
The Jewish problem

Nazis are commies and commies are progressives.

If you are a Nazi, you think that the rot set in around 1930-1950. If you are a progressive, you think the rot has not set in yet.

So if you are a Nazi, you pretty much want the New Deal, or the New Deal on steroids. Nazis are leftists who have been left behind by the movement ever leftwards.

If you are a Nazi, you think leftism is fine except for Freudian Theory, second wave Feminism, race denialism, and the Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxism, all of which can be plausibly blamed on Jews.

But when the Supremes hypocritically endorsed “separate but equal”, that was race denialism, with a touch of hypocrisy to make it actually workable.

The Jewish problem is that Jewish conversos to progressivism failed to pick up on the hypocrisy, and started demanding that people actually live according the moral standards that everyone piously endorsed around 1820 or so.

The rot did not set in with cultural Marxism. The rot set in with “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. There is your race denialism right there.

As for feminism and the destruction of marriage, the attempted divorce of Queen Caroline in 1820 established the moral principle that women are so naturally pure and virtuous, that it is mere cruelty to enforce the marriage contract on women, it should only be enforced on the naturally wicked and despicable sex, men.

If you want to get out of the trap, say after me: “All men were not created equal, some should command some should obey, some should not merely obey, but are naturally slaves, and should not be allowed to make their own decisions. If found wandering loose causing problems, should be placed under the control of an owner. Women’s sexual choices are apt to be dangerous to society and to themselves, thus fertile age women should always be controlled by husbands or fathers. A women not subject to a man is suffering misfortune, as for example an orphan or widow, or is wicked and needs punishment, as for example a harlot.”

As soon as you denounce the declaration of independence and the emancipation of women the logical case the Jews are a big problem collapses. And the emotional case for hating Jews is the same as that of any market dominant minority, envy and covetousness, which is also at the root of declaration of independence and the emancipation of women.

Getting rid of the Jews will not help you. The problem is inside your head. They are not emitting evil mind control rays at you. You have been emitting evil mind control rays at them. Umpteenth wave feminism is the logical consequence of the failure to divorce Queen Caroline.

301 comments The Jewish problem

BobbyBrigs says:

>They are not emitting evil mind control rays at you.

Funny that you say that when they are actually emitting evil mind control signals on a variety of of wave lenghts. Propganda is and always has been mind control and none better at the evil variety than the jews.

theobromine says:

Jim, are you jewish? ethnically, that is

jim says:

Scots English to the bone.

Nedudd Ki says:

So… it was 30 pieces then.

jim says:

You cannot blame the Jews for Declaration of Independence and George’s inability to divorce Queen Caroline, or even for the Civil War and the Matrimonial Causes act, and everything after the Declaration of Independence and the Caroline incident has just been cleaning up unprincipled exceptions.

As soon as you declare that all men are created equal, the continued existence of whites is an unprincipled exception, since it gives the lie to the declaration. As soon as you declare that women are naturally wonderful and do not need compulsion to form viable families, the continued existence of heterosexual men is an unprincipled exception.

If all men are created equal, then in the end you are going to have to murder everyone who is better.

BobbyBrigs says:

>If all men are created equal, then in the end you are going to have to murder everyone who is better.

Only if you’re stupid enough to ignore reality. Unworkable principles are quicklly turned into shibboleths once reality smacks you in the face. You’ve wondered why the western left has avoided thier singularity for so long, well the answer is right in front of you. They’re very pragmatic as long as the people who control the propganda are not nurotic nut cases

I’m not blaming the jews for the insane ideas of the left, I’m blaming for enforcing them like zealots.

jim says:

>If all men are created equal, then in the end you are going to have to murder everyone who is better.

Only if you’re stupid enough to ignore reality

Noticing reality gets you into big trouble.

Dr. Faust says:

Clever sillies.

They notice under the umbrella of harm based morality the differences between groups and it seeks to reaffirm their beliefs not to deny them. They signal status by signalling intelligence and signal intelligence through impossibly complex algorithms which explains why the Earth is in fact the center of the universe. The next rung signals status through faith and submission to the intelligence of those with greater status. After that are unrepentant sinners who are in commune with nature, instinct, tradition, and thus reality but lack the verbal acuity to explain their beliefs and signal low status and low intelligence. Low intelligence is obfuscated for wrongness and ignored or punished.

So we have incredibly smart people doing incredibly stupid things.

But pride is their weakness and their downfall.

Alrenous says:

‘Equal’ is supposed to mean morally equal. That, when a man kills a woman for no apparent reason, it is equally murder as when a woman kills a man for no apparent reason.

It was instantly confused with socially equal. This confusion was then encouraged, mainly because it gets you votes. That not only men’s social status should be equal to women’s, but that every individual voter’s status should be equal to every other voter’s.

It is helped along by the fact that social status has been hacked to shit for a while, meaning it is usually conferred for frankly ridiculous reasons.

It is further helped along by the erroneous but modal idea of Christian humility. God does not assign status based on the powers of the flesh, but the condition of the soul. He doesn’t care if you’re buff, only whether you use it to beat up the innocent or the wicked.

It is further helped in that the above can easily get further twisted. The idea of a committee is everyone is socially equal and so get an equal say in decisions. In fact it’s about seizing prestige through (un)holiness competition. You prove God likes your soul better, therefore everyone should agree with you ‘voluntarily,’ so God will like their soul too. But quick, don’t forget to forget about this when we start punishing the wicked for their wicked thoughts, otherwise you might notice it isn’t voluntary.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Paganism is much more vicious, yes. But that doesn’t make it true nor worthwhile, “Alrenous”.


Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>‘Equal’ is supposed to mean morally equal.
It has always had multiple meanings.

Jefferson, the author of the declaration of independence, clearly believed that blacks were entitled to freedom. And he felt rather guilty (or at least said he did) about his ownership of slaves.

>That, when a man kills a woman for no apparent reason, it is equally murder as when a woman kills a man for no apparent reason.
Of course, men are of different value. Murdering an homeless man who we suspect is an (unconvicted) thief, is not equal to murdering Bill Gates.

We started by denying that men were of different value in criminal justice. Then we started denying they were of different value in political representation. Then economic class, then race, then sexual orientation.

CuiPertinebit says:

Yes, but Freemasonry has been under heavy Jewish influence from the early days of its modern existence as a speculative society (rather than a medieval guild, obviously). The first time we see an organized, self-aware group of speculative “Free Masons” is in the 1720s.

Paul M. Bessel, an American, Jewish Mason, became interested in his heritage as a Jew and a Mason after his father’s death. He became a Mason himself and wrote an entirely favourable, non-conspiratorial account of the involvement of Jews in (Anglo-American) Masonry from the beginning (and I would imagine similar accounts could be produced of their involvement in Masonry worldwide). He mentions that the first Jewish Mason was Edward Rose, admitted in 1732, prompting debates amongst the lodges whether Jews should be allowed to join. This was decided in the affirmative, and many Jews joined thereafter. He cites an entry from the Encyclopedia Judaica on Freemasonry to this effect. He points out that Scottish Rite Masonry was brought to the USA by Moses Michael Hays (a Jew) in 1768; he was Grandmaster in the Massachusetts lodge until 1792, with Paul Revere serving as his Deputy Grand Master. Other Jews held the highest positions in New England Freemasonry – Solomon Bush in Pennsylvania; Joseph Myers in Maryland; Abraham Forst of Philadelphia; Moses Seixas in Rhode Island. 24 Jewish Masons served as officers to Washington’s army, and Haym Salomon of Philadelphia raised funds with a group of his fellow Jews to help pay for the Revolutionary War (and was imprisoned by the British for doing so). You can read his paper, here: http://bessel.org/masjud.htm#N_15_

He goes on to speak of the close involvement between Freemasonry and the development of Reform Judaism, and how this caused many Jews to enthusiastically become involved in Masonry with non-Jews who ascribed to more tolerant, Enlightenment ideals, thus opening a door to Jewish participation in the affairs of the higher classes that had previously been closed. He then continues to name some of the 51 Jewish Grand Masters who headed important and historic lodges from the time of the Revolution to the 1980s (when he wrote his paper).

One finds Jewish periodicals and books making reference to the essentially Jewish character and ownership of Freemasonry already in the first half of the 19th century. They also admit the fact that Jewish esoterica are the dominant influence in the rites and mysteries and symbolism of Freemasonry, which obviously hearkens back to the Jewish Temple and various occult secrets of the Jews connected thereto. Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry is explicit in affirming that the Jewish Kabbalah “is intimately connected with the symbolic science of Freemasonry,” and that “much use is made of it in the advanced degrees, and entire Rites have been constructed on its principles. Hence it demands a place in any general work on Freemasonry.” Jewish experts concur that the Literal aspect of the Theoretical Kabbalah is extensively employed in the symbols, rites and teachings of the higher degrees of Freemasonry. Albert Pike himself, in his “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” declares that “all truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint- Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.”

And, naturally, Freemasonry was always the driving force behind the principles of the Enlightenment and the revolutionary age. The Jews have always proven themselves to be a spiteful and revolutionary force, and here we find them involved in Freemasonry from the very beginning, paying for revolutionary wars (just like they bankrolled the Communist Revolution in Russia) and their esoteric system representing the core of the upper tier of the most revolutionary society of the most revolutionary age.

I agree with you that whites, and whites first, are to blame. We are not niggers, who should whine as if we had no agency. But we shouldn’t forget the Jewish role in advancing the goals of the Reformation, the Enlightenment and the whole epoch of revolutions since Europe threw off the Catholic Faith. Why, the revolution has now emptied out the institutions of the Vatican, even, and now we have to suffer Masonic egalitarians to waddle around in white cassocks, pretending to be successors of St. Peter. For some, this is proof that the Church was never divine to begin with; for others, it is the fulfillment of long centuries of warnings from the Blessed Virgin, and the Scriptural warning of the great apostasy and of the thing that stands “in the place of Christ.” The fact that Jews have always been at the center of it, is at least suggestive to me.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Talmudic Jews aren’t converts, but cryptos. Vatican-Roman “Catholics” or Trentians are the same way.

That’s what the label “white ethnic” signifies. Different loyalty.


jim says:

Talmudic Jews are not a problem.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Alien infiltrators are not a problem, you say…

Well, I must disagree.

Best regards,


Matt says:

Jews in Germany weren’t just “market dominant”. They also held the highest percentages of positions in government institutions, such as universities. These high percentages are not explained by Jewish IQ or education levels because even taking that into account would lead to a much lower Jewish percentage. What explains it then? Jewish ethnocentrism and favoritism towards there own (and thus discrimination against others). What Hitler did was break the discrimination and set up quotas. It’s affirmative action for the majority.

If the example of Germany is too fraught and “antisemitic” then look at the example of the Ivy League schools, especially Harvard. There the Jewish administrators discriminate against non-Jews. There is no reason that we should tolerate Jews discriminating against us. Can you think of a reason that we should, Jim?

viking says:

you know grife d lion has some interesting math on jews “over representation” in the us. Basically the IQ does account for it. Im not sure that makes it a good situation but no conspiracy needed. i think total assimilation is the answer they are half euro already contribute a lot they simply need to stop identifying as other.

Dr. Faust says:

Two Jews are sitting on the end of a pier and one Jew sticks his feet in the water and says, “It’s cold.” The other Jew sticks his nose in the water and says, “And deep too.”

Matt says:

Do you really think that IQ accounts for Jews being 1/3 of the student body at Harvard?

jim says:

No. Harvard is no longer substantially selected for intelligence, but rather political correctness. I think that political correctness accounts for Jews being one third of the student body at harvard.

Harvard is a priestly body training priests, and Jews are pre-adapted for priesthood.

Matt says:

How about using Occam’s razor in this instance? The Jewish administrators of Harvard discriminate in favor of their fellow Jews. To suggest that it is mere “political correctness” seems ludicrous.

Dr. Faust says:

For the most part the American Jew believes his own bullshit. If they didn’t believe their bullshit they wouldn’t have made rabbis females, adopted atheism, and accepted blacks into Judaism as full-fledged Jews. Synagogues are like community centers but with rituals. Soon the new generation won’t see the point in the rituals and will get rid of them.

If they believed in maintaining the tradition of their people they wouldn’t have big gay Jewish weddings where faggots ride horses they call Jew-nicorns draped in the star of David. It is iconoclasm, mockery, and degradation of their rituals. No one will adhere to rituals and beliefs that their own people openly mock. Not for long.

(HTML comments are broken, so switching to Markdown)

An analysis at La Griffe du Lion [1] suggests that we should expect ~30% Jewish representation in any group that selects strongly for IQ. Despite granting preferential admission to legacies, athletes, and favored minorities, Harvard is still undoubtedly in this category. For example, typically a plurality (and sometimes an actual majority) of the participants in the Math, Chemistry, and Physics Olympiads go to Harvard. (Contests like the Science Talent Search are obviously politicized, but the Olympiads much less so.) Harvard also ranks among the top 5 in the (heavily g-loaded) SAT and ACT; in 2014, for example, Harvard was beaten soundly only by Caltech (whose admissions policies are the least politically correct [2]), and beat or tied every other school except the University of Chicago [3].

[1]: http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/dialogue.htm

[2]: http://www.mindingthecampus.org/2010/12/why_caltech_is_in_a_class_by_i/

[3]: http://www.forbes.com/sites/schifrin/2014/08/04/top-100-sat-scores-ranking-which-colleges-have-the-brightest-kids/

jim says:

Harvard also ranks among the top 5 in the (heavily g-loaded) SAT and ACT;

SAT is no longer all that g loaded.

Further, selecting for political correctness is negatively g loaded, in that if you are too smart, you are apt to be suspected of hidden heresy. “Hmm this answer is too clever by half – maybe he really thinks women and blacks are not all that smart”.

So if you select for both high SAT and high PC, you are apt to wind selecting those individuals for which the high SAT is not an indicator of IQ.

Dr. Faust says:

Have you heard of the term pathological altruism? Do you believe in it?

jim says:

I don’t believe in Pathological Altruism. Rather, I believe in the alliance with far against near to destroy near.

When it was said that all men are created equal, we set foot upon a path that ends in the Cambodian Autogenocide and the seven kill stele.

Alrenous says:

To get hobbits on board you have to appeal to their pathological altruism. Of course it’s not a thing among the agency-exercising elites.

Warner says:

The Buddhists developed their own brand of radical egalitarianism:


“Mahayana Buddhism said that the Buddhist sage should strive to enlighten all beings. They said it was selfish to be striving for one’s own individual enlightenment, especially when Buddhism taught there was not such entity as the self. By accenting the central Buddhist notion that there was no self, the later Mahayana Buddhists transformed the notion of the Buddhist sage into a totally altruistic being. This new Buddhist sage, the bodhisattva, was a person who could have entered into nirvana, but instead had refused this enlightenment in order to help all other beings become enlightened. The bodhisattva knows that all other beings are suffering and through compassion for them, refuses enlightenment; instead she vows to remain in the realm of suffering until all beings are enlightened. Because of her compassion for other beings, she actively spends her time trying to save other beings and because of her compassion she experiences pleasure in helping others.[cliii]

The bodhisattva, like the good utilitarian, is concerned for all persons equally. The bodhisattva “must educate his mind that he may feel in each case the same affection for all creatures that naturally centres in his son, or in himself.”[clvi] There is no privileging of the bodhisattva’s personal sorrows or personal concerns over the concerns of other people. “Another’s sorrow is to be destroyed by me because it is sorrow like my own sorrow…Since a neighbor and I are equal in desiring happiness, what is the unique quality of the ‘self’ which requires an effort for happiness?”[clvii] This is what the bodhisattva continually says to herself: “All sorrows, without distinction are ownerless; and because of misery they are to be prevented…Not just in myself. Everywhere!”[clviii]”

Warner says:

And I actually see a clear resemblance between Buddhism and nihilistic Leftist decontructionist ideology; the Buddhists piously deconstructed the very concept of SELF:


“Six centuries before Jesus Christ, the Buddha already knew that if all that exists is matter then the human self cannot exist either:

“Therefore, he deconstructed the Hindu idea of the soul. When one starts peeling the onion skin of one’s psyche, he discovers that there is no solid core at the center of one’s being. Your sense of self is an illusion. Reality is nonself (anatman). You don’t exist. Liberation, the Buddha taught, is realizing the unreality of your existence.” (The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization, Vishal Mangalwadi, p. 6)

If all that exists is matter and energies working on and through matter, then it logically follows that there is no source for life, conscious life (soul, spirit and will), the two sexes, human dignity and worth, or for unalienable constitutional rights beginning with the right to life, liberty, and property. Without the Triune God, meaning drains into meaninglessness and man is reduced to less than nothing, a conclusion Buddha reached long before Marxist Communists attempted to scientifically re-engineer human beings after the fashion of metaphysical nihilism.”

