary lawyer in the Bay Area who attempted to bring cases against the tech oligarchs for their flagrant double standards; this being in the pre-DEI era (when it was just called “Diversity”) during Trump 1.0 or even a little earlier.

Of course she was in over her head, and caught flat-footed by the hostile and disproportionate response, probably believing due to normality bias that the corporate lawyers would roll over or settle, not realizing how many billions of dollars, HR apparatchiks and meat markets were behind the successful Pro-Diversity cases. So I’ll bet that she would be itching for a chance to even the score.

They’ve clearly done their research on personnel this time around. Who “they” really are, I’m not sure, but the way I interpret this is one faction of the tech oligarchs (Thermidor-aligned) getting ready to deploy the lawfare arsenal against the other, recalcitrant factions. A half-educated, half-wild guess would be Bezos, Zuckerberg and Huang against Gates/Nadella, Schmidt and Dell, with some like Tim Cook waiting to see which way the wind is blowing.

I could be way off on the factions; lots of folks switching teams lately, but there is definitely something simmering on the west coast, considerably more muted but no less important in my opinion. If you can crack the true-believer tech oligarchs, you have a direct path to rolling up entities like the WEF and Clinton/Gates Foundations, and maybe even the Kagan Cult and Obama NGOs and other tumors in the DOD.

Karl says:

It is not tanks in Harvard yet, but we are headed in that direction, if the nukes do not fly first.

Tanks in Harvard suggest violent resistance. So far, we have seen none of that. A few men with guns were sufficient. The men with guns didn’t even need back-up, much less tanks. I understand that “tanks in Harvard” is a metaphor and therefore should not be overanalyzed, but still there seems no violent resistance to Trump at all.

What could trigger violent resistance to Trumps autogolpe? At this stage, I’m not seeing anything. Looks like a few cops with pepper spray will be enough to close Harvard.

At present, the left resists with priestly power only. Hence, no tanks needed.

Some decision by some judge stating that Trump’s orders are illegal and that it is illegal for the men with guns to carry out Trump’s orders is to be expected. Some unkonwn judge in a court in Hawai won’t have the priestly authority to stop Trump’s men, but the supreme court might. My guess ist, that the strategy of the left is simply to hope for a favorable decision of the supreme court and to hope that the men with guns will then obey that decision.

Jim says:

We have a leader, and our enemies are leaderless. We have the praetorians. The woke priesthood are simply unpleasant, nasty people, who pissed off the praetorian grunts. Also, priests just tend to not get along with warriors.

So far Trump has just taken down purely priestly power, which is the correct initial target. First the OPM, the HR of all HRs.

Pete Hegseth is to take down woke in the army, Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard, woke in the FBI. This job has not yet been begun, and may lead to more drama that the OPM and USAID.

USAID has been putting mobs of the streets of various countries. It is not coercive power like the CIA, just running cover for that coercive power. All the people that have suddenly seen their cash flow threatened are now talking about putting mobs on the street of the USA, but without money and the violence of the state behind them, those mobs are going to be hilariously anaemic.

It is obvious that the secret service set up the Jan 6th pipe bomb and the shot that nicked Trump’s ear. It is also obvious that Trump has plenty of loyalists in the secret service, and now has a direct Maga chain of command between himself, his loyalists in the secret service and his loyalists in the federal marshals. Warriors follow a warrior. In his first term, he was a merchant, not a warrior, but when that shot nicked his ear, his reaction showed the warriors he was worthy to command.

Our enemies recently elected a new head of the Democrat party, looks like they are firing the gerontocracy for letting what has happened happen.

It looks like they are trying to sort out their lack of leadership problem. Should they succeed, things might get interesting.

But their problem is that the younger generation of leftists are idiots. The new head of the Democratic party is an idiot, and completely forgettable. He looks like a placeholder, as Biden was a placeholder, pending ability to agree on an actual leader. But now they have a rather potent incentive to cohere under a leader.

dave says:

The surprising news we got over the weekend is that Trump has the US Marshals. I did not expect that. Marshals are the men with guns but embedded in the judiciary. Implies Trump will not be opposed greatly in the judicial branch.

The Cominator says:

They made fucking David Hogg the second in command. Seriously most Shaniquas are probably more competent and more inspiration than that faggot.

Neurotoxin says:

When you look at his face, you instinctively want to punch it. It’s visceral.

The Cominator says:

Paul Ryan too. Its funny how these whores who were elevated to uniparty leadership positions young both had really comically punchable faces.

The Cominator says:
Like I’d literally be like Rob Riggle here if near either Paul Ryan or David Hogg.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for posting from inside the bubble*]

Kevin C. says:

Best comment I’ve seen on this:

The DNC elected David Hogg, the human equivalent of a participation trophy, as co-chair to win the elusive youth vote. Because nothing says “relatable” and “cool” quite like a gangly, pasty love child of a soy latte and a man bun who looks like he’d shatter in a gentle breeze.


Karl says:

But now they have a rather potent incentive to cohere under a leader

Indeed, but they also have a potent incentive to join Thermidor. Of course, not all of them have that incentive, but all those who do real work, especially those who carry a gun for their job, do have the option to join Thermidor.

It looks like all those goverment employees with guns decided they liked Thermidor a lot more than woke. If that is so and stays so, even a competent leader of the leftist priesthood will find it difficult to escalate to organized violence. The priests can’t do war without soldiers.

Pete says:

The Dems will have quite a bit of trouble cohering under a new leader. The Obama/Clinton neoliberal establishment still thinks they can retrench and mount a standard Dem campaign in 2028. The full-Communist faction thinks they lost because they didn’t go hard-Left enough and if they do the American people will follow. And the blacks believe it’s finally time for them to take charge. Sorting out who drives the party’s direction might take years in itself.

Putting David Hogg in a leadership position shows the Dems are putting virtue signals above competence so I like Vance’s odds in 2028 so far. Especially if Musk can shut off the under the table money that is used to rig the elections.

Jim says:

> The Dems will have quite a bit of trouble cohering under a new leader. The Obama/Clinton neoliberal establishment still thinks they can retrench and mount a standard Dem campaign in 2028. The full-Communist faction thinks they lost because they didn’t go hard-Left enough and if they do the American people will follow. And the blacks believe it’s finally time for them to take charge.

Biden was a placeholder to be president until they resolved their internal conflicts, and they still have not resolved their internal conflicts.

Thermidor succeeded because the gerontocrats were slow motion moving over for the radicals and the radicals were not so impatient as to remove them lethally (which surprised me and falsified some of my predictions)

The woke priesthood are necessarily selected for stupidity and nastiness, which makes collective action difficult.

It is now revealed that their ability to put a gigantic river of meat on the street was always utterly dependent on that river of meat being paid Typically union members or ngo employees whose union or employer was paying them to show up at the protest, rather than go to work, typically employees of ngos, HR employees, and the like.

Musk’s boys are now following the money. They forced their way into the treasury department, and now their software is mapping a vast network of government payments to ngos that pay ngos that pay ngos. Also paid for gain of function for Covid. I expect all sorts of interesting Fauci adjacent information is going to be discovered.

Trump 1.0 had the warrior spirit, obviously, but he was a merchant, not a warrior. Mugshot Trump is a warrior, and when they tried to assassinate him, that he is a warrior became obvious to every warrior. So now we have Trump 2.0

This is the version of the hero’s story where the stranger comes to town, gets run out of town, then comes back to town with some companions at his back. The woke priesthood is allergic to warriors, so has a severe warrior shortage.

Warriors will follow and obey a warrior. So not much the supremes can do except find a formula to make it legal.

The CIA kept a warrior leftism (demon worshipping Nazism) alive in eastern Europe. The obvious solution for the left is to switch from the cult of Isis to demon worshipping Nazism. But that is, so far, a bridge too far. This I did not expect. I thought they could come up with some warrior formula fairly quickly, probably throwing the Jews to the wolves in the process. If they had thrown the Jews to the wolves, that would have done it. Ziz and Hamas do not seem to be adequate. The Hamas faction of the left probably has warriors, but Trump is coming down on them hard and fast.

The pile of antisemitism laws was passed to crush Easter and old type Christianity, but Trump is repurposing it against the left.

The Cominator says:

I was a bit skeptical they mixed in any gain of function funding with USAid (I thought that would be cordoned off entirely under Fauci’s purview if only because RFK said under the biological weapon convention its potentially a death penalty crime being caught working on a bioweapon) but yes it does appear to be true they put at least some of the money for gain of function through USAid as opposed to entirely through NIH.

Its funny how the hippie (as opposed to the prog left) was entirely right about that just nothing good ever came of bioweapons research

Jim says:

Your link does not go to gain of function. It does however go to some rather odd medical research — they are surgically implanting rings in women’s vaginas.

Now why is this research being funded by a budget item that is ostensibly to feed the hungry and house the homeless in foreign countries? — Presumably because they don’t want people to be able to find it in the budget. It is probable that objective was ridiculous, obscene, and indecent, rather than murderous.

The objective was depicted as preventing pregnancy and HIV, just as gain of function is always billed as pandemic prevention, rather than pandemic creation, but it does not seem likely that ring would prevent this — a barrier is obviously going to be more effective. A ring can reliably mess up a pregnancy and ensure that it will always fail. It is basically an automatic abortificant. An implanted ring is going to be actively dangerous for HIV. So looks like more Moloch worship. They wanted a “contraceptive” that killed babies, rather than preventing them from being conceived. Which is actually useful, if rather disturbing, but not something the fedgov should be funding.

The Cominator says:

Yeah if they are doing this kind of weird medical research they are also certainly gain of function funding.

skippy says:

It’s a little unfortunate Henry had to rely on Protestants rather than being able to establish a Greek Orthodox national church as he initially wished. The Protestants came back to cause problems. If we are convinced that the left is defeated – which may or may not be prudent – it’s important to look closely at what comes next.

Jim says:

And if we go back to the faith of 1770, rather than the faith of 1660, it is likely to lead to the same problems down the line as happened the first time around.

1770 is going to be easier to sell to the NCOs

Fidelis says:

What is the proper response to all the people in the organized churches that accepted money to oppress and terrify their layfolk flock?

Does 1770 have it? Who does?

FrankNorman says:

There you mean an English Orthodox church, right? Which would not have been the same as a Greek one.
And we Protestants are not going away.

Jim says:

Protestants had a huge list of obvious heresies against the Roman Catholic Church, and a considerably smaller list of obvious heresies against the Orthodox Church.

I say “had”, not “have”, since with all mainstream protestant Churches becoming grossly heretical, they seem to have forgotten all that stuff.

It still matters. Matters a lot. But demon worshippers in power matter a whole lot more.

skippy says:

“There you mean an English Orthodox church, right? Which would not have been the same as a Greek one.”

Greek Orthodoxy is both a rite and a national church (there are Greek Orthodox churches outside of Greece).

In effect Anglicanism is an English Orthodox Rite, or was before it was soft de-established in the 19th century and/or stopped observing what made it unique around the first half of the 20th century. The problem is nobody ever really believed in Anglicanism. Perhaps they believed it upheld an agreeable and useful civic order that was favorable to their lives.

“And we Protestants are not going away.”

Clearly, but is that a good thing?

Jim says:

The old protestant critique of Orthodoxy is clearly correct, though under present circumstances considerably less important than more pressing issues.

