Month: December 2017


All women are like that

Women are attracted to arrogant violent men. They are attracted to IQ<80 criminals because criminals are allowed to be violent, while high status males are not, with the result that the status hierarchy as perceived by women winds up upside down from the status hierarchy as perceived by men. AWALT. All women are like that. …


Trump and power

I kept predicting Trump would have taken power by now. He has not. But he is getting there. Some officials issued a new list of forbidden words, not exactly on Trump’s instructions, on their own initiative, but likely on their own initiative because they got word of his displeasure.  Banned  My suggested replacement  vulnerable  living …


The trouble with Rotherham

The trouble with Rotherham is not that white girls were raped and beaten, but that Muslims get exemption to be manly as women understand manliness, and whites and Hindus do not. The Rotherham girls were raped, threatened, and beaten all right, but they were also complicit in the violence. For the most part, the pimp, …


The Blue Empire of the consulates gets it in the nads

I predicted that Trump would have taken power by now. Obviously he has not. But, he is working on it. Unwise to bet against Trump. In return for Israel not funding his enemies, he recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided capital of Israel. State Department furtively instigates world wide outrage against this move, which …


Bitcoin and the May scale of monetary hardness

The current price of bitcoin is only justified if there is a significant probability of bitcoin taking over the world, and substantially replacing other assets that are less easily transferable and/or more subject to the caprice and violence of an increasingly disorderly, unpredictable, destructive, and anarchic state. If it does take over, will rise a …


Kate’s wall

The importance of the Trayvon Martin case is that every single person realized that obviously Trayvon Martin attacked Martin Zimmerman out of racial animus, but those arguing that Zimmerman should be charged with murder were arguing that whites should just suck up being attacked and killed by blacks. Every single person that accuses Zimmerman of …


Invader justice for invaders

Recently saw picture of the invader jury that acquitted the invader who whimsically and casually murdered a white woman. They were very pleased with themselves. They were delighted. They were extremely proud of themselves. The problem is that for some time, Democrats have been manufacturing a unitary and cohesive invader identity that is hostile to …