After such ideas, considering race and nation and sex as mere “social constructs” should be easy.

Warner says:

I mean really, this idea

“Liberation, the Buddha taught, is realizing the unreality of your existence”

…could be directly transformed into banal modern formulation: “liberation is realizing the unreality of race/gender/whatever.”

Alrenous says:

Mahayana postdates Protagoras.

Defining the self is easy: if you cut it, do you feel bleeding? Note this hits your past and future selves, and indeed is exactly intuitive as far as I know.

Warner says:

“Mahayana postdates Protagoras.”

What kind of point are you making here, Alrenous?

Dr. Faust says:

The Buddhist sense of equality is so different from Liberal equality that it may as well be a new word. Radical acceptance is more accurate. For example, instead of seeing pain as something unpleasant and in need of resistance the Buddhist would teach that the experience of pain and pleasure are no different except in the mind. The resistance to pain – the present moment – is the source of the suffering. In that sense it is judging pain as unequal to pleasure. It is easy for the Western Liberal minded person to obfuscate the Buddhist sense of equality with the Western one. Also, racist and whitesplaining.

Likewise, the Buddha condemned killing animals but admitted that if you’re out walking and step on a bug and don’t know about the bug it has no meaning and no kamma. Right action then was the mind state it created with the person and not that the action as wrong of itself.

Buddhism is taught by monks and not priests. By nature of their environment the monk tends to be introverted and absconded from normal society. Nominally, this is to contemplate the essence of dharma. In truth, it’s because monks are introverted and don’t socialize well. The dharma is not meant to be understood as a political ideology and a system of social structure. The teachings are to be directed inward with the emphasis on the individual and not the collective.

As Buddhism spread throughout the world this tendency to place predominance on the individual allowed it to adapt to social and cultural norms and be accepted in nations where other religions would be rejected. Any adoption of leftism and Buddhism is on the basis of location and not ideology as the left’s essential teaching is to direct all failure and misfortune outward.

Buddhism is retard tier sour grapes cucksplaining for shit tier retards who can’t hack it in Hindu society. Its purpose is to sound just cool enough to middle class normies that they will feel sorry for the Buddhist and give him food.

It’s basically the same as Cuckstainity in its audience of failures seeking justification and social status. Like Cuckstainity, it was ignored by the successful people until some of them decided to stage revolutions on it. Jim would call this evidence that aberrant philosophies must be crushed. I would, instead, call for a better understanding of biology.

Anyway, don’t forget, the Buddha had blue eyes, and preached miscegenation.

Dr. Faust says:

The natural product from the destruction of the divine right of kings is fag marriage. Or it might be we get where we are from the musket. The ubiquitous access to muskets allowed for troops to be trained faster. Muskets also offered a more equal distribution of power among the people culminating in the French Revolution. Rousseau had to be there too, of course, to provide the righteous indignation.

The Greeks wrote about freeing the slaves, emancipation of women, and making everyone equal but it didn’t happen then. It happened in the late 18th century because it couldn’t have happened before then. Which leads to the question why then and what was different? Technology.

Regardless, the technology invented made it possible to happen. It gave rise to the modern populist world with the attempts to dispel the aristocracy and make everyone equal. Ideas will eventually reach their conclusion. It looks like the modern world has met it.

jim says:

I don’t think the technology has much to do with it.

We are always ruled by priests or warriors. If ruled by warriors, military technology is likely to have a large effect on the social order. Gunpowder ends feudalism, for example. If ruled by priests, very little effect. The nineteenth century was priests winning, warriors losing.

Maybe Napoleon was caused by the musket, but affirmative consent was not. Muskets enabled the French Revolution to survive its enemies, but muskets did not storm the Bastille.

Two pivotal points of the struggle were the divorce of Queen Caroline, and the switch to state centralized logistics in Crimean war, when the whore Florence Nightingale (logistics) was made into a hero, and and actual military type heroes were made into villains.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

It is technology. Or, more precisely, wealth.

Assume that Washington DC tried to push gay marriage in 1800. They wouldn’t have had much luck. If the police stopped supervising everyone, the people would stop displaying pious reverence for gays. And DC didn’t have the budget to hire police to supervise every town.

Today, Washington DC has much more money, and can hire lots more soldiers/police/FBI/lawyers/activists/etc.

jim says:

They are not policing everyone. The elite is policing itself, and everyone imitates the elite.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

I’ve certainly been policed. Both at work, and at school.

Dr. Faust says:


Jim read this thread. Women getting attracted to a gorilla. Patriarchy NOW.

We can’t really blame the Jews for Jesus, or for us adopting Jesus as our mascot.

We can’t really blame the Jews for taking advantage of us adopting their religion to infiltrate our societies those hundreds of times before we kicked them out in Europe.

The first modern civil rights law was passed in Poland. Wikipedia describes it in “History of the Jews in Poland” as ” in 1264 he issued a General Charter of Jewish Liberties, the Statute of Kalisz, which granted all Jews the freedom of worship, trade and travel”

Its provisions include “Should a Jew be taken to court, not only a Christian must testify against him, but also a Jew, in order for the case to be considered valid.” and “If any of the Christians rashly and presumptuously jeers at their synagogues, such a Christian shall be required to pay and must pay to our palatine their guardian two talents of pepper as punishment.”.

Who pushed over the Tsar and unleashed Khmer Rouge death upon the middle class? Who was the patron of Winston Churchill, whose disastrous leadership destroyed the British Empire? Who arranged for the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It’s hard to see where White weakness ends and Jew subversion begins. Their race exists for the purpose of subversion – just as Jacob, Joseph, and Jezebel – and they do it instinctually, just ask JJ Abrams and James Deen.

Alexander wanted a multicultural empire ruling over White Persia and already miscegenated into impotence Egypt. That wasn’t the Jews’ fault.

The US in the ’60s should have known better, and would have, if not for the concerted efforts of the Jews who managed to shut down anthropology with hilarious assertions and threaten Henry Ford into stopping publication.

Nobody needs, nobody likes, heebs, yids, kikes.

Alrenous says:

>nobody likes heebs

Socialist whining. Competence is not measured by popularity.

If you would submit to your own race’s intellectual aristocrats, warding off the Jews is easy. They only have any kind of power if there’s democracy or some other corruption around.

Instead you reject your own aristocrats. They realize they have more in common with Jewish aristocrats than with you, and you get boned.

Hiring your friends is nepotism. Don’t mix business and pleasure.

A pint thereof says:

>If you would submit to your own race’s intellectual aristocrats…

Who were they, and who are they today?

And who were they articulating their philosophy against, and was the failure of that articulation because enough people failed to follow them?

I’m not being snarky, I’m genuinely interested.

For my own part, I’m desperately seeking someone to follow. I’m also desperately seeking followers to lead. Neither the gurus nor the acolytes appear to be there. There’s just you people, anonymous commenters on anonymous blogs…..

Alan J. Perrick says:

Yes, and Stormfront is too pleb for you even though you’re so very, very desperate. Get wrecked.

jim says:

Stormfront is too pleb.

Stormfront wants to be the masses, and rule by the masses is at the root of our problem.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I would respond genuinely, but you’re not interested in a conversation about the nature of pro-white organisations today “Jim”.

Thank you for your thoughts on the matter.

Best regards,


jim says:

I assure you I am interested in the state of pro white organizations.

Just not interested in the white working class, nor restoring the New Deal.

A program for removing the Jews is a program for making things slightly less left wing. Misses the point.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Jim”, if there were white racial intellectual elites whom you could meet with, without ever chancing a run-in with the white working class, there would be no need to meet them in the first place! The main contest for white survival would be over!

jim says:

Quite so.

Alan J. Perrick says:


You’ve completely re-directed this conversation from where I brought up to the “A Pint Thereof” commentor that there were in fact places that he could look, if he really did want to do more than chat on blogs… That is pointless and the reason why I stated how I knew that you didn’t want to talk about pro-white organisations, because you had said right away, that you thought they weren’t for you.

Please don’t waste my time like this.

Best regards,


jim says:

For my own part, I’m desperately seeking someone to follow. I’m also desperately seeking followers to lead.

We have to create our own counter elite, people who are worthy to rule so that at a moment of crisis, they can indeed step forward to rule.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Well, actually I agree with this part.

A pint thereof says:

>We have to create our own counter elite

What is happening online is vital to what will become. But it still feels a long way off. Perhaps patience is truly a virtue.

One observation from my viewpoint here in Britain is that the well-spring from which men might flow to our cause is greatly diminished. Those intelligent enough to grasp the incumbency of the present crisis are so emasculated as to be practically worthless. And the old working-class stock that instinctively understood these sorts of existential threats no longer exist. Whatever forces of chaos created today’s circumstances knew exactly which kind of havoc to wreak.

Corvinus says:

How do you propose to create this elite? What are their qualities? What is their training? Will they rule by the rule of law or by the law of rule?

That’s why this blog is comic gold. There is all of this talk but no actual action taking place.

Alan J. Perrick says:


I think you were making some anti-white comments recently. Am I wrong in my thinking? Because it wouldn’t make sense to advise you or even commisserate were that the case…

Best regards,


AJP,you’re the cognitive and genetic elite of our race, right? Do you feel you have more in common with Jews than with Papists, Lutherans and Russians?

Stephen W says:

The Jews are not to blame for everything is true. But a natural gaol with the end of multiculturalism is the deporting of all Jews to Israel. And other non European ethnicities to their homelands.

Deed says:

I like your explanation on Nazism as a branch off 20th century leftism. I think that makes sense. Jews are smart aka they naturally form the ever left-moving vanguard of modern day academia, but making scapegoats out of them is counterproductive.

Bruce says:

Someone said this recently: “the Jews added talent to the enterprise.”

J says:

J, you have some amazing posts but this one and the last one on female porn were not among them. I think your definition of leftist versus reactionary needs refining. To you, based on my understanding, a leftist is someone who believe in statism, while a right winger is someone who believes in decentraliziation and religion. To me, the distinction in the definition is this: reactionaries believe in the nation state and leftists believe in a fully globalized state with unaccountable bureaucracy running the world. Nazism was a right wing movement because it placed GERMANY at the center of its policies, while the allies were a leftist movement because it placed UNACCOUNTABLE WORLD GOVERNANCE at the center of its policies.

If you redefine your definition of left wing versus right wing in this matter, I think your perspective will become far more coherent.

Jack says:

Jim: “So if you are a Nazi, you pretty much want the New Deal, or the New Deal on steroids.”

Come on, I’m not a Nazi but this is an obvious strawman. There’s quite a bit of difference between “Leftism was a-okay until the Jews arrived” and “Leftism was always bad but Jewish entryists radicalized and perverted it to make it infinitely worse”, the latter being my position.

Jim: “As soon as you denounce the declaration of independence and the emancipation of women the logical case the Jews are a big problem collapses.”

It really doesn’t. The Jews right now pose a greater threat to Western civilization than non-Jewish puritans. Remove the latter and you still have zealous and self-interested Jewish radicals poisoning the well to deal with. Remove the former and you’re left with low-t effete shitlibs whose attachment to liberalism is hedonistic rather than ideological in nature, who therefore can be won over in a decade or so if the right incentives are instituted, and can be defeated without too bloody a struggle.

To obsess over crypto-Calvinists is to fight a war of the past. Right now, there isn’t a single “European” subgroup more dangerous to the world’s prosperity than the Jews. The puritans are dead, the WASP elite is dispossessed, and heretical Protestants have been replaced with heretical Jews. What’s the point fighting a phantom enemy, a long-dead enemy, rather than the actual enemy whose aim is to annihilate you? To quote the Mentschious Mishling:

“Anti-Semitism was cant in Munich in 1936, or in 1886 for that matter. It is cant in Tehran today. In California in 2007, it can be nothing but conviction.”

If the Jews occupy a Cathedral and use it for their purposes, is it not a Synagogue? Why fight a war of the past while disregarding the enemy at the gates?

[As an aside: If the Goyim were genuinely irrationally and genocidally anti-Semitic, they would have dropped nuclear bombs on Israel in before Israel acquired nukes of her own. Why didn’t White people, or Christendom, unite to destroy Israel and genocide all Jews everywhere? Not really anti-Semitic. In contrast, if Arabs had nuclear bombs back then, they’d nuke Israel. Therefore, Muslims more anti-Semitic than Christians. Yet Jews, particularly Orthodox Jews, seek an alliance with Muslims against Christians]

Jim: “And the emotional case for hating Jews is the same as that of any market dominant minority, envy and covetousness”

The emotional case is tribalism. The Jews are a foreign tribe inimical to the rest of humanity. The solution is removal and separation. They have a country of their own, why can’t they be sent there?

There’s a self-contradiction within the philo-Semitic Reactosphere: if the problem is not Jews but Whites being not ethno-centric enough, then the solution is Whites becoming more ethno-centric, and adopting a more racist, more exclusionary attitude toward the Jews. Even if you believe “Jews are not the problem, Whites are the problem”, the solution is still more or less the same: Whites adopting ethno-nationalism and removing the Jew from their midst.

To argue that Whites are the problem because they aren’t ethno-centric enough, while disavowing of all suggestions that Whites actually become more ethno-centric vis-a-vis the Jews, is the epitome of hypocrisy. You guys want to have it both ways: accuse Whites of being too soft as per pursuing their tribal interests (“pathological altruism”), while at the same time denouncing those Whites who, uhm, espouse tribalism and wish to do away with foreign peoples meddling in their affairs. Whether Jews or Whites are the “real problem”, the solution remains becoming more rather than less discriminating toward out-groups like the Jews.

By your own logic of “Jews not the real problem, Whites are the real problem” you condemn yourselves, for you refuse to follow through with your own argument and arrive at more, not less, anti-Semitism / racism / exclusionism.

The Jews went to war with Greeks over the latter’s spreading of Hellenism in Palestine. Shouldn’t the Goyim follow the Jewish example and go to war with the Jews over the latter’s spreading of Cultural Marxism in the West? If Jews are allowed to have their Amalek, why can’t the Goyim?

Alan J. Perrick says:

Yeah, this. I bet you’re still blind to Vatican-Roman “Catholics” working for their own interests, though.


Jefferson says:

You’ve clearly never met any orthodox Jews. The orthodox seem to genuinely respect American Christians, while reformed Jews have some sort of bizarre hatred for them (and an even stranger infatuation with the salafis). America’s Jewish problem is also Judaism’s current problem: secular Jews are communists who will do anything to destroy observant Jews and Christians.

Jack says:

Admittedly I haven’t personally known many Orthodox Jews, though I’ve interacted with a few, and couldn’t discern any respect toward Christianity or Western Civilization on their part. If you’re a Christian, you’re fooling yourself by thinking they support your religion and civilization. The truth is the exact opposite of the way you describe it: secular Jews pay lip-service to “our shared Judeo-Christian heritage” when they try to ingratiate themselves with Evangelicals and Whites in general, while Orthodox Jews deny any and all commonality with Christianity, and would rather identify with Islam.

Jews have agency and they make their own choices. They chose to embrace — voluntarily, zealously, and enthusiastically — the radical creed of Progressivism, and their Orthodox segments repeatedly choose to identify with Islam over Christianity. Dissident Jews, Zionist Jews, and secular Jews don’t exhibit this bizarre tick in full force like their religious counterparts, and on the margins, a minority of them genuinely identify with Western Civilization, unlike the Orthodox. This “Orthodox Jews good, secular Jews bad” mantra one occasionally finds on the alt-right is bullshit – both groups are bad, but in different manners. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

jim says:

[Jews] chose to embrace — voluntarily, zealously, and enthusiastically — the radical creed of Progressivism, and their Orthodox segments repeatedly choose to identify with Islam over Christianity.

