party politics

2000 mules

“2000 mules” is an investigation of the everyday routine ordinary fraud that preceded the 2020 election. It does not look at the extraordinary and hastily executed fraud that was performed in the early hours of the morning, when they hastily shut down the counting places, then reopened them at three AM with truckloads of freshly printed Biden Ballots, that, being centrally printed, failed to fill out the down ballot candidates.

Everyone has known for decades about the everyday routine fraud, and in this sense nothing new to see.

But what is new is that they gathered petabytes of computer data on the everyday routine fraud, allowing them to make plausible lower bound guesses on that fraud. It is, at the lower bound, still enormous. Honest elections would produce a wildly different political leadership.

This investigation only covered certain small areas of certain states, it took a sample, because just too much data otherwise, but the ballot box stuffing in the small sample alone was sufficient to throw the election, meaning that without the usual routine fraud, the three AM stuffing would have had to have been even bigger and more blatant, and there would have been a downballot landslide. It appears to be an approximately twenty billion dollar or so business.

If we suppose that fraud only happened within the sample, then without the fraud Trump would have won (except that they would have just increased the 3AM fraud). If we suppose that the sample is representative, that similar fraud happened everywhere, someone who makes Trump look like a progressive trannie would have won.

Another thing that is new is that it documents Republican refusal to do anything about fraud, that everyone in every state at every level of authority, turns a blind eye, absolutely regardless of party affiliation. All the ballot boxes in every state investigated had official video cameras watching every ballot box, and all of the many thousands of incidents of ballot box stuffing were officially recorded on official video in each and every state, and officially ignored in each and every state. That, I did not know.

What I found very interesting was the reaction of people when they saw someone stuffing ballot boxes in broad daylight in front of a crowd of people lined up to vote. It is like a woman misbehaving in the workplace. No one admits to seeing what they are seeing.

Just as the strange inability to notice what is happening in the workplace reveals what is denied, the strange inability to see ballot box stuffing reveals what is denied. Not only does everyone know that workplaces are intolerably disrupted by female misconduct, everyone knows that elections are rigged. Obviously the bystanders know that knowing these things is going to get one in trouble, and one cannot know that one is going to get into trouble, except one knows the thing one is not permitted to know. One will not choose to unsee what one sees, unless one knows it is state sponsored lie by a state of terrifying power that enforces lies.

Everyone involved in election integrity enforcement in every state unsaw what they saw, and random bystanders in the street caught on ballot box video unsaw what they saw.

And they are not going to start seeing what they are seeing until thousands of ballot box stuffers get thrown into the Pacific, gay K5 teachers get thrown from high buildings, and women disrupting the workplace get whipped out the door naked and bruised.

193 comments 2000 mules

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It was interesting to see the flood of, “Nothing to see here,” videos that came out soon after 2000 Mules dropped. I had not heard much about it and there were already videos saying that while it asked some interesting questions, it was ultimately empty. It was empty because they were not allowing themselves to see what it contained. Crimestop blinded them.

The Cominator says:

The republican party needs to hire people who will make these people go away…

jim says:

Only way to have an honest election. People have been shining a light on fraud for election after election. The only difference between that and 2000 mules is that they used modern big data techniques to go through a gigantic pile of fraud data and produce estimates of the scale of mail in ballot fraud. Which is only one quite small part of electoral fraud.

Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

No one will ever see voter fraud, until voter fraud becomes dangerous to the fraudsters.

They will have to see fraud not prospering, before they will be able to see fraud.

If people unsee fraud happening right in front of them while they are lined up to cast their meaningless and pointless votes, they are going to unsee 2000 mules. If no one is prepared to resist fraud by physical violence, it remains strangely and mysteriously invisible, because if no one resists it by physical violence, everyone rightly suspects that noticing it is likely to be resisted by physical violence.

The Cominator says:

2000 mules need to be found in a landfill…

jim says:

And only then will people be able to see why those mules wound up in that landfill.

The Cominator says:

Well there is a glimmer of hope… the cuckiest of cuckservative pundits the Koch brothers mouthpiece Ben Shapiro apparently receptively interviewed Ben Shapiro on this…

pyrrhus says:

Congratulations on an excellent and succinct summary of the situation..In Chicago, we have known for years that actual black turnout is light in most elections, but the vote count can be quite heavy, yet any vote fraud allegations have been aimed at white precincts…Fraud in black precincts is the third rail of politics…And who can blame the reporters and election judges and state judges for not seeing it? They would get nowhere by reporting it and suffer greatly for their honesty..

Guy says:

One thing I’ve read or heard excusing this was basically: “the ballot stuffing represents actual residents who would have voted for those candidates but due to*racism/disparate impact/poverty* cannot be expected to go and vote”.

Usually not said out loud, because it requires acknowledging the crime, and it’s close to”blacks too dumb to vote themselves”

So I had thought that was why it was not fought, because it was “racist”. More likely because you would be on an island fighting by yourself as you and people around you are attacked by the state and it’s thugs.

S says:

Nigeria had a 69% voter turnout in 2003 and a 34.8% in 2019. I tried to look up any large scale study, but the best I could easily find is this:

It looks like voter turnout in black countries is pretty normal. Even if we assume widespread ballot stuffing, there are ones with high turnout and ones with low turnout.

So racism, poverty, too dumb- these aren’t the reasons blacks in the US aren’t voting. The most likely answer is blacks don’t think voting will change anything which, like their position on the clot shot, suggests they are too dumb to engage in protective stupidity.

Varna says:

Most African Negro countries also have vastly lower homicide rates than those of US Negros; not counting South Africa and various places with civil wars/unrest.

This is perhaps a mixture of the African ones having more intact family and other social trad structures from below, and a lack of relentless deafening propaganda from above at how they have the right to behave like animals because of oppression.

This double whammy is perhaps why US black homicide rates are ten times those of the various Ugandas and Kenyas, which in turn are identical to those of the more unstable Slavic and Baltic societies.

Even the more violent Nigeria has the murder rate of Cleveland and not Baltimore.

Kunning Drueger says:

This claim requires evidence. Tribal/primitive societies have intensely high rates of murder, and a lot of black Africa is tribal. I’m basing this off of the research I did in university, so obviously aberrations and falsity abound, but the numbers in Papua New Guinea were staggeringly high.

Rereading your comment, I guess the “civil unrest/war” qualifier covers it…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s another episode of Fun With Statistics Through Definitions.

Detroit could accurately be described as what a europoid would call a ‘state of civil unrest or war’.

‘These people arent bad people, they are just trying to escape the terrible conditions of their homelands’; which conditions are causally emergent extended phenotypes of those people to begin with.

The Cominator says:

I expect its because nigger justice in African countries for murderers is harsh swift and certain.

The Cominator says:

“This claim requires evidence. Tribal/primitive societies have intensely high rates of murder,”

He is probably talking about more “civilized” (as such as you can speak of that among blacks) areas and not tribal areas.

If there is a generally low murder rate I expect because blacks know that to keep blacks in line you need swift harsh and certain justice.

chris says:

If drop boxes allow so much fraud, what’s to stop people from just setting the drop boxes on fire in minecraft?

Pooch says:

The state. Suddenly the camera footage on each drop box would be studied in great deal by the FBI.

dave says:

Bingo. the camera are to enforce and make sure nothing happens to prevent the stuffing. prevention of stuffing would be prosecutable under voter rights laws.

Kunning Drueger says:

What if it was the myriad protected classes of society doing it? Same response?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, same response. Leftists can call Candace Owens a nigger cunt that ought to be chained and raped, or call Ben Shapiro a fucking kike who would be better off in an oven and all is forgiven. Yes, I know they are controlled opposition, but bear with me. No friends to the right means no protected class to the right, too. Any member of a protected class that sides with the right loses all that protection.

chris says:

Wear a mask?

Aidan says:

Gait analysis is quite effective. Not a tool the authorities will pull out for any old nigger smash n grab at a gas station caught on CCTV, but given sufficient motivation on the part of the feds (and that is the deciding factor in whether or not you get away with a crime) it is very hard to actually get away with things.

The Cominator says:

So wear a mask… gloves… leave cell phone at home.. and a fatsuit…

Guy says:

And you basically have to walk, OnStar is a problem, but so are plate readers

Cloudswrest says:

Re: Gait analysis. Looks like one will have to start using hoverboards!

jim says:


A whole lot of people find it very easy to get away with things.

Pretty much everyone who gets arrested, gets arrested because the police arrived at a disturbance and perpetrator was truculent with them, or talked too much and said the wrong things.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’d be willing to put hard fiat down on the assertion that ~80% of cleared cases, at every level, are repeat offenders making a mistake. I’m pretty sure it’s more like 98%, but I’ve not done more than a cursory analysis. From firsthand experience, mid-level white collar crime is almost exclusively welfare queens that turned “pro.” Ditto for the Big 03. Cops don’t solve cases, the catch mistakes.

I’m not saying there’s no niggory diggory for political reasons, like the ANTIFA types walking out of federal custody and into the protest crowd. But super cops following evidence and cracking cases is purely movie masturbation. A dearth of physical evidence helps. Friends in high places are excellent justice prophylaxis. But the best way to get away with crime is to commit it infrequently and cleanly.

The other option is to deluge a CJ system to the point that cases go cold due to overworked cops. This isn’t hard to do. Places like NYC and San Francisco couldn’t get a handle on the criminal cases if they wanted to. There sheer weight of cases overwhelmed the urban CJ system in the 1970s-80s, and they’ve never recovered.

jim says:

Repeating myself yet again. The big new fact revealed in 2000 mules was that the number of mules dropping ballots, the number of drops, and the number of ballots in each drop, was plenty larger than the margin of victory or defeat in the election.

We have long had plenty of data that there was an enormous amount of mail in ballot fraud for a long time. This is hard numbers on just how enormous.

Albeit other forms of fraud are probably considerably more enormous, but this form of fraud, by its dispersed nature, involving huge numbers of small scale operators, was vulnerable to being measured by big data methods.

If you have thousands of small time operators, they are going to leave a trail that big data can measure. But enormous ballot drops of forged ballots, like the three am drop on the morning after the election, are only vulnerable to a sudden blow by masked men to seize the evidence. Similarly the voting machine fraud.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The fact that fraud was larger than the margin of victory was obvious within a week of the election. Robert Barnes, Richard Baris, and Matthew Braynard had figured that out and were providing proof. The issue was never proof, it was getting the proof looked at. No one wanted to see what was not be permitted to be noticed then, just as now.

What was needed was not well-produced videos and presentations of proof, but a grainy cell phone video of a fraudster getting confronted and then slowly and viciously beaten to death. If a judge thought that dismissing a case on “standing” might very well result in him never standing again in his life, he would take a good hard look at the evidence. The deficiency was not in proof, but in violence.

Kunning Drueger says:

They know this well. They have the writ of polite society, and they will give that up last of all. Any pushback against the OUPriesthood will be to safeguard that writ. I know you think they only need to suffer a few bad raids, but I very depressingly disagree. I think we’ve been looking at this the wrong way (by this obviously I mean I’ve been looking at it incorrectly); until conservatives abandon compromise/unity/solidarity under the flag, the Cathedral retains its pool of enforcers.

Oog en Hand says:

“until conservatives abandon compromise/unity/solidarity under the flag,”

That is, until they willing to give up cooperate/cooperate at any cost, and are willing to take defect/defect over cooperate/defect (i.e. we cooperate, they defect).

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“I know you think they only need to suffer a few bad raids, but I very depressingly disagree. I think we’ve been looking at this the wrong way (by this obviously I mean I’ve been looking at it incorrectly); until conservatives abandon compromise/unity/solidarity under the flag, the Cathedral retains its pool of enforcers.”

Oh fuck off. People like you and Pooch who think that enforcement can happen without tactical and strategic military superiority should shut up and start working in the fields.

Pooch says:

What does military superiority over China have to do with the SWAT team kicking in your door to murder you and your family?

Or in South Africa’s case, sending a 1000 niggers over to eat you and your family.

Starman says:


“What does military superiority over China have to do with the SWAT team kicking in your door to murder you and your family?”

