Archive for the ‘culture’ Category

Republican party funds the sale of baby meat

Saturday, October 10th, 2015

As you may have heard:

Boehner’s announcement Friday that he will step down at the end of October came just after he persuaded conservatives not to threaten to shut down the government unless Congress cut off Planned Parenthood funding.

“Threaten to shut down the government” means “pass a budget forcing taxpayers to fund every single thing on the left wing wish list except funding for a particular corporation that sells baby meat.”

This would “shut down the government” because the Democrats would reject such a terribly extreme ultra far right budget.

Hang on a minute. If the Democrats reject the budget, are not they the ones shutting down the government?

As the Overton Window moves ever leftwards ever faster, the pretense that there is an opposition party to the permanent government becomes ever thinner.

On cuckolding

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

On PUA sites, one regularly reads posts from readers who suspect they are being cuckolded, or know damn well they are being cuckolded.

“My girlfriend has an active account on e-harmony.  What should I do?”

The advice they get tends to be disturbingly feminist.

“What do you mean your girlfriend?  She belongs to herself.  She is her own property.  All you can do is spin more plates, see other women, so that she is too busy worrying about you seeing other women to see other men.”

It is not really in a woman’s nature to belong to herself. Like a dog without a master, it makes her nervous.

“Act like you don’t care.  There are plenty of other girls.  And even if there are not plenty of other girls you should act as if there are plenty of other girls”

Well, it is surely true that you should act like there are plenty of other girls, but even if there really are plenty of other girls, a pretense of not caring is not going to fly. Being cuckolded is humiliating and degrading, and pretending to be fine with it is even more humiliating and degrading, and she knows it.

There was an Ottoman Sultan who had several thousand girls in his harem. He discovered that one of them had slept with another man. He killed the man, but could not find which girl was at fault. So he killed them all and dumped their bodies in the river, which was choked with bodies. Women are turned on by this story to this day. Even if you had as many other women as that Sultan, you would still care, and everyone knows it. “Act like you don’t care” is bad advice because your behavior just will not be congruent, and if it was congruent, would come off as weird and spergy, like Scott Alexander piously endorsing polyamory when his camwhore girfriend does not fuck him but fucks other men. Who gets pussies wet? Scott or the Sultan?

The advice given in the PUA forums is the advice of despair. You can take the girl out of the bar but you cannot take the bar out of the girl. If you are picking up girls in a major city, in particular if you are picking up girls in San Francisco, they are all hard boiled burned out sluts who have taken too many dicks up every orifice starting at a very early age. There is always someone handsomer than you and more charismatic than you, and all your girls are all yearning for a booty call from Jeremy Meeks.

But the situation is not really quite that hopeless. If you pick up girls who have recently arrived in the big city, or cruise places far from the center of the Cathedral looking for chicks, there are quite a few rubies to be found.

All girls yearn for the gentle but firm touch of ownership, even the hard boiled burned out sluts who can no longer enjoy it or experience it yearn for it.

So what do you do if someone smiles at your girl and says hello?

You drop a possessive hand lightly but firmly over her shoulder, to restrain her from smiling back, saying hello back, giving the guy her phone number and hinting that if he plays his cards right, she might drop her knickers. And then you stare coldly into his eyes, because a bro does not hit on another bro’s girl.

The principle of merited impossibility

Monday, September 28th, 2015

When gay marriage was first on the radar, it was piously declared that it was completely impossible that this would result in repression of Christians, and that when they get it, they deserved to get it good and hard.

Similarly, it is completely impossible that white minority status will result in ethnic cleansing and genocide, and when whites get it, they deserve to get it good and hard.


Monday, September 21st, 2015

One of my commenters made the cuckold apology “I am not a racist”.

If you are white, you are racist, if male, sexist, if heterosexual, homophobic, and if your sex is identifiable, transphobic. Repeat after me: I am racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic.

Hence the rise of intersectionalism.

Women tell men they are inferior, because feminism. Black women tell white women they inferior, because black liberation. Lesbian black women tell straight black women they are inferior, because gay liberation, and trans lesbians … Hey, wait a minute, is not a trans lesbian actually a thinly disguised, usually very thinly disguised, heterosexual male?

What to do in a restoration

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

That which cannot continue must end. Thus one way or another, the movement ever leftwards, ever faster, is going to stop, going to be stopped, probably after the fashion of Stalin, if we are lucky after the fashion of conspiracy of 9 Thermidor, if really lucky after the fashion of Cromwell.

That does not necessarily mean things will get better, merely that, as in Stalin’s Soviet Union, they will stop getting even worse. But when China recovered from Maoism, it not only had a pretty good restoration, but came out of a dark age. And today’s Russia is not doing too badly.