That is true, and it pisses me off. But it is not a good reason for shooting them or forcibly exiling them, whereas that your black neighbor is likely to respond to a flat battery in his car by smashing his way into your car to steal your battery is a good reason for enslaving him or forcibly exiling him.

Jack says:

Shooting them is inhuman (albeit completely justified given how they conduct themselves) but if you decline to exile them, what’s your solution? I believe that a minority of Ashkenazim, those who have straight noses, blue eyes, and blonde hair, are legitimately White, and if they are secular and non-Progressive then they can be integrated into White society. But most Ashkenazim — not to mention the rest of Jewry — are not White but Semitic, and even if White, are either Orthodox (thus incompatible with Western civilization) or Progressive (thus poison), and should be separated for those reasons. Perhaps 10% of Ashkenazim are genuinely White, both biologically and spiritually, and pose no danger to the White man. The rest are a problem.

If they are to be exiled, maybe they shouldn’t be sent to Israel where their genes will corrupt by intermingling with Mizrahim. (“Should I marry a Moroccan or a Yemenite Jew?” “Depends. Do you want to die of domestic violence or of poverty?”) But where else can they go?

Corvinus says:

Jack–Shooting them is inhuman (albeit completely justified given how they conduct themselves) but if you decline to exile them, what’s your solution?

Actually, shooting da Joos, the root of all evil, is NOT inhumane, but human. As in to end human suffering. There is no solution, especially, if you stated Ashkenazims probably shouldn’t be sent to Israel, other than to gas them. So, “Jack”, what are you prepared to do?

Jack-I believe that a minority of Ashkenazim, those who have straight noses, blue eyes, and blonde hair, are legitimately White, and if they are secular and non-Progressive then they can be integrated into White society.”

Please define “White society”. What does that exactly entail? What is “legitimately White”? Do YOU even fit that description?

Jack says:

What you did to /aristoi/, Corvinus, is truly unforgivable.

pseudo-chrysostom says:

Ethnic homogeneity is a basic precondition for societal longevity and felicity. Even if jews were not dually possessed by an autistic character enamored with formulaic thinking and an inveterate antipathy and shamelessness towards non-jews, which they are, that would not matter enough in the end anyways. One way or another, like other ethnities, they simply have to go.

jim says:


“As soon as you denounce the declaration of independence and the emancipation of women the logical case the Jews are a big problem collapses.”

It really doesn’t. The Jews right now pose a greater threat to Western civilization than non-Jewish puritans.

Boaz did not get laid. Scott Alexander does not get laid. If Jews really had all this power, they would get laid.

For a brief period after the communist Russian revolution, Jews really did have all the power. And what did they do with it?

They purged each other.

Matt says:

Some Jewish individuals were purged. It wasn’t a purge of Jewish influence at all. It wasn’t antisemitic. So that statement is quite meaningless.

B says:

You are an idiot. What do you think the Yevsektziya was?

The percentage of Jewish “declassed elements” was higher than that for any other nationality in the USSR in the 1920s.

Then in the 30s the Jewish Communists competed over who could serve Stalin better by exterminating each other. Check out Yaakov Blumkin’s world tour, for example.

By the time you got to the 40s, it was hard to find Jews at the top and middle of the security ladder except for some unprincipled exceptions kept around for their skills. Mostly pig faced peasants. Darkness At Noon captures the end of the transition well.

Matt says:

So many Jews became victims because they were over represented among the leadership. Even as Jewish influence declined they were still vastly over represented among the Soviet elite. So much so that a small Jewish clique was able to capture most of the wealth of the state in the post communist era.

Historical revisionism can be interesting but this is just “idiotic”.

B says:

Really? The reason there was a Yevsektzia killing rabbis and arresting people for putting on tefillin was that Jews were overrepresented among the leadership?

>So much so that a small Jewish clique was able to capture most of the wealth of the state in the post communist era.

Of course. For instance, Boris Berezovskiy, who graduated from the elite Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute and was making 300 rubles a month as a professor of industrial engineering, captured the wealth of the state not by being highly intelligent and ambitious or anything like that. Ditto Vladimir Gusinsky, who majored in theater studies. You know, elite stuff.

jim says:

When Jews purge each other you don’t think it counts? Only counts when proper aryans do the purging for proper aryan reasons?

The left singularity in the Soviet Union did not start out Jewish, and did not end Jewish.

You see much the same dynamics playing out in every left singularity, Jews or no Jews.

The Jewishness of the commies was not the problem. The communism of the commies was the problem. Similarly, the Khmer Rouge murdered all the intellectuals, and especially hated foreign educated intellectuals. Now since the Khmer Rouge were intellectuals, and in substantial part foreign educated intellectuals you might think I mean that they hated all non Khmer Rouge intellectuals, but that is not what I mean.

Matt says:

Jews were never targeted “as Jews” in the Soviet Union. To say that they were or that Jews were persecuted there isn’t true.

Matt says:

One more thing: this whole narrative of Jews being persecuted in the Soviet Union really got a boost when there was a push in the USA to facilitate Jewish immigration into the USA from the USSR. It’s a complete myth. Even Jewish individuals in gulags were treated better than non Jews. See Solzhenitsyn.

B says:

Sure. Jews were never targeted as Jews. Only as “rootless cosmopolitans.”

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

Comrade Matt is right. Glorious Soviet Empire never persecute religious Jews. Persecuted Christians and Muslims, but not Jews.

Also, lots of religious Jews in Soviet elite. Comrade Brezhnev himself kept Kosher.

jim says:

There is so much insanity on the internet and in this thread that it is difficult to tell if you are being ironic.

Ron says:

That isn’t why we went to war with the Greeks. They were forcing us to violate our religion and prohibited us from our sacred practices. In one case they rounded up mothers who allowed their children to be circumcised, killed the children in front of the mothers, tied the dead babies to the mothers necks, then threw the traumatized women off a wall.

That’s why we killed them all and drove them out of our country.

Jack says:

Today Jews persecute Gentiles who notice politically incorrect patterns and pursue their native religious and ethnic interests, incarcerate them for deeds and for words of resistance. I guess we know what the solution is according to the Jewish example you presented here.

jim says:

Today Jews persecute Gentiles who notice politically incorrect patterns

Jews are irritatingly and exasperatingly paranoid. I wonder why. 🙂

Paul Rassiner surely knows the truth about the Holocaust of the Jews, and in his account there was no conscious Nazi policy of extermination – but neither was anyone particularly serious about providing the prisoners with food or water or shelter from the weather, or clothing, or …

Which makes it pretty similar to most of the communist genocides

So yes, there has been a gigantic amount of myth making and barefaced lying around the holocaust of the Jews, but nonetheless, most Jews subject to Nazi authority somehow wound up dead one way or another.

Jack says:

You ignore the Jewish historical approach to Goyim, which is that if some tribe was less than 100% nice to Jews, then the whole race, for ever and ever, is condemned. It’s not paranoia, it’s genocidal vengeance against all out-groups everywhere and at all times. Either you justify it on account of Jewish victimology and sob stories, or Jews really are ethno-centric to the point of solipsism.

Hitler killed six million with Auschwitz, some other camps, and the troops he had to fight Soviet spies.

Hadrian killed 40 million Jews in just one town, according to the Talmud.

These people are basically not very honest. But we know that already, their legendary heroes are Jacob, Joseph and Jezebel.

ron says:


So the Jewish nation as a whole has been grabbing your women off the streets when they’ve baptised their children, killed the children, then tied the dead babies to their mothers necks, and thrown them off a wall?

You are not an honest man Jack.

Jack says:

Nah, that’d be bad for PR. When Jews shut someone down for expressing opinions they disapprove of, they first make sure to paint themselves or their proxies as the perfect victims.

The Greeks should have known that occupation must be absolutely merciless. The natives never compromise unless they are forced to. Their lenient approach to the Jewish question lead to their defeat; the Romans did not repeate this mistake. Israel would do good to learn from the Romans, destroy Al-Aqsa and exile/exterminate the Arabs. Won’t happen as long as Jews exist in the West, because Western Jews are addicted to Progressivism which they use and propagate to annihilate Whites. So removing the Jew from the West may be good for the Jews. But that’s “anti-Semitic”, so they oppose it.

Ron says:

The Greeks should not have been there to begin with Jack. They were “Greeks”, they belonged in Greece, not Persia, not India, and not Judaea.

Similarly, I am a Judaean, I belong in Judaea.

I am not sure that the Greeks had the option to do what you suggest, Greek power after the Macedonian passed away seems to me a lot more like American power than Roman. Relying more on persuasion than outright force. We Judaeans were more powerful than people realize, and a great deal of the ability of the Greek to occupy us probabaly had a lot to do with their Helenistic supporters among our people.

“The rot set in with “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. There is your race denialism right there.”

I remember reading something akin in Mitchell Heisman’s(jewish) Suicide Note. He specially studied George Fitzhugh works and was quite adamant that this was the start of the rot in America. Its roots being the AngloSaxon-Norman rivalry since Norman conquest.

Though I do not agree with you on jews, I always find it hilarious when someone thinks that the first wave feminists were some good heroic women who were just standing against the cruel patriarchy and had their reputation tarnished due to the radical second wavers.

They were lying scumbags too who had reduced the husband to a walking wallet.

“The wife, we are told, is the only unpaid servant! A more blatant lie could scarcely be imagined. As every educated person possessing the slightest acquaintance with the laws of England knows, the law requires the husband to maintain his wife in a manner according with his own social position; has, in other words, to feed, clothe and afford her all reasonable luxuries, which the law, with a view to the economic standing of the husband, regards as necessaries. This although the husband has no claim on the wife’s property or income, however wealthy she may be. Furthermore, it need scarcely be said, a servant who is inefficient, lazy, or otherwise intolerable, can be dismissed or her wage can be lowered. Not so that privileged person, the legally wedded wife. It matters not whether she perform her duties well, badly, in- differently, or not at all, the husband’s legal obligations remain just the same.”

– Fraud of Feminism, 1913

You can find similar sentiments in Mencken’s In Defense of Women, specifically Marriage and Law.

And as from Angry Harry’s(jewish) site hosting the American Woman excerpts,

“The American husband, as Mrs. Houstoun wrote in 1850, was “merely the medium through which dollars find their way into the milliners’ shop in exchange for caps and bonnets.””

Even the radicalism was not something that was invented by 2nd wavers, it’s just kept under wraps better by the first wavers, though WL George let the cat out of the bag with his Feminist Intentions. Reading it you could be confused that it was written only recently

“To the party that will, as a preliminary, pledge itself to level male and female wages in government employ, will be given the Feminist vote; and if no party will bid, then it is the Feminist intention to run special candidates for all offices, to split the male parties, and to involve them in consecutive disasters such as the one which befell the Republican party in the last presidential election in the United States.”

– Feminist Intentions, 1913

Nothing new under the sun.

Neon says:

Are racists considered “created equal” in our jewified society? The Declaration’s vague, nebulous prose could be interpreted in a thousand ways. Jews merely use the language of equality in their program to destroy Whites.

Presented without comment:

“Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth way be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.”
~ Tacitus

Jack says:

Jim: “They are not emitting evil mind control rays at you. You have been emitting evil mind control rays at them.”

Were Slavs ruthlessly oppressing Jews and bombarding them with propaganda to instill Bolshevism, or was it the other way around?

That Jews were exposed to general, non-Jew-specific Enlightenment evil mind control rays up until the 20th century, doesn’t justify emitting nefarious, demonic, diabolical, hellish mind control rays at the Goyim ever since.

jim says:

Were Slavs ruthlessly oppressing Jews and bombarding them with propaganda to instill Bolshevism, or was it the other way around?

The root of the communist revolution, the cause of the Russian left singularity, was Alexander the liberator.

Czar Nicolas II rewarded his enemies and punished his friends. He had Lenin in his hands, and sent him off to the countryside for a bit of hunting, fishing, and horseback riding.

The Russian left moved ever leftwards. For a brief moment, Jews got in charge of the Russian left, and promptly proceeded to purge each other for insufficient leftism.

Indeed one could make a good argument that Jewish self destructiveness and self hatred helped end the Russian left singularity.

Eli says:

Yes, speaking as someone whose ancestors, along with other wealthy members of the community, had to buy off Cossacks to prevent czar’s encouraged pogroms, Slavs were ruthlessly abusing Jews.

Not in my paternal line, but yes, most Jews had great reasons to topple the explicitly antisemitic czar’s rule. Communism offered a promise for a way out of state-driven antisemitism. In the process, however, most Jews who participates in it assimilated into the secular stream, losing their identity. What ensued thereafter, in the 30s, is a different story, as B alluded to.

Obviously, the ideologues self-destructed, but by that time they were Jews only in genetic background. After Stalin came into power they dynamics changed completely, culminating in “rootless cosmopolitan” of the 40s, as the smear against them went. Of course, communism as conceived is/was a cosmopolitan ideology, which goes to show that the almost anyone using such term is an envious imbecile with inferiority complex, like more than 50% of commenters on this blog.

As I’m about to leave Germany, I can see that God punished the Germans for what they did. To 5th generation they are bound to lose their identity and submit to diversity and tattoos, learning to properly gargle on Muslim cock’s juice, while their women dessicate their vaginas with cigarettes and waste their ova in fruitless pursuits of winning approval of their girlfriends and gay friends.

Am Israel khai!

Jack says:

Irrelevant sob stories and premature arrogance. You have just justified the murder of dozens of millions of innocents because Muh Antisemitism, and cheer the upcoming extermination of hundreds of millions of innocents who couldn’t possibly have done anything to merit such a fate. Do you understand why people find Oven-Dodgers like yourself repugnant? Does anyone need more evidence that the Jews have embarked on a war against humanity? You would bring about the destruction of civilization, but at least “am yisrael chai”, right? Utterly loathsome. Every time I need to remind myself why Hitler dindu nothin wrong, I talk to Jews. Then I remember.

Eli says:

I am not particularly happy that your people are masochists who seem to be enjoying suckling the gush dripping from Islamic protrusions (though I still maintain that it’s God’s punishment to you). By the way, as a mostly secular Jew, I am very much worried that Progressivism is making the “enlightened” nations of the world again anti-Jewish and anti-Israel. Nor would I rejoice if millions of decent looking, somewhat capable people die, as the world is full of dumb monkeys, going full throttle towards idiocracy.

Also, not unlike President Camacho, I would especially *not* enjoy white women going extinct.

Heck, when I was in Germany, where my people have lived for more than 1000 years, in between other things, I personally chatted and tried to convince random people I met in bars, trains, coffee shops that diversity-for-the-sake-of-diversity is suicidal to Germany. Not even one agreed with me, all arguing for the wonders of diversity, equal rights, etc. These people were from various segments of society, but all Germans, pure Aryans. But I tried, See how much I care about your people? That’s the sob story here, really.

It’s not my personal fault, but God punished your tribes/lines by taking away your minds (from those that had them, a rarity to begin with). No Jew put your people into solitary cameras to brainwash them. You guys willingly went for this nonsense. No one castrated your people, you decided collectively to have less/no children. So, fuck off — not my responsibility.

Look dude: Jews and Israel is the best thing that happened to the world. You still fail to realize that by becoming pro-Israel and pro-Jewish, recognizing the God-chosenness of my people is the only way this world, possibly your world, too, can become good.

There was only one woman I spoke to in Germany, in Baden-Baden, who seemed to understand the positive importance of Jews. She was a Seventh Day Adventist.

As to sobbing, well, if you call truth “sobbing,” you must be one hell of a pervert.

In any case, I seriously doubt that tens of millions in Europe would die. Your fear makes you shit your pants already.

Alan J. Perrick says:


Why are the negro Jews called “Beta Israel”? They are relegated in this way to second-tier status citizens, and that means “Jim” is right…Your country is being overcome by the Cathedral as good nations never divide their peoples up by genotypes…


AJP, WTF? Have you stopped believing in race so the kike on the stick won’t say “I never knew thee” at the throne f his father?

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Peppermint Papist”

What are you going on about, you wicked old witch?