What prevents the SWAT team commander and his family from being murdered and his house burned down?
And South Africa’s private military companies vastly outnumber its police and military. The only reason they haven’t taken Pretoria is that the USG’s military might would’ve intervened.

Why am I not surprised that a mediocre shit like you attacked TrevorGoodchild? He always pisses off the useless wordsmiths every single time.

You, and those like you are the main reason I’ve stopped coming here everyday. I just have had enough with you and your junk comments.

Aidan says:

“Useless wordsmiths” managed to meme an entire generation of young programmers and engineers into being trannies and soyboys. The shape rotator is eternally mogged by priestly coordination and storytelling.

Why don’t you take your programmer socks off and go outside?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That might be what frightens him. He has a very brittle approach to viewing the world. Very rigid, inflexible, but unable to adapt. A decent defense against memetic infection, but it leaves him isolated and unable to update his worldview when something goes against how it “should” go. He has the exact same problem as the Q people, in that his beliefs are unfalsifiable. A zealot’s mindset.

We drove him off after I.VI because he kept shrieking about wordsmiths and about rocket launches that were not happening but would happen any day now, trust the plan. His comments tend towards a monomania on a particular concept, so he does not add much. He does, however, do very well at asking the women question and artistically harassing those who fail, so it is good to keep him around.

jim says:

I don’t see these character flaws you decry.

I don’t even see why you see them. Explain. When has he failed to adjust his worldview to accommodate new information? Seems to me pretty good at keeping up with reality and reasonably good at detecting what is going to matter.

If his worldview was rigid and brittle, there would be arguments where he failed to appropriately respond to relevant data. Point me to him failing to respond to relevant data.

I don’t see anything that makes me think he is frightened. I expect trouble, and prepare for it. This is insurance, not fright. Why is he “frightened”. What is he “frightened” of?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Starman insisted, even when the SpaceX launches had slowed and the Starship paperwork was being held up, that all was going ahead normally. He was being a right fucking asshole about it for a while, even when it was obvious that blue empire was stopping Musk from acting. Here we are two years later and the paperwork just got to the next stage, and he insists that the Cathedral has to let Musk launch rockets. He is suffering from sanity bias, and so he discounts everyone pointing out that the people in charge are not sane.

Keep in mind that it is not all a flaw. When people are firing off memetic weapons of mass destruction left and right, having a closed mind and a zealot’s certainty is very protective. However, when I point out that the people he assumes will act rationally are irrational, moronic, and insane and he insults me for it, it makes me doubt his ability to alter his worldview in face of contrary evidence.

So to answer your questions, Jim, he failed to recognize the squeeze that blue empire was putting on Musk, and he refuses to recognize that insane people are likely to act in an insane manner. Furthermore, when I broke the train of thought down to simple, logically flowing ideas, he insulted me and ignored the explanation without rebutting it. As soon as I made an explanation that would have made his truculence obvious, he resorted to personal attacks and ignored my argument.

He is frightened of the power that words hold. As Aidan pointed out, memes turned a generation of engineers into trannies and soyboys. That is a terrifying power, but to ignore it and refuse to wield it is foolish. It frightens me, but I will bear the meme the same way I will bear the sword or the rifle. His fear is not unjustified, but the hold it has over him has led him to an unjustifiable position.

Also, in the spirit of full disclosure for fairness’ sake, he insulted me, so fuck him. I am a bit irritated with him right now.

jim says:

> when I broke the train of thought down to simple, logically flowing ideas, he insulted me and ignored the explanation without rebutting it.

Link please. I failed to notice his failure to respond. Likely I was failing to follow the thread of debate. I tend to read stuff in temporal order rather than thread order, so frequently fail to notice failure to respond. I notice failure to respond when someone fails to respond to me, less so when they fail to respond to someone else.

Rules are: one’s response has to acknowledge one’s interlocutor’s argument, or attempt to rebut or discount one’s interlocutor’s argument, or at least shut up.

Which rule is negligently enforced, because I usually read stuff in temporal order and lose the thread of conversation.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Here is the relevant section of the debate.

I made an argument that I believe is making an understandable point, simplified so that anyone here could understand my train of thought. Then he starts insulting me and ignoring my argument. He did this same sort of thing around the I.VI aftermath. Therefore, my assessment is made in good faith based on multiple instances taking place across years. I am not arguing that he should be banned. I think he just needs to be bullied.

jim says:

Starman made a relevant response:

> the Department of Defense has both a Praetorian faction and a nigger/kike faction. There are other factions probably. A bunch of hands grabbing loot.

You responded by accusing him of sanity bias, which may well be true, but needs evidence. You need to show him disregarding evidence that madness holds the reigns.

It was obvious that during Trump’s presidency, the sane faction in the DOD, manifest as the space force, had some significant power.

Today? Probably not. But the question is worthy of discussion, and holding the view that sane elements still have some significance is worthy of rebuttal.

A relevant discussion would be to point at elements of the DOD and their actions and capacity to make stuff happen. Rather than making the (likely true) accusation of sanity bias, you should have discounted his claim that the sane faction still had significant power.

It very much looks as if they no longer have any significant power, but thinking that they still do, when they very recently did, is not so obviously idiotic that it is appropriate to simply disregard it.

Starman seems to be taking positions suggestive of the idea that the sane faction has the upper hand behind the scenes, and if that is his position, that is indeed Qtard idiocy unworthy of response, but I don’t think that is his position.

Subsequent discussion failed to clarify his position, or present relevant evidence on the likelihood that the sane elements of the DOD are by now utterly crushed. Starman failed to present evidence or argument for the idea that the sane elements still have some significance, you failed to present the (considerable) evidence that they have been completely crushed and essentially obliterated.

It is likely that everyone who matters now believes that the sooner rocket technology is returned to the brave warrior women of Africa from whom it was stolen by white imperialist rapists like Musk and reburied in the fertile African soil, the sooner it will sprout again from the fertile soil of Africa, but to discuss the question of whether a sane remnant remains under the covers would have been more productive than calling each other names.

“Sanity bias” is not adequate response to a somewhat plausible claim unless accompanied by evidence that those to whom sanity is attributed are insane. A more specific reference to recent change in space force leadership would have been relevant.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There was a little bit of back and forth where he was responding to a question I had previously stated while I was typing the next comment and vice versa, so it is a little confusing to read. I did respond to his comment on the “sane” faction, in that Musk does not need the “sane” faction to cooperate, he needs lots of them. The problem of 1000 kings one mile from DC is going to bite Musk. Maybe I should have responded more to that thread, but when I made his position untenable, he responded with insults and disregarded that section of the argument. Anyone pointing out that sanity is not evidently reigning in the Cathedral gets insults instead of responses to their arguments. To which I say fuck him, he is being an inflexible little shit, so I am going to treat him as such.

jim says:

> when I made his position untenable

Inappropriate self congratulation. Starman’s position remains tenable. There is an obvious and powerful element in the Pentagon that is unenthusiastic about war with Russia, and if they are unenthusiastic about war with Russia, likely enthusiastic about space supremacy.

Though if, as is likely, the FAA announces yet another approval delay on May 31, it becomes rather less tenable.

A move to Florida is going to delay things into 2023, by which time the madness is likely to have accelerated considerably. Musk needs to start thinking about Outer mongolia.

Neofugue says:

> “Useless wordsmiths” managed to meme an entire generation of young programmers and engineers into being trannies and soyboys.

Starman is referring to Pooch and Wulfgar, not the Polygon priests. Surprised how you of all people missed this.

> That might be what frightens him. He has a very brittle approach to viewing the world. Very rigid, inflexible, but unable to adapt.

Starman is upset that the comments section of this blog is being filled with midwits who lack the mental architecture to grasp the multi-dimensional concepts of NRx.

When Pooch asked the question “Why does military superiority matter?” I was so utterly shocked at how someone could say something so completely idiotic I assumed he was making a poorly-worded statement that the Cathedral does not care for military superiority and responded accordingly.

But no, Pooch writes that large empires do not in fact require military power greater than that of their rivals, such as in the case of – said in complete seriousness – the Western Roman Empire in its decline and fall.

Starman wrote his series of “video or it didn’t happen” posts in response to the incorrect prediction of the Trump autocoup. If Elon Musk is failing, why can Starman post livestreams of rocket launches and images of rocket maintenance and assembly? Starman believes that the sane faction in the USG has some power behind the scenes. Whether there is in fact a “sane faction,” considering that Elon Musk is still continuing to build his rockets and that USG is backing off from nuclear war with Russia, perhaps even the insane possess a sense of self-preservation; after all, no Polygon brahmin sends his children to schools with significant numbers of blacks or hispanics.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not think Pooch actually holds the position that you ascribe to him. I read him as essentially the military version of, “the economy can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” I think he is pointing out that Rome lost centuries of wars and was sacked multiple times during its decline before it officially fell. I disagree with his position because while Rome may have been degenerate and unvirtuous, the GAE is actively antivirtuous, and invites greater conflict from a position vis-a-vis its enemies that is relatively less powerful than Rome. However, I can recognize a reasoned position in his argument.

If you are correct and Pooch holds the belief that you say he holds, then you are correct in dismissing it as ridiculous. I just do not think you are.

Pooch says:

But no, Pooch writes that large empires do not in fact require military power greater than that of their rivals, such as in the case of – said in complete seriousness – the Western Roman Empire in its decline and fall.

Rome arguably lost military superiority during the the Battle of Adrianople (378). The last Western Roman Emperor was deposed in 476. One century from Adrianople to its fall (my mistake I said centuries).

If China gains military superiority today, the FBI is not throwing away their badges tomorrow. Obviously losing supremacy on the battle field is the beginning of the end for empires, but it’s a delayed reaction. Causation takes time.

Red says:

If Elon Musk is failing, why can Starman post livestreams of rocket launches and images of rocket maintenance and assembly? Starman believes that the sane faction in the USG has some power behind the scenes. Whether there is in fact a “sane faction,” considering that Elon Musk is still continuing to build his rockets and that USG is backing off from nuclear war with Russia, perhaps even the insane possess a sense of self-preservation; after all, no Polygon brahmin sends his children to schools with significant numbers of blacks or hispanics.

Starman insisted that starship was flying when they’d clearly shutdown the tests. He had a very public melt down over it and the utter failure of the military to protect the republic from the steal.

It appears that his faith in the Holy Star Prophet has been rewarded. The war against Russia has injected a dose of reality into the US military and they appear to be forcing an end to the regulatory roadblocks preventing Starship testing.

However, his support for Trevor Goodfag is odd. Trevor insisted that patriots front wasn’t a FBI honypot and then went quite about it after the feds rolled it up. The FBI employs a lot of people as informants and instigators and it wouldn’t surprise me if some could pass our tests.

Pooch says:

However, his support for Trevor Goodfag is odd. Trevor insisted that patriots front wasn’t a FBI honypot and then went quite about it after the feds rolled it up. The FBI employs a lot of people as informants and instigators and it wouldn’t surprise me if some could pass our tests.

Gab is utterly overrun by Hitler Aviatars, Nazi Larpers, Fed shills, Soros shills, and other jew-obsessed schizos to the point it is an unusable platform. If Trevor Goodfag isn’t a fed himself it wouldn’t surprise me that he just picked up their memes.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not know if Musk is going to succeed or not. I hope he does, if for no other reason than because his victory would require a public halt to the holiness spiral. Hard to push for equity when the richest man in the world gets a pass from diversity hires and equity quotas so that the Cathedral survives. It would be a much needed injection of sanity and realism into the system. However, it is not a sure thing just because I want it. In fact, the very sanity of the success is the biggest strike against it in modern America. Parts of the red empire are stepping back from nuclear war with Russia, but the blue empire is trying to step up and get it done, instead. Sanity and self-preservation is in short supply these days.

Right now, Musk got one stage of the paperwork out of the way, after two years. If I see launches happening in disregard of the paperwork status, then I would agree with the proposition that Musk and a “sane” faction had won. If he launches the full Starlink satteline network with laser comms and does not get murdered, then I would also agree it is likely that he has won.

Red says:

It feels like Musk won. I think we’ll see a fully stacked Starship fly soon.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If that happens, I will be dancing in the backyard.

