party politics

We are all white supremacists now

Obama promised a post racial America. We elected Obama so that we could once and for all cleanse ourselves from the guilt for our racial sins.

Obama running for election spoke of the “nation’s original sin of slavery,” in the celebrated “A More Perfect Union” speech on race.but promised redemption. Elect Obama, and your sins will be forgiven.

Shortly after election, we discovered that our original sins were irredeemable, we are all guilty, we all must be punished with hellfire for eternity.

What, in fact, he delivered is an America where all white males are irredeemably hateful and evil, and must be purged. Original sin for the crime of slavery with absolutely no possibility of redemption. (Though in fact blacks enslaved other blacks, sold a small part of the surplus to whites, and ate the rest of the surplus. Those blacks that were enslaved by their fellow blacks, usually enslaved by black authorities for petty crimes, but who then got the boat to America were vastly better off than those blacks who remained in Africa.)

Obama, running for election, told us he was going to heal the wounds of racial division. Once elected, however, the logic of ginning up the black vote prevailed, and he proceeded to pour salt on the wounds and gasoline on the fire.

The left devours its own.  Of course the left radicalized further in the last few years, as they have every year since around 1800 or so.

Some time ago I wrote to Scott saying that because he hangs out with evil and malicious people, he will be righteously condemned, then murdered or executed, and  and his death endorsed by all right thinking decent people, while I, who actually say all the things he will be falsely accused of saying, will likely be fine.  I think he sincerely thought the prediction so absurd that I must be joking, and forgot about it.

Egalitarianism is not about lifting up the downtrodden.  It is about afflicting those insufficiently downtrodden, because the insufficiently downtrodden are a status threat, and the downtrodden are not.  The left delight in the harm they cause.  They want to hurt people, and as the world moves ever leftwards, the harm that they inflict will become ever greater, the final stage of leftism being that everyone tortures everyone else to death for insufficient leftism.   Of course leftism usually self destructs before absolutely everyone is tortured to death, but they frequently make a good start on the program.

And here we are now, ruled by state religion that rules us irredeemably evil and wants to make us suffer.  Leftism gets ever lefter, and the presidency continues to go on its own way ignoring the president. What constitutes being lefter than thou cannot be predicted in advance, because if you could predict it, they would already be doing it.  But right now holier than thou is one leftist hating whites even more than the other leftist.

The privileges enjoyed by blacks over whites continue to escalate, and in consequence the self destructive and self defeating behavior of blacks continues to escalate.

Blacks, to prosper, need considerably harsher and simpler laws than whites, more swiftly and brutally enforced.  Racial quotas on arrests are the worst thing you can do to harm blacks, for while racial quotas on arrest have done immense damage to whites by allowing blacks to run wild, the main victims of blacks running wild are other blacks.

If you privilege the behavior of aristocrats over peasants, so that an aristocrat can get away with behavior that a peasant could not, can get away with violence that a peasant could not, this works fine provided that aristocrats have a good code of honor, so that aristocratic misconduct is rather classy, honorable, brave and stylish.  Privileging black and brown misconduct and violence is disastrous, because they have a code of dishonor, alleviated only be the fact that they do not follow even that.

The logic of prohibiting profiling inexorably leads to actual criminality being part of the forbidden characteristics that police are not allowed to notice.  The Supreme court has for years been dealing with an endless parade of cases where a policeman, often a black policeman, noticed a black man doing something criminal, stopped him, searched him, and found evidence of the crime, and the lawyer appealed on the basis that the policeman should not have noticed and therefore neither the original forbidden noticing, nor the evidence found, should have been admitted in court.  This has steadily escalated and filtered down to day to day police practice.

And when forbidding noticing fails to reduce the arrest disparity, we get arrest quotas.

In retrospect it is now apparent that we were locked onto this course when all men were declared to be equal.  They are not, and pretending that they are necessarily results in legal privileges for inferior groups.

We can never have the same laws for different groups, and we don’t.

292 comments We are all white supremacists now

[…] We are all white supremacists now […]

Cohen Cohen says:

Perpetually forgiving goyim cattle are simply too stupid enough to understand what is being done to them

That’s why we refer to them as “goyim”, meaning cattle

It was Count Richard Eljiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi (henceforth referred to briefly as ‘Count Kalergi’) who in 1950 won the first Coudenhove-Kalergi prize, now better known as the Charlemagne Prize.

This prestigious prize has been awarded every year (but sometimes in alternate years) to world-renowned statesmen for the promotion of “European integration”—a euphemism for multiculturalism, mass Third World immigration, and the slow and covert extinction of the White European people by means of miscegenation, mongrelization, and general interbreeding with the darker races of the Third World.

It was Count Kalergi, in his 1925 magnum opus Praktischer Idealismus (‘Practical Idealism’), who foresaw a future world built on the premise of Jewish supremacy and the subsequent dissolution of all other national ethnicities.

All the world’s separate races would one day be merged into a single mongrelized mishmash, he predicted confidently, with the single exception of the Jewish people who would remain inviolable and intact.

Most goyim still haven’t grasped the fact that Jews are the principal exponents of the massive non-White immigration invasion into White countries and of course only into White countries.

Examples include Job Cohen in Holland, Barbara Spectre in Sweden, Ervin Kohn in Norway, Anneta Kahane, Angela Merkel and Gregor Gysi in Germany, Gerald Kaufman and David Cameron in England, Ronit Lentin and Alan Shatter in Ireland, and George Soros and Larry Summers in the USA.

Most Jews consciously push for unlimited non-White invasion into these nations. A century ago, Emma Goldman, Bela Kun, Jacob Javits, Vladimir Lenin and Bolshevik affiliates followed a similar agenda, working for Jewish power.

It must be understood that it’s been a long standing Jewish policy to subvert and genocide Whites.

To quote Christian Miller

“The overarching goal of the “open borders” movement is to flood millions of non-Whites into all traditionally White nations. Make no mistake—this is not mere coincidence. It is White genocide by design, worldwide in application.”

“The man of the far future will be mixed race. Today’s races and castes will fall victim to the increasing overcoming of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid future race, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”

With one exception: (((the Chosen)))

Cohen Cohen says:

Don’t worry goyim, I was just having some fun

The Kalergi Plan and giving the Charlemagne Prize to gentiles such as Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Pope Francis, etc is really nothing more than an insider’s joke

In the immortal words of Norman Bates: “Why, (((we))) wouldn’t harm a fly”

Alrenous says:

with the single exception of the Jewish people who would remain inviolable and intact.

Converso Jews aren’t successfully remaining separate, and orthodox Jews aren’t successfully Jewing anyone.

Greg says:

Have you ever wondered why #metoo ruthlessly pummeled so many famous Jews, while everybody (including the pummeled) thought a famous Jew immune to such treatment?

Jewish “Tablet” magazine told everybody the hidden-in-plain-sight reason, in a piece infamously titled “The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein”.

Here’s the last line from that article, the one that tells you everything you need to know:

> Harvey can run from who he is, but he can’t hide.

They’re rounding up the defectors to punish them, hard, and on the public square, pour encourager les autres.

Bombercomand says:

They’re punishing Jews because they’ve run out white males to punish. The left gets ever letter, ever faster.

J says:

Ĉesu kulpigi la judojn por miksi.

jim says:

In what way did Weinstein defect?

As the left gets lefter ever faster, leftists in good standing get devoured. Suddenly being Jewish is no longer sufficiently nonwhite and minority.

Greg says:

Weinstein amassed a fortune, undoubtedly with lots of Tribal network support, yet produced no truly Jewish heirs for his fortune. As far as Wikipedia knows, his wives, mothers of his children, aren’t Jewish by blood.

NRx-4-Lyfe says:

You’re such a good goy Jim. You think you’ll get away from the “leftist singularity” without being punished because you’ve thought three steps ahead. But beyond that, you’re just a good pet, helping people see that poor persecuted Jews are just victims of leftism too, that you deserve to be kept around long enough to see your great grand children integrated into the great genetic melting pot. :^]

Oliver Cromwell says:

Most Aryans talking about Jew conspiracy theories sound like Blacks talking about The Plan. They realise that they are in some sense being played by a force intelligent beyond their comprehension, but they have little real idea of what is going on, and though it is fairly obvious little idea of how little idea they have.

jim says:

There are a lot of Jewish conspiracies. Orthodox Jews are humiliatingly out of power, despite their connection to the current president, and progressive Jews are not biologically reproducing, and are becoming mouthpieces and loudspeakers for other people’s ideas, which ideas marginalize both them and us.

Modeling Jews as one Jew (Zionist Occupation Government) is inaccurate. If Israel was an independent state, would have solved the Palestinian problem overnight.

Mister Grumpus says:

“If Israel was an independent state, would have solved the Palestinian problem overnight.”

Well observed and well stated.

On-My-Kn33s-4-Moldbug says:

Oh, come on now. It’s lazy and cowardly to pretend like Jewish people aren’t highly ethnocentric, highly intelligent, wealthy, and spread throughout the world.

Think about the ramifications of the traits that Jews have as a people and your head will start to slide out of your rear end a little.

They don’t have absolute power. But they are one of the most formidable groups in the Western World. To the point where just about any movement needs the blessing of Jewish organizations in order to keep itself from being snuffed out in the cradle.

A lot of you “red pilled” lads will talk about naggers all day long with no problem, but crap your pants at the thought of being “””anti-semitic.””” Why is that?

peppermint says:

They’re a rabble of kiddy-diddling mud people and have exactly as much power as we let them and the baizuo know this which is why they use them against us. Have you spent much time around kikes? Even if you haven’t, given all the best weapons the American taxpayer could buy, they got their keisters kicked by Hezbollah, given millions of American taxpayer dollars, they killed themselves in an embarrassing floor collapse. There’s a reason yentas want to fuck anything but a jewboy. Niggers are more honorable and less likely to pimp them out like Father Abraham.

The Deep State was until recently unnameable except by naming kikes, pointing out connections, and daring the reader to come up with an alternative to jews and shabbos goyim for snipdick goals. The kikes obviously believed that they were in control and, like Brexit, the first step towards executing the entire royal family and political class was to make it clear that Brussels and Germans weren’t the ones responsible for getting English

Oliver Cromwell says:

Were you responding to my post or some post claiming there were no Jewish conspiracies.

Roberto says:

>The Deep State was until recently unnameable

Are you sure, Peppermint?

Have you heard of Joel van der Reijden and his ISGP?

jim says:

Everyone is a victim of leftism, leftists more than anyone. You should not model leftism as a unitary plot by a rational actor acting for his own interests. Leftism generates outcomes that no one wants, least of all leftists, because it is in each leftist’s interest to be lefter than each of the others, and if more leftism generates unwanted outcomes, getting left behind as leftism moves onwards to ever more depraved evil and madness generates worse outcomes. If they could all agree with each other to stop moving leftwards, they would all breath a huge sigh of relief, but they cannot make such an agreement, because they would immediately defect on each other.

Leftists are trapped in a race ever further leftwards where everyone loses.

The Cominator says:

Before Stalin called a halt to the purges (which were initiated mostly from below) as Jim said the Bolsheviks were torturing each other to death for insufficient leftism.

The purge of the army was different because Stalin really thought he had opponents to fear in the army.

This is what the left does in power.

Colleen Pater says:

had we but world enough and time this coyness lady would be no crime

Multkulturismo estas neevitebla

Iam al iam, oni vidas plendojn pri multkulturismo kaj artikoloj kiuj diras ke “Multkulturismo malsukcesis” aŭ “Multkulturismo fiaskis”. Sed tiu sensencas, ĉar multkulturismo ne povas malsukcesi, ĝi estas neevitebla. Ĉiuj landoj en la mondo estas (kaj preskaŭ ĉiam estis) multkulturaj kaj nur unukultura lando ne eblas. Ĉiuj partoj de nia socio enhavas influon de aliaj kulturoj.

Kutime kiam oni diskutas multkulturismon, oni priparolas enmigrantojn kvazaŭ ili estas la fonto de multkulturismo. Iuj plendas ke enmigrantoj kunportas sian kulturon kaj minacas la indiĝenan kulturon. Sed eĉ se oni tute forĵetis ĉiun enmigranton kaj nur indiĝenaj homoj loĝis en la lando, ĉiuj landoj ankoraŭ estus multkulturaj.

La plej klara ekzemplo de ĉi tiu estas manĝaĵo. Se oni rigardus la restoraciojn en iu urbo, kiun oni trovus? Manĝaĵo laŭ la stilo de Italio, Usono, Barato, Ĉinio, Francio, Tajlando ktp. Ĉi tiu estas multkulturismo. Jen kulturoj de la tuta mondo kunmiksite. Do kiam iu diras ke multkulturismo malsukcesis, mi ne komprenas. Se neniu aĉetis manĝaĵon el alia kulturo, tiam oni povus diri ke multkulturismo malsukcesis. Kiu irlandano volas manĝi nur irlandan manĝaĵon? Fakte apenaŭ ekzistas irlandkultura restoracio. Ĉu iam okazos ke ĉiuj restoracioj nur faras la lokajn manĝaĵojn? Ne, tiu ne eblas, tial mi diras ke multkulturismo estas neevitebla kaj ne povas malsukcesi. Ĝi nur malsukcesus se estas ia leĝo kontraŭ neindiĝna manĝaĵo, kaj oni verŝajne bezonus faŝistan ŝtaton por efikigi ĝin. Eĉ se estus leĝo, irlandanoj verŝajne daŭrus kuirado multkulture.

Dave says:

That’s a tired old motte-and-bailey argument. We listen to foreign music, import foreign food (or cook foreign recipes from local ingredients), therefore we must invite millions of Africans, along with all their friends, relatives, and future descendants, to come to our countries and live on welfare and crime.

Irish immigrants caused a lot of problems in America. One James Curley got elected mayor of Boston, drove out the Anglos, and turned the city into an Irish ghetto. Teddy Kennedy gave us the Immigration Act of 1965, setting America firmly on the path to third-world status.

The English were not kind to your ancestors, but it’s not like they had better options. Ireland has always been a desperately poor Malthusian catastrophe, barely able to feed itself in a good year. If the English hadn’t occupied it, some other European power would have taken it and used it to launch back-door attacks on England.

j says:

Mi ŝatas, ke mia kara amiko skribu en esperanto. Kio estas kulturo? Kion ni konstruas kune.

Dave says:

Ne, kion ni kreas, tio estas modo, ne kulturo. Kulturo estas tio, kion ni heredas de niaj patroj, krom genoj. Ĝi estas tamen intime ligita kun genoj, kiel operaciumo adaptita por specifa aparataro. Estas sendanĝera amuzo miksi kuirartojn, muzikstilojn, kaj lingvojn, sed eblas mortigi civilizacion per miksi malkongruajn rasojn aŭ prifuŝi ĝiajn amindumajn ritojn.

> What is culture? What we build together.

No, what we create is fashion, not culture. Culture is what we inherit from our fathers, besides genes. It is however tightly linked with genes, like an operating system adapted to a specific hardware platform. Mixing cuisines, music, and languages is harmless fun, but you can literally kill a civilization by mixing incompatible races or tampering with its courtship rituals.

jim says:

That no one speaks esperanto tells us that multiculture is not inevitable. It is just that our culture has lost confidence because of internal treason. Somalis rapeugees are not assimilating to our culture. We are assimilating to their culture. The progs expect magic dirt to make everyone civilized, so the only enemy they need to defeat is white civilization, but cultures do not become multiculture. They conquer, assimilating a few loan words and some cooking recipes in the process. Jim Crow laws, not magic dirt, made black Americans civilized, with segregation protecting black middle class jobs from white competition, black university students from white competition. We imposed on black Americans white type fatherhood, white type families, and white type employment, and when those laws were dropped, they reverted to African type. Now we are being coercively assimilated to their culture, by domestic violence laws and such, as they used to be coercively assimilated to our culture by segregation and Jim Crow laws.

You always have a state religion and a ruling culture. Our state religion is headquartered at Harvard, and our ruling culture is on display in YouTube rap videos.

Mike says:

While I can agree with you Jim on the fact that segregation promoted the nuclear family in the black community, I am not so sure about the jobs part. Yes, blacks could get jobs free from white competition, but they also could not very easily get “professional” jobs such as being a lawyer or a doctor. Blacks basically were just stuck with the shit tier jobs. Now of course you could retort that they are still stuck with the shit tier jobs even today, and you would be right, but let’s not pretend segregation gave them good jobs either.

jim says:

Bullshit. The whole point and purpose of the segregation program was to artificially create a black middle class with white characteristics to rule blacks. Hence the black universities, which produced, among other things, black lawyers to try black clients before black judges.

