
Kate’s wall

The importance of the Trayvon Martin case is that every single person realized that obviously Trayvon Martin attacked Martin Zimmerman out of racial animus, but those arguing that Zimmerman should be charged with murder were arguing that whites should just suck up being attacked and killed by blacks. Every single person that accuses Zimmerman of attacking Trayvon, adduces as evidence that Zimmerman provoked Trayvon by suspecting him of being a criminal merely because he was dressed like a criminal and acting like he was casing the joint. But if Zimmerman provoked Trayvon, that is not reason to suspect that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon, that is reason to suspect that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman. They say that they are arguing that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon, but in fact the arguments and the evidence that they present are arguments and evidence that Trayvon, being black, was entitled to attack and kill Zimmerman, being less black.

And the importance of the #KateSteinleVerdict is that capriciously killing whites for laughs is socially approved and high status.

Several years ago in California, an invader with no license traveling very far above the speed limit on the freeway smashed rammed my car from behind, wrecking it. Police let him off. I should have seen this as a straw in the wind. One guy who does something bad is just life. One guy who does something bad with social and organizational support from other guys like himself is war and invasion. They are coming to kill us all and take our stuff.

And this is what surrender and treason looks like: Amy Elizabeth Biehl was murdered for being white while a crowd shouted anti white slurs. Her murderers were, of course, unpunished, and her father then then shook hands with his daughters murderers to celebrate their release. Traitors need to be charged with treason and executed.

Yes, we probably should have executed Amy ourselves, as well as her father, and we probably should have executed Kate Steinle ourselves, but us executing them for treason would reduce the danger to ourselves, while our enemies killing them for being white and receiving social approval, status, and economic rewards for so doing, increases the danger to ourselves.

Our elites are telling our enemies that badwhites are the problem which needs to be eliminated, but the distinction between “badwhites are the problem and need to be eradicated”, and “whites are the bad problem and need to be eradicated” gets lost in translation.

This post cheerfully stolen from Peppermint.

80 comments Kate’s wall

[…] Kate’s wall […]

Glenfilthie says:

Yeah, well, that only lasts until Whitey gets sick of vibrants killing his women and stealing his stuff. It’s game over when that first angry shot is fired.

jim says:

Sweden has legalized rape, and I don’t see any shooting.

First they defined rape down, so that thinking politically incorrect thoughts about women was rape.

Then they lowered the penalties for rape, so that they were more reasonable and appropriate in a society where any man anywhere at any time might get convicted of rape for actions committed in other people’s dreams. Then they imported a million rapeugees, who are enthusiastically proceeding with the good old fashioned brutal coercion that women so love and admire. The Swedish police have an arrest quota for official victim groups, and the rapeugees have massively overwhelmed the arrest quota, so the police can no longer arrest rapeugees for minor crimes with minor penalties, such as rape, which is pretty much a microaggression in Sweden these days, like misgendering someone. The white women are enthusiastically bearing little brown babies, and the white males are sucking it up.

Reziac says:

Tho I’ve also heard that some Swedes and Germans have had enough and have been demonstrating against and occasionally burning out rapefugee camps…. and of course nothing about that makes the news, because Narrative.

Cavalier says:

Yeah, and when you see the photos of the demonstrators and arsonists (through the Internet of course), it’s always a bunch of raggedy working-class dudes. Not exactly great for the old optics, no?

pdimov says:

What else would you expect to see? Obviously those who have less to lose are more inclined to act.

Cavalier says:

-*more to lose

pdimov says:


It’s “behave or we’ll ruin your life.” Less of a threat when your life is already ruined.

Cavalier says:

Only the dead have nothing left to lose.

pdimov says:

That’s true in principle and in theory, but it’s just not how it works. The white repressive system is optimized to apply pain to those who have. Those who don’t, it doesn’t quite know what to do with. Hence “anarcho-tyranny.”

Cavalier says:

>The white repressive system is optimized to apply pain to those who have.

Lol, no. The more you have, the more you can afford to lose without losing “everything”. Nobody’s life situation is being smashed — it’s being eroded. The name of the game is how much pain you can take. Peacock tail. Big ripply muscles. Honest signals. Everybody’s playing existential poker, and if you protest, you have revealed your hand — you have nothing, or almost nothing, or believe yourself to have nothing, or anticipate having nothing.