Starman says:

“[The Praetorian faction is a ‘sane’ faction…]”


Neofugue says:

> Obviously losing supremacy on the battle field is the beginning of the end for empires, but it’s a delayed reaction.

The Western Roman Empire dissolved in 476. Rome lost military superiority in 408 because of the murder of Stilicho. Until that point, the Western Empire was able to defeat barbarian incursions into Italy. Even if it took a century from Rome losing at Adrianople to the dissolution of the empire, it does not falsify the central importance of military superiority.

Quoting Pooch on military superiority:

> Why does military superiority matter?

> Military superiority only matters to the warrior class, the uniformed military. To think military superiority matters to the FBI or any other Washcorper is an exercise in delusion.

> I find myself sifting through uninsightful monotonous posts on “military superiority”. Rome lost military superiority a few centuries before it fell.

Res ipsa loquitur.

> However, his support for Trevor Goodfag is odd. Trevor insisted that patriots front wasn’t a FBI honypot and then went quite about it after the feds rolled it up. The FBI employs a lot of people as informants and instigators and it wouldn’t surprise me if some could pass our tests.

Trevor Goodchild believed that Patriot Front was legitimate, and like all of these types of groups, their leaders were arrested and sentenced to untold years in prison. Following his account, he neither promotes violence, organizes meetups, nor engages in demoralization, and consistently says things which would not pass any FBI handler.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Jim, if he were making that point, there would not be a point of contention. If his argument was that a relatively sane and realist elite faction is backing Elon Musk in an attempt to achieve military supremacy through Musk’s orbital lift capacity, I would agree with him. That Musk has elite backing is clear due to the Twitter fiasco. Someone squashed those SEC investigations pretty thoroughly before they ever got off the ground. That is not his argument.

His argument, as best as I can understand it, is that Musk is vital to military supremacy in space, and the need for military supremacy is so obvious that the entire Cathedral recognizes it and will act accordingly. Pooch, Kunning Drueger, the Cominator, Aidan, and I all attempted to point out that the Cathedral has made many moves against its own military supremacy in the past, and that they are not all rational actors. We were not all saying the exact same thing, but the gist was clear; not all of the Cathedral can be trusted to act in their own enlightened self-interest in military matters. Starman went spastic and decided to die on that hill.

I did not make the idea that Musk has elite backing untenable, I made Starman’s possibly deliberate misunderstanding of Pooch obviously indefensible. I pointed out that it was a rhetorical question; that not all of the Cathedral cares about military supremacy and that even if they did, they could believe Shaniqua would do just as good a job; that many in the Cathedral could not even recognize it as a question due to their blind spots and crimestop; and that he was attributing to the Cathedral at large a sanity its members do not possess. That was the point at which he apparently decided to go full retard and defend the Cathedral’s logical dedication to Elon Musk’s success.

jim says:

> His argument, as best as I can understand it, is that Musk is vital to military supremacy in space, and the need for military supremacy is so obvious that the entire Cathedral recognizes it and will act accordingly.

Obviously that is not his position, since he agreed that the “nigger kike faction” has a different idea.

If by “nigger kike faction” he means only actual blacks and actual Jews, then he is wrong. But I understood him as referring to the leadership equivalent of the teachers who teach your children that white is wicked, evil, inferior, and responsible for all the bad things in the world, that whites are cockroaches and vermin who need to be eradicated and soon will be. And those teachers are pretty much all white.

He needs to clarify.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Neofuge, that is some mental gymnastics to miss the point that deserves Special Olympic gold. 68 years from loss of military supremacy to ultimate political collapse is not really making the point that military and political failure are contemporaneous events. To put that in perspective, someone could be born after Rome lost military supremacy, have and raise children, watch their grandchildren grow up, watch the birth of their great-grandchildren, and die before the Roman Emperor loses his throne. That is a pretty impressive delay.

jim says:

The immediate impact was that the Romans who ruled Rome ruled a great deal less. Yes, took 68 years to final collapse, but there was substantial loss of power almost immediately. A substantial power vacuum appeared immediately, which was not filled.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Perhaps I am being uncharitable, but given his wilful refusal to offer the same charity to others and his history, I am not inclined to be generous. He completely ducked on Mattis, interpreted a fairly clear rhetorical question in the most retarded meaning possible, dismissed my argument with insults, and is acting like an asshole. If he wants to step into the shit with me, I am going to hold his head under it until he goes back to lurking and only asking the Red Pill on Women Question to potential shills.

Pooch says:

Thank you Wulfgar summing up perfectly the crux of the argument.

It’s fine if you disagree or even criticize someone’s idea for being stupid and explain why it’s stupid, but I think what is rubbing people the wrong way is the personal attacks and insults.

He’s insulted 3 or 4 of us now unprovoked and insulted this blog as well say being Reddit-tier now. Hard to be sympathetic with that type of behavior.

Pooch says:

He’s insulted 3 or 4 of us now unprovoked and insulted this blog as well say being Reddit-tier now.

Ironically it’s this exact behavior that IS Reddit/Gab tier discussion. No one is interested in childish flame wars here. The level is discourse is generally above that.

He can go back to Gab and engage in flame wars with the Nazi LARPers and jew obsessed schizos if that’s his MO.

Aidan says:


Starman is referring to Pooch and Wulfgar, not the Polygon priests. Surprised how you of all people missed this.

Starman is discounting or ignoring priestly power at large, and I gave him an obvious and insulting example of men-of-facts getting mogged by priestly power. I believe that even the sane faction in USM is too corrupted by enemy memes to do anything worthwhile; there is not a single person in the employ of the US Government that can say “putting a black woman in charge of your space program is a bad idea”. I’m sure many of them intuitively feel it is a bad idea, and feel like they need Musk personally, but they cannot do anything about it other than attempt an unprincipled exception, and you know how much the Left likes the right making unprincipled exceptions to keep their stuff. Therefore, they will end up with a black woman in charge of their space endeavors as long as the insane faction has any power whatsoever.

Starman is upset that the comments section of this blog is being filled with midwits who lack the mental architecture to grasp the multi-dimensional concepts of NRx.

It seems to me like Starman is the one without the mental architecture to understand nuance and complex interactions. When the steal happened in 2020, I hoped that the blatant fraud would act as an inflection point to get the remnants of GOP institutional influence to coalesce and make a play for real power, which I understood would take serious violence. And then I.VI happened, and while it was happening, there was the potential for serious violence. But I also understood that those opposed to the fraud were likely to not possess the will or ability to seriously contest the steal, despite some tentative moves in that direction, so when it turned out that Trump was merely fishing in the Rubicon, I was disappointed but not surprised.

When Pooch asked the question “Why does military superiority matter?” I was so utterly shocked at how someone could say something so completely idiotic I assumed he was making a poorly-worded statement that the Cathedral does not care for military superiority and responded accordingly.

I think you are the one misunderstanding. The question is not whether the US needs military superiority over China and Russia in order to beat China and Russia. That is stupidly obvious. The question is whether or not US military superiority over its foreign rivals is necessary for maintaining domestic order and preventing civil war and balkanization. And on this question I agree with Pooch, that even if the US foreign empire is entirely dismantled, that does not necessarily mean that Cathedral rule will fall at home. However, it does open the door for a foreign power that does have military superiority over the US to sponsor an insurgency here.

Also, “military superiority” is a vague concept that does not fully describe reality. Russia has absolute military superiority over Ukraine in air power, manpower, and material, but Ukraine has superiority over Russia in intelligence and precision artillery, with the result that Ukraine’s artillery managed to stop Russia’s superior men and material from advancing, while Russia cannot use its air superiority to effect due to a deficiency in intelligence.

It is entirely possible to turn superiority in one area into overwhelming victory, even against a foe that is vastly superior in most areas. The US already lacks superiority in hypersonic missiles, and probably in “tactical intelligence” against Turkish drones, but maintains superiority in strategic intelligence, still has the best penetration of computer networks. Wondering about which type of superiority will matter, how to make use of it, and in what conditions, is extremely difficult. I would not have guessed that drone-targeted GtG artillery would prove to be so effective in modern warfare. And maybe it would not, if Russia was using strike drones to take out the Ukrainian guns, or small teams of mobile dragoons to penetrate enemy lines and attack ground artillery under guidance of their own intel drones.

Pooch says:

Starman is discounting or ignoring priestly power at large, and I gave him an obvious and insulting example of men-of-facts getting mogged by priestly power.

Exactly this.

Starman, being an apparent member of a warrior family (he mentions his police and military circle often), despises and discounts priestly influence. When he refers to us as “wordsmiths”, he shows his absolute disgust of the priestly/intellectual class as being insignificant when compared to the capacity for violence of the (diminishing) warrior class.

Dangerous to take warrior and priestly rule as a mutually exclusive proposition.

S says:

Military superiority loss will lead to the Cathedral falling only if the loss of superiority relative to China and Russia is followed by its loss relative to the cartels.

Otherwise you need to wait for someone able to invade across the ocean, which realistically means when the US Navy is nonfunctional.

Neofugue says:

> The immediate impact was that the Romans who ruled Rome ruled a great deal less. Yes, took 68 years to final collapse, but there was substantial loss of power almost immediately. A substantial power vacuum appeared immediately, which was not filled.

The immediate impact of betraying Stilicho in 408 was the Goths sacking Rome in 410.

> feel like they need Musk personally, but they cannot do anything about it other than attempt an unprincipled exception

There were only two blacks, one of them mulatto, and no hispanics in my entire Far-left private secondary school. Leftists make unprincipled exceptions when it involves their safety of them and their children. Also, an important nuance, Starman is not referring to the Praetorian faction as entirely “sane;” in fact, switching from a forever war in Afghanistan to a forever war against nuclear-armed Russia is insane. Some men merely have a higher sense of self-preservation than others.

> The question is whether or not US military superiority over its foreign rivals is necessary for maintaining domestic order and preventing civil war and balkanization.

Maintaining military superiority over Russia and China implies maintaining military superiority over the American population. If America is not more powerful than Russia, America cannot indiscriminately bomb Serbia. If America cannot commit mass-murder and genocide in Serbia, America cannot commit mass-murder and genocide in the United States. No one said a collapse of the United States would be instantaneous, but it would happen in eventuality.

The Jin dynasty had superiority in manpower, weapons and engineers. On the other hand, Genghis Khan had the light horse archer. Military superiority is obvious.

Ukraine is a proxy of the United States, and as such Ukraine possesses all of America’s military superiority with the exception of America’s nuclear weapons and manpower. America has decisive military superiority over Russia as demonstrated by its recent ongoing addition of Finland into NATO and the lack of proper Russian response. If the United States can engage in ethnic cleansing of Russians in the Donbass, yet Russia is unable or unwilling to use nuclear weapons against the Ukrainian or Finnish armed forces, America has the upper hand.

Kunning Drueger says:

Neofugue, that was an absolutely bonkers level of midwit logic. I’m mobile right now, so I’m not going to get scroll carpal tunnel refuting point by point, but I might come back to it, only because you, like Starman, have decided to take the position that you’re some kind of genius, so anyone that disagrees with you is foolish. Starman is a midwit, just like me. But for your musical stuff (excellent recommendation a while back, BTW, that neoclassical stuff from the 1940s; very weird, took a few minutes to really land), you might want to reassess your self image of your own capacity. It’s probably just Tyson’s Syndrome (I’m really smart about one thing, so I feel compelled to register an opinion on lots of things).

Wulfgar and Aidan have explained in sufficient detail what happened in this protracted dialogue. There is a legitimate kernel of disagreement here: at what point does strategic incapacity result in tactical failure. I think there’s enough distributed capacity in the enforcement wing of domestic GAE to continue successful suppression of the homeland for a substantial period of time after the GAE, under the auspices of American military might, has lost both the perceived and actual ability to act successfully. I don’t think a few high profile losses internationally will make cops and feds walk off the job. I maintain this position because I’ve witnessed, firsthand, enforcement types continue to carry water for managerial leadership that explicitly hates them and publicly acts to injure them. I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but after watching the vet community, to a fucking man, sit idly by in 2020, after seeing the AFG operation crumble with no change at home, I don’t think I am. Time will tell.

jim says:

> I think there’s enough distributed capacity in the enforcement wing of domestic GAE to continue successful suppression of the homeland for a substantial period of time after the GAE, under the auspices of American military might, has lost both the perceived and actual ability to act successfully.