Gman says:

What critique are you referring to?

Jim says:

Celibacy, Monasticism, and the perpetual virginity of Mary. Christianity has a place for monastics, but that place is not running the affairs of the Church.

Paul commands that the priesthood be recruited from men with experience in successfully running a household. Monastics are supposed to be people who give up on that sort of stuff to focus full time on God.

Paul’s job, and the job of James, brother of Christ, was institutionalising the Church. Having monastics in charge is heresy against scripture, and opens you up to the lavender mafia.

The Cominator says:

Peter the Great came up with a great solution for monastics IMHO (even if you don’t like the guy otherwise which I understand) he didn’t abolish monasticism but you couldn’t join a monastery before you were 40. Nobody at 20 should want to be a monk thats just stupid… but almost every man over 40 can understand the appeal of being a monk. This applied to women with nunneries too… only old unmarried women over 40. Better solution to the monastery question than abolishing them entirely (one of the few changes made by Luther that I think he was wrong about).

Alf says:

even if you don’t like the guy otherwise which I understand

What’s not to like about the guy? He was the one who turned Russia from a formerly Mongolian tax collector state into a world player state. OK, he was cruel, but the more I learn about Russian history, the more it seems cruelty is rather baked into the cake.

The Cominator says:

Yes mostly him being cruel even by Russian standards and he was saved from self inflicted disasters by being lucky a couple of times (in one case he would have been captured by the Ottomans except the Vizier apparently saw the hand of Allah in being able to get token concessions without further bloodshed didn’t do the Vizier any good the enraged Sultan had him executed immediately).

The Cominator says:

Correction I guess the Vizier was not executed merely fired…

Anon says:

CIA news :
News: The CIA is offering its entire workforce the same “deferred resignation” buyout made to civilian agencies last week, in a bid to make the spy agency more aligned with Trump. Ratcliffe personally asked WH to do the buyout. First known natsec agency to do so.

some rumors are FBI is also getting the RAGE treatment.
this is insane and it look like he is getting away with it.
i watched a video of USAID former employees talking with staff at the door of USAID . he said “first , thank you for your service, can we speak with who in charge” the staffer said “sorry, they are not here now”
with security personals standing at the doors it was uncanny.
the interesting thing is the security was DHS police. I thought those where part of the deep state.but now seem to switched to trump.

dave says:

Trump has become high status, and the left has become low status. I dont know how or why but it has happened. I guess thats the preference cascade.

Low Status is trying to gin up resistance in a truly cringeworthy way and being roundly laughed at and mocked on CNN.

High status, preserving girls sports for girls and receiving love and adulation for it.


someDude says:

We’re seeing the same thing in the Indian media. Havel’s Greengrocers. What a concept. Just below Shill tests. Imagine SlaveofAllah being unable to recite the Shahada. That blew my mind.

Neurotoxin says:

Whoops, Jim replied to Fidelis before I could.

someDude says:

Indian news outlets are also Havel’s greengrocer. Suddenly everyone in the Indian media has always supported Trump everywhere, all the time, all along the way,

alf says:

“USAID’s systems and processes … often result in discord in the foreign policy and foreign relations of the United States. This undermines the President’s ability to carry out foreign relations, …”

This link is broken.

Zach says:

I’ve been having full body orgasms every single day with each drop of Trump’s hammer on the heads of the pond scum who are our enemies. Jim, this is what Ted Cruz could never, and would never do. Which is why you were right x years ago.

Mike Benz as of late (on Tucker/Rogan etc.) explains to the normies what we already know. It was hilarious watching Tucker’s mind explode while Mike calmly explains how the real world actually works.

Neurotoxin says:

I’ve been having full body orgasms every single day with each drop of Trump’s hammer on the heads of the pond scum who are our enemies.

Quite. After each time I read about the latest Executive Order, I have to wipe my computer screen off.

It has become obvious that trying and failing to assassinate Trump was the biggest mistake in the history of North American politics. It made him realize – if he still had any lingering doubts at that point – that the Left are not “loyal opposition” to be negotiated with, but enemies to be defeated. If you shoot at the King, you’d better not miss. The Left is now getting a very practical demonstration of the meaning of that saying.

This is a man who used to be the Great Negotiator; all his instincts were to negotiate. He wrote a fucking book called The Art of the Deal. Where is that Trump now? Gone, gone, gone. He is simply attacking, with the intention to defeat them.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I’d argue that he’s still negotiating, but now negotiating at a table with a gun on it. Or rather TWO guns, theirs AND his.

Take the CIA buyout offer (soon to be followed by the same offer to IRS, Education Department, etc). That’s a negotiation tactic too. Plato or plumbo, silver or lead. Sun Tzu says to never back people into a corner. Always leave them a way out.

So I see this as Art of the Deal-ing but with a wider “window” of options on either side. Game of Thrones Expansion Pack.

Neurotoxin says:

But gutting, I mean downsizing, the CIA, Education Department, etc., is defeating the left. So it’s not negotiating, because he’s not saying, “I’ll give you something you want in exchange for something I want.”

It’s “You are going to be radically downsized, or eliminated altogether, and we can do this the easy way or the hard way…”

Neurotoxin says:
alf says:

Trump has learned. May he keep it up!

Bix Nudelmann says:

“Couldn’t resist.”

I hear you. Jim here told us that the Woke Priesthood — not unlike Marie Antoinette or Moe Green in Godfather 2 — is “the last to know” that their own purge is imminent. Fundamentally because it’s an “inconceivable thoughtcrime” that their power even COULD decrease, because the rainbow of history arcs toward justice, don’t you know. Everyone knows that.

It reminds of those priests on the old testament, who challenged one of the real prophets to a “priest-off”, to see whose spirits were stronger. It was sacrilege to even consider that their spirits might not show up and kick ass, but they didn’t, their pile of sticks didn’t catch fire, and they were run out of town soon after.

Or more succinctly, pride goeth before the fall. Believing — not just believing but assuming, not just assuming but simply KNOWING — that you’re hotter shit, and more favorited by the universe itself, than anyone else.

Karl says:

Trump is making deals within his coalition of Thermidor.

Calvin says:

They’re finally cutting the sanctuary cities off the federal teat:

It will be interesting to see how long it takes for them to start caving. We’re about to get a good look at the true proportion of true believers vs opportunistic parasites.

Jim says:

Trump froze regulation and rolled back very recent regulations.

The elites of deep blue megacities live on regulation, which generates enormous amounts of fake and gay GDP. This is a cut that bigger than USAID. As yet I have not heard any screams of pain, which is odd — presumably because their income from existing regulations is still going fine, while existing paychecks from organisations sustained by USAID just stopped. Screams of pain will likely ensue when de-regulation agenda starts.

Sporadic Commenter says:

Cernovich tweeted that DC bartenders are noting a shift in orders from their regular clients, from the expensive stuff to bottom-shelf vodka. Probably USAID fallout now that the slush fund is closed.

Hesiod says:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Today, I will be signing an executive order to make our Attorney General Pam Bondi the head of a task force to eradicate anti-Christian bias

Trump mentioned this during the last campaign and I’m mighty curious what the nuts-n-bolts of it will be. Alls I know right now is the REEE-ing will be delicious as news of Trump’s order spreads.

Adam says:

Hopefully this is used to purge or eliminate the department of education. Holy war incoming.

Jim says:

The proportion of trans teens, thirteen to seventeen, is six times higher in the deep blue states than the deep red states. Or rather was. I expect that this morning it has fallen dramatically.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted, yet again, for the same reasons as usual*]

Jim says:

Repeating once again, as I said the last umpteen times. All schooling is religious schooling, and “academic merit” is only meaningful, relevant, or useful, for people going into a full time priesting career.

Unless, of course, HR forces the boss to employ people on the basis of “Academic merit”.

You keep presupposing that “academic merit” matters and should matter, that people should be rewarded for “academic merit”, at the expense of people who actually produce stuff, especially at the expense of people in the countryside and exurbs. If you want to argue that, you can argue it, but I not going to let you presuppose it, when every single time that I allow your stuff through, I rebut it, and you just ignore my rebuttal and go right on presupposing it as if it was obvious and uncontroversial.

Anonymous Fake says:

It’s uncontroversial that the overwhelming majority of people, even conservatives, force their children into public school to get groomed by drag queens. Being paid as a reward for academic merit is objectively eugenic and it’s a form of reparations, usually pro-white reparations, to those who were forced into this situation. I understand opposition to the state religion, and you even know that I encourage it, but this all must be done charitably.

We are about to have hundreds of millions of Indians flood into the West based on “merit” and it’s about time we had a policy debate about what merit really is. “It’s just for priests lolz” isn’t going to cut it.

For what it’s worth, homework is usually a thing of the past now, because of AI. Kids now have time to get jobs in high school (it looks really good to do authentic prole work to get into elite colleges), and they cross paths with illegal aliens. Liberal striver tiger moms notice this and react. They were hard-right in the 90’s, encouraged their kids to be gay in the 00’s, and trans in the 10’s, and now they’re anti-immigrant. This matters.

Elon’s work in putting shitposters in charge instead of tiger mom kids is certainly an interesting development, but the merit question is still open and it needs to be answered soon.

Jim says:

I normally silence your repetitious comments arguing for goodies to be distributed on “academic merit”, and for everyone to be moved to little boxes in gigantic government project buildings in the big blue megalopoli, but allowing this through, because I want to give it a new rebuttal, rather than the same rebuttal yet again.

Who is a higher quality, Musk’s shitposters doing the auditing, who are mostly university dropouts or high school dropouts, or the people from Harvard and Yale that they are auditing? Who is higher merit. Who deserves more wealth and power? Who creates more value?

Obviously Musk’s teams in government, Tesla, and SpaceX are creating huge amounts of value. That is how Musk became the wealthiest man in the world, because he is very smart, assembles teams of very smart people, and inspires them to work hard to a common purpose. And who is he recruiting, when he recruits those very smart, very hard working, very productive, people? There are some Yalies there, but not a whole lot.

Is it more eugenic to give them higher reproductive opportunity, or more eugenic to give the people from Harvard reproductive opportunity?

Even if Academia was functional, it could only measure priestly merits, which tends to be unproductive, and we just don’t need all that many priests. Musk selects for productive merit.

What do priests produce? They produce theology, as for example Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Climate Change, or the Talmud, or String Theory, or the endless Christology of the first millennium of our Lord. We have more than enough theology and do not need any more of it.

Anonymous Fake says:

[Same old same old deleted yet again]if someone has already earned an education and profession that chains him to one of these cities, he ought to be compensated fairly because it’s too late for him to go back. This compensation ultimately means red suburbs paying for blue cities, yes, but [*deleted yet again*]

Jim says:

Why do you want the people in the red areas to pay rather than the universities who scammed you, why are you angry at them? Why don’t you want compensation by confiscating the endowments, firing the professoriat, and redeveloping the bloated campuses for something useful?

The great expansion of university education was a Ponzi scheme. Some professors fifty years ago were talking about this and saying it was wrong.

Your Uncle Bob says:

(it looks really good to do authentic prole work to get into elite colleges)

So you put your own kids in FFA and a part time job in fast food to get them into Harvard ahead of privileged minorities? This is a piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining level of gaslighting.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] Red suburbs bragged about their “good school districts” [*deleted*]

Jim says:

Everyone knows that sending your kids to a school in a good school district makes it harder to get into university, because Universities actively discriminate against kids whose schools are in good school districts. Aka white districts.

