
Watching female oriented video porn so you don’t have to

Most female sexually oriented material is books or chick flicks, which are entirely under the thumb of the social justice warriors, so it is sometimes tricky to disentangle what is a reflection of the unbridled female id, and what is social justice propaganda, what the social justice warriors wish the female id was really like.

However a small minority of female sexually oriented material is porn that is clearly intended to be watched one handed, and this is, for the most part, stupendously and shockingly politically incorrect. This stuff is a direct manifestation of the female id while that female is beating herself off. From time to time I hear feminists covens announce that they are going to produce politically correct feminist porn, but it looks like no woman beats herself off to feminist porn. Female porn looks like it is entirely untouched by social justice concerns.

Most of this stuff is pretty icky. A majority of this material is interracial porn, with the white insert character (the character the female viewer is intended to identify with) being brutally abused by several black men. A large plurality of the material is cuckold porn. The insert character treats her husband with utter contempt, and then gets banged in front of him by several thugs and pimps.

Where there is enough story line to identify the class, personality, and motives, of the characters (and there frequently is not enough story line for that) the males that the female viewer is intended to fantasize having sex are, in the majority of identifiable cases, low IQ thuggish scum, and thoroughly nasty and unpleasant people.

Only a small minority of the sex in these videos is actual rape, but most of the sexy is pretty rapey, being degrading and coercive. The male characters just stick it in without waiting for indications of consent. The females seldom object very strongly.

In the majority of cases, where there is any story line at all, the old patriarchy is represented as impotent, powerless, and afraid in the face of the you-go-girl empowered slut insert character. However the you-go-girl empowered slut is promptly disempowered, degraded, and humiliated in a spectacularly politically incorrect fashion by thug males. Husband is impotent, but thugs rule.

In a minority of cases, the men of the old patriarchy are, however, depicted glowingly, as good men, as sexy alpha male wild beasts, and it seems to me that in a majority of cases where the viewer is intended to get off on watching white males, and there is enough story to identify the social roles of the characters, those white sexy alpha males are of the old patriarchy – husbands, boyfriends, rich men, powerful men, aristocrats, and fathers.

Yes literal fathers. There is quite a bit of biological dad rapes biological daughter porn, and it seems to me that the women watching this porn are not only getting off on the fantasy of a powerful older male savagely raping a young powerless and submissive girl, they are also getting off on the fantasy of an intact nuclear family presided over by a strong man who loves his family and takes care of them, the latter fantasy being more improbable in their lives than the former. The daughters are always trash sluts who had it coming, and the dad is always a great dad. I am not being ironic. Porn does not do irony.

Either way, the porn sends the message loud and clear that emancipation was a disaster for women’s sex lives. Every male that they beat themselves off on cheerfully oppresses women, often in a brutal and degrading fashion, whether as thug, pimp, or patriarch.

One of the porns was pretty much a plea by women for their beta boyfriends to man up: Girlfriend visits boyfriend, who is a programmer or some such, one of those guys with a high pay low status cubicle job. He is working at home on his computer doing something job related. Girlfriend wants some sex but he says he has to finish the work related stuff, then he will visit her. He almost seems like a beta male, other than his striking alpha ability to brush off his girlfriend and tell her what she will do. She goes away, and he discovers she has forgotten her phone. He reads her instant messaging history, and finds she has been making unfavorable comments about their sex life.

Instead of curling into ball and whimpering softly as a beta male would do, he heads to her place to punish her. He grabs her by the throat, smashes her cell phone, pulls her hair rips her clothes off, puts her into crushing submission hold, and proceeds to stick it into every orifice. Which of course she loves and their sex life is, as a result, absolutely great forever after. The porn is largely about sex while being strangled. It is not exactly rape, but he does not ask permission, and the only foreplay in which he engages is hair pulling and strangulation, and he applies a painful submission hold whenever he sticks it into her.

That drip drip dripping sound you hear is one thousand pussies opening wide and dripping moisture at the thought “Successful middle class upwardly mobile handsome young software engineer who nonetheless has balls enough to engage in domestic violence when he is disrespected”

Then there was “The Castle” In the dungeons underneath the castle a bunch of naked women are chained up. From time to time the gentlemen from upstairs come down stairs to amuse themselves. This porn was pro patriarchy, pro feudalism, pro class differences, and pro rape. The guys from upstairs are presented as great guys. This was unusually extreme and unrepresentative of mainstream tastes, in that only a few of the videos featured girls in chains, but it was representative of mainstream tastes in that most of the videos featured girls overpowered and dominated by powerful males.