>Those who don’t, it doesn’t quite know what to do with.

Also false.

Welfare. Trailer parks. Drugs. STDs. Paternity tests. Fatherlessness. BLACKED. Weaponized degeneracy.


There’s a bifurcation going on. A wall is rising. Two civilizations are in the making. Someday the salami slicer will stop. It will stop at the appointed time. Few of us will make it past this great filter, but those of us who do will be impressive indeed.

jim says:

Not seeing any bifurcation. The absence of manliness is because anyone they detect being manly is humiliated, degraded, and sent to jail.

Our elite are now much more similar to our underclass than our underclass is to yesterday’s underclass. Not a bifurcation, a convergence.

By the standards of my youth, there are precisely zero impressive people remaining.

As our worst become more numerous, our best become crappier. Compare today’s art with yesterday’s art. There are today precisely zero great scientists. There are today not even any manly, brave, and dignified fictitious movie characters.

The fish is rotting from the head down. Our poor are turning into shit, but our elite is into shit faster.

pdimov says:

We were talking about arson in Sweden though.

“Welfare. Trailer parks. Drugs. STDs. Paternity tests. Fatherlessness. BLACKED. Weaponized degeneracy.”

I don’t think any of that applies.

pdimov says:

Penal system in a white country:

But put this aside. I say that those who have less to lose are more inclined to take direct action. You say no, those who have _more_ to lose are more inclined. And we look at the real world and the pictures of those taking direct action and we see what?

pdimov says:
peppermint says:

It’s important to call out liberals for being White saviors and being uncomfortable and awkward with actual Blacks and trans* persyns and ignoring Black music because their soft power consists of having the authority to harangue each other and the appearance of hard power would delegitimize human rights democracy in countries to the right of the US.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Lol, no. The more you have, the more you can afford to lose without losing “everything”. Nobody’s life situation is being smashed — it’s being eroded. The name of the game is how much pain you can take. Peacock tail. Big ripply muscles. Honest signals. Everybody’s playing existential poker, and if you protest, you have revealed your hand — you have nothing, or almost nothing, or believe yourself to have nothing, or anticipate having nothing.”

Let us be real. Almost everyone believes what he is saying. That includes elites. A greater proportion of elites than normies might not care whether what they are saying is true, but few people have come to our conclusions and kept believing in progressivism anyway. It takes a lot of time and effort to come to our conclusions. State terror creates the conditions where believing crazy things is the path of least mental resistance, but most people do actually believe those things, they are not consciously responding to the demands of state terror.

Cavalier says:

>We were talking about arson in Sweden though.

It’s a different situation in Sweden. The power dynamics forming their brown underclass are somewhat different. Moreover, American infrastructure is built much more antifragile than Swedish infrastructure. Suburban hell has its upsides. There are a lot fewer Swedes that can handle the slow burn. Thus, the soup comes to a boil much more quickly.

Cavalier says:

>absence of manliness

Absence of manliness is because the system needs obedient little cubicle farmers. There’s testosterone at the upper end because tournaments are won by the


Victim of the CIA.


Unfortunately, science is no longer a prestige profession.

>movie characters

Consumption of media “culture” is inversely associated with class.

>our elite is turning into shit faster

I want to believe.

jim says:

There’s testosterone at the upper end because tournaments are won by the testosteroneful.

I am absolutely not seeing this. Mark Zuckerberg is as upper end as anyone can possibly be, and he is an emasculated cuck who gets metaphorically pegged by his adulterous wife.

Just look at his face. The poor man needs major testosterone supplementation. Every male of my youth had obviously higher testosterone than any member of today’s elite, with zero overlap, apart from the very oldest members of the elite such as Trump.

Our elite is shit. Look at them, they are physically shit. Read their writings, for example the World Bank Papers. They are mentally shit. (Again, with exceptions among the older members of the elite) They have gone downhill far faster and further than our proles. Yesterday’s proles were far more manly, virtuous, upright, and decent than today’s elite, and today’s elite is not a whole lot smarter than those proles.

