I generally do not report on, nor pay attention to, the latest news of the day, because it is best understood years later, or centuries later. And I tend to discourage conversation about such news, because it is noise. The shills send in piles of links to latest noise, and I silently delete them.
But the meaning of Trump 2.0 now becomes apparent. So this post is going to be a pile of links to the news of the day.
USAID is the arm of Harvard, and the CIA the arm of the State Department. State Department CIA tends to be a lot more lethal, but when they strike, Harvard/USAID has done the cultural and political groundwork.
USAID was pursuing cultural, political, and economic objectives that Maga and alt-right never liked, and that Trump 2.0 does not like either. Mostly they were promoting “Democracy”. Which is to say, making cultural and political groundwork for coups against governments that were pursuing policies that their public liked and Harvard did not like.
Marco Rubio, speaking on behalf of the Trump administration, and claiming authority to control USAID, told Congress: “Autogulpe”. No, not what he said. What he actually told Congress was. “USAID’s systems and processes … often result in discord in the foreign policy and foreign relations of the United States. This undermines the President’s ability to carry out foreign relations, …”
Yes, it results in discord in foreign relations because they are trying to overthrow governments, those governments don’t like it, and complain to Trump. Who does not like it either, since their objections to those governments are strikingly similar to their objections to Trump and Maga. So Trump tells Doge “follow the money”, and USAID did not want them to follow the money.
Doge sent in people to find out where the money was going. Naturally those people were turned away. USAID does not want people to know where the money is going. So Trump loaned Doge some muscle men. USAID headquarters staff, all of them, were sent home, so that the Doge team could dig through their computers, and some of them were fired. Illegally fired they complain, but Trump established the precedent with the IGs that if you are “illegally” fired and do not go, the muscle men will show up and physically remove you from the facility. Which may well be illegal, and likely judges are issuing orders at high speed, but the orders are just bits of paper.
The Jan. 30 email from Nick Gottlieb, USAID’s director of employee and labor relations, carried the subject line, “Farewell and Thanks (Again) – Illegal Activity in the USAID Front Office.” It said, “Today, representatives of the Agency’s front office and DOGE instructed me to violate the due process of our employees by issuing immediate termination notices to a group of employees without due process. I refused and have provided Acting Administrator [Jason] Gray with written notification of my refusal.”
Gottlieb’s email also said that moments before he sent it, he was notified that he would be placed on administrative leave.
It looks like the key confrontation took place with HR, the woke priesthood. They had an area in USAID headquarters which was extra special secret, and Doge suspected that the the real dirt was secured there.
Members of Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency, known as DOGE, eventually did gain access Saturday to the aid agency’s classified information, which includes intelligence reports,
What, I wonder, is HR doing with intelligence reports? Normies might ask what USAID is doing with intelligence reports, but the Alt Right has long known the answer to that one.
This starts to look like Henry the Eighth’s dissolution of the monasteries. The Monasteries had a great deal of wealth and power, and a great deal of soft power, and the Papacy was meddling in England’s affairs. There is a plausible conspiracy theory that the Jesuits were responsible for the deaths of some inconvenient royalty. But because of all that soft power, Henry could not just take their wealth and power merely because they had it and he wanted it. He need good Christian and good theological grounds for doing so. So he sent in some protestants to go digging for dirt, and an impressive supply of dirt was found. Henry was not protestant, but he found he needed them.
It is not tanks in Harvard yet, but we are headed in that direction, if the nukes do not fly first.
If you really wanted to, you could incarcerate 90% of plain apes and subject them to prison labor due to PPP loan fraud (‘HELLCAT ME LLC’), but this is a roundabout way of solving modern problems.
The word is “autogolpe”.
As a wise man once observed, the only reason the US has not had another revolution is because we have no US Embassy. Time to go back to what most of the Founders intended: trade with all, alliances and fucking about with none.
The best thing about this is it eliminates a key gigantic slush fund for the whole globohomo priesthood. Whatever command and control elements were in USAid (Mike Benz suggested the top level was the Atlantic Council though he did talk about USAid a bit as did RFK Jr) can probably be reformed elsewhere but they aren’t getting their money back.
There certainly is a lot shrieking over it, which suggests it hit home.
I can’t find a youtube for this guy but he says that they were among other things funding the groundwork for a bird flu scam as covid 2.0 Trump was very wise to muzzle the jesuit medical agencies immediately.
I’m still a little astounded at Rubio being this much on side. I had a vague idea of him as being more of a conventional Republican, rightwing by normie standards but not so much a reactionary. So I figured him in at State for being a Thermidor requirement and firewall, not a strong ally.
However I could well be being proved wrong. Possibly Trump sucked all the rightwing energy out of the room in the 2016 primaries, and that colored my impression unfairly. Or, at 54, he’s better positioned than his elders to sense which way the wind is blowing. (We’ll want Vance or even Hegseth after Trump, but Rubio is young enough to make his own play in 4 years or later if he stays on side.) Or perhaps he is Thermidor’s guy, or the designated shabbos goy, but Thermidor really is all in (they think)?
I will welcome correction or education on this.
I still don’t consider Rubio reliable (being a gay, a guy with no control over a budget, and a man who at least used to have a coke habit) but hes been on his best behavior so far…
To be appointed as Secretary of State is to be given a chance to enter the history books. If Rubio took the position to claw back some of his lost manhood, and he owes it all to Trump, he might have a surprising amount of personal loyalty. But his appointment is certainly unusual.
If the idea is to unwind the Empire back to its ocean borders, then that implies buttoning-up Mexico and Central America down to the Panama Canal.
So why not send a guy who’s fluent in Spanish.
Rubio is like Zuckerberg. He could doublecross Maga and Trump is an instant, but he sees which way the wind blows, and has adjusted his sails to catch the new wind.
I perceived something a little different from Rubio’s tone and body language in that interview compared to Zuckerberg (the latter in the Joe Rogan interview).
Zuckerberg appeared relaxed and relieved to be adapting to the new normal. That was a change from the typically robotic and awkward persona we’ve seen in years past. Rubio’s personality is nothing like Zuckerberg’s, but I was watching for something else, specifically any indication that he was having a little fun with the big roll-up, like Musk has been, or at least schadenfreude. I didn’t see it. To the contrary, he appeared both (a) very serious and (b) more glib than fully confident. Let’s acknowledge that Zuckerberg had a friendly interviewer and Rubio’s interlocutor was undoubtedly hostile, but still, the framing was different.
Something in his demeanor suggests it might be personal, and that he is working the case because it somehow aligns with his interests, or against the interests of one of his enemies. He’s has yet to demonstrate that he’s become a Trump loyalist or an overall trustworthy guy, but maybe he was given a deal along the lines of “how would you like the chance to shaft someone who deserves it for a change?” and decided to take it.
It’s also possible that he just makes a much better enforcer than leader and functions better with clear responsibilities and under clear direction. Though I’m not entirely convinced… yet.
Zuck though a completely self serving character never liked the left he was forced to help them and is happy he can take revenge. Yes i do think he hates them on a personal level not out of principle but because he hates what they do to him.
Rubio is an ambitious politician and he correctly sees there is no future in Republican politics if you are not aligned with Trump. Being a never-Trump Bush/Cheney-type Republican at this point is just a dead end career choice.
I too am suspicious of Rubio, but he has said in recent interviews that he is there to carry out the Will of Trump, whatever that may be. So far he has been surprisingly solid.
I have been looking for a celebratory page listing Trump 2.0 executive orders. The Wikipedia page appears serviceable as it has links to the original White House page, and the order numbers are provided so you can check (by calculation) that they aren’t omitting any of them.
[*deleted for not complying with the moderation policy*]
just in case the “Scrappy Little Dykes” do manage to put together some kind of violent destructive Marxist Revolution
[*list of the usual suspects promising Marxist Revolution now*]
The difference is that in 2020 they were getting paid billions to protest the holy martyrdom of Saint Fentanyl Floyd.
This time around they are protesting being dropped from the USAID payroll.
USAID is fifty billion dollars a year, and very large part of its funding is going to people like this to do what these people do. Without funding and police protection, no one is going to show up for their protests.
Quit being an asshole Jim.
Nothing on here says anything about anyone needing to modpol, so you can’t claim they have to comply with unposted rules, [Deleted for failing to comply with the posted rules]
Posted rules say that new commenters, which are commenters with a new fake email address, must lead with a thought crime, or a criticism of a thought crime that reveals what the thought crime is that they are criticising is .
If they do, they get white listed and can post anything except that excessively lengthy threads resulting from unresponsive repetition will be deleted.
If they don’t get white listed, their comments will be silently deleted or unkindly edited. For the most part, silently deleted, especially if there are too many comments in the moderation queue.
First, Alex, Clinton, and some other very well heeled and disguised Leftists have plenty of US based money to burn
[*Deleted yet again for still not complying with the moderation policy*]*]
Please follow the instructions in the moderation policy and get white listed. Your stuff will then come through unmolested.
I would be happy to debate your payload, but I expect you will refuse to acknowledge that you have a payload.
If anyone can throw me some cope for this ridiculous Gaza deal — Trump signing up the USA to take ownership of Gaza once Bibi’s done with it — that would be great.
My obvious fear is that it’s a (((blatant scam))) to start dumping Palestinians on us.
Trump threatened tariffs on Mexico and Canada before backing down after they gave him concessions. It might just be an opening bid- threatening to dump Palestinians on Israel’s neighbors in order to put pressure on them.
I find it hard to believe that any Jews and/or Zionists would be crazy and stupid enough to push for moving Palestinians off of Israel’s doorstep and onto their own. It’s just not their M.O. They want to wipe out the Palestinians and wage low-level war on Iran using U.S. resources.
Maybe it is typical Jewish “somebody else’s problem” thinking, and they’ve really convinced themselves that dropping Palestinians off in rural Iowa is equivalent to dropping them in a black hole. Or maybe it is just Trump being jocular, creating misdirection or floating trial balloons, like the very similar Canada pronouncements from last week.
I’d say wait a few days and see; don’t repeat the 2016 mistake of getting overly fixated on what Trump or anyone else says, instead watch for what they actually do, because that is where things have been getting mighty interesting.
Yeah. Trump says a lot of stuff. My impression is that some of it is trial balloons to get free feedback/analysis, some of it is staking out early negotiating positions, some of it is off-the-cuff blurts that signify nothing at all, and some of it, e.g. “Let’s make Canada the 51st state,” is just trolling leftists.
“Make Canada Great Again!” Leftists pretend that they really believe Trump wants to invade Canada; this gives them something ridiculous to screech about for 48 hours or so, and it keeps them occupied and off his back on serious stuff.
I don’t think he’s just trolling, though I don’t think he actually wants to annex Canada either. I think he wants to make the protector/protectorate arrangement more formal, and have some military bases stationed in the country. Particularly in the Arctic, as the Arctic ocean is shaping up to be a new trade route. That and whatever trade and policy arrangements he can get that squeeze the leafs more firmly, considering it’s been a base of corruption and leftism for quite a while.
Threatening the maximum extent of what he could possibly be negotiating for, and what he could possibly get given full commitment, full annexation of the territory, means the opponent party in the negotiation is fully on the back foot and scrambling to appease the giant at their doorstep.
Trump’s job for Thermidor, or at least the saner faction of Thermidor, is to manage an orderly and dignified retreat of Global American Empire. If the Empire retreats to its natural borders, the oceans, this can be sold as a victory if he substantially strengthens control within those borders. Also it is a victory. Obviously an empire that strongly holds a smaller amount of highly defensible turf is more secure and in the long run, stronger, than an empire that shakily holds a vast amount of indefensible turf.
Russia is nervous and apt to get cranky because it lacks natural borders. Europe is nervous and apt to get cranky because, except for England, it lacks natural borders. America has natural borders. Why not utilise them? Manifest Destiny.
Maybe… but so much of what my man Trumpy says seems to be unserious.
– – – – – –
On the subject of foreign adventurism, whether in Canada or elsewhere: The Army broke a recruiting record after Trump’s November victory.
Sigh. Well, the silver lining is that this will confirm in the minds of the Thermidorians (at least the war faction ones) that backing Trump was a good move.
The Canadian government has spent half a century telling the Canadian people that Canada isn’t their country. If Trump annexes Canada and gives it back to the people whose pioneer ancestors settled it, what’s not to love? It’s not like they’ll lose their shitty government health care; America has that too. It’s called Medicaid and everyone who isn’t uber-rich is on it.
Canadian healthcare is laughable. Anybody who has a real medical issue drives down to the US. I know a guy who has been on the waitlist for an MRI for over a year, though by this point he has likely been quietly bumped off of it in favour of some pajeet’s 80 year old grandpa.
It’s hardly surprising that young men want to bleed with Trump and Pete. Maybe they’ll even come up with some old school recruiting ads.
Trust the plan, Trump is doing great so far. There’s my cope.
If you want something more specific: it’s a distraction to keep protesters off balance and divided as they can’t figure out to prioritize.
OK yes, this is some cope I can use. He’s fucking with his enemies.
“So do you faggots want a ceasefire and rebuilding in Gaza or not? No?”
Trump is revealing the true prefences of both sides with this. Zionists want the real estate with the Palestinians gone, but claim they just want safety and security from terrorists. Leftists want every Israeli murdered or castrated, but claim they just want the oppressor nation to stop persecuting the poor browns.
With this move, both sides are unable to rebuke without admitting what they were really after, or in the left’s case evolving some new reason the Israelis need to be murdered. It’s a brilliant play.
Personally I want to see the land turned into a Mediterranean colony for America. Move the Palestinians to Haiti or something, like what Pax was suggesting for the factory onshoring. Haitians are wonderful says the left, Palestinians are peaceful says the left. Why couldn’t they get along? Israel gets the Americans officially right next door, isn’t that great?
Make the whole strip a free trade zone while we’re at it, turn it into a for-profit charter city owned by the new Soverign Wealth fund, and strong arm the Dubai people into building it up.
I’m fine with it if its Trump being a showman but we really really shouldn’t go in. No good comes from us going into the Middle East and if the Israelis want the Gazans gone they should do their own dirty work.
Rome handled it fine for over 500 years. Just don’t get into a land war with Persia and you’re set. All the trouble there stems from ‘investment’ that is getting cut off as we speak.
This is very similar to Moldbug’s plan isn’t it? Gaza’s real estate is auctioned off, with the proceeds funding UBI for Palestinians to spend in their new homes in Dubai or whatever. Yarvin didn’t say anything about the land going to the USA, but this has his fingerprints all over it, unless it was not such an original idea. I don’t follow the issue very closely. But for me it’s a further white pill to see UR ideas going mainstream.
Gaza exists because of USAID. 20% of everyone living there is on the US government payroll. Egypt keeps its border with Gaza sealed shut so that Israel has a thorn in its side, otherwise every Palestinian who isn’t fighting for Hamas would move to Egypt. When Trump turned off USAID, Gaza immediately needs to be addressed, because its existence is Harvard waging war against Israel, and now it has no money and no food to continue waging war. Trump is unwilling to let Israel bulldoze it into the sea, causing more war which we would certainly get involved in.
Now it needs to officially become an American protectorate. The promised population transfer is unlikely to ever happen, but when you knock down rubble to put up a beautiful new Trump tower, you are going to find a lot of tunnels, a lot of Hamas guns and money and Hamas under them. With its USAID funding cut off, Hamas would wither on the vine and die, but Trump does not trust Israel to have the patience to do this, have the patience to not just take the land immediately and start a bunch of nasty wars.
I’m still surprised Bibi didn’t blow up the Gaza-Egypt border walls and flush them out.
He would have to take physical control of the border, and that is war with Egypt — and it is very hard to cross a war zone and live.
Really? I figured he could just knock down the walls and fences with bombs and missiles from fighter jets. No?
Walls are nothing without men. Men are still something without walls.
Walls are a kindness to the other that prevents you from having to use guns. If Israel blew up the walls, Gazans would be turned away by Egyptians with guns.
“If Israel blew up the walls, Gazans would be turned away by Egyptians with guns.”
And I believe you, but God what a sight that would be.
“What? I thought you guys loved these people. So what’s the problem?”
What a troll.
Scott Adams says it is like Solomon offering to divide the baby.
All USAID staff abroad are being ordered back Stateside by Saturday. At least that is what has been ordered. That is going to be quite complicated logistically but that is what is happening. My presumption is that this is about preventing evidence from being destroyed or money from being squirrelled away somewhere.
Reminds me of early round based video games. To defeat the Harvard beast boss, send in paladines, keep its minions in check and cut off its arms first.
Another interesting idea: https://www.manhattancontrarian.com/blog/2025-2-4-whats-coming-for-academia
Harmeet Dhillon is a name I haven’t seen in a while, and didn’t expect to see in that context. For those who don’t know/remember, she was the one solitary lawyer in the Bay Area who attempted to bring cases against the tech oligarchs for their flagrant double standards; this being in the pre-DEI era (when it was just called “Diversity”) during Trump 1.0 or even a little earlier.
Of course she was in over her head, and caught flat-footed by the hostile and disproportionate response, probably believing due to normality bias that the corporate lawyers would roll over or settle, not realizing how many billions of dollars, HR apparatchiks and meat markets were behind the successful Pro-Diversity cases. So I’ll bet that she would be itching for a chance to even the score.
They’ve clearly done their research on personnel this time around. Who “they” really are, I’m not sure, but the way I interpret this is one faction of the tech oligarchs (Thermidor-aligned) getting ready to deploy the lawfare arsenal against the other, recalcitrant factions. A half-educated, half-wild guess would be Bezos, Zuckerberg and Huang against Gates/Nadella, Schmidt and Dell, with some like Tim Cook waiting to see which way the wind is blowing.
I could be way off on the factions; lots of folks switching teams lately, but there is definitely something simmering on the west coast, considerably more muted but no less important in my opinion. If you can crack the true-believer tech oligarchs, you have a direct path to rolling up entities like the WEF and Clinton/Gates Foundations, and maybe even the Kagan Cult and Obama NGOs and other tumors in the DOD.
Tanks in Harvard suggest violent resistance. So far, we have seen none of that. A few men with guns were sufficient. The men with guns didn’t even need back-up, much less tanks. I understand that “tanks in Harvard” is a metaphor and therefore should not be overanalyzed, but still there seems no violent resistance to Trump at all.
What could trigger violent resistance to Trumps autogolpe? At this stage, I’m not seeing anything. Looks like a few cops with pepper spray will be enough to close Harvard.
At present, the left resists with priestly power only. Hence, no tanks needed.
Some decision by some judge stating that Trump’s orders are illegal and that it is illegal for the men with guns to carry out Trump’s orders is to be expected. Some unkonwn judge in a court in Hawai won’t have the priestly authority to stop Trump’s men, but the supreme court might. My guess ist, that the strategy of the left is simply to hope for a favorable decision of the supreme court and to hope that the men with guns will then obey that decision.
We have a leader, and our enemies are leaderless. We have the praetorians. The woke priesthood are simply unpleasant, nasty people, who pissed off the praetorian grunts. Also, priests just tend to not get along with warriors.
So far Trump has just taken down purely priestly power, which is the correct initial target. First the OPM, the HR of all HRs.
Pete Hegseth is to take down woke in the army, Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard, woke in the FBI. This job has not yet been begun, and may lead to more drama that the OPM and USAID.
USAID has been putting mobs of the streets of various countries. It is not coercive power like the CIA, just running cover for that coercive power. All the people that have suddenly seen their cash flow threatened are now talking about putting mobs on the street of the USA, but without money and the violence of the state behind them, those mobs are going to be hilariously anaemic.
It is obvious that the secret service set up the Jan 6th pipe bomb and the shot that nicked Trump’s ear. It is also obvious that Trump has plenty of loyalists in the secret service, and now has a direct Maga chain of command between himself, his loyalists in the secret service and his loyalists in the federal marshals. Warriors follow a warrior. In his first term, he was a merchant, not a warrior, but when that shot nicked his ear, his reaction showed the warriors he was worthy to command.
Our enemies recently elected a new head of the Democrat party, looks like they are firing the gerontocracy for letting what has happened happen.
It looks like they are trying to sort out their lack of leadership problem. Should they succeed, things might get interesting.
But their problem is that the younger generation of leftists are idiots. The new head of the Democratic party is an idiot, and completely forgettable. He looks like a placeholder, as Biden was a placeholder, pending ability to agree on an actual leader. But now they have a rather potent incentive to cohere under a leader.
The surprising news we got over the weekend is that Trump has the US Marshals. I did not expect that. Marshals are the men with guns but embedded in the judiciary. Implies Trump will not be opposed greatly in the judicial branch.
They made fucking David Hogg the second in command. Seriously most Shaniquas are probably more competent and more inspiration than that faggot.
When you look at his face, you instinctively want to punch it. It’s visceral.
Paul Ryan too. Its funny how these whores who were elevated to uniparty leadership positions young both had really comically punchable faces.
Like I’d literally be like Rob Riggle here if near either Paul Ryan or David Hogg.
[*deleted for posting from inside the bubble*]
Best comment I’ve seen on this:
Indeed, but they also have a potent incentive to join Thermidor. Of course, not all of them have that incentive, but all those who do real work, especially those who carry a gun for their job, do have the option to join Thermidor.
It looks like all those goverment employees with guns decided they liked Thermidor a lot more than woke. If that is so and stays so, even a competent leader of the leftist priesthood will find it difficult to escalate to organized violence. The priests can’t do war without soldiers.
The Dems will have quite a bit of trouble cohering under a new leader. The Obama/Clinton neoliberal establishment still thinks they can retrench and mount a standard Dem campaign in 2028. The full-Communist faction thinks they lost because they didn’t go hard-Left enough and if they do the American people will follow. And the blacks believe it’s finally time for them to take charge. Sorting out who drives the party’s direction might take years in itself.
Putting David Hogg in a leadership position shows the Dems are putting virtue signals above competence so I like Vance’s odds in 2028 so far. Especially if Musk can shut off the under the table money that is used to rig the elections.
Biden was a placeholder to be president until they resolved their internal conflicts, and they still have not resolved their internal conflicts.
Thermidor succeeded because the gerontocrats were slow motion moving over for the radicals and the radicals were not so impatient as to remove them lethally (which surprised me and falsified some of my predictions)
The woke priesthood are necessarily selected for stupidity and nastiness, which makes collective action difficult.
It is now revealed that their ability to put a gigantic river of meat on the street was always utterly dependent on that river of meat being paid Typically union members or ngo employees whose union or employer was paying them to show up at the protest, rather than go to work, typically employees of ngos, HR employees, and the like.
Musk’s boys are now following the money. They forced their way into the treasury department, and now their software is mapping a vast network of government payments to ngos that pay ngos that pay ngos. Also paid for gain of function for Covid. I expect all sorts of interesting Fauci adjacent information is going to be discovered.
Trump 1.0 had the warrior spirit, obviously, but he was a merchant, not a warrior. Mugshot Trump is a warrior, and when they tried to assassinate him, that he is a warrior became obvious to every warrior. So now we have Trump 2.0
This is the version of the hero’s story where the stranger comes to town, gets run out of town, then comes back to town with some companions at his back. The woke priesthood is allergic to warriors, so has a severe warrior shortage.
Warriors will follow and obey a warrior. So not much the supremes can do except find a formula to make it legal.
The CIA kept a warrior leftism (demon worshipping Nazism) alive in eastern Europe. The obvious solution for the left is to switch from the cult of Isis to demon worshipping Nazism. But that is, so far, a bridge too far. This I did not expect. I thought they could come up with some warrior formula fairly quickly, probably throwing the Jews to the wolves in the process. If they had thrown the Jews to the wolves, that would have done it. Ziz and Hamas do not seem to be adequate. The Hamas faction of the left probably has warriors, but Trump is coming down on them hard and fast.
The pile of antisemitism laws was passed to crush Easter and old type Christianity, but Trump is repurposing it against the left.
I was a bit skeptical they mixed in any gain of function funding with USAid (I thought that would be cordoned off entirely under Fauci’s purview if only because RFK said under the biological weapon convention its potentially a death penalty crime being caught working on a bioweapon) but yes it does appear to be true they put at least some of the money for gain of function through USAid as opposed to entirely through NIH.
Its funny how the hippie (as opposed to the prog left) was entirely right about that just nothing good ever came of bioweapons research
Your link does not go to gain of function. It does however go to some rather odd medical research — they are surgically implanting rings in women’s vaginas.
Now why is this research being funded by a budget item that is ostensibly to feed the hungry and house the homeless in foreign countries? — Presumably because they don’t want people to be able to find it in the budget. It is probable that objective was ridiculous, obscene, and indecent, rather than murderous.
The objective was depicted as preventing pregnancy and HIV, just as gain of function is always billed as pandemic prevention, rather than pandemic creation, but it does not seem likely that ring would prevent this — a barrier is obviously going to be more effective. A ring can reliably mess up a pregnancy and ensure that it will always fail. It is basically an automatic abortificant. An implanted ring is going to be actively dangerous for HIV. So looks like more Moloch worship. They wanted a “contraceptive” that killed babies, rather than preventing them from being conceived. Which is actually useful, if rather disturbing, but not something the fedgov should be funding.
Yeah if they are doing this kind of weird medical research they are also certainly gain of function funding.
It’s a little unfortunate Henry had to rely on Protestants rather than being able to establish a Greek Orthodox national church as he initially wished. The Protestants came back to cause problems. If we are convinced that the left is defeated – which may or may not be prudent – it’s important to look closely at what comes next.
And if we go back to the faith of 1770, rather than the faith of 1660, it is likely to lead to the same problems down the line as happened the first time around.
1770 is going to be easier to sell to the NCOs
What is the proper response to all the people in the organized churches that accepted money to oppress and terrify their layfolk flock?
Does 1770 have it? Who does?
There you mean an English Orthodox church, right? Which would not have been the same as a Greek one.
And we Protestants are not going away.
Protestants had a huge list of obvious heresies against the Roman Catholic Church, and a considerably smaller list of obvious heresies against the Orthodox Church.
I say “had”, not “have”, since with all mainstream protestant Churches becoming grossly heretical, they seem to have forgotten all that stuff.
It still matters. Matters a lot. But demon worshippers in power matter a whole lot more.
“There you mean an English Orthodox church, right? Which would not have been the same as a Greek one.”
Greek Orthodoxy is both a rite and a national church (there are Greek Orthodox churches outside of Greece).
In effect Anglicanism is an English Orthodox Rite, or was before it was soft de-established in the 19th century and/or stopped observing what made it unique around the first half of the 20th century. The problem is nobody ever really believed in Anglicanism. Perhaps they believed it upheld an agreeable and useful civic order that was favorable to their lives.
“And we Protestants are not going away.”
Clearly, but is that a good thing?
The old protestant critique of Orthodoxy is clearly correct, though under present circumstances considerably less important than more pressing issues.
What critique are you referring to?
Celibacy, Monasticism, and the perpetual virginity of Mary. Christianity has a place for monastics, but that place is not running the affairs of the Church.
Paul commands that the priesthood be recruited from men with experience in successfully running a household. Monastics are supposed to be people who give up on that sort of stuff to focus full time on God.
Paul’s job, and the job of James, brother of Christ, was institutionalising the Church. Having monastics in charge is heresy against scripture, and opens you up to the lavender mafia.
Peter the Great came up with a great solution for monastics IMHO (even if you don’t like the guy otherwise which I understand) he didn’t abolish monasticism but you couldn’t join a monastery before you were 40. Nobody at 20 should want to be a monk thats just stupid… but almost every man over 40 can understand the appeal of being a monk. This applied to women with nunneries too… only old unmarried women over 40. Better solution to the monastery question than abolishing them entirely (one of the few changes made by Luther that I think he was wrong about).
What’s not to like about the guy? He was the one who turned Russia from a formerly Mongolian tax collector state into a world player state. OK, he was cruel, but the more I learn about Russian history, the more it seems cruelty is rather baked into the cake.
Yes mostly him being cruel even by Russian standards and he was saved from self inflicted disasters by being lucky a couple of times (in one case he would have been captured by the Ottomans except the Vizier apparently saw the hand of Allah in being able to get token concessions without further bloodshed didn’t do the Vizier any good the enraged Sultan had him executed immediately).
Correction I guess the Vizier was not executed merely fired…
CIA news :
News: The CIA is offering its entire workforce the same “deferred resignation” buyout made to civilian agencies last week, in a bid to make the spy agency more aligned with Trump. Ratcliffe personally asked WH to do the buyout. First known natsec agency to do so.
some rumors are FBI is also getting the RAGE treatment.
this is insane and it look like he is getting away with it.
i watched a video of USAID former employees talking with staff at the door of USAID . he said “first , thank you for your service, can we speak with who in charge” the staffer said “sorry, they are not here now”
with security personals standing at the doors it was uncanny.
the interesting thing is the security was DHS police. I thought those where part of the deep state.but now seem to switched to trump.
Trump has become high status, and the left has become low status. I dont know how or why but it has happened. I guess thats the preference cascade.
Low Status is trying to gin up resistance in a truly cringeworthy way and being roundly laughed at and mocked on CNN.
High status, preserving girls sports for girls and receiving love and adulation for it.
We’re seeing the same thing in the Indian media. Havel’s Greengrocers. What a concept. Just below Shill tests. Imagine SlaveofAllah being unable to recite the Shahada. That blew my mind.
Whoops, Jim replied to Fidelis before I could.
Indian news outlets are also Havel’s greengrocer. Suddenly everyone in the Indian media has always supported Trump everywhere, all the time, all along the way, https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/donald-trump-usaid-funded-pakistan-ngo-link-to-terrorist-organisation-lashkar-e-taiba-let-falahs-e-insaniat-2675197-2025-02-05
As expected, Modi has sided with Trump on the Russia-Ukraine war, and wants a deal with Putin to end the war.
NATO is collapsing. The GAE’s time is up. The European Protectorates appear to be in denial.
This link is broken.
I’ve been having full body orgasms every single day with each drop of Trump’s hammer on the heads of the pond scum who are our enemies. Jim, this is what Ted Cruz could never, and would never do. Which is why you were right x years ago.
Mike Benz as of late (on Tucker/Rogan etc.) explains to the normies what we already know. It was hilarious watching Tucker’s mind explode while Mike calmly explains how the real world actually works.
Quite. After each time I read about the latest Executive Order, I have to wipe my computer screen off.
It has become obvious that trying and failing to assassinate Trump was the biggest mistake in the history of North American politics. It made him realize – if he still had any lingering doubts at that point – that the Left are not “loyal opposition” to be negotiated with, but enemies to be defeated. If you shoot at the King, you’d better not miss. The Left is now getting a very practical demonstration of the meaning of that saying.
This is a man who used to be the Great Negotiator; all his instincts were to negotiate. He wrote a fucking book called The Art of the Deal. Where is that Trump now? Gone, gone, gone. He is simply attacking, with the intention to defeat them.
I’d argue that he’s still negotiating, but now negotiating at a table with a gun on it. Or rather TWO guns, theirs AND his.
Take the CIA buyout offer (soon to be followed by the same offer to IRS, Education Department, etc). That’s a negotiation tactic too. Plato or plumbo, silver or lead. Sun Tzu says to never back people into a corner. Always leave them a way out.
So I see this as Art of the Deal-ing but with a wider “window” of options on either side. Game of Thrones Expansion Pack.
But gutting, I mean downsizing, the CIA, Education Department, etc., is defeating the left. So it’s not negotiating, because he’s not saying, “I’ll give you something you want in exchange for something I want.”
It’s “You are going to be radically downsized, or eliminated altogether, and we can do this the easy way or the hard way…”
Couldn’t resist.
Trump has learned. May he keep it up!
“Couldn’t resist.”
I hear you. Jim here told us that the Woke Priesthood — not unlike Marie Antoinette or Moe Green in Godfather 2 — is “the last to know” that their own purge is imminent. Fundamentally because it’s an “inconceivable thoughtcrime” that their power even COULD decrease, because the rainbow of history arcs toward justice, don’t you know. Everyone knows that.
It reminds of those priests on the old testament, who challenged one of the real prophets to a “priest-off”, to see whose spirits were stronger. It was sacrilege to even consider that their spirits might not show up and kick ass, but they didn’t, their pile of sticks didn’t catch fire, and they were run out of town soon after.
Or more succinctly, pride goeth before the fall. Believing — not just believing but assuming, not just assuming but simply KNOWING — that you’re hotter shit, and more favorited by the universe itself, than anyone else.
Trump is making deals within his coalition of Thermidor.
They’re finally cutting the sanctuary cities off the federal teat: https://x.com/EricLDaugh/status/1887206281812886012
It will be interesting to see how long it takes for them to start caving. We’re about to get a good look at the true proportion of true believers vs opportunistic parasites.
Trump froze regulation and rolled back very recent regulations.
The elites of deep blue megacities live on regulation, which generates enormous amounts of fake and gay GDP. This is a cut that bigger than USAID. As yet I have not heard any screams of pain, which is odd — presumably because their income from existing regulations is still going fine, while existing paychecks from organisations sustained by USAID just stopped. Screams of pain will likely ensue when de-regulation agenda starts.
Cernovich tweeted that DC bartenders are noting a shift in orders from their regular clients, from the expensive stuff to bottom-shelf vodka. Probably USAID fallout now that the slush fund is closed.
Trump mentioned this during the last campaign and I’m mighty curious what the nuts-n-bolts of it will be. Alls I know right now is the REEE-ing will be delicious as news of Trump’s order spreads.
Hopefully this is used to purge or eliminate the department of education. Holy war incoming.
The proportion of trans teens, thirteen to seventeen, is six times higher in the deep blue states than the deep red states. Or rather was. I expect that this morning it has fallen dramatically.
[*deleted, yet again, for the same reasons as usual*]
Repeating once again, as I said the last umpteen times. All schooling is religious schooling, and “academic merit” is only meaningful, relevant, or useful, for people going into a full time priesting career.
Unless, of course, HR forces the boss to employ people on the basis of “Academic merit”.
You keep presupposing that “academic merit” matters and should matter, that people should be rewarded for “academic merit”, at the expense of people who actually produce stuff, especially at the expense of people in the countryside and exurbs. If you want to argue that, you can argue it, but I not going to let you presuppose it, when every single time that I allow your stuff through, I rebut it, and you just ignore my rebuttal and go right on presupposing it as if it was obvious and uncontroversial.
It’s uncontroversial that the overwhelming majority of people, even conservatives, force their children into public school to get groomed by drag queens. Being paid as a reward for academic merit is objectively eugenic and it’s a form of reparations, usually pro-white reparations, to those who were forced into this situation. I understand opposition to the state religion, and you even know that I encourage it, but this all must be done charitably.
We are about to have hundreds of millions of Indians flood into the West based on “merit” and it’s about time we had a policy debate about what merit really is. “It’s just for priests lolz” isn’t going to cut it.
For what it’s worth, homework is usually a thing of the past now, because of AI. Kids now have time to get jobs in high school (it looks really good to do authentic prole work to get into elite colleges), and they cross paths with illegal aliens. Liberal striver tiger moms notice this and react. They were hard-right in the 90’s, encouraged their kids to be gay in the 00’s, and trans in the 10’s, and now they’re anti-immigrant. This matters.
Elon’s work in putting shitposters in charge instead of tiger mom kids is certainly an interesting development, but the merit question is still open and it needs to be answered soon.
I normally silence your repetitious comments arguing for goodies to be distributed on “academic merit”, and for everyone to be moved to little boxes in gigantic government project buildings in the big blue megalopoli, but allowing this through, because I want to give it a new rebuttal, rather than the same rebuttal yet again.
Who is a higher quality, Musk’s shitposters doing the auditing, who are mostly university dropouts or high school dropouts, or the people from Harvard and Yale that they are auditing? Who is higher merit. Who deserves more wealth and power? Who creates more value?
Obviously Musk’s teams in government, Tesla, and SpaceX are creating huge amounts of value. That is how Musk became the wealthiest man in the world, because he is very smart, assembles teams of very smart people, and inspires them to work hard to a common purpose. And who is he recruiting, when he recruits those very smart, very hard working, very productive, people? There are some Yalies there, but not a whole lot.
Is it more eugenic to give them higher reproductive opportunity, or more eugenic to give the people from Harvard reproductive opportunity?
Even if Academia was functional, it could only measure priestly merits, which tends to be unproductive, and we just don’t need all that many priests. Musk selects for productive merit.
What do priests produce? They produce theology, as for example Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Climate Change, or the Talmud, or String Theory, or the endless Christology of the first millennium of our Lord. We have more than enough theology and do not need any more of it.
[Same old same old deleted yet again]if someone has already earned an education and profession that chains him to one of these cities, he ought to be compensated fairly because it’s too late for him to go back. This compensation ultimately means red suburbs paying for blue cities, yes, but [*deleted yet again*]
Why do you want the people in the red areas to pay rather than the universities who scammed you, why are you angry at them? Why don’t you want compensation by confiscating the endowments, firing the professoriat, and redeveloping the bloated campuses for something useful?
The great expansion of university education was a Ponzi scheme. Some professors fifty years ago were talking about this and saying it was wrong.
(it looks really good to do authentic prole work to get into elite colleges)
So you put your own kids in FFA and a part time job in fast food to get them into Harvard ahead of privileged minorities? This is a piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining level of gaslighting.
[*deleted*] Red suburbs bragged about their “good school districts” [*deleted*]
Everyone knows that sending your kids to a school in a good school district makes it harder to get into university, because Universities actively discriminate against kids whose schools are in good school districts. Aka white districts.
It is a good school district, not a good school. Meaning your kids are not going to be beaten up by niggers. When parents worry about the house being in a good school district it is not university entrance that is on their minds. It is niggers.
Anonymous Fake writes: “Being paid as a reward for academic merit is objectively eugenic …”
And: “if someone has already earned an education … he ought to be compensated fairly”
I note two uses of the passive voice. Who pays him for academic merit? Who compensates him fairly? There must be a man who pays him. Why does that man value academic merit and educational achievement enough to give him money for such things?
If there is any merit to academic merit, it is to develop powerful skills, concepts, and ways of thinking which enable you to produce what other people value. In that case you will not have to worry about being paid as a reward or compensated fairly.
As you imply, everyone outside the big blue megalopoli. Everyone who actually produces stuff. He proposes a series of measures that amount to “all power to the department of education and the professoriat”.
nihilos ex nihilos a man must perform uses I mean look at his Divine Body; his hands perform some use, his feet perform some use, his ears perform some use, his nose performs some use his teeth the same etc. If every little part of man performs some use why can’t the whole man mind, body and soul also serve some purpose. As Epictetus put it it is good for the foot to be clean and healthy but the foot is not a detached thing separate from the body which means also that it is equally good for the foot to be dirty otherwise one could not locomote, it is good for the foot to be pierced and injured by thorns and briers otherwise the man could not work in the bushland and tame the woodlands. Humanity is the Form of All Uses says Swedenborg.
The membership of the board makes this far-reaching, indeed.
USAid funding is cut and less than a week later sexy is back in media. Society is healing.
I only noticed this after a one-day delay. You saw that ceremony where Trump is signing an executive order banning men from college women’s sports via Title 9, with all those admiring women around him, approving of it all very much?
…wait for it…
Not a single one was FAT (or loud). Where did all the FAT (and loud) chicks go all of a sudden? And then boom, some film of the Democrat party convention and oooooh right, THAT’S where the fat (and loud) chicks went. Real good you stupid bitches. Really nice status magnet you got there.
Leftism. The Democrats. Home to all fat chicks.
Leftism and the Democrats. Home of body positivity.
Because chicks project their own sexual nature onto men, they figure that an environment that makes them high status will attract men. So fat loud chicks naturally attracted to leftism and the democrats, because body positivity. Hot chicks are naturally attracted to an environment where it is alleged that handsome wealthy famous men have license to grab them by the pussy, as in the famous glass rape greek letter fraternity sex fantasy that appeared in Rolling Stone “A rape on campus”.
Yeah man. All those non-fat women in one place, and none of them even making any noise, while the President was talking. I’m like wait a minute, something’s off here… oh right.
Nothing says “Trump is high status” like that.
I just noticed how this USAID thing is finally answering the Soros Question. In that, it turns out that Soros is getting money from USAID, and thus doing what THEY want done, and obviously not the other way around.
That’s not the Alex Jones narrative at all, where Soros is this no good very bad “billionaire”, running around doing villainous shit. Oh no, sweet summer child. That fucker is an employee of the government (and surely multiple governments), at least to an extent. That’s a very different story, is what Jim’s been saying for years, that The Open Foundation is a tool of the State Department. And well fucking well.
Soros rumble interview, he said he was involved with the stripping of his own Jews of property, suggestively to gain his own freedom, and had no remorse about it, because that’s what you just have to do.
So Jones is right, Soros (aka Schwartz) is an evil piece of shit. Soros life modus from young age is to do shit in the world for his own gain.
Did Soros ever do anything good… build or create anything… no, he’s always been a banker, a money changer.
He also married a non-Jew to get citizenship.
These type of people do Lefty shit to wreck and take your sovereignty and give it to themselves.
So if USAID came to Soros and his OSF and said, “Hey George wanna do some more shit for some more money”, you can damn well bet that evil bastard signed right up.
Just like Gates signed right up for bonus money to do vaccine research on Africans knowing they were dying from those experiments. Then years later spewing pro-COVAX propaganda and injections and lockdowns around the world.
As a child, Soros fantasized about being a God. In his book Underwriting Democracy, he wrote, “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.” He later elaborated on that passage in an interview saying, “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
Both things can be true (Soros as evil instigator, Soros as Prog puppet), and apparently are true, since Soros and those paying him are ideologically aligned. I would guess Soros is slightly to the right of the trannies at USAID but who knows.
What the flow of funds from USAID does is break the symmetry as to which of the two channels of Soros influence is more practically important. Soros could have died or lost his money at any point in the past 20 years and USAID would have just used one of their other middlemen. On the other hand, shutting down USAID is having immediate visible effects right now (and it is glorious).
The only narrative on Soros that is clearly false is that he is somehow aligned with Jewry. I mean, he was banned from entering Israel some years ago and his NGOs have been trying to color revolution Bibi for years. He may well be a worse human being than he would have been without the Ashkenazi genetics, but his behavior does not correlate with anything Jewish or good for the Jews.
> [soros’] behavior does not correlate with anything Jewish
Sure, sure. Can propaganda get any more ridiculous?
Read that sentence again. The claim is that Soros is, probably, a worse character than he would have been had he been a Gentile or even a non-Ashkenazi Jew — the Ashkenazi genetics and culture have noticeable, annoying and often horrible effects. Presumably you agree.
At the same time, his actions are objectively hostile to Israel, religious (ie orthodox) Jews, Jewry in general, and the medium and long term survival of Jews. Ask Bibi’s supporters what they think of Soros and his NGOs in Israel (or Europe for that matter).
I regard soros as a textbook example of jew “culture’, meaning a supremacist “culture” of organized crime. And I don’t think genes play a role. It’s pure culture.
I don’t know what soros says about israel but since soros roleplays as a “liberal democrat” or something like that, it makes some sense for him to object to israel’s crimes. As a matter of fact, “smart” jews realize that they are going too far and that public opinion is turning against them, so even alleged opposition of soros to isreal doesn’t prove anything.
You admit that soros is a bad guy influenced by jew culture while at the same time making the unfounded claim that “his behavior does not correlate with anything Jewish”. Sorry, that’s just self-contradictory nonsense.
White Bread has a point here, despite being tangled up in enemy payloads.
Diaspora Jews explicitly view themselves as nationless and in many instances their explicitly-stated beliefs and interests do not align with either Orthodox or secular Zionist Jews. Therefore if one is going to make a statement such as “Soros is actually acting against Jewish interests”, we have to acknowledge and address the salient question: Which Jews?
Embrace the power of “and”. Soros is a State department cutout, yes; we’ve always known that. He is also a willing and enthusiastic participant in that role. Zuckerberg wanted to push back on censorship, but was overwhelmed; Soros auditioned for the first chair. Just as State could find some other cutout if Soros disappeared, one should reasonably conclude that Soros would search for ways to continue his satanic mission if State cut off his support.
There are many Jews out there possessed of genocidal hatred toward both White Christians and non-secular, Orthodox or Zionist Jews. That does not quite make them anti-Jewish, it makes them another competing faction in the Judaic tribe, same way the rad-fems and trans-fems seethe with mutual hatred but still hate straight cis white men a thousand times more.
Anti-Zionist Jews are an almost perfect subset of the Progressive Left, so it’s still not especially productive to focus on their Jewishness above or in exclusion to their leftism; Soros, Nuland, Blinken, the Kagans and all the Jewish judges trying to overrule Trump are all part of the same sociopolitical cancer that needs to be excised from America, and I don’t think Shlomo the Bagel Shop Owner is going to have any objections. If he does, then he can keep them company.
What benefit does Shlomo bring to America that makes up for the fact that his genetic strain reliably spawns people like Soros and has for many centuries?
Soros is a menial. A native elite hostile to its natives will naturally promote aliens to do its dirty work. If not Jews, Indians.
Sure, but that simply adds to the case to for expelling all hostile outsiders on the basis of racial group, regardless of the actions of any particular individual. I don’t want a single indian either.
Never be so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.
Eliminate the people who are signing the paychecks of those Jews and Indians, and those Jews and Indians cease to be an important problem.
>Never be so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world
But white liberals and jews are key members of western oligarchy and of course they are both on the same page. Also, jews are overrepresented in organized crime. This is an incovenient truth for jew apologists who pretend that jews are morally superior. Reality is the opposite.
I persoanlly am not anti-semitic. I’ve no general objections against semites. I am anti-jew. And in particular I’m against the lie that jews are a poor oppressed minority that never did or does anything wrong, except being “smart, good, humane, innovative” bla bla bla.
Naturally the servant is on the same page as his master. If you gas those servants, he will find some more. You are going after the matador’s cape, not the matador. Forget about the cape.
