
War is coming

The Democrats are openly planning to openly steal the election and launch civil war when the election result is disputed.

This is unlikely to be the final decisive conflict that I have long hoped for (the dead body of the Roman Republic continued its death spasms for sixty years after large scale political murders and large scale military violence, rather than the consensus of the elite, became the principal method for resolving political disputes) but we can hope. With luck and courage, the death spasms of the American Republic may be over in a considerably shorter time.

Because of the incohesive nature of a left singularity, a civil war ensuing from a left singularity frequently has a swift and decisive outcome. Leftists start wars unwisely, because the war is started by the leftmost to grab power within the left from those slightly less left than themselves, without much concern, or even interest, in how to end the war victoriously. Conversely, we cannot win a war without an all powerful imperator, so everyone on our side has to impatiently await Trump’s command and refrain from doing anything that would screw up his optics. Trump is aware of what is happening, and has a past record of playing threedee chess while his opponents are playing checkers (as with the Deep State efforts to attain war with Russia over Syria) so, while Trump’s zigzags are frequently disturbing and disappointing, we have no alternative but to trust what he is up to. Who else is there?

Trump appeared to have capitulated to the Cathedral on Syria, and appeared to be escalating the war on Syria and heading into war with Russia as they had long intended and demanded, but when the dust settled, he had the oil, he had peace with Russia and Syria, and the Cathedral’s proxies in Syria had bullets in their heads. Similarly, the much delayed wall, now being built under assorted emergency powers using funds that Congress refused to authorize. The power of the president grows, as Trump enthusiastically milks Obama precedents – except that this time around, it is actually president using those precedents, rather than an army of nameless bureaucrats.

After the election, many states will report a delayed result. The final result that they eventually report is likely to reflect a great deal of political violence during the remarkably prolonged counting process. A quick and decisive result is likely to reflect quick and decisive state violence.

If Trump wins, Democrats do not intend to respect the result. “Not my president”. They did not respect the result last time, and even less will they respect it this time.

I have predicted a Trump autocoup for a long time, and it has not happened, but we are with increasing speed approaching a situation where there will be a Trump autocoup, or Trump dies. Whichever happens, the trend to political disputes within the elite being resolved by violence will accelerate. The Democrats crossed the Rubicon with Sheriff Joe. If the left can resolve political disputes by arresting its political opponents, why not the right? If the right cannot, then very soon the insufficiently left will find that they cannot either. If we do not have civil war between Progressivism and National Capitalism this year, we will have it between different strands of Progressivism shortly thereafter.

A lot of normies hope and expect that Democrat victory, obtained by whatever means, will result in the restoration of normality. This is unlikely. The Clinton crime family could rule the Democrats. Who can rule the Democrats today? Kamala Harris? Like Biden himself, she is a transitional figure, chosen for her incapacity to govern, by shadowy people who hope to govern, by rather too many shadowy people with rather too many agendas. If the Democrats win, chaos and violence will escalate. Observe the current condition of the blue states: lockdown and blood in the streets. If Trump wins, it will not necessarily diminish – it took Augustus Caesar a long time to impose some sort of order on the Roman Government, and Trump has not got as much time as Augustus Caesar had. The job will have to be finished by his successor, if it is ever finished.

Everyone outside a rapidly shrinking Overton window is apt to called a Russian agent. If democrats regain control of the security apparatus, these “Russian agents” are going to be arrested. The deep state hopes to rule, but the deep state is far from being in agreement as to who shall rule the deep state.

The Democrats response to the China Flu emergency was and is “never let an emergency go to waste”, hence the odd response of emptying the hospitals and locking people sick with China Flu in old people’s homes, resulting in astonishingly high death rate in New York State, among others. Lockdown is a blue state thing, and a blue municipality thing, with a wildly inconsistent patchwork of lockdowns on the Democrat Republican divide. In some places, school attendance is mandatory, while right next door school attendance is forbidden. The high death rate in Democrat states reflects “never let an emergency go to waste”, while the substantially lower death rate, and often radically lower death rate, in Republican states reflects a somewhat relevant and rational approach to dealing with a public health problem. If the Democrats win, expect no end of similar emergencies. The Democrats intend to immanentize the eschaton through emergency. It is a path that allows them to move along without any underlying agreement on what the eschaton is going to look like or any single authority that is attempting to impose one eschaton rather than another. Should the Democrats win, expect an unending stream of emergencies backed by startling violence. New York State cannot stop one man who walks along the subway smashing stuff, but can arrest you with the greatest of ease for opposing him, or for violating China Flu emergency, even though New York has long since reached herd immunity. New York State, now suffering white flight and elite flight as Detroit did, fleeing rapidly escalating political violence, as everything becomes political. If the Democrats win, everywhere will be New York State, and there will be no place to flee to.

The normies want normal to return, but the Democrats do not intend normal. They intend an immanent eschaton. The Democrat program is Portland and New York State. Since this is violently unpopular, they have little use for continuing the pretense of democracy, though doubtless for a very long time to come, everything that will be done will be done in the name of democracy if the Democrats win, and in the name of the Republic if Trump wins.

I hope that this gets quietly sorted out by a bunch of arrests for election tampering the day after the election, but have made preparations for the case that it goes all the way to the Seven Kill Stele.

233 comments War is coming

John says:

What is expected to happen with the nuclear stockpiles in both cases of Trump’s victory or userpation? A politician not long ago seemed to hint about using them against gun owners, will we finally find out if they work?

jim says:

Which politician said what?

James says:

Democratic Rep Swalwell. When someone pointed out that a gun confiscation would lead to civil war, Swalwell said it would be a short war because, “The government has nukes, my friend”. This is off the top of my memory, si the details may differ, but that’s the gist of it.

jim says:

The state can always defeat leaderless resistance. Some cops, quite a lot of cops, will enforce the will of the state in a deliberately ineffectual way, but they will find or create cops that will do the job.

Hence the Democrat confidence that they will win a civil war – under the plausible assumption that they start it with a Democrat president.

If, however, they launch a civil war with their side leaderless, and our side led by the commander in chief, they are going to lose swiftly.

Starman says:


“but they will find or create cops that will do the job.”

Because the police unions overwhelmingly support President Trump, and the FBI investigators are under investigation, SDNY had to go cop-shopping in order to arrest Steve Bannon.

Mister Grumpus says:

Thank you for noticing this for me.

Gedeon says:

Or is SB setting a precedent for bigger happenings to come?

“Under admiralty, the ship’s flag determines the source of law. For example, a ship flying the American flag in the Persian Gulf would be subject to American admiralty law; and a ship flying a Norwegian flag in American waters will be subject to Norwegian admiralty law. This also applies to criminal law governing the ship’s crew. But the ship must be flying the flag legitimately; that is, there must be more than insubstantial contact between the ship and its flag, in order for the law of the flag to apply. American courts may refuse jurisdiction where it would involve applying the law of another country, although in general international law does seek uniformity in admiralty law.”


Not Tom says:

Some have suggested that the Democratic plan is simply to use the chaos created by mail-in voting to delay the vote counts indefinitely, so that technically, legally, the House leader becomes president when the deadline passes.

For that, they need the chaos to be in swing states. They can’t affect the red states enough to put the outcome in dispute, and having blue states delay forever won’t make a difference if Trump has a supermajority everywhere else. So I expect that Florida and the rust belt states will become very unpleasant places to be, come election week.

jim says:

Their plans are vague, and there is more than one faction with more than one plan. All conflicting plans are likely to be carried out simultaneously.

jim says:

In our discussion of those you called wignats, you made some claims about what they think and what they believe that I found astonishing.

I asked for a link. You claimed that Andrew Anglin obviously believed those things.


Does he.

Where is your true Scotsman?

Pooch says:

I believe he was referring to Andrew Torba not Anglin.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, the gab that I linked to was from Torba. I have no idea what Anglin purports to believe these days, I don’t follow him.

(I don’t follow Torba either but his constant stream of verbal diarrhea comes up too frequently for me to stay blissfully ignorant.)

Skimming Anglin’s last few posts on dailystormer.su, doesn’t even look like he’s pushing the wignat angle much anymore, aside from a few perfunctory head-nods and dogwhistles here and there. His prose is nothing like what I saw circa 2016.

On the other hand there’s a post from someone named “Frei”, titled “The Biden-Harris Ticket is Fully Jewed-Up”, which is every bit as retarded as I expect it to be, and does in fact claim that Jews are running the Democratic party and doing so primarily for the benefit of Israel, a truly insane claim.

So I suppose Anglin is the good wignat (who rarely discusses race anymore) and “Frei” is a fed shill who for some reason Anglin gives a platform to? It’s all very confusing to me.

Gedeon says:


If you haven’t listened/watched this session, it is worth the time. Start there, but that is just one entrance to the rabbit network.

Frederick Algernon says:

Watched it. Trying to figure out what is notable. The keynote guy is a big standard progressive jew who is wearing the skinsuit of his father’s generation. What am I missing?

[…] Source: Jim […]

Karl says:

How could things be quietly sorted out by a bunch of arrests for election tampering the day after the election?

Even if Trump by then has control of the police and can manage arrests and prosecution, the judges are a problem. Even if they are willing to convict Democrats for election fraud (a big if!), the usual procedure would be to set bail. Arrests followed by release cannot prevent the election from being disputed and cannot stop a civil war.

The Cominator says:

It won’t… every leftist believer needs to go on the helicopter if they are not all “resettled” this state of low level civil war will never end. If you only do it to the ones in the government and academia they will come back in a couple of generations…

We need to be realistic and collectively come to the mentality that the end goal is to do the right thing with the leftists…

ten says:

Leftism can’t be annihilated by annihilating leftists. It is an evil mechanism that people, mostly evil people, engage in.

Capitalism or bourgeoisie can’t be annihilated by annihilating the bourgeois. It is a good mechanism that people, mostly good people, engage in.

When Pol Pot tried to annihilate the bourgeois and the landowners, he just sawed off the hands and feet of his country, and then they popped right back up like mushrooms after rain, because the good mechanism can not be undone.

If, after cominating them all, the leftist mechanism is still at work, they will also pop right back up. If the mechanism is not at work, they wont, but eventually, some leftist mechanism will pop up, and then leftists will pop up.

So why go after them in the first place? Kill the mechanisms, and whatever amount of leftists that needs to be killed or deserve to be killed. At some point you’re just massacring stupid peasants that could just as well be engaged in a better mechanism, and noone will be better off for it.

There seems to be leftist genetics, but you won’t get rid of it all, and it would probably be bad if you did. We are what we are by the grace of God and no man found guilty of leftist genetics but still cooperating in good faith is an enemy. (Perhaps i am partial. Ten years ago i was a card carrying communist party member. Please spare me, i am reformed, and my dad was mean to me – i just wanted to be his opposite and adversary.)

We don’t need to cominate them all to stop their cultural transmission. We probably need three generations of severity and intolerance before their flame flickers out, and we need to conquer or destroy their every institution and other mechanism.

What do you propose is won by helicoptering extra leftists? What is lost by not doing it? No premature mercy, but do you think their genetic presence is a threat, or that they will be able to thrive and organize without their mechanisms, institutional, parasitical or otherwise? I disagree with these. Sometimes i am filled by murderous vengeance and wish for apocalyptic hellfire for them all because it serves them right, but there are other considerations.

The Cominator says:

“Or that they will be able to thrive and organize without their mechanisms, institutional, parasitical or otherwise? I disagree with these.”

Yes I look at history, in Chile and Spain they came back almost immediately. They were always just beneath the surface and dug into priestly fields like ticks…

Suharto otoh seemed to solve the leftist problem permanently… as ironically did Stalin. Stalin killed all the true believers and despite the institutions remaining officially Marxist (but with no utopian true believers anymore) real utopian leftism disappeared with the great purge and NEVER came back in Russia or Eastern Europe (the true believers in Stalin’s Eastern European satellites got similar treatment).

ten says:

I think those examples support my position.

Chile did not eradicate their mechanisms, it didn’t have anything to replace progressivism with, just beat it into submission and killed a few, and they sprung back. Probably could have done better, despite proximity to america and american influence, if it had correctly diagnosed its disease, but probably could not have really won.

Stalin had plenty of leftists left, but made it lethal to be more left than Stalin. If the leftist mechanisms have a high probability to end in the leftists death, the mechanisms are pretty dead. The remaining mechanisms were stalinist more than leftist.

Suharto killed his leftists. If it was still a good idea to be a leftist, they would have come back. In chile it was still a good idea to be a leftist, and killing them all might have bought some respite, not more.

I should have stuck to the term holiness spiral rather than leftist mechanism, but i wanted to make a simile to rightist good mechanisms, which are not holiness spirals, but cooperation spirals.

The Cominator says:

You left out the other example I had of Spain. Franco tried very hard to impose tradcatism as the state religion and he even met me halfway on killing the leftists (he killed a lot of them but did not go full Suharto) but it just didn’t work.

Suharto and Stalin’s example and the failure of everything else tried elsewhere convince me that only a thorough purge of all known leftists works…

ten says:

I didn’t mean to. The reply window at the bottom, far away from your text, let it slip my mind.

Franco needed sovereignity and did not have it. In the western hegemony, being a western leftist was still a good idea. I think Franco would have succeeded without extra slaughter if there was a traditional power pole that could rival america and russia, or if there was a westphalian peace instead of harvard global domination UN theocracy. And i don’t think Franco would have succeeded with any amount of extra slaughter under our circumstances.