So here is what is going to take to clean up the Augean stables:

Cannot stop a left singularity. unless you get real serious about stopping it. Hence the end of a left singularity is apt to lead to a restoration – though it may instead merely lead to the execution of a remarkably large number of leftists, suspected leftists, potential leftists, and suspected potential leftists. (Yey Stalin! Go Stalin Go!)

The inability of King George the Fourth to divorce of Queen Caroline was lunatic barking mad leftism in charge, frothing at the mouth, and biting crazy, and it has been going downhill ever since, getting crazier and more extreme every day, faster and faster. This is damaging technology through rule by consensus. Peer Review means that instead of experimentalists telling the scientific community what they see, the scientific community tells experimentalists what they would see. Science died when peer review was introduced in the nineteen forties, and in the seventies, technology began to follow.

To fix the left singularity needs military force and martial law. Warriors on top, so warrior status has to be raised, priest status lowered. Confiscate the Ivy endowments, and completely destroy Harvard, totally bulldozing every trace. Symbolically pour salt upon the earth, then redevelop the Ivy campuses for housing, shopping malls, and offices.

Deflate academic credentials, with the school leaving exam, taken at the age puberty begins, discriminating between those above and below IQ 105, and the school matriculation exam (high school, taken at completion of puberty) discriminating between those above and below IQ 115. University entrance begins at IQ 125. Some people fail university, quite a lot fail university, about half of them, so that pretty much everyone with a two year or more degree is IQ 130 or above. Four year degrees, however, should not be significantly smarter, just more academic. Above common IQ levels, above IQ 130, we don’t use academic credentials, but rather deal with individuals case by case. So if you are really smart and leave school at school leaving age, then self educate, you will still do fine. We cease to force people to waste their fertile years in zero sum competition for credentials of little value. Post deflation academic degrees are given new names to differentiate them from inflated academic degrees. The net effect is that far fewer people go to university, and those that do go to university for a far shorter time.

To lower priestly status, we make sure that there is a non academic path into every career, often built around apprenticeship – that there are no careers where academics have a legal monopoly of licensing people to perform certain tasks. Well established and successful practitioners can also license people to perform those tasks.

School years should be tied to puberty, so that people with the same physical development are taking the same exam, so as not to discriminate in favor of blacks and against whites, and so as not to discriminate in favor of females and against males, and to create an expectation that completion of puberty means getting a job, a wife, and having children.

Issue a clear definition of orthodoxy and heresy and systematically purge government, academia, and quasi government institutions such as banks of heretics..

The Mad Max scenario – trade and specialization of labor collapses as at the end of the Bronze age – is unlikely. That social technology is too widely known and too well understood. However, we are losing, have lost, the scientific revolution and the scientific method. In place of Nullius in Verba, we are now required to believe in the scientific consensus established behind closed doors on the basis of secret evidence. Reflect for example on the endless and generally unsuccessful lawsuits attempting to get the Universities to reveal the evidence for Anthropogenic Global Warming, even though all the older journals have rules theoretically in place requiring full data and evidence for any published article to made available. Double entry accounting is under attack, with Sarbannes Oxley replacing accounts that reflect reality, with accounts that reflect official reality.

We have also lost the important reproductive technology of marriage -that a man and a woman could make a contract to stick together and raise their children, and be socially and legally forced to stick to it. The concept of marital rape – that the thought seems meaningful, that the concept exists, is incompatible with the existence of marriage as marriage has been understood for the past few thousand years. If either party may withhold sex or reproductive sex at any time for any reason or no reason, then either party may cancel the marriage at any time for any reason or no reason, which is a profound deterrent to having children.

Patriarchy is also necessary for marriage. If one person does not have final authority over the household, you don’t have one household.

Without marriage, marriage as it was understood up to 1950 or so, whites are not going to successfully reproduce.

Before 1972, not only was “marital rape” legal, but people had difficulty understanding what feminists were talking about – the combination of words made no sense to most people. Feminists had to talk around the topic in long winded ways. Legally the right of a man to compel his wife to perform her marital duty had been quietly abolished early in the nineteenth century, but socially, people continued to pretty much take it for granted until the nineteen seventies.

Review of Left Singularities.

Monday, September 14th, 2015

The Left Singularity is  increasing leftism causing ever faster increases in leftism until something breaks short of achieving infinite leftism in finite time.

Dark ages are slow, more or less continuous, economic and political decline, imperceptibly slow, typically about one percent a year on average, hard to notice against the background of random economic and political fluctuations.

Left Singularities, on the other hand, unlike dark ages, end with a decisive boom, a close approach to infinite leftism in finite time.  Sometimes a left singularity is followed by reforms or a restoration.  Sometimes, as when Stalin purged the left, things just stop getting worse, but do not get a whole lot better.

