
In Russia, there is freedom

Recently a gay black journalist murdered a white woman and a white man because he hates whites. This happens all the time, continually, day and night, but was more newsworthy this time because he did it live on air and on Facebook and explained his reasons on Facebook.

In Russia, but not in America, the news reported this event as “a black man …”

We love Putin, because Putin defends freedom.

72 comments In Russia, there is freedom

Jack says:

“An American and a Russian are having an argument. The American says: my country has more freedom than yours, for I can approach the White House and scream obscenities about the American president. The Russian answers: well, I can approach the Kremlin and scream obscenities about the American president, too!”

Russians not deferring to PC when criticizing Obongo or American antics is unremarkable.

jim says:

I can approach the White House and scream obscenities about the American president.

But, as Donald Sterling found out, you cannot mutter obscenities about the American underclass in your own home with the doors and windows closed and the blinds drawn

Mister Grumpus says:

Or Hulk Hogan, or ____, or ____, or ____, or ____…

peppermint says:

even among the bluepilled of the under-30 crowd, mentions of the lollercaust will be replied to with jokes, and everyone nervously agrees that hitler did nothing wrong. I was surprised to find out in a car full of tech guys going to a multicultural tech people party expressions of admiration for Trump, not simply because the media doesn’t like him, but ‘to get free speech back’ (they’ll come around on Trump, of course).

Am I not hanging out with the right people? Maybe they’re not bluepilled enough.

But that’s the thing about social engineering, it never works out right, because social science is bullshit. What happens when you force a bunch of 12-18 year old men to sit in classrooms all day and lecture them about the horrors of the lollercaust all day long? What doesn’t happen is that they respect either the Jewish people or it even having happened.

peppermint says:

(multicultural means there were niggers there, who were dressed in hipster clothes and trained to talk like tech workers)

peppermint says:

» who


Dave says:

America’s political system in 2027 has come to resemble Russia’s. We still have elections, with the National Unity Party winning 90% of the vote and the Libertarian, Constitution, and Green Parties splitting the rest. No one’s really sure where the NUP stands on the political spectrum. When asked about it, most people shrug and say they don’t follow politics.

In 2023, Congress balanced the budget and ended hyperinflation by voting unanimously to abolish Social Security, Medicare, and all welfare programs. They’ll soon introduce a “new dollar” equal to 1000 old dollars, bringing prices roughly back to 2015 levels and the national debt to a manageable $100 billion.

After a few “accidental” deaths, the news media quickly learned to treat the NUP with the same deference they once gave Barack Obama. Drugs, guns, and prostitutes are illegal but very easy to get. So many men in various uniforms carry high-capacity assault weapons that one hardly notices them.

Corvinus says:

Great fantasy writing. I was busy with other things, but fortunately I am catching up. I await with bated breath your next installment.

Strelok says:
jim says:

He is the man.

Zach says:

IMO the Russian that had the most potential in anything ever:


B says:

In Russia, inciting strife against racial, ethnic, gender or social group using telecommunications including the internet carries a sentence of up to 5 years.

jim says:

And so it should.

Whereas in America inciting strife against whites, males, and heterosexuals is not only permitted, but absolutely mandatory, resulting in very large numbers of whites being ethnically cleansed from Ferguson and Baltimore, losing their homes to black people in the process.

peppermint says:

we’ll see how serious they are when they start forcing Russians in Novorossiya to surrender property to taters

B says:

The very first thing that happened in the Crimea when the Russians took over was that the Chechen mafia showed up and started jacking whitey, just like in Russia.

Until then, the Ukrainian mafia had successfully kept them out-they fought a war over the issue in the 90s and settled the issue.

According to Russian law, both you and Jim would be sewing soccer balls in a prison colony for half a decade instead of honking your opinions on the internet.

People in the US lose their jobs over things they say online, but they don’t get jailed. People in Russia get jailed.

jim says:

So, name someone who is in jail in Russia for their opinions who should not be.

jim says:

I checked the first one on the list, and it struck me as a damn good thing that he was jailed for those opinions. Yelling fire in a crowded theater and all that

Censorship in the west gives us a surrealistic and radically untrue account of reality. It keeps us ignorant and lied to.

Censorship in Russia, to judge by your sample, deals with real threats to the social order.

In the west, if you report that blacks are killing normal people, you get censored.