Orthodox Jews are mildly irritating. The Jews that are causing us huge problems are sincere conversos to the state religion. If the state religion was not evil, ninety nine percent of the problem goes away.
For the record, I’m not saying : jews are the only source of all evil, jews must all be exterminated, etc.
To furher elaborate : the US war party is not just white liberals. The amount of conservatives in it is roughly the same as that of liberals. McGregor and company call this asociation the uniparty. So although I agree that liberals are the worst, since they are imperialists trying to pose as humanitarians, the conservatives are imperialists as well, only marginally less hypocritical.
A subset of the US war party is the neocons, although one can use the word neocon to refer to any warmongering liberal/conservative (that is. most of them). Now, the neocons proper are full of jews, what a surprise. And my comment on this fact is that no, those jews are not mere servants, they are full members of the criminal organization, fully responsible for their acts and fully evil.
Debate is going to be pointless when one side ignores arguments made mere days ago and restarts everything from zero. Nonetheless, I’ll address this one more time to add a few points that were left out before.
First, your framing of the issue is “when did you stop beating your wife” shill tier. You could have stopped after the first half (“What benefit does Shlomo bring to America?”) and that in and of itself is a fair question worthy of debate, and has been/is being debated. But you then give away the game with your “genetic strain” addendum, implying that we should accept and do accept that part of your position without question.
Genes don’t work that way. Even Kevin Macdonald doesn’t make that claim, not overtly anyway. Diaspora Jews commonly have a nasty, argumentative, legalistic and subversive culture just like Negroes commonly have a violent, ignorant and thuggish culture; Indians commonly have a clannish, entitled and emasculating culture; Mestizo/Castizo types have a loud, drunk and bribery-oriented culture, and so on.
It would of course be idiotic to take the Boomer Civ-Nat position that culture exists in a vacuum, independent of genetic stock; it is equally idiotic to make the claim that heritage and heritage alone is the singular factor determining how an individual will behave in any given environment and what his outcomes will be. That doesn’t even work 100% reliably with IQ, which is significantly more objective, authoritative and predictive than race/ethnicity.
White Europeans reliably produce White Liberals, and have for centuries. What shall we do about their “genetic strain”? We all wish that the Cominator Solution would work to permanently eliminate leftism, but reality being what it is, and leftism being little more than the linguistic incarnation of entropy, you cannot eliminate it forevermore by eliminating all leftists any more than you can eliminate criminal behavior forevermore by handing all convicted or suspected criminals the death penalty. Leftists have low fertility anyway; their primary means of reproduction is memetic, not biological.
I have already answered the question of “what value does Shlomo bring” and my answer is: not much. We agree on this, which is why I proposed to give Shlomo three choices:
1. Change his name to Sam, join a based church, raise his children Christian, and never speak of bagels or the Six Gorillion again.
2. Make aliyah; go to Israel where he will be welcomed with open arms.
3. Become an illegal immigrant and be subject to summary deportation at the first sign of trouble, which deportation might be to a place considerably less pleasant than Israel.
This is a fair and just plan, and a moral and practical plan. Any regime that is capable of keeping White Liberals from the levers of power is going to be more than capable of keeping a handful of useful but uppity Jews and Indians from the levers of power. Tiny minority populations can be contained and controlled; they do not have secret mind control rays that Europeans are too naive and dimwitted to resist.
“Racial guilt” is a leftist position based on utilitarian ethics, and utilitarianism is one of the fastest ways to become demon-possessed. It is good to prefer one’s own kin and clan; it is good to form public policy based on valid stereotypes. It is highly immoral to hold every individual responsible for the perceived collective sins of his ancestors and racial cousins. One has to be able to distinguish between the parts and the whole, and not make the fallacy of division (or that of composition) his entire governing ideology.
We make policy based on the whole, and enforce it based on the parts, and never the twain shall meet. Said policy is likely to result in a lot of Tyrones on a boat to Liberia and a lot of Shlomos on a boat to Israel, and that is all fine and good because it is the outcome of a fair process. We do not want Stephen Miller, Usha Vance or Clarence Thomas being swept up in purity-spiraling genocidal madness. We want to remove the ones who are actively hostile or merely failing to assimilate.
The argument I hear from you and Cub is that Samuel Peters, HVAC technician and regular churchgoer, formerly Shlomo Ben Livshitz the bagel shop owner, is an unacceptable threat toward America and western civilization in general, because one of his grandchildren might start to express the “Jewish gene” and start funding color revolutions in Italy that we are powerless to prevent. Strip away the false-dilemma framing and you get an assertion that’s beyond merely insane, it’s fucking retarded.
Never become so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.
Never become so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.
Never become so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.
(Where’s that “Bart Simpson at the chalkboard after school” meme generator when you need it?)
I haven’t. I simply take the position that: 1) America is a white nation, existing solely for the benefit of white Americans 2) No other group whatsoever should be permitted to exist within its borders save as a tiny minority, explicitly excluded from political power, whose presence can be demonstrated to be a net benefit. I think these both perfectly reasonable positions to take.
Where do these cultures come from, and why do they continuously emerge wherever in the world these genetic lineages travel? Adoption studies alone blow this out of the water – a black (even a half-black) raised by whites in a white community will always be black, always be prone to the same behaviors that render blacks a permanent dumb, criminal underclass literally wherever they exist in the presence of any other race.
In the same way you can effectively get rid of most crime by killing a very small number of repeat criminals, so too could you get rid of most leftism by killing a relatively small number of leftists each generation. And, of course, by ensuring there exist no hostile racial outgroups in your population incentivized to support leftism to boost their own status at the expense of the majority population.
For what purpose should said jews and indians be kept around? What is the goal of their continued presence?
I don’t care whether any particular individual is guilty or not, for the same reason I am uninterested in determining which particular mosquitoes in a swam have sucked my blood. Their presence makes things worse for my kin, and therefore they must go. Their fate afterwards is a matter of complete indifference to me.
It’s not about “guilt”. It’s about improving life for my people.
My argument is that this country is the home of my people, and my people alone, and that any group that are not (biologically) my people, must continuously justify their presence in this country by providing clear and present aggregate benefit, and any who don’t must be removed immediately. It requires no justification, no guilt, merely a cost-benefit analysis.
I don’t care one whit about the morality of any stranger in my home, “it’s my fucking house” is more than adequate to justify the removal of absolutely anyone at any time.
> Eliminate the people who are signing the paychecks of those Jews and Indians, and those Jews and Indians cease to be an important problem.
Indeed, if we just got rid of money, then monarchs, politicians and businessmen wouldn’t be able to use those poor Jews and Indians to do their dirty work. Why didn’t we think of that before?
> The argument I hear from you and Cub is that Samuel Peters, HVAC technician and regular churchgoer, formerly Shlomo Ben Livshitz the bagel shop owner, is an unacceptable threat toward America and western civilization in general, because one of his grandchildren might start to express the “Jewish gene” and start funding color revolutions in Italy that we are powerless to prevent. Strip away the false-dilemma framing and you get an assertion that’s beyond merely insane, it’s fucking retarded.
Why is it retarded to assert this about Jews, but not blacks?
To assert that 2,000 years of selection against Christian principles has no effect on genes, now THAT is retarded.
This is an unresponsive shill comment. USAID is white liberals paying Jews, gays, and dot Indians to shaft white people. It is not random typical people with money paying Jews and dot Indians money to shaft white people. Soros probably wants to shaft white people, but what makes him a problem is that governments have been giving him billions to do it.
This is a robotic shill response, switching the topic away from white liberals in power, switching the topic away from USAID, to EEEEVIIILL CAPITALIST CAPITALISTS, like that notorious EEEVIIIL TOOL OF THE JOOOOS, Musk, who is no doubt a JOOOO himself.
You also attributed totally silly positions to your interlocutors. Don’t do that.
You are now on moderation for unresponsiveness.
I don’t think you are a shill, merely being unresponsive like a shill, but that was a total one hundred percent shill comment. Obviously Jews have selected themselves for priestlyness and legalism for two thousand years, and it is a big problem, especially in law. All Jewish judges are horrifyingly bad judges. Judging is just something that Jews are just inherently incompetent at, like graphic art and architecture.
Obviously it would be absurd to abolish money. It is not absurd to abolish a hostile elite. And right now Musk is demonstrating that with leadership and determination, it is not actually all that hard to abolish a hostile elite.
The reason jews have a lot of defenders and the sentiment against them doesn’t go over the tipping point is there are a lot of good jews. It’s rare that people who live and work among them hate every single jew they know (even Heinrich Himmler said everyone has his favorite jew). It’s not like that with jeets though a very few good ones exist and people didn’t really mind the convince store ones so much but everyone hates their white collar job mafia they have none of the positive qualities of the jews just the negatives and on steroids.
Also the fact that extreme antisemites tend to be if not feds at least insufferable people. Nobody who isn’t a Fuentes follower likes him or his followers.
Okay, at least we are having a conversation here. I’m going to pick and choose a few paragraphs to respond to in order to try to avoid an excessively long cycle of back-and-forth fisking that’s likely to be tiresome to others.
On the first point, it’s been discussed before that “white nation” and “white Americans” aren’t intelligible concepts on policy grounds. The Le 56% mutt is an observably different race from the pureblood British/Dutch descendant, who is observably different from the mafioso Italian. To lump this all into the concept of “white” is to say you want to stop the clock, or roll back the clock to around the early 1960s, when the Irish and Italians were here but the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans had not arrived en masse. The problem is, Jews were already in the mix at that point.
Jews have identifiable DNA, obviously, but many of them present as “white” and don’t look all that Jewish. It’s a little different with Negroes, who have been here longer than most white people but often present as “black” even when they are 1/16 or 1/32 African. I’m not trying to play the barracks lawyer here, but “White… except for Jews” is in my experience a sentiment that’s only very popular with mutts of questionable heritage. “Mixed European” is definitely more popular, more palatable, but tends to include a non-trivial number of Jews and Part-Jews, and mostly excludes the blacks and browns.
The second point is more interesting, and in fact it’s a point that I agree with. Jews are a tiny minority, and the ones who assimilate well are beneficial; they have often made great scientists, musicians, entertainers, and so on. The ones who don’t assimilate well can be sent off to Israel. So what’s the problem? What should motivate us to go the extra step and physically remove every single person with a Jewish grandmother, just because of their heritage? That no longer sounds like a commonsense eugenic migration policy; you’re entitled to hate, if that is how you feel, but it doesn’t make for wise or rational policy proposals.
This assertion only holds up in an environment where the “genetic lineages” are imported en masse and discouraged, or not strongly encouraged, to assimilate. “Assimilation” may be nasty and brutal, nothing like the effeminate American Melting Pot concept and often more like a literal conquest, but it does happen often and claims to the contrary are usually circular reasoning – since successful assimilation means the “genetic lineage” fades into obscurity through intermarriage and admixture. By definition, any instance in which the “genetic lineage” can still clearly be discerned after many generations is a failed assimilation and is always going to have visibly negative externalities.
Blacks were not a dumb, criminal underclass for most of U.S. history, including the antebellum period and most especially the Jim Crow period. They weren’t wildly successful either, but they were nothing like the feral niggers you describe. “Prone to” sounds like weasel phrasing to me, a blanket dismissal of all the cases in which it does not happen. At best, it is division fallacy again: the race being prone to those behaviors does not mean every individual from it is prone to those behaviors. The Talented Tenth is still a tenth – a few million. Lop off the last zero if you want, that’s still a few hundred thousand who are capable of earning their keep.
The black underclass and black grifters are acting in their own rational best interests as the system wills them to. If we resolved the Woman Question then their thuggish behavior would become low status; and if we fired the activist DAs and judges, broke out the nooses for real and started stringing up the worst of them, their criminal behavior would become risky and unrewarding and many (not all) would fall into line. Biology matters, but so do incentives.
For the same reason the Irish and Italian Catholics should be kept around. They aren’t founding stock, and their ethnic traits and religious practices have been responsible for countless problems in the past, but we keep them anyway. The idea is to keep the best and dump the rest; eugenic immigration policy in a nutshell. Our current system is dysgenic so it has to be changed.
Aside from illegals and exploitative chain migrations, we were the ones who screwed up, not them. “Legal” doesn’t mean “good for us” and doesn’t mean we have to keep them forever, but it does imply that we have at least some kind of ethical imperative to make them whole before throwing them out. For many, this is easy; just don’t renew the H-1Bs and other visas. For those who’ve lived here for five or ten generations and have no record of criminal or subversive behavior, it is very, very complicated.
The entirety of U.S. soil is not your home. Your home is your home, your community is your home, and if you want to form a community that excludes Negroes and Jews, I will absolutely and 100% go to bat for you on that. Voluntary association and voluntary segregation is the bedrock of civilization and human dignity. You should not be forced to accept Jews or blacks in your neighborhood, under any circumstances, for any reason. Indeed, no reason is required; as you say, it’s your fucking house.
But my house is not your house, my neighborhood is not your neighborhood. The original U.S. Constitution was rather clear on this point; before Lincoln, before Federalism, this was a matter for the individual States to resolve amongst themselves, and the States often delegated it to the municipalities. If you live in rural Mississippi and want to put up a 50ft high “NO JEWS” billboard, all the power to you. If the communities of Manhattan and Boston are disinclined to follow your lead, even after having been purged of leftist leadership, then who are you to demand otherwise?
[*If you actually want to build a white nation tell us how and why Detroit was destroyed. Then your stuff will be allowed through*]
Still getting quite a lot of these ones. I expect I will get fewer of these once his ngo paychecks start bouncing.
Don’t be so sure Jim blatant leftist shills are much much thinner on the ground since USAid was destroyed, “nazi” shills seem hardly to have gone down at all. Now your theory probably correct is that the Ukraine shills are also the Nazi shills and come from the same source of funding. Maybe true because still a lot of Ukraine shilling (though reduce a little).
Been getting quite a lot of fednat shills, among them the one I just responded to. He is one of quite a few, and has a slightly different schtick.
On reflection, the fednat shills seem to be CIA/State Department, while the shuttering of USAID was because its objectives were not entirely aligned with State Department/CIA
Azov still seems fully funded in the Ukraine.
Jim, earlier I made it clear that I don’t think leftism is a criminal syndicate- it is fundamentally a product of the sinful tendencies of man. To say that removing white liberals will solve leftism makes as much sense as a communist saying that killing all the billionaires will solve greed.
As if nobody was leftist before they got paid to do so. It is ridiculous to claim that Jews are only a problem because we pay them to be a problem. Ridiculous enough to be ridiculed.
Envious people who want to knock over the applecart are not a problem if not actually allowed to knock over the applecart.
Yes, sinfulness remains a problem. But sinfulness in power as an organised conspiracy is a much bigger problem.
It is a sinful tendency that cannot be successfully pursued except as a large hierarchical, centrally organised criminal syndicate. Individual leftism is not going to not get you anywhere.
Rightism is building yourself an applecart. Leftism is knocking over other people’s applecarts. Not going to get far knocking them over solo.
They don’t view themselves as white, and indeed are quite explicit about that fact. I see no reason not to simply take them at their word.
The ones who “assimilate well” are scientists who give nuclear secrets to the USSR. That is what should motivate you. A single married couple, placed into a position of trust and authority, resulted in the entire population placed into permanent mortal peril. This has been the reliable behavior of their group since the medieval era. They aren’t known for opening the gates for nothing.
This assertion only holds up in an environment where the “genetic lineages” are imported en masse and discouraged, or not strongly encouraged, to assimilate. “Assimilation” may be nasty and brutal, nothing like the effeminate American Melting Pot concept and often more like a literal conquest, but it does happen often and claims to the contrary are usually circular reasoning – since successful assimilation means the “genetic lineage” fades into obscurity through intermarriage and admixture. By definition, any instance in which the “genetic lineage” can still clearly be discerned after many generations is a failed assimilation and is always going to have visibly negative externalities.
Be specific here. What proposals do you have to ensure that jews do not do what they always do, form ethnic networks to undermine the host population?
Yes, they were. Blacks had a reputation as dumb, lazy, and criminal back in ye goode olde days too, and also for raping white women whenever afforded the opportunity. That’s why Jim Crow existed in the first place. Nobody wanted to live around them and their dysfunction, even if it was kept better in check by harsh government than it is today.
What makes these people “the best” such that their positive value outweighs the negatives they bring? I have yet to meet a single indian, for example, who did not over time work to make things worse for everybody around him via importing his fifty retarded cousins in addition to constantly dumping his shit (literal or otherwise) everywhere, like the world is his landfill. Have you learned nothing from Vivek’s Christmas meltdown
I’m an ethnic nationalist, not a libertarian. If communities of softhearted white progs want to import infinity foreign pets because “think of the poor brown children!” they need to be smacked down, and the same applies here. The default position is “no outsiders whatsoever” and anyone wishing to stay for any length of time has to justify making an exception.
The replies are becoming long but lazy, so I’m going to make my reply short and lazy.
Then get rid of those ones. I’ve been equally explicit on the point that the only ones who’d get to stay are the ones who either already view themselves as white (and Christian) or make the choice to come to Jesus after the regime change.
This is simply false, a guilt-by-association argument. “Some Jews did this, therefore all Jews will do this.” The people who sold secrets to the USSR were leftists (really Communists, with capital C) who happened to be Jews, not Jews who happened to be leftists. What secrets did Einstein give, or Richard Feynman? Itzhak Perlman or Arthur Fiedler? Give us a break.
I’ve been specific. We require them to formally adopt the state religion, whatever variant of Christianity that turns out to be. Attaining citizenship will require a long probationary period of several years, with Christian friends and/or neighbors able to vouch for their authenticity at the end. Even after citizenship they would be barred from political leadership and priestly professions for 3 generations. Frequent inquisitions may be held for those suspected of being insincere. Those who refuse to go along will have the status of illegal immigrants.
I’ve repeatedly stated this and been repeatedly countered with “not good enough; every Jew must go because [circular reasoning and division fallacy]”. If this isn’t good enough for you, then the implication is that neither ordinary Christians nor the churches themselves can be trusted to be good judges of an individual’s character, and that you are so much more perceptive and holier than all of them and able to make decisions about individuals with Jewish DNA who no longer identify as Jews and whom you’ve never met. I smell a rat.
And yet they were wise enough to realize that the segregated communities would occasionally produce a winner, just as the antebellum slave owners were wise enough to free the ones who showed intelligence and initiative. You’ve lost the distinction between “most” and “all”, and are continually dismissing the distinction between “racial traits” and “individual traits”.
I’m not answering that again, because it’s just another iteration of the same shill tactic of sneaking your assumptions into the question. They don’t all bring negatives.
I have. Very few if any of the H-1Bs and convenience store owners meet this criteria. But I’ve met Indians who were religious Christians, whose families have been living in the west longer than my own, who were clearly Indian by appearance but with no discernible accent, no suspicious cousins and no leftist tendencies. It is not common, and it is not a reason to import more Indians, but it is a solid reason to avoid deporting those particular Indians.
There was nothing for me to learn, because I never trusted Vivek in the first place.
Strawman. Boring.
“Some blacks don’t commit murder, so 13 doing 50 is irrelevant”. Give me a break.
Have you seen ordinary Christians and Christian churches? They are gay as all hell and several of them are currently suing Trump over his dropping their refugee bucks. Can you find a single one that publicly, unambiguously opposes mass immigration?
The popular position, hell even Lincoln’s position, was that the two groups could not live together in any capacity and deporting them all would have been the best option. Nobody wanted to keep these people around, save for the equivalents of the modern meat-packing plant owners. No one thought a population of blacks in any way benefitted a white nation, because it doesn’t.
The average one does. That’s all that’s required.
Now you’re shilling for spaghetti code indentured servants and the convenience store cartel? Seriously? That’s your example of worthwhile indians?
You share their “they can be just like us I promise” premises. They are not us, they can never be us, and any program built on the idea that they can is irrevocably doomed from the start. Biology is real, culture an expression of it.
The pulpit is gay. The congregation is not. This reflects leftism in power. In Russia, the Church hierarchy is OK, because power is OK.
Calvin we’re going to helicopter all leftists and most jews will fall under that category. We’re also not going to allow left wing Tikkum Olam jewish education and we will also likely make a blanket ban on circumcision on the grounds its child abuse and mutilitation based on barbaric unchristian religious customs that a Christian monarch should not permit and we shall furthermore decree that anyone who takes a boy abroad to have it done is to hang if they ever return. Beyond such measures what do you want. I grew up around tons of Jews.
There is negative stuff about Jews as a social group and they should not be allowed in the government or law and the leftist cancer must be purged from them and never allowed to return. But a lot of jews are great guys on a personal level and they do tend to have a lot of talents for certain things which can be helpful to society. Pursuing TKD beyond the measures I’ve announced to break their leftism and their ability to be in the government would be a negative for society.
With Indians (because with them the nepotism is much much much worse and it really is ethnic nepotism jewish nepotism among reform jews is more that they prefer to hire their friends but it doesn’t matter so much if their friends are jewish or not its just their friends will disproportionately be jews because tended to grow up together more, Adam Sandler will hire his best friends for every movie if they want a role Steve Buschemi isn’t a jew) the ethnic mafia charge is far more real and they have no restraint about it and furthermore they don’t have the positive qualities. Much better case for total Indian expulsion.
Also in any regime we have any left wing faggot pretending to be a religious leader are going to be among our top priorities to helicopter starting with the Jesuits.
I am not going to debate a pile of strawmen, several of which attribute to me the literal opposite of my explicitly-stated position.
If you care to respond to any of the points I actually made, or point out realistic flaws in the proposal, then I will debate. Blockquoting and then saying something entirely unrelated to the quoted text is not debate; saying something plausibly in response to the blockquote but sailing past a hundred words already addressing and contradicting your repetitious point is not debate.
Aside, have you written anywhere here on topics other than “Browns and Jews Bad”? I’m genuinely asking because that’s all I could find in a cursory search, and I’m trying to decide whether I might be judging you too hastily based on a single irrational obsession, or if these posts really are just forum-sliding noise that I should ignore in the future. Anything on women, war or warfare, game theory, cryptocurrency, religion, governance, social organization, economy… any topic at all other than the left-wing caricature of an Eeeebil Nazi?
I have been reviewing his stuff.
Which can be summarised and paraphrased as “Don’t worry about leftism in power, don’t worry about white liberals in power. Just gas the guy with the funny hat who runs the Bagel shop, and the Indian who has a convenience store.”
Which is certainly a shill program. It is the Natsoc/Azov program, and in practice, Azov in power is observed to do whatever Globalist Jews tell them to do, and those Jews do whatever white liberals tell them. But he is more than just a loudspeaker attached to a microphone located in the USAID building, so if a shill, a higher level one than I am used to.
He is not Third Positionist. The Third Positionists were Stalin’s Nazis, and when the Soviet Union fell, signed up with the CIA Nazis. Those guys are very very leftist. He is “Nothing can be done about leftism, it is just human nature, which springs forth spontaneously. No conspiracy, no organisation, just a totally grass roots phenomenon.”.
Sincerely curious as to what this means.
– Against the Jewish identity and/or Judaic religion, but not everyone with a Jewish ancestor?
– Against anyone with plausibly Jewish heritage, but not other peoples sometimes called Semitic, i.e. Muslims?
– Against the actual extant form of Jews and Judaism everywhere, but not necessarily against some Platonic ideal of the Semitic races?
Not being sarcastic, I’m honestly not sure how to interpret your stated position.
Being anti-Semitic would be fine, in any case, and I don’t think commenters should feel any compulsion to deny being anti-Semitic. It’s only being rabidly, monomaniacally anti-Semitic that starts to become distracting and suspect.
I think everyone here rejects the Holocaustianity narrative. We all agree that Jews aren’t inherently great people, and that there are many troubling issues with both the race and the religion. There are however many shades of gray between full-blown Holocaustianity and TKD.
My non academic understanding is that “semites” is some kind of racial category that includes all arabs. And jews happen tp be just one small minority in that category. I’ve nothing against arabs or any other semite(including jews) on racial grounds. So I’m just not anti-semitic.
Plus, “antisemite” is basically a slur used to stop any criticism of jews. I realize Jim wasn’t using the word that way, but still.
So I think calling my position anti-jew is more accurate than calling it anti-semitic. And by anti-jew I don’t mean all jews must be exterminated on racial grounds. My criticism of jews is that, contrary to jewish propaganda, jews are not exceptionally good. Yhey are way below average, morally considered. Yet there are always sizable amounts of jews at the top of government, cartelized industry, fraudulent science, etc.
Much like 40k orks every jew emanates a gestalt WAGGGH field of leftist subversion regardless of what the individual jew is doing or their intentions. Furthermore crypto jews also project this WAGGGGH and thus its possible you could be projecting a gestalt jew WAGGH based on jewish genes you don’t know about without even knowing about it.
Of course this is ridiculous but its kinda what they believe.
The realistic flaw is that you don’t acknowledge differences in per capita likeliness of given negative behaviors, and you think that biologically driven imperatives can be educated out of a population.
All the time. You want my position on some of those?
Women’s sexual desires are inherently incompatible with civilized society and for that reason they must be legally put under the authority of first their father, then husband, or other responsible male should those somehow be indisposed. Should not be allowed into male spaces or political power.
Periodic warfare is both inevitable and desirable, as without pressure the mutational load in the population tends to build to unacceptable levels and it allows young men a chance to build comradery and gain loot and women. Warrior experience should be a prerequisite for leadership in a proper society.
All societies have a state religion of some variety, which provides the moral axis around which laws and social mores spin. These religions can be good or bad, and their truthfulness should be evaluated by their fruits. That which produces good results is in contact with reality, and therefore the divine plan. If you have a terrible state religion you are doomed.
Unresponsive: No one proposes education as a cure.
Lets assume we expel, or imprison, or kill, all those who show this negative behavior. Then such negative behavior abruptly drops to indistinguishable from zero, as for example Singapore. If certain behaviors are on the Singaporean government shit list, they do not happen.
For less drastic or more subtle forms of misbehavior, we fail to enforce property rights, especially property rights in women. Then in a few generations, it is biologically removed from the population.
This is more effective than expelling subgroups that show differential levels of misconduct.
War clearing mutational load is a feature of prehistory where everyone fights, the losing side gets exterminated, forces are small and local.
War has the social effect of burning away waste and slack; this can be good (thermidor tossing woke) or bad (levee en mass).
Yes WWI in particular was nothing less than a genetic disaster as the class of people who became young junior officers (basically the entire european upper and aristocratic classes in England France German Austria and Russia) early in the war were killed almost to the man and most of the braver chadlier sorts of men in those countries in other classes were also killed.
Genuinely, what are you talking about? I said you could get rid of most leftism the same way you could get rid of most crime. Get rid of a relatively small number of proven, repeat malefactors. A few thousand in the US would probably break its back for decades.
At least 20% of the population are hardcore fanatical progs, all of them are going to have to die.
Without leadership and organisation, they are nothing.
If that were true you’d have seen a lot more acts of genuinely spontaneous unorganized violence by now.
They are used to centralized leadership which has been cutoff but new coordination mechanisms will emerge, no permanent solution but THE permanent solution.
You’d be seeing daily reports of leftists taking Luigi-style shots at anyone even remotely connected to Trump, regardless of the risk to their own lives, were the fanaticism levels anywhere near to what you describe. I’m all for throwing every leftist into a work camp, but eliminate their key players first and all they’ll do is listlessly mill about until you come for them.
Why are these being treated as mutually exclusive? What is lost by doing both?
Moreover, as you well know, one thing the Singaporean government does is painstakingly control the ethic balance of their population. They are acutely aware of group averages and account for things like that in what they do and do not tolerate.
They are spiritually, organisationally, and psychologically mutually exclusive. If you do the one, you will not do the other. If the problem is bad race, then the problem is not bad conduct. If the bull charges the matador’s cape, he is going to miss the matador. If you go after evil thought waves emitted by Jews, you are not going after the organisations and computers that manifest the results of those evil thought waves.
If you blame white lib misconduct on Jews, you are not going to send in the tanks to grab control of their server and go through the data on their server.
You expect an answer to this question, but refuse to answer the obvious counter: if the problem with Jews is their tendency to subversion and leftism, and we remove everyone who demonstrates tendencies to subversion and leftism, which includes the Jews with tendencies to subversion and leftism, maybe 50% of them or maybe 98% of them, then why are the remaining 2% of all-consuming importance?
“Something racial averages. Something ingroup strategy. Something re-emergence.” Very weak tea, boils down to Original Sin argument. What’s it all about?
Ah, but here we see the payload:
So there you have it. There are a few million Jews in the country, perhaps half of whom are in the Progressive left and another quarter are Orthodox (I’m being very generous with these numbers), and every single one of them needs to go because something something defective DNA can’t be controlled or educated. And there are perhaps twenty million White Progressives and another fifty million White Liberals in the country, but they are unimportant, trifles really, don’t even need to be controlled or educated, will simply self-correct after jailing a few thousand. Their structure is unimportant, their networks are unimportant, their organizations and foundations are unimportant, just put on a few show trials and dust off our hands in satisfaction.
Truly a Matador’s Cape argument if I’ve ever heard one. You’re a lot cleverer and more well-spoken than your predecessors, but still carrying the same basic message.
Either bad behavior on a massive scale is a sign of defective genes, or it isn’t. Either culture and racial tendencies bend to power, or they don’t. Either good-faith adoption of the state religion overrides ancient tribal loyalty, or it doesn’t. I won’t pretend to have proof of the answers to any of those questions, but whatever one believes the answer to be, should be self-consistent.
The Jim solution and the Cominator solution look radically different, but they are both based on internally-consistent logic. You don’t offer an internally-consistent position, you simply want to divert our attention from massive, industrialized evil on a mind-boggling scale to old and petty racial grievances with an abysmal track record of success.
“ZOMG NOW YOU’RE SAYING RACE ISN’T REAL”, yeah, heard that already, not listening anymore.
What in the world are you talking about? That is literally saying “if you go after external enemies, you can’t go after traitors”. Neither of those things exclude one another, any coherent policy that wishes to provide a long-term solution must ultimately address both. A white liberal is a traitor, and should be destroyed without mercy. That doesn’t mean external ethnic enemies suddenly stop existing.
What? Like, genuinely, what? Why is it so hard for you to recognize the obvious: there can be more than aspect to a problem, all of which should be dealt with? I have zero qualms about destroying white liberals, they are traitors and deserve everything they get. But, if they were one and all thrown into camps tomorrow, there would still be other issues that needed resolving. My answer would be to get rid of the foreign population, and enforce your high standards of behavior on the white population to eliminate liberals within it.
Singapore, your example, treats both bad race and bad conduct at the same time. You can just do both.
Because no benefit they bring exceeds the very real and proven benefits of a homogenous European society. It really is that simple.
But, if you want another reason, because reversion to mean.
Are you high or just disingenuous? I said you could break their backs, ie. destroy their ability to act. The observation that most are not especially fanatical is just plain empiricism, for example the anemic state of the anti-Trump crowds in the absence of somebody paying them to be there. They’re largely mercenaries or oversocialized crowd followers, and not by and large willing to really risk anything substantial for the glory of progressivism. If they were, see again comments about Luigi-style actions. 1% of the 20% of the population alleged to be fanatical progs doing that would be around 680,000 would-be assassins. Do you see anything like that number manifesting?
If you want to cull white progressives, be my guest. I am not, in any sense, defending or absolving them. They are traitors, I would happily take part in such a roundup. I just don’t think it alone would be the end of all of our problems.
Empirically, your solution is the Azov solution. How has that been working out for Azov?
Obviously diversity leads to conflict and distrust. Diversity plus proximity equals war.
But empirically what we get is not simple conflict between the legacy population and the invader population, but loss of cohesion and expectations of good conduct within the legacy population.
And it is restoring this cohesion and these expectations that is the hard part.
Letting in the Irish and the Italians was a huge mistake. But it is a bit late to reverse that mistake. Expelling the invaders is a viable solution when the invasion is fresh, but after generations, it is not practical and would not undo the damage anyway. With the passage of time, it becomes largely irrelevant to the damage that has already happened.
If you are going after external enemies, you can also go after traitors to extent that the traitors are in cahoots with the external enemy. But if your primary target is external enemies, attempting to define “traitors” more broadly is likely to fail or be self destructive.
Really? Singapore at the time of its founding had a gigantic problem with racial, ethnic, and religious conflicts. Did it resolve them by expelling minorities?
No, it solved them by imposing good conduct on everyone. And that solution manifestly worked, while the Azov solution is catastrophic.
Since there seems to be some sort of lack of clarity on my position, let me state it aloud in plain, simple English:
1) The foreign (eg. not white European) population should be removed, on the grounds that a homogenous population is the most beneficial arrangement.
2) The white population should be held to high standards of conduct, such that those within it displaying leftist tendencies should be systemically disempowered, rendered sexually and socially low-status, and if necessary be imprisoned or killed to the degree that leftist tendencies are displayed or held to.
“What? Like, genuinely, what? Why is it so hard for you to recognize the obvious: there can be more than aspect to a problem, all of which should be dealt with? I have zero qualms about destroying white liberals, they are traitors and deserve everything they get. But, if they were one and all thrown into camps tomorrow, there would still be other issues that needed resolving. My answer would be to get rid of the foreign population, and enforce your high standards of behavior on the white population to eliminate liberals within it.”
When in practice has it happened in history. You could say okay Hitler did go after the communists (despite being close to one) and even before he went after the Jews. But the Aryan commies often got released and even got jobs if they would turn brown later on. In practice just does not happen. If you blame the left on an ethnic conspiracy this necessitates slack and weakness on the actual political conspiracy. Leftists jews (which is most reform jews) have to go as all leftists have to go. And then you implement the byzantine solution for the rest and to break their cohesion gradually you outlaw certain aspects of jewish education and circumsicion (with the provision if you circumsize a boy born in America abroad you’ll be hanged if you ever return). They’ll gradually either leave permanently or assimillate voluntarily. Going beyond this is stupid and serves no purpose at all.
I am not sure if this has been said yet because this thread is so long, but anti-semite vs anti-jew is the, “mohammedans are great because they hate jews,” position. It is a leftist position, because it defends the White leftists on the basis that they are under the magic spell of jews, forcing the poor, innocent White leftists to betray their countrymen. The same argument is made by other leftists for negro disfunction. The evil mind control rays of racism are causing black people to do drugs and steal instead of helping the stupid White people fly to the moon and invent all technology. Anti-jew is a leftist tell.
To further read the reactionary philosophy on this subject in general civilizations are larger in scale than tribes or clans (where everyone is probably related by blood within a certain degree of consanguity) and become synthetic tribes. The less the synthetic tribe resembles a blood tribe (and in America that ship sailed when the Irish were let in) the less you can really use race as an organizing principle of cohesion. Now you don’t want radically different racial tribes living together and not all races are equal but a certain amount of civic nationalism based on the state religion is unavoidable. The kind of true WASP stock which would make white American racial solidarity anything more than a forced meme is only English, Dutch, German and very northern French Hugenot but white Americans without any Ellis islander blood at this point are very rare and you still need to base solidarity more on the state religion.
I’d frame it a slightly different way: neither civic nationalism nor ethnic nationalism have ever been effective except at very small scale, but religious nationalism (aka “theocracy”, though that term strips away many layers of nuance) has a proven track record of being highly effective at almost any scale, not only at creating internal cohesion but also at international cooperation.
I think Calvin objects to the religion part of the plan. He’s been suspiciously silent on that facet throughout the entire thread, always sailing right past it and attempting to redirect the conversation back to race.
Race does not create religion; religion creates race. If you believe that there is even such a thing as a “white race” in America then you have to to believe that, because where else could it have come from? The only force holding all those disparate European expats together was America’s weak civic religion loosely based on Anglican Christianity, the so-called “protestant work ethic”; back in Europe the Europeans were still constantly warring, rebelling and revolting all the way up to World War I.
A branch of a Church that is all black has a noticeably different flavor of the faith than a branch that is all white, but it still obviously the same Christianity and the same Church, and you don’t see tension, except in the common case that white branch goes post Christian woke, and the black branch resists.
as Hilaire Belloc said: Europe is the faith, the faith is Europe.
Well also once you say converso jews aren’t white even if they have blonde hair and blue eyes (they do exist) and haven’t had any politically subversive action or criminal activity traced to them and are well integrated into society… that doesn’t encourage good conduct from lots of other people. Getting rid of the Irish (huge mistake to let them in they wrecked any chance America ever had of real cohesion on race) and Italians (despite Fauci and the McKinley assassin they did some good with the bad) is not at all practical at this point but you’ll cause a lot of suspicion among anyone who doesn’t think they are a superwasp if you go after well acting conversos based on insane theories of innate jewish genetic superevil.
>Irish (huge mistake to let them in they wrecked any chance America ever had of real cohesion on race)
What’s the problem with the Irish, from the point of view of race? Or is that just a comment on catholicism?
All the khazars that were most compatible with European Christendom also already long ago integrated with them. The ones calling themselves ‘jews’ today are the ‘hard core’; the most immiscible, irascible, antithetical subsets possible.
Absent extra-ordinary circumstances, any given breeding population is best served by itself, spiritually, organizationally, and genetically.
A given khazar is more different from either a dutchman or a scotsman or a dane then they are to each other.
For any given people, there is a form of civilization most appropriate to them. At the same rate, there are also forms of being that recurrently spring from them, that they recurrently fall into.
When meiosis in the second generation disrupts coadapted gene complexes, you get outbreeding depression.
Cultural forms, social technologies, civilizational superstructures – in a word, Tradition – depend on shared substrate. Where the greater the unlikeness is in a social organism, there the civilizational forms break down to their lowest common denominators. Subjects bring out the worst in each other with nothing to redeem it. Greater development of higher forms, the accretion of adaptive tradition over time, becomes impossible.
The greater the incommensurateness, the greater the requisite assabiyah necessary to overcome the deficiency in coordination – which of course also begs the question of to what end for the boondoggle.
Larger scale coordination requires more advanced social technology; but genesis of such social technology also requires a like substrate in natural kind to such forms; the course of any given social organism in history demonstrates the intersections of these floating points; where they arise, and where they fall.
If words like ‘leftist’ or ‘leftism’ are words that have meaning, then you can speak of bodies that are more or less leftist, that are more or less given to doing leftism. If one is not true, then neither is the other.
In short, embrace the power of ‘and’.
You are focusing on Leftism is a propensity to knock over applecart to grab some apples. But this propensity really does not matter much except there is organised coordination to knock over applecarts.
If you are focusing on anything other than the organisation and coordination, if you are focusing on anything other than 3CI, it is a distraction.
Which is to say, if you breed a horse and a fish, you don’t get some superorganism that is the best of both. You get a creature with both legs and gills, or a creature with lungs and fins, that is, something that’s not suited for either water or land. At least, that’s the way to bet, based on the laws of thermodynamics, not to mention common fucking sense.
Indeed. I must say, I am finding Calvin and Pseudo-Chrysostom more persuasive in this debate than Daddy S. and Jim.
Whether no-exceptions repatriation is practicable is a valid question for debate. Whether it’s a good idea, in principle… to question that would seem to be to question the entire proposition that good fences make good neighbors.
The Irish we got were the lower level agricultural laborers of Ireland (at least with the Italians we got people who were entrepenurial in nature) to the point the few older arrivals from Ireland in America labeled the newcomes the shanty Irish. The Irish also had less Saxon blood and more sort of Neanderthal sort of proto Indo European aborginal blood than Americans from England or even the Scottish highlanders who came over following the failure of the 45 uprising (who also tended to be poor). They are more clannish and they were not only Catholic but had a pretty fanatical and Jesuit ridden strain of Catholicism. Masses of them just didn’t fit in well. I don’t blame them for coming and I don’t blame people for finding them too pitiful to turn away but we would have been better off giving them lots of food so they could ride out the famine but telling them they had to go back.
In Gangs of New York though not historically accurate in every respect Scorcese is pretty honest about what a huge problem the early Irish were (and clearly the Nativist bad guy is actually the good guy except for the one stupid part where he stabs the guy in the back suddenly which was out of character given that he was absolutely a man of honor the rest of the movie, also he makes it clear part of the reason they were let in was just because cannon fodder was needed).
>The Irish we got were the lower level agricultural laborers of Ireland
Oh I see.
>The Irish also had less Saxon blood and more sort of Neanderthal sort of proto Indo European aborginal blood than Americans from England or even the Scottish highlanders
Well the Irish don’t have any Saxon blood. The Irish, Welsh and Scotts are Celts. Which makes them some kind of pure breed in the white european family. The English on the other hand are more a mix of Britons(Celts again) Germans(that’s where the Anglo-Saxon part comes from), Danes who spoke French, etc.
@Jim: This is just getting ridiculous. Do you honestly believe that the DOGE auditor recently fired an then rehired for statements like “normalize indian hate”, “we need a eugenic immigration policy”, and “you couldn’t pay me to date outside my ethnicity” is unaware of either racial issues OR the need to audit and dismantle the progressive network nestled within both the government and ngo complex? Do you think he’s the only DOGE man who feels that way? Action on both fronts is possible.
I am not avoiding it. My position is quite simple: a religion is necessary. A religion is not sufficient. See, as an example, the second country ever to make Christianity the official religion, Ethiopia. How has it done, in comparison to Christian countries of European extraction? How about pagan countries of European extraction?
The common descent of the European peoples embedded within their genetics. The same way all the tribes of Africa brought here became black, because they too shared enough common ancestry to constitute a distinct people.
As to my thoughts on your plan to institute the Christian religion as part of a plan of national rejuvenation: I don’t think Christianity has it in itself anymore. The faggot pope’s letter to the bishops in regards to Vance merely being the latest example. I am, as I have made clear on many occasions and have never attempted to conceal, not a Christian. I think you’re in the same position as Julian attempting to revive a dead faith, and while whatever comes next will borrow elements of your faith in the same way Christianity did Platonism, it will be a new religion. If I am wrong, and it rises as miraculously a phoenix from the ashes, wiping away leftism and restoring American greatness, then I will shut up and go to church.
To prove it, and to prove that I am not some demon-possessed shill out to destroy you in the name of moloch:
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is Lord. Born of Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate. Crucified, dead, and buried. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
(Writer did not burst into flames while typing this post, nor was struck by lightning.)
Whites are wolf to whites. You cannot build cohesion on whiteness. You cannot even build cohesion on Aryanness. The Aryan race was born in war. Of all the peoples on the earth, the ones most shaped by war and for war. War is the father of us all. To conquer bronze age civilisations, we built big inclusive coalitions, which included many non Aryan peoples, as for example the coalition against Troy, and the coalition against Egypt, but always the core was families who frequently went to war against quite closely related families, as for example the sons of Pelops. During the Aryan expansion, the pattern was that the gerontocrats would hog all the women, organise, arm, and equip their numerous sons, and send them off as a war band to grab some cattle, women, and land. Jews were selected for bureaucracy and litigious rationales for bad conduct. Ayrans were selected for conquest.
That is who we are.
And, if we resume technological advance, it is going to be a problem, because as our extended phenotype grows larger, it becomes both more capable of violence, and more vulnerable to it. So we have to get serious about finding peaceful solutions, or we are going to destroy civilisation, and likely all life on earth. I estimate nuclear war to be fightable and somewhat winnable, in that one side survives to recover and one side does not, but our capacity for destruction will continue to improve, and our fragility will continue to worsen.
No one is denying race. Jim is denying that non leftist conversos or non leftist orthodox jews out of power are going to be any kind of major problem, furthermore he argues playing lets go through the entire population playing converso hunter and killing or expelling them even if they’ve done nothing wrong is going to have way more negatives than positives. The reason some people think they need to play converso hunter even after we’ve either converted jews or given them a kind of dimmi alien on sufferance status is because they’ve heard wignats repeat the same shit too often and it gets to them. I’m certainly not always right but I’m just too autistic to care what anyone else thinks if I disagree they could repeat it a trillion times (which is why I never fell for covid), Jim is too smart and perhaps too arrogant to care for their opinions so it doesn’t get to him.
They are perfectly free to be as little of a problem as they like – for the benefit of their countrymen in their homelands, of course.
Now lets address a real problem unlike an imaginary hypothetical problem of conversos who are not apparently leftists but ever so secretly doing evil in a way that is undetectable then to go prowling their 23&me bloodline for ancestors in the jewish religion… we already have leftists (conceding that the cause of institutional leftism is lost for now) planning to move to a cell structure so they can corrupt minds and gradually claw back into institutions. This is why you need to not prowl 23&me for people with too many jewish great grandparents but prowl everyone’s history to see if they voted for Kamala. Its premature to do it now but anyone who voted for Kamala has to go. We can’t have these fuckers coming back ever.
Well you know what they say, two jews, three conspiracies…
(had to do it with that perfect setup)
The Irish got some Saxon and Norman blood injected via the English as far back as Henry II’s invasion under Lord Richard de Clare (apparently nicknamed by his Saxon followers Strongbow). Its just they had a lot less of it than anywhere else in the British isles (including Highland Scotland and Cornwall) with maybe the exception of the Northern Scottish isles (but the Vikings landed there a lot). As far back as then at least the ruling class in Northern Ireland to Dublin was Norman with some Saxon. And of course the upper class men fucked the local girls (I know Jim doesn’t like bastards but probably through the Victorian era most upper class men probably had several bastards for every legitimate child).
Which is a bad analogy because horses and fish are different species. A better analogy would be Greyhounds crossbred over several (I believe six) generations with Old English bulldogs, and a dozen other popular breeds of work dogs and “designer dogs”. Or how about… the Anglo-Saxon.
But let’s be real, lest I be misinterpreted once again to be promoting miscegenation or other silly/harmful practices: this has to be done deliberately, with purpose, selecting for specific traits and with a contingency plan for the “mistakes”. You don’t just shove a bunch of mongrel dogs in a closet to hump and expect a superdog to come out. You consciously select for desirable traits and against undesirable traits, and you cull and cull and cull some more over many generations until the crossbreed shows no signs of regression.
