
The Camp of the Saints

The good and the great have announced there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant, in part because anyone who (however implausibly) claims to be a refugee, is legal.

Some time ago Australia adopted a policy of turning the boats around,

which policy was and is denounced as a war crime.  After a few unpleasant incidents where a few illegal immigrants suffered minor injuries, a few people smuggler boats caught fire, one people smuggler boat caught fire and sank, and some lost engines and steering, the people smugglers stopped coming to Australia.   New Zealand does not admit to participating in this horrid war crime, but somehow boats heading for New Zealand seem to get mistaken for boats heading for Australia.  Funny thing that.  They now seem to have stopped trying to go to New Zealand.

A short while ago Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia, being swarmed by Bangladeshis, adopted a similar policy.

Initially Indonesia piously condemned Australia’s policy, but finding that Bangladeshis were now coming to Indonesia instead of passing through and heading on to Australia, seem to have changed their mind.

As a result, the entire eastern edge of the Indian ocean is now off limits to people smugglers.

Meanwhile, Europe continues to be swarmed by middle easterners, many of who look suspiciously black – which is to say, is being swarmed by subSaharan  blacks making the dubious claim to be middle easterners fleeing Islamic State, though they traveled a mighty long way to reach the lands controlled by Islamic State.

A small number of illegal immigrants are rumoured have died as a result of picking a quarrel with the Thai navy, whereupon the Australian Prime Minister called upon the navies to stand firm.

The problem of stopping Bangladeshis from going to Thailand is roughly similar to the problem of stopping blacks from crossing the Mediterranean. Bangladeshis were not all that interested in going to Thailand until Australia drew up the drawbridge.

27 comments The Camp of the Saints

Alrenous says:

But it is a war crime!
By demonstrating that laws are in fact enforceable, it increases unrest in countries where the laws are not enforced, being as it’s much harder to sell the line they’re unenforceable. Increasing unrest in foreign countries is, like, mean and stuff.

Australia seems to be going quite mad. I gather they now have a compulsory vax policy enforced by paying everybody large sums of government money and withholding it from anybody not vaxing kids.
Aside from the fact that this is a war crime– compulsory medical care explicitly violates the Nuremburg Code– the scientific literature suggests quite strongly that they will make themselves sick and burden themselves with autistics and likely take 15 IQ points off the population.

They’d be better off being less totalitarian and being overrun by immigrants.

Toddy Cat says:

“They’d be better off being less totalitarian and being overrun by immigrants.”

You do realize that this is insane, don’t you?

What’s insane is a law mandating injecting infants with 4000 mcg of aluminum in the first six months, when the scientific literature indicates that 40 mcg/kg causes brain damage.

Totalitarian states decide on a solution for all. They don’t typically decide on a rational solution for all.

Dr. Faust says:

What’s a non-totalitarian state?

Once a state controls a monopoly of force (which is generally does at its inception) it does what it wants. Then its actions are derived from the rulers will and reach.

Totalitarian is a nonsense term, that is it has no meaning though it’s ostensibly used to differentiate between various governments. As the term is ambiguous it mostly becomes meaningless or changes meaning depending on the speaker.

If vaccines lower IQ then it would make it harder for a state to control the populace. Low IQ groups are unruly (get it unruly) and require more stringent and costly systems of control. If a state is totalitarian then it’s assumed it seeks power, if seeking power then it seeks to maintain a high mean IQ of its populace.

A populace may be at the other end of the sphere in that it’s mean IQ is too high for rulers to control; however, no such group exists today.

That’s some kind of ideological position not based on empirical observation. Nations vary quite a bit from one to another and from one time to another in how oppressive they are.

R7_Rocket says:

Dr. Faust said:

Once a state controls a monopoly of force (which is generally does at its inception) it does what it wants. Then its actions are derived from the rulers will and reach.

Caligula thought that too.

Erebus says:

On the subject of aluminum in vaccines, I found this very interesting:

Then I looked for a response. I didn’t find anything specific, but this turned up:

There are issues with both papers. The former is imprecise and lacks rigor. The latter makes far too many assumptions with respect to the extent and rate of aluminum release from injection sites. On the whole, I’m sympathetic to your position… At the moment, it’s impossible to say whether aluminum in vaccines is harmful, but it warrants further study and skepticism, and it should not be accepted as “harmless” as an article of faith. (It’s interesting to note the left’s position towards skepticism in science!)