Cavalier says:

>You say no, those who have _more_ to lose are more inclined.

The monied and powerful have less to lose because less is at stake; they can afford private services: schools, housing, medicine, transport.

Cavalier says:

>but most people do actually believe those things

The elite schoolchildren already have a public position and a private position.

Cavalier says:


Tech doesn’t select for testosterone. Tech doesn’t set Washington policy. Tech doesn’t run New York. Tech makes a fuckton of money for really smart nerds. If you want to make a lot of money, you would be crazy to do anything else; if you want to be a manly man manning men, you would be crazy to go into tech.

Mayor of New York, age 56, very high T

Governor of New Hampshire, age 43, youngest governor in the country, very high T

Governor of Missouri, second-youngest in the country, ludicrously high T


jim says:

OK. Who in the elite is high testosterone, not counting old guys like Trump?

You suggest Bill de Blasio. He is not too bad, but he is not exactly young, and compare with Ronald Reagan.

You suggest Sununu

OK, better than Zuckerberg, but I would say you are mighty hard up for young members of the elite with reasonable testosterone.

OK, Eric Grietens is impressively high testosterone, but “ludicrously high”?

Not by the standards of thirty years ago.

Oliver Cromwell says:

How should a young man reading this be less shit?

jim says:

Learn to use a gun.

When you are out and about meeting hot chicks, persuade yourself you are a serial killer with an impressive body count and that you routinely beat the shit out of your girlfriend. Or your numerous girlfriends. While you are talking to them, believe it.

Hit on chicks.

Lift iron.

Lose weight.

Eat meat.

0.5 mg of anastrozole every other day,
0.15 mg of caber every other day.
50mg of transdermal testosterone every day. (two hours before lifting iron)

Fast periodically. A thirty six hour water and black coffee fast strengthens the will, as lifting iron strengthens the muscles.

Get manly tools, such as a chainsaw, a sledge hammer, and a mighty big crowbar, and use them for manly tasks.

Carry a legal weapon – a ceramic folding knife, and in the night and evening a tactical flashlight. If concealed carry is legal where you are, get concealed carry. Put conveniently accessible weapons in your home, legal or otherwise. Legal if possible. Have a sjambok, a cattle prod, and a machete hanging on your wall, prominently visible to all visitors.

Don’t let people shit on you. You don’t need to beat them up, but you do need to call them out. Because of oppressive and emasculating laws, you have to let them touch you first, but if they do touch you first, you are happy for the opportunity to deal with the matter in a properly manly fashion.

Learn to use a gun.

Cavalier says:

P.S. This is why there’s no science or art anymore.

Suppose you are one of the first rats introduced onto a pristine island. It is full of yummy plants and you live an idyllic life lounging about, eating, and composing great works of art. You live a long life, mate, and have a dozen children. All of them have a dozen children, and so on. In a couple generations, the island has ten thousand rats and has reached its carrying capacity. Now there’s not enough food and space to go around, and a certain percent of each new generation dies in order to keep the population steady at ten thousand. A certain sect of rats abandons art in order to devote more of their time to scrounging for survival. Each generation, a bit less of this sect dies than members of the mainstream, until after a while, no rat composes any art at all, and any sect of rats who try to bring it back will go extinct within a few generations. In fact, it’s not just art. […] If one sect of rats altruistically decides to limit its offspring to two per couple in order to decrease overpopulation, that sect will die out, swarmed out of existence by its more numerous enemies.

Because those things are products of leisure, and Thorstein Veblen lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Cavalier says:

> > When you are out and about meeting hot chicks, persuade yourself you are a serial killer with an impressive body count and that you routinely beat the shit out of your girlfriend.

> That’s a bit too much. Just imagine them tied up, in an artsy pose, of art.

Sex art is for pansies. Girls tied up in artistic poses are for anime pillows.

Girls like being tied up and beaten, but they like someone who is so powerful that they are helpless to resist being beaten even more. Believe that you are so powerful and criminal that though you might well tie them up for more convenient and restful beating, you do not need to tie them up.

jim says:

Clarification: When I say that girls like being tied up and beaten, that is of course not literally true. They don’t like it one little bit. They are totally horrified and outraged, but nonetheless find it strangely difficult to stay away from men who might well tie them up and beat them.