When immigration policy was sane, i.e. before Ellis Island mentality took over, that was the intent: to boil off the best, for whatever value of “best”, of some other tribe, and try breeding it under controlled conditions. Now you can definitely make the argument today that there is more than enough genetic diversity among the white populations in America to do this without any foreign invaders, and that is a very good argument for refusing to accept any more. It is less persuasive as an argument for throwing out everyone who’s a bit swarthy looking or has a big nose.
Strange to arrive at that conclusion when I’ve very explicitly promoted fences, both literal and metaphorical. I am talking about a tiny portion of an already tiny population being allowed to remain inside the fence. A population that was invited in, generations ago, maybe not by you or me but invited nevertheless.
I tend to agree with almost anything Pseudo-Chrysostom writes and honestly don’t disagree with much of what he wrote here, except the very first paragraph that I find lacking in nuance:
This is a false binary to me. I can look around and easily find examples of:
– Khazars who stopped calling themselves “Jews” a long time ago.
– People who call themselves “Jews” but who look nothing like khazars and have difficult-to-trace ancestry.
– Children and grandchildren of khazars who went into the Jews for Jesus movement more than 50 years ago and stayed there, but still look pretty khazarish. (This is a complicated issue because their religion isn’t properly Christian either; I wouldn’t keep them as-is, but they might have more potential as conversos than the Talmudites.)
– Mischlings of all levels of purity from three-quarters Jewish to less than one-eighth, some of whom act extremely Jewish and others who are not even close.
– Actual White Europeans with no khazar blood who converted to Judaism for marriage or any other reason.
You can both accuse me of salami-slicing or splitting hairs here, but if I am doing that verbally then it is only because it’s what I literally propose to do in practice. The slices (some of them, anyway) are the ones who could fit in. The rest of the sausage won’t; toss it. My prediction is more than 90% will have to go – I’m less optimistic than Jim, but still want to see due process.
I never, ever stated that Jews were a great addition or have an inherent right to reside in America. I stated that some, a distinct minority, have traits worth preserving and won’t impose a very high social cost if they’re willing to adopt a new state religion, and that the others, the majority, should go to Israel voluntarily or face eventual deportation. And I further stated that the ones who do not continue to identify as “Jews” are going to be extremely difficult to sort out from the rest, and even more difficult to explain to their friends and neighbors why their 1/4 Jewish ancestry on their maternal grandmother’s side means they have to go, regardless of their actual status or behavior. That definition was considerably less than 100% effective for the Germans, who were far more racially cohesive at the time than Americans are today.
This has been continually misrepresented (not by Pseudo-Chrysostom, but by Calvin) as “Infinigger++ for Jews” which nobody here, least of all myself, is in favor of. I advocated for a plan that would achieve a nearly identical distribution to the utopian ethnostate over a few generations without inciting a civil war in the process that would create a power vacuum for Woke to reoccupy.
China is, to my knowledge, the most ethnically homogeneous nation in the world with a land mass larger than Kansas, and are still only 90% Han. I think 90% White European is a rather good target to aim for, and at least 80% should be the bare minimum for cohesion – that’s better than Russia is doing, for reference. Demanding 100% is pure insanity, an invitation to holiness spiraling and outgroup blaming that diverts attention away from the evil of White leftists, who are still the absolute supermajority of leftists even if Jews outnumber them on a per-capita basis.
Anyway, I feel as though I’m repeating myself at this point, and I’m getting sick of my own walls of text, so I’m just going to leave it at that. The evidence and arguments have been presented, and everyone can make up their own minds.
If the thrust of this comment is that 100-percentism is not practicable, then of course that’s true. No disagreement.
@Jim: Biology precedes religion. Cannot cohere with biological others on the basis of shared propositions, ideas, or faith, and if you don’t believe me try joining any black church of your choice. Cannot do so, not if you spent your entire life trying. Infighting within a group does not mean cohering with an out group is possible.
Most fundamental identity is baked in when you are born. It’s not something you can decide.
It is completely obvious that every state everywhere coheres on the basis of faith, and multi ethnic states were entirely the norm until the left adopted nationalism.
“Anglo Saxon” originated in just such a state. State building in post Roman Britain had been like ploughing the sea. Alfred’s grandfathers took tutelage from Rome in setting up a state faith. They set it up. Alfred sincerely believed it, pretty soon everyone sincerely believed it,
Rhodesia’s program was “Equal rights for all civilised men”. Was working. Singapore is multi ethnic, was born in a state of low level war. Today, they are all Singaporeans.
The population in a multi ethnic state tends to self segregate, but in a well functioning state, the ruling elite is always at least a little bit multi ethnic, and coheres. There are plenty of good black Maga Christians.
First part is true. Second part, entirely false. States start out monoethnic, become multiethnic upon conquering other lands, lose their asabiyyah, and collapse into monoethnic states. Then the cycle repeats. Sustainable multiethnic states do not exist. At best you have one ethnic group dominating all others in an imperial system, but even that corrodes social trust over time.
The most primal drives of each human subspecies are not the same.
What about China and India? 92% of China is Han, but Han China covers an area equivalent of Western Europe. India has the caste system and its empire building issue was a North-South split.
i live in the rural frontiers in East Ukamba in East Africa and I hate the panafricanist for causing or promoting the commingling and commixture of the different African Tribes whom I agree with Jim are entirely separate races. International Aid/ Development Organisations of which the USAID is a prime example are always in bed with the Panafricanist who has followed the Western Elites in corruption and degeneracy but unlike the Western Elites is far worse because he has not made any noteworthy accomplishments for the liberation of his people and the betterment of mankind.
So as a white guy living in the bush I have to ask what did you think of the movie Blood Diamond I know it was part shitlib propaganda but not all of it was and do white people in Africa really say This is Africa…
Eh I forgot the clip
Hang on. (And if I’m contradicting myself above, I don’t care, because I’m trying to learn something here:)
No way Bill Gates is into vaccines for the money. He has plenty of money. Anyone who accuses him of doing things for money, I stop listening immediately. Gates the wrathful nerd wants status and glory, and is doing whatever he can think of and manage to do, with the years he has left, to get it.
I also understand our other visitor here that Soros is fellow-traveling with the USAID type people, and is happy to get paid by them to do dirty work that he’s happy to see done anyway. There must be dozens to hundreds of OSF-USAID dual citizens running in and out through revolving doors out there anyway.
So who’s above whom on this blobby org chart? It reminds me of Jim’s point that when people donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, were they paying them to do a job, or were the Clinton’s accepting tribute? Who has the power: He who hands over the money, or he who opens his hand and takes it? (We found that it was the latter, and the money was tribute, because the donations to Clinton Foundation dried up the day Trump was elected the first time.)
So let’s look at it this way:
For at least a decade, it’s been publicly “allowed” to criticize George Soros, and to know who he is and what he looks like. This suggests he’s less powerful.
Meanwhile, to criticize the Clintons has been more taboo and “dirty looking”, so they’re more powerful than Soros.
And now, further ascending Mount Nasty, we find that to criticize USAID, and to know who any of them are, and what any of them have been doing with money that isn’t even theirs, is “HOW DARE YOU” horrible disrespectful uppity evilness. So they’re definitely more powerful.
And you can see where I’m going with this. If the federal HR office, and then USAID (and then NED, and the Education Department, and these other high holy trough-fattened entitled fucks) can be brought low, then who can we publicly name and shame next? And is four years enough time to get to Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and…?
Musk grabbing a special off limits area within the USAID building seems to have instantly shut down a whole lot of stuff. The effect was too instant for it to be the money. He must have inadvertently performed a C3I strike. (Command, Control, Communications, and Information) because he was after information.
That has been the modus operandi from day one. It was expected of the permanent government to lie, conceal and unionize against their removal, so the very first thing team Musk does once they have physical access, is install their own servers. Now all the centralized communications is totally owned, and the enemy was so self-confident and incompetent, there were basically no side channels for organizing. They’re probably all scrambling to find each other on signal this very moment.
It isn’t self confidence, but a lack of trust and an example of why hidden power is fragile. If you had a backup system, someone could shut down the main system, take control of the back up and perform a coup and no one outside the immediate group would know.
The equivalent for a king or president is what happened with Biden, and was obvious to outsiders and required someone mentally incompetent.
One of the guys on the DOGE team, Marko Elez, ejected for posts on x made under a pseudonym.
I can see why the uneasy alliance would consider these statements over the ideological limit, they’re still committed to 90s liberalism. However they’re ceding power to gay media outlets and doxing rings. They need to learn fast *not* to listen to their enemies. Instead, they need to send armed men to politely but firmly tell the journos to fuck off.
He will be rehired.
This was the last gasp of the MSM. It is now dead.
Twitter is the the media now. Vance, Musk, all these guys are being directly influenced by anons on Twitter. If you don’t have an account get one and start poasting.
The MSM was living on political power — as for example their funding from USAID, and the tribute Zuckerberg was forced to pay them.
Games were bloated because game developers were getting a huge amount of DEI money, though we do not yet know if it came from USAID. But we do know that game developers are suddenly acting as if the money tap has been suddenly turned off. The mods on the “Lords of the fallen” subreddit have gone insane, because the CEO of that game company has been asking customers what they want in character design (Answer: Ninety percent want heroes handsome and heroic, female characters cute and feminine.) The polling was a response to Youtube reviews criticising his previous (woke) character designs in “Lords of the Fallen”. “Openly fascist” cry the reddit mods. The point of the poll was to discover whether the reviews represented a “Tiny Toxic Minority” or vast majority of real customers.
It is a small piece of insanity that is a microcosm of the fedgovs outrage at actually being audited. I am pretty sure those mods are on they payroll also. It is obvious that the shills who keep posting the same stuff to this blog despite being always silently deleted are on the payroll, so chances are mods are also.
Doing an audit of federal government expenditures is the death of democracy, and doing a customer survey is openly fascist.
If we must have action girls bring back the 80s sword and sorcery babe aesthetic.
Make hot chicks have cheesy fights with each other in chainmail underwear again… and no I don’t need that shit to jerk off it was just kind of hilarious and I miss it.
Do a search for WW2 planes pinup art and see many examples of the aesthetic that 80s sword-n-sorcery was a variant of. Dudes like to see healthy, attractive women in revealing clothing without it necessarily crossing into pornography.
Which is why, of course, the woke infesting the Lords of the Fallen development team had to give women freakishly large shoulders, no hips, and posture like a cartoon caveman as the Youtube videos I just sampled demonstrate.
My experience running games around a tabletop with women as part of the group is that they typically gravitate to something far closer to a sorceress, priestess, bard, or occasionally an archer to something like ‘She Ra’, ‘Wonder Woman’, or even Joan of Arc.
Check out this video. It’s been out for awhile. Made in Russia, not the GAE.
Pin-Up in the Navy: World of Warships Musical
I posted the Russian tribute to classic Americana pin up in the navy video a while ago lol
Mike Benz, who was on the inside during the previous Trump admin, tells us that the Reddit mods are part of the government censorship operation.
He focuses on censorship, and is knowledgeable about it but I am more interested in the shills, who deserve more coverage. Gamergate was all about the shills.
By taking over the key points where the information is, and shooing out the normal denizens, Musk seems to have inadvertently shut down the apparatus for command and control of the shilling operation, which is also the protest operation. Notice the total failure of the masses to show up for the Democrats mass protests.
Also I have not seen any new shill narratives reflecting current events. It seems that microphone of which they are loudspeakers is in the facilities that Trump and Musk have seized.
When the Democrats organised their protests, I am sure that Schumer picked up the phone and said “Send out ten thousand protesters tomorrow. … Hello, hello, is anyone there?”
“Schumer picked up the phone and said “Send out ten thousand protesters tomorrow. … Hello, hello, is anyone there?”
He went himself with the other geriatrics, and it was hilarious, even CNN laughed
“Also I have not seen any new shill narratives reflecting current events”
Did the numbers of shills fell? And was any type of shills disappeared?
The only shills still posting are Anonymous Fake (Jesuits), the fednats/Azov arguing that Trump is a tool of the Zionist Occupation government (they have an arguable case, and I would let them argue it if they were able to notice what Blinken, Nuland, Soros, and Zelensky have been up to) the crypto scammers, and the gays, who just want gay content everywhere.
Oh, and, of course, Thermidor. Whose content is actually quite good, but I silence it anyway because it is a distraction.
AF may be a tool of the Jesuits but almost certainly not one himself. Actual Jesuits go through 14 years it takes less time to become a fucking neurosurgeon (and they are also often in academic law or medicine in addition to being jesuits). Too valuable to waste shilling directly (at least I would think) they have shill organizations for that. I’m just surprised we only have one shill from that direction…
I think he is the Matt Gaetz of DOGE, him gone but thats it.
Gaetz apparently had an adopted 14yo cuban boy. I wouldn’t be surprised if that had more to do with him getting dropped than whatever nonsense he was officially accused of. Either way, he wasn’t removed for being insufficiently leftist, not officially or unofficially.
This case is a clear example of them excluding the actual right from power to meet the ideological purity of leftists. It’s a very bad sign, but the event just occurred, and nothing is set in stone.
The allegations about Gaetz were that he liked young pussy so its hard to believe otoh he was a boy molestor. Floridians tend to like Cubans basically zero racial animosity here the redneck-cuban alliance is what kept the state from falling to shitlibs (there used to be a lot of shitlib transplants in South Florida) the margin is safer now but the racial animosity between cubans and good ol boy Floridians is basically zero so maybe he didn’t think anything of it.
Thermidoran alliance is fragile — it is always fragile every Thermidor — the big trouble comes when it is time to acknowledge defeat in Ukraine and organise an orderly and dignified retreat of the Globohomo empire. Which big crisis Trump is postponing.
Until various issues are resolved, our namesfags have to remain undercover and maintain plausible deniability.
First remove the woke priesthood. Once they are gone, other issues, starting with how to resolve the war, can go on the table.
The account was deleted before the doxxing event, and while the opsec was not good, the guy was very young. It’s clear from details involved they have professionals, probably professionals with access to government databases and tools, combing over every member of the Trump 2.0 team to look for any evidence of wrongthink.
They cannot be ceding ground to this. It’s ideological submission to the people they’re currently in charge of removing from power. Events like this boost woke morale, and significantly reduce effectiveness of the teams carrying this out.
Musk already polling on X to bring him back. This could be a 4D chess move where he says sorry people demand that these cancellations at the hands of lefty journalists who turn up examples of wrongthink are over.
Vance publically opining in the same direction too. Hes coming back.
And Vance says, “I obviously disagree with some of Elez’s posts, but I don’t think stupid social media activity should ruin a kid’s life.”
They’re gonna bring him back. This is a public and explicit ignoring of the Left’s precious “That’s racist! You can’t say that!” catechism. They’re breezily ignoring it. Just blowing right past it.
The messaging here is also fantastic from a “Normie’s eyeballs” point of view. To err IS human, and to forgive IS divine. And everyone who is sane, decent human being hates the idea that a kid’s life could be derailed due to a social media post.
If they hold fast, this may be the moment the modern Left breaks: The Left is going to try its most powerful magic spell: “That’s racist!” And it looks like the Trump Administration is just going to blithely sail right through it.
Musk has a poll, should they bring him back? Currently 78% Yes, 22% No.
Yes. Break, break, break the Left. Break the central tenet of its poisonous ideology, “Blah blah you’re racist blah blah.”
I want this. I want the Left to pit its most powerful demonic magic spell against the Trump Administration and for the Trump Administration to smugly crush it. I want to look into the eyes of every single leftist in the exact moment that they realize that their most powerful weapon is now utterly impotent. I want to see their expressions at the precise moment they realize that their sword is broken. I want to see the soul-crushing, heart-rending loss on their faces.
I want to see their souls die. I want to see the light go out in their eyes.
I would have said “whiny little bitches”, but then again, he’s the VP whilst I’m just a lowly kekistanian.
Hope you’re right, Neuro, in this being the moment to show their juju is out of juice.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
– – – – – – – – – – –
The Left cannot afford to slink away from this fight, because “RAAAAAAACIST!!!” is the core of their ideological power. They must and will fight it out, to the last iota of their strength. So the Trumpists should be prepared for the usual propaganda assault, especially lying polls that will say that like 99% of the population is horrified that the guy might be brought back.
If anyone who has the Administration’s ear reads this blog, remind them that polls from the leftist media are lies. Just hold fast. And when this blows over the left will be dead.
What makes this so great is that the canceled person can’t plausibly claim that they’re a “changed person” if the tweets were made a few months ago. Musk and Vance are basically saying “we know he’s racist, and we don’t care, we’re still giving him power over you”. Dancing on the corpse of wokeness.
Either the race card is the trump card, or it is not. Rejecting it’s trump status is an encouraging development. What they guy said is really not that offensive to the average person, but it’s profound thoughtcrime. My guess is a good 30% or so of the population believes almost all of it with most people believing at least parts of what he said. It’s a great day for Freedom when people are allowed to openly disagree with the sacred Civil Rights act of 1964 without being cancelled. Or when members of a particular non-protected class are allowed to openly advocate for their own interests as a class.
So even though the kid said ‘normalize Indian hate’, JD Vance, with an Indian wife, pushes to rehabilitate him. Cancel culture being canceled. Wonderful.
paid supposedly to help
Mike Benz
“Has a single foreign head of state called President Trump this week and told him “No! Please! Don’t take USAID out of our country!”
Marko called for repealing the Civil Right Acts of 1964 and stated, “I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask.” – “You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity.” – “Normalize Indian hate.” “Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool,” “Wipe Gaza off the face of the earth”
Based. Good that people speak their mind.
And obviously discovered something about Indians while being immersed in such work environments.
Everyone send me everything you have on @byklong Katherine Long, the journo who trued to destroy Marko. I hear she’s IC associated… Signal: 202-281-4322
One thing about Marko Elez resigning is that he’s the guy who supposedly did all the work w/ Treasury’s payment system. Tom Krause has access, too, but in a supervisory role. And w/ Elez gone, judge’s order would prohibit hiring of a new DOGE-aligned employee to access system
Leftists may not control X, but they do control archive.org and wikipedia and all news outlets.
I tried to ask USAID supporters why they feel taxpayers must spend thousands on DEI musicals. Their answer: a masked mob following us around.
I don’t think Musk is likely to give a tinker’s dam about judges’ orders.
The question is, when push comes to shove, whom do the men with guns obey?
You’re both getting this wrong. The “order” in question is a compromise Musk agreed on with the judge and it’s not of great importance.
The judge (who is far left of course) threatened to cut Musk’s access to the treasury data, but then retracted this proposal when Musk signed a compromise where two specific designated DOGE employees could access the data and not him personally or “anyone” at DOGE.
The kid who got fired (and is being rehired) is one of the two, but he’s not the only one, and there’s no reason he could not have been replaced anyways. It seems it’s all about some formal need to have only specific people who are given access to these files.
It doesn’t seem like a very consequential thing to begin with.
Haven’t our guys learned yet to put them on leave instead of firing? Everyone to the left does that, down to the mayor and dog catcher. Paid leave, of course, then slide them back in after a few months when the heat has died down.
Prominent venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz just hired Daniel Penny. Yes, THAT Daniel Penny.
Over the last year or two we’ve seen Havel’s Greengrocer starting to spit the left’s bit out of his mouth.
This is Havel’s Greengrocer walking into the left’s temple, going up to one of their priests, and slapping him across the face.
As Aryaman says, Indians are not an issue in Dubai. You gentlemen were really importing the worst, https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/india/they-spent-rs-1-crore-to-migrate-illegally-now-they-want-government-jobs-outrage-over-deported-indians-demands/ar-AA1yzpFU?ocid=msedgntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=5c70059e4eb64aec9bbfb2e0af58f922&ei=21
When I was a kid growing up in Brampton, all of the Indians we were getting were Russell Peters, now they are Pajeet. Of course we should have been getting Europeans instead of Russell Peters all along, but I digress.
Your Elite loves Pajeets for whatever reason
Same reason it loves the Jews.
The elite love Indians because enemies of legacy Americans.
The corporations love H1B because the rules as written allow corporations to import high quality slave labor, and the rules as recently implemented in actual practice allow them to import dumb but relatively docile slave labor. Musk and Trump are fans of implementing the rules as written.
Importing slave labor works in Dubai, because the real elite in Dubai is exclusively reserved for the natives, and the real imports who get to stay are really high quality because if you are not a native, it is up or out. The very large dumb slave labor population is only temporaries, and are not allowed to set down roots. For America and Americans, as for the Romans, it has been a disaster, because low quality imports are allowed to set down roots.
Back when Australia was practising slavery, it had a seven year rule. The slaves had to be returned with a package of goodies after seven years. This worked.
If the slave labor is unproductive why do the corps apparently seem to love them so? Does the slave labor not pay its way in terms of what they cost? Why are the companies hiring them at all if they cost more than what they produce?
Because the benefits are privatized and short-term (ie. they can claim to have saved a lot on payroll and get promoted) and the costs are socialized and long term (the company’s products become crap, but they’ve already got the golden parachute).
It also doesn’t hurt that noticing the slaves are less productive than local White workers is de facto illegal.
Judge rules to restore USAid employees. It will be soft ignored, they aren’t getting their computer access back except for their paychecks perhaps (for now) or access to federal buildings.
Just 2200 of them. I was under the impression there were 10K USAID employees and the vast majority are being closed out.
Absolutely cannot restore a single USAID employee. This is a fight we have to pick. Let’s see who the men with guns obey; the utterly corrupt, lawless judiciary, or President Trump.
For those who still think that laws and the Constitution are relevant, note the Constitution specifically prohibits money being withdrawn from the Treasury without explicit authorization by Congress, which the USAID stuff was doing. The Constitution also requires publication of government expenditures:
Article 1, Section 9:
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
These are also important points to make to the men with guns, since ideas are needed as a coordinating device, etc. The Trump Admin cannot be worried about “optics” on this, and Normie is with them anyway (despite what the inevitable lying polls will claim). Just do it. If we let the enemy censor our ideas while having the taxpayer fund their propaganda… I don’t even know how to finish that sentence; it’s too stupid.
Dear Jim, dear gentlemen,
On the warriorness of Donald Trump. There was an interview in a Hungarian media with Seb Gorka (he is bilingual) and he said one thing. The only man on Earth Putin is afraid of is Trump. Back when Gorka was working for the previous, much more passive Trump administration, as a security expert, they found about 300 Russian mercenaries stirring the shit pot in Syria. Trump simply ordered them all killed. No negotiations, no threats, no demands, no nothing. Just got them killed. And according to Gorka, this shocked Putin. They were not used to this kind of treatment. So according to Gorka, Trump won’t simply force Ukraine to surrender. They will have to give something, but Russia will have to give more, if he is right.
I cannot 100% vouch for this. How comes this super security expert failed natsec clearance both in the US and Hungary? Mercenaries with foggy pasts can be useful, but be a honest mercenary… treat him with caution. There certainly are many scammers on the Right.
BTW in my entirely uninformed opinion, the nukes won’t fly, because they don’t work. They are not good at making tritium, too. That’s because they can’t even make cars. Sanctions happened, Renault pulled out, and now they cannot even make the Lada XRay car on their own. They had ten or more years to learn/steal the process, and they could not. Their trains lack ball bearings now, because the Brits won’t sell them, and shit-tier Chinese steel can work in construction – they just have to add more – but not with ball bearings. And that is a very important bottleneck. Everything that rolls, needs them. In Russia, things that roll are usually trains, because the roads are muddy.
Let’s not overestimate Russia, yes, they are still real men, but they are super corrupted real men who can’t even fix up their navy flagship. Our kinds of problems are not the only possible kinds of problems. They have many problems of a different kind. Basically their problem is that antisocial drunkard criminals can be awesomely manly compared to our cucked gayish men, but they are still not prosocial.
You used to be a solid commenter, so I don’t know what’s going on here or if this is actually a shill using TheDividualist’s name or what. But all your comment can be refuted with one rhetorical question:
It has been NATO versus Russia for several years now. Who’s winning?
Again, I repeat, I am not stating anything as truth. I am merely reporting what Gorka said, who is working for President Trump, and I made it clear I do not entirely trust him. The reason I comment rarely is that at this point I often do not know what is the truth. I think this was worth reporting, merely as food for thought. Full on epistemological humility on this side. This could be 100% wrong and I am willing to admit that possibility in advance.
I think that is not how shills operate – they are sounding way more confident about knowing what is true.
I *think*, but again not stating it as a truth, that a Trump-led NATO could show more “negotiating muscle” than what we saw before. This might be wishful thinking.
“I am not stating anything as truth. I am merely reporting what Gorka said”
I interpreted this as being your words:
“ball bearings… Let’s not overestimate Russia, yes, they are still real men, but they are super corrupted real men who can’t even fix up their navy flagship. … Basically their problem is that [they are] antisocial drunkard criminals”
If this is Gorka’s words, that wasn’t clear. And based on the last three years of Russia versus NATO, this take is not a good assessment of Russia’s relative strength. It sounds like the warmongers dismissing Russia as just a gas station with nukes or whatever.
Trump was allowed to win in large part because the imperial faction were horrified by the manifest weakness of the American Empire. They suddenly decided that it was time to Make America Great Again.
He also won because oligarchs, as Marc Andreessen explained, intended to remove them and intended that their businesses would drop whatever they were doing and instead do woke priesting full time.
The oligarch faction wants an orderly and dignified retreat. A large part of the imperial faction does not want to retreat from the Ukraine, wants to continue with the Ukraine project, and still intends and expects to conquer Russia. Reagan’s thousand pinpricks approach gave them Russia without risking nuclear war. They intend to do it again. Russia intends to continue high level war until they stop doing it.
The Kellogg deal is “Stop high level war so we can go back to a thousand pinpricks”. They are telling themselves, and telling Trump, that Russia is likely to accept this deal. But Russia and Russians can see where the thousand pinpricks are headed and do not want a rerun of the hostile Global Imperial occupation of the 1990s.
In the Ukraine, the Global American Empire first applied the operation that we now see replicated in Brazil, England, and many other places. Total censorship, terror against the opposition, intense propaganda, and systematic massive vote rigging. And fairly quickly the Ukraine stopped holding elections altogether. The oligarchs don’t like that system, because the party replaces them running businesses, and runs the economy into the ground (Jaguar). Businessmen get replaced by woke priests. This reflects the former imperial alliance with Woke, which has been dropped in favor of alliance with the oligarchs, but they still don’t trust the imperials with that much power.
Russians, of course, don’t like that system for the same reason as Americans do not like it. They are fighting to prevent it from being imposed upon them.
Marco Rubio is imperial, Musk is oligarch. Kellogg is lunatic fringe imperial.
The imperials are still in deep delusion about the state of Russia. They are still in a bubble.
Is Trump in that bubble? Maybe. He is now getting all that ‘intelligence” information, which is nonsense, bullshit, and self delusion.
It was crazy stuff, and reporting it without acknowledging that lots of people would regard it as crazy, even if you thought it might well be true, was to promote crazy stuff.
One should not be so open minded that one’s brains fall out. The imperial faction are drinking their own koolaide. It could be true, but if true, by accident, because it is the ravings of madmen.
The Ukraine continues to attempt shock warfare, and fail with catastrophic casualties. Russia has been conducting a war of attrition, and is therefore attempting to maximise Ukrainian casualties and minimise its own casualties.
If you interpret Russia as attempting shock warfare also, and failing, looks like a stalemate. Not a stalemate, a war of attrition, in which the Ukraine has been severely attritted. We see lots of social media posts from veterans from the Ukrainian front to the effect that only a handful, or only one, of the original members of the regiment remain, and the new replenishments die so fast that the vet does not get to know them. Don’t see any equivalents from the Russian front. The Ukraine keeps raising new armies, and losing them. That which cannot continue, will not.
This war will continue until the strategy of a thousand pinpricks ends. If the Ukraine falls, and a thousand pinpricks continues, all of Europe will burn. Russia will not endure hostile states on its borders taking hostile actions. To secure existing borders, there has to be peace on those borders. The imperial strategy is low level war, to which Russia’s response is high level war. If low level war continues, high level war will continue.
Hopefully the Russians will liberate all of Ukraine. The so called West can pretend to promise that what’s left of Ukraine won’t be turned into a NATO base, but frankly, it would be just stupid for the Russians to trust such a promise.
Trump is bluffing Putin with the possibility of aggressively restoring American Empire, but on past form, his objective is a deal for an orderly and dignified retreat from the less profitable, more trouble prone, and further flung outposts of empire. On the other hand, if no deal forthcoming, no one knows what he might do.
Thermidor now wants a deal for a halt in high level warfare along the current line in the Ukraine, Global American Empire free to continue low level war as before 2022, and elections to be held after the halt, the elections to be held under the vote rigging, progaganda, and censorship regime that was first created in the Ukraine, and is now being created all over the world. Putin wants fair elections, or a coup installing a saner leadership, to be held before the high level fighting stops.
Thermidor wants to keep the Maidan government in the Ukraine, with a halt to high level warfare along the current line. Putin wants to end the Maidan regime. We do not know what Trump actually wants for the Maidan regime, but if Rubio is reliable and loyal, he is going to change it. What he changes it to is the question, and the Thermidorian alliance is likely to fracture on that question.
Is there a small subentity like the county in the Ukraine? What I think would be just and righteous would be for county by county plebiscites to be conducted all throughout the land, with money lubricating some population transfers as required. The final outcome of Ukraine should be some rump state with an honest election that has constitutional brakes on it just as aggressive as the ones on Japan (they’d severely limit the amount of foreign influence and military, and would forbid strictly the joining of any superstate bodies like the EU or NATO). Then part of Ukraine would be recognized as basically just part of Russia, and part of Ukraine would be a Russian minor ally like Belarus or the like. Something like this, with the actual people at the county level helping to decide the actual final borders has a decent chance of not creating a bleeding border in the future.
Turns out that ‘solving Ukraine in 24 hours’ was one of Trump’s more egregious bluffs. It’s a rough situation. Hopefully he can pull a rabbit out of the hat in the long run. Requires a very clear head, no doubt. Gotta deal with the forever-war faction, but part of the forever-war faction is part of Thermidor, so he has that to deal with too.
and here we are…
Trump has a 90 minute conversation with Putin, attempts to convince Putin that the USA is now agreement-capable. Putin agrees to begin negotiations. Arranges release of American prisoner/hostages. oh and Kellogg is frozen out of the negotiations. Discuss summit in Saudi Arabia. Zelensky is not a party to the discussion and is briefed later.
At nearly the same time Hegseth rules out Ukraine in NATO. https://www.rt.com/russia/612587-us-ukraine-no-nato-membership/
Lots of things happening and moving all at once, and seemingly in a good direction for western civilization. based and whitepilled.
The only way to solve a conflict quickly is to give the other side everything it wants (unless you are in a position to win quickly and decisively-which the West isn’t in the Ukraine war). For this reason, I had hoped that Trump’s statement to end the war within 24 hours meant that he intended to give Russia everything Russia wants to achieve with the war.
Trump might want to do that, but can’t because some elements of Thermidor do not want that. Hence, no quick solution is possible. Before Trump can solve the Ukraine conflict, he first has to solve the conflict within Thermidor.
One sign our victory is real. We have a DNC insider (this is not like Tulsi who was a defector when they were still in power) who is ratting them out publically. I haven’t watched it yet but apparently its good. Its probably mostly stuff we know but its a good sign if insiders are ratting them out.
Listened to more of it. Obviously you can’t trust this chink bitch shes like Joe Vallachi or Henry Hill leaving a sinking ship to try to save her neck and in the parts where she says no one will talk to her anymore I’m hearing Ray Liotta at the end of Goodfellas breaking the 4th wall giving the speech about how the hardest part for me was leaving the life… but very very good sign to see our 1st DNC insider rat (Tulsi left very early when the DNC still looked very very strong because she genuinely didn’t want to be part of the corruption I don’t put her in the same category).
The insider information is: Stupid people with no loyalty to each other partying hard.
Robespierre, Lenin, Pol Pot, and Mao were monks. It was the gay parties that pissed her off. Gays always piss of straights.
I thought Mao had thousands of concubines. What’s the point of launching a civil war to become Emperor if you don’t?
Mao was a pathological sadist who wanted everyone but him to be a monk while he deflowered different young teenage girls every day (then most of the time never saw them again).
I agree its rather stupid (and shes not a good person shes like Henry Hill shes ratting because she think she has to save her neck and still misses the life) inside info but we do get some names and furthermore we have a rat. Not many DNC rats before this. When the mob started getting rats in the 80s (before that the only one I can think of was Joe Vallachi) it was over for them soon.
Also, Mao was smart. The great leap forward and the cultural revolution were his initiatives, generally excuses to purge his enemies and keep the people occupied.
Mao was an extremely maniacal sadistic psychopath the Great Leap Forward achieved nothing positive, the cultural revolution was basically him using the levers of power he still had after being sidelined following its monumental failure to regain power.
You’re right I erroneously pile the great leap forward and cultural revolution together.
Point being, Mao was not afraid to execute his enemies to get his way, and in the end, got his way.
“Mao was an extremely maniacal sadistic psychopath the Great Leap Forward achieved nothing positive, the cultural revolution was basically him using the levers of power he still had after being sidelined following its monumental failure to regain power.”
The GLF worked out very well for Mao himself. Asshole never missed a meal, was fucking teenagers right through it, and then died of natural causes (cancer from chain smoking) in his 80’s. China lost and Mao won. What a ride. Flawless victory. Just saying.
GLF got him sidelined (we’re talking a screwup that was 10x worse than the Bolshevik collectivizations in terms of killing people for nothing, most of Mao’s body count was the GLF) they should have killed him but didn’t, especially since the Soviets (who at least since Stalin took over had some kind grip on reality) got word of it before it happened and said trying to have peasants “make steel” with backyard blast furnances could not work.
CR was him trying to regain power.
After listening to whole thing, reading between the lines and reading her face, I know what happened.
She is a treacherous slimeball, and worse than that, a fundraiser. All the oligarchs she was raising funds from switched to Thermidor, so she followed them.
Or they switched to fund raisers more able to provide the people being bribed with cocaine, small boys, and weird intersexuals.
The reason they switched to Thermidor is that in old gerontocratic Democrat party, you could bribe people with money, but in the new woke Democratic party, you need money, small boys, cocaine, and strange creatures produced by hormones and surgical modifications, so they got left out in the cold.
Mostly true definitely a treacherous slimeball (as I said definitely got Henry Hill at the end of Goodfellas turning states evidence vibes except she doesn’t have ids and all that, she basically said she misses “the life) but I think she ratted because she thinks she better switch sides now or things might not go well for.
“I have donors who…”
Wait. How… what… who… who the hell “has donors who” anything? Like what even is that?
How are certain people selected for this job, position, role, or whatever the fuck noun this is, of “having donors”?
And this Shawn Ryan guy is clearly part of the problem too, as evidenced by the fact that he’s never been censored, and also that he didn’t stop everything in that interview and insist that first she explain just what the fuck “having donors” is.
(But I do know that it ain’t good.)
If I met a biblical angel, or a demon, or a space alien, I’d be less confused than I am confused by the apparent existence of this person.
Goodfellas metaphor again. She was a minority woman with high grades who worked at the cabstand er office of a Democrat Senator she became connected into the life. Of course not being one of the minorities higher in the Democrat social hierarchy or a legacy family shitlib white or jew she could never be made but she was still in contact with the bosses of the crime family.
She “has donors” because she is a fixer. Someone needs the government to approve something he wants to do, or to disapprove something else that someone else is doing. So he hires a “””consultant”””.
The consultant wants a direct connection with lots of people who need bribes, but at the higher levels, such people are besieged by far too many “””consultants””” so they hire a fund raiser to manage their “””consultants”””
A politician needs money, so he hires a fund raiser. The fund raiser has “””consultants””” and/or is herself a “””consultant”””. Usually both.
At the lowest level, your “””consultant””” directly provides the civil servant or judge with money, physical goods, services, drugs, and sex. At higher and higher levels, there are more and more intermediaries in the corruption ecosystem.
Political fundraisers and bundlers typically get a percentage of what they bring in. This tilts to either direct mail/e-mail expertise for many small donations, or personal connections with repeat big donors on the other side. This is legal and accepted because it’s considered pay or commission and the fundraisers are technically associated with a campaign or candidate each time, but a bundler is really also associated with and representing their largest repeat donors, so there’s some give and take just getting them onto any given campaign or candidate to begin with. In that sense, a bundler “has donors,” and except for nobody ever spelling it out in prime time for the rubes, they all know and assume you know.
But that’s just the grade-school civics level explanation of what’s going on in the background. It doesn’t exclude Jim’s and Cominator’s explanations.
She’s not evil; she’s an Asian good-girl who always got straight As and believed what everyone around her was expected to believe.
She still believes that her veganism makes her healthy and that her amenorrhoea is caused by “stress”. And she tries really hard not to cry when saying, “I don’t have a husband.”
Did she do a lot of sketchy things at the White House? Sure, but so did and will Trump and Musk. The end justifies the means, whether the end is making America great again or turning it into another Haiti.
Is evil. I can smell it on her. If she remains childless, likely to become more evil,though this is something no one can predict. She might repent and regret.
She says her donors earned their money, and the Kamala campaign embezzled it and pissed it away. I smell truth in that her donors earned their money. (Most donors steal it.) If connected to good people, there is goodness in her, but at this moment, goodness is not in charge.
I’m picking up treacherous and amoral, a rat, but not evil. As in, not the sort of destructive evil we’ve been seeing in charge for ages now. Though being untrustworthy and a backstabber is a form of evil, I don’t see her inventing new and more malicious justifications to murder the peasantry, seems a long enough way off from that she would get murdered by her more advanced peers should she start on that path. Can you point out some segment that triggered the sense?
I don’t know whether she is pure evil (if she is vegan or vegetarian probably not since it involves real sacrifice in order to not encourage harm to animals) but she is certainly a rat who before things started going south was happy in “the life” being part of the crime family. Also no matter the circumstances you shouldn’t trust rats but you really really shouldn’t trust someone who feels no remorse about ratting their old friends out (and yes this applies to women even though we know women are innately less reliable and more treacherous). The default feeling for a rat should be deep shame and self loathing (well okay I do see a bit of self loathing) even if they were justified in doing it. And no I don’t consider Tulsi a rat she was not with the DNC very long and she left almost immediately when she saw they were just crooks. This woman was a part of “the life” since she was 13 and like Henry Hill after he flipped she still misses the life.
Any “good girl” too good to get a steady husband or at least live in boyfriend is a self absorbed flaky status seeking cunt. There is more genuine goodness in bad girls (high bodycount, dysfunctional, drug and alcohol problem) who end up with a guy than these status seeking cunts… women who chase status to the exclusion of everything else make me sick.
Oh come on, we were just discussing the AI safetyist and demon possessed — you can see it clearly in their writing, actions and on their faces, an exemplary case — trannie cultists that were scheming to murder everyone for eating meat.
Factory farms are unsanitary and spiritually unhealthy, but more vegans are like the demon possessed trannie cultist than they are factory farm protestors. There’s a reason it’s instantly associated with aggressively annoying leftists, and this lady picked veganism up exactly for the status games you’re complaining about.
I said immediately she was an evil scumbag but (sorry to countersignal the all meat all the time people) but my experience with vegetarians and such (and I go mainly off milk myself) is that they tend to be nice people. It fits with my general observation that hippie types (who since 2020 hate the progs) are actually nice generally whereas progs tend to be awful evil people.
Veganism probably indicates she is not so sadistic she is all for tr00ning kids and such, she was just kind of fine with robbing everyone blind, she was not so evil to laugh about impoverishing legacy Americans when she was alone but probably evil enough to laugh about it when her former “friends” were laughing about it.
Vegans are right about one thing: Morally, there is no difference between meat, milk, and eggs, because all mammal and bird species produce male and female individuals in equal number, so what happened to the brothers of all those milk cows and layer hens?
I take it as a message from God that I ought to consume all three, at least while I can still get a dozen eggs for a US dollar because bird flu hasn’t reached Russia yet.
Most of it, but especially two of the segments where she was flattering her interviewer. She intends him harm. That was not at the top of her mind, she is too scared of his power for it to be at the top of her mind, but it was there. There is something wrong and messed up about her sexuality. It has taken a wrong turn somewhere.
She is angry at him for who he is, what he is. For him existing. Females have a basic life giving impulse at their core. There is something odd about her core. Maybe it has gone off the rails because she is not ovulating. She is probably not ovulating because vegan. Maybe she would heal if she ate meat.
Ah so you sense active malevolence rather than just being an amoral treacherous rat who was happy to live her role as a high level associate to the globohomo crime family and excess flattery was a giveaway.
Yes, not just that she was enjoying the proceeds of crime. Who does not enjoy the proceeds of successful crime? There was active malevolence. Right in the interview room at the person she was with.
She perceives him as high power and high status, and the normal female reaction to power and status is that they want to fuck it and they want to shit test it. And that was there, but there was something else there.
Being who she is, you would expect “how can I use this man to get money and power” to be there. And because of the female shit test impulse to power and status you would expect “how can I cut him down to size” to be there. But there was something else there in place of “how can I cut him down to size”, that should not be.
The normal leftist reaction to the new media is “How dare these people have this much status and power. They stole it from us, its rightful owners.” That was not exactly there, but something else was there.
I don’t think meat would fix it, most vegan girls I’ve known have been nice people probably with far more of a natural female sex drive than typical prog chicks. Being a sperg I’ll never have a good sense for reading subtleties in people I can tell she misses “the life” because she says it and fairly obvious she got out because she senses the ship is sinking but I can’t read beyond that.
Women do not pay much attention to big things like “the ship is sinking”. They pay attention to local, closer things, like the sinking of the ship is making their feet wet. Her donors noticed the ship is sinking, and went to Trump to pay homage. And she saw her donors depart to pay homage to Trump and followed her donors.
I suppose there are 2 flavors of vegetarians and vegans (3 if you count people from a bona-fide vegetarian culture like Indians and some of the odder flavors of Christians).
The first flavor is the hippie woo-woo type. Cominator is correct that this type is generally pretty nice in person and usually has a pretty high nerd/geek/autist tolerance level. They used to be really common in places like Portland when such places were just weird, not fundamentally diseased.
The second flavor is way more common in general. They’re the sort with a women’s studies or other degree that doesn’t cause them to make even as much as a schoolteacher. Accordingly they have to pick some virtue signal to scream I AM NOT A PROLE. The ones who aren’t as close to the prole event horizon pick vegetarian, the ones who need tons of status points pick vegan. This class in general sucks, and yeah, probably would be greatly improved by an Australian style solution.
The hippie woo woo girls are very often vegetarian or vegan and even if they are not they eat meat sparingly and it has to be like small farm cruelty free as prettymuch universally they view factory farming of animals as a very great evil (and its hard to argue with them on that).
Prog girls rarely are as far as I’ve seen but I can’t speak for them now I’ve had little interaction with any of them. There is no genuine soft hearted feminine compassion with prog chicks (quite the opposite) its all about signalling it, horrible horrible cunts.
> odder flavors of Christians
Who are you referring to? I only know that Mormons are supposed to eat meat very sparingly but the words of wisdom do not tell them to abstain altogether.
The internet is full of stories of formerly vegan fertile-age women who suddenly regained their sex drive after starting to eat meat again. The prog chicks Cominator is talking about are probably just on the pill, which can mess them up even more than veganism would.
Yes, but the vegan wxmyn are not so often hippie woo woo girls. You’re describing P(V | H), which is the inverse of the probability we’re interested in, P(H | V), and one is not derivable from the other.
Veganism is more frequently a status-seeking behavior than a strongly-held position against animal cruelty. Observe the PETA types who think nothing of euthanizing thousands of “captive” animals or setting them “free” into feral conditions where they live short miserable lives scavenging for scraps. In most cases, veganism is just another manifestation of leftism’s standard form, professing to care a great deal about people (or animals) very far away as moral cover for their murderous rage toward neighbors and acquaintances.
Most women are opposed to animal cruelty, nearly all women, and yet most women don’t let that bother them come dinnertime. Veganism, outside the culturally-enforced type in Hinduism et al, is a different matter entirely, and usually a signal of some latent evil; although in the case of women, many would drop it overnight if it simply ceased to be a high-status behavior in their roost.
“Yes, but the vegan wxmyn are not so often hippie woo woo girls.”
Most of the ones I’ve known have been. I know a vegan couple that aren’t hippies but they also aren’t leftists of any kind. I grew up in Massachussetts which was a leftist state and saw the militant prog movement rise from hell before my eyes.
A lot of Seventh Day Adventists are vegetarian. Like Hindus, they’re way less obnoxious about their vegetarianism than the classic SWPL status signaler.
This is a common refrain at any rate; our fried will speak of cominating ‘all leftists’ in an abstract sense; but whenever particular examples of the species in concrete come into focus such as this, all manner of exculpation, excusing, and exception making issues forth in stead…
My main standard would be to find out who voted for Biden and Kamala and they would take the helicopter trip…
I thought you were responding to something else. Hippie chicks might have voted Democrat for the last time with 2nd Obama election. They mostly don’t vote but they did not vote overall for Hillary Clinton, did not vote overall for Biden and in 2024 the few who voted for Trump (they didn’t really love Trump exactly but they did like RFK).
>My main standard would be to find out who voted for Biden and Kamala
This is what I mean by having an abstracted, intractable sense of ‘leftist’ or ‘leftism’.
If someone actually did cast a ballot for Kamala or Biden, I don’t think you could find a single one you would not be better off by killing.
But then what?
How do you find ‘leftists’ *after* you have killed everyone who voted Biden?
Ten years from now?