Is it leftist genetic or memetic transmission you want to chop down? And are we talking the few leaders and activists or the 8% or so believers?

The Cominator says:

I think you need to get all the believers but I think the believer % is more around 15-20% of the population and I think they all need to go…

Certainly all white male believing leftists (even a small % of white male leftists impedes aasibayah among white males) and all the ones among the priesthood do.

ten says:

The 8% figure came from some study asking people if they actually agree with leftist positions or just support leftism because left = good. Maybe it was swedish and not american, i can’t remember.

For the others, if you tell them left = evil and throne, altar, freehold = good, they will believe it and support it. Eventually, probably soon.

For the 8-20% believers, denazification program, when the shooting and lynchings stops.

Cis Scum says:

The problem with eliminating the mechanism of leftism is that it is ineradicable.

Leftism is envy. Envy is a form of anger. Anger is irrational. The envious does not want what the other has, the envious wants to destroy the other for having it. Because anger. Because irrational.

The fervent desire to destroy the other is anger not hatred. But it is similar to hatred, as similar as makes no difference. Hence leftism is hatred. Hatred for the object of envy, hatred for the better.

The POC (person of color) envies the white for being the winner of history. Since history cannot change, the POC cannot be appeased. He simmers in envy wishing the destruction of white nations and their wiping from history, especially that.

The POV (person of vagina) envies the pretty girl, the wife, the mother. The sight of a happy couple and their children makes her burn within. Since time cannot be reversed, the childless POV cannot be appeased. She simmers in envy wishing the destruction of the traditional family and its fruits, especially its fruits, the children.

The POS (person of sodomy) envies the normal, the accepted, the state of nature. The thought of God, nature encoded, ignites his rage. Since mutational load and/or childhood trauma cannot be undone, the POS cannot be appeased. He simmers in envy wishing the destruction of normality as he tears at its core coding, Christian religion.

The Right is loyalty toward faith, family and nation. Conversely the Left is disloyalty toward faith, family and nation. Hatred toward faith, family and nation is how the left expresses itself. But what powers the hatred, what causes the hatred to arise in the first place is envy. Envy is the core.

Can you develop mechanisms to eliminate envy? Envy is a form of anger, an emotion. An emotion cannot be eradicated. Hence the mechanism of leftism is ineradicable.

But it can be managed. It can be suppressed, indeed it has to be. It must be crushed generation after generation. Again and again and again for all eternity. The only solution to leftism is systematic suppression straight into the mists of time. Forever. An eternal crusade, if you will.

jim says:

> The problem with eliminating the mechanism of leftism is that it is ineradicable.
> Leftism is envy. Envy is a form of anger. Anger is irrational. The envious does not want what the other has, the envious wants to destroy the other for having it. Because anger. Because irrational.

Leftism only becomes dangerous when you have a holiness spiral in the state religion. Which holiness spiral always turns into leftism, because a holiness spiral always winds up under the dominion of evil people, even if there is initially nothing particularly leftist about their evil.

We don’t need to eliminate envy, which would, as you say, be difficult. We don’t even need to eliminate leftism, which would be somewhat easier, but still remarkably bloody. We need to eliminate holiness spirals in the state religion. We need an archbishop and a grand inquisitor. A top priest who is both under and above the sovereign.

simplyconnected says:

Leftists display a type of pathological envy, but there is nothing wrong with envy itself, it’s a good motivator for action. It can motivate you to work harder.

Allah says:

I don’t buy this explanation. It isn’t some immoral people getting uppity all conveniently at the same time. These people are organized and in contact with each other, they are a faction like any other. Obviously, there will be traitors and the promise of goodies and pussy is a factor, but it’s still a specific competing group trying to attract converts. The spread of Christianity is a perfect comparison, down to the disdain for rural people(pagans/rednecks).

btw why did the comment system change?

jim says:

> It isn’t some immoral people getting uppity all conveniently at the same time. These people are organized and in contact with each other, they are a faction like any other. Obviously, there will be traitors and the promise of goodies and pussy is a factor, but it’s still a specific competing group trying to attract converts.

Exactly so: Leftism is not envy. It is synthetic tribe, a holy faith, a religion that turns the tenth commandment on its head.

If we had a religion whose tenth commandment was human sacrifice, we would have the same problem.

The Cominator says:

Just purging the elite and shutting down their institutions does not seem to work historically at eliminating the synthetic trieb…

It seems the sect just goes underground. If we get the chance we need to do the right thing…

jim says:

When the underground sect was struggling to take the reigns in the late eighteenth, early nineteenth century, they were clearly recognizable as a Christian heresy, and also clearly recognizable as the somewhat saner precursors of modern leftists.

When they actually got in, the dispute was over the nature of the Trinity, though this was swiftly followed by expanding the vote, etc.

Churches that celebrate the logical contradiction between wholly man and wholly God, as in the passion play, are OK. When they start regularizing their theology to make it humanly intelligible, and stuff the blatant contradiction at the core of Christianity down into the basement behind the water heater, they go off the rails.

The problem is not stopping leftism, but stopping holiness spirals – that holiness spirals tend to turn leftist is just entropy.

Looking at what was going on in the early nineteenth century, does not seem to me that killing lots of people in the late seventeenth century would have made a big difference to what happened in England. Would have made a big difference to what happened in the US if heretical members of the priesthood had been killed, rather than encouraged to leave and set up Harvard, but not to what happened in England.

Enslaving William Wilberforce for apostacy, selling him to Jamaica, and fining Burke for barratry, that would have made a gigantic difference.

If the English State Church in the late seventeen hundreds had stuck to its guns on Christ being wholly God and wholly man, that would have made a gigantic difference.

So I favor rusticating stubborn heretics – make them learn farming in Alaska, rather than encouraging them to leave and set up their own vatican somewhere else, as those purged by Charles the Second did. We can stop them from forming another vatican without actually killing them.

It was not surviving leftists that reconquered the world. It was Harvard, their new vatican.

When they were struggling for power, their primary focus was on theological issues incomprehensible to modern leftists. When in power, then they turned their greedy eyes to other people’s stuff, and started talking about “the dispossessed”, as though all wealth was a pile of stuff that fell from the sky, rather than created by men of talent and forethought, and forgot about the debates on the nature of the trinity though which they had reached power. That they were the modern left is clearly recognizable only in retrospect.

Not Tom says:

Just purging the elite and shutting down their institutions does not seem to work historically

100% correct, as it’s missing a key ingredient: replacing them with different, cohesive elite and state religion.

Progressives descend from the cult of pure reason; dictators who think they can replace Leftism with Reason (and just about every neocon, classical liberal and libertarian believes that) will always fail to contain leftism, no matter how violent and genocidal they are.

jim says:

Changing topic:

I am still asking you for your true Scotsman.

jim says:

When you turn the clock back to a sane version of leftism, as Pinochet did (Classic Liberalism), holiness spiral resumes the moment you stop dropping people in the Pacific Ocean.

If Indonesia is not doing too badly yet (though it is looking shaky as Harvard ngos announce that they are the purer and truer version of Islam) it is because Suharto turned the clock back not from Marxism to classic liberalism, but because, as well as killing huge numbers of leftists, suspected leftists, and potential leftists, he turned the clock back to Islam.

We will do OK if we turn the clock back to late seventeenth century Christianity – and on marriage, back to pre Romance Christianity, with sacramental rather than contractual marriage. It was fags in the Vatican that were responsible for contractual marriage.

And, changing the topic, I am still asking you for your true Scotsman.

The Cominator says:

“I am still asking you for your true Scotsman.”

I don’t quite understand if you are asking me? Is this the wignat thing… I don’t follow Gab at all really my experience is with the chans and a few obscure forums.

jim says:

Asking Not Tom.

He complained that those he calls “wignats” are as you and he described them. When I challenged you, you retreated and said that you are not familiar with Gab, not familiar with the places the “wignats” hang out.

Not Tom neither retreated, nor continued his claim.

Not Tom says:

Jim, I don’t really understand the game you’re playing here:

I am still asking you for your true Scotsman.

Are we having a misunderstanding on the meaning of “No True Scotsman”? I’m talking about the logical fallacy in which a person claims “No Scotsman would do X”, then when presented with examples of Scotsmen who do X, claims that “No True Scotsman” would do X. Any example provided is simply excluded from the category, and the demand is repeated.

In the context of the fallacy, your demand doesn’t make any sense. I am saying that there aren’t any true Scotsmen, any “true” wignats, that all of these people we’ve been talking about are wignats, and maybe some of them are great people, but at best they suck at self-policing and opsec. You are supposed to show us why our examples somehow are not representative, and so far that’s only taken the form of inductive and/or circular arguments.

We’ve looked at Andrew Torba. We’ve looked at poster “Frei” on TDS. Richard Spencer, whom you’ve claimed you’re undecided on, just outed himself. Before “Mike Enoch” got doxxed, TRS was arguably the most popular white nationalist site/community around, and the dude still routinely rants about “ZOG”. Way back at the Charlottesville protest, that idiot Christopher Cantwell (I think that’s his name) just had to change the chant to “Jews will not replace us”, and when the video of him doing that got posted on Gab, it got tons of upvotes.

So the only examples I’m allowed to give of True Scotsmen (actual wignats) are obscure randos on Gab who don’t actually identify as white nationalists, and Andrew Anglin who as of late doesn’t seem to talk about white nationalism (and his older content is out of bounds, because memetic drift). Any popular one on Twitter is automatically a shill for being on Twitter, anyone who posts ZOG theories on Gab is probably a shill because they post about that, anyone who self-identifies as a white nationalist is probably a shill because they self-identified, etc. If all that is true, then what’s the point of the label at all? If there isn’t a single True Wignat out there who actually identifies as one and is important/popular enough to matter, then why should anyone care about protecting the label?

When I challenged you, you retreated and said that you are not familiar with Gab, not familiar with the places the “wignats” hang out.

Not sure if you meant me or Cominator here, but I certainly said no such thing. I was one of the first users on Gab, and even shelled out some cash for the “Gab Pro” thing when it came out. I abandoned the site when it became clear to me that Andrew was either unwilling or incapable of maintaining any sane approach to moderation, that it was shedding many of its best and most prolific contributors who helped build the community in the first place, and that – justified or not – it was not gaining any traction with the mainstream and probably never would. Nothing wrong with insular communities, mind you, but there are much better places than Gab for that (like, say, here).

I don’t follow Gab now, haven’t followed it for at least a year (maybe two?), and when I returned there to try to dig up the True Scotsmen you were demanding, I saw that the search engine had not only not improved, but had actually gotten worse, so I quickly gave up. At this point I see neither “good wignats” nor “bad wignats” on Gab, the majority of content there seems to be more of a generic Trumpist/alt-lite flavor, so I don’t see it as a useful representative sample of white nationalists; hell, one of the biggest groups there is a QAnon group. While the wignats certainly might be there in pockets, I am not going to spend hours trawling the entire site to find it.

And I feel obliged to repeat that although I keep getting forced into the “wignat means white nationalist” frame, wignat does not mean white nationalist, it means “wigger nationalist” and refers to the specific fragment of nominal white nationalists whom Jim claims must all 100% be outside agitators, which is the claim that I dispute.

jim says:

This interminable wall of text is a non reply reply.

I asked you to produce a plausible “wignat”

You have not produced a plausible “wignat”.

You keep not answering, and I keep asking.

Andrew Torba is black pilled about Trump, but it is quite certainly not the case that he thinks or suggests that Trump is in the pocket of international Jewry. He is a black piller, not the wignat you have described. He is pissed because Trump failed to restore normality, not pissed because Trump moved the Israeli embassy to the Israeli capital. Spencer is, as you just agreed, a shill.

Where is the wignat you keep describing? Andrew Torba does not have crazies about Jews, Andrew Anglin does not have crazies about Trump.

Where is the wignat you keep describing.

Where is an example of your true Scotsman?

The problem is that you claim that white crows exist, then point at black swans and platipuses.

Now if you were producing white things that were plausibly crows, you could accuse me of the no true Scotsman fallacy.

The “No true scotsman fallacy” is niggling about the other guy’s examples of true Scotsmen that fail to exhibit the qualities denied. “Here is a white crow?”

True scotsman fallacy: “That is not a crow because it is a white”

True Scotman non fallacy. “That is not a crow because it is a turkey.”

You have not provided any examples for me to niggle at. Your examples grossly fail to have the claimed characteristics of wignats.

If you propose a black minstrel singer as an example of a true scotsman, and your interlocutor complains that the black minstrel singer is not a true scotsman, it is no reply to say “No true scotsman fallacy”. You have to start by explaining why the black minstrel singer is nonetheless a true scotsman, and when your intelocutor starts niggling, then you can say “No True Scotsman fallacy.”

You can only reply “No true scotsman fallacy”, when you have a plausible example of a true scotsman, and your interlocutor unreasonably disagrees.

Is Andrew Anglin a “wignat”?

If Andrew Anglin is not a “wignat”, you, not I are committing the No True Scotsman fallacy.

If Andrew Torba is a wignat, what makes him a “wignat”?

If Andrew Anglin is not a wignat, what makes him not a wignat? What makes him no true Scotsman?

Andrew Torba’s entire strategy is based on the normie assumption that capitalism will continue. It was collapsing, and Trump postponed the collapse. If Trump goes, then the deluge.

jim says:

> So the only examples I’m allowed to give of True Scotsmen (actual wignats) are obscure randos on Gab who don’t actually identify as white nationalist

I see plenty of white nationalist posting on Gab, and it looks like great stuff to me, an asset to our movement, celebrating the white race as the creators of civilization and beauty.