The basic mechanism of a left wing singularity is political correctness.  The elite competes to be holier than each other.  Everyone is compelled to be ever holier, and the holier they get, the more everyone is compelled to be even holier.

if we believe the “Admonitions of Ipuwer”, Bronze age civilization ended in a left singularity.  Archeaology shows that bronze age civilization ended with a bang, that led directly and immediately to a dark age.  Presumably the social technology of trade and commerce was lost in the left singularity, and not immediately recovered.

Recent events in China happened the other way around, a long slow decline into darkness, with intermittent left singularities along the way, and then the restoration following the Maoist left singularity cured the dark age.

China was in continuous slow economic decline from the Southern Song Dynasty until Socialism with Chinese characteristics.  Thus a dark age, terminating in a left singularity followed by a restoration, rather than starting in a left singularity.

Which gives me hope that our left singularity will be followed by a similar restoration.

The bronze age left singularity resulted in the total destruction of most existing states, with new states growing up from large extended families.  Assyria survived, and Egypt did not altogether cease to be a state, but the rest of them mostly vanished.  Egypt survived in bad (highly leftist) condition – liberated women and all that.

Rome suffered its bout of leftism before its greatest days, and then suffered a long slow decline that terminated in anarchic and disorderly feudalism, not leftism.  The dark age did not set in until long after Rome’s bout of leftism, and we recovered from the dark age without any left singularities.

The decline of China started with a burst of leftism, but not a full blown left singularity. During its decline there were at least two left singularities – Maoism and Chang Hsien-chong – arguably more.  The final left singularity was followed by a cure, which is not a very common outcome of left singularities, though I have hopes for Russia  That cure was the communist party converting to a hereditary aristocracy with an electoral monarchy, which elected competent monarchs, the first such monarch importing an economic system from Hong Kong, which had absorbed eighteenth century Manchesterism from nineteenth century colonialists and preserved it, more or less, though the twentieth century.

For feudalism with electoral monarchy to work, the election should be for life or good conduct, the removal of a monarch being an extraordinary, and usually quite violent, event.

Russia, on the other hand, after recovering from its left singularity, attempted to import the modern western economic system, which turned out that they imported the parasite but not the host.

The bronze age transition from large scale civilizations to disorderly familism happened abruptly and was mediated by a left singularity.  The transition to disorderly feudalism following the decline of Rome just gradually happened without any connection to radical leftism.

The French left singularity ended in the Red Terror. The French left was fairly thoroughly squashed by Napoleon, much as the Russian left was very thoroughly squashed by Stalin. It utterly and permanently disappeared following its attempted recovery of power in the Paris Commune. Britain imposed its institutions on France, so today’s French left is a colonial outpost of the anglophone left.

The initial stages of a dark age are over taxation and over regulation, where the government attempts to persistently tax and regulate beyond the Laffer limit. However in the final stages of a dark age, the government is apt to be nonexistent, lawless tax collectors gradually becoming indistinguishable from bandits, which does not in it itself necessarily cure the dark age.

Leftism tends to involve:

Breakdown of traditional gender roles, emancipation of women.

Breakdown of traditional hierarchies, progressing towards more democratic and bureaucratic forms from authoritarian and legal forms. Dissolution of responsibility and answerability for decisions.

Anarcho-Tyranny, where protection of the law from criminals is removed from decent citizens, but self-organized self defence is still illegal.

Millenarianism, the belief in an ongoing or near-at-hand massive transformation of society. Accelerating this is considered a moral imperative. This belief also justifies the above breakdowns as disposing of “outdated” things

What Happens in a Left Singularity

In the realm of discourse, non-leftist ideas become increasingly unacceptable, with their proponents facing social, professional, and legal consequences. The negative consequences for speaking against leftism quiet down the resistance and thus increase the boldness of the left, which accelerates the process.

The French left singularity began with false popes of Avignon. Its initial growth was relatively slow, becoming rapid, pathological, and alarming under the highly progressive radical left regime of King Louis XVI.

The anglophone left singularity began with the Puritans, ended in Cromwell doing a Stalin and crushing everyone to the left of him. After Cromwell died, Monck made a military coup. His praetorians proceeded to “guard” parliament and restore the monarchy. Leftism continued to fester, but did not really go malignant in Britain until perhaps 1770 (American Revolution) or 1820 (failure of King George to divorce Queen Caroline despite conspicuous infidelity, disobedience, and gross sexual immorality).

It manifested with alarming moonbat crazy biting mad leftism in 1820, and has continued to get worse faster and faster ever since.

The Russian left singularity began not with a religious heresy, but rather with Alexander the Liberator being fashionable and influenced by British leftism.