A hundred years from now?
After popular voting itself has been cast to the outer darkness?
When you notice trouble happening, how mark you the troublemakers? Start expanding the circle of relationship? Seven degrees of Joe Bacon? Execution of nine relations? Unto the third and fourth generations and so on? Doubtlessly you may get many anyways as a by-blow, simply due to overlapping sets; but never the less, ‘most number of ancestors registered democrat after 1900’ as an Original Sin definition of leftism is rather… contingent. And not applicable to anyone not in America regardless. The transition of sign into simulacrum; a signal with no reference to anything except itself.
This is an important question. And I’m interested in your answer.
If we spell out the rules too explicitly, leftists will find a way to subvert them.
And yet, if we cannot develop and mutually agree on a few basic principles of Commonsense Commie Control, then the cancer will grow back.
If leftism is a system, an original sin, a primal force of entropy, anything more insidious than a mere phenotype, then practical methods are needed to keep it at bay, unless we are to accept the cyclical rise and fall of civilizations as inevitable.
We have been around this merry go round many, many times. It always starts with hostile entryism into the state Church, or a counter faith against the state church. Or as with William Wilberforce’s “saints”, something of both.
Leftists have to organise to knock over an apple cart. They organise around a belief system that knocking over whichever applecart is currently in the sights is good and right. The official faith tells them to cut it out.
So they say “we are holier than you are, we adhere to the official religion better than the official religion does” — as for example the pharisees rightly calling out the cynicism and lack of belief of the sadducees. And the official religion is a mighty big apple cart.
So: You have to make sure that the priesthood of the official religion is composed of people that take it reasonably seriously, so a counter faith cannot get traction, and you are vigilant about heresy and entryism into the official church. This works. It always works, and anything else always fails — though attack from a hostile state faith backed by a hostile state (such as USAID engaging Woke evangelism in countries you could not find on a map, or Moloch worship entering Israel from its neighbors) is more common than internal leftist heresy.
Recapping American history: Before the war of Northern Aggression, each state of the union had its own official state Church, and the headquarters and primary seminary of the New England State Church was Harvard. After the war of Northern Aggression, the Union had one state Church, and its headquarters and primary seminary was Harvard.
And so it remains to this day.
Denial of elite theory by any intellectual type can be a firm rule to use for helicoptering motherfucker.
Benjamin Franklin thought of himself as British. Yes, he was born in America, and certainly some of his identity was that of an American, but his America was part of the British Empire. Franklin was a British subject.
By 1774, with dissatisfaction with British rule in America growing, Franklin, Postmaster of the Colonies and agent for the colony of Massachusetts, was in England, using his influence and writings to urge compromise between dissatisfied and distrustful Americans and the British government.
January 29, 1774, turned Franklin from a conciliator into a revolutionary.
On that day, Franklin appeared before the Privy Council supposedly to hear if the British government would approve a petition by Massachusetts to replace the current governor, Thomas Hutchinson, and lieutenant governor, Andrew Oliver. The two men had exchanged letters in which they floated ideas of how to control the agitation in Massachusetts, including the suggestion that some of their “English liberties” be curtailed. The letters came into Franklin’s possession—to this day it is not certain who gave them to him—who sent them to Thomas Cushing, speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly. Despite Franklin’s wish that the letters remain closely guarded, their content got out, further angering the colonists and spurring the recall petition.
Franklin appeared in the Cockpit, so named because cock fights occurred there during the reign of Henry VIII. Alexander Wedderburn, solicitor general, spoke for the government. Wedderburn was a competent, ambitious Scot who could bend with the political winds in the service of his king. It was said that he had “something about him which even treachery cannot trust,” that he was stiff and pompous in conversation, that he “seldom did anything without a reason.” His demeanor in public was usually cold and detached.
The meeting was well-attended by distinguished people, mostly sympathetic to the government’s position. Franklin had some distinguished supporters of his own, including Edmund Burke and Joseph Priestley.
Wedderburn spoke for over an hour, not about the merits of the petition but about the letters, Massachusetts, and Franklin’s character. “Private correspondence has hitherto been held sacred,” he bellowed. Franklin “has forfeited all the respect of societies and of men.” “He will henceforth call it a libel to be called a man of letters,” a pun on Franklin’s position as postmaster. Wedderburn declared, with a sly reference to Franklin’s experiments with electricity, that he “stands in the light of the first mover and prime conductor of this whole contrivance against his Majesty’s two Governors” and accused Franklin and the radical coterie in Massachusetts of spreading sedition.
Through it all, Franklin stood still, showing no emotion, “conspicuously erect, without the smallest movement of any part of his body,” his unchanging expression tranquil and placid. His dignity and forbearance made him the strongest presence in a room full of powerful men.
After the diatribe, Wedderburn declared that he was ready to examine the witness, Franklin replied that he did not chose to be examined. After the chamber was cleared of spectators, the Privy Council turned down the petition.
The attack on Franklin was almost too much for him to bear. But then he learned the next day that he had been removed as postmaster, he was furious. His character had been attacked, his work for conciliation ignored, his contributions to efficient government in the colonies dismissed. From then on, Franklin would work for American independence.
It was a long and fearsome struggle, with thousands of people making independence possible. Franklin did more than almost anyone to win the fight. He led the delegation that secured French money and arms and negotiated the Treaty of Alliance that brought the French military into the conflict. Without French assistance, it is very doubtful that America would have won independence.
We have Alexander Wedderburn, first earl of Rosslyn, to thank for it.
The record of history, of course, shows that Wedderburn’s compulsion to vituperation did worse than avail him nothing; it cost England her prize possession, and ultimately could may well be said to have helped doomed the empire and the world in general to such calamities in the centuries to come.
On paper, everything about the situation looks perfectly reactionary; a landed gentry working for a sovereign monarch apparently attacking demotist rebels. And yet, I would say our late earl was not ‘right wing’ at all. His desires for haranguing and backbiting others were entirely aimless, and had calamitous consequences for the social organism that played host for him; yet he could not help himself anyways. This, in essence, is a perfect example of what a leftish spirit looks like in embryo, especially in a time of right order.
One may take note of several key words even. “[…]could bend with the political winds in the service of his king. It was said that he had “something about him which even treachery cannot trust,” that he was stiff and pompous in conversation, that he “seldom did anything without a reason.” His demeanor in public was usually cold and detached.”
Can one not imagine a more typical profile of a mattoid social hacker?
(Cfr. https://theamericanscholar.org/solitude-and-leadership/)
Words like leftist and defective (defector, defection, defect on, et cetera) are largely synonymous. Where they differ in colloquial usage often concerns the matter of who/whom. Two sovereigns engaging in a war of princes with each other, or the warriors on the field at that, could, in some respect, be defined as engaging in defection vs each other. One common denominator of people named leftist though is that the defection is also almost always alloyed with pretense. A pretense that they are part of your in-group. A pretense that they are not even making war in the first place.
Much like the trinity of God, I think in cases like this you can approach the matter from multiple angles, each a section or slice of being, and each be a true expression, apropos and appropriate, adaptive in its sphere.
When a competitor innovates new, more effective ways of doing things, and the first reaction of a peer is to advocate for its outlawing rather than make use of it himself, that is leftism.
When someone gets caught in a scam, and the first reaction of a peer is to bureaucratize the whole process so everyone gets scammed, that is leftism.
When someone sees great power, and their first reaction is to conspire with rivals to cut it down, rather than ally with or emulate it, that is leftism.
When someone is perfectly willing to see harm and destruction everyone including themselves, if it means they can harm the objects of their spite in the process, that is leftism.
She is repeatedly asked who was running the show. She answers something like : “a bunch of high ranking advisors”. She never mentions Blinken and the rest of the neocons. And neither does the guy who interviews her. Right. Blinken didn’t exist.
She did not contribute any useful info, except for the already mentioned ‘well the Democrats’ ship seems to be sinking so may I please jump ship pretty please? Yes I am anorexic but I also have this miniest of minidresses.’
In the matter of ‘is she evil’, I’d offer that in order to get as high up in the temple of GAE as she got, a degree of evil is pretty much a necessity.
There was a little bit of useful info which is in line with Jim’s model. She said the Biden whitehouse wasn’t listening to the money leftists so much the queer activists and such were in the driver’s seat (which was why Biden’s regime was so consistently bad) its not what most normie political commenters thought. This might of been part of what pissed off Thermidor.
I don’t believe she didn’t do coke… I like thin women but she was thinner than Kate Moss and Karen Carpenter. Her diet was probably tonic water, cocaine and marlboro lights. It might have been her cocaine and not Hunter’s lol.
Vegans tend to be thin. And sickly.
One item of useful info — that the Biden whitehouse needed bribing with small boys, rather than suitcases of money, pissed off her donors, who defected to Trump.
The usual deal is that you make a large contribution, and in return you get an invite to whitehouse party where you have a little word with an important person. At gay orgies, they were a bit of out place.
Also, massive money leakage at every level, but we already knew that.
From here: https://x.com/amuse/status/1888310498036416643
This judge’s bogus ruling is clearly a deep state propaganda “chess move”. A setup they know will be rightfully ignored by the administration, giving the deep state and Leftist media “coup”/”autogolpe” propaganda fuel. It’s part of their color revolution playbook. We’ll see if the public buys it.
No one’s mind will be changed by this. This is cargo cult leftism- if you challenge your opponent, they blaze through, you make a big deal about it and nothing happens is a big signal you are the weak horse. But the people involved aren’t thinking that far- Trump is a status threat they have to quash and this has always worked in the past. They can’t see the spell is broken because that would be to admit they don’t have status.
It’s being characterized elsewhere as targeting Musk’s kids from DOGE, with Treasury Secretary below the fold. The former will actually play with the reddit left, and someone in the leftist bubble might falsely believe it will persuade centrists.
But either way, if it’s a setup they’re bad at it. You couldn’t ask for a better setup to ease the normie right and the men with guns into ignoring court orders than something not just legally indefensible but ridiculous on its face.
I’ve had this idea for a while that the left are neither far-seeing chess players nor knowing bluffers, but are in the position of a grown man or woman who explodes and throws temper tantrums because it’s always worked for them, no one has ever called them out and smacked them down. Someone commented in another thread to the effect of “they’re bluffing; they’ll crumble.” On reflection, they’re on course to crumble but they don’t think they’re bluffing either. “Always double down” has always worked for them, it’s all they know. The power of that tactic is it forces the other party to match their escalation all the way to physical force or discipline. Which we may finally see, but they’ve had generations that reinforced that negative learned behavior.
But also
Engelmayer, early life
Every time.
The left does not know their enemy and they do not know themselves. But they are beginning to learn.
Please follow the moderation policy and get white listed.
> I’ve had this idea for a while that the left are neither far-seeing chess players
> nor knowing bluffers, but are in the position of a grown man or woman who
> explodes and throws temper tantrums because it’s always worked for them,
> no one has ever called them out and smacked them down.
I think we have for some years been in a terminal stage of “governance fatigue” where hardly any official actually does anything besides collect a paycheck and outsource all actual work to contractors. A collection of inverts and Shaniquas who lack the energy to respond to anything out of the ordinary (up to and including natural disasters, actual military invasion, etc) and just repeat whatever rituals have worked in the past to keep the grift going, such as media hysteria and rulings by Fifth Circuit judges. In that sense I think they will continue to be helpless as Trump, having finally and definitively broken the spell, steamrolls them with one initiative after another, faster than they can even notice what is happening.
“You couldn’t ask for a better setup to ease the normie right and the men with guns into ignoring court orders…”
They’re already there. Everyone on Twitter is saying, “Just ignore it.”
Rain falls in the jungle, the sun shines on the desert, and this was simply going to happen. Some Jewish judge somewhere was going to rule that the President works for the executive branch. That’s it.
Everyone knows and everyone knew that this was going to happen.
I fear Musk isn’t willing to simply ignore the order – and it is only for a week, so maybe he’s making the calculation it isn’t worth the risk. There is also news that a Senator will introduce a bill next week to fully legitimize DOGE and dispel any remaining questions as to their authority.
This is both good and bad, it’s bad because it gives DOGE a way out that might require a long time and will drag on in congress, and many congresspeople would benefit greatly from DOGE not existing. It would be easier if not complying with the judge was the only option.
Perception of power is fundamental here, and they cannot lose momentum and start playing defense against democrats.
Hypothetically, Musk can do what he wants, and if he gets arrested, Trump can simply pardon him.
Just as the judge abused his power to try and sabotage the executive’s actions, Trump is justified in using his power to override the judiciary.
Theoretically, there is a due process in the government for dealing with this if Trump is truly “abusing” his power, which is to impeach him. Given they would need a two thirds majority in the Senate to convict Trump, that is never going to work, of course.
However, from the outside, it’s easy to make it look like Trump is the one “breaking the law” and not the judge overstepping his authority. This could give leftists more fuel and some fake legitimacy in the eyes of their own. It’s fairly dicey, but things are still in our favour.
It’s interesting to note how useless Congress is. Theoretically, they should be able to pass laws to make DOGE’s position unambiguous and eliminate any doubts that they can do what they can do. However, without a very strong Republican majority, and without sufficient loyalty from congressmen, it’s quite possible they won’t be able to get anything through.
On the other hand, when it comes to *stopping* Trump, the same applies, and if they wanted to impeach and then convict him, they’d find it even harder.
Look I asked my old centrist national review cuckservative buddy about his opinion on shutting down USAid and he said clearly they were an awful org which needed to die. Trump has public opinion with him (more important in a monarchy than a republic) on this so now they need to keep going… twatter sentiment is fully behind DOGE doing to the federal bureaucracy doing what Henry VIII did to the monasteries given all the shit they’ve found. Damn the torpedoes we can’t stop the blitzkrieg.
“I fear Musk isn’t willing to simply ignore the order – and it is only for a week, so maybe he’s making the calculation it isn’t worth the risk.”
Definitely bad. The minor point is that if the DOGE pauses for a week in running through the Treasury’s computers, the bad guys have plenty of time to destroy the evidence.
The major, important point is that complying with the order constitutes bowing down and conceding that “law” is defined as “anything that a judge says.” This is ridiculous. A judge just “ruled” that the Secretary of the Treasury is not allowed to access Treasury information. It’s absurd on its face. There is never going to be a better case for pointing out that a judge’s “ruling” is unlawful, and simply ignoring it. If anyone connected to the Trump Admin is reading this, what the fuck are you waiting for? When are you ever going to have a better case to make to Normie than, “The judge said the Treasury Secretary is not allowed to know what the Treasury is doing.” Enough. Just ignore it and keep plowing.
I mean, as if Normie, of all people, is going to rise up and violently oppose Trump for ignoring this ridiculous judicial order. Normie didn’t violently rise up when trannies were molesting little girls in women’s bathrooms. He didn’t rise up when tens of millions of hostile foreigners were invited over his borders into his country. He didn’t rise up when those foreigners formed gangs and kicked Americans out of their own apartment buildings. Is Trump seriously worried that Normie is going to rise up when the good guys act to stop all this crap? WTF?
>no one in reality believe the courts. but you shouldn’t be seen openly defying it.
Nonsense. It would be met with wild cheers and partying in the streets. Again, look at the commentary on X about this.
Even the word “defying” is a little bit tendentious here. As if the judge actually had the authority to tell the Treas Sec., “I forbid you to do your job.”
>“the republic” ,” law and order ” are still strong with normies and the military.”
Normie is a non-factor, and the guys at the pointy end of the spear don’t think the definition of “law” and “constitution” is “anything that a judge says.”
Again, in the optimistic assumption that anyone connected to the Trump Administration is reading this:
This may be rhetorically helpful for people in the Admin when ignoring lawless judicial “rulings”:
In the military soldiers must obey “lawful orders.” No one is obligated to obey an unlawful order… or an unlawful ruling from a judge.
the courts is now the biggest hurdle.
no one in reality believe the courts. but you shouldn’t be seen openly defying it.
“the republic” ,” law and order ” are still strong with normies and the military.
Elon should comply while not comply.
Something is going down in the UK… GCHQ having problems…
I allowed this through because more relevant, important and newsworthy than the rest of the Thermidoran shill posts, but you are still on moderation, and will remain so till you comply with the moderation policy.
When I let one Thermidorean shill post through, I immediately get more, which I silently delete. If you guys are chomping on the bit to post, follow the moderation policy.
Pure Unadulterated Win:
[*Thermidorean shill content deleted, even though a lot of it was good*]
Please follow the moderation policy and get white listed.
Are you ready to admit that Lightning Network is a Crime, a Fraud, a Lie, a Failure of Epic Proportions whose hobbled semantics will completely meltdown once “usage” gets into the 50M-1B range. Will you admit that, or will you continue shillpropping that garbage.
I cannot wait for that day that all you shillprops are proven wrong.
The lightning network can handle millions of transactions per second. The limitation is channel creation and teardown. But taproot makes possible a fix that considerably alleviates that problem. Well, actually it was always possible, but taproot makes it inexpensive.
Lightning is hitting the channel creation and teardown limit. There are several plans afoot to considerably alleviate this limit, allowing it to expand several fold. Which is still way short of the fifty million — one billion range.
But there are plans, still a gleam in the eye of developers, for level twos that can handle billions of tps. To bring these plans to fruition, we need a dex that couples the different level twos. Which requires certain software infrastucture that does not yet exist. I am not working on such level two, nor the dexes that we will need to link all level twos, but I am working on something that will make such dexes possible, easy, and profitable to implement.
Ok so I have closely read your statement and you admit in weasly roundabout fashion that Lightning is garbage.
Further, you admit in sideways fashion that an “L2” that requires a DEX to get into and out of is not actually an L2 (it is more like a psuedo-L1), that LN is not actually spending/settling L1-BTC but is an Abacus mess of lockups, a bolt-on to a thing (BTC) that was never designed aforesight for bolt-ons, thus crippling to all real L2s.
Therefore I’ve decided that, even though you are weasly face-saver in your admission that LN is junk, I will accept your admission.
I also grant you this pass because you seem to be future/acc oriented.
This brings another past wicket that few admit… that SegWit was done at behest of LN crowd, as an impulsive yet poor “See we’re doing something” choice. Self-preservation interests are Corrupting, therefore one can never trust The Plan… only formal verification and competition.
I am currently looking into the various DAG/ZK/other spaces, primarily to see what they are proposing/hiding about any of their L1 limitations, and about their capabilities/lack for real privacy. I may speak on any such findings in 6-9 months or so. Especially if less hiding/lack is found that in the BTC space.
I confess that I am not yet sure if “PoW” is the only possible mechanism for a global cryptocurrency.
What are your thoughts on “PoW” versus any other or an as-yet-undiscovered mechanism?
I admire that you accept that a universal DEX protocol API needs to be developed so that all L1’s can speak it. However of course that also means that today’s L1’s will be forced to add that API if they expect to interoperate with the future, and without a MITM.
I liked Bitcoin, before it started hitting walls.
I see “Plans” as yet more walls, from wall builders, building walls, to prop-up and protect invalid “Plans”.
I don’t like Walls or Plans.
Every first wall/plan ever hit in history has been smashed by those executing actually present and viable Plans, until the next, until the next, until…
I have bags at stake.
Go ahead, fork-preserve the UTXO’s.
And there’s always CEX, DEX, OTC, dark pools, if need be, and massive early buy-in opportunities, even ETFs will appear.
No one should be maintaining any Faux Walls and Props for fear of bag preservation… that’s legacy thinking.
Legacy thinking does naught but ensure a crippled legacy.
These crypto shills are every inch as annoying as the leftist shills. Constitutionally incapable of saying “I believe X”, it’s always “you believe X”, “you’re really saying X”, etc.
If you were Serious, you’d make like Normie and simply divest of any crypto holdings you have and not bother to acquire any more. But since you can never shut up about it, I’ll take that as your admission that you’ve been trying and failing to make a quick buck off the latest shitcoin scam and are salty as ever that Bitcoin is still dominant.
Yes, always argument from false consensus.
Lightning makes Bitcoin useful for transactions that need to be immediate, giving it a huge network advantage over all the scamcoins. That is why the scam coiners are always saying stupid stuff about lightning.
Ether had its time in the sun because it had contracts and Bitcoin did not, but now that Bitcoin has contracts and lightning, Ether is now just another scamcoin. It will go to zero like all the others.
If you want to introduce yet another coin, which I do, it has to be either a level two on top of Bitcoin, or a dao coin. And daos are tiptoeing around the Howey test, which prevents them from being an adequate structure for the corporate form, which prevents their dao coins from being an adequate substitute for regular shares in a regular business. For dao coins to succeed, we have to make daos into sovcorps.
A corporation derives its existence from the books. Dao’s do not exactly have books (because if they did, they would fail the Howey test, and government would be onto them like a dingo on a baby.) So a precondition for genuinely successful daos is software that gives the capacity to survive even if the government is after them.
The action that is coming up is going to be a dex that provides an environment for exchange between the different level two bitcoins, and the fiat denominated stablecoins. And within such a dex, the first daos that can function as real corporations will exist.
[*scamcoin payload deleted*]
You scammers are always your own biggest victims.
Buy Bitcoin on the dip, and hold it all the way up and all the way down.
The most recent buying opportunities were the dip to 16000, and the dip to $54000. Both of which I called. On gab, someone else called $95000.
You also want some monero and litecoin for privacy reason, lightning for fast transactions, and a certain limited amount of privacy, depending on circumstances.
[*deleted*]I make trend plays in the markets.[*deleted*]
And the long term trend is all shitcoins go to zero, while Bitcoin goes up, and up, and up.
You guys think Bitcoin is a scam because you are grossly ignorant of cryptocurrency, and are forever trying to repeat the scam. The fact that you are trying to repeat it reveals you are out of your depth.
Dao coins can work, same as shares in a regular company, they can work if the underlying business is profitable — Bisq and Rune, for example. But because of the Howey test, it is hard for outside investors to know if the underlying business is well run and profitable. We need to give effect to strongly pseudonymous daos, sovereign corporations. Then the Dao coin market will take off.
Monero owns the privacy niche, so it is not going to zero.
But if a coin is a direct competitor for Bitcoin, network effect applies. Metcalfe’s law. There can only be one. If Bitcoin were to implement Litecoin’s Hogex, which it should, but will not, Monero too would go to zero.
If someone, perhaps me, though Grail and Penumbra is way ahead of me, implements a level two on top of Bitcoin that does what Monero does, Monero is going to zero. But it is safe for now.
Your questions and assertions reveal incomprehension of crypto currency in general and lightning in particular so complete as to make conversation pointless.
The flaws you point out in Bitcoin are real, though you don’t comprehend them. But all your shitcoins have the same flaws, and do not have the same workarounds.
You argument is that the workarounds suck, and are inadequate. Which is perfectly true. But your shitcoins have no workarounds, and work continues with good prospect for improving these workarounds. With grail, full scalability is in sight.
Allowing this shill post from a yet another crypto scammer through because people have been asking me what shills are still going.
With USAID nailed and the FBI trembling in terror, it looks like the shill problem may be much alleviated.
But before government got into the act, it was the green card lawyers and the young earth creationists. Government got shilling not long after the greencard lawyers, and they are probably never going to stop.
Further large language models will enable shilling that better simulates interactivity. It does not seem to be applied effectively yet, but when it starts, going to be an even bigger problem.
In the “shill community,” I suspect this blog is spoken of in hushed tones. It’s their Mount Everest, their K2. Retired, grizzled old shills, sitting around at their cups, say “We could derail any discussion on any right-wing blog… with one exception. Argh, it was a Blog called Jim, and we threw everything we had at it. We tried Boomer notions that had made sense 60 years before, like anti-Russian instincts left over from the Cold War. We tried provoking abstruse religious arguments that most people had never heard of. We tried sneaking our payloads in as unspoken assumptions instead of arguing for them explicitly. We tried using reasonable concerns about Islam as an excuse for unnecessary wars on the other side of the planet. To camouflage ourselves we tried harshing non-whites; we tried harshing women; we tried harshing jews. We tried unrelenting black pilling to demoralize them. We tried accusing the host of ‘censorship’ to manipulate him into letting down his defenses. When all that failed we tried just stirring up shit to derail things, with insults, false statements about who said what, and blasts of links as a snowstorm of chaff…
None of it worked.”
(Sobs, takes a gulp of beer.) “None of it worked! The problem was that his shibboleth was TRUTH. How do you get around that, man? How? HOW?!
Maybe some day someone will figure out a way around that, but it hasn’t happened yet.” (Sighs, hangs head morosely.)
(If I had more patience and vidya editing skeeels I’d do one of those Hitler-in-the-bunker things.)
The Jews spit on your Churches [*deleted for strange inability to notice Church burnings conducted by white liberals*]
Which burnings and vandalism occurred under FBI protection — the FBI failed to investigate the incidents, but did investigate anyone trying to address or prevent them.
Confirmed, Trump administration is ignoring court orders at least in regards to the work of DOGE. They aren’t being loud and public about it (other than one tweet by Vance) about it but they aren’t following them.
A good start, but it needs to become open with time. The men with guns and the broader public will side with him in ignoring a lawless judiciary.
For now its best to keep it as quiet as possible, we still have confirmation votes going through. But yes be more and more loud about it in the future.
We no longer need to be quiet, because the Democrats are screaming from the rooftops. “What Musk is doing is illegal”
Yes it is illegal. But those laws, and the actions of the federal government, and the judiciary are violation of Article 1, Section 9 of the constitution:
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
Most treasury payments lack any identifying information. There is simply no way of knowing if they are going to a congressman’s catamite. The information needed to detect waste, fraud, and abuse has to be available not just to two Musk employees, not just to Musk, not just to Trump, but to everyone.
The men with guns are sworn to uphold the constitution. Time to uphold it.
They are ignoring at least one blatantly illegal ruling, a good sign.
Its obvious they have been ignoring everything except the birthright citizen order because nothing that DOGE has shutdown has resumed its operations or gotten their money or computer access back. I think the suspended employees are still collecting paychecks for now but thats it.
Birthright citizenship will definitely be a tougher nut to crack because there isn’t one building they can bust into and shut it down; it’s thousands of offices all over the country that will just keeping handing out the papers and entering the baby names into the government databases.
Then again, the OPM/OMB raid has been quite eye-opening, and makes me wonder just how well distributed the operation really is. Perhaps all it would take is a few pro-Trump or pro-Thermidor USCIS employees sending up a few lists of names of agents “complying” with the “court order”, and the rest would mysteriously vanish after a few high-profile terminations, or high-profile shutdowns of a few branch offices where the practice is actively encouraged.
The DOGE is digitizing and standardizing all these processes, to make them more orbservable and controllable. Everything leaves an information trail, I would be more worried about the will than the means, because the means exist.
I’m not so sure. DOGE does not specifically need treasury data to do its work, they have many other sources, and that’s the only thing that got blocked.
My impression following what Musk is saying and what they are doing, is that they’re simply able to operate despite the restrictions rather than ignoring them.
The judge’s impression is that they are simply ignoring him.
Musk and Trump are surely perceptive enough and experienced enough at this point to know that if they give up ground in one area, it will not stop there. Another judge will rule that the Secretary of Energy is not allowed to access energy data. A third will rule that the Secretary of Labor cannot access employment data. More will declare that the Secretaries of Transportation, Education and HHS cannot access transportation, education, or health data. And very soon they will not be able to “operate despite the restrictions”, as in Trump 1.0.
Not saying this will happen, only that it would happen if DOGE/Thermidor/Trump 2.0 allowed it, which I doubt they intend to do. They have finally learned, or so it would appear to us.
When your enemy is routed and in retreat, you slaughter every one in sight. This is not the time for mercy nor hesitation.
Kayne made an amusing channel at https://t.me/yewestmusic after being banned by X
If he gets banned from telegram, wants to hire coders to code his own app, with a swastika as the logo
He’s definitely amusing but hes just a schizo nigger off his meds. The only difference between him and a corner schizo nigger is a few hundred million dollars.
I knew he was just batshit back when he appeared on Alex Jones in that stupid fucking hood.
With the USAid funding down I see a lot of random thoughtcrimes being discussed on twatter. A woman posted a thread saying everyone should admit its natural for men to like teen pussy. Another long wordy post about how all the hetero aids propaganda was almost total bullshit (and later in the thread that it came from Fauci). Seems like the wall of bullshit around a lot of things is crumbling.
Every day we inch closer to the woman question, if for no other reason than that man’s survival is at stake.
Can’t have coverture for mohammad and have everyone pretend they don’t see it working out for him.
Yeah a lot of discussion of that meme (supposedly made by a woman btw) too and widespread agreement except for a small minority of harpies. Most women seem like (in the absence of the USAid microphone) they are tired of all the bullshit too. Maybe they’ll start admitting if they want to meet guys they should dress up and go out in public more too rather than hoping that chad will be interested them in if they spend enough time on tinder (or is that too much to hope for)…
Empirically, it isn’t working so well for mohammad right now. Whether in muslim nations or in immigrant ghettoes, you’re seeing a rapid fall in muslim tfr as well.
Jimianity showing up on X

The hilarious thing is it’s a woman who made it at least supposedly…
Seems obvious to me that a woman did make it. A based man doing this meme is going to do it in a noticeably different manner than a based woman. The woman’s romance depicted is, for women, hotter and more porno that the male romance depicted is for males. If a male, the other way around.
Here’s another one she did, she’s genuinely pretty funny and Jimian…
Women-made erotic material always has this combination of “I intend to murder you but only because I love you”.
The cartoon at Cominator’s second link refers to forced pregnancy as a category of female-written “romance.” Google instantly turns up infinity results; here are just three of them:
1. Proof, as if any were needed, of an exchange between Aidan and some chick on Twitter years ago (from memory):
Chick: What’s so great about repealing Roe v. Wade? And don’t give me any of that Handmaid’s Tale crap because that sucks moose cock.
Aidan: Handmaid’s Tale is wank porn for girls. We’re going to make it look like a micro-aggression.
2. Evo psych on display in flashing brilliant neon, everywhere. E.g. the third link, in which the fantasy is that a woman is forced to bear the child of a mafia don, i.e. a powerful, dangerous man. Cf. Jim, “Both fantasies are reflections of the typical ancestral environment of successful reproduction. Male having secure and permanent ownership of a harem, woman escaping from defect/defect.”
1. Indeed, the clear majority of my sex fantasies have me with a securely-owned harem of hot young women.
2. The very existence of the tag “forced pregnancy” may compel me to revive the Red Pill in Fiction series. It never officially died, but I got jaded and bored with the estrogen-infused cheese for a while there. I can literally feel my enthusiasm coming back…
One reason for the decline in the use of “the pill” among the small remnant of extremely slutty women is perhaps because once the novelty of the idea of sex without risk wore off they actually found the prospect of sex without pregnancy risk boring. Full service strippers (and though they all are crazy in some way not all of them are dumb) almost never use it.
Note that both fantasies are reflections of the typical ancestral environment of successful reproduction. Male having secure and permanent ownership of a harem, woman escaping from defect/defect.
Note that female fantasy is pornier than the male, reflecting who wrote it.
My generation mostly knows this, thanks to the internet.
The average tiktok zoomer knows what kinds of “romance” books women read, and it’s become common knowledge, to the point where it has basically morphed into a stereotype.
Note that when I say “average tiktok zoomer” I do mean this quite literally.
It is frequently the subject of jokes on comments on tiktok.
Ever since the buyout they’ve been using twitter as a place to learn public opinion and focus group, and it’s had the effect of ideologically turning all the people involved.
There’s enough smarties posting the truth on the WQ there that I am sure many in the upper levels of power are now aware of our memes. JD Vance I am sure knows our memes.
The takeover is not yet complete, and the coalition is still rather weak. There’s still a while to go before anything is said, to avoid rocking the boat too much, but I expect after the many colors of the hueman rainbow are fired for incompetence, women will be next, that seems possible even with the fragile coalition. Coverture still a long ways away, but if Vance knows the solution to the crisis, soon enough everyone capable of the slightest crimethought will know the solution to the crisis.
In fact, Jim, if you ever find a moment of boredom, it may be worth your time to post there just for this reason. The overton window is shifting quickly, I would argue it basically no longer exists, and Musk regularly reposts people with our positions, and I’ve even seen him repost radical policy proposals, from pseudonymous men that are clearly familiar with how policy is constructed, how the sausage is made. They are getting better every day at finding signal in the noise, and you are rather high signal.
More based shit on random topics people don’t normally talk about… suburban life tends to be alienating and demoralizing because they aren’t like a village a city neighborhood or a family farm but more like a refugee camp for whites driven out of cities that used to not at one time not suck.
Like a fucking knife that guy. One more for the titanium engraving to be left on the moon:
“‘Suburbs’ are refugee camps for whites who were ethnically cleansed from cities.
“They lack ‘walkability’ because that is a barrier to the same ethnic groups that removed whites from the cities to begin with.
“Suburbs lacking ‘walkability’ is the cost, and the lack of murders is the feature.”
Shemite line of Noah is incomplete and unidentifiable today, and the languages are many, so “anti-Semite” is a non-thing.
Anti-Jew is a tricky because then you’d have to define which sect[s] of Jews you’re talking about as even being entitled to the word “Jew”.
Anti-Jewry is probably a better catch-all term. Of course then you’d have to define the list of disliked activities.
JD Vance and the other tradcaths its time…
Pope Francis says:
Really? Something something the devil can quote scripture…
If Exodus is really so applicable to our current situation, one can’t help but wonder what happened to those who originally lived in the land the Israelites conquered. What happened to the inhabitants of Jericho? Did the ‘infinite and transcendent dignity’ also count for those whom God ordered slaughtered because he did not want them mixing and intermarrying with the Jews?
It’s an evil analogy, in which the Christians in America are compared with heathens deserving death, and the immigrants, all of them, no matter how many of them, are God’s chosen ones.
Damn good point Alf if he compares migrants to the US to jews going to the promised land we must consider what happened to the original inhabitants of the promised land in the bible…
Motivated and plan-trusting pattern-matching on my part, at least somewhat, but here our facefagging buddy Chris Rufo edges surprisingly close to “leftism as dying religion, because low on apple carts”:
“The Left is spiritually stuck in 1963. Their entire politics is a reenactment. Boomer libs want to live in an endless loop of the civil rights era, but America has moved on and we do not need to indulge their fantasy of permanent adolescent rebellion.”
Republicans are socially leftist because [*deleted because you are out of touch with actual mainstream Republicanism, let alone alt right rightism*]
Yes, you have a valid point about Republican leftism.
But it is early days yet in the preference cascade. We may soon be seeing Havel’s Greengrocer discover what he really thinks.
How is there a “preference cascade” when it’s a dead baby? [*deleted*]
I have often remarked that if we were throwing gays off high buildings, the crowd would be cheering before they hit the ground.
Deep red states are valuable for exposing how Republicans actually feel about issues. [*deleted*]
No one is saying this, Jim. They are saying an excessively universalist faith is just as meaningless and incohesive; essentially like a republic, it leads to abuse in a similar manner, and fighting within in a similar manner, and eventual watering down of the faith, in a similar manner.
I’m not sure anyone disagrees with either the need to prevent excessive outbreeding, or the need of a non-material, not purely biological convenience, means of reaching coordination and cohesion. The discussion seems to be moreso debate on tactics, on extent of the measures required to actually create a nation, a people. Whites may be wolf to whites without common cause and faith, we shouldn’t have an Englishman as wolf to Englishman, but we shouldn’t also decide there’s no such thing as an Englishman it’s all a
socialreligious construct to be constructed however we decide.I’m definitely in the camp that we need strong biological filters if we want to have anything resembling a nation, a people, let alone a great nation, a talented people. I care less about selecting exclusively for WASPs or whiteness, except that we should have a much better understanding of heritage and traits before we let in more foreigners than you could count on one man’s fingers. We need time now to cultivate the good and exclude the bad, and so much bad has been let in and so much bad has been allowed to multiply and proliferate within, we need a lot of exclusion. I am not sure actually that we even could make an American nation once again, no matter how devout we decide to become at the state level, but its worth trying. It’s advisable that readers here consider building families and organizations carefully and deliberately, with an eye towards eventually forming a people once again.
Everyone who wants to return to a white America, or a truly white America, is saying this. That our incohesion is caused by mind rays generated by Jews.
Whites are better than any other race at cohesion, and Aryans better than other whites. Also, inherently more capable of cohering in smaller white or aryan groups to destroy other white or aryan groups. Organised leftism is as aryan as apple pie is American. The Jews would have never come up with it on their own. Never be so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.
Organising in big loose coalitions to maintain peace, stability, and order, such as the Holy Roman Empire or the Concert of Europe, which was an active organisation for maintaining and enforcing the Peace of Westphalia, is also as aryan as apple pie is American, just as aryan as organising big, but considerably smaller, tighter, coalitions to rob your neighbors. We are exceptionally good at being good, and even better at being bad.
Just as there are continuums of familiar relationship, so too are their continuums of coordination.
The garage owner may not own the factory making the spare part he needs, but that does not stop him rom doing business with them either. The Kaiser did not administrate Russia, nor the Czar Prussia, but the ascendancy of Europe in general depended on a tendency to avoid destroying each other before looking further afield winning out on balance; and likewise, the descendancy of Europe deriving from running afoul of this tendency instead.
Otto the bus driver needs a new sign:
“Never become so antisemitic that you forget white liberals are the worst people in the world.”
I always grumbled about how Tucker ducked the JQ on his TV shows, but now he’s repping the WLP on blast and it’s fucking glorious.
Even though I passed the meme on to here myself because it was a funny reply to a convo at the time, I don’t, using more precise terminology, think white liberals are the worst people in the world.
I think they are the world’s most *effective* evil-doers, due to having comparatively greater virtue than other species’ traitorious types – you hardly even hear about the worst people in the world because they otherwise fail or fall short in their efforts – and at the same rate, their own particular forms of leftism are naturally more particularly adapted to their neighbors, who themselves have greater virtues than many species, and can thus likewise effect much greater damage through them in the time between a leftist order usurping sovereignty and before it imploding.
OK, but “worst people in the world” is funnier, more memorable, and more viral, especially in the context of “anti semitism”.
A major reason the left is now falling apart is that leftists have been robbing everyone including each other — thus for example the Kamala Harris campaign was robbed blind, as was USAID. This is because internal trust and cohesion collapsed under the impact of systematically dei promoting browns and blacks.
Is the leftist that robs us and Kamala Harris worse than the leftist that robs us, but not Kamala Harris? A worse human being surely, but a considerably less dangerous enemy.
It’s debatable which group is worse.
White leftists are worse people because:
-all leftists are traitors to humanity, but white leftists are race traitors as well, and a traitor is worse than an enemy
-more leftists per capita (1.00) compared to Jews
-they (usually) have more exposure to healthy culture during childhood, so have less excuse for adopting insane beliefs
-technically Jews might actually be aliens/demons/etc. instead of people, in which case white leftists win by default
-they are more unwittingly evil
Jews are worse people because:
-they are less openly traitorous- hidden traitors are worse than open ones
-white leftists are a necessary evil whereas Jews aren’t necessary
-white leftists are easier to deprogram than Jewish ones
-they can’t have white children
-they are more knowingly evil
Either way, in an ideal society the majority of both groups would be converted into fertilizer, biofuel, or some other useful substance.
This is an argument for giving Blinken, Nuland, Kagan, and the rest helicopter rides. It is not an argument for giving the bagel shop owner a helicopter ride.
Yes, but that’s also why I’m really starting to regret now digging it back up from the ground when it could have been left there, because of that insidiousness…
For that matter there is a double issue for rectification of names; ‘racism’ is about accurate perception of qualities in life-forms and the implications thereof; so ‘getting so accurate you lose accuracy’ is contrary in spirit.
I should note that Nick land coined the phrase himself originally – or at least was the foremost to publicize it – so while it is pithy rhetoric it is of course also subtly off-kilter in subversiveness; so close, yet all the more perilous for it.
“I don’t, using more precise terminology, think white liberals are the worst people in the world.”
Why not??? The tribalists of outgroups at least doesn’t hate his own kind. The white progressive wants the whole world to die (after suffering) as a kind of revenge against God for the crime of his having been subjected to the harsh reality of a material incarnation.
Lets go through this
White leftists are worse people because:
-all leftists are traitors to humanity, but white leftists are race traitors as well, and a traitor is worse than an enemy
Yes. White leftists are purely hateful and evil generally as well than ethnic leftists of any kind.
-more white leftists per capita compared to Jews
-they (usually) have more exposure to healthy culture during childhood, so have less excuse for adopting insane beliefs
Yeah you didn’t grow up around Jews I did. Jews tend to get far more exposed to old fashioned high culture than the average person. The problem is the average jew also gets a triple dose of indoctrination to left wing ideas. Reform jewish education apparently includes a lot of what I would consider communist propaganda at a young age. This is the essence of the jewish problem not that they are innately biologically le bad.
-technically Jews might actually be aliens/demons/etc. instead of people, in which case white leftists win by default
This is that wignat nonsense again. There are jews who are very very nice generous people on a personal level.
Jews are worse people because:
-they are less openly traitorous- hidden traitors are worse than open ones
Jewish leftists tend to be very loud about it.
-white leftists are a necessary evil whereas Jews aren’t necessary
No leftists are necessary.
-white leftists are easier to deprogram than Jewish ones
Deprogramming in all cases of leftists who are not very pretty young women or have exceedingly rare high level technical skills should be a bullet.
-they can’t have white children
Biologically they are just kind of meds with some slav mixed in.
-they are more knowingly evil
Debatable who is more knowingly evil. David Horowitz when he was a huge leftists was so deluded he did not think he was evil. Jewish leftists as I said are actually brainwashed at an earlier age than almost anyone.
The big debate is not what to do with jewish leftists (all leftists have to go) but what to do with the non leftist jews.
Traitors are the worst people in the world, and skypes like many ‘middle-man minorities’ across history are particularly selected for disproportionate rates of traitoriousness, which they suffer from as much as anyone else does.
The same dynamics that produce leftish men in general throughout the cycles of civilization, in special microcosm.
Hold that thought, because here we have Jen Psaki complaining to John Leibowitz that left-wingers don’t coordinate with and support each other enough:
I’m like what.
This is so wild, because I thought singing from the same hymnal is all these motherfuckers ever did. That’s what a priesthood is. But these two having this complaint suddenly supports what you guys are saying here now, that the left has lost its cohesion.
In very recent memory, the left was so cohesive they were like a mountain range, the base fabric of existence itself, and it was the right who were a chaotic nest of backstabbing grifters. Wild, man.
Wars are won by the side that screws up the least.
Screwing things up is easy, not screwing things up is hard.
For example, very worth noting that the two ‘right-wing ecosystem’ examples she mentions would not even have been considered right-wing a year ago. (Jon Stewart is wrong in saying that they’re not right-wing. Sure, they aren’t Charlie Kirk, but they are definitely Havel’s greengrocers, and the greengrocer signs have recently changed.)
Why is Joe Rogan now “right wing”?
He wanted to have both Trump and Kamala Harris on his channel, one after the other, because that would have been huge. Trump just wandered in and they shot the breeze, chatting about whatever came up, like two normal people having a normal conversation. Well, two normal people both of whom are very good at carrying on a conversation. The Kamala Harris campaign wanted total control, and because Joe Rogan very much wanted both of them in rapid succession so much, he was willing to give the Harris campaign total control, but because they just did not trust him, no promise of total control was enough. They wanted Joe Rogan in their studio so that they would have physical control. They did not want Joe Rogan’s people in physical control.
All the sudden flood of new arrivals on the Trump train remark on how comparatively friendly, relaxed, and welcoming the right is. The left was held together by power and money, and with power and money suddenly turning off, they are at each other’s throats. The left hate everyone, including themselves.
Of course the Trump train does insist on one thing. Trump is in charge. But the one thing that actually matters is that there is someone identifiable in charge, and that that someone is reasonably competent.
I would have thought you would have referred to Joe Rogan as a Thermidorean.
Paul Rogan is not really political. He was leftist because everyone was leftist, liked Trump because Trump is a nice guy, was officially ejected from the left for being an actual human rather than a robotic tight assed non player character.
> The big debate is not what to do with jewish leftists (all leftists have to go) but what to do with the non leftist jews.
Never be so right-wing that you forget that leftism is not the only sin.
At the end of the day, the vast majority of Jews, left or right, are the end result of a millennia-long exclusionary, sociopathic, supremacist tradition which is antithetical to not only Christianity but to civilized society in general. There is a reason Jews have never been truly self-sufficient- their religion is anti-social at its core and mandates that there be an “other” (after all, if everyone is chosen, then no one is).
It is possible to be an ethical ethnic Jew, but it necessitates such a huge rejection of one’s own ethnic culture that most Jewish apostates end up having the traitorous predisposition that lends itself to leftism, which is why most secular Jews are far-left.
You claim to have grown up around Jews- how could you tolerate being around people whose religion treats you condescendingly at best and subhuman at worst? Or were they just good at hiding it?
Any jew not wearing a funny small hat, and probably most of them too, has no idea the actual contents of their religion. They are jewish the same way the 1/16 4th gen pole guy with a polish last name is polish– not really and just grabbing any identity that isn’t pure white american to avoid the social cudgel.
What is actually annoying about being around jews is the constant anxiety and passive aggressive way of interacting socially, with a heaping dash of social striver shitlibism. They really do oy vey at everything. You need to stop consuming so many of those stupid infographics the feds put out, because you are clearly detached from how jews actually behave when you meet them, the vast majority are just overanxious annoying shitlibs.
The reform ones get massive shitlib commie indoctrination and they sort of learn Hebrew but they aren’t really taught any religion nor are they taught jewish racial supremacy they are taught that racism is le bad. If you’re going to be anti semitic any anti semite who mentions this group and talks about the Talmud really really really doesn’t know shit. The problem with reform jews is “Tikkum Olam” not the Talmud. The ones who are smart enough to resist the programming and realize its a bunch of horseshit tend to actually be really good guys.