If no prominent randos on Gab who identify as white nationalist and display the alleged flaws of wignats, then you have no “wignats”, no alleged scotsmen for me to commit the no true scotsman fallacy on.

If all your good examples are twitterati, rather than gabbers, that is a mighty good indication that all your good examples have one window open on their screen where they post as a white nationalist, and another window open on their screen to the Twitter administration interface where they shadow ban any actual white nationalist on twitter.

There are people on Gab, quite a lot of people, who say “Hail fellow white nationalist, Orangeman bad because did not build the wall and moved the embassy to Jerusalem” – quite a lot of them. But they get plenty of pushback from actual white nationalists. They cannot pass the WQ test, and since they are apt to say “Rothschilds” while strangely failing to mention Soros, I doubt that most of them would pass the Soros test.

jim says:

wignat does not mean white nationalist, it means “wigger nationalist” and refers to the specific fragment of nominal white nationalist

I am just not seeing these wignats. I see shills, who show all the usual symptoms of being shills: “Hail fellow white male misogynist racist homophobic deplorable. I hate woman, jews, immigrants and blacks too, because woman are wonderful, immigrants are wonderful, and blacks are magical.”

An actual wignat as you imagine wignats to be would be posting stuff like this good stuff: https://gab.com/tacsgc/posts/104740230992862131

When you see someone you decide is a genuine wignat, is that what you see?

Your beliefs – that shills are genuine right wing idiots who genuinely represent a stupid and harmful faction of the right, is grossly inconsistent with what a shill in fact posts. What a shill posts is not internally consistent with the belief system you credulously accept that he has. If he believed things he says be believes, he would talk about the things he is unable to talk about, or even acknowledge anyone else talking about.

Every single time one of these guys shows up on this blog, I throw a shill test at him and he fails it. Example, Icon ranting about evil Jews ruling the world, while being unable to name Soros.

Not Tom says:

Looks like I messed up my reply; what was supposed to end the blockquote added another blockquote instead. Feel free to edit for clarity (or not – but I can’t edit myself).

The Cominator says:

I can’t speak for Gab and i don’t consider anglin or Jared Taylor wignats but I’ve seen these people on the chans and other forums and sure some are shills but plenty are just kind of stupid.

jim says:

Point me to some of these true Scotsmen on a forum that has not fallen under the control of shills as 4Chan did.

Here is the latest post by Not Tom’s favorite example of a true scotsman on gab: https://gab.com/a/posts/104742080741469516

Does not look much like a true Scotsman.

Seems that your true Scotsmen only seem to flourish when they can shadow ban actual Scotsmen.

Yes, I see the usual complaints by blackpillers, but the normies, rather than the “wignats”, are taking the black pill.

Not Tom says:

This interminable wall of text is a non reply reply.


I asked you to produce a plausible “wignat”

You have not produced a plausible “wignat”.

You keep not answering, and I keep asking.

And this is what I keep pointing out is the No True Scotsman fallacy:
– Daily Stormer writers other than Anglin: don’t count
– Richard Spencer: doesn’t count
– Mike Enoch: doesn’t count
– Torba: doesn’t count
– Anyone still on Twitter: doesn’t count
– Christopher Cantwell: doesn’t count
– Anyone who identifies as a white nationalist: doesn’t count

It’s obvious that anything I hold up as an example you’ll say “doesn’t count”, so what’s the point? But at least have the intellectual honesty to say why you don’t think the examples are representative, don’t insult me and your other readers by claiming I’m “not answering” when I’ve clearly been answering and have referred to half a dozen examples of very well-known people in the white nationalist community.

Andrew Torba is black pilled about Trump, but it is quite certainly not the case that he thinks or suggests that Trump is in the pocket of international Jewry. He is a black piller, not the wignat you have described. He is pissed because Trump failed to restore normality, not pissed because Trump moved the Israeli embassy to the Israeli capital.

Actually, I more or less agree that Torba isn’t a wignat or a white nationalist, he’s a generic idiot. He just signals to wignats, and they amplify. Here are those two examples again:


Apparently your argument about Torba boils down to this: “Torba saying that Trump is controlled by Kushner isn’t the same as Torba saying that Trump is controlled by Jews.” Unless you are saying that he hasn’t even claimed the latter, which is clearly contradicted by the above two posts. Assuming it is in fact the former, then yes – you’re right, those two are not the same. But why Kushner? Why always Kushner and not any of the other people in Trump’s orbit? At least Anglin had the good sense to blame Ivanka some of the time.

Oh and good news, I found out that you actually can search for hashtags when you’re signed into gab, so here we go. I searched for #IsraelFirst, #PresidentKushner and #ZOG, among a few others. Let’s see what that turns up, hmm?

https://gab.com/MDFalco/posts/104741263660185924 (this one actually says Jews control Russia and Putin, if that’s not freakin’ hilarious then I don’t know what is)

To try to exclude the more obvious shillbots, I’ve only included accounts with >200 followers (most have much more), and to head off more NTS accusations, I’ve only picked out posts that put forward the specific proposition that Jews are in control, as opposed to generic Jew-hate and Nazi imagery.

Will you click on any of these? Will you acknowledge that we have actually answered your question and actually given you actual examples, or are all of them also either shills or somehow not saying what they are clearly saying?

jim says:

Non reply reply reply.

But I will fisk it anyway.

> But why Kushner? Why always Kushner and not any of the other people in Trump’s orbit?

because Kushner really is a problem, and Ivanka is a problem largely because Kushner is a problem.

> https://gab.com/WhiteMansBible/posts/104285611542560738
> https://gab.com/teacsmith/posts/104077966206025958
> https://gab.com/charliebrownau/posts/104724593997853801
> https://gab.com/holleb9702/posts/104720973137055865
> https://gab.com/BiglySpeaks/posts/104414110435579526
> https://gab.com/MDFalco/posts/104741263660185924 (this one actually says Jews control Russia and Putin, if that’s not freakin’ hilarious then I don’t know what is)
> https://gab.com/Generic_Persona/posts/104728404843347168
> https://gab.com/AedesDivusLulius/posts/104345208361339546
> https://gab.com/krisxx/posts/104149664714646952
> To try to exclude the more obvious shillbots, I’ve only included accounts with >200 follower

That is not how you exclude obvious shillbots.

To detect whether someone who sounds like a Soros employee running on script is real, you need to see if he ever posts anything a Soros employee would be forbidden to post.

Such as https://gab.com/tacsgc/posts/104740230992862131

He is an actual white nationalist.

Show me one of your wignats who has posted the stuff that actual white nationalists post all the time.

The alt right is the dissident right. Have any of these dissented? Have any of them ever said anything that someone on the payroll of Soros, or the FBI, or an NGO could not say?

Here is what an actual white nationalist says about the Jews.

Here is what an actual white nationalist says about blacks.

Has one of your “wignats” posted something like this?

Have any of these people that you link to said anything outside the Overton window?

Have you found anyone outside the Overton window, anyone who dissents to the right, who is one of your wignats?

Not Tom says:

Such as https://gab.com/tacsgc/posts/104740230992862131

He is an actual white nationalist.

That’s a white nationalist?

Come on, this guy is total normie-con. You’re not following your own rules; when has this user ever posted something outside the Overton window?

Show me one of your wignats who has posted the stuff that actual white nationalists post all the time.

Your previous demand was simply to find any evidence of this material on Gab, a “forum that has not fallen under the control of shills”. This is moving the goalposts, but most of the examples are still inside the new goal:

– Naming the Soros: https://gab.com/WhiteMansBible/posts/104529389958242738
– Naming the Antifa: https://gab.com/teacsmith/posts/104700271289866877
– Naming the Hypergamy: https://gab.com/charliebrownau/posts/104704552426953440
– Naming the 19th: https://gab.com/BiglySpeaks/posts/104719151105557854
– Naming the Hinnant: https://gab.com/MDFalco/posts/104711780642780858 (very similar to your tacsgc example)
– Naming the Spencer: https://gab.com/Generic_Persona/posts/104746019862245779 (very similar to another tacsgc post)
– Naming the Holodomor: https://gab.com/AedesDivusLulius/posts/104662397656738210

Couldn’t check “holleb9702” because his timeline won’t load. krisx might be a shill, seems to be virulently anti-Trump and I couldn’t find much significantly outside the overton window, but I’m not going to go through 22,000 posts to be sure.

So out of 9 original examples, 7 are confirmed, 1 is probably shill and 1 is unknown. Wasn’t hard to confirm, I only had to skim their recent posts.

Has one of your “wignats” posted something like this?

Ridiculous. I’ve followed AntiDem for years, he is absolutely not a white nationalist. He has blog archives going back nearly a decade in which, at least as far as I can remember, he has never said anything even remotely indicative of white nationalism. He is NRx, and has identified himself as NRx.

Now we seem to be playing another game in which “white nationalism” is actually “dissident right” and so anyone who “dissents to the right” is an example of a True White Nationalist. What ever happened to “Thou shalt not create false equivalencies?” But it’s an irrelevant strawman anyway, since I never claimed that all or most white nationalists are wignats; I very specifically explained that “wignat” means “wigger nationalist” means a certain type of low-achieving idiot who uses white nationalism as an excuse to think and act like a nigger. You asserted that these people don’t exist at all and that 100% of them are actually enemy shills, so examples of “good white nationalists” are not important, I only have to show a few examples of wignats to demonstrate that they exist. I only need to show the one white crow, it doesn’t matter how many thousands of black crows are crowing around. Those were your own rules, which you spelled out just yesterday.

Have you found anyone outside the Overton window, anyone who dissents to the right, who is one of your wignats?

I respectfully decline to continue debating this, because it is no longer a debate at all, it is a battle of attrition that I cannot possibly win because the rules are rigged in your favor. I must continue finding more examples and subjecting myself to the torture of social media, while you only need to dismiss them without further justification. You won’t state all of your required criteria up front; instead they are retroactively added after each rebuttal, and even if the previous examples still meet the new requirements, I am required to do the additional work to prove that they do. Rinse and repeat.

So what’s the point? There’s no exit strategy here. There is no possible outcome in which it’s accepted that the category is valid or even that I’m arguing in good faith. You’ve already made up your mind and each subsequent interaction is just designed to wear me down.

So, I’m done. Have the last word if you want, put me on moderation if you want, doesn’t matter, but I’m not going to continue to debate whether or not wignats actually exist. It’s your house, and your rules, and if you want to ban the use of the term then you can do so, and I will honor the ban, as I’ve promised to do in the past. However if you’re expecting some sort of confession or admission from me then you’re going to be waiting a long time. These people exist, the evidence suggests most aren’t shills, and to the extent that some of them are shills, the non-shills do a bad job of policing.

jim says:

> > Such as https://gab.com/tacsgc/posts/104740230992862131
> >
> > He is an actual white nationalist.

> Come on, this guy is total normie-con. You’re not following your own rules; when has this user ever posted something outside the Overton window?

Your perception of the Overton Window appears to be wildly different from my own. I spent an immense amount of time and energy trying to get Carlylean Restorationist to say something like tacsgc said, or even acknowledge me saying it, and he would not do so.

Saying “Kill all JOOS” is totally inside the Overton Window, while drawing attention to the ridiculous mythmaking about the holocaust is outside it.

Saying that the Jew Soros is paying mobs to burn down Portland is totally outside it.

Just as you have been accepting blatant shills as genuine white nationalists, you have been accepting the shill and progressive version of the where the Overton window is.

Under Stalin, if you stayed within the official Overton window, you were likely to lose your life. You were forbidden to know what you were forbidden to say. In America today, as in Cuba when I was there, believing that the Overton window is located in its official position will cause you to lose your job. Scott Alexander got burned by this, and wrote a post on the topic.

According to FBI shills, saying that Building seven suddenly and inexplicably fell straight down on its foundations is totally outside the Overton window. And then they will link to a Harvard University study that piously and authoritatively proclaims the flagrant lie that Building seven suddenly and inexplicably fell straight down on its foundations.

> – Naming the Hinnant: https://gab.com/MDFalco/posts/104711780642780858 (very similar to your tacsgc example)

MDFalco appears to be an actual white nationalist. What makes you classify him as one of these horrid stupid wignats?

Oh yes. “I wasn’t aware Lubavitchers also ran Russia. Putin’s their boy too?”

Which implies that it is improbable that the Lubavitchers run Russia, and improbable that Putin is their boy.

“I was not aware” is not endorsing the shill claim that Russia is run by the evil Jewish conspiracy, but rather telling the shill he is full of shit.

MDFalco was denigrating an absurd shill claim, and you failed to distinguish between the obvious shill making the claim, and the actual white nationalist pushing back against the claim. You just grabbed any random crap that at a casual glance looked like evidence for your claim, and failed to read the conversation of which his post was part.

> > Have you found anyone outside the Overton window, anyone who dissents to the right, who is one of your wignats?

> I respectfully decline to continue debating this, because it is no longer a debate at all,

Going through your list, I still don’t find anyone who dissents to the right who is one your wignats. Either they are not dissenting from the official line, or, like MDFalcon, are not one your wingnats.

