

When mainstreamers read the red pill on women, they read it as “women are evil and dangerous”.  Well, women are certainly dangerous, but not exactly evil, rather subject to volcanically powerful sexual impulses that are apt to have disastrous consequences for themselves and everyone around them.

Now, me, I would fuck every fertile age woman I meet if I could.  The little man gives pretty much all of them the salute.  Obviously women are not like that, so men tend to interpret female behavior as women are less interested in sex than men – which rapidly becomes women are pure, women are angels, women belong on pedestals.

Not so.  It is that men are polygynous, women are hypergamous.  A woman will crawl nine miles over broken glass to fuck her demon lover.  And then not give her husband the time of day.

Conversely, if your wife does not much want to fuck you, she is fucking her demon lover.  If she is fertile age, and is disrespectful and disinclined to fuck you, she is going to leave, destroying all your assets and ruining the lives of your children.  Fertile age women need sex, quite a lot of sex.  If she does not need sex with you, you have a big problem. Conversely, if you fail to gratify her pretty regularly, you are going to have a big problem.

In real life I regularly see women behaving badly with disastrous consequences for themselves, their husband, and their children.  Yet I never see this in the media or in fiction.  In this, the media presents us with a wildly false image.  Women themselves are deceived, and their own bad behavior and the resulting evil consequences catches them by surprise.

Old legends present a more accurate and realistic picture of women.  For example King Gradlon and the City of Ys.

King Gradlon was raider based in Cornwall, but on one of his raids to the cold North, his armies melt away because of bad weather and logistic failure, and he is left all alone.  Then he meets Queen Malgven who proposes that he should kill her husband and steal the royal treasury, so King Gradlon gets back to Kinging again.  His wife bears a sea witch daughter, Dahut.  When Dahut becomes a teenager, she prevails on her father to build the city of Ys, which is built below high tide level, protected by dikes.  The city of Ys is a big success.  Many people migate to Ys.  It is a popular and successful pagan city based on sea trade.  At low tide the sea gates open to allow ships into its port.   Every so often his daughter sacrifices someone to the sea.  Then a sea demon arrives, makes love to his daughter, and prevails on her to open her gates to the sea at high tide, and the entire city drowns.

Female voting behavior in Europe is well explained by the theory that women rather like rape.  They are importing the rapeugees to do the raping that white men will not do.  Female resistance to rape is a shit test intended to separate the strong rapist from the weak.

At 1:20 in the video the white girl is groped by a bunch of Iranians. At 1:26 in the video freeze the frame to look at the expression on her face.

Similarly, if you see a woman alone in a twenty four hour laundromat, late at night when there is no one around, she is a single woman, because if she was married her husband would not permit it. Or if he is too weak to stop her, she will not be married very much longer.

Female sexuality and reproductive capability needs to be kept under male control and male supervision. If women have control of their own bodies, they are apt to behave badly.

25 comments Women

Cavalier says:

Also don’t forget:

» I feel, um, I’m sort of…um, vibrating…from head to foot, really. And I think in a sort of overwhelmed joyful sense sort of bursting into tears now and then but I think it’s just the, the RAW THRILL of experiencing that which I never could have, FATHOMED and it happened SO FAST and he is SO UNBELIEVABLY STRONG.



Long, but worth it.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

So true. What more is there to say about them?

I can imagine the heads of eta-boy males are going to explode after reading this.

More, please.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

*beta-boy males

Alan J. Perrick says:

Maybe, “Jim”, but also remember that it is a legal impossibility for a man to fuck his wife, that word having a meaning dedicated to sexual relations outside of marriage. “Fuck” was a word used in 18th Century court-rooms before the taboos against adultery were broken down and the word became generalised.

Beta males have a lot of the same sexual preferences that women do, in that they are attracted to being subjected to power, and in that they like dangerous sex, something that comes across as creepy to alpha-and-omega men who would rather things be more predictable, therefore easier to build with.

Best regards,


Grampy_bone says:

What has actually happened is that the propaganda of the times has taken over, and white men are highly susceptible to propaganda:

1980’s: Men should like confident, smart women
1990’s: Men should like strong, independent women
2000’s: Men should like bitchy, arrogant women
2010’s: Men want to be cucked.

Each decade has been telling men to be more docile and tame and women to be more dominant and controlling, with the result being lots of dry dicks and misbehaving women. Men are willing to do whatever they are told to get sex, and people have been intentionally giving them bad information.

Harold says:

“Female resistance to rape is a shit test intended to separate the strong rapist from the weak.”

And why do the native men fails these tests? Horace (65–8 BC) from Book III in the Odes:

“Our grandfathers sired feeble children; theirs

Were weaker still — ourselves; and now our curse

Must be to breed even more degenerate heirs.”

When a tribe conquers land, and divides that land among its soldiers, the soldiers are apt to have big families.

However, the bigger the families, the smaller the land. The sons mature, can find women, cannot find land. But the women find men without land revolting. The sons of conquer more land. And, following the tradition of their fathers, divide the land among themselves, are also apt to have big families.

This process repeated, means a tribe that was once 2,000, is now 10,000. But these 10,000 are not the rugged few who could survive in the barren outer regions as their ancestors once did. The initial 2,000 conquered so much land that even the runts were given a property on which to have their family. What’s more, most of the men who died in the wars to take the land, were the strongest in the tribe.