The British nineteenth century enclosures were a land reform that redistributed land from the aristocracy to the individual peasants. The left wanted the land redistributed collectively rather than individually, so that the left would have to administer land and peasants (administering the peasants on behalf of the peasants, because they love the peasants so very much). What you think you know about the enclosures is the left demonizing them. The enclosures were in practice a quite reasonable moderate left wing land reform – but the left wanted a moonbat crazy frothing at the mouth biting mad left wing land reform, and did not get it, and so have stridently demonized the enclosures to this day.

In Russia, Alexander the liberator, influenced by fashionable British leftists, introduced the moonbat crazy frothing at the mouth biting mad left wing land reform that they had been seeking, and to this day argue should have happened. He distributed the land to the serfs collectively, rather than to the individual serfs. But of course, the serfs were, for the most part, incapable of administering the land, so there followed endless further reforms to administer land and serfs, which moved Russia ever lefter, creating an ever larger class of government and government privileged leftists, eventually culminating in the artificial famines of the 1930s, leading to Stalin’s great purge, during which he purged both the largely imaginary right, the wreckers, and the terrifyingly real left, the trots, thereby ending the left singularity started by Alexander the Liberator.

The great cuckolding

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

Stolen from the heartiste comments:

It is frequently reported that white women in Sweden have reasonable total fertility rate. What is not reported is that this largely consists of fatherless brown babies supported by white male taxpayers.

At an instinctive gut level, women recognize this for what it is:  Invasion!

And respond sexually to invasion as women always have and always will unless kept under tight control.   Yet another reason why we should never have emancipated women (to prevent them from fucking outsiders) and never given the vote to women (to prevent them from voting for outside conquest).

Hillary and the decline of the elite.

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Bill Clinton was a truly great politician. He could embrace you and steal your wallet, embrace your wife and fuck your wife, and you would still somehow like him.

Hillary Clinton is the drunken dumb heiress bitch Bill Clinton married to fund his initial entry into politics. She is now big fat drunken carpet munching dumb bitch. Bill Clinton is a very good liar, an extraordinarily good liar. Hillary Clinton is a terrible liar. Whenever something bad happens in her vicinity, she goes into damage control mode which immediately leads everyone to assume that she deliberately caused that bad thing. Nothing stuck to Bill. Everything sticks to Hillary.

Bill Clinton was a very good politician. Hillary Clinton is hopelessly incompetent, and particularly bad at politics.

So why is the Cathedral preparing to enthrone Clinton the Second?

Answer: The Cathedral is stupid and getting stupider, in part because everyone is required to believe ever sillier things with ever greater sincerity.

Diversity means defection

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Yet another great Steve Sailer post. Diversity, even with groups of comparable ability, leads to loss of trust and bad conduct.

This is revealed by the FBIs ten most wanted white collar criminals. White collar crime requires intelligence, but the only American born white on the top ten, the only one you could not tell was a diversity by looking at him, is named Hamed Ahmed Elbarki. Every single one on the top ten is a diversity, and most of them belong to groups with a known tendency to ordinary lower class dumb vicious thug type criminality. The Russian Jew looks not at all Russian, and very, very Jewish. Most Jews are white, though they don’t identify as white. The Russian Jew is not white.

This reminds me of the last days of Informix. They hired very large numbers of Indians (dot, not feather). Because of corruption in the Informix hiring process, the Indians were not all of the best quality, but that was not the big problem. The big problem was that each caste or clan formed a conspiracy which proceeded to plot against the company, against whites, and against each of the other castes or clans. Though this was more a case of diversity leads to war, than diversity leads to defection. Towards the end, Informix was showing signs of becoming Beirut on the Bay. My boss sent me to a meeting, pretty much to spy on them. I go into the meeting and they are all Indians, all Indians of a particular Indian race. And they all look at me as one and viscerally react “Enemy spy”. All business halted while I was present.

The medium is the message, and the message is progressivism

Saturday, September 5th, 2015

New wine in old bottles.

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Roman Catholic church of one of my sons. He seemed quite satisfied that it was preaching Roman Catholicism, rather than progressivism.

The service was presided over by three people: A white male, a black male, with blackness much emphasized, and a woman. Which is to say, presided over by diversity and consensus.

I suppose that to the eye of faith, and to one sufficiently expert in Roman Catholicism, there were various indications that they were not presiding equally, that one was a priest, and the other two were not, or maybe the two males were priests, and the female was not. But such indicators were subtle.

Theoretically they were talking about the Eucharist, though the black man made a big deal out of the fact that his name was unpronounceable by white people. He seemed mighty proud of the fact.

But words don’t matter much unless congruent with deeds, and symbols. And the deeds and symbols were not the Eucharist, were diversity and consensus, rather than hierarchy and ancient ritual connecting the congregation to the apostles and to all co-religionists, living, dead, and not yet born.

I suppose that it was preaching Roman Catholicism – in words – but the words were incongruent.