Compare and contrast with their ability to walk away from a good husband, destroy his life, piss away the family assets, kill his children, and never think about him again for a moment.

You don’t necessarily need to actually beat them, and doing so is extremely dangerous, but you do need to give off the vibe of a man who might well beat them, or even seriously injure them.

Analogously, you should have as many characteristics in common as possible with the person who shoots people who give him shit, without actually being a person who shoots people who give him shit.

Fake it – and fake it to yourself more than to them.

jim says:

As I have said before many times: Women are maladapted to an environment of emancipation, and find it very difficult to reproduce in such an environment.

Cavalier says:

>Sex art is for pansies. Girls tied up in artistic poses are for anime pillows.
>Girls like being tied up and beaten, but they like someone who is so powerful that they are helpless to resist being beaten even more. Believe that you are so powerful and criminal that though you might well tie them up for more convenient and restful beating, you do not need to tie them up.

Clarification: I, Cavalier, did not write this.

peppermint says:

Millennial and presumably also GenZ girls, at least, do explicitly talk about wanting to be tied up and not beaten but spanked and choked a little. You can find them discussing it on tumblr, and the younger and hornier ones on their normie facebooks, and if you sleep with one more than once, or talk at length about sex beforehand, she’ll probably explicitly request it if it doesn’t come naturally to you. The only one who didn’t ask me to tie her up was actually the child of a single mother, but she was odd in other ways too. Remember, these people read Twilight. This one woman who I didn’t sleep with said Twilight “makes me giddy” and her knees shook (she was at that point trying to get in my pants).

jim says:

If bondage and beating is consensual, it is not really bondage and beating.

They find it much harder to stay away from guys who might beat them against their will.

peppermint says:

Elaborate bondage is a bit much. Pulling her shirt most of the way off over her head so her arms are tied back and the shirt covers her eyes is enough.

Glenfilthie says:

True enough, Jim, as far as it goes.

But the mood of the man and woman on the street is murderous. Women who are raped by vibrants don’t get banged as they do in the harlequin romances; they are beaten within an inch of their lives, f*cked like dogs by dogs, and when they’re done pulling the train they’re spat on and left for dead by the muds.
I’ve heard rumblings too – white men are ganging up and hunting muds themselves. In certain towns if a woman gets raped, the next day they find a half dead migrant, beaten to a pulp with an axe handle shoved up his ass. As the boys note stories like that don’t last long.
Hate groups are drawing record numbers. Evil “far-right” political parties gain more traction every year.
Here in America we’ve had our fill too. All the Obutthole era dramas with black idiots playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes from the police are done… Trayvon wouldn’t get the time of day in Trump’s America. The black baboons kneeling during the anthem at football games are drawing contempt and fury from the fans. Ratings are diving.
The decent into full out race war will not be gradual, IMO. It will be sudden and fierce, with a fury and rage that will shock the hell out of the vibrants that started it. Don’t be surprised if a few white enablers don’t end up hanging from the lamp posts either. We are all in for a rough ride.

jim says:

> But the mood of the man and woman on the street is murderous. Women who are raped by vibrants don’t get banged as they do in the harlequin romances; they are beaten within an inch of their lives, f*cked like dogs by dogs, and when they’re done pulling the train they’re spat on and left for dead by the muds.

Revealed preference: Men get angry about Rotherham. Women do not.

Women want the stronger man. That Mohammedans are allowed to rape shows that they are the stronger.

Reflect on the outrage among women at the totally imaginary rape on campus, and the total lack of outrage among women at Rotherham.

Women are outraged not by the (nonexistent) rapes by white frat boys, but by the complete and total lack of rapes by frat boys.

Women don’t really dislike being raped. Their resistance is merely a shit test, to separate the strong from the weak. Women reflexively shit test men to find the strongest, just as men reflexively look at women’s boobs. They cannot help themselves.

What they hate, hate, hate hate hate, hate with a hatred hotter than a thousand suns, is that some guy whom they had sex with turns out to be substantially less alpha than they thought. And because white college frat boys are not raping them, that reveals that they were faking being alpha.