In Russia, if you argue that Muslims or gays should kill normal people, you get censored.

fnd says:

I can only remember of pussy riot and faggots forbidden to spread homosex propaganda, but these are the people who needs to be in prison so nevermind.

p.s. the only tr00 free speech for leftists is pornography and degeneracy.

B says:

I put up a list, comment is awaiting moderation.

B says:

Half those guys are Russian nationalists.

As I said, you and Peppermint would be in jail in Russia.

jim says:

They are the crazy half of Russian nationalists. I resemble the saner half.

In Russia, people do not get in trouble for speaking the truth. They get in trouble for political movements. In the west, not only is subversive politics forbidden, truth is forbidden.

Reality is the state has to suppress some ideologies, because some ideologies are dangerous. But if the state finds itself suppressing truth, finds itself suppressing the embarassing fact of suppression, then it is the state’s ideology that is dangerous.

jim says:

Likely Peppermint would be in trouble, but I would not.

jim says:

In the US, it is permitted to call for the ethnic cleansing and/or extermination of whites, but not permitted to notice the ethnic cleansing of whites.

I doubt Jim would be in jail in Russia. Is Aleksandr Dugin in jail? No. Is Igor Strelkov in jail? No. Russia controls its more hardline nationalists because they are a threat to the more moderate nationalists who know what they’re doing.

B says:

Oh, sure, if Jim were one of the regime’s pet nationalists, the regime would not put him in jail. Similarly, there are public figures in the US who are allowed to be somewhat right-wing without losing their jobs, etc.

The fact remains of course that in the US nobody goes to jail for blog statements, no matter how objectionable to the Cathedral they might be, while in Russia this is not the case.

jim says:

The fact remains of course that in the US nobody goes to jail for blog statements, no matter how objectionable to the Cathedral they might be, while in Russia this is not the case.

Yet on the whole, a lot easier and safer to publish unpopular blogs in Russia than in America.

Eli says:

@B: unrelated to the OP, what’s your opinion of Eli Fink’s stance?

My personal take on him is that he is a Cathedral shill, trying to subvert the Haredi communities.

I would probably be in jail or encouraged to expatriate since Russia isn’t interested in worshiping Hitler. Hitler did, after all, invade Russia and attempt to steal Russian land.

peppermint says:

Putin would ask Jim for the HTTP headers next time I comment and then the KGB would look for a faggot using a hp slate

B says:

My take on Fink is that he caters to his audience-Modox Yuppies who are torn between their desire to be Jews and their desire to be comfortable American bourgeois. Nothing new-Rabbi Kahane had his purest venom reserved for “Orthodox” cowards. It’s an unstable situation, and historically it always resolves the same way.

B says:

>They are the crazy half of Russian nationalists. I resemble the saner half.

>In Russia, people do not get in trouble for speaking the truth. They get in trouble for political movements. In the west, not only is subversive politics forbidden, truth is forbidden.

>Reality is the state has to suppress some ideologies, because some ideologies are dangerous. But if the state finds itself suppressing truth, finds itself suppressing the embarassing fact of suppression, then it is the state’s ideology that is dangerous.

>Likely Peppermint would be in trouble, but I would not.

“Oh, sure, they’re going after the KRs, who are, after all, dangerous. But I’m an Old Bolshevik! Nothing would happen to me!”

Bottom line-once the precedent is set that you can put people in jail for offensive opinions, which opinions are declared offensive is purely a matter of expediency. You hope that the authorities will act in good faith. Good luck!

As for the US, as unpleasant as it is, I have yet to hear of anybody going to jail for a blog post.

jim says:

“Oh, sure, they’re going after the KRs, who are, after all, dangerous. But I’m an Old Bolshevik! Nothing would happen to me!”

The distinction I make is not the affiliation to the regime, but the affiliation to reality. In Russia, people are suppressed who really are dangerous and need to be suppressed, the equivalent of La Raza in the US.

In America, reality is suppressed, but La Raza is not suppressed.

The US is too repressive, in that no one dare say what it is like to live in an area with a substantial black presence, and insufficiently repressive, in that La Raza needs to be rounded up and shot, but is instead allowed to wander loose creating trouble.

As for the US, as unpleasant as it is, I have yet to hear of anybody going to jail for a blog post.