Absolutely obviously there is. Against leaderless and unorganized opposition.

But external weakness creates opportunity and incentive for led and organized opposition.

From time to time, a single determined competent well equipped individual, or a very small group thereof, gives law enforcement a mighty hard time. As soon as it turns into a military conflict, law enforcement is going to fold like a wet rag. The government’s internal enforcement assets are not worth a tinker’s damn against any serious large scale organized opposition.

In part because they have integrated obedience to priesthood into the operation at every level in every way, and the priesthood, in the form of judges and prosecutors, is just nor organized for organized violence, even though they are in charge of it.

They will have to call in their external enforcement assets. Who, after external defeat, are likely to be so dangerously unreliable that they will be reluctant to call them in. Things did not go well for those who called in Napoleon.

Neofugue says:

For all the purestrain GRIDS fake and gay psychoanalysis, no one has yet stated the obvious character trait both Starman and I possess.

> I think there’s enough distributed capacity in the enforcement wing of domestic GAE to continue successful suppression of the homeland for a substantial period of time after the GAE, under the auspices of American military might, has lost both the perceived and actual ability to act successfully.

The United States maintaining military superiority over its foreign rivals is absolutely necessary for maintaining domestic order and preventing civil war and balkanization. Russia and China are not Afghanistan, they are the world’s preeminent rival powers. Should the United States no longer be able to counter them in battle, meaning that the United States armed forces are either hopelessly outclassed or can no longer be mustered or paid, Russia, China, and/or new emergent faction(s) will ascend to power by necessity. The very existence of the state is conferred by its ability to wage war against its rivals, and states which cannot maintain at the very least military parity disappear.[1] Should the Polygon lose its military power, its downfall would be an inevitability.

There is a stark difference between America losing to the Taliban and America losing to Russia or China, just as there was a difference between Rome after Teutoburg and Rome after Adrianople, because losing power relative to a rival rather than a fringe entity creates a power vacuum. Rome lost military superiority over the Germanic invaders in 408 after the betrayal of Stilicho, but the Western Empire was dependent on foederati because of the annihilation of the Western armies at the Battle of the Frigidus in 394. After that point, Theodosius the Great and Stilicho were able to ban Roman Paganism in full, with Stilicho later burning the Sybelline books. 68 years is the time between Rome being unable to contend a Germanic incursion into Italy and the Western Empire being formally dissolved, but this is just an arbitrary framework; between these years, we have two sacks of Rome, the Hunnic invasions, and the gradual conquest of the Western Empire by Germanic forces.[2]

[1] Military superiority and military parity are always in flux between rivals.
[2] At risk of stating the obvious, the Western Empire taking 68 years from Stilicho’s death to Odoacer returning the Western imperial regalia is not an argument against the importance of military power.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

[*deleted for stupid information free insults*]

jim says:

Insults must be entertaining, or mingled with relevant information and argument.

An ideal insult should be entertaining and informative as well as insulting. Difficult to accomplish.

Claims of superior intellect and casting doubt on one’s adversaries intellect do not impress unless wit is demonstrated.

Neofugue says:

Honestly, I harbor no animosity towards you, Pooch, or Kunning, and perhaps I should have been more polite. Things that are obvious to some are not obvious to others.

However, please stay away from psychoanalysis. Our enemy uses this tactic against us with regularity, only they do not believe their own accusations.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Alright, Jim, then I will put some substance to the insults against him. The only things it would allow one to defend the idea that political collapse immediately follows military collapse using Rome’s 68-year limping on is an extra chromosome, or perhaps mere brain damage. If the Cathedral manages to limp on for 68 years after it loses military supremacy, almost every single one of us are going to be dead. If they lost supremacy tomorrow, it would be my grandchildren and great-grandchildren fighting the war that finally ends the Cathedral, and at that point I would be so old and senile that instead of fighting alongside my progeny I would finally be addled enough that I would finally be on your mental level.

Political systems can limp on for an uncomfortably long time after they have lost power. The USSR, for example, was hollow for decades before it collapsed. Long enough to commit horrific acts and atrocities against its own people, and the USSR was not as evil as the Cathedral is. Only God knows what madness the Cathedral would apply to Americans if those were the only victims available to it. While their downfall might be a formality, it will not be a formality to those they kill in between military failure abroad and the sacking and burning of Harvard and DC.

jim says:

Rome was not burned in a day, but military weakness led to massive loss of control, internal and external.

The inability to defend against external threats was accompanied by an inability to defend against internal threats. Rome abandoned large parts of the Roman Empire to locals (who did a hopeless bad job) a decade before they murdered Stilicho.

Britain was abandoned in 383 – not to foreign invaders, not to rebellion, they just stopped trying to rule or defend the place. Rome fell in 410 AD.

That is not 68 years, that is minus 17 years.

The problem was that was no replacement governance, a vacuum full of chaos. The Roman empire limped on for lack of any alternative means of collective action, all other possibilities for collective action having long been erased. Hence the long period of violent chaos when the Romans abandoned Britain.

Pretty sure we now know better how to put together collective action. The only problem is that we are likely to get shot if we try it. But external threats lead to internal loss of will and capability to shoot people who try it.

Yes, if you hang out in Washington, probably get the Jan 6 treatment if you try anything. But external military weakness, if they lose faith in the officially unofficial religion, will lead to lack of enthusiasm and capacity to fight Civil War III. Washington may well command the Jan 6 treatment for events in Florida, but will not necessarily be obeyed, and, if disobeyed, distracted from doing anything about it, and lacking enthusiasm for doing anything about it.

In a war situation especially in a losing cause the zone of control of the cathedral will likely decline to such an extent that enforcement by the executive will be very haphazard and rather unpredictable and also will be exponentially lesser will greater distance from the central authority. Also the memes of the cathedral will ring increasingly hollow.

Cities close to the empire’s center are likely to be dangerous for a while but the countryside will be much safer especially with either local communities or mobile bandits taking control.

So best to move to the fringes of the empire and hope for the best during the final collapse.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

To put it another way, it took Hitler roughly a decade to make Jewish family trees look like something from a Charlie Brown Christmas special. 68 years is approximately 7 times as long. If I had the level of power the Cathedral wields today and 68 years to act, I could make Hitler look like a humanitarian and Beria look like a commie sympathizer. I would have Ghengis Kahn sitting at my feet taking lessons on how to depopulate enemies. 68 years is a long time to fuck people up. Even half that is plenty of time to allow for horrifying amounts of slaughter.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, I agree with you. When enforcement against patriarchs gets dangerous, they are not going to step on the patriarchs’ toes. However, that means everyone else is going to get it even worse. I think it will be our sons fighting this fight, not us. We might get the support needed to force a little breathing room, but I think most people are not ready for what needs to come. It will take a while to get everything in place. Rome did not fall in a day.

Pooch says:

Rome fell in 410 AD

As I posted in a previous thread:

Some refugees fled, maybe 10-20% of the population after Alaric sacked Rome.

Jordanes notes in his History of the Goths that the majority of the population was in shock and disbelief after it happened and basically just pretended it didn’t happen. Gladiator games continued at the Colosseum the next day after Alaric and his men left.

Neofugue says:

> Rome was not burned in a day, but military weakness led to massive loss of control, internal and external.
The inability to defend against external threats was accompanied by an inability to defend against internal threats. Rome abandoned large parts of the Roman Empire to locals (who did a hopeless bad job) a decade before they murdered Stilicho.
Britain was abandoned in 383 – not to foreign invaders, not to rebellion, they just stopped trying to rule or defend the place. Rome fell in 410 AD.
That is not 68 years, that is minus 17 years.

Jim’s comment is a better version of what I have been communicating.

If the United States loses its ability to wage war, it will still be able to enforce Progressivism, but only for a limited time. My assumption when creating the arbitrary timeframe of 68 years was that people intuitively understood that in the field of history 10 years is the blink of an eye, 70 years a relatively short chapter. The Gothic sack of Rome in 410 was relatively mild, but the Vandal sack of Rome in 455 was far more extensive. Upon the death of Majorian in 461, the Western Empire was effectively open for conquest.

The loss of military supremacy will be felt on the fringes of empire first, such as in South Africa and Central Asia, and in rural areas before urban areas. The Communist regime in Romania had power through fear of the Soviet military; after 1990, it took only a short time until Ceausescu was overthrown.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This may sound like a truism, but it is something important to keep in mind; military power confers advantage without even using it and not just in terms of deterrence. Military power is a diplomatic advantage.

Whenever people are negotiating deals with each other, in the back of their minds, there’s always a semi-conscious calculation running; ‘if I decided to just stiff this guy, how would things play out’?

The relative power of a party another party deals with transforms the extents to which the they will entertain getting ‘cutesy’ with them. If you can easily destroy a party you are negotiating with, then even if there is a show of jockeying, in the end there is only so far they can go in the face of your insistence. It’s not even necessarily an openly explicit threat, the effect akin to a spacial body exerting a gravitational pull in the minds of those caught in its orbit, bending the light-cones of possibility. One finds everything becoming magically easier when you have a big stick.

This has basically been the crux (or crutch, if you will) of GAE ‘diplomacy’ for the past three decades. Events that demonstrate inability by the GAE to destroy other parties would precipitate a rapid falling of dominoes around the provinces of empire; the sticking point of course is that as it stands this has not quite been demonstrated.

The story of most major conflicts in the past 70 or so years has been; power invades place with big army; other power funnels infinity capital into place to keep the chaos roiling; power eventually burns out and pulls out, having failed to create order. One might think The Good And The Great around the globe would cotton on to this pattern already. One obvious take-away from this is that the paradigms each sides are all operating under in this age are more suited to succeeding at chaos than order. Another take-away though, is that this same strategy is in many ways what is being used by those same incumbent powers in the lands they occupy in the first place, as well; the destruction of any others who might rival the solipsist’s place, irrespective of what is built thereby.

The pertinent question then becomes, to what degree are the incumbent powers able to keep themselves segregated from contamination by the radioactivity of their own weapons? The system depends on the maintenance of organization dedicated to disrupting other people’s organization; the weapons are indiscriminate, whose usefulness for these purposes depend on temporal selectivity, in spite of their universality. As it happens, ‘conservatives’ are an indispensable keystone for maintaining this dynamic, both moderating mutational excesses in the inner party, and likewise serving as windmills for more ideologically consistent exponents of the inner party to tilt at, rather than turning to each other first. They help serve, through nominal resistance or opposition, to lend a given contingent state of affairs an air of fundamental totality; a select radical subsection of possibilities, appearing in the mind as if the whole universe of considerable possibility.

It is only natural that these sorts of creatures would exist in the center of a possible gnostic empire, and not it’s peripheries, for they are not necessary in vassal states; hence the ‘double-valence’ of American stereotypes, as both globohomo purveyor of poz, and gun-wielding clapland alike.

A consequential happenstance in latter days is scions of the inner party, and its broader ranks of voluntary auxiliary cheerleaders throughout society, increasing intolerance of their conservakin janissaries; the indiscriminate weaponry being applied with ever more consistent indiscriminacy, the mutations metastasizing unabated; those driven mad by the corruptions of chaos, striking at their fellows even as the tumorous gangrene fells themselves.

The organization necessary to have the power to enforce poz is becoming increasingly intolerable in light of that poz. It would be stupid of GAE to throw a based white male like Musk under the bus; and there is the growing likelihood that it would do so precisely because of this fact.

Neurotoxin says:

Wulfgar on Musk: “Hard to push for equity when the richest man in the world gets a pass from diversity hires and equity quotas so that the Cathedral survives.”

Nah. The left eats hypocrisy for breakfast. They thrive on it.

Musk is relevant, but not because he’ll force the left to stop being hypocritical.

jim says:

It has everything to do with blacks in South Africa continuing to rule.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If the FBI sends a SWAT team after me at my home, there is a pretty high likelihood of the entire team getting wiped out. Military superiority means that the SWAT/FBI raid has to look inevitable, that resistance is futile and that dead or alive, they will have you. Enforcement requires the submission of the subject in order to function. If too many people decide resisting is the way to go, enforcement is impossible and it turns to either war or a studied indifference to lawbreaking by the authorities.