In most of the videos with sufficient story line to identify character and social roles, the women are having sex with the scum of the earth who are depicted as total scum. In “The Castle”, they are having sex with noblemen, who are depicted as genuinely noble – feudalism as women wish it had been when they are beating themselves off.

The Cinderella fantasy, where a rich and powerful male gives a girl a makeover, and she looks like princess, and thus becomes a princess, as for example the movie “Pretty Woman” is undoubtedly a popular romance story. But it is not what they beat themselves off on. When they are beating themselves off, the story is more along the lines that the pimp rips her clothes off and makes her a whore, than that the rich guy gives her nice clothes and makes her a princess.

A few of the videos depicted women being subjugated and degraded in extreme ways, ridiculously extreme ways. One of the fantasy worlds made the world of the Gor series look like a feminist utopia. In the imagined world they never domesticated animals, so, like the natives of South America, raised humans for meat and milk. “The Dairy Farm” features a factory farm in this imagined world. The converse video, of women as princesses, never occurred. The median and modal video was degrading, and range of humiliation and degradation was between “sluts get hammered hard” to stuff that makes “Gor” seem feminist. If Cinderella was done as a video porn, then once the prince had finished using Cinderella, every other male at the ball would take his turn.

I conclude that because of female emancipation, affirmative action, and anti sexual harassment laws, status in the male status hierarchy no longer registers in the female mind as status. High status by male standards is low status as indicated by the status signals of the environment of evolutionary adaptation, so females just are not turned on by it. Hence the attraction to the scum of the earth.

In the ancestral environment, an alpha male was someone who frequently poked holes in other people with a sharp object.

73 comments Watching female oriented video porn so you don’t have to

BB753 says:

Interesting post! How did you identify porn for females? Is it an actual genre now?

jim says:

Went to xhamster. Has a pile of taste categories. Clicked on female. I don’t know how accurate their identifier algorithms are, but the results agreed with my intuition. More plot, more story, more focus on male characters and male reactions, more identifiable female insert characters.

Biggest difference was that the main character was usually an identifiable female insert character.

There was also a fair bit of reverse harem – instead of a high status male character surrounded by a horde of low status females, there was a low status female character surrounded by a horde of high status males.

My post rests on the unverified assumption that Xhamster’s category is valid. Seems plausible but far from proven.

george strong says:

No inter-racial interest by women I can see:

Also, dating website data shows that most white women have no desire for black men.

jim says:

If you look at dating websites, they always ask for men of their own social class or higher, but that is not who they are fucking, and the color of their bastard welfare children indicates otherwise. Welfare bastards of white sluts are usually colored.

They planned to get it on with a white middle class guy, but some how “it just happened” with a black guy and no condom.

Neon says:

The category is user-selected. Men outnumber women on these sites, by a lot. It is surely cucks who are selecting these videos.

Yet Another Degenerate says:

Agreed. xhamster has a lot of Cuckold content, more than other sites.

Zach says:

Whoever told you to go to xhamster, unfriend them immediately! 😉

Alan J. Perrick says:

Women were only ever interested in Social Justice for the fun-having, trouble making aspect of it. I don’t think they were ever turned on unless they had low self-esteem.

I can’t get my mind around the main descriptive text in this blogpost, though. “Jim” is too analytical, and I’d rather go with what I know about the goodness of patriarchy and simply force women into the right place. Women don’t need to be “understood” since whenever they are understood at a detailed level, they change so as to cause man to give chase. And, they change and change until they’ve gotten society to a more “honest” level all the way to the level where humans would have to compete with monkeys for a treetop environment if they’re allowed to do so.

And, just like it was a bad idea for straight men to ever do guest shots in the Playgirl magasine because the majority of the subscribers were homosexual men rather than women or “playgirls”, I doubt if the main audience of the Woman’s category in the pornography websites are indeed women. I wouldn’t guess that women spend even one-quarter of the time at those websites that men do.

“Jim” gets it right that women have more flexible or “omnivorous” sexdrives, but if there’s any conclusion that women have as stronger or stronger sexual appetites, then that would be incorrect.


Bruce says:

I wonder how representative the woman who watch the sort of stuff Jim’s describing actually are.
Maybe they’re highly unusual females. There’s a very common internet genre of not-quite-porn that involves sensual scenes that aren’t too graphic. Clearly these are not intended for men. Men that go after sensual images just want graphic XXX.