Hence the rage at frat boys, and the complete and total lack of rage at the rapeugees and Rotherham.

That Mohammedans spit on them and leave them for dead when they are done pulling the train is strength. Weakness has no friends. When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse. Hence the popularity of Nazis in female sex fantasies.

In real life I have been testing this theory. It works. Treat them mean to keep them keen. Women have no country.

You doubt me? Here is a simple test: Tell a feminist that the vast majority of rape accusations are false, and the vast majority of rape convictions are false. She will explode with outrage and indignation, and immediately start screaming at you about all these horrible horrible horrible rapes – by white high status handsome wealthy male athletes – by the males that are by far the least likely to engage in rape. Her poster girl rape victims will be the most improbable rape victims, will be the blatantly unbelievable rape victims.

She is not actually screaming with furious rage about the horrible horrible horrible rapes. She is screaming with furious rage about the horrible horrible horrible lack of rapes. Try it. You will see.

Mister Grumpus says:

Ice fucking cold my dude. And also self-evident. I love you, I hate you, and then I go back to loving you again. Acceptance is the best policy.

Cavalier says:

>I love you, man. I love you, I hate you, I love you.

How to grovel in the dirt.

>I used your ice-cold system of thought to nail a chick last week.

How to give a compliment.

>Thank you, oh cavalier one.

Go forth and conquer.

Garr says:

Vizzini (the Wallace Shawn character in Princess Bride): “… Try it. You will see.”
Fezzik (the Andre the Giant character): “I love you, man!”

Glenfilthie says:

Perhaps, Jim. Just shooting from the hip here, but I think maybe you may give women too much credit; in my experience most of them don’t have a fuggin CLUE about what they want. A sizeable minority of them aren’t even able to associate actions with consequences. That is why you see hairy chested man-hating feminists go quiet as church mice around moslem rag heads – they hate moslem men just as much as white men but the Tolerance Narrative forbids racism, and as a result the radical liberal feminist vapour locks.

You are possibly mixing up your causes and effects, IMO – it isn’t women going along with the kebob invasion – it’s stupid LIBERAL women going along with it and even they are starting to have misgivings. Note that many of the far right parties that actively oppose mass immigration – are also led by women.

Even women learn if the consequences are dire enough. One has to permit himself a manly, father-like chuckle when one considers Theresa May, who was recently scolding Trump for tweeting anti-moslem stuff. Only to have a moslem assassination plot against her foiled a couple days later. You have some interesting theories about women with rape fetishes but I don’t think they go for that slavery and murder stuff.

Having said all that, I admit certain bias on my part. The women I permit in my circle are only the best of the breed and do not fall into the behaviour patterns that lesser women and tire biters do.

Moslems are animals and I see an option for them that most do not: domestication. Fact is our forefathers turned them into respectable servants for the most part back in the day – perhaps we should return to what worked for them and make it work for us.

peppermint says:

At this point, more stuff happening to us isn’t accelerationism. Trump has been fighting this for us by systematically undermining respect for the legacy news and entertainment media as well as the uniparty (Democratic-Republican, so we can be the Federalist restoration), and putting the hurt to the enemy, by raising taxes on people struggling to put their kids in private schools on six figures and grad students. People like my dad are now saying …so much for the principled right like conservatives used to say …so much for the tolerant left (the correct taunt is …so much for the intellectual vanguard left).

What you need to tell people isn’t “liberals let a manslaughterer with a stolen weapon go free” but “Caliphornia, hot on the heels of legalizing child prostitution and surreptitiously giving your sex partner AIDS, let a heroin dealing gun murderer walk despite their gun laws due to his multiply deported illegal status”. The difference is the first version is pure blackpill and the second version makes it sound like the problem is located in Caliphornia and by extension coastal cities and the solution is to suppress the legacy media and educational establishment.