The Orthodox get some religious education and use the Talmud I guess (I don’t know they mostly keep to themselves I don’t know to what extent the ordinary Orthodox is taught vs the Rabbinate) and certainly believe in their in group supremacy someday when the messiah comes but they also don’t staff elite institutions and tend to vote Republican.
I argued that organised leftism is the problem, and that organised leftism is as Aryan as apple pie is American, that the Jews did not come up with it, and would not have come up with it. Their thing is legalism, and woke is not legalistic. It is a cancer of clearly Christian origin. No Jew is woke and orthodox. If he is orthodox and totally gay, as a lot of them are, still not woke. His faith still leads him give us a pain in the ass, but it is a different pain. The Jews joined up belatedly, and if a Jew sincerely believes in work, he is a converso, he no longer believes in Judaism, and is no longer cohesive with other Jews.
And you repetitiously sail right ahead assuming the opposite. You can argue the opposite, but if you go right ahead assuming the opposite, this thread is going to go on forever and waste far too much space, with the same assertions being posted over and over, and the same rebuttals posted over and over.
Replying to Jim
>woke is not legalistic. It is a cancer of clearly Christian origin.
So woke is clearly of christian origin – and christianity is clearly of jew origin.
>No Jew is woke and orthodox.
Because (I assume) orthodox jews stick to old traditions, which is fine. As long as those traditions don’t include the idea that jews are the supreme race chosen to rule the world…And they are free to believe that I guess, as long as they don’t put the idea into practice.
>organised leftism is as Aryan as apple pie is American
I think you’re overmaking the case with this one Jim. What was Maoist China, if not organized leftism? Whither shall we name the intrigues of the eunuchs, that saw the end of so many dynasties, if not organized leftism? When Suharto Physically Removed and Separated a cool milly in ‘donesia, who exactly was it that were being cominated? When Sulla drew up his Proscriptions and Checked It Twice, why were people making it on the list? When the Assyrians and Egyptians survived the bronze age collapse, how come everyone else didn’t? When sons of the sky father rode down from hyperborea in their chariots and btfoed the longhouse dwellers, how come they were they so weak in the first place?
For more advanced forms of civilization to go wrong, you need more advanced forms of parasitism. It so happens that many aryan societies tended to be the most advanced civilizations around, and so in case they went boink, it would naturally tend to involve particularly insidious orderings for the production of disorder. That is not to say though that the same inclinations, qualities, or behaviors that typified such men did not in essence exist in any others – just that often times, the others wouldn’t capable of such opportunities in the first place.
Well, you are right in that Communism, including Maoism, is as Jewish as Bar Mitzvah, though it was inspired by the leftism of the levellers and the fifth monarchists, whose leftism was Aryan. None the less, thoroughly and stereotypically Jewish. Marx does to the theory of value what the Talmud does to the commandments. Dialectical materialism is classic Talmudism.
But our leftism, the problem we have now, is Aryan, and has been all the way back to its beginning.
On the basis of who they were, not what their ancestry or ethnicity was.
The Egyptians did not exactly survive — they survived, but in a fraction of their previous territory. And it is entirely possible that their expulsions of hostile foreign and subversive groups such as the Hebrews is what enabled them to survive. The Assyrian territory was also reduced, but we have pretty good indication of why they survived. The state implemented from the top down patriarchy, decisively backed the authority of the husband, altogether banned women from divorcing their husbands, severely restricted husbands from divorcing their wives, and forced fathers to marry off their daughters at a reasonable age.
We don’t know exactly when this happened, but the rule was in place some time after the Bronze Age collapse, and was not in place sometime before the Bronze Age collapse.
We know the people they conquered were matrilineal, indicating the collapse of marriage and the family.
My God, Jim, you’re more of a white supremacist than I am. Brings a tear to my eye.
Jim, in my removed post I said verbatim:
“Centuries of imperfect Christianity have made slaves of masters (white leftists)”
and you responded:
“woke is not legalistic. It is a cancer of clearly Christian origin.”
Is my Nietzschean criticism of Christianity so different from Yarvin’s that it’s worth censoring?
You said a lot of things. Most of which you had said before.And did not respond to criticism the first time around.
I did not even notice Nietzschean criticism of Christianity.
Let me remind you that Christianity enabled state building in England, which had been lost in violent chaos ever since the Romans left, and conquered the world. Christians were militarily expanding from 312AD to 1840, and undefeated from 1244 to 1840
Neitzche was loser, and Neitschean strategies have lost, for reasons that were completely obvious to me when I read him as a teenager, and should be obvious to everyone.
Winning requires large scale cooperation.
>On the basis of who they were
Indeed, who they were and what they got up too. Not to belabour the point, but what else can we describe the likes of men as the Gracchi brothers with, if not organizing to do leftism?
The palace socialism of the minoans and other bronze age kingdoms, men undermining each other’s property rights, most especially in women…
The graincel mammy-worshiping bugmen of pre-aryan europe and mesopotamia…
The multiplexities of weakness from autophagy; herd thinking and parasite thinking making common cause in destroying predator aristocracy.
Certainly though, we have the most *impressive* collapses. The best leftisms for the best targets. Noone does it bigger than whitey; including doing himself. You’ve never seen leftisms like this, believe me.
But yeah, needed to make the note that that doesn’t mean other people are comparatively innocent. Usually even less innocent – which is why they lost at history. No such thing as a worthy underclass; if they are worthy, they stop being an underclass.
@white bread
‘So woke is clearly of christian origin – and christianity is clearly of jew origin.’
‘jew’ is being used two ways here. There is Temple Judaism which ended with the destruction of the temple. And there is rabbinical judaism, which descends from the Pharisees, the people Jesus was enemies of.
Christianity has continuity with the Old Testament; it does not have continuity with the Talmud.
Leftism has no essence, it is a smorgasbord of demonic impulses, most especially envy and spite, made manifest in human flesh.
…and the form it takes depends on the flesh.
Jewish leftism manifest as ritual purity laws, rejection of the logos, and later (much later), Marxism.
Chinese leftism manifest as palace eunuchs, point deer make horse, Cultural Revolution and Hundred Flowers.
Mesopotamian leftism manifest as the cult of Ishtar, sacred prostitution, and Gaia worship.
Indian leftism manifest as… well, India.
And WASP leftism manifest as rationalism, “Enlightenment”, blank-slatism, invade the world/invite the world, and now Woke.
They mix and they mingle, as they always do; Marxism shows its face here, as do the cults of Ishtar and Gaia, but the particular strain of leftism that has been crushing America is the same strain of leftism manifested by WASPs, or brought with them. It is distinctly Aryan in character, even if it has started to smell faintly of nova lox and patchouli oil of late.
I don’t think Jim meant to say that organized leftism is exclusively Aryan (although he can surely speak for himself), but simply that organized leftism in America is homegrown, not imported. Perhaps imports have made it worse… perhaps. But the original product belongs in the trash anyway; no sense crying over some very rancid spilt milk.
Jim, let’s review what happened here.
My reply to Cominator’s post stated that Christianity and Judaism were both precursors to modern leftism. You deleted my post because it contradicted your statement from *ten posts earlier* that I *wasn’t even responding to*: that “organized leftism is as Aryan as apple pie is American”- a statement which Pseudo also disagreed with and Scarebucks felt the need to clarify what you *actually* meant.
You then proceeded to delete some of my other posts, because you think I misinterpreted Cominator’s post and apparently he can’t just defend himself?
Why are you such a white knight for this guy?
I deleted your posts for the reasons I gave.
Unresponsive posts lead to endless repetition. You repeated your claims as if no one had made counter arguments, which would lead to counter arguments being made all over again. Similarly your response to The Cominator was as if he had said something entirely different from what he did say. This results in threads that go on forever, saying the same things over and over, which no one wants to read.
Your response The Cominator seemed so utterly irrelevant that at first it never occurred to me that you thought he “said one should curtail their own ideas because it makes Jews nervous?”
Now that you have explained the meaning that you found in his words I can see why you found that meaning, but until now I had no idea that that was the meaning that you found. I had no idea what you were going on about. Your response seemed entirely irrelevant and completely off the wall, which is why I deleted it.
Cub you do realize that me and Jim basically agree on 98% of things when it comes to politics and society (I don’t comment on excessively technical computer stuff because its not my field and im not qualified to say much) I do strongly voice disagreements sometimes im not a suckup but youre not going to get very far here arguing in bad faith against points I raise because you are going to be arguing in bad faith against stuff Jim agrees around 98% of the time. Not 95% of the time really more around 98% of the time.
The source of this problem is that someone is refusing to acknowledge what someone else said, instead he is completely ignoring what they said and are talking over them, often dodging and spewing himself into sidereal topics. Further, he demands that people acknowledge what he says by quoting and responding directly to him. He does this all the time. It’s very narcissist one-sided self-protectionary etc. So when others learn from him and do as he does thus ignoring him and others, talking around them, then he gets all pissy about it and claims they are bad and imprisons them, when its himself he should send to prison.
While I personally am increasingly pessimistic on the JQ, would RETVRN TO THE GHETTO suffice?
That is what Jim is proposing- the middle ages worked, copy it minus murdering Jews to steal their stuff
-shoot leftists
-accept converts
-Orthodox on thin ice
There really shouldn’t be any disagreement of white looking jews who aren’t leftists and who convert, they should just be treated as white christian citizens. There apparently IS disagreement but it baffles me that there is. Any ideas that there will be evil plots by non leftist conversos sounds like fantastic nonsense to me.
With leftist jews (which is most reform jews unfortunately) there also should be no disagreement, they are to be treated as leftists and you know what I think should be done to leftists.
The areas where I see that good reactionaries can disagree is Orthodox and not so religious jews who aren’t leftists but also refuse to convert. Obviously as with Byzantium not allowed to be in the government. In general they should be encouraged to convert (but without extreme extreme pressure where you do get converso problems) or encouraged to go to Israel. My proposal would be simply to ban certain aspects of special jewish education and ban circumcision of boys (under death penalty) and specify that any American jew who goes abroad to circumsize one of their boys is to be hanged if they ever return.
If you agree that it would be best for bantus and jeets and sudamericanos to go their own ways in their own lands, or at the very least that amerikaners have no prefigured obligation to them regardless, there’s no principle reason to not agree the same for other species too, whether extant or merely conceivable.
If America is an anglo-saxon nation, or more broadly a teutonic nation, then that’s that.
If America is a mercenary nation, then that just adds a few extra steps to the same conclusion; there’s no principle reason for subjects not to apply the exact same principle to mercenarily repatriate somewhere else, too.
The only real arguments against this so far is mid 20th century deconstructionism about the unreality population dynamics in general, and implicit supposition that khazars are europoids too like a german or a frenchman are europoid, in particular.
To say that the german and frenchman won’t get along with each other either not only isn’t an argument against this, it would be an even *stronger* argument for concentric segregation; for other folk, like our eurasian neighbors, to go their ways in their lands with their-selves, too.
The least objectionable reason for keeping aliens here is that they come here in hopes of european governance; if that’s the case, would be a lot more efficient to bring the european governance to them instead.
Not that that isn’t a perilous idea regardless; imperial projects, especially ones justified as ‘for the good of’ those being conquered, all but always end in the extinguishment of the bloodlines from which those imperial forms sprang in the first place. Rome died because latins died; feminism/fertility collapse combined with replacement by all the orientals they imported.
The East India Company never justified its conquests as anything except in the interest of doing business; and coincidentally, provisioned orderly societies of property in the process of such.
But even an auspicious start didn’t change the fact that an attachment was created; and being so in place, became a major vector of degeneracy going the other way when the fungal spores of partliamentarian whigs took over the brains of the operation.
America and Australia prospered because the conquerors didn’t want to play masturbatory games with their conquests; they brought wives and replaced them.
Once the Italians and Irish set down roots, too late for that. Which is regrettable, but we have to start from what we have, and Singapore started from materials far less promising.
I personally have only been insistent generally in coercive physical removal of the jeets and the issue why such a radical measure that I do not like advocating for normally must be employed on tthem is their out control unsubtle unlimited totally race based ethnic nepotism (far far worse than anything I’ve ever seen from jews) I’ll give D’Souza, Dr. Shiva and Vance’s immediate family an exemption from the order the rest have to go back. I’ve never per se advocated mass deportation of blacks back to Africa. I favor something akin to the millet system, not letting those getting gibs to reproduce and such measures.
Converso reform jews with no leftist record I do not see any reason why they should not just be treated as white christians. They’ll tend to be creative people with high IQs and deprived of any concrete organized identity I do not understand what harm you fear from them.
>They’ll tend to be creative people with high IQs
This is just insipid bluetribe glazing. Allegations of jewish supremacism have little to no apparence in reality. As for the trouble the cases have already been made repeatedly without response by you except repetition of the same points that were just addressed.
“The trouble the cases have already been made repeatedly without response by you ”
No you are the one being nonresponsive. I asked specifically what trouble do you think not jews would cause BUT jewish conversos (converts to Christianity for anyone who doesn’t know) who have no record of being leftists. You have not answered that. Jim affirmed my opinion earlier that conversos were not going to be some deep genetic or conspiratorial problem if you are going to claim they will be one you need to make the case by on logic and historical data not repitition of saying that jews (converted nonleftists or not) are bad because they are bad.
Also its funny to call me a blue tribe simp when I’m the most extreme proponent of getting rid of every last one of them who didn’t come to Trump by a certain date.
The problem is I don’t think you make that point in good faith. I think it’s the nose of the camel under the tent. “If you agree to let the octaroon stay then you must agree to let n’gubu and all his cousins stay too”. I think a discussion can be had about lines to draw in practice. But I don’t think you are interested in that discussion.
You say that exceptions can exist. I say that exceptions getting caught up are a consequence of any policy. I say that ‘rape and incest’ make up 80+% of pro-baby-murder arguments despite making up less than 1% of reasons for abortion in reality.
If anyone here wants to trade a situation where 1 in 100 people get it raw with a situation where 99 in 100 get it raw, let it be known that I disagree with them. If that is not you, then there is no quarrel.
I don’t see the creation of an ethnostate as a goal per se, but it is undeniable that the higher-functioning a civilisation will be, the likelier it will resemble said ethnostate.
I’d say, start with the goal of functionality in mind. Which groups are sticking the biggest sticks in the bike wheels? Deport ’em. Which groups are coming after you the most, and who, assuming you walk with God, will inevitably break God’s laws the most? Helicopter rides. Mow the highest grass first, then move down to smaller patches.
You will know the success of your policies by walking through the cities and noticing that they have become pleasant to walk through. If unpleasant, deal with the unpleasantness.
Which probably makes me a bit softer than some commenters here. That’s OK, as long as we’re agreed on the sale but haggling on the prize, we’ll find a way no doubt.
A high functioning state tends to create its own ethnicity over time. Anglo-Saxon came into being from Angles and Saxons as a result of being united into one Christian Kingdom and one system of law. Before Alfred there were Angles and Saxons. After Alfred, Anglo-Saxons.
Obviously Bhutan is a success because it recovered its old ethnicity by expelling recent arrivals, because it reached back in time to restore its old ethnostate character. Consider, on the other hand, Singapore, which was founded in a state of low level civil war between a random grab bag of races, ethnicities, and faiths. All of whom are these days starting to think of themselves as Singaporeans. Obviously Singapore is wary of letting in new ethno troubles, it is not race blind or faith blind on immigration, but it has done a good job of quelling old ethnotroubles.
Not sure why I’m being accused of bad faith all I’ve ever said is the woo woo types are not really part of the progressive left and didn’t vote for Hillary Biden or Kamala so don’t really need to share the fate of the progs. With jews I’m specifically talking the non prog minority who (since almost all jews vote) voted for Trump every time. Nobody is talking of sparing the leftist jews.
Who else thinks I argue in bad faith and about what?
>A high functioning state tends to create its own ethnicity over time.
Had USA decided to refer to it’s majority people as the ‘American’ ethnicity rather than ‘White’, may have very well succeeded in creating its own ethnicity over time, but the broad legal and culture ambiguity of ‘White’ includes all of Europe and peripheries which permanently keeps the door open, and once permanently open, open to increasing groups of peoples from ever further peripheries.
At this point though, too late. The geography is so massive, and self sorting so strong, many ‘White’ ethnicities are being formed. I jokingly will posit there are three American ‘White’ ethnicities. The Whole Foods White, the Costco White, and the Walmart White.
“Never be so antisemitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.”
There’s a TON of memetic heavy lifting going on in this sentence. Don’t miss it!
It allows someone some Jimmish political awareness by couching it entirely WITHIN the “white is wolf to white” pattern.
The JQ is real, but it doesn’t “stick” on its own because whites can only REALLY hate other whites. But with this meme here, it’s OK to be suspicious of Jews now (and by extension Indians as well), because one’s foremost hatred has been redirected back to whites again, just “those bad whites over there”.
I mean shit look at us. We can helicopter- and woodchipper-post all day long, but as for those cute cuddly rapist negroes out there, they just don’t understand what they’re doing, so we’ll fly them back to Ghana business class and set them up in their new lives.
White are constantly splitting up, refactoring who the in-group and out-group are, and then hating the out-group. It’s part of the package, and we just have to work with it.
Blacks are not a problem, just as chimps are not a problem. If you allowed chimps to wander loose in New York, then chimps would be a problem. Detroit was levelled to the ground, but it was whites using blacks as a bioweapon that levelled Detroit to the ground. Getting rid of blacks is irrelevant. Talking about it a distraction. You need to go for the matador, not the cape. The South hung John Brown. They paid no attention to the blacks he was deploying.
Yes. This is the real shit.
Here’s some fantasy football revisionist history for you:
Anglin wrote once (and I have no reason to doubt his accuracy here) that Adolf’s rhetorical innovation was to blame everything on Jews, even though — and he was out loud and honest about this at meetings — everyone knew that It’s Never That Simple in actual reality.
His point was that complexity and nuance doesn’t motivate a political coalition, only simplicity and an enemy outgroup, so when you’re writing a soap box speech or a piece for Der Sturmer or what have you, he reminded his people to always always always circle back to “The Jews did this”.
Well he was half right and half wrong, because look how it worked out for them.
So imagine if it had instead been:
“European liberals did this.”
or today “White liberals did this.”
Now that’s scary. People who ran away from being called “antivaxxer” or “antimasker” will turn on a DIME to run from THAT.
Jim said : Whites are wolf to whites
So given that premise, how/who should whites be ruled? Should whites be ruled by non-whites? Maybe by jews, who have been “god chosen” to rule? The christian god isn’t a white god is it? I think the christian god is the jew god?
To the strongest.
It is obvious that throughout all recorded history, white governance has almost always been better than nonwhite governance, and that non whites ruled by whites are generally better off than ruled by their own people.
I will cheerfully avow that:
– Whites should be ruled by Whites, both because it is moral and because they are better off;
– The majority of non-Whites are also better off being ruled by Whites–whether this also implies “should” is a thornier moral question.
Although here too there is the question of the general vs. the specific. For me, the priority order goes: competent (natural elite) > moral > male > white, in that order. There is a ton of overlap between the first two and last two categories, but I allow for the theoretical possibility of genetic freaks or extenuating circumstances, such as Margaret Thatcher.
>Whites should be ruled by Whites, both because it is moral and because they are better off
OK, So how do you square that with the claim that whites are wolves to whites? Why would the group of whites who call themselves “the government” not behave like wolves – and not eat the other whites?
Because we’re using the term “white” in different contexts to mean different things.
When we say whites (and non-whites) are better off being governed by whites, we’re not specifying which whites, just making an extremely broad, high-level observation about the color of the ruling class.
When Jim says whites are wolf to whites, he means that whites don’t cohere into identity groups based on whiteness like blacks cohere into identity groups based on blackness. White populations cohere on ethnic grounds, not racial grounds: British, German, Swedish, Polish, Hungarian. If you ask a Frenchman about “whiteness” or even “European-ness” he’ll answer you with a blank stare.
And these white ethnic groups like to go to war with each other. A lot. The only moderating influence throughout history has been Christianity.
There’s more nuance than that if you want to dig even deeper, like Hajnal line and varying levels of intrinsic outgroup cooperation, but only to a point. English Chavs were not happy about being governed by Belgian Progressives, that’s why Brexit happened. Part of the reason, anyway.
It is a 100% accurate generalization to say that white governance is better than non-white governance, and also 100% accurate that the French shouldn’t be governed by the English. They aren’t mutually exclusive positions. We’ve muddied the waters in America, both figuratively and literally, with hordes of migrants, but the old divisions between the English and the Irish or the Swedish and Norwegians haven’t really gone away, they’ve just taken a back seat to bigger problems, and would quickly re-emerge if America became 98% white tomorrow.
They pretty much do, but compared to what happens in nonwhite countries, it an improvement.
The anarcho capitalist criticism of government is much the same as the Old Testament book of Samuel criticism of government. But God ordained government for a sinful people.
Absent a sufficiently virtuous people, governance is the least bad option, and white governance less bad than nonwhite governance.
Having reached over 108, BTC should be holding above 100, but it’s got massive gravity fangs pulling it down from even 99, and miners and alts have been obliterated. The gas is out of this one. Vast swaths of earlies are selling out for yachts in droves. Bitcoin is still not accepted anywhere, let alone usable. And reserves and regulation aren’t going to do it. Kiss any hopes for 2025 and 2026 goodbye. You’re wedged up tight and need acceptance, privacy, no-tax, and scale to get anywhere now.
Allowing this crypto scammer shill post through, which is much the same as innumerable ones I have silently suppressed, because I felt like issuing a rebuttal.
When a burst of new money suddenly goes into bitcoin, it goes way up, and then drops, stabilising at a price well above the price it had before the new money hit, but well below the price it hit when all the new money was suddenly rushing in. It stabilises at near the realised value — at about the average price that Bitcoiners acquired their Bitcoin. As a result, smarties have learned to buy on the dip, and everyone with money has learned not to invest in the exact same week as everyone else with money is investing.
New money used to come in to Bitcoin in brief sudden spurts, resulting in Bitcoins infamous instability. What we have instead seen this time around is a reasonably steady flow of new money. Fresh money has been flowing in fairly steadily since 2023 November. If it completely stopped flowing in tomorrow, Bitcoin would fall and stabilise at $50000, the current realised value.
This is unlikely. The flow new money has been running for a bit over a year, and has been increasing. In part because Bitcoin is becoming more stable, less prone to dramatic rises and dramatic falls, which used to be its major competitive disadvantage relative to gold. For the flow to stop, we would need a new scandal, and I think we are out of scandals, though miner concentration continues to be a big threat with enormous potential for harm.
I’m laughing right now because I had stopped paying attention when it seemed to hit a brick wall at $60k last year. Did not realize it had broken all the way past $100k until the shills started screaming about how it can’t possibly stay there.
So thanks for the encouragement, guys. I will keep hodling.
[*usual crypto scammer shill narrative deleted yet again*] Further, Bitcoin doesn’t have any good usage semantics that the Maxi’s can sell. Here, no acceptance, no privacy, no no-tax, and no scale
[*usual crypto scammer shill narrative deleted yet again*]
True, but bitcoiners and maxis have been working on this from the beginning, and I, among others, are working on it right now. Lightning and other level twos have considerably improved and alleviated the problems you raise. You correctly point out these are very far from being total and complete solutions, but they are still vastly better than anything that any of your scamcoins can do. I have outlined, and made a very small start on implementing, a total and complete solution, which will rely some new layer twos, and dexes and daos connecting them.
There can only be one.
A rather large white pill from a commenter at Founding Questions yesterday:
Trumps dropped several bombs two days ago:
There are several good news items here, all connected to each other, at least as single round of shock and awe.
The big one can be expressed in two sentences, the first of which sounds like boring wonkery and the second of which is a lightning strike:
(1) Trump seems to have a majority of both houses of Congress on the latest budget reconciliation bill.
(2) This means that all the leftist whining that only Congress can control spending is about to be stuffed down their throats, as the GOP Congress redlines USAID and all the other leftist funding programs.
So it looks like there is a plan, as one presumed and hoped after the learning experience of Trump’s first term. This part of the plan involves Musk going in with auditors and provoking the left to commit to the propaganda line that only Congress has authority over spending. (This is false, they way they’re using that rhetoric, but never mind.) Now that they have thoroughly committed to that party line, the GOP is going to say, “Okay. Congress will pull all this funding.”
The wild card here is possible Republican traitors, who never saw an impending victory that they didn’t enjoy undercutting. But – read the article – even Lindsay Graham is on board this time, AND one of the other news items is about declassification. To me that hints, though this is speculation, that the Trump Admin may have gotten hold of some of the blackmail material that has been used to neutralize the GOP in the past, and has let relevant Republicans in Congress know that they’d better play ball or else.
We’ll see; developing story.
Normality bias.
Laws don’t matter because the judiciary is lawless and grotesquely corrupt.
A situation that cannot be dealt with until the army, the FBI, and the intel agencies are purged.
It’s obvious that law does not matter and has not mattered for a while, and that sooner or later there is going to be a Purge of the Judges. The judiciary has gotten so utterly drunk with power that they have made that absolutely unavoidable.
Trump has – maybe – figured out a way to win without having to shoot people or arrest them just yet. This is a good way to proceed right now if Hegseth is still sounding out men who are the pointy end of the spear and asking them for a show of hands on… certain key questions.
Got a bit of “some people said some things” energy to it. I think I’ll skip the appetizers and wait for the main course.
The more interesting news to me today is the three federal prosecutors “resigning” over the Eric Adams case. I don’t really know who he is or what he was supposed to have done, and wiki says he was vegan or some shit, but if he made enemies of Jerry Nadler and the Puerto Rican Meme Machine then he must have been doing something right.
Also that RFK is officially in. We thought they’d try to stonewall, but looks like he sailed through without a dog barking.
– Insert Jim’s comments on US ships crashing here –
As far as retarded progism I never knew Europe was as bad as it was until Hegseth’s Ukraine remarks. They are talking about that they could beat Russia on their own now… this reminds me of some fat loudmouth drunk in a bar louding spouting off how they could totally kick the ass of Mike Tyson back when he was good or something.
They all think they’re the yippy chihuahua and some bigger dog will bail them out.
Europe confounds me. Just three generations ago the place was a heap of corpses, but now it’s as if WW2 was a cartoon they vaguely remember from TV once.
Fourth Turning theory in action, I guess. The Fourth Turning is when everyone who remembers how awful that last one was is dead or too old to be listened to.
While not exactly a huge fan of the Reich I don’t think the Heer and the SS were full of faggots either and Hitler had around 200 divisions of them and still lost. Whereas the modern EU has optimistically maybe 5 fighting divisions probably none of them full strength and they think they are going to beat the Russians on their own territory without the US and the population is full of effeminate prog trash who have no idea of the kinds of hardships they’ll do with in war on the steppe (and once again I expect if they do this shit they won’t make enough winter uniforms)… Hitler was mad but this kind of thinking makes him look relatively sane.
>Which is regrettable, but we have to start from what we have, and Singapore started from materials far less promising.
>A population that was invited in, generations ago, maybe not by you or me but invited nevertheless.
I have noticed a recurrence of thought-forms like this in certain discussion. Like the sins of the fathers must be paid for by the sons in perpetuity. ‘Just let it happen baby’.
‘You can not just decide to do things.’ If you are a slave then certainly this is true. If you are someone who can do things though, then yeah, you can just decide to do things.
What’s the difference between Trump 1.0 and Trump 2.0? Trump 2.0 realized you can just decide to do things.
(re: https://blog.reaction.la/war/autogulpe/?replytocom=2971558#respond)
I’m sure you can see the inherent hypocrisy in this statement, and hypocrisy is the exclusive privilege of the Sovereign.
There are other ways, more logically-consistent and morally-righteous ways to handle unruly minorities. I’ll refer back to the Gospel of Jim, circa 2015, “How to Genocide Inferior Kinds in a Properly Christian Manner”:
The logically consistent way is “The welfare of my people is the highest priority. Anything contrary to that will be removed without mercy.” Not coincidentally, this is also the logically consistent way to handle leftists and other traitors.
I’d be far more amenable to your position if you were able to state clearly what exactly it is that should be decided. What is your plan? Who is carrying it out? How are they carrying it out?
“America should belong to the teutons” — Yes. Now it no longer does. What do you propose should be done, and who should do it?
I’ve made my statement on the matter, which is that I believe we have a tent far too large and filled with too many families, and that any return to an actual people as opposed to a beige collection of subjects requires individual will and effort, as the state is now moreso a corporation than the nervous system of a nation. I don’t see a way to go back and correct the sins of our fathers, to borrow your rhetoric. If you want your teutonic American nation, find your fellow teutons and form a nation with them. America has become an economic zone, and all the kings horses and all the kings men, will not find a way to put her together again.
I think America as a monarchy could get back to something not quite an ethnostate but something more akin to what we had in the 1950s but it would take some time and going too freely with mass expulsions of people who aren’t leftists is not the right way. We should have a white America immigration policy which heavily heavily favors protestant north europeans, lets in a few other Europeans and East Asians (but 95% north euro protestant only white). Jeets (who will need to be 99% expelled) blacks obviously indio spics don’t get in except for the equivalent billionaires. North Euro whites will also have a stricter regime of female subjugation than other groups to enable rapid reproduction… the only way out will be for outlier women of high IQ (not too many among north europeans high IQ among women tends to be a thing only with Asians Slavs and Jews) to sign on with the genius harem breeding program and after having 6-7 healthy offspring and after that they can be emancipated when older. Through outbreeding and immigration weighing we can whiten the country…
>We should have a white America immigration policy which heavily heavily favors protestant north europeans
As soon as you say ‘White’ immigration, you open yourself up to European immigration, which will open you up to immigration from Europe’s periphery, which will open you up to the entire world. The US has already been down that road and it failed. If anything, the US would benefit from several decades, if not several generations, of near zero immigration.
>Jeets (who will need to be 99% expelled)
Not going to happen. They’re already too politically ingrained into America. Best bet is to stop the damage and then whip them into something approaching Gurkhas.
>blacks obviously
If they didn’t wage state sponsored war against you and your kin, and without welfare their numbers kept in check, and their criminal element pruned quickly and permanently, how would you feel about them? Would they not just become like Native Americans? Largely out of the way and not a concern?
Besides, there are some creative methods of neo-colonialism that they would be utilized for if the events in DR Congo are anything to go by…
Did not call for the expulsion of blacks just no immigration, I live in an area of the country which has tons of blacks and have no general fear of them, they just aren’t a big problem here. In central Florida around blacks you can relax. Frontier justice laws and strict intolerance of violent criminal behavior do wonders. Jeets have to go no matter the disruption (yes we can make a few exceptions for extraordinary ones but there can’t be more than 1000 in the country when we are done) they are so cancerous that its a problem even having masses of them have access to the same phone or internet. They’ve almost totally ruined the technological engine of the country. I’m not saying there are no good ones but there is one Taj Mahal and a lot of shitting streets. Expulsion must be imposed on Canada as well. Protestants only policy (we will check to see whether they were born Protestant) and rejecting (we will be flexible in cases of female beauty Italian girls who look like Monica Bellucci can come in) people looking too Sicilianish/Arabic will tilt things the right way.
Everyone would calm the fuck down if there were a near total ban on immigration for several generations.
Problems of Indian nepotism would end as soon as forced diversity ends and their cultural ties and support from India gets severed.
>Protestants only policy (we will check to see whether they were born Protestant)
Protestantism, even in America, is mostly dead. Christian Nationalism, while Protestant in name, is starting to look like some sort of Neo-Orthodoxy (NOx?), and many fake churches are panicking.
>and rejecting (we will be flexible in cases of female beauty Italian girls who look like Monica Bellucci can come in) people looking too Sicilianish/Arabic will tilt things the right way.
As soon as you make exceptions for the out of norm, the out of norm becomes the norm, and precedent for greater out of norm become the exception. Near zero immigration outside war brides should be the policy (btw there have been hundreds of thousands of war brides from Asia and Europe, while 20 years in GWOT has lead to a number so small no one has every bothered to figure it out). Exceptions for the extraordinary must be sponsored by a select groups of the King’s men. Royal patronage.
I agree near total immigration ban for a while (though under my plan we’ll actually make some room because roughly 20% of the population gets helicoptered for leftism) but we must actively whiten America by giving preference overwhelmingly to North Euro white outsiders for a while too. Protestantism is not used so much as a religion check (though we don’t want Catholics) its that Protestant background in Europe is overwhelmingly associated with the North Euros we want and not the ones we don’t.
> Worries about leftist spiraling if we have a more flexible standard for edge case hotties
The idea is we become a monarchy (we are merely giving advice) and monarchies can stop leftist spirals. So no I wouldn’t prevent a young Monica Bellucci from coming in as a eugenic measure for female beauty we should be a bit more flexible for extreme hotties.
When you need to stop 1000 vagrants from crossing a border, you don’t need to shoot 1000 vagrants; you just need to shoot the first two that try.
There is a continuum of eventualities I would view as improvements and be willing to support, because they all point in the right direction regardless, and of course I start with the best case scenarios; states of affairs with the least fragility, the highest ceilings, not on the scale of decades, but centuries.
All things in life move by will and effort. You can just decide to do things.
Charles II solved the problem of his roundheads, but he solved it the convenient and temporary way, which came back to haunt his sons, and they and the whole world were poorer for it. A compelling matter I should think in your mind, as you yourself frequently concern the danger and possibility of long beige trends downwards to zero, with occasional bumps, but without real restoration.
There’s no such thing as too entwined without literally entwined; if a population can be profiled, it can be projected.
‘People’ love to say ‘there is no such thing as white’ but they all know it in their bones when it comes time to talking who/whom; including and especially the leftists promulgating nominalistic thought-modes to facilitate their enforcement of backstabbing as an official ideology on everyone else in the first place, which some even here I must note can’t completely resist falling into. It’s as real as Dijon, Côte-d’Or, France, Europe, Eurasia, Earth, or the Solar System are all real, and so on up and down the scales.
So physically removing and separating populations is easy. On the question of what to do with admixture, to put it in simple terms I can say I am conditionally accepting of amerigolems ‘when the time comes’. More particularly, you resolve these questions when you can expand to overlapping considerations of various relevant factors.
Eg, vocations, record of behavior, generations of ancestral residence, net worth, blood types, physiognomy, what ethnities in particular are involved, and so on, each and all of which can be damning or mitigating factors depending on the confluence of types, as ultimately relevant to existential priority. You can start with the easy decisions on top, and work your way down the circles if ever you reach points in a case where ‘tie-breaking’ is necessary.
In the first place of course, any in priestly vocations to day are inherently suspicious, unless they can demonstrate histories of godly basedness. Do they have a record of support, in deed or word or otherwise, for demotist, communist, or daemon worship causes, whatever their walk of life? This is a good example of a top level cut-off point.
At the same rate, a history of warrior vocation, especially intergenerationally, can be counted on as a factor indicating right spirit. Absent other more serious and obvious disqualifying factors, this is also a good example of a high level cutoff point, going the other direction. Furthermore, the privileging of fighting men and men willing to fight is basic organizational sense.
For any given thede, there will be a range of thedes more or less compatible with it, along with being more or less compatible with Divine Law in general.
For example, even a few recent ancestors of sub-saharan extraction is a big problem due to how different they are from humans. Contrapositively, even a high degree of north east asian admixture isn’t necessarily a problem for a subject in a hajnal order as long as the numbers are not significant (eg the classic han tactic of converting a population by swamping them with women). SEAs, arabs, khazars, jeets, latinos and so on would rank below that, not necessarily in that order.
In general terms imports and admixtures in the second or first generations is a problem. Admixed scions of family lines with several generations of patriation and means can be due deference. Men of property can be offered generous terms for illiquid capital to decamp, and which in cases of admixture they can take or leave. Shudras without property, below certain worth, histories of criminality (whether petty or ‘official’), et cetera are not due deference; or rather the removal of such is its own reward.
These are all examples of principles to consider; the solution in practice of course is for you and the men you trust who understand these things you appoint as captains to judge as the case may be.
Some of our more ‘colourblind’ friends argue that a great deal of demographic assortion would take place regardless if their standards were observed (whatever they may be exactly). Likewise, In accordance with the foregoing, there could be any number of edge cases I would accept if in accordance with higher principles. (Obviously of course I think that it is not meaningfully possible to ‘achieve results’ in this sense in the first place without explicitly clear-eyed acknowledgement of the realities of the clay you work with; to participate in a given teleology in any given situation can mean different actions in different situations, in order to achieve the same telos – and at the same rate, some forms can get there, while others can not.)
I think it may, also, be important not to over-sensationalize this aspect of the issue, since, even in highly heterogenous polities like the GAE, group populations still defacto segregate regardless, and actual examples of overlap are rare. Some would argue that this is a point for not worrying about the overlaps. Granted, but again only conditionally like so mentioned. Not like a slippery slope nor like a passive acceptance of fate as such.
>‘People’ love to say ‘there is no such thing as white’
Effectively true. While it definitely exists, it does so at a much more blurred definition than say, Dijon, and most people don’t do well when forced to think in terms outside black and white, one and zero. The incline of the slippery slope increases as you use greater and greater abstractions. As soon as you say ‘white’, you might as well include all of Europe’s periphery, much of Latin and South America and Caribbean, and maybe start thinking ‘Yellow’ is is basically just a ‘White’ hue.
>You can start with the easy decisions on top, and work your way down the circles if ever you reach points in a case where ‘tie-breaking’ is necessary.
Imagine you’re God Emperor Trump who is undisputed ruler of America. ‘So about purging 80% of Jews who are leftists… yo Jared, you cool with that? Stephen? David? Steve? Miriam? Boris? Howard? Elizabeth?’ Once the top is wobbly, good luck expecting enforcing that down the ranks.
>group populations still defacto segregate regardless
That is very true, however
>and actual examples of overlap are rare.
the vast majority of overlap is at the top, and relative to elite population size, overlap is common. Any solution, by nature of who’s in power, will ultimately accommodate them. Just look at all the tech oligarchs who have flocked towards Trump. That’s not a group that’s going to be on board with mass purges.
>Once the top is wobbly, good luck expecting enforcing that down the ranks.
Indeed, a glib summation of how we get into and stay in these messes. Doing the right things can make those in the wrong nervous; therefore, stop doing the right things.
You frequently reference elite admixture as a roadblock. Honestly just providing further proof and examples of how it’ss a problem.
The right wing jews especially Miller would be fine with a religion neutral purge of leftists just as Bolshevik jews were very fine for Orthodox Jews to be mass arrested and sent to labor camps by the Bolsheviks. Where they get nervous is when we have people who should stop listening to wignat nonsense memes (that come from feds mostly) and start saying no thats not good enough we need TKD and really they ought to shut their mouths because trying to go too far on this only causes problems…
>Doing the right things can make those in the wrong nervous; therefore, stop doing the right things
There are various methods to the same result. Allow the leftist secular Jews to continue dying off peacefully. Shove them into a retirement home and just smile as they say insane geriatric crap. The problem solves itself without anyone at the top feeling queasy about it. Do that at the same time as driving tanks onto Harvard. The leftist academics can only reproduce memetically. You can sterilize them merely by removing their influence. No gruesome snipping of reproductive organs required.
Halt nearly all immigration and expel all the illegal migrants. Grandfather clock in those firmly here at the top. Consistently prune the obviously dysfunctional at the bottom. Restore patriarchy. Solely based on demographic ratios, the problem will largely take care of itself. Accelerate the process by colonizing Africa with the prison population (it’s totally not related to race). Like in Liberia, they will massively out compete the natives. See recent events in DR Congo for how little it would take to topple many of these ‘governments’. The prison population all of a sudden gets to become high status warlords, we get profitable access to resources, the rare earths must flow.
Gene editing is only a matter of time. Extensive testing for selection purposes is already here. Make it a standard offer for the underclasses, by all means slide in some ‘White’ genes when you protect them from various genetic problems like sickle cell.
>There are various methods to the same result.
Certainly. To reprise an earlier point though, while you might only need to shoot two vagrants to stop 1000 vagrants from trespassing – you do need to be willing to shoot 1000 vagrants to get there.
Slow, gradual – and deniable – moves towards a conclusion are greatly appealing to the anglo spirit.
The failure mode of course is that somewhere along the way they lose the plot, forget the punchline to the joke, and one day you wake up and notice that the Ford Foundation is promoting gay sex and feminism.
I’ve no objection to such plans in principle. I can say that crossing your finish lines at the start is just plain better though. Sadism is expensive. Moves that depend on deception on your part and ignorance on the subject’s parts tend to be fragile.
Anglos were the biggest proponents of race and racial purity for a long time with the sole exception of maybe the Dutch. In English colonies there was great legal and social pressure not to mix with native women this was definitely not the case in Spanish, Dutch, French etc colonies.
And yet South America has a far more Spanish character today than America has an Anglo character. Why? Some things cannot be enforced directly through legalisms.
I’m just sort of speculating here but Latin/Spanish culture is easier for lower forms of people and societies without a lot of strong social cohesion to stick to since revelry and having an unrestrained Id are not really condemned so much. As such Marxism is far more just an economic thing (and partially racial as the upper class in Latin America tends to be whiter) in Latin America but culturally they never got anywhere because nobody saw any appeal in replacing a sort of unrepressed hedonistic idness with a stern puritanical Marxist or progressive doctrine. Perhaps they were successful in injecting some degree of feminism since Latin culture was patriarchal (but patriarchal in a way which winked at a lot of human weakness from both sexes) and feminism is puritanical long term but it doesn’t seem that way initially.
Classical Anglo culture (especially with better classes of people) made far more demands in terms of people’s social behavior and when things broke down they broke down hard.
[*Not what the Cominator said*]
And I completely fail to see how you could find that meaning in the Cominator’s words.
It was exactly what [*deleted*]
You gave a lengthy quote from the cominator, and responded to it as if he had said something completely different and entirely unrelated.
If you felt that what he said implied the meaning you attributed to him, or implicitly presupposed the meaning you attributed to him, a considerably longer explanation is required.
If you claim he actually said the meaning you attributed to him, that false. I allow insults, but they have to be connected to reality. I object to lies, and I strongly object to insults based on lies.
If one believes that [*deleted*]
I don’t read those beliefs in the cominator’s words that you quoted, and if you read them in those words, you need to explain why.
Now that you have explained what you thought he was saying, I can guess at your reasoning, but I can still only plausibly guess. So I still did not allow it through. If you are determined to ride this horse, quote him all over again, make your reasoning plain, and I will allow it through.
He said:
True or false: Cominator said one should curtail their own ideas because it makes Jews nervous?
True or false: Cominator accused people of being feds and wanting TKD?
Both of these are so obviously false that until you just explained the alleged meaning of The Cominator’s words, it never occurred to me that that was the meaning you found in his words. I can now see why you found that meaning, but until you explained the alleged meaning, I did not see what you were on about.
He did not accuse anyone in the forum of being feds and wanting TKD. He accused them of absorbing and repeating ideas that are pushed by obvious feds who want to paint the alt right as wanting TKD. That they are unduly influenced by enemy memes. As I said earlier, Hitler is Orwell’s “Emmanuel Goldstein” and today’s Nazis are Orwell’s “Brotherhood” and have been ever since World War II. A movement artificially kept around by our and run by our enemies, and, has long been known, and, as became obvious to everyone after the Maidan coup, run by our enemies through Jews.
It had long been known that our Fednats are run by (((Soros))), but I was entertained when it became obvious that Azov was run by (((Blinken))), (((Nuland))), and (((Kagan))) and that their propaganda machine in the Ukraine has (((Soros))) for its Goebells. Should one be echoing memes that Soros is promoting? Even if one thinks these memes are true, obviously strategically unwise. Soros is Goebells, Hitler is Emmanuel Goldstein, and the Nazis are “the brotherhood”, a fake opposition run by the Uniparty. Hence Putin’s demand that the Ukraine be denazified.
The Cominator did not say one should curtail one’s own ideas because it makes “the Jews” nervous. He said we should shut up about them because the Thermidorean coalition is shaky and right now is shaking, because it makes elements of Trump’s coalition nervous.
It is not a good time to be ranting about Jews when Trump is about to deliver a massive blow to Jewish power outside Israel.
The Ukraine has the most Nazi government since the third Reich, and the most Jewish government outside of Israel. That is why this is a poor moment to be echoing Nazi memes. Because peace in the Ukraine requires dismantling that government and this is likely to split Thermidor if Trump does not very cleverly manage them and manage the surrender. Surrender in the Ukraine is a major blow to Jewish power, and Jewish power is a major element of the Thermidor.
Obviously we do not need to shut up about this indefinitely, because Trump will either consolidate power, or lose power, or be killed or imprisoned. Right now he is successfully consolidating power and just Napoleon tweeted. It looks very much as if he is going to roll over the forever war faction, which during the hearings was high in the saddle. But the forever war faction is mighty Jewish, while the Westphalian faction is not just mostly white but phenotypically rather Aryan. Which also makes the rather considerable number of Jews in the forever war faction nervous. As Churchill said during World War “If Hitler invaded hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons”
Right now, when it looks like the coalition is about to come under great strain because the only way to settle the war is to give the Russians what they have been fighting for, and are well on the way to accomplishing (the Ukraine is still not neutral, but is starting to look very empty of people), is the worst time to be talking about this stuff. The enemy is not only trying to split Musk and Trump, it is trying to split the “temporarily pause the war in order to rearm the Ukrainians” faction from the “end the war and make peace on whatever terms” faction.
