Month: June 2014


“More Right” proposes communism

More right quoting “Men among the ruins” The preliminary condition would naturally be the overcoming of the typical situation in democracies, where the political element makes promiscuous alliances with the plutocratic element, opening itself to corruption and pretending to represent a “Right” in opposition to Marxism. Again, the pure political power must be released from …


Dysgenic fertility

Chateau Heartiste, always a great source for the Dark Enlightenment, reports: Convicted criminal offenders had more children than individuals never convicted of a criminal offense. Criminal offenders also had more reproductive partners, were less often married, more likely to get remarried if ever married, and had more often contracted a sexually transmitted disease than non-offenders. …


The illusion of government

Government is an illusion, a pretense in which everyone pretends to believe, for fear of what would be revealed should the pretense be seriously doubted. The US spent an immense amount of blood and treasure setting up a Iraqi government in its own image, and one morning that government softly and silently vanished away like …


Hormones and obesity

There is an epidemic of obesity, and no one knows what is causing it. One item, however, is worthy of investigation. Females with early andrenarche, (early pubic hair) in addition to going boy crazy at a disturbingly early age, tend to become obese when they finally reach puberty and their figure finally catches up with …


Bitcoin failure

For bitcoin to work politically, authority over the currency needs to be distributed over a large group of peers. If power is concentrated at a single point, the state can dominate that point, whoever controls that point can steal other people’s currency and do a variety of bad things. Bitcoin was designed so that “voting” …


Does game work?

Read it and weep If still in doubt, watch the video For a lot of men, game is not all that effective. This is because the major part of game is to superficially appear to be high status, as women perceive status, which is very different from how men perceive status, and it is simply …

party politics

Very minor outbreak of democracy

Elections are about goodies. Even more obamaphones for all. No money down mortgages for minorities. One might hope that republican primaries might be conducted on a slightly higher level. In the recent primary, Eric Cantor campaigned that he was going to bribe the voters with their own stolen money, while David Brat campaigned on issues …