It is totally within the Overton Window to claim to hate group X – provided you don’t say anything that would suggest that group X is not wonderful, and nor anything that might suggest that there might be damned good reasons for not wanting to live next to group X. And it is totally within the Overton Window to claim Jews rule the world – provided you refrain from mentioning any actual Jews that actually do exercise inappropriate and excessive power to evil purposes. This is akin to the leftist claim to oppose “the Man”, when they are “the Man”. The progressive Jewish professors in Harvard think the Orthodox Jewish pawnbrokers in Dallas need a good Krystalnacht, and smile approvingly on calls for Krystalnacht. The Overton window compels everyone, including Scott Alexander as he discovered, to lie about the location of the Overton Window.

Remember the Crown Height riots? “Kill the JOOS” is totally 100% within the actual Overton window, as people discovered during the Crown Height riots, but noticing where the Overton Window actually is, is totally outside the the actual Overton window, as people discovered immediately after the Crown Height riots.

Well, I did not check the entire list, but I checked enough of it to conclude that further checking was a waste of my time. You seem to have thrown the links together more or less at random, and I think I spent far more time checking them than you spent assembling them. You need to spend enough time to find the one example that is the strongest evidence for your claim, rather than throwing out a pile of shit and hoping that some of it will stick.

jim says:

> So out of 9 original examples, 7 are confirmed, 1 is probably shill and 1 is unknown. Wasn’t hard to confirm

Not my conclusion on reading your examples. Your examples just are not examples.

Instead of throwing out a pile of dubious examples, pick one example, your strongest case, and let us fisk that one example. Let us see if you can produce one “wignat” who dissents from the Cathedral. When you throw ten out there, it is like arguing with a troofer, who just moves right along from one dubious claim to the next dubious claim, and defends his previous dubious claim by introducing dozen new dubious claims.

If there are a pile of dissenters out there who fit your wignat profile, you should be able to find one undeniable example.

> > Has one of your “wignats” posted something like this?

> Ridiculous. I’ve followed AntiDem for years, he is absolutely not a white nationalist

AntiDem dissents, your examples fail to dissent.

If your “wignats” actually exist, you should be able to find one clear and undeniable example, rather than any number of questionable examples.

ten says:

Envy/covetousness is not the mechanism, it is the fuel driving it. When envy is rewarded in a structured way, there is a leftist mechanism. Those can be eradicated.

It’s ok if lazy drunk russian peasant envies the kulak, he probably should. I envy my peers who are more industrious, sharper and less depressive. I wish to emulate them, and experiment in how to do so.

If lazy drunk russian peasant or i were told our peers had robbed us and we were enabled to go fuck them up and take their stuff without repercussions, leftist mechanism.

simplyconnected says:

If lazy drunk russian peasant or i were told our peers had robbed us and we were enabled to go fuck them up and take their stuff without repercussions, leftist mechanism.

Strong concur.
If at work you see your peers producing great work, it pushes you. It may be driven by envy or shame (if one isn’t producing good results), but most people like and seek such an environment (specially if they can reasonably succeed eventually).
Taking or conspiring to other people’s stuff is different, it’s evil.

BC says:

It’s surprising that Franco didn’t eliminate the leftist teachers. I’m not sure if he understood that ideas are more dangerous than bullets.

Franco’s Spain wasn’t independent. This is an important aspect that must be understood. Either you have the military capability to be independent – America, Russia, China. Or you are a vassal of one of them.

The Cominator says:

He was independent enough, if Franco was strong enough to say resist Hitler from pushing him into attacking Gibraltar during WWII when there was a very real plausible threat of German invasion if he did not he was strong enough to stand up to a few whiny Foggy Bottom faggots.

Also during the Cold War the Cathedral wasn’t so pure and fanatical as it is now. They ENCOURAGED Suharto to do what he did…

Not Tom says:

Also during the Cold War the Cathedral wasn’t so pure and fanatical as it is now.

Yes it was. The Anglo-Soviet Split happened because they hated Stalin and his successors for halting the holiness spiral and stripping away the internationalist facets of communism. They saw it as a betrayal of their ideals and their vision.

The Cominator says:

But yet they were willing to work with Franco, Pinochet Suharto (who the CIA downright encouraged to do what he did) etc.

I’ll definitely say that at the very least they were less purist.

Oliver Cromwell says:

It’s true he resisted Hitler, but the USA was much more threatening to Spain 1946-present than Nazi Germany was 1940-1941. After 1941, Nazi Germany really wasn’t that much of a threat. Given their other commitments, and the new commitments occupying Spain and garrisoning its coast would create, their real ability to invade Spain was quite limited.

Franco should’ve eliminated all his opponents in 1942/3, when no one had much power over him, and everyone was trying to court him. But Franco wasn’t all that radical anyway.

The Cominator says:

I think Franco knew realistically that if the allies didn’t attack him in 1944 (in order to have a more unopposed landing on mainland Europe) or 1945 when they had the army to do it they weren’t going to attack him.

But another point with Franco in reply to Not Tom, Franco did NOT try to replace communism and all the other leftisms of the Spanish republic with pure secular reason or something he tried very hard to make tradcatism the state religion…

That didn’t work either.

Suharto was much more half hearted about making Islam the state religion than Franco was in promoting tradcatism (probably because Islam sucks even more than Catholicism) but was much more thorough about murdering everyone suspected of being a leftist in the entire country.

Suharto’s approach worked… the leftists are still basically extinct in Indonesia. Franco’s failed…

Oliver Cromwell says:

Well put it another way – what would happen to Franco’s Spain if it were still alive *today*? Would it be safe from the US world order?

I guess if Spain had achieved Singapore-like economic results and also maintained a high birth rate becoming a 60-80m population turnkey state with twice the living standards of France it might still be around.

If that happened maybe Franco would have changed the whole course of world history. Or maybe they’d just have worked harder to kill him.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

To put it another way, leftist behavior is behavior; give exponents with greater tendencies towards such modes of behavior ontological demotions, and you get much less of that behavior.

Frederick Algernon says:

Franco’s Spain was destroyed by the Cathedral via the Gramsci route.

Anonymous 2 says:

Juan Carlos I was unfortunately the wrong choice; he turned out to be far too squishy. Perhaps this is a weakness of monarchy when you have too few valid candidates to choose from. (It looks like Franco skipped an even squishier candidate, but that was not enough.)

And even though JC.I subsequently went along with all the various leftist demands, in the end he got eaten anyway (ongoing at the time of writing).

imnobody00 says:

I am Spaniard and I was born five years before Franco’s death. I have also studied Spanish history.

IMHO, Franco did succeed in removing leftism from Spanish society. In fact, leftism was a very small minority when Franco died. Only some university students since some university teachers converted into the progressive religion when they interacted with European and American universities.

There were two problems:

1) The ideological basis of Francoist regime had been destroyed some years before by Council Vatican II. Franco saved the Church because Christian people were being massacred during the Spanish Civil War. The ideological basis of Francoist regime was National-Catholicism, which fused Traditional Catholicism with Spanish Nationalism.

But, some decades after, the progressives took over the Vatican and the Church during Council Vatican II. With this new church, the ideological basis of the Francoist regime was not sustainable.

With Catholicism converted in a variant of the progressive religion, there was no alternative to the progressive religion and democracy. The new Mass arrived in 1970 and Franco died in 1975. The Church appointed cardinal Tarancón as president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (the boss of Spanish church) from 1971 to 1981.

Cardinal Tarancón was a progressive cardinal, in line of Council Vatican II and conducted Spanish church to “democracy”, having frequent conflicts with Franco and with the people that supported Franco. Because of him and his successors, Spanish Catholic people remained silent while their religion was destroyed.

Franco was aware that his work was in danger. In his last words (https://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Testamento_de_Francisco_Franco), he states “Do not forget that the enemies of Spain and of Christian civilization are alert.”

2) When Franco died, the Cathedral took over. The Spanish transition to the democracy was designed by Rockefeller and implemented by King Juan Carlos, a corrupt person easily manipulable through sex and money. A pawn of the Cathedral. The progressive people took over the mass media and started de-Christianizing Spain and converting it to the progressive religion. Now we are one of the more Wokish nation in the world.

jim says:

This is why your state religion has to be a national state religion, for example Russian Orthodoxy.

If your state religion is transnational, Roman Catholicism, foreign sovereigns will use it to destroy you.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The leftists have taught us that the way to quietly genocide people is to allow them to believe they’re still getting married while removing its legal substance. So all we need is a mechanism that removes the legal substance of marriage for exclusively people who spiral too holy.

An orgy of killing is not a good solution because most of the left are just followers, and even most of the left’s leaders are just followers trying to keep a little ahead of the curve. Good leaders plan ahead, and care about those for whom they have responsibility, so are mostly rightist. The holiness spiral is followers gaining control of society, and society getting out of control. A society need followers though, can’t be composed only of leaders. So can’t kill them all.

The Cominator says:

And your specific proposal to do this?

I don’t think it will work, leftists reproduce memetically more than anything…

jim says:

The leftists have taught us that the way to quietly genocide people is to allow them to believe they’re still getting married while removing its legal substance. So all we need is a mechanism that removes the legal substance of marriage for exclusively people who spiral too holy.

Right on:

And that mechanism is sacramental marriage, where the rules governing your marriage are, as in many confessional states today, explicitly linked to the religion you officially adhere to. We give the full benefits of sacramental marriage to anyone in the state religion, and to all taxpayers and warriors that are willing to sign up with state religion’s marriage even if they otherwise have a different religion and primarily perform their religion’s wedding ceremony, but we deny it to heretics and apostates, even if they claim to adhere to the state religion, only in even better and purer form – so communists and suchlike do not get state support in exercising patriarchal authority. Heresy being grounds for demoting your sacramental marriage to common law marriage. If you are purer and holier than the sovereign, the archbishop, and the grand inquisitor, better be celibate also, the big threat not being people who officially and explicitly adhere to a non state religion, but those who falsely sign up with the state religion and attempt entryism.

We let anyone respectable sign a little form saying they want the state religion’s rules apply to their marriage, rather than the religion they officially adhere to, but we bring the hammer down on entryists who merely officially adhere to the state religion, while actually promoting something rather different.

Rather like child protective services abducting the sons of insufficiently progressive fathers, though that is a bit extreme for my tastes. We should not abduct their children, as is done today, but we should rather be selective about returning runaway daughters.

The Cominator says:

There is a certain brilliance to this… as it will make men in the ingroup higher status than the outgroups men and allow for a supply of unowned low status whores to keep the brothels full so men have a place to go when their wives hit the wall…

The challenge then is constant vigilance about keeping this outgroup from infiltrating state and quasi state institutions in secret especially educational or news type media institutions.

ten says:

Sacramental marriage and good children should be a prereq for state positions as well as priesthood.

The Cominator says:

Priesthood yes but not all state jobs, junior combat arms officers (those most likely to be in harms way) would be discouraged from doing their jobs if they had young children and a young wife at home.

ten says:

I considered jobs concerning statesmanship and governance, not military. Military suits people who don’t yet have a solid stake in the future well, governance suits them extremely ill.

Not Tom says:

If you are purer and holier than the sovereign, the archbishop, and the grand inquisitor, better be celibate also

This is an interesting proposal and I wonder why we’ve never discussed it in the context of St. Paul and discussions about purported priestly celibacy.

I’m not a theologian at all, but it occurs to me that a priesthood might want to subtly imply that celibacy is very holy so that people who wish to pronounce themselves the holiest have to be able to demonstrate a lifetime of celibacy, while simultaneously pushing the conventional priests to have lots of kids on the justification that a regular old priest isn’t really all that holy. And it does seem in retrospect like Paul was straddling exactly that line.

But… there is The Perversion, which is sort of a cheat code to that system. They were never going to have kids in the first place, but seem to be quite adept at coalescing into malignant tumors within any existing priesthood. How do you weed them out?

Oliver Cromwell says:

Another thing the Catholic Church did with unreasonably holy men was to send them to tend to leper colonies. Progressives could be sent to Antarctica to fight climate change.

Not Tom says:

To answer the actual question here, I’d put some emphasis on the word “quietly”. While we would all like to see giant headlines about these arrests, that is exactly how we end up with endless stonewalling and interference by the judiciary, not to mention many federal prosecutors.

Until the judiciary can truly be brought to heel – and given the latest mind-numbing horror to come out of the Flynn prosecution, that still seems to be a long way away – it’s very important that any punishments be administered far away from the prying eyes of lawyers, judges and press.

It’s not an accident that every dictator has needed a “secret police”. Even having frontline FBI officers involved could be a security risk. I’d probably use private contractors, but praetorians among the regular police might work, and the guilty would have to be shipped off to Guantanamo or someplace where they’d just quietly disappear. (My preference would be the Pacific ocean, but I don’t think Trump has either the balls or the personnel to carry that out yet).

Frederick Algernon says:

Trump may have earned the allegiance of the military elite, but I completely doubt he has done so with the Defense Contractors. This shadowy world isn’t “blackwater,” and anyone who tries to some it up as such betrays their ignorance. There are hundreds of companies with thousands of contracts involving millions of people, and the structure is similar to the military in that their is a high powered elite minority and a low powered support majority. Defense Contracting is surprisingly pozz’d when it comes to the biggest firms. I am starting to think this is what the Radical Dems are counting on, their in the hole.

Not Tom says:

Sorry, when I said private contractors I wasn’t referring to the “defense contractors” they send to third-world shitholes – I meant rounding up a bunch of unemployed ex-military guys or maybe some small private security company that no one’s ever heard of.