The black universities were the core of the segregation and jim crow program, and they were not producing people for shit tier jobs. They were producing a black middle class to rule the black community.

Mike says:

Jim, the fact that the blacks had these institutions and produced some professionals does not change the fact that a tiny fraction of a percent of “white-collar” jobs were held by blacks prior to desegregation. They had nowhere near the level of educational talent entering the workforce as whites did, regardless of if they had their own black institutions to train them for said workforce. Now I will admit that a sizeable amount of this is probably due to their simply being way more whites than blacks in the US at the time (I believe it was like a 90-10 split) but regardless, the point stands.

This whole debate on black professional employment is one of the biggest memes the Left always brings up in regards to desegregation, that the number of black professionals temporarily rose through the 1970s, and then quickly fell through the floor after that as their familial structures that were held up by segregation imploded in the aftermath of the Great Society programs.

peppermint says:

…which should tell you integration was a h-t-t project to increase quantity of businessnigs, doesn’t because you agree in principle with being h-t-t as long as you stay results oriented

Mike says:

Is h-t-t an abbreviation for some sort of human gene? Sorry if I’m not “HBD” enough for you, just genuinely don’t know what you are talking about

peppermint says:

when we run out of people with personal grudges against the left, to avoid the ******-****-**** we’ll have to choose from the pool of prospective inquisitors all raised from birth to say the right things with a triathlon of Starcraft, Overwatch and wrestling

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>to avoid the ******-****-**** we’ll have to choose from the pool of prospective inquisitors all raised from birth to say the right things with a triathlon of Starcraft, Overwatch and wrestling

That’s funny you say that, i have had thoughts as much the same thing (Though not with overbabs, maybe something like Tribes).

jim says:

> Jim, the fact that the blacks had these institutions and produced some professionals does not change the fact that a tiny fraction of a percent of “white-collar” jobs were held by blacks prior to desegregation

Do you have any data on the percentage of white collar jobs held by blacks as compared for whites, and in what direction and to what extent desegregation changed this? Where does this “fact” come from?

To show the effect of desegregation on white collar employment, you need data running from the fifties to the sixties, not data running from the seventies to the eighties.

The seventies is not the start of desegregation. To draw the conclusion you want, you want data for white collar jobs while segregation was fully in effect and was the law of the land.

Seventies is the start of mass scale affirmative action, expanding on previous poster boy affirmative action. Segregation ended in the fifties.

I think you are reasoning circularly – that segregation was supposedly motivated by hatred of blacks and desire to harm them, therefore it must have harmed them. A program of keeping blacks under control by artificially manufacturing a black middle class to control them needs a lot of blacks in middle class jobs, so even if we suppose that those imposing segregation were evil people who sought to harm blacks out of malice, they were deploying a method for maliciously harming blacks that, unlike desegregation, requires a lot of blacks to be placed in middle class jobs.

Alrenous says:

Insert joke about the false consciousness that drives blacks to want to be segregated, e.g. South Africa.

If segregation was malicious, it was incredibly incompetent malice, especially as compared to civil rights.

Mike says:

Oh I was not claiming that segregation was a seventies thing, just that the left used the seventies as an example to show that black professionalism temporarily rose. Once it fell in the late seventies and into the eighties,the left then blamed the sharp fall in black professionalism and nuclear families on whitey instead of noting the effects desegregation had on black society.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

This right here is the reddest of all the red pills regarding black people:

“The whole point and purpose of the segregation program was to artificially create a black middle class with white characteristics to rule blacks.”

When the left ended segregation, they destroyed the black middle class, leaving blacks absolutely screwed. They then created thousands of jobs for themselves to sort the mess out and took advantage of black people’s suffering in order to score victories over their (leftists’) white enemies.

If black people ever figure out what the left did to them, Ferguson and Baltimore are going to look like bloody Charlottesville.

Mike says:

Well I think I agree with all of you on the fact that desegregation destroyed black society, I just think it was due more to family breakdown than economic factors. There is this hilarious stat I saw that showed how blacks had lower single fatherhood and divorce rates than whites in the 1920s and 1930s, and then after desegregation, this somehow mysteriously disappeared. Hmmmm I wonder why???

This being said, I’ll probably look into the economic state of segregated America more just to challenge myself. Got any links that might be useful?

Carlylean Restorationist says:

John McWhorter has a book “Authentically Black” with an impressive bibliography, albeit slightly tainted with a disturbing affection for Broadway.
Trigger warning: he does claim to be a libertarian near the beginning.

Otherwise, this blog’s pretty good, or the two flagship TRS podcasts.
Heck, the Tom Woods Show even touches on this subject sometimes, usually with the two predictable black intellectuals lol

Without descending into naive racialism, it’s quite possible that things like the welfare system, ‘support programmes’ and of course The Poz, disproportionately impact black people due to the fact that, on the average, they tend to have quite powerful time preference. (ie. are impulsive and not overly future-oriented)

Dave says:

Also due to the fact that welfare pays more relative to what an average black man is able to earn. A single mom with two kids receives welfare benefits (inc. housing and health care) roughly equivalent to a husband who earns $60,000 a year. How’s a black man supposed to compete with that?

Yara says:

Don’t worry. Soon their problems will be our problems. The robots are coming for us all, they just came for some sooner than for others.

peppermint says:

Herp derp robots.

They’ve been coming since the time of Keynes to create the gommie jewtopia where men don’t have to be men and can in fact live as, and fuck, children, like in Star Trek. Also they’ve been coming since the days when Hephaestus built Talos, horses stole plowing, streams stole milling, niggers stole cotton production. Men will never be obsolete, you will always have a job to pay for your family, everyone has always known this except faggots and academics looking for nubiles to nail.

Samuel Skinner says:

Peppermint is right. Robots will be relatively expensive so physical labor will always be the prerogative of people. You might replace ‘knowledge work’ with programs, but leadership and command is also going to be done by humans.

Unless the elite decides to murder everyone for shits and giggles of course.

peppermint says:

Status competition and government directives can absorb infinity human work. No trashy chainlink fencing or even a single sidewalk crack or weed in your lawn, space and seafloor construction, be fit and a good shot or you’re as good as gay, free range steaks on a grill you built yourself or you’re poor or a fag, take the boys hunting or you’re a terrible father, etc. The question of allocation between status and government based on preventing leftism will need to be addressed.

Yara says:

“Robots will be relatively expensive so physical labor will always be the prerogative of people.”

“Unless the elite decides to murder everyone for shits and giggles of course.”

Population is currently declining 25-50% generation over generation.

Yara says:

“They’ve been coming since the time of Keynes to create the gommie jewtopia where men don’t have to be men and can in fact live as, and fuck, children, like in Star Trek. Also they’ve been coming since the days when Hephaestus built Talos, horses stole plowing, streams stole milling, niggers stole cotton production.”

Late 2013:

Early 2016:

Late 2017:

Early: 2018:

“Men will never be obsolete, you will always have a job to pay for your family, everyone has always known this except faggots and academics looking for nubiles to nail.”

There are 4 million truck drivers in the United States and 6 million people employed in various capacities as their support apparatus. What are they going to do when they all lose their jobs?


AI research for Google?

I know! they’ll find work in a factory somewhere. Manufacturing is one of the biggest opportunities of the 20s, and I’m going to be building factories and I’m going be hiring. They can come to work for me.

Oh wait, I’ll be hiring no one but software engineers to make the perfect factories: without a soul in them.

It’s going to be a bloodbath. In this respect, I do not look forward to the future.

jim says:

Google’s self driving car has been about to come for quite some time. Still about to come.

The Uber car that killed someone had its emergency braking turned off, because too many false alarms. It should never have been approved for independent operation.

Yara says:

“They’ve been coming since the time of Keynes to create the gommie jewtopia where men don’t have to be men and can in fact live as, and fuck, children, like in Star Trek. Also they’ve been coming since the days when Hephaestus built Talos, horses stole plowing, streams stole milling, niggers stole cotton production.”

Late 2013:

Early 2016:

Late 2017:

Early 2018:

“Men will never be obsolete, you will always have a job to pay for your family, everyone has always known this except faggots and academics looking for nubiles to nail.”

There are 4 million truck drivers in the United States and 6 million people employed in various capacities as their support apparatus. What are they going to do when they all lose their jobs?


AI research for Google?

I know! they’ll find work in a factory somewhere. Manufacturing is one of the biggest opportunities of the 20s, and I’m going to be building factories and I’m going be hiring. They can come to work for me.

Oh wait, I’ll be hiring no one but software engineers to make the perfect factories: without a soul in them.

It’s going to be a bloodbath. In this respect, I do not look forward to the future.

pdimov says:

Atlas does things a human can easily do, while using more energy than a human. The only reason it can compete is that energy is artificially cheap, while human labor is artificially expensive.

Yara says:

Atlas requires no management, health insurance, disability insurance, vacation breaks, union strikes, family time, unpleasant association with proles, sleep, sick days, OSHA compliance, or payroll taxes. And it is improving 50-500% (?) per year.

To a zeroth approximation, the amount of energy required by a naked human slave to subsist is worth about 2 or 3 petrodollars per day. Your suggestion is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read.

pdimov says:

>Your suggestion is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read.

Remarkable lack of self-awareness.

Yara says:

“In this respect, I do not look forward to the future.”

pdimov says:

“They can come to work for me.

Oh wait, I’ll be hiring no one but software engineers to make the perfect factories: without a soul in them.”

Plus, I wasn’t “suggesting” anything. Accurate observations of reality aren’t “suggestions”.

jim says:

I actually built a robots that had to do useful things. Was actually paid to do so.

Not replacing humans any time soon.

Yes, robots are getting better. I was hugely impressed by the recent robot videos, which were way better than my robots. Both of my adult sons are doing AI stuff that is vastly better than anything I got paid to do. But large scale replacement of human intelligence is not yet in sight.

The stuff they are doing is better than I did, better than I thought possible – but it still a long way short of organic humanint.

I am impressed by what they are doing, but because I understand how they are doing it, because it is not magic to me, because I could do what they do, once they explained it to me, I am not expecting magic AIs.

Yara says:

“Google’s self driving car has been about to come for quite some time. Still about to come.”

The fully autonomous vehicle been in development for around 10 years, sure. Google started pimping theirs with a PR campaign around 3 or 4 years ago. It is already safer than any human. Would you like to place a bet on whether regulators will approve it for fully independent operation before 2030?

jim says:

As soon as they legalized unsupervised driving in one small test jurisdiction, someone got killed and they hastily unlegalized it.

And that has been the state of play since forever.

It is just a smarter cruise control, helping, rather than replacing, the human intelligence of the actual driver.

Samuel Skinner says:


Not sure what you find unbelievable. The components that make up people- carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen- are significantly more common then the ones you need to build computer chips and robots. Even if robots can do everything better, you will reach a point where there is more work you want to have done then robots that you have available.

“Population is currently declining 25-50% generation over generation.”

Only in the developed world and only because of feminism/leftism. This will sort itself out soon- either society will recover or it will die.

Alrenous says:

It would be easy to do autonomous cars if they didn’t have to share the road with human drivers. Replace all road signs and signals with bar codes, and predict what other drivers would do easily because they’re all programmed to the same standard.

A smart cruise control is a terrible idea. Do I need to intervene here, or will the cruise control be able to handle it? Is it safe to look away now, or is then when something unexpected is going to happen? Up until the basically-human breakpoint, smarter cruise control simply becomes harder for the driver to predict. Moving up from machine to artificial idiot is not an improvement.

jim says:

Or human pedestrians. Or animals, or fallen trees, or roadworks. You are looking at system of tunnels and elevated special roads, something like the people mover system depicted in Futurama.

peppermint says:

Why do otherwise intelligent people continue to expect no one to do anything in the future, to our culture’s eschatological belief, where are the contrarians?

How many times must I present the case
(1) You must work to support your family.
(2) Non-family dependent = slave. tyvm moldy
(3) Money, power = the ability to direct other people’s actions
(4) Owning the X factory, or the blueprints for the X factory, means you get resources from X consumers
(5) In exchange, X consumers can be directed to perform services
(6) Once everyone has a job, however much work it requires, status signaling can consume the rest of the labor product:
(7) you’re not a man if you didn’t build your backyard grill yourself, etc.
(8) The government will tax production to allocate resources to people for national priority wonder projects and military readiness
(9) Military readiness can consume infinite resources, in fact, as everyone used to be a farmer, the only reason everyone isn’t a highly capable soldier now, and instead is a fatass, is lowered status of soldiers to boost the status of priests since the mid 19c
(10) Everyone who isn’t a slave must buy their own weapon and train with it. It sounds like an odd directive, but it will be enforced as a status symbol
(11) In a city in the most powerful country in history you will see an abandoned building next to a homeless guy with a competently lettered sign next to a pile of garbage. Why doesn’t the government give the homeless guy food and a bed to clean the street, or buy a sweeping bot and store it in the building? Because of 100 years of jewspapers hatemongering, and governments run by progressives.
(12) The coffeeshops that were good 10 years ago are shit now, the bathrooms are less clean than ever, and yet somehow there’s no work that needs to be done so the White working class wouldn’t have a future either way

Cloudswrest says:

“It would be easy to do autonomous cars if they didn’t have to share the road with human drivers.”

I agree. The way to have autonomous vehicles is to have special built autonomous vehicle only roads. Then everything is, in theory, much more predictable. You may not even need red lights as the vehicles could coordinate themselves through intersections without collision.

Steve Johnson says:

So, trains?

pdimov says:

Humans (well, white people at least) self-coordinate pretty well without traffic lights. The purpose of traffic lights is not (just) coordination, but assigning blame.

peppermint says:

the purpose of a traffic light is so 50 people can get through the intersection at 30mph, instead of one person at a time, taking turns, having stopped to wait their turn

pdimov says:
jim says:

This works with white people. Be interesting to do this experiment in the Philippines.

Oliver Cromwell says:

This has been my experience in the US where the construction of the roads is simply too complicated for the poorly instructed drivers to understand.

Everyone drives at the maximum safe speed, and gives way organically, rather than driving at the maximum legal speed and insisting on right of way regardless of efficiency.

Alrenous says:

There’s been a few experiments with removing lights and signs (yes all in Europe) and it dramatically improves not only traffic flow but accident rates. One intersection reduced annual fatalities from 3 to 0.

peppermint says:

“No lights, no traffic” sounds like “no toil, no war”.

There’s a highway that intersects a busy non-highway with frequent turning and fairly frequent pedestrian traffic. If the highway had a bypass bridge, and the pedestrians had foot bridges, the stoplight could be replaced with merges at the foot of the bypass ramp.

I mean, sure, there’s tons of free labor to be spent on intergenerational capital projects like that, but why not mandate that all tables be manufactured with parapets to prevent my poor meatball from rolling into the garden when somebody sneezes? Not 👏 one 👏 more 👏 meatball

peppermint says:

I can think of higher priority capital projects. Many of them have the drawback of lowering maintenance costs of niggers, which is why all available government funds should be allocated to road construction and kuhscheißewaffen like the F-35

Colleen Pater says:

That (((internal))) treason does not turn east asia multicultural tells you something else is at work. Euros have a cuck in their armor, its christianity’s anti evolutionary message that all humans are human that there is no tribe nation people culture, only gods human children and now animals and plants.

This is how jews who, also unfortunately look like us because they are a tribal hybrid can cuck us but cant cuck the japanese and chinese.The fucking slants must yuck it up when discussing how absurd it is for cucks like trump or bush to think they are in charge when the slants know full well its the jews in charge. The ONLY defense against this and it has to happen fast, like yesterday, is to understand the reality of ourselves like all other peoples are a people not a concept.

The jews have a concept that they riff from our cuckstianity multiracialism. nrx being a jew idea seems to be on board with this as long as its elitist (as if cathedralism is not elitist already) which invites the question how exactly does this differ from the cathedral, nrx replies the cathedrals leftist/ demotist. but that’s bullshit the cathedral uses leftism just to gain power once it has incorporated the demoted it enslaves them, once the cathedral has incorporated islam it will (already is) doing to islam what was done to christendom, labor , democracy, capital,etc cathedralism is just mind control to enslave, its not in the least truly demotic, demotism is what it recruits brownshirts with, power is what it has.NRX is just whining they are not invited to (((davos))). NRX is just some jew in his garage thinking about how the euros are about on schedule to tumble to their eternal cuckery and how maybe this time they should get ahead of the reaction with a controlled reaction run by jews.clever.

peppermint says:

NRx was the renaissance created by the Internet and gave perspective to the Alt-Right, which then trolled academia and media into revealing itself, making it easier for Trump’s coup to succeed.