“women have more flexible or “omnivorous” sexdrives”
Women are variable to such an extent that they just seem crazy to me. All sort of things can turn them on. A lot of women apparently find Bill “freaking” Murray sexy. They cite the fact that he’s “funny” and “charming.” He’s also been the lead male in a number of romantic films, usually with a younger, attractive woman as the co-lead. I’m as big a fan of Bill Murray as any other 1980’s kid, but he’s one ugly dude.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Men that go after sensual images just want graphic XXX.

Well, normal men. But as I mentioned and can be easily discerned from the latest perversion being advertised by the Cathedral, there is a growing section of weirdos. They’re the sort of men who like women’s things because they’re against social norms for men to be liking them.

Best regards,


Zach says:

Mushrooms can make Women orgasm:

Simply impossible for this to happen to men. The female crazed psychology can cause strange things…

» “Jim” is too analytical, and I’d rather go with what I know about the goodness of patriarchy and simply force women into the right place

you sound like this papist chick

B says:

>In the ancestral environment, an alpha male was someone who frequently poked holes in other people with a sharp object.

In the ancestral environment of civilized people, frequently poking holes in other people with a sharp object would get your neck stretched.

Chip Haddock says:

Our ancestors have been in more than one environment just over the last 2,000 years.

Dueling was legal and high status among gentlemen in the West until the early 19th century.

jim says:

I have frequently argued that we both need to severely restrain female sexual choice, because of their propensity to make anti social choices, and also that we should accommodate female choice by giving upper class gentlemen more opportunity and more duty to engage in violence. Dueling would make female choice less dysgenic.

Mister Grumpus says:

“I have frequently argued that we both need to severely restrain female sexual choice, because of their propensity to make anti-social choices…”


I’ve been told — and I know you’re smart/curious enough to look into this in greater depth than I am — that the overall “genetic distance” between a man and a woman is far GREATER than between a humans and chimpanzees.

I’ll bet anybody that the greater share of this “genetic distance” has not to do with bigger muscles or whatever, but rather with brain function. ‘Which rings a bell for me when you tell us that women can’t even see male status in civilization anymore, and are still stuck down in “find-the-top-thug-and-suck-his-dick” mode.

The Y chromosome is a goddamned battleground, littered with barbed-wire, craters and corpses.

Mister Grumpus says:

I dug up some details about this. In short:

All of our regular chromosomes differ from chimpanzees by only 1-2%.

But the Y chromosome is different. That one — and only that one — differs from its chimpanzee counterpart by ~30%! Holy crap!

Ergo, nearly all human evolution has happened exclusively on that Y chromosome, which is crazy. It’s as if women are really chimpanzees on the inside, but walking around in human “outfits”, far more than men are.

Can too much be read into this? Mmmmmmmmaybe…

jim says:

Not necessarily meaningful, because a lot of the Y chromosome is crap.

However it is somewhat plausible that evolution has been largely male evolution – the transition to carnivores was males hunting. The transition to large scale social organization was males organizing.

It is difficult to determine to what extent the Y chromosome has been under strong selective pressure. It is a special case chromosome.

B says:

>However it is somewhat plausible that evolution has been largely male evolution – the transition to carnivores was males hunting. The transition to large scale social organization was males organizing.

This is basically the argument that Darwin makes in Descent of Man; that humans (and most other species) are more influenced by sexual selection, through males (in most species,) than natural selection, through both males and females; traits acquired through sexual selection in one gender then diffuse to some degree into the other.

Bruce says:

I don’t know Jim. People are friggin’ crazy. Apparently there’s a popular porn meme where guys do their sister. Sick shit. Who the hell is this intended for?

Red says:

The incest Taboo is only effects about 40% of the population biologically. All the rest of the taboos have been destroyed and people seek novalty in thier degeneraticy.

Bruce says:

Yeah, I guess Josh Duggar isn’t one of the 40%. The first cousin thing doesn’t seem like a big deal but your sister!!! UUGGGHHH!

Alan J. Perrick says:

Only 40%?

That’s a signficant percentage number anywhere, “Red”.

