On available data, it looks as during this war, and in the lead up to this war, the Maidan regime recruited and conscripted about two and a half million men. The regime says the current size of its army is nine hundred thousand men under arms, but it looks more like two or three hundred thousand thousand men under arms, because the Russian army has seven hundred thousand men under arms on the Ukraine front, and outnumbers Ukrainian troops by two or three to one almost everywhere along the front, according to both Russian and Ukrainian social media posts from the front.
So what happened to rest of them?
The Maidan regime is having difficulty conscripting more, due to flight, resistance, men hiding in strange places, and mass desertion, but, according to Zelensky, the main limit on conscripting more is not resistance but equipment, prosaic ordinary routine military equipment, which is entirely plausible because Nato has been stripped bare. Since the Ukraine is downstream of Nato logistics, it is reasonable to suppose that they are even harder up than Nato. Also Nato can get away with only equipping its troops on paper, but when you send troops to the front line with equipment that exists only on paper (which the Maidan regime has sometimes done) things do not go well. When the current Middle Eastern unpleasantness started, Israel discovered that a lot of their equipment only existed on paper, because the real stuff had been sent to the Ukraine. If that was the condition of Israel, you can imagine how things are in the rest of the Globohomo empire.
Since the Russian attempt to take Kiev by coup de maine failed, Russia has been fighting a war of attrition whose primary military objective is not to gain, or even hold, turf, but to physically destroy the Ukrainian army and Nato’s equipment.
The Maidan regime has been fighting a war for bullet points on tomorrow’s power point presentation in Washington. Their military objective is the next aid installment.
Reflect on the recent Maidan regime counter counter offensive in Kursk. They scraped together a couple of thousand fighting men, plus sufficient armored vehicles to transport them, from fronts where they and their equipment were vitally needed. They equipped all the vehicles with drone jammers, of which they even shorter than they are of vehicles, sent them to Kursk, and then successfully seized their objective, some undefended and entirely indefensible snow covered pasture lands in Kursk. (Possibly because any defensible location in the possession of the Russians was defended.) The usual shills proclaimed a triumphant victory and a big black eye for Putin, though I doubt that an indefensible patch of snow covered pasture is a very big black eye.
The men dumped on snow covered pasture land were not wearing snow camo, but desert camo. With no shelter, they had better have had snow gear, or else’s Russia’s greatest ally, General Winter, took care of them when night fell before the Russians could.
The men survived long enough to be a bullet point on the day’s power point presentation, then they died. Not all of the armored vehicles were lost, though a great many of them were, but the men unloaded at the objectives were never picked up again, and I doubt that there was ever any real intent to attempt to pick them up again, for the Maidan regime, though very short of meat, is even shorter of equipment to move the meat around, and even shorter still on drone jammers for that equipment.
Recollect the 2023 greatest Ukrainian counter offensive, which in 2023 September was still being hailed a mighty victory, and a sign that Russia was on the ropes and would very soon collapse, the collapse to be followed by a gay parade in Red square and war crimes tribunals in the Kremlin. It was supposedly a mighty victory because the Ukrainian army had reached the first Russian line of defence, the first of three. But by July-August the Ukrainian army had ceased to be capable of further advance, because of enormous losses of men and equipment, and because Nato artillery barrels had worn out and were not being replaced.
The Washington consensus is that because of terrible losses in Ukraine and unsustainable economic cost, Russia is desperate to make peace and will accept a humiliating and disastrous freeze in the conflict. Trump appears to be more in contact with reality, but is reluctant to inform those around him, many of whom do not want to believe it.
Assuming that Maidan conscripted two and half million men, and has three hundred thousand left, Russia is about seven eighths of the way to accomplishing its objectives by military means without negotiation. Not all of the missing men are dead, wounded or prisoners. Probably some of them have deserted and are in hiding, or have snuck into Russian controlled territory after throwing down their arms, or were in place when the front moved over them, then discarded their arms and uniforms, and addressed the winners in their best Russian.
Ending the war
Right now, the US is in a weak negotiating position. And if the Ukrainian army vanishes and the Maidan government withdraws to their Washington and Massachusetts mansions, this will not settle the war the way the disappearance of the Afghan army and the withdrawal of Afghan government settled the Afghan war, because Washington and Moscow have engaged in horizontal escalation against each other over half the world. And because Nato logistics are being exhausted even faster than the Ukrainian meat supply, Russia will then be in a good position to settle these escalations the way it will have settled the Maidan coup, whereupon the US will find itself in an even weaker negotiating position.
Dunno if this is an appropriate post for carry forth the discussion from the last post.
Aside from foreign invasion. What explains the dysgenics of India? If arranged marriage is universal. Did their arranged marriage system fail somehow?
– Very low trust for a long time means that you get more return over the generations from more clannish inbreeding, keeping wealth in the family. This naturally limits the candidates for any trait you might favor.
– Europeans love physical aesthetics and athleticism. South Indians have a lot of higher IQ clans, but without the focus on physicality, they become doughy and weak, can end up with rather ugly features.
– Much of the Indian population comes from eternal serfs. These types don’t care to select for anything except resilience to farm labor, filth, and famine. Anything else doesn’t necessarily increase chances of passing on to the next generation, when you are already so far behind. Hajnal europe managed to avoid this equilibrium from the martial class having a heavy hand in selection, lots of downward mobility from the elite, and a culture of loving status and freedom over material condition. An English serf was likely to give up management of some land to emigrate to the towns and work as a day laborer, just to be called free. His material life as a wage worker much worse, but his percieved status higher. This creates a different class of peasant with different traits to favor.
I suspect that whatever the problems with female mate selection. It seems that their selection criteria is more balanced compared to what has been selected for in those higher IQ clans.