Obviously, involving a gigantic corporation with half a million employees is hardly going to be “quiet”.

Frederick Algernon says:

The majority of “defense contractors” are chair force types. Operators comprise a very small percentage of the total. It is a mirror image of the DoD structure. The military industrial complex is the deep state, and it is overwhelmingly pozz’d and hostile. That shadowgate doc is a very cursory primer on the industry, but it absolutely nails it in terms of who is “running” the show: retired democrat generals and childless career women. I firmly believe that any chance of regime change in this country has to start in Arlington, or it will just be a window dressing change.

jim says:

There are military contractors who make stuff for the military, and they are generally not so bad as people employed directly.

And there are military contractors whose job is hurting people and breaking stuff, and they are generally on our side.

Frederick Algernon says:

Not really buying this. The defense contractors that do all the prototyping and fabricating are largely run by diversity hires and gays. Everything you point out about silicon valley applies to Arlington just as well.

Karl says:

Quietely bringing some activists engaging in voter fraud to Guantanamo or some similar place can only deter others if they somehow hear about it. How quickly could such a message spread, especially during the critical days after vote counting when every leftist is busily furthering his cause?

Rumors might spread, but would rumor be enough to scare the left so that they give up and concede defeat? I don’t think so.

There are many factions opposing Trump that only agree on some general outline of a vague plan and individually persue secret plans. Hence it is doubtful that there will be a central command directing all vote rigging activity. But even if there is, then the central command will only know that some voter fraud acitivists vanished. So what? Why should central command be scared and abandon the plan to get rid of Trump? I expect them to press on until they get very scared and I do not think that a bunch of quiet arrests can achieve that.

Not much hope for to get this quietly sorted out.

Dude says:
Best Commentator says:

She is just some fucking karen who has some long standing grievance against him.

Its just disgusting how a woman can betray her own blood.

Frederick Algernon says:

Long time sitting member of the judiciary, I believe.

The Cominator says:

To be fair supposedly this was recorded without her knowledge.

Chevalier says:

[*deleted for sheer lack of intelligibility*]

Chevalier says:


jim says:

If you want us to believe you are on our side, try linking to a similar video condemning Fauci as the mass murderer that he is.

Chevalier says:

Bill Gates, in addition to becoming the richest man in the world without once making a product that someone wanted to buy, is a satanist.

We, the pro-human people of the world, specifically demand the prompt execution of the satanists, and their allies and useful idiots, for conspiracy against humanity.

Meaning (apparently) you.

Go fuck yourself.

jim says:

Bill Gates is not a Satanist, though he hangs out with them and kisses their assets.

Bill Gates personally created a wide range of great software.

Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code, is still the greatest software development environment, though most Microsoft software is starting to suck now that he has abandoned the business. Microsoft software took on a variety of competitors who had a home field advantage, for example Lotus 123, and beat them by just being better.

Microsoft operating systems won by having better development tools and a better development environment, which environment eventually became Visual Studio. And their tools were and are better because Bill Gates personally made them better. I use and have used a wide variety of software development environments, and Visual Studio is still the best by a wide margin.

There were and are many operating systems competing, but more people wrote more software for the Microsoft operating system because Bill Gates personally created good tools with which to do it.

Pooch says:


“The lesson of the Coronavirus pandemic”, Gates says, “is that the rest of us will have to sacrifice even more to save the Earth from warming.”

Hard to defend Gates after making a statement like that.

Eli says:

Gates is trying to say: “COVID-19 is bad. Climate Change is even worse”

Or, longer: “We need to make sacrifices to defeat the pandemic, hence the quarantine. But climate change is far worse, so our sacrifices ought to be bigger”

I agree with his point regarding the quarantine, a temporary measure. Not regarding climate change, which is doubtful and requires permanent, extreme measures to “combat”

Pooch says:

“The Climate god is a more powerful god than the COVID god so our human sacrifice must be greater to satisfy him”.

Eli says:

They don’t look at COVID as covid-god. But they do look at climate change as godly punishment.

I don’t see much of a hit to survival of economy and nation from restaurants and bars closing.

The Cominator says:

Covid is 95% a hoax and a lot of public health people ought to be have their public health removed publically because of public execution over it.

Pooch says:

21% of small business has been permanently sacrificed at the alter. Revenue for the rest down 30%. That’s not even to mention the closing/reduction of services like schools, churches, and the like.

Eli says:

I’m convinced of Cochran’s numbers. And Cochran’s numbers say that 1% of 60% of population of the US may die, if no quarantine measures or vaccine take place.

Restaurants, bars, schools, and churches being closed — temporarily — pales in comparison to this problem.

Btw, Sweden is doing pretty badly vs most of Europe. Only France and Belgium, populated and ruled by Niggers and Sandniggers (where those lives matter), are doing worse. Of course America is in the Nigger-life-matter category, also. Which goes a long way towards explaining the death toll. That and some of the decision made in NY.

Starman says:

The COVID19 hysteria hoax and its government lockdowns disrupted the food supply. Food doesn’t magically appear on grocery store shelves. Urbanites really do have a problem understanding where food comes from,

Starman says:

Cochran and everybody else in the “expert class” are producing fake death numbers (ex. motorcycle deaths being counted as COVID19 deaths).

The Cominator says:

Anyone who plays up covid at this point is an enemy don’t start this bullshit again.

Eli says:

Are you threatening me, Comrade Cominator? Thanks.

Starman, I live in MA. Plenty of food in grocery stores and supermarkets. Which reminds me, I’ve got to run to my MarketBasket, before it closes. Thanks.

But I’ll say it again. I trust Cochran’s numbers, quarantine is the right thing to do (alas, we didn’t do it well enough, hence all this BS that keeps continuing). I hope a well-tested vaccine will come to the scene soon, and I plan on taking it. Not because I’m afraid of my chances to survive, but because I’m worried about the co-morbidities that arise in some young people who got infected. I still need my internal organs and brain functioning properly.

Don’t tell me what’s BS and what’s not. The girl I was with till recently, had her classmate, whom she knew personally, in med school, back from Russia (an otherwise healthy, mid-20s guy) recently die. A bright future would’ve been awaiting him otherwise.

The Cominator says:

Who is to say he died of covid the cause of death is often a lie, lockdowns do not work. Fauci was pro lockdown and anti cloroquine he needs to die.

The Cominator says:

Via public execution… starting with Fauci but I think any so called epidemologist virologist etc who supported the lockdowns should die.

Eli says:

The only reason to execute Fauci is his initial position — of being against travel restrictions. He maintained his reluctance to close borders and impose quarantine on those who arrive until fairly late. He fucked up, majorly. And a lot of the troubles with the infection’s spread are on him, as the “top expert.”

Oliver Cromwell says:

Fauci is historically unimportant. He is an office manager. Demote him to manage a division in a government lab in an unfashionable state.

Dave says:

Oh yes, we absolutely must limit global warming to 1.5°C because six feet of sea level rise would put Micronesia underwater. Except that Micronesia must have been completely underwater at some time in the past because it’s made of coral reefs, and coral cannot grow above the low-tide line.


Global sea level is very slowly, asymptotically approaching its maximum possible height which, judging by the elevation of the world’s coral atolls, is only a few feet higher than today’s sea level.

jim says:

Gates is indefensible, because holiness spiraling. But Gates wrote good software, and earned his wealth by creating value. His software and his wealth I will defend. He earned every penny that he is now pissing away trying to buy holiness that the priesthood will never give him.

Gedeon says:

And with all of the good money Gates has given to the progressive agenda, why do you suppose the priests that be will not honor Gates?

There must be a reason Bill is denied in spite of his extraordinary business accomplishments, the massive endowment to his foundation and, by all accounts, a normie family picture.

jim says:

> And with all of the good money Gates has given to the progressive agenda, why do you suppose the priests that be will not honor Gates?

Empirical observation. They despise the people who give them money. They deny them dignity. Low level priests collect the money for high level priests so that the higher level priests will not be profaned by Bill Gates base and ignoble presence.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

He wasn’t pushing back on the notion that Gates in latter days pisses away his patrimony sucking up to pozzholes in vain hope of gleaning a sliver of status thereby; he was pushing back on the notion that successful captains of industry aren’t creating value as a function of their success.

Chevalier says:

Thematically correct.

To quote Thomas777,

Capitalism represents the transnational consolidation of private interests/capital/authority with ostensibly “public” authority while maintaining the fiction that:

a) a clear cleft exists between public and private authority b) the system of apparently contested elections produces accountability c) “freedom” is realized by removing restrictions upon labor and capital mobility

Global capitalism is a chimera because it represents the amalgamation of disparate sources of power into a single ideological scheme…a scheme which its proponents deny actually exists.

James Burnham is one of the few “conservatives” worth reading, because as a political theorist and sociologist, he really had no peer with respect to the intuition he had for the workings of the modern state.

One of the fictions that is trotted out by right-wingers fairly consistently is that there is some kind of tension or conflict of interest between private capital and the government in modern states – this simply isn’t the case. Business enterprises that are able to consolidate massive productive resources and are scaled to serve global markets behave essentially identically to governments – they’re managerial bureaucracies that are fundamentally oriented towards perpetuating their own survival and increasing the scope and reach of their dominion. They will and do, axiomatically, operate to preclude, eliminate, and otherwise sabotage institutions that potentially or actually can rival their power.

Concomitant with this, business organizations in a managerial state are forced to negotiate political circumstances – because their continued productivity is contingent upon cooperation from other bureaucracies, loci of power (public and ostensibly “private”), the implementation of policies by government that guards their mutual interests, etc.

This is essentially the failure of Libertarian thought – at odds with history and human nature, they claim that private capital will voluntarily limit its strive towards monopoly and avoid rent-seeking behavior on grounds of a purported moral commitment to the maintenance of ‘free’ markets. It’s like when Jeffersonians talk about “limited government” and claim that written Constitutions guarantee this fiction – as if governments will somehow opt to voluntarily limit their own sovereignty when they are endowed with absolute authority over political affairs.

Jim was a libertarian for a very long time, so it is no great surprise, his reflexive defense of Bill “ID2020” Gates.

Starman says:


Bureaucratic Boeing is having trouble going toe to toe with Prophet Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Chevalier says:

You say that Bill Gates is not a satanist. And yet…

Bill “Philanthropist” Gates’s mother sat on the board of IBM.

Bill “Quantum Tattoo” Gates’s father was the head of Planned Parenthood, the sacrificial chamber of the New World Order.

Bill “ID2020” Gates has published publicity material featuring himself unambiguously displaying satanic symbolism.

Bill “Vaccines For All” Gates’s known associates include Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, and Marina Abramovic. Marina Abramovic’s known associates include most of Hollywood, George Soros’s son, and the Lord Rothschild.

Bill “Poop Water” Gates spent decades using his shitty software to inflict more psychological distress on more people than any other single person in the history of humanity.

Add it up, loser.

jim says:

Let us see that satanic symbolism. Show me.

Chevalier says:


jim says:

Chevalier, I am leaving all your posts in moderation until you take a shill test.

Say something that could not be said by someone working in an office paid for by the FBI or a Harvard ngo, with his posts subject to scrutiny by Human Resources.

You do not appear to be a Soros shill, but I would still like a concrete mention of some of his specific particular crimes within America and around the world – places and actions.

You do, however, seem to be a Harvard ngo. If an FBI shill, cannot speak the truth about Mueller.

And no shill can speak the truth about hypergamy and female sexuality. The women question is off bounds for all of them. So the women question stops all shills so far.

Chevalier says:


jim says:

I am still waiting for you to say something that a shill writing from an office of an ngo or the FBI, with his shill output subject to scrutiny by Harvard approved Human Resources Department, could not say.

We have repeatedly listed all manner of topics, facts, and issues, that shills are strangely an oddly unable to speak of. Take your pick.

Do you hate Jews? Tell us about the recent misdeeds of Soros. Are you troubled by sexual immorality? Tell us about hypergamy. Do you love liberty? Tell us about partisan and corrupt enforcement of the laws on the basis of politcal alignment. Tell us about Human Resources departments enforcing faith in Critical Race theory.

Are you worried about “pedophilia”? Tell us about Drag Queen Story Hour and Child Protective services abducting the sons of Christian parents and selling them to gays for use as party favors.

Chevalier says:


jim says:

If you think the official position of the Human Resources Department is correct on every single issue, you can still pass the shill test by giving a reply that acknowledges that we doubt this, acknowledges our grounds for doubting this, and attempts to refute, rather than ignore or steelman, our arguments against this.

But I doubt that any real life human, even cat ladies at human resources, agree on every issue. They are just afraid to disagree under names known to their place of employment.

Chevalier says:


jim says:

Your persistent inability to commit thought crimes in public, or even acknowledge my thought crimes, reveals you are posting from under supervision, making any conversation impossible, because forbidden.

Chevalier says:

Did I or did I not call you a nigger three times? Did I or did I not call you a faggot and/or a queer at least once?

Go ahead, call me a nigger, faggot queer. Why not? Prove yourself, if you can.

Besides, I didn’t come right out and say that you and your sons were slaves, but I heavily implied it.

That you are suggesting that I have a master is beyond the pale.

There is no reasoning with a man after he calls you a slave. He has declared war on you.



jim says:

The politically correct are allowed to say “nigger” and “faggot” all day long, and frequently do – provided that they don’t actually apply those words to the behaviors and to groups that are sensitive to having their behavior called out.

It is only we whom Human Resources forbids to say such words.

