
Keeping up with PC


I would not like to be incorrect, so is pedophilia still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever, or is it holy and sacred already?


Relax. Still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever.


What if the pedophilia is part of an anti bullying program teaching pre pubertal children to accept gays.


Never happens.


I seem to recall the anti bullying literature depicting an obviously gay fifty year old man embracing a pre pubertal child of indeterminate sex


A totally non sexual embrace intended to demonstrate social acceptance of whatever sexual whatever the child was expressing. Which is therefore totally holy and sacred


I seem to recall a pre pubertal child born male but said to be identifying as a girl who was …


Totally holy and sacred. Obviously someone who knows he is a girl before puberty and can choose sex change treatment before puberty can know and prefer his sexual preference before puberty but … um … ah … er … people like me would never do anything that is not holy and sacred.


But I can definitely positively absolutely tell you that pedophilia still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever, and if a twenty four year old hot female teacher should have sex with a handsome high school football star who is big enough and strong enough to pick her up, toss her on the bed, and give her a spanking this is totally shocking, indescribably disgusting, and she needs to go to jail for the terrible terrible terrible harm she has inflicted on the poor victimized high school football star.


still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever.

12 comments Keeping up with PC

Contaminated NEET says:

The least believable part of that dialogue is:
“Me: I would not like to be incorrect.”

Jack says:

Dyke Feminists are everywhere pushing to raise the “age of consent” from whatever it is to 18, or even 21. If you you’re a 24 year old (heterosexual white) male and have sex with your 17 year old girlfriend, they’ll call you a “rapist” and throw you in jail, where you’ll actually be raped by niggers and fart cum every day for a decade.

No worries though: our brave MRA defenders (faggots) will make sure that the law applies EQUALLY to 24 year old women who sleep with 17 year old men. That will show those Feminists! I’m sure the Feminists are very terrified of such a development & it certainly wasn’t their plan all along as part of their “agender agenda”.

Faggot pedophiles and niggers and Mohammedans can still violate your kids, though. That’s Progress. But having heterosexual normal sex with your wife will be outlawed by these witches, so you better hope trannies don’t all decide unanimously to sew their anuses, because tranny anuses are soon going to be the only legal sexual outlet for heterosexual white males. Because some women have cock and balls, bigot.

Gas the dykes, clitoral war now.

Aurelius Moner says:

I’ve been saying this forever…

If we are going to start saying that small children are capable of making the immensely important decision of a sex-change operation/hormone regimen, then the idea that they can’t consent to a bit of pleasant genital friction will involve immense cognitive dissonance. And only an idiot thinks that the Left will resolve this hypocrisy by giving up childish consent to sex changes. Rather, they will use childish consent to sex changes as the spring board towards what has been their real goal all along – the complete “sexual emancipation” of children.

“Pedophobe!” May as well start getting used to that word, now.

jim says:

Ten year old boys are going to get sexually emancipated to be bum fucked by fifty year old male social justice warriors. Ten year old girls are going to get sexually emancipated to eat out fifty year old female social justice warriors.

Thirteen year old girls, the age of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, are not going to get sexually emancipated to become virgin brides.

Aurelius Moner says:

True enough. “Equality for me but not for thee” is standard operating procedure for every egalitarian statist.

Ron says:

“Dyke Feminists are everywhere pushing to raise the “age of consent” from whatever it is to 18, or even 21. If you you’re a 24 year old (heterosexual white) male and have sex with your 17 year old girlfriend, they’ll call you a “rapist” and throw you in jail, where you’ll actually be raped by niggers and fart cum every day for a decade.”

I think you meant to say “age of consent between a male and a female”. The disgusting sexual failures have ZERO problem with an older woman seducing a pre-pubescent girl.

However, let’s be clear on what I meant by “age of consent between a male and a female”. Remember, that the male is ALWAYS wrong. So if a 12 year old boy is seduced by his 27 year old teacher, he is expected to pay child support. Because the bad naughty male is always more powerful.

Alf says:

I used to debate progressives seriously. Now I just remind myself that leftism logically justifies rape and pedophilia after which I am done talking.

it really depends on what you’re allowed to say in the context. On the Internet behind a pseudonym, you can ask them about Rotherham. If you have to use your real name, you can concern troll about children getting mutilated for transfaggotry or tell them to shut up because they’re White and privileged, it’s really confusing for them and I hope it’s demoralizing.

In person, I’ve heard other Whites say that people’s art is worse that Hitler, or whatever, just talking about Hitler. There’s no reason to say, the mud people are raping our women, the jews are helping them, commies don’t want us to have jobs or families and want to give everything to everyone else while we get cucked and die, the chinks are just here to take stuff while we collapse, because without the clever sillies pushing cuckstainty to confuse us, it’s a very primal thing that is just understood, and Hitler is a symbol of White identity.

I used to wonder how Germans ended up greeting each other saying heil Hitler with that raised right arm thing. Now I have to suppress the urge to raise my right arm every time I see a White man on the street in my city.


Glad you found the right attitude. Remind yourself that the POTUS is advancing “guidelines” to the nation for why we have to ignore the XX/XY sex-determining chromosomes that are present and immutable in every single one of trillions of cells in our bodies. Idiocracy is here, it’s just wearing suits and spouting rationalizations.

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jim says:


[…] his attention to Menstrual synchronization and cryptic ovulation. And here Jim takes a stab at Keeping up with PC—Pedophilia (approximately) […]

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