Cavalier says:

>by raising taxes on people struggling to put their kids in private schools on six figures and grad students

So is the enemy the people who don’t want crack whores for daughters and vidya addicts for sons, or the people who can just barely afford to not have crack whores for daughters and vidya addicts for sons?

peppermint says:

Reaming someone’s butthole until they look like goatse or chopping their dick off and parading them around in women’s clothing would at any other time be an unspeakable torture for the condemned. To convince people that doing these things to themselves is high status and men and their women who have two to five times the national median salary to try to get their children interested in doing these things to themselves requires a huge injection of money, respect, and women. His Majesty is systematically attacking the money and respect, and the women will follow. We could only attack the respect and didn’t have access or the discipline to properly use access to the information bringing down the legacy entertainment media and Democratic Party.

Democratic-Republican isn’t just a slur for them. It also makes us Federalists, rejecting in principle as well as in practice the Washington – San Francisco establishment with its grad students and journalists and NGO boards and educators and “commie” “bookstores” that if you walk into with ten dollars it’s easier to get a blowjob than a copy of The Communist Manifesto.

Don’t think of the irredemable “thought” “leaders”. Think of the man who wants that 3x median salary so his kids don’t need to get beat up (hush hush) in public school but secretly doesn’t want to see his son getting his dick cut off. He’s going to let our revolution happen so his son gets to keep his dick and will say liberalism was just about being the best version of yourself you can be.

The man who’s going to make our revolution happen is or was just in high school under different conditions from anyone over 25, conditions that seem calculated to breed not just resentment of muds and hatred of educators but also resistance and camaraderie between Whites, but actually were created by a long historical process by people who had their sense of irony removed.

Our revolution will have the outcome that Enya and Taylor Swift are celebrated and Madonna and Pink are considered weird and creepy. Music currently labeled chillhop will be relabeled chillwave while men and women singing will no longer try to sound like niggers. Country music will go from being the most popular and best selling to being the most respected. Diane getting pregnant in the back of Jack’s car will no longer be life going on after the thrill of living is gone, instead, Diane going to college, blowing professors and becoming a catlady will be.

Cavalier says:

>Reaming someone’s butthole until they look like goatse or chopping their dick off and parading them around in women’s clothing would at any other time be an unspeakable torture for the condemned.

media apparition

>To convince people that doing these things to themselves is high status and men and their women who have two to five times the national median salary to try to get their children interested in doing these things to themselves

Dude, that stuff is for the proles.

>Think of the man who wants that 3x median salary so his kids don’t need to get beat up (hush hush) in public school

Mmm… I don’t think they actually get beaten up. Just laughably bad education, school lunches unfit as cattle feed, and crack whoredom / vidya junkieism.

Also, I’m not sure that 3x is enough.

>The man who’s going to make our revolution happen is or was just in high school under different conditions from anyone over 25, conditions that seem calculated to breed not just resentment of muds and hatred of educators but also resistance and camaraderie between Whites

Sounds like a dream.

>Our revolution will have the outcome that Enya and Taylor Swift are celebrated and Madonna and Pink are considered weird and creepy.

Enya is surreal and will always be thus. Taylor Swift has been dumped once too many times and turned into a ragged-out rapidly-approaching-30 woman with shitty music. Neither at any point were good enough to found a revolution on. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Strauss.

>Country music will go from being the most popular and best selling to being the most respected.

Thanks for the laugh.

peppermint says:

> Dude, that stuff is for the proles.

You’re a professor or a highly paid programmer, so you pretend to be a liberal and mostly agree with them to keep your job. You have a five year old in school, which you had at some point between 30 and 40. You were 20 and in college during the 90s when political correctness became talked about outside of colleges.

Does your wife work? Most women do, the richest on prestige projects like nature conservancies, the usual is HR. If she doesn’t work, she still gets her parenting tips on how to raise a gender neutral baby though not quite to recognize if your son is asking for his penis to get cut off from a circlejerk of college educated women on Facebook. I have seen these threads on the facebooks of women who used to crush on me. I know a transperson child of a professor, and a professor who raised his son to date an octaroon.

Where did Mike Enoch, who I regularly repost memes from here, come from? He’s the programmer son of what he’s implied to be some kind of academc. The son of Tim Kaine’s rugged good looks shine through his antifa mugshot.