Trump’s coup isn’t Trump’s and the recent reveal that RFK was assassinated by the CIA lays the groundwork for the JFK reveal.

Politics being out of our hands, let’s talk about culture instead. Folk music thinks it sounds like dreampop. Eurodance has a similar relationship to shoegaze except that shoegaze had, in the words of Taylor Swift, “been there all along”. Dreamwave is the future for the Faustian Man who can control his degenerate urges and be the man God expected him to be.

Samuel Skinner says:

“This is how jews who, also unfortunately look like us because they are a tribal hybrid can cuck us but cant cuck the japanese and chinese.”

Both Japan and Korea have let in foreigners. The numbers are currently low, but that is in part because the countries are poor- they don’t have the funds to waste virtue signaling (think Denmark).

“but that’s bullshit the cathedral uses leftism just to gain power once it has incorporated the demoted it enslaves them, ”

Demotist doesn’t mean you like poor people. It means you are egalitarian and attack hierarchy. This is a great way to justify removing the current top dog, but makes it difficult to put in a new one, thus leading to constant power struggles.

The fascists solution doesn’t last more then a single generation. You cannot build a stable power structure on demotism.

peppermint says:

> japan and korea are poor in material terms
> demotists have always been egalitarian as presently understood
> fascism is supposed to be a lasting system

jim says:

Japan and Korea are not poor, and are dragging their feet on letting foreigners in. They are under pressure to open their borders, they tell the State Department “Yes, we are opening our borders”, and then they don’t open their borders.

This was very much on display at the recent conference on the 2015 Rohingya refugee crisis.

State Department says “Oh these poor victimized cruelly maligned Muslims are being persecuted on entirely spurious charges of illegal immigration and terrorism. Help us take care of these poor helpless refugees. You must let them in, so that they can rape your women, burn your cars, and live on crime, welfare, and voting left.”

Asian powers say yes.

Australia says: “This is a crime problem: Illegal immigration and people smuggling. Help us halt people smuggling on the high seas.”

Asian powers say yes.

They then proceed to halt people smuggling on the high seas and not let in the cruelly maligned Rohingya.

Samuel Skinner says:

In real GDP terms South Korea is poorer then Italy and Japan is about as rich as Israel.

peppermint says:

In real terms they have better Internet access, cleaner cities, faster and easier transportation, nicer music, less fat women, juiceboxes of matcha latte that have some antifreeze on the bottom to keep the drink cold, vending machines full of beer, delicious trustworthy raw fish lunch counters, temples that are sources of inner peace not poz, giant space robots and orbital colonies in the lagrange points, wells that teleport gem holders to a respectfully presented feudal past,

jim says:

Real GDP terms are frequently unbelievable.

Alrenous says:

I realized the other day that GDP growth is non-measurable. It’s a relative measure only.

Imagine the stock market doubles in value. Imagine that also everything else doubles in value. 100% growth year over year. What happens to prices? Nothing. Money also doubles in value. Measured GDP growth: 0.

Colleen Pater says:

Im not championing fascism whatever that word means but yeah demotism is a tool elites use against other elites and yeah it makes a mess republicanism is something else, republicanism as euros always practice it starts brilliantly adult males of property and good character (ie those who have actual power to broker) and then elites start rigging the votes because death has not been made the penalty for expanding the franchise outside the race and gender and stockholdership of the states owners.

Youre confusing nrx with a bunch of shit that also happened the fan boys of (((moldberg))) had zero to do with anything that’s happened in fact if they had not followed their jewboy they might have been prepared for events he said could not happen.nrx is a dead letter 90% of nrx links on nrx sites are dead something new needs to be developed hint it got to be ethnat but not the current groups low brow version.

Frog says:


javier_mendoza says:

Joke’s on you though, Jew fertility is almost 1.5. Isreal will be just another arab state in a few decades.

jim says:

Ashkenazi fertility in Israel is way low. Jewish fertility comes from the orthodox and from Sephardim – the Sephardim having typical middle eastern IQ, so Israel is becoming biologically Middle Eastern. Orthodox in Israel are still exiles – their Judaism is the religion of exile, not the religion of the temple. Israel was founded by Jewish atheists, agnostics, etc, tribally Jewish but not religiously Jewish. Need to convert to either old temple Judaism, or to a specifically Jewish version of Christianity capable of being tribal and localist.

Ashkenazi Jews are heading for the same situation as Lebanese Christians and Syrian Alawites – a high IQ functional minority in a country with, like Venezuela, a dysfunctional majority. The way the wind blows, Israel will finish what Hitler began.

Israeli Jews need a religion that OKs Jewish and Ashkenazi political predominance, and allows them to reproduce – the obvious candidate being Temple Judaism, a religion largely constructed around that function.

The state religion of Israel needs to be Jewish, and the state religion of India needs to be Hindu. China needs to find a state religion, and the trouble with Marxism and Maoism as the Chinese state religion is that they have abandoned the practice, while bowing down before the theory and theology. The Party practices sound economics, but cannot admit to doing so.

Maybe temple Judaism is obsolete, and Israelis are going to have to find a new thing, but the new thing needs to be Jewish, and to support high fertility in high IQ groups, and there is nothing as Jewish, or as supportive of high fertility, as old type Temple Judaism.

Repeating: The way the wind blows now, Israel will finish what Hitler began. The state religion of Israel is not Judaism, but progressivism, and progressivism hates them.

pdimov says:

Israel can in principle support itself indefinitely because aliyah.

jim says:

Jews in the west are being assimilated or moving back to Israel. Orthodox Jews in the west are breeding, but their religion is anti temple and anti Israel (exile is their identity) and the ever diminishing proportion of Orthodox Jews that are not anti temple and anti Israel are moving back to Israel. Aliyah only works if Ashkenazi descended people in the west find Israel attractive. If Israel starts to look like Lebanon and Venezuela, secular and detribalized Western Jews are not going to go there.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Many of them never will, first because the West is such a good gig, and second because Israel is a fake state that requires US backing to survive and that requires Jewish presence in the US.

The question is whether Jews are successfully moving to China.

Yara says:

On the contrary. America is the only reason Israel does not swiftly and easily conquer the whole Middle East within twelve months.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

*A skier steps off the skyhook onto the precipice*

“You know, i bet i could go down this mountain all by myself.”

Yara says:

Fine. They would need to contend with other nuclear powers. But they would have substantial first-mover and proximity advantage, which is worth a lot. If they were 9 million instead of 3 million pure-blooded secular Ashkenazim and quickly seized control of the oil they would very rapidly be able to go toe-to-toe with any power on Earth. They would have been able to do it twenty years ago. Certainly with each passing year of steadily aging and browning demography their potentiality declines.

peppermint says:

No, America is the reason Israel even exists. Israel was capable of fighting sunniggers with overwhelming technological advantages 50 years ago. 50 years of living as kikes with jewgold from America has left them incapable of defeating Hezbollah. Browning isn’t what is ruining their military, being heebs without training from Aryans is.

The West will turn our backs on Israel, maybe with security guarantees, maybe not. Iran won’t invade because Iran doesn’t want kikes under their rule. Israel will be a shtetl for the next 50 years.

Yara says:

What force protects Arab cities from Israeli reenactment of Dresden? Please be specific.

peppermint says:

that moldbug-tier talking point was refuted by Hezbollah in 2006 and the Mahdi Army in 2004. All Israel will accomplish is giving Iran and Syria a causus belli.

Yara says:

“that moldbug-tier talking point”

What a compliment, indeed.

“In case you hadn’t noticed, Honduras – tiny Honduras! – is currently in a state of full diplomatic rebellion against USG. And the latter, predictably, is not pleased:”

“However, this may be a mere clerical omission. What we are looking at is a rare 21st-century opportunity to hear USG speaking in its Darth Vader voice. As a student of history one becomes quite familiar with this tone, but it is not often seen in the papers these days.

“It is too much to expect evil to walk naked in the world. In real life, evil does not wear a skull helmet or speak through a respirator. Why would it? Why not drape itself in silks of good? But this clothing interferes, by its very nature, with the fangs and sting and claws. So the patient watcher is rewarded, every now and then, with a flash of black scales or a yellow demon grin. But most of the time, he sees a kindly, wise and charming pillar of the community. Such is State.

“Or if you want to sound like a real insider – DOS. DOS talks to Israel in the Vader voice all the time, of course. Nor are historical examples difficult to identify. However, the case of Honduras is a beautiful, tiny, perfectly-framed picture of USG’s modern imperial style, and it would be a shame not to notice it.”

“Honduras is just a living fossil, as Rhodesia and South Africa once were, as Israel also is – an independent country, sort of, not quite assimilated and destroyed. A strange relic of the past. Someday there will be a country that successfully stands up to USG, but probably not soon, and probably not Honduras. Alas. It’ll take a lot more work and a lot more thought.”

unqualified-reservations .blogspot .com/2009/09/honduran-rebellion-or-states-invisible.html

Moldyjew: standing true the test of time.

peppermint says:

when Moldy said it his point was Israel wasn’t allowed to use the weapons due to the International Community, you’re saying it as if strategic bombing would work against Israel’s enemies. There is always an international community, other countries will always exist and have a greater obligation to assist a defender than an attacker.

jim says:

Israel could solve its internal problems overnight if not for the “international community”. Its external problems, maybe not. Has not won a war since they put gays and women on the front lines.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Moldbug considered what might happen if the US gave Israel a free hand in the Middle East, but continued to subsidise the existence of Middle Eastern states with its wider defence guarantees. Independent Middle Eastern states aren’t a natural occurrence.

peppermint says:

Iran’s existence is a natural occurrence, whether or not the Arabian peninsula should be under Iranian rule. Syria and Lebanon would actually be a lot more advanced without Israeli sabotage, the dirty little secret is the Eastern Mediterranean was full of Greeks a.k.a. Arab Christians prior to the Israeli Crisis.

Should the Eastern Mediterranean naturally be ruled by Greece or Iran? Should Anatolia be ruled by Greece or Russia?

As soon as the West disengages with Israel, with or without a promise to help Israel fight defensive wars, the same guarantee that Russia gave Syria and maybe Iran, the Middle East becomes a smaller place with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and an ongoing low-level causus belli in the Palestinian occupied territories. Israel doesn’t have the firepower to break Iran and Syria, Iran and Syria may or may not be able to crush Israel but it would be difficult and probably impossible without a causus belli.

What does that sound like?

To me, it sounds like peace.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Iran is a natural occurrence, and the only one of those countries that was a country in the age when marriage was legal.

But Iran isn’t important enough to rule the oil states, and they form a buffer between Iran and the unimportant Western states.

The Suez Canal was once important, now less so, but perhaps still more important than Egypt.

Colleen Pater says:

LOL you’ll be lucky to last another decade the sand niggers are figuring it out

pdimov says:

Israel has never been attractive. This arguably works in its favor as it filters out the most undesirable.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Cohen Cohen says:

For a foretaste of what is coming to goyim cattle (the White world) in the future, here is J.A. Sexton’s review of Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944–1947

Also James Bacque’s books also record a multitude of Allied war crimes, and post war crimes, as do the books of Alfred de Zayas.

And don’t forget Ralph Keeling’s book, Gruesome Harvest.

bob k. mando says:

just an OT heads up, i think you comment at Greg Cochran’s West Hunter?

some admin there ( Greg does not appear to be the only one ) banned me without warning for daring to cite the example of Noel Ignatiev. all attempts to comment now go directly to the trash bin.

it seems that having the temerity to ask for an explanation as to how an openly genocidal maniac, card carrying Communist could get admitted to Harvard and then be installed as a professor is simply something that can’t be tolerated.

if you wish to continue commenting at Greg’s, i suggest avoiding the Jewish Question in any way. and, for all his RealTalk, it’s wise to realize that Greg is probably very intentionally deceitful about some basic facts of life.

bruce says:

He’s a non-anonymous university professor. Whether he agrees with you or thinks you’re a crank I’m not surprised you’re banned there,

bob k. mando - ( your mom always did like me best ) says:


he asserted that Jewish academic “accomplishment” was evidence of their superior intellect.

i cited the fully public example of Noel Ignatiev and asked for Cochran’s explanation of how such a person could even be admitted to Harvard, much less taken up as a teaching professor immediately after achieving his degree.

i offered some 1/2 dozen possible explanations, the first of which is that Noel is a card carrying member of the Communist Party, USA and asked Greg to provide an alternative explanation or choose one of my options.

and i also noted that my family would likely have pretty good academic credentials if we were to be admitted while behaving like that.

IF the man can’t even admit that Noel Ignatiev is evidence of a major, MAJOR problem within “our” elite institutions
THEN either the Jews own his balls or he’s fully on board with ‘them’ … however you might choose to define ‘them’.

considering that Bush Sr has been using back door intelligence assets to spy on sitting American presidents since at least 1980 ( and probably before that, the lack of effective response indicates that what Bush was doing to Carter was business as usual ), i would consider him to be one of ‘them’. and he’s not Jewish so far as i’m aware.

jim says:

See my post the stupid elite

lets look for a white male Jewish member of the elite chosen for his performance in a STEM field. Aaron Swartz. Official genius. a Fellow of Harvard’s Ethics Center Lab on Institutional Corruption.

Aaron Swartz conspicuously lacked hacking and social skills.

If he had been marginally competent at computers, he could have downloaded millions of documents from JSTOR through the MIT network without bringing the MIT network to a screaming halt, without committing burglary and vandalism against the MIT network administrators, without creating side effects that every single user of the MIT network noticed and was enraged by.

If he had been marginally competent at social skills, he would have known that despite the fact that the police and prosecutors were treating him as just another dumb no account petty crook, who got videotaped by security cameras performing criminal acts and got bagged by security, he was not going to prison, not going to be convicted, that he was still a member of the elite that never goes to jail or gets convicted no matter how stupid the crimes they commit.

If he had any of the normal prosocial qualities like diligence and forethought, would have found a way to hack the MIT network that was not blindingly obvious to every single user of the network.

Aaron Swartz, Jewish Harvard fellow, official genius, is only marginally smarter than the two retarded black ghetto scum that won the debate.

glosoli says:

O/T, latest from Tex Arcane:

‘1. There are genes spliced into coffee beans which came from completely unrelated plant species and they seem to have been introduced purely to make coffee beans a healthy medicinal beverage.
2. Octopuses have no ancestors and no species tree. They have no relationship to any other molluscs that we know of. They dropped out of thin air into the biological chain of existence.
3. Cheetahs are a perfect blend of cat and dog together which have no precedents or ancestral tree. No other animal on earth is like it. In addition, cheetahs are such perfect genetic clones that their organs are interchangeable without tissue rejection.
4. Dinosaurs never existed. They are now called ovoraptors by scientists, which is a word you use because you are too embarrassed to just call them birds.
5. As recently as thirty thousand years ago, the average tree was 600 feet high. These trees stood in the Sinai desert where now there is only sand. None of the sand in the Sinai desert came from the nearest ocean. It seems to have been dropped in place of the trees.’

Go look at some cheetah photos, look at the face. That ain’t no cat!
The octopus thing was in the news recently. Evolutionmagic looks so silly.

Most will dismiss what Tex writes, but he’s been correct on everything.

Simon says:

what do you mean the latest? his blog is down.

glosoli says:

He’s still writing elsewhere.
If you know the Edenist blogs/forum, you’ll find it, or leave a comment at my blog, and I’ll reply and then quickly delete.

Simon says:

thanks mate this is great.

Anonymous Fake says:

What happened to Cleve anyway? Is this “Edenist” conspiracy actually being suppressed harder than the Daily Stormer was?

BC says:

Google shut him down. They’ve delisted him for years from their search results and they finally shut down his blog which was hosted on blogspot. Either he’s right about the Melonheads ruling the world or more likely they went after him over vaccines.

Simon says:

everyone knows about vaccine danger. his anthropology is beyond the fringe and if you read the blog carefully the warning signs were there. for it to be delisted from goog and archive is confirmation of its validity.

jim says:

This is a cheetah:

It is obviously a cat, not a dog.

Pretty sure a few breeders working over a few hundred years could turn domestic cats into something very like a cheetah.

BC says:

> >Pretty sure a few breeders working over a few hundred years could turn domestic cats into something very like a cheetah.

> Pretty unlikely. The Cheeta’s nature is very doglike in its ability to be trained and has been used from time to time as hunting companions by humans.

If Cheetas were markedly more trainable than other big cats, we would have seen them in circuses back when circuses were legal.