It is a good school district, not a good school. Meaning your kids are not going to be beaten up by niggers. When parents worry about the house being in a good school district it is not university entrance that is on their minds. It is niggers.

Hesiod says:

The membership of the board makes this far-reaching, indeed.

The Cominator says:

USAid funding is cut and less than a week later sexy is back in media. Society is healing.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I only noticed this after a one-day delay. You saw that ceremony where Trump is signing an executive order banning men from college women’s sports via Title 9, with all those admiring women around him, approving of it all very much?

…wait for it…

Not a single one was FAT (or loud). Where did all the FAT (and loud) chicks go all of a sudden? And then boom, some film of the Democrat party convention and oooooh right, THAT’S where the fat (and loud) chicks went. Real good you stupid bitches. Really nice status magnet you got there.

Leftism. The Democrats. Home to all fat chicks.

Jim says:

Leftism and the Democrats. Home of body positivity.

Because chicks project their own sexual nature onto men, they figure that an environment that makes them high status will attract men. So fat loud chicks naturally attracted to leftism and the democrats, because body positivity. Hot chicks are naturally attracted to an environment where it is alleged that handsome wealthy famous men have license to grab them by the pussy, as in the famous glass rape greek letter fraternity sex fantasy that appeared in Rolling Stone “A rape on campus”.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Yeah man. All those non-fat women in one place, and none of them even making any noise, while the President was talking. I’m like wait a minute, something’s off here… oh right.

Nothing says “Trump is high status” like that.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I just noticed how this USAID thing is finally answering the Soros Question. In that, it turns out that Soros is getting money from USAID, and thus doing what THEY want done, and obviously not the other way around.

That’s not the Alex Jones narrative at all, where Soros is this no good very bad “billionaire”, running around doing villainous shit. Oh no, sweet summer child. That fucker is an employee of the government (and surely multiple governments), at least to an extent. That’s a very different story, is what Jim’s been saying for years, that The Open Foundation is a tool of the State Department. And well fucking well.

Lou says:

Soros rumble interview, he said he was involved with the stripping of his own Jews of property, suggestively to gain his own freedom, and had no remorse about it, because that’s what you just have to do.

So Jones is right, Soros (aka Schwartz) is an evil piece of shit. Soros life modus from young age is to do shit in the world for his own gain.

Did Soros ever do anything good… build or create anything… no, he’s always been a banker, a money changer.

He also married a non-Jew to get citizenship.

These type of people do Lefty shit to wreck and take your sovereignty and give it to themselves.

So if USAID came to Soros and his OSF and said, “Hey George wanna do some more shit for some more money”, you can damn well bet that evil bastard signed right up.

Just like Gates signed right up for bonus money to do vaccine research on Africans knowing they were dying from those experiments. Then years later spewing pro-COVAX propaganda and injections and lockdowns around the world.

As a child, Soros fantasized about being a God. In his book Underwriting Democracy, he wrote, “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.” He later elaborated on that passage in an interview saying, “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”

Sporadic Commenter says:

Both things can be true (Soros as evil instigator, Soros as Prog puppet), and apparently are true, since Soros and those paying him are ideologically aligned. I would guess Soros is slightly to the right of the trannies at USAID but who knows.

What the flow of funds from USAID does is break the symmetry as to which of the two channels of Soros influence is more practically important. Soros could have died or lost his money at any point in the past 20 years and USAID would have just used one of their other middlemen. On the other hand, shutting down USAID is having immediate visible effects right now (and it is glorious).

The only narrative on Soros that is clearly false is that he is somehow aligned with Jewry. I mean, he was banned from entering Israel some years ago and his NGOs have been trying to color revolution Bibi for years. He may well be a worse human being than he would have been without the Ashkenazi genetics, but his behavior does not correlate with anything Jewish or good for the Jews.

white bread says:

> [soros’] behavior does not correlate with anything Jewish

Sure, sure. Can propaganda get any more ridiculous?

Sporadic Commenter says:

Read that sentence again. The claim is that Soros is, probably, a worse character than he would have been had he been a Gentile or even a non-Ashkenazi Jew — the Ashkenazi genetics and culture have noticeable, annoying and often horrible effects. Presumably you agree.

At the same time, his actions are objectively hostile to Israel, religious (ie orthodox) Jews, Jewry in general, and the medium and long term survival of Jews. Ask Bibi’s supporters what they think of Soros and his NGOs in Israel (or Europe for that matter).

white bread says:

I regard soros as a textbook example of jew “culture’, meaning a supremacist “culture” of organized crime. And I don’t think genes play a role. It’s pure culture.

I don’t know what soros says about israel but since soros roleplays as a “liberal democrat” or something like that, it makes some sense for him to object to israel’s crimes. As a matter of fact, “smart” jews realize that they are going too far and that public opinion is turning against them, so even alleged opposition of soros to isreal doesn’t prove anything.

You admit that soros is a bad guy influenced by jew culture while at the same time making the unfounded claim that “his behavior does not correlate with anything Jewish”. Sorry, that’s just self-contradictory nonsense.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

White Bread has a point here, despite being tangled up in enemy payloads.

Diaspora Jews explicitly view themselves as nationless and in many instances their explicitly-stated beliefs and interests do not align with either Orthodox or secular Zionist Jews. Therefore if one is going to make a statement such as “Soros is actually acting against Jewish interests”, we have to acknowledge and address the salient question: Which Jews?

Embrace the power of “and”. Soros is a State department cutout, yes; we’ve always known that. He is also a willing and enthusiastic participant in that role. Zuckerberg wanted to push back on censorship, but was overwhelmed; Soros auditioned for the first chair. Just as State could find some other cutout if Soros disappeared, one should reasonably conclude that Soros would search for ways to continue his satanic mission if State cut off his support.

There are many Jews out there possessed of genocidal hatred toward both White Christians and non-secular, Orthodox or Zionist Jews. That does not quite make them anti-Jewish, it makes them another competing faction in the Judaic tribe, same way the rad-fems and trans-fems seethe with mutual hatred but still hate straight cis white men a thousand times more.

Anti-Zionist Jews are an almost perfect subset of the Progressive Left, so it’s still not especially productive to focus on their Jewishness above or in exclusion to their leftism; Soros, Nuland, Blinken, the Kagans and all the Jewish judges trying to overrule Trump are all part of the same sociopolitical cancer that needs to be excised from America, and I don’t think Shlomo the Bagel Shop Owner is going to have any objections. If he does, then he can keep them company.

Calvin says:

Soros, Nuland, Blinken, the Kagans and all the Jewish judges trying to overrule Trump are all part of the same sociopolitical cancer that needs to be excised from America, and I don’t think Shlomo the Bagel Shop Owner is going to have any objections. If he does, then he can keep them company.

What benefit does Shlomo bring to America that makes up for the fact that his genetic strain reliably spawns people like Soros and has for many centuries?

Jim says:

Soros is a menial. A native elite hostile to its natives will naturally promote aliens to do its dirty work. If not Jews, Indians.

Calvin says:

Sure, but that simply adds to the case to for expelling all hostile outsiders on the basis of racial group, regardless of the actions of any particular individual. I don’t want a single indian either.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Hang on. (And if I’m contradicting myself above, I don’t care, because I’m trying to learn something here:)

No way Bill Gates is into vaccines for the money. He has plenty of money. Anyone who accuses him of doing things for money, I stop listening immediately. Gates the wrathful nerd wants status and glory, and is doing whatever he can think of and manage to do, with the years he has left, to get it.

I also understand our other visitor here that Soros is fellow-traveling with the USAID type people, and is happy to get paid by them to do dirty work that he’s happy to see done anyway. There must be dozens to hundreds of OSF-USAID dual citizens running in and out through revolving doors out there anyway.

So who’s above whom on this blobby org chart? It reminds me of Jim’s point that when people donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, were they paying them to do a job, or were the Clinton’s accepting tribute? Who has the power: He who hands over the money, or he who opens his hand and takes it? (We found that it was the latter, and the money was tribute, because the donations to Clinton Foundation dried up the day Trump was elected the first time.)

So let’s look at it this way:

For at least a decade, it’s been publicly “allowed” to criticize George Soros, and to know who he is and what he looks like. This suggests he’s less powerful.

Meanwhile, to criticize the Clintons has been more taboo and “dirty looking”, so they’re more powerful than Soros.

And now, further ascending Mount Nasty, we find that to criticize USAID, and to know who any of them are, and what any of them have been doing with money that isn’t even theirs, is “HOW DARE YOU” horrible disrespectful uppity evilness. So they’re definitely more powerful.

And you can see where I’m going with this. If the federal HR office, and then USAID (and then NED, and the Education Department, and these other high holy trough-fattened entitled fucks) can be brought low, then who can we publicly name and shame next? And is four years enough time to get to Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and…?

Jim says:

Musk grabbing a special off limits area within the USAID building seems to have instantly shut down a whole lot of stuff. The effect was too instant for it to be the money. He must have inadvertently performed a C3I strike. (Command, Control, Communications, and Information) because he was after information.

Fidelis says:

That has been the modus operandi from day one. It was expected of the permanent government to lie, conceal and unionize against their removal, so the very first thing team Musk does once they have physical access, is install their own servers. Now all the centralized communications is totally owned, and the enemy was so self-confident and incompetent, there were basically no side channels for organizing. They’re probably all scrambling to find each other on signal this very moment.

S says:

It isn’t self confidence, but a lack of trust and an example of why hidden power is fragile. If you had a backup system, someone could shut down the main system, take control of the back up and perform a coup and no one outside the immediate group would know.

The equivalent for a king or president is what happened with Biden, and was obvious to outsiders and required someone mentally incompetent.

Fidelis says:

One of the guys on the DOGE team, Marko Elez, ejected for posts on x made under a pseudonym.

I can see why the uneasy alliance would consider these statements over the ideological limit, they’re still committed to 90s liberalism. However they’re ceding power to gay media outlets and doxing rings. They need to learn fast *not* to listen to their enemies. Instead, they need to send armed men to politely but firmly tell the journos to fuck off.

Milosevic says:

He will be rehired.

Milosevic says:

This was the last gasp of the MSM. It is now dead.

Twitter is the the media now. Vance, Musk, all these guys are being directly influenced by anons on Twitter. If you don’t have an account get one and start poasting.

Jim says:

The MSM was living on political power — as for example their funding from USAID, and the tribute Zuckerberg was forced to pay them.

Games were bloated because game developers were getting a huge amount of DEI money, though we do not yet know if it came from USAID. But we do know that game developers are suddenly acting as if the money tap has been suddenly turned off. The mods on the “Lords of the fallen” subreddit have gone insane, because the CEO of that game company has been asking customers what they want in character design (Answer: Ninety percent want heroes handsome and heroic, female characters cute and feminine.) The polling was a response to Youtube reviews criticising his previous (woke) character designs in “Lords of the Fallen”. “Openly fascist” cry the reddit mods. The point of the poll was to discover whether the reviews represented a “Tiny Toxic Minority” or vast majority of real customers.

It is a small piece of insanity that is a microcosm of the fedgovs outrage at actually being audited. I am pretty sure those mods are on they payroll also. It is obvious that the shills who keep posting the same stuff to this blog despite being always silently deleted are on the payroll, so chances are mods are also.