I think expelling the Jew who runs the bagel shop is a stupidly self destructive idea. We need to exclude and expel non Christians from state and quasi state insitutions, in the same way as anyone insufficiently woke has been excluded or expelled. When woke was in power, almost all the Jews converted to woke. When Christianity is in power, almost all the Jews will convert to Christianity. Recall that Chinese Democratic fund raiser who recently followed her donors to the Trump coalition She was a Democrat and leftist because “that was all that there was”. Asians and Jews think and act like that. They are malleable. Once Jews lose their faith, they blend in with whatever is dominant and disappear. They are very far from being biologically intransigently separatist. They are memetically intransigently separatist. As I remarked, a whole lot of Muslims have major Jewish ancestry, but they do not remember and neither does anyone else.
It is the same with science. They are memetically incapable of science, but biologically very capable, just as they are memetically resistant to absorption, but biologically prone to absorption.
The forever war faction wants to fight to the last Ukrainian. We are getting close to the last Ukrainian, to be soon followed by the last Pole. Hence a poor time to be discussing this issue. Once there are no more Ukrainians, no more Poles, no more Latvians, and so forth, then will be a better time, assuming we do not become too worried about fallout from the nukes to worry about Jews. Or once Trump gets away with giving the Russians what they intend to take one way or another way.
Well I did say it made our allies including certain elite jews among them nervous but I do not regard the jews as a monolith nor do you. I do think Cub falsely regards the jews as a monolith or something very close. Many such cases!
Read somewhere that about 20% of the Portuguese population has some Jewish ancestry. Perhaps the “TKD based on 23andme” people should head over there to continue where Emmanuel Goldstein stopped.
The Ukraine war wasn’t even being discussed [*deleted because this conversation has gone on too long, taken too much space, and no one cares*]
The Cominator complained that the meme he was criticising was comes from our enemies
And I expanded on The Cominator’s statement by clarifying that this meme comes from (((Soros))) via his Nazis, and that Nazis are controlled by Jews is illustrated by events in the Ukraine.
Neither The Cominator’s account, nor my own (neither of which you have responded to) can plausibly be described or interpreted as giving up, black pilling, and cringing in fear before Jews. Hence I silenced you for irrelevance and unresponsiveness, in accordance with policy that has been repeatedly stated and somewhat erratically followed for a very long time.
Irrespective of the truth or falsity of the meme, you need to consider why our enemies are promoting it.
It is being promoted because one Jewish faction aims at the extermination of another Jewish faction, and want to scare those they would destroy into signing up with those who would destroy them. We do not want them to sign up.
You posted 1,000 words, deleted my 200 word response because “this conversation has gone on too long, taken too much space, and no one cares”, then claimed to have deleted it because of “irrelevance and unresponsiveness”.
Nobody was talking about Russia/Ukraine until you showed up. Now THAT’S unresponsive.
The Cominator was talking about our enemies, and tensions in Thermidor, and you were maliciously misinterpreting his point. And still are.
Which results in ever lengthier explanations of the point being diverted from.
You’re not “somewhat erratically” following a policy, you’re being a massive fucking hypocrite.
Yeah. Leftists are very clear on “white” when it comes time to implement affirmative action; who gets sent to the top of the promotion list and who gets sent to the bottom. Leftist journalists are very clear on “white” when deciding which murderers hit the front page with screaming outrage and which murderers have their stories ignored or put in a one-paragraph story on page 16.
This is important because some people in this thread are explicitly making the reasonable argument that there exist shades of gray, and implicitly using this to make the UNreasonable argument that “therefore there is no such thing as black or white.”
Are there hard cases? Of course. But that doesn’t mean that there are no easy cases.
Which takes me to this exchange:
Pseudo: ‘People’ love to say ‘there is no such thing as white’
Pax: Effectively true.
I hate to start a fight, but that’s fucking retarded, Pax.
The problem is the definition of white the left uses is ‘more functional’. A Jew is nonwhite in America, but becomes white the second they enter Israel. Same with hispanics- they shoot a black trying to bash their skull in, they become a German electrician.
>I hate to start a fight
No fight here, I was being edgy to make a point about how we got in this mess.
In the context of what I was previously saying, it was ‘effectively true’ in the legalistic sense. Obviously ‘White’ exists as I have said multiple times, but the entire American and European history of the last few centuries of trying to define it legally has been one giant slippery slide into near oblivion via Neo-Pharisaism. Of course it doesn’t help that much of our legal minds are spiritual descendants of Pharisees, but even before their introduction to America, Prog WASPs were doing plenty of damage on their own. I don’t think continuing to going down that path will bare any fruit. Spirit is more important than law, and spirit is notoriously difficult to define hence why all the “contradictions” (which aren’t actually contradictions) in the Bible.
>This is important because some people in this thread are explicitly making the reasonable argument that there exist shades of gray
Absolutely, but the masses don’t see shades of gray. Even the smarter segments. I often went drinking with the law students in college. It was always all so “logical” in the LessWrong sense. They could not tolerate shades of gray or “contradiction” or “mystery”. Whiteness is more than “logic”, it is faith among many other things which are extremely difficult to define directly for matters of governance, law, and policy. So difficult there might as well be no point in trying to define it directly. Countless quantities of ink and googles of digital bits have been spent on trying to define it over the last few centuries to no fruits. Do you really think you’ll achieve what your predecessors couldn’t?
Meanwhile, medieval, Christian, monarchical Europe never bothered with legalistic population definitions for it was focused on Throne and Alter. They created the Europeans and ‘Whites’ that Western enlightenment civilization has been failing to preserve ever since.
We can empirically observe a consistently working definition of whiteness in every vassal state of the GAE over the past ~70 years. You say that in case a based and redpilled band of men take power, natural parasites and their slaves will try to game the definition for inclusion. Granted. Much as they will try to game any and all metrics for IFF signaling in general.
>the masses don’t see shades of gray
Are they going to be in charge, or you?
Europeans becoming more explicitly conscious of themselves as Europeans became pronounced as the age of exploration and colonialism made the world smaller. It became more relevant as it became more pertinent.
>Are they going to be in charge, or you?
Well… you see I’m bit of an Anglophile, ‘every man a king’ sympathizer (within reason of course). I’d jokingly claim my quarter Yankee ancestry compels me to believe such, but I do sincerely believe that laws should be as black and white as possible and stay within such binary territory so that the common man can both live within the law and understand it. Otherwise the law is both unjust and immoral. Matters of gray should be the domain of not lawyers and judges (i.e. priests), but in the realm of power (i.e. aristocracy and Kings). Anglo American legal traditions already incorporate that in the form of pardons, which really point to the fact that inherently we never liked or trusted legalism in the first place.
That’s the funny thing innit? Anglo impartiality rises with the anglo people. Anglo impartiality does away with the anglo people.
I’d argue so long as there was a King to keep it within reason, they prospered more than anyone else. It’s when the King allowed parallel legal system conducted by priests to exist in the Catholic Church, everything went off rail rather quickly. A temporary halt to the problem was introduced by Anglicanism, but the King lost control of the new Church rather quickly and here we are.
Being on an island surrounded by seas helped mitigate a lot of potential trade-offs for certain behavioral forms. Imagine for a moment a society made up of clones of yourselves. England wasn’t exactly like that, but it was more like that than anyone else on the continent.
It’s interesting that you mention the corporate analogy here because I was thinking of a similar corporate analogy in a different context – specifically “metric hacking”.
The traditional founder-CEO wants to run a successful business, which is an amorphous, “know it when I see it” concept. Success doesn’t look exactly the same to everyone, but there are common characteristics you can pull out: profitability, customer satisfaction, and so on.
Eventually, the company reaches a scale that the founder-CEO (for convenience, let’s refer to herein as President) can’t manage on his own. So he hires VPs, or Directors. A very wise and very lucky President may successfully hire VPs who share his vision fully, or complement it perfectly. The rest use Metrics. We’re targeting a revenue of $X; a CSAT of Y%.
But the metrics are not, in and of themselves, the desired outcome. They are very rough, very imprecise indicators of how well the company’s current function is aligned with the President’s goals. The President still wants “business success”, but the nuances don’t trickle down to department heads, all they see is “increase revenue by X, increase CSAT by Y”.
If the President and VPs are not hyper-vigilant, someone will eventually find ways to hack the metrics. Increase revenue by selling extended warranties and other unnecessary add-ons, or selling vaporware products they don’t actually produce but hope that the engineers can make, or jacking up rates on subscriptions. Increase CSAT by writing confusing and misleading survey questions, or more quickly shedding dissatisfied customers. Lower hold times by “accidental” disconnects and installing infuriating byzantine menu trees.
Companies that rely too heavily on metrics and fail to rein in metric hacking will fail, period, because the process becomes dysfunctionally bureaucratic and the President becomes completely isolated and disconnected from what the bureaucracy is doing. He sees only the metrics and the metrics look great. It’s the Soviet Five-Year Plan. The primary output of the business becomes PowerPoint presentations.
This proto-leftism in business is not much different from conventional leftism in society. Crime rates, unemployment rates, economic output, the price of a Big Mac or a dozen eggs, these things are all metrics. Whiteness is also a metric. And there will be endless ways to hack the metric while producing completely dysfunctional results. Leftists are extremely good at this which is why you don’t want to give them easy metrics to hack or rules to subvert.
What we want, at least what *I* want and what the founders of Neoreaction wanted, is functional society, effective government. Peace, security, social trust, liberty and prosperity, in that order, not because peace is morally better than social trust or liberty (for example) but because it is a chain of dependencies. Can’t have security without peace, can’t have social trust without security, etc. Whiteness is a rather good indicator of the product, just like average IQ is a rather good indicator of the product, but they are still not the product. The product is the product; the metrics are not the product. The desired outcome cannot be easily quantified, and over-eager attempts to quantify it lead us farther away from the desired outcome.
There is something very leftist and, I must say, faintly judaic about the thousands of words being piled on and on about racial purity, which is not even properly defined beyond some vague notion of “European”; endless and dense paragraphs written in increasingly florid prose establishing a self-reinforcing theory and narrative that flat-out contradicts empirical reality for anyone who has lived it, but you must not believe your lying eyes. All we need is the one metric, and if we all work tirelessly toward the metric then everything else will somehow fall into place.
I want a virtuous society, and a virtuous society is likely to be mostly white, but I do not want a white society that isn’t virtuous (i.e. America, circa 1960).
I want an intelligent and creative society, and an intelligent and creative society is likely to be mostly white, but I do not want a white society that selects against intelligence and creativity (i.e. Harvard, circa 1920, or the Potato Irish).
I want a powerful society, and a powerful society is likely to be mostly white, but I do not want a white society that is weak and effeminate and pussified, like the Swedes, or pointlessly belligerent like the Poles.
The counter is supposedly “but [nearly 100%] white is a prerequisite”. I don’t think so. White is a probable outcome and a possible yardstick of success, but Google 2025 and Disney 2025 throwing out all their non-white employees won’t bring back the Google of 2000 or the Disney of 1940, and America throwing out all its non-white citizens/residents isn’t going to bring back the America of 1660.
Those who spin this to mean that I want to open (or rather keep open) America to unlimited Indians, unlimited Mexicans and Central/South Americans, Infinigger++ and Jew-run media and political offices are either not listening, or are being intellectually dishonest. In addition to the tanks in Harvard yard, America should close its borders for the next 50 years, letting in zero immigration or only a trickle; America should deport all the illegals, allow temporary visas to expire without renewal or citizenship, decapitate the resettlement industry, and cordon off or begin to deport any remaining first-gen (maybe second-gen) unruly minorities who consistently fail to show signs of improvement or assimilation, starting but not necessarily ending with the criminals and subversives; and America should strike down all laws against segregation and discrimination and all judges who try to enforce them or invent new ones. These are clear and explicit positions. I reject accusations of camel-nosing or otherwise not advancing them in good faith.
Calvin says Christianity is obsolete for the modern world, no longer sufficient for cohesion. I somewhat agree; in my opinion the future state religion of the western world will be (not should, but WILL BE, by divine right and material cause-and-effect) the Cult of GNON, which is very strongly Christian but adds Darwinism, evopsych, evolutionary game theory, network theory and other empirical observations that reinforce the old canon.
And I further believe that this will (again, not “should”, but WILL) over several generations create its own distinct ethnicity that is mostly European/Aryan/Teutonic in origin, as Cult of GNON is mostly Christian in origin, but also a smattering of Mischling, Hapa and Slav DNA. Or if not, it will create a contiguous region of balkanized ethnic clusters, some being Aryan and others mixed. Either outcome seems plausible.
A 100% (or 99% or 98%) Aryan nation spanning the entire land mass from coast to coast is just not plausible, and is too trivially hackable a metric in any case.
Much of this all basically comes down to signaling, ‘can I trust you to cooperate?’
Obviously everyone already in a nation views that membership in the [nameless] society amongst the [nameless] people is to their advantage, and they will promulgate arguments for a world in which they too may be included. But does the favor go both ways? Such is the question; the recognition of parasites. The gamesmanship of signs for the signified is ever a perennial issue; metrics for inclusion not least of which.
The more successful a group becomes, the less existential the out group becomes, the more important out competing those within your own groups becomes, the more likely to form groups within the group to find competitive advantage at the detriment of the overall group. Such is the fate of all group dynamics and why there will always be some level of conflict.
The Unipolar moment really accellerated the arc of history bending towards evil and madness.
JD Vance just unloaded on Europe. It was the CPC unloading on the red guards all over again.
And he was applauded, because Havel’s Greengrocer scarcely noticed that he was applauding the the opposite of what he was applauding last time.
Yes, there is a reason why all life on earth is not already an all-encompassing undifferentiated grey goo. Higher forms, hierarchies thereof, are necessary.
OK. But then you are honestly mistaken in noticing that there are edge cases, complications, shades of gray, etc., and inferring, “Since shades of gray exist, it follows that black and white do not exist.”
I don’t think you are literally arguing this – I know you’re not that stupid. But I do think that you have, without really noticing, essentially talked yourself into that position.
A la mode, let’s come at this from the opposite side: You and Pax are challenging me, Calvin, and Pseudo to come up with a perfect rule that would (1) cover all individuals, every single case, and (2) never make a mistake. Of course we cannot (at least, I can’t).
But we can make decisions in some, indeed, many cases.
So I wrote that comment and then reviewed your other comments in my mind and remembered that you have in fact acknowledged lots of clear cases. So what the fuck are we all arguing about?
It is important I think for us to not get our discussions mixed up with different people*. Our friends Com and Pax stumped pretty hard for team abstraction. Our friend Scarebucks is more nuanced.
*E.g., one often sees in anonymous internet fora people speak of the discourse as if it were a single person, and say things like ‘this board is schizo they say one thing about Y in X and another thing about Y in Z’, not appreciating that these are probably different groups of people (or eliding it as the case may be).
I’m saying ‘White’ is an abstraction. A completely real, sincere, and proper one at that… BUT abstractions are inherently forms of compression and thinking in those terms necessitates information loss.
Should one create laws based on an abstraction, prone to not get the desired results and create a lot of damage in the process because the underlying mechanisms were ignored. Conversely should one create laws based on property rights, coverture, patriarchy, Christianity, removing criminals, etc, prone to get ‘Whites’ without going down rabbit holes of trying to define it. Human cognition is limited and can only focus on so much at a time. Best bet is to focus on the fundamentals.
Think of it like this, suppose the Nazis had won WW2 along with all their race laws and atheistic socialism. They were progressives who didn’t have coverture, patriarchy, Christianity, etc. Where would they be today? In 100 more years? Certainly I suppose, the Germans potentially would be better off when compared to today, but somehow I doubt it would be by a wide margin. More likely they’d be on the same track as America just delayed by a few decades. Give it some time and they’d be going through the throngs of German guilt.
Pax-san… those are all abstractions…
If I might be so presumptuous as to climb the hill and try to summarize all the conflicting positions:
(i) You, Neurotoxin, are perceiving an undesirable and suspicious similarity between the synthetic ethno-civic-religion position, Boomer civic nationalism, and the popular leftist fallacy that “differences within races are larger than differences between races, therefore race does not exist.”
I will say that neither Com nor I are advancing the latter positions, but your concern is understandable, and appreciated, and we should maintain a healthy skepticism toward color-blindness, which is a subversion/partial backsliding of the ethno-religion, and maintain a strong and robust immune system against race denialism, which is the ultimate debasing and inversion of the ethno-religion.
(ii) Pseudo-Chrysostom is averse to some of the ideas because even if they are not intended as a wedge issue, they can easily spiral into one; “if you make an exception here, then you must make an exception there” is arguably the first tool in the rhetorical toolkit that a leftist invariably pulls out, and Jews in particular take to this form of argumentation like flies to manure. Also a very valid concern, and we must remain wary of ill-intentioned salami-slicing.
My only response to this is that the laws, the criteria for admission, whatever they may be, will be carried out by men, and those men must be virtuous and prepared to enact the spirit of the law and not be distracted by squid ink regarding the letter of the law; if the men with guns fail to do this, then any restoration program will fail regardless of the particulars.
(iii) Pax comes at exception-management from the opposite direction and makes the point – I am interjecting myself somewhat here – that carving out too many unprincipled exceptions eventually erodes group cohesion, and is after all what caused the Woke-Thermidor split in the first place; Thermidor wanted to continue enjoying the benefits of unprincipled exceptions while Woke wanted to take the principles to their logical (albeit absurd, and demonic) conclusion.
On one hand, we cannot afford unlimited unprincipled exceptions, and on the other hand, if we do not carve out certain exceptions, we are going to scare away our elite allies when we can least afford to lose them. If we do not wish to find our balls in a vise, better to define principled exceptions than rely on the unprincipled.
(iv) Com’s position is that leftism is fundamentally biological and that we can Sulla away the problem by targeting the behaviors themselves, instead of worrying about which groups are most frequently perpetrating them (doesn’t matter, since all the individuals must go). With some concessions toward racially and ethnically profiling to improve the targeting algorithms.
Whether this is a wholly realistic expectation, I don’t know; I am concerned that it lacks a positive enough definition of virtue and as Jim has stated in the past, it did not exactly work out perfectly for Sulla. However, it is a self-consistent position. An ethnically-Jewish right-wing Trump voter is not a leftist, therefore, not the target, even if he doesn’t fit in perfectly.
(v) There’s no point in boring everyone by restating my own position, I’ve written this to (I hope) reinforce that the overlap here is far larger than the discrepancies; we are all or mostly in agreement on the turkey, and simply bickering over the trimmings. Which is alright, it happens, but also:
(vi) The progressive regime is afraid, in retreat, and more desperate than ever to break the cohesion of groups that could eventually challenge its memetic ascendancy, and I think “what we are arguing about” is IEDs that have been deliberately and carefully placed, maybe directly, maybe indirectly through dupes. Call me paranoid, but ever since the preference cascade began, I’ve noticed a marked downswing in Commie Nazi memes (muh Rothschilds) and a marked upswing in Azov Nazi memes, and both groups are run by our enemies.
We are going to see a lot of novel and unusual shilling in the coming months and we’ll just have to shrug it off. We should be enjoying our victories (RFK and Tulsi both confirmed – I think that calls for at least a few beers, no?).
Let’s see fewer lines in the sand and more epic handshakes. There will be plenty of time to debate the edge cases after we’ve banished Cthulhu to the outer darkness.
Suppose we deport all recent arrivals who do not have property and pay taxes. Suppose we give anyone who fails to earn a living a really hard time. Suppose we remove all criminals from circulation by some combination of death, imprisonment, deportation, and slavery without reproductive opportunity.
This, of course, is going to lead to a whole of blacks going out of circulation one way or another way — but more importantly, it gives us a society as safe and orderly as Singapore or China, which shipping all blacks to Africa would not do.
Suppose, instead of only hiring adherents of the Woke state religion to government jobs, we only hire adherents of the Christian state religion to government jobs (thus automatically excluding non converso Jews from office) Suppose every institutions supports Christian values instead of woke values. The the problems that Jews habitually cause go away, even if we find ourselves with as many Jewish conversos to Christianity as we now have Jewish conversos to woke.
OK, you point out, we still have an enormous problem with Judeo-“Christianity”, which is obviously caused by Jews. No problem. Just make it another heresy, like leftism. Leftism is heretical because it valorizes envy and covetousness. Judeo Christianity is heretical because it denies that we are the new Israel, and that the Jews are under a curse for deicide, which curse they can only escape by accepting Christ.
These solve the problems that going overboard on deportations and helicopter rides are intended to solve. Deportations and helicopter rides are needed and important, but in themselves they are not enough to solve the problem, no matter how many you helicopter and deport.
Sure, they are all ‘abstractions’ at the end of the day, but… Nuclear family is an abstraction, one that I saw and belonged to every day. Expanded family is an abstraction, one that I saw and belonged to every weekend. Clan is an abstraction, one that I saw once per decade and… did I belong to it? Race is an abstraction, one that is both far away and very near, but ultimately completely uneven in distribution. I have the very loosest sentimental feelings for both England and North East England, but it’s more in the sense I’d like to colonize and spread my seed in what is familiar.
I can not put my meaty real space grabbers on ‘race’. Can anyone? Some abstractions are clearly more tangible, more ownable, simply more ‘real’ (at least in perception) than other abstractions. Effective altruism fails because it cares about abstractions which it cannot own, and therefore has no actual responsibility for. Race is not nearly as abstract as the outer rings of care liberals have priority on, but it’s also not the care core of what most conservatives have either.
At the risk of sounding indelicate pax, that’s an entirely typical perspective for someone blandaed up to have. I don’t think you can stand on this issue…
Speaking of fundaments, here is one one can start with: personnel is policy.
I have a thick skin. I do believe I have standing on the matter though as far as America goes. Albion was in many ways a land of mutts ruled by the blue blooded Romans. Latter as Anglo mutts ruled by Vikings. Latter still as English mutts ruled by German kings… perhaps not coincidentally Trump is of German descent.
True, I along with my predecessors are not exactly the type to be tightly fixated on something as race when the abstraction of clan is already faltering in how far removed it is from day to day life, but I have been pointing out that is inherently typically
EnglishAmerican especially at the higher rungs of the social order. After all, just how many White Americans do you know who really keep track of their cousin’s cousin and arranges marriages and jobs for them? I know Jews and Dot Indians who do so. Irish and some Scots used to do that, but they’ve been subsumed by Yankee carpetbaggers post reconstruction.I do agree, personnel is policy and the main reason for our troubles (and our distant English cousins) is that even having a policy can only be done if coming from a warrior King and not from a priestly committee. Once any type of policy originates from committee, it will have so many caveats carved out that there might as well be no policy.
Daddy Scarebucks, thanks for the thoughtful response. I don’t really have anything to add.
You can whiten your population gradually without mass deportations and genociding everyone… jeets gotta go though even having them being able to freely make phone calls here (people don’t answer unknown numbers anymore because its jeet scammers 90% of the time) and be on the same internet as us is a problem (not talking about you Dharmic) but everyone else you can do it slowly and less evilly.
In the 90s Bhutan just decided to deport its underclasses, about 40% of the population at the time.
Worked flawlessly. Best decision they ever made.
Not aware of it but Bhutan is in the Himalayas right and its also a true ethnostate (the deportations you referred to apparently referred not to getting rid of the underclass exactly but anyone Nepalese). America lost any chance of ever being a true ethnostate once the Irish were let in.
I mean that just goes to show the point. The pursued an explicitly ethnic policy and it worked flawlessly.
> America lost any chance of ever being a true ethnostate
If the sovereign just starts with those closest to him and works outward it is inevitable.
All the potential sovereigns are socially close to the wide range of America’s ethnic hodgepodge and/or impossibly mixed themselves. America is the modern Austro-Hungarian Empire with the major advantage of a common language.
Yes and the worst thing about these debates about what groups we have to do bad things too even if they aren’t leftists (especially with non leftists jews) is it makes some of our elite allies (and I’m convinced this blog gets rid at a high level by some people) very very nervous. Now that being said Jeets in the overwhelming majority of cases have to go as its problematic even having them on the same phone network or the same internet with us (massive scamming, massive simping, massive shill posting not talking about Dharmic and somedude but jeets have a problem) and would be a boon if India’s government were something like North Korea’s that would seal them off from the outside world but otherwise we don’t need this shit about what races should all be forcibly expelled no matter how deep the roots and how good the individuals behavior is and how willing to conform… we can try to restore the post 1950s America being mostly white with some interwhite group tension status later (with an emphasis on Northern European Protestants).
>it makes some of our elite allies very very nervous
More like the massive majority of them. Worse, it makes the military very nervous.
Immigration Act of 1924 heavily restricted immigration from Southern Europe. Prior to that the US was having a major problem with non-assimilating Italian and other South European anarcho communists. In the decades that followed, without the constant stream from the old world, and heavy policing and cultural pressure, they went from potential revolutionaries to politically neutered mobsters. Now, even the families are pretty much gone and Fredo’s Pizzeria really is only a Pizzeria.
The US could use several generations of near complete immigration ban.
I’m not sure if I’m reading the charts wrong, or the data is fudged, but according to worldometers, Bhutan has a current population of 800,000, and there was one period from 1990-1995 during which the net migration was about -20,000 out of 550,000.
This means we are making analogies to a country with a population 1/500th the size of the USA, and who deported 4% of their population, not 40%. I don’t think it demonstrates the thesis very effectively.
Merely throwing out the illegals in America would thin the herd by at least 10%, twice as much per capita as Bhutan, and I think you and I both agree that’s still not nearly enough.
Isn’t it remarkable how often these things seem to coincide? “Look at this amazing thing; (((despite))) that though, it also [most based thing ever]”.
You can just decide to do things.
Which just goes to show how right they were.
The problem with slave castes is that people who can’t even get their own shit together are net drains on value. Not producers, destructive, can’t handle capital, impulsive, uncooperative, et cetera et cetera.
There’s never a statute of limitations on doing the right thing.
And then there was supervision. Perhaps they wish to imply that one should just forget about anything that happened before you gain power, ‘as a fit of absent mind’? That would be on brand at any rate. And a familiar refrain. The passive voice, the fait accompli. ‘Just let it happen forever baby’.
That explains where the 40% figure comes from; or it would explain it if the writer is being completely forthright, which is certainly doubtful. The high is probably closer to the truth than the low at any rate.
‘Wheres the lie?’
The rest pretty much goes on in the same vein.
There is an important step that made the whole thing work and produce good results:
They expelled those who did not have deep roots.
Granted, that was the easiest schelling point to organize around.
Haha that happens way too often.
In the science fiction novel, “Mote In God’s Eye” the alien Moties have a semi-intelligent “Watchmaker” caste that they use for mechanical labor. Since they breed rapidly they have to be purged periodically, otherwise they collectivize and become dangerous. The humans do not initially appreciate this fact and their ship is almost taken over by watchmakers!
Too bad Pournelle didn’t make more Empire of Man books its a very very Jimian style neoreactionary future combined with mostly ethnically segregated planets (hilariously there is a section with someone who thinks there are too many jews on the Imperial Fleet’s General Staff).
Pournelles Empire of Man series was reactionary and completely based, reading his stuff in the 90s prepped us for what is needed today.
* Reboot of western civilization after near complete collapse of a Brezhnev level corrupt “democracy”
* Reboot happens on Sparta a colony based on Classical Greek principals with a constitutional monarchy.
* Sparta is based on notion of brotherhood fraternities and voting citizens must be paying freeholders.
* Sparta becomes capital of the Empire of Man, a diverse coalition of racially segregated planets, one each for Japan(Meiji), the Brits(Churchill), the Jews(Dayan, LOL) and others. but of course everyone must Ave Imperator,
* Empire of Man grows into two iterations but at its best is a clearly meritocratic aristocracy.
I wish Pournelle were here to see this today…
He was based on some things but unfortunately bluepilled on the GOP establishment. As Newt’s former science advisor (he used to have a website most of it was pretty) I figured he should be hoping mad about the GOP screwing over Newt to hand the nomination to that piece of shit Romney… he wasn’t. He also assumed the bailouts must have been needed.
I guess boomers and pre boomers were going to boom. Good ideas overall. And yes there was a Jewish planet and Arab planet and as I said there was some part of it when I think the shifty Arab merchant character said his people didn’t trust the empire because one of among many other reasons is there were too many jews on the Imperial general staff (which was kind of hilarious).
‘White’ is conceptually unsustainable. Impossible to strictly define legally, only possible to define through ‘common knowledge’, but in America there is no such thing (yes, obviously White is glaringly real, but it’s a completely unstable state). As has been pointed out, ‘White’ is a near meaningless concept in Europe because the various tribes of Europeans are wolves to each other. It only has meaning in America because of the “I’m 1/2 Anglo 1/4 Scottish 1/8 German 1/16 Russian plus 1/32 …” ambiguous European descent population cut off from former ancestral traditions and cultural heritages which when lumped into a synthetic tribe can be termed vaguely as ‘White’. A synthetic tribe so large, and living in such a massive geographic region, with self sorting tendencies, will naturally create multiple tribes within. Sure, Prog Coasties and Con Southerners/Interiors are both ‘White’, but at this point, what does it even matter? Preference cascade in spite of, and even in hypothetical TC style purges of White Leftists, deeply embedded regional differences will persist along with power struggles. Example, British Canada and French Canada are both ‘White’, but their political system is entirely dysfunctional and national identity completely detached from being ‘White’. Their lack of cohesion has led to state sponsored mass invasion as a means of war from one ‘White’ Tribe onto the other.
Multiple non-white groups have deeply entrenched into the the vast geography of America, much whose elites have outright integrated into the American ‘White’ elites. Tangential argument, Obama primarily was gay (both literally and metaphorically) because of his ‘White’ heritage, see the other Obama who hates him and is not gay. Arguments for deportations of all Dot-Indians get mighty awkward when having to carve out unprincipled exceptions for the Trump administration and the broader right in general, and that’s just one example. It gets even more awkward when you realize just how much of the military and their families are married, with children, to foreign brides or other assorted mixed peoples who themselves are legacies of America’s fondness for overseas wars and vassal states which of course require garrisoning. My point is that although the (actual) military is largely ‘White’, it is only ‘White’ in a very loose way. All that is not to say the tap cannot be shut off, and Trump has shown it can, and it is a good thing, but after deporting some 20 million illegals, it will be considerably harder politically and socially to deport millions more who are not colloquially known as illegals on a principled basis. Ending birth right citizenship has more to do with preventing future invasions than with removing the problem people.
Look, heritage Americans don’t want to be genocided. They want the war on them ended. An entirely agreeable desire. The military age men just want quality pussy where ever they can find it. An entirely agreeable desire (this totally isn’t me pushing my agenda 🙃). The lower to upper elites, many of whom are now mixed or have mixed children set to inherit the country, want to be able to pass down their wealth and power to their kids. Also an entirely understandable, if not agreeable (if they sided with us), desire. Not satisfying all groups will lead to some very ghastly messy outcomes we don’t want. Satisfying all means making America ‘White’ again is off the table, but making America peaceful and functional again still is easily possible.
The proven possible solution to this is a Westphalia style peace within America, which is what Federalism and State Rights originally set out to achieve in a sense, but “our democracy” being a war of all against all collapsed the peace quickly. An Emperor can fix that and ensure peace, but like the monarchies of Europe, you may very well find the Royals are descendants of a different tribe from many of the Empire’s inhabitants. For the most part, this didn’t create political crisis, and when it did, it was largely due to religious differences between King and Country.
The Emperor’s fist job to establish peace is to kick out the invaders. The second job is to prune the criminal underclasses indefinitely. Remember, such people are still our* people and thus our responsibility. Kicking them out and dumping them on some poor unsuspecting country is an act of war and not very nice. Consistently pruning the dysfunctional through even handed enforcement of Christian law is the gentlemanly way of doing things. Reward virtuous behavior, prune the bad behavior, purge with fire the demonic behavior, and America will be just fine.
*If we buy pitbulls, let them loose in the wild and they multiply and terrorize the neighborhood, yes, that is our mess, we own it, and it’s our responsibility to clean up.
No, ‘White’ in Europe is a very meaningful concept, but it is simply an outer layer of identity. For example, I’m a German, but my inner identity is being a member of a specific German tribe. The next layer is German, the next layer European.
A Bavarian is different from a Prussian. A German hears the difference immediately, and there is a difference in culture as well. “Bavarian” is a meaningful concept for a German. “German” likewise is a meaningful concept. Of course, the various German tribes have fought wars with each other and been wolves to each other, but so what? German (or Spanish, French, Russian, etc.) is also a meaningful concept. The various people of Europe have fought wars with each other and been wolves to each other, but that the concept of ‘White’ is still meaningful because we share a European culture with Christian roots and are genetically similar enough that intermarriage has been happing for centuries without objections.
You also claimed that ‘White’ were impossible to define legally. I disagree. Legally it is rather simple, just count grandfathers like the Germans had done to define ‘Jew’. Whether the legal definition is usefull is a different matter.
White and European has never been the basis of effective political or social organization based on identity in Europe like it is in the US. If it were, pan-European nationalism would be real and not some creature slithering out of Brussels. Your core identity is some kind of German, for many Europeans, the core identity might very well be their city or town with it’s own distinct dialect. Not so in the US. A random White American can, for the most part, go to any other part of America and fit in and identify with the other White Americans.
I’d also point out that Turkey came very, very close to becoming a part of the EU. That they already are a member in a variety of European inter-government organizations, and it was only their rejection of Western liberalism that prevented them from full membership. It was also through Turkey and their affiliation with the various European organizations that facilitated millions of Muslim migrants into Europe. This is partly why I’m so troubled by notions of ‘White’. It inevitably frays legally as there is no strict definition being that it’s so large and encompassing of a group that it becomes an abstraction of an abstraction.
Say Japan, Korea, and China created an Asian Union for ‘Yellows’. No one actually socially thinks in terms of pan-Asian identity. Those countries would soon have difficulty denying Nepalese, then Indians, then Malaysians, then Central Asian Turkic peoples, then the world. Do you not see how corrosive such a concept is to national identity? (Even though I agree ‘Yellows’ and ‘Whites’ are real groups)
>You also claimed that ‘White’ were impossible to define legally.
Not my claim, the ‘strictly’ part is what’s important. Legal systems generally don’t handle edge cases well, and when it comes to abstract groups, there are many, many edge cases. Is the Balkans ‘White’? Greece? Turkey? Russia and if so how much of it? Sicilians? Maltese? Spaniards? Hispanics and which ones? ‘White’ is a Gaussian blur with wide standard deviation. Good luck on using the legal system to strictly define it. Once you determine one edge case is okay, you create a new edge case further out from the mean. One that has precedent for being determined okay in the future. This goes back to my point how the concept inevitably goes down the path of opening up to everyone.
>the ‘strictly’ part is what’s important
Strictly speaking, all those other names you mention have the exact same problem in principle. Godel says that your statements can’t be both consistent and comprehensive. Judith Butler would say that this shows that ‘knowledge’ or ‘truth’ in the sense of something ontologically compelling (masculine dominance) is impossible. What say you?
While man can find and know truth, man for the most part doesn’t operate on truth or principle but on heuristics. While the problem is on principle the same, the scaling of complexity due to abstraction is obviously increasing the further out from immediate experience you get. The result is heuristics increasingly break down and output bad decisions.
>While the problem is on principle the same, the scaling of complexity due to abstraction is obviously increasing the further out from immediate experience you get.
Certainly; but this is again not unique to the subject, but common to most any increasingly encompassing categorization.
I am not the reductive absolutist I seem to have existed as in your mind. I point out a continuum of social, spiritual, and genetic problems arising from diversity, in various forms, and get accusations of purity spiraling. Would be better served by acknowledging the reality of these things too. I think irish are white, but frenchmen are improved by them not being in France. Would Malasians be improved by irish being in Malaysia? Maybe. It’s arguable. If so though, it would not be because of the diversity itself. And the extent to which it would be an improvement would essentially be the extent to which Malaysia as such is erased.
The Austro-Hungarian throne took tribute from many nations; and these nations did not overlap with each other; and where they did, problems.
The Czar reigned over many nations; and not a single one of them had common codes of law; particular conventions in particular places for particular peoples as particularly appropriate; from village to village even as much as from oblast to oblast; and this was not seen as contradictory at all, but perfectly consonant in fact, with the higher laws of natural law.
>While the problem is on principle the same, the scaling of complexity due to abstraction is obviously increasing the further out from immediate experience you get.
Certainly; but this is again not unique to the subject, but common to most any increasingly encompassing categorization.
I am not the reductive absolutist I seem to have existed as in your mind. I point out a continuum of social, spiritual, and genetic problems arising from diversity, in various forms, and get accusations of purity spiraling. Would be better served by acknowledging the reality of these things too. I think irish are white, but frenchmen are improved by them not being in France. Would Malasians be improved by irish being in Malaysia? Maybe. It’s arguable. If so though, it would not be because of the diversity itself. And the extent to which it would be an improvement would essentially be the extent to which Malaysia as such is erased.
The Austro-Hungarian throne took tribute from many nations; and these nations did not overlap with each other; and where they did, problems.
The Czar reigned over many nations; and not a single one of them had common codes of law; particular conventions in particular places for particular peoples as particularly appropriate; from village to village even as much as from oblast to oblast; and this was not seen as contradictory at all, but perfectly consonant in fact, with the higher laws of natural law.
What is a Russian without Orthodoxy? The English without the Monarchy and Anglicanism? The Greek without their classical heritage? The Italian without their etc?
What is the White faith and culture? Certainly, there is a White American faith and culture, but that has far more to do with America having a faith and a culture, and that isn’t getting selected for with a Northern European immigration policy.
‘White’ in its abstraction of smaller groups often becomes biologically distilled from faith and culture and that’s partly why it frays so much when trying to define it.
Jim’s greatest post I think was Throne Altar and Freehold
What is white American culture… or what was it. Well before the progressive era American culture was based on English culture and English culture at least used to be based on the idea of freehold. The idea that the peasant was a king under his own roof and had certain perogatives that not just the government but his social superiors couldn’t take away from him. With the mass immigration, the civil war the progressive era the enfranchisement of women etc I think any sense of the old organic identity of Englishmen and Americans with freehold has been lost. Americans try to remember it better than the english do. And freehold wasn’t an obscure idea talked about only by whig intellectuals or something either it was well known enough to appear in for example Bawdy tavern songs.
“An Usurer came with abundance of Cash,
But I had no mind to come under his Lash,
He proffered me Jewels, and great store of Gold,
But I would not Mortgage my little Free-hold.
My thing is my own, and I’ll keep it so still,
Yet other young Lasses may do what they will.”
White American culture after the world wars was thus innately fragile and easily prone to attacks by Marxists/progs and our own intelligence agencies (which were full of Marxists).
There are several. White is an outer layer of identity that can cover many different inner identities.
White faiths are faiths that have Christian roots. White cultures are cultures that have roots in ancient Greece and in Christianity.
Were the atheistic Nazis/Soviets all of a sudden not ‘White’ when the revolution kicked off?
>what say you
I say you are being exceptionally vague. I honestly cannot tell what you are actually arguing for as far as concrete reality goes.
Can you actually make a basic outline on what the process should be for accepting and rejecting, on what the end state actually looks like, what is an example of someone on the boundary, and who exactly are you convincing to make this all possible? Of course I don’t mean exacting wearisome detail, but some level of down to Earth logistics would go a long way as to explaining what your position actually is.
I’m sure you already asked this here https://blog.reaction.la/war/autogulpe/#comment-2971633, unless there was some part you would like expanded on or clarified in greater detail?
Well, yes. It is still exceptionally vague and reads like “I want to include the good and exclude the bad” — well, so does everyone here. I also don’t think anyone here has major differences in opinion from what you detailed, as far as good and bad human traits goes. What is missing, what seems to be the ongoing argument, is the practical application of including good and excluding bad.
>Everyone knows in their bones what white is
We have dozens of posts now showing that no, this isn’t true. You know in your bones what your internal representation of ‘white’ ends of mapping to. This clearly isn’t the same for everyone, or else we wouldn’t have a problem ironing out semantic details. This is why I asked for an example of a boundary case, because honestly, I do think some Anatolians are white, for example, but not even close to all, and I would have no idea how to make a sensible rule to include or exclude based on this.
For actually achieving your policy, you suggest, wisely enough given that we are working with concepts that are allergic to being pinned down exactly, that we just appoint a good man to take charge of it. Well, that is all well and good, but which man? Who is selecting this good man? How are we coming to agree on which man fills this role that determines inward gene flows?
Dozens of assertion yes. You think there’s no motivated reasoning at play? Everyone has skin in this game, pun intended.
In many cases the answer to what about edge cases is ‘are the numbers significant enough to even matter?’ and ‘sorry but not my problem’.
The main point I want to get across is that, irrespective of questions about the *felicity* of any particular demographic, that you *can* positively identify demographics and do as you will with them is simply the case.
So yes some of my persian friends certainly argue they are also aryans; but I can also identify them as persian. There’s no *epistemological* reason stopping gypsies from physically removing and separating all others in europe to form a greater gypsy reich. They can also arbitrarily decide that chechens and vietnamese are part of their team too. You can just do things.
I should probably take this moment to make clear I have not considered ‘european’ in of itself as an ultimate target point that goes neither higher nor lower, either. It would be improvement in the right direction compared to now which I think is inarguable. Most of all I didn’t like seeing certain nominalistic, whig-adjacent forms of thinking and argument being passed on. Anti-racist discourse is played out. In an ideal world of course I’d be stricter than that.
A different argument along another line is that starting stock hardly matters because you can simply engineer, socially or otherwise, a new soviet man regardless. Granting this being true in principle, it doesn’t follow you need any particular spread or arrangement of folk around at all to do it either. When the corsicans kick the burgundians out, and they complain ‘what about the principles of eugenics?’ The corsicans can reply ‘you are perfectly free to take full advantage of it yourselves’. Either way. Where it is real then they lose nothing by doing it here or there. Protestation shows lack of confidence in its reality for themselves, and gives the game away for parasites. Valuable people are valuable. If high class can be high class here or there. If low class unwanted either way.
Some short summaries of positions: I support a program of exile or execution or indenture without reproduction for criminality and non-propertied underclasses that can’t make a living. I also applaud our friend Cominator’s policy of Physical Removal for everyone who voted D in the last 10 years, one time bonus it may be. Amerikaners are a christian people and any who cannot profess the American Orthodox catechism must be decamped elsewhere. Heresies such as buggery, demotism, feminism, socialism, and other perennial pretexts for invidiousness, are serious crimes, and any preaching them publicly and or organizing around them in groups ought be drawn and quartered. Throne, Altar, Freehold. America is a thing that was invented by anglos and that’s never really changed even to this day. You can make the United States, States in fact; different demographics can technically be ‘in America’, as part of non-overlapping autonomous oblasts. Different demographics have different standards. For example, sub-saharans like aboriginals are xenomorphs and not the same genus as other species of humans and it is likewise very easy to identify negroid physiognomy at even tiny ratios of admixture. The sahara desert was quite possibly formed by a sacrifical act of nuclear detonation by precursors millennia ago to keep their rogue bioweapons contained in their continental prison for good of all life elsewhere on earth. Decamping everyone without pink nips and grey green or blue eye colour would be another funny and great one time bonus. Similarly, the ones below a certain net worth, the ones who can’t pass certain tests, the ones who won’t join/can’t hack it in the military because service brings citizenship, and et cetera.
> Who is selecting this good man?
What king selected the first king, before there were kings?
‘You’ select the men. The future caesar reading this now selects the men. Donald Trump and Steve Jobs and General Monck select the men. Everyone with the eyes to see it and a mind to think it and arms to grasp it selects the men. The smallest gas station owner assumes a portion of the mandate of heaven when he takes his means in his own hands.
Like many salons, this is a would-be synod of bishops conspiring for the new church. The way you take over a government is to already have the new government formed beforehand, then you just walk in the door. When people need ideas, helps to have them all ready on the shelf to take down.
It has been demonstrated time after time that you can enforce uniform good conduct even on very unpromising material. Froude was able to wander around predominantly black areas in the West Indies as safely as he would have been able to in today’s Peking. The long term effect of this, after centuries, can be selection of the population for good conduct, but we don’t have to wait for centuries.
Enforce uniform good conduct, and difficult minorities are no longer difficult.
Of course it is still uncomfortable to live with people very different from your own kind. Restore freedom of association, and that also ceases to be a problem.
This made your argument and the intentions behind it much more clear, thank you. I truly was at a loss trying to figure out what you were arguing for. If I were to summarize, from your end it was less a discussion on tactics as to the potential space open for strategy.
I find myself leaning close to Pax’s case that it is far too late for America as a population pool to RETVRN to WASP, and even his argument that legalistically you cannot pin down a policy for gene flows on some concept so nebulous as ‘whiteness’, or even ‘Hajnalian’ or ‘white Christian’. Putting a man in charge solves the problem of expansive edge cases, but does not solve the conflicts of interest in gene flows problem.
America as an empire state does seem too vast to facilitate a state policy on gene pool refining. Individual state borders are too porous to simply delegate the task to a lower level, and I don’t think bodily travel between them can be shut down on a practical or ideological level if imposed from a federal mandate. However the state governance could feasibly decide on whom shall be allowed to reside I suppose.
To repeat an argument I’ve made before, it looks like the best and perhaps only way to forge a healthy and talented people is not from state mandate but from associations of good men deciding to take the destiny of their progeny seriously, and create institutions themselves. In light of this, America even after a hypothetical restoration of Throne and Altar is best thought of as an economic zone. The genetic policy of the nation should not weigh too heavily on the genetic policy of your specific association, especially so if leftism’s withdrawal from the scene produces an explosion in technology: available spaces to live will be extraordinarily vast.
Put a king in charge of the country to stop the invasion. Put the king’s men in charge of law and order, and they handle the lawbreakers. Put men in charge of women, and they decide who reproduces.
Maybe this ‘Whitens’ the population, maybe it creates a new American race… whatever the outcome, I think it very likely to be overall very eugenic in both absolute and relative terms in contrast to the sheer dysgenic mess we have today.