The fact that this stuff is affecting everyone now is the reason Moldbug and Mike Enoch and Andrew Anglin became public intellectuals and Seventh Son and Psycho Sacco became radicalized as anti-leftists instead of apolitical or single-issue centrists or leftists.

It is true that White coffee shop attendants outside of the cities still have personalities. But there are few places left without a nigger or a faggot that is aggressively entitled to your respecc and you will give it to it.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Cavalier says:

One of us is living in a bubble.

peppermint says:

Compulsory education was the worst thing the 20c did.

Every school is required to not act like boys and girls are different and marriage is the expected outcome and have a nigger entitled to everyone’s respect. Institutions that resisted were crushed under Bush and Obama, following which homeschooling is now seen as intrinsically political. Maybe Melania asked Donald if He with His billions could keep the poz away from Barron, and He realized that there was only one thing He could do.

This loss of freedom amongst the rich has destroyed the class resentment that Dhimmicrats depended on, leading to His Majesty’s victory in the Rust Belt. Class warfare is so irrelevant now that it’s possible to taunt middle aged liberals as petit-bourgeois or labor aristocrat conservatives as they declare that they have values.

If you do know of a man able to keep trannies away from his kids, he has to be doing things him and his wife know are political, so he’s already more than implicitly on our side and the enemy knows it.

Cavalier says:

The antonym of education is coeducation.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>You’re a professor or a highly paid programmer, so you pretend to be a liberal and mostly agree with them to keep your job.

My dear P-mint, thats what he’d like (you) to think.

As one of our great modern sages once said; fake it till you make it.

Cavalier says:

There is an idea of a Cavalier Thundercock, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply… am not… there.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

While You Were Partying, I Studied the Blade.

Mister Grumpus says:

Hello 911! Send tendies! Our Peppermint’s on FIRE!

jim says:

Not seeing your reasoning here. If you don’t want your daughter to be a whore, don’t send her to Harvard.

So by all means let us tax coastal elites who send their daughters to Harvard, till the pips squeak.

Cavalier says:

I guarantee you that no one will ever be able to tax them into oblivion, including Trump.

jim says:

Peppermint, I used to think your meming sucked, and maybe it used to suck. But your meming is getting pretty good these days.

How do you white pill the invasion? Hard to white pill it, but we can avoid black pilling it.

Contaminated NEET says:

I’m pretty sure P-mint is the reincarnation of Hitler. In a good way.

peppermint says:

Thanks Jim. I’m literally autistic, so what I’ve been doing differently is legal recreational cannabis which helps me understand how other people feel.

Mister Grumpus says:

(For real?)

Cavalier says:


peppermint says:

That’s fine. All I want out of this is a trailer on the outskirts of Arlen, TX that I can afford on a walmart greeter salary and just enough freedom to keep trolling.

Contaminated NEET says:

For now, Generalissimo. For now.

Starman says:

Build your own nuclear weapons…

[…] Source: Jim […]

Orthodox says:

The flaw in white nationalism and anti-semitism is that there really are “bad white” traitors and they aren’t Jewish. And there’s too much focus still on X-behaving badly, and not enough focus on the whites enabling it. At some point, someone took to calling migrants into Germany “Merkel’s children.” Trump is starting to move in that direction with his broadside against Democrats last week.

peppermint says:

That’s a flaw in White Nationalism and Neo-Naziism, not in white nationalism, which is at this point inevitable (academia and the dhimmicrat wing of the demipubs is now explicitly anti-White. If they win, the govt will be explicitly anti-White, which will not go unnoticed in ru, pl, hu, et al. But they can’t win, because they’re retarded, and treason doesn’t pay as well as it used to). Unfortunately for William Luther Pierce, Revilo Oliver told him to write a paperback action-adventure story about some yahoo rebellion against what would become an existential crisis in another 50 years. So we have the Day or the X meme. Meanwhile, unfortunately for us, Bob Whitaker was never unleashed to go after the enemy’s money supply. What if Pierce had listened to Whitaker instead and written a detective thriller about an accountant or tax auditor discovering how the professional left turns your tax money into their activism, and anyone expressing pro-White sympathies hadn’t been tarred with Pierce’s novels throughout the 90’s and 00’s?

