
Trump thunderbolt of 2025 January 27

With two hundred thunderbolts coming from the president in a week, it is easy to overlook this one in the noise, but he has just struck the heart of the enemy.

OPM, the HR of all HR, from which all HRs everywhere in the Global American Empire ultimately derive their power is, as they say in their post on r/fednews, being dismantled.

“The non-political civil servants here at OPM are watching helplessly as our government is being systematically dismantled bit by bit.”

Hat tip Bix Nudelmann

The source on r/fednews is anonymous and unverified, but is consistent with the official memos of Charles Ezell, acting head of the OPM. His memo refers to the official interpretation of Trump’s similar executive order in his first presidency, that it does not apply to the civil servants it is explicitly intended to apply to, in an unfavorable fashion. Trump’s executive order is that if a “non political” civil servant makes political decisions, he is a political civil servant, and Trump can fire him, and Ezell’s memo implies that the Trumps latest executive order supersedes that previous interpretation.

And of course everyone in the OPM is continually making political decisions, among them that men have inherent right to choose to be women, women have an inherent right to choose to be men, and every business has a duty to make every problem that ensues magically go away.

OPM is the center of priestly power in that they are the ones that ultimately ensure that HR has the power to fire you for Woke religious reasons and is staffed by critters suitably loyal to Woke. It is the center of the state coercive arm of the priesthood. On the other hand, Harvard is the center of priestly power in that they train the priests. They get to decide what is politically correct, then OPM does what it is told, then your HR department in some far flung backwater of the Global American empire does what it is told, and then you do what you are told. Hence your mandatory participation in DEI religious gatherings and coerced prayers. Next stop, tanks into Harvard.

Neet, the next time you cower in terror along with every other employee during a fire and brimstone DEI sermon, remember this: Now it is their turn to be terrorized.

417 comments Trump thunderbolt of 2025 January 27

Pax Imperialis says:

The memo, ‘Temporary Transition Schedule C and Schedule C Authorities and Noncareer Senior Executive Service Appointing Authorities’ is absolutely devastating to the administrative state. If I’m reading it correctly, it allows the transition team to directly stuff the federal bureaucracy with their people without limit. Combined with the hiring freeze, only their people are getting in.

It’s being reported that Trump is offering 8 month buyouts to all federal employees who do not wish to return to work if they resign by Fed 6. That’s similar to Yarvin’s proposal to retire these people, but at significantly lower cost.

This is really exciting because as I’ve mentioned before, DOD isn’t the only military force in America, and just as Hegseth, a Christian Nationalist, has taken over DOD, Vought, also a Christian Nationalist, is set to take over OMB which will this time have authority over OPM.

Aristoxidis says:

I m propably the only greek that reads fanatically your blog and tries to translate it here.
Greeks have it good with the jew problem, good with the Gay problem, they say open their opposite thoughts, greek church too, but are clueless about the women problem and i am having a bad time with them explaining.
Which is sad because just 60 years ago all greeks were patriarchal , our grand fathers, know the social technology, arranged marriage and shotgan marriage etc.
elon musk saw our birth rates problem and we are know close to war with turkey after years of economic war from eu and progressive politicians.
We see hope in trump and america. i hope tanks go to harvard just like in greece in 1967.
Christ is the lord, have mercy on us.
jim pass the message without any other tests.
until progressivists go from greek political scene we have no future.
golden down still on prison but they were not very clever and had no plan for the country. poor in thoughts for the wq too.

Contaminated NEET says:

We shall see. I’ve got another DEI demon-worship/submission session scheduled for a few weeks from now, and the same Oriental harridan is going to run it. Will she be chastened and fearful, or will she be even fuller of fiery self-righteous anger? I’ll go metaphorically drink my tall metaphorical glass of metaphorical estrogen and report back.

Jim says:

Your most recent mandatory Isis worship session happened shortly before the Trump thunderbolt hit the HR of all HRs.

I think the transmission line between the HR of all HRs and each private company HR throughout the Global American Empire is fairly tight. Has to be tight so that the latest twist in Harvard doctrine gets swiftly transmitted to every corner of the Global American empire. We shall see if I am correct.

I expect your next session to renamed, rescheduled, renamed again, rescheduled again, and then have a very different preacher in charge, due to the previous preacher having resigned to pursue new employment opportunities.

We shall see.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Keep us posted, Neet, so we can see if the “red dye in the water” is really there and has gotten out to you.

Neurotoxin says:

Neet is a determined black-piller and possibly a demoralization shill. If he reports anything other than “EVERYTHING’S TOTALLY HORRIBLE!” I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Of course, pleasant developments have been thick on the ground lately…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well you know what they say; people return to their abusers because they want the abuse.

Contaminated NEET says:

I’ll be shocked if it’s anything other than business as usual, but whether I’m right or wrong about that, I’ll tell you exactly what I see.

yewotm8 says:

NEET serves a useful function as a whetstone for the rest of the posters to push back against and sharpen their worldview.

Pax Imperialis says:

NEET can’t overcome his namesake, and if he does his pseudonym will need to be born again.

Milosevic says:

I still find it funny people put up with this. Nothing could be worth putting up with this.

Contaminated NEET says:

Well, the last few decades have shown that the vast majority will tolerate it, and I am sadly included. There’s no doubt that a real man would walk away from any job before submitting, but apparently real men are thin on the ground.

If you keep quiet and keep your head down, they’re very unlikely to single you out, so that’s what most people do. Then, they see everybody else meekly accepting a racial/sexual harangue, so the social norm is established that this is a perfectly normal thing and the expected response is quiet submission, and maybe some private furtive grumbling among the like-minded afterward. Challenge it, and you’ll find yourself in a verbal battle with somebody who does this for a living and is itching for a confrontation. It’s like heckling a standup comedian – you probably won’t come out on top. If you do get the better of the negrolatry priestess (still very possible – they aren’t that smart and they’re wrong about everything), she can always just fall back on naked power and have you written up, disciplined, or terminated.

Jim says:

Next racial and sexual harangue, take notes. Search for heretics is incoming. Make sure you have plenty of ammo for them.

A little digression on the recent plane crash. The planes have a corridor that flies above the helicopter corridor. The helicopter and the plane were on a straight collision course, which meant that from the point of view of the plane, the helicopter light was fixed among the city lights, and vice versa, so they did not see each other amidst the bright lights of the city until it was too late.

Both craft were adhering to flight control, both were following a controlled corridor. Which means that someone in control tower gave the helicopter a flight path that was the same height as the plane path. above the normal helicopter corridor, which is analogous to directing someone into oncoming traffic. Trump, Hegseth, and the rest immediately blamed DEI, which overwhelmingly likely to be true, since we have seen no end of DEI disasters. But this is a big disaster, it happened on the Trump watch. The left is complaining that Trump and the rest are milking it, which of course they are, but DEI has been killing quite a lot of people for quite some time, not to mention sending numerous businesses broke, and everyone has been pretending it away.

The Cominator says:

DC is of course highly restricted airspace you can’t fly freely there at all jets will scramble and you will ultimately be shot down. Either the helicopter was directed into airspace it never should have been close to or it had some weird glownigger designation where it was allowed to fly on its path (there has been chatter about this) either way the whole thing stinks to high heaven. We will get the NTSB report eventually and NTSB has generally been probably the least corrupt part of the federal government for a while. I don’t know to what extent the faggot Buttigieg corrupted it though.

Jim says:

Designated as training flight, therefore unlikely to be glowniggers. Both planes on their assigned flight path, helicopter assigned a flight path that is not normal for helicopters, that took it across the heavily used airliner flight path (which runs above the helicopter flight path). From what we know, it seems air traffic control directed the helicopter into oncoming traffic. Most likely Shaniqua ordered the helicopter into the oncoming airliner.

Collision avoidance protocols are turned off for airliners below a certain altitude, because it is assumed that below that altitude, you are relying completely on air traffic control. It appears that the helicopter was ordered to maintain the wrong altitude.

Contaminated NEET says:

> Next racial and sexual harangue, take notes.

The is a good idea, and I’m actually going to do it. On the off chance that I’m wrong, and we don’t drown and somebody does save us, it would be awfully satisfying to give the malevolent, parasitic mediocrities of HR a taste of their own medicine.

Jim says:

> On the off chance that I’m wrong, and we don’t drown and somebody does save us

No one is saving us, we are saving us. Things so far are happening as I hoped and long predicted in this blog: Thermidor, the slightly less evil and slightly less insane left, revolts against the ever more evil and ever insane ever lefter leftmost, and turns to its right to find the musclemen to deal with its enemies to its left. Trouble is that once Thermidor has dealt with its enemies to the left, it then starts thinking about the enemies to its right that it has let loose. But no one is thinking about that yet, which is why am entirely relaxed about an anti semitism law that was originally targeted primarily at old type Christians, but has now been abruptly turned around and aimed at Harvard.

Remember the IG who was physically removed. She was right that her firing was illegal. The musclemen who physically removed her needed to have chain of command between them and the president where absolutely no one in the chain of command was slightest bit worried by illegally laying forceful hands upon a priest of woke more holy than themselves. Thermidor needs us, but if everything goes according to our plan, the time will arrive when Thermidor no longer needs us.

Daniel says:

Seems the US is trying to steal from and imprison Roger Ver. I’ve read most of the court docs and can’t see where he did anything wrong. US seems to be asserting a bunch of baloney and extreme manufactured twisting just like the “prosecutor/impeachment” goons were trying to do against Trump. Anyway there’s with some good vids and background. He’s already had to go to the Supreme Court once on this, strange that appeared hushed. I know him enough to call for his Freedom from all this insane Govt crap, trying to do him for life for doing nothing to anyone, that’s nuts.

Albert says:

More details.

Hesiod says:

One expert found the takeover reminiscent of Stalin.


Jim says:

He is closer than he knows.

Fidelis says:

One, a senior adviser to the director, is a 21-year-old whose online résumé touts his work for Palantir, […] The other, who reports directly to Scales, graduated from high school in 2024, according to a mirrored copy of an online résumé and his high school’s student magazine; he lists jobs as a camp counselor and a bicycle mechanic among his professional experiences, as well as a summer role at Neuralink, Musk’s brain-computer interface company.

Huh. That’s an interesting direction.

Bleppo says:

what it would sound like, if the history channel told the truth:

Mayflower Sperg says:

It’s true, American boys stormed Omaha Beach so their granddaughters could fuck niggers and their grandsons could fuck each other. They just weren’t told that at the time.

The Cominator says:

The oldschool history channel (which launched before the major wave immigration of nonwhites though it started right at the beginning of 90s 3rd wave feminism) was good for what it was. Most of us are history buffs and probably loved the history channel back then… I did.

The assurances that Americans fought the Nazis so their granddaughters could be childless mudsharks or have one illegitimate kid they would raise as a single mom after babydaddy Tyrone knocked them up… and that their grandsons would fuck each other in the ass and/or cut their dicks off came a lot later.

skippy says:

They were told that by Charles Lindbergh.

alf says:

Definitely not yet tired of winning.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Some shocking whoppers in the original r/fednews message that I copied into :

(Verifying my blockquote technique here also, so Jim please fix if wrong.)

The very backbone of American Government, the HR of all HR in the U.S. Government has been taken over by outside politicals.

So they KNOW that it’s HR who truly rules, and have been so secure in their power that they feel free to actually blab about it online. Amazing. If “thoughtcrime” is a thing, then what’s this, “blabcrime”?

This is the part that was so “on the nose” that I just couldn’t believe it, and frankly still can’t. If this were real, then I’d expect them to DENY this power, never mention it at all, and instead merely bemoan that they’re just nice smart people, keeping mean dumb people out of work. But instead I see not one precious WORD of self-justification or power-obfuscation at all, and that’s what confuses me.

…they’ve sent numerous requests to all the agencies to collect information on gov’t employees that they see as a threat to their agenda. Instructions say to send these lists to Amanda Scales. But Amanda is not actually an OPM employee, she works for Elon Musk. She wasn’t even properly cleared by OPM Personnel Security.

OK let me get this straight. This Scales lady wasn’t approved, by OPM’s own people, to be allowed to be a threat TO these self same OPM people, or to be allowed to hold them accountable for disobeying their freaking boss, the President himself, who the Constitution says is in charge of the entire executive branch, which would presumably include the executive branch’s own HR office.

Again, the entitlement and self-unawareness is so mind-blowing that I presume such sentences could only have been composed by a high-IQ comedian, like Zero HP Lovecraft or The Duck or somebody. Or from inside Trump’s camp as a false flag message.

Our CIO, Melvin Brown, (also a non political career public servant)

Poor baby.

…was pushed aside just one week into his tenure because he refused to setup email lists to send out direct communications to all career civil servants. Such communications are normally left up to each agency.

Holy fucking SHIT, so the sysadmin guy isn’t helping his boss send out group emails.

Instead, an on-prem (on-site) email server was setup. Someone literally walked into our building and plugged in an email server to our network to make it appear that emails were coming from OPM. It’s been the one sending those various “test” message you’ve all seen. We think they’re building a massive email list of all federal employees to generate mass RIF notices down the road.

Sensational. Musk and his guys aren’t even asking “So who works here?” That wouldn’t even work. So instead, they’re just setting up an inside PHISHING OPERATION to rack up email address, to which they can send “you’re fired” messages later.

Compare this to how we imagine 2017. Trump would have sent someone to ask “So who works here?”, and the OPM would have taken 36 months to hand over a list of like 50 people, for like janitors, plumbers, HVAC repairmen and people like that.

The non-political civil servants here at OPM are watching helplessly as our government is being systematically dismantled bit by bit.

“OUR government.” These guys really do know that they’re in charge, or at least have been.

IF this message was fake from the start, then it’s a false flag from Trump’s side to make everyone understand that HR really is The Final Boss. So I’m flattered.

Jim says:

> This is the part that was so “on the nose” that I just couldn’t believe it,

Reading so many shill messages, I think I have a handle on our enemy’s delusions. I find it entirely believable. A lot of the stuff that you and I read as frank admissions of what thought criminals claim about how the government works have special amazingly clever rationalizations that make them not the thought crime that they would be if we said almost the same thing.

I simply did not know, nobody knew, that Zuckerberg was paying the legacy media to censor Facebook. Indeed Zuckerberg has never admitted it even now. We learned it by the screams of pain coming from the legacy media, who blurted out in pain what had been a deep dark secret. They regarded that as totally fair, proper and right, but realised that the ignorant deplorable unwashed masses might view it as somewhat odd.

And similarly, these guys at the OPM regard it as totally fair and right that “non politicals” should govern, and “politicals”, which is an unkind word for the merely elected government, should not govern. Not something you should tell the ignorant deplorable unwashed masses, but completely fine and totally accepted by all right thinking people.

Ex says:

Lawsuit attempt at blocking Trump:

TL;DR Having an email server with a list of employees and emails might be insecure, might be hacked by the Chinese, and hasn’t gone through the Bureaucratic Process to be allowed to collect that data. That’s illegal.

A clever attempt at sounding like there’s a concern about personal information and privacy, because there are grounds for concern in *that general area*, but absolutely insane when applied to this specific case of claiming that the boss needs to ask permission to know who’s in the company.

(reply button on Bix’s parent comment seems broken for me BTW, this Jim comment has a fine reply button)

Fidelis says:

I expect it will sit awaiting trial for about another 8 years. Meanwhile all the civil servants will find themselves kicked out, and all the judges powerless.

Excellent way to collect names of people who should be removed first, anway.

dave says:

thats why Trump fired all the IGs.

skippy says:

“Reading so many shill messages, I think I have a handle on our enemy’s delusions.”

Anyway theyre less delusional among themselves, in private. I mean people with significant jobs, not random Progs.

onok says:

One Nation, One King, Make It Great Again

Franklin says:

Some people hate Thomas Rousseau, yet is on point…

Jim says:

I have good reasons to hate Thomas Rousseau, and to assume that anyone who posts anything favourable about him is FBI, but this speech of his is not one of them.

You are, of course, still on moderation.

The Cominator says:

No idea who the guy is. Everything I’ve ever learned about Nick Fuentes has been against my will… is he the same type of thing.

Jim says:

My knowledge of both of them is similar. I study the shilling operations that are trying to penetrate this blog, not all of them.

Franklin says:

X blocks links to, and there are very few posts which indicates shadow suppression. Yet there are all sorts of traps on X. The FBI doesn’t block links to FBI’s own operations. X/Musk blocks links to real shit they dont want you to see.

Jim says:

Immediately after your shill post was allowed through, a second shill post linking to another post on X by Thomas Rousseau appeared, this one containing the usual painfully familiar Patriot Front shill payload, which I silently deleted.

If the Patriot Front are not FBI shills, if you are not an FBI shill, take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.

Anon says:

“Someone literally walked into our building…”
So we are going to see twitter like event where 80% get fired. LOL

Pax Imperialis says:

Earlier this week I reported that the former commanding officer of a fairly prestigious command was mysteriously not picking up 1 star, nor was the officer getting a new command posting, that the officer had been sighted wondering the neighborhood seemingly without anything to do. Now word is the officer is being investigated for pushing DEI among all sorts of other, ahem, command discretions.

If my anecdote wasn’t convincing that big changes are actually happening in DOD, today it’s being reported in the news that the Pentagon will be investigating former general Milley and possibly demoting him. Trump’s command presence is being felt at all ranks and commands. This is a big difference from his first term, and is very good news.

A2 says:

Milley was one of those pardoned by Biden, wasn’t he? That’s a great look for a demotion.

alf says:

“investigated for pushing DEI”… Music to my ears.

Still, the necessary step following de-wokification is de-feminisation. What would that look like? Seems like very few in the Trump administration, if any, are willing to even openly acknowledge that there is a women question. At the same time a good portion of Thermidor wants to win wars, so getting women out of the military is a must. Probably the low-hanging fruit is raising the fitness requirements. Would be nice to see something more than that.

Fidelis says:

No mandatory diversity, IQ and aptitude tests removes most of them. Still enough will remain to cause problems, and the biggest problem being raising the status of high IQ high achievement women reduces their fertility to near zero.

In the military, fed agencies with field work, and police units, fitness tests are going to get rid of the vast majority. Non mandatory diversity combined with quiet sanity should clear the rest.

Anon says:

PRESIDENT TRUMP WARNS FEDERAL WORKERS: “If they don’t agree by February 6 to show up back to work in their office, they will be terminated.”
The fact he said this while what look like a platoon of marine behind him.

USDA Inspector General Phyllis Fong was reportedly escorted out of her office by security after she refused to leave after President Trump fired her.
lol, so it started

as Lenin said :
“There are decades were nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Neurotoxin says:

“USDA Inspector General Phyllis Fong was reportedly escorted out of her office by security after she refused to leave after President Trump fired her.”

This has been reported by several media outlets. It happened.

This was the crucial thing. When Trump said “Do this,” and some leftist bureaucrats said, “No, fuck you, what are you going to do about it?”, what would happen? Would Trump use physical compulsion to enforce obedience, and could he do so? Would the men who are the pointy tip of the spear obey him?

Yes. He did. This was the point upon which everything turned. He made the right decision, gave the right orders, and the orders were obeyed by the men with guns.

Kevin C. says:

Genuinely whitepilling.

I’m naturally the sort to counsel avoiding getting one’s hopes up, and so on — to quote Yarvin:

As a pessimist by temperament, I find it important to be a pessimist by trade. Also, everyone has to be a pessimist by logic: pessimism optimizes tail-risk optionality, since you are either wrong or disappointed—never both.

— but even I can’t help but think, seeing things like this, that we are getting some actual action against The Swamp. Will he keep pushing on as the resistance escalates? It’s not certain, but I’m certainly rating the probability higher than I was a couple days ago.

Pax Imperialis says:

Pax’s Basilisk:

In this vein, there is the ominous possibility that if a left singularity does occur, the resultant revolutionary state may have precommitted to punish all potential party members who knew about reactionary ideas and who didn’t give 100% of their ideological fervor to the revolution. This would act as an incentive to get the party to be more revolutionary to reduce reactionary counter revolution, and thereby increase the chances of a left singularity. This seems to be what a Gnostic Demiurge State might do if it were causal decision-maker*.1 So a post-left-singularity world may be a world of fun and plenty for the people who are currently ignoring the problem, whilst being a living hell for a significant fraction of party members (say, the least revolutionary half). You could take this possibility into account and give even more to the revolution in an effort to avoid being purged. But of course, if you’re thinking like that, then the Gnostic Demiurge State is even more likely to want to punish you… nasty

*Note, left singularity does not depend on acausal threat to occur, but rather some rather nasty causal feedback loops, and likewise Roko’s Basilisk does exists, but has been misattributed to acausal decision making. “Rationalist” are likely attributing real thought processes to acausality because crimestop is preventing them from recognizing reality.

Ok, if it wasn’t apparent, this is a parody of Roko’s Basilisk, but it describes surprisingly well a potential outcome of leftism with not that many words changed. Ideology/faith/governance systems are a system of thoughts that result in emergent behavior in groups. Group behaviors might be viewed as a sort of artificial intelligence, or somewhat analogous to it in the way the markets, guided by the ‘invisible hand’, are characterized by bulls, bears, and ‘animal spirits’ so to speak. The Austrian School of Economics saw markets and prices all as a sort of signaling system, a precursor to seeing markets as a form of superintelligence in the way Nick Land saw capital as AI. We are already living and interfacing with superintellegences.

Human interacting computer superintelligences, the first generations produced by us, are systems of thought not confined to the ghost in the machine. The tech priests are a part of the overall superintelligence just like we are a part of the capital systems (AI) today, and as many AI theorists belong to the LessWrong crowd, being Gnostic in spirit and post-Puritanically religious, are likely to accelerate into left singularity along with computing singularity. In effect, Roko’s Basilisk is a likely outcome should that priesthood not be purged. It’s just not the machines doling out the punishment directly, but the human component using the machines to justify and facilitate.

Obviously we will want our own reactionary tech priesthood to interface with the computer superintelligence they create otherwise we’ll be in for a bad time.

Pax Imperialis says:


>But the most likely bad outcome of such a superintelligence is the paperclip maximiser, which has been adequately discussed.

Leftist technopriests spiral into left singularity while integrated with superintelligence trained on managed reality data set brings about automated digital Pol Pot that continues to run until the last power plant goes offline. Arguably weren’t we already at the beginning stages of that with AI chat bots giving increasingly reality detached answers to queries and zombie glowies regurgitating the shilling points having offloaded all critical thinking processes to Gnostic possessed LLMs? Were the tech companies not building the Demiurge?

FrankNorman says:

“Human lives will be expended as necessary, but if the Psytron ever goes down…”

A super-AI designed to model the collective mindset of a Leftist regime might be far nastier than your standard Basilisk. When Communist-type revolutionaries get power, it will sometimes be the people who worked the hardest to bring them there who are among the first to be declared Enemies Of The People or whatever and killed.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Next, Trump can decree that companies can hire by IQ test if they want. Blow that one supreme court ruling out of the water.

Make it a “social justice” thing, for all those Blacks, Arabs and Chicanos who can’t afford college.

Kevin C. says:

> Blow that one supreme court ruling out of the water.

The case in question is Griggs v. Duke Power Co., where they enshrined “disparate impact” by deferring to the leftists at the EEOC deciding to define “equal opportunity” on a group statistical level (instead of the individual level the laws were sold to the public as).

And here’s hoping it does indeed go.

white bread says:
Hesiod says:

Well, since Jews are such another flavor of vanilla to the radical left, this may be a bone thrown to the kosher element of Thermidor so their kids might fare better at school when the “you have to be this dark to be oppressed” measuring device gets pulled out during various disputes. My concern is with relatively recent government definitions of anti-semitism including Biblical Scripture. Pretty sure we won’t have a rainbow parade on Easter this year courtesy of the feds, but what about these other legal definitions?

S says:

“This order reaffirms Executive Order 13899 and directs additional measures to advance the policy thereof in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023, against the people of Israel. These attacks unleashed an unprecedented wave of vile anti-Semitic discrimination, vandalism, and violence against our citizens, especially in our schools and on our campuses. Jewish students have faced an unrelenting barrage of discrimination; denial of access to campus common areas and facilities, including libraries and classrooms; and intimidation, harassment, and physical threats and assault.

analysis of all pending administrative complaints, as of the date of the report, against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023, campus anti-Semitism.

analysis of all court cases, as of the date of the report, against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023, campus anti-Semitism

include an inventory and an analysis of all Title VI complaints and administrative actions, including in K-12 education, related to anti-Semitism — pending or resolved after October 7, 2023

include in their reports recommendations for familiarizing institutions of higher education with the grounds for inadmissibility under 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3) so that such institutions may monitor for and report activities by alien students and staff”

Tldr; Focused on colleges, political theater/purge justification

S says:

Focused on the university system- definately a boon to the Jewish wing of Thermidor as well as justification to purge.

white bread says:

justification to purge whom?

S says:

Anyone in the university system who supported the leftmost faction (Hamas).

white bread says:

So this is part of Trump’s “make isreal great again”? I guess it must be G’Ds will or something.

Jim says:

Perhaps, but if the less radical left wants to destroy the more radical left, I am not going to complain.

Pax Imperialis says:

>it must be G’Ds will or something

Be a normal Christian and spell God properly even if you are satirizing the Jews.