Red says:

It’s small enough that most fertile young women instinctively avoid thier father’s when obulating ovulating according to a few studies on the subject. Most useful taboos are traditional in nature, it says a lot about the value of the incest Taboo that such a large portion of it’s enforcement is biological in nature.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Ah, I see what you mean. And, I can suppose that taboo would be the opposite of fetish…


Steve Johnson says:

More likely explanation for fertile young women avoiding their fathers when ovulating is that they’re trying to escape observation and get pregnant by a man that doesn’t have her father’s approval – young women have a genetic incentive to trade provisioning ability for genetic quality as long as they can foist off provisioning on their parents so the mates she’d choose are different than the mates her parents would choose.

Dr. Faust says:

Incest isn’t a taboo how we refer to other taboos. It’s not a socially learned taboo but happens as a result of close proximity in early childhood. Most of the people who have these fantasies would find any sister they grew up with completely repellent.

BobbyBrigs says:

The westermacrk effect is typical junk science with limited research to back it up. Actually studies on adopted children show a much higher rate of incest which discredits the theory. Unfortunately I can’t prove this from googling it(it’s getting harder and harder to find hard data from google). Everthing just repeats the state line from Wikipedia these days.

reasons for it to be a lie

* Cathedral doesn’t like arranged marriages

* Cathedral wants incestuous couples to be messed up in the head in the same way as trannies and other faggots, so that the official line can be tolerance that doesn’t lead others to engage in the behavior

reasons for it to be truth

* unlike Cathedral version of homosexuality, but like Cathedral version of transsexuality, it is biologically plausible (transsexuality is like when weak male salmon don’t display male coloration and try to sneak onto an egg pile guarded by a normal male salmon. sibling and parent incest causes obvious problems)

* faggotry taboo is routinely violated in sand nigger culture, which, of course, Cathedral denies, while affirming faggotry is common in other species where it clearly is not. incest taboo is universally observed, except by the degenerate criminal race of gypsies

Mackus says:

>>Actually studies on adopted children show a much higher rate of incest which discredits the theory.
How old were the children when they were adopted?
Every extra year makes it less likely for westmarck effect to set in.

Mackus says:

I never understood why people are so upset by incest porn.
If someone shown you drawing of you and your actual sister having sex, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were disturbed, but porn movies or hentai mangas do not portray you having sex with your actual sibling, so you aren’t being affected by Westermarck effect.
>>Most of the people who have these fantasies would find any sister they grew up with completely repellent.
What Faust said.
Heck, I would be repelled even by my elder sisters best friend, whom I knew since forever (but who is by general society standards very pretty).

Bruce says:

I would assume in reality it’s usually fake. How would you know if it’s the dude’s sister or not. What I don’t understand why thinking it’s his sister is supposed to somehow make it better.

jim says:

Brother sister porn is a male fetish.

All the female incest porn was father daughter.

Mackus says:

>>I would assume in reality it’s usually fake
Well, they are actors…

Mackus says:

>>What I don’t understand why thinking it’s his sister is supposed to somehow make it better.
Why some people think its better because hot milf is supposed to be mom of their best friend? Why it would be better if actress pretends to be policewoman?
Because some people like it.

viking says:
this shocker led to a clicking frenzy which made me realize this whole trans thing is not a few nut jobs like Jenner but an epidemic of child abuse. but its more the parents are surely sometimes the instigators but it seemed like as often the teens had picked up from the net memes and run with it. the biggest meme is white male sexual submission to black alpha males they are quite explicit in their HBD speak and shockingly explicit in the porn aspect but disturbing is its not professionally produced but crowd sourced by teenage boys on tumbler and other social media.. the coercive rapey slave angle is dominant. the thing is there seem to be thousands tens of thousands of these pages whose other theme seems to be “feminization” through hypnosis and propaganda if you dig a bit you will find theres another level beyond these very slick websites of amateur porn where these kids are actually doing these acts with thugs.Obviously chimps are not very discriminating young boys sre shockingly able to simulate female looks and im sure the inverse of the cuck them appeals to the former slave. the next most dominant themes are cuck type where a ostensibly straight guy is feminized by a bitchy girlfriend even then its often using blacks as proxys. autogynaphilia seems to be the correct explanation so most of these are straight males aroused by themselves as females being coerced. it seems white males are so humiliated they are getting humiliation fetishes they are humiliated by all types of minority empowerment particularly that of women. coercion submission submission etc is probably written into male and female DNA from before civilization its natural but its being distorted because its too hard to imagine a alpha white male taking you without thinking about what the state would do to that male really quickly but criminals dont care about the state they have nothing to lose . also non physical dominance traits are indistinguishable females have the same trappings of wealth and power a guys really got to excel to stand out even a little
I have a complimentary id correlative theory about more mainstream media todays new golden era of television drama has dozens of hit shows , weeds sopranos, dexter, breaking bad, where the main white characters are sociopaths they do battle with society and win by their wits and willingness to do whatever it takes usually murder. they have will to power and agency they are masters of their own fates. I think what we are seeing is White Rage.While its true theres often a sub theme of financial greed its not about financial survival but the right to the american dream a level of financial success that cn propel their children into the elite. but mostly its about what power would feel like if you were not afraid, what if you were to admit you care first about yourself and your family and would kill to further their interests. Unfortunately in the real world more people are submitting than fighting.whats interesting is the writers etc of these shows seem not to be aware of the subtext and view it more as a 60s sticking it to the man context but its obvious its much darker deeper and personal not political than this and the tell is its white people.middle class white people often educated or intelligent