You might find this interesting, as well:

…Which suggests that, at the very least, it might be possible to create a line of less-harmful vaccine formulations. (I’d also note that the dose of aluminum those rats took doesn’t seem to be more than what a vaccine schedule would provide — when you scale down to a human-equivalent dose, and adjust for oral aluminum’s 0.75% bioavailability.)

I’ve lived briefly in Australia, by the way. Awful place for business. The laws and taxes make it a downright hostile environment. The UK is actually vastly superior to Australia in every way I can think of — to say nothing of wisely non-democratic nations like Singapore, Hong Kong, Monaco, etc.

jim says:

I’ve lived briefly in Australia, by the way. Awful place for business.

You need the right connections to get around the laws. The laws are not there to be enforced against everyone, just against some people. The same is true in America, though it is more open because in America you hire a “consultant” (aka bagman) who for a fee magics you past law that would otherwise make it entirely impossible to do business. In Australia, you have to seduce, rather than simply hire, the consultant. Literally seduce, often enough. Usually the people you need are women.

In America the regulators are metaphorically in bed with the regulated, and through the revolving door, the regulators frequently are the regulated, for example Jon Corzine. Bureaucrats create regulations that make it impossible to do business, and simultaneously form a corporation whose business is wafting other businesses safely past those regulations, the regulations created by the major shareholders of the corporation. In Australia, they tend to be more literally in bed, the female bureaucrat sleeping with the company rep, or the company hiring whores to sleep with the male bureaucrat.

The kind of payments that are absolutely routine in America will, in Australia, get you jailed for corruption. On the other hand, hiring women and boys to sleep with bureaucrats seems to be legal for all practical purposes, and if it was suppressed, the entire economy would grind to a halt.

Erebus says:

Sounds like I’d have to keep a stable of whores on the payroll (which, by the way, sounds loathsome and does not reflect well upon Australian society,) as there were a lot of terrible laws and regulations down there.

-Imports and exports were slow and expensive, thanks to the world’s slowest and most stringent Customs service.
-There’s an extremely high 30% corporate tax rate with none of the loopholes of the American system.
-Absurd environmental regulations lead to very high energy prices (over $0.30/kWh — compare to $0.18 in the UK and $0.0675 in WA state) and lots of bureaucratic red-tape surrounding manufacturing.
-With a national minimum wage of nearly $17 Australian dollars per hour, even low-skilled professionals think that they’re entitled to very high wages…

…ah, the list goes on. Everything is so much more expensive than it should be; more expensive than the same things are elsewhere. The bureaucracy is downright stifling. The anti-vaccination guy has it right: Australia does not feel like a free society. It is a terrible place for anybody who has money or wants to make money.

If Australia is the future of the white race, we’re fucked, it’s over.

jim says:

Sounds like I’d have to keep a stable of whores on the payroll (


(which, by the way, sounds loathsome and does not reflect well upon Australian society,)

Australia did not have the equivalent of a Jon Corzine. The great financial crisis was, at its root, fraud. Banks issued dud mortgages, both for profit (unloading the mortgages onto the bigger idiot) and to fulfill political requirements. Credit rating agencies politically misrated mortgage backed securities. Australia did not have equivalent fraud.

And if had had equivalent fraud, people would have been jailed for it.

If you were about to start a web-based business (offering a software service), and were looking for a good location to raise young kids, where would you do it, Jim? (or Erebus or anybody else with an interesting opinion.)

jim says:

Web based, you can arrange for the profits to arrive anywhere, would arrange for the profits to materialize in Singapore, and the kids in rural Australia.

Mitkus is a theory paper, making no empirical measurements or observations at all, and based on an MRL from dietary experiments in weaned animals. Its not informed about the toxicity of injected aluminum in neonates in any way. Its what the FDA apparently relies on.

Also, btw, other sources than Mitkus put the bioavailability of dietary aluminum at .25%, 3 times lower than the figure Mitkus puts forth (and admits if memory serves is a guesstimate.)

Dave says:

Nat Philosopher, I recommend settling in a low-tax state in the middle of America, as far north as your body can tolerate. Forty below keeps out the riffraff, they say. Find a place so lacking in culture and vibrancy that if a planeload of coastal liberals were forced to land there, they’d all be dead of boredom in half an hour.