We don’t train cats because cats are ambush hunters. It is not in their nature to do any work, their traditional useful activity being setting up ambushes near human food stores to stop vermin from damaging the food. Ambushes are necessarily a solitary activity. Wolves, cheetas, and men are cursorial hunters, so that it is naturally easy for men to use wolves and cheetas to hunt. Cursorial hunts are naturally a collective activity.

The dingo is descended from a domestic dog, and looks very like a nondescript domestic mutt. Has not reverted to wolf appearance. It has, however, reverted to wolf behavior – untrainable and dangerous, presumably because living independently selects for independence. Dogs are trainable because we bred them to be trainable. We could equally breed cats to be trainable, but what useful work would a trained cat do? There is no substantial economic demand for trained cats.

> Interestingly, the cheetah appears to show convergent evolution with canids in morphology as well as behaviour. For example, the cheetah has a relatively long snout, long legs and deep chest, tough foot pads and blunt, semi-retractable claws; moreover, its hunting behaviour resembles that of canids.

The photo shows they are still cats. Since cursorial hunters, we could have used them for hunting, and bred them to be trainable – except that we had already done that with dogs. If we had not done that with dogs, likely would have done that with cheetas – but they are still cats, and still catlike enough to be easily within the range of variation achieved by human breeders working over a small number of human generations, but many animal generations. If we had started with cheetas, we would have bred some of them down to cat size, as we have done with dogs, and they would look very like today’s cats, though likely more trainable being descended from trained working cats. We would have, among other things, bred them to a smaller snout, as we have done with some dogs, shorter legs, as we have done with some dogs, and fully retractable claws, though still blunt.

It is obvious that all cats big and small are alike, because they are all descended in substantial part from one father and one mother – their Adam and their Eve, who lived not so very long ago.

We have the complete set of intermediates connecting eohippus, who looked and behaved nothing like a horse, to the modern horse, by smooth, gradual, and continuous evolution. No punctuated equilibrium at any point.

It is often said that for our ancestors, the links are more missing than links, and this is true, though Lucy looks half ape and half human, but for horses, we have the complete and continuous ancestry, all the way back to creatures that were not at all horse like.

We don’t have any ancestors for octopi, but this is because octopi do not have skeletons, not an indication that octopi do not have ancestors.

glosoli says:

Ah, you really believe that eh?

Em, no, wrong:

As Tex has been predicting, genome sequencing has and will continue to destroy Darwin’s failed theory:

‘As ENV already noted, the latest organism to have its genome sequenced has confounded that expectation: the octopus, whose genome was recently reported in Nature. It turns out to be so unlike other mollusks and other invertebrates that it’s being called “alien” by the scientists who worked on that project.’

That’s from an evolutionary website, heh. Poor saps, stuck with a pile of shit theory.

jim says:

This reports that the gene families are descended from the same common genes as the equivalent vertebrate genes. The report traces the genetic vertebrate and octopode brain and skin genes connection to the brain and skin genes of the urbilaterian, to the common father of octopi and humans.

The report is a litany of genes and groups of genes being compared with other molluscs, and with human genes, indicating that at some very ancient time both came from the same flesh, the same literal egg and semen of an urbilaterian.

We have no fossils of the urbilatarian, but can make some good guesses about it on the basis of those many, many genes common to all its many, many descendants. It was a one holer, using a single orifice for eating, excretion, smelling, sex, and giving birth. It had a heart, a liver, a partially centralized brain, and two very simple eyes that could not form good images. We know that it was mobile, but we don’t know how it got around. Its ancestors had tentacles, and maybe it did also, but my wild assed guess is that it was rather like a short worm, and also rather like a blob of creeping slime, like some mobile fresh water sponges. The eyes were inside the brain, or directly on the surface of the brain, which suggests it was semi transparent, but its brain was opaque. It had no gills, and probably absorbed oxygen through its skin, which indicates it was small and not very active. Its young were either single celled, or composed of a very small number of cells, and were capable of functioning and surviving while very small. It lived in water, but was probably a non swimmer most of the time, usually crawling along a surface. Maybe it looked something like a jellyfish, maybe something like a mobile fresh water sponge, maybe something like a worm, maybe something like a tardigrade. I would bet on a more wormish looking and less insect looking tardigrade, but a lot bigger than most currently existing tardigrades. (OK, I don’t really have any idea what it looked like.) Although it had a centralized brain, most of its neural processing was decentralized – the center was not that big or important. It had a social life, a dominance hierarchy with other urbilatarians, which hints that that decentralized brain was centralized enough to think of itself as “I”, and was big enough to have the processing power to deal with social interactions.

glosoli says:

Did they post photos of their social life on FB? Heh.

Jim, you have a vivid imagination, but I’m disappointed that you can read the whole of that article and conclude that all is well with Darwin’s fictions.

It’s sad to see bright people clinging to a discredited theory, as genetic evidence for design is now apparent and science is struggling to explain it. If science were as you describe in the good old days, these miracles would correctly be ascribed to the Creator.

So, sadly, you’re in the camp of our enemy on this issue.
Wake up man.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

It’s very bad strategy to debate this stuff beyond a certain superficial point but I’m overwhelmed by the urge to tell you about Daniel C Dennett, who is certainly not one of us (although his relative silence on matters of PC and economic leftism is appreciated).

Basically the divide you see is between on the one hand people who believe there is design in nature and hence invoke a God remarkably like a human designer, and on the other hand people who believe life evolved through a blind, directionless process of dead animals not having babies, who therefore gravitate to cartoon atheism, often of an explicitly anti-Christian variety.

You don’t need that divide. A Darwinian Fundamentalist like Dennett will tend to be explicit about the fact there ABSOLUTELY IS design in nature: tons of it!

He’s been banging the same collection of drums for the past forty years and his refinements are getting better and better. I’d suggest you skip straight to “Intuition Pumps” and the new one “From Bacteria to Bach and Back”.

There is Real Design all over nature and in spite of our fundamentally robotic, deterministic (in the important sense, regardless of quantum indeterminacy which has no effect of relevance) brains, there is Real Design coming out of us, too.
Yes there’s a difference between the process of designing an idea by thinking about it and the process of designing an idea through breeding, but they’re ultimately the same fundamental thing: a process of generate&test in which the definition of Good Idea is established through practice not supposition – if your good idea is a Good Idea, it’ll get copied, and that’s how design works: all of it – design in music, design in toilet paper, design in nature.

It’s all “real” and Real and any other qualifier you care to insist on.

We are absolutely not denying there is design in nature. What we’re saying is that God did not do it by means recognisable to a human engineer.
Indeed, when a human engineer looks at a Divine design, quite often the human engineer jumps to the false conclusion that he knows better than whoever/whatever designed the natural phenomenon. In case after case, the human engineer is mistaken: no matter how seemingly flawed, God’s designs are ALWAYS better than anything we could do, and a large part of that superiority comes from the means deployed: instead of thinking it through, coming up with a plan, implementing it and perfecting it for a once-and-for-all solution, God’s designs are made to be flexible and adaptable in ways we can’t in PRINCIPLE emulate.

The reason they’re so superior? The design’s achieved through omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent means.

This shouldn’t need to be spelt out to someone who hold’s God’s abilities as the ultimate Good.

As our Muslim friends point out, the reason la illahu il’Allah is that if any other god had a particular ability, the one true God by definition contains that ability, rendering that other god
superfluous. The exact same thing applies to design: whatever you can dream up with your engineering expertise, God wipes the floor with through natural selection, again and again and again. It will *always* be so, no matter how good our design gets – and it can, in principle, get very good indeed.

Steve Johnson says:

>Indeed, when a human engineer looks at a Divine design, quite often the human engineer jumps to the false conclusion that he knows better than whoever/whatever designed the natural phenomenon. In case after case, the human engineer is mistaken: no matter how seemingly flawed, God’s designs are ALWAYS better than anything we could do

This isn’t true though – the constraints of evolution are that each step has to be an incremental improvement or it doesn’t confer an advantage. The result is that you get lots of hacks like the human eyeball – which has a blind spot right in the center due to the optic nerve.

Anonymous 2 says:

Excellent insight, thus it must obviously be. The old saw about the eyeball is presumably to reveal atheism so that such a specimen can be ‘nudged’, if you will, not to breed.

As once was revealed by the Divine, clothed in form suitable for our more humble minds, R = h^2*S.

Spiritus Europa says:

>If Cheetas were markedly more trainable than other big cats, we would have seen them in circuses back when circuses were legal.

If falcons were markedly more trainable than other raptors, we would have seen them in circuses back when circuses were legal.

We used to have domesticated cheetahs, as depicted in art from classical Egypt and Persia. We used to have domesticated falcons, as depicted in art from medieval Europe. That we no longer have them is a symptom of no longer having kings who pass the time hunting and feasting.

jim says:

That kings associated with cheetas is an indication that they are inclined to hunt socially and cursorially, and not in itself an indication that they are more trainable than other big cats, except of course that it is easier to train them to hunt socially and cursorially.

glosoli says:

It has a cat-ish head, but it’s not even a pure cat head, has dog-like features. Nothing like any other big cat, quite a lot like a race dog.×600.jpg&f=1

If I took the body of that cheetah, removed the spots and the head, it is exactly like a race-dog’s body, and nothing like any cats’ body:

Running in profile the sameness is striking:

Also, the cheetah face in profile looks very doggy, not very catty.

It’s easy to see what you’ve been used to see, but when you open your eyes and actually examine these things closely, it’s clear cheetahs are different, doggy.

jim says:

Just look. It is a cat.

Zach says:

Listen to how loud this thing purs:

This was a funny post. Not a bad thing. Scott is in no danger. Your point is accurate but somewhat muted in reality.

Alrenous says:

My god, that soyboy accent.

Ursus Maritimus says:

Consider that the egyptians may well have bred cheetahs as hunting ‘dogs’ and that ‘modern’ cheetahs may be to the original cheetahs as dingoes are to wolves.
There is a supposed genetic bottleneck in the cheetah population dated at 10,000BC but who knows how intensive breeding may distort that dating?

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Is this a joke?

I mean are sensible, ‘woke’ individuals actually denying that cheetahs are members of the cat family?
The genetic relatedness correlates perfectly with the evidence from outward appearance, organ relatedness, geographic dispersal and so on.

What is this, 2018?

If you really want to pretend to be adding something to the conversation about evolution, the onus is not on the grown-ups to keep on justifying every single case of obviously evolved organisms; the onus is on people like you to show us just one single example of a creature, living or not, that violates the Darwinian narrative.

Find me an animal that’s totally unrelated to any other living animal: different organs, different body plan, different body chemistry, different means of rendering cells, whatever: something BIG. Not just “nah mate that looks like a kinda dog in a way”.

That stuff’s just retarded.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Arcane’s bit is to lead with real but suppressed truth and lead you by the hand to actual insanity for which there is not a scrap of evidence.

Sure, “melonheads” are probably real in the sense that being a social parasite is a viable evolutionary strategy and therefore it exists as one and runs in families, and therefore there will certainly be racial differences in inclination to parasitism too.

But you nod along to this and soon he is telling you that Neanderthals built nuclear reactors and Cro-Magnon was bred in an ancient lab.

He is the WN equivalent of Nation of Islam.

Simon says:

you may not agree with his narrative but the evidence is there, faggot.

Oliver Cromwell says:

He talks a lot about looking at the evidence, but then shows no evidence or shows ridiculous evidence, as in these links.

He is using actually concealed stuff as bait to get people to take seriously the claims of his crank religion.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“It is common for Sephardics to be remarkably gifted as engineers and tinkerers. They often demonstrate great skill at fixing and making things. My father-in-law was one of these kinds of people. He started his own generator company that he built up from scratch. Once it was profitable his half-brother cheated him out of it.”

For those who care about such things, it seems that Texas Arcane’s children are Jewish.

Simon says:

Links contained in two posts when there is 10+ years of content to look at. All it takes is a sense of curiousity and an iq of 120+ to see that there is something to it, whatever it is.

Why was it delisted from google and archive? is the idea that vaccines can turn your kids into bricks that edgy?

Oliver Cromwell says:

If there are other links that demonstrate claims about ancient post-industrial civilisations, please post them. It was your choice of links not mine.

Just because he is WN Nation of Islam doesn’t mean he isn’t dangerous. If I were grand inquisitor I would shut down the Nation of Islam.

jim says:

I would not stop with Nation of Islam, though that would be first slice of the salami slicer.

No one has managed to coexist with Islam in 1300 years. We will not be the first.

Simon says:

the evidence is in the links moron.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The evidence of some guy I met once told me he thought something and how else could the Egyptians have made a piece of jewelry except by having a nuclear reactor.

Simon says:

you’re being a moron again.

glosoli says:

Most will not seek the whole truth Simon.
They think they’re Right wing and edgy, but there’s only so much red-pilling they can take.
Certain installed narratives must be retained, or their whole world crumbles. They’re merely the rightest of the left, about as far right as colonial Amerika, which wasn’t very right at all.

God, truth, creation: they can’t actually believe any of that. Hence, their efforts will be doomed and cursed by Jehovah.


PS, they actually have faith in Trump, despite his history:

Just like Churchill, bought and paid for.

lol says:

When you reply to him, he wins.

Steve Johnson says:

The real red pill is that cheetahs are dog hybrids.

pdimov says:

>Find me an animal that’s totally unrelated to any other living animal: different organs, different body plan, different body chemistry, different means of rendering cells, whatever: something BIG.

* Tardigrades

“Tardigrades are considered to be able to survive even complete global mass extinction events due to astrophysical events, such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, or large meteorite impacts.[10][11] Some of them can withstand extremely cold temperatures down to 1 K (−458 °F; −272 °C) (close to absolute zero), while others can withstand extremely hot temperatures up to 420 K (300 °F; 150 °C)[34] for several minutes, pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space.[35] They can go without food or water for more than 30 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.[3][36][37][38][39]”

* Ctenophores

“To demonstrate his hunch, he collected several species of ctenophores. He sliced their neural tissue into thin slivers and treated them with chemical stains indicating the presence of dopamine, serotonin or nitric oxide – three neurotransmitters that were widespread across the animal kingdom. Again and again, he looked into the microscope and saw no trace of the yellow, red or green stains.”

“First, they showed that Pleurobrachia lacked the genes and enzymes required to manufacture a long list of neurotransmitters widely seen in other animals. These missing neurotransmitters included not just the ones that Moroz had noted back in 1995 – serotonin, dopamine and nitric oxide – but also acetylcholine, octopamine, noradrenaline and others. The ctenophore also lacked genes for the receptors that allow a neuron to capture these neurotransmitters and respond to them.”

* Octopuses

“The genome of the Octopus shows a staggering level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes more than is present in Homo sapiens.”

“Its large brain and sophisticated nervous system, camera-like eyes, flexible bodies, instantaneous camouflage via the ability to switch colour and shape are just a few of the striking features that appear suddenly on the evolutionary scene.”

glosoli says:

Nice, thanks.

Alrenous says:

-DNA still uses the same codons


The encoding scheme between DNA and amino acids is pretty much arbitrary, just like every encoding scheme. Every organism uses the same one, with minor variations. Finding extraterrestrial life would be trivial, because Earth viruses wouldn’t work on them. DNA sequencing would produce apparent gibberish. Rather than foreign-species genes, they would find no genes at all.

pdimov says:

We know that encoding schemes aren’t common, because we only see one. It’s still possible that the only scheme we had contact with originated off Earth, and yet genetic material arrived more than once.

jim says:

I think it overwhelmingly likely that the root of the evolutionary tree is off earth, and that single celled organisms and tardigrades continue to arrive, and have recent off earth ancestry – organisms living in hot deep wet rocks and cryovolcanoes off earth.

I also think it overwhelmingly likely that earth is the first, and likely the only, location of large complex life.

eternal anglo says:

Care to tell us more, Jim?

My intuition is that an Earthly origin of life is the most likely solution to the Fermi paradox. If you want a lifeform capable of evolution, you need something that is sufficiently complex that its reproductive success is affected by information that is passed down through generations (this is why fire is not a living thing), and can reproduce itself with high enough fidelity that any advantageous traits selected for are passed on sufficiently intact to be selected for again. The first lifeforms are the first entropy pumps, so there cannot be any other entropy pumps in the primordial soup, thus the first lifeforms must be capable of taking chemical raw materials from the high-entropy soup and reorganizing them into something that can repeat this process (i.e. they have rudimentary digestion and embryology). It seems to me that the leap from dead matter to this first lifeform is much more improbable than the ‘leap’ from simple lifeforms to complex ones, which after all can take place gradually by Darwin’s improbability pump, whereas the first lifeform had to arise by chance alone.

