Author: Jim

party politics

There is no Republican party

If the republican party existed, it would be going after Van Jones’ scalp and the Obama
health plan, rather than Glen Beck and Sarah Palin going after them. The leadership of the Republican party, like the movement for Obama’s health plan, is itself merely astroturf manufactured in Washington.


The error of Nazism

people and groups that subscribe to Hobbesianism find themselves at war against all, because they expect to find themselves at war against all – but find to their shock and surprise that their non Hobbesian enemies are cooperating just fine to deal with the common enemy and common threat. Thus people and groups that subscribe to Hobbesianism get defeated, and frequently enslaved or wiped out. All those who doubt Hobbesianism gang up on them.


Audit the Federal Reserve

No member of congress wants to be seen to oppose the audit – but such an audit is extremely unlikely, for no member of congress, with the possible exception of Ron Paul, wants the public to know what the Fed has been up to – still less do they want America’s creditors to know what the Fed has been up to.


American debt

Thus the excess “private” debt is not private. The normal level of public and “private” debt is about twice GDP, say twenty six trillion, so we are about thirty trillion or so in the hole and getting deeper fast – well past the danger level of twice GDP.


US turning french

It is getting steadily harder and harder for someone to find a new job – and having found a new job, harder and harder to afford a house – presumably because of the very great and rapidly increasing regulatory burden on building houses and hiring people. This renders employees powerless before their employers, which tends …