If you had used the word “nigger” to refer to actual stereotypical nigger behavior, for example in reference to the ethnic cleansing of Detroit, that would pass the shill test.

Or had you used the word “faggot” in a context where the politically correct term is “pedophile”, that would pass the shill test.

The reason we are forbidden to use such words, is for fear that we might speak the truth about faggots and niggers. Since there seems to be not the slightest danger that you will speak the truth about faggots and niggers, your boss allows you to use the words ad libitum.

I will now go back to silencing all your comments until you pass a shill test:

Commit a thought crime, or respond to one of our thought crimes in a way that acknowledges that we do think the thought crime.

Saying “nigger” is only a thought crime if it is suspected of being a reference to actual nigger misconduct. Someone who can be relied upon to not call out nigger misconduct is allowed to say “nigger” all day long.

The Cominator says:

Even if you don’t have a general master on this blog Jim is the master.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

Simply watch this video.


It has everything.

Chevalier out.

jim says:

It has everything with striking exception of gendered language – which striking omission reveals it to be an enemy operation.

The hidden payload of this video is that because child protective services is abducting children from Christian families and selling them to faggots for use as party favors, we should double down on hunting down men who get hot pictures from seventeen year old women in facebook messenger.

Normally I would suppress your messages because you have been challenged to take the shill test, and have refused to do so, revealing your stuff to be shilling under supervision in a CIA or ngo office, but this video was particularly egregious and offensive, so needed to be called out.

On this blog we listen to what the enemy does not say.

The Cominator says:

Windows 95 was an IMMENSE improvement over DOS. Before Windows 95 if you regularly used a computer you constantly had to fuck around with the config.sys and autoexec.bat files and even then you had to format your drive and reinstall your OS probably 3 times a year at least. You also generally had to read through some 1000 page book to know exactly how you were supposed to fuck around and make this work.

Now the earlier version of windows were indeed worse than DOS but mostly you just wanted to avoid any software that required Windows (before Windows 95).

Dave says:

DOS was as good as it could be on the crippled 16-bit PC that IBM rushed to market in 1981. There was no chance that IBM would step out of its comfort zone and build something around the new Motorola 68000 chip, which had protected memory, preemptive multitasking, and 32-bit arithmetic, and would have competed with IBM’s more expensive business computers.

Intel had nothing comparable until the 386 chip in 1985, which wasted much silicon on backward compatibility and a virtual 16-bit mode to run the thousands of applications written for DOS.

Bill Gates never said that 640K would always be enough, and it wasn’t his decision anyway because 640K was all the RAM that Intel’s 8088 CPU could use, with higher addresses up to 1024K reserved for video buffers and system ROMs.

The Cominator says:

Not saying otherwise but Bill Gates software was only frustrating BEFORE Windows 95 was released… I was just a kid but I remember pre windows 95 OS. People who never experienced it would not find it fun and today I would not find it fun.

Now granted Windows 3.1 (have no experience of earlier windows) was worse than DOS, nothing worked no matter what and you avoided it at all costs unless for some reason you had to use some kind of windows only software.

[…] Taken from here […]

Fred says:

Jim, do any of the losers in the comments section here qualify as “wignats”, or are these yet more shillbots?

jim says:

Every single time, without exception, I probe them to say the unsayable, and they cannot say it.

For example Icon, who declared that anyone who could not “name the Jew” must be a servant of the Jews, whereupon I promptly named Soros, and challenged him to name Soros. He was, of course, unable to name Soros, revealing himself to be on the Soros payroll, just as the troofers cannot name the FBI.

Every single seeming Wignat in the comment section has been unable to say the unsayable, unable to speak thought crime, unable to acknowledge our thought crimes.

Actual white nationalists commit thought crimes continuously.

That is how you tell who is on the dissident right, and who is a shill on the enemy payroll. If on the dissident right, they dissent.

Fred says:

I was referring to the losers in the comments section at the link I gave. Are they wignats, or just shills?

Mister Grumpus says:

“The Democrats intend to immanentize the eschaton through emergency. It is a path that allows them to move along without any underlying agreement on what the eschaton is going to look like or any single authority that is attempting to impose one eschaton rather than another.”

Please elaborate a little on this, because I don’t want to miss anything.

I interpret the above as your saying that the breakdown of civilization will produce no end of emergencies — the clean water emergency, the wildfire emergency, the climate emergency, the spotted owl emergency, the fair trade tampon emergency, etc. — each of which will be an opportunity to clobber the good guys somehow.

So just doing that, crisis-crisis-crisis, clobber-clobber-clobber, means the “progress” continues, but without needing a master plan. The gerbil eats the pellets as and where he finds them, one after another, loop-repeat. Right?

jim says:

Not quite what I was saying, but near enough – a good way of looking at it.

Mister Grumpus says:

Just munching along, from one low-hanging “emergency” to the next, not only means they don’t need a plan, but also that they needn’t get together and agree on who the planners are.

BC says:

So Nancy put out the public call to arrest or kill republicans tonight. Is the attempted coup going to happen before the election? Things are moving faster and faster.

jim says:

I am still betting on 2024-2026 for really interesting times, but as we get closer to the election, times will get more interesting faster and faster.

Frederick Algernon says:

I apologise for being the slow horse again, but I am trying to follow along with Jim and NotTom regarding white nationalists and wignats. From what I gather, NT asserts that wignats exist, and J disagrees. Is this the case?

jim says:

The definition of wignat is unclear to me. I still do not know what a wignat is.

But the position he attributes to wignats is characteristic of shills, for example Carlylean Restorationist and Icon: Trump is a Jewish plot. I am a Jewish plot. Capitalism is a Jewish plot. Trump’s National Capitalism, capitalism in one nation, is a Jewish plot. Everyone who supports Trump is a Russian troll. Putin is a Jewish plot. Assad is a Jewish plot. There is no wall! Name the Jew! (Unless the Jew’s name is George Soros.) Rothschilds! Vote for Kamala Harris!

So, the question is: Are there people who are actually on the alt right, the dissident right, who have this position?

The trouble is that when he points at alleged “wignats”, they either are obvious shills, or they don’t clearly have this position – example Andrew Torba. Not Tom thinks that Andrew Torba secretly has the position that shills like to claim for him. Maybe he does, but if so, it is a secret.

And when Not Tom points at people who most certainly do have this position, they just don’t dissent. Recall my long conversations with shills on this blog, where they just could not say the unsayable, or even acknowledge that I had said the unsayable.

So, I ask him for a clear and unarguable example of a wignat who is nonetheless, unlike someone on the Soros, ngo, or FBI payroll, able to commit thought crimes, a type specimen, thereby clearly defining what a wignat is, and thereby clearly proving the existence of at least one of them. Maybe he has provided one. I have not checked his entire list, but what I did check was underwhelming, and I am sure I wasted more time examining them than he spent finding them. When someone throws weak evidence at me, I become convinced that there is a suspicious shortage of strong evidence.

Maybe there was some strong evidence in that pile, but what I found caused me disbelieve in the existence of wignats, by causing me to doubt the existence of strong evidence. What I saw was obvious shills shilling, plus random people who do not obviously have the position Not Tom attributed to them.

eternal anglo says:

Eric Striker might be an example of the kind of wignat Not Tom is talking about. In this article, he commits thought crime about blacks and names Soros.
But he is also a commie who supports Maduro against “US Neoliberal Imperialism” and “Zionists”: https://national-justice.com/venezuelas-counter-attack
He does not say Trump is a Zionist puppet, and does not say to vote for Kamala Harris, but he blackpills about Trump’s achievements: https://national-justice.com/fact-checking-donald-trumps-state-union

Pooch says:

I don’t like the term wignat either. Doesn’t really fit. Blackpillers like Torba, Anglin, Ann Coulter, etc is more fitting.

They believe that because Trump isn’t doing things fast enough the only explanation is that he must be partially compromised to some degree (likely by the Jews, Israel, and/or Javanka).

Although they will endlessly and unfairly criticize Trump, I think they all realize he’s their only option to vote for and at a minimum he gives them four more years before the real killing starts. That’s good enough.

jim says:


They don’t realize that merely slowing the deluge somewhat is a huge achievement, which prefigures the possibility of reversing it.

Even if Trump gets deaths squads dumping helicopter loads of problem civil servants and judges in the pacific ocean, it will still take him many years to even substantially slow the movement ever leftwards. Took Augustus Caesar twelve years to bring the Roman government to heel, after entering Rome at the head of a victorious army. The ship of state is like a supertanker. It responds slowly to the helm.

jim says:

Eric Striker is a real white nationalist, no shill, really does have Jews on the brain, and a real national socialist, an actual socialist who hates capitalism, therefore really does not like Trump’s national capitalism. He probably thinks that Hitler’s socialism worked great except it did not go far enough, fast enough, and Hitler should have allowed Röhm to murder him for insufficient leftism.

He misrepresents Trump’s wall in the same way that shills do.

He tells important and valuable truths, and suffers from dangerous delusions. He also tells lies, though his lies are probably motivated by hostility to capitalism, rather than by Soros or the FBI writing his paycheck.

Is he a wignat? I don’t know what a wignat is. Maybe Not Tom will tell us what a wignat is. I would classify Eric Striker as a Röhm Nazi. He wants a sane leftism, though if his leftism succeeded, would soon become insane in a different way. He is a leftist, old type. If Hitler had not destroyed the left of the Nazi party, he would have been devoured, and Röhm would have come to power. If Röhm had not then destroyed the left of the nazi party, he would have been devoured in turn, and someone even lefter would have come to power.

The Cominator says:

Yes that is what a wignat is, blackpilled, hates capitalism, hates Trump sees jewish mind control rays everywhere.

Fred says:

The problem with this definition is that it basically makes “wignat” equal to “nazbol”. They all belong in the oven though so I guess it’s academic.

The Cominator says:

Nazbol types heavily tend to be wignats although there are a very few nazbol types who have been loyal to Trump who I exempt from this classification.

Nikolai says:

There was a big amnat vs wignat feud a while back. It boils down to amnats are racist paleocons while wignats are racist liberals. Nick J Fuentes and Patrick Casey are examples of amnats, whereas TRS, Spencer, Murdoch Murdoch and Striker are wignats.

Amnats are Christian, usually Catholic, while wignats are usually atheist. Amnats are redpilled or blackpilled on women while wignats are bluepilled, sometimes purplepilled on women. Amnats are cautiously optimistic on Trump, though often critical of him, wignats are blackpilled on Trump.

Amnats don’t hesitate to discuss the JQ but are usually pretty reasonable about it, wignats are obsessed with Jews and think every malady in the US is attributable to Jewish mind control rays. Amnats care a lot about optics and wignats openly mock them for doing so.

If someone larps as a pagan, that person is almost always a wignat, if someone simps for tradthots baking pies in the shape of a sonnenrad: wignat. If someone proposes that socialism/communism works in all white societies: wignat. Etc.

jim says:

Again, links please.

Did any of the people you identify as wignats ever commit heresy against cathedral doctrine?

If not, shills.

Fred says:

Doesn’t that just reinforce Nikolai’s point? It’s hard for wignats to dissent against “cathedral doctrine” because wignats are progs, ie. they mostly agree with official state doctrine.

This must be why you can’t find wignats to your satisfaction (ie. who reject cathedral doctrine, ie. who aren’t pozzed): because by definition wignats are progs and hence pozzed, and hence all look like cathedral shills to you.

jim says:

Well, that would explain why they cannot spontaneously come out with dissent.

But it fails to explain why they dodge and evade when pressed concerning hate facts. That only makes sense if HR is watching their output.

Their basic frame is “I hate women, Jews, blacks and immigrants because women are wonderful, immigrants are hard working law abiding taxpayers, etc”. This frame is not internally consistent.

The Cominator says:

It seems like then the “why” questions would be good to use to distinguish shill wignats from true believers.

If you ask them so what do you hate most about blacks and they give some boilerplate answer about the purity of the white race probably a shill. If they start talking about crime statistics about them ruining neighborhoods and how the “jewish” media promotes nigger worship probably a genuine believer wignat.

jim says:

Exactly right.

Example Carlylean Restorationist unable to acknowledge a racial and religious element to acid attacks in the streets of England. Icon unabled to name Soros. Troofers unable to name the FBI.

The Cominator says:

Amnats are ussually pro Christian but I don’t see that they are Catholic or pro Catholic.

Fred says:

This is helpful, thanks.

It explains why wignats are pozzed on everything – because they’re progs. They probably don’t think of themselves as progs, but in practical terms their beliefs are standard prog crap.

I guess the real question is if they actually believe any of it, or if they’re just trying to get ahead of the status peloton, at least as it applies on the right. For example, being pro-Trump was well ahead of the status peloton in 2015-16, but now that being pro-Trump has filtered down to normies, its relative status has fallen. (I guess the moral of the story is that status dynamics play out more or less the same way regardless of where you are.)

If someone larps as a pagan, that person is almost always a wignat, if someone simps for tradthots baking pies in the shape of a sonnenrad: wignat.

Agreed. (This is why I pointed out in that other thread a while ago that black-sun twitter is wignat.) Is simping still in vogue though? I don’t keep up with wignat twitter, but I get the impression that the manosphere has made enough inroads into young male right-wing thought that simping (the term “white knighting” seems to have gone out of use) is low-status across the board and not done much, at least among young guys.

The Cominator says:

Its not hard to be a utopian progressive but also hate blacks and hispanics.