Steve Johnson says:

What if Pierce had listened to Whitaker instead and written a detective thriller about an accountant or tax auditor discovering how the professional left turns your tax money into their activism

I know I harp on this but they don’t even need taxes at all and the only reason taxes exist is to (1) keep the fiction going and (2) as a sop to leftist voters who really like punitive taxation.

USG has full control of USD and can and does generate USD at will. There’s no accounting solution to that – only cryptocurrency or gold which would mean that USG is actually limited by tax revenue and borrowing. Full fiat USD really actually was a communist revolution where the USG seized the entire private economy.

pdimov says:

Taxes are why fiat money is money.

Cavalier says:

Inflation is taxation.

pdimov says:

Taxes create demand for the government’s fiat money. Inflation works in reverse.

Cavalier says:

The value inflated away is not disappearing into the ether. It is going somewhere. That somewhere is to the people who get the freshly minted dollars soonest. The Federal Reserve is the apex predator here, it and its constituent banks. Inflation does erode debts, but the system is set up in such a way as to minimize the overall effect. The importance is not that the debts diminish slowly over time, but that they are large enough to never (or almost never) be paid off, thus, debt bondage. Furthermore, labor has a natural structural disadvantage vis à vis capital, especially now that capital has convinced labor (all labor, everyone who works for a paycheque) that collective bargaining is passé, and so inflation tends more than ever to erode one’s standard of living than it does one’s debts, again reinforcing debt bondage.

Steve Johnson says:

Exactly so.

Live in the US, deal in USD or you don’t get to buy the “keep out of jail coupons”.

That still doesn’t mean that “tax receipts” are a meaningful concept. USG spends whatever it pleases and gives away USD to preferred clients with no relationship to the USD that it removes from circulation.

peppermint says:

Officially, there’s a huge deficit against Boomer retirement funds and huge inflationary giveaways to bankers. In reality social security and medicare is an additional 16% tax on everyone for the government to spend, and the bankers are merely being repaid for giving “loans” to mud “people”.

And if you believe, as you are required to, that gold is being hoarded and infrastructure constructed for Boomer retirement, and only a few mortgages failed due to external economic problems caused by filthy bankers and their bought physicists’ algorithms (physicists who betrayed science to work for the devil), then you believe that SS isn’t an additional income tax to spend and the inflation is going to be returned. Which is why official economists say the unhingedly retarded things they say and Boomers who spent their entire lives sounding smart by parroting the party line believe it.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Right. Tax coupons are a commodity. There are no non-commodity currencies.

dan says:

The liberal outlook on the Trayvon Martin case overlooks your “provoking” argument.” If Zimmerman was “evil” enough to be following Trayvon, and therefore being “provocative,” ipso facto he is “evil” enough to be the instigator of the attack. That is a serious flaw in your argument.

bob k. mando says:

we’re all Fascists now.

because the “liberal outlook” is a “serious flaw” in OUR argument.


bob k. mando says:

to expand the point:

Dialectic is for those who can be Reasoned with. an Argument is the Logical framework which you use to Reason with another viewpoint, stipulating that they are honest and of good will.

Rhetoric is for everyone else. because everyone else is a lying, manipulative, thieving, backstabbing piece of shit.

attempting to use ‘valid Arguments’ against the Rhetorical is a category error. the Lieberals were never offering Arguments in the first place. they’re just screaming at you.

and if you’re such a pussy that they can get their way by screaming nonsense at you? they ought to fuck you over.

jim says:

Oh come on.

Bob provoked Dave simply is not an argument that Bob attacked Dave. It is a justification for Dave attacking Bob.

bob k. mando says:

Mark Steyn applies Dialectic to the Rhetoric of the Canadian Fascists:

these kinds of post mortems are useful as a demonstration that my explication of the situation was correct.

but, in the moment of action, Dialectic is useless against Rhetoric.

nil son says:

Qualcomm claim their new server processor is “10nm”. Since you’ve commented previously on the hardware companies’ fraudulent claims in this regard, I smell a rat.

jrackell says:

He would have served time if he’d actually hit the walrus. Liberal code: dead walrus >>> dead white girl.

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