Month: February 2010


socialist medicine

Hot air reviews an interesting report from Britain. Patients were left unwashed in their own filth for up to a month as nurses ignored their requests to use the toilet or change their sheets; … Wards were left filthy with blood, discarded needles and used dressings … … …  Food and drink were left out …


Microsoft the good guys

Google is evil in that they spy on users, and that they censor their services, and politically cook their search results.  Microsoft’s Bing has not yet been detected cooking their search results Microsoft reports to law enforcement to what extent they spy on users, the report was leaked, and the interesting fact is that they …


The suicide of the elites

Participatory transexual vomiting as high art. This illustrates Unwin’s “Sex and Culture” – that no civilization long survives the end of the patriarchy and female chastity. Unwin’s suggested explanation for this observation is that civilization is produced by the Freudian energy of sexual repression. I favor the theory that civilization is created by patriarchs for …


The problem with peer review

Peer review is not part of the scientific method. In most fields, for example physics, it is a new thing, and wherever it has become a standard thing, we see stagnation. Peer review keeps out cranks, but it also keeps out the impious. It makes it safe for a science to become a religion, and …


Where the money went

The government has been shuffling the money around to obfuscate who stole it.  It lends money, and then announces that there is no problem, the money has been paid back. But after much fiddling, the money has mostly come to rest, in that the government is now the proud owner of about one trillion dollars …


Animal spirits

Everyone knew that things were going to collapse, but wanted to stay in till the last minute because there was money to be made, so it was not animal spirits, but people trying to rationally judge when to run to the exits.