Alan J. Perrick says:

“Jim”, your scare-crow is acting up again… ^^

Eli says:

You may just want to Google the answer, but since I’m writing a reply, I might as well explain. “Beta” is a word that is a derivation from “beit,” which means “house.” This makes “Beta Israel” mean “House of Israel” (in Middle East, “House” is “Family”/”Line”).

I’ll go on a tangent here. In fact, since the Greek alphabet (and thus, all European alphabets) ultimately came from Hebrew’s (which makes Hebrew alphabet the world’s *first* non-hieroglyphic alphabet), and Hebrew/Canaanean alphabet started out as mnemonic, the Hebrew letter “bet,” from which Greek “beta” is derived, actually looks like a house, as written in its ancient form.

Here, enlighten yourself, if you’re capable:


As to negro Jews being second class: as a secular Jew, many, like I, hold negative views of them (and I also have vivid memories of the time they came into Israel). Jews like B, however, think differently. He may be more right.

Nonetheless, these are our internal problems, and I think we’ll be able to work through them. “Jewish people” means more than flesh and blood — it means a whole culture revolving around God and God’s law.

Eli says:

If anyone is interested about particulars of how Ancient Hebrew looked like and how Greeks adopted it for their own needs, see this


Jack says:

It’s people like this who prove unequivocally that Judaism, not unlike Islam, should be illegalized and exterminated throughout the entire world, and Jews should be removed from White society as their murderous hatred toward the West knows no bounds, and couldn’t possibly be blamed on any conversion to Progressivism. Good Jews can be integrated, but they’re too small a minority to count.

Y. Ilan says:

Come and get us. Oh, right, we’ve had nuclear weapons for a while…
עם ישראל חי

Jack says:

You’re indistinguishable from Arabs. When you’re strong, you’re arrogant and proclaim: “come and get us”, but when you inevitably return to your natural state of weakness, it’ll be six bazillion tears about Muh Antisemitism all over again. You just never learn.

jim says:

I have frequently remarked that Jews feel way guiltier over killing Muslims that anyone else feels guilty about killing Muslims. The Armenians don’t give a damn, and no one pays attention to what the Armenians are doing, and the world would not pay attention to what Putin is doing if they did not have it in for Putin. The world, however focuses on Israeli killing of Muslims in large part because Jews focus on Israeli killing of Muslims.

On my television a short while ago there was an incident where a random knife wielding Muslim attacked a random Jew, and a random Jewish Israeli civilian shot him. World News zooms in on the random armed Jewish civilian. “Oh my God he is just standing around and police did not take his gun away! Oh the horror!”

Were there no other incidents in the entire world where some bad guy got killed in the course of doing some bad thing and police shrugged their shoulders and called the morgue for body disposal?

Jack says:

Yes, Jews feel somewhat uncomfortable killing Muslims. If they were killing Whites, on the other hand, they wouldn’t feel uncomfortable whatsoever – evil nazi antisemitic whitey getting what he deserves! After all, Arabs are “cousins”, part of the family, whereas Aryans are not. Israeli commenters here confirm the genocidal aspirations Jews hold toward Whites, which they do not hold toward other races. International Jewry wants Israel to stop killing Arabs; if Israel were holocausting Whites, however, they would have encouraged her wholeheartedly. There are actual Israelis who believe Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Germany, for instance. No guilt about any of *that*.

jim says:

Yes, Jews feel somewhat uncomfortable killing Muslims. If they were killing Whites, on the other hand, they wouldn’t feel uncomfortable whatsoever – evil nazi antisemitic whitey getting what he deserves!

I see blacks killing whites, quite a lot of whites. I see Muslims killing whites who are nominally Christian, quite a lot of whites. Where are all these evil Jews killing whites? Where are all these whites killed by Jews?

If you have a black neighbor, and he has flat battery, he is likely to smash his way into your car to steal your battery.

If you have a Jewish neighbor, he might sell you a financial security that he suspects is dud, but only if he does not officially know it is dud. You are free to not buy financial securities from Jews, or to give those financial securities more scrutiny than you would give to financial securities sold by someone of your own ethnicity and religion, but your black neighbor does not ask your permission before he breaks up your car to get a part of small value.

And if you buy financial securities from an affirmative action nominally Hispanic banker, there is a damned good chance he will sell you securities that he knows full well are dud, which the Jewish banker will seldom do.

Jack says:

Did not imply Israel is currently engaged in a systematic extermination campaign against Whites. If / when it does, Jews will have no qualms and no restraint, will engage in Total War. Arabs are pitied because fellow Semites, because Jews have an affinity to Islam which they don’t have to Christianity or Paganism. If Palestinians were White instead of manifestly brown, they wouldn’t exist today. Jews don’t hate Muslim Arabs as much as they despise evil whitey.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

Put it more simply.

Would you rather move to the Jewish areas of NYC/Israel, or to Nigeria/Congo/Zimbabwe?

Even the most anti-Semitic man will find a way to love Jerusalem.

M. says:

Jack, none of us regard Arabs as cousins. And we’re fond enough of whites that we’re evidently willing to basically breed ourselves into non-existence with them. I think you need a serious reality check.

Jack says:

Bullshit, plenty of Jews call Arabs their cousins, if merely tongue in cheek. As for out-breeding, Jews do it with any high-status populations, be they White, Asian, or whatever. The mishlings resultant of these experiments in mongrelism tend to exhibit typical Jewish ticks, suggesting the high heritability of Jewishness.

M. says:

Umm, “if merely tongue in cheek” being the operative phrase there. Arabs are, to us, howling barbarians, whereas we’ve come to basically identify with white people. If you think that genetic proximity translates to greater sympathy, you’re severely confused and are probably ill-equipped to understand any ethnic conflict from the last few decades.

Jack says:

Tell me all about Moroccan, Yemenite, and Ethiopian Jews identifying as White. The Talmudic rationalization has to be superb here.

M. says:

Obviously I’m only referring to Ashkenazi Jews.

Jack says:

Ashkenazim constitute 40% of Israeli Jewry, at best. But you do have a point: Jews opportunistically identify with whatever group it serves them to identify with at any given moment.

The question is why people keep taking Jewish claims seriously. It should be clear to anyone who read the scroll of Esther that Jewish victimology is endemic and rooted deeply in Jewish tradition. Jewish identification is not with, but against, in opposition to, their hosts. Thus separation is maintained. That naturally breeds hostility, further intensifying the atmosphere of victimology, until Something Very Bad happens. Since Jews refuse to learn anything, it will keep happening.

M. says:

I’m not sure what you think your point is. Ashkenazi Jews are the group that you and your fellow racialists want to blame everything on, so it’s natural that I restrict my discussion to them. Unless you want to argue that the Ethiopian and Yemenite Jews are equally culpable for cultural Marxism? That would certainly be interesting to watch.

>But you do have a point: Jews opportunistically identify with whatever group it serves them to identify with at any given moment.

So it seems like you’re conceding my point that Ashkenazi Jews identify with whites, but want to pin the word “opportunistic” to it so it sounds menacing or something.

> Thus separation is maintained.

Separation is not maintained. American Jews are rapidly disappearing into the larger white gentile fold. What remains afterward is fairly vestigial. All you’ve managed to say in response to this is that Mischlings retain Jewish “ticks,” whatever that’s supposed to mean. Weak.

Jack says:

>So it seems like you’re conceding my point that Ashkenazi Jews identify with whites

Some Jews, when it suits them, identify as White. It’s inauthentic for the most part. For it be authentic, a Jew actually has to be White rather than merely “identify” as such; most Ashkenazim aren’t actually White.

>American Jews are rapidly disappearing into the larger white gentile fold.

The largest growing religious sect in the world is Orthodox Judaism. Considering the fluidity of Jewish identification, that is, the ability of secular Jews to become religious, of religious Jews to become secular, of Mischlings to identify with their Jewish side, and of Gentiles to convert to Judaism, there’s no way the Jewish elite is going anywhere, certainly not rapidly.

>Mischlings retain Jewish “ticks,” whatever that’s supposed to mean

For example, sexual neuroticism. Inbreeding has turned Jews into perverts, and Mischlings, despite whatever other genes they carry, tend to be perverted.

jim says:

The largest growing religious sect in the world is Orthodox Judaism. Considering the fluidity of Jewish identification, that is, the ability of secular Jews to become religious, of religious Jews to become secular, of Mischlings to identify with their Jewish side, and of Gentiles to convert to Judaism, there’s no way the Jewish elite is going anywhere, certainly not rapidly.

The Jewish elite outside of Israel is disappearing rapidly, because only the orthodox are reproducing, and the orthodox are not allowed into the Cathedral ruling elite.

The White elite is rapidly disappearing, since only the Mormons are reproducing, and Mormons are not allowed in the Cathedral elite.

M. says:

> Some Jews, when it suits them, identify as White.

Most Jews, whether it suits them or not, currently consider themselves white. That’s the point. Contra your assertions, they’re not champing at the bit to exterminate white people, because they’ve come to think of themselves as white people (rightly or wrongly – that’s a rather different question). Granted, they still do consider themselves Jewish, as well.

>Considering the fluidity of Jewish identification, that is, the ability of secular Jews to become religious, of religious Jews to become secular, of Mischlings to identify with their Jewish side, and of Gentiles to convert to Judaism, there’s no way the Jewish elite is going anywhere, certainly not rapidly.

The Orthodox, annoying as they are even to us, aren’t really becoming secular, and don’t pose the existential threat to civilization the way you want them to. As for the rest, you massively overstate the fluidity of Jewish identity. Or if it is fluid, it’s fluid in one direction – from Jewish to non-Jewish. Jews become irreligious at rates vastly higher than anyone else, and Mischlings don’t identify with Jewish culture significantly more than the average white American identifies with his English/Irish/German/whatever heritage. Maybe they’ll sometimes consider themselves religiously Jewish, but they’ll also consider themselves racially white.

>For example, sexual neuroticism. Inbreeding has turned Jews into perverts, and Mischlings, despite whatever other genes they carry, tend to be perverted.

One, I seriously doubt you have any evidence that inbreeding turns people into “perverts,” and two, Jews aren’t more inbred than whites; that’s a common myth around WN circles.

Jews like Tim Wise, JJ Abrams, and Barbara Lerner Spectre see themselves as white and also Jewish.

And they hate Whites and want to see Whites humiliated, and less White children.

What’s their deal?

They’re Jews.

jim says:

Lots of non Jewish whites want to see whites humiliated. It is holiness competition.

Recall that woman who made a joke that white women do not get AIDS. Her family disowned her – though it is true.

Jack says:

>and two, Jews aren’t more inbred than whites; that’s a common myth around WN circles.


Hmmm. “Give it a rest Goyim, it’s just a baseless canard.”

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Jim”, have you ever worked on a project with people who were always distracted by something else so never contributed as much as others did on average?

That is what it is like working with white ethnics or coloureds (men that is, women have an even lower ceiling to their capability). That is because they are always holding back as they do not trust you as much since you are a different identity and therefore will never be able to get along with them as you would with one of your own, and one of them with one of theirs.

Of course, traitors are often worse as they’re wrapped up in sick self-hatred and won’t even take the lead of a healthy white person very often because they know that following your lead on work might lead to following your philosophy too and that would be the end of their whole treacherous, anti-white worldview.

All of this, as you could imagine, has a crippling effect on the workplace in general. And no more moon landings since ’72…


jim says:

Yes, I have seen the effect of diversity on the workplace.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Then you are getting closer to seeing what I mean about this issue. A small minority is not likely to change the foundations of the society without declaring war (a hot war) on it. But they can interfere so that productivity falls off. You say that is not a problem? Then you must be much tougher than I am…Or you’ve been obfuscating.

“Diversity” must go if whites are to survive. Right now there is so much of it, that it’s become a process of genocide. Big, big problem.


jim says:

What makes you think I say diversity is not a problem?

Rather, diversity is downstream of our more serious problems, such as democracy, female emancipation, and belief in equality. I am for restoring slavery, and you think I propose to continue affirmative action in the workplace!

Alan J. Perrick says:


I think that the allowing of Talmudic Jews so deeply into society is caused by the same mechanism that makes “Diversity” such a feature of the inefficient and even genocidal Cathedral system. You wrote that Talmudic Jews are not a problem, but since they go hand in hand with coloured “Diversity”, they are indeed one!

Best regards,


jim says:

Your argument makes no sense. You have to argue that talmudic jews cause diversity. Which they obviously do not.

Alan J. Perrick says:

It’s not an argument anymore since you’ve qualified your position more thoroughly with this X. is down-stream from Y. section.


B says:

Perrick, you are an idiot.

They are such Talmudic Jews that their entire life revolves around publicly and proudly violating every single precept found in the Talmud.

They don’t keep kosher, they don’t keep Shabbat, they don’t follow the sexual regulations of the Torah (for instance, intermarriage and premarital sex are forbidden,) and they proudly advertise this.

Everything they do is right out of Lytton Strachey’s little club, or the Oneida Society, which predated the mass assimilation of Jews into American high society.

If someone moves into your town, where cholera is endemic (because you shit in the water supply,) and comes down with cholera, is it smart to blame your cholera outbreak on them?

Never mind, rhetorical question-this exact thing actually happened repeatedly.

Ah, but let me guess-without them here, there would be fewer cases of cholera.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Talmudic Jews are a waste of time at best and a mind virus at worse and, naturally, the ones who come here (see the above comment) are no exception…


Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

When you say “Talmudic Jews”, is this to distinguish them from another type of non-Talmudic Jews? Or what is the significance of “Talmudic”?

jim says:

The correct term is orthodox Jews. All Jews claim to be talmudic, none of them are. Indeed even the Talmud itself is not Talmudic, performing repeated double somersaults and backflips on sexual morality, rape, and the status of women.

Most Jews are talmudic in the perjorative sense, torturing texts the way the Talmud tortures the Torah until it confesses.

Alan J. Perrick says:

R.N.G., ever since you decided the Supreme Court was full of Protestant Christians, I have been of the mind that you are in real need of the ability to differentiate between religions.

My recommendation, stay on the more the basic level and worry about more advanced topics later on!


AJP, exactly what religion are you anyway?

What is your denomination’s stance on the origins and proper treatment of faggots?

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Peppermint Papist”,

You are drooling on the keyboard!


Right, well, telling me I’m drooling on the keyboard would be enough if you had institutional power. But you don’t. So your posturing looks as faggy as Jeb Bush’s debating boots.

What religion is on the Supreme Court? Various shades of progressivism.

As to race, Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan, and Sotomayor are kikes. Thomas is a nigger and Sotomayor is part Indian.

Jews have a plurality.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Oh, but I feel badly for your poor keyboard…

Yeah, see, this is why you’re a cuck. In exchange for being able to larp that everything is normal and she’s your wife, you’ll let the niggers inject their DNA. After all, it’s just DNA and your fellow larpers maintain some semblance of cultural authority.

Mackus says:

AJP, whats your point? You keep calling peppermint a papist, even though he obviously despises catholics.
I though you were probably a fundie christian of some denomination, but if you were, you’d be happy to describe beliefs of your church and why everyone else (including papists) got it wrong.
Since you won’t discuss your religion, you are obviously not religious, just a troll, and you use term “papist” only because you know it will annoy peppermint as completely missed term.

In his mind, he’s a high church Episcopalian from the steampunk era. High church correctly views arguing about theology an inherently subversive.

In reality, he’s a larping cuckold fetishist.

Nick B. Steves isn’t really a cuckold fetishist, he has a family to take care of. Mark Citadel had an HIV- church to be a part of.

Alan J. Perrick says:
Alan J. Perrick says:

If I ever stop showing up, let it be known that a Jesuit assassin has probably silenced me permanently…


As shaky as Peppermint’s estimations may be, I guess an HIV- church is better than an HIV+ church. I had no idea AJP was an Episco

Alan J. Perrick says:

Why should anyone make it easy on the obnoxious, anti-white bunch that are Trentian “Catholics”? (Named for the Council of Trent, 1545, the origin of their paganistic movement)

Vatican-Roman Catholics are busily overtaking the U.S….If you want a brown country, take the side of Mexicans, South-Irish-Americans and Italo-Americans!