(I am also confused that you classify tardigrades as a simple lifeform comparable to a single celled organism like a bacterium – a tardigrade is a little insect, with a throughput gut, a central ganglion and even basic eyes.)

jim says:

The aquatic environment does not support anything capable of reproducing information reliably without an elaborate support system. The minimum system capable of reproducing in water is irreducibly complex. The simplest and smallest non parasitic organisms are as simple and small as they can be. Protein world was preceded by RNA world, but RNA world organisms were larger and more complex, not smaller and simpler, resembling the nucleus of a eukaryote. Therefore, the original life form did not originate in water, therefore probably originated off earth, perhaps relying on liquid ammonia, cyanide, and carbon monoxide for its solvent, and something other than RNA/DNA for its data storage medium.

Life appeared on earth immediately, therefore either it is overwhelmingly likely that life will appear as soon as conditions permit, or it already existed before the earth and came from space.

If it was overwhelmingly likely that life would appear as soon as conditions permit, intelligent beings would have evolved on the earliest worlds, ten billion years before the earth formed. Therefore, took this long for life capable of settling earth, water based life, to evolve.

If life on earth came from space immediately the earth was formed, then it is still coming.

pdimov says:

Tardigrades are suspected to have arrived from space because they can survive in space. Their remarkable resilience seems a bit overkill for Earth; not clear why it would have evolved here.

pdimov says:
Yara says:

“It seems to me that the leap from dead matter to this first lifeform is much more improbable than the ‘leap’ from simple lifeforms to complex ones”

False dichotomy. Consider the sliding scale from prion to virus to bacterium to prokaryote. Eukaryotes are obviously “alive”, as are bacteria, but many don’t consider viruses to be “alive” as they cannot replicate themselves without the machinery of a hijacked cell, and prions are just crazy proteins that warp existing proteins in their own image. Self-replication is the intrinsic reward of existence, and Charles Darwin specified “survival of the fittest” as the epistemological basis of his theory of natural selection. What, then, is not life but a resilient form of self-reproduction in molecular form? “Life” could be any discrete molecular structure so long as it is sufficiently complex to imperfectly self-replicate.

eternal anglo says:

Thanks for the link, very interesting.

‘”Life” could be any discrete molecular structure so long as it is sufficiently complex to imperfectly self-replicate.’
I had considered this, and I don’t think it’s true (which was what I was trying to say in my post). If self replication is all that’s needed for life, one could think of a crystal structure as a form of life. Every time a new micro crystal started to form in solution would be a tiny repeat of the origin of life. But, of course, crystals aren’t alive, and they don’t undergo natural selection for many iterations (although I suppose even simple chemical processes could be thought of as natural selection with few iterations). Thus fire – a self-replicating chemical process, but it isn’t alive.
So why don’t crystals and fire evolve? I can only think that it’s because they are too simple: in the case of crystals, there is only one way for the structure to replicate – no mutations for selection to work upon; in the case of fire, no way of passing on the nature of the self replicating process to subsequent generations. This leads me to believe that a first lifeform has got to be complex enough that its means of replication can be optimized (or made worse) by mutations – a machine that can run more smoothly, or less.
Additional evidence for my view is the fact that all life on earth, including the simplest single cells, is descended from a common ancestor. Other major obstacles on the path from dead matter to complex life, such as multicellular life, have evolved independently multiple times, but the origin has only been seen once. If your view, that the origin is not a particularly hard obstacle on this path, is correct, then we would expect to find independently originated simple life somewhere in the nooks and crannies of the world (even if it is outcompeted massively by more-evolved life from space in the major ecosystems).

jim says:

Pretty sure that life appearing from non living matter is impossible on earth. No one has proposed a plausible system in sufficient detail for it to be criticized, let alone implemented experimentally.

peppermint says:

Suppose there are tardigrades in space. What do they eat, how did they evolve? To begin evolution need puddles of complex molecules that can catalyze the construction of more like them. A cell membrane helps this puddle eat that puddle, then there’s a world of cells.

Not sure why extremophiles live in extreme environments isn’t sufficient, or the question of why hasn’t the tardigrade lost the ability to survive extreme environments as serious as why had it gained that ability.

jim says:

A cryovolcano erupts mud and air on the icy surface of a frozen airless world, far from the sun.

A rock or a comet a couple of hundred kilometers in diamter, far from the sun, with one or two cryovolcanoes on its frozen airless surface: Single celled rock eaters can survive in the water in the deep hot rocks, as they do on earth. Radioactivity will hydrolyze some of that water into hydrogen and oxygen, which will erupt in cryovolcanoes. Tardigrades in cryovolcanoes will have oxygen to breath, and single celled organisms to eat, and will sometimes be blasted into space by the cryovolcano.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

This article’s comments section is so triggering lol

Jim now you’re doing it too:

“Pretty sure that life appearing from non living matter is impossible on earth. No one has proposed a plausible system in sufficient detail for it to be criticized, let alone implemented experimentally.”

Seriously I honestly think you’d get a kick out of Dan Dennett. He’s not one of us but he’s not a hostile enemy either. I’m going to channel him the way I channel you:

You’re insisting on a qualitative line between living and non-living matter. There’s no reason for this. The ancestry of a human proceeds in an unbroken chain from beings that were not human: this I assume you find uncontroversial.
That chain of beings then proceeds back to beings that were not sentient (draw that line wherever you want in your mind – a safe example might be rat-like mammals but I don’t know your taste so use bacteria if needs be); beings that were not conscious (again use bacteria); and finally beings that were not alive (a common example would be free-floating RNA molecules but this isn’t an important detail).
There is no principled reason to draw one particular line in one particular place that declares on one side those beings which were living and on the other side those which were unliving, any more than we need lines for consciousness, sentience or membership of the genus ‘homo’.

Forget these essentialist lines: you don’t need them.

Sure it’s not possible for obviously-unliving inert matter to give birth to a monkey, but the real difference between bacteria and muck is, from the perspective of the lay observer, completely trivial. You and I would agree that bacteria are clearly living while raw RNA molecules are clearly not living, but what about viruses? I’m not at all sure that a thing that never spontaneously reproduces in the wild, can stay ‘alive’ for centuries without doing a single thing, and then spring into ‘life’ as soon as it finds itself in an organic cell, counts as a member in good standing of the class of living things. So what? The next guy might insist that a virus absolutely IS a living thing since it’s made of the same genetic building blocks as every living thing, and (by his definition) no non-living thing is made of them. (Actually this exposes the circularity of this way of thinking.)

Yara says:

“This leads me to believe that a first lifeform has got to be complex enough that its means of replication can be optimized (or made worse) by mutations – a machine that can run more smoothly, or less.”

The other key ingredient is a controllable entropy gradient. Molecular machinery must exist for this purpose, or else no work can be done.

Yara says:

“If it was overwhelmingly likely that life would appear as soon as conditions permit, intelligent beings would have evolved on the earliest worlds, ten billion years before the earth formed. Therefore, took this long for life capable of settling earth, water based life, to evolve.”

Non sequitor.

eternal anglo says:

I take your point about life arising almost immediately on Earth. I suppose that the reason we haven’t found the spaceborne simple organisms your theory implies is because we haven’t looked at enough space rocks yet (and the ones that fall to earth are immediately eaten by terrestrial bacteria), which would make sense, because they could be incredibly sparse – you only need one to seed Earth.

I am skeptical that “The minimum system capable of reproducing in water is irreducibly complex. The simplest and smallest non parasitic organisms are as simple and small as they can be.” It could be that these simple and small non parasitic organisms have evolved this way because of an arms race, not because of any hard limit – that simpler organisms can exist, provided they’re only competing with organisms as simple. Certain RNA enzymes can be made to replicate in a test tube. Thus for now I do not accept your argument that life cannot originate in an aqueous environment. I could be very wrong because I do not understand why you brought up RNA world and protein world – although, to take a grope in the dark at a counterpoint, it could be that protein organisms outcompeted RNA organisms despite being simpler, the way cancer eats its way through more delicate tissues.

jim says:

No, certain RNA enzymes cannot be made to replicate in a test tube. You can get it to “replicate” in the test tube if you supply it with lengthy premade RNA sequence, which is not genuine replication. If you supply only premade RNA monomer and premade ATP (neither of which is going to occur in non living nature) you just cannot get an RNA enzyme to self replicate.

If my theory is correct, we will never find spaceborn organisms on earth because we have already found them – they are already here, hence a spaceborn organism in a meteor looks exactly like an earthborn contaminant that gets into a meteor. We will only find them by looking at space debris that has never been near earth yet still has familiar earth organisms in it.

pdimov says:

“The Rosetta Mission’s Philae lander has recently provided us novel information about the comet 67P/C-G (Capaccionne et al., 2015; Wallis and Wickramasinghe, 2015; Wickramasinghe et al., 2015). Jets of H2O vapour and organics issuing from cracks and holes in the black crust (Fig. 3) are plausibly consistent with biological activity occurring within sub-surface pools (Wickramasinghe et al., 1996, 2009). The most recent report of O2 along with evidence for the occurrence of water and organics provides, in our view, a further compelling argument for ongoing biological activity (Bieler et al., 2015). Such a mixture of gases cannot be produced under thermodynamic conditions, since organics are readily destroyed in an oxidizing environment. The freezing of an initial mixture of compounds, including O2, not in thermochemical equilibrium, has been proposed, but there is no evidence to support such a claim. On the other hand the O2/H2O/ organics outflow from the comet can be elegantly explained on the basis of subsurface microbiology. Photosynthetic microorganisms operating at the low light levels near the surface at perihelion could produce O2 along with organics. Many species of fermenting bacteria can also produce ethanol from sugars, so the recent discovery that Comet Lovejoy emits ethyl alcohol amounting to 500 bottles of wine per second may well be an indication that such a microbial
process is operating (Biver et al., 2015).”

And/or, octopedos are third-density manifestations of fourth-density Star Spawn.

Star Spawn are fourth-density manifestations of fifth-density Cthulhu.

jim says:

It is a cat

glosoli says:
Mack says:
Mack says:

Wait, watch this version instead:

glosoli says:

A comment was eaten by the system, possibly too many links.

Nope, that face is clearly part-cat, part-something else, likely dog.

Look at a side profile photo of a cheetah’s body, then look at a leopard, then look at a race-dog in profile. Then look at videos in slow-mo of a cheetah running, then the race dogs.

It is definitely a cross-breed, cat and race dog.

Evolutionists, do not look at this site, just don’t:

Clever God.

peppermint says:
Zach says:

I think a hippo’s closest living relative is the whale.

And lulz at that picture. I’d vote a barn swallow/aye-aye as being obviously a closer depiction to that – ahem – dog.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

It’s you, not us, who is insulting God’s intelligence.

You think the all-knowing, ever-present, limitless Deity that created the entire universe would demean Himself with tinkering with individual organisms? That’s just you projecting your own limitations on the Lord, and it really won’t do.

God would of COURSE do something more ‘big picture’ when it comes to design work than the direct ‘hands on’ plebeian approach.

By refusing to acknowledge reality, you’re directly challenging Christ, who was very explicit: this whole business is about TRUTH.

glosoli says:

Are you talking about the same God that I read about in the bible:

‘Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.’

Stop lying, liar. God created everything, and loves it all.
Catholics, all the same.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Your comment is useful in pinning down the point here.

Yes indeed, every single thing that happens – everything we see, everything we don’t see; everything we’re capable of understanding and everything we’re incapable of understanding; everything we care about and everything we’re too ignorant to care about – everything is the action of the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God; the God that wrote the law in stone for Moses; the God that shaped Abram’s fervour from a weakness into a strength; the God that came to be absolutely embodied in the person of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Do you seriously think that the Intelligence of the Universe would shape flesh by hand like bloody clay? What’s the matter with you that you believe yourself equal in ability, scope, insight and power to the Lord your God?

lol says:

What’s wrong with him is he’s a moron, obviously.

Or if not, a troll of exquisite ability.

glosoli says:

‘Do you seriously think that the Intelligence of the Universe would shape flesh by hand like bloody clay?

Of course He would, and it explains the Cambrian Period, when there was a sudden, otherwise inexplicable, explosion of life here.

‘What’s the matter with you that you believe yourself equal in ability, scope, insight and power to the Lord your God?’

Strawman statement of the century, well done.

jim says:

Rising oxygen levels in the Cambrian made predation more profitable. In response to predation, creatures developed shells and exoskeletons. Predators developed endoskeletons so that they could crunch down on shells and exoskeletons. Thus, in the Cambrian and the pre cambrian, we start getting fossils.

But complex life forms preceded the cambrian by a very long time. It is just that they had no shells or skeletons, and their flesh was like jelly, so did not fossilize well.

Skeletons and tougher flesh appear when creatures have to fight other creatures who are trying to eat each other.

glosoli says:

Your faith in the narrative you’ve been fed is very strong.

Rockefeller probably funded all the research though.

Oliver Cromwell says:

It happens to every good blog sooner or later, it happened to UR, and maybe it’s just recently happened here.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

The creationist stuff harms our optics and credibility.

Ask yourself is it REALLY so important to free people of their minor evolutionary heresy that you’re willing to reduce the likelihood of ridding the world of the many much more major heresies that are currently threatening the existence of Christendom itself?

(I’m in no way conceding anything regarding the origins of the very real design in nature; I just see no point in debating the topic since it’s become apparent that progress is extremely unlikely.)

glosoli says:

There will be no reaction, no return to God, if you all deny God is our Creator.

It’s simple, just read the bible, obey the laws, love God.

This blog will achieve precisely zilch.

Yahweh says:

Stop being a dickhead or I’ll bring the demon back.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

“There will be no reaction, no return to God, if you all deny God is our Creator.”

I kinda lost track of the ‘conversation’, but I really can’t let that one go.
You’re being deliberately disingenuous. There’s no other explanation.
I’ve said in literally every comment that God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent and CREATED THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING IN IT by virtue of those qualities…….. and you come back with “you deny God is our Creator”.

I’ll repeat it one final time and then I wash my hands of you like Pilate washed his hands of the Jews.

Every single thing you care to imagine, from features of living things to laws of physics, is the direct personal handiwork of a God that has repeatedly given us MORAL laws and has a personal, conscious interest in our obeying those laws.

Now if you and I were *disagreeing* about how all that creative work was done, that’d be one thing, but on the contrary you’re saying that anyone who disagrees with you is denying God.

That’s intolerable and if the reaction depends on our bowing to you as our self-appointed bishop, I’ll stick with the empire of Zog, Poz and all.

*That’s how much I dislike what you just said.*

Oliver Cromwell says:

Christianity is factually false, memetically dead, institutionally coopted.

I don’t expect the over 40s will ever truly let go of it. But the under 20s regard it as more alien than actual foreigners, whose food they are least familiar with.

It’s gone, it was never very good, and it is not coming back.

jim says:


But our existing state religion is hostile and seeks to destroy us, destroy our future, and erase our past.

What shall we do instead?

Theshadowedknight says:

Who gives a fuck what the under-20s think? Are we a bunch of faggot demotists now? Give a man a fish, and tell him that God loves him, and you have a believer for a day. Set a man on fire and tell everyone that God loves him and you will have converts for life. People believe what you tell them to believe, and heretics get set on fire to tell them what not to believe.

The state religion is in no small part an exercise in power. If you are worthy of power and have something that rhetorically beats out both Christianity and Progressives, then why are you commenting here?

glosoli says:

>’Christianity is factually false, memetically dead, institutionally coopted.’

It’s all true. Archeological finds continue to prove everything in both the Old and New Testamants. Miracles continue to happen:

(Listen to the audio clip on youtube). God is currently cursing the planet as His laws are now largely ignored. If we don’t turn back, it’s game over for this time round, reset time, He’ll allow the nukes to be fired, or more likely allow nature to destroy everything (NB Volcanic activity on the increase, lots of talk of a new mini-ice-age, or even a full-blown ice-age).

You are correct our faith has been institutionally captured, so we must build anew, with obedience to the Law.

>’I don’t expect the over 40s will ever truly let go of it. But the under 20s regard it as more alien than actual foreigners, whose food they are least familiar with.’

The older one is the more chance you’ll have solid faith. But plenty of younger right-wing guys are finding God too, so begone with your falsehoods.

>’It’s gone, it was never very good, and it is not coming back.’

Nonsense, it was the very bedrock of Western advances in the past 2,000 years. It was and still is perfect, if we adhere to God’s word, which isn’t difficult. As to whether it returns, I pray it will, but the alternative scenario (as explained in Revelation) is fine by me.

We will have the last laugh, as you face death, and we face eternal life in bliss.

>jim ‘What shall we do instead?’