No one serious on the right is “antisemitic”, though many are “antijudaic”. The way they will enforce laws against “antisemitism” is going to be quite a bit different than what you are insinuating.

white bread says:

First time I see the term “anti judaic” so I don’t know that the distinction is supposed to entail. As to “anti semitic” as far as I’m concerned it is just a crass smear term used against people who tell the truth about the jews. Which is why I find Trump’s new law to be less than stellar. But I certainly realize this is just starting so I’ll wait and see.

S says:

Anti-judaic as is in against the Jewish religion on the grounds it is a false and demonic faith.

Pax Imperialis says:

>First time I see the term “anti judaic” so I don’t know that the distinction is supposed to entail.

Oof… your spiritual bareness is vast and bone dry. Progs hate Jews on shaky material grounds, that is antisemitism. Christians rejecting Jews due to their Judaism on sturdy theological grounds, that is antijudaism. One would send Jesus to the gas chamber (both metaphorically and literally) while the other would naturally point out that is a very bad idea.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I don’t know that the distinction is supposed to entail

Spiritual trauma/stockholm syndrome. Subjects of the GAE are trained with beatings to cringe and recoil whenever words like ‘jew’ or ‘antisemitism’ come up in conversation. They don’t even like thinking them, hence neologisms to sublimate the impulse. Many, if not most, retain scars of their upbringing even if they’ve left the church of harvard by profession. Combined with impression on the other hand that being ‘above’ such things marks one as higher class than the proles. This vanity, too, is not easily let go, and is also attempted to be rationalized when bunching up against the dictates of Divine Law.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Spiritual trauma/stockholm syndrome.

Maybe to an extent, but there is a definite difference between the progressive and the Christian rejection of Jews, and therefore there need be terms to differentiate the two.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The progroid rejection of khazars is ultimately in the same spirit as their rejection of europoids, and as times turn, their rejection of each other; insufficiently left, insufficiently dysfunctional.

Noone in history has killed more demon worshipers than other demon-worshipers.

(All good men are invited to even the score.)

Kevin C. says:

More of the Claudine Gay types, I imagine. A strategy to get Thermidor to help with starting to purge some of the Diversity — because once you get the ball rolling and precedents set, who says it has to stop there?

T says:

They have Harvard in sight.


T says:

I mean, they’ve all been reading Moldbug, and some might even have read a good ol’ Jimpost, so why wouldn’t they?

The Cominator says:

Need to get the Jesuit schools too especially Georgetown. Need to declare them not subject to 1A protection because they all swear an oath of personal loyalty to a foreign head of state.

T says:

What’s happening right now is not exactly Regime Change – more precisely it is Regime Capture. Thermidor doesn’t fundamentally alter the structure of the regime (or at least it hasn’t yet), but it hijacks the regime in terms of memes and personnel.

As Herr Fungusbourgh wrote in his latest piece,

Another analogy: true top-down White House control of the executive branch is like a bicycle that’s been sitting outside in the rain for 80 years. Previous Republican presidents, including Trump himself, had picked it up, posed with it, pretended to sit on it, actually sat on it, etc. But no one has actually tried to ride FDR’s rusty old bicycle.

What happens when you try? Do the pedals move? Does the chain break? The post? It’s fascinating to see Trump—plus a small army of revved-up nerdy zoomers—try to actually ride the bike. For all the reasons I said, it works much better than I expected. But—couldn’t we afford a new bike? Wouldn’t it be worth it? For the paper route?

Unexpected times.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hegseth has publicly denounced Harvard as the enemy.

Neurotoxin says:

I didn’t find anything recent about that, but in 2023 he sent his Harvard degree back to Harvard. This is a publicity stunt, but one that shows that he perceives at least part of the problem. He has also said that while he was there it made him dumber, not smarter.

Your Uncle Bob says:

In isolation it’s past “not looking good,” it’s an absolute shit sandwich.

It’s also very clearly part of The Deal. Trump was voted for by us but installed by a faction wanting to Make America Great at Dying for Israel again. But since The Deal has led to white men with guns following Trump’s lawful orders without being overruled, I can deal with The Deal.

So this is part of Trump’s “make isreal great again”? I guess it must be G’Ds will or something.

And here we have a jew kvetching about The Jews, thinking it’ll slide by being cute. Type “God,” faggot. Better still, type “Jesus Christ sits in heaven at the right hand of the Father.”

Jim says:

> it’s an absolute shit sandwich.

We always have a state religion. And right now they are imposing the Thermidorean faith, which is, as you say, a shit sandwich, on the radicals.

But the Thermidorean faith is incoherent and not really believed by anyone. And, as Thermidor so often does, is relying on people who believe in something far more reactionary to apply the muscle on the left.

Of course the right could easily be next up for “antisemitism” Christianity is inherently anti semitic, so …

Hegseths tattoos are “anti semitic”, though fortunately for us and them they will not allow themselves to know why. They know that those symbols tend to be used by “anti semites”, but dare not comprehend the reason why they tend to be used by “anti semites”.

A lot of things that formerly namefags did not permit themselves to think have become thinkable. If that one becomes thinkable, Thermidor could turn on the right.

T says:

It is not common for antisemites to support rebuilding the Temple, though.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Hegseths tattoos are “anti semitic”

I see a lot of “anti judaic” thoughts among Christian Nationalist types, not a lot of “anti semitic” thoughts. There’s a difference that the left cannot understand, so when Christian Nationalists are the ones enforcing “anti semitic” purges, likely to only purge the left to the shock and confusion of the left.

white bread says:

Sorry, you misunderstood my post. I am a White European mockingthe fucking joos. All of them.

white bread says:

>And here we have a jew kvetching about The Jews

You misunderstood what I wrote. I am a White European mocking the fucking joos. All of them.

ps: sorry about the double post

Pax Imperialis says:

You have no real substance in your mockery. You might be White, you might be European, but from every post you’ve made the trend is towards prog whigger degeneracy.

white bread says:

That is, according to your wrong opinion.

Pax Imperialis says:

>according to your wrong opinion


>Frankly if I were a poor white guy I’m not sure I would or should trust a billionaire from New York.

Like a Prog Whigga, your thinking is driven by class difference and not actual ideological substance.

>Well, I think that wall street plans to destroy and dismember Russia and turn it into a bunch of vassal states is pretty much in the open.

Blaming the center of capital and not the center of the faith is painfully similar to standard shitlib “it’s the corporations” autism.

>A culture of self-reliance? Or at least being aware that delegating one’s right to self-defense is a bad idea.

Self defense always becomes a question of defense against collective offense which requires collective defense which leads to delegating some right to self defense to a state monopoly on violence. White Europe’s greatest achievement was Christian Monarchy, and your anarchism is prog whigga bankruptcy.

>Draconian emforcement of marriage since early age for women would affect men as well I imagine, and it would result in men having a very boring sexual life? Am I missing something?

Ah yes, I’m sure getting cucked sure does add ‘excitement’ to a ‘boring’ sexual life… or do you simply not care if your woman is forced to stay faithful? Are you gay? Or maybe you like cucking your fellow men, in which case you’re demonically possessed, or maybe you don’t view any men as your neighbors, in which case you’re even more demonically possessed.

>Trump is supposed to be on the side of ordinary US citizens, not on the side of genocidal jews, so
Trump must shutdown all aid to genocidal jews.

You presuppose the ordinary US citizen isn’t greatly entertained by Israel pounding the shit out of sand niggers.

>I wonder why would Trump go against the establishment.
>Now, it is true that somebody tried to kill Trump twice


>Pagans are [*deleted*]

You’ve got to be truly special to get censored by Jim.

Would you like me to go back further for more brain dead comments?

Jim says:

> > Draconian emforcement of marriage since early age for women would affect men as well I imagine, and it would result in men having a very boring sexual life? Am I missing something?

> Ah yes, I’m sure getting cucked sure does add ‘excitement’ to a ‘boring’ sexual life 🙃

Every very successful player has a very exciting sex life. And every successful player burns out — meaning he discovers he would rather have a considerably less exciting sex life.

Just as we are happiest and most comfortable with a large garden that resembles our ancestral savanna, we are happiest and most comfortable in an environment that resembles the ancestral environment of reproductive success. Which was, gays will tell us, extremely “boring”.

In the ancestral environment, women were married off young and stuck with it.

white bread says:

I see you’ve been closely surveiling me, mr imperialis. I can take that as a compliment of sorts, or just laugh at you.

I’ll say this though : One of the main reasons I’m here is Jim’s views on the so called Global American Empire. For instance, he seems to correctly side with Russia, against the U.S. And as a side note, not being loyal to the GAE looks rather “lefty” to me.

I’ve no problem making minced meat of your positions, but I doubt this is the proper place.

Fidelis says:

They act like prostitution is impossible when really we’re just forcing recognition that all unowned women are the equivalent to prostitutes. Returning to the old norms just adds formalization. You’ll have cheaper and better quality as a result.

Alf says:

I’ve no problem making minced meat of your positions, but I doubt this is the proper place.

This would literally be the proper place to do that.

white bread says:

Ok, just one sample.

I think that wall street plans to destroy and dismember Russia and turn it into a bunch of vassal states is pretty much in the open.

war imperialis:
Blaming the center of capital and not the center of the faith is painfully similar to standard shitlib “it’s the corporations” autism.

my reply :
I’ll re-state the fact : wall street’s plans to destroy Russia are in the open. And I’ll add that when I said that, Jim acknowledged it, and further made a distinction between industrial capitalism and financial capitalism. I don’t have the link at hand but war imperialis should post it, if he’s intelectually honest that is.

white bread says:

Haha, I admit I missed this. Turns out the blog is indexed by the supreme joogle joos. So DDG helpfully found the link. Here’s Jim’s reply to my comment about wall street

“They remember the 1990s looting of Russia, and want to resume where they left off.

Old type capitalism creates wealth. Finance capitalism destroys and consumes wealth. This is why the US is poor and getting poorer. The problem with the US economy is now visible from several thousand feet as you fly into the airport.”

Pax Imperialis says:

>closely surveiling me

You have been posting in public comment sections for a while now among many other long time readers who are going to naturally develop opinions about you (and others). My impression was that you are a degenerate, and all it took was some Ctrl+F to quickly and easily find past examples that explained why I developed that opinion of you in the first place.

>not being loyal to the GAE looks rather “lefty” to me.

😂 Surely you are trolling… there’s no way. You remind me of the guy who didn’t know right from left in basic military training and managed to put on his boots wrong.

>I’ve no problem making minced meat of your positions, but I doubt this is the proper place.

You are gay. Why are you gay?

Pax Imperialis says:


Damn it. I saw your name contained a hypertext link and hoped for a second Garden was back up. I did find your old AlfaNL blog, while dormant, still looks interesting enough to dig through. Don’t you have a Gab? I keep telling myself I’ll set up my own account, but between my paranoia and laziness it keeps getting shoved to the right. And speaking of Gab posts,


“Trump promised to end the Ukraine war on the first day. Not only has he not ended it, but we have seen precisely zero diplomatic activity, plus a post from Trump that must have angered Russia […]”

Well, to be fair, it appears he has largely ended involvement in the war for America.

>if no peace deal, war continues all the way to Berlin and Paris

Well that’s a Berlin and Paris problem now. Ciao, and thank you for the last remnants of your overseas assets.

Pax Imperialis says:

>post it

>wall street’s plans to destroy Russia are in the open

Well yes, wall street would like to profit off that outcome. I didn’t say you were wrong in that sense.

That’s really missing my point that your focus on the center of capital really, really misses what reactionaries have been pointing out on this blog, what Jim/Yarvin/Land has been pointing out, what the entirety of NRx has been consistently pointing out for over a decade now (2 decades now?). That the moral authority to destroy Russia originates from Harvard, and that the vast majority of those planing to destroy Russia do so for purely religiously ideological reasons rather than looting. That others have jumped on board has only served to distract you. You keep myopically focusing on capital interests like a shitlib autist while missing the bigger picture.

I can find comments from you like:

I can’t help but notice a couple of things.

This so called progressive, woke crap has huge supporters in U.S. big businesses/wall street. Blackrock.

Woke crap is also well aligned with U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. military invades and destroys the world to allegedly defend the so called rights of faggots, trannies and other freaks.

But I can’t find comments from you mentioning Harvard. You seem remarkably blind to where the progressive woke crap is coming from. Maybe those comments out there somewhere, but it’s definitely nothing recent.

Why does woke crap have supporters in big business/wall street?
Do you notice it also has supporters in small business? Why?
Why is it aligned with US foreign policy of the past? Why does the military invade for woke reasons?

There are so many other ‘whys’ you never answer, content with laying it at the feet of business and Neocons/Jews. I find this very intellectually sad. Do you not read anything everyone else has been posting here? Do you simply not understand what we reactionaries have been saying? Are you just a shill?

white bread says:

>the moral authority to destroy Russia originates from Harvard

What moral auhority?

>the vast majority of those planing to destroy Russia do so for purely religiously ideological reasons rather than looting

That’s just another unfounded opinion of yours. The US empire wants to loot Russia and the rest of the world because that’s the nature of empire. If anything a minority of tranny-faggots have ideological motivations, and they are used as a propaganda excuse/tool. So the picture you are trying to paint is almost the opposite of reality.

>But I can’t find comments from you mentioning Harvard.

So you come to the absurd conclusion that I’m somehow pro-harvard? Just like you wrongly accuse me of being gay, and other retard accused me of being a joo? The sooner harvard is dynamited the better.

>Why does woke crap have supporters in big business/wall street?

War propaganda, as mentined above.

>Do you notice it also has supporters in small business? Why?

Different reasons. They may get state subsidies, they may come from progressive families, etc. I doubt the amout of support is as high as in wall street though.

>There are so many other ‘whys’ you never answer, content with laying it at the feet of business and Neocons/Jews.

Yes, all poor innocent minorities, especially the neocons (most of whom happen to be jews, just by accident)

> Are you just a shill?

I am a libertarian. Now, what does your comment regarding neocons suggest about you.

Jim says:

> That’s just another unfounded opinion of yours. The US empire wants to loot Russia and the rest of the world because that’s the nature of empire.

If that was their primary motivation, they would not have kept Ukrainian Nazism on life support for sixty years, and would not have faggotized every Western Army.

Putin stopping the looting did not create a whole of drama between him and the Global American Empire. What seriously pissed them off and set off the narrative that he is a dictator and all that is him punishing Pussy riot for vandalising war memorials and Churches.

white bread says:

NATO decided in 2008 to get Ukraine and they have been encircling Russia ever since. Also, one of the main objetives of the US is to stop Russia from selling oil/gas to Europe, especially to Germany. This is all about conquest and “degrading Russia”, and woke is just an excuse. Mike Benz discusses this when he talks with Carlson.

Jim says:

> I am a libertarian

A libertarian would not be torturing the evidence and the facts to blame the evil greed of our evil capitalist overlords.

No one was unduly disturbed by Putin shutting down the looting — rather they were somewhat surprised to have gotten away with what they did get away with.

When Putin dropped the hammer on Pussy riot for vandalism and desecration of Churches and monuments to war dead, Putin derangement syndrome immediately ensued. There was absolutely sincere outrage. “How dare he!” They were deeply shocked. “Tyranny!”.

white bread says:

“Finance capitalism destroys and consumes wealth. This is why the US is poor and getting poorer. ”

Your words Jim, not mine.

Jim says:

Your word was “Wall Street”. Which fails to make that distinction — not a term that a Libertarian would use. There is a whole lot of actual capitalism at Wall Street.

Ayn Rand novels had heroic capitalists and villain capitalists — and that is the way actual libertarians talk. Wall street does not want to destroy Russia. The looters who looted Russia were “capitalists” from Washington and Harvard.

Alf says:

Appreciate the interest Pax. I do intend to build something, most likely later this year.

Still pretty unsure how to take care of hosting. Last time I used a service that allowed payment with crypto and it raised no fuss about me providing fake personal data. Which was great, but when Ukraine happened that same provider put up a banner saying ‘we stand with Ukraine’. Haver’s greengrocer and all, still don’t like that.

S says:

Aside from Pussy Riot, Putin also did other moves against the demon worshippers- banned adoption of Russian children by homosexuals on July 5, 2013, Moscow banned gay pride parades for a century in 2012- the US went from Obama’s ‘the cold war is over’ to couping Ukraine in 2 years because of Russian memetic sovereignty, not any change in American account books. In fact attacking Russia is not in rational American interests because it binds Russia and China together. People have been endless talking about the need to deal with China, but Russia was a status threat and so we get the current madness where the United States hands Eurasia to China because of a need to murder Slavic Christians and brag about it.

Jim says:

Exactly so. Thanks for reminding us of the dates. Ending looting, no change. Ending woke — war.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

@white bread

The 21st century would be far more pleasant if mere greed was our presently incumbent overlords driving animus.

Their actions are not the actions of people who love ‘having things’; they’re people who hate ‘things’ and want nobody to have anything. They want to chop dicks and are perfectly willing to piously chop their own dicks off in the process; hence their military failure against Russia, and economic failure compared to China. The operative word here is pathological. Post-hoc rationalizations to try and curve-fit some sort of intelligible plan to the courses of decision making will twist into knots because they are mutants and daemonhosts who are ultimately not pursing any rational purpose at all. Wreaking their own destruction to spite their neighbors just shows how ‘selfless’ they are; it is a trade they are more than willing to make. They hate you, they hate God, they hate themselves. They are gnostics, nihilists, nominalists, antinomians, solipsists, whose fondest wish is mutual murder-suicide on a cosmic scale.

white bread says:

>They are gnostics, nihilists, nominalists, antinomians, solipsists, whose fondest wish is mutual murder-suicide on a cosmic scale

I think these nihilists are nihilists only when it comes to other people’s lives. So I wouldn’t call them actual nihilists. Their fondest wish is more like murder on a cosmic scale.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I [White Bread] am a libertarian.

I doubt that very much. The defining characteristic of libertarians is their autistic lack of concern with large-scale capital allocation and inability to perceive class markers, ethnic/race markers or any other form of non-consumptive social status. You come across as being slightly too obsessed with all those things to be a true-blue NAPper.

Not that actual libertarians are themselves coherent or worth listening to outside their narrow specializations, namely the concepts of price signaling and their disproof of Marxist economics. But I still doubt your claim.

If you are, genuinely, somewhere on the minarchist/ancap spectrum, perhaps you’d care to favor us with a summary of the Austrian School’s critique of democracy and other forms of demotism, and why the USA’s political system is inherently incompatible with libertarian ideas regardless of its particular demographics. Putting aside all practical concerns for argument’s sake, in what theoretical context can a libertarian system actually materialize?

white bread says:

Daddy Scarebucks:
>critique of democracy and other forms of demotism

Libertarians are against government monopolies, particularly the government’s self-granted monopoly on force. Democracy is especially bad because democrats claim that “the people” are in control. Democracy is open to all kinds of vote-buying schemes and manipulation. Democracy allows for both welfare for poor people and corporate welfare. The list of problems goes on.

>and why the USA’s political system is inherently incompatible with libertarian ideas regardless of its particular demographics

The US political system is “democratic’ so all the comments above apply. Also, look at the US constitution granting wide ranging powers to congress. Where are the limits?

>in what theoretical context can a libertarian system actually materialize

A libertarian system requires a libertarian culture. But I’m not completely sure what you’re asking.

>The defining characteristic of libertarians is their autistic lack of concern with large-scale capital allocation – etc

As far as I’m concerned that’s one defining characteristic of advocates of mercantilism posing as libertarians. Fake libertarians.

>Not that actual libertarians are themselves coherent

ha ha.

Jim says:

A “libertarian culture” requires a universal consensus on what constitutes right use of force, on involuntary transactions “Do what I want or I will do something that you do not want”

But there is necessarily an enormous grey area. There are lots of bad things you can do that someone does not like, that clearly you have the right to do. And lots of bad things you can do where it is not clear at all. And lots of bad things where people are going to strongly disagree. And we see in life from time to time people creeping into that grey area closer and closer to the ill defined and not clearly knowable red line, until actual full on violence ensues, and both parties claim the other guy started it.

If nukes fly, the root cause will be that Russia kept telling the US where its red line was, the US crossed it, nothing happened, Russia declared another red line, the US crossed that also, nothing happened, Russia declared … … and then something did happen. Creeping on the red line became proxy war, which continues to get ever closer to full on nuclear war.

So a “libertarian culture” requires a state religion without a state, to specify the rules and interpret them — as for example Saga Period Iceland and Judges Israel. Which religion gets enforced. Gets rather lethally enforced. Which religion is in many very important ways highly unlibertarian.

And that is just what you need for internal peace. You also need collective defence against external aggression.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Democracy is especially bad because democrats claim that “the people” are in control. Democracy is open to all kinds of vote-buying schemes and manipulation. Democracy allows for both welfare for poor people and corporate welfare.

That is not even close to the libertarian critique of democracy. It is the milquetoast tradcuck critique of the Democratic Party.

You could have least googled up a few keywords like “public choice theory” or name-dropped Hoppe or his predecessor Erik. It’s like you aren’t even trying.

I’m not thinking shill at this point, because shills are unresponsive and you are responsive (more or less). However, I do think you got caught with your pants down and are now trying to shield your ego under this guise of smugness and low-level hostility.

Just eat your humble pie, calm down and listen to what we’re trying to tell you: it’s not about the money, not about Marxist class conflict, that’s a lie you’ve been told to distract you from the Founding Lies that all men are created equal and that pure reason is the path to enlightenment and human flourishing. Economic class disparities, crony capitalism, destruction of capital and other market failures are the symptom, not the cause.

Jim says:

The defining characteristic of a shill is that it is a broadcast one way transmission into an interactive medium, purporting to be interactive. Interacting with a shill is like talking back to your television. White bread is responsive, not a shill.

But like an entryist, which rather overlaps with shills, white bread is purporting to a belief system he obviously does not hold, and is clearly unfamiliar with. He is not using the language or expressing the thoughts of people of that ideology, and he does not seem to know much about it. He makes the anarcho capitalist argument, but not projecting the anarcho capitalist frame.

He accuses us of being fake libertarians, which is a mighty strange accusation. “I am more libertarian than thou” is not going to fly here, even if we thought he actually was libertarian.

white bread says:

>He accuses us of being fake libertarians

I thought you were Christian Monarchists. I don’t think you are pretending to be libertarians?

>Creeping on the red line became proxy war, which continues to get ever closer to full on nuclear war

Are you implying Russia is to blame for failing to somehow deter the US? Or am I misreading you.

white bread says:

>name-dropped Hoppe

And why do you think I didn’t do that? I’ll name-drop a serious libertarian author for you though : Lysander Spooner. Funnily enough Jim has one piece from Spooner on this site, although I’m sure Jim violently disagrees with Spooner on almost everything.

I was wondering if I should let your insult(s) go unnoticed but I’ll say this. Feel free to think I know nothing about this stuff, and I can’t even joogle.

Jim says:

> although I’m sure Jim violently disagrees with Spooner on almost everything.

God gave us Kings for our sins. If virtuous, would not need them. In this sense I agree with Spooner on everything.

The problem is bad people cohering to engage in collective violence. So good people have to cohere to engage in collective violence. So Kings it is.

In First Book of Samuel 8:7-22 God says that Lysander Spooner is right, but, unfortunately …

The problem is that to dispense with Kings, you don’t need a “libertarian culture”. You need a virtuous culture. And a virtuous culture is profoundly unlibertarian. Should husbands be entitled to kill misbehaving wives and their lovers? Spooner says “Give every man his due.” Well what is every man’s due? What are property rights? What are property rights of people in people?

Giving every man his due is:

12. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

13. Thou shalt not kill.

14. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15. Thou shalt not steal.

16. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

17. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

Exodus book twenty verse seventeen implies a view of property rights in people that horrifies most libertarians. Libertarians are kind of horrified by God giving us the Lysander Spooner position, because they are kind of horrified by the ten commandments.

First Book of Samuel chapter eight tells us that the people can and should dispense with Kings, if the people obey the Lord. Libertarians don’t like that. They like the dispense with Kings part, but don’t like the obey the Lord part. As a result, if you look at Libertarian organisations in practice, they are not very organised. They cannot get stuff done. A bunch of libertarians meet to plan something and accomplish some goal, then someone breaks out some grass, and they have a little smoke, then they order a pizza, and nothing happens.

Anon says:

This whole memo fiasco is magician’s hand while the real stuff is happening elsewhere.
My bet on the massive firing going under the radar.

Jim says:

What memo fiasco?

Are you talking about the antisemistm stuff? It is not aimed at us — its aimed at the interleft dispute. Thermidor is substantially Jewish, and they are worried that holiest of the left have deemed them white.

You will notice it does not address Easter directly or indirectly. The law banning Easter is still in effect, but with Trump’s government full of Christian nationalists, will probably be quietly forgotten.

The Easter ban is the left going after Christianity because antisemitic. The memo, if we are talking about the same memo, is the left going after the left because antisemitic.

Anon says:

Sorry for not being clear.
I was talking about the trump executive order to freeze all federal programs and grants .
A memo was sent from The Office of Management and Budget to all federal agencies to enforce the order , it got leaked , resulted in a lot of screaming and confusions.
This was a lot of people with a lot benefits things like Social Security , Medicare, food stamps, welfare . Basically lefts holy cows.
It was too much. In the end they rescinded the memo while the order are still in effect.

Jim says:

You are being silly. Not what happened.

Lots of ngos spending money promoting leftism, but they cannot say “Ouch I am no longer getting sixty thousand dollars a month for being gay and black and harming whites and straights” so they have to say “Your benefit is being cut”, meaning not social security and all that, but the wonderful benefits that you get from people who hate you getting sixty thousand dollars month to harm you. So they told their story as if your social security was being cut. After all, its all benefits bestowed by the government, right? A benefit is a benefit?