Karl says:

People will fight a raid if they think they have a chance to win. They will also fight if they think that surrender won’t do them any good.

Right now, an arrest after a raid does not necassarily mean death or indefinite imprissonment and torture (as far as I know). If that changes, people will resist more often.

Red says:

Right now, an arrest after a raid does not necassarily mean death or indefinite imprissonment and torture (as far as I know). If that changes, people will resist more often.

They tortured the J6 suckers and got away with it. Worse will follow.

Aidan says:

How many people are aware of how the I.VI arrestees were treated?

Red says:

Trevor Goodchild believed that Patriot Front was legitimate, and like all of these types of groups, their leaders were arrested and sentenced to untold years in prison. Following his account, he neither promotes violence, organizes meetups, nor engages in demoralization, and consistently says things which would not pass any FBI handler.

You know that how? We had a Fed around here named AM. For years he said all the right things one day he tried to entrap Com by giving him a list of specifically named people that AM said needed to be added to Com’s “death to all leftists” list.

Either Goodfag is a Fed or a fucking moron. Patroit’s front was obviously a Honeytrap from the get go and I stopped reading him the moment he insisted it was legit while others were pointing out that it glowed in the dark. Citing morons or feds while calling others as midwits is just gay.

Kunning Drueger says:

Starman, you’re not agreement capable, and you have uncontrollable emotional diarrhea. I’m already married, so you’re going to have to go somewhere else to find an alpha to paddle you.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The point of power is to not have to use it, or to exercise it in irresistible forms. If I get attacked by the FBI and I come out alive, it means that resistance offers hope. It will inspire others to resist, and it will demoralize the FBI. They are thugs, not soldiers, and they rely on the submission of their targets. There are not enough fed thugs, let alone FBI thugs, to control America. Those failed raids mean that the government has to stop raiding and let us be, or else risk the illusion of power to crumble and invite all-out war. A war we can win, based on what happened in Afghanistan and Syria.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A single mutual kill in one ‘no-knock’ visit, sticks a finger in entertaining the idea of any such visits in the future.

jim says:

War requires leadership and funding.

The Taliban had external funding from Pakistan, and also collected tariffs on goods passing through Afghanistan, Afghanistan being the crossroads of Asia, and revenue from tariffs having been the major source of income for Afghan governments for a very long time.

Information age warfare requires information age weapons, which do not come cheap.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Afghanistan did not have information age weapons. They were fighting an enemy that largely lacked them, as well, but they still managed to win. Again, I am not saying go out tomorrow and shoot your local FBI agent. Just that once that sort of thing happens, they are going to be a lot more reluctant to send them out. Still going to be around 100% fatal for the early adopters, though.

Kunning Drueger says:

I put it to you that it’s already happening, has been happening, and will continue to happen. As long as it happens relatively infrequently, the Cathedral will suppress if it makes them look weak, and report it if they sense advantage. Anyone that goes up against the feds will be painted as a pedophile racist that hates his country. This formula works for them, so long as the frequency is low enough that they can A) continue to paint them as isolated incidents and B) convince agents and officers that, should an antiamerican racist pedophile do something to them, their comrades will wipe him out and their families will be fine. This meme has been reinforced by Hollywood for decades, with the FBI being the goodest guy of last resort, and righteous vengeance falling on the bad guys, in the end.

Waco and Ruby Ridge will continue to be rehashed as a warning to opposition and an implicit reminder to normies that, in the end, the feds always win. Viper Militia and Malheur are not narrative compliant, so they just don’t stick around, don’t get popularized. I don’t have any linkable proof, but I maintain that there are a surprising number of “isolated incidents” wherein feds get owned, bad guys get away, and the cracks in the edifice are shown. If the frequency gets too high, the Brain and Voice have to act. If it stays at or below some acceptable amount, the background noise of pop media and 24/7 not-news coverage keeps the public attention flitting about, not coming to rest on any one topic or event.

It comes down to faith and political will; the faith of the enforcers, and the will of the managerial class.

Red says:

The Biden ATF gave up on the idea of Clinton style raids after a FBI team got 2 agents killed during a raid in Florida against some guy they accused of child porn. I’d been expecting a restart of that stupidity with a lot of dead feds as the result.

People are not currently resisting the FBI which is surprising considering the treatment they’ll get in jail. KD’s probably right about people worrying about the FBI taking out their families.

Jehu says:

In a way, Afghanistan did have information age weapons. They contacted most of the soldiers in the ANA pretty much individually via their social media, and basically told them—sign up with us and it will go well for you and your families. Fight and your families and clans are toast.

In my view that’s a hardcore information age weapon, and devastatingly effective against low morale groups. I suspect that such a weapon would work very well against the softer members of NATO.

Imagine being someone with the keys to an SLBM and being contacted with something like:

Hi Mr (fill in the blank). I know that your family and those of several of your shipmates lives in (fill in backwater town). Should a nuclear exchange happen, that town is NOT on our target list. But it will be if your SLBMs launch against us. Here are the addresses of your family members.

I wonder if RAND ever considered or wargamed something like that. Back in the day they were intellectually formidable—I don’t think they are anymore.

Aidan says:

In a hypothetical and unlikely scenario of the “Y’alliban” fighting an insurgency in the US, it is at least no longer necessary to control ports, goods, and manufacturing to tax, because people can create value if they have a computer and an internet connection. You can control the worst geography on the planet, but if you have people developing and selling software and technology from your territory, you have revenue. And if you offer physical safety and patriarchy, giving computer nerds the opportunity to have loyal wives and many children, you entice them to live in the area you control.

S says:

That still requires a way to turn that wealth into material goods. If you don’t have a way to import stuff, selling software just creates inflation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The human tendency is to split the difference between avenues and fail to travel any. Half-measures are the norm, not the exception.

Most people, yea, even many otherwise very great people, are generally phobic to commitment; for anything they do, they always want to feel like they can back out of it too if they wish – they act in ways to subconsciously reassure themselves that their ‘options’, their potential, is not constrained in any way. In terms of behavior in practice, this sentiment often expresses itself in the phenomena of people dipping their toes in the pool of one course of action, then trying to jump back out of the pool into another over again.

You can see this in cuckservatives all the time; fighting, but then not ‘going too far’ if it gets serious; or likewise, collaborating, but then going ‘this has gone too far’ when faced with the fruits of their labour, and having already surrendered the power to stop their own destruction. You could also see this in the fall out of 2020 for example; synagogites would summon demons, then immediately try to stuff them back into the genie bottle; they would dip their toes in the ‘enabling act’ pool to usurp Orange Man, then immediately try to turn things back to ‘business as usual’. Action – but then not ‘too much’ action; to want to take action, but then reassure yourself you can ‘take it back’ if you want to, too.

So say for example you need to invade Ukraine; minister Shoigu says ‘da comrades, we can be of invadings no problem… but of course, not *too* much of invadings, yes?’.

There is a kind of sentimental alchemy that takes place here, where the *desire* for a quick and easy time of things, becomes sublimated into not *taking* those actions that, assuming you would be in for a hard time, would help best accomplish these desires, far beyond limited gestures; a desire for short war leading to lack of preparation for a sustainable footing, which leads to long war; desire for easy war leading to lack of comprehensive measures for prosecuting the enemy, which leads to hard war. So on it goes.

suones says:

Funny how you lampoon Shoigu the Mongol while it has been Putin who has been cock-blocking his aggressive plans to reduce the lives of his Varangian cousins in the Ukraine. The latest example being the not-siege of Mariupol.

Basil says:

The only person who raises in the Russian media field the issue of the destruction of the state matriarchy and the transition to a “national-patriarchy” is Pozdnyakov, a mixed-race gypsy. His public organization “Men’s State” is considered an extremist in the Russian Federation because they questioned the politics of diversity and “harassment of LGBT communities.”

Among other things, he is a Russophobe, but considering that all the rest of the Russian Federation are at least not noticed, but usually encouraged, the problem is an unacceptable opinion on women question. As expert officials say, raising the topic of the destruction of matriarchal socialism undermines the foundations of the state.

Varna says:

In all of Eastern Europe, after the early Stalinist waves that uprooted much of the pre-existing structures, the equal rights really are equal rights. As opposed to outright aggressive misandry globohomo style.

With the disrupted birth rates and so forth that this entails, but 90% of the western feminist screeching simply can’t get a foothold there, not without serious external pressure (or until the zoomers take over), precisely because for the last half century at least everyone grew up in societies of equal rights. And yet combined with mostly trad gender roles expectations in terms of basic behavior.

When your math teachers were women, your factory boss is a woman, and the local institutions are staffed to a large extent by women, western feminism talking points sound like an insane person having hysterics while allegedly trying to prove gravity exists.

Russia (and Belarus and the Ukraine) are special cases, because they lost their men in the Great Fatherland War, and before that the purges, the civil war, and WWI. A long period of relentless destruction of men. This produced instant matriarchy, and instant fatherless street gangs and gangsta culture negro style. Also women competing for any man capable of functioning above the level of a homeless bum.

Even today in Russia the population split is 77 million women vs 66 million men.

Basil says:

A socialist economy is always a feminist economy, as resources go from men to women. Resources are being taken away from male earners in order to donate whores to colleges, allowances for single mothers, and Soviet abortionists for retirement. The state is a big pimp. In the post-USSR, the economy is still like this. Therefore, a consistent libertarian must be an opponent of feminism, and a consistent supporter of traditional values must be a libertarian.

Secondly, the issue of family law and criminal law, as well as how the rules of law are actually implemented.

It is wrong to reduce the issue to losses in world wars for a number of reasons. This would be an argument if the authorities over the past decades have made efforts to solve this problem. Didn’t do this. Playing another shitty empire, distributing weapons to socialist friends in Africa and plundering nationalized during the Soviet era turned out to be more interesting.

The difference in the number of men and women is caused solely by the aging of the population and the difference in life expectancy between men and women. Both the first and the second are the result of feminist politics. The millions of Soviet whores over 45 years old who demand to be fed by working men do not make it easy to find brides.

Varna says:

Russian men do die a decade earlier than Russian women on average.

That being said, if I was somehow forced into marriage with a Russian woman (or a Belorussian, Ukrainian, Polish one etc) I’d hang myself within a week. I know my limitations and Slavic women are cancer to my constitution. Respect to The Donald and anyone else who can handle the crazy bitches.

Now, the duskier and more petite chicks in duskier and more petite places like Moldova or Montenegro, THAT is my perfect situation. Social mores are more chill than in say Georgia or Armenia, violence levels a million times lower than in South America, but things are still testosterone enough and non-globohomo enough for a guy who absolutely can’t stand Slavic women to be able to enjoy the…ahem…atmosphere.

Basil says:

In my opinion, Slavic girls behave just as horribly (no more) than all other women, after they get out of the control of men.

Clear and logical solution. But my friend loves full-breasted fair-skinned blondes too much to look south. If I fail with the Slavs, I will rather go to the northwest to be a bearded man in order to free Finnish or German girls from the tyranny, saving their souls from eternal fire.

Good luck.

Varna says:

You too:)

[…] Jim reviews 2000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary on election fraud, ballot stuffing, and the 2020 US Presidential Election generally. […]

I normally don’t shill movies, political or not, but the “Kashmir Files” is released OTT worldwide though the cathedral media tried its best to cancel and ban it.

Shows the truth about the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus in the 1990s which the cathedral media has done its best to suppress over the years.

English dubbed version is available.

Bouncer says:

Any change of getting a link to that, perhaps a magnet? Sounds interesting and niche.

Seems to require a subscription to watch, though.

Anonymous Fake says:

Salt Lake City is the most popular city for the youngest home buyers, and NYC and San Francisco are at the bottom. This is the complete inversion of what happened to the previous two generations,[*deleted for endless repetition]

It’s good news for the red tribe, but there’s a legitimate cause for envy here [*deleted for endless repetition]

jim says:

I have repeatedly argued that your proposals to force those who create value to provide value to those whom academia promised would receive value would not provide value, merely destroy value, and here you are, in a moment of insight, explaining why you do not care.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*hail fellow reactionary deleted*]

And the “meta” of what I’m saying is that a legitimate and healthy sense of entitlement

[*deleted for all the same reasons as usual*]

jim says:

There is nothing healthy about your sense of entitlement. You are not entitled to something because a scammer who took your money and your time told you that you would be entitled to it. You are angry at the wrong people, and want to hurt the wrong people.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] It’s an entire civilization lying to its future generations. [*deleted*]

jim says:

That it is.