Tell that to Donald Sterling, who had his property confiscated for words murmured in his own house with the windows closed and the blinds drawn. Tell that to my son, who became visibly afraid on hearing a rant about living in an area with significant black presence played on my computer in the middle of the wilderness.

If you allow dangerous groups to run loose, as for example La Raza, as for example the Nazis and the Commies in Weimar Germany, as for example antifa in Europe, this is bad for freedom, for people fear that they will suffer nominally non state, but state tolerated and encouraged, reprisals for their views.

Suppressing the likes of La Raza and Antifa would be defending freedom, not suppressing it. Similarly suppressing Pussy Riot and Islamists protects religious freedom.

The Cathedral complains Russia is repressive because their pet activist groups are not allowed to smash up churches that preach Christianity rather than progressivism.

jim says:

If every member of La Raza was taken out and shot, the progressives would scream that America had become a brutal fascist dictatorship, much as they now scream about Russia, but it would make America more free, not less free, because it would then be safe for American Mexicans to hold their parade with joint Mexican and American flags, as the Irish parade with joint Irish and American flags on Saint Patrick’s day.

Progressives complain that Russia is repressive because in Russia they are not allowed to vandalize churches that preach Christianity rather than progressivism.

Corvinus says:

“Yet on the whole, a lot easier and safer to publish unpopular blogs in Russia than in America.”

You take idiocy to a whole another level. Any opposition to Putin is met with the ol’ sickle and hammer.

jim says:

There is a hell of a lot more opposition to Putin on the Russian internet, than there is mention of whites being ethnically cleansed by blacks on the American internet.

My son was travelling with me and we were in a cottage, on a hill, in the middle of the wilderness, without human habitation in sight, and I was playing on my computer a diatribe about how bad it is to live in an area with a substantial black presence, and he looked at me nervously, and said “Do you really think you should be playing that with the windows open?”

Cavalier says:

Holy shit.

pdimov says:

There is more opposition to Putin on the Russian government TV.

jim says:

Obviously any opposition to Putin gets on American television, and is primarily produced for American television. And if his opposition is what I see on American television, I would say shoot them all or sell them into chattel slavery.

In America, you can lose your home and business for noticing the ethnic cleansing of whites, but calling for the ethnic cleansing of whites is legal.

In Russia, calling for ethnic cleansing of the Russian majority ethnic group is not legal.

Hidden Author says:

So you can sodomize the men?

Corvinus will explain to us in great detail how [slur] Putin is an illegitimate leader because [populism] and [slur] Russia is super evil and could benefit from [populism].

It’s practically a template by now.

Corvinus says:

“Corvinus will explain to us in great detail how [slur] Putin is an illegitimate leader because [populism] and [slur] Russia is super evil and could benefit from [populism]. It’s practically a template by now.”

Mark Citadel will explain to us in great detail how [slur] modernism is treachery, [slur] any and all forms of government other than absolute monarchy, and [slur] the masses as being cudgels for elites, with the only solution being [Dark Enlightenment]. It’s practically a template by now.

B says:

Sterling is a bit of a unicorn, and his experience is not really relevant to the typical American.

Your son, sadly, is the typical scared American. But he wouldn’t get put in jail for listening to objectionable internet rants. He MIGHT get fired from his job and have difficulty finding another. Which of course is a cramp in one’s style, but not as much as getting five years in Russian prison-nobody ever got AIDS or antibiotic-resistant TB by getting fired from their white collar job.

As to whether the people who get sent to jail in Russia for crimespeak deserve it or not, well, let’s see. You can be a Muslim and go to jail for saying that Russia needs to be part of a Caliphate (which is far more tame than things you’ve said here,) or a Russian objecting to the fact that Russians in Moscow and many other cities are second class citizens and designated prey for various pet government Muslims (the Chechen organized crime groups, like all Russian organized crime groups, operate under a government umbrella.) You yourself have said things which are far beyond the pale as far as the Russian govt is concerned. Article 282 prohibits incitement against genders-how do you think your speculations that women should be made property would go?

jim says:

Article 282 prohibits incitement against genders-how do you think your speculations that women should be made property would go?

Would go fine. Does, in fact, go fine.

A pint thereof says:

Almost every country in the world will imprison you for writing blog posts which offend the liberal-progressive mentality. Russia retains the right to do so, should doing so ever be in Russia’s national interest.