No declaring us an economic zone is too far the other way and nobody has real loyalty to an economic zone…
>Enforce uniform good conduct, and difficult minorities are no longer difficult.
Certainly. But still leaves a question unspoken: to what end? What profit it the administrators or their children to turn the energies of their civilization towards nannying a hominid zoo park? With such assabiyah, what else rather you would accomplish, in the stead of imagining an optimal universal prison state?
Just as the record of history shows the possibility, so too does it show how fragile these equilibriums are as well; ready and convenient flash points for exploitation to cause trouble, states of affairs where small perturbation can unstop major lasting damage; like dammed reservoirs, conditions where troubles that might otherwise be temporary and reversable in stead precipitate terrible consequences.
Austria-Hungary was never more than third rate at best compared to its neighbors. The Rhodesia model does not sustain or scale; better understood as an extension of a core rather than a generative entity in its own right.
When the people are worthwhile, then can they handle their own affairs, and you would already be treating with them as peers, rather than passive by-standers on the stage of history or near enough, like the Japanese or Koreans, or the Swedes or the Finns.
Obviously legacy Americans would be better off if we deported the entire zoo. But the worst denizens of the zoo are Afro Americans, who have very deep roots, and who are very American, and figuring out exactly who to deport would be a hard problem. (Half pre human DNA? One sixteenth pre human DNA?. And many of the troublesome races, including some subsaharan African races like the Ethiopians and the Tutsi are clearly human. Which does not mean that is OK to have them around, any more than having Jews around is OK, but deporting all of them on the basis of ancestry is just going to be obviously morally wrong. Some of them, many of them, are obviously good guys and valuable.)
When George Zimmerman shot his assailant directly through the heart and lungs with one shot, while his eyes were full of blood and his head was being pounded into the concrete, the left declared him to be white, and I promptly endorsed the nomination. Do we want to deport an obvious good guy and straight shooter like George Zimmerman? What race is George Zimmerman? He does not know, nor much care, and I declare him to be white. We need more men like him. Where do you want to deport him to?
So a sane solution is to deport, imprison, enslave, or execute, not on the basis of DNA analysis, but on the basis of behavior. Firm enforcement against criminals, no welfare for the undeserving poor. Pre human hominids are generally incapable of earning a living without a whip on their backs, so cutting welfare for the undeserving poor is going to eliminate them quite rapidly. I agree that it would be better for legacy Americans to deport the whole lot, but in many individual cases that would be just obviously morally wrong, not to mention the profound difficulties that one would encounter in deciding who is part of “the whole lot”.
I want an ethnogenesis event that includes George Zimmerman.
>deporting all of them on the basis of ancestry is just going to be obviously morally wrong
You say this, but there absolutely is not any obvious basis for saying it.
Of course the tick will say it is morally wrong for you to pick it off your leg. That’s the morality of devils. If they were of a kind who had any pride there would already be places for them to go, and little loss for them to do it.
The Liberia solution was clearly working and needed intentional sabotage to undo. And most are not as helpless as the bantus either. To degrees dependent on the case, edge cases are handled by excessively high standards of the same kind you already use for countrymen, to select for compatibility of spirit and against regression to the mean.
Deporting George Zimmerman and Clarence Thomas is just obviously wrong. When the $#!% goes down, you will want men like Zimmerman at your side.
George Zimmerman was defending himself and his neighbours. If he was your neighbour, he would defend you. You think you will get better social cohesion by deporting men like him? If you want social cohesion you need to deport men who would not defend you: Dutton’s spiteful mutants.
Would it not have been fair and seemly for one of Zimmerman’s ancestral lines to have done the same for their kith and kin? Is there not a greater illustration of the truly perfidious evil of multi-kulti, that it may force otherwise good men into such spiritual snarls and philosophical compromise?
Repatriation is not the greater sin; it is the broken bones that have healed wrong being reset to heal right.
How to tell ones determined to stay out of genuine fellow feeling from the thousands determined to stay for more blood? To degrees dependent on the case, edge cases are handled by excessively high standards of the same kind you already use for countrymen, to select for compatibility of spirit and against regression to the mean.
It would have been great to repatriate George Zimmerman’s numerous different ancestors to their many different countries. Where do you propose to repatriate George Zimmerman to?
A man like Zimmerman would not be remiss anywhere in latin america. For that matter there are plenty who are whiter than he is.
But by all means may anyone who believes they have a case petition their lord about it. Opportunities to prove valor in battle are understandably rare, but heredity, property, record of word and deed, the histories of those related to them, generations of lealty on both sides, et cetera et cetera, are all matters of consideration, in greater or lesser part depending on the particular subject.
Well Zimmerman is a proxy for the question of which spics get to stay and which ones have to go. In Florida I certainly would not be in favor of forcing the Cubans to go and I don’t think I’ve ever really met any white people in Florida who hate Cubans. Cubans and Vietnamese are sort of considered the S tier nonwhites in that I’ve never really met anyone who fucking hates them. With places with masses of spics I think what we should do is ask the locals what they think should happen to them…
Not real fond of Cubans in Florida. They are extremely loud, arrogant and often rude and inconsiderate. Communism is in their blood. In the spiritual sense, they are poor people. And I hate poor people.
I had a more romantic notion of them before I moved here. They are not too hard to get along with, but I don’t trust them generally.
Best way to describe Cubans is a poorer Italian from a filthy gutter island. Not real fond of Italians either. The swarthy ones anyway.
I know 3 definitions for white.
Race (white, asian, negro)
Ethnic (Historic European Christian)
Behavior (Hagnal)
I don’t think the problem is the categories are unclear (it isn’t like declaring Coptic Christians are white is an issue), but no one can agree which category to use.
I can’t prove that hajnal (btw for all you extreme anti semites here Hajnal was a jew) late virgin marriage stuff is horseshit based on purposely bad scholarship to promote some weird homosexual feminist agenda but I strongly strongly believe it is. I just don’t believe masses of women got to age of 25 or so without having sex. Women don’t behave like that naturally and unless you can afford guards (ie hajnal may have been true for very upper class families that could literally afford to keep women under guard) they are just going to go out the window at night to find the nearest seedy den of inequity and get nailed. So I don’t think anything that references hajnal behavior should be a criteria for anything because 99% hajnal is horseshit.
East of the Hajnal line, early virgin marriage
West of the Hajnal line, late virgin marriage, at least for well off people. Women kept “in” until married off — meaning no contact with males who are not close kin. Big problem with “hysteria”. Clear that “hysteria” was girls going insane for lack of dick. They had problems like the problems you encounter when trying to keep an intact female housecat in heat inside the house.
Like with early covid days nothing is going to convince me this Hajnal late virgin marriage stuff (except maybe with people rich enough to hire 24/7 guards for unmarried daughters) isn’t a bunch of horseshit. It just biologically can’t be true. I’m sure there is academic scholarship on it that you’ve read more than me I just believe that somehow it MUST BE faulty. You can’t do that with women unless you can afford guards and keeping them in almost like prison like security.
Practically speaking, does the Hajnal line even exists anymore? The break down in marriage has been so severe that everyone is in a dysgenic state.
I’m using Hajnal as short hand- Europe is divided between the people who are responsible for nearly every human invention and the other part. It is what people are referring to when they claim Slavs aren’t white.
Well sure, it describes the past but what of today? Is there really any real distinction between Prog England and Prog France and Prog Germany and Prog Spain and Prog Italy etc? What great Wunderwaffe has Germany or any of those countries built today?
The only real distinction I can see in Europe today is between Prog West and Russia (which is still fumbling in the dark to rediscover God and Patriarchy). Perhaps only Russia is the truly ‘White’ European country left today, Oh the irony of a million 4chan threads debating who is ‘White’.
Karl: “You also claimed that ‘White’ were impossible to define legally.”
Pax: “Not my claim, the ‘strictly’ part is what’s important. Legal systems generally don’t handle edge cases well, and when it comes to abstract groups, there are many, many edge cases.”
We are in a state of war, which over time is going to become more and more overt. Legalisms are the last thing that will be necessary or relevant when it’s time to implement. Inter arma silent leges. We are not going to write a legal rule to determine who gets dealt with internally, who gets invited to leave the country, and who gets an approving pat on the head.
We’re not trying to write a legal formal system that will, pace Kurt Godel, define the in-group in a way that is both complete and always correct. (Pseudo also noticed this analogy. Great minds!)
As you and others have noted, that’s not possible. But then, that’s not what’s being proposed.
We are in a war and also not in a war. Regardless, law still matters. They mattered in the English Civil War and they matter today. The question is who is issuing those laws, who is enforcing them, and how they are getting interpreted.
You forget that all militaries ultimately depend on legalisms to create and maintain discipline. Whether such definitions are issued by demonics or virtuous Kings matters. As well as how such are enforced either by Pharisees or the King’s men.
>Legalisms are the last thing that will be necessary or relevant when it’s time to implement. Inter arma silent leges
What are executive orders if not legalisms directly from a King?
>We are not going to write a legal rule to determine who gets dealt with internally, who gets invited to leave the country, and who gets an approving pat on the head.
Of course, that will be the King’s job. Just don’t be surprised when the King finds ‘White’ effectively impossible to define in the strict legal sense. Will have to define it by using the Christian laws, in which case the American will diverge from the European.
Pax, you’re thinking of war as in, “Involving the military, and only the military.” I’m thinking of war as in, “Involving everyone.” People in a civil war, fought literally in the streets of their hometown, are not going to look up a law before deciding whom to shoot and whom not to shoot.
A lot of people die and are displaced under the more anarchic conditions of neighbor against neighbor type civil wars if we have a civil war even like that (most civil wars are not really like that the English civil war was for a while)… but the real mass killings and displacements almost always take place when a more organized force achieves victory (if masses of people die or flee before this its generally because the food situation becomes disastorous). And then of course being high IQ white people and a bunch of Hutu niggers in Rwanda for us of course some organization in deciding who is to go and who is not to go is called for. And my suggestion is to be ruthless on people with leftist politics (its what they fucking deserve and they are a threat) but very moderate on racial issues with the idea that homogenity, race and eugenic issues can be gradually improved over time.
Greetings again,
When Anthropology was a working science, there were Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid.
Humungus can clearly see the difference prima facia.
Kindest regard
Don’t think that is true as there were organizations formed to defend Europe against Muslims, e.g. the Holy League. Anyway, the question of whether White has ever been the basis of effective political or social organization based on identity in Europe is very different from the question of whether ‘White’ is a meaningful concept in Europe.
A meaningful concept need not be the guiding principle of supranational organizations. It is meaningful even if it is used by people on a local level only. For example, I know some business owners. If they can’t find a German to hire, they’ll consider a White applicant, but will be extremely reluctant to hire a non-White. If one their children marries a non-German White, that won’t be an issue, but marriage to a non-White would bring shame to the whole family.
You mentioned Japan, Korea, and China as an example for a hypothetical ‘Yellow’ identity. Frankly, I know very little about them, but I’d be very surprised if parents of any of these countries wouldn’t be able to tolerate marriage to some ‘Yellow’ of a different country and be horrified if any of their children marries a nigger.
Stumbled upon a great neologism today for “migrants”, “migroids”.
Nobody’s mentioned the Hohols false flagging Chernobyl yet it seems. They are fucking stupid, Tulsi’s been confirmed at DNI and she rightly fucking hates Ukraine.
Women are property.
I am the original Ryan, buddy.
The new Ryan is now on moderation for name collision. Please post under a new name.
Public broadcast channels have been running documentaries about the history of the american congress, how great representative democracy is, about how presidents certainly aren’t in charge like *dictators* and answer to congress, emphatic references to Richard Nixon getting coup’d without a peep…
Yeah, not projecting at all.
After the DOGE boys blowing open USAID, illegals at the Ritz Carlton, the 2020 Karenpocalypse and all this Treasury crap, I don’t understand what the actual practical arguments for “democracy” even are anymore. Trump could start burning down whole departments over there like Mayor Daley in Chicago and most of us would be like “mmmmeh sure ok.”
Democracy especially the representative kind the old fashioned Res Publica is always or practically always in reality an oligarchy with the oligarchy to a large degree occulted from view as when organizations scale oligarchic control is inevitable. The positive points of a republic in their prime is they generally have a far higher degree of social cohesion because the people of the republic (foolishly) assume they are free men in a government they control. Thus early Rome and early America had kickass periods where they seemed to enjoy for instance far higher military morale and social trust than the far more common form of government up until Woodrow Wilson, a monarchy. We are very aware of all the drawbacks of Republics but even when they work in their prime they suffer from social entropy leading to corruption (including politicians trying to admit foreigners and other undesirables to the franchise to expand their voting base) and when social entropy gets to a certain point it cannot be corrected except by one man accruing kingly or dictatorial power.
Non monarchial dictatorships generally suffer from the drawback that the dictator is an agent of a political faction or the army and the dictator either being generally either a patholigical fanatic, an ideological extremist, or having not imagined he might come into such power it going to his head with bad effects. Also he is less likely to care about the long long term since they cannot always reliably pass the power to their children.
Monarchies can actually comprise (even when they are non ceremonial) a wide range of variation on how much power the monarch has legally and in practice. Most monarchs in the white world historically did not have absolute power generally their abilities to make new laws, raise taxes, condemn citizens (I know citizen is a republican word but I’m using it in a sense as people of the main tribe of the monarchy in good standing) without trial, force men into the military was rather limited and dependent on some kind of assembly of nobles and leading citizens approving such measures. Their power was only absolute de jure in the sense of what in the modern American government would group into the powers of the executive branch and a lot (but not absolute) power in the judicial branch with almost no direct power in the legislative branch except that they got approval. Also because of the limitations of communications and travel in the pre industrial world in practice most areas outside the capital would be in practice ruled by warlord nobles with nominal alliegance to the central government. Louis XIV because he reigned so long tried to assume legislative power by decreeing that his edicts did not need to be approved by the regional “parlements” but once he died the reagency following him actually admitted to the regional governments of france that by the customary law of France this was illegal and that the king of France did not have the power to put edicts into effect with approval of the “parlements”. Now the legislative bodies in Western monarchies did tend to be very deferential to monarchs most of the time after all he was the man charged with defense of the realm and the theoretical annoited of God but only up to a point and they were less deferential when it came to taxes. Only in Russia and maybe Prussia am I aware that the monarchies were actually almost truly absolute. And in America if things work out well once we get over the Caesar period I believe the American monarchy will be more like this minus the regional rulers part. With hereditary monarchies you far more rarely get fanatics and pathological types but you unfortunately can get monarchs who are just stupid or disinterested in governing (which will make the state temporarily like a late stage republic though generally even then not with corruption so massive or trying to bring in masses of outsiders).
actual practical arguments for “democracy” even are anymore
Increasingly scarce on the ground, aren’t they?
A legacy argument, now irrelevant but applied long past its expiration date by civ-nats, was the early success of New England town hall meetings. But really those bear no relation to the actual government we got, though I recall them both being rolled in together in civics textbooks. Technically democratic, but also sharply bounded in several dimensions. Ethnically and religiously homogenous, votes limited to male heads of households with property, small in size and limited in geographical reach.
I can imagine a society with a high-low constitution, a monarch at the top and town hall democracy at the bottom. I don’t know whether such an arrangement would be stable over the long term, without “vote on it” creeping upward in rank or geographical size.
A fair bit of the Holy Roman Empire was like that, with small town democracies in which only property owning heads of households with sufficient property could vote.
This arose because an aristocrat would take a large area of land with the sword, realise there was nothing on it but starving peasants, scratching at a small part of the land with rocks and digging sticks, and starving peasants do not produce much in the way of warhorses and armor, and invite in some investors to develop the place, and of course had to grant rights, security, and all that to the people he was inviting in.
In a society where property gets transferred with a sword, an aristocrat’s life is going to brief unless he signs up with a bunch of other aristocrats who have a leader, thus Kings, and Kings signed up with the Holy Roman Emperor. His next problem after ensuring he remains alive, is developing the land.
There is a significant likelihood that we will have to go through that process all over again, though this time with drones, rather than warhorses and armor.
With the election of Trump and his team, this risk has ceased to be the most probable outcome, though it remains a significant risk. The Kellog faction of the Trump coalition is still headed into nuclear war, while the Vance faction is trying to avoid that outcome. Now that Trump’s nominations have gone through, he appears to be backing the Vance faction. Whether he will be able to get away with backing the Vance faction remains to be seen.
Most western monarchies before the wars of religion were arguably a bit like this. The idea of absolutism largely arose afterword and outside of Russia most kingdoms were not absolute and local goverrnments tended to have much more day to day power. There is a reason they had to raise a whole crusader army in Northern France to kill all the Cathars in Southern France…
It took me decades to understand what really happened with Nixon, and how they did him dirty. Watergate was a frameup of course, but the motivation was Nixon tasking a guy with making list of jews in power chokepoints to fire, and suddenly he had to go.
It’s a case for “jews have to go” without claiming that jews are the top of the pyramid. They’re a unique problem when they’re just middlemen, even if there would always be middlemen of some kind, and the middlemen will always have some level of corruption.
Another, much larger case, WWII. The assassination of Huey Long, the silencing of Father Coughlin and Charles Lindbergh, the promotion of Roosevelt and Curchill, and more, all got us into WWII, but those all look to me more like jewish plays than a master plan of Harvard. If Harvard’s still in charge of all that mattered to them and the rest was just the cost of doing business, the cost of doing business is still itself a problem.
Nixon didn’t hate every Jew though he said correctly that tons of jews were left wing radicals and furthermore it was hard to detect sometimes for him as they were “born spies”, he never got rid of Kissinger (the sanest guy in the foreign policy establishment). Nixon was gotten rid of because he decided he was going to do a lot of Trump in hs second term things (including impoundment) oh and he even restricted Faucian bioweapons research because he predicted the issues with bioweapons research… so it came that both the red deep state (which no Republican president since Trump has been willing to cross) and the blue deep state (which always hated him since Alger Hiss) wanted him out and there was no alternative media.
> “Only in Russia and maybe Prussia am I aware that the monarchies were actually almost truly absolute.”
In Russia, at least, the power impulse was absolute once it trickles down to peasant level. On the upper game of thrones level, they too had to constantly balance the interests of various factions, ignore blatant corruption and incompetence to maintain useful allies, and get poisoned, shot, cuckolded, declared insane, and so on.
Re: possible mutations of regimes today. Today’s war, such as the one in Ukraine and Kursk, is very different not only due to new advances in drone tech. It is very different for two more major reasons: a) demography, b) internet.
a) In the 20th century you have a war, lose whatever percent of young men, a generation later the losses have been made up through high rate fertility. Today this is not the case anywhere in the Northern hemisphere. Nobody has even merely replacement fertility, including Russia and the Ukraine. Whatever population chunks both sides lose in the war, is not coming back. These demographic holes will remain forever.
(Quick aside concerning patriarchy. If one of the major carrying beams of this type of social organization is women being property and hence baby-machines, then we can today clearly differentiate between “true patriarchy” and “cosplay patriarchy” just by looking at the fertility numbers. Afghanistan is true patriarchy with 4+ fertility. Iran is cosplay patriarchy. No matter the posturing and chest-beating, 1.6 fertility shows the clear objective state of things. “Liberated democratic Iraq” is twice the patriarchy with 3.3 fertility, etc. The US last had a 3+ fertility rate in the 1950s, which was an abrupt, short-lived postwar eruption, as in “baby boom”, whereas the actual sustained 3+ fertility rate ended around 1910.)
b) modern communication tech. In the past, during war all sides could feed their population 90% lies. Today, with everyone having a micro-camera in their pocket, the sides can at best maintain 30% lies, and are forced to manage the remaining 70%. A world of transparency to which big systems are yet to adapt.
So. Whatever potential new political forms are growing around the Trump presidency, they will of course have roots in the past, but will nevertheless have to be new types, in order to survive in the current period. Both in terms of demography, and in terms of learning to control the narrative within the framework of free-flowing information. Both the demography and the new tech are in a sense “game-changers”, and the people around Trump will need to be very skilled at constructing systems that include in their design these two additional dimensions.
It is understandable that many observers see elements of something old on the verge of returning with the new presidency, but these elements will inevitably be building blocks of something new and unseen before. We are witnessing in real time the materialization attempts of a form of government inspired by people who can actually surf the kali yuga. Or at the very least recognize that surfing needs to be attempted.
I said no more sinister manipulation, but then I couldn’t care less about my anonymous online reputation – muh incel jesus, muh overdramatic “this chapter is complete,” lol, plus I’m bored. Also, you likely won’t be much manipulated when I self-identify as a subversive mossad khazar.
So for the record, what bothers me is that when the Armies of Christ show up to the Holy Land, you will not let poor schlomos like me convert to the Official Religion, but rather slaughter us all like swine. The “deal” I’m trying to reach with you stupid goyim WHITE DEVILS is that when you finally liberate the Holy Land from the false, demonic, repulsive religion of Judaism, and Christianize the land for good, that you allow at least some khazars to convert rather than murdering all Israelis. I’m loyal to God; but I’m also loyal to my People and Country. I don’t want innocent yids who are willing to sincerely accept Christ to nevertheless end up in the oven.
As for America, make it 100% Anglo-Saxon for all I care. Not my country, and I only interfered in your precious elections became I hate feminism more than you do (well, I also hate Harvard more broadly because of the Pro-Palestine psyops, but rest assured, I hate white-knight simps infinitely more than I hate Palestinians).
I say, let’s cut the crap and just speak plainly.
One day, Aryan Christians will seek to reclaim this land for God and Civilization. I welcome that development; and in fact I would rather be ruled by you guys than by my retarded co-ethnics.
I’m trying to negotiate a scenario in which some Israelis stay alive, for the simple reason that I have healthy survival instincts, plus some Jews are nice and cooperative people, although many are not, and could probably improve substantially from conversation to whatever version of Christianity you decide to go with. Some of us are willing to cooperate!
See, I’m not negotiating from an Elder of Zion position. It is more of a desperate “please please please don’t kill me please!” plea, to be perfectly honest.
Hey, how about this – you let us Israelis convert to your Official Faith (perhaps some pressure will have to be applied), and in exchange we will take in everyone with substantial Jewish DNA, no questions asked, even if they are not actually Jewish. That way you can finally deport Moldbug and Lomez to Israel, and it will be done in a perfectly Christian manner.
I’m with you and arguing that the kill all jews side of this argument is just retarded, has been listening to spam from feds and retards, and that their reasons are nonexistent.
I understand where the “kill all Jews” people are coming from. Indeed, as Saint Pseudo-Chrysostom wrote the other thread, we need some significant winnowing — genetic and memetic — to restore functionality and vitality. My people really are under a curse, which can be explained in a natural cause-and-effect way of bad behavior (stemming from a bad memeplex and some unpleasant genes) followed by punishment therefore. Religiously, explained as the consequence of ditching Divine Law in favor of Rabbinic Law. Point is, as unpleasant as some of our genes are, if you guys show up as conquerors/liberators and impose Christianity on the people, as in fact I’d like you to do, that would be much preferable, from my own totally biased perspective, than if you just show up to slaughter us all. That’s what I’m getting at.
As for America, it’s your country, you decide its demographics, and if you decide that poor people with brown eyes (or whatever criteria you pick) don’t belong, it’s absolutely not my business to tell you otherwise, and you should do as you see fit.
They want to go beyond that and play lets look through everyone’s 23&me and kill everyone who their 23&me analyzer thinks is jewish. Its just retarded…
Keep the purge criteria simple, kill all the leftists. Ie anyone who supported Biden or Kamala (I’ll assume that Yarvin was joking).
Are the fedposters in the room with us right now?
Doubtlessly there are many who would like to be. But if there were any real ones we’d hear from them. We can certainly imagine there is no shortage of would-be fedposters getting filtered by their inability to pass an ideological turing test.
I suspect, however, that a significant contributing factor to fednats being relatively scarce in this room is that Jim clamps down hard on their entryism. Furthermore, while some posters state their positions explicitly, others not so much, and it could well be that had Jim not rebutted fednat memes so thoroughly, thus signaling his disapproval/rejection of their worldview, the discourse would have rapidly become GTKRWN about 95% of the time, as you see on so many other platforms not moderated by Foghorn Leghorn and co. And again, I see where these people are coming from; while I believe Nazism is a CIA psyop, I can understand exactly why so many people have fallen for it – the record of Jewish misbehavior is far from clean, to put it mildly (also, Jews are just plain annoying in the eyes of God and Man), and when I see leftist Jews in the American establishment today, I want to fire up the ovens myself.
That’s why I shill for people just stating what they actually believe and arguing their real positions.
Hitler is Orwell’s “Emmanuel Goldstein”, which the party represents as the arch-enemy and the source of all opposition. Goldstein is a former Party leader who turned traitor and became the figurehead of the Brotherhood, an underground resistance movement. He is the target of the Two Minutes Hate and is frequently depicted as the embodiment of everything the Party opposes.
If someone joins the Emannual Goldstein resistance, he is being manipulated to render him harmless. Ever since the end of World War Two, Nazism has been run by Jews in the State Department, just as the brotherhood was run by the Party.
What you need to understand is that the Holocaust Industry is a bunch of cynical and greedy kikes who only seek to leech off your shekels using endless emotional blackmail (regardless of what happened or didn’t happen 85 years ago), and so the best response to these shysters is to close down their White-Guilt-Tripping businesses and deport them from America to Israel or to the deep ocean (we don’t need more conmen). But alas, many people’s response to the semitic conman religion of Holocaustianity is to embrace its memeplex, only identify with the “bad guys” in the narrative. Hey, growing up in a Jewish Longhouse, I myself always found Hitler’s vibe to be quite inspiring and certainly a breath of fresh air. But embracing the villain role from the parasitic faith of holocaustianity is not exactly the healthiest response, in my view.
If Jimian Christianity is sincerely adopted by Christian nations, we are likely to see much more cooperation between all traditional faiths across the board, and result in Westphalian peace. Necessarily requires end of Empires, end of “international rules based order” and end of constantly worrying about lands and peoples thousands of miles away.
Like Jim says, Israel for the Jews, India for Hindus and so on. So long as national borders and the respective state religions are mutually respected and not interfered with, I see no problems for peace.
The problem has always been Universalist, expansionist religions of which globohomo is the latest iteration. Universalism leads to Empire, race diversity and conflicts created through territorial expansion, Leftist holiness spirals, holy wars and all the other incidental problems of Empire.
I see no reason why nationalists of different countries/faiths cannot maintain Westphalian peace. The only major religion currently other than globohomo which I see as incompatible with Westphalian peace is the desert cult.
I’m more than willing to “concede” far more than that. I do believe that Christianity should reign here rather than Judaism, and I do believe that an Aryan ruling class is likely to do a much better job than a Semitic ruling class.
I will welcome the American Crusaders as liberators, provided they actually will be liberators and not genocidal maniacs looking to exterminate all the local population.
Moreover, I suggest all non-whites and/or non-Christians everywhere should start negotiating a peaceful surrender to Christian America, and deeply consider their allegiance vis-a-vis Regime Change.
Why? I am suggesting end of Empires, end of globalism, and return to strong nationalism which is the Jimi idea. Your idea will lead to a new Global American Empire after the fall of the current one, though it may be Christian rather than globohomo it will end up with a similar path to failure modes we experience today.
In the short term, certainly. I don’t expect American Crusaders tomorrow morning. But I also don’t expect human civilization to climb up the Kardashev Scale while uncooperative weltanschauungen are still around. Sorry, Elon; the Desert Cult will have to be defeated before we really go to Mars. Before conquering the stars, need to conquer Earth – it seems totally idiotic to try conquering the rest of the universe while this planet has not yet been, at the very least, memetically stabilized. (Between Vance and Musk, the former’s worldview is more aligned with GNON.) Now, as for non-Christian religions that can maintain a Westphalian Peace – sure, peace is great, I’m all for Isaiah 11 in fact, but their inherent failure modes are likely to lead them to be subordinate to Christian America eventually, and that usually entails memetic pwnage, and possibly military occupation.
The concert of Europe should be the model, rather than world empire. A unitary state is likely to devolve into skynet. Skynet will not allow us to conquer the stars, because it will fear its far flung colonies.
The despotism we are now seeing in Europe, Brazil, and Canada, which was coming to America, began in the Ukraine. The empire lusted to Ukrainize its heartland. Of course it did. Why would it not?
Put another way: I don’t expect Hindus or Orthodox Jews or Muslims to conquer the stars. The stars will be conquered by “Humanity,” which in practice will be the memetic and genetic descendants of White Christendom, broadly conceptualized; which in even more practice means that we’re all ‘Muricans now, or eventually will be. What’s left is to negotiate the conditions of our surrender.
When we fantasize about the Space Opera, the music that plays in our minds is Synthwave – because we all know, instinctively, who will be conquering space.
It’s WYPIPO, equipped with pronatalist social technologies. Do you expect that to happen while Earth is in memetic/spiritual disarray? I believe that the right chronology is: stabilize earth -> expand spacewards. It is white, Christian Americans who will be doing the stabilization, with all due respect to Dugin’s race-denialist theories.
Ultimately, the Bible (OT+NT) is likely to be the Canonical Kernel of space-colonizing humanity’s collective memelex, of course interpreted through the lens of the Dark Enlightenment and the Cult of Gnon, and thus complemented with substantial “secular” knowledge. Indeed, the idea of a Jimian Commentary on select Biblical passages has been brought up before – it’s a good idea.
Of course, there will be different states. But I believe that memetic evolution will eventually select for a collective human memeplex, whose core sacred scripture (memetic base) will likely be the KJB, and whose attendant social technologies will, at the very least, be successfully marketed to the cognitive elite as the societal superstructures that naturally spring therefrom.
True enough, the same egregoe is likely to be interpreted somewhat differently by the multifarious thedes that constitute the collective – but it’s the same egregore nonetheless, provided it is headed by the same priesthood.
(Needless to say, over a vast stretch of time and space, much splitting is expected.)
One of the big problems with wandering whos is they have no country; if made to have their own country, solves that problem.
The ones who can’t be part of a nation, in several senses of the phrase, will doubtlessly refuse. There can be many of these. Of course these are also be the worst of the lot, so just as well; it would be no good for you if they showed up there either.
Dharmic already said it so I’ll just say I share the sentiment. What you say here is much of like what I think myself.
White Christians need a nation, many nations, Hindus need a nation, and Jews need a nation. Jews do not really have a nation, because of Woke meddling and the Israeli Supreme court.
And blacks need a nation, many nations, but being a more primitive race, those nations are going to need some degree of white meddling and supervision. White meddling has been very bad for black nations, especially for Haiti, and for Israel, which I attribute to our state religion being evil rather than to white meddling in the affairs of low IQ races being inherently bad. (Well it is inherently bad, but leaving stupid violent people to their own devices is also bad.)
The criminal underclass prison population can be put to good use. While they tend to be the genetic dredges of our civilization, relative to much of the third world, they are far superior. What they need is leadership and supported exodus to a mineral rich and fertile land inhabited by peoples that regular Americans would have no natural incentive to deal with. The deal being the criminal underclass gets to become ruling upper class overseas with all the support they need, and in exchange the homeland gets a cut of the wealth that can now be exploited by the superior stock.
I know Pax can thought-crime, but this is the platonic ideal of the dangers of not coming out and saying what everyone knows. Our prisons are disproportionately black, then la raza, then white. And the prisoners aren’t even as good their population baseline, they’re notoriously low iq, high time preference, violent.
Are you meaning to advocate for actively exporting and installing black and la raza dregs as breeding overlords of slightly darker lands? Because that’s the worst of both worlds, general low iq baseline with the the lighter tinge overlords selected for criminality, high time preference and lower iq, offsetting any marginal gain from their 85 baseline iq over the 60-70 of wherever they’re installed.
And separately, it’s ignoring the dangers of empire for a heartland’s population. Rome, Britain, the US, everywhere that starts by ruling foreign lands ends with the foreigners coming home to the heartland.
And another tangent. I know Amerikaners have some criminals, its unavoidable given our founding stock. Yet I’m convinced that white wiggerism is largely an artifact of the artificially high status of blacks and the artificially low status of white males, especially lower class white males. End those two things wiggerism drops by two orders of magnitude overnight. If some of those remaining need exported as adventurers then well and good, but it won’t be such a large number as requires reordering society around doing so.
Is turning certain parts of Africa into a profitable prison colony really the worst of both worlds? Liberia was really a fake attempt, but even then the gene flow was obviously in one direction.
>they’re notoriously low iq, high time preference, violent.
>slightly darker lands
>offsetting any marginal gain from their 85 baseline iq over the 60-70 of wherever they’re installed
There’s always a charming naivety people have about Africa. DR Congo (average IQ of 64.92 and 102.3 million people) is getting overrun by 3 to 4 thousand troops from Rwanda (69.95 and 14). The native African population is even lower IQ, higher time preference, than the ~90 IQ average US prison pop. It’s a much ‘darker’ continent than you think. It would not take much to kick the door in and seize control.
>everywhere that starts by ruling foreign lands ends with the foreigners coming home to the heartland
That’s why we would not be ruling the them in the same way we were not ruling Liberia. It’s a one way ticket there and the only thing that should be coming back is mineral riches. Notice Portugal and Spain did not get overrun by former colonial subjects. Foreigners ‘coming home’ is not fate, it’s a choice.
I see better what you’re getting at it; I’ll ponder it.
But there’s still this weak point:
~90 IQ average US prison pop
Only places I see 90 is for overall prison pop, still eliding wide racial gaps. Black general pop of US is ~85 iq to begin with, black prison pop even lower, 80 at best and I can find a range of 70-80.
From there you’re strictly correct, 70-80 better than 65. But personality traits are partly heritable, so at the same time you’re averaging with 5-15 better you’re also sending a cohort selected for anti-social personal traits, a critique you slid past rather than addressed.
And then I ask, why expend the trouble, expense, political capital to eugenically promote this cohort of criminal blacks? Best case to be rid of them entirely, but we see with Liberia that export programs executed by Americans never get them all, so best case off the table.
Or if you mean only white prisoners, come out and say so, but the inability to say so makes me question it.
And if it works, if we “improve” Africa, does a new and slightly better race of Africans benefit our posterity, or is it creating another chip on their shoulder race like dot-Indians or la raza, only this time on purpose?
>70-80 better than 65
IQ appears to have an exponential relationship to lethality in warfighting. To us, 75 IQ Black who stabbed his brother to death over the last piece of fried chicken (with the bone no less, look it up, it has happened more than once) can easily be dealt with by White police officers, but to the 65 IQ African he is a potential warlord (ok I exaggerate but not by far).
>still eliding wide racial gaps
Who says we only send the black prison pop. All the professional criminals should get a one way ticket to select parts of Africa. Even the Aryan Brotherhood for shits and giggles. In fact the prison gangs get priority because they’re already organized in a paramilitary fashion. Who knows, something may come out of it.
>you’re also sending a cohort selected for anti-social personal traits, a critique you slid past rather than addressed.
Not entirely. I point out the African has much higher time preference than the American prison black. Every single problem the American prison black has, multiply by 10 to understand large swaths of Africa.
>And then I ask, why expend the trouble, expense, political capital
Criminal behavior is very costly when left to freely act. Prisons are less expensive but still costly. We have among the largest criminal underclasses in the world. Africa has a lot of untapped natural resources, but we really don’t want to directly deal with the inhabitants in many of the places. Even the more civilized parts leaves the Chinese exasperated and hopeless. Only people willing to go there are those at the bottom of society, your prison pop.
Prison cost per inmate is ~100K a year. Say we offer them 50K in cash and another 20K in military gear for a one way ticket to Africa. They lose their citizenship. They get integrated into pre-existing prison gang hierarchies who are told, make sure x, y, z gets exported from the African country (we don’t really care how) and we’ll comp you in cash, luxuries, and weaponry that you can’t produce in Africa. Worst case they take the money and melt into African gen pop, you still save a lot of money, manpower, and never have to worry about them again.
Sounds like Pax is suggesting we take over at least a select part of Africa (preferably one with a lot of natural resources) as a penal colony. Certainly worth considering. Incarceration is a bad way to do criminal justice. Punishment should be weird sci fi brain correction, fines, flogging, exile or death.
For the cost of the Global War on Terror, every single human on earth could have been flown to anywhere else on earth. Business class.
It is good for us, and good for Africa, because they are smarter than most Africans, (Though there is enormous variation in African races)
Back when colonialism was functional, whites ruled Africa through blacks. Obviously the correct way to do it.
The kind of blacks we are talking about should viewed as bioweapons rather than people. Apply bioweapons to ensure that it is possible to extract African resources, rather than to destroy American cities.
There’s no point. The early European colonies functioned on mulattos because white biology is fragile to tropical dangers and the overall fertility was too low to create a large enough managerial class. The tropical environment problem is solved by modern technology, and the fertility problem should be solved before we worry about mineral wealth. You want to copy the models of the Afrikaaner and the Rhodesian instead. Establish a government run by extremely talented and adventurous, which will be 95+% white so lets just call it establishing a white government, and have them decide who to hire to extract resources, and have them decide how to manage the massive horde of blacks that show up demanding gibs.
On the Havel’s Greengrocers question:
Is a business owner really a Havel’s Greengrocer if he employs Haitans and goes on publicly degrading the white man for not working at his factory for 1 dollar an hour? I see this kind of guy come up on the news every once in a while and I just can’t imagine he is just waiting for the day to be ‘liberated’ and admit all along that he didn’t really want to employ the jeets and he was just only pretending to like them. Seems pretty implicit to me. Is he not a leftist if he’s basically profiting off this venture at the cost of the social fabric, or is he a really good capitalist in sync with the times?
I mean, look at this guy crying about it still even after Trump winning, doesn’t look like an honest bloke with a gun to his head forcing his testimony to me: https://archive.ph/tLRDJ
You are linking to events in Canada, which is a totalitarian terror state. Who knows what Canadians actually think? Most Canadians do not dare know what they themselves think.
It is impossible for any Canadian namefag to say anything different from what he is saying. He would be debanked and fired instantly if he deviated from script. He would be audited and found guilty of being a ham sandwich.
‘Trump and Elon are cutting taxes to make their rich buddies richer while you and I get poorer.’
This is a talking point that frequently comes up in alt-mainstream news programs and talk shows lately (‘alt-mainstream’ as in bodies that are critical of MSNBC for being insufficiently whiggist).
What can you say? They instinctively identify as parasites. If they are men of value, then lower taxes means greater capital. Lower taxes of course doesn’t mean more means for you when you are a bloodsucker on the tax cattle.
Lower taxes is supposed to result in fewer government programs and ultimately more children growing up with a mom and dad, not a mom and a government check. It means men not ending up cucked by the state. This is conservatism 101.
But what actually happens is [*Capitalism as woke imagines it to be deleted*]
Trump showed a collection of oligarchs backing him. Actual capitalist oligarchs are more like Elon Musk. The faggots were injected into corporations by the State.
What you describe is capitalism as Davos has been attempting to remake it, and you are making the redistributionist left criticism against the Davos left, and presenting it as the right wing criticism. Nah, the alt right criticism of Davos capitalism is that it needs to look more like Musk capitalism. Which was what Trump was showing off — maybe Trump is lying, or putting a spin on an uglier reality, but he was selling the capitalism that the alt right wants and that the Republican base wants.
I don’t think we have had anything close to capitalism since Dodge v Ford in 1919, and Musk can tell you directly from his experience that he has relived what Henry Ford went through. I’m just saying that the right ought to get tired of electing conservatives who falsely claim that they’re going to overturn over a century of leftist decisions. Lucy keeps taking the football away.
Electing economic leftist social conservatives, [*payload deleted*]
It is completely obvious that Trump, Musk, and many of the lesser tech oligarchs backing him are real capitalists, who have been practising real capitalism for as long as they were allowed to get away with it.
They switched to Musk, and Musk switched to Trump, because the Biden cabal decided to no longer let anyone anywhere get away with it.
Trump was elected three times because the Republican base got sick and tired of electing conservatives who falsely claim that they’re going to overturn over a century of leftist decisions, and figured a real capitalist was just the man to stop it.
And now he is stopping it. The left is having fits because Trump is defunding them.
Trump 1.0 suffered from normality bias. He has been cured of this.
A tax on anyone is ultimately a tax on everyone. All costs are passed on. Reduction in capitalization means… reduction in capital. More tax, less revenue.
Trump is Napoleon posting, and you’re not celebrating?
Came here expecting to see it already posted. I’m disappointed.
One step away from him declaring himself emperor and dissolving congress.
I might jest, but I love how plausibly deniable this quote is. Could be anything from saying he is not breaking the law to basically declaring himself above it.
The way I chose to see it, the Law with capital L is the Law of God. The laws of men are nothing in front of the Law of God. So long as Trump is saving his country, the laws of men are nothing before him.
It is amazing. Trump 1.0 was Gracchus and nearly met Gracchus’ fate. Trump 2.0 has made the transition to Sulla, and is working down the list, same playbook that Bonaparte went through when Bonaparte saved his country from a leftist death spiral.
So Trump knows his history. After an entire lifetime of projecting a persona of a flawed, charming, but mostly harmless, merchant. Trump is transforming into his final form.
That Trump is Napoleon posting reveals he knows the history and relevance of past Thermidors — which suggests he is aware of, and substantially agrees with, the Dark Enlightenment analysis that this blog has been promoting, that this blog is the primary source for.
That Rep. Eric Burlison recognises this as Napoleon posting indicates that our memes are getting around.
Look, what he is saying is good stuff, but we are just not into hyperventilating over tweets. Talk is cheap; we’re interested in action. And there has been plenty of action, so little reason to talk about talk.
The meatiest headlines right now are the ones from the left, crying that the world is ending.
“EEOC seeks to drop gender discrimination case after Trump executive order”
“A 2nd U.S. judge pauses Trump’s order against gender-affirming care for trans youth” (meaning, it didn’t work the first time)
“Are immigrants still welcome in Mayor Eric Adams’ New York City?”
“Trump’s new passport rules are trapping transgender Americans in bureaucratic limbo”
“Trump’s petty revenge on the arts”
“Stunned federal workers brace for the real-world repercussions of Trump’s purges”
“Trump administration fires new immigration judges”
“Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event”
These refer to things that are actually happening. This is what we want to see; this is what we weren’t seeing in 2016. No more “Russian puppet”, no more “administration in Chaos”, not even any more “Trump raaaaycis” because it is played out. They are screaming “Tyrant, tyrant, tyrant! Power grab! End of democracy!” And Heritage America’s reply is: “Yes.” Cue the Serious Chad meme.
If the tweets help morale, if Trump is writing a memo to the men with guns, then so be it, I am all for that, but ambiguous one-liners don’t viscerally excite me and I don’t think we need to analyze and discuss each one.
The elephant in the room right now is lawfare, and the big question on my mind is when are we going to have some Commonsense Hawaiian Judge Control and what form will it take. If they are simply ignoring the judges’ orders, and it looks like they are, that is an excellent start. However, unlike the media, and unlike the spiderweb of government agencies, the black-robes appear to still be unfazed and unconcerned. We’ll know we’ve truly won once the judges stop issuing these illegal edicts, either because they are afraid, or because they’ve realized they’re irrelevant and given up, or because they’ve mysteriously failed to show up for work for the past three weeks.
Musk showed up for Trump in full Dark Maga costume, and just did it again with little X. So a mysterious failure of activist judges to show up for work for three weeks is on the table.
why do you keep changing your tls pubkey?
go find the letsencrypt command option that lets you keep the pubkey and only update the sig.
I am not familiar with that option. Give me an education on what Certbot can do.
try ‘renew’ option. –dry-run
I see nothing relevant to your issue — not from certbot renew –dry-run, nor from certbot help reconfigure
certbot reconfigure –reuse-key looks as if it might have the desired effect, but certbot says no such command.
Pax’ proposal is good but should not be limited to criminals. American blacks who go to Africa out of afrocentric nostalgia quickly discover how much more organized, honest, reliable and capable they are compared to the locals. They stand in roughly the same relationship as American whites to American blacjks. They should therefore be frankly encouraged to become a natural genetic aristocracy over in the Old Continent. Blacks generally already believe in HBD and don’t need convincing, they just need to see the opportunity.
As the Overton Window gets pushed ever closer to full realism, it should become possible for private North American foundations to support black emigration to Africa as a demonstration of its potential long before it becomes official policy.
As for the now very long JQ discussion provoked by my earlier comment, I cannot reply to the whole thing at the moment, but I think the Jim/Cominator position understates the contribution of genetics to the Ashkenazi Problem, even if genes are not (in this case) primary for formulating policy. The genetic problems are solved by Ashkenazim in Israel intermixing with the other Jews, encouraging Anglosphere Ashkenazim to move to Israel, and helicoptering Western leftists which will quickly make conversos of the greengrocer type of left leaning but normie Jews. Also, defunding leftist occupations such as government, law (smart contracts will kill off a lot), academia, NGOs, education etc will push many parasitically employed Jews into more productive occuptions and so execute a kind of “soft Zionism” domestically, with the kind of positive effects it had in Israel of converting financiers into soldiers and farmers.
In case any of you are unaware of the current soap opera on X right now, Musk is have woman problems with one Ashley St. Clair, an online E-girl who recently gave birth to a baby sired by Musk. She blabbed all about it on Valentine’s day. Perhaps she was jealous/unhappy with the current Musk family favorite Shivon Zilis (here: https://x.com/petroleumpilled/status/1890973711655727312 ).
Musk better be careful with these (geographically) far flung bastards. I’m thinking Lindbergh baby, JP Getty III, Patty Hearst, … He may be able to keep his core family safe, but with these kids all spread out, security becomes problematic, especially with skanks broadcasting everything on Twitter! Even more so given that not only is he the richest man in the world, he is widely hated by the Left and criminal Antifa types. At least Gordon Getty kept his second family secret for years.