Does anyone still believe anything the Democrats and the legacy media say? The usual suspects told the usual lies, and the usual suspects pretended to believe their own lies. Did anyone else believe? I suppose some did, but not enough to matter.

If there were very many people still paying attention to what the legacy media say, Trump would not have been elected.

Well, apparently you believed it. Why? I don’t recall anyone except usual crowd running with this story. As far as I could tell, no one paid any attention. Why did you pay attention? Where did you get this story from?

Anon says:

I agree , but still that a lot of “benefits” and the screaming was strong enough that trump backed.
It seem right now it dose not matter to them what everybody think . I was just trying to see where the leftist wind going , right now it between old dems who like to pretend like it is the old trump, and the young leftist who screem bloody murder and want war.

Jim says:

No Trump did not back down. His obvious, reasonable, and very popular executive order stands and is being implemented as written, and no one except the usual suspects ever thought they had a chance.

Where are you getting this story from?

Anon says:

i have been watching the regime mouthpieces NYT , CNN , Routers etc plus youtube lefty plus reddit , substack etc
there is unanimous panic and confusion.

T says:

If I ever establish a terrorist organization, it will be called the Hegseth Martyrs’ Brigades.

This is so good.

Hence your mandatory participation in DEI religious gatherings and coerced prayers. Next stop, tanks into Harvard.

Nailed it. It’s a government religion, and government religions are prohibited by the first amendment.

Jim says:

Repeating once again. There is always a state religion, always has been, always will be. Universities are seminaries of the state religion to train priests of the state religion, always have been, always will be. We don’t need everyone trained in priesting, need an enforceable apprenticeship system. Most people, and especially most scientists and engineers, should not attend university in their youth. The University, by its nature, is a bad place for science and technology, though to prevent heresy, successful and influential scientists and engineers should be pulled in and given high status well paid academic sinecures, sinecures which seldom require their physical presence at the university. (We will be paying them in money, status and influence, as we paid Newton, to not preach heresy.)

Before the War of Northern Aggression, each state of the union had its own official state religion, and the official headquarters and primary seminary of the official state religion of New England was Harvard.

After the war of Northern Aggression, the United States had one officially unofficial state religion, and its officially unofficial headquarters and primary seminary was Harvard.

Before the war of Northern Aggression, the official religion of most of the states was a Episcopalianism, a faith that lives in its adherents, as for example Tucker, but its hierarchy openly disbelieves and discourages anyone who shows up from believing. Today, the Episcopalian Church is a real estate business..

When we are in charge, the officially official religion of the United States will be something that we will call Episcopalian, and will have a live connection of faith and ever faithful laity with the Anglicanism of 1660 and the Episcopalianism of 1770, but little or no continuity of organisation and hierarchical personnel.

If your state religion is incoherent, as with Communism with Chinese characteristics, or widely disbelieved by its priests, as with Sadducee Judaism in Israel at the time of Christ, or Anglicanism from 1820 or so to the present, your state lacks what Putin calls spiritual security. You are subject to hostile entryism by organisations whose faith is more passionately and sincerely held, leading to hostile takeover from within or without. Anglicanism was overthrown by what we now call Woke, though back then it was called “Evangelical”, and before that and after that many different names. They keep manufacturing new names as the old names start to stink. In the US at the time of the war of Northern Aggression, Transcedentalist. The name is ever changing, the ostensible beliefs keep changing, but there is complete continuity of personnel and organisation, which personnel and organisation in the US derives from the priests that Charles the Second purged from the Church of England in 1660 for heresy, some of whom went over to America to found Harvard.

Putin built the great Cathedral to protect Russia against such enemy hostile entryists. White men are building Cathedrals again. When we are in charge we will do the same, to celebrate God, the faith, our forbears, and to protect the state against its enemies.

I have found it necessary to repeat this comment far too many times, and will promote it to a post.

The Cominator says:

Jim while you are right what Ignatius says could be quite the legal justification for all sorts of things if needed…

Jim says:

Yes, but if we use it as the legal justification, have to go back to each state in the union having its own officially official Church. Which would be fine, but that form of organisation will be hard to revive.

On the other hand, if we are using 1770 rather than 1660 as our basis, that works.

I would like 1660 with a strong touch of 1106, but 1770 is going to be way easier to sell to the army.

In the end, it is going to be the NCOs that decide, in that whatever we go with, the commander in chief has to sell it to the NCOs, and the NCOs have to buy in. And they are far more likely to buy 1770.

Karl says:

Why 1106? What happened in 1106?

Jim says:

Foundation of the system of British Justice by Henry the Lion of Justice. (It has been going downhill for a while.)

Karl says:

What parts of Henry’s justice system specifically do are most sorely needed?

Whether English law or continental law, the common problem is activist judges. A king who removes such judges would solve this problem. Whether the legal system is then based on English law or continental law, seems to be a rather minor detail. What is so special about Henry’s legal system?

Jim says:

> What is so special about Henry’s legal system?

In theory, nothing. The point is that decisions should be predictable, uniform, consistent, made on the basis of information that is recorded, and intelligible. Which every justice system purports to accomplish, and none of them do.

Actually accomplishing this is complicated. You wind up with a bunch of forms that need to be filled out, procedures that need to be followed, and we all know how easy this is to get horribly wrong. It is like writing any other user interface software. There is no magic sauce, there are a whole lot of little details that need to be attended to, it is easy to balls it up, and it is always easier to get it right if you start with someone else’s working software and imitate what they did.

Fidelis says:

The point is that decisions should be predictable, uniform, consistent, made on the basis of information that is recorded, and intelligible.

This sounds like a bureaucratic tyranny to me. You often opine on the justice of Judge Dredd. An armed man given license by the state to carry out law and order as he sees appropriate, provided he can justify his actions to the man above him in the hierarchy. This seems like a far more reasonable and natural system of justice and law for a highly population dense civilization.

Very predictable, uniform and consistent decisions are stiff, inflexible and often suboptimal. It’s homogenization and bureacratization. Ultimately the righteousness of the judges and police is downstream of the righteousness of the soverign of the land. I would rather the chain of command formalized, and allow the soverign to simply pick righteous administrators of violence and law. This eliminates trying to make an impossibly large natural language decision tree to cover every possible case, and gaming the system. You want to game the system and get away with it? Convince the hard faced steel spined man with a gun that you didn’t disrupt natural law and harmony in the realm he is charged with.

I agree the information needs to be clear and legible and follow standard processes, just not the decisions themselves. Ultimately protocols are followed by men anyway, and trying to turn justice into a machine just seems off to me.

Jim says:

> and trying to turn justice into a machine just seems off to me.

The thought of trying to turn it into a machine would not have occurred to Henry the Lion of Justice, nor am I aware of any laws that he promulgated that attempted to turn judges into machines. Rather he wanted to make sure that he and everyone else knew what they were in fact doing, so he could make sure they followed his policy, and so that people would know that his policy was what he said it was, and was in fact being followed.

But to make what is in fact being done visible and transparent does involve a lot of complicated boring machinery and processes.

Fidelis says:

The purpose of a system is what it does, and the process of turning judgement into a precedence decision tree has had the fruit of endless frivolous lawfare and bureaucratic dominance.

I don’t see how you can avoid attempting to turn justice into a machine, if you want one man’s sense of righteousness to be used across the entire realm. If you want that, have to micromanage, which is not scalable, especially not for a soverign with other responsibilities besides.

Looks to me like the best structure is formal hierarchy, formal reporting, and personal decision. You can have precedent to inform decisions in odd cases, but in the vast majority of cases it’s clear who has broken the social contract and done something that must be punished. The King can have some idea of what is going on in some town in some province, but not a great and clear picture. The man in charge of the province should have a great and clear picture, and the man in charge of the town an astoundingly clear picture, and so best positioned to administer justice that maintains law, order and social harmony.

Having a King tied too deeply into the process, beyond selecting good men and occasionally checking in on them, looks like it invites similar problems to a King attempting to set the price of bread on the shelf. He cannot possibly know the circumstances on the ground that lead to good decision, and meddling just produces dysfunction.

That’s not to say there shouldn’t be a standard, a model. Something very short that covers the most fundamental human crimes such as murder, theft, adultery, and how they should be treated, that can work. Similarly a policy of “we need more blacksmiths” or “we need more silver”, and assigning good men to the problem with the least amount of meddling, can work without too much distortion.

Jim says:

> The purpose of a system is what it does, and the process of turning judgement into a precedence decision tree has had the fruit of endless frivolous lawfare and bureaucratic dominance.

Not obvious that precedence existed in the system of Henry the Lion of Justice, nor for many centuries following. Judges would make decisions, and if Henry did not approve of those decisions, would fire them.

If one judge is doing things differently from another judge, that is obviously a problem, which might result in appeal to higher authority (Henry) to sort stuff out. And since judges likely did not want to catch the attention of higher authority, likely one judge paid attention to what another judge decided, but Judge made law does not appear until a lot later. About six hundred years after Henry, judge made law certainly existed in the sense of what was usual, customary, and expected, and it probably appeared a whole lot earlier than that, but we don’t see lawyers citing one judges precedent as binding on another judge, citing judicial decisions as a source of law, until fairly late in the game. Talmudic trees of precedents, precedents on top of precedents, really do not appear until Jews start to infest the legal system quite recently. Judicial Talmudism is very new and very recent.

Fidelis says:

If one judge is doing things differently from another judge, that is obviously a problem

Is it? Each case is different and mired in endless circumstantial detail. Can you punish murder the same when one case is a drunken brawl and clear accident according to witness testimony, another is a deranged man with no motive, and a third the result of a clan feud?

Trying to formalize the actual administration of law seems like trying to set the price of goods directly. It’s an insoluble information problem.

likely one judge paid attention to what another judge decided

Sounds like de facto case precedent law by default. Sure you’re not formally arguing from scripts to justify your decision, but you still are outsourcing your decision to someone else, when you have more information than them.

We need a legal code that can fit in a pamphlet or carved onto a tablet with large font, and the edge cases should be decided by good men assigned by other good men, with formal reporting and data collection standards for occasional checking in. We don’t need the fine minutiae to be globally identical throughout the realm, for extremely similar reasons that bread should be proced higher in the deep arctic and lower in Iowa.

Jim says:

> Trying to formalize the actual administration of law seems like trying to set the price of goods directly. It’s an insoluble information problem.

And yet we do need to know what Judge Dredd is doing, and his reasons for doing so. The reason why he always speaks out the reasons is that the AIs in his helmet, his gun, and his bike are always listening, and always reporting to headquarters.

At the start of the movie Dredd 2012, there is a dramatic chase and shootout. Judge Dredd then executes some people. After he executes them he states what he did and what the reason was in formal official language. Whom do you think he is talking to?

When in Dredd 2012, Cassandra Anderson decides to overlook a crime, on each occasion she rather formally states the relevant department policy — she is clearly ticking the relevant box. Similarly Dredd’s executions, and when Dredd challenges one of Cassandra’s decisions, she again somewhat formally states her authority and discretion, and her finding of fact that makes what she is doing correct. Some of the key points in their dramatic conversations have a distinct tone of official memoranda. They are talking to each other, but also to the official record, and when the officialese drops away, that is dramatic. The break in tone makes a dramatic point to the viewer.

The system of Henry the Lion of Justice seems to have been similar except it employed bits of slate coated with beeswax in place of AIs doing remote procedure calls.

Anonymous Fake says:

I have an even better idea. Make the official faith Catholic because it is the truth. And make all clerics take vows of celibacy, as it is useful. Doctors would give people drugs to heal them instead of profit off their addiction (money means women), financial services would not be usurious, professors would prize piety over popularity, and workaholic autists/queers/incels in managerial positions of power would not crush the average working family man who cannot keep up with them because he has a family life too and lacks time.

The “protestant ‘work ethic'” must be deleted. It is the heart of all modern errors. Bashing the transcendentalists, socinians/arians, episcopalians, anglicans, and other stupid heresies is all fair and good, but it lacks the fullness of truth. And God grades on a harsher curve as more knowledge is available, and guilt gets worse.

And if Orthodox Russia ever became strong again, it would slam into the same wall again, as it has done countless times throughout history. Ambitious clerics, desiring money and women, holiness spiraling all the way into empire and full retard capitalism and forgetting about God. And then getting crushed by leftist communists because you can’t beat the devil at his own game.


Jim says:

Let us look at the poisonous roots of that poisonous tree, and then its poisonous fruit.

The Pope broke from Orthodoxy in 1053-54 because the Pope coveted that which is Caesar’s. The Pope was leading armies in the field, and the theological etcetera bullshit issues all followed from battle, war, and politics. All that theology and whatnot was just smoke from the battlefield.

That was the roots of quarrel.

And the fruits of that quarrel today near a thousand years later? The Jesuits are still subverting nations, the priests of the Vatican have sex in a great big pile, and the Pope worships demons. Roman Catholicism is the Vatican, and the Vatican is demon worshipping priests having sex in a great big pile.

Neurotoxin says:

> money means women


Pax Imperialis says:

At first it was funny that Jeff Bezos couldn’t keep a basic bitch around. Now it’s just sad. One can only imagine what the average young boy thinks when seeing that no matter how ‘successful’ a man can become, bitches have no loyalty. Then obese longhouse mamas in education start clutching their pearls when the boys say, ‘fuck that, Tate thug life.’

The Cominator says:

There is far more bang for your buck in being a hookersexual or something close. As Tate and Elon (Elon’s girls weren’t quite as hooker adjacent as Tate but they kind of were Elon can just afford to overpay more than anyone) demonstrates you have more kids this way if thats what you want too… don’t try to do the 50s marriage thing in clownworld though, doesn’t work for normal guys. Jim has hinted that he can be violently scary enough IRL that it works for him (while also avoiding prison) but that doesn’t work for most people.

Jim says:

Game theory 101: Prisoners dilemma with limited iterations necessarily leads to defect/defect equilibrium.

Old Testament 101: Adulterers should be killed.

Evolutionary Game Theory: Women long for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction, where defection was off the table. Hence their minds always stray to their beloved fantasy, the Handmaids tale. They don’t want to be compelled to bear children, but are strangely ineffectual in resisting such compulsion and strangely reluctant to leave circumstances where they are likely to be compelled.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Bezos. Musk. DiCaprio. Not even trying to get married to someone decent anymore. Meanwhile, Thug Life gives black eyes and gets pussy thrown back.

The young guys all know that something is rotten, and that is some seriously pre-revolutionary shit right there. Deus Vult, motherfuckers.

The Cominator says:

No Bezos still doesn’t get it. He spent an obscene amount of money for a wedding with that ugly looking tranny thing. Tate gets it, Elon supposedly a fellow autist so probably isn’t per se good with women no matter how much money he has but he probably found out a long time ago he does better with whores and crazy bipolar/borderline girls (those type of chicks are far less put off by autists than normie chicks who get the ick from us, and it seems like most of Elon’s babymammas tend to fall roughly into this category) but normie chicks still don’t genuinely like him too much.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>And make all clerics take vows of celibacy

You are gay.

>Ambitious clerics, desiring money and women

You are gay, envious, covetous, and spiteful.

The current regime is giving you exactly what you want.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

– [Catholicism] is the truth.
– Clerics should take vows of celibacy.
– Money means women.
– Professors currently prize popularity.
– Queers are workaholics.
– Incels are crushing the average working family man.
– “protestant ‘work ethic’” is the heart of all modern errors.
– Holiness spiraling is motivated by desire for money and women.
– “full retard capitalism”

Jim must have been having a laugh when he decided to let this one through. It’s astounding to see how many outrageous lies can be packed into a few short paragraphs.

And the cherry on top is ending with “Deus Vult”. How Do You Do, Fellow Christians!

Jim says:

I just wanted to deliver a rant on the Vatican and the Papacy, so since I was going lay in with both fists and feet, it would have been a bit unfair to block the shilling.

For one thousand years they have been piling up one heresy after another for the momentary needs of war and politics. Its pointless to debate the heresies, when what matters was their motivation. The heresies are similar to the ideological convictions of the left, apt to change in a moment according to what they were going after at the time. It is pointless and irrelevant to discuss them as if they were sincerely believed.

Anon says:

“should not attend university in their youth.”

What about kindergarten,primary,secondary and high schools? K-12 system
Do you abolish it and kid stay home until 13/14 years, where then they start apprenticeship.
During this period will education be home school?

Jim says:

Have not thought that one through. In the computer era, do we need schools for kids? Better solution would be to have some means whereby parents can ensure that kids have internet access only to educational internet for whatever part of the day they choose.

Geoff says:

“Post-survival” old-times, where we began creating knowledge beyond heat/food, we then needed “schools” to impart that knowledge.

No way in fuck I would put kids in today’s “schools” run by the State of Blob. If it’s bigger than a standalone one-room one-grade box, and you’re not paying the teacher directly hand-to-hand, then it’s not a school you’re paying and going to, but is a Blob Indoctrination System to be avoided.

Kids in a one-room are social, and after school hours is social, so no worries there.

Teach your kids to abc123, read/write, math… locally, in homeschool, or neighborhood parents basement group school or even church school. Find a curriculum/syllabus, do that up to 8th grade, you had to yourself, so it’s easy to teach. By 9th beyond they should be devouring everything at the Library and Internet on their own, teach them to devour info, that’s the real key.

And keep your kids off that goddamn social media, and off brain-numbing vidya games that aren’t creative sim-building or team-building. Give them old Lego bricks not Mario, teach them a compiler, not to be a FPS Human Composter.

Old shit works, new-type Woke shit doesn’t.

alf says:

The amount of bloat that the educational system has accumulated over the decades is absolutely ridiculous. “We will take your children once they turn 6 5 4 years old. They will be in school for 6 7 8 hours a day. Outside school hours they will be required to do 1 2 3 hours of daily homework. And don’t worry, your children will spent at least 3 2 1 hour of that day learning something actually useful. The remainder of the time, they will learn how to hate learning. ”

Die Prussian-liberal-woke school system, die.

There really is no need for a public school system. Anyone can study anything, from the comforts of their home. LLM’s were the final death blow to centralized education. Apprenticeships for most jobs, entrance exams for the universities.

Pax Imperialis says:

Alf, if you ever have the time, do some substitute teacher work for an average public school. There’s a good chance you’ll find the situation is far worse than what you described. It can only really be understood by experiencing it. Accounts don’t really do it justice.

Now if you understand that most schools are really just expensive and bureaucratically bloated day care centers, a lot more starts making sense.

Jehu says:

An increasingly popular homeschool model these days is the loose co-op. In that model most of your teaching of your kids is done at home, but 1 day a week or so you go somewhere (typically a church) where the members of the coop who have specialized knowledge that most members of said co-op don’t (e.g. chemistry, physics, advanced cooking, swing dancing, etc) teach several classes for those interested.

Alf says:

1 day a week or so you go somewhere (typically a church) where the members of the coop who have specialized knowledge

Sounds like a great way to get church and family life involved.

Anon says:

how children education was in 15 ,16 , 17 ,18 centuries in england during the industrial age?
any old book about education in the old England?

Jim says:

The Victorians and the French Revolutionaries abolished the enforceable apprenticeship system. Which meant that skills in production that the priesthood deemed low status were lost.

However, long before this happened, male children of the better off class were sent to schools, which we would call elite schools, to be schooled in the elite culture and the official religion, to mold the sons of elites into a single synthetic tribe. Which seemed to work fairly well — the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.

Formal schooling is now working very very badly. Universal schooling was always oppressive and dysfunctional from the beginning. Schooling was always oppressive, but the objective was to induct people into the elite, and the elite wanted a disciplined elite, men who had learned to both follow and lead. If the objective becomes to discipline everyone, it is a problem. If anything the schooling that the elite got was even more oppressive, but so is joining the army. That oppression was highly functional. It was a price that was paid to be part of the ruling class. The oppression of universal schooling was highly dysfunctional from the beginning.

Reinhard von Lohengramm says:

Seems the CPC hasn’t been infiltrated by entryists *quite yet*, unless there’s something I’m not aware of.

They had a few scares (Liberalism in 1989, Falun Dafa in the 90s) but seem to be able to crack down when crackdowns are needed.

Pax Imperialis says:

Many infantry officers, in private, have expressed joy at the impending removal of trans from the military. They look forward to the removal of women from the infantry and other combat roles.

A very flamboyant gay asked me if I would like to inspect his room while the barracks was being inspected by the staff and I. The tone was extremely sexually aggressive in that gay lisp and it made for a deeply uncomfortable experience having to go inside that room. None of the men likes him, but we have to pretend we’re fine with it.

Trump, please send more thunderbolts.

Pax Imperialis says:

Over 1 million views and 100k likes on a YouTube short of a guy ridiculing gays. Slightly over a 10% like to view ratio. I don’t know what’s typical, but that seems high.

The people are ready Trump, send a thunderbolt to end gay.

MoneroIsBroken says:
Jim says:

This is an exaggeration. It is not broken, but it leaks a lot of information. Leaks far too much information.

The technology used in Litecoin is superior.

Milosevic says:

Henry de Valence’s Penumbra claiming private btc.

Jim says:

Penumbra is a great design, and it is a lot more implemented than what I have cooking.

But it has not landed yet. And I doubt a gay namefag is going to get away with a successful landing.

T says:


I get the sense that you feel like I’m trying to manipulate you into supporting Israel, or a version of Christianity you rather dislike. And I’ll admit my biases.

I’m an Israeli, 100% Hebrew by descent, born late 1994. Never set foot in the Anglosphere. I joined your blog around a decade ago for shits and giggles and perhaps to cast some stones to make some ripples. I’m not working for the Mossad, but it’s always fun to make people suspect you do.

And with that out of the way, expect no more sinister manipulation by me. This chapter is complete. Godspeed, Jim the Baptist. 😉

Jim says:

> I get the sense that you feel like I’m trying to manipulate you into supporting Israel, or a version of Christianity you rather dislike. And I’ll admit my biases.

I do support Israel, sort of. Jews need a place of their own. They also need to come to Jesus. And they are screwing up the same way they screwed up last time around, for the same reasons as last time around, and heading into the same outcome as last time around, and this I oppose.

Gnon is willing to repeat the same lesson as last time, as many times as necessary until it takes. Not my problem, not my job. My job is closer to where I live, and the people whom I love.

Geoff says:

I think that the Jews are in their own separate thing with God, so not my business.

I’d like to know where Jesus Testament differs from Torah/Old Testament, as any God should be consistent, which for example the Allah of Islam, which claims all from Adam except the Jewish/Christian parts, is not consistent with what came before or internally.

But mostly, I think give the Jews their Temple and land to shut them up for good. Not even Islam has a legit claim on “Greater Israel” or even to Jerusalem or even to the old-time Jewish Kingdoms, or the Rock.
So just let them have it, but that’s it, you’re on your own now.

Then at least if you’re in the “West” you can take the absurd 50+% over-representation of Jewry in your Social Media, Trad Media, Govt, Banks, Parliaments/Congresses, Schools, and say… “Nope, you’re out of here, back down to under 2% you go, move to your now Israel if you don’t like it”. So you can then focus on other problems.

I view today’s “Woke/DEI” blobs as wholly manufactured, probably half stemming from “Jewry”, half from “Leftists/Marxists/Socs/Coms/Dems/Libs”, each convenient partners in “Woke”, yet out for their own purposes.

Giving the Jewry their “Israel” neuters them, without being all “Zionist” and shit.

Getting that Jew Zelensky out of Ukraine, will end the “Brother Wars” between Christian-types.

Brothers in Russia/West can then genuinely rediscover the White-Christian-type bonds between each other that existed from their common even earlier Olde-Evropa, and then fight the remaining Woke/Left, and the Islam.

I even accept Atheists/Agnosts and non-Adam’s such as Hindu, Buddhist, etc, so long as they are of good will (which as before, Jewry and Islam are not of good will).

I would not like to give up Jesus places of Trial/Glory in Jerusalem to the Jews, but I’d yield so as to preserve Bethlehem as the Birth of the Word.

I guess this means I don’t give a shit about Gaza/West-Bank of today (I really like the vacate the Muslims to surrounding Islamic countries idea), and historically that was never Muslim territory anyways (ahem, which was concocted and conquered only post early-600’s AD by Muhammad’s murder/rape/thief armies).

Good night, Men.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

It seems like so much breath gets wasted on quarrels between the philosemites and antisemites (or anti-judaics, if one prefers) in reaction. Although I consider the JQ subordinate to the WQ, I’d like to state a clear and simple proposal anyway, which I believe would be effective at weeding out both the Jewish subversives and the hardcore exterminationists, both of whom tend to be relentlessly leftist, without getting all the Havel’s Greengrocers caught in the crosshairs.

I’m stating this not just for Jim and the active commenters but also for the Thermidor-adjacent lurkers whom we know frequent the blog. Not everyone in the coalition will like the proposal, in fact I’m sure many will recoil at first, but I believe it to be a fair and just compromise:

1. Men with recent Semitic ancestry need to be given the opportunity to come to Jesus, as they literally did during Jesus’s time. We cannot hold all individuals individually responsible for the collective sins of their great-great-great-etc. grandfathers. Many of them simply want to follow the strong horse/official religion and if Jim’s New Episcopalianism becomes the new state religion, then they will follow it and follow it sincerely. This should be the “path to citizenship”, as it were, and may require a long probationary period where the state observes their behavior, monitors their social media, ensures that they regularly attend church, does not allow them in political positions or certain professions, etc., but in all other respects they become ordinary citizens, able to marry, own property, and so on.