The US is unique in having limits on how much the state can punish free-speech which it disagrees with. But as has been discussed elsewhere in the alt-right, that punishment role has been deferred to the private sphere, enabling the Cathedral to cut-off a trangressor’s ability to make a living should the need ever arise.

In the US, the state punishes speech when a real name is associated with it by permitting snivel rights suits against anyone found employing or doing business with the person. In some circumstances, snivel rights suits can only proceed with explicit government approval.

Other countries punish speech they don’t like in a simpler and more transparent manner.

B says:

That’s true, but a pussified way of looking at things.

A real man can make a living without being afraid of the wrath of SJWs.

What’s that? You have college debts and a mortgage and a bitch of a wife who’ll take the kids if you get blackballed from your corporate job? You can’t drive a truck or do landscaping to make a living?

Well, that makes you as much a part of the whole system as the SJW purgers. You’re part of the problem, not the solution. Sure, you’re on the wrong side of the glory hole, but that doesn’t make you any less an integral part of the club.

Hidden Author says:

So no corporation anywhere does anything positive, B? The problem isn’t corporations, it’s that tyrants can manipulate corporations…

B says:

HA-are you an idiot?

Did I say anything to that effect?

What do you think the nice HR ladies would say if they found out you were hanging out in this hate-filled space?

Oroch says:

What you consider “freedom” is incredibly inconsequential if you think Putin defends it.

jim says:

So who do you think defends freedom? Where in the world is what you call freedom? Ferguson, where people being driven from their homes because of their race are not allowed to mention the fact?

Ron says:

You do. I do. B does. The people themselves have to defend freedom, because that is the entire concept, it is the power given to us and maintained by God. If we think of it as something given to us by another person, then we don’t have it.

The way to defend freedom is to stand up and speak and show by example that you will be free.

See this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Václav_Havel

That’s a defender of Freedom. He did it by putting himself and his massive Czech balls on the line.

While Putin was busy torturing dissidents as a KGB thug, Havel was inspiring his people to stand up for themselves and break free of the communist shit-think.

Jim, I think you are a defender of freedom. Vox is a defender of freedom. Roosh is a defender of freedom. Not some murderous bastard who is playing us against ourselves.

Also in recent Czech news, a Czech newspaper asked people if they would vote for a resurrected Hitler if he promised to do something about the immigrants, and 60% said they would.

These peoples, the Czechs and Hungarians and Bulgarians and Romanians, they were controlled by Brits, invaded by Nazis, ruled by Commies, and they express their masculinity by openly saying things when possible and openly saying that they are barred from speaking when not possible.

By the way, Czechs don’t actually exist, as there is no medieval trace of Czech literature and most of the Czech republic is German lands appropriated by Brits after the Jews got the Americans to crush Germany.

Ansible says:

Czechs are like Poles, they are as much Germanic as they are Slavic thanks to the Ostsiedlung. Czech medieval literature certainly existed, but you’re right about large portions of the Czech republic belonging historically to Germans.


B says:

I recommend reading Mein Kampf and seeing what your poorly mustached uncle had to say about Czechs.

BTW, how much of your hatred towards Jews, would you say, is caused by jealousy of our talents?

I haven’t even read Dylan Roof’s manifesto, which was slightly longer than one page per victim. I got a third of the way through Mein Kampf before falling asleep and concluded that the Holocaust was probably a hoax.

B says:

How you going to secure the existence of your people and a future for white children if you can’t even get through Mein Kampf? No wonder you people can’t get your shit together-it’s just basic biological lack of talent.

Freedom is only as good as the character of those who exercise it. Give freedom to degenerates and your society will be a smoking wreck within 50 years.

Corvinus says:

“Give freedom to degenerates…”

As opposed to you and your kind, who know the “true” meaning of freedom and character and seek to educate everyone on the merits of the Dark Enlightenment.

jim says:

We are not going to educate “everyone” – politics will be forbidden, instead of compulsory. Most people will find this an enormous relief. It is a terrible burden to be forced to mouth the words of your masters.

Wyrd says:

Shoo away crows feasting on the dead like Corvinus.

Corvinus isn’t really a crow. He’s more of a pigeon.

red says:

The black on white attacks are getting worse:


jim says:

And will continue to get worse. It has become clear that this is the latest direction of ever leftwards movement: to get rid of white heterosexual males, which, by the time it filters down to the foot soldiers, simplifies to attack whites and rape their children.