While the Judeo-Catholic coalition has completely overtaken S.C.O.T.U.S., which many do consider the deep state, the genetic capital of the United States is re-aligning itself to the traditionally Trentian populations of the New World, namely Brasil, Mexico and Venezuala. The Protestant Christian population of the United States is approximately 50% but not a one is allowed on the Supreme Court, which is 6/9 Trentian “Catholic” and 3/9 Talmudic Jewish.

Enjoy your new Cathedral and your White Genocide.

Yes, we’ve noticed that Protestant countries of Scandinavia, the British Isles, and the Netherlands have continued as monarchies (albeit constitutional ones), and the Vatican influenced countries become republics. (See France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Poland, Ireland, etc. etc.) The next logical step is assuming that because the Trentians call their Vatican pontiff their monarch, they do not need another monarch for each state underneath the global beaureacracy of the R.C.C.. Too bad Ethno-Nationalists…You’re being ruled by the Vatican!


Mackus says:

>>If I ever stop showing up, let it be known that a Jesuit assassin has probably silenced me permanently…
If you actually were important enough to silence… but catholic Church can’t even get rid of his enemies in Vatican city, much less everywhere else.

>>You’re being ruled by the Vatican!
Vatican is barely able to enforce its doctrine within walls of Vatican city, much less other countries.

>>Why should anyone make it easy on the obnoxious, anti-white bunch that are Trentian “Catholics”?
Is anyone here _actually_ making it easy on catholics? Srsly, quote some pope lovers in this comment section.
Peppermint probably hates them most in in this comment
section, rest don’t care for them at best, and generally despises them for going totally “prog” in last few hundred years.
It seems that in your mind, this blog is part of vast papist conspiracy. And the fact that almost everyone loudly criticizes catholics is proof that they are closet catholics too, since obvious only catholics are sneaky enough to deceive everyone like that.

>>Vatican-Roman Catholics are busily overtaking the U.S
Go to a catholic bakery, and ask for gay wedding cake.
If they sell you cake, or don’t but get fined after you call the police, then catholics are not overtaking the US. Progressives are.

when you look at Europe and see monarchies and republics, what you don’t see is progressive democracy and eurocrats

when you look at Europe and see Catholics and Protestants, or look at the Supreme Court and see â…” Catholics and â…“ Talmudists, what you don’t see is progressivism

that’s why you’re a cuckold fetishist

desperately larping that everything is normal and it’s just another religious dispute

when you say that Clarence Thomas is a Catholic, you don’t say that he’s nigger out to prove that niggers can be conservatives like 7th Day Adventist Ben Carson

when you say that Sonia Sotomayor is a Catholic, you don’t say she’s part Sephardic Jew, part Red Indian

but by lying about these people’s backgrounds, you get to say to your larp team that your larp religion isn’t on the Supreme Court

which presumably can be remedied by President Ben Carson nominating another spear chucker like Barack Obama (his family attended an Episcopalien church after moving away from Chicago and that UCC church they attended there) or maybe a dyke or tranny bishop like Katherine Schori, primate of the Episcopalien Church

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Peppermint Papist”,

I am not here to convert, but anyone getting my will surely be smashed! If you want answers, do not splash such obscenity and blasphemy onto your keyboard in the future…

Glory to God!


Alan J. Perrick says:

*getting in my way

Alan J. Perrick says:

L.O.L., and I don’t mean smashed literally, really only rhetorically.

I had a “working class” individual try to engage me in a duel recently…Will wonders never cease? … So bad, so bad…


Richard Nixon's Ghost says:


“LARP religion” is an awesome and accurate term for most modern variants of Christianity.

Peppermint: Observant Christians of all stripes are slandered repeatedly across the institutions of the United States and almost universally in Western Europe. Self-declared ‘Catholics’ and such do have positions of power, but do they use these to institute Catholic law? No, never, except perhaps in Poland.

You’re talking about societies where institutionalized Traditional religion has no power whatsoever, there is no priesthood setting judicial policy, in official terms, religion has been banished from the state apparatus. You can find Liberalism if you go to ‘Islamic’ countries that observe secularism as well, where the religious authorities have no official power. To pretend that countries like France today are institutionally the same as they were in 1450 is also LARPing. The difference is, priesthood and aristocracy toppled from power and replaced.

Heretics always existed, but back then they could be burnt or lynched. Now they are protected by ‘freedom of religion’ and other such nonsense.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Thanks for the interest, M.C., but you must appreciate white people this /“ much in order to speak with A.J.P.

It’s a co-ordinated effort needed to break the chains of White Genocide and Anti-Whitism, and there’ll be no advancing forward while you all take shots at my back and the backs of other pro-whites.


You should admit you’re not really pro-white. Come on, you don’t give a damn about Magyars or Croats. You might love ‘white’ Americans, but that’s about it.

And I have never said anything remotely ‘anti-white’.

Alan J. Perrick says:



Hidden Author says:

To Alan:

Dude! The whole Nordicist WASP fixation died between WWII and the ’60s. Even the fucking Nazis these days are about the white race as a whole. Indeed Nordicism is so rare, if at all existent, that one wonders whether even you are genuinely a Nordicism or whether this WASP BS is just your way of trolling everyone!

Alan J. Perrick says:

L.O.L., who would be silly enough to pay attention to even a single sentence that you write!!

Hidden Author says:

So you just repeated what I told you and directed it at me…What a fucking idiot!

Steve Johnson says:

To Alan,

It’s the current year.

It’s the current year.

It’s the current year.

Hidden Author says:

Do you know any groups that adhere to Nordicism? Why would anyone want to revive such a dead ideology if no one believes in it aside from seeking to divide and antagonize people?

Erebus says:

On the one hand: The Jews are not a hive-mind. There are decent ones as well as bad ones, and there are more than a few who have contributed to NRx and the alt-right, to say nothing of Jewish contributions to scientific and technological advancement. The reflexive “all Jews are evil & everything Jewish is bad” position is a mind-killer, and is objectively wrong.

On the other hand: Noah Smith.
(This is to say that when Jews are bad, they’re really bad — uniquely bad — and very irritating if not outright destructive. Case in point: N. Smith, who edges out Ta-Nehisi Coates for the title of “world’s worst public intellectual.”)

I believe that the notion of a “Jewish identity” is incompatible with Western society, and that total assimilation is the answer to the JQ. Those who won’t assimilate fully into their host societies should hasten to Israel. (Of course, by extension, the Jews are not unique in this regard; sizable ethnic groups that do not integrate with their host populations are never a good thing, at least insofar as I can tell. Japan’s Zainichi Koreans — and its many issues with those Koreans — are roughly analogous to Europe and America’s Jews.)

Aside: Is it interesting to anybody else that Jews are being pushed out of left-wing politics? BDS and other such movements — which all claim to oppose “Israeli Aparthied”, but which tend to antagonize Jews in a much more general sense — are creatures of an increasingly diverse, and less Jewish, left. This may hasten the total assimilation of leftist Jews, or drive them to the right — and it may incentivize those with a strong Jewish identity to migrate to Israel. I believe that Steve Sailer has made mention of this before.

Jack says:

Jews refuse to assimilate in a good way. They assimilate insofar as it allows them to emit evil mind control rays without being identified as Jewish, but they don’t assimilate — at least not en masse — to become “normal” Whites who can contribute to the preservation of the White race and the advancement of its culture; the cons of cultural disintegration outweigh the pros of scientific contributions. If you know a good way to assimilate Jews, please tell us what it is.

Erebus says:

It’s not going to happen all at once, but I’d argue that we can observe this assimilation in action right now. The outmarriage rate for secular Jews in the USA stands at 70%. To put this in perspective, Hispanics and Asians outmarry at a rate of approximately 25%. The secular Jewish birthrate is also extraordinarily low. So how many more generations would you give the Jews before they cease to exist as a meaningful and cohesive group? Three? Four?

The increasingly Jew-hostile nature of the far-left, which will become the future’s mainstream left, may push Jews to the right, to full assimilation and the casting off of their Jewish identities, or to emigration. All outcomes are fine. This is another argument for accelerationism: The only “good” and practical way to deal with the Jews is to have the left spearhead Jew-hostile initiatives. (Like BDS, which is itself only a harbinger of things to come.)

In any case, encouraging assimilation and emigration to Israel is better and more practical than praying for an expulsion which is never going to happen.

Jack says:

As I’ve noted before, religious Jews become the new secular Jews, and Gentiles can and do convert to Judaism. So waiting for the Jewish problem to simply solve itself makes no sense.

Anti-Semitism could effectively push Jews to make aliyah, so anti-Semitism should be encouraged.

Erebus says:

Apparently the Orthodox make up just 10% of the USA’s Jewish population — which means that there are only around five hundred thousand of them. Once the secular population collapses thanks to the combination of outmarriage and an extremely low birthrate, the Orthodox population will not be able to replace them. This holds true even if all of the Orthodox somehow decide to become Reform or totally secular Jews. In any case, the number of secular Jews in our midst is going to decline precipitously — it’s going to fall off a cliff. If you think that one Jew is too many, then the JQ is not solved. But you seem more reasonable than that.

As for anti-Semitism: The only way I see anything happening is via the left. For this tactic to work, it must be based on the holy principles of equality, social justice, and democracy. The mainstream narrative would need to shift to: “Israel is a disgraceful apartheid ethno-state, it is entirely anti-American, it murders poor innocent Arabs by the truckload, and yet the Jews in our midst all support it.” Which would then lead, by extension, to accusations of dual loyalty, and so forth. This sort of thing is already starting to take place in Universities and far-left activist organizations. It is very effective at alienating and frightening the Jews. (Whereas /pol/ style anti-Semitism appears to be entirely beneath their concern.)

jim says:

Jews are a problem, but not a problem that non Jews should obsess over. The solution is assimilation, disappearance, or migration to Israel: Which solution they are working on themselves just fine. If Jews disproportionately disseminate the poison of progressivism, that is because they drink their own koolaide and it poisons themselves first of all.

When the left gets around to eradicating the Jews, Jews will be operating the gulags in which they dispose of each other.

And when Pol echoes left wing accusations against the Jews – “Israel is a disgraceful apartheid ethno-state, it is entirely anti-American, it murders poor innocent Arabs by the truckload, and yet the Jews in our midst all support it.” that is leftism. Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and now recently Hungary are resisting the Camp of the Saints, and they all deserve to be cheered for doing so.

If someone complains that the government supports borders for Israel, but not for the US, he should avoid sounding as if he opposes borders for Israel.

Dr. Faust says:

Judaism stands relatively unchanged for thousands of years. It’s traditions are honored by it’s people and tolerated or mocked by others. This is good as the mockery of the outsiders fosters greater group cohesion. In the 70s and 80s Jews were still following their traditions albeit in a new progressive form. Then in the 90s up until today the Jews have openly mocked their own traditions as well as others, adopted the white ethnicity as their own, and secularized their beliefs. Marriage outside of their ethnicity is the norm and not an exception.

Anything resembling American Jews will not exist in the near future and none of them seem to mind or aren’t making their protests known.

jim says:

Judaism stands relatively unchanged for thousands of years.

Not on sex, sex roles, and sexual morality, it has not remained relatively unchanged. The Talmud blows off the Torah, and then the Talmud blows off the Talmud, and then the Talmud drastically reinterprets the Talmud, and then the Rabbis re-interpret the Talmud, and then the Rabbis reinterpret the Rabbis.

Which ingenious torture of the texts gives the word “talmudic” a bad name.

Assimilating the Jews has been tried. In Spain, where they kept finding unassimilated Jews for hundreds of years, including the first Jew to move to the Georgia colony. In France and Germany – how do you think Jews got those German names? In England, Jews assimilated the aristocracy, and proceeded to destroy the Empire.

What was wrong with pprosecuting Dreyfuss? Dreyfuss was French, and France was for the French, it was anti-French to try to call him a Jew.

This is typical. One way the charge of anti-Semitism has worked on Whites is for the Jews to be included in a socially constructed national identity and then anti-Semitism really is against that social construct.

But ask Jews like B what they think about Hellenization.

Whites don’t need Jews, can’t assimilate Jews, should have 0 interest in carrying Jew DNA and Jew behavior patterns, and Jews don’t want to be assimilated.

Erebus says:

I’d say that the Spain comparison is apt, and that, on the whole, some exceptions notwithstanding, Spain assimilated its Jews very successfully. Many of them were enthusiastic converts; Torquemada himself was a Marrano. The combination of expulsions and forced conversions ensured the swift disappearance of the Jewish community in Spain. It has never returned.

Spanish culture, such as it is, does not appear to have been negatively affected — a Jewish underclass, in its shtetls, would have doubtless been much worse. What is most detrimental to society is when the Jews set up a permanent “outsider culture” in their ghettos and professional enclaves.

I wouldn’t say that the modern Spanish carry Jewish behavior patterns. Whether or not they’re more phenotypically Jewish than other European ethnic groups is, I suppose, debatable.

So even in a country where the popular hatred of Jews was famously and violently intense, where the Jews actively cooperated and conspired with the Moorish enemy, and where the Jews had to be forced into conversion on pain of death or exile, total assimilation was nevertheless possible. In the modern USA, it’s not only possible, it is likely inevitable.

B is not representative of the Jews I’ve met in America. Most of them are more like Noah Smith. They love Hellenization. As far as I can tell, they aim to be more Hellenic than the Hellenes! B is an Israeli, but most of these American Jews simply don’t care about Israel — and many of them scorn it, as in doing so they burnish their progressive credentials.
…For his part, B is an old-school Hebrew. A throwback. Sadly, he isn’t even representative of his own countrymen.

B says:

Spain took a couple of hundred years to digest the conversos. And it’s been a shining beacon of intellectual, military and economic progress ever since, eh? But at least no “permanent outsider culture.”

Your assessment of American Jews is very shallow. Notice that the European shtetl Jews, the “underclass” of which you are so dismissive, in a flash produced the couple of generations which fought for, took and built modern Israel. The totally assimilated Russian Jews, three generations of whom had not even been circumcised, created a massive aliya 20 years ago. The high tech scene, the military and the secular and religious educational institutions are now full of them here. French Jews were assimilated par excellence and are now forming a massive aliya (and France is much worse for their leaving.) It’s not all surface appearances. There is such a thing as a soul.

Ron says:

You are a kind man.

[…] functioning nations and Urbit (also). Brain damage. Sin. Jews. The weekly […]

Matt says:

What exactly is the point of this post? Mind control rays? Why set up a strawman argument?

Jews are generally not liberals. They are not politically correct. Nothing that they demand of non-Jews they do to themselves. This is the main reason why when people speak of “cuckservatives” they don’t include Jews in the definition. Because Jews are loyal to their people and put energy and money into it.

Jews are ethnocentric and racist. They act in their own perceived interests and their interests generally don’t align with the interests of non-Jews. What to do?

Well…. Since we are well on the road to global white disempowerment (“white genocide”) and minority status in every formerly European country, I would turn hate speech against them if possible. Anyone making a statement like “such and such is too white” and the like would be charged and convicted with hate crime genocide advocacy and and convicted. Applied retroactively to all the twitter and Facebook postings and we have quite a list of people to punish. Of course it will disproportionately fall on people of Jewish background and it will be a disparate impact. However it’s only punishing people for what they said or did, not because they were Jews.

Would that be acceptable to you, or is any Jewish responsibility at all just lunatic white antisemitism, Jim?

Aristocles_Inv says:

The straw-manning of the JQ in neoreaction is notoriously bad. Anyone who suggests at least some of the blame for the current miserable state of the West is caused by the Jews is puritanically (the irony is palpable) shouted down by the rest yelling “it was the puritans you anti-intellectual Nazi”, etc.. Jews may not be the root cause but they have made the degradation incredibly more pronounced. Solving the current crisis made exponentially harder by the organized Jewish community and all the NGOs they control ADL, SPLC, etc.

jim says:

Anyone who suggests at least some of the blame for the current miserable state of the West is caused by the Jews is puritanically (the irony is palpable) shouted down by the rest

It is perfectly obvious that Jews are responsible for quite a lot of what is wrong with today’s west, and I am sure our prolific Jewish supremacist commenter B will admit that.