The original Woodrow Wilson progressives who created the Cathedral (it was merely expanded under FDR) were like this.

Nikolai says:

There’s a difference between simping and white knighting. The former is synonymous with orbiting. I.e. one-sidedly showering a girl with praise and attention in the hopes that she’ll give you the time of day.

White knighting is more trying to save a girl that doesn’t need to be saved. Like calling the cops on a girl’s loving bf who occasionally beats her up. Or getting mad at guys who spam “Mommy’s Millkies” under photos of the AT&T girl. I suppose you could say that white knighting is an extreme form of simping.

Unfortunately, both are still big problems, though the recent wave of zoomer misogyny is a breath of fresh air, see Panther Den.

yewotm8 says:

Lots of evidence that the second camp are feds. How can anybody see Spencer, TRS etc as anything other than feds when they are allowed to have twitter accounts and are unable to answer questions as to why they do such shilly things?

The Cominator says:

Wignat thought leaders tend to be feds but the rank and file wignat isn’t a fed he just isn’t all that bright.

He knows diversity is bullshit but being generally a low IQ white he wants some kind of egalitarianism for white people and is more prone to believe in the feds who say hail fellow whites, niggers to africa, jews to the gaschamber and vote against the capitalist pig Zion Don.

Amnats and reactionaries on the other hand are very clear that there is not going to be any kind of equality between races or within them and that in fact equality is an evil lie. The wignat doesn’t like this because he at least subconsciously figures that while society may be better in a lot of ways his status is likely to remain very low.

jim says:

> Wignat thought leaders tend to be feds but the rank and file wignat isn’t a fed

So you say, but I don’t see it.

If the “Wignat” thought leader says “I hate women, blacks, immigrants, and Jews (for absolutely no reason whatsoever)”, and he has so much as one follower who is not astroturf on the payroll of the FBI, Harvard, or Soros, that follower is going to post “I hate blacks, because here is an example of a black man who did terrible things to a white woman and a white child, and got off with a slap on the wrist or no punishment at all”

Link me to that follower and that post. And please don’t do what Not Tom did and issue a big pile of links that might be examples if I were to spend a lot more time researching the candidates than Not Tom did. If you think you have a lot of good examples, choose the best example, and check him out with sufficient care to make sure he really is an example.

Wignattery: “Trump is a Jewish plot”
Proof of not being on the government payroll: Sees what shills are forbidden to see “This nonwhite committed crimes against whites, and got off because nonwhite. This woman committed crimes against men and her children, and got off because a woman”

Show me someone who is clearly “wignat”, not someone like Andrew Torba that shills can plausibly frame as endorsing the shill narrative even though he is careful to refrain from doing so, and show me that he clearly does not have the Human Resources Department in the office of shilling looking over his shoulder.

If the shills have significant non astroturf following, such people should be plentiful.

Nikolai says:

Don’t usually agree with cominator, but he’s 100% correct here.

“Show me someone who is clearly “wignat””

Eric Striker was already mentioned and links were posted showing that he’s a socialist obsessed with Jews and is blackpilled on Trump.

Will Westcott on Twitter is another example, posts pictures of Trump holding up rainbow flags and wearing a yarmulke to discredit him, saying you should vote for Mike Enoch’s wignat national justice party instead. Mike Enoch being another example of a wignat.

It’s bizarre to me that you deny these people exist when there’s so many of them and they never shut up. You can just search the term wignat on Twitter and find a thousand examples.

I’m sure you remember Viking, he’s the dictionary definition of a wignat: blue pilled on women, blackpilled on Trump, barely literate, rejects Christianity for being Jewish, etc

jim says:

Give me some links of them going full on “Trump is a Jewish plot”, and some links of the same person committing thought crimes that someone who is posting from an office under Human Resources supervision could not post.

When I checked out Not Tom’s links, it swiftly became apparent that I was spending far more time checking them out, than Not Tom had spent assembling them. A waste of my time, and I am not going to waste my time again. If these people exist, and so obviously exist, and so obviously are not shills, then it should be easy to give me links that prove that they exist, and links to the same person that prove that he is not a shill posting a script written by some Jew who answers to George Soros.

I am tired of searching for these people who so obviously exist, and not finding any very clear examples of them.

The closest example given was a Röhm type Nazi, who of course complains about Trump’s national capitalism and is naturally black pilled on Trump, because Röhm type Nazis hate capitalism – they are leftists – but he was not full on black pilled, and certainly was not calling Trump a Jewish plot, just complaining that Trump is not socialist, that Trump is an old type Republican optimate. The Röhm nazis did not like German capitalism nor German capitalists, but they did not think German capitalism was a Jewish plot, and he did not think Trump was a Jewish plot.

jim says:

> Eric Striker was already mentioned and links were posted showing that he’s a socialist obsessed with Jews and is blackpilled on Trump.

Jews are obsessed with Jews.

Eric Striker appears to be a true name, and he previously described himself as a Left-Wing Anarchist. All “Left wing anarchists” are college educated Trotskyites practicing entryism against anarchists and anarcho capitalists. All Trotskyites, as near to all of them as makes no difference are Jews with elite parents and family.

In Catalonia, the actual left anarchists murdered the anarchists and set up the standard socialist totalitarianism, in the process demonstrating the incompatibility of socialism and anarchism, so actual anarchists are not left anarchists these days.

They are all hostile to the cryptography that they theoretically support. None of them can program, and a few of them practice entryism against open source cryptography projects.

Thus, obvious entryist, obvious Jew, and obvious upper class.

All Trots are Jews, as near to all of them as makes no difference. All of them, as near to all of them as makes no difference, are members of the upper class, usually, but far from always, failed members of the upper class.

Eric Striker was charged with various offenses of Nazi violence. I expect he got the same revolving door treatment as every antifa who throws a molotov cocktail at a cop.

Encelad says:

I don’t follow “wignats”, but I remember that back in 2016 there was this “pure ethno-nationalist Trump is a puppet of the jews” trope. There were parodies from the alt-right mocking these people for hurting Trump’s campaign, most notably:


I just believed that those kind of wignats were a thing, but I never delved to check if they were genuine or they were just all trolls/shills/psyops etc..

jim says:

I have checked.

It appears to me that “wignats” are a shill operation, probably mostly or entirely Soros owned, because they cannot say “Soros”, and because they hate the Rothschilds.

If they believed what they say they believed, would be able to say thought crimes, and would frequently do so.

Jsds says:

Jim I see wignats all over reddit. Talking about MIGA and global capital and all that other shit and committing thought crime. They were more active on the altright subreddit but are still around on the darkenlightenment one

For instance


“The U.S. governments (((masters))) are the enemy. We used to be in charge of ourselves. Our own kind. The EU is just an extension of global capital and will exert it’s force to become financially successful for the (((small few))) while Israel becomes more prosperous and undermines it’s neighbor’s so it can expand into greater Israel. Just don’t be sad about all the wars and sacrifices we’ve been through to “prevent this”. We actually paid all those prices in human suffering and souls so this WOULD happen.”

Also says stuff like

[Comment mysterious ends without any examples of thought crimes]

jim says:

I notice your comment ends in the middle.

Were you, like me, unable to find them saying the kind of stuff you would expect a right winger who was not working out of an FBI or Soros office with his output monitored by the Human Resources department for thought crimes to say?

Once again I ask:

Give me some links of “wignats” going full on “Trump is a Jewish plot”, and some links of the same person committing thought crimes that someone who is posting from an office under Human Resources supervision could not post.

“Wignats” are writing to a script, written by the FBI, Soros, or Harvard, and in most or all cases, that script is written by a Jew hired by Soros, from an office building supervised by Soros.

Jsds says:

Jim I accidentally submitted my evidence of wignats before I was done

Here are some other comments that user made:

About tinder – He’s just upset because he feels dumb for acting like court jester to get a moment of these women’s attention after learning they literally trip over themselves to get noticed by chad

And – And no, I’m mad that modern women are wholly incapable of being reasonable adults and when they can’t back up their dumb claims they resort to implying someone’s worth is based on their ability to get laid which also implies women are something to be sexually conquered which they also spend time lobbying against.

And – What’s racist about it? Blacks commit majority of violent crime in the U.S. . They’re 13% of the population and commit 56% of murders. Just because it’s inconvenient or unpleasant doesn’t mean it’s racist.

Not the strongest of thought crimes but not acceptable to lefties either. Reddit used to have what I consider to be Not Tom’s wignats before they banned all the alt right subreddits. They pretty much all hated Trump and thought he was controlled by Jewish Kushner while still giving plausible arguments against blacks. I couldn’t really find those people now. I think the subs got so taken over by shills that they changed the minds of lots of genuine WNs with the constant Trump hate propaganda and Jew fixation.

jim says:


As I said, link to “Trump is a Jewish plot”

And link to the same person issuing a thought crime.

I am tired of people telling me to do my own research “because it is so obvious”. I have done a pile of research, and it is not obvious to me.

If the research is so easy do it for me.

The Cominator says:

“Not the strongest of thought crimes but not acceptable to lefties either. Reddit used to have what I consider to be Not Tom’s wignats before they banned all the alt right subreddits. They pretty much all hated Trump and thought he was controlled by Jewish Kushner while still giving plausible arguments against blacks. I couldn’t really find those people now. I think the subs got so taken over by shills that they changed the minds of lots of genuine WNs with the constant Trump hate propaganda and Jew fixation.”

Exactly, they are easily influenced because they aren’t all that right. Their leaders end up being shills but they have almost no ability to keep out shills…

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

There is already a word for the kind of person who is receptive to signaling and social validation; ‘liberal’.

You see? NPC normies already are what they are. The kind of person that can take one step away from the consensus of officially unoffical thought-leaders, is the kind of person *who can take steps away from their consensus*, tout court.

“wignat” is short for “wigger [white] nationalist”, and is used to deride white nationalists who act like niggers in their private lives, like Heimbach banging his friend’s wife in a trailer park. It does not, properly used, signal ideology, but its use has been misappropriated/extended to all white nationalists. Neo-nazi prison gangs of methheads are wignats.

Gedeon says:


I have a rule about digging into anyone who has changed names and Crown was selected in place of Krinsky.

Old Henry Krinsky was such a good guy he turned down a promotion to General. Hmmm.

Old Henry Krinsky was such a shrewd procurement guy he parlayed it into Material Services corporation. Old Henry Krinsky was such a shrewd business man, he was able to trade up to General Dynamics.

Keep in mind that when Krinsky was coming up, essentially 100% of defense contracting ran through Howard Hughes. Howard was the de facto sole prime contractor until, as the narrative goes, Noah decided he needed equity in the arrangement.

In any case, it is true that Lester represents the second generation in a family business cycle and his son, Jim, whom he names in the session, is third generation.

Setting aside Lester acknowledging the family’s illegal arms trafficking and his belief that Israel and Judaism need to be preserved but is conspicuously silent on America, did you miss where Lester mentioned that he knew Barry Soetero since he arrived in Chicago? When did Barry arrive in Chicago and how would it be possible that such a busy International man as Lester Crown would know such a no-name negro at that time? Hell, Reagan had only recently created a national holiday for Reverend MLK Jr., so how does that happen?

Why does it matter that Trump moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

I suppose you are aware that Bezos was made by Aspen also.

Lester is the last defense contracting billionaire. Name another one and, no, we are not going to include the technocracy billionaires who by all accounts probably should be regarded as such now.

As Walter Isaacson says in modest tones, the Aspen Institute IS Lester’s and so is Aspen itself. Who sits on the AI board?

If you want to know, listen and search. Soros is an obvious name now, but look at all of the think tanks and who their primary benefactors are.

The mob hides behind think tanks now and, yes, the DNC is owned by Jews, but so is the GOP. The token 20% minority (non-Jews) like Gates and Buffet, the Waltons, Murdochs, Kochs and Johnsons are not killers and certainly wouldn’t whack someone like a reclusive Hughes or an Irish prince like JFK. There are business types who do make the role work and there are the people who manage them and get them the capital and media their work needs.

Survey the think tanks if you want to ID the various mob bosses.

Anonymous 2 says:

The North Korean State acted on the assumption that men and women who could not be easily controlled or assimilated into a Communist state must be killed.

What happened in Seoul and Taejon was typical. In Seoul, every man or woman who had worked for the Americans in any capacity was executed if found, and the American Embassy had conveniently left their personnel files behind. All former government employees were killed or jailed. Steps were taken immediately to induct many of the youth of the city into NKPA, and others in labor forces.

Outside Taejon, after the city had been scoured for possible enemies to a Communist regime, shivering hordes of unfortunates, in groups of one hundred or more, were led to mass graves, hands bound, wired to each other. Then the shooting began. When the United States Army came back through in September, a burial trench containing more than 7,000 bodies, including those of 40 American soldiers, was uncovered.


The killing was not sheer savagery. The regime was ridding itself of people it could never trust, for the the best of political reasons.


Pooch says:

2 rioters KIA, 1 injured. Some signs of life from the sleeping giant…


BC says:

That kid can shoot. Kyle “The Commie Killer”, first of his name.

Pooch says:

Kid’s gonna be a fucking legend after this is all said and done.

Kevin C. says:

I figure it’s much more likely he dies behind bars. They’re going to rig the trial, rig the jury, do whatever kangaroo court scale-tilting they need to to put the fix in, pour encourager les autres. They have to make it clear to the population that when rioters come to loot and burn, better to let them than fight back, and when rioters come to beat you, better to turn tail and run — or take the beating — than dare to fight back. Thus, got to make an example.