Dr. Faust says:

You’re missing the mark. The bull serves as a proxy for the cucks repressed masculinity. The feeling of satisfaction comes from embracing this repressed masculinity by distancing himself from the subject. The more “other” the bull the more safe the cuck feels.

Dr. Faust says:

My theory is that this cuck thing is a vestigial throwback to neanderthal DNA present in whites as this behavior is MOSTLY devoid in any other race.

jim says:

Cucking seems to be primarily a female fantasy, rather than a male fantasy.

To the extent that this is a male fantasy, it is a Scott Alexander type response to the Cathedral emasculating us.

Thales says:

This deserves to be called the Alexander Effect.

Don’t forget the halfwit kike professor Aaronson’s desire to be a eunuch. Which he whined about feminism regarding a year or two ago.

viking says:

i agree the cuck thing is a male fetish to the extent women are into it its not because of the cuck angle but for peripheral reasons that can be fit in. for instance i had one girlfreind who i had put into a rather submissive role ask if i was going to charge a friend money to fuck her basically pimp her. she was deep down a slut which i had gotten her in touch with and which was ok as long as she was my slut eventually i decided better to quit while ahead.ahead. Im sure to other women cucking can seem like rape or double penetration etc.But I dont think Im wrong about this teen transgender thing autogynaphilia is straight men getting off on imagining themselves the woman they are attracted to the female form and not homosexuality its sort of dual heterosexuality. so if they are imagining themselves as white females with black males its cucking themselves, its the ultimate cuck.. is it displaced transferred masculinity id want to know why this would happen.
The stuff i wrote about the television sociopath heros and white rage would certainly be transference

somercet says:


No one knows how well xHamster sorts porn outside of xHamster and they are unlikely to tell us. And how many people identify themselves honestly? You’ve got to suspect that some guys try to “find out” what women watch. Oh, hey, you just did it yourself. 😀

Also, since women read more trashy romance than watch porn, how do you know, assuming xHamster is correct, you aren’t looking at the fantasies of a certain subset of females, the ones who prefer to watch?

A lot of porn/slash/romance was written by women in the HP fanfic community. (Porn is just the bastard offspring of romance.) Lots of stuff to look at there, free of a lot of political correctness.

Dr. Faust says:

This post is wrong and based on nothing. Several polls show females prefer lesbian porn and BDSM. Women do like rough stuff that most men would be repelled by doing or watching but cuckholding doesn’t do much for them. Rape and abuse does. It’s one of their top fantasies.

Cuckold porn is made for men who get off on it. Not women. Women are repelled by it, often hate it or don’t get it. Similar to how women don’t get fetish porn because they seem to lack most sexual fetishes. This article couldn’t couldn’t be further from the truth. Terrible post. I’d suggest changing it or deleting it.

Dr. Faust says:

Let me be clear. It’s not wrong to say that women don’t like rape fantasies. They do. What’s wrong is the cuckold stuff. They are not into this. They’re not into the femdom stuff which is the same as cuckold stuff. Most hate it. The porn women actually go for is lesbians and hard, hard, BDSM.

If you want to know what porn women want then read literotica which claims to have a majority female readership. It corroborates with what I said.

Bruce says:

It seems like you can easily find women into about anything. My wife had a friend who liked to watch gay-male porn and said she was turned on by it. And apparently wasn’t too embarrassed to say this in front of us.

Like I said, they’re friggin’ crazy.