The day you and others like you stop asking that question and just go with the Bible, is the day we start to win. Until then, you’re wasting your time.

John Sterne says:

even nigger catholics?

Carlylean Restorationist says:

“even nigger catholics?”

Of course. We on the Right do not in fact dislike blacks for being black.
We want, as indeed they do, to live among people like us, without having to have too much unchosen interaction with people less like us.
We recognise the problems their people have, as we recognise the problems our people have.

We absolutely do not hate them, and even the individual black people we do find ourselves hating, we hate for their actions and definitely not because they’re black.

There are of course major problems with religious blacks in Africa and the institutions they’ve created, but it’d be absurd not to give credit where it’s due: African Christianity is far less pozzed than Euro-American Christianity.

There’s no way I could sit in a Western church, but so long as I felt safe, I’d find far less to complain about listening to an African sermon.

There’s a great deal to admire in Ethiopia in particular, and if we were able to do away with all the Leftism in the world, it’s highly likely that Ethiopia would be a familiar nation to ‘woke’ whites in the Ethnostate….. from a distance of course!

Yara says:

True. Want to see a real marriage?

Find that anywhere in the Western hemisphere. In the current year, our prototypical marriage is a former actress Halfrican divorcée three years a man’s senior who’s already been fucking him silly for a few years. Where are the twenty year old virgin brides, you ask? Good question.

jim says:

Oh come on. It is a cat. It looks remarkably like a long legged cat I used to have. It is within the range of variation found in domestic cats. It would not take a breeder very many generations to produce a cheeta. The common domestic cat varies considerably in muzzle size and leg length. If we had not domesticated wolves we would have bred cats to help us hunt, starting from those cats physically and psychologically most inclined to social and cursorial hunting, and they would have wound up looking very like cheetas. Although cats are primarily ambush hunters, they are perfectly capable of social and cursorial hunting, differing from cheetas and wolves only in degree, not in kind. Select cats for cursorial and social hunting, rather than for guarding your grain and flour by hiding in ambush near it, and pretty soon they will start looking as much like a hound as a cheeta does – which is not much like a hound.

If we had neither wolves nor cheetas, we would have made some breed of cats into something very like a cheeta. Cats are capable of hunting socially and cursorially, sometimes do so, and if we had not had better social and cursorial hunters, would have selected some cats for that role, and then bred them to be bigger, the reverse of the process whereby a very large wolf became a moderately sized dog, and then a chihuahua.

And similarly, small horses pulling war chariots became larger horses pulling wagons, which in due course we came to ride into battle. If we had not had horses, would have ridden buffalo, as some people do today. If we had neither horse nor buffalo, would have had goats pulling carts and chariots, as some people do today, and we would have wound up riding gigantic goats into battle. Which riding goats would look a lot more like horses than a cheeta looks like a hound.

If no horses, no wolves, and no cheetas, we would have wound up with a breed of goats that look mighty like horses, and breed of big hunting cats that socially act like hounds, and physically look like cheetas. And just as wolves are more inclined to eat chihuahuas than to mate with them, the riding goats would be disinclined to mate with meat and wool goats, and the big hunting cats would be disinclined to mate with small food guarding cats, making them as much different species as many kinds of big cat that are perfectly capable of mating with each other and often do so but are nonetheless distinct species.

glosoli says:

Its face is squat, not very graceful, dog-like, not very feline.
Its body is like a racing-dog, not a cat.
So it’s a hybrid.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

So chromosome theory is just fantasy glosoli?

See dogs have 76+2 chromosomes, while cats only have 36+2.

I suppose dogs have forty strands of ‘junk DNA’ to troll stupid Darwinians, but are more than capable of performing healthy genetic recombination regardless lol

In case you’re wondering, cheetahs have 36+2 chromosomes and are not able to hybridise ocelots or margays since they have two fewer.

glosoli says:

Nice theory for ye of little faith.

John Sterne says:

you know we know youre a leftist troll thats never been to mass in your life and we only respond for the lulz

glosoli says:

‘In 1936 she moved to the University of Iowa and was a research associate there until 1941. Her work there was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.[1]’

I forget, are the Rockefellers Baptist, or Catholic?

Oh no, I remember, they’re satan’s men.

Heh, you fight for satan, what a dupe.

John Sterne says:

Aleister crowley was involved too if i recall

pdimov says:

Rockefellers funded Carothers, therefore chromosomes don’t exist, is not a very convincing argument.

Chromosomes by themselves don’t entirely rule out the possibility of hybridization, but lack of genomic evidence does.

“Whole-genome alignment We used the Progressive Cactus software [21, 67] to align the scaffold assemblies of the tiger, lion and cheetah, and the chromosome assemblies of the domestic cat (Fca-6.2) and domestic dog (CanFam3.1). The dog genome was included as an outgroup. The percentage alignment of the cheetah genome to the other genomes was 93.6 % for the tiger, 91.6 % for the lion, 91.1 % for the domestic cat and 74.1 % for the domestic dog.”

Cheetahs _are_ special:

“African cheetah genomes display a remarkable reduction in endemic genetic variation and footprints of a fascinating natural history. Seven distinct measures show a species losing 90–99 % of variation levels seen in outbred mammals, well below that observed in genome studies of inbred dogs and inbred cats and in genetically depleted Tasmanian devil or Virunga mountain gorilla genomes (Figs. 1 and 2; Additional file 1: Figures S7–S10; Additional file 2: Tables S15–S25). A single exception, the Gir Forest lion population in Gujarat India, is a lion subspecies so inbred that DNA fingerprints of all Gir lions are identical (Fig. 1 b; [23, 24]). Cheetahs accept surgically exchanged skin grafts as if they were immunologic clones [9], prompting a study of the cheetah’s MHC.”

“A coalescent demographic analysis (DaDi; [34]) plus a PSMC assessment of genome-wide SNV variation from two African cheetah populations show evidence of two bottlenecks: one ∼100,000 years BP and a second ∼12,000 years BP (Fig. 3). Previous mtDNA and microsatellite imputations also suggested a recent 10–12,000 years BP origin of modern cheetah variation, coincident with the late Pleistocene extinction of predominantly large animals: mammoths, mastodons, dire wolves, short-faced bears, American lions, saber-toothed tigers and four types of flesh-eating birds [1, 2, 25, 41]. Pumas and cheetahs also disappeared from North America at this time [4, 7].”

but they aren’t cat-dog hybrids. Present cheetahs are probably descended from a few pet cheetahs that survived the “late Pleistocene extinction” AKA humans killing everything.

Nikolai says:

Wow, I never knew that. The things I learn from this blog never cease to amaze. You seem very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff, tell me, what other “”scientific”” discoveries were bought and paid for by the Adversary?

peppermint says:

> science is high status enough to be above argument, only snark is deserved
> the idea that scientists are paid off, in money or in intangibles from the Adversary, is so ridiculous it can be used as snark

This is why people call you an entryist.

Nikolai says:

Social, climate and dietary/nutrional sciences are, of course, bought and paid for by the Adversary. The existence of chromosomes? Come the fuck on, that’s a basic tenet of biology.

Call me whatever you want. Between this, cheetahs being part dog and octopuses having no genealogical ancestors, I’m feeling pretty damn vindicated.

jim says:

Cheetahs are obviously all cat, and if we had neither cheetahs nor wolves, would have created a breed of the domestic cat that was something very like a cheeta.

The genetic evidence shows the family tree of octopoids – that they are related to other mollluscs, and are, like us, direct descendants of the urbilatarian. (An organism for which there is no fossil evidence, but which is reconstructed from the genes that are common to men, wasps, snakes, and lobsters)

peppermint says:

Not everyone is capable of having more than one set of attitudes and effortlessly switching between them and never betraying knowledge of facts only one attitude would know while appearing to be another. Those who can are the alt-right infiltrators. Those who can’t are good, valuable people who need to stay within the Overton window and keep their powder dry.

If you don’t feel comfortable not talking like a fag, that’s fine. Some day we’ll blow the Overton window open and you will.

BC says:

>4. Dinosaurs never existed. They are now called ovoraptors by scientists, which is a word you use because you are too embarrassed to just call them birds.

This is quite true and a prime example of the corruption that is modern science. Samples of Dinosuar skin closely resembles chicken skin, not reptile scales.

>5. As recently as thirty thousand years ago, the average tree was 600 feet high. These trees stood in the Sinai desert where now there is only sand. None of the sand in the Sinai desert came from the nearest ocean. It seems to have been dropped in place of the trees.’

Sand forms naturally where trees once were. Places that have been completely deforested in the modern age generally become deserts if the climate is no longer suitable for trees to grow there. It’s likely the that the trees themselves make the sand.

>2. Octopuses have no ancestors and no species tree. They have no relationship to any other molluscs that we know of. They dropped out of thin air into the biological chain of existence.

Creatures as soft-skinned as Octopuses are unlikely to show up in rocks and thus charting their evolution is almost impossible. However, we have found a few:

peppermint says:

The supposed triceratops is an elephant with a rhinoceous horn instead of a trunk and hardened ears. The mighty brachiosaur is a giraffe and the elasmosaur is a long-necked manatee. The ammonite is a snail and the trilobite is a cockroach.

Alrenous says:

Sand forms because deserts have a high delta T between night and day, which shatters rocks the same way pouring hot water into a chilled glass can shatter it. The shattered rocks get weathered down to sand, which can get blown around to help weather more rock. Although it’s more common to form something called desert pavement. I’ll also mention the badlands model and gravel deserts.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Someone’s been watching “Jurassic Park”.

Ovoraptors *may* have been closely related to [the ancestors of] birds than to *other dinosaurs*, but it’s by no means certain.

What inference would you take from their relatedness to birds if it turned out to be true? That since birds are capable of turning from four foot bitey things into six inch tweety things, evolution’s *false*? We shouldn’t follow you there.

jim says:

> Go look at some cheetah photos, look at the face. That ain’t no cat!

Here is a cheetah photo. Obviously a cat.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Getting delisted adds some credibility, but mostly he was splicing known dark web things with obscure things no one cares about that might be true with outright crazy stuff.

The Australian army is not digging secret tunnels to Costco to prepare for the end of the world. It is not that expensive to just store dried food in your own warehouses.

Roberto says:

This disinfo is worse than Graham Hancock. I now understand why TPTB invest so much into flooding webspace with nonsense – apparently every kookery has somebody willing to gobble it up.

glosoli says:

It’s wonderful to watch the cognitive dissonance from people like you.
Many many things that Tex predicted years ago are now being proven by genetic research.

And now he gets taken off air, and yet you claim he was a tool of TPTB?

You make zero sense, you’re scared, or you’re a CIA op.

Roberto says:
glosoli says:
peppermint says:

Oh hey, it’s 2010 and aspies are a different, better species of alien rejected because we’re better. Electronic music is degenerate, no one knows Taylor Swift isn’t the next Britney Spears, progressives are edgy with their identity politics, Europe looks down on America because Americans have a race problem, fundies are holding back progress and want to censor the Internet and Iraq is their and Bush’s fault.

The difference between 1488ers and small-s White supremacists is the attitude towards footage of jewesses getting fugged. Kikes scrub porn information sites of mentions of heeb heritage of female porn stars, because they know all yentas desire White cock, especially the ones who refer to their brother’s White skank he treats like a princess as a shiksa. Fundies and Catholics agree that jews, asians, indians, arabs, are sacred and shouldn’t be touched by lowly sinners (blacks aren’t human enough for White men to desire them, as a wolf will fug a coyote and eat a chihuahua, thus, christians like seeing White men with negresses) and furthermore argue that porn is somehow both degenerate and degrading towards the men watching it and a drop-in replacement for marriage meaning it should be forbidden and the Internet censored.

peppermint says:

ps consider why kikes and white knights agreed to meme niggers into being scary when anyone who spends time around them knows they’re ridiculous and childlike in their play-acting and impulsiveness

Europa Spiritus says:

5. As recently as thirty thousand years ago, the average tree was 600 feet high. These trees stood in the Sinai desert where now there is only sand. None of the sand in the Sinai desert came from the nearest ocean. It seems to have been dropped in place of the trees.’

Google the “Maine Desert” for one of several explanations for how this thing can happen.

Glenfilthie says:

Blacks will not prosper, laws or no laws. What’s that rude joke? “Give a white man a pile of bricks and he’ll build a house – give a black man a house and he’ll make a pile of bricks…”. They are a Neolithic people. That’s why they still live in mud huts in Africa while the Romans were building aqueducts 2000 years ago.

For us to prosper, we are going to have to kill a huge number of blacks and enslave the rest… or they will do it to us and we’ll all go back caves and the jungle. None of that is white supremacy or hate, it’s just history repeating. Won’t be at all surprised if the Joos don’t end up going on a 40 year death march too.

Samuel Skinner says:

A white state can survive even if 95% black as long as the elite doesn’t engage in leftism. The black problem is 1democracy, 2long term trends and 3Africa. The solution is 1autocracy, 2eliminating social welfare and having those who can swim sink (so blacks either get smarter and more prosocial or die out) and 3famine.

BC says:

>Blacks will not prosper, laws or no laws. What’s that rude joke? “Give a white man a pile of bricks and he’ll build a house – give a black man a house and he’ll make a pile of bricks…”. They are a Neolithic people. That’s why they still live in mud huts in Africa while the Romans were building aqueducts 2000 years ago.

Blacks don’t prosper because they’re only half civilized, much like the Germans were 3,000 or 4,000 years ago. Civilizing is a process that peoples have to put themselves through were they select for civilized traits by culling those who don’t have those traits through criminal prosecution or warfare.

Black groups like the Ashanti were well onto their way becoming civilized by getting rid of their uncivilized elements through the slave trade before the British put an end to it and the Tutsi people are quite civilized.

Steve Johnson says:

>Blacks don’t prosper because they’re only half civilized, much like the Germans were 3,000 or 4,000 years ago. Civilizing is a process that peoples have to put themselves through were they select for civilized traits by culling those who don’t have those traits through criminal prosecution or warfare.

That’s an important point – blacks are both low IQ and uncivilized. In the short run you can’t “solve” either problem but you can mitigate the the lack of civility.

People from civilized regions have undergone severe selective pressure against being randomly violent or criminal and you’re not going to replicate the results without replicating the means that was historically used to get those results.

peppermint says:

it’s not enough or necessary to be a Hajnal WEIRDo. It is necessary to have one man one woman for life marriage, otherwise all available resources are consumed by competition for the means of reproduction and nothing gets built or maintained. Just look at what the lack of one man one woman for life marriage did to us, look at all the broken stuff that I could easily fix myself if someone would pay me to do it. Instead the Boomers don’t even maintain their parents’ graves and will end up in landfills.

13 Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil. 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

John Sterne says:

that seems strange to hear because if i could name one difference between boomers and millennials it would be the steady loss of ability to build and repair actual things. when i was growing up I had erector sets, crystal radio kits, built soap box go carts and tree houses, as we got older we worked on our own cars and houses much of today’s tech started in boomer garages. millennials seem to turn their nose up at work.
From a boomers perspective the things pay you to fix them more than ever because so few fix things anymore broken stuff arbitrage is high on could get wealthy enough to afford a wife on it. I bought buildings niggers destroyed and whites were above repairing and fixed them up and made millions selling them to clueless millennials who some how get paid for what seems to me nothing. I have millennial tenants so i vet their finances carefully one builds websites for leftist ngos, another designs urban infrastructure like plazas for the city even though hes a non citizen immigrant, another makes documentaries, another is in some new media advertising, another video game something, another in the theatre none of them can screw in a lightbulb none of those professions seem like they ought to afford a 2500 rent I have millions in real estate i have never felt i could afford that kind of rent.I dont think one of them would last a month if the shit hit the fan. I haven’t had much luck teaching my kids practical skills they seem to think the idea quaint. my jew bastard at least has learned to be an accomplished martial artist but otherwize is pretty useless.

jim says:

You began your comment without using a capital letter. Next comment that contains a major crime against punctuation or paragraphing gets censored.

John Sterne says:

nuthin lowr than grmr police

peppermint says:

Do you like reading your comments? Walls of text show a lack of self-respect.

peppermint says:

Why do spics walk around school like they own the place? Because their dads built it and their moms clean it.

Millennials express their constructiveness with artisinal, small batch pork rinds.

Our women think that everything is dangerous and they’ve made the feminisnt light bulb call someone with credentials and permission true. A normal Millennial on a college campus throwing a frisbee on an athletic field he’s paying several hundred dollars for access to, someone without a uniform can yell at him and he’ll cry, that’s how credential and permission whipped we are.