But it is equally obvious that Jews are not the root of the problem, that expelling and expropriating Jews is not going to fix the problem, and that expelling and expropriating people that own substantial property never makes the robbers richer in the long run but merely fucks the economy up.

Exterminating the Jews is like voting Republican, in that at best it will merely slow the decline. In this sense, Jews are a distraction.

Aristocles_Inv says:

I agree with most of your points, but expelling the Jews is a good first step to mending the problems in the West because with them gone the process of healing will become exponentially more efficient. You assume that there is only one monolithic “root” when this does not have to be the case. In my estimation the largest obstacle in convincing Whites to become racially aware (which is crucial at present) is the Jewish owned media, NGOs, and lobbying groups which exert an incredibly disproportionate influence in the demonization of any healthy policy for White nations. If you see a different or more efficient way to resolve the current crisis I’m all ears.

jim says:

What process of healing? We are going downhill, and without the Jews, might go down hill slightly slower, just as if we elect republicans, will go downhill slightly slower.

Jack says:

The Jews are like a dam that first has to be broken so water becomes available. Jews are not the whole problem, not the root problem, not the most difficult problem, but defeating Jewry is a preliminary condition for revival. No defeating Jewry, no revival. All those myriad positive changes that everyone in NRx desires cannot, will not, be achieved until the Jewish grip over society is unshackled. Sorry, one doesn’t always get to choose one’s struggles. You may be sympathetic to Jews, sympathetic to the ethnicity most zealously and enthusiastically dedicated to the annihilation of Whites, but your (totally unreciprocated) sentiments won’t make the problem go away.

jim says:

defeating Jewry is a preliminary condition for revival.

The problem was well under way before Jews got involved.

When you say “Jewry”, as if Jews were a corporation or a government, you attribute to them a cohesion that progressive Jews conspicuously lack

Progressive Jews are progressives first, Jews second You are arbitrarily focusing on a subset of progressives that is, in practice, entirely indistinct.

jim says:

Jews are generally not liberals. They are not politically correct. Nothing that they demand of non-Jews they do to themselves.

On the contrary, the Jewish Bolsheviks were so politically correct that they murdered each other. Progressive American Jews are so politically correct that the men cannot get laid and the girls don’t have children.

Matt says:

Because some Jews have Jewish blood on their hands there are no issues with Jews and non-Jews. OK. Black crime is not a problem for whites because blacks also commit crimes against blacks.

jim says:

The accusation is that Jews are acting as one in pursuit of Jewish self interest in a sinister plot to dominate and eradicate whites. The number of Jews eradicated by Jews falsifies the accusation that Jews are acting as one, acting in pursuit of Jewish collective interest, that “The Jews” can be usefully treated as a single hostile being. The old Bolsheviks were clearly not pursuing the interests of Jews and Judaism.

Matt says:

Sure, OK. So all these Jewish organizations randomly espouse ideologies that are broadly representative of mainstream society and are not anti-white at all. Got you. Must have been my tinfoil hat coming off that made the Nazi mind control rays badthink antisemitism.

jim says:

Well, yes, Jewish organizations are broadly representative of mainstream society, mainstream society being anti white and anti male.

And the mainstream has been anti white and anti male all the way back to the attempted divorce of Queen Caroline and the case of the Hottentot Venus, long before you could blame the Jews for it.

Jews were progressively marrying in and buying up the English aristocracy since Cromwell, just like the Jacobs, Josephs, and Jezebels of their legends.

And England got progressively weirder and weirder.

Trump’s children married Jews, Clinton’s children married Jews, Jews have refused to be counted, have had more children than Whites who have been told not to have children and have had their safety threatened, how do we know the Jews are overrepresented in going to college relative to their numbers?

Orthodox children don’t all stay orthodox, do they?

How many Jews and first-degree mischlinge are there in the US? How many second degree mischlinge?

jim says:

Trump’s children married Jews

Trump has five children, one of whom married a Jew. That is not “Jews” that is “a Jew”

[…] functioning nations and Urbit (also). Brain damage. Sin. Jews. The weekly […]

Matt says:

A few things.

1. Jews don’t need rhetorical apologetics from marginalized right wingers, reactionaries, or anyone else. They can take care of themselves.

2. The triangulation strategy of supporting Jews and trying to get Jews to agree with a pro-white program of strategic racism is never going to work. Ian Jobling, the pro-semite former employee of Amren was a recent case of someone trying this. He got zero support from Jews and eventually went over to the SLPC.


3. Jim, you want to leave the power structure intact while expecting change. Well that isn’t going to happen because Jews are a self conscious elite that never plan to give up power.

4. If some forms of immigration also harms Jews it doesn’t mean that they don’t know what they are doing. Is just means that they hate us more than the risk they have some Muslims.

jim says:

2. The triangulation strategy of supporting Jews and trying to get Jews to agree with a pro-white program of strategic racism is never going to work.

Never thought it would. But to obsess over Jews is to mistake the matador for the cape.

Jews are not going to ally with anyone – hard enough to get them to ally with other jews. But obsessing about Jews is a sickness. Thinking that we have problems because Jews are cohesive is deluded because Jews are not cohesive, and we are even less cohesive. The enemy really is us. If you obsess over Jews, you are missing the big problem.

Further its clear that quite minor bad behavior by Jews receives obsessive attention – everyone has heard of Goldman Sachs, no one has heard of Countrywide. This obsessive behavior is visible to a greater or lesser extent with every market dominant minority, and when put in that context is clearly motivated by envy and covetousness, the basic fuel of leftism.

If someone wants to get rid of the Jews, chances are he is curiously untroubled by getting rid of the blacks. They want to expel the Jews and take their stuff. The Jews just wandering off to Israel as they are in fact doing or even being ejected to Israel with wealth intact does not emotionally satisfy – which emotion is plainly covetousness, the same ugly and hateful emotion we saw in naked display in Amelia Earhart’s ticker tape parade and the glorification of the whore Florence Nightingale.

Jews are a self conscious elite that never plan to give up power.

If Jews were in power Scott Alexander would get laid and Mead would have fucked Boaz.

Most of the bad stuff that Pol says about Jews is true – except that Pol are obsessed by stuff that if you look at it plainly, really does not amount to anything worth getting obsessed about.

Matt says:

Jim, you are the one that wrote the post about Jews. You even titled it “the Jewish problem”. The only obsessing here is apologetics for Jewish behavior.

The ideas that you are putting forth here are completely crackpot. According to you, whites are afflicted with a psychological or spiritual malady in which prone to “antisemitism”, an irrational desire to do harm to Jews. Furthermore they are jealous of Jewish wealth and that exacerbates the “antisemitism”. Do you realize how completely nuts that sounds?

So all the nations that threw out their Jewish population were just crazy people afflicted with the mysterious disease of antisemitism (and only Jews seem to be the targets of it and not other people).

Geez man. I guess you are right. White people have antisemitism in their DNA. I guess that the only solution is white genocide. I can hear cuckoo birds singing.

Well, it’s no less nuts than The Dearborn Independent, in their article Will Anti-Semitism Come to the Unites States, which is the fifth article in The International Jew.

Anyone who says that the White genocide meme is shrill and shouldn’t be casually applied to e.g. Star Wars needs to review the history of anti-Semitism.

Though maybe that’s just cargo cult Judaism, trying to do what Jews do without the non-coordinated conspiracy of bribes and threats, boycotts and buyouts, that managed to shut down anti-Semitic publications in the US a century ago.

jim says:

I never accused whites of antisemitism. I never accused Nazis of antisemitism. I accused Nazis of wanting the New Deal on steroids, and of corrupting Jews with such leftist thinking.

It is non Jewish whites who made leftism holiness, whereupon Jews proceeded to out holy us, correctly accusing us of hypocritically falling short of our pious standards of holiness. The problem is not that Jews are out holying us, but making leftism holiness in the first place.

The Nazi argument is that we were already correctly holy, and if it was not for those damned Jews being even holier, we would still have the correct level of holiness. But we were not correctly holy. We are never going to live up to “All men are created equal”, because all men are not created equal. So there will always be a market for some holiness monger to sell more holiness. That a lot of these holier than thou holiness mongers are Jewish is unsurprising and irrelevant.

pdimov says:

“The Nazi argument is that we were already correctly holy, and if it was not for those damned Jews being even holier, we would still have the correct level of holiness.”

No, the Nazi argument (assertion, rather) was that the international Jewish community was at war with Germany, seeking its destruction. And the neo-Nazi assertion is that the international Jewish community is at war with whites, seeking their destruction. Nothing to do with holiness.

The argument that Jews are a harmful part of the white community is not Nazi, it’s just ordinary anti-Semitism. This argument long predates Nazis.

jim says:

“The Nazi argument is that we were already correctly holy, and if it was not for those damned Jews being even holier, we would still have the correct level of holiness.”

the neo-Nazi assertion is that the international Jewish community is at war with whites, seeking their destruction. Nothing to do with holiness.

How are the Jews supposedly making war on us?

By influencing us to adopt self destructive policies – which policies are extra double holy policies, holy by the Nazis’ own standards.

But it was we who declared this crap holy in the first place. Which creates an incentive for smart people to declare themselves ever holier.

pdimov says:

“How are the Jews supposedly making war on us?

By influencing us to adopt self destructive policies…”

This doesn’t look like a Nazi line to me. The Nazi line is more like, by using their money, power and influence to destroy us. Homicide, not assisted suicide.

Of course nowadays the word Nazi has no meaning, so you can claim whatever you like about them.

jim says:

The Nazi line is more like, by using their money, power and influence to destroy us. Homicide, not assisted suicide.

Not seeing it.

How are Jews supposedly harming us, except by their evil mind control rays?

What specifically do they do, other than mind control us to shoot ourselves in the foot?

What exactly are they doing with their money and power that hurts us?

And yes, their influence hurts us – by mind controlling us to shoot ourselves in the foot. But how does their money and power hurt us?

pdimov says:

“How are Jews supposedly harming us, except by their evil mind control rays?”

Are Nazis asking themselves this question? Do they care?

jim says:

I am asking you that question. Do you have an answer?

pdimov says:

Ah, I see. When you say that the Nazi argument is X, you mean not that Nazis actually make this argument, you mean that X is a logical consequence of the argument they make. That is, their argument is effectively X.

But it’s still not right. Nazi aren’t conservatives, they are progressives. They don’t claim that if not for Jews progress would’ve stopped; they claim that Jews have subverted the direction of progress, making society progress towards degradation, rather than towards greatness. They still want superior holiness, just not this type of holiness.

jim says:

Ah, I see. When you say that the Nazi argument is X, you mean not that Nazis actually make this argument, you mean that X is a logical consequence of the argument they make. That is, their argument is effectively X.

No I mean they absolutely do make exactly that argument. For example, in Mein Kampf what is the big horrid crime that Hitler charges the Jews with?

The stab in the back.

Hitler gets wounded, is invalided back home, notices that the home front is collapsing, that Germany is exhausting its economic capacity to support its troops in the field. He then complains bitterly about Jews pointing out that the home front is collapsing. This is the “stab in the back”. The Jews are stabbing Germans in the back, not by running around with actual knives like Palestinians, but by pointing out a truth that would be better ignored for as long as possible.

Nazis make exactly that argument, Hitler makes exactly that argument, that Jews are harming us by their evil mind rays, but it is such a manifestly stupid argument that Nazis use colorful hyperbolic language “stab” to obscure what they mean.

Matt says:

I don’t care what government white people decide to create for themselves. Whether it is leftist and progressive, or rightist and conservative. Any of these policies are ultimately reversible. What is incumbent upon us is to prevent the global disempowerment of people of white European extraction (non-semite Europeans). This disempowerment has also been called white genocide.

Whenever an activist is against this he will find that the main opponents are all Jewish. While regular white people will mouth the platitudes about diversity and what not, for the main part it is only the Jews that burn the midnight oil on this issue.

A friend of mine got into trouble for a letter to the newspaper in relation to refugee crime rates, a matter that is within his field of speciality of law. He was brought before the “Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission” in a case brought against him ostensibly by the Sudanese community but was actually at instigation of Jewish organizations. I want to make this clear: every single opponent trying to break my friend was Jewish.

Jim, you say do nothing. I say that’s crazy. I’m willing to put the advice of Jesus into practice and judge them by their fruits. If they did not engage in anti white activism or Twitter posts and the like, they suffer no consequences. If they did then they get punished in some sort of permanent way. I’m willing to extend this to regular white people too.

The actual stab in the back was when Jews with German names in the US got the US into the war in exchange for the Balfour Declaration from England.


Jesus was a signalaritarian faggot who said that a widow’s mite is worth more than a rich man’s talents. Note how he used a female mascot in this parable.

He said a lot of things, some of which is still quoted in a right-wing context today. The point of only ever using single Bible verses is to avoid the plain meaning of his words.

If you are serious about saving the White race and Western civilization, you must get serious about ignoring signaling. That means no more public supplications to the kikes on the stick.

jim says:

The kike on a stick was not a problem when only the priests were allowed to read him.

Europe is the faith. The faith is Europe. And now that God is dead, Europe must die.

pdimov says:

“I am asking you that question. Do you have an answer?”

No. I’m not sure why you think that I should. I’m neither a Nazi nor do I agree with their premises. My point is just that you ascribe to them an argument that is not theirs.

“Nazis make exactly that argument, Hitler makes exactly that argument, that Jews are harming us by their evil mind rays, but it is such a manifestly stupid argument that Nazis use colorful hyperbolic language “stab” to obscure what they mean.”

Note that how even in this example Jews are accused of actively doing something bad (traitorous in this case), rather than persuading the white population to do something bad to themselves.

Just Sayin' says:

The fact remains that Jews have made things worse and that they continue to make things worse and to foil any attempts to set things right.

Jews simply aren’t (and haven’t been) a good fit for our civilization. And so they need to leave.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I’m taking “Jim”‘s side on this one…Even his approach to this issue is more-or-less reasonable because there appear to be so many Jew-focused individuals who are so good on this one issue, but won’t spend even a moment on the white ethnic group that is the most destructive in white countries: the pagan, Trentian “Catholics”

From the British Isles, Trentian “Catholics” (hereby named for the paganist, schismatic council where they originated) perform the exact function of the S.J.W.s do in the United States. Look at this article which is an abhorrent piece of humanistic, historical revisionism. http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/commentandblogs/2015/10/23/agincourt-is-nothing-to-celebrate/

That is only a recent violation from the alien, Vatican devotees. The Northern Irish “Troubles” in the 1960s is directly analagous to the coloured “Civil Rights” activity of the same time period of the U.S..

That means, by and large, no to “Nazis”, no to the papist, Austrian-originating chancellor that the Vatican would like you to focus on rather than the Protestant Christian Prussian kingdom that preceded him to much greater glory and godly society…


jim says:

Yes, Jews are not a good fit to our civilization. And they are leaving or assimilating under their own power. But they don’t cause the sort of problems that blacks, or even Indios, do.

Aristocles_Inv says:

They create worse problems though because they are far more intelligent and ideologically radical. I think we should just say, “Hey we tried to coexist but we always got on each others nerves and so now we just have to part ways, best of luck to you.” That would be the White way of doing it, the problem is the Jews would never agree to those terms because their control of the Cathedral, and by extension the entire White world, is too strong…

Jack says:

Exactly. Which is why actions that would incentivize Jews to accept those terms, like say lone-wolf pogroms committed throughout the Western world, should be encouraged. The problem as Jim posits is that they own too many assets. But are we to believe that Whites can’t sustain functioning, thriving economies without Jews? Nonsense. Sure, kicking out the Jew would result in economic destabilization, but in the long-run it’s for the better, as Whites are not niggers and should not be dependent on foreigners for subsistence.

Perhaps all those Islamic infiltrators in Europe could be put to good use, burning down Synagogues and such. The US has no Muslims, but a few homegrown Jew-haters would suffice. A shattered Synagogue here and a few traumatized schoolchildren there, and the Jews all make aliyah. What was the other choice again? Somehow converting Jews to WN or NRx? Yeah, pogroms it is, then.

jim says:


The US has no Muslims

You are seriously out of contact with reality. There are half as many Muslims as Jews, but the percentage of Muslims is rapidly growing, while the percentage of Jews is rapidly declining.