“[Women] are importing the rapefugees to do the raping that white men will not do.”

It’s history’s largest game of ‘Let’s him and him fight.’ Let’s hope the old European vigor is not so diluted that our Roman women lust for barbarian men.

Cavalier says:

What they lust for does not matter.

Corrinno says:

Haha great video Jim!

but that last scene does not play in Iran, these guys are talking kurdish, it was probably filmed somewhere in northern iraq , because even the police officer is talking kurdish.

Iraq is known to be more rapey and fun (and thus more tingle inducing to the average woman), so the producers probably thought they could make up a more “shocking” click-bait, if they would declare that it all happened in Iran.

And I love how her handlers keep the camera on her face for the entire time.

If I have learned anything in the last 10 years, it is that the SJW Legacy Media always, always lie

Nontheless a good video, showing us, in the words the great, immortal roissy: “the greater darkness that women crave”

Orelius says:

To be honest, the whole alt-right is bullshit, there is no way anyone could fight against the modern surveillance state, it’s just better to give in and accept and kneel before power the goverment and when I think of it, all the government in the past 40 last years weren’t so bad.

Aaahh only good tkmes await

jim says:

I, however, remember government from fifty years ago, and it was a whole lot better than it is now.

jim says:

When we are in charge the surveillance state will be watching you, not us.

» the whole alt-right is bullshit

And yet only alt-white and alt-lite have any amount of truth.

» there is no way anyone could fight against the modern surveillance state

Alt-lite just took over in the US without needing to.

» it’s just better to give in and accept and kneel before power

Yes, that’s what Moldbug was saying a million years ago back before the God-Emperor ascended.

» when I think of it, all the government in the past 40 last years weren’t so bad

u wot m8

Orelius says:

When I put aside all the negatives things I Absorbed from the right in the last year and shed all that negativity, thankfuly I come to the perception amd I to the belief that Preesident Barack Obama was (one of) the greatest leaders of mankind, a true hero, fighting giants

and I tjink thaz it qill be hard to see such goos and great man ever becoming president and doing so much good for the worls and america

and Michelle was one of the greatest First Ladies we ever had, I don’t think that one could ever replace her she was a mother, light and eternal role model for us all

come and return back to the fold cuz3 ee love you


» Preesident Barack Obama was (one of) the greatest leaders of mankind, a true hero, fighting giants

what the fuck? He picked fights with dune coons and flips and lost. He oversaw a series of compromises like Dodd-Frank and Obamacare designed to continue the power structure as it was when he took office, he did make unprecedented use of executive orders to perpetuate and extend pre-existing policy towards illegal immigrants, and all of his legislation will be undone immediately after he leaves office.

When he took office, the Republican Party was in crisis and hated and hostile pundits were wondering if it had a future at all. As he leaves office, the Democratic Party is in worse shape with sympathetic pundits asking if it has a future.

Anonymous says:

weak bait dude

rich says:

the real question is why is the white mans T so low

jim says:

I think it is political correctness. Curbing one’s tongue every few moments and replacing one’s own thoughts with the lies of one’s master is like being defeated every few moments and bowing to one’s master every few moments, which is well known to lower testosterone.

Glenfilthie says:

“Now, me, I would fuck every fertile age woman I meet if I could…

And, you would end up just like your little paki buddy, Jian Ghomeshi did when he fucked some crazed tire biter that he shouldn’t have.

And, if everyone acted like that – you would end up with a low-trust mud hut culture where even the cops can’t be trusted not to rape women and children. Along with that would go the inevitable blood feuds – if you raped a woman in my family, I would kill you too if the law allowed for it and vice versa.

If that bint wanted to get railed, Jim, she wouldn’t have to crawl on her hands and knees over miles of broken glass to get it – when home grown chads are a dime a dozen. This was merely another ‘Rachael Corrie Moment’ where some stunned cunt misunderstands the people and culture she put herself in – and very nearly paid for it with dire results.

This was simply another moonbat getting mugged – errrrrrr…. groped/sexually assaulted – by reality. If you’re going to polish a turd you might want to put less elbow grease into it.

jim says:

And, you would end up just like your little paki buddy, Jian Ghomeshi did when he fucked some crazed tire biter that he shouldn’t have.

Jian Ghomeshi is doing fine, and I am doing fine.

If that bint wanted to get railed, Jim, she wouldn’t have to crawl on her hands and knees over miles of broken glass to get it

You are evidently unfamiliar with female sexuality. Yes she would have to crawl on her hands and knees over miles of broken glass to get it. Which is exactly the big problem. Women paying an unreasonably high price to have sex with people that they should not.

Hidden Author says:

You moan about false rape claims, then dismiss with oh, still getting laid–has it ever occurred to you that you’re a self-absorbed egotistical hypocrite rather than some insightful political philosopher?

viking says:

a bitch assigned to every betas bed is why we have a nation of betas.The other way is chaos of alpha fighting. Need some redesigning

Bruce says:

always had the impression that fertile age women are quite sexual but it’s more cyclical i.e. at the right time of the month – men are horny all the time.

Anon says:

It’s a bit hard to compete with rapefugees when we are subjected to the consequences of the law and they aren’t. It’s a shit-test, just not a fair one

jim says:

Exactly so

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