Chad is more often than not Athletic, Charismatic. Even Empathetic as in having an accurate Theory of Mind which enables him to navigate social situations deftly, understand power dynamics instinctively and inspire his men according to Voxday’s definition anyway.
Compared to the Average Man he has higher Agency:
Normal men simply don’t have those inbuilt qualities that would suit him for a leadership role.
Trump is an example of this “Alpha”. Is Empathetic enough to understand and connect with his base allowing him to be an effective Showman.
The Sage while having many Virtues is no King.
Female hindbrain does not care at all about the qualities you listed. Primary way to activate the female hindbrain in todays’ social world is being as much of an antisocial asshole as possible and not getting killed for it. Notice that high level celebrities tend to get cucked by 90iq “bad boy” barely verbal protohumans.
Unconditional violence also works, but no one is allowed to deal out unconditional violence. Least of all an intelligent man, or well coordinated tribe. So the only men getting pussies wet this way are petty criminals, since we no longer execute them.
This is not what I observe. Sounds to me like purple pilled rationalisation of female behaviour by someone who is unable to make his peace with the red pill.
There are no unicorns.
I have higher agency and all that, and it is not what works.
Money does not work, social status in the male hierarchy does not work unless those males are right there in person treating you as high status, and personal qualities that are deservedly high status among males do not work.
I have posted no end of articles on what does work, and it is none of that.
Increase in average genetic quality requires elite selection for quality, an elite more fertile then the rest of the population and sustained downward social mobility.
Perhaps you’ve been doing this blog, all these years, in order to maybe be taken seriously by the right people now — just enough of them — to head off a global catastrophe.
While yall are cheering I must remind you of the absolute gravity of WTF is going on, nowhere near any cause for joy yet…
The US government has quietly taken despotic power incompatible with freedom and democracy, and Thermidor is not willing to let go.
Not unduly stressed, always expected this, and am working on another solution (bitmessage on steroids)
I don’t expect democracy to survive, but I intend for freedom to survive. I expect some drama to ensue once the restore freedom project actually starts delivering results, as no end of people who theoretically believed in freedom discover that they do not. Hence the code of conduct
They’re going to have conflict within. Centralizing communications and data collection while backdooring everything just leaves potential leaks everywhere. Some orgs are going to be pushing encryption and obfuscation, if only just for their own use. Everyone knows tor was a fed pet project, and I’d bet BTC survived to its current state because various feds found it quite useful to leave around.
Different debate entirely but I don’t think freedom returns until we reach space. Looking at the past, whites shook off despotism through being ground up organized for violence, while kings were always distracted by near peer enemies at their borders, making it so crushing their subjects’ ability to carry out violence just made them vulnerable to enemies without. EIC was chartered and nurtured by the state, and Reconquista townships and the following Spanish colonies chartered and nurtured by the state. I think only the Dutch provide a counterexample, but they were rather weak and short lived in comparison.
So, if you want liberty, need to be armed and organized, that’s not happening without the state’s permission, unless a new fronteir opens up. Well, the only frontier left is off-world. We may get lucky and the people with state power decide private logistics are necessary to out-violence the eurasian axis, in which case we get arming and organization closer to the stock population, which grants us liberty again.
We’ve had black markets a long time, they don’t really tend towards the sort of organization and industry you want while powerful states are around, and they don’t really tend towards liberty either. They tend towards liberty and industry only by accident when the state collapses and they fill the vacuum, not really by design.
If you are coding, and writing manifestos about shit that needs coded, then do and push more of that out into the space.
Both West and East have no problem censoring, blocking, and cutting cables… so if people expect comms to survive, people need to start learning RF so they have raw airwaves as backup.
Most of the “West” seems doomed… collapse first, then whatever rises to fill the vacuum. Democracy was designed to be unfixable like that.
Trump2 seems mostly a reaction to WokeDEI, with flavortext of trying to be something more, but is perhaps nowhere near based enough to end the DeepState, Trump1 got crushed trying that. DS knows Trump2 is playing harder, but not fully based, so DS is going to raise defense.
The Corporates coming in is interesting though.
Weapons / Resource drain… true.
Was an unsettled big dick contest, the West lost $1T and the War, because Gay as usual. Even then, pretty sure both West and RU knew that if they confined themselves to fighting strictly within UA, neither side would be dumb enough to escalate outside UA at each other… but West couldn’t find the rhetoric to go in hold back the skirmish line anyway. West was Gay, Jew, Corrupt, Woke… thus never had the balls, skills, stockpiles, or diplomats to say shit… thus the War, and lost the War.
West-RU shouldn’t have bothered, when they both have bigger China, Jews, Islam, Woke Gay DEI, and their own Corruption and DeepState’s to worry about.
USA really needs to get the Jews and Leftists out of its politics and media, they’re disloyal to the US and have been fucking shit up.
And close the border to all incompatibles, including Jews, Left, Muslims, Chinese, Africans, “migrants”, “refugees”… never did need a single one of them, no one else takes them, for the same reasons, neither should you, tell them to go fix their own shit in their own countries, instead of bring their shit to yours.
Can’t believe the US people didn’t thrown Biden-Kamala and most of Congress out the hard way already. What a disgrace.
Bigger swings are happening, sooner or later one will hit.
At present, Russia considers the US to be agreement incapable. Maybe this will change, if Trump takes power. If it does not change, the US won’t even be in a weak negotiating position. No negatiating position is worse than even the weakest negotiating position.
If there is no negotiaton to be had at any price, the only options are surrender or escalation. Surrender is impossible unless there is someone in charge who can order everyone to surrender. If Trump doesn’t take power, the US is incapable of surrender and escalation is bound to happen.