Month: October 2009



At present prices gold has little practical use, except as money.  So if you buy gold, you are buying insurance against paper money going to hell, and people using gold as money.  When the $%@# hits the fan, you will be able to eat, and maybe buy some assets cheaply.  On the other hand, if …

party politics

Sarah Palin in charge

In my previous post, I observed that when the Republican party machine says one thing, and Sarah Palin says a different thing, Republican party activists do what Sarah Palin says, and not what the party machine says.  But, of course, we next have to ask do Republican voters do what Republican party activists say, or …

party politics

going rogue: compassionate conservatism

Sarah Palin has announced Our nation is at a crossroads, and this is once again a “time for choosing.” But unfortunately, the leadership of the Republican party, “the political machine” does not want a straight up and down vote on the choice. Suddenly Sarah Palin is the leader of the Republican party, and “the political …


Accounting fraud

The financial crisis was in large part accounting fraud.  America has lost trillions of dollars through accounting fraud.  Accounting fraud is a felony.  Yet those who were primarily responsible for this fraud continue in positions of wealth and power, for example Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Representative Barney Frank (D-MA).  Further, the fraud continues.  Hot …

party politics

Republican party hacked

Entryism is a small team of conspirators trying to manipulate and control another organization – usually a larger organization with a bigger mailing list and more funds. If one entryist is in an organization with assets and name worth having, there are usually others.


The Cathedral and social decay

In 1984, I said the Soviet Union was falling.  In November 2005, I said the mortgage market was collapsing.  I was very far from being the first to say those things, but I was in a minority when I said them. And here is another prophecy:   The decline of our currency, and the our inability …


Care Bear war in Afghanistan

McChrystal’s plan is to win the war by being nice, playing nice, and reminding our enemies of their inherent niceness, to win the war by means of rainbows and pink unicorns, care bear style. The trouble with this plan is that you cannot impose a more peaceable variety of Islam while the less peaceable variety answers words with bullets.