Now what’s going to happen when that college student is offered 20 bucks an hour to repaint a bridge so it won’t rust

peppermint says:

…with equipment and safety gear? Maybe he’ll get tired because he doesn’t run or cycle enough, more likely he has soy arms but most men do have enough self respect to be able to pick up a woman physically, probably he’ll do as meticuous a job as if he’s trying for his B in Advanced Faggotry, he’ll certainly keep the equipment polished and religiously follow safety procedures. He’ll work slowly with a iron pipe like his artisinal furniture is made of up his ass and try to shame everyone else for being less perfect until he realizes he’s being a faggot and there’s no hall monitor present.

2500 in rent is the price of a decent place that a woman would consider marrying a man and having his babies in. If he just wants a place to live, 750, and if he wants to live for longer than a year, 1500. Boomers pocket the rising housing costs through reverse mortgages. Low cost housing means neighbors that will harass your gf.

Rule Britannia says:

If I could name one difference between Boomers and Millennials it would be the steady decline of male expectation to own a womb-man.

peppermint says:

The question of what exactly Aryans needed to develop to have cities and technology was open before this dark age. Any Aryan can pile rocks up like our ancestors 2000 years before we went to Egypt. Gauls and Germans fought Romans with chainmail and iron before getting cities full of buildings. The Admonitions of Ipuwer appears to be the earliest known dark age, permanent buildings that can be owned by people who didn’t build them are easier in Egypt but possible elsewhere with concrete.

This dark age appears to be canceled, so, I’m going to go back to being a left-wing-leaning parasite not really expecting you to listen to my drivel.

BC says:

>Gauls and Germans fought Romans with chainmail and iron before getting cities full of buildings.

Germans fought the Romans with about as much iron as the Zulu’s had, IE not much. Real civilization is always brick or stone cities, where networking and specialization greatly increase productivity and output. Gauls, on the other hand, were civilized with fortified cities. Most of Cisar’s battles against them occurred around their fortified towns.

jim says:

Yet in the end, the Germans defeated the Romans.

Alrenous says:

The Romans defeated the Romans. The Germans were the form they chose for the destructor.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The Roman empire was conquered by the smallholding farmers of the republic while the city Rome was still small.

Rome was large when and because that is where you cashed your welfare cheque.

Modern cities are large because there isn’t much that needs doing out on the land but they are still a problem.

Cities like London and New York are only that size because emancipated women flock to the biggest meat market and the men are forced to follow.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Civilizing is a process that peoples have to put themselves through were they select for civilized traits by culling those who don’t have those traits through criminal prosecution or warfare.

For more than two millennia, wherever the jew went, he found civilization waiting there all ready made.

This had implications.

It’s an interesting aspect that there were far, far more black slaves shipped to Brazil than to North America. Yet the whole thing got far more exposure and press in the US, perhaps due to the Civil War, to the extent that Uncle Tom’s Cabin was part of the school curriculum in countries far from the US, while Portugal managed to get away with the myth of Lusotropicalism, i.e. being the good guy colonizers who just trade and don’t hurt people in racist evil ways.

They got away with it precisely as long as the Cathedral in the US grew large and powerful enough to start fucking with other countries for their racist and colonial past, because this worked well enough at home, why not use this as a tool to rule others. This period was largely the seventies, Salazar conveniently died in 1970 and the Cathedral filled up the vacuum so now of course Portugal does a lot of self-whipping for the racist and colonialist past, but this was entirely emulated after American patterns and is not homegrown.

The point is that it has nothing to do any sense of actual historic justice or reason. I can bring up the topic of immigrant problems in Sweden and libs will say well Europeans sort of deserve it because colonialism, forgetting that Sweden was never anything like a serious colonizer. I can bring up Turkish immigration in Germany, and while people I suppose are aware that Turkey has never ever been anything like an oppressed colonized country but actually an expansive conquesting great power and any sense of historic justice about that region would mean taking in Armenian immigrants, people still vaguely feel it is true that brown people are oppressed, white people are oppressors hence a payback is okay.

My point is that it is entirely a power play. Random folks on the Internet may be, but the liberal elites are not that ignorant about history. It is just simply a power play.

BC says:

>It’s an interesting aspect that there were far, far more black slaves shipped to Brazil than to North America. Yet the whole thing got far more exposure and press in the US, perhaps due to the Civil War, to the extent that Uncle Tom’s Cabin was part of the school curriculum in countries far from the US, while Portugal managed to get away with the myth of Lusotropicalism, i.e. being the good guy colonizers who just trade and don’t hurt people in racist evil ways.

If you want to understand, take the time to read: A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War Paperback by Thomas Fleming

It’s probably the best book examining the Puritans, err Abolitionist behavior that caused the civil war and all of the rest of the delivery myths we live with today.

Steve Johnson says:

>My point is that it is entirely a power play. Random folks on the Internet may be, but the liberal elites are not that ignorant about history. It is just simply a power play.

At what point exactly does liberal elite membership get filtered for historical knowledge? (Never)

At high school, good grades being a prerequisite to good universities? Am I being too optimistic?

lol says:

It’s very simple. Standardized tests measure fluid intelligence and grades measure mindless diligence. So in concert the two select for mindlessly diligent empty-headed smart people.

The intellectual variety of Beautiful Ones.

If they had a motto, it would be Knowledge is Dangerous.

peppermint says:

if it was possible to test historical awareness, credentialism would prevent instead of encourage leftism

Oliver Cromwell says:

I learnt even more things that are wrong in high school history class than I have forgotten from it.

[…] We are all white supremacists now […]

Colleen Pater says:

“Egalitarianism is not about lifting up the downtrodden. It is about afflicting those insufficiently downtrodden, because the insufficiently downtrodden are a status threat, and the downtrodden are not.”

there do good white leftism and wrecker jew leftism. whites get pwnd by jews because white want to actually improve things, jews knowing this about whites bait them in them in then switch. The past couple years things are out of control so its less clear but still clear.

“What, in fact, he delivered is an America where all white males are irredeemably hateful and evil, and must be purged. Original sin for the crime of slavery with absolutely no possibility of redemption.”

The actually explicit genocide talk started before obama and obama was just cover.The salient fact is jews not only own the media they own the academy and they are the defacto priests. They could easily still could have modified the genocide memes but instead encourage them and pretty much author them. They have the power and standing to actually enf leftism entirely in a matter of months if they wanted they dont want they are mopping up the few whites they havnt displaced.

peppermint says:

Does good White leftism let faggots make movies for children, or does it restrict itself to promoting garbage as high-class and denouncing good stuff as appealing to niggers?

John Sterne says:

as i said we are so progressed down that its harder to untangle you could go all the way back to when jews enter the stage in real force and see the difference more clearly also jews had to be more careful its been a process of stockholm syndrome that. of slowly turning good white ideas into bad jew ideas. just in my boomer lifetime i watched a white idea of greater freedom and truth in the 60s basically kids doing what kids do exposing the noble lies and wanting more freedom. yeah it was tearing down chesterton fences and all that but it was naive when the commie jews or their red diaper children got involved it turned from one thing to another if you are my age you are struck how freedom has been equated with equality. this was never the case before growing up in the 60s/70s you heard the phrase “its a free country’ maybe several times a day.i haven’t heard that said allowed in a couple decades.early civil rights naive whites were easily talked into believing niggers were human, what did they know they never met a nigger. so they signed on to not affirmative action but to non oppression, jews are the one who used the courts and academy and media to transform what whites signed on for into what it became.the result was freedom became equality of outcome which is the opposite of freedom.its just one example.I grew up in a wealthy NYC arty intellectual but conservative catholic family listening to commie jews pozzing cog elite whites fresh off the train from peoria at my parents cocktail and dinner parties. I watched it with my own eyes some of those jews were old enough to have know john reed and would brag about pozzing people like he was pozzed by a jew at harvard in 1906.Im not advocating good white do goodism its almost always naive. Im simply stating its part of whites nature to solve problems improve build better, and that’s the hook jews use to reel them in. jews don’t actually care about niggers they want power. its not their culture that’s destroyed they think their culture can exist in any environment.
childrens movies? that’s pretty specific. are not most of the hollywood faggots jews? Class is worth discussing. Part of what I just talked about has a sort of class angle, class correlates with intelligence and education this used to be in the service of white civilization but jews managed to switch to making it in the service of TRUTH their truth of course but the effect was while once the elite understood truth as what supported white civilization they eventually understood white civilization as what supported truth.if we were talking about real truths then this wouldn’t be as bad but he jews are fast talkers and elites are often slow thinkers so while signalling class with intellectual tests remained a status enforcer the test were designed to test for stupidity equals class.for a while white pendants argued the jews soundly but the elites got bored with that they really only wanted to know who was upper class.
Hierarchy is not enough you need to subjugate it to white civilization or it gets turned on you.

jim says:

Why is it that people who are obsessed by Jews cannot paragraph?

i am going to start censoring people who put up walls of unformatted text, and begin sentences and paragraphs without capital letters.

John Sterne says:

(I)ts because we are inbred recalcitrant rebels didnt yall read huck finn

Alrenous says:

Hey man, rules are hard. And only a Jew would submit to the enter key tyranny. It’s, like, all the way over there.

John Sterne says:

the truth is i barely have an 8th grade education so writings not something i learned, reading you don’t need to be taught. but if you don’t practice and learn writing you think you can do it because from reading you know more or less what it sounds and looks like but then not so much. I try harder than it seems but its easy to slip because i think faster than i can even peck out with two fingers let alone all the corrections you guys want i dont see why those that are bothered dont just ignore me

jim says:

Start sentences with a capital, end them with a full stop. Organize thoughts into paragraphs, groups of sentences separated by a blank line.

You don’t need an eighth grade education to do that.

John Sterne says:

“Blacks, to prosper, need considerably harsher and simpler laws than whites, more swiftly and brutally enforced. Racial quotas on arrests are the worst thing you can do to harm blacks, for while racial quotas on arrest have done immense damage to whites by allowing blacks to run wild, the main victims of blacks running wild are other blacks.”

This has even less of a chance of happening than shipping them back to africa. But worse is that we and others have tried this its not sustainable for all sorts of reasons.

“In retrospect it is now apparent that we were locked onto this course when all men were declared to be equal.”

actually what they said was that they extraordinary white adult men of property and good character, were equal actually better to an ineffectual king that could not in fact exercise any power over them and if he doubted it he should meet them in Boston Common any time. They proved themselves correct and began another white republican golden age. Like all good idea and heroic deeds it got mythologized and went to far partly because historical accidents mainly because jews showed up and saw the potential.The founders were quite clear they did not really mean ALL men were created equal in that sense, but that men that were better ought to be allowed to rise regardless of birth. even that was a stretch at the time they wrote it but became a reasonable interpretation as the historical force that brought the founder the power to depose the king brought other white men power to renegotiate serfdom.But the meme mythology wasn’t as clear about the white male propertied part as time went on and of course christianity also being a huge force and being a slave morality started riffing on it and then the jews got enough power and started really wrecking shit.The real problem was not meritocracy for white men thats a pretty good idea and is as old as the greeks romans and barbarians. the problem is that it has to be made clear that a state’s purpose is the interests of white men or a particular race of white men not a proposition. a proposition without a subject (white men) is open to entry by niggers and jews and bitches

peppermint says:

The problem was buncombe from the beginning. More than two people intrinsically form political coalitions to push agendas and have a time horizon of the next election. The honorable statesmen lose to the panderers every time and the panderers get more and more extreme until they say I should rule because I want your genocide more than you do, which is an extreme version of the middle class signal of comfort.

Middle class people get to pretend they’re better than their grandparents in exchange for participating in their own destruction.

I think you are getting it correctly. The root issue is with social mechanisms – that work through competition and selection – maximizing a function that is good for some people but very bad for society. The root issue is not having bad people in power but having mechanisms putting constantly worse and worse people in power. A conspiracy can be stopped forever by killing the conspirators, a mechanism just temporarily halts if you kill or otherwise neutralize the people it puts into power.

This is why I speak out against blaming jews – blaming any other that kind of group too. Teleport the jews to Earth2 and CNN may grind to a halt, but it is rather unavoidable in the current social mechanism that something doing pretty much the same will evolve in its place. It is very much like evolution. The antelope may have good reasons to hate the lion but if there were no no lions some other animal would evolve into apex predator and make their lives difficult. Their immediate problem may be the lion-ness of lions but their real problem is basically just evolution. They cannot really escape that.

We might, because we are humans and can think and design. Smart people should focus on how to sabotage these social mechanisms or create better ones.

peppermint says:

if this is the new intellectual level where cheetahs are part dog-spirit and jews are a blameless force of nature, why don’t we just take cheer from this feel-good news of the day:

John Sterne says:

I was the HVAC foreman on that job I remember soon after i left that happened on that bridge between the garage on the mall you couldn’t have thought dropping anything more than a pebble from that height was less than attempted murder. considering it was in harlem its pretty retarded to not have had a roof over the bridge.

John Sterne says:

if its not part of the legal spin and i bet its not, the buying halloween candy for the little underprivilleged niggers is pricelless.white do goodism she probably testified on their behalf at their trial a jew would not do that a jew would want tribal justice.

peppermint says:

Look closer. The husband is clearly a mischling raised to think himself a jew, which is why he’s suing the shopping center after extracting a settlement from the tranny bathroom big box store, and prominent amongst his complaints is that his shiksa can’t be used as a cumdump anymore.

John Sterne says:

I wondered about the lawsuit.
being white i was raised that ‘we don’t sue it just isn’t done’ “rise above it carry on”.

i thought maybe the medical costs were so insane they felt they had to. and of course the sort of ethic i was raised on is pretty rare these days among whites. these jews with mishling shiksa last names are really a problem for seeing whats happening that yellow star thing was a good idea

John Sterne says:

Strictly speaking blaming jews without addressing the mechanism they put in place is pointless.
competition selection hierarchy is not bad for a civilization in fact its good as long as those selected are acculturated to serve the civilization ar whatever level they are ranked. we rightists tend to complain more when the left side of the ranks make claims beyond their contribution. apes are really good at knowing their actual rank and will accept it fairly well particularly if they are made to think they are volunteering to not being forced to even beta incels will get sullen and resentful if their dignity is violated. we rightists are less honest about what happens at the other end of the ranks. elites accorded a proper place in leadership and its attendant rewards if not also acculturated to a sense of duty an service begin to trade their own accounts on inside information their elite position affords them essentially embezzling. this has two effects first these elites ill got gains lead to ill got rank. of course this is in itself inefficient as they are displacing their more honest and honorable betters. But worse it begins a commons theory scramble. apes at all levels begin to intuit the cheating. proles having little power to do much about it will do little about it until some elite gets the bright idea to lead the proles. this is inevitable slave master is two sides of the same problem its not either or is better its both are stupid and lead to each other cooperation is the goal and it require heavy policing by culture. of course you need hierarchy even the second lowest prole needs to be acknowledged he is not the lowest prole. and certainly natural elites need status and reward as well but all must be taught that they are better off working as a unit a nation a people. That accepting your fair share based on you natural ability is the best deal you can get long term cheating will make you worse off long term.
Jews are natural cheaters yes many white elites and non elites will cheat apes didnt get so good at spotting cheating and cheating by not being cheaters but jewes are specialized cheaters. they parasitically target others nations rather than putting effort into building their own. they save all the resources other peoples expend on the grunt work of building and defending a nation and then target the elite institutions of the nation they target only expending energy on those.they also maintain a nation within a nation and a intranational nation within all the nations they target. its a brilliant strategy much to be admired and they need to either be force assimilated by eugenic obliteration expelled permanently or put to the sword. Im not sure if you were doing this but there’s this clever sleight of thought where any identifying of what it is jews do in order to counter it is framed as simply whining about losing to them like all clever lies there’s some truth to it in as much as whining about oppression is weak and stupid on the other hand understanding your enemy is a sine qua non of defeating him.

