Author: Jim


Green Jobs

Abengoa SA was offered a $1.45 billion loan guarantee by the U.S. Department of Energy to build a 250-megawatt solar plant in Arizona, and Abound Solar Manufacturing was offered a $400 million loan guarantee toward two plants where thin-solar panels will be manufactured. The guarantees through the Recovery Act and other measures are expected by …


The weak horse

Mark Steyn brilliantly skewers our Afghanistan policy.  He primarily blames Obama, though the rot set in under Bush. Why would Putin, Ahmadinejad or the ChiComs take Barack Obama seriously when even a footling client such as Hamid Karzai can flip him the finger? … The toppling of the Taliban was an operation conducted with extraordinary …


It is the past that changes

The future is certain, it is the past that changes. Moveon had a web page demonizing General Petraeus as General Betray Us Obama appoints General Petraeus in charge of Afghanistan, whereupon the page not only instantly disappears from, but also instantly disappears from Google’s cache. When the past changes, Google’s spiders are quicker of …


If Jews bleed, it does not lead

The biggest story of the last few days has been Israel’s interception of peace activist ship to Gaza, in which they killed nine peace activists. Here is a picture of some peace activists holding down a soldier at knifepoint, with what appears to be a pool of blood on the bulkheads. When the the picture …