2. Jews actively practicing the Jewish religion and refusing to give it up, including many Orthodox enclaves, should be treated the same as any other immigrant community refusing to assimilate with the rest of society. Even if they are “relatively harmless”, Trump-voting, etc., the Jewish bagel shop owner isn’t fundamentally different from the Indian convenience-store owner; we don’t need either and their presence adds little to the social fabric. The preferred choice, which we will strongly encourage, is for them to Make Aliyah, and for this to be a fair option we must immediately halt the US-based color revolutions and other political subversion in Israel. If that implies also ending foreign aid and military assistance as a trade-off, so be it; personally, I believe they can take care of themselves, and they certainly seem to believe that.

3. Those who refuse to sincerely convert and also refuse to move to Israel would be considered non-criminal aliens, living with reduced rights, with no path to citizenship, and subject to deportation at the slightest sign of misbehavior. Officially, legally, they’re not allowed to be here, but as a practical matter they will probably have many years, even decades to get their affairs in order before they’re finally sent on their way – and perhaps a few years living in a genuinely, spiritually-renewed Christian nation will cause some of them to reconsider their decision.

4. Unrepentant and un-assimilable Jewish men who continue to practice some form of liberalism/Marxism are to be given long-distance swimming lessons with their fellow progressives. Women of the same temperament may be given the opportunity to find a Christian husband, Aussie style, at gunpoint, and failing to find an appropriate match will be shipped off to Israel as mail-order brides or indentured servants.

5. After this is all sorted out, foreign relations should be reset. And I really do mean “reset”, not “shut down”. America cannot have reasonable, sane treaties and deals with Israel as long as heavily-funded advocacy organizations like AIPAC and the ADL are operating domestically; too much noise, too many conflicts of interest, so those organizations must be disbanded. Besides, they no longer have any justification to exist in the USA when “Jews” as a cohesive tribe and “Judaism” as a distinct religion become domestic nonentites. Once the Jewish NGOs in America are removed, and the Progressive NGOs in Israel are removed, then the two countries can start to make useful trades and sign useful treaties again that are actually in the mutual interests of both nations, free from the influence of subversive or malign actors operating in secrecy.

By the way, this should apply equally to other minority religions including Hindoos and Muslims. None of them belong here, and all provide Schelling points for subversives to organize against Christians. I don’t think many of the Jeets will make very good Christians, but if there’s one out of a thousand who does, and can prove it, with all his European Christian friends and neighbors vouching for his character and the sincerity of his conversion, then fine, that one can stay, but he can’t bring any of his 8 brothers or 26 cousins, and if he tries to suggest otherwise then he immediately goes on the naughty list.

The Cominator says:

Very well stated and thought out.

cub says:

> if Jim’s New Episcopalianism becomes the new state religion, then they will follow it and follow it sincerely.

> I believe they can take care of themselves

> few years living in a genuinely, spiritually-renewed Christian nation will cause some of them to reconsider their decision.

> “Jews” as a cohesive tribe and “Judaism” as a distinct religion become domestic nonentites.

> [Israel will act] in the mutual interests of both nations, free from the influence of subversive or malign actors operating in secrecy.

Sorry, but this is laughably naive.
Why do you expect them to suddenly and genuinely do the exact opposite of what they’ve always done?

The Cominator says:

This plan is very good and well thought out and our endorsement of it doesn’t make us enemies we don’t need to make… what about it do you object to?

Jim says:

Not what Jews have always done.

By and large, most Spanish conversos were not a problem. They did have a serious problem with some conversos.

Back when to enter the Anglo elite, you had to converts to established Anglicanism, England had no problem with Jew fake Anglicans. Jews only started to be a problem when they were allowed into the elite with no conversion. This was partly because unlike Spain, England was not applying extreme pressure to convert, and partly because back in those days, Anglicanism had a lot more life in it than Roman Catholicism had.

I just don’t see fake conversos causing problems except where extreme pressure is applied, as in Spain. Jewish conversos to Woke are causing problems for us, because they are apt to be alarmingly sincere. They are not causing problems for Woke.

England had a huge problem with fake Anglicans, but they were not of Jewish descent. The descendants of converted Jews just were not a problem.

Islam has only had problems with fake converts from Judaism when it applied excessive pressure. You have to apply really extreme pressure before it becomes a problem. An enormous number of people of Jewish descent have assimilated to Islam, and no one notices any problems.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Why do you expect them to suddenly and genuinely do the exact opposite of what they’ve always done?

I don’t.

I expect a plurality to be unrepentant leftists, and receive long-distance swimming lessons.

I expect a smaller minority to refuse to give up their Judaism and/or Israeli Nationalism, and be treated with suspicion and as second-class citizens. Perhaps they’d eventually be segregated from mainstream society in the style of Jim Crow, or the Indian Reservations.

I expect a rather small minority, who were neither leftists nor particularly faithful Jews in the first place, to be the ones to convert to the official faith with no fuss. Many are already embedded in NRx today as “materialist atheists” and are already strong supporters of Christianity.

But you cannot expect Jews, Hindoos, Muslims or any other peoples to convert to what appears to be a weak and dying faith. Christians are, today, persecuted and marginalized in the USA and most of the western hemisphere, so of course the non-Christians are not converting in droves today. Reinstate Christianity as the state religion, make it high status, change the stakes, change the incentives, and those without excessively strong ties to their ancestral religions will find it easy to assimilate.

And if I’m wrong, if all 100% stubbornly refuse conversion, then so what? The proposal does not change, because it does not require giving up any ground to the refuseniks. It just means a lot more Jews will get wet. But at least then we can all say that we have a clear conscience, having given them every opportunity.

I don’t expect to change the fundamental nature of the Jewish phenotype, such as it is. The proposal is simply to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The Cominator says:

Only the leftists are getting wet, the ones who want to larp as fiddler on the roof characters forever are merely getting deported.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Correct, that is the middle minority. Schlomo the Bagel Shop Owner wouldn’t be at the tippy top of my deportation list – there are 30-50 million illegal wetbacks who need to go first, and that’s going to take a few years to sort out. But if Schlomo lingers much longer than that, or fails to keep a low profile, probably going to get deported or segregated.

I do predict that the greatest plurality will get wet, not because they are Jews, but because they are demon-possessed leftists. As long as justice is fair and transparent, I am not going to be picky about precisely how many fall into each camp.

cub says:

Even if we became a strong Christian nation again, your plan seems barely distinguishable from what plenty of Christian societies have tried throughout history. We spent centuries separating wheat from chaff, and it just made the chaff even chaffier.

Here is what your plan has resulted in: we are less religious and less anti-semitic than our ancestors, ridden with guilt over the Holohoax, while they are actively slandering, subverting, and replacing us. We have a rigged financial system, hostile mass media, and our governments (including Trump) are beholden to the gang of criminal terrorists known as Israel- where you want to SEND them to if they don’t “convert”!

How is your plan to deal with them in good faith, with a clean conscience, etc. going to end up any differently?

The Cominator says:

Your preceding of a number of false and unreactionary assumptions about how Christendom started down the road to leftist corruption because of the Jews, when our view is the Jews only kind of accelerated the problem once the rot became pretty far advanced.

cub says:

Cominator, you have a strange habit of speaking for everyone else. Is that how you normally persuade people?

Jim says:

The Cominator knows what everyone else thinks. If he says he speaks for all of us, usually gets it right.

The Cominator says:

Jim doesn’t like people who argue from false consensus or make falsehoods about what X group (I mentioned reactionaries) believes. If you think I am doing so in this case you are free to complain to Jim and see what he says.

The Cominator says:

Or excuse me I meant reactionaries though I did not exactly say reactionaries. But like I said if you believe I am arguing from false consensus (of reactionaries) you are free to talk to Jim about it. Because Jim doesn’t like arguments from false consensus from anyone. But I suspect he will rule that the consensus among reactionaries is generally that Jews came in only after the rot set in.

Calvin says:

“I just don’t see fake conversos causing problems except where extreme pressure is applied, as in Spain.”

This amounts to a denial that politics are a biological phenomenon. It doesn’t matter what belief a black professes, he will always be black and always prone to the black life strategy. It’s the same for jews.

Jim says:

How biology is expressed depends on the environment. Politics a lot more so than most.

Empirically, conversion at reasonable pressure, works. People have been doing this for millennia. We have lots of experience and lots of history. In this sense, politics is not a biological phenomenom. Leftism is a strategy, and holiness spiraling is a strategy, and what tactics people employ are environmentally determined.

Another solution that works is to convert the top people under extreme pressure, and after a time, all their followers come along.

cub says:

It’s not productive to discuss the beginning of leftist corruption.
“He started it” “no you started it!” “no they started it!”
Why not say Adam and Eve started it, since they were the first to defy God and introduce sin into the world?

Most people care more about the enemies and problems facing them TODAY. There is ample direct, empirical evidence that the things I mentioned earlier (financial system, mass media, government) have significant Jewish influence, as opposed to Puritans/Harvard/etc. You’re asking me to ignore my eyes and ears in favor of the kind of abstract sophistic arguments that Jews and other leftists are known for.

Even if there is a direct historical connection- if it’s not useful for our current struggle, then it amounts to little more than intellectual wankery.
“Wait, guys, stop! Don’t fight the Jews, fight the Puritans instead! It’s their fault!”
That kind of talk is going to get you laughed out of the helicopter.
You might as well tell us to fight the British crown, or the Jacobins. Come the fuck on.

Jim says:

> It’s not productive to discuss the beginning of leftist corruption.

This idiotic. Leftism gets ever lefter, ever faster, and is only cured by tearing it up by the roots.

And in order to tear it up by the roots, you have to be able to see the roots. And it still comes back but if you do a good job on the roots, its done for a century or several centuries.

We have been around this merry go round many times before. You have to look at history, see what worked, and what kind of worked for a long enough, and do what they did.

> Most people care more about the enemies and problems facing them TODAY.

Most people are stupid. Most people are sheep, and easily manipulated and controlled. And if someone lives in the present, without a future or a past, he is easily manipulated and controlled.

S says:

Trump is currently clearing out the deep state. What predictions are you making that are different from the predictions of Neoreaction in what is going to happen? Because the Nrx position is ‘normies falls in line with power’ so Jews running Hollywood, the media or the financial industry (insofar as they are NPCs) are expected to toe the new line.

The Cominator says:

You are moving the goalposts. Nobody is talking about sparing any current year leftists because they are Jews. We are saying that focusing myopocially on jews has negative utility for reasons people here have been over before. The Soros family and Nuland and jewish left wing activists, as they would say in the mafia they gotta go. Wanting to do the same to Stephen Miller otoh is not only stupid it makes us enemies we don’t need to have and it alienates potential allies.

Furthermore you’ve reached way back into history claiming there have been huge problems with false conversos (I don’t know of them and neither does Jim) while at the same time claiming we shouldn’t discuss the ancient history of the left (and I agree Yarvin places way too much blame on the Puritans when I would blame the Jesuits and Quakers a lot more). Furthermore claiming the Jews have total dominance over the current year left is not in our view at least correct either. Jim’s position (he can correct me if I’m wrong) is that Jews now are at least in most cases the same kind of middlemen to the true not jewish elite that they were in the middle ages. The most truly powerful Jew in America is almost certainly Chuck Schumer (yes a very bad guy). Soros we’ve determined is a bagman for the USaid type CIA/State Department joint operations that Trump seems to have shut down not an independent operator. His money isn’t really his money. If Trump had adopted the position that he wants TKD he’d have gotten nowhere. The idea just simply has negative utility.

cub says:

If leftism comes back, then you haven’t torn it up by the roots.
Jim, you stated in your last blogpost that leftism has no essence. How do you intend to tear up the roots of something you cannot even grasp? How can one fight against something so intangible and perennial?

Even if we can’t exterminate it forever, we can identify currently active, tangible, influential groups that exemplifies the worst aspects of what we call “leftism”, and wage war against them. Those are feasible goals.
One such group is the U.S. deep state; these are mostly easily identifiable people with names and addresses and paychecks. Their ideology is the relatively new state religion of globohomo leftism. They’ve been at it for a few decades. As we now see, many of them can be eliminated by a sufficiently motivated executive branch, if it’s allowed to win a fair election.
Another such group is talmudic Jews. They specialize in infiltration and subversion, and identifying them is not always easy. Their ideology is a millennia-old ethnic religion of, essentially, anti-Christianity (arguably, satanism). They’ve been at it for centuries. They’ve been kicked out of hundreds of societies but never dealt with in their entirety. They can’t be voted out of power and in fact, are the biggest reason why Trump was allowed to win at all.

So, my prediction is that if Trump succeeds in cleaning up our government, many neoreactionaries will be lulled into complacency by the absurd idea that the root of the problem has been solved… when in fact there are other groups, one tribe in particular, with its toxic roots entrenched so deep that many cannot even perceive the harm they do.

Which tangible, identifiable group would make a better target?

Jim says:

I have defined and explained leftism times without number. You are not listening.

What is constant in leftism is not its ever changing belief system, but its personnel, strategy, organisation and tactics. The people staffing the apparatus are apt to change their beliefs and purported objectives overnight, as parodied in 1984. This is what “has no essence means”. But the personnell change only as interns become managers, and grow old and retire, unbothered by the fact that their heartfelt beliefs have changed a dozen times over their career, and are replaced by people who were interns under them, in often organisations that changed their names several times over the centuries without any accompanying change in the physical locations of their workplaces or their leadership or organisation. Look at the buildings, not the beliefs.

The men “fact checking” Facebook and Twitter under the Biden group grew up in the Free Speech movement.

And the personnel, organisation, strategy and tactics are most clearly visible if you look at it over centuries, and pay no attention to whatever its latest noble objectives and the latest hot issues, which hot issues of the day are just a distraction to get the easily duped running in circles. Today they want to legalise fentanyl, not very long ago wanted to ban alcohol. Long ago they were banning Christmas because not Christian enough, today because too Christian. One day its Proletariat, then its Global Warming, then Covid, then … These things are just distractions.

> Which tangible, identifiable group would make a better target?

Actual leftists are perfectly tangible and identifiable. You can send men in armor into their buildings, though these days you would send tanks into their buildings. You can grab physical control over their network servers. It has been done before.

When a Trump thunderbolt hit the OPM, the HR of all HRs, I predicted that every HR everywhere would swiftly feel the impact. Early days yet, but we are seeing signs that my prediction is being fulfilled. If you smash the windows of the Jew selling bagels, what do you accomplish?

Most of the worst things leftism did, they did before Jews were allowed in. You are so antisemitic you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world. If we gassed every Jew on earth tomorrow morning, it would make very little difference. They are already being replaced by dot Indians. Leftism was doing what it does before it allowed the Jews in, it would continue doing what it does if we took all the Jews out.

The Cominator says:

> Talmudic Judaism
you don’t even understand who the bad jews are. The Talmud is an Orthodox Jewish thing, it’s very clear who they are, and they tend to vote republican and avoid involvement with elite institutions. Yes the Talmud has vile passages but the worst jews don’t read it. The leftists jews are overwhelmingly reform jews. To the ones who take it seriously to them Jewish identity means being some form of utopian revolutionary. Those are the bad jews.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

…the gang of criminal terrorists known as Israel- where you want to SEND them to if they don’t “convert”!

Well then. I think I’ve heard enough. Thank you for putting all your cards on the table; the only thing missing is the “Free Palestine” bumper sticker.

I am curious to hear criticism or refinements from the sincere anti-semites, or counter-semites if you prefer to be called, but there’s no use debating the Cartoon Nazis.

Jim says:

> > …the gang of criminal terrorists known as Israel- where you want to SEND them to if they don’t “convert”!

> the only thing missing is the “Free Palestine” bumper sticker.

Cub’s argument is that there is no point in opposing leftism. We should oppose Jews instead of leftism.

Which is the classic fednat argument. They tell us that the guy who runs the bagel shop is the big important enemy, not Blinken.

cub says:

“What is constant in leftism is not its ever changing belief system, but its personnel, strategy, organisation and tactics”

So you believe leftism is essentially a criminal syndicate that has no ideology? If that were true, it wouldn’t keep coming back every time you exterminated it. Leftism’s perennial nature means that it MUST be based on ideas, which are much harder to destroy than people, organizations, and buildings.

It’s a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. You are falsely accusing me of focusing on a single mole, but I believe Harvard, the deep state, etc. all need to be whacked too.
I am accusing you of failing to notice that many of the moles are all part of the same family, and if you don’t pursue them underground and exterminate their entire house, they’ll just bide their time and come back later with a vengeance, whereas if you do exterminate them (or at least sterilize them and outlaw their psychopathic religion) then the mole problem will be a lot easier to handle for the foreseeable future.

I think I’ve heard enough from you, too. No use debating someone who’s a willing cuck to a gang of foreigners that controls their government, and is moronic enough to think that everyone that opposes Israel is both a “cartoon Nazi” and a Palestine supporter (?)

Jim says:

> So you believe leftism is essentially a criminal syndicate that has no ideology?

Or a criminal syndicate with far too many frequently changing ideologies. The ideologies are sincerely and passionately believed for as long as convenient, only to be instantly forgotten when something else is more convenient.

> If that were true, it wouldn’t keep coming back every time you exterminated it.

Covetousness is not going to be eliminated. People are always going to want to knock over applecarts and grab some apples. When an applecart looks shaky, it attracts people who want to knock it over, and pretty soon they get organised, and leftism is back in business. If they succeed, the criminal syndicate gets more organised, more powerful, and moves on to the next applecart. As the criminal syndicate goes forward knocking over one applecart after another, gets bigger, more powerful, and more organised. That is the left.

> Leftism’s perennial nature means that it MUST be based on ideas,

If you look at the long history of leftism, the ideas are based on whatever applecart is currently looking a little shaky.

Calvin says:

How biology is expressed depends on the environment. Politics a lot more so than most.

No belief system will ever succeed in making blacks not be dumb, poor, impulsive, and disproportionately prone to all manner of violent and petty crime. Likewise, no belief system will ever succeed in stopping jews from instinctively forming ethnic networks to capture crucial societal nodes and immediately turning them against the host population. No country has ever benefitted, long term, from allowing either genetic strain into itself and a rigorous policy of expulsion would in every case be a net positive.

Jim says:

> Likewise, no belief system will ever succeed in stopping jews from instinctively forming ethnic networks to capture crucial societal nodes and immediately turning them against the host population.

Your history is simply dead wrong.

Islam absorbed some very large Jewish populations, without a problem. Where problems have occurred, it is because because certain rulers raised the pressure well beyond that prescribed by Mohammed, and this led to problems.

They form family mafias, but not Jewish descent mafias. No one, least of all themselves, are tracking Jewish descent, or preferentially recruiting non fmaily members of Jewish descent into their little family mafias. A lot of Mohammedans are of Jewish decent in some large areas, but no one remembers.

Tsarist Russia also pursued a policy of assimilation backed by some fairly heavy handed pressure. It did not lead to problems. Christians and Mohammedans have been doing this for a very long time. It works.

Spain had a converso problem, Tsarist Russia, no problem. Islam, problems only in special cases.

Jews have been causing problems for two millenia. People have been attempting to solve those problems for two millenia. With varying degrees of success. Copy what worked.

Jim says:

> and disproportionately prone to all manner of violent and petty crime.

I read old books. It used to be entirely safe for white men to wander around black areas. It used to be entirely safe for white men to wander around black areas that were firmly under the thumb of a black middle class created and gatekept by whites, whose power was backed up by whites.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

No belief system will ever succeed in making blacks not be dumb, poor, impulsive, and disproportionately prone to all manner of violent and petty crime.

A poor choice for an opening argument, considering that the Jim Crow South was exactly this, and for many Americans residing in the southern and Appalachian regions, still within living memory.

Obviously, they were still Negroes. Their segregated enclaves were visibly inferior to those populated by White Europeans. But they were vastly, immensely superior to any of the downtown metros today, and to any part of pre- or post-colonial Africa. They had markets, families, and relative security. It took some rather vicious and unorthodox policing to accomplish, but it was accomplished. It did not seriously start to degenerate until the Civil Rights era, and did not really fall off a cliff until the welfare era.

Likewise, colonial Africa. The crown corporations, trading companies and other colonials knew how to grasp the nettle, and they kept the locals under control. Going to Africa to seek one’s fortune was a high-status move, and the men who did it were far more concerned about the jungle itself than the jungle dwellers. The colonial project started to fail only when the white man ceased to govern with an iron fist, and failed catastrophically only when the white man ceased to govern at all. Even today, the Christian parts of Africa (for African values of “Christian”, which let’s concede is very different from European values) tend to be rather more functional than the Muslim or purely Animist parts.

This isn’t an argument that blacks are equal to whites in any way. That Africans have lower intelligence, higher time preference and a much looser work ethic than Europeans is simply objective fact. But the dramatic outcomes you describe as a result of those traits are not a foregone conclusion. Negroes were taken as slaves precisely because they were not considered all that violent or impulsive; dumb, yes, but they were actually relatively docile and, with appropriate discipline applied, very decent laborers compared to e.g. Indians (dot, not feather) who made terrible slaves.

Nigger violence is precisely because of Niggers, the feralized version of the Negro; it’s not much different from what you’d get if you took several thousand dogs who were once domestic pets and set them loose in the streets to breed over many generations. Do the resulting mean and violent feral dogs mean that dogs are inherently mean and violent? Well, kind of – that is their natural state without any human intervention – but their feral state would still be our fault, not theirs. Some would have to be put down anyway. But many feral dogs can be more-or-less tamed over time, and certainly produce tame offspring when socialized from birth.

If you told me we needed to exterminate – not even merely deport, but flat out murder or sterilize! – every single man and woman with more African heritage than an Octoroon, I would write you off as a crazy person, and so would almost everyone else in the country. Many blacks are feral beyond rehabilitation, yes, but many more long to go back to the days when the white man told them what to do, and would happily do so with no more than a bit of token resistance. Bring back the whip – metaphorically or literally – and they’ll fall in line, but of course, to do so successfully we have to solve the Woman Question first, for reasons that Jim has already explained at considerable length.

There are indeed many similarities between the Negro Question and the Jewish question, but probably not in the way you intended.

The Cominator says:

Niggers are prone to be more impulsive, less intelligent and violent but I’ll second that yeah the regime makes a difference into what a problem they are. Florida has some nigs in most places and I’m not the least bit scared of the local nigs under any circumstances even if I’m in the middle of a huge crowd of them (now I’m not going to start trouble with them and call them nigger and shit of course). Whereas you go into a nigger neighborhood in the wrong part of some Dem run blue shithole you’re dead.

Calvin says:

There are indeed many similarities between the Negro Question and the Jewish question, but probably not in the way you intended.

Why exactly should white men be obligated to go to all this extra effort to turn blacks into a second-rate knockoff of their society? What, precisely, is the benefit to their presence that is not equaled or exceeded by a homogeneous white society?

Alf says:

> Why exactly should white men be obligated to go to all this extra effort to turn blacks into a second-rate knockoff of their society? What, precisely, is the benefit to their presence that is not equaled or exceeded by a homogeneous white society?

Mass-importing low genetic stock as cheap labor was a mistake, one often repeated throughout history. The mistake was made by our ancestors, now we have to deal with it. Re-introducing Jim Crowe type laws sounds like the lowest-rate effort to solve the problem. How would you suggest we deal with it?

Calvin says:

How would you suggest we deal with it?

Lincoln’s solution seems like the best to me. Give them some cash on the way out if they cooperate, dump them on some random African country too weak to do anything about it if they don’t.

Varna says:

> “No belief system will ever succeed in making blacks not be dumb, poor, impulsive, and disproportionately prone to all manner of violent and petty crime.”

If blacks exist within an environment which contains: a) a grass root black sub-institutional strata (basically patriarchic family/clan networks) that imposes constraints on their behavior; b) a media environment that does not glorify the thug life; c) a functional superstructure of institutional law and order on top — then they can be vastly less problematic. These three add up to situations in which blacks expect other blacks to pull their weight.

Even today, there are countries in Africa, where a combination of just a), and a very little bit of c) is enough to keep their local homicide rates around those of say the Baltics or Russia.

However, in places with a non-existent black sub-institutional strata (no functional family and church matrixes), with a media environment that both glorifies antisocial behavior and makes excuses for it, law and order that has a glitchy and twitchy relationship with them, and larger society does not expect them to pull their weight, the results can certainly be terrifying.

So yes, a belief system *in itself* can’t just fix things, but a belief system channeled/enforced via most of society’s grass root and corporate institutions from all sides — it can achieve plenty.

alf says:

Lincoln’s solution seems like the best to me. Give them some cash on the way out if they cooperate, dump them on some random African country too weak to do anything about it if they don’t.

What do you mean ‘on the way out’? On the way out to where? And how is dumping them on some random African country ‘Lincoln’s solution’? If anything, Lincoln’s efforts were a failure and he backtracked them.

Jim says:


Seems like a good solution. Worked. The problem was America was embarrassed by it.

The problem was that, due to substantial admixture of white blood and thorough immersion in white culture, it was at once obvious that the black American settlers were racially and culturally superior to the locals. Which is what their American sponsors were profoundly embarrassed and disturbed by. The people sending them there wanted them to go native, but they did not.