But you don’t want to punish the entire civilization. You want to punish those who suffered less from the scam than you did, in order to make the lies you were told true.

You, and nearly everyone, was promised high status, elite membership. So we have massive overproduction of elites, which is a huge problem. Obviously not everyone can be elite, so you want everyone outside degreed people in big blue megalopoli crushed down to the lower status that, according to those who lied to you, they are supposed to have, to give you the status that the scammers making you jump through hoops promised as the reward for the hoop jumping and the large amount of money that you paid them.

But it was a promise that the scammers could never fulfill. They promised far too many people high status. They claimed to be the sole and absolute arbiters of status, and HR is persistently, disruptively, and destructively attempting to make this claim true. But it is not working, because vastly too many high status bullshit degrees have been issued. HR is screwing up capitalism in an effort to make an impossible ponzi scam fly. We already have vastly too much state and quasi state intervention trying to accomplish what you want to accomplish, which can never be accomplished.

Richard W. Comerford says:

And they are not going to start seeing what they are seeing until thousands of ballot box stuffers get thrown into the Pacific, gay K5 teachers get thrown from high buildings, and women disrupting the workplace get whipped out the door naked and bruised.

Damn, that’s my ideal world. I’d pay to watch that around the clock.

Contaminated NEET says:

“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

Basil says:

In Turkmenistan, women are not allowed to wear “tight” clothing, dye their hair, and resort to beauty treatments such as nail or eyelash extensions. The traffic police of Turkmenistan also does not allow male drivers of private cars to transport women if they are not their relatives. Women were also banned from sitting in the front seat next to the driver. The government is discussing a ban on women from leaving the country. Dozens of women have lost their jobs or have been forced to pay fines for violating the new rules. The unofficial restrictions came into effect this month, shortly after Serdar Berdymukhammedov succeeded his father as president.

I look forward to an increase in the birth rate in this beautiful country.

The Cominator says:

Unsexy dress codes are not patriarchy. The most important thing is making all women in a permanent minority under a man, and banning them from the job market.

Red says:

The dress codes are suppose to force women not to dry attention themselves and they’re not very effective because they’re enforced by men. In little house on the prairie the daughter was allowed to go into town see an event but her mother warned her not to draw attention to herself. A properly working family structure result in mothers and grandmothers make sure their daughters don’t go cruising for dick, but it only works if the whole family is working together on the issue.

Turkmenistan is going to need laws penalizing and shaming the father if he doesn’t keep his wife and daughters in line and marrying the girl off before when she’s starting to become difficult to control.

Karl says:

Laws penalizing the fathers won’t suffice. They’ll also need marriages without consent of the bride. Otherwise marrying doughthers off is too difficult

Red says:

Women are not capable of giving consent.

Generally speaking daughters are quite happy to be married off ASAP. It’s generally fathers who fight this trying to find a better match for the girl when it reality around age 11 or 12 she’s already trying to wander away hoping a man swoop in and abduct her.

Karl says:

There is a legal fiction almost everywhere that a woman can give and has to give consent to be married.

As long as there is that fiction marrying doughters off is more difficult that without that fiction. If laws are added that punish a father because his doughter is not married, the doughter gets the power to punish her father. Not a good thing if the law gives women even more power than they already have.

Whether daughters are generally happy to be married off is beside the point. Women sometimes cause trouble. You suggested to solve that problem by punishing males for misbehaviour of females.

Not a good a idea. Has been tried before to pretend that women are generally all good and any problems will be solved by punishing males that are somehow involved in the problem.

Anyway, laws for punishment are not for what generally happens. People are generally law abiding. Punishment is always for the non-general case. For this non-general case you proposed laws for punishing fathers.

Sure daugthers generally like to be married off, but their ideas of an attractive, marriage-worthy man sometimes (perhaps even usually) differ from the ideas of the father.

If you you want to marry your daugther off to some illiterate violent thug, she might consent, but if you want marry her off to some average man, she’ll be inclined to refuse marriage with this man because she is somehow convinced a bigger, better man must be waiting for her somewhere.

Basil says:

A woman who does not dress like a whore when she is in bed is sexier than a woman who is always open to the eye. The more closed clothing of women in a particular society suggests that in this society there is still a healthy possessiveness of men. In reality, not one man does not like that his future wife/daughter/sister dresses like a whore. You are now repeating the feminist myth that seeks to justify female fornication and elevate the status of women who engage in fornication. If women have the right to choose what they wear, you practically see the door for them to be “equal” and invite them to the workplace.

Well, national clothes in Eurasia are actually always better than the modern style of women’s clothing.

The Cominator says:

You spelled Kiev Kyiv…

Unsexy dress codes are not the important thing.

The Cominator says:

Women in the 18th century wore corsets… corsets are sexier dress than the ugly manish style they wear today.

Varna says:

Turkmen TV New Year’s celebration 21-22
(apparently inherited the Soviet secular alternative to Christmas — New Year and Father Frost)

Music clip
(everybody loves a strong silent type on a horse)
(courting in mildly patriarchic conditions)

Compilation of music and pics by some Turkmen coomer

restitutor_orbis says:

Hmmm. So the lens I use to think about the female dress code is to understand it in terms of *male* relationships.

A man who brings a sexy woman to a party immediately incurs envy, which is transformed into insults to him (“he’s having a mid-life crisis”) and her (“what a slut”). This is exactly the same as a man who drives his Ferrari to the party (“what a show-off”).

However, that only occurs in egalitarian societies. In egalitarian societies like Sweden, “showing off” is widely perceived as a flaw. In those countries, even rich men drive humble cars and dress in humble clothes, and never dare show off, less they provoke envy from others.

In hierarchical societies, “showing off” is how you reveal your high status. In those countries, rich men dress richly, drive expensive cars, and live in opulent homes. To act humble would be to reveal insecurity — you are afraid what those beneath you might think or do.

At a party at a Russian oligarch’s mansion, everyone has a Ferrari and a trophy wife. Showing up with a Honda and a 7 in a sundress would make you look pathetic.

Islam represents an attempt to make Arab society more egalitarian. Men are limited to four wives to prevent alpha men from having four hundred wives. Women are to dress modestly to avoid causing lust and envy. (“Do not covet…”)

That seems to be the case for the Turkmenistan law and I don’t like it because I don’t like egalitarianism.

It’s not that women should have the right to dress sexy. It’s that men should have the right to dress the women they own as sexy as they want. Turkemanistan is taking away the man’s rights over his property.

It works for their country but it’s not what I’d want for my country.

Pooch says:

Modesty and chastity is a feminine virtue, which lack thereof in decadent Rome the early Christians attempted to restore in their women. Slutty dress was strictly prohibited.

You don’t want mothers dressing like whores because then they teach their daughters to dress like whores which makes the father’s job that much harder to restrain them. Any Christian father in their right mind should not want to set that type of example for his family.

Neofugue says:

> At a party at a Russian oligarch’s mansion

Imagine referring to Russian oligarchs as evidence of a high-functioning hierarchical society…

> Islam represents an attempt to make Arab society more egalitarian. Men are limited to four wives to prevent alpha men from having four hundred wives. Women are to dress modestly to avoid causing lust and envy…that seems to be the case for the Turkmenistan law and I don’t like it because I don’t like egalitarianism.

While not as bad as “does military superiority matter,” not far off.

Imagine believing and posting this on Jim’s Blog, a site dedicated to the restoration of monogamous patriarchy…

A country’s elite dressing their wives in a lascivious manner in public is an expression of female power, not male power, for the woman dresses herself in such a way as to seduce her husband’s friends and rivals.

Any nation which lets its women dress immodestly in public, more immodestly than this prostitute, should be put to the sword.

Neofugue says:

restitutor_orbis, my apologies for being impolite in the above comment.

restitutor_orbis says:

No worries at all, Neofugue. This is a free fire zone where ideas get shot up and shot down. Sometimes I see things clearly, sometimes my own baggage gets in the way.

Redbible says:

It seems to me that most modern concepts of “Don’t dress indecently” came from the puritans, which seems like a bad foundation to build on.

Seems much simpler to me that the woman’s owner (father or husband) have absolute authority over what a woman or girl can or should wear.

Neofugue says:

Before 1820, English society assumed that women were the lustful sex, that should women be granted the slightest bit of slack they would throw away their chastity and destroy the family, the foundation of society. After 1820, English society believed all female immorality is the result of evil men, that moral enforcement need only apply to men, the cultural ethos of Victorian literature such as Tess of the d’Urbevilles.

The concept of not dressing a woman indecently is as ancient as civilization itself. The Puritans reframed the idea of a woman dressing in an immodest manner from her seducing and manipulating men out of lust to her being harassed by the male gaze. Just as the Puritans later discovered that women were angels even if they have sex, they discovered that allowing women to dress inappropriately empowers them.

The Cominator says:

I guess I’m not a fan of sexlessness and modesty in dress or manner of women because the modern feminist of the metoo era is rather sexless (except when she sees Jeremy Meeks), her manner of dress is both mannish and not generally very sexy. The corsets of the 16th thru mid 19th century were generally sluttier and more revealing than what women wore now.

Since I hate almost everything about modern women I cannot endorse anything that resembles them now as a virtue in itself…

“Seems much simpler to me that the woman’s owner (father or husband) have absolute authority over what a woman or girl can or should wear.”

Generally yes. Perhaps the minority of single women should be subject to sumptary laws condemning them to not unsexy but rather monotous dress (women hate having to wear the same thing all the time)… make them wear all black or something.

Kunning Drueger says:

Your baseline values are based stripper sluts, and Facebook tier archetypes. If/when you get a wife, she will flag you down with her seductive attributes. You will fulfill her base need to be owned. You will solidify your ownership by impregnating her. You will keep her, and yourself, in line with a healthy sex life and successful family construction. Along the way, she will fitness test you. A good woman throws worthwhile tests generally, a bad one throws pointless tests generally. Both can do either, and it is incredibly hard, in the moment, to ascertain which is which. One category of fitness test is “does this make me look fat/what do you mean this looks slutty.” It’s a tough one, like an early/low level vidya boss that is unexpectedly hard to beat. I’m not saying this always works, but I’ve found “babe, don’t be dumb about clothes, that’s my job” to work pretty well. If she’s fat, she knows it. If the outfit is sultry, she knows it. In either case, her putting on suggestive clothing for some kind of public engagement is a test. But I don’t think they necessarily realize what they are doing, not consciously.

A far worse, far darker shit test is dressing young daughters, or “allowing” them to dress, slutty. This is straight up evil; “standby idly as a portray this child as a sex object.” They will always appeal to social norms and custom, but it is only a challenge to Patriarchy, both at home and at large.

No matter how you cut it, suggestive clothing is suggestive. Modest dress, enforced or voluntary, is proven historically to be an attribute of advanced civil/social networks. Leave suggestive clothing to the bedroom, the whores, and the primatives.

Pooch says:

Since I hate almost everything about modern women I cannot endorse anything that resembles them now as a virtue in itself…

Com, stop fucking prostitutes, repent, and join a conservative Church (you’re in Florida for fuck sake, you can probably throw a rock and hit one.)

Virtuous spergy bible-reading women completely isolated of shitlib culture are in these churches (60% female by most metrics) and the men are all blue pilled and effeminate. Another commenter found a 17 year old wife in one. Wish I found my wife like that but it is what it is.

Pooch says:

You have not read the Church Fathers or even the Bible itself. Type in “early Christian Church Fathers female dress” and see what comes up.

“But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered” (1Corinthians 11:5-6).