Pooch says:

Doubtful, would need to control the judge and the jury for multiple trials. But even if they do, Trump would pardon him I suspect. Take the white pill.

The Cominator says:

Pooch you are wrong there Trump can’t pardon him its not a federal charge, but should the Republican win in Wisconsin (and I think he will) I suspect the new Republican governor can pardon him.

Pooch says:

Ah ok. Wisconsin is purple so hopefully it doesn’t come to that anyway.

The Cominator says:

Hes not going to be tried in DC and San Francisco and his lawyer (Nick Sandmann’s lawyer) is good.

They will try to rig it for his conviction but they will fail. Multiple mistrials…

Starman says:

@Kevin C.

I doubt Kyle is as dangerous to the left as General Flynn is. So there’s going to be a lot less judicial rigging against him.

Eli says:

There is a compilation video of all videos (so far) here:


All of the cases of him firing his semi seem justified as self-defense. The faggot who attacked him around 4:00 is clearly visible as running right into him. The rest of the shots are clearer, as it is obvious that he had no other choice but to shoot or be shot.

I love all the screams: “Call the cops!” So much for “defunding”

A great American, this Kyle!

Eli says:

On 2nd thought…

OK, this is likely very bad news for Kyle Rittenhouse, if he’s found to have carried the AR-15 illegally (being younger than 18 y.o.). According to Wisconsin law, if my reading is proper, self-defense legality DOES NOT APPLY, if the person was “engaged in criminal activity” — which in this case might very well be the case.

If they prove that he was “engaged in criminal activity,” he’s in a really bad situation, despite videos showing him clearly as defending himself.

BC says:

Dude don’t even worry about the trial, no way to get a conviction short of a full Soviet style show trial. I’m more worried they’ll kill him while in jail.

jim says:

I suspect that in 2021, laws and trials will not matter much. They have been mattering less and less since Sheriff Joe was charged.

Come the restoration, we may well have little choice but to create a new justice and enforcement system, as the old one will be too stained for cleanup and too broken to secure life and property.

Pooch says:

Not illegal to carry a rifle as a 17 year old in Wisconsin. Only handguns and sawed offs are.

The Cominator says:

They can’t get a Roger Stone jury in Wisconsin and barring a Roger Stone jury they’ll be a Trump supporter who will vote not guilty, he walks after a bunch of mistrials.

Eli says:

Furthermore, it might go into a bad direction, if some decide that it can be used to further agitate towards effectively curtailing 2nd Amendment rights. Propaganda for this has been getting ever more effective lately. “Militia” is now a trigger term.

BC says:

No one is going vote to be disarmed in America now, people are way too scared and every gun store has a line going out the door all day long. But if the left decides to take away all the guns once in official power, it’s going to happen no matter what anyone says.

Pooch says:

Practically impossible to confiscate that many guns. The guns per capita of the white population is why I’d rather be in the USA rather than any other country in the empire, even though we are going to be in the epicenter of the shit storm approaching.

BC says:

Hard to take them use, easy to make them illegal to use them. If you get attacked by a BLM mob and use your gun to defend yourself then you’ll end up in jail for murder. What we’re going to need to survive is a group of men will doing to do violence and then get rid of the mess quietly.

Pooch says:

Only in blue regions. In red zones and states no DA is bringing bogus charges. Even so, if the shooting continues to escalate into an actual war laws may be completely thrown out the window in a period of hot war. I’d rather hold my guns for that scenario.

Dave says:

Jim, what do you expect to happen in America’s vassal states during our civil war? If the white supremacists win here, millions of blacks will set off for Canada, only to discover that Canada is now a white supremacist state too, as are Australia, NZ, UK, etc., and no one remembers them ever not being white-supremacist.

The Cominator says:

When we win the leader is probably going to be someone more like Don. Jr or based Kyle the commieslayer than say Anglin.

So don’t expect a mass expulsion of blacks.

jim says:

Everyone is engaging in massive preference falsification.

The republican party platform is unpublishable, because it is leftism but with all the unprincipled exceptions that make normal life, a normal market economy, normal jobs, a normal home, and a normal family, just barely possible.

Yesterday, defending those unprincipled exceptions would result in you losing your job, being cancelled, deplatformed and demonetized. Today, as Paul Rand recently discovered, it can result in serious injury or death.

Which is why it is unpublishable.

But if we restore those unprincipled exceptions, the only way to restore stability is to make them not unprincipled exceptions, but honor rightly due to nation, Gnon, family, and ancestors.

And then people will discover that their principles are not what they thought they were, and forget that their principles were ever different.

Pooch says:

I’d imagine if the Nationalist Right were to win in the US and take full power of the military, every vassal state’s own nationalist right would suddenly take full power as well.

The unknown period would be during the time of struggle/war in the US were it is not obvious who has the upper hand or winning which could last multiple years, the white population in the vassal states could still be oppressed without the citizenry having many firearms.

ntcebe says:

@The Cominator

When we win the leader is probably going to be someone more like Don. Jr or based Kyle the commieslayer than say Anglin.

So don’t expect a mass expulsion of blacks.

Anglin doesn’t recommend a mass expulsion of blacks. The primary war will be fought by Mexicans and their allies. Anglin only recommends segregation for blacks.

The Cominator says:

Some form of de facto segregation is likely to happen.

BC says:

Off Topic, any ideas how to setup a legal fund for Kyle “The Commie Killer”? Every public go fund me site has nuked it.

The Cominator says:

Kyle the commie killer is going to walk he’ll be a hero on the right and he’ll be drowning in pussy for years.

https://www.bonfire.com/freekyle/ All purchases here go to his legal defense.


This is just a meme of the Chad commie killer Kyle.

Pooch says:

Funds keep getting taken down or seem to be fakes. Don’t donate yet until its confirmed legit. He may not need one though because Sandmann’s lawyer looks like he’s lining up to defend him.


Pooch says:

Official Rittenhouse defense fund:


Pooch says:
BC says:


Anonymous 2 says:

It seems nuclear weapons development is no longer all that critical to the US.


For instance

According to multiple sources within the lab, white men are regularly denied promotions based on their race and gender. In one instance, a senior engineer alleges that his colleague scored the highest in an official review, but was denied the job because of “diversity mandates.”

BC says:

That’s really bad news.

The Cominator says:

Jim’s talked about this before, when I looked into it it seemed like (reading between the lines) the US was cannabilizing and consolidating its stockpile as the isotopes decayed…

jim says:

But will the bombs patched together out of old bombs work?

They have not only lost the ability to make tritium and enriched lithium six, they have lost the ability to make the foam in which the bomb parts are suspended.

I do not believe the refurbished bombs will still work after refurbishment.

The Cominator says:

Since we’re not testing them and they are being cannibalized it seems by diversity hires its possible but I would say probably not.

Cloudswrest says:

> They have not only lost the ability to make tritium and enriched lithium six

What’s so hard about refining Li6? The proportional mass difference between Li6/Li7 is FAR greater than U235/U238. Also, neither of the isotopes is radioactive so there’s no radiological hazard. It would seem that any competent industrial facility should be able to separate these two.

jim says:

> It would seem that any competent industrial facility should be able to separate these two

Any competent industrial facility is unlikely to appoint Shaniqua as a team leader. Racism.

It was not hard to get the Obamacare website up either, but Obama threw a princes ransom at it, without it coming up, until he gave in and hired a team of straight white and east Asian males led by straight white males.

The Cominator says:

If they can make U-235 out of regular Uranium oar they should be able to make Lithium 6 strange that they cannot.

Making tritium aka heavy water is a lot harder though. Its possible they just stopped making the Lithium 6 because they could no longer make tritium and no longer needed. I know nothing about the foam used so cannot comment on it.

jim says:

> If they can make U-235 out of regular Uranium oar they should be able to make Lithium 6

Can they still make U-235 out of regular uranium?

America still has enrichment plants, but I have been unable to find any information on production levels.

Since theoretically production these days is for civilian purposes, and low enriched uranium cannot be used for weapons, the information should be available. Maybe it is available, but I could not easily find it.

Urenco built a Uranium enrichment plant in the US in 2010. I wonder how it is doing.

Cloudswrest says:

Interestingly, at least according to Wikipedia anyway, it appears to be Pakistan who invented the more efficient gas centrifuge method of enrichment. So much for US Technology.

Effective usage of gas centrifuges was discovered[clarification needed] by Pakistan which greatly enhances its capability to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel for both its commercial nuclear power plants and atomic weapons. Pioneering research in the physical performance of centrifuges was carried out by the Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan in the 1970s–80s, using vacuum methods for advancing the role of centrifuges in the development of nuclear fuel.[3]

Starman says:

America can make highly enriched uranium fuel cells for military reactors for US Navy Submarines.

But it’s “easier” to make Naval Nuclear Reactor fuel cells than it is to make nuclear bombs.

Starman says:

BC on US nuclear weapons not working:

“That’s really bad news.”

Not really… especially when China and Russia finds out that US nukes don’t work. After that, there will no longer be any gay pride parades or Drag Queen Story Hour, or BoonLivesMatter… anywhere.

And finally, America will have real churches with beautiful cathedrals instead of the “churches” looking like gay discos.

The Cominator says:

I’m sure the Russians (who have always had pretty good foreign intelligence) have a pretty good idea to the extent the US nuclear arsenal works…

And probably assess that some 20-33% of it anyway is still functional.

BC says:

That’s a really good point.

Bob says:

If the Cathedral has no working nukes, isn’t that a silver lining?

Pooch says:

So I’ve been seeing more than a few videos of blacks literally crying tears that actually look sincere because they saw the video of the latest black felon being shot by police while violently resisting arrest, to which they have no relation to, have never met, and is half way across the country.

This seems quite remarkable as being African is literally the only thing that they have in common. I have never seen other races behave like this.

Is this a genetic adaptation that Africans seem to only have? An evolved extreme empathy for other tribe members (with almost non-existent empathy for outsiders)? Or is the explanation simply easy brainwashing of a low IQ people by the Cathedral to believe in the false narratives tailored to them?

jim says:

> So I’ve been seeing more than a few videos of blacks literally crying tears that actually look sincere

These resemble the entirely real tears that happened when Hillary conceded.

Biden and Trump are not going to concede, because the election will be a shambles, possibly a bloody shambles, which may well result in one of them dying.

> Is this a genetic adaptation that Africans seem to only have?

It is relatively easy for the state to manufacture ethnosolidarity in any ethnic group that is in close proximity and conflict with another ethnic group, because it is working with nature instead of against nature. We have seen it happen over and over again with a wide variety of ethnogroups.

ten says:

cathedral: “evil is happening to you, negro. if you riot and murder for biden and spread corona so trump doesn’t get the glory from stopping it, evil will cease”

negro: “BLM BLM BLM”

cathedral: “sadly evil is still with us and you must cause more havok or it will continue to happen to you”

negro: >:’C

Pooch says:

Fair enough.

Mr.P says:

Classic Amygdala Hijack.

The rioters are in a state of Permanent Road Rage. They see weapons, hear warning shots — none of it matters, doesn’t register — they run straight at the weapons and into the warning shots.

Rioters in the Rodney King L.A. riots were *rational*; they saw the Korean shop owners with shotguns and snipers on the rooftops of the Korean shops — and didn’t advance, turned around, high-tailed it out of there.

These rioters on the other hand are not rational but Amygdala Hijacked, plus ecstatic, orgiastic, having the time of their life, never more *alive*, “lovin’ every minute of it.”


Dave says:

I’m almost certain that by the end of my natural life, there will be zero Africans in North America, or as close to zero as makes no difference. Africans are completely useless to us, and useful to our enemies only as weapons to throw at us. They just better hope that whoever wins the next civil war doesn’t cheap out and take them half-way back to Africa.

AOC and her gang pander to blacks because they can make whitey pay for it, and they need the votes. When America becomes a non-white one-party state, those factors go away.

Contaminated NEET says:

> I’m almost certain that by the end of my natural life, there will be zero Africans in North America, or as close to zero as makes no difference. Africans are completely useless to us, and useful to our enemies only as weapons to throw at us.

Nah. People don’t genocide those they consider their inferiors. No matter how foolish it is in the long run, they keep them as slaves and servants, or even just underclass tax-eaters, because having inferiors around makes one feel like a big dominant monkey. People genocide those they fear might be their superiors.

Dave says:

We cannot carry on treating Africans like pets; they are dangerous, unpredictable wild animals. After the race war, a black person on the street will evoke the same reaction as a black bear — either shoot it dead or take shelter and call animal control. The only alternative to genocide is total segregation, and the ideal place to put Africans is Africa. We can still send them food and medicine, and can easily afford to in a wealthy white society not burdened with jigaboo dysfunction.

Contaminated NEET says:

>We cannot carry on treating Africans like pets; they are dangerous, unpredictable wild animals. After the race war, a black person on the street will evoke the same reaction as a black bear — either shoot it dead or take shelter and call animal control.

No. We will treat Africans as pets in the event that we win a race war, no matter how foolish and self-destructive it obviously will be. Blacks are not great at organized violence; racist nationalist military units will wipe the floor with them, and we will lose the understanding of them as a dangerous foe that would motivate us to expel or exterminate them. The militarily dangerous enemy in a race war will be other Whites, and to a lesser extent, Hispanics and maybe Asians. Now, keeping the Blacks around as pets would be a dreadful mistake, but it’s one that pops up again and again in history.

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