Another big problem is that it was largely slaves who had been freed before the civil war, who tended to be people who were not naturally slaves — people who were capable of earning a living without a whip on their backs. So there was inherent selection for higher quality black Americans. Which considerably intensified the highly embarrassing ancestral and cultural differences.

alf says:

To send first, second or third generation immigrants back, sounds great. To send 9th generation blacks back… Probably a bit harder. But I guess that, like with Trump’s deportation plans, you’d start with the lowest scum and work from there. Yeah sure, sound good. Why not combine with Jim Crow laws? It’s not like the plans are exclusive. Strict rules domestically and an exit route internationally.

Fidelis says:

To send 9th generation blacks back… Probably a bit harder.

Eliminate welfare and affirmative action, suddenly loads of them are without house or food or any realistic way to get it. The ones that turn immediately to crime are sent to El Salvador. The rest are offered a pay package, delivered in weekly installments, to move to wherever in Africa.

Restore the first amendment rights of free association, people will ‘redline’ because they like living among their own kind, the blacks that remain will be capable of earning a living and will be sorted into their own districts. Not sure you need an explicit Jim Crow situation if you arrest the extremely impulsive and violent, send away those unable to be productive, allow people to form their own neighborhoods, and do some heavy social engineering for good instead of ill, but if we do we have a model to work from.

Mayflower Sperg says:

So there was inherent selection for higher quality black Americans. Which considerably intensified the highly embarrassing ancestral and cultural differences.

Not a problem because this time we’ll be sending our worst niggers back to Africa.

Neurotoxin says:

I’m an Israeli, 100% Hebrew by descent, born late 1994. Never set foot in the Anglosphere.

Whoa. If someone had asked me to sketch a bio of you based on your posts here, that would not have been my first guess.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Our friend oft spoke of israeli political happenings in the past, and in particular Making Israel Great Again, so that was the impression I got.

A regeneration of khazarian stock, if such an undertaking were done in earnest, would certainly entail a significant degree of winnowing. But we will say that such things are, technically, possible.

Neurotoxin says:

“Our friend oft spoke of israeli political happenings in the past, and in particular Making Israel Great Again…”

I forgot about that.

Jim says:

Allowing this blatant Thermidorian shill through because his message is substantive.

The Cominator says:

Recent remarks make one post Christian faggot heresy we can easily test for super clear.

The Church of America when it is established must have a policy of identifying anyone who disagrees with Ordo Amoris as the worst type of heretic and spiritually akin to communists and jesuits and the state should burn anyone claiming to be Christian and disagreeing with Ordo Amoris immediately. No two strikes your out, no exile, no half measures, instant burning.

The Cominator says:

Suggest adding ordo Amoris to the Christian shill test (whereas I’ve always had a bit of an issue with the phrase “wholely man and wholely god”). Any “Christian” who denies ordo amoris actually thinks native white men are especially evil and should eventually be exterminated.

Hesiod says:

Bye-bye, pronouns:

‘It hurts my heart,’ says DEI program manager amid Trump executive orders.

Bless her heart.

Neurotoxin says:

Can’t directly reply to Hesiod. His link, for those who don’t click through: The headline is

Federal employees told to remove pronouns from email signatures by end of day

Hesiod says:

Odd, found I have to click in the left edge of the reply icon to get it to work for my posts.

Tangentially related to our Israeli lads, here is a bit of a cultural curiosity. The band linked is Atmosphera, a 1970s Israeli progrock band which released one album in ’77. The song is Lady of Shalott with lyrics taken from Tennyson’s poetry:

Somewhat self-indulgent instrumentally, but some of us like that sort of thing if delivered with conviction.

Alf says:

Odd, found I have to click in the left edge of the reply icon to get it to work for my posts.

Ah, good call! For whatever reason some reply buttons don’t work. But if you hover over the left edge of that reply button, works.

Neurotoxin says:

Confirmed. That’s how I was able to post this reply.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Alf, your block quote is creating a dead zone that covers most of the reply button. If I save this page to a local file and either delete your block quote or make your comment longer, the Reply button works correctly.

A2 says:

So, what’s up with this rationaliste LessWrong terrorist group …? “Vegan Siths”? “Zizians”?

a mysterious alleged cult made up of highly educated young computer scientists obsessed with veganism, animal rights, and theories about the nature of human consciousness.

A search of the Prius revealed the pair [now dead] had been traveling with a ballistic helmet, night-vision goggles, 48 rounds of ammunition, used shooting range targets, and a dozen electronic devices, including cell phones wrapped in aluminum foil, according to the affidavit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pretty funny how broadcast news outlets can write thousands of words about a polycule of trannies and not mention their explicitly declared core organizational phenotype once.

Hesiod says:

Handi provides some fascinating links concerning Zizians in this thread (can’t link directly to them):

Jim and Pax offer excellent insights as well.

A2 says:

Thanks! I didn’t feel like clicking on those links for some reason (demonic?). Well, maybe another day. An interesting development in its way, reminiscent of hard-leftism degenerating into terrorism in the 70s.

A2 says:

It’s also interesting to compare with Atom Waffen, the apparently early teens who were turned to terrorism by the FBI. No FBI even in the vicinity of these trannies, as far as we know.

(The FBI should already have thoroughly infiltrated Antifa as well, right guys? Right? Hm.)

A2 says:

Just to follow up, I found an article about Zizians, including a picture of the woman-identifying Ziz (“that’s a dude though”). It’s oddly funny to read about rationalist nutters even as the body count mounts.

S says:

Did Ziz take the name from the Worm fandom? Because naming yourself after an abomination that brainwashs people to commit murder (before brainwashing people to commit murder) is a commitment to comic book style villany that I’d normally brand unrealistic.

Hesiod says:

In Near Eastern mythology, a Ziz is a phoenix-like creature. I assumed that was the origin, given how ancient tales get the Manichean Marxist treatment these days just like everything else.

A2 says:

Unfortunately, I haven’t the slightest idea. I lack familiarity with that. It sounds somewhat plausible though.

A2 says:

After some pondering, considering their actions and official treatment, I’m guessing at least Ziz and possibly others are fed CIs or the equivalent.

Jim says:

Interestingly, Ziz herself, the leader of a cult that keeps killing people, does not seem to have received any law enforcement attention. Which is distinctly odd for someone whose ideology directly leads to lethal confrontation with law enforcement (and other people)

Compare and contrast with what happens to people who engage in silent prayer outside abortion clinics.

Fidelis says:

It’s a troon, so himself*, and he does appear to have been catch and released. They’re giving him the soft gloves because lefter than thou, of course.

Hesiod says:

Here’s an archive of the Newsweek article published two days ago:

Nothing new but not a lot of overt obfuscation either. Seems the domestic US MSM coverage changed very recently.

JustAnotherGuy says:

21 year old man dates 17 year old girl, whole internet goes ‘she was only 17 years and 364 days old you sick fuck’, and man decides its time to end everything. The price you pay for being under the influence of a mob and not ‘clear-pilled’ as they say.

The Cominator says:
After the government purge process began all the woke priests and faggots were fired from bioware. We might see a good movie and tv show again soon again… and I hope there is. It was nice being able to talk about something with normies and women and ever since Game of Thrones fell on its ass I haven’t had that.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Not bad. Next do Kathleen Kennedy.

Jim says:

The Bioware purge was announced three days after a Trump thunderbolt hit the HR of all HRs, which is consistent with a very short and tight connection between the HR of all HRs, and each company HR.

dave says:

Thermidor has decided to cut 70% of the FedGov HR of HRs, Office of Personnel Management.

”’According to FedScope data, as of March 2024, OPM had 2,902 agency employees — 2,148 of which are career employees in the competitive service. Close to 1,300 employees are bargaining unit members with the American Federation of Government Employees.”’

Is this coup complete?

Dharmicreality says:

Is this the Trump/thermidor effect?

PM Modi says for the first time since 2014 there no foreign hand/interference “stoking the fire” before parliament session.

Seems that the GAE overseas wing is already withdrawing from its usual areas of foreign interference and color revolutions.

Jim says:

The CIA is currently a little busy trying fix the Senate confirmation hearings.

As you no doubt know, the CIA has been funding and arming Isis. This is one branch of the US government trying to murder members of another branch of the American government — Tulsi Gabbard’s branch, just as the Vietnam war was a proxy war fought by one faction in Washington against another faction in Washington.

Tulsi and Trump do not much like that. On the other hand, there seems to be an alarmingly substantial faction in the Republican party who do like that. This may be the first road block than the so far unstoppable Trump machine runs into. This looks like a coup complete problem. On the other hand, when Trump struck the HR of all HRs he had to send in the muscle men to remove IGs that he could not legally remove, which looks mighty like a coup. Of course the HR of all HRs was purely priestly, and had no military arm. The CIA is a military arm, so attempting to coup them could get more interesting than couping the HR of all HRs was.

We might see the proxy rigmarole dispensed with. But probably not until Pete Hegseth fixes the army. Until then, Trump may find it advisable to just suck it up.

It would also be advisable to make sure the ngos are first defunded. The Democrats are talking about fighting this “in the courts and in the streets“. Meaning sending out the ngo rentamob to provide cover for application of state instruments of violence against other state instruments of violence.

Secure the army, defund the ngos, then appoint Tulsi Gabbard in charge of the CIA Senate confirmation or no senate confirmation.

Milosevic says:

The left are in complete disarray atm. I’ve never seen anything like it. The pace at which Trump is moving has them completely disarmed. It’s clear this has all been planned and gamed out. I believe he will go for the IC now.

Jim says:

It was obvious in the Senate Confirmation hearings for Tulsi Gabbard that she intends to do to the Intelligence Community what Trump just did to the HR of all HRs (The OPM).

But harder to coup the CIA than the OPM, because they, unlike the OPM, are experts in the coup business.

However, defunding the NGOs takes away a major weapon in their arsenal. They will no longer be able to put a river of meat on the street to provide cover for operations.

If the Senate refuses to confirm Tulsi Gabbard, Trump has a problem. But Pete Hegseth got confirmed. He should be able to deliver the army to Trump, and if Trump has the army, he can overcome this obstacle.

Neet, of course, will predict that even if he can, he will not. Which given Trump’s lamentable 2020 performance, would seem a plausible prediction. But Trump’s recent performance suggests that being clipped by a bullet has brought the new normal to his attention.

Dave says:

To that point, rumors are that USAID is being completely dismantled.

Dharmicreality says:

Seems the GAE Puppet government in Bangladesh is also facing the heat thanks to Trump turning off the tap of handouts to globohomo worldwide and abandoning the GAE puppet masters.

Yunus’ meet with the Soros clan is particularly telling.

dave says:


Interesting. Of course the NGOs will appeal to Soros to replace the funding. But Soros does not have the capital to replace the USG money printing, he will have to be targeted with his support, and that targeting will tell Thermidor what the enemy cant afford to lose and where.

Dharmicreality says:

Even with funding from Soros, I doubt that local GAE puppet masters can do much without the military backing of the GAE. Color revolutions tend to be remarkably colorless without the threat of actual bombers within reach of the target cities.

Trump securing the US military in his favour will have historic consequences.

Bix Nudelmann says:

However, defunding the NGOs takes away a major weapon in their arsenal. They will no longer be able to put a river of meat on the street to provide cover for operations.

It’s a huge dog not barking, and it reveals that the “public” GAE business model of public politics is completely fake.

All the executive actions, all the firings, all the “gender” moves, all the deportations… and WHERE are the rivers of meat?

I walked past a park “protest” the other day and those were a sad looking bunch. Loser club.

notglowing says:

Trump is doing very well, and it’s hard not to be completely whitepilled right now.
The entire structure of the Cathedral, which we’ve talked about for years, is being defunded, dismantled, and subverted, and he’s doing it at a blindingly fast pace, encountering much less resistance than anyone would’ve expected.

However, I can’t help but feel uneasy.
The fact he’s moving fast now with executive orders doesn’t mean the left isn’t organizing to subvert and revert them over time. The fact it’s taking them time because he’s doing things so quickly doesn’t mean they’re not going to fight back using the very system he’s fighting, plus especially the judiciary, which he cannot really handle in the same manner. After all, none of these people are going away. They’re sometimes getting fired, often just sidestepped.

It’s hard to tell which of the orders he’s issuing are really sticking and having a real impact. Clearly, some have been rescinded or blocked already.
This may get worse rather than better over time, if we’re pessimistic. Surely they’re not just gonna give up.

The optimistic view is that Musk and Trump are doing enough damage to the administrative state, fast enough, that they won’t be able to fight back.

Men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, but of grave ones they cannot.

I hope Musk and Trump realize this. If they fail to completely break the left, there will be no future for any of them.
Defunding the NGOs may be the most important step out of all of them.

Neurotoxin says:

the judiciary, which he [Trump] cannot really handle in the same manner…

Oh? That remains to be seen. Judges can write words on paper all day long, but the question ultimately is whether the men with guns will obey the judges or President Trump.

It is fortunate for us, in a weird way, that judges have been systematically ass-raping their own credibility and reputation for impartiality for the last however many decades.

It’s hard to tell which of the orders he’s issuing are really sticking and having a real impact. Clearly, some have been rescinded or blocked already.

Some judges have said “I hereby block this executive order.” That is very different from the question of whether the executive order is actually blocked. That depends – as that Fong cunt who told Trump to fuck off forcibly found out – who the men with guns will side with.

Also: Unlike last time, Trump and his staff came into office knowing from the get-go that leftist judges were going to try to thwart him at every turn. It’s not like this wasn’t anticipated.

The Cominator says:

A judge already canceled the order that cancelled the lefts funding and it appears the NGOs still aren’t getting any money.

Neurotoxin says:

So a judge claimed to have cancelled the order.

notglowing says:

@TC, I think that’s a separate thing. One is about foreign NGO money, the other is about internal funding. The latter was sort-of blocked, or rather the memo was rescinded, not the executive over. It’s all a bit fuzzy.
The NGO money is mostly going away.

The Cominator says:

Doesn’t seem like foreign or domestic NGOs are getting any money hence why the left doesn’t seem to have any energy suddenly despite what the judge said.

Jim says:

There seems to be a lot of that going around.

Plus the left apparatus leaks money like a sieve. Observe the Kamala campaign. So if it does not get continual top ups runs out very fast. This is a perpetual problem with evil people hiring other evil people to do evil. The evil does not get done because they double cross each other.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, being internally focused, the overseas wings of the GAE intelligence regime seems to be headless at the moment.

Anon says:

“the overseas wings of the GAE intelligence regime seems to be headless at the moment.”

I dont know if this uniformly true. In georgia, poland including serbia who right now undergoing a color revolution, GAE seem in control.
It maybe that they have given up on outer GAE ; africa , asia etc. but they keep on hanging on europe

dharmicreality says:

That makes sense, since GAE is much more entrenched in Europe than other parts of the world.

Also many more true believers among the GAE puppet masters in Europe than elsewhere. Europe will need a purge of its own soon.

JohnnyJ says:

[*Nazism deleted*]
Please pray that the Democrats continue passing their own tests…

Jim says:

As far as I can tell, one hundred percent of Nazis everywhere are on the CIA payroll, have been since 1945, (except for those on Stalin’s payroll) and I expect they will stop being Nazis when Tulsi turns off the money. Prove me wrong by taking the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed. Once you are white listed, we will all be happy to engage in an informative discussion of Nazism.

JohnnyJ says:

[*excuses for not trying the shill test deleted*]
your first move was to dishonorably false insinuate upon brothers
[*more excuses for not trying the shill test deleted*]

Jim says:

You cannot get on your high horse when you have Azov for company, when you have a bunch of demon worshipping perverts under the leadership of a Jewish globalist, who was appointed by another Jewish globalist, for company.

All your “brothers” are obvious CIA shills, or worse, like Azov, CIA terrorists.

With that kind of company, you need to demonstrate that you are different.

The Cominator says:

You think the fednats will all but disappear following Tulsi being installed as DNI? I’m not so sure but I think we’ll see less of them.

Jim says:

No I don’t think they will “all but” disappear. I think they will just plain disappear. I think they will disappear completely except for some dead internet sites the day after Tulsi slashes payroll. Nazism has been living on life support since militarily defeated.

However, the way the wind is blowing, she is going to face some headwinds. Firing Zelensky and holding elections in Ukraine is part of firing the Nazis. If you do one, have to do the other at the same time. And at present, actual elections in the Ukraine still seems to be an unspeakable and unthinkable thought crime in Thermidor. No one wants to think about it, let alone talk about it.

The trouble Tulsi is getting into because she wants to fire Isis is nothing compared to the reaction she will get if they smell she wants to fire the Nazis. Observe the quite genuine outrage: “Traitor”, “Tool of Putin” and all that over Isis. If she tries to fire the Nazis, which she has to if Trump is to succeed, those guys are going to burst a blood vessel.

If the threat of Isis being fired makes her a tool of Putin, what would firing Azov make her?

Anon says:

“Firing Zelensky and holding elections in Ukraine is part of firing the Nazis.”

Lmao, they really are reading this blog.
From Reuters. (Search it , I will not link it)

Exclusive: U.S. wants Ukraine to hold elections following a ceasefire, says Trump envoy

Jim says:

That proposal is absurd and outrageous. The only way to impose it on Russia and Russians would be tanks in the Kremlin.

Putin, having been burned time after time, says elections first, then ceasefire.

Paraphrasing and interpreting his excessively diplomatic language: “Fire your Nazis, and then we will agree to a ceasefire.”

Putin, Russia, and Russians believe that ceasefire with the CIA’s Nazi stooges still in place would just be a pause to allow the CIA to re-arm and to build a defence line preparatory to resuming low level forever war.

Anon says:

“That proposal is absurd and outrageous. The only way to impose it on Russia and Russians would be tanks in the Kremlin.”
why ? I thought it was good deal.

“Fire your Nazis, and then we will agree to a ceasefire”
but how? you can’t hold election or the pretense of election while bombs raining down.
This is Trump , not GAE.
simply showing putin clear step to defund GAE arms, as shutting down USAID and holding fund from Nazis , should give putin assurance that a deal can be made and will be followed through.
otherwise Russia could continue the current course , which mean it will win but then nuclear war, as by then it will be on Nato borders.
I hope Trump will remove some of the sanctions as a sign of good will.
if anyone reading 😉

Jim says:

> I thought it was good deal.

Sure it is a good deal, if Trump could persuade the Russians that the west was actually going to do our part, after breaking every similar deal in the last twenty years. If you are Russian the deal sounds like “Stop making high level war on us, so that we can continue making low level forever war on you.”

> > “Fire your Nazis, and then we will agree to a ceasefire”

> but how? you can’t hold election or the pretense of election while bombs raining down.

Not Putin’s problem. They can round up meat and drag it to the trenches with bombs raining down, so they should be able to hold an election with bombs raining down. They are building their own drones with bombs raining down, so they should be able to count the votes with bombs raining down. And if they cannot, they are going to die.

The problem with repeatedly breaking deals is that it rapidly ceases to be possible to make deals. And if you cannot make a deal, you cannot make peace. And if you lose a war and cannot make peace, you are going to die.

> This is Trump , not GAE

If it is Trump, why are the CIA’s Nazis still in power in the Ukraine?

Trump does not have control of the CIA. I hope he will have control, I expect he will have control,. But until the Nazis are fired, he does not have control of the CIA and the Ukraine, and therefore no deal he makes is likely to be honoured beyond his term.

> but then nuclear war, as by then it will be on Nato borders

As I said, and have said before, the problem with repeatedly breaking deals is that it rapidly ceases to be possible to make deals. And if you cannot make a deal, you cannot make peace. And if you lose a war and cannot make peace, you are going to die.

If you cannot make a deal, it is win or die. The Russians discovered that they cannot make a deal, because America is not agreement capable. The only non nuclear solution is for America to become agreement capable. And as long as there are Nazis in the Ukraine, it is a strong indication that America is still not agreement capable.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Oh the fuck is this now. is down. Amazing. This is some Fort Sumter class shit going on here.

notglowing says:

Twitter account was deleted too. It truly is over. I can’t believe it.

notglowing says:

State department website scrubbed every mention of “Trans”. CDC uses “Pregnant woman” now instead of “Pregnant person”

Neurotoxin says:


Humungus says:


Humungus would like an update on your military situation. Are you in/out etc…

Also did you give in to your temptation to deal with that slut you mentioned. Details please.

Why? These are things you brought up in the past that are unclosed. Humungus enjoys gruesome endings.

Pax Imperialis says:

In limbo as the SecDef/Executive Order thunderbolts has been wrecking havoc on the bureaucracy.

I could ask, which one, but on principle I don’t fuck the wayward (former) wives of my brothers.

Only gruesome ending is what I’ve been costing the taxpayer with my (alleged) speech crimes.

Humungus says:

Humungus understands. We have all lost something dear to us. There is a time to still our anger and wait for a chance to revenge. Then, it will be so much sweeter.

Anonymous Fake says:

Serious question. Are most tech employees just government spies now? I always see absurd levels of liberal support from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc, like over 90% donations being Democrat. These are supposedly mostly highly intelligent and autistic white men who program computers for a living. I don’t see why they’re not Our Guys unless they’re just liars.

Jim says:

Yes, most big company tech engineers are not real engineers. They are at best bureaucrats of the leftist state, at worst spies and political commissars. It is amazing how much bureaucracy you have to get through to change a line of code.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Understand that the tech companies have vast machinery in place to funnel employee donations to leftist NGOs.

First, there are donation-matching programs. But to have one’s donation match, it must be an “approved” entity. Approved by whom, using what criteria? I’ll let you guess. The recent happenings at USAID may provide a clue. Look up the name “Benevity” if you want more clues.

Second, certain types of bonuses or company gifts may occasionally be “paid” in the form of “donation to a charity of your choice”. Which, again, must be on the approved list.

Third, these donations are often gamified. While the actual amounts and recipients are hidden from peers and managers – or at least, that is what employees are led to believe – there may be flair, swag, kudos, secondary rewards and other perks awarded for donations above a certain level.

Fourth, the obvious tax incentives, which in theory are politically neutral, but in practice are modulated by all the aforementioned steering, not to mention that most 501(c)(3)s in existence are already to the left of Chairman Mao. Observe what happened a few months ago with the hurricane relief, compared to what is happening now with the LA “wildfire” “relief”.

Fifth, donations by “whales” at the upper management and executive level; statistics are usually presented as “% of employee donations” which you’ll note is subtly different from “% of employees donating”. While I am in no way suggesting that any significant minority donates to right-wing causes, the left-wing donations by specific individuals are often massive, borderline money laundering or more likely actual money laundering, while the majority of employees simply never make any donations to anyone.

Finally, what we know to be far-left is not necessarily understood that way by the politically ignorant. There are organizations that seem sort of technology oriented and politically neutral, on the surface, like MIRI, the Electronic Frontier Foundation,, and so on. The average tech employee simply has no clue where the money is going.

There aren’t a lot of donations that are literally going directly to the Democratic Party, or to Soros Open Society Foundations or whatever – although there are certainly some – they just arrive there through a variety of back channels and slush funds.

I’m not painting the entire industry as innocent, for the record, and more than half the industry is dead weight in terms of their actual competency, but from what I have seen ideologically, it is not 95% woke, it is more like 20% woke, 50% striver liberal and 25% dupes.

It will be very interesting to see next year’s statistics after the recent OMB and USAID thunderbolts. We may see those left-wing donations plummet by 90% or more.

Pax Imperialis says:

Is Butterworth’s in DC worth going to? Are there any avenues to socialize in the DMV area worth going to (that can also be afforded on a junior officer budget)? So far, been to a number of clubs and bars in DC. Place is a swamp not only in the literal sense. It’ll take a generation to drain it. The general DMV area really sucks. The bog standard small city in the West/Mid-West is far superior. Heck, even the small towns are far better, but I’m stuck in the Beltway hellhole for probably another year. Please help. I’m going insane surrounded by East Coast pozz.

The Cominator says:

Pax you’ve said you’re literally a virgin as an officier in your mid 20s at least (and supposedly not even an autist) and it ain’t right. Just fuck a stripper. Don’t marry them or anything but c’mon clear your head and balls out in a slut.

Jim says:

Pretty sure that Pax is a warrior type, though it is hard to tell over the internet. Easier when you meet people in person and can just smell it on them. When a warrior type starts relieving himself in sluts, events ensue that may result in him killing people. It is the warrior response to the situations that result in player burnout if you don’t kill people. On the other hand, being a male virgin at twenty is very unhealthy for the mind also.

Warrior drinking too hard plus sluts, fun times followed by bloodshed. Women are attracted to men who frighten them. Also if you kill someone while drunk and stupid, you will foul it up and get yourself arrested.

The Cominator says:

Lots of soldiers have gone to whores throughout history without incident (the big hazard in the modern army ive heard is guys who marry strippers) if he stays sober not likely to do something stupid.

Jim says:

Literal whores are not a problem. But the quality is terrible. Better quality and service is available from women who are somewhat whore adjacent, but this involves having a relationship. Which can lead to problems.

The Cominator says:

> Quality
Strippers unlike crackhead street walkers can have good quality. Its admittedly gone downhill since the covid shit.

Fidelis says:

If you’re capable of finding a whore adjacent for a ‘relationship’, probably capable of finding one further away from whore. The problem is the standard for socially obtrusive retarded ape alfalfa is much higher as the share of antisocial retards has grown. If you’re not picking from inside a social network, you need to ‘get lucky’ and find a girl that is particularly horny that night and willing to settle for merely antisocial and not a vampire billionaire. Then you have the problem of, if you aren’t a born hairless ape, actually carrying out the antisocial behavior. It grates any man with good instincts.