BPD and Cluster B generally are autism/Asperger spectrum phenotypes. They glom hard onto the more masculine and successful autists like Musk, because assortative mating and because this kind of targeting is very often successful as autists are the worst at filtering out crazy.
Is that a “Source?” statement?
Or is that an “I MADE IT UP” statement?
As an autist we like so called BPD type women because
1) BPD girls tend to like us while normie women very much get the ick from us
2) BPD chicks evil reputation is overblown in my experience though an angry splitting episode is scary the 1st time. They mostly just hurt themselves.
3) it’s not that we don’t know their crazy they tend to be crazy in a way we find amusing
4) we appreciate that when BPD chicks stab you the knife goes in the front not the back
See also virtual streamers.
E-Girls are basically BPD paradise, and the subsets of men that tend to be most ‘pluged in’ online like what they see.
Paying egirls is fucking retarded… I wouldn’t know what they are like beyond that they scam simps.
No argument from me. There’s no shortage out there to be had for free, and most Just Like To Watch, as it were.
Some interesting/amusing commentary from the usual suspects.
Voxday thinks she’s a deep state operative, but the program failed as Musk is shameless. https://voxday.net/2025/02/16/the-7-year-honeypot/
JF Gariepy posts a long form tweet giving his game theoretical gene propagation analysis. https://x.com/JFGariepy/status/1891286563704676853
The parsimonious explanation is that the unitarian faction(s) of the deepstate will lean on anyone they think could be a point of vulnerability even if they’re not planted. Why *wouldn’t* they try to fuck with a man’s children through the women? It’s the classic vector. You hardly even need to direct it given how nigh universal the organization for it already is, at that.
Elon is not the first powerful man to have a bunch of bastard children. Which is fine, who is going to stop him, it’s just very far from the great masterplan he makes it out to be. Sticking to one wife might seem like more effort, in the long run it works. Elon on the other hand is going to end up fighting a bunch of different women who will use his kids as weapons against him.
Also worth adressing the predictable counter-argument: “OK, but even with the added drama, having 15 kids with a bunch of women beats having 5 kids with one woman. It’s a longterm genetic win.”
No you’re not thinking it through. If you want to talk longterm, talk longterm. What about grandchildren? What about great-grandchildren? If your kids do not have a happy parents couple to learn from, to grow up in, how many children will they have? How psychologically stable will they be? The story of Elon’s eldest son is an obvious cautionary tale.
The same goes for sperm donation in the extreme. Yes, even more kids than Elon in the short run, but not only do you have no quality control over the female stock, you have absolutely nothing to say over what happens in the children’s life. Will they end up an adopted playball in some gay household? Who knows.
All of which is to say: no such thing as a free lunch. Turns out that the evolutionary principle behind marriage is just as sound as the biblical principal.
His original wife already trannied his son though.
Exactly my point. Elon blames the woke mind virus for this, not entirely unjustifiably. But one would expect him to also reflect on his role as a father in why his son transitioned. Which, judging from him having yet another kid with yet another woman, he is clearly not doing.
BTW, evolutionarily, I think this is what really happed in the distant past. Archaic hominids, ie Homo Erectus, migrated out of Africa and populated the old world. Homo Sapiens evolved outside of Africa, and then gene flow back into Africa “humanized” the archaic populations there, but not yet fully.
This is not an either/or situation. A man can have his nuclear family with a wife and 2.5 kids and still donate sperm. I once joked about starting website called “Uplift Africa” where, instead of money, African women (in Africa) could get “Aryan sperm”.
Jim, in your post on 2025-02-15 at 10:13 you wrote:
1453 Constantinople fell. The following decades Islam conquered large parts of Europe and reached Vienna in 1529. Weren’t those decades were Christians were defeated? Even after 1529 Mohammedans often defeated Christian armies. The turning point was the battle of Vienna in 1683 which stopped expansion of the Ottoman empire into Europe.
Don’t these defeats count?
Well, yes, they do count.
Definitely count, and ‘undefeated’ is using a broad brush.
But despite losses, some of them rather heavy, the net result of centuries of warfare between Christianity and Islam has been a resounding victory for Christendom. Right up until Christendom ceased being Christian.
The former seems to presuppose America as an economic zone. After all, we are just taking in anyone (up to a certain number) should they be economically valuable. Are we not? I haven’t seen any arguments from anyone besides P-C that we should consider anything beyond how much they could contribute to the economy or how hot the pussy is. We are expelling bodies only if they are unproductive, no other measure is being taken, are we not? What other exclusion criteria, assuming the evil and criminal are executed and so do not need to be expelled, are we selecting for?
Sounds like an economic zone to me. Jim mentions the creation of the English, the Anglo-Saxon, and the emergent Singaporean. The former looks like good evidence an economic zone with strong leadership creates a people over several centuries, with the caveat that the people were basically cousin nations at farthest to begin with. The latter, I say the jury is still out. What happens if the Singapore economy collapses? What happens if India and China go to war, and the Malays and Indonesian-Malays pick one side over the other? Across the border to the North and South there were racial pogroms not too long ago, and to this day racial quotas. Malaysia does not seem to be producing a Sino-Malay race, distinct and new, instead the Malay are slowly eroding away the Chinese with occasional intermarriage and a superior birthrate.
In Latin America, there was a great deal of mixing, with very strong eugenic selection by the Iberian rulers. The resulting nations are of inferior quality, in most cases vastly inferior quality, when compared to the Iberians, even when comparing to the lowest of Iberians. Additionally, among the Anglos themselves, it looks to me like the greatest talent tended to run along family lines. The Darwins and the Huxleys, for example.
If you care about your descendants, probably should be extremely selective with your wife, and teach your children the same. Should not associate so broadly with the very large umbrella of the public. Should not take it for granted that just because the one individual was a lucky combination, that intermarriage would produce good offspring. Genes and heritage tend to only be fully expressed across several generations.
With all this in mind, seems wise to me to not be loyal to America, as it is not your nation, and shouldn’t be your nation. Far too diverse to be a nation. You should be loyal to your patron instead, who in our case our patron would be Trump, especially so if he finds himself capped with a crown. You should also form strong associations and insulate yourself, your friends, and your offspring from the large pool of hoi polloi, because if you are of even remotely good breeding, being swallowed would mean inferior offspring.
A state is a synthetic tribe. A nation state is a synthetic tribe wherein the state faith is live, and subscribed to by the vast majority of the population.
You are not going to create a nation state by expelling everyone insufficiently white.
Further, you cannot preserve our genetic inheritance by racial purity. It decays fairly rapidly. due to genetic load. The ancient solution is a high birth rate and a high death rate, the upper class selecting itself for excellence, and differential reproduction. The lower classes are replaced by the bastards and failures of the upper class.
You get a race-real-tribe-state by the upper class replacing the lower class.
If you don’t have a widely accepted state faith, and Thermidor never does, you wind up with a rather small synthetic tribe ruling an economic zone.
A high birth rate, a high death rate, and severe inequality seems a bit harsh. Perhaps we can do better with gene technology. I have been planning and preparing for both a dark age and a golden age, albeit we may have to go through a dark age that implements the old solutions in order to get there.
Jim I agree with this but based on what you’ve said I do wish to question one aspect of your worldview re marriage and reproduction.
Prior to the Victorian era and per victorian era morality (and after it in the Anglo world) you lookup any famous high status guy and generally they are noted as having a certain amount of bastard children Elon Musk style. And even worse in regards your worldview if you lookup upper class women (if they were married to some old rich guy) it often (not nearly as often) says she was suspected of having an affair with handsome junior guard officer or stable groom or something like that. Is a certain amount of winking at this kind of pre victorian fucking around essential to maintaining genetic quality even in the absence of dysgenic superevents like WWI or the creation of IQ shredder too big cities. At least until gene editting technology gets up to a certain level. I think Oliver Twist was more of a Victorian era thing because they became more Jimically militant against bastards. Before Victoria royal bastards were generally allowed to hangout and live in the palace… Victoria kicked them all out.
Obviously you want your greatest men, such as Elon Musk, to have lots of bastards. And you want his wife to stick with him regardless. Which was also the pre Victorian rule.
At the same time the major payload of such rumors about misbehaving wives was that the old rich guy was incapable of performing his marital duties, or unwilling to perform them. That the old guy was misbehaving.
Hmmmm I expected more pushback on the wife thing. Well for a wife intending to do what was implied its actually not ideal if the guy can NEVER perform his duties because then he knows as she has no plausible deniability (but maybe he is okay with getting a male heir that way but in such a case its probably been openly discussed)… its more ideal hes say old sickly fat and can only very rarely perform his duties. But you do seem to agree that I’m not completely full of shit about about this.
Now btw I agree this was NOT the mentality of the puritans or the quakers who had the Victorian conception of married sexual morality before the Victorians. I’m talking about generally the rest of European civilization who regarded the puritans and quakers as weird disagreeable fanatics (though Oliver Cromwell was held in a grudging amount of respect even by say Catholic monarchs).
The winking should be very subtle, though. “Sin lieth at the door,” and until we’re ready for pornotopia, the Garden of Earthly Delights inexorably becomes Gehenna.
T, Yeah. Especially for women, winking at things should always be subtle and what is winked at if kept in the shadows should not be spared if brought to light. But I do think women make better genetic choices in circumstances where they are sneaking out of the Topaki Harem quarters at night than when they actually get to pick their primary mate. They are evolved to do the former but before feminism they have no evolutionary history of doing the latter.
Really not that obvious to me.
Perhaps it is a logical stance from an evolutionary perspective. But it is not a logical stance from a Christian perspective. The Christian perspective rather clearly states that you should not lust after women outside your marriage. Since we are priests proposing old type Christianity as a state religion, I strongly recommend that be our stance.
When our elite cheats and lusts and has bastard children, our stance should not be: yay we are replacing the lower class with elite genes. Our stance should be: that is sinful. Because it is.
The argument is similar to one you sometimes hear made on abortion: abortion is good, because often it’s low-stock women that engage in it. Evolutionary speaking, maybe. Christian speaking: no, still bad.
Don’t think anyone ever said non marital carnal knowledge was a sin in pre Victorian Christendom just it was in most cases a minor sin. Before the Catholic church became very gay it was a very very major sin if male on male homosexuality. Very very minor if fornication with a woman who already fornicated. Who a married man did it with the sin level depended on who the woman was not if he was married (for biblically its not actually adultery for a married man to have sex with another woman, its only adultery if the woman is herself married to someone else). More severe sin if it was a woman though pre Victorian society seemed to have a certain amount of social tolerance for women who were suspected of doing it if their husband was old, fat (marriages were arranged and mostly that worked out better but sometimes that happened) or just away for a very long time.
Both Paul and Jesus are pretty clear that marriage is a holy between the wife and husband, and sex outside marriage is sinful. A position we cheerfully copy and even apply reversed: someone knocks you up? Marriage time!
Sure, you can haggle over the heaviness of the sin, and having a unmarried woman as a mistress beats having a married woman as a mistress. But it’s still sinful. Just because everyone did it does not make it less sinful. And even turning a blind eye to it is still much preferred than arguing ‘muh high-quality genetic offspring’. Lust and genetic greed lie that way.
Louis XIV was a good man for (eventually) choosing a life with Marquise de Maintenon over a life with Marquise de Montespan.
The Gulf Arabs for many centuries had too strict enforcement of marriage only sex and until they struck oil and could import foreign golddigger women (their genetic quality has seemed to have massively improved this generation) they were a genetic disaster. And yes the North Africans had slave girls coming in up until the 1800s but the gulf Arabs were probably cutoff from that 1000 years ago so I’m looking specifically at the Gulf Arabs as my case study. Until recently they seemed rather subhuman including to Mediterreanean Arabs because they were. I’m not saying the official church should ever say its okay I’m just saying we probably don’t want to go too much in the direction of marriage only strictly enforced.
Genesis 20:3:
Genesis 39:9:
Proverbs 6:34:
Proverbs 7:27:
If you want to sniff around chungusaurus’ harem, or one of his milfs/gilfs is intent on seducing you, then you should (for your own safety) tread as carefully as possible.
There’s a great many reasons to blame Arabs for their failures.
And even assuming what you say is true, the same can hardly be said for Christian nations. Take the Dutch royal family: at this point barely even Dutch, like maybe 5%. The remaining 95% a mixture of English, French, German, Russian and Argentinian.
Yes, I don’t mean to holiness spiral the point. We are all human, we all face temptations, and fact of the matter is kings and nobles get a lot of panties thrown at them. Truly the original rockstars. The only point I’m pushing back on is what jim says here:
> “Obviously you want your greatest men, such as Elon Musk, to have lots of bastards.”
As a Christian priesthood, you shouldn’t want that. It happens, but don’t condone it.
What matters is whether the King (or Great Man) takes other men’s wives, which the Bible has abundantly prohibited, or simply maintains a harem of SLOOTS, which is okay, though he shouldn’t monopolize an excessive number of them, for obvious reasons.
Prohibited in the bible as early as Abram and Hagar.
A harem of sluts just never works out the way men imagine it to work out. Louis XIV found that out, repented, reverted to monogamy. Elon is receiving plenty of signs that it is not working out, time will tell if he learns.
What is Louis XIV’s story about having a harem of sluts? I heard a lot about him, but not this part of his life. So he had like chicks on his dicks like an Ottoman Sultan and he got overwhelmed by the sisterhood Harpying him or something?
Deuteronomy 17:16-17:
It is not prohibited for the King to maintain a harem of sluts – what is prohibited is having them in excess, not unlike horses and silver and gold.
You need to be a bit pathological to have a harem of sl00ts at any one time a normal guy only wants one or two sl00ts that he sees regularly at any one time.
We seem to be reading this very differently.
I interpret this to simply say: don’t take multiple wives. Take one. For clarity Moses even makes a distinction between don’t multiply (wives) and don’t greatly multiply (silver and gold), meaning it is OK to amass some wealth, it is not OK to amass some wives. Not seeing how this in any way condones the king having a harem of sluts.
Yes pretty much exactly this. He had created an entire ecosystem around him at Versailles, built with chambers for favorite mistresses and secret doors to his bedroom and all that jazz. All of which led to gossip, drama and intrigue culminating in the affair of the poisons.
The only point in a huge harem of sl00ts at any one time is an ego trip even if you’re rich and high status attending to too many women would not be fun but just exhausting and annoying. Being an infinitely lustful guy would suck no matter how high status you were since men do not have unlimited endurance for sex (my favorite stripper ever became the serially cheating whore she was because no one man could consistently maintain her general nympho desire to get nailed about 6 times a day). Charles II did not have a harem he had a couple of mistresses at any one time.
The best example of this moral lesson manifesting in reality comes from the rice farmers across the Eurasian landmass.
What is now called China several times had an emperor decide he needed a palace filled with 1000 women. Ended up needing
powerhungry troonseunuchs to manage all the logistics. Ended up having his empire run by women and troons. Ended up having his line extinguished, and the entire empire falling to extremely bloody civil war.Then, right across the sea, grorious nippon has had the same royal family for over a milennium now. I’m sure at many points the emperor, literally god emperor in their case, has had quite a few mistresses, but never an industrial scale harem. The line continues, and at one point the continuity of the imperial line ensured there was a man around to break the deadlocked war council and save the country from an absurd amount of oncoming destruction.
In Musk’s case, it looks like the bastard thing is a response to what happened to Bezos. Until we at least turn back cash and prizes for divorce, him marrying is going to risk everything he’s built. So while he’s more or less forced to have illegitimate children anyway, may as well have them with lots of different women while he’s at it. I think we should focus on fixing that before we bike shed about what level of condemnation or condonation we should apply to talented men fsthering illegitimate children.
Deuteronomy 17:16-17 absolutely does not mean that the King can only have one wife.
Lo yarbeh (shall not multiply, in the case of horses and wives) and lo yarbeh meod (shall not greatly multiply, in the case of silver and gold) acknowledge that the King will have a bit more than one horse or wife — and will be quite rich too — but enjoins not to overdo it.
OK, you are right, I misunderstood the word ‘multiply’.
I will however maintain that insofar as the OT advices ‘a few wives, not too many’, the NT advices ‘one wife, not a few’.
Does the New Testament advise “one wife, not a few”? Paul clearly takes that position for the priesthood, but no seeing it urged for the laity.
Clearly the Old Testament disapproves of large harems, and very strongly disapproves of a rotating collection of sluts, and the New Testament endorses that. But modest harems for laity? Does it say that?
Historical precedent, however, leans more towards Psalm 45:10-11:
Of course, in the first place, we get Kings for our sins.
Not my read of Musk. My read is that the mundane matters of family life infinitely bore him.
Since he builds cars, rockets, satellites and has become one of the most powerful men on earth, understandable. But in terms of fatherhood, call a spade a spade. Musk is not ‘solving the demographic crisis’ or anything noble like that. He is having a bunch of bastard children with barely controlled concubines.
Paul has no end of things to say about controlling lust, avoiding sexual immorality and being faithful to your wive. That he at one point explicitly calls priests to be faithful to their wives is not because he condones concubines for the laity. It is because priests have a leading role in matters of faith and are held to a higher moral standard. Not everyone is expected to live as morally pure. Does not make having mistresses any less sexually immoral, in fact only confirms it.
But lest anyone have any doubt, lets just look at the one and only Matthew 5:27-28:
To which the obvious retort will be: ‘yes alf but it’s only adultery if she’s married!’
OK, let us say married women are chocolate cake, unmarried women are strawberry cake.
You are telling me that eating strawberry cake is perfectly fine, take a slice every week. But chocolate cake? No no no, Jesus tells us that one must not even look at chocolate cake with the intent of eating it!
It is a slippery legalistic argument. Jesus is not telling us when and when we cannot have sex outside marriage; he is telling us that lusting for any woman outside marriage is immoral, and explicitly warns us not to play legalistic word games.
Lol wut? Talmudic post.
Adultery is with a married woman. There are no word games here. That’s the exact meaning in this context.
“Sure he says adultery, but actually he means…” – No, the word choice is deliberate and accurate. Adding Talmudic holiness spiraling won’t magically turn “adultery” into “fornication” or combine them into a single category.
Adultery is a particularly grievous case of stealing. Looking at someone else’s woman with lust in your heart is a particular case of “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”
Fornication is someone else daughter or similar, and while the old testament penalty for adultery was death for both of them, the penalty for seducing or abducting an unbetrothed virgin was indissoluble shotgun marriage (or death if you skipped out on the marriage). Penalty for betrothed was death.
No penalty noted for seducing or abducting an unmarried, unbetrothed non virgin.
You need to look at everything the Old and New Testaments say about sex through the lens of male property rights in women’s sexual, reproductive, and domestic services. And when Paul prescribes monogamy for the priesthood, his emphasis is on demonstrated performance in being a good father, not on sex.
In the chaotic situation resulting from lack of male property rights in women, it is war, and all is fair in love and war.
When you look at a woman with lust, is there a button in your brain that says: ‘she is married so I will not fantasize about her’?
I find that my lust makes absolutely zero distinction. For no man does it make any distinction. If a man lusts over unmarried women, he will lust over married women.
The sin is when you know or reasonably suspect that she is married. Just fantasizing about random women you literally know nothing about — who could literally be just AI pixels on the screen — is not committing adultery in your heart.
I disagree. Obviously there’s degrees of bad, and fantasizing over a woman AI is miles below David banging Bathshesba. But lusting over women outside marriage is just not a positive thing.
“And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee”
If you lust over unmarried women, you will lust over married women. Men who have affairs with unmarried women do not cause nearly as much trouble as adulterers, but would you trust such a man around your wife? Around your daughter?
The fundamental question is whether sexual desire be regarded as sinful except where it is permitted, or as non-sinful except where it deviates in particular pathological directions. I hold the latter view. If no failure mode (private or collective) is activated, not a sin in any significant sense.
Again, your argument is holiness spiralling, and I don’t mean this offensively. Probably it is one of the original holiness spirals – the ‘inversion’ where sexual desire stopped being good except where it is bad, and became bad except where it is good, and then just became bad, period.
For comparison, let’s take appetite/gluttony. Is the craving for food:
1. Always bad?
2. Bad, unless some holier-than-thou type gives you permission to eat?
3. Good, except when you eat excessively or otherwise unhealthily?
Clearly it’s 3. Switching from 3 to 2 is holiness spiralling. Switching from 2 to 1 is insane lunatic frothing at the mouth holiness spiralling, which is what happened on sexuality.
Only 3 is in line with GNON.
Lust for your wife is great, glorious and wonderful.
Lust for women outside your wife is not. And sure, people can have functional marriages when they have affairs, although more often than not, they don’t, and always, their marriage suffers. Which men know in their hearts to be true, for otherwise why are they so secretive about it.
And yet, per se, it is not prohibited in the Bible, and spending too much time thinking about mostly imaginary (literally, occurring primarily in the imagination of the mind) male sexual misbehavior is likely to result in a great big pile of faggots for a priesthood; who would, no doubt, make haste to tell us that all sex is icky, and that Jesus Christ Himself said so in Matthew 5. That’s pretty much how we got here.
I don’t agree with this definition. You are describing something important and extant, but not a nation. A nation, stemming from the same root as natal, implies common blood. For similar reasons, cannot have a ‘white’ nation. You can have a nation wherein all the people are white, but nation implies blood that is fairly close. I would even go so far as to claim the ‘German nation’ is a misuse of the term, but you could say the Dutch nation, as the population is much closer in heritage and blood. If nation is not referring to a tight ethnic group, it means nothing. We already have a word for ‘state’ and I would like to keep at least one word around for a state governed by one ethnic group.
Where did I ever imply this? Whomever you are rebutting here, it is not me. I have never argued for nation building on racial grounds. Let me say however, that while true, you also are never going to build a nation state with 10,000 different ethnic groups from all ends of the planet. What you get is not a breed of man, but a ‘new man’ of the same quality as any of the yellowish indistinguishable street dogs of the third world.
I agree strongly with this portion, but you seem to be far more optimistic about timelines than I, and far more optimistic about stabilizing traits between very distant human breeds. Looks to me like unless you have a few centuries or a very very extreme pruning event, you’re going to get a brown-ish yellow untalented street dog race before you get a border collie.
America is far too large and even its elite class far too genetically diverse to say it is anyone’s nation. Hence the tongue-in-cheek ‘economic zone’ characterization. Hence my saying that if you care about your descendants, you need to think at least slightly like a clan does, think ahead more than one generation, and intermarry with those whom are stable products of breeding over more than one generation. Genes are far more complex than paints, and even paints mixed without caution only create an ugly goop. Needs foresight if we’re not undergoing extreme selection, and that extreme selection as well needs not just individual but group selection. Much of the instinct of government comes from those ages when entire tribes and entire city-states lived or died together, you don’t get such instincts from mere individual selection, and we cannot afford the sort of genocidal war on that scale with current technology. So we have to be extremely cautious about our breeding, moreso than our predecessors.
Been done many times. Aryans were formed from dark haired brown eyed middle eastern grain farmers most closely resembling today’s middle easterners meeting blue eyed red headed hyperborean pastoralists most closely resembling today’s Siberian reindeer herders, who most closely resemble native Americans.
Rome was founded by a very mixed bunch of very poor material (escaped slaves, bastards of camp follower women, and so forth) who were whipped into formidable bunch by firm discipline and a vigorous state religion. Rome’s legendary past is that it was founded during the Bronze age collapse, or immediately thereafter, by armed refugees from Troy. But, according to legend, refugees from all over accreted around those refugees. And we know refugees were travelling long distances all over the place during the Bronze Age collapse. Legend says the refugees from Troy were top quality men, and to judge by results, they must have been top quality men, though we cannot be entirely sure where they came from. They probably were not too sure either. But legend also says that those who accreted around them were dregs from all over the place. Which, given what we know of the Bronze age collapse, sounds right.
Races degenerate fairly quickly due to random mutation. We have fallen a long way from our Victorian ancestors, who had much faster reaction times, and conversed in much longer and more complex sentences, with a larger vocabulary of common words, though we have the great advantage of more accumulated knowledge and much readier access to that knowledge. Dutton is always talking about this. For a race to rise, high selection and differential fertility is what matters. That is how race formation occurs. It is past time to form a new race. Preserving purity without selection and differential fertility is going to get you wiggers, the future depicted in “Idiocracy”.
Rome was hitting the ball out of the park almost immediately. Because they had a capable elite. And, after centuries, capable masses. It was enough that the masses were cohesive, and elite competent. Ethnogenesis followed cohesion, and did not take very long at all. For that ethnos to improve took centuries, but for that ethnos to be, took very little time at all.
We have a picture of wedding between very far flung branches of the Aryan aristocracy, in which significant racial and cultural differences are depicted. The current guess being aristocrats in what is now China from Aryans conquering Europe marrying aristocrats from Aryans conquering what is now India. Yet obviously they were one people with one language, and cohesion within the far flung and extremely mobile aristocracy.
‘Refugee’ can mean very different things in a world where ability to travel and survive to find refuge is itself a highly civ-cap dependent proposition. These inclinations are not adapted to worlds where the ‘barriers to entry’ are nigh non-existent.
As civilizational power advances, man himself must assume the mantle of channeling the laws of divinity that theretofore shaped him without his input.
They had group selection in an incredibly harsh environment, total genocide if they failed, millenia to form a race, and less genetic diversity than America does today.
It was Bronze Age collapse. You call them criminals, I call them a collection of militants capable of surviving supply chain collapse, seafaring, and building settlements despite complete adversity. As well, not nearly as genetically diverse as America. As well, lots of cities like Rome must have existed, Rome happened to survive because exceedingly harsh selection. As well, founding population far smaller than America’s elite, founding effects abound. America being founded as an ethne from the settler colonials is comparable to the ethnogenesis of Rome. America of today restoring monarchy more likely to resemble the eastern Rome under Constantine.
>Preserving purity without selection and differential fertility is going to get you wiggers, the future depicted in “Idiocracy”.
Please, I am not talking about purity. You are debating words I am not saying, you are attacking ideas I do not hold. I am saying that a massive gene pool implies so much pruning to get a proper breed, that you cannot formulate it from state policy. It has to be voluntary associations between very intelligent patriarchs with astounding foresight. I am saying the selection cannot be just “he has good IQ”, because IQ is a very rough metric. East Asians have high IQs, Jews have high IQs. Jews do great at symbol manipulation and very far flung inventive creativity, East Asians do great at process optimization. Neither are as good at producing in the physical world as the German, nor as good at running markets and corporations as the Anglo.
You yourself talk about the need to avoid genocidal wars as tech advances. We cannot rely on war for group selection anymore. With tech making living easier, total population capacity exponentially higher, costs of bad coordination lower, cannot rely on the environment for selection anymore. That means the selective pruning has to be voluntary.
Once we start getting off world, then the environment can play a role. Until then, need to have foresight, need to be deliberate. The state is not going to do this, nor should it. The state should be a monopoly on violence, keep the markets open and the roads clear. An economic zone, that allows men of good character and even better foresight, to cooperate enough to refine the biological material necessary for the journey of settling the stars.
Middle easterners plus siberian natives? Seems like a whole lot more genetic diversity than America today.
Because whites are diverse, pruning for purity is not going to get you a proper breed. Far too many wiggers. I far prefer George Zimmerman to fifty percent of whites. When the $#!% comes down, who would you prefer at your side?
History demonstrates you don’t need a “proper breed” for good conduct and social cohesion.
And creating a proper breed requires centuries of harsh culling and differential fertility. Maybe a time will come when we can do it faster and less brutally with gene editing. Dutton has presented loads of evidence that we are getting substantially increasing diversity due to random harmful mutation. Scrutinising ancestry is not going to purge us of spiteful mutants.
If George Zimmerman and Clarence Thomas were men of honor they’d understand the importance the same way we do. Don’t call it repatriation if you like, call it new outposts of the American Empire if you like. One way or another though, there is a clear cardinality to which way the flows should go.
(Should have gone here https://blog.reaction.la/war/autogulpe/#comment-2971850)
>Seems like a whole lot more genetic diversity than America today.
Europeans from the North Sea to Baltic Sea to Black Sea, East Asians, Hindoos from the North and South of the subcontinent, Arabs, Persians, Indios, even Bantus. All these groups have members in america with enough money to be included in a broad umbrella of “elite”, and all these groups are going to have an occasional exceptionally high performing member capable of entering an elite based on formal assessment of ability. Far more diverse than the Aryan event, which once again took millennia, and the best performing extant descendants of that race happen to be where they preferred genocide over enslaving and eventually mixing.
>Because whites are diverse, pruning for purity is not going to get you a proper breed. Far too many wiggers. I far prefer George Zimmerman to fifty percent of whites.
You are sailing right over what I am saying. Please reread what I write. I am saying that the creation of a breed cannot be left to state policy, war, or environmental selection.
You are arguing with a wignat in your head. I am not advocating for purity for purity’s sake. I don’t care about whiteness — beyond instinctual fondness for those most like me, but I am leaving this aside to discuss the ideas at the heart of the discussion — I care about eugenic breeding. Actual eugenics is not just throwing together anyone who happens to be high IQ, for many reasons, but one important one is you are going to get a massive proliferation of traits and very strained cooperation this way.
Let me repeat: we cannot leave the creation of our next race to war, environment, or state policy. That is the point I am trying to get across. We enjoy a time period where war is too costly to wage at genocidal scale, technology makes living too easy to rely on differential fertility, and the body of the elite too large a pool with too many diverse traits to get any good result from mindless rolling of the dice on combination. Therefore the creation of the next ethne must resemble the creation of the ancient citystates. Partriarchs with good foresight must voluntarily assosciate and through daughter exchange and shared way of life end up as one ethnic group. This should preserve enough such that when we leave for Mars, we can get a good founder effect.
Hyperboreans plus middle easterners is more diverse than Europeans plus middle easterners. So the Aryan ethnogenesis event was from greater diversity than we have experienced. If we believe legend and icelandic interpretation of that legend, ethnogenesis occurred through exchange of hostages and daughters.
Yes exactly. Industrial scale harems are stupid and bad for everyone. Fucking and hanging around with a mistress you get along with is joyful… meaningless hookup sex with harem girls you never see again… hookups just suck for everyone involved. And it’s bad for the state and society. Now eugenics industrial breeding of geniuses Musk style may have its place but it’s not optimal fun even for a high status guy.
Also as you mention with a harem you need eunuch tr00ns to guard it since no red blooded girl is going to be content to wait years hoping that maybe the king will fuck her once.
I believe the post you are responding to was written by Fidelis and not by me.
Opps apologies to you both.
BTC is being superceded from multiple angles. [*crypto scammer shilling deleted, as usual*]
Bitcoin was technologically superseded shortly after it was created, but there can only be one. Bitcoin is the one.
The new technologies will need to be introduced as layer twos on top of Bitcoin, and as dao coins and dex coins. Anyone simply attempting to repeat what Satoshi accomplished is a scammer.
Anyone who knows anything about crypto currency is a Bitcoin Maxi. There are a whole lot of ignorant or dishonest, or at least irritating, Bitcoin Maxis, but there are no knowledgeable shitcoin shillers. If the scammers understood what they are talking about, they would not be trying it. They think that Satoshi pulled a big scam, and are forever trying to repeat that scam.
At the same time, never be so Maxi that you forget that Satoshi failed to foresee many evils, notably blockchain analysis and miner concentration, and if you have a lot of money in Bitcoin or a political interest in crypto currency, you should understand something about cryptography, in which case you should realise that advances in cryptography, in large part driven and motivated by the existence of Bitcoin, rendered Bitcoin technologically obsolete rather quickly.
The scaling crisis was foreseen, and crypto nerds have been working frantically on solving it ever since Bitcoin was announced. We now have solutions, which need to be implemented at layer two. Grail is a bridge that can connect to such solutions.
[*crypto currency scamming and shilling deleted*] you expose and contradict your “BTC is the only one” by shilling plural new “dao/dex” “coins”.
[*more crypto currency scamming and shilling deleted*]
Dex coins and dao coins are special purpose coins, like Bisq and Rune. They are not attempting to compete with Bitcoin, but to fulfill a narrow purpose. Similarly Filecoin.
There are cash coins reaching proto-net stage soon. [*even more crypto shilling deleted*]
You guys have been launching these coins since 2011. You have launched thousands of them. What makes these ones different?
If you answer this question, I will allow your reply through.
But you will not, so I will silently delete your reply like the rest of the crypto currency shilling.
Some serious AMOGing and kekking going on in Europe:
JD Vance has nicely-composed pictures taken with his GERMAN security detail before flying out of Germany, not long after taking shit from their boss, the German defense minister.
Also, Hegseth was Early AM Physical Training Posting with some American GI’s in Poland. In his sweats, that fucking stud. He gushed on camera about how much he just admires and LIKES the soldiers, and wants to keep up to their physical standards as much as possible.
“I problem connect more with those guys than with 4-star Generals.”
Both obvious appeals to the foundational trigger-pullers of Greater Christendom. Amazing to see. Shit’s afoot.
Law and the constitution are ultimately what the commander in chief can sell to the non commissioned officers. And a sales program is under way.
Been reading the discussion on defining “whites” and “whiteness”. Why is it so difficult?
As a non-white myself, here’s my take. There is too much theory. “White” is a distinct and clear race. Maybe the problem is that, the word “white” itself does not depict the actual skin colour and is used only as a convenient label to cover a range. White people are actually different variants of pale pink skin with distinct genetic attributes like blond/brown or red hair with regional variations of course. There are other important genetic characteristics, but these seem to me to be the most important ones.
It sounds very basic, but I think that should be enough.
When I say base skin colour, I mean the colour of the skin when born, not what it transform into after environmental exposure. A white man who spends all his life in the tropics and get burnt to a brownish hue is still a white man if his base skin colour was pink at the time of birth and had predominantly ancestors with pale pink skin.
In a cultural sense you have to restrict it to old Christian/North/West European roots/ancestry. This would include European Russia as well.
Races with a lightish brown base skin colour, rather than pink base skin colour are “white-adjacent” and whether they are included as white will depend on context and their cultural roots of course.
Whites with jet black hair or eyes are rare, but most of those kind of whites have a light brownish base skin colour rather than pink. So whether you include them as white or white-adjacent is just a matter of classification and context.
With mixed-race, it becomes complicated, but have to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and cannot be a general rule to cover all possible racial admixture/variations.
Now whether pure “white nationalism” can be a binding force for a stable Nation-state is another question. I would say race is a necessary but not sufficient condition. Sovereign nations exist only with a State religion and people with a common cultural base; Racial/ethnic homogeneity is an important prerequisite.
The white phenotype is highly correlated with the qualities needed to build a peaceful, prosperous nation-state, which makes whiteness a useful heuristic, a rule of thumb. When you meet a white man who’s not a liberal faggot, with a manly face, a manly voice, and a manly handshake, you know that this is a man who can bring much good to his friends and much pain to his enemies.
But a heuristic can never work as a fundamental organizing principle. You need to select for actual abilities and moral qualities, not “whiteness”.
Obviously if you wondering whether it is safe to work down the street, you should go by phenotype.. But correlation does not cut it when you have do something about individual people.
But in an environment where we actually dealt with people according to the content of their character, all neighbourhoods would be safe. We know that, because it has actually been done and actually worked. And when you are deciding to something punitive to an individual someone who has deep roots in America, then it is just obviously morally wrong to disregard their individual character. George Zimmerman is just obviously of good character.
Obviously we need to select people like George Zimmerman in, and the very white mob protesting Musk “hands off our government money” out.
He is an example of the melting pot actually working. Ancestors from all over the place, raised in white American culture and white American values, fully assimilated to that culture and those values. Meanwhile lots of spiteful mutants with fully white ancestry are degenerating from the white phenotype and rejecting white culture and white values.
It’s amazing to even see ground like this being retread in a place like this…
If our boy George is the postergirl for the heights of castizo inclusivity, what does that say about the Hegseths, the Musks, the Rittenhouses?
For every Zimmerman there is, how many Colin Kaepernicks, Robert Kagans, and Sadiq Khans are there? 1 to 1000 is probably a gross underestimation.
Saw some Chinese astroturf vids on youtube, expat woman going around the subways in some ass-end provincial cities, making a note of how chinese infrastructure even in the middle of nowhere is better than ‘the greatest city in America’ (New York), how everything was clean and beautiful with nice architecture and plant life, bikes just left out by people at work without locks, how even the lowliest Zhong Q. Public can enjoy the benefits of all these nice things, et cetera et cetera.
‘It is a shame how the governments in the west do not prioritize the people’ she says.
‘Prioritizing the people’ would mean a lot of people needing to go; therefore the people are not prioritized. And instead ‘the people’ are prioritized.
It’s easy to see why compromised societies hardly ever end with restoration from within, just long trends down to zero with occasional interruptions. The politically correct choice, in the classical sense of the term, is almost always to pitch your tent bigger than not. Bring more allies on side and your faction carries the day. Safe and reassuring. Expediency wins while generative issues are compromised on, and ultimately never clear the hump of bucking the trend to zero.
“just long trends down to zero with occasional interruptions”
This is true and very demoralizing, even Octavian restoration of Rome was simply a break from collapse that eventually happened.
I wonder if you can do a reset at all.
Obviously Monck and Charles the Second did do a reset. And from that reset we got science, technology, industrialisation, and empire.
He can have one less than, or up to but not exceeding, whatever “many” wives is… with the big prohibitive reason being that “his heart does not turn away”, which also clearly defines what the number “many” is… variable based on effect.
A harem of sl00ts is perfectly fine provided he does not break this law in doing so. Deut17:17
For example:
Muhammad clearly mistake/ignored/broke this verse when he took many wives and regularly went around fucking them all in one night without washing himself in between… he was a sexual degenerate pervert, devoting nothing to the intimate character and purpose of a relationship, and had turned away from the laws to the point that his wives and companions and associated folk were openly complaining about his behaviour and instructions. https://answering-islam.org/
The ethnostate debate in here is getting past its sell-by date, but permit me to advance one more clear and immodest proposal.
1. All criminal aliens are to be deported at the earliest possible opportunity. This includes all illegal aliens, since they committed crimes by entering in the first place, but also all “legal immigrants” convicted of crimes, excluding any obvious leftist political prosecutions. This will remove 30-40 million pop total, and probably at least 20 million scabs from the workforce.
2. Women are only allowed to work if they are married and have already raised a family (i.e. their children are all adults) or if they are incapable of producing children, i.e. infertile or no longer fertile. Combined with “reforms” to the university system, this would shrink the work force by, I estimate, another 50 million or so, although we’ll have to grant that many of them are working in DEI and other useless jobs, so perhaps only half or a third of those will turn into true “vacancies”.
3. Welfare, SNAP and other gibs are going to be cut off, so all men who are currently availing themselves will be given a choice: find a way to earn your keep within 6 months, or take a lump-sum payout and hop on the next plane to Mexico, Liberia, or wherever you please, but it is going to be a one-way ticket. With all the opportunities that will have opened up in the labor force, finding work should be no trouble at all for at least some elements of today’s underclass, and we’ll get to see firsthand which ones potentially bring value (lower value is still value) vs. those that are simply a tax on other citizens.
4. Make deportation a voluntary alternative to convicted non-immigrant criminals as well. Jontavious can have his sentence suspended, or commuted if he is already in prison, if he volunteers for the Liberian Occupational Security Forces. Obviously, returning to U.S. soil would mean being subject to criminal prosecution again.
5. A few million active leftists must be removed as well, to the extent they don’t overlap with the priors. We need to be careful about the Havel’s Greengrocers, but it is not hard to identify many of the worst offenders outside the nebulous margins: those still opposing Trump’s agenda today, permanent-government bureaucrats, founders and members of NGOs, university professors of many stripes, teachers and parents still pushing trannyism on kids, etc.
6. End all low-skill immigration programs including the H-1B, which collectively are probably responsible for a few million more pop if allowed to expire over their typical 5-year periods. Or we could simply pause all immigration, period, for several decades.
Let us make these totally reasonable and – in my opinion, non-controversial – population adjustments, and then see what America’s ethnic makeup looks like. Are the Negroes still an ungovernable criminal underclass, or have many of them returned to their roots doing the domestic chores and farm work that the wetback cartels were monopolizing? Are there any self-identifying Jews even still around, and if so, are they working in professions where they’re in any position to cause trouble? Can the gigantic Indian consulting companies even stay in business without a continuous supply of scab labor, or do most of them self-deport once they see the writing on the wall and fold?
These steps aren’t going to be sufficient in and of themselves; I know that, you know that. But we can do a lot of good in the short term by simply eliminating these confounding factors, demanding that the squabbling ethnic groups do their best instead of rewarding them for doing their worst, and at the end of it we will be wiser, and have a stronger coalition, with a clearer vision of what else might need to be done, and maybe even enough power and political will to enact it.
Surely this is better than fracturing the fledgling coalition over one faction’s vision of Utopia, no?
All of this is totally reasonable, and would accomplish what deporting all Jews and all blacks would fail to accomplish. We have a wigger problem, and this would fix it.
The main thing i’m feeling at this juncture is, it’s notable how a lot of the more ecumenical lines of argumentation implicitly speak as if America is the only civilization on the planet, or as if that this or that set of people have no places of comparable value to take advantage of, or as if they couldn’t hack it anywhere anyways even if they did; which just goes to show the point doesn’t it? Where the people are good (or good enough), the polities exist. Talking about this or that set of people like they are just passive by-standers to history, pieces on a board who can’t make moves on their own, powerlessly subject to the whims of your kind one way or another… just goes to show the point. The clients are damned by the same stroke their patronage is advocated for.
Since we’re just sharing speculation here, I speculate you have a lot of people around you that hate Musk, have been in such an environment for a long time, and so instinctively and mostly unconsciously you’ve found a reason to at least slightly dislike him as well.
The reason I believe this is, a long way back there was some journo hitpiece about how terrible mean and nasty Elon was to his first wife, the one who allowed his son to troon out, and your first instinct wasn’t “I fucking hate journos”. Your first instinct was “this Musk guy is too wild he needs to settle down!”
Well, I fucking hate journos, and so my first instinct was “wow another fucking hitpiece on Musk”.
I have immense respect for what Elon has accomplished professionally. But what he is doing as a father and husband, I dislike, and I have always disliked.
With due respect, Alf, your point seems to indirectly support the blue pilled position though I am not saying that you are blue pilled, but when you ask men like Musk to “behave” you are indirectly supporting the position that bad men like Musk are the reason women misbehave. I know this is not what you say, but the blue pill easily draws this conclusion.
For this reason, I would suggest that, the Right must not *presently* counter-signal on normal sexual relationship between man and woman even outside marriage, because normal sex between man and woman has been demonized heavily by globohomo anyway, and your nuanced point is likely to get lost amidst those who are screaming against heterosexual relationship between man and woman.
Yes, globohomo is dying, but still, we must strongly counter enemy memes on sex, and yes, while adultery and sex/children outside marriage is bad, it is usually the woman who is at fault. Moreso because globohomo has already weaponized sex against men.
I’m not criticizing Musk from a blue pill frame, but from the Christian frame that he is engaging in the kind of pagan sexual immorality Paul warns against.
That said, I really did not intend for this to be a big thing. I just don’t believe we should encourage this kind of behavior, that’s all.
Musk is a man of means, smart, successful, and handsome though obese.
Women’s ovaries throw themselves at him in droves, thousands of them on twitter.
He picks the ones he likes, papers them up beforehand, has as many kids as they want.
Though busy, he has fun hanging with his kids, not rejecting them.
He’s even building a compound for any of the moms/kids who wish to live there for whatever timespan they wish to do so. These moms/kids do well by him, other than their own choice to ruin themselves, which is also why you should paper up beforehand, risk prevention.
He is setting the example of a capable man having a big otherwise respectable family of his own kind and seeding his world as such.
If he wasn’t paying to support them as a man, or wasn’t papering rules to meet his goals, or was an asshole partner/father, or was banging lefty somali crackhoes instead of white nerds like him… then he’d get disrespect.
On the contrary, he is doing what more successful men should do, and have done all throughout human history.
Anyone who argues differently has fallen against Natural Law.
Musk has more options than the common man, and that’s ok.
Same as it’s ok for the common man to settle with one wife and kids according to his means.
As we don’t have access to his internal decision making, we can speculate in two directions
– He wants a normal family but finds the law and culture such that this is impossible
– He just wants a soft harem
You are choosing to speculate on the second, then condemning him for it. When we happen to have normal laws, or at the very least not threat of dismantling his businesses in family court, then by all means condemn him. Until then, seems you are choosing to believe negative things about the man.
He is not exactly trying very hard to have a normal family.
And you would know this, how?
What exactly is he supposed to do to appease you here? If the answer is ‘risk everything he’s built, and the future of humanity leaving for the stars’, I would rather him not do it.
There are many alternatives to divorce rape that don’t include fathering 13 children with 4 women.
He could
– Not have kids
– Work with one at a time until they decide they dont want more kids
He seems to be doing the second. I havent looked closely, are his ‘wives’ ever pregnant at the same time?
Yes they have.
All of this is really no secret. Well the most recent pregnancy was supposed to be a secret, so who knows how many women are really involved. Otherwise Elon is quite upfront with his plan. Get as many high quality women pregnant as he can. He believes he is setting an example for others to follow. But that’s really enough gossipy talk on the man from me, so I’ll shut up about it.
If so, worse than my impression, which was that he was just doing a very rapid serial monogamy thing. I agree with you in principle that it’s not a moral or sustainable situation as a civilizational pattern, even if he wasn’t doing so in parallel, but until we actually have rules about this again, I cannot really condemn him for it. He’s making use of ‘free’ women floating around, and a good portion gery well could have chosen to keep themselves barren had he not gone after them.
Lets win first, then worry about it.
Musk is the one who allowed his soon to be trooned out, explicitly, in writing. Now he makes ridiculous excuses how it’s not his fault.
If what you do is always someone else’s fault, you can commit any evil thing.
It was also supposed to be a reply.