Dr. Faust says:

Generally women prefer written things hence literotica claims females read their site. Nearly all sites cater to male interests with infinite genres of porn. Men are more varied in their sexual interests. Women are more toward the average. So it’s easier to draw a conclusion about what women find attractive.

With writing vs video we have the difference of intimacy versus graphic. Men crave the visual display of their attraction while women tend toward the sensation of being in the scene.

As far as incest goes it is rare for everyone. It is not common among women and the idea conflicts with the Westermarck Effect.

John Jones says:

“My wife had a friend who liked to watch gay-male porn and said she was turned on by it. And apparently wasn’t too embarrassed to say this in front of us.”

I ran across a woman on Twitter like that. She was a normal businesswoman who in her profile was bragging how she was straight but liked may gay porn. (I think she was Greek-American, if I remember correctly). And every like tenth tweet would be a gay male soft core pic.

I remember being shocked at how apparently Cathedral-approved this predilection was as she didnt seem concerned about her losing friends or customers/clients or anything over it.

John Jones says:

I offer, for what it’s worth, a taxonomy of alphabet soup porn:

CFNM – Clothed Female Naked Male … watched by males (women are all extremely hot)
CMNF – Watched principally by women and some males (but first depicted by Roger Vadim for the sake of “surrealism”)
CFNF – Watched by lesbians … and males
CMNM … who cares?

jim says:

I have other ways of knowing that women are into cuckold porn. That there was so much cuckold porn in the Xhamster sample gave me confidence that the sample was in fact female oriented porn.

If it fails to show up in surveys, maybe women don’t want to tell the survey that they are turned on by cheating on their husband or boyfriend.

interracial porn is produced by Jews, not for money, but to humiliate Whites

pdimov says:

Yes. James (((Deen))):

“This is a situation Deen has encountered before when casting and directing porn. He explains to me that female performers frequently agree to do a scene and then back away when they discover that he plans to have them on camera with a person of color.

“It’s irritating and disgusting and annoying. And It creates a huge problem with casting,” he says.”

You’re saying that Jews are losing money on purpose?

That’s rather hard to believe.

polVeteran says:

Only if you are rather naive as your left/right dichotomy username would suggest. Power is about power, not money. The shekelgrabbers already print all the money so “losing” some is irrelevant to their aims about projecting their worldview into the world as thousands of years of religion PLAINLY shows (abrahamic crap, anyone?).

Of course they are ALSO shekelgrabbers, but you are way oversimplifying to reduce the enemy down to only one trait and motivation. They are a deadly enemy race and ought to be taken seriously as one, as opposed to you intellectual children who unironically believe your own cartoon propaganda.

If you have a hard time believing the enemy is in the bush, usually that translates to not coming home where I come from.

Dave says:

Bondage appeals to women’s natural laziness. If you’re chained to a bed, someone else has to cook dinner and wash the dishes.

you don’t get it. Women will happily cook dinner and wash the dishes for a man who can do bondage stuff to them. Being the companion of an alpha male is all they desire.

As luck would have it, I recently saw the beginning of American Psycho. In this movie, the main character, who is obviously a female version of a blonde with big jugs whose father owns a liquor store, makes fun of social justice to the face of a beta in front of his gf, then murders a nigger in cold blood, in shocking display that I quailed at.

Women do not need to be convinced that social justice and its layabout and limousine activists and deserve to be mocked in between being roughed up. Women do not need to be convinced to worship Donald Trump’s towers. It is the beta males of our race who find solace in the cult of The Widow’s Mite.

Political Judo says:

We can all agree that women are into violence, domination, and having their decisions about whether or not to have sex be completely irrelevant.

Two things i disagree with: First, the preference for black men. Aside from your little experiment, there just isn’t any data supporting the idea that large numbers of women of other races like black men. In fact, all data we have suggests the opposite. Like it or not, the black men white women genere of porn seems to be a response to a male fetish, white cucks and where da white wimmins at? niggers. Secondly, my observations converge with Heartiste’s: white women who date black men tend to be losers of some sort, either fat, old, ugly, incredibly low SES, or so slutty as to be considered disgusting by other races. If they are actually attractive, it is usually a hipster with an extremely white socialized high yellow, or the black guy is a very high status athlete, musician, etc.

Thirdly, I think gangbang is probably mostly a male fantasy. Something along the lines of “I wish I could have a threesome with two women, imagine how great it must be for women who can have multiple sexual partners whenever they want.” Not saying it’s never a female fantasy, but chicks involved in gangbang porn rarely seem to be that into it.