Doing an audit of federal government expenditures is the death of democracy, and doing a customer survey is openly fascist.

The Cominator says:

If we must have action girls bring back the 80s sword and sorcery babe aesthetic.

Make hot chicks have cheesy fights with each other in chainmail underwear again… and no I don’t need that shit to jerk off it was just kind of hilarious and I miss it.

Hesiod says:

Do a search for WW2 planes pinup art and see many examples of the aesthetic that 80s sword-n-sorcery was a variant of. Dudes like to see healthy, attractive women in revealing clothing without it necessarily crossing into pornography.

Hesiod says:

Which is why, of course, the woke infesting the Lords of the Fallen development team had to give women freakishly large shoulders, no hips, and posture like a cartoon caveman as the Youtube videos I just sampled demonstrate.

Jehu says:

My experience running games around a tabletop with women as part of the group is that they typically gravitate to something far closer to a sorceress, priestess, bard, or occasionally an archer to something like ‘She Ra’, ‘Wonder Woman’, or even Joan of Arc.

Cloudswrest says:

Check out this video. It’s been out for awhile. Made in Russia, not the GAE.

Pin-Up in the Navy: World of Warships Musical

The Cominator says:

I posted the Russian tribute to classic Americana pin up in the navy video a while ago lol

Jim says:

Mike Benz, who was on the inside during the previous Trump admin, tells us that the Reddit mods are part of the government censorship operation.

You have the content moderation teams being run by Atlanta council people, which again, seven CIA directors on its board, DHS disinformation flagger for both the 2020 election and Covid-19 was the Atlanta Council, one of these core four. The Atlanta council, again, with seven CIA directors and annual funding from the state Department.

He focuses on censorship, and is knowledgeable about it but I am more interested in the shills, who deserve more coverage. Gamergate was all about the shills.

By taking over the key points where the information is, and shooing out the normal denizens, Musk seems to have inadvertently shut down the apparatus for command and control of the shilling operation, which is also the protest operation. Notice the total failure of the masses to show up for the Democrats mass protests.

Also I have not seen any new shill narratives reflecting current events. It seems that microphone of which they are loudspeakers is in the facilities that Trump and Musk have seized.

When the Democrats organised their protests, I am sure that Schumer picked up the phone and said “Send out ten thousand protesters tomorrow. … Hello, hello, is anyone there?”

Anon says:

“Schumer picked up the phone and said “Send out ten thousand protesters tomorrow. … Hello, hello, is anyone there?”

He went himself with the other geriatrics, and it was hilarious, even CNN laughed

“Also I have not seen any new shill narratives reflecting current events”

Did the numbers of shills fell? And was any type of shills disappeared?

Jim says:

The only shills still posting are Anonymous Fake (Jesuits), the fednats/Azov arguing that Trump is a tool of the Zionist Occupation government (they have an arguable case, and I would let them argue it if they were able to notice what Blinken, Nuland, Soros, and Zelensky have been up to) the crypto scammers, and the gays, who just want gay content everywhere.

Oh, and, of course, Thermidor. Whose content is actually quite good, but I silence it anyway because it is a distraction.

The Cominator says:

AF may be a tool of the Jesuits but almost certainly not one himself. Actual Jesuits go through 14 years it takes less time to become a fucking neurosurgeon (and they are also often in academic law or medicine in addition to being jesuits). Too valuable to waste shilling directly (at least I would think) they have shill organizations for that. I’m just surprised we only have one shill from that direction…

The Cominator says:

I think he is the Matt Gaetz of DOGE, him gone but thats it.

Fidelis says:

Gaetz apparently had an adopted 14yo cuban boy. I wouldn’t be surprised if that had more to do with him getting dropped than whatever nonsense he was officially accused of. Either way, he wasn’t removed for being insufficiently leftist, not officially or unofficially.

This case is a clear example of them excluding the actual right from power to meet the ideological purity of leftists. It’s a very bad sign, but the event just occurred, and nothing is set in stone.

The Cominator says:

The allegations about Gaetz were that he liked young pussy so its hard to believe otoh he was a boy molestor. Floridians tend to like Cubans basically zero racial animosity here the redneck-cuban alliance is what kept the state from falling to shitlibs (there used to be a lot of shitlib transplants in South Florida) the margin is safer now but the racial animosity between cubans and good ol boy Floridians is basically zero so maybe he didn’t think anything of it.

Jim says:

Thermidoran alliance is fragile — it is always fragile every Thermidor — the big trouble comes when it is time to acknowledge defeat in Ukraine and organise an orderly and dignified retreat of the Globohomo empire. Which big crisis Trump is postponing.

Until various issues are resolved, our namesfags have to remain undercover and maintain plausible deniability.

First remove the woke priesthood. Once they are gone, other issues, starting with how to resolve the war, can go on the table.

Fidelis says:

our namefags have to remain undercover

The account was deleted before the doxxing event, and while the opsec was not good, the guy was very young. It’s clear from details involved they have professionals, probably professionals with access to government databases and tools, combing over every member of the Trump 2.0 team to look for any evidence of wrongthink.

They cannot be ceding ground to this. It’s ideological submission to the people they’re currently in charge of removing from power. Events like this boost woke morale, and significantly reduce effectiveness of the teams carrying this out.

The Cominator says:

Musk already polling on X to bring him back. This could be a 4D chess move where he says sorry people demand that these cancellations at the hands of lefty journalists who turn up examples of wrongthink are over.

The Cominator says:

Vance publically opining in the same direction too. Hes coming back.

Hesiod says:

He will be brought back.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

Neurotoxin says:

And Vance says, “I obviously disagree with some of Elez’s posts, but I don’t think stupid social media activity should ruin a kid’s life.”

They’re gonna bring him back. This is a public and explicit ignoring of the Left’s precious “That’s racist! You can’t say that!” catechism. They’re breezily ignoring it. Just blowing right past it.

The messaging here is also fantastic from a “Normie’s eyeballs” point of view. To err IS human, and to forgive IS divine. And everyone who is sane, decent human being hates the idea that a kid’s life could be derailed due to a social media post.

If they hold fast, this may be the moment the modern Left breaks: The Left is going to try its most powerful magic spell: “That’s racist!” And it looks like the Trump Administration is just going to blithely sail right through it.

Neurotoxin says:

Musk has a poll, should they bring him back? Currently 78% Yes, 22% No.

Yes. Break, break, break the Left. Break the central tenet of its poisonous ideology, “Blah blah you’re racist blah blah.”

I want this. I want the Left to pit its most powerful demonic magic spell against the Trump Administration and for the Trump Administration to smugly crush it. I want to look into the eyes of every single leftist in the exact moment that they realize that their most powerful weapon is now utterly impotent. I want to see their expressions at the precise moment they realize that their sword is broken. I want to see the soul-crushing, heart-rending loss on their faces.

Neurotoxin says:

I want to see their souls die. I want to see the light go out in their eyes.

Hesiod says:

For the sake of both of our kids? Grow up.

Racist trolls on the internet, while offensive, don’t threaten my kids. You know what does? A culture that denies grace to people who make mistakes. A culture that encourages congressmen to act like whiny children.

I would have said “whiny little bitches”, but then again, he’s the VP whilst I’m just a lowly kekistanian.

Hope you’re right, Neuro, in this being the moment to show their juju is out of juice.

Neurotoxin says:

So let it be written, so let it be done.

– – – – – – – – – – –

The Left cannot afford to slink away from this fight, because “RAAAAAAACIST!!!” is the core of their ideological power. They must and will fight it out, to the last iota of their strength. So the Trumpists should be prepared for the usual propaganda assault, especially lying polls that will say that like 99% of the population is horrified that the guy might be brought back.

If anyone who has the Administration’s ear reads this blog, remind them that polls from the leftist media are lies. Just hold fast. And when this blows over the left will be dead.

cub says:

What makes this so great is that the canceled person can’t plausibly claim that they’re a “changed person” if the tweets were made a few months ago. Musk and Vance are basically saying “we know he’s racist, and we don’t care, we’re still giving him power over you”. Dancing on the corpse of wokeness.

Jehu says:

Either the race card is the trump card, or it is not. Rejecting it’s trump status is an encouraging development. What they guy said is really not that offensive to the average person, but it’s profound thoughtcrime. My guess is a good 30% or so of the population believes almost all of it with most people believing at least parts of what he said. It’s a great day for Freedom when people are allowed to openly disagree with the sacred Civil Rights act of 1964 without being cancelled. Or when members of a particular non-protected class are allowed to openly advocate for their own interests as a class.

alf says:

So even though the kid said ‘normalize Indian hate’, JD Vance, with an Indian wife, pushes to rehabilitate him. Cancel culture being canceled. Wonderful.

Tim says:

paid supposedly to help
Mike Benz
“Has a single foreign head of state called President Trump this week and told him “No! Please! Don’t take USAID out of our country!”

Marko called for repealing the Civil Right Acts of 1964 and stated, “I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask.” – “You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity.” – “Normalize Indian hate.” “Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool,” “Wipe Gaza off the face of the earth”

Based. Good that people speak their mind.
And obviously discovered something about Indians while being immersed in such work environments.

Everyone send me everything you have on @byklong Katherine Long, the journo who trued to destroy Marko. I hear she’s IC associated… Signal: 202-281-4322

One thing about Marko Elez resigning is that he’s the guy who supposedly did all the work w/ Treasury’s payment system. Tom Krause has access, too, but in a supervisory role. And w/ Elez gone, judge’s order would prohibit hiring of a new DOGE-aligned employee to access system

Leftists may not control X, but they do control and wikipedia and all news outlets.

I tried to ask USAID supporters why they feel taxpayers must spend thousands on DEI musicals. Their answer: a masked mob following us around.

Jim says:

> And w/ Elez gone, judge’s order would prohibit hiring of a new DOGE-aligned employee to access system

I don’t think Musk is likely to give a tinker’s dam about judges’ orders.

The question is, when push comes to shove, whom do the men with guns obey?

notglowing says:

I don’t think Musk is likely to give a tinker’s dam about judges’ orders.

You’re both getting this wrong. The “order” in question is a compromise Musk agreed on with the judge and it’s not of great importance.
The judge (who is far left of course) threatened to cut Musk’s access to the treasury data, but then retracted this proposal when Musk signed a compromise where two specific designated DOGE employees could access the data and not him personally or “anyone” at DOGE.

The kid who got fired (and is being rehired) is one of the two, but he’s not the only one, and there’s no reason he could not have been replaced anyways. It seems it’s all about some formal need to have only specific people who are given access to these files.

It doesn’t seem like a very consequential thing to begin with.

A2 says:

Haven’t our guys learned yet to put them on leave instead of firing? Everyone to the left does that, down to the mayor and dog catcher. Paid leave, of course, then slide them back in after a few months when the heat has died down.

Neurotoxin says:

Prominent venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz just hired Daniel Penny. Yes, THAT Daniel Penny.

Over the last year or two we’ve seen Havel’s Greengrocer starting to spit the left’s bit out of his mouth.

