Category: culture


In favor of a repressive state religion:

We anthropomorphize the Cathedral as a person or a conspiracy.  Such anthropomorphizing is a good approximation for corporations, since they make considerable efforts to make the approximation true – by concentrating all power in the CEO, and then delegating power from the CEO. However, the cathedral is rather a bunch of conspiracies, and its direction is determined by entropic forces akin to enthalpy, rather than a sinister and clever plan. …


James Deen rape and porn

The very Jewish and quite politically correct pornographer James Deen has been accused by eight female porn stars of raping them. The accusations are all obviously false in that none of the pornstars are bringing charges or suing him, probably because he has videotapes of most of the “rapes”. What is obviously happening here is that pornstars realize that they are hurt, humiliated, degraded, and their souls are being destroyed, …


Yet another PC outrage, again

point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马. Lately there has been some hand wringing about how freedom of speech in Academia has just been killed. Bollocks. Academics have been terrified, servile, docile, and submissive since the middle of the nineteenth century. The purpose of political correctness is to humiliate and degrade by demanding that people accept an obvious lie, thus demonstrating who has the power and who shall submit. Every so often …


Watching female oriented video porn so you don’t have to

Most female sexually oriented material is books or chick flicks, which are entirely under the thumb of the social justice warriors, so it is sometimes tricky to disentangle what is a reflection of the unbridled female id, and what is social justice propaganda, what the social justice warriors wish the female id was really like. However a small minority of female sexually oriented material is porn that is clearly intended …


Republican party funds the sale of baby meat

As you may have heard: Boehner’s announcement Friday that he will step down at the end of October came just after he persuaded conservatives not to threaten to shut down the government unless Congress cut off Planned Parenthood funding. “Threaten to shut down the government” means “pass a budget forcing taxpayers to fund every single thing on the left wing wish list except funding for a particular corporation that sells …


On cuckolding

On PUA sites, one regularly reads posts from readers who suspect they are being cuckolded, or know damn well they are being cuckolded. “My girlfriend has an active account on e-harmony.  What should I do?” The advice they get tends to be disturbingly feminist. “What do you mean your girlfriend?  She belongs to herself.  She is her own property.  All you can do is spin more plates, see other women, …


The principle of merited impossibility

When gay marriage was first on the radar, it was piously declared that it was completely impossible that this would result in repression of Christians, and that when they get it, they deserved to get it good and hard. Similarly, it is completely impossible that white minority status will result in ethnic cleansing and genocide, and when whites get it, they deserve to get it good and hard.



One of my commenters made the cuckold apology “I am not a racist”. If you are white, you are racist, if male, sexist, if heterosexual, homophobic, and if your sex is identifiable, transphobic. Repeat after me: I am racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic. Hence the rise of intersectionalism. Women tell men they are inferior, because feminism. Black women tell white women they inferior, because black liberation. Lesbian black women tell …


What to do in a restoration

That which cannot continue must end. Thus one way or another, the movement ever leftwards, ever faster, is going to stop, going to be stopped, probably after the fashion of Stalin, if we are lucky after the fashion of conspiracy of 9 Thermidor, if really lucky after the fashion of Cromwell. That does not necessarily mean things will get better, merely that, as in Stalin’s Soviet Union, they will stop …


Review of Left Singularities.

The Left Singularity is  increasing leftism causing ever faster increases in leftism until something breaks short of achieving infinite leftism in finite time. Dark ages are slow, more or less continuous, economic and political decline, imperceptibly slow, typically about one percent a year on average, hard to notice against the background of random economic and political fluctuations. Left Singularities, on the other hand, unlike dark ages, end with a decisive …