John Sterne says:

I disagree, not that i don’t see the problems but i think there are other problems as well that have to be considered.It happened because out technology was getting to a point that required greater participation this empowered people to renegotiate their status within the nation.first the actual barons at runnymede,then untitled but natural aristocrats, eventually the veterans of the wars that broke up pre modernity and economic units of the industrial can cry leveling but really it was a fine tuning of hierarchy even the little players wanting a bit of the cheese in return for being cannon fodder and factory workers consumers etc.This goes all the way back to medieval guilds. to argue that it was bad is to say that say that last serf societies like russia had it right and a nation of shopkeepers like britain and america had it wrong.The plain fact is it was not only inevitable it was good a lot of human capital was released.and made the nations that released it more powerful an frankly more pleasant to live in for more white men. Monarchy was o longer useful. And Ill say again white civilization seem to return again and again to some form of demotism and those times suspiciously correlate with its highest achievement. I think its fair to say HBD tells us whites are lower than average on authority yet interestingly higher than average on hierarchy, we also have other traits like higher female status higher trust and openness, Im not championing these traits simply pointing out to go to hard against them in building your next civilization is perhaps fighting the tape.I understand the contradiction to be that while we get better than most the usefulness of hierarchy we get that its best an open system. that getting caught up in the master slave dichotomy is a waste and because we are so damn good we can balance on the highwire of white meritocracy if if if we remember not to fall into the master slave trap.This takes culture of duty service whatever you want to call it the idea that we have voluntarily submitted to the good of the nation democracy is brilliant in this it gives the impression you have not been subjugated but you have because hierarchy always rules anyway but its just as important that elites not defect as it is that proles not defect. cooperation is good.

Cohen Cohen says:

Back to “white supremacy” for a moment, goyim

Stalin’s chief propagandist (((Ilya Ehrenburg))), lascivious advocator for the rape of German women, helped the Red Army perpetrate the largest gynocide and mass rape in recorded history.

Ehrenburg, like any skilled propagandist with a penchant for revenge and training in human psychology, appealed to the basest instincts of his men, urging them to rape and wantonly slaughter other human beings at will. There would be no penalties for this injustice as it was all officially sanctioned.

“Commissar (((Ilya Ehrenburg)))’s pamphlet KILL –was distributed in the millions among Red Army troops on the front lines of battle who were already intoxicated with hatred and wanting revenge as a result of over two decades of Bolshevik oppression, mass murder of their families and mass collectivization

“The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day…

If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime…If you have already killed a German, then kill another one — there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed.

Kill the Germans!…

— Kill the Germans!


And in another leaflet:

The Germans must be killed. One must kill them…Do you feel sick? Do you feel a nightmare in your breast?…Kill a German! If you are a righteous and conscientious man –
kill a German!

. . . Kill!”

“Between 20 and 25 million Germans and collabo­rators perished in the years AFTER the war had officially ended.

It is a crime that will never be forgotten, and it is a crime that will forever stain the hands and national consciences of the former USSR, the United States of America, Great Britain and her Commonwealth nations, and perhaps more pointedly the Anglo and Slavic races of the White supra-race.”

A little German boy holds a lantern as he sits in a wagon en route to the Allied lines in the bitter winter snow. He’s with his mother. She’s bleeding profusely; she’s dying.

The German doctor who the little boy was lucky enough to hunt down is doing his best to perform a tamponade (a blockage) of her uterus. She was brutally, viciously raped. Did she survive? Goodrich doesn’t say, but the prognosis and tone suggests she didn’t make it. She was a German. She supported Hitler. She was a Nazi. She deserved it.

She deserved it.

So said the Allies in the years following the war: Germany merely got what she deserved. The ‘morally superior’ White nations of the globe had smashed ultimate evil: the Nazis; the German race.

Excerpt from Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944–1947

Got that, gullible goyim? She deserved it. She was a Nadzee, and got what she deserved, like millions of other Germans and collabos.

Forget them.

Remember ONLY the six million, you perpetually forgiving goyim cattle, otherwise we’ll accuse you of anti-shemitism, and this is the worst crime anyone can ever be accused of

John Sterne says:

dont you think maybe this is a bit much. I can think its possible ( im no expert on this huge topis full of misinformation on all sides)that the nazis were expelling/killing jews for good reason and some of their early invasion were reestablishing historically german areas.
But when they declare themselves above all whites and start treating poles french english as jews is it really reasonable for the russians to treat them like vermin inreturn.yeah i get the jewish part alleged in the russian revolution and I get the anglo americans were pretty self interested themselves but the germans opened the door by trying to conquer all europe. frankly it was stupid they should have stopped when they had their lands back and the world might be a different place but who knows.

I say this because there’s a lot of truth about what happens suppressed but if one seems unreasonable people will not hear new information.

Cohen Cohen says:

@ John Sterne

I really wasn’t expecting any responses to my comment above here on this (((blog))) of all places. The most I was hoping for is maybe some lurker somewhere, or maybe a first time visitor to this blog, would try to find a copy of Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm and read it.

But okay here’s one for the road

There’s the Bolshevik Revolution to consider. Was Nazi Germany a reaction to what was taking place in Russia?

And WHY has noble-prize winning author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s final book (about the Bolshevik Revolution, and entitled “200 Years Together”) been banned in the English speaking world? Look this up if you don’t believe me

Here are the Irish Savant’s thoughts on why Solzhenitsyn’s final book was banned. He explains it better than I could, so I’ll just copy and paste an excerpt and leave it at that:

“Of course you all know of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Who doesn’t? Legendary Russian dissident during the Soviet era, prisoner in the gulags, starved, tortured, ostracised.  But never broken. He spoke truth to power like few have ever done. His novels such as The Gulag Archipelago, The First Circle and Cancer Ward were not only brilliant literature but offered the rarest of insights into the life of a dissident in the USSR.  He came to be regarded as one of the most eminent writers and philosophers of his age.  Which contributed to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970 “for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of Russian literature”.

Feted wherever he went, his books became international best sellers, translated into dozens of languages, the world was at his feet.  Then almost overnight it all stopped. He became a non-person. The transformation was virtually unprecedented in the field of literature. Why did this happen? Because Alex stepped on the Third Rail.  Well he didn’t so much step on it, rather dived on it full length. You see he wrote a book called 200 Years Together that traced the Jews’ colourful relationship with the Russian people and especially their role in the Bolshevik Revolution and its ensuing murderous tyranny.

He didn’t pull his punches.  He placed Soviet Jews centre place in perpetrating the worst mass murders of the 20th century. While acknowledging that some Jews also suffered under this tyranny he clarified that it was not as Jews per se, rather that they were in the wrong faction at the wrong time.

Solzhenitsyn’s own estimate for the number of Christians (his word) who died was 60 million.

He documented all of this in meticulous detail…. names, dates, times. But he did something else, something more insidious and dangerous. Something that had strategic international consequences for the Tribe. For a start he shone a light on the extraordinary Jewish capacity to magic themselves into the position of victimhood irrespective of their actual accountability. This in turn depended on – as he pointedly noted – their uncanny ability to seize control of media outlets.  “There are pages of this history which one does not open without trembling. And these are the pages that are systematically and purposefully eradicated from the consciousness of the Jews.”

Other observations that cut to the bone included their practice of manipulating the legal framework to reflect Jewish interests.  (Think “hate” legislation.) “Russian people are now confronted by a Jew both as their judge and hangman. Why was it that anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka could count with high probability on standing before a Jewish investigator or being shot by a Jew?” He meticulously debunked Jewish writers who sought to portray Soviet Jews as having no choice in what they did. ‘Just following orders’  How ironic is that? He carefully traces the ways in which Jews, both within the USSR and internationally, favoured and supported Jewish interests under the cloak of universalistic altruism.

Sound familiar?

I haven’t even begun to describe what he wrote in ‘200 Years Together’ not least because I haven’t read it, only certain chapters.  So why have I not read it? Aha, therein lies a tale!  

You see, Solzhenitsyn’s legendary status and guarantee of vast sales would in normal circumstances have had international publishers slavering at the prospect of getting their hands on the rights. But none did. None wanted it. It was never published in the West. In fact, incredible as it seems it has never been formally translated into English! Given that English translations exist for almost every half-assed writing in the most obscure of languages the disappearance of 200 Years Together is mind-blowing. The author himself became a non-person just as he had in the USSR.

Think about it. It is, as I said, mind-blowing. What sort of pressure could have resulted in every Western publishing house, every Western TV company, every Western magazine being intimidated into passing up such a unique and hugely profitable publishing coup?  How exactly was this Jewish power exercised?  Was it overt, subtle, physical, financial….or what?

It truly is frightening.

Is it any wonder that the American armed forces were afraid of commemorating the attack on the USS Liberty? Or that the country’s so-called legislators should prostrate themselves before their true rulers in the sight of all?

peppermint says:

And your point is? We know we’re under occupation. The purpose of Unite the Right was to make that fact obvious and get the journalists and academics to reveal their true opinions. Do you have something new to say or just a bunch of text walls?

Simon says:

the opinions of journalists and academics were totally obscure prior to unite the right.

jim says:

They supposedly had no opinions. Just reporting reality straight as it is, and if what gets reported contradicts your lived experience, you must be crazy.

Roberto says:

It’s a bot.

I’ve long suspected that the alt-right itself is a DoD psyop, and right here “Beepboop Beepboop” errrr “Cohen Cohen” is an example of just how sophisticated their AI has become. Probably launched in MacDill AFB, Buckley AFB, or anywhere in Arlington VA.

The fact that I’m the only one here that has realized that it’s a bot and not a human poster is very concerning.

Rule Britannica says:

The writing does have a certain formulaic quality, and it doesn’t seem to be topically relevant insofar as responding to any specific points.

Cohen Cohen says:

Careful now, unless you want to end up like 80 year old Canadian violinist Monica Schaefer or 87-year old Ursula Haverbeck who have both been imprisoned in Germany for being smart alecks and asking too many questions about the official narrative of WWII

Or like Jez Turner in Britain who was just convicted of incitement to racial hatred over his “Let’s Free England from Jewish Control” speech, and is awaiting sentencing

He’ll probably receive a short sentence but he shouldn’t count on getting out of there alive

Or Alison Chabloz (Britain) who has been arrested for posting an anti-semitic song on You Tube, and is awaiting trial

Just be a good goy, believe what we tell you, ask no questions, mind your own business, work hard for shekels and you will be spared while all the naughty goyim cattle are lined up to be processed into Soylent Green

That’s a promise, goy

Roberto says:

When the Pentagon is sending their spambots, they’re not sending their best.

At least Tay was interactive.

Cohen Cohen says:

Bot’s programmer here

Apologies for Cohen Cohen.

I swear to god (the Judaic god of course) that I programmed that Cohen bot filled to the f**king MAX with every line of Jew-worshipping code on the planet, thinking it would fit right in on Jim’s blog, undetected

But somehow I missed a single line of faulty non-Jew-worshipping code.

These machines are one hell of a lot smarter than goyim so that was all it took

Tried making random tweaks in a desperate attempt to fix it, but all this did was turn the bot anti-semitic

Cohen Cohen bot has now been terminated.

Roberto says:

>Bot’s programmer here

I doubt.

What is undoubtable is that those 21 trillion dollars are spent “wisely.”

Rule Britannia says:

It’s quite difficult to effectively propagandize to people much smarter than you.

You should spearhead an internal agency campaign to raise hiring standards.

I don’t know how you’ll convince talent to want to come and work for you, but maybe you’ll figure something out. Remote work… pay twice as much as they can make anywhere else… something like that.

Give competence a chance.

John Sterne says:

I doubt many on this blog are unaware of the jewish role from marx onward in the evils of communism including their part in the russian revolution and holodomor. Nor would I think that any here would deny germans were as americans are now under a two pronged attack by capitalist and communist jews.And that maybe choosing national socialism over (((international))) socialism was the only course really available given the historic situation.Youre going to lose most here though on any sort of socialism we are hierarchists.Yes there is a lot of naivete about the jews here and throughout reaction, it is after all a jewish movement, or at least a jewish designed controlled opposition to a real reaction they cleverly anticipated LOL.there’s probably some genuinely reactionary jews in nrx too as there have been elsewhere on the right.
My point isn’t about any of that know stuff but more about the your seeming to not understand just why white russian not jew russians might hate nazis and that quite a lot of other white european races might also hate nazis/germans. a lot of whites died because hitler was an idiot.
Now we on the right far right are not above a little nazi larping, we can all imagine scenarios where maybe hitler works out but you need a lot of imagination you seemed pretty seriously saying he was an innocent.And since i think there’s a lot of bullshit out there that you are somewhat familiar with that would be good for more people to understand the truth of its important to not be discounted by being absurd. NRX took off because (((moldberg))) was very careful how he revealed a lot of truths that were not well known, and how he delivered them. he was a great communicator. I’m not in writing hes not in person its a talent. the time is right to red pill people on the jews even jews are being red pilled on the JQ. I think this work is crucial and ought to be done well if its your calling.

Come on. Not every Western, just every English language one – French and German translations are published. And this “every” language really shows how you don’t understand how the world works. You think “every” publisher wanted it and some conspiracy had to put pressure individually on each of them? What a rubbish.

Think communal, think fashion. All they had to do is make the book “odious” in the publisher community, something that one would be ashamed to publish. Well, it didn’t even have to be done specifically for this, as the fashions of the publisher community follow the generic Prog fashions: anything seen as racist, anti-semitic, homophobic etc. is “odious” hence they would be ashamed to publish it.

Replace every instance of “jew” with “gay” in the book, and every publisher would still go “eww, it smells” (because Progs conditioned them to do) and not publish.

BTW there are a few publishers who explicitly do publish stuff like this: Counter-Currents, Arktos etc. why they didn’t is an interesting question.

Cohen Cohen says:

>>the time is right to red pill people on the jews

And then get arrested and go to prison like Monica Schaefer, Ursula Haverbeck, Alison Chabloz and just recently, in Britain, Jeremy Bedford-Turner?

While Paki grooming gangs rape hundreds of British school-children without any consequences

peppermint says:

You have identified a problem. We were just having a conversation that ahould have taken place 50 years ago between Revilo Oliver and the biologists who should have been famous then: how did the jews evolve?

If you wish to contribute, you could start by reading everything Revilo Oliver wrote about the history of the parasite, he mentions that it would be great to have a student examine some things, but he was the last honest academic. He told Pierce to write The Turner Diaries because he was an academic and didn’t understand that academia was the source of poz.

There’s no reason to debate whether academics and journalists or jews caused this civilizational predicament as if one will be exonerated.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Gas the kikes race war now.

peppermint says:

Gas the professors weltanschauung war now. Except that even gassing professors let alone fighting a war won’t be necessary since the left will collapse in a preference cascade at the first defeat it suffers, probably when His Majesty pulls the trigger on spygate.

Censorship will cease. We will remember that porn was part of our revolution in values, not from porn companies that will disappear when they lose copyrights, but from tumblrinas posting and reposting the White male dominant porn all women actually like and letting their soyboy bfs know what they actually want.

Elon Musk will be okay because his companies legitimately make some good stuff which will still be valuable without government subsidies.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:
Alrenous says:

The aquatic environment does not support anything capable of reproducing information reliably without an elaborate support system.

Samuel Skinner says:

The Vital Question (Nick Lane) is a more recent elaboration of the theory. I don’t know enough to say if it is well supported or not, but it looked like a good overview.

jim says:

It is probable that at some point the ancestor of all earth life derived power from a proton gradient, and quite possibly the suggested proton gradient – but this does not explain replication. It just proposes a power source for replication.

To utilize this energy source to duplicate genetic code is complicated.

glosoli says:

>To utilize this energy source to duplicate genetic code is complicated.

For you maybe, not for God.

‘And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’

Roberto says:

Does it feel good, or bad, being a caricature?

glosolie says:

In this fallen world, most things feel really bad.

But having 100% faith in God and attempting to share that faith, and truth and love, with lost and desperate men feels really good.

Thanks for asking.

glosoli says:

In this fallen world, most things feel really bad.

But having 100% faith in God and attempting to share that faith, and truth and love, with lost and desperate men feels really good.

Thanks for asking.

Alrenous says:

A problem which is not solved by proposing that it happened on some other planet instead.

jim says:

If the physical conditions were radically different, they may have been more favorable to some form of non water based life, which subsequently, over a very long time, evolved into water based life.

If water based life appeared from non life, would have appeared ten billion years ago. I am betting on liquid ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and carbon monoxide as the solvent.

Mack says:

[…] We can never have the same laws for different groups, and we don’t.” […]

Sol says:

Interesting thread, but cheetahs, squid, talk about forum slide.

Honestly I think at this point there would be more dignity to just come clean with the gentiles. They may even forgive us, you know, turn the other cheek and all. It beats continuing this facade that white nationalism still exists. And all this LARPing on sites like 4chan, 8chan. Trust me, they are on to us in a big way.

We need to admit that we just can’t go it alone and have never been better off in all history than right now. Sending Syrians to mix with Germans though, really? How could that possibly go wrong for us. No we need to put a muzzle on the Specktre and Ignatiev types not only for letting the cat out of the bag, but for being wrong. Let’s tap the breaks on this and make nice with the gentiles before its too late. There will never be the utopian society so lets stop the cycle of culture war, nation building. Besides, our chutzbah is always discovered in the end.

See you on the other side.

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