This is Havel’s Greengrocer walking into the left’s temple, going up to one of their priests, and slapping him across the face.

yewotm8 says:

When I was a kid growing up in Brampton, all of the Indians we were getting were Russell Peters, now they are Pajeet. Of course we should have been getting Europeans instead of Russell Peters all along, but I digress.

someDude says:

Your Elite loves Pajeets for whatever reason

Jim says:

Same reason it loves the Jews.

The elite love Indians because enemies of legacy Americans.

The corporations love H1B because the rules as written allow corporations to import high quality slave labor, and the rules as recently implemented in actual practice allow them to import dumb but relatively docile slave labor. Musk and Trump are fans of implementing the rules as written.

Importing slave labor works in Dubai, because the real elite in Dubai is exclusively reserved for the natives, and the real imports who get to stay are really high quality because if you are not a native, it is up or out. The very large dumb slave labor population is only temporaries, and are not allowed to set down roots. For America and Americans, as for the Romans, it has been a disaster, because low quality imports are allowed to set down roots.

Back when Australia was practising slavery, it had a seven year rule. The slaves had to be returned with a package of goodies after seven years. This worked.

someDude says:

If the slave labor is unproductive why do the corps apparently seem to love them so? Does the slave labor not pay its way in terms of what they cost? Why are the companies hiring them at all if they cost more than what they produce?

Calvin says:

Because the benefits are privatized and short-term (ie. they can claim to have saved a lot on payroll and get promoted) and the costs are socialized and long term (the company’s products become crap, but they’ve already got the golden parachute).

The Cominator says:

Judge rules to restore USAid employees. It will be soft ignored, they aren’t getting their computer access back except for their paychecks perhaps (for now) or access to federal buildings.

Unz says:

Just 2200 of them. I was under the impression there were 10K USAID employees and the vast majority are being closed out.

Neurotoxin says:

Absolutely cannot restore a single USAID employee. This is a fight we have to pick. Let’s see who the men with guns obey; the utterly corrupt, lawless judiciary, or President Trump.

For those who still think that laws and the Constitution are relevant, note the Constitution specifically prohibits money being withdrawn from the Treasury without explicit authorization by Congress, which the USAID stuff was doing. The Constitution also requires publication of government expenditures:

Article 1, Section 9:
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

These are also important points to make to the men with guns, since ideas are needed as a coordinating device, etc. The Trump Admin cannot be worried about “optics” on this, and Normie is with them anyway (despite what the inevitable lying polls will claim). Just do it. If we let the enemy censor our ideas while having the taxpayer fund their propaganda… I don’t even know how to finish that sentence; it’s too stupid.

Dear Jim, dear gentlemen,

On the warriorness of Donald Trump. There was an interview in a Hungarian media with Seb Gorka (he is bilingual) and he said one thing. The only man on Earth Putin is afraid of is Trump. Back when Gorka was working for the previous, much more passive Trump administration, as a security expert, they found about 300 Russian mercenaries stirring the shit pot in Syria. Trump simply ordered them all killed. No negotiations, no threats, no demands, no nothing. Just got them killed. And according to Gorka, this shocked Putin. They were not used to this kind of treatment. So according to Gorka, Trump won’t simply force Ukraine to surrender. They will have to give something, but Russia will have to give more, if he is right.

I cannot 100% vouch for this. How comes this super security expert failed natsec clearance both in the US and Hungary? Mercenaries with foggy pasts can be useful, but be a honest mercenary… treat him with caution. There certainly are many scammers on the Right.

BTW in my entirely uninformed opinion, the nukes won’t fly, because they don’t work. They are not good at making tritium, too. That’s because they can’t even make cars. Sanctions happened, Renault pulled out, and now they cannot even make the Lada XRay car on their own. They had ten or more years to learn/steal the process, and they could not. Their trains lack ball bearings now, because the Brits won’t sell them, and shit-tier Chinese steel can work in construction – they just have to add more – but not with ball bearings. And that is a very important bottleneck. Everything that rolls, needs them. In Russia, things that roll are usually trains, because the roads are muddy.

Let’s not overestimate Russia, yes, they are still real men, but they are super corrupted real men who can’t even fix up their navy flagship. Our kinds of problems are not the only possible kinds of problems. They have many problems of a different kind. Basically their problem is that antisocial drunkard criminals can be awesomely manly compared to our cucked gayish men, but they are still not prosocial.

Neurotoxin says:

You used to be a solid commenter, so I don’t know what’s going on here or if this is actually a shill using TheDividualist’s name or what. But all your comment can be refuted with one rhetorical question:

It has been NATO versus Russia for several years now. Who’s winning?


Again, I repeat, I am not stating anything as truth. I am merely reporting what Gorka said, who is working for President Trump, and I made it clear I do not entirely trust him. The reason I comment rarely is that at this point I often do not know what is the truth. I think this was worth reporting, merely as food for thought. Full on epistemological humility on this side. This could be 100% wrong and I am willing to admit that possibility in advance.

I think that is not how shills operate – they are sounding way more confident about knowing what is true.

I *think*, but again not stating it as a truth, that a Trump-led NATO could show more “negotiating muscle” than what we saw before. This might be wishful thinking.

Neurotoxin says:


“I am not stating anything as truth. I am merely reporting what Gorka said”

I interpreted this as being your words:

“ball bearings… Let’s not overestimate Russia, yes, they are still real men, but they are super corrupted real men who can’t even fix up their navy flagship. … Basically their problem is that [they are] antisocial drunkard criminals”

If this is Gorka’s words, that wasn’t clear. And based on the last three years of Russia versus NATO, this take is not a good assessment of Russia’s relative strength. It sounds like the warmongers dismissing Russia as just a gas station with nukes or whatever.

Jim says:

Trump was allowed to win in large part because the imperial faction were horrified by the manifest weakness of the American Empire. They suddenly decided that it was time to Make America Great Again.

He also won because oligarchs, as Marc Andreessen explained, intended to remove them and intended that their businesses would drop whatever they were doing and instead do woke priesting full time.

The oligarch faction wants an orderly and dignified retreat. A large part of the imperial faction does not want to retreat from the Ukraine, wants to continue with the Ukraine project, and still intends and expects to conquer Russia. Reagan’s thousand pinpricks approach gave them Russia without risking nuclear war. They intend to do it again. Russia intends to continue high level war until they stop doing it.

The Kellogg deal is “Stop high level war so we can go back to a thousand pinpricks”. They are telling themselves, and telling Trump, that Russia is likely to accept this deal. But Russia and Russians can see where the thousand pinpricks are headed and do not want a rerun of the hostile Global Imperial occupation of the 1990s.

In the Ukraine, the Global American Empire first applied the operation that we now see replicated in Brazil, England, and many other places. Total censorship, terror against the opposition, intense propaganda, and systematic massive vote rigging. And fairly quickly the Ukraine stopped holding elections altogether. The oligarchs don’t like that system, because the party replaces them running businesses, and runs the economy into the ground (Jaguar). Businessmen get replaced by woke priests. This reflects the former imperial alliance with Woke, which has been dropped in favor of alliance with the oligarchs, but they still don’t trust the imperials with that much power.

Russians, of course, don’t like that system for the same reason as Americans do not like it. They are fighting to prevent it from being imposed upon them.

Marco Rubio is imperial, Musk is oligarch. Kellogg is lunatic fringe imperial.

The imperials are still in deep delusion about the state of Russia. They are still in a bubble.

Is Trump in that bubble? Maybe. He is now getting all that ‘intelligence” information, which is nonsense, bullshit, and self delusion.

Jim says:

> I think this was worth reporting, merely as food for thought.

It was crazy stuff, and reporting it without acknowledging that lots of people would regard it as crazy, even if you thought it might well be true, was to promote crazy stuff.

One should not be so open minded that one’s brains fall out. The imperial faction are drinking their own koolaide.

Jim says:

The Ukraine continues to attempt shock warfare, and fail with catastrophic casualties. Russia has been conducting a war of attrition, and is therefore attempting to maximise Ukrainian casualties and minimise its own casualties.

If you interpret Russia as attempting shock warfare also, and failing, looks like a stalemate. Not a stalemate, a war of attrition, in which the Ukraine has been severely attritted. We see lots of social media posts from veterans from the Ukrainian front to the effect that only a handful, or only one, of the original members of the regiment remain, and the new replenishments die so fast that the vet does not get to know them. Don’t see any equivalents from the Russian front. The Ukraine keeps raising new armies, and losing them. That which cannot continue, will not.

This war will continue until the strategy of a thousand pinpricks ends. If the Ukraine falls, and a thousand pinpricks continues, all of Europe will burn. Russia will not endure hostile states on its borders taking hostile actions. To secure existing borders, there has to be peace on those borders. The imperial strategy is low level war, to which Russia’s response is high level war. If low level war continues, high level war will continue.

Jim says:

Trump is bluffing Putin with the possibility of aggressively restoring American Empire, but on past form, his objective is a deal for an orderly and dignified retreat from the less profitable, more trouble prone, and further flung outposts of empire. On the other hand, if no deal forthcoming, no one knows what he might do.

Thermidor now wants a deal for a halt in high level warfare along the current line in the Ukraine, Global American Empire free to continue low level war as before 2022, and elections to be held after the halt, the elections to be held under the vote rigging, progaganda, and censorship regime that was first created in the Ukraine, and is now being created all over the world. Putin wants fair elections, or a coup installing a saner leadership, to be held before the high level fighting stops.

Thermidor wants to keep the Maidan government in the Ukraine, with a halt to high level warfare along the current line. Putin wants to end the Maidan regime. We do not know what Trump actually wants for the Maidan regime, but if Rubio is reliable and loyal, he is going to change it. What he changes it to is the question, and the Thermidorian alliance is likely to fracture on that question.

Jehu says:

Is there a small subentity like the county in the Ukraine? What I think would be just and righteous would be for county by county plebiscites to be conducted all throughout the land, with money lubricating some population transfers as required. The final outcome of Ukraine should be some rump state with an honest election that has constitutional brakes on it just as aggressive as the ones on Japan (they’d severely limit the amount of foreign influence and military, and would forbid strictly the joining of any superstate bodies like the EU or NATO). Then part of Ukraine would be recognized as basically just part of Russia, and part of Ukraine would be a Russian minor ally like Belarus or the like. Something like this, with the actual people at the county level helping to decide the actual final borders has a decent chance of not creating a bleeding border in the future.

The Cominator says:
One sign our victory is real. We have a DNC insider (this is not like Tulsi who was a defector when they were still in power) who is ratting them out publically. I haven’t watched it yet but apparently its good. Its probably mostly stuff we know but its a good sign if insiders are ratting them out.

The Cominator says:

Listened to more of it. Obviously you can’t trust this chink bitch shes like Joe Vallachi or Henry Hill leaving a sinking ship to try to save her neck and in the parts where she says no one will talk to her anymore I’m hearing Ray Liotta at the end of Goodfellas breaking the 4th wall giving the speech about how the hardest part for me was leaving the life… but very very good sign to see our 1st DNC insider rat (Tulsi left very early when the DNC still looked very very strong because she genuinely didn’t want to be part of the corruption I don’t put her in the same category).

Jim says:

The insider information is: Stupid people with no loyalty to each other partying hard.

Robespierre, Lenin, Pol Pot, and Mao were monks. It was the gay parties that pissed her off. Gays always piss of straights.

yewotm8 says:

I thought Mao had thousands of concubines. What’s the point of launching a civil war to become Emperor if you don’t?