The last time leftism moved this way, the warren court and the ethnic cleansing of the inner cities, it could not continue because of a majority white electorate, so leftism had to change direction. Today, with single women voting anti white, we effectively no longer have a majority white electorate, so the ever leftwards movement can continue in this direction, until, like the Khmer Rouge, they murder everyone sufficiently smart to comprehend left wing ideology.

red says:

>And will continue to get worse. It has become clear that this is the latest direction of ever leftwards movement: to get rid of white heterosexual males, which, by the time it filters down to the foot soldiers, simplifies to attack whites and rape their children.

At least there’s some hope with Trump. Not a lot of hope, but some.

Ron says:

1. We have to start shaming the women and let them know that they are earning our disgust. From everything I have studied, women are obsessed with male approval and devastated by male disapproval. We have to start making sure that the manboobs, leftists faggots and greasy salesman do not represent male approval.

2. And this means we have to cut that group off at the knees. As long as we hand power to those groups of backstabbing males, then they are the ones perceived as having power, and thus the power to approve or disapprove. This means that we must hold companies absolutely accountable for their bullshit. Commercials which destroy the family must be paid back in boycotts, support of television shows with an anti male message must come with an economic price. The Universities must be defunded of their government swag or forced to accept severe oversight. Nerds and manboobs must be mocked and insulted in every way possible. That means their girlfriends should be considered free game, fired from any job they have, etc.

3. But to do this we must hold ourselves to a higher standard. It’s not enough just not be an asshole. We have to take integrity and principles seriously. Seek out corruption (real corruption, as in dishonesty) and punish it severely. We must stand up for one another whenever someone is under unfair attack, especially when it is from an leftist. We must call out bullshit even among our own. If we do this, then there is an “us” and “we” can make something great.

red says:

You can’t swift a nation without a tribe at your back. Whites no longer have a tribe to rely on.

Ron says:

well, you have a point. Then I would say at least get a few real close friends who will have your back.

Mister Grumpus says:

> until, like the Khmer Rouge, they murder everyone
> sufficiently smart to comprehend left wing ideology.

I appreciate your bringing this up multiple times, so that I can finally start to understand it. I’ve actually visited the notorious Tuol Sleng “torture prison” (that is, a high school converted into a “thought-crime confession factory”) in Phnom Penh. (It’s a tourist attraction now.)

Naive me, I was surprised to find that it was near-solely used on other Khmer Rouge party members. Not their enemies, but EACH OTHER.

And as time wore on over their brief 4-year reign, the IQ of the people who worked at the prison went down and down. On the wall you can still see the painted-on numbers (“4”, then “5”, then “6”, etc.) where they’d hang the keys for the respective prison cells. But then, above the numbers, they later added hash-marks (like “II” for 2, and “IIII” for 4, etc.) for the country-bumpkin teenage soldiers who didn’t know what a “4” or a “5” or a “6” was.

What stood out to me was the fact that the Khmer Rouge never invented or built ANYTHING (save a few crude torture implements). All they could do was steal stuff. The pots in which they’d drown people were simply planters for flowers. The poles they’d hang people from were simply the monkey-bars and playground equipment that were already there, etc.

In fact, the Khmer Rouge’s sole revenue-generating industry was looting everything in the city of Phnom Penh that wasn’t nailed down (wires, pipes, bricks, generators, furniture, etc.) and selling it for scrap to China. It taught me just how DANGEROUS it is to have a bunch of “lootable wealth” — like a pool in Texas, or a city in Missouri, or the tax-paying careers of White/Asian/Jewish citizens, etc. — just sitting around, because that’s the “kindling” for socialism.

This fuels my enthusiasm for bitcoin because it’s an asset class that someone can at least take with him, whether across the border or to the grave. The negros can’t flush me out of my subdivision and pick up the bitcoin I had to leave behind, etc.

Ron says:

You can have wealth, but then you need honorable warriors to protect it. Unfortunately we mistreat our honorable warriors. So we get dishonorable thugs, or sociopathic cowards instead.

Alan J. Perrick says:

A veritable land of milk and honey…No wait, that would be the United States and Russians are immigrating, en masse, by the tens of thousands each year to prove it.


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