Don’t let your justified contempt for women cause you to believe every possible negative thing about them. Even the lowliest creature has to be innocent of some sins, there isn’t enough time in the day for all of them.


jim says:

white women who date black men tend to be losers of some sort,

True, but maybe they are fantasizing about being losers. In fact pretty clearly they are fantasizing about being losers.

Also, white women fuck black men more than they date black men.

White girls would not be seen dead dating a black guy because it is low status, but when they are looking to get raped, they would rather be raped by a gang of black guys – I am reporting this from live observation of live girls looking to get raped, not from surveys or video fantasies.

I think gangbang is probably mostly a male fantasy

Don’t think so. If “The Castle” was created for male fantasy, the lord of the manor would visit the dungeon by himself, instead of several guys coming down at a time.

We know who watches reverse harem animes.

Similarly, recall the UVA rape fantasy. Big and prolonged gangbang for maximum degradation and maximum pain. I said at the time that it was obviously a female rape fantasy, and so it proved to be.

Alan J. Perrick says:


Perhaps it should be said simply that the more deviant or perverted the genre of pornography, the more likely it is that the average woman would be interested in it compared to the average man.

Would there be any exceptions?

Best regards,


Alan J. Perrick says:


Alan J. Perrick says:

A feral woman is only trying to keep herself sexually “omnivorous” or having flexible appetites so as to be ready for whatever “Jeremy Meeks” might throw at her, should he happen to come her way.

But good job on spotting the bias in the U.V.A. case, that sort of thing is important. Crime is also interesting in whatever form.


PoliticalJudo says:

No actually we don’t all know who watches reverse harem anime, or even what that is. And please elaborate on your “live observations” of white girls look to gang raped by packs of niggers.

Also regarding single mothers burning coal, I’ve seen them turn to blacks after ruining their SMV with a white baby much more than the reverse. If white women really prefer black men why is their tendency to go black inversely related to their desirability?

jim says:

No actually we don’t all know who watches reverse harem anime, or even what that is.

The female protagonist, whose eyes are even larger and more ridiculously round than usual, is pursued by the bad boy, the mysterious boy, and the good boy. And yes we do know that primarily girls watch it.

Political Judo says:

Well of course women want to be pursued by multiple men, presumably even of the cartoon variety. What they don’t necessarily want is the good boy, the bad boy and the mysterious boy penetrating them at the same time. A gangbang is a VISUAL spectacle for the benefit of a MALE audience. Women might fantasize about a MFM threesome at the most, anything more is awkward and anhedonic for the participants, and women are trying to actually put themselves in the scene. Only time I could see a large number of chicks being into it would be as a vehicle for humiliation.

Should I assume that you replied to the only portion of my comment that you have any actual knowledge about?

jim says:

I have direct personal observational knowledge of a high IQ high socioeconomic status attractive white woman seeking to get violently gang banged by a group of random black thugs.

Maybe not all women are into that. Maybe most of them are not into that. But one hell of a lot of them are. This probably is a result of the emasculation of whites.

[…] Watches female oriented video porn so you don’t have to. He’s senior enough to approach such subjects soberly. (Wet) Bottom Line on the porn women, […]

[…] Jim watches female porn so you don’t have to. […]

Yet Another Degenerate says:

You should look up Madison Young. She was involved in a lot of feminist porn stuff.

James Deen is probably the most well known male performer in liberal circles I guess. Unsurprisingly, he is a Jew.

jim says:

OK. looked up Madison Young. Jewish pornstar and porn director, supposedly makes feminist and social justice porn.

Seem that no one wanted to watch feminist and social justice porn because what comes up when I google her is a whole lot of videos of her playing a character that gets brutally and forcefully raped and degraded.

What comes up when I google Madison Young does not much look as if Jews rule the world.

Scott Alexander does not get any sex, Madison Young’s characters do not get asked for consent.

Theorist says:

The reason emancipated women like the thugs is that when they don’t need men to provide for them, they seek men who are good at impregnating and nothing else. Matriarchy breeds rape culture.

[…] do not really want the kind of society where sex happens by consent.  (Check the xhamster porn videos preferred by women) Thus single women subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, want our society to be conquered, the […]

Cavalier says:

What a great post. I tire of politics. Have you any more such in you?

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