Author: Jim

party politics

Purple shirts:

Hotair thinks this will rebound against the Obama, but history tells us otherwise. People love the strong horse, and despise the weak horse, and beating people up looks very much like strength if you can get away with it.


The vast majority of defaults were black and hispanic

Hat tip Steve Sailer who provides the breakdown of defaults. The proximate cause of the international crisis is that the US$, the international reserve currency, lost much credibility.  The proximate cause of the US$ losing credibility was massive defaults by blacks and Hispanics, and the proximate cause of the massive defaults by blacks and Hispanics …

party politics

The nomenclatura

each benevolent intervention either by its nature does not effect people like the beloved leaders themselves , or, as with the health plan, people like the beloved leaders are specifically exempted from this kindly help.


You are probably a federal felon

There are a lot of laws, indeed they are growing so fast that not only can they not be read by legislators, but with in creasing frequency not even printed, existing only in electronic form, no longer practical to commit to paper.  Further, many of these laws are deliberately overbroad for the convenience of prosecutors …


British political prisoners.

Two british nazis, Simon Shappard and Stephen Whittle, were charged with writing heresy.  They fled to the USA, but last month were forced back to Britain, where they have each been jailed for two years and two months for publishing thought crimes:  They posted on their web site that Hitler did not exterminate the Jews, …