Author: Jim


John Bolton wants war

John Bolton’s plan for denuclearizing Korea: “We have very much in mind the Libya model from 2003, 2004,” Hmm, how did that work out of Gaddaffi? In 2011 February Gaddafi gives up weapons of mass destruction. Then Obama, or rather a presidency that Obama was unable to control, immediately launched a color revolution, which failed …


Science and Christianity

You always have a state religion. If your state religion is easily falsified by the empirical facts of this world, then your state religion is going to be inherently hostile to science, technology, and industry. So, if your state religion proclaims “all men are created equal”, you have a problem. And not long after that, …


Fixing (or replacing) Christianity

High IQ species with lengthy childhood find it hard to reproduce without cooperation between males and females. Productivity is not an issue.  In a wealthy society, a man could easily buy enough food and shelter for taking care of umpteen children, but he cannot actually take care of umpteen children. Observing variations in total fertility …


Women gone nuts

The Zman asks “Why Did Women Go Nuts?” Simple. When you repress bad sexual behavior by males, and do not repress bad sexual behavior by females, you get very little bad sexual behavior by males, and a whole lot of bad sexual behavior by females. I see women behaving as if raised by apes in …


Losing weight is a solved problem

One frequently reads despairing reports that major weight loss is impossible. If you attempt it, supposedly your metabolism slows right down, making you weak, tired, lethargic, slow, and very very hungry. I read in far right and manosphere sources anecdotes from people who claim to have lost a great deal of weight. I followed their …

party politics

Operation Sovereign Borders

American judges have been expanding the category asylumrefugee to open borders to the world, preparatory for rapid race replacement and white erasure in the US. Illegal immigration is now legal in the US, indeed a fundamental human right (unlike freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms) as it …


Trump’s ban on transgender is alive and well

You no doubt heard “Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops in Military”. But Trump’s seeming surrender was threedee chess, not surrender. The word transgender deliberately confuses people with  very different kinds of problems, grouping unlike people together, and making distinctions without a difference. Actual transgenders:  Crazy people who clearly of one sex, but suffer …

party politics

Don’t vote

No matter whom you vote for, the uniparty gets elected. Electing Trump has made a big difference. But he has has not made a big enough difference to prevent the government from electing a new people. Trump’s rust belt program was undoing the great centralization. Lo and behold: Back in June 2009, in one of …


There are no utilitarians.

Whosoever claims to be a utilitarian is lying. Whosoever lies, is lying because he is defecting on those he lies to, seeks to harm, or is harming, those he lies to. In the case of utilitarianism, the lie is the claim to care about far, in order to cover actions or intentions harmful to near. …