The Cominator says:

Mao was a pathological sadist who wanted everyone but him to be a monk while he deflowered different young teenage girls every day (then most of the time never saw them again).

I agree its rather stupid (and shes not a good person shes like Henry Hill shes ratting because she think she has to save her neck and still misses the life) inside info but we do get some names and furthermore we have a rat. Not many DNC rats before this. When the mob started getting rats in the 80s (before that the only one I can think of was Joe Vallachi) it was over for them soon.

alf says:

Also, Mao was smart. The great leap forward and the cultural revolution were his initiatives, generally excuses to purge his enemies and keep the people occupied.

The Cominator says:

Mao was an extremely maniacal sadistic psychopath the Great Leap Forward achieved nothing positive, the cultural revolution was basically him using the levers of power he still had after being sidelined following its monumental failure to regain power.

Alf says:

You’re right I erroneously pile the great leap forward and cultural revolution together.

Point being, Mao was not afraid to execute his enemies to get his way, and in the end, got his way.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“Mao was an extremely maniacal sadistic psychopath the Great Leap Forward achieved nothing positive, the cultural revolution was basically him using the levers of power he still had after being sidelined following its monumental failure to regain power.”

The GLF worked out very well for Mao himself. Asshole never missed a meal, was fucking teenagers right through it, and then died of natural causes (cancer from chain smoking) in his 80’s. China lost and Mao won. What a ride. Flawless victory. Just saying.

The Cominator says:

GLF got him sidelined (we’re talking a screwup that was 10x worse than the Bolshevik collectivizations in terms of killing people for nothing, most of Mao’s body count was the GLF) they should have killed him but didn’t, especially since the Soviets (who at least since Stalin took over had some kind grip on reality) got word of it before it happened and said trying to have peasants “make steel” with backyard blast furnances could not work.

CR was him trying to regain power.

Jim says:

After listening to whole thing, reading between the lines and reading her face, I know what happened.

She is a treacherous slimeball, and worse than that, a fundraiser. All the oligarchs she was raising funds from switched to Thermidor, so she followed them.

Or they switched to fund raisers more able to provide the people being bribed with cocaine, small boys, and weird intersexuals.

The reason they switched to Thermidor is that in old gerontocratic Democrat party, you could bribe people with money, but in the new woke Democratic party, you need money, small boys, cocaine, and strange creatures produced by hormones and surgical modifications, so they got left out in the cold.

The Cominator says:

Mostly true definitely a treacherous slimeball (as I said definitely got Henry Hill at the end of Goodfellas turning states evidence vibes except she doesn’t have ids and all that, she basically said she misses “the life) but I think she ratted because she thinks she better switch sides now or things might not go well for.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“I have donors who…”

Wait. How… what… who… who the hell “has donors who” anything? Like what even is that?

How are certain people selected for this job, position, role, or whatever the fuck noun this is, of “having donors”?

And this Shawn Ryan guy is clearly part of the problem too, as evidenced by the fact that he’s never been censored, and also that he didn’t stop everything in that interview and insist that first she explain just what the fuck “having donors” is.

(But I do know that it ain’t good.)

If I met a biblical angel, or a demon, or a space alien, I’d be less confused than I am confused by the apparent existence of this person.

The Cominator says:

Goodfellas metaphor again. She was a minority woman with high grades who worked at the cabstand er office of a Democrat Senator she became connected into the life. Of course not being one of the minorities higher in the Democrat social hierarchy or a legacy family shitlib white or jew she could never be made but she was still in contact with the bosses of the crime family.

Jim says:

She “has donors” because she is a fixer. Someone needs the government to approve something he wants to do, or to disapprove something else that someone else is doing. So he hires a “””consultant”””.

The consultant wants a direct connection with lots of people who need bribes, but at the higher levels, such people are besieged by far too many “””consultants””” so they hire a fund raiser to manage their “””consultants”””

A politician needs money, so he hires a fund raiser. The fund raiser has “””consultants””” and/or is herself a “””consultant”””. Usually both.

At the lowest level, your “””consultant””” directly provides the civil servant or judge with money, physical goods, services, drugs, and sex. At higher and higher levels, there are more and more intermediaries in the corruption ecosystem.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Political fundraisers and bundlers typically get a percentage of what they bring in. This tilts to either direct mail/e-mail expertise for many small donations, or personal connections with repeat big donors on the other side. This is legal and accepted because it’s considered pay or commission and the fundraisers are technically associated with a campaign or candidate each time, but a bundler is really also associated with and representing their largest repeat donors, so there’s some give and take just getting them onto any given campaign or candidate to begin with. In that sense, a bundler “has donors,” and except for nobody ever spelling it out in prime time for the rubes, they all know and assume you know.

But that’s just the grade-school civics level explanation of what’s going on in the background. It doesn’t exclude Jim’s and Cominator’s explanations.

Mayflower Sperg says:

She’s not evil; she’s an Asian good-girl who always got straight As and believed what everyone around her was expected to believe.
She still believes that her veganism makes her healthy and that her amenorrhoea is caused by “stress”. And she tries really hard not to cry when saying, “I don’t have a husband.”

Did she do a lot of sketchy things at the White House? Sure, but so did and will Trump and Musk. The end justifies the means, whether the end is making America great again or turning it into another Haiti.

Jim says:

She’s not evil; she’s an Asian good-girl who always got straight As and believed what everyone around her was expected to believe.

Is evil. I can smell it on her. If she remains childless, likely to become more evil,though this is something no one can predict. She might repent and regret.

She says her donors earned their money, and the Kamala campaign embezzled it and pissed it away. I smell truth in that her donors earned their money. (Most donors steal it.) If connected to good people, there is goodness in her, but at this moment, goodness is not in charge.

Fidelis says:

I’m picking up treacherous and amoral, a rat, but not evil. As in, not the sort of destructive evil we’ve been seeing in charge for ages now. Though being untrustworthy and a backstabber is a form of evil, I don’t see her inventing new and more malicious justifications to murder the peasantry, seems a long enough way off from that she would get murdered by her more advanced peers should she start on that path. Can you point out some segment that triggered the sense?

The Cominator says:

I don’t know whether she is pure evil (if she is vegan or vegetarian probably not since it involves real sacrifice in order to not encourage harm to animals) but she is certainly a rat who before things started going south was happy in “the life” being part of the crime family. Also no matter the circumstances you shouldn’t trust rats but you really really shouldn’t trust someone who feels no remorse about ratting their old friends out (and yes this applies to women even though we know women are innately less reliable and more treacherous). The default feeling for a rat should be deep shame and self loathing (well okay I do see a bit of self loathing) even if they were justified in doing it. And no I don’t consider Tulsi a rat she was not with the DNC very long and she left almost immediately when she saw they were just crooks. This woman was a part of “the life” since she was 13 and like Henry Hill after he flipped she still misses the life.

Any “good girl” too good to get a steady husband or at least live in boyfriend is a self absorbed flaky status seeking cunt. There is more genuine goodness in bad girls (high bodycount, dysfunctional, drug and alcohol problem) who end up with a guy than these status seeking cunts… women who chase status to the exclusion of everything else make me sick.

Fidelis says:

if she is vegan or vegetarian probably not since it involves real sacrifice in order to not encourage harm to animals

Oh come on, we were just discussing the AI safetyist and demon possessed — you can see it clearly in their writing, actions and on their faces, an exemplary case — trannie cultists that were scheming to murder everyone for eating meat.

Factory farms are unsanitary and spiritually unhealthy, but more vegans are like the demon possessed trannie cultist than they are factory farm protestors. There’s a reason it’s instantly associated with aggressively annoying leftists, and this lady picked veganism up exactly for the status games you’re complaining about.

The Cominator says:

I said immediately she was an evil scumbag but (sorry to countersignal the all meat all the time people) but my experience with vegetarians and such (and I go mainly off milk myself) is that they tend to be nice people. It fits with my general observation that hippie types (who since 2020 hate the progs) are actually nice generally whereas progs tend to be awful evil people.

Veganism probably indicates she is not so sadistic she is all for tr00ning kids and such, she was just kind of fine with robbing everyone blind, she was not so evil to laugh about impoverishing legacy Americans when she was alone but probably evil enough to laugh about it when her former “friends” were laughing about it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Vegans are right about one thing: Morally, there is no difference between meat, milk, and eggs, because all mammal and bird species produce male and female individuals in equal number, so what happened to the brothers of all those milk cows and layer hens?

I take it as a message from God that I ought to consume all three, at least while I can still get a dozen eggs for a US dollar because bird flu hasn’t reached Russia yet.

Jim says:

> Can you point out some segment that triggered the sense?

Most of it, but especially two of the segments where she was flattering her interviewer. She intends him harm. That was not at the top of her mind, she is too scared of his power for it to be at the top of her mind, but it was there. There is something wrong and messed up about her sexuality. It has taken a wrong turn somewhere.

She is angry at him for who he is, what he is. For him existing. Females have a basic life giving impulse at their core. There is something odd about her core. Maybe it has gone off the rails because she is not ovulating. She is probably not ovulating because vegan. Maybe she would heal if she ate meat.

The Cominator says:

Ah so you sense active malevolence rather than just being an amoral treacherous rat who was happy to live her role as a high level associate to the globohomo crime family and excess flattery was a giveaway.

Jim says:

Yes, not just that she was enjoying the proceeds of crime. Who does not enjoy the proceeds of successful crime? There was active malevolence. Right in the interview room at the person she was with.

She perceives him as high power and high status, and the normal female reaction to power and status is that they want to fuck it and they want to shit test it. And that was there, but there was something else there.

Being who she is, you would expect “how can I use this man to get money and power” to be there. And because of the female shit test impulse to power and status you would expect “how can I cut him down to size” to be there. But there was something else there in place of “how can I cut him down to size”, that should not be.

The normal leftist reaction to the new media is “How dare these people have this much status and power. They stole it from us, its rightful owners.” That was not exactly there, but something else was there.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think meat would fix it, most vegan girls I’ve known have been nice people probably with far more of a natural female sex drive than typical prog chicks. Being a sperg I’ll never have a good sense for reading subtleties in people I can tell she misses “the life” because she says it and fairly obvious she got out because she senses the ship is sinking but I can’t read beyond that.

Jim says:

Women do not pay much attention to big things like “the ship is sinking”. They pay attention to local, closer things, like the sinking of the ship is making their feet wet. Her donors noticed the ship is sinking, and went to Trump to pay homage. And she saw her donors depart to pay homage to Trump and followed her donors.

Jehu says:

I suppose there are 2 flavors of vegetarians and vegans (3 if you count people from a bona-fide vegetarian culture like Indians and some of the odder flavors of Christians).

The first flavor is the hippie woo-woo type. Cominator is correct that this type is generally pretty nice in person and usually has a pretty high nerd/geek/autist tolerance level. They used to be really common in places like Portland when such places were just weird, not fundamentally diseased.

The second flavor is way more common in general. They’re the sort with a women’s studies or other degree that doesn’t cause them to make even as much as a schoolteacher. Accordingly they have to pick some virtue signal to scream I AM NOT A PROLE. The ones who aren’t as close to the prole event horizon pick vegetarian, the ones who need tons of status points pick vegan. This class in general sucks, and yeah, probably would be greatly improved by an Australian style solution.

