Sarah Perry argues that children have been nationalized, have become property of the state and ceased to be the property of their parents, so have become a cost to their parents and a profit to the state, so parents decline to produce so many. Makes sense, certainly part of the story, but not what I seem to observe, not the main story. What I seem to see happening is that …
Category: culture
Sandra and Woo notice repression
One of my favorite web comics is Sandra and Woo, which comic notices that cute funny animals are still inclined to eat other cute funny animals, and that little girls develop a sex drive at a disturbingly early age. Recently the comic committed an act of political incorrectness. I fear they will be brought to heel as Sinfest was. Sinfest has never been funny since they turned politically correct. The …
Does game work?
Read it and weep If still in doubt, watch the video For a lot of men, game is not all that effective. This is because the major part of game is to superficially appear to be high status, as women perceive status, which is very different from how men perceive status, and it is simply hard to appear to be high status. One’s subconscious shoots one down, resulting in incongruent …
Words that are lies
A word should refer to an essence, a natural kind, and normal words do. Suppose we had a word that referred to roast pork and fried chicken, but not to other foods. This would imply that roast pork and chicken were the same essence, the same natural kind, which of course they are not. So when you have a word that does not refer to a natural kind, that word …
falling testosterone
For the past thirty years, testosterone has been falling at about one percent a year. This is about the same rate of decline as that produced by aging after the age of forty. So a forty year old male today has about the same testosterone levels as a seventy year old male had in 1984. This is a change sufficient to produce a massive decline in interest in sex, and …
Elliot Roger murders
The first time Elliot Rodger hit on a girl, she gave him a mighty harsh shit test, and he completely fell apart. From the fact that that his first shit test was the only one he complained about, I deduce he never exposed himself to the danger of a second one, that he was scarred for life, and never again made any real attempt to hit on a girl, and was …
Improbable caring as an indicator of evil
No one cares about far away strangers, still less about far away strangers very different from themselves. Claims to do so are lies or self deception. People near one are always the big threat. So if one wants to destroy everyone near one, one justifies it by piously announcing love for those far away.
Racism is an anti concept
We do not have a word “deskism” for someone who thinks differences between kinds of desk matter, and who has strong preferences in favor of some kinds of desks and against other kinds of desk. No one can be racist against white people, and all whites are racists. That is why it is not racism when a bunch of blacks beat up a white man who happens to be passing by. …
“the Snow Queen†and “Frozenâ€
Don’t worry.  This is not going to turn into a My Little Pony blog. A long time back I heard Disney people worrying aloud that they were having trouble making “the Snow Queen†acceptable to modern audiences.  So naturally I assumed they were making it revoltingly feminist and politically correct.  And in due course it came out, the feminists loved it, pronouncing it the first feminist Disney movie.  Also, people …
Why women need to kept on leashes
A software company just went bust.  Happens a lot.  That a woman happened to be running this company is not significant.  Lots of men have lost lots of other people’s money too.  What is significant is that she starts off her explanation of how she pissed away all her investor’s money by talking about her sex life. She begins: Something wasn’t right, and I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what …