Erebus says:

Nat, if you’re an American, I’d suggest that you incorporate your business in Delaware or Nevada, and establish your office around Seattle. Whatever your software business is, hiring skilled people is going to be very important — and there are lots of highly skilled programmers and engineers in the Seattle area. The suburbs north of the city are great for raising children, as well. It’s also important to note that Washington state has no personal income tax, so you’re optimized for taxes (inasmuch as is reasonably possible, anyway,) if you’re based in WA and are incorporated in DE or NV.

If you’re an EU resident, Cambridge can’t be beat, and the UK’s tax and regulatory environment is surprisingly decent. As far as hiring is concerned, this might be your best bet, as programmer/engineer wages are significantly lower in the UK than they are in the USA, and Cambridge has a deep talent pool. I also think that the Cambridge region is the best place in the world to raise children.

Santiago, Chile is an amazing place — thoroughly modern & with all sorts of tax and regulatory benefits for entrepreneurs — but moving there would be difficult if you don’t speak Spanish. They’ve got a complicated tax structure in general, but one which is loaded with loopholes. Very easy for corporate directors to pay no taxes in places like that.

Of the three places I mentioned earlier: Hong Kong is great on taxes and regulations — it’s a real laissez faire sort of place — but it’s difficult to hire skilled professionals here, and it’s an awful city to raise children. Singapore’s worse than Hong Kong in every regard, and it’s worth noting that Singapore’s climate is hellish and equatorial. Monaco’s beautiful, but it’s not an option, as hiring would be too difficult and rent would be far too high.

Dave says:

Australia is too kind. I’d hang up a huge banner saying “Illegal immigrants welcome, dock your boats here!” If it’s a seaworthy vessel, give the captain some money and fuel to get home, while I employ his passengers in my illegal dog-food cannery.

Recusancy says:

Better yet. Sell them as slaves in Haiti or the Congo.

cazalla says:

A tiny, tiny minority of non-whites attempt to enter Australia by boat. Meanwhile, many hundreds of thousands arrive by plane with the full blessing of the government with welfare payments on arrival to boot.

Boat people are a non issue in Australia. It’s a bogeyman used by the left to paint the right as racist because many people are under the mistaken belief that all these non-whites walking around Australia got here by boat.

Propoganda like this Youtube clip helps only to placate some of those on the right by leading them to believe that the government is actually doing something about immigration, whether legal or illega, when they are in fact not.

jim says:

The Australian government allows in the rich, the talented, the interesting, and the beautiful. Which still undermines social cohesion and increases crime. But, by and large, the immigrants that get visas are not coming to Australia to live on welfare and crime, unlike the immigrants flooding Europe and America.

Yes, they should take into account race and culture, as well as other desirable attributes. But Australia is not being swarmed by subhumans any more. Yes, far too many immigrants, and far too many non white immigrants. But underclass immigration is down to insignificant levels, while the rest of the white world is flooded with a nonwhite underclass.

Under labor, Australia was being flooded with underclass low IQ middle easterners. This has stopped, and even if Labor regains power, they are unlikely to try again.

jim says:

Boat people are a non issue in Australia.

that is because they have been stopped. Until they were stopped, boat people were unlimited open immigration from the middle east and Bangladesh, who would have completely swamped the existing population within a decade or two.

billgatesatan says:

The problem is not the tidal wave of Third World young men being sucked into the West by the tens of millions.

The problem is the reality cancer of SJW’s.
They are the true demons. Their mind virus has seized the brain of almost every caucasian.

Robert says:

There will never be a video like this in America. My brother is a Navy recruiter and he says they are forcing him, via quotas, to get non-whites and females in as fast as they can. I went to Disneyland yesterday, and man Walt Disney would puke, talk about your circus freak show. We are transitioning to a post white mans world, of course living in southern California I am extremely biased, but it is coming to a small town near you. I am beginning to think that Harold Covington is right, we all should at least move next to each other. Actually, every time I turn around I hear somebody talking about moving to Idaho or Montana.

Irving says:

The middle eastern complexion of some of the black boat people heading for Europe has to do with the fact that many of them are Eritreans, who are largely a half-and-half mix between black and arab. These Eritreans used to leave their country and head for Libya, where Gaddafi would usually allow them to settle and would give them food and shelter as well, but since he was overthrown and then died, after being sodomized with a knife, that’s ended and they’ve simply been heading for Europe. These days though most of the boat people are Syrians.

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