The Cominator says:

The hippie woo woo girls are very often vegetarian or vegan and even if they are not they eat meat sparingly and it has to be like small farm cruelty free as prettymuch universally they view factory farming of animals as a very great evil (and its hard to argue with them on that).

Prog girls rarely are as far as I’ve seen but I can’t speak for them now I’ve had little interaction with any of them. There is no genuine soft hearted feminine compassion with prog chicks (quite the opposite) its all about signalling it, horrible horrible cunts.

> odder flavors of Christians
Who are you referring to? I only know that Mormons are supposed to eat meat very sparingly but the words of wisdom do not tell them to abstain altogether.

yewotm8 says:

The internet is full of stories of formerly vegan fertile-age women who suddenly regained their sex drive after starting to eat meat again. The prog chicks Cominator is talking about are probably just on the pill, which can mess them up even more than veganism would.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

The hippie woo woo girls are very often vegetarian or vegan

Yes, but the vegan wxmyn are not so often hippie woo woo girls. You’re describing P(V | H), which is the inverse of the probability we’re interested in, P(H | V), and one is not derivable from the other.

Veganism is more frequently a status-seeking behavior than a strongly-held position against animal cruelty. Observe the PETA types who think nothing of euthanizing thousands of “captive” animals or setting them “free” into feral conditions where they live short miserable lives scavenging for scraps. In most cases, veganism is just another manifestation of leftism’s standard form, professing to care a great deal about people (or animals) very far away as moral cover for their murderous rage toward neighbors and acquaintances.

Most women are opposed to animal cruelty, nearly all women, and yet most women don’t let that bother them come dinnertime. Veganism, outside the culturally-enforced type in Hinduism et al, is a different matter entirely, and usually a signal of some latent evil; although in the case of women, many would drop it overnight if it simply ceased to be a high-status behavior in their roost.

The Cominator says:

“Yes, but the vegan wxmyn are not so often hippie woo woo girls.”
Most of the ones I’ve known have been. I know a vegan couple that aren’t hippies but they also aren’t leftists of any kind. I grew up in Massachussetts which was a leftist state and saw the militant prog movement rise from hell before my eyes.

Jehu says:

A lot of Seventh Day Adventists are vegetarian. Like Hindus, they’re way less obnoxious about their vegetarianism than the classic SWPL status signaler.

white bread says:

She is repeatedly asked who was running the show. She answers something like : “a bunch of high ranking advisors”. She never mentions Blinken and the rest of the neocons. And neither does the guy who interviews her. Right. Blinken didn’t exist.

alf says:

She did not contribute any useful info, except for the already mentioned ‘well the Democrats’ ship seems to be sinking so may I please jump ship pretty please? Yes I am anorexic but I also have this miniest of minidresses.’

In the matter of ‘is she evil’, I’d offer that in order to get as high up in the temple of GAE as she got, a degree of evil is pretty much a necessity.

The Cominator says:

There was a little bit of useful info which is in line with Jim’s model. She said the Biden whitehouse wasn’t listening to the money leftists so much the queer activists and such were in the driver’s seat (which was why Biden’s regime was so consistently bad) its not what most normie political commenters thought. This might of been part of what pissed off Thermidor.

I don’t believe she didn’t do coke… I like thin women but she was thinner than Kate Moss and Karen Carpenter. Her diet was probably tonic water, cocaine and marlboro lights. It might have been her cocaine and not Hunter’s lol.

Jim says:

Vegans tend to be thin. And sickly.

Jim says:

One item of useful info — that the Biden whitehouse needed bribing with small boys, rather than suitcases of money, pissed off her donors, who defected to Trump.

The usual deal is that you make a large contribution, and in return you get an invite to whitehouse party where you have a little word with an important person. At gay orgies, they were a bit of out place.

Also, massive money leakage at every level, but we already knew that.

Cloudswrest says:

From here:

In an egregious and unconstitutional assault on executive authority, Judge Paul Engelmayer has unilaterally forbidden all of Trump’s political appointees—including Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent—from accessing Treasury Department data. This ruling, concocted without legal precedent or constitutional justification, is nothing short of judicial sabotage. Worse, it was issued ex parte—meaning Trump administration lawyers weren’t given notice, weren’t allowed to argue, and weren’t even in the room. Only Democrat attorneys general were heard, ensuring a predetermined outcome.

Engelmayer’s order is legally indefensible. He cites no statutory basis because none exists. He offers no constitutional rationale because the Constitution directly contradicts him. Instead, he fabricates a fiction: that the duly appointed Treasury Secretary is nothing more than a ceremonial figurehead, akin to a powerless monarch, while unelected bureaucrats—who answer to no voters—control the nation’s finances. This is judicial tyranny masquerading as jurisprudence.

This judge’s bogus ruling is clearly a deep state propaganda “chess move”. A setup they know will be rightfully ignored by the administration, giving the deep state and Leftist media “coup”/”autogolpe” propaganda fuel. It’s part of their color revolution playbook. We’ll see if the public buys it.

S says:

No one’s mind will be changed by this. This is cargo cult leftism- if you challenge your opponent, they blaze through, you make a big deal about it and nothing happens is a big signal you are the weak horse. But the people involved aren’t thinking that far- Trump is a status threat they have to quash and this has always worked in the past. They can’t see the spell is broken because that would be to admit they don’t have status.

Your Uncle Bob says:

It’s being characterized elsewhere as targeting Musk’s kids from DOGE, with Treasury Secretary below the fold. The former will actually play with the reddit left, and someone in the leftist bubble might falsely believe it will persuade centrists.

But either way, if it’s a setup they’re bad at it. You couldn’t ask for a better setup to ease the normie right and the men with guns into ignoring court orders than something not just legally indefensible but ridiculous on its face.

I’ve had this idea for a while that the left are neither far-seeing chess players nor knowing bluffers, but are in the position of a grown man or woman who explodes and throws temper tantrums because it’s always worked for them, no one has ever called them out and smacked them down. Someone commented in another thread to the effect of “they’re bluffing; they’ll crumble.” On reflection, they’re on course to crumble but they don’t think they’re bluffing either. “Always double down” has always worked for them, it’s all they know. The power of that tactic is it forces the other party to match their escalation all the way to physical force or discipline. Which we may finally see, but they’ve had generations that reinforced that negative learned behavior.

But also
Engelmayer, early life
Every time.

dave says:

The left does not know their enemy and they do not know themselves. But they are beginning to learn.

Democracide says:

Please follow the moderation policy and get white listed.

Sporadic Commenter says:

> I’ve had this idea for a while that the left are neither far-seeing chess players
> nor knowing bluffers, but are in the position of a grown man or woman who
> explodes and throws temper tantrums because it’s always worked for them,
> no one has ever called them out and smacked them down.

I think we have for some years been in a terminal stage of “governance fatigue” where hardly any official actually does anything besides collect a paycheck and outsource all actual work to contractors. A collection of inverts and Shaniquas who lack the energy to respond to anything out of the ordinary (up to and including natural disasters, actual military invasion, etc) and just repeat whatever rituals have worked in the past to keep the grift going, such as media hysteria and rulings by Fifth Circuit judges. In that sense I think they will continue to be helpless as Trump, having finally and definitively broken the spell, steamrolls them with one initiative after another, faster than they can even notice what is happening.

Neurotoxin says:

“You couldn’t ask for a better setup to ease the normie right and the men with guns into ignoring court orders…”

They’re already there. Everyone on Twitter is saying, “Just ignore it.”

Bix Nudelmann says:

Rain falls in the jungle, the sun shines on the desert, and this was simply going to happen. Some Jewish judge somewhere was going to rule that the President works for the executive branch. That’s it.

Everyone knows and everyone knew that this was going to happen.

notglowing says:

I fear Musk isn’t willing to simply ignore the order – and it is only for a week, so maybe he’s making the calculation it isn’t worth the risk. There is also news that a Senator will introduce a bill next week to fully legitimize DOGE and dispel any remaining questions as to their authority.

This is both good and bad, it’s bad because it gives DOGE a way out that might require a long time and will drag on in congress, and many congresspeople would benefit greatly from DOGE not existing. It would be easier if not complying with the judge was the only option.

Perception of power is fundamental here, and they cannot lose momentum and start playing defense against democrats.
Hypothetically, Musk can do what he wants, and if he gets arrested, Trump can simply pardon him.
Just as the judge abused his power to try and sabotage the executive’s actions, Trump is justified in using his power to override the judiciary.

Theoretically, there is a due process in the government for dealing with this if Trump is truly “abusing” his power, which is to impeach him. Given they would need a two thirds majority in the Senate to convict Trump, that is never going to work, of course.

However, from the outside, it’s easy to make it look like Trump is the one “breaking the law” and not the judge overstepping his authority. This could give leftists more fuel and some fake legitimacy in the eyes of their own. It’s fairly dicey, but things are still in our favour.

It’s interesting to note how useless Congress is. Theoretically, they should be able to pass laws to make DOGE’s position unambiguous and eliminate any doubts that they can do what they can do. However, without a very strong Republican majority, and without sufficient loyalty from congressmen, it’s quite possible they won’t be able to get anything through.

On the other hand, when it comes to *stopping* Trump, the same applies, and if they wanted to impeach and then convict him, they’d find it even harder.

The Cominator says:

Look I asked my old centrist national review cuckservative buddy about his opinion on shutting down USAid and he said clearly they were an awful org which needed to die. Trump has public opinion with him (more important in a monarchy than a republic) on this so now they need to keep going… twatter sentiment is fully behind DOGE doing to the federal bureaucracy doing what Henry VIII did to the monasteries given all the shit they’ve found. Damn the torpedoes we can’t stop the blitzkrieg.

Neurotoxin says:

“I fear Musk isn’t willing to simply ignore the order – and it is only for a week, so maybe he’s making the calculation it isn’t worth the risk.”

Definitely bad. The minor point is that if the DOGE pauses for a week in running through the Treasury’s computers, the bad guys have plenty of time to destroy the evidence.

The major, important point is that complying with the order constitutes bowing down and conceding that “law” is defined as “anything that a judge says.” This is ridiculous. A judge just “ruled” that the Secretary of the Treasury is not allowed to access Treasury information. It’s absurd on its face. There is never going to be a better case for pointing out that a judge’s “ruling” is unlawful, and simply ignoring it. If anyone connected to the Trump Admin is reading this, what the fuck are you waiting for? When are you ever going to have a better case to make to Normie than, “The judge said the Treasury Secretary is not allowed to know what the Treasury is doing.” Enough. Just ignore it and keep plowing.

Neurotoxin says:

I mean, as if Normie, of all people, is going to rise up and violently oppose Trump for ignoring this ridiculous judicial order. Normie didn’t violently rise up when trannies were molesting little girls in women’s bathrooms. He didn’t rise up when tens of millions of hostile foreigners were invited over his borders into his country. He didn’t rise up when those foreigners formed gangs and kicked Americans out of their own apartment buildings. Is Trump seriously worried that Normie is going to rise up when the good guys act to stop all this crap? WTF?

>no one in reality believe the courts. but you shouldn’t be seen openly defying it.

Nonsense. It would be met with wild cheers and partying in the streets. Again, look at the commentary on X about this.

Even the word “defying” is a little bit tendentious here. As if the judge actually had the authority to tell the Treas Sec., “I forbid you to do your job.”