Red says:

Another thing that is new is that it documents Republican refusal to do anything about fraud, that everyone in every state at every level of authority, turns a blind eye, absolutely regardless of party affiliation

In at least one case there was a GOP official who tried to push back in one of the swing states. Antifa delivered cupcakes to her children’s daycare which the children ate, letting her know what would happen if she kept pushing. The info on the kids almost certainly came from people in the GOP leadership. There was systematic terror applied to people who pushed back and they promptly shut the fuck up.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Antifa delivered cupcakes to her children’s daycare which the children ate, letting her know what would happen if she kept pushing.

Whoa. Do you have any more information about this?

jim says:

No one is going to push back until antifa operatives who do that sort of thing die.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would have made sure they found the body, after I was done. And I might have sent some cupcakes to my bosses kids, just to let them know that if my kids get hurt, theirs will be, too.

Red says:

No one is going to push back until antifa operatives who do that sort of thing die.

Only men secure in their owning their wives and children are going to be willing to do that and such men don’t let their women become GOP officials.

Conservatives wonder why teachers who groom their children don’t end up dead and the reason is the only men with the balls to do that long ago took their children out public school.

MarkMark says:

this is crazy, sounds almost too crazy. Was it in AZ? did a quick search and couldn’t find confirming info…

Aidan says:

It was legit, it was going around on Twitter after the election (pretty sure the antifa account was publically tweeting what they were doing), but the story was quietly buried.

suones says:

No one admits to seeing what they are seeing.

We all have our blind spots. Just like you can’t admit to seeing bad behaviour in Putin’s Russia even while it is on video.

jim says:

Would that be a video where you saw Putin not attending the opening of the great Cathedral.

Lot of things wrong with Putin, and a post is likely coming up very soon on the single biggest thing that is wrong, but you are not a reliable source on what is wrong with Putin, and I therefore pay no attention to your claims any more.

I put you on moderation some time ago for saying baseless stupid crap about Putin. There are lots of legitimate criticisms that can be made of Putin. If you have it in for him, put in the effort to find out what they are instead of pulling random excreta out of your ass.

Well then, if he’s wrong and you’re right, where is the video that shows Putin attending the event referred to?

Hard for suones to prove a negative, I.e. somebody *not* attending an event, but surely not hard to prove a positive?

If suones shows a video of the event without Putin you can simply dismiss it saying that the portion of the video didn’t show Putin. On the other hand showing Putin in a video at the event is a positive and irrefutable proof.

jim says:

There are pile of photos that come up in Yandex search of Putin attending the opening of the Cathedral. I did not click on the links, because the photos were right there in the search page. I did not look for a video, because then I would have to waste time watching it, and if I wasted time producing video evidence to address every stupid liar, I would get nothing done.

I mentioned “video” because suones said “video”. But I am not in the slightest interested in watching videos from liars, because they simply never match the description. Let us stick with photos, of which there are a plentiful supply

There are certainly pics of Putin attending church, but whether they refer to the grand opening is not clear. Moreover many of the descriptions are in Russian.

Perhaps varna or any other poster knowledgeable on Russia can clear this up.

This is a minor controversy to fall apart over, Jim and you know it. We definitely don’t claim to be reactionary in the western sense and certainly not posing as Christians and our agenda is out in the open.

Basil says:

Putin was at the opening. But this does not wash away the fact that the right status of Muslims is higher than the right status of Christians in Russia.

Varna says:

Which cathedral is in question?
Here’s the grand opening of the army one that Shoigu had commissioned.

That seems positive confirmation that he did attend the opening of the Armed Forces temple. Which is the same which suones was also referring to I believe.

Thanks for putting this controversy to rest.

jim says:

When Putin attended that opening, he was not humbly in the audience, worshiping, but giving them a lecture on Islamic extremism. The Mosque is part of a program for converging Islam, which I think is a foolish idea. Tried before, seldom works, and to the extent that it works, winds up with unintended and unexpected results. Christianity is treated differently in Russia. Christianity is the state religion, Islam gets support conditional on not getting up Christian noses.

Which conditions are always violated, often in strange ways – it is a bad idea – but it is not the idea that Suones claims was being pushed.

someDude says:

Thanks Varna. Suones was asking for a pic that showed Kirill, Putin and Shoigu together in/near a cathedral and you showed it. Suones does not have it in for Putin. He admires him. But fears that, like Modi, he could get converged. He was just giving vent to those fears

jim says:

Putin is alarmingly converged and making a number of very bad mistakes, and it is entirely legitimate to criticize him from the right, which Suones was doing.

But Suones went overboard in black pilling.

suones says:


OK Grandpa. Pls be providing a link to pix of Putin at the inauguration of Main Military Cathedral on 14th June 2020 plox:

All the fake “evidence” linked here is from his “visit” to said Cathedral on 22nd June 2020, which I had already explored on my blog.[1]

Put up or shut up.

[1] “The President visited the Main Cathedral of the Armed Forces…”



jim says:


You were correct on the facts, and I was wrong on the facts.

But the reason I erroneously dismissed your facts is that your frame and spin on those facts was so obviously contrary to what came up in casual search.

Islam is second class, to Christianity in Russia, and under subtle and not so pressure for convergence, and when Putin atteneded the opening of the Muslim Mosque, he was there to apply that pressure.

You are off moderation.

someDude says:

Good catch, Suones. You have a really sharp eye.

suones says:

@Basil and @Varna

Either you folk are stupid or lying. Since both of you are Russian speakers, I’d assume the latter, but I could be wrong!

Both the videos you post are from the week after the inauguration, which you are passing off as videos from the inauguration. You can tell because Shoigu’s dress is different.

I’ll simply repost my words from elsewhere:

There is no such picture. Because Putin did not attend the inauguration. Even the official has no pictures. Pro-Orthodox YT even has the video[3] where you can see Shoigu, Gerasimov, and Kirill but not Putin (the REAL inauguration). His official visit came one week later[2] which you Russian speakers smh linked, in a low-key ceremony with Shoigu and Kirill, but not Gerasimov. Anyone but Jim can clearly see this (Shoigu is dressed in a western suit at the event with Putin, but in formal military finery at the inauguration with Gerasimov one week ago).



Note: For the knowledgeable, the Cathedral was consecrated/opened for worship in a formal military/religious ceremony on 14 June 2020. A ceremony which Putin did NOT attend, and where Shoigu wears formal military finery ( Putin’s 1st official visit was on the Day of Memory and Sorrow, which is June 22[2]. There is no end of pictures of Putin at this event, but none at the first. Because he wasn’t there.

jim says:

> Both the videos you post are from the week after the inauguration,

Opening? Inauguration. Depends on how these things are defined. Big events take a while, and there are multiple key points in these events, which are all part of one big event that unfolds over time, both because building a Cathedral and opening it takes time, and to milk the creation of the Cathedral to the max. Putin was at the laying of the foundation stone, at the opening and all over the creation of the Cathedral in a multitude of ways.

It would have been better if Putin showed up for the inauguration. You have a point, which I wrongly dismissed. I wrongly dismissed it, because the frame, that Putin was making a big deal out of opening a Muslim Mosque, and a lesser deal out of opening the Cathedral, was so obviously wrong. This is Putin and the State’s faith and Cathedral. The Mosque was a compensation biscuit. “See, we are including you guys also (but don’t be too damned Mohammedan, or we won’t)”

Putin’s speech at the opening of the Muslim Mosque was all about Isis and so forth. This is as if Obama were to attend Church, and then issue a lecture on Crusader shakedowns of Jews and massacres of Jews on the way to and from the Crusades. We would not conclude from such an event that Christianity was de facto the US state religion because Obama showed up.

How many times do you want Putin to show up during these multiple events?

What matters is that though Muslims in practice get inappropriately high status in Russia, Christianity gets appropriately superior status, and these events demonstrated that superior status.

So, though you were correct in the exact wording with which you described events, you were, and are, profoundly wrong in the spin and frame in which you presented these facts.

Varna says:

I dunno. Opened the forum with a mug of covfefe in hand, saw a couple of comments discussing Putin and a cathedral, instantly found a vid called “Putin opening etc” and shared it, vaguely hoping to contribute to whatever the discussion is.

The point of view that I should have first known who you are, buddy, have read your stuff, was up to date on the nuances, and scampered right off to find some precise date about something, is not something I can accept.

It’s great that you’re investigating stuff in this direction on a granular level (pls keep going), and likely you’re being propelled by a wave of enthusiasm, but kindly take care to not allow this wave to lead to turning into a hostile narcissist along the way.

I am a guest here, I respect our host and definitely don’t make the rules, but as simply one reasonable man to a another I suggest not allowing the otherwise perhaps very motivating emotional charge to lead to variations of chimpout behavior.

Managing to contribute or debate *without* this turning into chest-thumping, blue-hair harpy style allegations of moral decadence or incompetence, or other such behaviors, is in my opinion an important marker of a man becoming a man.

Generic masculine quips and ball-busting is one thing. You all should concentrate on only me and how dare you not be on my wavelength is a very different another thing.

jim says:

> instantly found a vid called “Putin opening etc” and shared it, vaguely hoping to contribute to whatever the discussion is.

That is pretty much what I did, and it is entirely correct behavior.

Suones is splitting straws to prove himself correct. And he is correct on the exact straw splitting wording.

But the basic point that he claims, the claim that his finely split straws are marshaled to make, that Putin is treating Christianity as second class to Mohammedanism, is not only false, it is transparently, absurdly, and outrageously false.

At these state events, the state and the military show appropriate respect for Christ, Christianity, and the official Christian Church.

And appropriate disrespect and limited bounds of tolerance for the official Muslim Mosque.

Basil says:

If the status of Christianity in Russia was higher than the status of Islam, we would see how atheists and Muslims become Christians. But in reality we see a different process …

jim says:

The status of the official Christian Church is higher than the status of Mohammedanism.

The status of Christians is not. But status flows from power. This problem will right itself.

Oog en Hand says:

There is a lot of stuff of Putin associating with Berel Lazar. This either means black hats are (often) the good guys (contra Anglin), or that Putin thinks Jesus is boiling in excrement.

Varna says:

Ahem, I’ve seen Anglin give credit to “good homos”, “good kikes”, and “good niggers” quite often. When he sees something cool being said or done by people with one or more of the above traits he totally says it.

He’s not a 100% maniac. Merely 98%.

Mike in Boston says:

Lot of things wrong with Putin, and a post is likely coming up very soon on the single biggest thing that is wrong

If not the single biggest thing, a near runner-up has got to be the fact that he sure seems to be a true believer in the clot shots. Riley Waggaman recently pulled together all the evidence:

“After many millions of administered doses, our authorities have not recorded a single lethal outcome from the use of this drug, while other manufacturers, unfortunately, have such tragic cases,” Putin explained to journalists on June 4, 2021.

He’s correct of course—but only because the Russian government does not disclose post-vaccination complications.

“The fact is that nothing is documented in Russia. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand how many serious complications there are. There are many cases and we can say that they are related to the vaccine. There is a lot to say. Or you can stick your head in the sand and say there is nothing at all,” Pavel Vorobyov, Chairman of the Moscow Scientific Society of Physicians, said in an interview in September.

How “safe and effective” is Sputnik V? So safe and so effective that in January of this year the health ministry decreed that clinical trial results for the Russian vaccine were “confidential and contain information constituting a trade secret.” In the same month, the ministry also decided it would be “inappropriate” to publish information on the number of deaths among vaccinated individuals as this data “may cause a negative attitude towards vaccination.”

On June 15, celebrity doctor Denis Protsenko gave a prophetic interview to RT calling for compulsory vaccination—just a few hours before compulsory vaccination was announced in Moscow.

Putin surprised Protsenko with a telephone call four days later: not to debate the merits of coercive vaccination, but to offer the doctor a seat in the State Duma.

In a November 7 interview with Izvestia, Alexander Gintsburg, the big-brain behind Sputnik V, demanded that a “line be drawn” to “sharply distinguish” between Vaxxed Citizens and No-Jab Vermin.

The next day, Putin awarded Gintsburg the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

There’s much more at the link, enough to force me to really update my mental model of Putin and, more generally, Russia.

Varna says:

As I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere, perhaps a good model is the Dune universe. Putin may be challenging other great houses and the emperor, even with his own Chechen fremen, but you’ve also got the space guild, the face dancers, the witch cult, and so on.

