14 comments Marriage is gay

Glenfilthie says:

Not so, Jim.

Marriage 2.0 is for liberals and stupid people…which encompasses most women and queers. At some point, even these morons will have to notice what is happening to their kids…and react.

We’re seeing it already: common law marriages, now with new and improved bulletproof pre-nup contracts!

This is just another failed liberal social experiment. It is not one that anyone with an IQ will take part in or get burned by.

Steve Johnson says:

“We’re seeing it already: common law marriages, now with new and improved bulletproof pre-nup contracts!”

No you aren’t seeing that at all.

There is no such thing as a bulletproof pre-nup. Divorces are settled in family courts which aren’t bound by contract law.

Stephen W says:

What if we had a contract and we dont call it marriage say a concubinage or an exclusive prostitution contract.

…then, it will be ruled that that is marriage and controlling marriage is a legitimate state interest.

Dave says:

Suppose you have rich parents. When one of them dies, marry the other and get your inheritance tax-free. In our progressive utopia, spouses are not required to have sex with each other, nor must they refrain from sex with others.

In the future, will everyone marry everyone else to avoid taxes, or will everyone stay single and childless to avoid losing their assets in family court? Does my question even make sense, as word meanings now seem to change from day to day?

Orthodox says:

If state marriage is gay, then getting married by the state should get you excommunicated from the Church.

Thales says:

Trying to normalize one’s own vices by encouraging others to engage in them, dragging everyone else into the gutter to avoid feeling weird and inferior.

James James says:

In the UK, “Married persons of the same sex will not be able to divorce on grounds of adultery, or to have their marriage annulled on grounds of non-consummation (Sch. 4)”

I originally heard this was because parliamentarians didn’t want to have to talk about what would constitute gay adultery or consummation.

Apparently the actual reason was that

However, back in 2010 people were predicting that gay marriage would be used as a wedge

James James says:

In the UK, “Married persons of the same sex will not be able to divorce on grounds of adultery, or to have their marriage annulled on grounds of non-consummation (Sch. 4)”

I originally heard this was because parliamentarians didn’t want to have to talk about or define what would constitute gay adultery or consummation. http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/Society/article1277669.ece

However, back in 2010 people were predicting that this difference between gay marriage and straight marriage would be used as a wedge to eliminate the disincentive to adultery from straight marriage.

There was a third, quite good, reason, but unfortunately I can’t remember it.

Liss says:

Surly it must be in the interest of non-discrimination against gays that this arrangement is being peddled to heterosexual couples, it couldn’t be that marriage never was a participatory satisfactory deal which has recently been made rotten to the core and now people are desperate for anything to allow it to survive; nope, it’s them gays ruining stuff again.

Wait a moment… I thought it was promoted several decades ago as “open marriage.” That turned out to be a nonstarter. You could promote adultery but couldn’t stop people from feeling guilty about it. I doubt if this attempt will be any more successful.

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