>“the republic” ,” law and order ” are still strong with normies and the military.”

Normie is a non-factor, and the guys at the pointy end of the spear don’t think the definition of “law” and “constitution” is “anything that a judge says.”

Neurotoxin says:

Again, in the optimistic assumption that anyone connected to the Trump Administration is reading this:

This may be rhetorically helpful for people in the Admin when ignoring lawless judicial “rulings”:

In the military soldiers must obey “lawful orders.” No one is obligated to obey an unlawful order… or an unlawful ruling from a judge.

Anon says:

the courts is now the biggest hurdle.
no one in reality believe the courts. but you shouldn’t be seen openly defying it.
“the republic” ,” law and order ” are still strong with normies and the military.
Elon should comply while not comply.

EncryptUK says:
Jim says:

I allowed this through because more relevant, important and newsworthy than the rest of the Thermidoran shill posts, but you are still on moderation, and will remain so till you comply with the moderation policy.

Jim says:

When I let one Thermidorean shill post through, I immediately get more, which I silently delete. If you guys are chomping on the bit to post, follow the moderation policy.

My Balls Are Always Bouncing... says:

Pure Unadulterated Win:
[*Thermidorean shill content deleted, even though a lot of it was good*]

Jim says:

Please follow the moderation policy and get white listed.

Pingo says:

Are you ready to admit that Lightning Network is a Crime, a Fraud, a Lie, a Failure of Epic Proportions whose hobbled semantics will completely meltdown once “usage” gets into the 50M-1B range. Will you admit that, or will you continue shillpropping that garbage.
I cannot wait for that day that all you shillprops are proven wrong.

Jim says:

The lightning network can handle millions of transactions per second. The limitation is channel creation and teardown. But taproot makes possible a fix that considerably alleviates that problem. Well, actually it was always possible, but taproot makes it inexpensive.

Lightning is hitting the channel creation and teardown limit. There are several plans afoot to considerably alleviate this limit, allowing it to expand several fold. Which is still way short of the fifty million — one billion range.

But there are plans, still a gleam in the eye of developers, for level twos that can handle billions of tps. To bring these plans to fruition, we need a dex that couples the different level twos. Which requires certain software infrastucture that does not yet exist. I am not working on such level two, nor the dexes that we will need to link all level twos, but I am working on something that will make such dexes possible, easy, and profitable to implement.

Pingo says:

Ok so I have closely read your statement and you admit in weasly roundabout fashion that Lightning is garbage.
Further, you admit in sideways fashion that an “L2” that requires a DEX to get into and out of is not actually an L2 (it is more like a psuedo-L1), that LN is not actually spending/settling L1-BTC but is an Abacus mess of lockups, a bolt-on to a thing (BTC) that was never designed aforesight for bolt-ons, thus crippling to all real L2s.
Therefore I’ve decided that, even though you are weasly face-saver in your admission that LN is junk, I will accept your admission.
I also grant you this pass because you seem to be future/acc oriented.

This brings another past wicket that few admit… that SegWit was done at behest of LN crowd, as an impulsive yet poor “See we’re doing something” choice. Self-preservation interests are Corrupting, therefore one can never trust The Plan… only formal verification and competition.

I am currently looking into the various DAG/ZK/other spaces, primarily to see what they are proposing/hiding about any of their L1 limitations, and about their capabilities/lack for real privacy. I may speak on any such findings in 6-9 months or so. Especially if less hiding/lack is found that in the BTC space.

I confess that I am not yet sure if “PoW” is the only possible mechanism for a global cryptocurrency.
What are your thoughts on “PoW” versus any other or an as-yet-undiscovered mechanism?

I admire that you accept that a universal DEX protocol API needs to be developed so that all L1’s can speak it. However of course that also means that today’s L1’s will be forced to add that API if they expect to interoperate with the future, and without a MITM.

I liked Bitcoin, before it started hitting walls.
I see “Plans” as yet more walls, from wall builders, building walls, to prop-up and protect invalid “Plans”.
I don’t like Walls or Plans.
Every first wall/plan ever hit in history has been smashed by those executing actually present and viable Plans, until the next, until the next, until…

I have bags at stake.
Go ahead, fork-preserve the UTXO’s.
And there’s always CEX, DEX, OTC, dark pools, if need be, and massive early buy-in opportunities, even ETFs will appear.
No one should be maintaining any Faux Walls and Props for fear of bag preservation… that’s legacy thinking.
Legacy thinking does naught but ensure a crippled legacy.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

you admit
Further, you admit
I will accept your admission.

These crypto shills are every inch as annoying as the leftist shills. Constitutionally incapable of saying “I believe X”, it’s always “you believe X”, “you’re really saying X”, etc.

If you were Serious, you’d make like Normie and simply divest of any crypto holdings you have and not bother to acquire any more. But since you can never shut up about it, I’ll take that as your admission that you’ve been trying and failing to make a quick buck off the latest shitcoin scam and are salty as ever that Bitcoin is still dominant.

Jim says:

> Constitutionally incapable of saying “I believe X”, it’s always “you believe X”,

Yes, always argument from false consensus.

Lightning makes Bitcoin useful for transactions that need to be immediate, giving it a huge network advantage over all the scamcoins. That is why the scam coiners are always saying stupid stuff about lightning.

Ether had its time in the sun because it had contracts and Bitcoin did not, but now that Bitcoin has contracts and lightning, Ether is now just another scamcoin. It will go to zero like all the others.

If you want to introduce yet another coin, which I do, it has to be either a level two on top of Bitcoin, or a dao coin. And daos are tiptoeing around the Howey test, which prevents them from being an adequate structure for the corporate form, which prevents their dao coins from being an adequate substitute for regular shares in a regular business. For dao coins to succeed, we have to make daos into sovcorps.

A corporation derives its existence from the books. Dao’s do not exactly have books (because if they did, they would fail the Howey test, and government would be onto them like a dingo on a baby.) So a precondition for genuinely successful daos is software that gives the capacity to survive even if the government is after them.

The action that is coming up is going to be a dex that provides an environment for exchange between the different level two bitcoins, and the fiat denominated stablecoins. And within such a dex, the first daos that can function as real corporations will exist.

Pingo says:

[*scamcoin payload deleted*]

Jim says:

You scammers are always your own biggest victims.

Buy Bitcoin on the dip, and hold it all the way up and all the way down.

The most recent buying opportunities were the dip to 16000, and the dip to $54000. Both of which I called. On gab, someone else called $95000.

You also want some monero and litecoin for privacy reason, lightning for fast transactions, and a certain limited amount of privacy, depending on circumstances.

Pingo says:

[*deleted*]I make trend plays in the markets.[*deleted*]

Jim says:

And the long term trend is all shitcoins go to zero, while Bitcoin goes up, and up, and up.

You guys think Bitcoin is a scam because you are grossly ignorant of cryptocurrency, and are forever trying to repeat the scam. The fact that you are trying to repeat it reveals you are out of your depth.

Dao coins can work, same as shares in a regular company, they can work if the underlying business is profitable — Bisq and Rune, for example. But because of the Howey test, it is hard for outside investors to know if the underlying business is well run and profitable. We need to give effect to strongly pseudonymous daos, sovereign corporations. Then the Dao coin market will take off.

Monero owns the privacy niche, so it is not going to zero.

But if a coin is a direct competitor for Bitcoin, network effect applies. Metcalfe’s law. There can only be one. If Bitcoin were to implement Litecoin’s Hogex, which it should, but will not, Monero too would go to zero.

If someone, perhaps me, though Grail and Penumbra is way ahead of me, implements a level two on top of Bitcoin that does what Monero does, Monero is going to zero. But it is safe for now.

Pingo says:


Jim says:

Your questions and assertions reveal incomprehension of crypto currency in general and lightning in particular so complete as to make conversation pointless.

The flaws you point out in Bitcoin are real, though you don’t comprehend them. But all your shitcoins have the same flaws, and do not have the same workarounds.

You argument is that the workarounds suck, and are inadequate. Which is perfectly true. But your shitcoins have no workarounds, and work continues with good prospect for improving these workarounds. With grail, full scalability is in sight.

Jim says:

Allowing this shill post from a yet another crypto scammer through because people have been asking me what shills are still going.

With USAID nailed and the FBI trembling in terror, it looks like the shill problem may be much alleviated.

But before government got into the act, it was the green card lawyers and the young earth creationists. Government got shilling not long after the greencard lawyers, and they are probably never going to stop.

Further large language models will enable shilling that better simulates interactivity. It does not seem to be applied effectively yet, but when it starts, going to be an even bigger problem.

Neurotoxin says:

In the “shill community,” I suspect this blog is spoken of in hushed tones. It’s their Mount Everest, their K2. Retired, grizzled old shills, sitting around at their cups, say “We could derail any discussion on any right-wing blog… with one exception. Argh, it was a Blog called Jim, and we threw everything we had at it. We tried Boomer notions that had made sense 60 years before, like anti-Russian instincts left over from the Cold War. We tried provoking abstruse religious arguments that most people had never heard of. We tried sneaking our payloads in as unspoken assumptions instead of arguing for them explicitly. We tried using reasonable concerns about Islam as an excuse for unnecessary wars on the other side of the planet. To camouflage ourselves we tried harshing non-whites; we tried harshing women; we tried harshing jews. We tried unrelenting black pilling to demoralize them. We tried accusing the host of ‘censorship’ to manipulate him into letting down his defenses. When all that failed we tried just stirring up shit to derail things, with insults, false statements about who said what, and blasts of links as a snowstorm of chaff…

None of it worked.”

(Sobs, takes a gulp of beer.) “None of it worked! The problem was that his shibboleth was TRUTH. How do you get around that, man? How? HOW?!

Maybe some day someone will figure out a way around that, but it hasn’t happened yet.” (Sighs, hangs head morosely.)

(If I had more patience and vidya editing skeeels I’d do one of those Hitler-in-the-bunker things.)

BexHap says:

The Jews spit on your Churches [*deleted for strange inability to notice Church burnings conducted by white liberals*]

Jim says:

Which burnings and vandalism occurred under FBI protection — the FBI failed to investigate the incidents, but did investigate anyone trying to address or prevent them.

The Cominator says:

Confirmed, Trump administration is ignoring court orders at least in regards to the work of DOGE. They aren’t being loud and public about it (other than one tweet by Vance) about it but they aren’t following them.

Calvin says:

A good start, but it needs to become open with time. The men with guns and the broader public will side with him in ignoring a lawless judiciary.

The Cominator says:

For now its best to keep it as quiet as possible, we still have confirmation votes going through. But yes be more and more loud about it in the future.

c4ssidy says:

Kayne made an amusing channel at after being banned by X

If he gets banned from telegram, wants to hire coders to code his own app, with a swastika as the logo

The Cominator says:

He’s definitely amusing but hes just a schizo nigger off his meds. The only difference between him and a corner schizo nigger is a few hundred million dollars.

I knew he was just batshit back when he appeared on Alex Jones in that stupid fucking hood.

The Cominator says:

With the USAid funding down I see a lot of random thoughtcrimes being discussed on twatter. A woman posted a thread saying everyone should admit its natural for men to like teen pussy. Another long wordy post about how all the hetero aids propaganda was almost total bullshit (and later in the thread that it came from Fauci). Seems like the wall of bullshit around a lot of things is crumbling.

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