And even while making moves against the other great houses and the emperor, you’ve still got to participate at the same time in the parallel games of the other forces.

For all we know he’s the doomed Duke Leto walking into the trap he knows is a trap, but doing what he has to anyway.

Imperial “retired” sadrukars are already fighting on the side of the Harkonen, the empire itself is waiting for the kill, the witches and the space guild are carrying out a great reset at the same time, corrupt mentants assure the duke that the vax is great…

At the same time now perhaps is the last possible time to try and take what can be taken before the great reset really kicks in, in say 3-4 months. Putin is once again “a mere corporal” who has been elevated to a position which it would take an actual genius to handle with maximum efficiency. Yet a genius he ain’t.

Only thing working for him is that most of the smart people on the globohomo side are 90. But for Russian men Putin’s age is also the equivalent of 90.

Mike in Boston says:

I don’t doubt that Putin is hemmed in by the West, and various internal fifth columnists in league with the West. But that doesn’t explain the entirely domestic matter of the clot shots and QR codes.

Which explanation is more in line with Occam’s Razor: that some shadowy force not only requires Putin to impose clot shots, but also to publicly boost people like Protesnko and Gintsburg, who Putin has got to know would sell him out to the West in a minute if they could? Or, simply, that Putin shares the old-school Soviet faith in Progress and the desire not to fall behind the West in Progress?

Contrast the behavior of Orban, who is under much more external pressure than Putin, and who therefore talked a big game about the clot shots, but in practice did not push them hard at all on his population.

Putin seems to have the mentality of a feudal baron, who appoints overseers to impose his edicts on his serfs. And in this case the edict is the clot shot.

Pooch says:

Putin does not rule alone.

As I mentioned in the past, the pressure against the clot shot in Russia should have come from the Orthodox Church, and a faction of the Church even came out in support of them (“Vaccinate or repent’). That the Church didn’t strongly push back meant Putin had no priestly backing to fight the clot shots as he did with gay parades.

Varna says:

Who knows.
Hungary has a 15% higher clotshot rate than Russia btw.

Gedeon says:

It is normal to talk about Putin having oligarch puppets who straw-own properties for him, but this is SOP for all hyper-powerful people.

Putin has demonstrated failure on the rona scam, but he is also prostrating himself before the UN and continues to worship the UN entity itself. All power is reified because of and has to act through organizations promulgating ideas, values and edicts through public-facing and touching institutions. In terms of global political institutions, the UN has no second, today. Thus, to defeat global power, the UN is an obvious elephant in the enemy room. Because Putin is an “official” public official within this paradigm, we know that he lacks actual sovereignty and is subject to the will of his superiors.

A reset is coming and TGR is a vision endorsed by the UN cabal, just because the legacy PTB endorse it and no one else has another substitute to present doesn’t mean it is going to work. There are so many incompatibility issues and gaslighting and coercion can only get TPTB so far. This CSIS scam of a war with Russia is a psyop itself and, IMO, everyone should dial back their consumption of the propaganda coming from all sources. I have chosen to focus on gardening, for example. Why? Because that puts calories in the body and strengthens the body. Every minute of Ukraine war propaganda consumed is a minute lost to eternity for no return on my invested time and attention.

Putin initiated his ukraine adventure without any actual false flag catalyst that everyone was suggesting was coming by one or both sides (NATO/Russia). Putin is a POS because he just gave the entire system a lifeline and excuse to go further into command and control economy because someone says we are at war somewhere with a bad guy.

Nevermind the fact that Putin says the adventure is to kill NAZIs which is the lowest quality propaganda and dog whistle to self-shaming westerners. Putin can die with the rest of the insolvent system.

Varna says:

> Nevermind the fact that Putin says the adventure is to kill NAZIs which is the lowest quality propaganda and dog whistle to self-shaming westerners.

Contemporary Russian identity is built almost entirely on “We defeated the Nazis. They tried to destroy us but we sure showed them.” Every year from then to this day new films are made about this, new songs are composed. Every year they commemorate the Victory Day with total seriousness. Citizens do the “immortal regiment” march carrying pictures and medal of their forefathers who fought in the war.

Defeating the Nazis is the single most basic fundament of Russian identity which transcends to a large extent ideological, religious, and ethnic divisions.

Sure, this means they’ll call their enemies Nazis. Had they been a different force X, then this is what would have been celebrated, and this is how enemies would have been called.

This is not the “you’re a dirty nazi” screech of the ADL. Everything should be used to your advantage. No doubt Russian propagandists are trying to use this to their advantage. But this “war against Nazism” is 99% for domestic consumption, and directed at the deep nation, not at urban liberasts. They are the ones in fact who will scoff.

Adam says:

“This CSIS scam of a war with Russia is a psyop itself and, IMO, everyone should dial back their consumption of the propaganda coming from all sources.”

My thoughts exactly. Whatever message gets out to the public has had all the power removed from it, which is to say it has had all of the truth removed from it.

The Cominator says:

In case anyone still thinks my Jesuit claims are crazy… Robert Malone and Bannon apparently also think Fauci is a Jesuit. It starts a little bit after the 10 minute mark…

jim says:

I am increasingly convinced.

This is a very old conspiracy. Jewish conspiracies are far more common, but have a considerably shorter life expectancy.

Varna says:

As I believe I mentioned before, in modern Rus sci-fi when someone goes back in time to save mother russia, the usual three suspects to neutralize are jesuits, jews, and anglos.

clovis says:

They didn’t let Jesuits into Norway until the 20th century I think.
But what I don’t understand is how Jesuits went from being the hyperpious shock troops of the counter-reformation to liberal faggots. I know that back in their heyday they were known for becoming confessors to rulers because their version of casuistry allowed them to assign lax penances, but it seems like it’s a long way from that to the Pope Francis version of Jesuitry.

The Cominator says:

The Jesuits misson as globalist glowniggers for the papacy never changes… whether the Catholic Church is pozzed or not. Thus they should be ruthlessly put to torture until we find out who all the coadjutors are and then publically executed… ala the Templars. How much damage they caused with covid (and god knows what else they are behind) demands nothing less.

It should be imposed on the Vatican that they can never find a covert ultramonatist order ever again and that they completely renounce the temporal power (with further impositions to gradually force them into becoming the Orthodox bishop of Rome and renouncing all papal pretensions later).

The Cominator says:

And before the 1st world war the Jesuits had been kicked out of most European countries (AGAIN) funny how after the most senseless war in our history that was orchestrated via Byzantine intrigue and all peace negotiations were sabotaged (and American entry engineered by coadjutor Von Papen) they were allowed to come back.

The Jesuits really are what the wignats think the Jews are.

jim says:

If lax penances are holy, a pile of priests naked in bed together is even holier.

chris says:

Looks like Finland and Sweden are going to join NATO.

jim says:

I predict their public will not to be too keen on this, but they will join regardless.

ten says:

The socialdemocrats, our state bearing party, has always been agitatedly against nato membership, yet suddenly changed their tune from the top. The same talking heads that for decades have repeated the cold war talking points about neutrality and non membership worked out great for us are awkwardly trying to sway their party to change its mind.

At some point we became shadow members which the soviet union immediately knew about, as was made clear post soviet implosion, with day one nuke maps for our control centers and submarine harbours. At least that part didn’t actually work out as great as we thought.

The socialist party congress is confused and infuriated with the leadership.

The “right wing” parties who always were super into nato membership and americanism are either gleeful or confused and trying to find a path to change their mind.

Luckily for the state, “the russians might attack us” seems to never run out of resonance in the swedish psyche, so if pressure to join remains for a few years, we will join.

The finns are fucking crazy and join nato == kill russians in their mind, so they 100% want to join.

suones says:

Looks like no Nokia products for me, then!

The Cominator says:

O’Keefe gets a typical pajeet talking frankly…

O’Keefe supposedly employs right wing prostitutes (thats a lot of them actually) as spies and thats how he gets these people… he should specialize in pajeets who have got to be the ultimate suckers for a honeytrap…

Pooch says:

LOL…dumb leftists can never help themselves spilling the beans around a pair of tits.

The Cominator says:

Pajeets especially… the meme of them being desperate for bob and vagene pics must have some basis.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I basically went to work like four hours a week last quarter.

What an absolute Chad.

The Cominator says:

Chads don’t get caught on hot cams by whores (thats how O’Keefe does it most of the time)…

Contaminated NEET says:

Sure they do. They just make it OK by displaying confident insouciance and elan.

Kunning Drueger says:

Justice Clarence Thomas.

Kunning Drueger says:

Neofugue says[1]: “If the United States loses its ability to wage war, it will still be able to enforce Progressivism, but only for a limited time”

Is it not the consensus contention here that the US has lost its ability to wage war? Far worse than being untested (as China’s PLA), the USM has 20 years of mostly pointless experience from GWoT creating the illusion of experience and capability. The UKR war has shown that the RF is not the dangerous battlefield entity it was assumed to be. The GAE is not fighting the Russians, it’s funding the fight. I don’t think UKR is a valid proxy for the GAE at war, given that, should the GAE go to war, there won’t be some alien civilization supporting them with intel and weapons.

Stepping back to the core discussion: I think there’s a large gap between international capacity for war and domestic capacity for suppression. I also think that, even with the gayification of military and police, the Cathedral using Patriotic Appeal and Muh Constitution/Muh History memes will keep soldiers, agents, and officers in the fight long past the point it should be obvious the managerial class is the Bad Guy. Look at Coronatarian enforcement, BATF activity, I.VI, and the Border Fiasco. The Cathedral has built an astonishingly impressive mechanism for maintaining its forces. Until we see soldiers and cops walking off the job en masse, it’s safe to assume the Cathedral can continue effective suppression.

Your arguments about the point/purpose of the state (that being the effective countering of external ambition) are valid in a technical sense, but how do you account for entities like Costa Rica, Greece, Taiwan, etc? While these types of places have militaries (not Costa Rica lol), there’s no question that their security is guaranteed externally. Does this mean they should be counted as pieces of the guarantor? Does this make Japan, SKorea, and Germany part of the domestic equation for the USM? It seems to me that we are in, though quite possibly exiting, an a-historical period where there’s some kind of quantum style fuckery going on (remember, midwit here; I’m referring to how the laws of physics are wonky at the Quantum level v. the… not-quantum level? Might be a bad simile…). There are a bunch of Political Science exotic entities, spawned by the Pax Puritanica of the 20th century that will decay and collapse once the laws of history start to bite again.

All of this to say, prediction is never easy, and it’s doubly difficult when things are atypical. We could get a Yarvin Collapse (one day there’s a GAE, the next day it’s just gone) or we could have much more drawn out, distributed collapse. Even though it’s been cucked and much reduced, I think the State Level government(s) layer in the US will greatly extend the GAE halflife. In the same way that there’re shortages and spiraling costs at home yet we are flush enough to dump millions into UKR, so too might the Cathedral keep going after little boys in the Northeast even as the Texas Republic breaks away from the GAE.

[1] Neofugue, Pooch, Wulfgar, Aidan, Starman and Jim all said a lot in the thread referenced. If you haven’t read it, do so. A lot of good content, as well as myriad examples of how we here should and *should not* converse with each other[2].

[2] It is clear to me that Starman finds me and others contemptible and beneath him. This is obvious from his unwillingness to engage in discourse as well as his insults/disparaging comments aimed at JimBlog as a whole. I don’t see the value in that. People who go to a place voluntarily just to complain how they hate going to that place is ultragay. Ironically, that’s exactly what redditors do. You on the other hand actually engaged and made good points. Any insults given are acceptable, even funny. Insulting each other is how this tribe expresses emotional attachment, but would you agree that it needs to be coupled with valuable contribution, or at least an attempt at contribution?

Amid constant in-power and out-of-power Brahmin/priestly factions battling it out, it is in the order of nature that Kshatriyas often find them contemptible and untrustworthy even when the said Kshatriyas and Brahmins are on the same side.

Starman is either a Kshatriya or a disillusioned Brahmin (who has found his tribe contemptible and finds Kshatriya Dharma more appealing).

The best order is one in which the Divine Monarch is a Kshatriya-Brahmin capable of keeping both the Kshatriyas and Brahmins under him in firm control.

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