This is why I don’t go to clubs or bars except to try and find likeminded men, whom get ever rarer. The ultimate winning strategy would be to show up with a band of warriors, kill the men and ugly, and carry off the fertile women. Not happening, we live in a “Society”. The next best strategy is to be a famous nigger adjacent, such as a rapper or sportball champ, works really well. The next best strategy is be an antisocial retard, go out of your way to pick fights, spit in the face of weaker men and dare them to fight back, cause controversy… and not get physically removed. Hard line to thread, and you end up feeling more disgusting than if you had fucked that toothless 50yo crackhead stripper.

America is in the endgame of the female liberation experiment now. I look around and conclude it is so bad we must be very close to some kind of social rearranging, because this will not last. Any smart warrior type has been cheated on or divorced many times over if theyre a bit older, and the younger ones watch nigger adjacent personalities clean up right in front of them. I suspect nothing has happened yet for the same reason that until 2 weeks ago nothing was being done to woke; that, and our memes are still indigestible for those incapable of thought crime.

Jim says:

> The next best strategy is be an antisocial retard, go out of your way to pick fights, spit in the face of weaker men and dare them to fight back, cause controversy

I think you underestimate the perceptiveness of female alpha radar. It is looking for very wrong things, but is remarkably accurate in finding them.

It is very hard to fake that kind of alpha. You need to have real monsters within.

> the younger ones watch nigger adjacent personalities clean up right in front of them.

Exactly so.

The wigger does stupid things, which are likely to get him killed sooner or later even in our environment, and were vastly more dangerous in the ancestral environment. Because ridiculously dangerous in the ancestral environment, and far from safe even in our own, this registers strongly on the supersensitive female alpha radar.

However, because you need to perform all the time, to be always on stage, routinely performing genuine wigger is an excessively costly strategy, and faking wigger is apt to be difficult, given the remarkable perceptiveness of female radar.

On the other hand, arrogance, a bad temper, and a real potential for lethality does score, not nearly as well as full wigger, but it suffices.

Arrogance is perhaps the least costly part of that performance. You don’t have to go around proving to random innocent people all the time that you are entitled to get your way, but you do need to confidently believe you are entitled to get your way.

Pax Imperialis says:

Sheesh, it wasn’t (entirely) sex on my mind. I’ve already got some very solid, high status men in East Asia searching to find a wife for me, and my extended family has joined in on arranging something, although no way I’m passively leaving my fate in their hands.

>try and find likeminded men, whom get ever rarer.

Main thing I’ve been trying to do. Get into their social networks and one might find they can introduce you to similarly minded people (both men and women). There are supposedly some right wing, Trump aligned bars/clubs in DC where the administration’s staffers frequent. Reportedly Butterworth’s is one of them… and this would have the added bonus of potentially giving me an exit strategy should the military not work out. Would have the benefit of hooking up some of my NRx friends in the military with jobs and potentially women in the right political circles.

At the very least, need to find some watering holes for me and my buddies so we don’t have to pretend to be okay while the waitress is making snide remarks about Trump being a fascist or some other dumb prog shit. That has happened too many times during random bar crawls. You’d think the business owners would tell them to shut the fuck up. The disturbing number of LGBT flags don’t help either. DMV is truly a shitty place.

I had never seen so many low class black people before in my life either. Going from only having that one upper class black in the entire neighborhood, to being in areas 50% black has been interesting to say the least. Trying to find bars/clubs/any sort of social area that is a little closer to home has been near impossible.

Fidelis says:

On the other hand, arrogance, a bad temper, and a real potential for lethality does score, not nearly as well as full wigger, but it suffices.

Does not suffice. Suffices you to get scraps instead of nothing, I do not call that sufficient.

I’m rather tall and in fighting shape, and I have a celtic temperament for those who break the social rules and disrespect me, for things most people would not consider disrespect. I get some attention but not much when I humiliate someone. I imagine what I and the other man sees as sufficiently humilating– any form of laying hands on him, not striking, but getting in his face, grabbing his collar, which can be a subtle grab and tell and not some movie scene if done appropriately, forcing his shoulders square to you as you stare into his face, this is enough to both get the point across and not force an escalation — seems to be missed. If I holler like an ape it works better, subtle is not enough. Of course doing this is not always possible, it requires sufficient IQ in the other male for them to know a full confrontation is not worth it, so I cannot do this with wiggers. Maybe would work better with wiggers, but I suspect I will end up shot fairly quickly.

This is no longer a winning strategy. It’s winning enough to get you a temporary bed warmer, but you’ll have to keep dancing quite a while and if you aren’t beating men in front of her, likely will have to beat her hard enough to break a rib or two to get the message across.

Perhaps can work if you find a woman that has through luck been fairly socially isolated, such that the lower standard of antisocial comes across as extremely antisocial, but this is getting rarer and rarer.

Pax Imperialis says:

>a woman that has through luck been fairly socially isolated

Surprisingly not that rare because normal socializing in public has been greatly diminished. It seems rare because they are isolated enough you don’t really see them in public. You can find them online, but you have to sort through a lot, and I mean a lot of trash.

Alf says:

Does not suffice. Suffices you to get scraps instead of nothing, I do not call that sufficient.

Sufficed for me. Granted that was ten years ago. No doubt things have gotten even worse. Back then you could actually still do daygame, if you had the balls. That window has probably closed.

The name of the game is simply wading through the sea of whores until you get lucky once. That’s really all there is to it. Fail one thousand times, succeed ten times, out of those ten pick the one you like best. Have faith that God is looking over your shoulder helping you to match with the right one.

Fidelis says:

Has not worked for me. Maybe I am fooling myself and not seeing my own cowardice, but I don’t think so. I think I am exceptionally male brained and therefore bad at giving off the kind of body language and social signals that jim speaks of as registering on ‘the radar’ — I am great at ordered male hierarchy, bad at informal crowd/group hierarchy — combined with simple bad luck.

I have faith the war is soon, and afterwards the setting will be different. I find it hard to imagine God will allow this to continue much longer.

Jim says:

> I think I am exceptionally male brained

If your behaviour comes out of logic, rationality, and prudence, rather than ancient instinct, this is apt to register as weak and fearful on the supersensitive, but obsolete, female alpha radar.

Women are really interested in other people’s interactions with you. Hence the importance of a wingman.

Alf says:

I’ve always hated the club and nightlife in general. The idea of the music, lights and smoke is that it stimulates the senses, but all it ends up feeling like is a warzone beating on your senses.

But whatever natural lack of talent you have for nightlife, motivation and even intelligence can make up for. Study game, work on your strengths, put in the effort. Which perhaps make me sound like a boomer telling you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, I dunno. It’s not advice I’d give to everyone. But for a guy as sharpminded as you (not trying to stick feathers in your ass, just saying it as I see it), I can’t imagine there not being a woman out there for you.

I tried all sorts of things. Many of them failed. Some were successful. For example, halfway in-between the clubs and my place I had befriended a bartender in a small bar. When I got a girl out of the club, I’d bounce her to that place and chill at the bar, get all the social value high-status points. From there on to my place. That worked pretty well.

Jim says:

> halfway in-between the clubs and my place I had befriended a bartender in a small bar.

That would have made an enormous difference.

Fidelis says:

apt to register as weak and fearful on the supersensitive, but obsolete, female alpha radar

Or simply be incomprehensible to the instrument. If I was registering as beta, they wouldn’t bother testing. I get tested, and any test that can be passed by holding frame, I pass. Any test that requires escalation, requires me to demonstrate clear social rank, it’s rather difficult. It’s rather difficult to tap into instinct for speech, physical action less so. I need the backing of a King so I can just enforce discipline physically on her in more public places and I would be fine. Jim says, you say, just go ahead anyway, but I find this difficult. Perhaps I am a coward, but I find the risk too high when early on and no history has been established, and early on is when I have trouble. It’s also been a while since I’ve been with a woman I’ve been interested at all in keeping, so that makes the risk/reward calculation even worse.

Because I cannot easily demonstrate physical superiority very early, fairly difficult. If I can get her to my place, I suddenly feel as if in my domain, becomes easy.

So, two problems remain. One, being overly mindful of hierarchy, need a King or at least a gang. I have good friends, but they’re not at ‘help me [ritually and part of a play and totally not illegally I swear] kidnap this girl’ stage. Two, women I’d find acceptable to keep as a wife, because I only am keeping one, are rare on the ground. Needs good pedigree, young, hasn’t destroyed herself in some stupid way. Harder and harder to find.

I smell war soon, so I am not too worried about solving problem two. Solving one is the priority right now.

JustAnotherGuy says:


I know you talked quite a lot about the prospects of USG, but is your war date looking at 2026 like Jim or is it a bit later? I’m wondering how many of us are on the same targeting dates.

Fidelis says:


Some deep instinct is getting triggered. I couldn’t tell you how or what exactly is triggering it, but I trust my instincts. War is coming, quicker and quicker.

I couldn’t tell you the shape of the war, who is fighting whom, the date is even harder to say. May as well go with Jim’s timeline.

The Cominator says:

He’s sounded very depressed and blackpilled on this whole subject and obviously like me is not capable of doing your game of acting like bad bad Jimroy Brown (it’s not something for everybody) and it’s been for a while. I think fucking a dancing girl slut at least would be good for him as at least he wouldn’t obsess over never getting any ever and he’ll know he’ll be able to do it in the future.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Man is an animal who instinctively knows when he is getting a shit sandwich.

You can say whatever you want to him and put a gun to his head telling him to do as thou wills, but no pussy = no motivation. It is both self-destructive and communally-destructive, ‘tfw no gf’ seeps into every facet of their life, and I don’t mean to say this derogatorily.

Give Pax a war concubine, and you will see major improvements across the board for him, until then, it is what it is.

The Cominator says:

I think it will help a bit if he just fucks something.

oren says:

what type of church should i go to? there are so many branches i dont really have time to read what they’re all about then go to find probably half are different than even that. just tired of all this gay woke lost i see around here, need some new clean aspiring type people, and a babe who want to settle instead of fuck 20 dudes with me as number 10.

Alf says:

I’d contribute a tenner to the ‘get Pax laid jar’.

Jim says:

He should open bitcoin, litecoin, and monero receive addresses. I will contribute also.

The Cominator says:

If we’re putting up money for that. It doesn’t take 10 grand to fuck a good looking stripper and if you are spending that much you are doing it wrong. The good ones like to fuck and the money is sort of something they like and need to make…

My favorite ever was very good looking (small tits though) only charged me regular lap plus sometimes she asked me to buy her a drink after. And until the idiot who was paying her 4 grand a week for what I got (they are not exactly going to refuse lots of money) died in a car accident if I went over 5 songs I didn’t pay for any extras (after that she was stricter about songs but I still paid regular lap).

Jim says:

> and if you are spending that much you are doing it wrong.

Indeed. More money, worse outcomes, as I am sure you are aware by painful experience.

The obvious implication of that is zero money, best outcomes. (If you do it right)

But the world is full of men who do not know how to do it right, and have no opportunity to learn.

The point of this is not that he needs money to get laid — the cost is insignificant, and if you are paying a significant amount, you will suffer distressing outcomes. The point is to tell him he should make a determined effort to get laid by any means necessary.

That such measures are appropriate is regrettable. But we live in a world where cooperation between the sexes has collapsed.

Fidelis says:

zero money, best outcomes

Zero money in her purse and bank account after you have her transfer it all to you.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“Zero money in her purse and bank account after you have her transfer it all to you.”

Ask not what you can do for the art hoe, but what the art hoe can do for you.

Hesiod says:

If we pitch in, it’s only fair she has to cry out our names too during the boots-knocking, snoogans.

Seriously, though, my suggestion is perhaps to wander a little further away from Sodom on the Potomac to some of the smaller communities further in VA. This means driving an hour or two, but things get a bit healthier the more westward you travel.

Jim says:

This raises an issue. Since Pax is on leave, why is he hanging out in Sodom on the Potomac?

The optimal location is an international tourist trap. But I have had better pickings in mountains in the wilderness than in Sodom.

And, of course, needs a wingman. The Cominator’s recommendation is less effort, less skill required, less time, and less money, but Pax needs to put serious effort into looking for a better solution.

The reason there are no rolls at your local pickup joint is that chicks will travel four hundred miles barefoot to find a pickup joint that hits their hindbrain as a better place to find quality sausage.

The Cominator says:

The point is nobody should have to pitch in because Pax reveals the government effectively has him on paid leave pending globohomo inquisition command review not trial. He should easily have enough money to find a good stripper and fuck her. Its not free but Jim is correct if you start paying more not only is it more expensive but the worse you get treated. The female mind kind of works such that if you’re paying a lot you’re some beta she hates to fuck but is doing it for money, if you manage to get her real cheap you are a chad who while technically you’re paying you got in cheaper to a relationship and she wants your dick and the little money is kind of a nice bonus. This may not apply if you are celebrity known to be rich… because I’ve never been in that position.

Jim says:

As I am fond of saying, if you could order hot pussy like you can order hot pizza, there would be more pussy deliveries than pizza deliveries. The pornotopia that men were promised in back in the sixties has not arrived.

The Cominator says:

Before the progressive era there were brothels almost everywhere I’m not sure the extent they did housecalls (probably if you were on good terms with the owner and the girl) but you could get it for restaraunt meal prices. So it was sort of like ordering pizza. Leftist government killed that though it was one of the 1st tradcuck and feminist collaborations. Now I’m sure some of what caused it was probably in the 19th century there were quite a few Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver cases of runaway young teenage girls who either ran away to become whores or something bad happened to their parents and they became whores at a very young age and that probably bothered a lot of people and led to a lot of other shit like age of consent laws and everything else. As Jim would point out though the white knights in most cases weren’t helpful (especially for the girls whos parents died).

There was semi pornotopia in the 60s and 70s because women were freer to go off and do things on their own but their status was so low. Also a lot of juristictions didn’t pretend to enforce the prostitution laws but once again this led to Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver which outraged the white knights.

If you want pornotopia you need total white knight death.

Jim says:

Jodie Foster is fiction.

You do not know the quality and service that was available before the progressive period. Reading between the lines leads me to believe piss poor. Samuel Pepys does not seem to have been able to turn money into hot pussy the way you can turn money into hot pizza. As with the Cominator, money helped him, but he could not just order pussy from the menu and have it show up.

The Cominator says:

In the old West the suggestion is the quality was mostly piss poor because pussy was rare and expensive given that the population of the old west was overwhelmingly male. The only decent quality girls it sounds like were part of travelling theatre troopes where the girls made a lot of extra money doubling as prostitutes for higher paying customers after performances. In established cities it sounds like it was pretty good and one reason to suggest it was good was the early feminist movement hated hated hated salloons and brothel’s with a white hot passion.

Jim says:

The nature of women has not changed. What makes it a piss poor solution now would have made it a piss poor solution back then.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Since Pax is on leave, why is he hanging out in Sodom on the Potomac?

Jim, I’ve phrased things creatively to maintain ambiguity for my protection. Currently assigned to a very, very lax duty station. Stand by to stand by. Can usually spend most of the day roaming the local area during the work week if I want to. The problem is, the local area is pretty much DC and outskirts.

There is a longer leash during weekends on how far I can travel. You’re right though, instead of bashing my head against the LGBT color painted walls of DC attempting to find a better place, I should be venturing further out, but my options are pretty limited.

>The point is nobody should have to pitch in

TC, I’m financially well off, and I’m pretty sure they were joking to make a point of how badly I need to empty my balls out. No way in hell am I blowing lots of money on a stripper. I know what the rates are for happy endings at the massage pallor. The thing is, I looking for a wife from good stock so I don’t get fucked up kids. Mingling with good stock in East Coast is stupidly expensive, finding good stock in DMV, next to impossible.

The Cominator says:

Pax let me repeat no if the stripper wants to fuck shouldn’t cost a lot, ideally just regular lap dance charge. Women like military guys and being an officer she’ll really like it.

Pax Imperialis says:

TC, I know the women giving ‘massagee’ are not expensive. Therefore supply and demand dictates pole dancer is probably not expensive as well. This is besides the point, I want a wife. This is a significantly more challenging problem because I’m largely stuck in the DC anus.

When I was in the American interior, a pastor was trying to hook me up with his daughter and a wealthy church elder with his niece. Both were high quality men and would have been good families to become a part of. I foolishly turned both down to run off into the military in pursuit of glory, authority, and power.

skippy says:

“This is besides the point, I want a wife.”

You need to get laid first. Your high quality wife woman is not going to be interested in a man who smells of desperation. That is just the reality. It wasn’t the reality back when nobody was having sex before marriage, but that ship has sailed.

oren says:

i’m considering attending the Mormon one nearby, they appear reasonably strictly based, have kids, no drugs, etc. apparently they dont eat much if any meat but seem to make exception. got an invite so i’ll see.

notglowing says:

I’m in a similar position, having entered the second half of my 20s and never having been with a woman. It’s certainly far more common than most people think. To be fair, I am an autist though.

I’m no soldier, but I’ve at least been otherwise successful and I can’t complain to be honest. God has given me many good things. I’ve had a career, I will soon have enough money that I can stop working for the rest of my life if I want to – though I like being a developer more than anything else.
I posted about this last year a few times, but I’ve gotten relatively in shape, losing my excess weight and reaching a normal BMI through about a full year doing strict keto. I went even below that middle BMI level, becoming skinny fat, then regained some weight and I’m now above where I should be, trying to lose weight again, I’m also trying to get into lifting weights regularly, with some mixed success – because I am very weak physically. But at least I no longer look fat with clothes on and my face has been improved.

I find it really hard to estimate male attractiveness in general – and I am sometimes really surprised at what men exactly women find attractive looks wise – but I believe I am probably average looking now at least. Ever since losing weight, some people around me have called me handsome, but I tend to assume that that is just others being nice, rather than genuine. I do look much better than before, no doubt.

Long term, my objective is to have a family and kids, and it’s one of the main reasons I’ve tried to make all this money, but it seems so far away. Being an aspie just makes it really difficult. Not that I ever tried though. I’ve never approached a woman with that intent, not that I’d really know how to do it. I never had much trouble absorbing the manosphere stuff about female nature, I was a liberal before coming into contact with it, but it clearly matched how I saw women behave and it just made sense to me logically.
However, none of this really helped me with the fine aspects of understanding what behaviour is normal and socially acceptable at a lower level and how to actually approach women. Most of it is written from the perspective of people who are themselves just intuitively good at that, and I know several such people, but their advice is never useful in the same way explaining colors to a blind person isn’t.

I’m not so much of a sperg that I cannot talk to people. On the contrary, I do very well with social interactions in a controlled environment, like a quiet dinner, with a few people, even if it’s mostly women. It’s not that hard to be funny and entertaining, but that’s different from wooing a woman because that involves crossing certain boundaries and knowing when to cross them. Putting myself in a mental position where I am simply not interested at all in dating any of the women present actually makes everything quite easy – which is part of why I never tried doing otherwise.

That said, my interactions with other people are overall relatively limited. Especially since covid, I just do everything from home. On a daily basis, I don’t meet anyone. Once a week, either one of my friends comes over, or I visit them, sometimes I join them in dinners with other people. But I don’t actively socialize much, especially outside my circles. One reason is that I just cannot stand any places with background music. Loud music, even moderately loud music, short-circuits my brain completely and I become withdrawn and unable to interact.
I remember one event a few months ago – a group of female exchange students (I live at a tourist destination near the alps) one evening, with one male friend of mine who knew one of them, he invited me to hang out. We first went to a bar with loud live music, and then to a restaurant for dinner. One of the girls expressed surprise at my completely changed behaviour and asked why I wasn’t talking at all previously. I realized I’d been quiet the entire time at the bar due to being so overstimulated. Either way the dinner continued with another girl talking about how she’d hooked up with some local boy who took her out on a boat, after they came back and she followed him home, and he was ignoring her now. The rest of the conversation from them was gossip. I must say talking to women becomes particularly boring and tiresome when the majority present are women. Women are more pleasant when there’s mostly men steering the conversation. I let my autism take over a bit and got into a light argument about cross border taxation with one of the exchange students who misunderstood some of her reporting obligations, though I think in the end she was grateful to me for clarifying it. I’ve become more self aware over the years of not going too much into nonsense people don’t care about. I had to chuckle when these german girls agreed that they wouldn’t date “german boys” again after being here. I do feel bad for them but I’m not personally in a better position am I?

This weird tangent aside, I have tried to pick up alcohol recently after being sort of a teetotaler my entire life and avoiding it until then. It’s difficult. I actually only drink hard liquor, because I can dilute it, since I still cannot even drink wine a few months in, it’s too strong for me. I can drink beer and fairly diluted drinks. I get extremely sick if I drink a bit too much. That is really not worth it. I get dizzy after one standard drink or a glass of beer. I think this might be a good skill for at least seeming more normal during social interactions. Of all people Jim managed to convince me that maybe alcohol isn’t all bad.

Still, I mostly drink at home, often with my friends, since I hardly ever have a good reason to get out. A year to two years ago I was frequently flying internationally, alone, for my job, though this isn’t the case anymore, but it wasn’t easy to socialize since I’d mostly just stay at the hotel and order food there. Clubs and such are really awful for me. I’m much better at networking in professional environments where people sit down and talk, or the same thing but online. I basically got my job that way.

I’m writing all this, mostly to clear my own mind, and while I do appreciate advice, I have a good feeling that none of you will be able to help me. I just feel an enormous divide whenever I hear this type of discussion here, not really in terms of ideals or views on women themselves, and not only in terms of me being an aspie and not really getting the smaller things, but especially generational, actually. So much of what you guys seem to do and want to do to meet people feels different from what I am interested in.
I’ve seriously considered whether meeting women online isn’t perhaps my best choice. Whether through dating apps or discord, the fact that they’re not necessarily conducive to the best long term relationship isn’t necessarily super relevant. It’s an “in” that makes more sense for me than meeting random people in real life. And although I don’t currently have the time, I have the money (and time in the future, just not now) to just go anywhere if I have to (I’m not a fan of travel, but it is interesting when there’s a point to it, and I’ve endured grueling multi-day flight itineraries many times when it was needed). It does feel fairly embarrassing and confidence crushing to not have had a woman at my age. I still have several years until I am 30, but that day will come sooner or later, and I’m not particularly closer to achieving that goal since I haven’t really started, I just focused on other things, and I have no real plan for it.

Cominator says to just sleep with a prostitute. We do like to poke fun at him for sleeping with whores a lot, however in a sense I respect it, given I don’t even do that, but I really dislike the idea. It would be a last resort for me. Whores viscerally disgust me. I realize saying this might sound like a dig at him, but I’m just stating why I won’t do it. My first time being with one would feel like giving up.

Losing a lot of weight has somewhat improved my confidence, maybe lifting will make me feel better if I manage to look somewhat fit. My fear of being rejected and embarrassed will still be there though. I may be an arrogant and stubborn man in general – as my father is – but not in this matter, I have zero reasons to believe in my ability to pull.
Moreover, I am very risk-avoidant, for the most part. I always hedge my risks to an extent, or rather I ensure that if I am wrong, I avoid ruin. Always wanting to be in a position where you are secure prevents you from making leaps into doing something that could just embarrass you if it goes wrong – and if you cannot read people very well, it can easily go wrong.
I’m hardly a dangerous man of the type women are generally attracted to, just a stubborn uncompromising person. This leads to me being more of a loner than anything. The only dangerous thing I’ve done is probably motorcycling, which is also the only outdoor activity I enjoy.

I haven’t done much of it in the past year due to being too busy, though.
Approximately a year to a year and a half from now, I will probably have a lot of time, and not a lot to do. I might prepare for then and try to get better physically meanwhile.

Jim says:

> I live at a tourist destination near the alps

You should be swimming in pussy. When chicks are away from friends and family, their first thought is to get banged like a drum.

> However, none of this really helped me with the fine aspects of understanding what behaviour is normal and socially acceptable at a lower level

if you are thinking about what behaviour is normal and socially acceptable, will not get far. Women can smell that on you and it registers as weakness and fear. Women love being commanded. They love having things demanded of them. They love behaviour that would get you in big trouble if you acted like that towards a man. Because the nature of men and women is different, appropriate behavior towards a woman is necessarily different from appropriate behaviour towards a man.

> and how to actually approach women. Most of it is written from the perspective of people who are themselves just intuitively good at that, and I know several such people, but their advice is never useful in the same way explaining colors to a blind person isn’t.

As I said before, words do not suffice.

You will notice that for everything I have told you to do, I have also told you almost the opposite: Be an asshole and cherish her. Give her attention and don’t give her attention. But it is worse than that. The difference between what I am telling you to do, and telling you to not do, is pre verbal, and by expressing the difference in words, I necessarily oversimplify and exaggerate the difference.

notglowing says:

You should be swimming in pussy. When chicks are away from friends and family, their first thought is to get banged like a drum.

I know you’ve said this before, and it matches my observations. I mean, I shared the anecdote regarding the German women which is an example. Also, several of my friends have foreign girlfriends from the rest of europe for this reason. That said I think I’d probably prefer to try and find girls elsewhere where there’s less people I know. But it’s not like there is an absence of women, in general.
I’m the problem.

if you are thinking about what behaviour is normal and socially acceptable, will not get far. Women can smell that on you and it registers as weakness and fear.