Further, Muslims from time to time do Jihad, and stab people in the back with actual literal knives, while Jews never do anything like that.

It is glaringly obvious that Muslims are a much bigger problem than Jews, for example sudden Jihad syndrome, getting the state to cater to their religion, imposing Sharia law on non Muslims, etc

Although there are only half as many Muslims as Jews, they are much more religious, and much more aggressive, so the imprint of their religion is far more visible.

Jack says:

Of course the US has Muslims who are destined to become a grave problem as everywhere, but right now the pressing issue is Progressive intrusion into the lives of all citizens, said intrusion being orchestrated disproportionately by Jews, not by bearded goatfuckers. It’s not hadjis who run the Cathedral.

Erebus says:

Progroms? Jim’s right: You’re out of touch with reality. In today’s America, that sort of strategy would backfire in a truly spectacular way. It would result in more Jewish solidarity and in much more mainstream sympathy for the Jews… who are, at present, at risk of becoming a most unsympathetic race.

What you want to do is reduce Jewish solidarity and make them seem ever less sympathetic. Jews are natural leftists — most of them are progressives first and Jews second — so anti-Semitism from the left divides the Jews and reduces internal solidarity. And as the left is the movement of social justice, and progressivism is the official religion of the state, the enemies of the left are, as a rule, portrayed as being unsympathetic and sinister.
…Having said all that, the left is already starting to antagonize Jews with reflexive “anti-Zionism”, with a monomaniacal obsession with Israeli apartheid, with academic and total boycotts, and so forth. As the USA becomes ever more diverse — as the ranks of the left swell with negroes, Arabs, and Hispanics who naturally sympathize with the wretched Palestinian underdogs — this is only going to increase in reach and scope, until it gets to a point where the Jews won’t be able to remain good progressives while holding on to their Jewish identities. They’ll need to shed one or the other. In the former case, they’ll emigrate; in the latter case, their population will flow into the broader race of SWPLs. Either way, the Jews will cease to be an important issue.

As Jim noted, this sort of leftist anti-Semitism is not compatible or logically consistent with reactionary/right-wing thought, so I don’t support it. But I’ve been keeping an eye on it, and recent trends on the left are scaring the hell out of the Jews. Your wishful thinking is accomplishing precisely nothing.

Hell, if I thought that Jews were the Ultimate Problem, I reckon I’d be much more effective and productive as a left-wing rabble-rouser. But I don’t, so for that among many other reasons, I’m not.

So, after telling people that if they don’t commit lone wolf pogroms they are cucks tacitly supporting White genocide,you’re going to stage a lone wolf pogrom with your crisis actor friends, then disappear from the grid and work at a FEMA camp community organizing Blacks to rape anyone dumb enough to reply to your comments with less than seven proxies, right?

B says:

Nobody is a good fit to your civilization. The most epic Whiteys of the last 500 years were coincidentally the ones who set progress in motion the hardest. Not counting false starts here.

Are the French a good fit in your civilization? For the last 200 years, they’ve been steadily abolishing themselves, from the Vendee and Napoleon all the way to DeGaulle and Algeria.

Are the English? Who could be more epically English than Cromwell? Maybe Darwin-who hated Carlyle and slavery. Darwin was ok with the extinction of the “inferior” races of man, just not with their enslavement. What do you expect from a Unitarian?

Was the Renaissance a high point in your civilization? The epitome of the Renaissance man was Pietro Aretino, who would not be out of place running Vice Magazine today: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Aretino

Your civilization is a snake that eats itself.

Aristocles_Inv says:

Yes lets just ignore that the reason why White societies are like that is because they are the most dynamic and least myopic. Stagnation does not sit well with Whites in general, their faustian spirit would weep. A civilization’s tendency towards entropy is nothing new as it happens in all of them. However it is not a process that is inevitable despite Spengler’s thesis, we can heal the West, one of the first steps as I understand it is incentivizing Jews to make aliyah in a hopefully peaceful way. Jews act as nitroglycerin for civilizational decay and try their hardest to stop and demonize any attempts to steer it back on a sane course. As long as a hostile alien population has control over our media and academia the problem will not be solved.

B says:

Aretino and Cromwell were Jews?

Aristocles_Inv says:

Cromwell was funded by Jews, as for Aretino I don’t think he has much of an influence on the current state of affairs.

B says:

When and how much was Cromwell funded by Jews?

Was he also raised and indoctrinated by Jews?

If a non-Jew once bought a newspaper from a Jew and then went on to kill someone, is the Jew responsible?

I figured you would miss the significance of Aretino, so will spell out long-form.

Today’s Europeans (white Americans too) are not having children. They do not want to live. This is because of their hedonistic value system which is basically low-brow Epicureanism, denying the existence of objective values and seeing pleasure as the ultimate value (since we can all perceive pleasure, this is the lowest common denominator.) Thus, non-procreative sex, pornography, status seeking for its own sake are all ultimately valuable, since they involve the pursuit of pleasure as an end.

Antisemites say, this is because these values are being propagated through newspapers, universities, movies and music, where Jews are disproportionately represented. This is a Jewish plot to undermine the masculine virility of Whitey!

The significance of Aretino is that at a high point of European civilization, the Renaissance, he was as cool as it gets. You don’t get your portrait painted by Titian for winning a game of badminton. And Aretino (and by extension his whole set, which was the cream of Italian society, which was the cream of the Renaissance, which was a peak expression of Western cultural values) represents the EXACT SAME VALUES which are leading Europe and America off the cliff today.

This is something inherent in your cultural makeup. The fact that assimilated Jews, with their high IQ, talent and creativity, are highly represented among the purveyors of art and writing representing those values today just means they saw a demand and supplied it efficiently. Removing them from the system would not increase its quality; the Nigerian movie industry is quite efficient at supplying its viewers with their desired material, without any Jews around.

Aristocles_Inv says:

Wilhelm Reich, Sigmund Freud, and Magnus Hirschfeld (all Jews) are far more responsible for the “Sexual Revolution” in the West than some obscure Italian pornographer. Let’s just ignore the fact that the Porn industry in California where most of it is made is almost entirely Jewish created and run, with a few degenerate Gentiles as well.

Jews are not highly represented because they are more intelligent (although that is part of it), they are disproportionately represented due to ethnic networking and nepotism which is part of their DNA as it is what helped them survive as Diaspora. It is part of their group evolutionary strategy to only trust fellow Jews and to deal in bad faith with Gentiles.

Cromwell was funded by Dutch Jews to overthrow the British order with the promise that Cromwell would emancipate the Jews in England if he succeeded. http://www.olivercromwell.org/jews.htm

jim says:

Jews do not have a “group evolutionary strategy”

Jews behave nepotistically with people in their social circle, which tends to be overwhelmingly Jewish, which looks like Jewish nepotism towards Jews – but there are usually many social circles represented at the top, and they behave ruthlessly towards others at the top, regardless of whether they are Jewish, often especially if they are Jewish. The latter behavior is called “Jewish self hate” and there is plenty of it.

Rather than Jews favoring Jews as Jews, they favor the usual suspects, the people that are connected to the nepotist by the usual biological and social connections, which in the case of Jews tends to favor some Jews.

The distinction between these two strategies is subtle and often difficult to observe, but when the Bolsheviks took over the Soviet Union, the difference between these two strategies had dramatic and deadly consequences, which were readily observable.

When a Jew has the opportunity to favor certain people and not favor others, as when you have a Jew dispensing grants, the beneficiaries are apt to be Jews connected to the first Jew.

When a Jew has the power to dispense harm, as when the search is on for wreckers to explain the failure of the Soviet General Plan, the victims are apt to be …

When you have an incestuous apparatus of people dispensing grants to each other, it is apt to wind up looking like a vast Jewish conspiracy. The solution, however, is not to get rid of Jews, but to get rid of corrupt arts, sciences, and do gooder institutions where do gooders dispense grants to each other. Such institutions always wind up under nepotistic control.

jim says:

Wilhelm Reich, Sigmund Freud, and Magnus Hirschfeld (all Jews)t

Margaret Mead was biologically and culturally part of the puritan evangelist tradition. The theory of the Jewish conspiracy says that she was a puppet of Boaz, but if she was anyone’s puppet, she had sex with the puppeteer, be the puppeteer male or female, and she did not have sex with Boaz.

You can tell whose conspiracy the sexual revolution belonged to by whom Margaret Mead was fucking.

B says:

The link you provide says nothing of the sort. It says “Menassen ben Israel published a pamphlet in 1651 appealing to Cromwell…In September 1655 Menasseh ben Israel arrived in London with a delegation and members of his family and personally petitioned Cromwell for the readmission of the Jews.” Cromwell made lieutenant general in 1644, executed the King and established the Commonwealth in 1649. If the Jews had funded his rise, they wouldn’t need to beseech him in pamphlets 2 years later, and then show up another 4 years later and personally petition him.

Do you have any source for your assertion?

You are being willfully obtuse re: Aretino. Aretino was not some obscure pornographer. He INVENTED the genre and was massively influential in Renaissance culture and politics. This tells you there was a huge demand for this sort of thing, just as in ancient Greece and Rome, and in modern Western culture. It’s in your cultural DNA. As for us, modesty is a precept of our Torah, the Talmud prohibits prurience, etc. This is why the Jewish pornographers etc. you see are universally Jews who are highly assimilated into YOUR culture. Reich, Freud, etc. were not Torah-observant Jews, obviously; rather, they were Jews that tried as hard as possible to be part of Western culture.

>they are disproportionately represented due to ethnic networking and nepotism

Now this is just stupid. The reaction of the typical assimilated Jew to his brother who wears a kippa, tzitzit, a beard, etc., and won’t eat at his house is not “let me help you out.” It’s horror, hatred, embarrassment-“get out of here before they think I’m like you!” Rather than preferential treatment, he will go out of his way to kick his fellow Jews to demonstrate to his goyishe masters that he’s NOT a nepotist, that he’s just like them.

Prime example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_buffalo_incident

How many of the University’s administrators were Jewish, do you think?

jim says:

Rather than preferential treatment, he will go out of his way to kick his fellow Jews to demonstrate to his goyishe masters that he’s NOT a nepotist, that he’s just like them.

Quite true, but he does behave nepotistically to some people who are indeed just like him, who tend to disproportionately be almost assimilated Jews like himself, though he may not notice that the bubble in which he encloses himself, and to which he does indeed behave nepotistically, happens to be composed overwhelmingly of converso Jews like himself.

And if he did notice, would probably be horrified and would make an effort to disfavor Jews and favor non Jews.

B says:

>It is part of their group evolutionary strategy to only trust fellow Jews and to deal in bad faith with Gentiles.


B says:

>Quite true, but he does behave nepotistically to some people who are indeed just like him, who tend to disproportionately be almost assimilated Jews like himself, though he may not notice that the bubble in which he encloses himself, and to which he does indeed behave nepotistically, happens to be composed overwhelmingly of converso Jews like himself.

Everybody tends to like people who are like them.

If Rachel Dolezal was on a college admissions committee, she would disproportionately admit “black” women like herself, with maybe 15% black blood, who uptalked in a vaguely Valley Girl accent about the systemic effects of racism and privilege.

She would certainly not lean in favor of admitting Ghetto DeFontay, black as a boot, mouth full of gold teef, mumbling in ebonics, any more than she would want to admit Billie Bob with his Future Farmers of America pedigree.

Using antisemitic logic, admissions officer Dolezal is a white racist-she discriminates against DeFontay, and disproportionately admits “blacks!” Those blacks aren’t really very black, but black enough.

The Jewish equivalent is admissions officer Barbara Rosenblum, whose family has been eating pork and celebrating Christmas for three generations, and whose husband is not Jewish. She disproportionately admits students like Emma Sulkowicz, who is not Jewish but a white prog with a Jewish father, and whose applications talk about their commitment to social justice and fighting rape culture.

Barbara would be disgusted by an application from Menahem Blumenfield, who wear a black hat, who won’t shake her hand, whose college application lists Torah Study as his top extracurricular activity, and whose silent dismay at her total assimilation she can vaguely sense. Barbara would also be repulsed by Billie Bob and Ghetto DeFonte. She would much rather admit Rachel Dolezal’s favorites than any of them, much as Rachel would find much more in common with Emma S.

Using antisemitic logic, Barbara is part of a genetically motivated Jewish anti-white conspiracy, and Rachel is her pawn.

jim says:

The Jewish equivalent is admissions officer Barbara Rosenblum, whose family has been eating pork and celebrating Christmas for three generations, and whose husband is not Jewish. She disproportionately admits students like Emma Sulkowicz, who is not Jewish but a white prog with a Jewish father, and whose applications talk about their commitment to social justice and fighting rape culture.

Barbara would be disgusted by an application from Menahem Blumenfield, who wear a black hat, who won’t shake her hand, whose college application lists Torah Study as his top extracurricular activity, and whose silent dismay at her total assimilation she can vaguely sense


To Pol, this looks like a conspiracy by “Jewry”, but the difference between this sort of thing and a Jewish conspiracy became apparent when the Old Bolsheviks came into power.

And will again become apparent when the left stops giving Israel an unprincipled exception for apartheid.

Who was Margaret Mead cucking her Lutheran theology student husband with? Other than lezzing out with Boas’ other student Ruth Benedict.

jim says:

We might say she was giving some Samoan Islanders extremely close and personal study.

Tim Wise wrote something against Israel.

The Labor Party in the UK, which has for years been run by a conspiracy of cucks and kikes who need to fuck children to advance in the Party, is in such disarray that one major candidate said something against Israel.

Until the donor class starts to hate Israel, until the educators start to compare Israel to the slavery holocaust, until Lena Dunham writes about how Israel is as lame as sexually experimenting on her little sister was cool, until JJ Abrams says he doesn’t want to be in a room full of Israelis, until George Soros tells FEMEN to annoy the people in B’s settler community, until Sheldon Adelson starts making candidates say that they care about the security needs of Israel and also a fair and equitable handling of the refugee situation – but they’re Jews.

There’s nothing wrong with Jews liking Israel. The personal is the political. There’s something wrong with letting Jews into your country and letting them have positions of influence and authority.

jim says:

Yes, Peppermint Israel is the beneficiary of unprincipled exceptions. It does not get the Rhodesia/South Africa treatment.

But Gaza and the Palestinian authority are suicide on the installment plan. Israel keeps making payments, and the next payment is demanded.

B says:

I suspect that Jews have been in the US longer than your people, Peppermint. Unless you’re a Boston Brahmin or descended from their white livestock (colonial indentured servitude frequently being lifelong slavery in practice.)

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

Do you have a book recommendation for a Orthodox Jewish evaluation/criticism of Christianity?

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:


I doubt Israel is benefiting from unprincipled exceptions. China has conquered and ruled Tibet, in a much nastier fashion, with much less criticism from the Cathedral. The Cathedral tends to target weak states, for obvious reasons – leftist gain money/status/power from capturing states.

A Tibetan who murders people to “free Tibet” will be executed, probably without trial. A South African (i.e. Mandela) who murders people to “free South Africa” will be put in a nice jail for a few years, then later freed and given free stuff from the government – power, money and status. A Palestinian who murders people to “free Palestine” will face a punishment somewhere between the two, depending on the circumstances.

If we assume people behave according to economic incentives, China will continue to rule Tibet, South Africa will end Apartheid, and Israel’s future is uncertain.

jim says:

China has conquered and ruled Tibet, in a much nastier fashion, with much less criticism from the Cathedral [than Israel suffers].

Communists conquering feudalists. The Cathedral always loves that. What the Cathedral hates is superior people ruling over inferior people.

Jack says:

Kahanist Jew Obadiah Shoher wrote a fine (((critique))) of Christianity here:


Richard Nixon's Ghost says:


If the Dalai Lama was an actual feudalist, or the Chinese Communist Party were actual Communists, you might have a point. But they’re not. The Dalai Lama is a liberal Democrat, and even believes in gay marriage.

You’re explanation might have been true in 1950.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:


As to the “superior people ruling”


Pretty clearly what China is doing. But unlike South Africa, they are executing political subversives, rather than giving them status, money and power.

