Month: February 2013


Blacks are stupid.

Occidentalist has updated his survey of surveys.  Despite radical social changes and a wide variety of testing regimes, American black IQ always tests out one standard deviation below American white IQ.  Similar differences in character and criminal propensities are obvious. How big is one standard deviation?


Teleology and Darwinism

Darwin freely used teleology as a metaphor for natural selection, that natural selection works as if an intelligent breeder was consciously pursuing a goal, as if aiming at horses, to take advantage of the grasslands, or as if aiming at men, to create a creature capable of planning and cooperating to defeat any creature less …


The end of democracy

Winston Churchill quipped that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms. Democracy worked when the franchise was restricted to property owning adult male heads of households, and when the population had high moral standards. Visitors to America frequently remarked that while democracy worked for Americans, Americans being virtuous and self …


Postmortem on Warmism

We are always moving leftwards, but not every leftwards program succeeds. Should one fail, they try something different. I have not published much on warmism lately, because they were defeated by Climategate, even though every academic institution, every government institution, and every group of organized scientists swore fealty to Warmism, officially proclaimed that Climategate was …



Author John Scalzi’s propensity for terrified whimpering grovelling before leftists has led Heartiste to coin a new word “Scalzied”: When men are scalzied manboobs and women are manjawed feminists, the bedroom is an arid wasteland of dashed passion.


People of negative economic value

The racial problem is that stupid people can vote, that incentives for good behavior are weak or nonexistent, and that some people are unresponsive to incentives.  Stop voting, ensure that everyone has good incentives, and then the problem is reduced those people unresponsive to incentives, a markedly smaller problem. Nations with slightly higher IQ are …