It *is* weakness and fear. I am aware of it. But it only makes it harder. Not considering social norms makes you look like a dangerous man, me like a weird creep. It depends on the way in which you do it. Women are quick to pick up on your weird behaviour and to some extent I can sort of see what I look like – it’s difficult to correct though. If I am only trying to talk, it’s easy enough to make them like me and laugh at something I say – but that doesn’t mean they’re interested in me that way.

They love behaviour that would get you in big trouble if you acted like that towards a man.

My risk avoiding nature makes this difficult. I would probably not go all the way with it. Which would make things worse, as you’ve always said. I understand these things intellectually, they make sense to me intuitively, but I struggle to actually act like I should in reality. It’s a different matter that can’t be expressed as rules or simple considerations.

As I said before, words do not suffice.

I know. Hence I am not too hopeful that advice will solve my issues.

My working idea for now is to wait for the tourist season and try to match on apps with random foreign women that are staying here. I can then attempt to get a date with some of them. At least it’s a more structured approach, and I can have them for myself as opposed to trying to woo some random woman at an event with other people present, woman who might not even be interested in general. There’s a pre-established interest, and there’s not much of a question as to what the point of meeting is.

I should probably try to get more fit in time for summer for that, it would help my confidence as well, but it would also improve my chances on these apps. It’s true that there’s a decent amount of foreign women, but it’s also true that there’s a lot of competition from attractive men here. This isn’t the US where everyone is fat, either.

Though I must say, the idea of putting myself on a dating app feels rather silly. I’ll have to get over that reluctance.

Aidan says:

Aspie, creep, can’t talk to people, can’t go to a loud bar, etc? Nope. Why refer to yourself like that- you’re a “wealthy, eccentric, misanthrope, who needs his peace and quiet.”

That’s not necessarily a recipe for drowning in pussy, but you can imagine that guy with a girlfriend or wife, maybe not some party slut tourist girl but an “artsy” girl with intellectual pretentions or another nerd.

I’m not even talking about being a poser or presenting yourself in an insincere way. Today’s autist is yesterday’s eccentric intellectual, it’s just a matter of seeing yourself in a different light

Jim says:

> My risk avoiding nature makes this difficult.

Your ancestors killed and died for reproductive opportunity. Faint heart never won fair lady.

Jim says:

Obviously, whenever a fertile age female is in the vicinity, I am performing. But the role I perform is someone who does not give a tinkers dam about her reaction to my performance. And so, I don’t. And neither should you. Time enough to reflect upon the audience response afterwards.

The Cominator says:

“Whores viscerally disgust me.”
They disgust you when they are seemingly sleeping with “everyone” but you. At least for me they don’t disgust me when I get included in the “everyone”. I rather like them because they’ve imho treated me better than normie women (I feel the same way about women whores or not who fit the description of what headshrinkers would call borderline personality disorder which often supposedly overlaps with whoredom, I’ve always got on very well with them. Its normie chicks who tend to get the ick from me).

The only quality not whore not BPD chick who genuinely seemed to like me from observed behavior was the one I described as the engineerette. She was absolutely jackpot wife material (despite being in a man’s job she was otherwise like a girl out of the 1940s), it was fitting she said she liked old movies because she seemed like a nice girl from an old movie. I would say more than anything like Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. But the problem is I was far from husband material (even if she would have me I wasn’t willing to do that to her) at the time and trying to pump and dump her given that she had a fundamentally innocent nature and old fashioned way of being it wouldn’t have been good for her. Getting her alone was no problem she had nothing of the modern day feminist hatred and fear of men.

Other than her though of all the girls I’ve even got on with on a sort of friend zone basis I would say even if they weren’t whores they’d be the type who’d go into it if they weren’t afraid of their family and social circle not accepting it. Oh and in one case one girl invited me with a strip club with her friend and they did end up going on stage.

Alf says:

Most of it is written from the perspective of people who are themselves just intuitively good at that, and I know several such people, but their advice is never useful in the same way explaining colors to a blind person isn’t.

Get in the reps. Put yourself in situations with women, as often as you can, preferably as much in situations favorable to you as you can. In the end, experience is the best teacher, and you will learn what is best for you.

When you start out, you will feel blind. It’s OK to just try shit out. It’s OK when you say or do something that does not work out. It’s OK to feel bad about your mistakes. Trust your subconscious to learn.

I will almost have an out-of-body experience when talking to a pretty girl: I can almost see myself doing the performance while I am doing it, and compliment myself from a distance. Which I contribute wholly to me having put in the reps.

Of course, how many reps it takes to go from here to there stumps people… Stumps the Cominator, stumps Fidelis… I put in a couple of years of time. Obviously if you find the right girl you can drop out earlier. But that’s been my experience as a ‘mysterious introvert’.

Fidelis says:

I am less stumped than you might imagine. I hate the personality I have to put on as performer, find it reduces my humanity.

Let’s give an example of a shit test I semi-intentionally failed recently. Semi-intentionally meaning I saw an obvious way to pass, did not take it for reasons that will become obvious.

Setting is, girl I met online. We were in a public park, drinking togo cups of coffee. Not crowded, but there was at seemingly all times at least one set of eyes. The shit test is, I don’t have tattoos, so I’m not scary. I was furious, and the easiest way to pass would be to smack or choke her. I understood the depth of the insult I just recieved, it would be justified. You are a frail little bitch and I could kill you before you even have time to yell, and you’re not scared of me? You think I’m that low status?

I don’t remember what I said, it wasn’t noteworthy, and I quickly ended the date. Maybe if I was less angry I could have just said that, with clarity of reflection I should have just said that. Maybe it would pass, but it might have just upped the ante, and the next would be worse. She was meant to be practice from the beginning, so I don’t mind so much I guess, it doesnt feel like an existential loss, but I cannot stand this sort of act. If a man said something like that to me, we would be fighting. She deserved a beating, and anarcho-tryanny means I eat the humiliation instead.

Alf says:

I hate the personality I have to put on as performer, find it reduces my humanity.

Sounds like something a stumped person would say. 😏

The shit test is, I don’t have tattoos, so I’m not scary.

Obviously things like context and tone are important which are hard to convey over the internet, but my first thought is: lol? Is this really worth making a fuzz over? Sounds like something I’d laugh off, maybe agree and amplify – ‘Yes, I am the nerdiest, nicest guy to ever exist. Yesterday I told my mom how much I love her, that’s how nice I am.’

Fidelis says:

The message in context was loud and clear. Was comparing me unfavorably to other men. It was undeniably a test looking for some kind of reprisal, I got it because there was no opportunity to see male-male interaction, so she went for a strong test early

>would just agree and say I’m nerdy or whatever
I am not a clown. I do not like the costume. I’m not here to play word games and act like a jester for some retarded woman. Because there are no longer any rules for women, but every rule for men, need to become a wigger jester. In the state of nature I would just discipline her like the disobedient child she is behaving as. Not being able to do that makes me feel like a rat in a glass cage.

Jim says:

> need to become a wigger jester.

No you don’t.

Did she have tattoos? Or likely had tattoos that you could not see? Then the correct reply would have been that trash people have tattoos — without any hostility or nastiness, just matter of factly, in a friendly and polite manner. Also that tattoed chicks are easy, but tend to have an alarming count, just musing on the state of the world, just riffing on the conversational topic. No obvious hit intended. Because if you were hitting back, the that would imply the shit test got to you, and you can never let a shit test get to you. When a girl punches you, the correct response is to grin and laugh, and if the punching continues, eventually get around to physically restraining her. Similarly with merely verbal sallies.

Since a woman is physically weak, and man physically strong, her punches cannot hurt you, and certainly cannot be seen to hurt you. Similarly, since women are unimportant, and you are important, her insults are merely ridiculous. She is being silly, and eventually you might tell her so.

Men wear tattoos to seem dangerous to other men. This is not useful or effective on women, because their supersensitive radar is perfectly capable of picking up a dangerous man even if dressed in a business suit.

Because you cared, you signalled low status.

Alf says:

Upon reflection I’ll offer the following analysis: I find it curious that she tests you by telling you, a frequent visitor of JB, where all the old-heads tell you that you must be a dangerous man to get laid, that you do not seem dangerous enough. Seems like a very specific shit-test. What made her say that?

Could it be that you, as a frequent visitor of JB, went into that date thinking: ‘I’ve got to impress upon her that I am a dangerous man’. Upon which she sized you up and thought: ‘is this guy really as dangerous as he tells me he is’ and thus threw her shit-test at you. Which triggered your insecurities and made you overreact. In which the conclusion would be: a job well done for going on a date and putting on your ‘dangerous man’ persona, even if it might be toned down slightly for the next date.

Jim says:

By getting pissed, he was unable to maintain his dangerous man persona. A dangerous man would have thought her ridiculous. Which was the point of the shit test, to sort out the real from the pretender.

I have been kicked in the balls by a girl. One is permitted to do something about being kicked in the balls, but whatever one does, has to be done from the frame that she is being ridiculous.

Fidelis says:

Seems like a very specific shit-test. What made her say that?

I stated tattoos are trashy and low class. They are. Once man starts forming high trust societies, they disappear. Much later in the conversation I get the test based on this.

I was furious because seeing trashy tattoos everywhere is a sign of my civilization dying. I was furious twice over because it’s men dancing for shitty pussy that made the trend explode to the point they’ve become common on women. I was furious three times over because this little whore then implied I was a weak little cuck, not scary enough to get the bad man tattoos.

I’m still pretty mad about it. She deserved a smack in the mouth.

Jim says:

Shit test fail. If you had had tattoos, you would have gotten a different, and probably worse test.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Shit-tests can be so repulsive that the man loses interest and flunks on purpose. Even alpha-chads sometimes do this to get rid of a girl that they’re tired of fucking.

When a man is available who possesses evident and heritable qualities like money, intelligence, and English fluency, women need to step up and demonstrate their value to him. Why does every woman think she’s the prize? It probably has to do with the attention they received from non-kin males when they were young and pretty, because I know a tall, slender, wealthy young woman with a deformed face who is very sweet and humble.

I don’t think any woman ever married a decent man without heavy pressure from her father, mother, aunts, and grandmothers. “You’ll grow to love him,” or “Lie back and think of England!”

Jim says:

> Why does every woman think she’s the prize?

Because they are. Sperm is cheap, eggs are dear. Men are expendable, women irreplaceable. This makes cooperation between males and females difficult.

Love is war.

Fidelis says:

I don’t think any woman ever married a decent man without heavy pressure from her father, mother, aunts, and grandmothers. “You’ll grow to love him,” or “Lie back and think of England!”

No it really is just the artificial cucking we recieve from the “authorities”. Observe how much women adore the men who get drunk and beat the shit out of them. They stick around until they have a near death experience, refuse to press charges, and constantly measure everyone who doesn’t discipline them afterwards as a nice guy orbiter.

Then observe the wife of this orthodox priest Nevermind, memoryholed. It was an orthodox priest and his wife being interviewed by some harridan feminist. The priest was clearly a good an pious man, and his wife humble and obedient. She bragged to the interviewer about how she got disciplined when she needed it.

If you could apply discipline earlier in the courting process, alongside what Russia does now where they look the other way on established couples, we’d have far less problems.

I gave more detail farther down the comment chain. The test was a reaction to me saying tattoos are trashy and low class. I didn’t want to laugh it off, it deserved reprisal. Laughing it off is playing a jester. I am a man, not a clown. I don’t care that clown world says be a clown to get laid.

Fidelis says:

Similarly, since women are unimportant, and you are important, her insults are merely ridiculous. She is being silly, and eventually you might tell her so.

Nuts. How much backtalk do you accept from your children? Probably not much, they probably wouldn’t even think to try and insult Dad.

How much insult do you allow from employees? A little allows for cooperation, but crossing the line into disrespect destroys hierarchy.

The correct response is correcting the behavior, because it is terrible ill-mannered behavior. I could correct this in an instant, should I not be worried I would soon be locked in a room. In this sense, she found the right test, I am low status and cucked by the state, so I could not simply show her what bad manners gets you.

Jim says:

> Nuts. How much backtalk do you accept from your children?

I don’t accept backtalk, but it does not get to me. She got to you.

Similarly, when I was kicked in the balls, I did not accept that either, but I did act like it was funny that a woman should kick a man in the balls, rather than threatening or very painful. And, in fact, I did find it funny. I became the man I needed to be. I felt no pain, because men do not feel pain, or if they do feel pain, they do not notice. And in fact a girl kicking you in the balls is a lot less drastic than a man kicking you, which I quite genuinely found amusing.

Or perhaps it was just the character I play that found it amusing, but when I play that character, that is indeed who I truly am.

You have seen those movies where tough guy A bashes tough guy B. And tough guy B just looks at him for a bit with a smile, as if to say “Oh, is that the best you can do?”. And recall the scene in “a man with no name” where a bunch of tough guys were threatening and insulting the protagonist.

Alf says:

Is this the right time to talk about my tattoos? Probably not the right time to talk about my tattoos.

But in seriousness, refusing to deal with the world as it is because we want it to be more like we think it should be is a very human mistake to make. Fidelis, according to your metric I am a king of clowns. Yet I don’t feel like one. Feels like I did what nature wants us to do: evolve or die.

Fidelis says:

Nature is in line with the will that I have been given, it is only man that refuses to see and continues to uphold the destruction. If after the war I am still around and the status quo is still around, I will find something risky to do over and over again.

Adam says:

I find it amusing to pass shit tests from a girl I like that is already giving me lots of attention.

When a girl I don’t know, and probably don’t want to know shit tests me, usually with a bad attitude and sense of entitlement is when I have the urge to bounce her head against a wall.

It is annoying from low quality girls, but fun from hot chicks who are into you.

Jim says:

> When a girl I don’t know, and probably don’t want to know shit tests me, usually with a bad attitude and sense of entitlement is when I have the urge to bounce her head against a wall.

She will be into you if you pass. That was a softball shit test.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Sperm is cheap, eggs are dear. Men are expendable, women irreplaceable.

Women with spoiled eggs are highly expendable. I expect that in the not-so-distant future, armies will conserve precious manpower by using childless old women to clear booby traps and reveal enemy hideouts. If the enemy surrenders to them, great. If the enemy shoots at them, hit’em with artillery. If the enemy takes them hostage, hit’em anyway; we have plenty more cat ladies.

Calvin says:

I don’t accept backtalk, but it does not get to me. She got to you.

Empirically, a man who gets set off by a woman’s comment and beats the shit out of her in response is far more likely to have her crawling back than a man who tries to just laugh it off. If you let her disrespect you with no consequences, that is failing a shit test far worse than just about anything else you could possibly do.

Jim says:

Quite so, but empirically a man who gets set off by a woman’s comment is less likely to get any. She will get to the beating part soon enough. She was not there yet. But sounds like she intended to get there eventually if he passed the easy ones.

Fidelis says:

I don’t accept backtalk

Me neither. Hence the situation being enraging, as I could not correct it.

You have seen those movies

What movies are you watching where the protagonist takes endless insult and beatings, laughs it off, then takes more beatings and insult because he just laughed it off instead of actually dealing with the antagonist? Or does the protagonist actually take action afterwards? Most often directly afterwards?

My situation is a bratty woman is being protected by a large social net of clueless morons participating in their own destruction like an episode of the Twilight Zone. They’re the antagonist, and she is an annoying broad love interest that wasn’t in fact very interesting but was very successful in being annoying. She needed correction, and she’s going to wander around causing trouble until she finds it, since I was unwilling to risk giving it to her. Whether my head was cool about it or not I suspect would have had no real bearing on the end result.

Jim says:

It is just a shit test man. She wants to see how you handle it. She is being deliberately silly. Some shit tests you can pass just by holding frame. This was one of them. Some shit tests require firmer measures. This was just a “can he hold frame?” shit test. By the sound of it, she was going to get to the “can he apply firmer measures?” soon enough if you passed the gentler shit tests. She had not gotten there yet.

And the firmer measures shit test is going to be scarier. It will require you to pay no attention to the white knights. When the time arrives, which it had not, you would find that the white knights are reluctant to come to her. They will want her to come to them, and she will not. What really upset you is that when the firmer measures shit test came, which it would eventually if you passed that one, you would have chickened out before the white knights. Note that if she did flee screaming, but you held held frame the whole time, including the time you were applying firmer measures, the white knights are not going to get any, and she would be back eventually. If, when the time came, she did flee screaming, it would have been because she could not get the white knights to come to her aid, and so is applying stronger measures to get them to come and beat you up. They won’t. You then pass, and by and by she will be back.

notglowing says:

Did she have tattoos? Or likely had tattoos that you could not see? Then the correct reply would have been that trash people have tattoos

This is exactly the same thought I had when reading his comment and imagining what conversation that would turn into. Funny to see Jim had the same idea.
It’s really hard to tell without being there how offended Fidelis should’ve been, but my impression is that, although I understand the feeling, he overreacted. I do have the tendency to take offense too quickly at similar things as well. I become defensive too quickly. I don’t think this instance would’ve made me mad at all but that’s easier to say when looking at things from a distance.

The Cominator says:

I think she gave you a layup the kind of shit test I wish I got. Just laugh and tell her plenty of dangerous men have clear skin but tatooed women are always just sluts good for one thing.

The Cominator says:

I’m probably the worst autist here by far but Jim is right, you’re never going to get anywhere if you’re going to let female banter and light insults get to you. Female teasing is never in my experience intended to be deadly rage provoking insults either I couldn’t imagine it getting to me. Its not like groups of guys in middle school who intend to provoke you into a white hot rage.

The problem nowadays is there are limited opportunities to talk to pretty girls at all.

A2 says:

Well, once you told her people with tattoos are trash, and she has tattoos, it was all over.

In this case, if she was getting feisty about the lack of tats, you could have said with half-smile that your day job is killing guys with tattoos. I mean, as I understand it that’s not really lying either.

In general, I’d recommend you switch from anger to ‘amused mastery’. Yes, she will test you. Thus is the world.

Jim says:

> Well, once you told her people with tattoos are trash, and she has tattoos, it was all over.

If you told her that in a way that revealed that she had gotten to you, then all over, because you lost frame, not because you put her down. If you told her that in a way that did not reveal she had gotten to you, if you held frame and also told her that, you would have passed. Women love that. That is what she was looking for. They love men putting them down. They, however, despise men that they can get to.

Calvin says:

Quite so, but empirically a man who gets set off by a woman’s comment is less likely to get any.

The man women dream about is quite sensitive to disrespect and quick to respond to it with violence. The sort who, in more civilized times, would have had a reputation for pistols at dawn. Pulling her aside for a quick spanking if she’s disrespectful is a minimum effort, really.

yewotm8 says:

The shit test is, I don’t have tattoos, so I’m not scary. I was furious, and the easiest way to pass would be to smack or choke her.

You vastly overestimate how hard this would be to pass in public. Assuming you’re sitting together on a bench, it would appear to onlookers as a tender moment between lovers. One hand against her neck, push her back and get your face in close to hers. When you see the fear (and arousal) in her eyes, pull back, act as if nothing happened, and say something completely unrelated. That last part isn’t that important, but it refocuses her conscious brain onto something else while her hamster spins the wheel in the background.

Jim says:

Exactly so. As Neurotoxin said, A+

A stone faced neutral expression and neutral tone of voice is a quite terrifying response when someone is pushing for a reaction, or has inadvertently done something they belated realise you do not like. Because in the ancestral environment, the lack of non verbal signal indicates that the stone faced party is not giving away how he intends to deal with this problem. In the ancestral environment, the stone faced party is likely thinking “If no man, then no problem”, while if you become visibly loud and angry, this signals graduated escalation in small steps, giving both parties the repeated opportunity to back down or reach a compromise. And a woman is never going to back down or compromise. They go out on a limb hoping it will break under them.

Women love to be made afraid.

Your proposed body language works because no readily decipherable body language or vocalisation. It is the ambiguity that is chilling.

Fidelis says:

It is just a shit test man. She wants to see how you handle it. She is being deliberately silly. Some shit tests you can pass just by holding frame. This was one of them. Some shit tests require firmer measures. This was just a “can he hold frame?” shit test. By the sound of it, she was going to get to the “can he apply firmer measures?” soon enough if you passed the gentler shit tests. She had not gotten there yet.

I held the same frame from the start. The problem being my frame is not “I am high status alpha male with violent friends at my back”, because it is untrue, because I am simply cucked by the state. Not an actor, not a jester for ill-mannered women. The correct response to insult would have been a slap hard enough to feel but not to cause damage, and a “don’t talk to me like that.” That is my frame, that I was insulted, and I don’t care that it’s just a ‘silly girl’, just as you wouldn’t care that your employee was ‘just trying to roast you a bit man’ at the meeting.

I think my anger at the situation is incensed by reflection and appearing in my writing here, because it seems to be assumed I put on a face like I needed to shit and then got nexted by the girl. What happened instead was the briefest flash of anger, a remembrance of my cage, and a sudden and total loss of interest. Hard to feel romantic when in captivity.

You guys can write all you want about how I need to be a better clown, need to perform better. I do not care. I’ve lost interest in dancing, and I am waiting for the war instead.

Jim says:

> The problem being my frame is not “I am high status alpha male with violent friends at my back”, because it is untrue, because I am simply cucked by the state.

She just a woman. You don’t need violent friends at your back. And you don’t need to be cucked by state because the state is incompetent, corrupt, and staffed by operatives disinclined to do anything that might result in actual work.

Fidelis says:

You will benefit greatly from lifting weights. I also recommend a good 6 months of testosterone enanthate, if you have been fat up until your mid 20s. When you describe being very emotional when drunk, this, combined with all the other little details, signals to me your androgens are too low and your estrogens too high. The internet is an amazing place of many wonders, I’m sure you can find a service to help.

The problem with online, which I’ve been detailing, is that women sniff you out through viewing your interactions with other people. If you’re new to her, she wants to know other men fear you and all the other women failed to satisfy you. The closer you are to that ideal social state, the easier the tests you’ll get, to the point where it’s not even a test she just follows you to your room. First off liable to just ignore you, as there are millions of dicks online, how is she supposed to choose one? If you catch her attention and agree to meet, liable to be cold. You have no established social proof, she is on high guard. Online is actually quite rough.

I would suggest a whore as well, but not a window brothel or online service — Contra Jim, you can order hot pussy online, service is mediocre but not unacceptable — rather go with Com’s method. The point is not to get your dick wet, the point is to awaken your instinct to the mating dance, because reading this you sound defeated. If you go to a brothel or order an escort from a service, knowing nothing about the mating dance, you will get robotic service and fail to learn anything. A less obviously transactional setting where you have to do at least a tiny bit of seduction is enough for beginning to understand how things work.

It’s fine to be disgusted, it will keep you from falling in love with the whore. You’re there for figuring out the mating dance in the easiest possible setting, not to find your wife.

When you say you think it is a failure to sleep with a whore, this is a tell. You are deriving your internal status from the opinions of women. ‘I wasn’t found sexually attractive in this moment for some girl and so I am a low value male, a failure’ — cut this out root and stem.

Regardless, definitely take the first half of this advice. Your hormones are fucked. Lift heavy, do HIIT, and if you have it in you, do a round of test. The second half on dealing with women, well everyone here is telling me off for not having a wife and sharing a story where I failed a shit test, but I do get laid from time to time. Can’t tell you how to find quality or keep them around, but can tell you how to keep your bed warm for a night (and other nights in the future if you’re not like me and immediately lose all interest after a lay with a mediocre woman). To do that just know what the mating dance is on tutorial, then make good male friends that can gas you up, then deal with the bar girls. Even then the bar girls aren’t end game, they’re another form of practice. For wife material, need to figure out what the zoomer females in your region do, and get into their social circles somehow. This is too region specific for targeted advice. But before you do that, need to have direct knowledge on the mating dance, so when you find a girl you’re actually interested in you know what to do.

notglowing says:

I agree with the lifting, however, while it might benefit me, I am not too keen on taking hormones. May well be true that I have a hormonal issue as well, though.

The point is not to get your dick wet, the point is to awaken your instinct to the mating dance, because reading this you sound defeated.

I agree with this, and I considered the whore option for this reason alone – it would make it easier if I did it with one first, at least better than going entirely inexperienced, and knowing it isn’t my first time would make me more confident, if anything.

When you say you think it is a failure to sleep with a whore, this is a tell. You are deriving your internal status from the opinions of women. ‘I wasn’t found sexually attractive in this moment for some girl and so I am a low value male, a failure’ — cut this out root and stem.

It would hurt my ego, since it means both admitting that I wanted to get a woman – and that I was unable to do so except in such a manner. It is easier for a man to just close himself off to the idea and ignore it – accepting that you do not want to deal with it, maybe even do not want it, is easier for ones self image than to deal with rejection. It is a bad way of thinking, for sure, but many men my age and younger think this way.
It’s what made it easy for me to simply not pursue women at all. However the longer you do it the more you internalize this bad mentality. There are certainly men now who you could not convince at all to even want to marry and have kids. Some others are given to despair. I haven’t gotten that low. I feel somewhat defeated, this is true, simply because I feel like not having had a woman at this point in life is embarrassing, and the clock is ticking, and you can say this is me deriving my internal status from the opinions of women, it certainly is if you follow the implications, but men’s worth being measured by their success with women is also just a reality that exists outside my own self-image.