If South Africa had executed all leaders of the anti-apartheid movement, then purged all anti-aparthied ideas from all academia, media, et cetera, they would have survived to today. China has certainly done those things.

Israel is stronger than South Africa. But weaker than China. And it’s long-term survival is in doubt.

B says:

>Do you have a book recommendation for a Orthodox Jewish evaluation/criticism of Christianity?

Off the top of my head, some recommendations:

1) Nahmanides’ dispute (they forced him into it): http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0003_0_02023.html

2) Maimonides on the Laws of Idolatry: http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/912348/jewish/Avodat-Kochavim.htm (I believe that this comes from a censored version of the Mishne Torah)

3) The sources here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shituf#Medieval_Jewish_views

4) Rav Gil Student’s articles here: http://talmud.faithweb.com/ (he’s got a few on the Torah view on Christianity, pardon the Angelfire.)

Cloudswrest says:

“How are the Jews supposedly making war on us?

By influencing us to adopt self destructive policies – which policies are extra double holy policies, holy by the Nazis’ own standards.

But it was we who declared this crap holy in the first place. Which creates an incentive for smart people to declare themselves ever holier.”


This has been endlessly debated on other sites. Is it “white’s fault” because they have this “holiness” weakness, i.e., pathological altruism. Or is it the fault of others for exploiting this weakness? Was it the early Native Americans fault for being especially susceptible to measles and smallpox? Or was it the European explorers fault for bringing it to the new world?

Aristocles_Inv says:

So basically you are postulating epistemic nihilism in this case, well I’m afraid that just reeks like a cop out to me. Corruption has a cause, perhaps a convoluted one, but it still has one.

It seems to me that Jews should, like all foreign races, be returned to their natural homelands. However thinking this will solve our problems is madness. The greatest enemy of Occidental people is other Occidental people who serve Progress. We are in a religious conflict, not an ethnic one, at least on the macro-level.

Aristocles_Inv says:

Agree with the first part, disagree with the second. Certainly White liberals can be an issue but without the Jewish run Cathedral legitimizing their holyness signalling the problem would dramatically decrease. Whites tend to be very self-reflective, and thus usually always blame themselves first when a problem arises (e.g. Jews or some other ethnic minority claiming mistreatment? Assume it’s something we’re doing wrong.) This self doubt is part of what makes the Occident so dynamic and transcendent, however it is also very maladaptive if perverted, which is the situation we have now.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Would you even be using the term “Cathederal” for the Western media-academia if you were not at a Neo-Reaction blog, A.I.?


Aristocles_Inv says:

Considering the origins of “The Cathedral” I think it is somewhat appropriate and I do use it outside of the Neoreactosphere as I think it is a useful concept. However the term is quite misleading as most people simply assume it is Christians who control it or Westerners in general which is mostly not the case. The Synagogue is not good either though because it turns people off who are not Jew wise.

Alan J. Perrick says:

It is Westerners, though. The most powerful republics, the United States and France are basically the problem since they want to spread republicanism which is going to be levelling or equalising in effect.


[…] from Jim this week: The Jewish Problem. You’ve heard this all before, but rarely put so well all in one place. I think we’re […]

Mark Minter says:

Lots of comments.

Anyway, an entertaining link to some Yale collection of 1820 pamphlets about the George Caroline divorce


Benjamin Disraeli died the year before Hitler was born. Hitler is actually his reincarnation, you can tell by the black hair and dour disposition.

Disraeli served as Chancellor of the Exchequer as a Conservative. This is more evidence that Jews are natural conservatives who are a market dominant minority. They furthermore did not exist prior to the Bolshevik revolootion, and since all of Disraeli’s actions were in accord with the Zeitgeist, they can’t be attributed to him or the Jews, in any case, since those were good years for England, it should reflect favorably on the Jews.

“The Personal is the Political” is an extreme feminist slogan rejected by right-thinking people. Why? Is it because who makes an argument has no bearing on that argument’s truthfulness? Or is it because arguments come from souls and all souls come from Yahweh and have the traits Yahweh chooses for his reasons?

Jews can be expected to feel uncomfortable in a room full of Whites and want to see more diversity, like JJ Abrams. Whites, by contrast, only want to signal that they want more diversity in order to curry favor with Yahweh and each other.

— Whites were being hypocritical about their stated goal of multiracial feminism / White genocide…

Gee, how about that?

— …Jews saw strategic market niches in free market business businesses such as pornography and anti-White propaganda and as a market dominant minority economized on them dominantly with their best-of-breed free market business strategies in the free market economic business economy…

How social utility maximizing of them.

— …which is why we should resent the anti-White attitudes of Whites who build this anti-White zeitgeist that animates the golem more than the anti-White actions of individual market dominant minority members who just want to make a living producing what people secretly want to buy or piously say they want to buy

Alan J. Perrick says:

Why do Southerners hate “Puritans” ie. the ancestors of white Americans who live in New England? It is because the North cleaned their clock in the War Between the States and Congregationalists are Northerners. It is easier and even feels better in the short run to blame others rather than looking inward, to the corrupt Southern leadership that is very happy to maintain the status quo of taking handouts from Washington, D.C. the long-time capitol of Washington, D.C.

While the North has been more anti-white than the South, the South has also had a long tradition of Anti-Whitism, and being anti-white at all is a serious offense.


Alan J. Perrick says:

*long-time capitol of the North…

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>the South has also had a long tradition of Anti-Whitism
What are you talking about?

Alan J. Perrick says:
Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

I was literally asking “What are you talking about”. The idea that the South has a long tradition of anti-racist (or otherwise anti-White) ideas is not one I’ve heard of.

And as to the SCOTUS religion thing, you ignored me when I explained what I meant. So I’m not going to explain it again.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Of course, but you must understand that somebody who can’t tell the difference between religions is not going to understand explanations of Cathedral doctrines either.


Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>somebody who can’t tell the difference between religions
Um, that’s you.

You genuinely lack an understanding of Catholicism. So when I point out that the SCOTUS adheres to Protestant doctrine, and not Catholic doctrine, you get angry.

The Roman Catholic church has a long history of controlling European governments. And if you think the American government is moving toward Roman-rite canon law, you know very little about Catholicism or European religious history.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Cafflics dindu nuffin”

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

Catholics certainly did a lot of nasty things. Spain, when it catches people with Luther’s writings, no longer burns them alive. Why? Did Rome suddenly deduce from Catholic doctrine that burning heretics is inappropriate?

Alan J. Perrick says:

You are some-one who blames Protestant Christianity for the things which are going badly and have gone bad when Protestant Christians are not allowed in the very institutions they built- 0/9 Supreme Court Justices. You’re not arguing in good faith at all, R.N.G….

How embarassing for you.


A.J.P – Protestantism is problematic because it denies primacy to a priesthood and allows Joe Bloggs nobody to interpret complex religious doctrines. That isn’t to say the Catholic church has not fucked up, and the fuckups come thick and fast after Vatican II, but at its very root, Catholicism did surprisingly function well during the pre-Enlightenment era, Holy Roman Empire, etc.

There remains doubt as to whether Protestantism is functionally compatible with Reactionary governance.

jim says:

There remains doubt as to whether Protestantism is functionally compatible with Reactionary governance.

The restoration Anglican Church told the laity to forget about theology – and to get anywhere near the levers of power you had to sign off on the thirtynine articles, which meant you had to swear off theology. Good system

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>You are some-one who blames Protestant Christianity for the things which are going badly and have gone bad when Protestant Christians are not allowed in the very institutions they built- 0/9 Supreme Court Justices
We’ve been over this. 9/9 SCOTUS justices adhere to Protestant doctrine. Protestants permit divorce. Catholics don’t. Jews permit it for certain reasons, using a certain method (a “get”). Which doctrine does the SCOTUS adhere to? Obviously the Protestant one. Which is not surprising, because the de facto national religion of the US has always been low-church Protestantism.

You’re a moron.

Jews are over-represented in government. Ginsberg as a SCOTUS judge is a travesty. There has rarely been a more craven powerful Jewess than Ginsberg, and I think some Jews would agree. She rivals Ana Pauker.

Alan J. Perrick says:

White ethnics (Talmudics, Trentials, Oriential Church) are the same across the board. A white man speaks up and the stampede begins… “Shut it down”!!

Don’t bother me again. You are too far away from me ideologically.


Seeing as you have never actually stated what your ideology is, this is hard to have a good estimation of. You spend most of the time attacking Peppermint for strange reasons as a “papist” even though he is clearly not a Catholic.

Alan J. Perrick says:
Alan J. Perrick says:

One problem I see is that a lot of the anti-Mahometan critique is about the way that they’ll say that Mahometan modesty is too much, complaining about women’s headcovering. Perhaps face covering is a valid critique from the white, or European standpoint.

I also see people complaining that Saudi Arabians don’t let women drive cars, but that usually comes from the establishment Left…The establishment Right has not been, likely since they’ve been too busy trying to glad-hand with the Arabs to get a better vantage-point for Middle Eastern oil! Fracking could spell the end of that certain reticence, though…


Yvjrollu says:

Serious question, why are there so many Catholics on the USSC?

Alan J. Perrick says:

Many people are starting to see it as an invasion, Y.

Best regards,


Alan J. Perrick says:

Maybe not an “invasion”, but more likely part of the White Genocide program, and anti-whites will find any excuse to justify White Genocide.

“The U.S. has a throw-away culture!” – quote from the Vatican pontiff.

From their side it’s supremacy, and from the white American side it is collaboration with anti-white traitors on the home-front in order to achieve their goal of White Genocide.

Mr Robert “Bob” Whitaker calls the anti-white Catholics Wordists just as Jews are.

Read here: https://archive.is/CnQqw or http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/2014/09/05/there-is-a-difference-between-a-classroom-and-a-battlefield/


Yvjrolu says:

It seems to me that the Catholic Church has the clear incentive to advocate for mass immigration into the US. The question though, is why they are so overrepresented in the USSC when afaict they aren’t too disproportionately powerful in most other areas.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Another post is coming through,Y. The filter caught it…


Sam says:

Jim said,”…Getting rid of the Jews will not help you…”

Couldn’t hurt.

Everywhere they go destruction follows. The Scandinavian countries were about as Socialist as you could be and did relatively well until the Jews moved heaven and Earth to fill them with Arabs and Negros. The average person had a good quality of life. Maybe not as high of GNP as others but GNP matters little if the average person puts none of it in their pockets and it all goes to Oligarchs.

Yvjrolu says:

Do me a favor and give some historical evidence please.

jim says:

The Scandinavian countries were about as Socialist as you could be and did relatively well until the Jews moved heaven and Earth to fill them with Arabs and Negros. The

Using their evil mind control rays.

Scandinavia seems a pretty good example of a people committing suicide on their own initiative.

And I don’t think Scandinavian socialism ever worked. Scandinavians were pretty capitalist all the way to the early seventies, then went socialist, then pretty soon ran out of other people’s money.

The running out of money problem required the rapid mass importation of kebab to keep the votes for socialism going.

Scratch a Nazi, find a commie covered in black. Supposedly socialism would work great if not for the Jews fucking it up. Tell that to the Cambodians.

pdimov says:

“Using their evil mind control rays.”

Anti-racism was forcibly imposed upon Scandinavians by America after WW2. It’s my impression that they were unthinkably racist by our standards (let alone their present ones) before that. Homophobic too, I suppose.

“The running out of money problem required the rapid mass importation of kebab to keep the votes for socialism going.”

Running out of money required scaling back economic socialism which they promptly did. Kebab in Scandinavia is because Kosovo refugees, I think.

Turks were admitted in Germany for economic reasons, but not to vote. They were supposed to cover the labor shortage there, and really did, for a while. But I don’t think that Scandinavian countries ever imported any immigrants for economic or voting reasons. Scandinavians already vote for the left; votes are not a problem.

anti-racism is more sinister than most people realize. At least on the subconscious level, a nation must be racist in order to survive. It’s really not about racial hatred, but preference. The Scandinavians have no preference between life and death, and the Canadians seem to be going the same way based on a conversation I had recently.

pdimov says:

Isolated northern nations can in principle afford to lose the immune response to the kebab pathogen because they don’t encounter any of it. Until Soros calls their bluff.

And yet I’m unconvinced that the whole of Europe suddenly lost its racism after WW2 entirely on its own because leftist singularity.

jim says:

“The running out of other people’s money problem required the rapid mass importation of kebab to keep the votes for socialism going.”

Running out of money required scaling back economic socialism which they promptly did.

Retreat, for progressives, is unbearably horrid because it casts doubt on the supposedly obvious correctness of progress. They immediate seek to advance by another path. The mass importation of kebab to vote for socialism is that path.

Without the mass importation of kebab, would have had to retreat far faster and further, or else abandon their pretenses to democracy. In fact they are following both paths – democracy in Scandinavia has become flagrantly fake.

pdimov says:

I think that you’re projecting your American understanding onto Scandinavia (something I’ve noticed as a tendency a few other times as well.) Scandinavian socialism is not progressive. It’s just a luxury they could afford, then couldn’t. They’re not stupid, so they rolled it back a bit. Now they are going to roll it back even further, because they have more kebab than the system can handle. It was never about votes. Votes are not the limiting factor there, reality is.

jim says:

Swedish socialism is the Social Democrat party.

Only 22 per cent of gainfully employed voters pulled the lever for the Social Democrats in the 2014 elections. The party completely identifies with, and relies on the votes of, the unemployed, people on long-term sick leave and suchlike.

Swedish elections are a straight up vote of parasites versus producers, hence the need for more parasites. The producers do not vote socialist.

Hence the mass importation of kebab.

It is a straight overclass/underclass alliance against the middle and working classes. The mass importation of kebab makes a huge and critical difference to the Social Democrats, and the Social Democrats are Swedish socialism.

pdimov says:

“not progressive”

Or, to be more precise, it progressed until the tax rate exceeded 100% in 1976, which provided a natural limit to said progress.


pdimov says:

“The mass importation of kebab makes a huge and critical difference to the Social Democrats…”

Yes, it loses them votes. Before kebab, Sweden Democrats were at zero. Now at 12.9 according to Wikipedia. Social Democrats have lost about 15% since 1994.

Why can’t it be both parasites voting against producers and Jews destroying Whites out of hatred?

Swedish media is mostly controlled by Jews. Jews in positions of power feel the need to suppress “whiteness” in favor of “humanity”, because they resent feeling like an outsider, and especially the “toxic masculinity” of White men, who are physically intimidating. Arranging a turd world invasion is a way to make them look more like ordinary people, both because of their physical appearance and their ability to speak the language, and because the ordinary people would then see them and the Jews as native and kebab as foreign.

Kebab to Muslimistan, matzo to the oven.

Anti-Whiteness is inherent to Christianity, but once Christians allowed Jews near the levers of power, those Jews continued the program much more zealously and fanatically than any Whites ever would.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Anti-whiteness is inherent to Christianity”

Then explain the tremendous drop in church attendacnce while White Genocide is taking place right now. What’s that you say? You can’t?



DAE Jefferson Bible, Jesus the Great Philosopher, and the reinterpretation of Matthew 25 and Luke 16 as statements not of God’s law but of the examples of the principle of maximum felicity?

Alan J. Perrick says:

–Anti-racism was forcibly imposed upon Scandinavians by America after WW2.–

This sort of thing happens after any side loses a war, nationalist sentiment is discouraged.


Alan J. Perrick says:


Suicide is a crime on the personal level, the deliberate destruction of people is called genocide.


stevieb says:

It’s not very often I can say I agree, almost totally. I can here. But then, how often are the fundamental truths about gender and race reality ever discussed?

[…] A. Donald: one of the most Shabbos of all Aryans, this purportedly Scots-English shill is best introduced by these damning words, written over at (((Scott Alexander’s))) […]

jim says:

Not deleting this attempt to dox me. Not commenting on its accuracy. It speaks for itself.

Cavalier says:

Hmm. Scots-English, you say.

[…] A. Donald: one of the most Shabbos of all Aryans, this purportedly Scots-English shill is best introduced by these damning words, written over at (((Scott Alexander’s))) […]

http://storrekuk.eu/ undicpynctoonclecy

http://sinouvol.eu/ undicpynctoonclecy

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