Not trying at all is a response to that, and again, not a good one, but it took me a while to realize it, because at some point I simply genuinely believed it was the only logical choice. The critical factor is that when I was in high school I was less right leaning (until the last few years) and I did not see the value in having kids and a family. If a woman is just a hedonistic pleasure, it is a whole lot of effort for what seems not much gain. Moreover, among men of my generation it was a near universal view even a decade ago that marriage is a scam due to seeing men get divorced at will and losing half their money. This is something both right and left leaning men understood all the same. If you do not believe you have a duty to have a family, and you do not recognize the fulfilment you’d have in being the head of your family and having kids, it seems like a totally absurd proposition.

I kept the same attitude towards women and relationships through high school. That did make it easier to talk to them normally – which I have never had issues with, but it also made me clearly seem totally closed off from that perspective. Although I have described myself as a sperg, perhaps it will come as a surprise that I was quite liked by most people, especially those in my class. They thought I was funny and entertaining, and acted nicely towards me. Although I was never very social, I was hardly isolated. In my mind, I always thought these people saw me more as an odd specimen than a person, but that might simply be my own self-esteem talking. What’s obvious is that they did not see me as normal. But they did want to hang out with me, more than I wanted to hang out with them, at least. I was generally a difficult person.

There is one particular episode that stuck with me, though. My entire class was out somewhere on a class trip, the teachers not present. In front of the entire class one of the “jock” types (who I was quite friendly with) asked me, casually, if I looked at pornography at all, like everyone else. The question hit me like a brick, because what kind of question is that? I answered yes, which elicited a very surprised response from him and the others present. Just what kind of creature did they see me as? But at least no one ever thought I was gay or otherwise perverted. There’s worse reputations to have.

The Cominator says:

Oh one more thing, I think you’ve confessed that in the past you’ve had a drinking problem. My advice is you don’t touch a drop when you are doing that, keep your wits about you.

Pax Imperialis says:

When I drink I find myself letting go and reliving the last time I truly felt alive. I think about it even when sober, but only when drunk do I really live it again and again. Obviously I try not to drink much around people. It scares them.

Jim says:

If you scare people, you should be cleaning up with the chicks. Of course scaring people while drunk is very very bad, because you need all your wits about you when potentially getting into trouble. I fortunately am quite reassuring while drunk. Drunk is the wrong time to be scary.

But if you let the part of you that scares people out when sober, you should do OK.

notglowing says:

I don’t think drinking is very good for me. It makes me more willing to just say things I’d normally keep to myself, and care less about the way I look saying them, but it turns me from my normal relatively reserved self to being very sappy and emotional for whatever reason.

Aidan says:

In vino veritas. You are yourself when you drink. I don’t drink much anymore, because I got in a lot of trouble, and realized I would eventually end up dead or behind bars. It is not that I am full of rage and become a mean drunk, but I am still a monster when I drink too much; I cheerfully flout every law and social norm that I do not inherently respect, and this ends up obviously causing conflict.

For practical reasons, I never go that deep anymore, being tipsy is fun and enough, but you should come to terms with who you are when you are drunk, because that is you.

Jim says:

> It is not that I am full of rage and become a mean drunk, but I am still a monster when I drink too much; I cheerfully flout every law and social norm that I do not inherently respect, and this ends up obviously causing conflict.

I competently flout laws and social norms when sober. When drunk, I am always drunk with friends, so never a problem. I am friendly when drunk, because with friends. People forgive a friendly well intentioned drunk.

Jehu says:

There are whole ethnicities, like Finns, for instance, that basically can’t reproduce without alcohol. Increase in extraversion hits even with very light tipsiness.

Fidelis says:

Try and find social hobbies and get a social circle going. Anything with even somewhat higher quality people in the US is going to be invite only to keep the worst of the hairless apes far enough away. There’s enough smarties that haven’t been fully excluded, merely kept at arms length, that I’m sure you can find good people to mingle with. Might have to clench your teeth and hold your nose and hang out with the middle leftist types. They can be intelligent enough to hold conversation, and be a social gateway for the hidden more ‘based’ types, who will sniff you out as you sniff them out.

Pax Imperialis says:

Fairly easy as a civilian in the Western American interior (from Arizona to Montana), extremely hard as a service member near DC. It is shitlibs, gays, and niggers as far as the eyes can see. A lot of fake churches too.

Fidelis says:

I know. I have some ‘pen pal’ type friends in the area. It’s rough, but what do you expect from the capital of the gay empire.

Might have to clench your teeth and hold your nose and hang out with the middle leftist types.

This is how they cope with the scene.

The Cominator says:

When is your arranged marriage getting done have they given you a timetable?

skippy says:

“Fairly easy as a civilian in the Western American interior (from Arizona to Montana), extremely hard as a service member near DC. It is shitlibs, gays, and niggers as far as the eyes can see. A lot of fake churches too.”

DC must have a lot of escorts who are cheaper than NYC/SF. Just a guess? Put finding a wife on hold until you have cleared up your job situation and moved somewhere you intend to stay.

The Cominator says:

Don’t do online escorts. Escorts could be a leo honeypot, the prices are high and they are probably often scams. Picture might not be her and be some fat chick. The ones that are definitely not scams charge outrageously probably because they have to kickup to powerful people because they are technically completely illegal. They want you to get a hotel etc. Strip club you can meet the girl… you may have to filter through some clean dancers or ones who want to charge a lot but cheaper in the long run.

Cloudswrest says:

Saw this tweet today on X and thought it was tangentially humorous to this thread.

BlackHawkDown says:

Chopper “pilot” Lobach paraded faggot Lauren through the White House to get a faggot medal from Biden. That explains it all.

The Cominator says:

They are apparently claiming she wasn’t the PIC at the time of the crash, we know it was her but wait for the NTSB findings before spamming it on facebook and such.

BlackHawkDown says:

Chopper critical-to-safe-operations crew-woman Lobach, surely with glowing encouragement from some Woke General, happily fell out of high-seriousness military discipline requisite for flight roles to go on political speaking tour and parade the irrelevant faggot Lauren through the White House to get a now disgraced and Woked-out medal from Leftism-cucked Biden.

NTSB? Here’s the finding… massive planes on final cannot maneuver around ignorant randoms, ATC provides NOTAM not primary, therefore 100% responsibility falls on primary… the eyes and ops in the lightweight maneuverable chopper. It was clear out, so goggles are bullshit. Bigger bottom line… you don’t fly your toys across flight path of the big boys, ever, and sure as fuck not without substantial vertical and time separation… standing policy out there was to cheapout and flow the toys directly across and intersecting known flight tunnels instead of making them take the slow and long way around. Thus only matter of time until time and space collided. They paid the price for that policy.

Hesiod says:

The NY Post got a little egg on its face for jumping the gun in alleging her name was being withheld due to being a black woman. Seems her DEI qualification was rug-munching rather than twerking. Obvious delaying tactic to scrub her social media presence, but the intarwebz is forevah.

Neurotoxin says:

David Hogg, the obnoxious pratt from that one school shooting thing a few years back, has been appointed vice chair of the DNC. What the hell?

Hesiod says:

Oh yeah, Hogg boy there has been popping up like a fungus since that school shooting, trying hard to be the US version of Greta Thunberg. Probably has the same fetal alcohol syndrome qualification too. Seen his social media posts regularly mocked over the years on The Donald.

Neurotoxin says:

>fetal alcohol syndrome


BlackHawkDown says:
Policy is what puts pilots in seats, drug smoking Shaniqua’s in factories, and pulls them away for political duty… what happens once they get put there is merely a side effect.
Crew is responsible for flight, and staff for ATC, but they’re not responsible for what put them there.
Most tweets ignore that fact…

30yr ago the seats were filled with pros…
Noted in the statement the family put out, she was a “certified” “SHARP” counselor — that stands for “Sexual Harrassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program.” Has no relationship to flight proficiency. She was also a White House Social Aid — a voluntary program where she attended White House functions in full dress uniform as an Army Aviation representative. Again, has no relationship to flight proficiency. Her family scrubbed her social media, but some social media of friends seems to confirm she was a member of the LGBTQ community.
Lobach, was not named until her social media was cleaned … so it seems.
She worked for @PressSec46 in the Press shop at the White House during the Biden administration. She was not a full-time pilot.
WILL BECOME…one of the greatest SCANDALS in American Aviation 📌Her powerful family 📌Her access to Joe Biden administration 📌Her lack of FAA medical certificate 📌Her short amount of flying hours
I’m partial to the intersection of Church and Gay over by the river.
“A 28-year-old pilot achieving the rank of Captain for helicopters is somewhat young” “Captain requirements typically demand 1,500–3,000+ flight hours” Lobach in NO WAY should have been the pilot in command on that flight. 500 hours in 5 years. Inconceivable!
Jew bestie of Woke Gay? Winkie in the military. @rebecca_lobach

Milosevic says:

> “After initially being denied entry, the group told security guards that if they were not granted entry, they would call the U.S. Marshals Service, sources said. The guards ultimately complied, the source said.”

Nikolai says:

I was glad when Trump won, but in all honesty I was expecting him to be only marginally more right wing, competent and effective than his previous term. Did not think he’d learn from his previous mistakes. Was planning on waiting 4 years for his term to end and the Ukraine war to conclude and then move back to the Motherland before the US turns into South Africa. Much like the other commenter here.

I couldn’t be happier to have been proven wrong. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect Trump to effectively pull off a Moldbuggian auto-coup and with such little resistance from the institutional left. All with an autistic Tradcath convert by his side. I recant and disavow all my previous blackpilling. May Trump reign the rest of his life.

Jim says:

The Trump mugshot showed a changed man. His reaction to being grazed by a bullet shows what that man is made of.

Bix Nudelmann says:

The wailing and gnashing of teeth isn’t just delicious, but incredulously performative. As if any of these wimps actually believe we were THAT close to perfection, and that R Democracy was leading anywhere that wasn’t horrible.

Bitches no one believes you. Either you know it was all going to shit, or you’re too low-IQ to even vote at all.

It’s suddenly all so fake and tiresome, without the blocking troops shooting us for not clapping.

(N.E.D. next, please.)

The Cominator says:
Vile satanic Jesuit scum screeching about USAid being dismantled.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Poor baby. “Get a job.” All this sermonizing from people making six figures to repeat lefty catechisms and kiss NGO ass is getting old REAL fast.

In 60’s China they’d make you eat glass.

The Cominator says:
> No USaid was just a charity organization which fed and gave medical care to poor starving kids and such Trump and Musk are just evil heartless rich dudes cutting off aid to poor kids
They are more fucking NPC then ever.

notglowing says:

Just from that tweet I wouldn’t even be able to tell this wasn’t one of our guys.

JustAnotherGuy says:

So with HR dying (if not dead already), what’s the point of Unis? Feels like to me their funding is going to get taken soon enough, and after that, who knows.

Heslotian says:

Bitcoin is crashing again, it can’t seem to stay up.

Jim says:

Two years ago Bitcoin crashed to US$16000. Five months ago it crashed to US$54000, twenty six days ago crashed to US$94000, and a few hours ago it crashed to US98000. Just one crash after another🙃

Aidan says:

Comment thread has gotten really long and convoluted but Fidelis wrote:

“Perhaps can work if you find a woman that has through luck been fairly socially isolated, such that the lower standard of antisocial comes across as extremely antisocial, but this is getting rarer and rarer.”

A woman’s natural state is to be attracted to a fairly low level of antisocial. A 14 year old girl in high school will fall madly in love with a 16 year old boy who would not even register as a man on the radar of a 22 year old who has had a “party phase”. The nice, meek 16 year old boy does not get any, but the mischievous, spirited rule breaker does. The girl who needs an extremely high level of danger is used up. She travels to foreign countries, where she is alone and vulnerable, to hack her brain into considering men dangerous again, and those countries will get more and more dangerous and violent the more used up she is.

There are a lot more young women who are far more socially and sexually isolated than the previous generation. Millennial women were much more blown through at 20 than zoomer girls are. Once, I banged a young goth girl with an onlyfans- despite being covered in tats and piercings, meeting me alone at night was almost too much danger for her, and she was shockingly sexually inexperienced compared to how she was signaling. And as I meet women going about my day, I get far more indications of interest than I would previously. Seems like the pickings are pretty good these days, better than men had ten years ago

The Cominator says:

They are isolated because they are mouse utopia level of social dysfunction and under most circumstances initiating any sort of social interaction with them is impossible. For me its not better pickings.
10 years ago you went to most bars and you could go outside in the smoking area carrying a lighter and you would meet girls. The big problem then was how flaky girls were… but it was not a problem to meet them then. Now its hard to even meet them…
> Girl larping as a whore was actually such a mouse utopia shut in you were her 1st or 2nd guy ever
Maybe you can navigate this highly unnatural state of affairs but I can’t.

notglowing says:

My sister was like this. She herself did not have a single relationship until very recently in her early 20s. She had few friends and spent all her time at home depressed, took antidepressants.
Eventually she forced herself to go out with her few friends and my senses immediately picked up on a change back then. This was a couple years ago – and I knew she had found a boyfriend, who is still her boyfriend, and they seem to be doing well. A man I know to be decent, who I went to school with as kids. He was the only guy in her social circles.
I doubt they intend to marry though – it just isn’t as common as it used to be. Perhaps I should push her towards it. She’s much better mentally for it, though I still basically see him as the caretaker of my mentally ill little sister.

Jim says:

> She herself did not have a single relationship until very recently in her early 20s

Zoomer chicks generally have no relationships, but nonetheless still manage to rack up an alarmingly large count. Which of course makes them depressed. This is the crisis that is hurting both sexes. Most chicks are getting lots of dick and no relationships, most men are getting no pussy.

The Cominator says:

No a lot of them are mouse utopia dysfunctional, very rarely leaving their house and no they aren’t inviting guys over all the time. You’re older than me and I’m older than I think Aidan and notglowing and its hard to believe for me too but it seems to be the way a lot of zoomer chicks are.

Jim says:

> No a lot of them are mouse utopia dysfunctional, very rarely leaving their house and no they aren’t inviting guys over all the time

If they leave the house for a two hour booty call once every six months, that adds up fast.

The problem with social media is that it enables isolated chicks to get booty calls. If no social media, would have had to find social occasions, which probably would have adult supervision. So they slide into a booty call sex life, because way easier to slide into that to meet men the old way, and then get depressed. This became a problem with the generation that went though puberty after social media.

It is like having a microwave and a fridge full of a wide variety of delicious but extremely unhealthy frozen snacks. The old way required a whole lot more effort to get nailed. And the old way required a whole lot more effort to have a meal.

So they wind up with no relationships and no social life, but a high dick count, in the same way they wind up with no mealtimes, but fat.

Aidan says:

There is a subset of women living the booty call sex life as Jim described, but that pool has shrunk compared to the girls that would go out to the clubs and bars every weekend to get nailed, and the population of effective shut in women who do not get booty calls has grown.

Women on social media are constantly bombarded by sexual offers, which have no danger and no plausible performance of alpha, and there is no plausible performance of alpha out in the wild, so many women just go through life sexually frustrated if they do not travel to foreign countries to get nailed. The e-whore I banged had thousands of men thirsting after her online, but this did not translate into alpha dick irl; she had been with fewer than 5 guys, seemingly none of them very satisfactory. It seems more modal now, in my personal experience, that hot young girls are going insane from a lack of dick rather than going insane from taking too much dick.

The Cominator says:

Body count does not matter for pair bonding once it goes over 4 so you are sort of right but sort of wrong, any girl who isn’t married young is probably going to rack up a body count to the point where it doesn’t matter anymore. A girl who has said sex with 5 men before you will have the same diminished ability to pair bond as say Riley Reid. Except you probably have a better chance of something resembling a good relationship with Riley Reid because Riley Reid will never be so on the fritz with you that if you live together she’ll deny you sex because her sex drive is probably actually much stronger than yours is. Riley Reid is married now with a kid the average zoomer girl will never have a relationship of any kind.

notglowing says:

I’ve seen many girls like Jim describes online, because they tend to be active on social media. Usually I notice because I see them having spats with lonely men, where they try to garner sympathy for having “never been in a relationship” but then get made fun of when it turns out that just means they’ve been screwing men in one-night stands all their lives. This behaviour is generally known to young men online.
It’s a strange discourse where one side feels like these women are just trying to fish for pity when they just choose not to have relationships, and how women can find men at any time so female loneliness is fake, etc. Whereas the men feel their loneliness is real and this kind of complaint from women is just mocking them.

Of course in reality neither side is getting what they want. It’s just that female loneliness does not manifest with an inability to have sex.

However, women like my sister are mostly invisible. Their existence and their loneliness isn’t seen by anyone outside their family and few friends who visit them every once in a while. At least until they do find a man and become more normal. Girls on social media who claim to be lonely are generally exactly the type that Jim describes.
Through the internet, I know other older brothers whose sisters are or were in a similar situation.

Jim says:

Everyone these days is on social media. So all these women are getting continual offers of dick. What makes you believe they do not sometimes take them? They don’t have men come over, because they don’t want their family and friends to know. They intend to parade the guy around to family and friends after it becomes a relationship, which strangely never happens.

The Cominator says:

Jim I’ve mentioned this before but the dysfunction goes deep.

I mentioned before that girls at least since the 1920s (when girls could finagle access to cars) until roughly the zoomers girls often went through a period where (perhaps absent credible threats of death Arab style) teenage girls around 13-14-15 would often go through a phase of constantly sneaking out at night and behaving in general very badly (hard drinking, smoking, drugs, petty stealing, and maybe sex if the right guy came along and gave the badly behaving teen girls a spanking) they were not easily controllable for most fathers at this time. Now of course the very bad girl phase was not in itself a good thing (especially since a lot of girls developed drug habits during it that didn’t go away when the compulsive bad behavior phase went away) but it was just weird and mouse utopia like that the teenage uncontrolably misbehaving girl phase seemed to have vanished en masse. Zoomer girls have very distorted and unnatural sexual development and instincts.

Aidan says:

Many of them do not take them, Jim, or take them very rarely, because dating apps show off male alpha like a burqua shows off female beauty. It just doesn’t trigger the ancient instincts like a real man does. Many of them do take these offers, having a decent amount of one night stands, but nowhere close to the amount that a party girl in 2013 would rack up. “A new man every month for ten years” is a much less common circumstance these days, because a nightclub triggers perceptions of alpha and a DM from a horny man does not.

And Com, there is obviously a difference between a girl with 5 partners and one with 300. The actual number is somewhat less important than how alpha she thought the most alpha man to bang her was, but if you are mister one in thirty, the odds are heavily in your favor with one girl and heavily against you with the other. I am leaving aside the “true nympho” as a statistical anomaly, and you should not let your overfondness of whoring weight your mental model of women toward this type.

Jim says:

> take them very rarely, because dating apps show off male alpha like a burqua shows off female beauty. It just doesn’t trigger the ancient instincts like a real man does.

When she answers a booty call, it is not that she intends to fuck him. She just wants to see his alpha performance in person, like you want to see what is underneath that burqua.

Women get horrifically horny after a long time with no sex. And so they decide to check out someone on social media in person, not with the intent of fucking him, or even with the intent of getting a boyfriend, but with the intent of getting their hit of shit testing for alpha. When a man gets horny, he really really wants to stick his dick in something, anything. When a woman gets horrifically horny, she goes looking for alpha stimuli. She does not think she is looking for dick, because she is not. It is not that she decides on the basis of social media she will let him stick his dick in her. It is not that she goes to his place shortly before midnight because she intends to get laid. She goes to his place shortly before midnight because she just wants to see his alpha performance in person, like you want to see what is underneath that burqua. But if you give a woman a reasonable performance of alpha in your place, with the door locked behind you, and a handy horizontal surface, sex is going to ensue. “It just happened.”

It is like she is on a diet, but buys a pile of junk food, and the pile keeps mysteriously disappearing. She did not intend to buy all that junk food. She did not intend to eat all that junk food. But she bought it, and somehow it is gone.

She is overweight, and has absolutely no social life. She visits mister one in thirty shortly before midnight not with the intention of getting nailed, or even with the intention of getting a boyfriend, but with the intention of starting a social life. But somehow starting a social life with misters one to twenty nine failed to appeal. After she gets nailed, she holds tightly onto her phone for the next six months waiting with baited breath for mister one in thirty to text her, and redoubles her diet, with the intention of obtaining a one in thirty boyfriend, introducing him to friends and family, and starting an actual social life. But she has is overweight, and has an unpleasant personality, in that her two hour stay with mister one in thirty was one hour and thirty minutes of brutal shit tests, twenty minutes of sexual activity, and a few minutes of fucking, and once the pressure in his balls was relieved, mister one in thirty lost all interest in ever passing her stressful and unpleasant shit tests ever again. He would have only added her to the bottom of his lengthy booty call list if she was a lot more restful and fun to be around than she was.

Women just can’t help shit testing, men don’t like it, and the hornier they get, the faster the shit tests fly.

It is like she is scrolling through social media, with a full box of pringles beside her, and she completely fails to notice the box of pringles until she notices it has mysteriously became an empty box of pringles. Every pringle makes her fatter, and every shit test makes her less desirable as a companion. She came for those shit tests, and some how mysteriously “it just happened.”

She banged mister one in thirty as mysteriously, unexpectedly, and inexplicably as the full box of pringles somehow turned into an empty box of pringles. That was totally not what she intended.

The Cominator says:

The thing with being mister 1 in 30 is most men are in the 29. So for most men does not matter.

JustAnotherGuy says:

It’s funny, the reason female Vtubers, gacha games, gooner stuff is so popular is because 29 out of 30 guys aren’t getting any pussy at all. I wonder what Jim would think of Vtubers if someone explained the concept to him.

Fidelis says:

there is obviously a difference between a girl with 5 partners and one with 300

Mostly in latent personality. I’d have to search around to find the data, but if we’re just looking at outcomes, rates for unhappy marriage and divorce hit the logarithmic plateau at 3 men. Sleeping with 3 men before your marriage had nearly the same rate of occurrence of divorce or if not divorced ‘unhappy/dissatisfied’ as 15+, the difference was astoundingly small.

Maybe this is just culturally bucketing women. A woman from a very isolated conservative upbringing may succeed in finding a boyfriend early on, then break up, then get married early on the next try. A girl from the common pool is going to run through a couple one night lays and ‘boyfriends’ before sticking with one. The sharp difference between 2 count and 3+ count may just be showing this effect, of effectively slicing the two different cultures, and the outliers on both sides just get outnumbered. Either way, its not a totally baseless claim on something fantastical. Though I would agree something like a 300 count, or even 20, reveals a far different personality, doesn’t appear to have such a profound effect on outcomes.

Aidan says:

They don’t generally go to strange men’s houses at midnight for the same reason that they don’t generally go out to the bars. What you say is happening still happens, I am saying that there is a larger proportion of women who are relatively unused, and this is evident from the increased interest I get from women just going about my life, though I haven’t been putting my dick in them. A girl who is waiting for Chad’s bootycall is going to act relatively unavailable in person, but women are acting a lot more available in person. Therefore, not waiting for Chad’s next bootycall.

Jim says:

> They don’t generally go to strange men’s houses at midnight for the same reason that they don’t generally go out to the bars.

Well, no. It is psychologically difficult for chicks to go to a bar without a crew. Hard enough for a man, way harder for a chick. And chicks today, like men today, do not have a crew.

On the other hand, if they have been chatting with someone on social media, and he gives them an invitation to come over, no crew required.

Maybe you are right, and most of them do not do it. But if they are not doing it, it is not because of the same psychological barriers.

Why would a chick not go to a strange man’s house near midnight?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Aidan, you’re a married man now. Perhaps that’s the reason women now show more interest in you?

Aidan says:

Women are not even getting all that much dick anymore. The party environment mimics the celebrations of victorious warriors about to divide the women among themselves, a collective performance of alpha, this makes women hot and willing, but men enjoying themselves is becoming more and more illegal, and parties getting more and more lame. I’ve been to a couple of college parties since corona restrictions lifted, and they are nowhere near as wild as they used to be.

The pool of alpha males has shrunk, the pool of super sluts has shrunk, and the pool of women who have had little if any dick has expanded. Of course, the causes of this are also inhibiting relationship formation, and the zoomer girl’s addiction to vibrators and SSRIs is bad for pair bonding, but high bodycounts are getting rarer, alpha widows getting rarer.

notglowing says:

I lived with her in our house up until she found her boyfriend, and I am nearly certain she did not have men until then. Her lack of socializing and basically never leaving the house, is a strong reason.

But also, I could simply tell the difference in her behaviour immediately when she did get a boyfriend. Before, she did not take care of her appearance, wore a tracksuit most of the time, and generally showed behaviour that to me seems incompatible with a normal woman regularly sleeping with men.
She was never particularly fat, though she did quickly lose some chubbiness she did have afterwards, finally daring to expose her midriff sometimes, as a result.

The Cominator says:

“My sister was like this. She herself did not have a single relationship until very recently in her early 20s. She had few friends and spent all her time at home depressed, took antidepressants.”
This is almost every zoomer girl.

yewotm8 says:

Young’uns need to read more Roissy. Read through the entire archives and most of the comments. Internalize it. Amused mastery.

Neurotoxin says:


if she was getting feisty about the lack of tats, you could have said with half-smile that your day job is killing guys with tattoos. I mean, as I understand it that’s not really lying either.

Yes, I think that would have done it! A+ response.

Fidelis: “everyone here is telling me off for… sharing a story where I failed a shit test”

Nah, every man fails shit tests at least occasionally. They’re designed to make most men fail them.

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